Peak Prosperity - Civil Wars Begin Like This

Episode Date: August 7, 2024

They’re convinced they are right. I am convinced they are wrong. Perhaps you find yourself in the same position with friends and family. We are being driven apart, and that’s by design. Cui Bono?...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. Hello, all you wonderful, beautiful Peak Prosperity subscribers. Listen, continuing on with my dual coverage now, sneaking out some stuff about the Trump assassination investigation, of course, because it matters that we don't let that just sort of slide off into obscurity because, boy, that was a load of BS and we all know it. Right. As well, you know, we've got this market stuff that's going on, but now we have something else we've got to talk about, which is this, which is I'm not sure if we can avoid a civil war at this point in time. I just I just don't. I'm hearing from more and more of you that you're having these really strained conversations with people and look at all the ways we've been fractured right so we got um we got fractured by covid right covidiots and vaccines and vaccine maximalists versus people who weren't that way and then we had the fracturing around
Starting point is 00:00:58 israel and 10-7 and then we have the fracturing around are you pro-trump or anti-trump and then we have the fracturing around oh kamala har-Trump or anti-Trump? And then we have the fracturing around, oh, Kamala Harris is this amazing person. And most of these things are just manufactured belief systems that have been installed by this incredible machine here that we're operating. And it's operating all across the West. And it's created people who have now really, really different worldviews. And I know some of you have been telling me it's starting to get contentious again, like COVID, where you have people you can't have conversations without them becoming sharp pretty quick. And the dividing lines again have been installed and manufactured, and there they are, and they have nothing to do with helping us build a more prosperous country or raise our children to
Starting point is 00:01:38 be better, finer specimens of humans than we could ever dream of being, or somehow using our big brains to create a more regenerative landscape with healthy food. And so we have less chronic illness. You'd think we could get to some sort of agreement around like things like that, but no, we're really fractured again. And this is the kind of fracturing that does lead to civil war. They happen when, when the Venn diagrams interest in belief systems, don't, they don't touch anymore, let alone overlap. They don't even, they're separate. So I'm worried I'm seeing a lot of that separation and so we just found out that um uh kamala harris picked tim waltz to be his uh to be her running mate here he is back in 1989 a much younger man back then like we all were uh those of us who were alive back then uh and they
Starting point is 00:02:23 said here the past year tim waltz has spent teaching school in China. Very rewarding experience, he said. No matter how long I live, I'll never be treated that well again. So Chadron State College graduate. I don't know what a Chadron State College is. Could have looked it up, but I didn't care. They gave me more gifts than I could bring home. It was an excellent experience.
Starting point is 00:02:44 And Waltz, who's from Butte, Nebraska, was a part of the World Teach program based at Harvard. So there's Harvard turning, thank you, psychedelic socialist, for putting this up. He said, quote, I've lived in China. And as I said, I've been there about 30 times. I don't fall into the category that China necessarily needs to be an adversarial relationship. I totally disagree. So he's got some pretty strong China leanings and proclivities. If you've been there 30 times and you were treated well and you went there, no problems with that. I totally get it. However, Tim Waltz left America for China shortly after he quit his teaching job in Nebraska after his 1995 arrest. And so here he
Starting point is 00:03:39 is vacationing in China all the time. So one of the things we're working on here is that is that the United States isn't experiencing organic insanity, that we're getting some helpful nudges from some quarters and China might be one of those quarters. And if you look at this whole story a certain way, we're dismantling ourselves at breakneck speed right now. And China benefits from that key bono our open borders our children who are stuck and addicted on tiktok and don't even know which sexual orientation they are and you know hemorrhaging money like crazy through deficit spending who benefits not us not our kids china does so little leery of the china connection um and he said here back a while ago, again, younger man, we can all change our opinions. No, no, no worries about that. 1990s a long time ago. Right. I get it. But he said back then, if the Chinese people had the proper leadership, there are no limits on what they could accomplish. They are such kind, generous, capable people. They just gave and gave and gave to me. So that's fine i'm okay with that but he has these experiences and then he comes back and here's how that shaped and influenced him uh this is part of
