Peak Prosperity - Ed Dowd: “There Needs to Be Truth and Reconciliation”

Episode Date: February 11, 2025

Pharma fears the coming public health reckoning. As they should. What they have done is unforgivable....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is the audio version of a video released at Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Lots of strange maladies are arising and people that they know in their circles are starting to die at rather young ages. Why? Cancers are exploding. Why? They don't seem to have the ability to connect the dots. I don't know what it is. Either they know and they're complicit, or they truly are just mind-controlled.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Hello, everyone. Welcome to this Off the Cuff. We're going to be discussing some of my favorite subjects. And of course, because we're not going to be putting this up on YouTube, the conversation is free, open, fair. You'll find this on Rumble, on X, at my website at Peak Prosperity. Today, talking with Ed Dowd of Finance Technologies, at Dowd Edward on Twitter. Hey, Ed, good talking with you today. Great to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Thanks for having me on. Hey, so we're in the midst of confirmation hearings, all of that at the time of this recording, RFK getting hammered by people who come off really like demons. I think this is a seminal turning point in the nation. And the way I characterize this is kind of like go woke, get dead. The woke, whatever these people are who've been defending pharma, they're data hesitant. They don't want real science. I think they're terrified. And I think what they're terrified of, Ed, is that they're going to be revealed that while they were in had their hands on the levers of power, they chose a few bucks
Starting point is 00:01:43 rather than the health and safety of the people they allegedly served. They're highly exposed. Obviously, we've created one of the sickest nations, but most importantly, morally, we're harming our own children. That's how I see it. I think this is a seminal turning point. I can feel a change in the air. What do you think? Yeah, if you look at the confirmations, I mean, the people who are hammering RFK have received the most amount of money from pharma. And they're hysterical. And I saw an interview after, I guess, after the hearing yesterday, where Senator Warren is afraid that RFK, should he get in there, will bankrupt the pharmaceutical companies and no one will get a vaccine.
Starting point is 00:02:26 The question that should have been asked. No, Ed, she wouldn't have said that. She couldn't have said. Oh, wait a minute. In fact, he may have the opportunity to bankrupt the vaccine manufacturers and then nobody gets vaccine. Yeah, she did say it.
Starting point is 00:02:41 She did say it. So the question then is that should have been asked by a reporter, but Senator Warren, and I put this out on Twitter, or X, I said, the question, Senator Warren, how would he bankrupt these companies? Aren't they safe and effective? And that, so obviously, her logic is,
Starting point is 00:03:02 if he could bankrupt them, why would he be able to? There's only one reason, because they're not safe and effective and they have indemnity. I guess I guess she's afraid if you take away the indemnity, they're going to go bankrupt, which then says they're not safe. And the logic here, she exposed herself as a truly a moron and morally bankrupt. Yeah. And but it's a bipartisan issue to she on the Democrat side. But I've seen some Republicans. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:03:32 They don't get it. But maybe is it possible that they just sort of fell victim of the mind programming? They've heard safe and effective so many times they assume it's true. But when you dig into the data, we find they are anything. But we don't know if they're safe and effective RFKs point the whole time, which was maybe we should study this finally, because we don't actually have the studies. And you've seen Aaron Siri take Plotkin down. Take was that woman Edwards, Kathleen Edwards? Yeah, just just grilling them are top vaccinologists of all time saying, hey, wait a minute. You keep telling us that these vaccines don't cause autism, for example, amongst other things.
