Peak Prosperity - Crooks’ Unbelievable Path To The Roof

Episode Date: July 20, 2024

Unless he had some help, it’s virtually impossible that Crooks managed to skulk about on a roof, with a rifle for so long without being stopped or challenged. And, how did the Secret Service miss pl...acing one of their two sniper teams on the very best possible spot that would have stopped anyone from being where Crooks was shot dead?

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The storyline behind how crooks actually came to be on the building to take those shots allegedly is simply unbelievable. Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Chris Martinson. It is day six of Trump's assassination attempt, and we're going to keep digging in. If you saw the other episode before, we were talking about how there were two shooters. Today, we're going to be talking about this stuff. Topics for today, very quickly, how did crooks get on the building? We're going to take a little tour because this is a big part of the messy storyline over who was responsible, how did he get there, finger between local pennsylvania officials and the secret service etc we're going to do an update
Starting point is 00:00:50 on the unbelievability of the security lapses with emphasis on unbelievable as in unbelievable me orcas and she don't well they just have to go. Absolutely have to go. Zero confidence can remain in either of those two jamokes. And now we have to ask the question, who made the decisions as well? Is it possible that Crooks was misidentified, wasn't the shooter, the person we see on the roof? I see lots of that going around. So we're going to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Now, I'm reasonably confident that this is accurate and we have lots of people going over this right now. We're gonna have experts pouring through every single part of this in fact i want to announce something uh we're starting a citizens investigation into this look whatever's happening with the fbi the secret service the whole sort of like dc swamp if they're not going to be looking into this well then maybe we should and i will look into this i'm happy to take lead on this we've already assembled really good expertise if you have other expertise we would love to have you on board do you know stuff about audio are you particularly good sleuth of things on the internet
Starting point is 00:01:54 can you help find videos that maybe we haven't seen or analyzed yet and can bring them forward do you know anything at all about tactics or operations or do you have any inside connections in ec and are you a gadfly i love people coming and taking their best shots with logic not just going you've done a bad job we get those people that are not helpful but somebody can come in and go here's how you've misanalyzed this here's how you could think about it differently i see how you came to this conclusion i come to a different one that role is valuable so if you're a gadfly and naturally skeptical or contrarian you'd be well recognized and valued within our community back at peak prosperity okay so uh that's kicking off now let's start here this is the event location okay this is after
Starting point is 00:02:41 the event happened obviously this is post-shooting and you still see the big American flag waving in the breeze there. Right. And that's the facility back there. That's the American Glass Research Building. Right. And let me get my tool out here real quick. So come on. Yeah, it's taking me a second. There we go. So right here where the red dot is, that's where Crooks was found. He's dead. That's we've seen the images. He's just mysteriously lying there, dead blood and nobody around him. And you can see, too, that this is post after effect after action. And here's a few people walking around. But you don't see like I'm not so sure this whole scene has been really well i don't know it just doesn't there's no crime tape i don't see people pouring over the things that i would be pouring over which is what are the bullet angles and where did they all come from we need to know this it feels like they're already starting to settle on this idea that there was a lone mentally ill that's the story they're going with now, believe it or not.
Starting point is 00:03:48 You know, undiagnosed mental illness must have been a shooter. That's what they're going with. Now, let's look at this facility again, because I'm going to show you exactly how he probably got on here, why this was a colossal security error. And by, I mean, error, like it's so colossal, you know, like that can't, no way did somebody make that accidentally. Right. So we're pointing towards the idea that if you have to guess intentional, they let it happen or they enable it to happen versus it was just a complete colossal screw up of security errors that cascade and compounded on top of each other where do you lie i'm going to show you it's pretty hard to think this is just people being dummies particularly knowing the kinds of people who are attracted to these sorts of roles in sniper positions and things like that none of them are dummies that i've met okay so
Starting point is 00:04:37 here you can see the facility over here and this is the whole american glass facility and this is the side over here where there were some ladders. We'll take a look at that. And let's go around. But first, let's orient ourselves. Now, we all know that there's this big ladder right here. I'm pretty sure that SWAT put this up. I don't know when.