Starting point is 00:04:52 his work product output as governor there um and so he yeah he's into that. And we see here recently that he grants driver's licenses for illegals. Very excited. Lots of people. Yay. Minnesota now, listen, one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness. So getting a vibe off of this guy for sure. And as we all know, this vibe that he's got, it's not it's not a U.S. thing alone. Right. This. This mind control has been really levied across the West, totally, totally destroyed Canada's leadership. It destroyed a lot of Europe's leadership. Not all right. Not Viktor Orban of Hungary, but certainly the UK, Keir Starmer, all those, you know, prior Rishi Sunak out of there.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Germany really has lost the plot line all the way down to the administrative judicial level has really lost the plot line and what it means and so of course um we could yeah let's listen in on this um get my see what i got get my this is this is kierster harmer uh side by side somebody put this up so when minorities riot you get one statement out of them but when white people riot you get a completely different one. See if you can spot the difference. I have no doubt. I was shocked. Those that have participated in the killing of George Floyd will face the full response of the law. President Trump, the police, the U.S. authorities,
Starting point is 00:06:39 arrests to the peaceful individuals will be held. People rightly demanding justice charges will follow in a front and convictions. Well, last week has shone a spotlight. I guarantee bydd cymdeithasau yn cael eu cymryd ar gyfer cyfrif, bydd cyfrifoedd yn cael eu hwynebu ac yn cael eu cymwyso. Mae'r wythnos diwethaf wedi cael ei gyflawni ar y rhaglenni, y discrimineiddio a'r anghywir, a oes gan y cymunedau etholiadol a'r cymunedau etholiadol yn gweithio'n eu hunain yn y DU ac ar draws y byd. Mae'n sefydliad o'r ddynion, ac mae'n ddim lle i ddifrifio ar ein cymunedau. in the UK. This is not across the world. It is organized, violent, injustice anywhere. And it has no threat to justice. Just a politician. I mean, listen, we get it. That's that's what politicians are. If they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. Right. I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:20 this guy's just a complete punter, but he actually believes this stuff. I mean, you can tell on some level as much as he's just a complete punter, but he actually believes this stuff. I mean, you can tell on some level, as much as he's just a punter politician, but he believes this stuff. Just like I'm sure Tim Walz and Kamala Harris and all the people who are sort of leaning towards this totalitarian communist state, they really believe in what they're doing. They are true believers, no question about it. Jacinda Ardern put Justin Trudeau in there. On and on. They legit believe this stuff. And of course, this is where civil wars actually get started,
Starting point is 00:07:51 when those belief systems diverge that much that they don't touch each other anymore. So let's go now to some of my Twitter bookmarks. Give me one second while I pull these up here. Because this is pretty astonishing to me what we're what we're seeing out here. OK, so here from Z Van Fleet here says together Kami La Harris and Tim Waltz will burn America to the ground and build it back a communist totalitarian state. And so lives ofok it put up this was minnesota
Starting point is 00:08:26 under governor tim waltz this is what kirsten was just saying oh we very much support people expressing themselves there's a lot of resentment and anger of course we have to understand that in the context as long as they were burning down their own poor inner city selves lives charring their own futures everybody was cool with lives, charring their own futures. Everybody was cool with that. Now, as soon as somebody took that same level of energy to Washington, D.C., and walked between the velvet lines of the doors that were opened for them so that they could cart off a lectern, you know, that, of course, was unacceptable. That's where the narcissist finally said,
Starting point is 00:09:02 we've been attacked, this was the most terrifying day ever because somebody stayed between the velvet ropes and carried a lectern off. The worst day ever. But this is Let me see if I can pull this down. No, wrong direction. So I want to see this whole thing in here. This is really astonishing. The most astonishing part is the... Watch the guy back in the studio audience. See if you react the same way I did. I think apologies for the language you're hearing but i said
Starting point is 00:09:48 oh wrong one wrong one anyway so this He's going to do the same to us. Oh, wrong one. Wrong one. Anyway, so this woman, this poor woman, reporter, all these people come over and she's surrounded. And the news anchor guy at the back just cuts the feed and says, well, we're going to have to leave you there. And, you know, we'll call the authorities. And best of luck. He just, like like ditches her. There's poor ladies out there like just surrounded suddenly by these guys who busy go around and start stabbing tires and things like that as well. These riots are spreading all over the place here.
