Peak Prosperity - Cheatle Evades While More Troubling Questions Emerge About What Happened In “The Other Building”
Episode Date: July 23, 2024Cheatle stonewalls and lies, while the grey-suited man raises questions. Meanwhile things look very bad for whoever was in the two story building and really tough and troubling questions emerge. The C...itizens’ Investigation plows on!
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This is absolutely, unbelievably explosive, and also just plain unbelievable.
Kim Cheadle's testimony today.
There is a cover-up.
She looks like a deer in headlights.
This looks very bad.
Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Chris Martins, and this just came out, so I have to get on it right away.
First, Kim Cheadle's testimony. Also, this mystery of the gray man. So let's just dive right in.
This is day whatever of this whole thing, and we're just plowing along. Thank you to everybody who's been part of the citizens investigation
your leads are extraordinary we're getting through this together we're going to really unravel this
this is what's happening or what this is you know what's happening this is what should have
happened in 1963 in dealey plaza if there were 200 cell phones all recording stuff we wouldn't
still be here wondering when are they going to release the truth because we would have it we're
unraveling this truth in real time.
So let's start here with the gray suited man, though, because this is a really bizarre story.
As bizarre as everything has been so far, it just keeps getting a little bit more bizarre.
So let's listen in.
The local officers went up to that roof and started taking pictures of the dead body, of the shooter's body.
So suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof.
And this guy in the gray suit, who didn't appear to have credentials,
everybody assumed he was the Secret Service.
So he tells one of the local law enforcement, send those pictures to this cell phone.
And he gives them a number.
And everybody assumed, well, that must be Secret Service. It turns out it wasn't Secret Service. law enforcement send those pictures to this cell phone and he gives them a number to send everybody
assume oh that must be secret service uh it turns out it wasn't secret service some guy in a suit
walks up the ladder they believe you secret service i'm not sure they gave credentials but
that's part of again maria this is so preliminary i'm issuing this i'm providing this information
a much more detailed timeline to prompt others to come forward. We need to complete this picture.
We have a lot of puzzle pieces to fill in here.
Is it odd to you that the locals were being told to send the pictures
to the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Agency, ATF?
Where does ATF come in?
It's very odd.
The oddity starts with the fact that local law enforcement
were just tasked with securing the perimeter,
told to go cover that AGR building, not really told where to set up, so they set up on the second floor.
They went to that AGR building at 10.30 in the morning.
So they were stationed well in advance.
They noticed this suspicious character at 5.10.
They took a photo of him at 5.14.
The president was shot at 6.11.
So, again, an hour has passed.
Again, they didn't have communication, same channels, with their law enforcement patrol officers.
They weren't in communication with the Secret Service other than going through the Butler County Communication Center. So again, it's everything you would
assume about Secret Service protection of a former president was not true. It didn't
happen. It's just baffling to me. It should baffle the American public. That's why we
need to find the answers and find out what actually happened here.
Well, we certainly do. And of course, we are unraveling this as quickly as we can so
a lot is raised by that who is this potential gray man gray suited man so from into thin air
over there on that's in2 the number two thin air into thin air over on twitter there's a link down
below thank you everybody who sends stuff in i, of course, credit and put all links in if you want them. So he says here, a man in a gray suit
climbed onto the roof, told any official that took a picture of Tom Hanks' body that they have
to send those pictures to a phone number he provided. So not Secret Service like the cops
thought he was. Hey, pro tip, check credentials and don't take no for an answer. And, well, who could this man in the gray suit be?
So here's a possibility.
Could be this guy.
All right, he's got a gray suit.
He seems to be in charge here.
He's certainly not taking orders from anybody else.
Could be this guy.
That's a good candidate.
And, yep, he definitely is not taking orders from anybody.
So I think that's a reasonable guess right there.
So we got a picture of that guy.
Or, also from Into Thin Air, maybe it was this guy.
So we got a bald guy with glasses.
Who, you know, it seems like I just saw a picture.
Oh, could it possibly be the special agent in charge for the July 13th event?
Hanging out in a gray suit because he's bald and he's got glasses. Is that possibility?
Could be. Maybe it was the SAIC in charge also coming up. Don't know.
And of course, that came from ASKR, ask her down there in that tip from one of the people who's hanging out at Peak
And again, if you have any of these tips, send them to info at
Comes in, you'll get an auto response email.
We'll take a look as best we can.
We got a lot of tips.
We're getting this done.
So we don't know who the gray man is, but this is very odd.
If it was ATF, I have questions, of course, like you would.
How did ATF get there that quickly?
And why was this person assuming command?
And what else did they take charge of at that crime scene?
Which, by the way, should have been a controlled environment.
There shouldn't have been random people in gray suits with mysterious non-credentials coming up and down the ladder, demanding things and potentially getting cartridges, spent cartridges, caught in their shoe treads and walking off with them or anything else.
There's very many bizarre things here, but not least of which is, who is this guy?
Does he actually work for the ATF or some other three-letter agency?
Hard to say.
Now, we're going to turn now to Kim Cheadle's extraordinary testimony today.
This is absolutely mind-blowing,
every single bit of it. I hardly know what words to say. Your agency has a no-fail mission,
and on Saturday, July 13th, your agency spectacularly failed. The failure resulted
in the death of Cory Comprador and serious injury to two rally attendees David Dutch and James Copenhaver
besides the injuries to President Trump.
It is unfathomable that a 20-year-old on the radar of Secret Service
and local law enforcement before President Trump went on stage
was able to climb onto the roof of a building with a rifle
and fire off multiple rounds before he was neutralized.
Was Mr. Crooks acting alone?
Again, I would have to refer you to the FBI's investigation.
Was he just a lone gunman?
I would have to refer you to the FBI's investigation for motive.
Hold on.
He didn't ask you about motive.