Starting point is 00:04:55 So here's what we're going to try and resolve. When did these things happen? The whole idea is that Crooks came in with a five-foot ladder somehow, and he had a gun, and he had a backpack. All those things must have been true for him to get on the roof.'re told i'm not as clear about the ladder part anymore um you can still see his gun on the roof his body has been blurred out just in case anybody is um uh you know offended by that but there's a ladder here i don't believe this is the ladder he used so check this out let's go to this facility now.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Here we are in Google Earth. And so Street View, and it's a very different time of the year. This is taken last year sometime. You can see there's no leaves on the trees. So at a minimum, it's very early this past spring. These pictures were taken or the fall or who knows when. But this is sometime before the shooting. Obviously, this is the building that
Starting point is 00:05:45 he was on top of right here and one of these buildings we were told was being used as a staging area by local law enforcement as well as secret service we don't know which building that part isn't clear we can very clearly see here if we came in and rotate carefully there's no ladder in here at this point in time there's no ladder now we had been told that ladder was installed there by the company but everybody i've talked to says no that's stupid companies don't install ladders up onto the roofs it's called an attractive nuisance and your lawyers and your insurance agents yell at you for being dummies right so uh that just you can throw that right out the window that ladder was not there it's not there in this picture and it wouldn't make sense for it to be there later as a matter of official company policy now um the ladder spot uh they say that we see there was a ladder in this other photos right
Starting point is 00:06:39 there okay so right here turns out there is a little five foot, looks like a five foot ladder. Let's test that. Let's see if that's actually the case. So this is the spot that it's on. It's on top of whatever this gray cabinet is here as an AC unit. We don't know. But it would be a great spot to get on the roof because if we consider that the average door is 80 inches, and I'm trusting this is an average size door.
Starting point is 00:07:07 80 inches is 6 foot 6 inches, or 6.66 feet, sorry, just a little over 6 foot 6 inches. And we take that same door frame, copy-paste, we put that green square here, that's half of it, that's three quarters of it, Three quarters of 6.66 feet is five feet. So this is where we would have measured and predicted that a five foot ladder would have gone to is just about there. And that's actually what we see in this picture almost perfectly is that little thing coming up to right there. So it fits.
Starting point is 00:07:40 It fits with the idea. They found a receipt for a five foot ladder in his wallet. But if this is true, if if Crooks came and put that ladder up there in this parking lot, which you can see is crawling with police and law enforcement vehicles even now after the effect. But but this would have been secured territory. I mean, the chance of having success coming across a parking lot with a ladder and chunking it up onto that metal box right there and then climbing up it with a backpack and with a gun seems a little dicey. Wouldn't you agree? That's I don't know what to tell you, except that if that was the route and that happened, I don't know how that could have happened either except for the most extraordinary bad luck on the part of law enforcement ever in all of history or something more nefarious, such as nobody being there to witness it because they've all been called to a meeting at a certain time or they've been called away from
Starting point is 00:08:40 their posts for some reason. So I would love to have some more information from local law enforcement about who was responsible, who was covering that spot. But it gets even weirder than that. Trust me. All right. So that's the measurement. We're going to use the same measurement technique here because, hey, you know, we don't have time to go out there and get a tape measure out and visit the facility. So we just have to make some guesses. But they're pretty good guesses, right right because we do know that the average commercial door height is 80 inches least 80 inches but 80 inches is a pretty solid
Starting point is 00:09:10 starting spot now is a fascinating thing the peak prosperity community is making really great observations about things and i'm going to invite you to join our community we are going to be over there chewing through this all kinds of other things as they arise because hey that's who we are i'm an information scout i'm an analyst i'm like your personal analyst but this community is like my personal set of scouts and analysts like we're all in this together and so this was a fascinating observation by member nit not know said hey this is the picture here we were supposed to well that was taken of thomas crooks by allegedly snapped by a secret service agent saying this guy looks suspicious took a picture of him okay and here you can see he's got that demolition ramp t-shirt and the jawline it kind
Starting point is 00:09:58 of looks a lot like him he's got the glasses and the observation is hey uh knit not no said plus i posted in another thread that the video of the shooter on the roof has dark, full, straight, nice looking here. Look at that. It's all lustrous. Like if you watch, it's not a great video, but you can see him crawling. It is like, it's like a Breck hair commercial. It's, it all thick and full and shiny thin and greasy and straggly maybe maybe while he was out there gathering his rifle gathering uh his ladder and his backpack maybe he brushed his hair took took a little time wanted to look good for the um wanted to look good for whatever was coming next in his life i guess weird stuff so hey if you want to come and join peak prosperity we would love to have you there and uh it's a fantastic community where we figure out what's going on in real time and we talk about everything and by the way you need to know what's going on in the world you deserve to now let's talk about his shooting position he was in here
Starting point is 00:11:00 what they call building six at the american Glass facility here, a research facility. And so now we can figure this out pretty quick. These are your standard 80-inch doors. I've drawn one blue box around those doors. And I've slapped another blue box on top. So we have those 80 inches plus 80 inches. There's three stairs coming off of the parking lot. Okay, one, two, three. Let's assume they're average 7 1⁄2-inch stairs.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Could be a little less. Could be 7 1⁄4. Could be 7s's assume they're average seven and a half inch stairs. Could be a little less, could be seven and a quarter, could be sevens, but they're somewhere in that zone. Seven and a half is a pretty fair guess. And there's also up here, once we figure out the intersection of the two roof lines, that's the roof peak right there, which is about a foot above this blue box here.