Starting point is 00:10:35 You can see this is what it kind of looks like. Belfast, Liverpool. So the whole of UK, this including Ireland and northern England, Southern, I mean, it's just everywhere at this point in time. It's pretty bad and mostly peaceful. I'm glad to see these mostly peaceful protests over here. And so this is, as long as it's the refugees doing this, nobody says nothing about it in the UK.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But if it's suddenly a white person upset at all of this and saying, enough, I'm going to defend my culture, that's what's unacceptable. And then full force of the law, Roy, we will put all of you in prison, right? On and on and on. But it is pretty bad at this point in time, as you can see. It's this bad. Look at this. This poor Bobby over here, this lady police person just has to put up with this guy pinned her against the railing and dry humping her here and she's just putting up with it right and it looks like they've stolen i don't know they've taken their the other bobby just sitting there letting this happen the level of disrespect is off the charts the level of
Starting point is 00:11:42 cultural decay is off the charts when When you permit this to happen, you've lost all your testosterone. That big Bobby standing back there with his nice little hat and trying to gather his yellow jackets back from the people who probably just took them off of them. It's, yeah, not good. But if you're a white person and you post a mean tweet, this is what happens.
Starting point is 00:12:08 What do you mean I can't have any alcohol? Okay, well, I'll tell you. Okay, the Times, 20 to 3, 1440, arresting you on suspicion of improper use of the electronic communications network. Watch. 1-2-7 communications act, okay? So you do not have to say that it may harm your defense if you don't mention one question, something which will later arrive in court. What? So I'm actually being arrested? Right.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Right. Oh, really? Oh, it'll see your facebook prime is it facebook comment we need to ask you some questions about that all right have you got anything in your pockets um i've got my keys i've got no i suppose it i think keys so anyone who's been arrested we can search them under Section 32 and basically let them attack. Right. That's a dangerous item. I mean, you said I was going to be arrested
Starting point is 00:13:13 under some war information. I'm going to be arrested for posting on Facebook. Some comments that are offensive, obscene, and people have made a complaint about that. And it's translated from Facebook account in your name. Okay, well, we'll do that when we interview you. Right. Okay. Not good. So that's the stuff of civil wars right there, obviously, where there's a complete breakdown in culture.
Starting point is 00:13:43 There's a complete breakdown into factions where the sides just can't, they just don't see eye to eye about something really fundamentally important. And, you know, to the leftist totalitarian Marxists, there's good protesting and bad protesting. There's good violence and bad violence. As long as it's they are the ones committing the violence, it's good, it's fine. But if the other side even slightly does something that they can deem violent, well, then, of course, they hyperventilate and they get really crazy and they conduct lawfare and warfare. More people have been arrested in the UK in this past year than in the last 50 years of Russia. I mean, it's just like they are like there's not it's not even close. Right. I think it's four or five thousand people now have been arrested in the UK for violating their hate speech. Guess how many of them are white? All of them pretty much. Right. It's how it is. And by the way, this is the country that for some reason could not figure out how to prevent Pakistani gangs from operating for decades where they were running child sex rings because they didn't want to be perceived as racist or whatever the story was.
Starting point is 00:14:58 It doesn't matter that what matters here is that the worldviews of the people who have seized power and the people of the country, those worldviews are really separating. And we need to understand that it looks like it's kind of an even-steven match. Like, oh, well, you know, half the people are kind of commies. They're not. There are a lot of followers out there. There's just a very few number of people at the top who are pushing this particular program. And by the way, try and remember that all of this serves China. If the United States and the West collectively shoots itself in both feet, gets itself all
Starting point is 00:15:31 wrapped up, goes through some paroxysm of civil war to sort it all out, while all of that's happening, China gets access to the last remaining best resources in the world and they win. And the United States doesn't win because we are too effing stupid to observe what's going on we are being poked and prodded and there's a lot of useful willing idiots out there who are believers true believers in this overall story but they're knuckleheads they're morons and they're all abstractionists and like none of them have built something but man they're gonna tear and stuff down because that's that's the nature of socialism. It's like, look at all that awful stuff. Those capitalists built those big
Starting point is 00:16:08 churches and those nice bridges. Let's get rid of all that junk. Right. And then, whoops, you know, now your country is Cambodia and it sucks for the next three decades. This is the story that we're on. So that's why it leads to civil war. People finally get fed up with this whole thing and they go, wow, this is bullshit. And then and then they rise up. That's happening in the UK right now and not a minute too soon as far as I'm concerned. So coming soon to a theater near you, we're going to have to get ready for this stuff because it's clearly not organic. We're being provoked. Okay, that's what I got for you now. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Be back. Hopefully with a more cheerful one soon. I really, I'm getting tired of this whole thing. Just damn. Thank you.

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