Starting point is 00:04:07 How can you say that? And they say, well, because there hasn't been a study showing that they can, which isn't the same thing as saying we have studies showing they don't. That's correct. That's awful. Yeah. And, you know, I think to your point, bipartisan issue, some rhinos and some dems are getting together on this. I truly believe they're in their own little media bubble. You know, if they haven't been exposed to any alternative media, they might have figured out. And, you know, and they're not even like, you know, situationally aware of their own anecdotal experience. Let's just use the COVID mRNA vaccine as an example. The people who take the vaccine seem to be getting COVID all the time, and those who didn't don't.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Okay, that should be anecdotal experience number one. Lots of strange maladies are arising, and people that they know in their circles are starting to die at rather young ages. Why? Cancers are exploding. Why? They don't seem to have the ability to connect the dots. And I don't know what it is. It's either they know and they're complicit or they truly are just mind controlled. Well, you mentioned the anecdotes and they're legion at this point. We all know people who are like, I don't understand. I've had three boosters and I just got COVID and it's getting awkward because I don't get
Starting point is 00:05:32 sick anymore and all that stuff. But this, we just got an update that says three doses. It gets cut off. This is the so-called Cleveland study. And it only the first time we were reporting this, it only went out to 98 days or so. Now it goes to 196. This is the best dose response curve I've ever seen from a pharmacokinetic standpoint, Ed. Zero doses on the bottom, then one, then two, then three, then more than three.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Across all lineages, the more shots and boosters you've had, the more likely you are to catch COVID. That's data. Yeah, that's what we call negative advocacy in the real world. And then secondly, if you dig into the Pfizer clinical trials, one of the largest adverse effects was getting COVID itself. I mean, you can't make this up. It was in the clinical trials. Yeah. Yeah. They say I'm vaccine hesitant. I say, no, you're data people who get all the boosters keep getting it, you're not, and you say to yourself, well, I made a good choice, but the people who took the vax can't seem to make that same choice. It's like the story I heard from John Boudin. He likes to talk about this. There was a village where a kid was in a church, and they couldn't figure out why. Then they saw down the street a body underneath a bush. They went to go to the body, and it was a berry bush,
Starting point is 00:07:11 and he had berries all over his mouth and berries in his hand, and he was dead. And then an old lady says, hey, let's take him back to the church, have a service, I'll make a cherry, a berry pie. You know, like, it's like, it's like this in the real world, people observationally, you know, you know, correlation is not causation. Well, we anecdotally are seeing this. And people are not able to make this connection. It's, it's, it's truly mind blowing to me. It is now, I've been trying to develop a workable hypothesis of what's happening and
Starting point is 00:07:46 nominally I've called it the Sam Harris effect or Trump derangement syndrome there was here's a theory hypothesis there was some sort of weaponization of our nudge units I don't know what it is but it's either intentional or it's just an accidental emergent outcome of it but I think it ruins some people's abilities to connect dots like you're saying. Oh, let's make a berry pie, right? It's been astonishing. I don't know if it's always been like that, Ed, but it seems worse. Our camps don't touch anymore in some cases because we share completely different realities.
Starting point is 00:08:22 And in my reality, we connect dots and we notice things and correlations above a certain level are evidence of causation. And that's that. It's truly mind blowing. I went to a going away party this weekend for someone who's leaving the island. And you know, Maui is not supercharged politically, but every now and then you sit next to someone who repeats back things you're just horrified to hear. And, you know, I was hearing that, uh, Elon is a, is a Nazi and that, uh, Trump, Trump, uh, caused egg prices to go up. I mean, he's been in office eight days. I mean, you just, these, you're like, what planet are you on?
Starting point is 00:09:05 Yeah. You know, and they're hearing from their media outlets that they choose to tap into this stuff and they believe it wholesale without thinking. Can I let you in on a secret? I know of the most extraordinary community you can find on the Internet. And it happens to be at Peak Prosperity. We have thousands of people dedicated to figuring out what's going on in the world, wrestling with the subjects, having completely free speech, and figuring out what we want to do about the world as we form friendships and as we average up with each other.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It's an amazing place. Free-flowing ideas, great exchange, very civil. Any topic is up for discussion, as long as it's related to how do we become resilient? How do we secure our wealth? How do we become better connected to community? How are we gonna develop as human beings? That has an emotional component, spiritual component,
Starting point is 00:09:59 financial component, community, skills, knowledge, all of this is up for grabs. This is one of the most important times in all of history. Huge changes are afoot. Some people are going to make those changes relatively facilely. They're going to nimbly dodge into the future and be fine. Other people are going to be crushed by what's coming. The difference? Who they surround themselves with.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And that's where the Peak Prosperity community can come in. I invite you to become a member, and I can't wait to meet you. So, obviously, you're very well known for having tracked excess deaths, Cause Unknown being your book about that. What are you seeing now? Are those excess death numbers backing off, or do we have any regional differences that are worth poking at? What are you seeing now? Are those excess death numbers backing off or do we have any regional differences that are worth poking at? What are you seeing now? Well, in the 25 through 44, or actually 16 through 64, it peaked in 21 in the group life policy people. Those are the people who are employed at 40%. During 21, the nation as a whole in that age group was 36%. So first of all, that was one of my main theses back then was, why are the employed, those who typically are the healthiest,
Starting point is 00:11:15 dying more than the general U.S. population? That's because there were mandates, obviously. Roll forward, millennials are still dying excessively uh around 10 to 20 percent old people have normalized a little bit but that's a pull forward effect carlos and i are going to be putting out a report at some point showing that it's once you adjust for pull forward an ethical skeptic has done work on this it's going back up. So excess mortality, well down from the high of 40% in 21, is running around between 5% and 10% at a steady run rate, which is devastating.