Starting point is 00:11:40 And then there's a ridge cap up there. We saw there's like some kind of ridge cap on top of where those two lines would have met say that's another six inches just guesses 22 and a half inches plus which is what that turns into plus 80 inches times two plus six inches for the cap divide by 12 15.7 feet above parking lot this is going to be important because we have people working right now on doing 3d reconstructions and it's vitally important that we know exactly the elevation of the shooter, how many inches above that ridge line he possibly was going to be, so that we can take the bullet trajectory, the stand, Trump on top of the stage,
Starting point is 00:12:16 and then where the people were hit in the back stand. If we can draw that line straight out, then we can figure out pretty clearly exactly where those first shots came at least the first two shots um at least yeah the first two because we know those we know where those went the rest of them big mystery all right so at least now we have an orientation that's the building he was on now here's the weird part about this once you get on this roof system except for these two roofs right here which are taller buildings like i'll show you what those look like in a minute these are this is from above so it all looks kind of flat but those two things in the
Starting point is 00:12:47 orange boxes are tall enough that you would need more ladders to get on top of them but all the rest of this complex here once you get on to any one of these roofs here you could go and come across these little causes or walkways like i'm sure they're covered walkways that connect buildings and you could go from here and jump up onto this one and come across here and come across here and down and across this little walkway and up onto this roof so now we have to understand that he could get on here anywhere around this entire perimeter here so we got to go take a look at that and say did he come up on this little ladder right here or was there another place he could have gotten in here and that's an important question now here's that um from the back side you can see the famous water tower here if you could see it and squint at it there's some red barns which have the snipers on
Starting point is 00:13:35 it here this building is going to feature prominently in what we're going to talk about in just a minute but i do want to point out a couple things that there's an ac unit right there there's your 80 unit right there there's your 80 inch door so that's six feet six inches this is just a hop and a skip and a jump just to get up from there to there same thing here look that's a window right under my red dot you can see that's very short to get from when i mean that that looks like human height like somebody if they could come in here unmolested and unnoticed somebody could jump from here to here and then they have access to the roof system and they can get all the way over there now let's think about this if this is the american glass research complex which direction did he come from right exactly where like did he walk
Starting point is 00:14:17 here across this busy road again carrying a ladder maybe and a rifle maybe i'm going to talk about that in a second um you know and looking all suspicious so there's there's a lot of open territory here that this guy has to walk across and you're thinking wow how could he make it unnoticed the answer is he didn't he was obviously noticed a secret service agent took a snap of him and we'll talk in a second about all the ways that he was noticed so again security lapse or let's think this through again this is has to be the most completely blatantly obvious security risk i could possibly imagine multiple little alley nested one-story ways to get onto a roof complex that allows you to get to a place where you can oversee the place that president Trump is talking. Obviously, this is a high security risk. You don't have to be a graduate of sniper school. You don't have to have gone through four years of Secret Service training. All you have to
Starting point is 00:15:14 be is not a complete moron to know, yeah, that looks kind of unsecure. We should do something about that. And so I want to talk about the most obvious blatantly obvious thing ever they are trying to deflect us in various ways and i don't like this so so we're going to use what we use which is common sense and we're going to say you know what i'm going to believe my own lion eyes and my ability to think clearly so little test let's imagine you're in charge of this whole thing, okay? Let's imagine that you come onto the facility, and you see this, and this is where he shot from, right? This blue line shows, again, that's tracing, that shows exactly why that upper back right corner of the stands was hit, and why people,ics were found there right i think we can clearly see that tracing arc if that was the direction the bullet was shot here is where sniper team one was and here is where sniper team two was i'm gonna get to that in a minute because that's like really inexplicable but this here it's not that they should have had somebody on the roof crooks was on
Starting point is 00:16:22 nah they should have had somebody on this roof crooks was on. Nuh-uh. They should have had somebody on this roof right in this corner. You can see everything. That is the most commanding spot. You are higher than the red roofs of the barn. You can see everything really clearly. You can obviously see this spot here, but you could also see this part of the roof. And if you turn around,
Starting point is 00:16:39 you can see buildings out further. Like this is it. Like this is the spot. You got no trees in your way. It's awesome. Right? but they didn't select that they said oh out of all the things we're going to do secret service under mayorkas under cheetle out of everything we're going to do we're going to just leave that whole complex to local law enforcement we're not even going to check in with them right uh and by the way this roof is a lot less slopey than either of the red barns.