I get very suspicious when somebody jumps to motive. He didn't ask about the motive. I get very suspicious when somebody jumps to motive.
He didn't ask about the motive.
Was there a second shooter?
I would have to refer you to the FBI for a possible motive.
Not the question, Kim.
Listen, it's got to be just absolutely terrifying
for the people inside the government
who had a hand in what they're trying to paint
as a colossal mess-up.
But as I'm going to show you,
and I'm going to continue to show you,
the evidence for two shooters is very, very strong. in what they're trying to paint as a colossal mess up. But as I'm going to show you, and I'm going to continue to show you,
the evidence for two shooters is very, very strong.
So I hope everybody who's investigating this, who has an angle for the truth,
Senator Johnson and your staff, Comer, everybody, please,
we have the data that at least ought to be excluded. Somebody should take the data we do have and say, here's why that's wrong.
Prove us wrong. But don't tell me we're wrong. Oh, no, as we all say, here's why that's wrong. Prove us wrong.
But don't tell me we're wrong.
Oh, no, as we all know, Crooks was the only shooter.
That's not how an investigation is done.
You start with first principles.
We don't know what actually happened.
At this stage, we still have zero evidence that Thomas Crook even fired a single round.
Now, evidence would be, of course, powder residues.
Obviously, the gun has been freshly fired. You can run tests for that. Right. What the barrel looks like. You know, the frustration starting to build amongst people who
are like, you can't just pretend like you can just give us completely lame answers and get away with
it. But that's what she is doing here. You want to see Cheadle's career absolutely destroyed by a
mace. This is Ms. Mace here, a representative. So let's listen in. This is it's mind boggling
what you're going to hear answers. Most of my questions are going to demand a yes or no answer.
Do you understand?
I do.
Okay, my first question.
Both sides of the aisle today have asked for your resignation.
Would you like to use my five minutes to draft your resignation letter, yes or no?
No, thank you.
Was this a colossal failure?
It was a failure. Yes or no? Was it a colossal failure? It was a failure.
Yes or no?
Was it a colossal failure is the question.
Yes or no?
I have admitted this is a terrible question.
This is a yes or no series of questions.
Was this a colossal failure?
Yes or no?
Was this tragedy preventable?
Yes or no?
Has the Secret Service been transparent with this committee?
Would you say the fact that we had to issue a subpoena to get you to show up today as being transparent, yes or no?
I have always been eager to talk to the committee.
Yes or no, you didn't want to answer the question.
We had to issue a subpoena to get you to show up today.
That is not transparent, by the way.
You stated earlier Secret Service is not political. Is that correct? Yes
Okay, would you say leaking your opening statement to punch bowl news?
politico's playbook and Washington Post several hours before you sent it to this committee as
Being political yes or no. I have no idea how my statement got out.
Well, that's bullshit.
So, Mr. Chairman, I would like to ask unanimous consent to enter into the record
articles by Punchbowl News, Political Playbook, Washington Post,
all done at 5.24 a.m., 6.12 a.m., 6.34 a.m.,
a solid three to four hours before this
committee got your statement without objection to order okay is a Secret
Service fully cooperating with our committee yes okay you say you're fully
cooperating with this committee on July 15th this committee sent you a list of
demands of
information that we wanted has the secret service provided this committee a complete list of all law
enforcement personnel that were there that day have you done that have you provided a list to
the oversight committee yes or no i'll have to get back to you on that that is a no have you provided
all audio and video recordings in your possession to this committee, as we asked on July 15th, yes or no?
I would have to get back to you on that.
That is a no. You're full of shit today. You're just being completely dishonest.
Mr. Chairman, I want to...
Come on.
We have to maintain decorum in this committee, no matter how upset we get.
Have you provided any and all memos to this committee that we've asked you on July 15th?
Have you provided all memorandums within the Secret Service?
I would have to get back to you on that.
That is a no.
You are being dishonest or lying.
You're being dishonest here with this committee.
These are important questions that the American people want answers to,
and you're just dodging and talking around it in generalities,
and we had to subpoena you to be here, and you won't even answer the questions.
We have asked you repeatedly to answer our questions.
This isn't hard.
These are not hard questions.
Have you provided us all communications from the Secret Service related to that day and that rally?
Have you provided this to me?
We've asked for this information on July 15th.
Have you provided any of this information that this committee has asked of the Secret Service?
Any of it?
I'll have to get back to you.
Have you even read this letter that we sent you?
Did you even read this?
And you have said you don't know.
You have no idea.
The answer is no.
We haven't gotten a single document or piece of information or data from you or your agency in related to the
rally that we have asked you for. And that's why we're doing what we do, because, of course, we
know that Kim Cheadle is going to do everything possible to stay in power because she has to both
misdirect and redirect the investigation. So here she is. She's just providing absolutely disqualifying, immediately fireable sorts of answers here to Representative Mace. It's disgraceful. It's awful. This is not
how an investigation could or should be done. We know nothing at this point in time. They haven't
really held a single conference that I know anything about. Fortunately, people are digging
stuff up. So let me let's go through this. This is a very quick one here, just a few seconds.
I'm going to destroy this one.
This is really bad.
I just wanted to confirm, there was only one counter sniper who took one shot?
We had multiple counter sniper teams.
Yeah, on the premises, but only one took one shot is that correct or only one correct
okay because i'm quite sure one shot really they just took one shot so you would think that on one
of the most seminal events in secret service history in the man last decades that given the
last week kim cheetle would have had the opportunity to sort of avail herself of a few of the facts.
So she said, counter snipers only took one shot. Okay. Well, that's fascinating because
this is just well-known news right here that a local officer also fired a shot at Cheadle. How
does she not know this? And you're going to split hairs and go, oh, oh, I didn't know
you meant any law enforcement. I thought you were just talking counter snipers of the Secret Service.