Starting point is 00:11:55 10% is a three standard deviation event or once in a 200 year flood as said by Scott Davison. 40% was just off the grid. You couldn't even calculate the sigma. It was like, you know, 40 sigma, whatever the hell it is. So that's the problem. The medium term effects of this thing are now persistently running at five to 10%. Now, you don't have to believe me. Swiss Re said the same thing. They said, we're seeing excess mortality
Starting point is 00:12:25 going to be with us for the next five to 10 years at five to 10%. Now they blend COVID. No mention of vaccines. And they say, that's why we need to keep vaccinating because that was their,
Starting point is 00:12:38 that was Swiss Re's in their report. But so our numbers are the same. The causes are different. And five to 10%, you take a 5% to 10% run rate, that is going to have a demographic problem. Oh, and maybe that's why we imported 10 to 15 million people that were not vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Oh, that's a conspiracy theory. But it did happen. So you have 5% to 10% running in the U.S. and probably in other countries as well. Then you also have fertility issues, which we haven't put out a report yet because fertility is more volatile than death. Death rates are pretty steady, so you can get a nice baseline and get a say note. Fertility fluctuates with the economic stuff. So what we're looking for is persistency of a down fertility rate. In a year, soon we'll be able to say there is a signal that fertility is also down.
Starting point is 00:13:37 The case could be made. You can't come up with a real signal yet because of the volatility of the series, but it's coming. So we have, in effect, people say, was this the depopulation plan? I don't know. I wasn't in the room, but we have a de facto depopulation going on. So we have excess deaths, 5% to 10%, and fertility potentially coming down. So we've got a problem. Well, we have the CIA five years late and a couple of bucks short saying, oh, maybe this thing came from a lab. And by the way, they were coy about which lab.
Starting point is 00:14:08 So there's a question. Did this come out of UNC and Ralph Baric? Was this coming out of Fort Detrick? Is this a shared creation? Was it China? We don't know. Again, I wasn't in that room either. But they finally came out and said, oh, yeah, this might be a lab creation.
Starting point is 00:14:23 And of course, this is important for a number of reasons, not just for truth. But this spike protein has amyloidogenic region. So it causes abnormal protein folding that gives you clots. It's got some GP 120 HIV sequences. So it's getting into white blood cells. That's got immunological problems. It gets into nerve cells. It was just it was engineered to do a lot of different things and whether it was intentionally or accidentally released we don't know omicron obviously also came from a lab no inquiry into who those four diplomats from botswana were it's a stinky story from top to bottom and it's infused with u.s intelligence community overlays um how do we how do we move on from that as a nation? Well, there needs to be truth and reconciliation. And my fear is because, you know, Donald Trump, you know, pushed warp speed and 18 trillion in GDP from the S&P 500
Starting point is 00:15:28 who mandated the vaccines, there's a lot of financial pressure to keep this thing kind of memory hold. Because if you do pull the mRNA vaccines, then that opens the floodgates for liability. And that's my fear is that this is so big that we'll never get the truth and reconciliation. And, uh, and we're just going to try to memorize all this. That's my fear. I'm, I'm, I'm optimistic about Bobby Kennedy getting confirmed. I'm optimistic about what he can do. I'm optimistic that something happens, but I'm also, you know, I'm a realist. Uh, I'm hopeful, but I'm a realist. And, you know, as we roll through time, if this becomes something we're not going to talk about,
Starting point is 00:16:11 I'm going to call BS on it. And then I'm going to, you know, become loyal opposition, so to speak. Yeah. Well, I'm noticing like this comes to us from, well, the Daily Fail is a newspaper, but this is actually a call in JAMA. This is referring to a letter to JAMA that was from a couple of doctors from British Columbia, which was kind of ground zero for Canada went nuts. B.C. was like the heart of nuts. You know, it was like these nuts like they really it was too much. So it's interesting. I'm starting to see the story break at all over the place. We just had a cancer and frontiers pharmacology that talked about how people who took the Pfizer shot have all these cancer markers in their bloodstream.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Right. Right. So we're starting to see this sort of breaking out of awareness around this. And I think, you know, the proof is in the pudding. How many people are actually what percent take their boosters reliably now? I think it's down to two percent%. So that's the good news. Yeah. That's the good news. The problem is, the numbers suggest we have medium term effects emerging. And, you know, in November, reported in the first week of December, we tracked, you know, BLS disabilities. In the prior four years to COVID, there was about 30 million. And then we famously pointed out that it started taking off in February of 21 at a three, four standard deviation event, you know, change of trend. It went up to 3 million by September of 22, went sideways until June of 23, went up another million to 4 million.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And then in November of this year, we went up another 800,000. So we're at 4.8 million disabled Americans in four years. What's alarming about the jump in disabilities is if things were getting better, we should see that start to trend back down. It accelerated. And then December came in. And typically speaking, when we have these big jumps, there is a, there's a, you know, kind of a correction. It doesn't retrace all the way back, but the month of December went sideways. So, so, and disability is called morbidity that leads mortality so we should be watching the excess death numbers that could start increasing again we don't know but morbidity leads mortality and what's your hypothesis and by the way the blS numbers are in an estimate, and it's a survey. It's not tied to a disability claim.