Starting point is 00:17:08 You can see how steep those are. Still pretty flat. But compared to this, yeah, this is your awesome, safest, OSHA-approved, non-snowflake sniper spot. You could put Kim, Cheetle. So the question now has to be about this. Why did they not have a sniper team here? Now they're going to they're throwing out some junk, right? Some some chaff in the air to lead us astray.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And one of those things is they're telling us that they didn't have enough resources. They were under resourced. Maybe some of the Secret Service resources got pulled off and were with Jill Biden at a nearby Pittsburgh event. They just didn't have enough people. They've been under resourced junk. and were with jill biden at a nearby pittsburgh event they just didn't have enough people they've been under resourced junk they had two sniper teams two and two okay so we're gonna have to talk about that um because well that's the most obvious thing we could possibly notice so the first thing is they say here on july 8th an advanced team walked the site at the butler
Starting point is 00:18:03 farm show that's july 8th right so this all walked the site at the Butler Farm Show. That's July 8th, right? So this all went down on, what, the 15th? No, 13th, sorry. To assess a security threat, agents worked with local law enforcement, explained what the Secret Service would handle and what law enforcement would be expected to do. Crucially, the Secret Service decided that a group of warehouses to the north of the stage would be excluded from the security zone, despite being only about 450 feet from Mr. Trump's podium. That was with it, not just within rifle range. That's within handgun range. I've got to be completely honest about that.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Sometimes Evie and I, when we want to test ourselves, we will take our pistols to the 100 yard range and we hit stuff with it okay um and i'm talking like stuff right not every time but enough so it's it's like was within the rifle range says the person who knows dick all about guns like no no journo person that was within chip shot of rifle range okay who made that decision now here's the thing i can't find out yet this is still a mystery we should know who the special agent in charge was of that site they have a name and that person it's not like we don't want to hear from yeah go for it senators call kim cheetolin and make her bring her over those hard questions you're asking who cares she wasn't in charge of the site that day we need to know who was in charge of the site that day. We need to know who was in charge of the
Starting point is 00:19:25 site that day because we need to know who made this decision. Because once again, that's a bizarre decision because you're in charge of this. And theoretically, you know how to run a site. You know how to run teams. You say you don't have enough resources. You're gonna have to tap local law enforcement. But that would be the most obvious spot to put one of your two teams leave one of them on that other set of red barns over there but this is where the other one goes obviously right okay so again this is a from a still like oh look at that lustrous hair you can almost see it waving in there like something's wrong with the hair i gotta got to agree with knit, not know. It peak prosperity. I have questions. The shooter, we will say, came from the rear and did so by crawling across this complex.
Starting point is 00:20:15 So let's talk about this real quick. Here, what I've done, this is a very tall aerial view of the Butler Fairgrounds. This is the American Glass Company complexes right here that we've just been discussing this is the center of the roof where they had one sniper team and here's the other sniper team here what i did was on google maps here i just took 200 foot that was how big the scale bar was and i said okay give me a circle that's a thousand feet across by the way for snipers this is nothing they go out to a, right? So these circles could be a lot bigger. But a couple things about sniper teams that I've been hearing about from people who are snipers and have run such security details, they actually operate better at a distance. like there there's a reason you have all those people with the handguns and then with the folding stock submachine guns and then you've got the people in their full battle gear which you saw after trump was shot dudes and black kitted out dudes got up and their guns at the low ready and they're scanning everything right and they had good close quarter battle rifles that's fine
Starting point is 00:21:18 snipers you push them out a little bit so first is, it's completely bizarre that they put both sniper teams on top of each other. Even if we said these are bad snipers and they can only shoot out a thousand feet, which is diameter of these two circles. And I've put one centered over barn one and one centered over barn two. Well, they have completely overlapping spaces. So you're saying, oh yeah, but Chris, I heard they were short staffed. So they were stretched thin. They had a skeleton crew. They were doing the best they could.