No, he said, did any counter snipers took one shot? Yes, one. Well, turns out there were other
counter snipers out there. Quote, a local police sniper fired a shot at Crooks. Butler County
District Attorney Richard Goldinger confirms.
Goldinger said that it is his understanding that the shot that killed Crook was fired by the Secret Service.
And that local officers even now on administrative leave, which is standard procedure or protocol and all that.
So how how does she not know this?
So that's why I'm doing what i'm doing because and other people are
because we just got to keep the facts straight you watch a professional liar attempting to just
throw sort of smoke throw smoke and chaff into the air in the hopes that we'll all get frustrated
and maybe just lose our cool or lose the scent sorry kim we're going to stay on this and sorry
mayorkas because i know you're in it up to your eyeballs. So this is just something that we have to keep in mind.
So that was bad.
How about this?
This is just as bad.
This is really bad.
Because I'm quite sure somebody saw under your organization, the Secret Service,
I'm quite sure somebody saw the shooter on the roof.
So what was the communication through the chain of command to deal with said person? What I can tell you is that when the individual was identified by
the counter sniper, they took one shot and neutralized that individual. But that was after
the shooter already took a shot. Is that correct? That is correct. So what you're saying now is that the Secret Service did not see the shooter on the roof until after the shooter took a shot?
I do not have all of those details at this time.
Have you talked to the agents on the ground that day?
Yes, I have.
You've talked to all of them?
Your senior team has talked to every agent that was on the ground that day?
Yes, we have.
Have they all corroborated the same time they identified the shooter or they were made aware of the shooter,
either by attendees in the crowd or local police department?
There are a number of reports of when those times were made.
Was it five minutes before the first shot rang out?
Generally speaking, was it 10 minutes before the first shot rang out? No. Was it 15 minutes before the first shot rang out? No. Generally speaking, was it 10 minutes before the first shot rang out?
Was it 15 minutes before the first shot rang out?
It was less than that time frame when it was identified as a threat.
How much?
I think it's from...
So look at this slippery weasel stuff going on here.
The basics of any investigation is a timeline right
and there aren't that many cast of characters in this whole thing so there's a board somewhere
and it starts at say five o'clock and at 5 14 we have that first photo snapped out of the window
of crooks down there we have other things on the timeline that could possibly go back even earlier
but starting at 5 14 then they lost track of. But of course there's a video of him wandering around the front of that building, uh, that
the shots came from or the building complex, which the shots came from as close as I'll
be right now.
And that came to us at 5 0 6.
And then we knew that like 20 minutes before they saw him on the roof, secret service.
I have reports.
I have reports that say 20 minutes before shots rang out, Secret Service saw him on the roof.
Now, is that local CSU, ESU, Emergency Service Unit, Secret Police?
We don't know.
But the reports are that Secret Service saw Crooks on the roof 20 minutes before.
And then a full agonizing two minutes before any shots rang out,
he was on the roof with a rifle.
And there were people, regular old human beings down there trying to listen to a political rally speech, pointing and yelling about that fact.
So that's something that Kim Cheadle really ought to know about.
Folks, look, we have a second shooter.
The second shooter was obviously enabled by somebody in power.
This woman's in power it really don't really have to be all that in tune to draw a line between those
particular shots okay now comer and raskin have called for cheetle to resign this just came out
on july 22nd there and says yeah you know today you failed to provide answers basic answers and uh to basic
questions regarding um the stunning failure stunning operational failure so i mean you can
read but i'm gonna say that it's a first step to get kim out of power but it's totally insufficient
it's not enough. If some
other slimy weasel gets put in place who also has an interest in covering up and stonewalling and
blocking this investigation, then no advantage has been gained. I actually think Kim Cheadle
needs to be arrested promptly. So does the special agent in charge. So does everybody else who you
can reasonably identify comprehensively failed because the story isn't adding up right now, not even remotely, not even remotely.
So I'm going to turn now to talking about why is this two story building so important?
Because it's likely a spot where an actual crime was committed.
And I think we can say that pretty definitively now.
So first, I made a slight error in the piece about where those shots came from and the audio that we analyzed.
And the error was that this one I had over here.
I had it probably another 50, 60 feet.
Oops, sorry.
Let me do this.
I forgot to do this yesterday.
I had it here.
Sorry, there's the red dot.
And I'm going to move it back over to here. And the reason is because of this fence.
Now I've got a picture finally of this fence that is a locating thing.
And we can see in video one, that fence top shows up.
I think you can see right here that this fence top is just a bare, it's not capped with anything.
It's just those links pointing up like that. So I'm pretty sure that this right here is where that first video that we analyzed comes from.
In fact, let's turn to that right now so that we can actually listen in on this and highlight that together.
So again, listen to if you hear any difference between the first shot.
There's something about that first shot, and that's the one that graze trumps here that first shot is very different from that staccato five that happened after the third
shot so that's shots four five six seven eight and then of course there's another one number six
in that string or number eight and sorry nine in the overall string that i believe represents
that shot from the local law enforcement. Because it's very loud.
It's right up tight on the building over there.
And this is something that I'm pretty sure represents a rifle shot taken all the way back where Crook's body was found.
But you listen and see if you think the same thing.
Look what happened to our country.
Probably 20,000 people.
He's got a gun. He's got a gun.
He's got a gun! He's got a gun. He's got a gun!
He's got a gun!
Stay under here.
And then that last one.
So again, now this is interesting.
And the reason I want to cover this is because this shot here is right in front of, so whether if a shot was coming out of this building,
sorry I didn't get the laser pointer back, unless the shot is, if the shot is coming
out of this building or it's coming from over here, both sets of muzzle blasts are
going to be directed towards this camera phone right here with its microphone and so if the if it's going to be
very hard to distinguish shots that are coming from anywhere back here okay but we're all told
that they were eight shots fired only by crooks allegedly from this spot right here i'm not buying
it myself yet until we have the actual data so once, let's just see if we can listen in now. Just
listen very, very carefully to the tonal sound of the first three, then those five,
and then that last one, shot number nine. Stay under here.