Starting point is 00:18:47 It's literally just real-time monthly data. Now, is it exact? No, but it gives you direction, and the direction's up and to the right, and it hasn't been coming down. So this is their household survey. They say they survey 60,000 households, right, for all sorts of things. And isn't one of the questions like, Hey, um, they would consider you to say, respond positively to the disability thing. If you had a whole variety of things, right. Did you feel like you were prevented from working? Did you
Starting point is 00:19:15 ever suffer from being unable to go upstairs? They had a variety of questions on it, right? Is that how they do it? Yeah. It's, it's, it's a survey and you know, it's anonymous. I mean, so this this is there's no incentive to lie. So it's just people at self identifying, self identify. And, you know, that's why what, what I find interesting and curious is how it plateaus for many months and then jumps up. We suspect some of the plateauing are the people who were in the survey statistically drop out and die. So, so these are, so when we see a jump up, that means that there's an increasing amount of Americans who are getting ill and have to declare disability. Then we also show that the injured, the injured are those who keep missing work because the work time lost, and we did a bunch of work on the work time lost and absence rates. They exploded in 22. They went up in 21, then exploded in 22. And people claim, oh, well, it's due to COVID. Well,
Starting point is 00:20:26 you know, statistically, it's a 12 standard deviation happened both in the US and the UK, because we have the same kind of data. And we and it's the same standard deviation, 12 standard deviation. So whether it whether it's people getting COVID, or just getting sick all the time, because their immune system has been blown up. Well, we need to figure that out, don't we? We do. Do you have a hypothesis for that? And does it tie in with this idea? And is there such a thing as vaccines? Is that why my car insurance rates went up so much this past couple of years? There's definitely something to do with that. You know, Colonel Teresa Long was one of the, she's going to retire soon.
Starting point is 00:21:08 She was one of the whistleblowers on the DMED data. By the way, the DMED data that she put out, then they rejiggered the baseline, said it was an error. They restored it. So now apparently it's bad again. Yeah. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Right before Trump got in, it's now showing she was correct. She has told me that things are going on in the military that I don't want to get. I don't want to get her in trouble, but accidents have happened so we just saw yesterday that a blackhawk helicopter was flying over 150 feet above its its flight ceiling and then climbed another 50 feet and and collided with a jet a huge loss of life well let's let's let's speculate i don't know i don't know if this person was vaccinated or not but she could have. He or she could have died in the cockpit. We don't a whole host of situations that occur from the vaccine. And so speculating that it was a vaccine-related incident is not insane. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I don't usually, I'm not on Twitter commenting about that because I don't like, I'm a big data guy. That's why I never comment on individual cases because, again, you know, you don't want to get one wrong. People say, look, you're an idiot, what have you. So when DeMar Hamlin mysteriously fell on the ground, I was asked for comment. I said, look, I have no idea. We look at metadata. There's a problem. But, you know, for this case, I can't say definitively.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And a lot of people in our movement made the case that it was. And you just, you can get into trouble that way on an individual case. So I just stick with the big data. The big data suggests that something horrendous happened in 21 that's affected excess deaths, disabilities, and the productivity of our workforce. It's a national security issue. Yeah. Bobby Kennedy suggested Medicaid is up 60% since COVID. I suspect a lot of that has to do with vaccination. That could indeed be. a lot of that has to do with vaccination.