Starting point is 00:21:50 No, they weren't because rule one of being short manned is you don't stack them on the same thing, right? It's like, that's like, there goes, this is the,
Starting point is 00:22:01 this has got to be the stupidest, least efficient use of resources ever. Right. Instead, imagine what would have happened if they put one on that building I just mentioned there. So there's the red X up here. Right. On that tallest building where you have not just commanding view of all of this stuff going on down here. And go ahead, leave your other sniper team right in tight on Trump if you want to. I could make stronger arguments for putting them out a little bit, but that's OK. This person here can see all the way anybody coming in from the backside.
Starting point is 00:22:29 They could see anything going on over here. In fact, if we imagine that they can shoot out effectively 2000 yards, this circle gets a lot bigger. So sniper team one goes there. Sniper team two is on this roof and they can then cover all of these roof complexes as well as this whole facility this is a no-brainer this is what should have happened obviously i mean this is just common sense right that's how we like to roll at peak prosperity is like what makes sense well this
Starting point is 00:22:56 makes a lot more sense okay and if we put gave these uh red circles a thousand feet of range okay i've just doubled the circle size. So it has a diameter now of 2,000 instead of a diameter of 1,000. Okay. And now I think you can see that is pretty good, complete coverage. Right. That's what it should have looked like. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Now, to really get to the bottom of this, we also have to consider just how derelict this timeline is. We're supposed to believe that somehow this makes sense, but we're if we can't make sense of it, we're going to make sense of it in the scheme of security lapses. No, no, no, no, no. Let's check this timeline out. So this came out on 7-18 2024. So that's yesterday at the time of me recording this. So today's the 19th in BBC. They set a timeline leading up to the 19th. In BBC, they set a timeline leading up to the Trump shooting.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Of course, they use this crazy British time. So 1711 is 511 to us Americans. But 1711, local officers spot crooks and notify other law enforcement, but then lose track of them, according to briefings between police and lawmakers. So 511, suspicious dude, lost him. Where'd he go? At 545 or 1745 here,
Starting point is 00:24:09 a counter sniper officer calls in with a report and a photo of a man who turned out to be Crooks acting suspiciously around a building near the rally. Okay, now this is interesting. A counter sniper officer. So this person has to be over by the american glass building complex because that's the only place that we know that crooks has been spotted so far obviously on the roof but even before then an hour before he's seen walking around that building um literally right on the front face of the roof line off of which he allegedly shot and i'm saying allegedly because we still don't have any evidence that a gun was fired from that exact spot. We're told that's what happened, but do we have any brass
Starting point is 00:24:50 casings that we can see? Has a gun residue test been done on that gun to prove it's been fired? Have we seen what's remaining in the magazine of the gun to maybe match the casings that are found on the outside, et cetera, right? So those would be normal things you would do to evidentially establish that those shots, that gun had been fired. So that hasn't been done yet, and I'm a very cautious person. I'll tell you what I know, tell you what I don't know. I do not know where the guns that were fired
Starting point is 00:25:18 were fired from yet, because I haven't seen a single one of those photos, which is interesting. Okay, so that's at 545, right? Counter sniper officer, somebody's over there. So that person for sure doesn't have to act on the unified comm channel that somehow got garbled and they couldn't talk to each other. That person is part of Secret Service.