Ooh, hear that?
Yeah, one last time.
Stay under here.
Oh, now, as I established yesterday,
that cadence of those five shots only took 0.77 seconds for all of them.
The first pair had a quarter second gap, 0.256.
Those last four actually had world, like the kind of splits that you would expect for a world champion shooter, right?
These splits, a split means the split difference between two shots.
So those last four coming off at a cadence of just around 0.17, 0.18 seconds.
Now, listen, you could technically pull the trigger that fast if you're a cadence of just around 0.17, 0.18 seconds. Now, listen, you could
technically pull the trigger that fast if you're a doof, I suppose, but what you can't do is aim
really well. That's harder. So tomorrow, I didn't have a chance to get through all the analysis
today, but tomorrow we're going through that exact data. And I'm going to show you that every one of
those rounds that are fired off there either killed somebody or went right close enough to
Trump's open mic, which was still open on right close enough to Trump's open mic,
which was still open on the lectern, to leave a snapping sound, which indicates that they're
quite close.
This is also more of a mark of a professional shooter, not an amateur who got kicked out
of, you know, couldn't make the gun club and wasn't seen at the range all that often.
So, but I'll confess, you know what those those shots you can see here
um when i get my drawn tool back laser pointer you can see here how this first shot is kind of
muffled see this the peak of this tells you how loud it is so these two are a lot louder than this
first one this first one is a lot quieter for some reason okay and then these five have a very distinct sound and then this last
one is a pretty sharp crack and sounds completely different so this somebody's gonna have to explain
this shot right here i'm pretty sure that's local law enforcement which means that maybe even that
idea that the actual sniper round that came from secret, which did come about 12 seconds, 13 seconds after that
last shot. That one, it may or may not have been the one that actually finally killed
Crooks. Don't know. But I'm positive that that last, last one came from snipers. It's a suppressed
round. It took exactly 0.227 seconds to go from source to finish. It all works out so um i'm pretty sure that that last one for sure is um the actual
secret service sniper round which only leaves this one knowing that we know that somebody on
the other the other team uh the oregon sorry the oregon the beaver county say or you say beaver i
think oregon um so because of the sports teams, right? So at any rate,
that only leaves this one to be the local law enforcement shot or the ESU shot. Now,
that's interesting because where did they have an ESU person close enough that they would have
been able to take that shot? I'm going to show you there really is only one spot. Maybe there's more, but there's a really compelling story.
Okay, well, now that first story was told here. Oops, I forgot to move this back a little bit.
Sorry. Let's move this one in your mind back to the fence line here, okay? All right, story two,
which we told yesterday, and we're going to repeat here because it's this important, comes to us
from this spot over here.
Now, this is off to the side of this building.
My point here is that if somebody was inside this room shooting, the sound of those first shots is going to be muffled compared to if the other five shots came from here.
Then those are going to be much more in the open air and they're going to have a different sound to them.
All right.
So if you didn't want to be seen, you would want to be back in this room a tiny bit.
And of course, that is going to muscle the sound for anybody who's to the side.
But somebody who's straight in front of that because you're shooting out a window
pretty much is going to hear it. It might be a little dimmer because some of the sound is
being eaten in the room. Depends how far back you're standing. All of that. But that's my
hypothesis. And we're going to see if we can prove or disprove that.
So this, then, as we've covered before, is the, and we'll do it one more time,
because it's this important, it's this important,
we're establishing the evidentiary chain for this.
Here is the setup for this.
You can see clearly, if you watch very carefully as the camera pans across,
which buildings we're next to.
It allows us to place this camera within 10, 20 feet of where we think it started filming.
And the person only gets to move a few feet as they're walking a little bit to that side a very different sound.
Here you can see there's a lot of background noise.
Of course, these are the five shots here.
This is that sixth shot in that string, or shot number nine in this overall thing.
And here are those first three, but look how much louder these are.
They're way up here by these numbers.
And these are much
much less noisy so let's listen in one last time but just listen to the tonal difference between
those first three and the next five and then finally that last one number nine
i don't hear it.
Hear that? That last snap?
I'm pretty sure I know where that came from, but we'll keep digging into this a little bit again.
Totally different.
So we can hear in this three weapons.
That's the hypothesis.
If somebody hears it differently, we need to know why the camera is is pretty stationary all things considered and by the
way when you have a a phone if you're calling it and using it as a phone right let me let me use
this as my phone right now if it's in phone mode it has what's called a directional mic because
obviously it only wants to pick up my voice doesn't want to take the passing taxis and the conversation that's over there.
Very directional mic, picks it up from right here.
But when you put it in camera mode and you're videoing, it has another mic, and this is an omnidirectional mic.
It wants to pick up everything, because of course that's what you want when you're shooting a video.
You want to pick up the voices over there and the party, and you want to hear the wind and the ocean and things like that. So some people who have it in
their mind that because the camera was faced a little this way versus that way, that it's going
to make a big difference. The answer is no, it's not. Now, people on my team right now today have
been making tests with these shooting downrange and shooting near cell phones as they're recording
and turning them in all different directions. Early results are, and of course I'll share them all with you when we get them,
are that it doesn't make any difference, really very little appreciable difference.
Not this much of a difference.
Totally different.
So in this line of business, I'm going to ask you to believe your lion ears, right? You can decide, do those first three sound identical to the next five, which sounds identical to that last one, number nine in that series or not? a local ESU person taking a shot. Now, they just take one shot. That means they must have been confident that that shot they took
actually took the perp out, right?