Starting point is 00:23:46 That could indeed be. I wasn't, and I'm not suggesting that I have any information or speculation about that, what happened between the Blackhawk and the jet. I am saying that if it's a proper investigation, they'll say, was it the rotor bushings? Were they on their cell phone at this point in time? Were they vaccinated? This would be part of the accident differential
Starting point is 00:24:03 that you would be trying to unravel what happened. Yeah. But I see increasingly that those those the vaccine is just it's excluded. Well, we know it wasn't that. So we're not going to look at that. Right. It's like, well, that's not a proper investigation then. But let's talk about insurance for a second. So what's gone in group like the insurance industry decided to paper over this problem by raising rates. In the auto insurance, there's been an increase in accidents, so they just raised rates. There's been an increase in cancers and all sorts of other diagnoses in hospital. And so they're just raising general health care insurance and premiums. So your insurance, if you're not vaccinated,
Starting point is 00:24:48 you're paying for everybody else that was, and they're not differentiating on the basis yet of who was or wasn't. They're not doing that. They're just blanket raising of prices. So health care, I think over the next five years, is going to become unattainable for the average person, the insurance. It already is insane. It is insane.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Completely is. I'm hoping Bobby can do a lot about that. You know, we've had data like this. You know, I talk with Richard Hirsch from time to time. You know, this is still ongoing. They're still pulling these weird clots out of people post-mortem. And you look at the work of Kell and Pretorius and stuff, and they say, wow, this is these are really weird. There are these fibrin tangles and it's this crazy stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Never seen him before. Now they're everywhere. And nobody's like nobody from the CDC. I ask Richard and people like him who from the FDA, the CDC has called you up and asked about these things. The answer is nobody. There's been no official curiosity about these things. So that's kind of what I'm hoping we can, let's get some official curiosity.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's all we need. Then the flood dates open. We just need official curiosity. And, you know, anecdotally, I love using anecdotes. So I live on Maui. I'm one of these old fogies that listens to the radio. And I hear ads. And prior to the COVID vaccine, there were never ads for treating varicose veins.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Apparently, that's a big business now. So varicose veins, I suspect there's something going on, you know, going on with clotting and veins showing up that used to not be there. And for young people, I mean, in Antigone, I have this vein that came out of nowhere. Oh, geez. Mm hmm. You know, so, you know, Verico's vein business is booming. And let me talk about this real quick, too, because because this is, too, because I've been following this for a while. So SquashDoc at my site was asking me, hey, what about this?
Starting point is 00:26:54 How could these things trigger cancer? And the answer to that to me is pretty easy, at least on one level, which is I had to put this, oops, let me get my little lasery pointer. I had to put the DNA oopsie in here. So the whole idea was we're going to take some mRNA, we're going to put it in this transfection vehicle, it's called a lipid nanoparticle, LNP, and we put the RNA in and then your cell makes this stuff. Now, leaving aside that forcing a human cell to make a non-human protein is a bad idea, generally speaking, but it came with DNA that got put into that
Starting point is 00:27:27 by accident because it was left over from the manufacturing process, in particular in the Pfizer vaccines, and then it got injected into the cell. Now, we're capable of avoiding DNA because we eat DNA every time we eat a plant or an animal, right? It's just part of life. So your cells are like, if there's DNA on the outside, not a problem. When you put it in, Ed, that's when the problems start particularly linearized dna it gets intercalated into the dna sometimes randomly hits the p53 or other cancer gene boom cancer and people have said oh no no you know they set safe limits for dna i'm like yeah that's
Starting point is 00:27:59 like setting a safe limit for bullets outside my body it's a very different from the safe limit for bullets outside my body. It's a very different from the safe limit for bullets that are shot inside my body. Two separate limits, right? You can put 10,000 cases of 50 cal in this office and I'd be fine. But just one of them into my body? No bueno. I think that's kind of the problem we're seeing here. Are you seeing anything to confirm that in the cancer data you look at? Yeah. So we put out some cancer reports in the UK and the US. We focused on, you know, 25 through 44 or 15 through 44 because cancers should not generally be accelerating for young folks. And we showed that they took off in 21 and 22. And cancers inflected then for that age group. One thing I want to point out, cancers, there's different types of cancers. There's, you know, and there's like four or five of them that are the most prevalent.