Starting point is 00:25:40 So they presumably get on the horn and they talk to other Secret Service, like, hey, I got a suspicious dude here. Suspicious. And by suspicious at 552 or 1752 on this timeline, a U.S. Secret Service became aware then also of a suspicious person with a range finder to the lawmakers. So now we have a range finder, which is a laser device. You put it up, hunters use them. A lot of people use them and it tells you how far away a target is. So pretty standard thing that you would use if you're thinking about shooting something, right? It's a pretty unusual thing for an average citizen to be walking around with, but maybe not entirely unheard of. Kind of fun. How far away are things? I get it. But it is suspicious, certainly at a presidential event. And your whole job is to be suspicious of people who could be security threats you know i'm out the park i see some guy with a range finder i might just like go but at this thing yeah so that's it 552 okay and then they say here at 603 trump begins speaking around 609 rally goers spot crooks those are all
Starting point is 00:26:47 the people the guy with the red hat you know oh my god guy on the roof and he's got a gun right um and by the way they left something out of the bbc rally goers spot crooks on the roof with a rifle okay and then two interminable minutes later he somehow ends up opening fire they say. And then he's fatally shot by Secret Service and not a couple of seconds later. But, oh, they say it here. Yeah. Many seconds later.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Now, that's interesting because also here on the 17th of July, we have this story going around. So we can't, we just have like stories flying around everywhere um and by the way investigators are trying to determine motive for thomas matthew crooks they say um they actually ought to be trying to determine where the second shooter was so that they could get on that as quickly as possible that would be awesome quote law enforcement officials investigating the assassination attempt told lawmakers Wednesday that 20 minutes passed between the time U.S. Secret Service snipers first spotted the gunman on a rooftop and the time shots were fired. Whoa, 20 minutes, 20 minutes. OK.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Stop, stop, stop. Hold up. Let's walk through this together, shall we? OK. stop hold up let's walk through this together shall we okay so there's two minutes when people are pointing up at the roof saying look there's a guy with a gun okay and 20 minutes though 20 minutes somebody on the roof they've been spotting this guy that's a long time that's why you know and i need to know which snipers because we saw those two snipers on the far right red left red roof as we're looking at it but to trump stage right
Starting point is 00:28:34 um there were those two and you know where the ones lying down on the gun and the other ones like startled when something happens when the shots get fired um and startles a little too much for a highly trained sniper in my world unless a bullet was snapping right by their ear or something that that was a startle reflex or hear me out he was startled because they had already been told this person wasn't a threat um and and then when you see that fire because your expectation is this person isn't a threat because somebody's told that to you in your earpiece. I'm just speculating. But something caused that person to startle in a way that you wouldn't necessarily expect from your average, very well-trained sniper.
Starting point is 00:29:13 They go to the range. They're around loud explosions all the time. They have live fire stuff where they have rounds snap past them because it's part of the training. So presumably somewhat used to all this stuff. That dude startled in a really just it's just watch it again watch how i mean it's a big reaction um so curious right but a lot of curious things so 20 minutes they spotted this guy in the roof so he's on the roof 20 minutes and then for two minutes people like ah he's got, right? And then we'll carry on with what happens the rest of that story.
Starting point is 00:29:45 But this is bizarre. Quoting further, officials said the snipers spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of the building outside the security zone at 5.52. And the shooting happened at 6.12, 20 minutes later, 5.52. Snipers. Which snipers? Which snipers? The snipers on team one or team two, but the snipers are there
Starting point is 00:30:09 and they have a counter sniper person. So Secret Service at a minimum has three people, snipers that probably a nest, a team of them and that counter sniper official. Now we have three of them on the job, 20 minutes, okay? Even if you know nothing about nothing and you haven't had 20 minutes of warning and you don't have your suspicions up and you aren't slightly alarmed because you know you're moron or something but even after all that's true the level of incompetence then for
Starting point is 00:30:38 secret service to have information for at least two minutes because you know the cat's out of the bag people have finally started yelling there's a dude on the roof with a gun for them to not have hustled donald trump off the stage so a huge breach of common sense and protocol doesn't make any sense at all so so this is the setup the secret service has had all this information they're taking pictures of this guy they've lost track of them they found him again they see him on a roof then they see him on a roof with a gun um and don't do anything and with all of that we have to end up listening to this on that uh does do you does the president have confidence in the secret service director after saturday's failures i have 100 confidence in the director of the United States Secret Service. I have 100% confidence in the United States Secret Service. And what you saw on stage on Saturday