So I'm going to guess it was a head shot,
and I think they probably made it because it was a ridiculously close shot.
As well, there's one more from over here on the side.
This is the famous,
Get over here, Ross!
This woman is screaming, so you have to listen a little bit gotta gotta listen very carefully right but still through it all i think
you can easily hear that there is actually and here's shots one two three and then the five and
then that last one in or sticks in that string of five but that's number nine down there um this one just sounds you'll hear it again that's three
okay those first three very hard to hear um obviously they're screaming and stuff like that
but they're very quiet and they're quieter than these you can just see it on the on the line here
these shoot sorry you can just see it on the line here, these, shoot, sorry. You can just see it on the line here
that these five are taller than this first shot,
the second shot, the third shot,
which is actually buried in all this noise of things.
Now, why are people screaming even back here?
Because they're obviously looking
and everybody's worried and they're saying,
he's got a gun, right?
And he's right there and he's on the roof.
So this is starting to get really important.
Okay, one last time. Let's listen to this.
Almost can't hear the third shot.
And that last one, very different. OK, so.
Yep, that's that's just how that goes.
So, fortunately, just today, we saw that Congressman Eli Crane took a tour of that two-story building, okay?
So this is the two-story building we're talking about.
This is the... Sorry.
I'm getting it.
This is actually called Building 6 in the AGR, the American Glass Research Facility.
They call it
building six they call this one building three they call this one building two and this one
building one i don't know what the numbers are here i couldn't figure it out but if that's one
two three six one of these is four five and seven um or i guess yeah so let's call this seven because
it's right next to six i don't know at any, this is the two-story building that we have a lot of concerns about and that
I reported yesterday that an eyewitness, Greg Smith, said that he was looking at counter
sniper people in there, one of whom had that sleeve.
So I'm pretty sure this is emergency services unit guys from western Pennsylvania, from
Beaver County, are in that room.
We don't know if anybody else was in that room.
Of course, this is a question that you could ask Kim Cheadle and she would have no idea, right? Like who was
actually in those buildings? Who was in building six? Who was in the one that Congressman Eli
toured today? That two story one, we'll call it seven just so we can keep it straight. Who was
in six? Who was in seven? Who was in three? Who was inside these buildings? Okay. Need a full
head count. Need to see their names on a list. We to talk to them okay that's how i would be running that particular investigation so um just very quickly
just so we're all oriented this is the agr facility this is just off of google street view
you come in the front of the whole facility there you go that's what they call um that would be
building one this is building six door nine? They labeled the doors and they labeled the building. So this ought to be easy. We ought to have a frame of reference to say what, what? So this door nine was interestingly propped open and eyewitnesses have said that they saw somebody pull up in a motorcycle, you know, not any sort of official garb, like, um, don't tread on me on me you know a scarf of some kind and you know
black motorcycle stuff and just walked right in there just pulled the door open and walked right
in so we don't know who that is um uh could have been a a mega repress you know uh infiltrator or
something like that but anyway clearly part of the official team because they walked right in that
door right before the shooting started so pulled up and we have a picture of that motorcycle out there later so pulled up
went in through door nine okay right next to that over here is door eight building three
that's a little gray thing that we had a picture earlier that i thought a ladder was on top of
i'm not as clear if there was a ladder people are saying there was there wasn't there was there
wasn't don't know anymore but that would have been not that hard of a place to get up if you wanted to
but i don't think he got up there because as you go around this facility things are highly insecure
look at that walkway in the back with this little corrugated roofy thing you could pull up on that
there's electrical boxes right on the side that you could use almost like a stair step to walk up
there you know you could go point to point and step to walk up there. You know, you could go boink to boink and just leave yourself up, etc.
So highly insecure building.
Obviously, it needed to be professionally protected.
Now, this is fascinating.
Congressman Eli Crane tours.
We are now he's now looking out.
What you're doing here is you are looking.
Right here out the second floor window, the one that we now know opens because we saw it open, but also it's open in this picture right here out this second floor window, the one that we now know opens because we saw it open,
but also it's open in this picture right here. We're going to take a little tour. It's just a
minute or so with Congressman Eli. This is the second floor window. And by the way, this is the
roof surface right here that Crooks was on. He would have been lying prone right about here. When I say it would be a chip
shot to lean out that window and put a headshot in. So when we talk about that lat, the one,
two, three, four, five, and then that last click shot, that's that sharper report.
That's that's shot number nine in the series of the day.
That shot nine be super easy to hit somebody wherever you wanted to so i'm going to guess
that was a headshot i'm going to guess that if they do a post-mortem and if they share any of
it with us we're going to find out two bullets went into that brain pan and of course they'll
try and claim that it was the secret service doing their proud duty who put the first bullet in
but i'm a little hard pressed to understand why an esu guy wanting to take out crooks would have fired just one
round and been satisfied.
And the only reason anybody
who is professional would be satisfied
is if it was a noggin shot.
And it was a pretty good one.
Because you want to neutralize the subject. That's the end of that.
I got this sent to me by Parrot Capital
so you can follow them and find them on Twitter
at Parrot Capital. Thank you
for this one.
Oh, let's watch it.
That's what we're here for.
All right, guys, I'm up here on the building where the supposed sniper
took a shot.
It's not that steep at all.
Just had a 70-year-old man back here climb up on the roof
See that water tower behind me?
Had Secret Service or anybody had sniper teams up there,
this guy wouldn't have made it.
Five feet up this roof, he would have been taken out.
Behind me, you see the windows that Secret Service was supposedly in the second floor of this building behind. It makes you wonder why they weren't able to quickly dispatch the individual. And then behind me, back over here where those red roofs are,
that's where the stage was set up.
That's where the president was giving his speech from.
A lot of questions here in Butler.
Well, I have a question.
Why has everything been broken down already?