Starting point is 00:31:32 with respect to individuals putting their... I don't need to listen to the rest of that. 100% confidence. Really? Not 99? 98.6? 100%. Really uh meorkas obviously uh head of hhs i consider this gentleman to be a traitor to the country of course he's he's done enormous damage to this country across many many dimensions and not least of which is this most recent uh misadventure here which is very bad obviously uh and you know he's responsible for the open border stuff which is very bad, obviously. And, you know, he's responsible for the open border stuff, which is very damaging and many other things. So they're just a bad guy all around. But 100% confidence.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Come on. You can circle the wagons. You can have your professional responsibility. But you have to come on. Here, try this, Miorkas. My confidence has been shaken a little as as everybody's but we'll get to the bottom of it and we'll figure out what we have to do to make sure this never happens again you don't say you have 100 confidence because 100 is as high as it goes that's it this knob
Starting point is 00:32:39 doesn't go to 11 right that's it 100 no questions whatsoever about uh kim cheetle and her organization despite the fact that we just anyway very bizarre but i really despise this quite a lot um hey by the way here are all the things that this year have outsmarted the secret service just have a little fun bag of cocaine remember they're like what i know it's cocaine just showed up in the white house we're stumped and the holster good going whoever put that together uh this is interesting so um thank 56 pan uh head panhead there on twitter saying uh direct this my direction on twitter that josh hawley has said to Senator Mayorkas, hey, quote, I write to raise concerns brought to me by whistleblowers.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Oh, get this about your department's stunning failure to protect former President Trump. Stunning indeed. Right. On July 13th, 2024, as Secretary of Homeland Security, DHS, you are ultimately responsible for your agency. Shouldn't have to remind him of that. But in this competency crisis your agency shouldn't have to remind them of that but in this competency crisis we're experiencing good to remind people of that including the u.s secret service uh this i just pasted this in that green line i just wanted you to see that this is
Starting point is 00:33:58 still the same letter so this isn't this is a little copy paste but i didn't change anything okay quote whistleblowers who have direct knowledge of the event have approached my office. According to the allegations on July 13th, the July 13th rally was considered to be a loose security event. For example, detection canines were not used to monitor entry and detect threats in the usual manner. Individuals without proper designations were able to gain access to backstage areas. Department personnel did not appropriately police the security buffer around the podium and were also not stationed at regular intervals around the event's security perimeter. In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not, in fact, USS agents, but instead drawn from the department's
Starting point is 00:34:48 Homeland Security Investigations, HSI. Really? Who made that decision, right? This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these type of events, according to the allegations. allegations you know protocols like not standing the subject you know your protectorate dude back not standing trump back up like oh yeah uh what's that oh the perp is down good let's stand him up like how do you know there wasn't a second perp we've covered this i mean like i was yelling at the screen when i was watching it happen when they stood him back up again i'm like what are you doing that is that's crazy talk right there um and so actually you know josh goes on to ask a bunch of questions here you know what percentage were from the hsi blah blah actually josh you know what we need to know who precisely made the
Starting point is 00:35:41 decision to leave that roof undefended out of the security perimeter at 140 yards. Listen, typical security perimeters for professionals is four to 500 yards. 140 yards is chip shot territory. Who made the decision and who made the decision to place the sniper teams where they did? We need to know that because if that's just pure incompetence, they need to be fired immediately, immediately. No questions like just get out of here but if it was more than that we also need to know that this feels like it's starting to deflect into like um these are this is weak right why were agents appropriately stationed around the podium this is weak josh if it turns out that it had nothing to do with where they stationed appropriately that there was a second shooter and the profoundness of the security lapse of not covering the most obvious security
Starting point is 00:36:31 points was so profoundly bad that we don't even need to ask if there was you know some training issues going on with the people who are directly around the podium this is this doesn't feel right to me that that, those aren't the hard questions. And Josh usually asks really good, hard questions. Now to add to the confusion, to add to the confusion, let's turn now to watching the, uh, the local people. Of course, the first thing Kim Cheadle did was she threw the local police under the bus. Oh, they were responsible for that building. She said, and then later she backtracked a little and said, well, I guess we were all responsible.
Starting point is 00:37:06 But let's listen now, because this gets really bizarre. Fell approximately eight feet to the ground. So here's what the township manager told me. He said that the local Butler Township Police Department was not responsible for securing that building, that it was in the hands of another local law enforcement agency. The Secret Service has said it was outside of their perimeter. We don't know what local agency was responsible for securing that building, but it was these four officers that showed up.