I got that question. Got another question
which is somebody needs
to also do more filming from that room
and also I want to see, I wish
somebody would shoot out down that
window so we can see down there
the retaining wall if that was indeed the
place. Would be nice to confirm that
that this Crooks guy was
right under this building. We know
that he was walking around right in the front. If you ever saw that video that shows Crooks guy was right under this building. We know that he was walking around right in the front.
If you ever saw that video that shows, you know, Crooks seen an hour before the shooting,
walking around, it was right in front of this building right here.
If you just went past Eli Crane and skidded over that roof,
you would have fallen onto right where Crooks was walking around.
So he was all around these buildings, right?
And just nobody stopped him. They took a picture, actually took two pictures. It's a very interesting thing. And then my final question is, is anybody tested that room for gunshot residue? I don't know, just swabbed it and run it down to the airport and run it through one of those little machines that they always make me, you know know put my palm things through i get swabbed when i'm trying to
take a flight to chicago i hope somebody swabbed that room for gunshot residue because we would
like to know some things um all right uh but again why did they take down all the stands and
bleachers i hope they took all the evidence they need because you know what's going to suck is when
in a couple of months from now everything's heated up and the fbi goes well we can't determine that
because you know we would need the stand set up and they got disassembled
and taken away.
So that's bizarre.
At any rate, here's a closer look at where Eli was just standing here, Representative
He was standing right about here when he took his video.
Right around here is where Crook's body was found.
This is the room where he was looking out the windows.
And of course, this is where that picture was taken so again we have these questions who was who exactly was in that
second floor room at the time of the shooting because follow along here if it turns out that
that's the case that it was one two three four five rapid shots and then just wait a minute and
then there was that crack and if it turns out that was the esu shot and i'm almost positive it was it begs the question
how were they in position to take that shot and and even and had not taken a different shot earlier
like did did they just run back into the room were they taking a leak in the john and they came back
in the room and threw the window open and then shot him just after that fifth shot went off? Or were they standing there watching him take the shots like the eyewitness said they were?
We got questions.
These are absolutely ordinary, usual questions everybody ought to have.
Second question, where's all the spent brass I need to know?
That roof is cleaned.
I mean, that crime scene is like now it's whistle clean.
Nothing there.
Why were those stands taken down so quickly?
Did anybody swab any of the first, second floor interiors for gunpowder residue?
Has all the possible cell phone location data been secured?
And has everybody there had their phones downloaded for evidence?
And I'm including private citizens and law enforcement alike.
I mean, everybody.
Now, this begs the question of how we're getting to
this ever-shifting story. Who was in those AGR buildings? I know Kim Cheadle's not up to the
task, because she can't even remember that there was an event, probably. Kim, Director Cheadle,
what are your views on the event? Which event? July 13th. I'll have to get back to you on that,
right? It would be something totally lame like
that so why is this so hard this should be easy this is easy so remember on july 17th wasn't that
long ago five days ago now chilling photo of would-be trump shooter thomas matthew crooks
was taken by sniper they said nearly an hour before the attempted assassination so that was
at 5 14 we've now learned um for sure they said 530 in this earlier report. We're going with 514 now because that's what we heard from Senator Johnson. I trust he has good information. And it was, the ESU, searched the grounds for Crooks after sending the picture, but he had moved from
the location where the picture was taken.
Okay, so that's interesting because to admit that that picture was taken by somebody in
the ESU means they were in that room, in that two-story building.
They were there.
So we can place them there at 514 at a minimum to take this photo
again thank you at justice coyote on this it turns out there was a second photo we can note here that
the window on that far right it seems to be closed because we have a reflection and it looks like the
window frame is right there but there's this guy who has no social media presence on his phone
doing what youngsters do on their phone.
So everything's really weird in this entire story.
Now, so here on also on July 17th and trending politics, they said here that that just did they said here.
Yeah, the photograph on that bottom yellow part was taken at approximately 5 30 p.m 5 14
local time sent to law enforcement sent to law enforcement which law enforcement i thought you
guys were part of law enforcement in the esu so anyway sent to law enforcement suggesting
suspicious activity the outlet added an officer attempted to locate him um but so again here we
know that they said up here that it was Secret Service snapped a picture.
Now, I don't know that right at the top in the headline.
I don't know if that's true or not.
I don't think it is.
We're trying to resolve this, but it should be easy.
Like, was it an ESU guy?
Was it a sniper?
Was it a counter sniper guy?
Was it standard law enforcement?
Was it Secret Service?
Headline says Secret Service.
I don't know.
So, oops, not that one so uh this one police were stationed in building trump shot from so this is also on the
17th and from bbc so take it with a grain of salt says here police were stationed inside the building
from which gunman thomas matthew crooks fired shots at donald trump the director of the u.s
secret service kimberly cheetle says so cheheadle came out originally and said, oh, there were there were a police
stationed inside that building, inside that building that he fired from. So what building
can we have to start getting precise? Building six, what we're calling building seven, the two
story one, were they in building one, two, three, right? So there's no reason for this level
of inaccuracy. The AGR facility has a bunch of buildings. They have door numbers. They have
number numbers. And so we need to know, not the building, right, which building we need to know.
Okay. Ms. Cheadle told ABC News that local police were inside the building while Crooks was on the
roof and that local police, not the Secret secret service had been responsible for securing the building and its outer perimeter so
this was her throwing the local police under the bus and then later she tried to weakly say the
buck stops with me except i'm going to dodge and evade and throw everybody else under the bus
anyway because that's the kind of person i am um and then fingers started pointing every old which way uh we have here in this bbc article that secret service spokesman anthony googly
amy said that his agency was responsible for securing inside the perimeter of the fairgrounds
while local police secured the area outside which included the private building used by the gunman
which as we pointed out before somebody very very, very, very funnily said,
note the Pac-Man security area. It's like, look, there's this big pie wedge. The Pac-Man mouth
is missing from this building mysteriously from whatever plan the Secret Service came up with.
In Green, the local sheriff's department, for their part, referred BBC questions to the state
police, which said it was not responsible
for the area containing the building so secret service points at the local police the local
police pointing at the state police and then a state in blue a state police spokesman told the
bbc that it provided all resources requested by the secret service so they're pointing their finger
back including between 30 to 40 troopers inside the perimeter.
And then, of course, it just goes on from there.
In green at the bottom, the sheriff then admitted that there had been a failure,
I think, in securing the premises, but said he believed there was
no single party to blame.
So that's what they're going to go with.
It's like, hey, guys, let's rally the thin blue line,
or in this case, it'll be the fat blue plus a black line.
Let's all get behind it.
Let's admit nobody was at fault.
Kind of everybody was at fault, which means nobody was at fault.
Let's go with that.
Okay, so you can feel the desperation, those who are trying to figure out what to do here,
because the story is really bad.
This is, if it turns out that there were people in that room watching the shooting
unfold, well, then we have a problem. The only way that story could be different for me is if
they were looking out the window and Crooks has a gun, but the shots weren't coming from Crooks.
I could see that causing enough confusion that you might decide that you have to take your shot later and then i'm just hypothesizing here you're watching this you're watching this guy
out the window you got him right in your sights and shots happen but they're not happening from
him but you're like well he must be part of it so you just shoot him anyway right i i don't know
something is hard to to add up around here okay and then we shift into the blame and cover-up game. So the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, who is a complete, complete, horrifyingly bad human being
to me, called it a failure of security, telling CNN that an incident like this cannot happen again.
Actually, actually, Alejandro, it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Not that it shouldn't
happen again. You're absolutely right. And the only way we can assure it doesn't happen again is that we take all the people who
were in charge when it did happen and we remove them from power, from yourself, right on down.
And then we conduct the investigation without y'all trying to stonewall and block and evade
and dissemble and otherwise deflect true discovery. That would be my response. That's how I would go about this.
And in the yellow and down below,
a briefing for senators on the 17th of July left many questions unanswered.
They say here,
was Senator Ron Johnson describing the call
as unbelievably uninformative
with only four questions permitted?
Oh, we're being totally open and transparent,
says Gim.
This was five days ago,
like four questions were allowed. And now on July 15th, we find out from New York Post that a local
counter sniper team was inside the building where a Trump shooter climbed on the roof and opened
fire. And so this was interesting. So I've taken stuff from the 15th, the 16th, 17th, 18th,
because the early stuff sometimes gives you different, it can be wrong and it gets
corrected later, but we're just watching the story shift without anybody correcting
the earlier stories. So I'm going to keep the earlier stories in frame because
they may be more right than the later stories when they finally get their stories together,
coalesce behind the thin blue line, and decide that nobody was at fault.
Right? Quote, a local police counter sniper team, there is another vote for that,
was stationed inside the building where attempted assassin Thomas Crooks climbed onto the roof and fired on Donald Trump. So stationed inside the building, we're going to need to know what that
means, because if you were in that one-story building, that metal-roofed one-story building that metal roof one-story building that crooks was on like
if you ever been in a metal roof building sometimes it sounds like a squirrel going on the top of it
sounds like a fat man dancing on a on a thin floor i mean it's they can really transmit the sound so
i don't know how that building is constructed or whether it has a lot of insulation or whether
there's a false ceiling and tons of stuff up there. But it's somebody on the roof is pretty noticeable usually, but maybe not in this case.
We don't know. We'd have to conduct some tests.
Carrying on the building, quote, was being used by local police as a watch post for snipers to scan for threats.
As the former president spoke on stage only 130 yards away, cops were inside, but not on the roof during the shooting. So now they admit,
OK, they're in there during the shooting. So so and that's sources sources said.
What does that mean? We don't know. But but now at least we have a report that says that,
according to sources, the police here were inside of the building. And again,
is this building six what we're calling building seven?
Inquiring minds need to know this level of imprecision is no good. Next pass, we're going to have to understand exactly where everybody was and what they were doing at the exact moment those
first three rounds went off. That's going to be the key to this whole story. And then down below,
they say it was an AR style assault rifle, but there's several calibers you can have, right? So there's a AR-15
typically chambered in a.223 or a.556 if you're in the NATO designation, or it could be an AR-10
where you're in a.308. There's, I've shot an AR style that's actually in.300 Win Mag, right,
Jeff? That thing, that's a fun gun. But at any rate, AR style doesn't tell us about the caliber.
So I'm just holding that up because we haven't seen the gun yet match to the bullets they found downrange.
OK, so just hold on to that.
Now, it turns out that now things are shifting around a little bit, but now it's starting to get really interesting.
The Secret Service changes story on local SWAT team position in yellow there. They say a U.S. Secret Service official said a Pennsylvania police SWAT team was in another building than the one on whose roof was used Saturday by Thomas Crooks to shoot at former President Donald Trump.
Aha. This contradicts an earlier claim.
So now we're starting to get down to it.
There weren't on they weren't in
the the built the building that crooks was on that's building six they were in another one we
already know they were in that other one we're calling building seven the two-story building we
already know that they were there and that they took a picture out of the window down at crooks
earlier in the day we know they were there and we know that window was open and we know there was a
sharp crack that took out thomas uh
yeah thomas crooks so the question is if that shot that crack was a really cheap really you know
life-ending final destination headshot where was that taken from if not from inside this building
how many other locations could there be that you would have had the ability to get a shot at somebody
who's lying low there aren't that many places i mean there are a few others but this is a really
strong candidate to place that emergency services unit in that room at the time of the firing
and that they were there in position to be able to take that shot right after that string of five.
One, two, three, four, five.