Starting point is 00:37:38 He said they could not get to the rooftop. They were responding to a report of a suspicious person on top of the roof so at this late stage this this video was just put out today um so here we are six days later and we can't answer the most basic question which was who exactly was responsible for securing that building okay let's even imagine it was these local local law enforcement guys right well apparently a 20 year old could figure out how to clamber up onto this roof at most using a five-foot ladder but potentially not using any ladder whatsoever and they didn't have a way of getting up onto the roof like they're just like like how this isn't even i understand you can get
Starting point is 00:38:20 some inept people but this is i don't something i don't understand and we should also be able to clearly get the name of the secret service agent who said i hereby hand responsibility for this roof complex the most obvious roof complex in the whole thing i agent smith hand that responsibility to officer doofus okay they should be able to tell us exactly that so so they still don't know and and there's some confusion about this whole thing okay and here's where the story goes partially feet to the ground sorry so the the earlier part of that is is that gentleman uh i don't have that video shoot uh describing how uh a an officer was hoisted to the roof line, pulled himself up, saw Crooks, who pointed a gun rifle barrel at him, drop down as he described it. Lost his grip, dropped down. And then the story just like, well, then what did he do? Right. He didn't call anybody uh oh no shots rang out
Starting point is 00:39:27 shortly thereafter like uh that's not a number 10 seconds later a minute later 20 minutes later short shortly doesn't count so so there's that but why was an officer attempting to hoist himself up onto the roof in the first place it's bizarre because you don't have ladders like and you didn't have a you should have people should have been up and down onto that roof numerous times already because that's part of the job. Right. You even if it was too hot and you didn't want to be up there, you would go up there. You would have a way up there.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Right. You would know how you would go up there. And second of all, I can't find a single spot on my tour of that building where you could hoist yourself up and fall eight feet there's not i don't know where that would be um because they don't have any roof lines that look kind of like that so the whole story is bizarre and then we want to know exactly where did he hoist himself up right and you know where was he peeking over the edge because there aren't any roof lines like that. The whole thing is weird and it's incomplete. And so that's a problem.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So we're going to keep digging at this. But the level of confusion around the most basic things is really starting to stack up. And some of that's intentional and some of that's just clue bagness. OK, all right. Now, some of you have said that and I've gotten this a bunch that that person on the roof who's dead isn't Crooks. And I think it is. And here's why. But but here's the sort of stuff that's floating around right now. This is interesting. So here's an eyewitness. Yeah, I was on the outside of the fence.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Oh, absolutely. Yeah, we saw him. We were, like I said, 30, 40 yards away from him. Yeah, I didn't see anyone else. I just saw him on the roof with the rifle. He looked to be between the ages of 30 and 40-ish. He wasn't super old, but kind of young. 30 and 40, that's weird because Crooks is 20, right? Not 30 and 40. And somebody that age clearly would know the difference between somebody who's younger and older. So we had that confusion to start with. And then there were people saying, well, he looks a lot like this guy, right? Who has, you know, thick hair and glasses and he's a known like this guy right who has you know thick hair and
Starting point is 00:41:45 glasses and he's a known antifa guy and he's 37 years old so there was some speculation that the actual shooter that's dead on the roof was maxwell yurik um and i don't think it's the case so we know we had this picture right which i think we have to agree is the shooter because the same t-shirt same glasses same scruffy facial hair looks right here is a little wrong don't know what to think of that yet but there we are and um but notice here we're looking at his left ear and it's got a smooth rim okay however if we look at the photo here of his um this of uh crooks from high school you see this is get my drawn tool thing laser pointer this is that left ear it's smooth but i want you to look carefully here you see there's like these little protuberances it's a very distinctly misshapen ear if i could use that term there's there's a little bump sticking
Starting point is 00:42:36 out it's got a flat spot on it it's not normal it's very distinctive let me put it that way this here is the shooter's ear on the roof. There's one of the blood trails coming down. A lot of people made something over this. It looked like they said it was an ear gauge, a hole in the ear that had been closed up. So therefore, it would be consistent with Yerrick, who has an ear gauge. However, these bumps, these protuberances line up perfectly with this. So I am very, very confident that the person we're looking at is actually the guy in the yearbook photo who
Starting point is 00:43:05 we're told is thomas crooks okay so that's it um i'm pretty sure all of that's true so hey thank you very much for listening today uh we're going to keep on this and again if you have any interest in joining the citizens investigation we need all kinds of help if you have any tips for us please send them along if you have any ideas where we've got this stuff wrong or need to think about it more deeply, get ahold of us. And anything you want to send to me personally, just send it to info at It'll get right to me. Find me on Twitter, come by Peak Prosperity
Starting point is 00:43:36 and leave a message, DM me, whatever you need to do. We're looking for photos, videos, especially more audio. There's a lot of cameras out there. We need more audio of this, particularly audio that isn't garbled by a lot of cameras out there we need more audio of this particularly audio that isn't garbled by a lot of screaming that would be awesome and any other stuff that you've got we want to look at this because we can't just let this slide away this is our chance to make sure that we don't have another jfk 50 years later we all know that bad things happen but we can't do anything because too much time has passed. This is still fresh.
Starting point is 00:44:05 This is our chance. We got to make sure we get the story right. Hey, maybe I've got it completely wrong. I'm totally open to that. But the way the information is stacking up right now, we have way too many lapses for us to say they were just lapses. So that's where we're at. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:24 With that, thanks very much for listening hey have a great weekend if you're watching this on friday we'll be back at this i'm sure i'll be at this all weekend too so please give us any help you can thank you so much bye for now Thank you.

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