Quote, the unnamed Secret Service official told NBC News on Wednesday
that the building containing the local SWAT team was not in the building that Crooks climbed
and instead was another building in the same business complex.
That's nice and vague.
The official said that the building was connected to the one
that crooks uh had used but would not could not say which building it was god they're gonna trust
me they're gonna try to say it was building three would you believe three way over there there was a
vending machine you know i don't i don't know and then we still can't line up all the other loose
ends like well if they were in that room why was this other cop when everybody for two interminable
minutes, people are shouting, there's a guy on the roof with a gun and you already know
how to get up into building two, I'm building sevens thing. And you already know,
why is that story? Like that? A local cop got boosted up and looked over the edge.
And then a rifle was pointed at him. He had to drop and leave. Now, that story has been debunked by local eyewitnesses.
But also, I, you know, I reviewed the tapes very, very carefully where you can see crooks crawling up on the roof.
I never see him turn around and turn back.
There's a couple of gaps in that tape.
But it would be kind of unthinkable to me that he was able to turn around and turn all the way back so that it didn't look like there was a lot of motion in between those those missing moments when the camera panned away.
So, again, is that BS?
Like there's so much here that just doesn't make sense.
And to have Kim Cheadle show up in Congress for the Senate and to just stonewall merciless.
It's just it's awful.
But now it's getting interesting because now we say these
unnamed secret service official like who is this i you can can you feel it whistleblowers are coming
out people are like no this was not okay i don't want any part of this if there was somebody inside
who enabled or allowed or actually did the deed here well we need to know about it of course
naturally because this is history this is a matter of integrity this is like you you don't one does not just sort of back into the bushes
around this whole thing just disappear into the shrubbery and hope that history will forget about
you this is the moment you stand up and you come out and if you have information like this unnamed
secret service official told nbc news that the building containing the local SWAT team was not
in the building the crooks climb but was dead as another building.
It wasn't that one. It was another one.
Know what I mean?
That one. That one with the open window that they were already in.
That one.
Okay, so what is that telling us?
How many ways can we possibly interpret what happens next
if we can place these guys in that room?
And they're right there, according to eyewitnesses,
at a time when the shooting has happened.
What do we do with that information?
Because we already know that the eyewitness said
that police are lying about the confrontation
because they said, no, no, we were watching them those whole two minutes
because the story is the policeman pulled up,
the rifle was pointed at him, he drops down,
maybe hurts his ankle, maybe he doesn't, maybe he was boost boosted, maybe climbed up a ladder, we're not sure.
But then shortly thereafter, shots rang out.
So there was really no time to do anything.
But if there was a whole two minutes when Crooks was up there unmolested, then that story is complete BS, at least in terms of how much time elapsed between seeing the gun and then anything happening about that okay
so we had that uh data as well um and then you know we said here that you know yeah you know uh
it was uh snipers were on that second story building this guy with a sleeve tattoo we
covered this yesterday there's a guy with a sleeve tattoo from the esu so this is somebody that was
spotted as being,
though they could not get a clear look at them,
they described seeing one sniper in particular with a sleeve tattoo in the second story building right there, just 40 feet away.
Chip shot right in the head.
They could have walked over to stop him, right?
Just climbed out that window and gotten over there.
And we'll skip that for a minute,
but this is a American Patriot. Greg Smith said, you know, I saw him.
I saw the sniper right before the shots happened.
I didn't see him turn around and confront anyone.
So no to that story.
But this should be on every major news outlet right now.
This statement by Greg Smith, eyewitness statement that says I was looking at the guys in or on the second story my eyes were
jumping three or four different places i could see that they saw him they were looking at him
the shooter and watch what he was doing but they didn't do anything now how many explanations do
we have for that not that many as it turns out so um there's a couple of benign ones but only
only for the people involved there
if they were told to stand down that could have happened if they were told it was a training
exercise by somebody a mysterious gray-suited man who didn't show credentials but somehow
confused them so they hesitated um it could have been that uh they were in on it it could have been
a lot of things but we have to look at all the possible range of explanations for why somebody was right there eyes on and did nothing there aren't that many explanations that that really
fit in that um i'm open to any and all of them so yep that's the story and uh you know there's
the picture that they took of this guy and um it's just it's just astonishing what happened with all of that.
So that's all I have for you today.
What a bizarre story.
So let's continue to focus in on the gray man.
Let's continue to ask all the right questions.
We got to hold their feet to the fire
because you know what we need is answers.
We need data.
This is the least transparent investigation I've ever seen.
I cannot believe that the FBI washed everything down
and dismantled it already. Sadly, I actually can believe that that's already happened and um you know eventually we're
going to discover that the ballistics are compromised or we lost the opportunity to do
accurate bullet tracing so who knows that's why it's so important to do what we're doing
we need the data let's gather the data. And to me, Kim Cheadle's
behavior is a form of data. The fact that she is being so obviously obtuse and unable to deliver
even simple answers and feigning complete incompetence and ignorance, which is probably
true on some level, but the fact that she is able to pretend as if she has no idea how long it was before he
was on the roof or how many minutes elapsed between when somebody spotted him on the roof
or who was the first Secret Service individual to spot the guy on the roof and who was the first
law enforcement person to spot him on the roof and how many shots were fired and where did they go?
She doesn't know any of that stuff. Believe me, if you wanted to run a competent investigation,
you would know all of that stuff by the end of the first day all of it so with that thank you very much for listening and
thank you to all my peak prosperity subscribers everybody else thank you for your help on the
citizens investigation thank you everybody who's been uh calling me and helping me work through
all of the details and helping me puzzle through the puzzles man this is we're figuring this out
in real time and i'm proud to be able to do that and i'm proud to work with every single one of you
on this because this is so important this is for the future of our country thanks everyone we'll
see you next time