Starting point is 00:28:59 The only cancer that wasn't coming down for young people, because all the others were sloping down and they inflected up. The only one that was sloping up slightly was colon. And then it inflected up. The only one that was sloping up slightly was colon, and then it inflected up. Have you noticed there's been a lot of press over the last two years about colon cancer has been rising since 1990 and through 2019? They cut off at 19. And I believe that's a very clever cover to high, yes, cancers in young people are going up. But they were going up slowly. They claim it's up 79% since 1990, which is equivalent of like 1.5% annual. But what they don't want you to know is that it just inflected up.
Starting point is 00:29:39 So this whole attempt to say, yes, cancers have been going up in young people, and it's colon, and it's food. No. Cedars. Yes, but it's slow, and it's a choice, and it can be corrected. The inflection, again, we're math guys. We just see signals. Inflection and rate of change, it all started happening in 21, 22. So, and that's the problem. And then, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:05 ethical skeptic put out a great chart showing that a cancer spend has just inflected and is, is roaring since 2021. And so the, the, there's money being spent on cancer because there's more cancers. And, and so to say that there, at first they said, Oh, your, your, your dad is bullshit, uh, BS and that you're wrong. But now they're saying, well, there are cancers, but it's, it's because it's been rising for a long time. So they're trying to, they're trying to, and these studies always cut off at 2019 because they don't want to show the inflection. Yep. Now you worked with rfk's campaign is that correct yeah i worked with it and then uh he went to uh join trump if you were rfk and
Starting point is 00:30:56 you got confirmed what are a couple things you might do to begin to write this ship well i'm ship? Well, I'm interested in the databases. So if he needs people to, you know, contract out looking at databases, we'd be more than happy to do it. And look, you know, we're all about the data is the data. And if the data proves that we're wrong, we'll publish it. But there's a reason why these databases are hidden, we think. Yeah, I agree. A little transparency on those. I thought it was public data. You know, we should have access. We shouldn't have to FOIA out the V-safe data, for instance. Yeah, insurance companies would like access to that, but they don't even have access.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Isn't that interesting? We want the vaccine and the outcome data, the death and disabilities and hospital records. We need those merged. We need to know what's happening there. And I'm sure there's something going on in the CMS data that would be very illuminating. I had whistleblowers approach me that wanted to send me spreadsheets, but they didn't want to confirm chain of custody. We didn't touch them because it could have been an op. You know, I'm not going to analyze a spreadsheet that i can't
Starting point is 00:32:05 tie back to and plus i didn't want to be accused of like receiving stolen data and this and that so we we've stuck we've only analyzed publicly available data and there's plenty of evidence that there's a problem well do you think is it um is there a chance we can turn the corner on this i mean this is this is dark what we're up against here. There's a system that doesn't seem to care about humans operating. Obviously, and to your point, the confirmation hearings suggest that. There's a huge entrenched power structure that receives monies that wants you sick, and they don't care that you know that they want you sick.
Starting point is 00:32:44 That's where we're at. How do we change that? Well, let's get Bobby confirmed. The good news is, and I'm sure you can sense it too, you know, you and I have been in this fight for, you know, three years, four years. The Overton window is shifting and more and more people, I mean, I can just sense when I put something out that's anything related to like a lie about the vaccines or COVID, the response in my Twitter feed is overwhelmingly good, as opposed to early days, lots of trolls. Not all of them actual humans, probably. Yeah, there are a bunch of trolls who plague me. They're not as loud anymore. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Maybe because the Overton window is shifting and no one cares about them anymore. Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, what did Schopenhauer say? All truth passes through three stages. First, they ignore you. Then they fight you. And then it's accepted as self-evident. You think we're getting to that?
Starting point is 00:33:45 I think slowly. I mean, we see it in the new entrance into the medical freedom movement, people who didn't talk during COVID all of a sudden rewriting their history, and that's fine. I don't get into these spatsats about like, you know, your, you know, your credentials of being in the fight. The more people who, you know, come to our side, the better. But people are already rewriting their histories of what they said and what they believed. That's human nature. Yeah, well, I'm pretty hopeful because, you know, the one thing that they have not been able to do on these confirmation hearings with Bobby is attack him with any data.
Starting point is 00:34:25 It's all slander, conspiracy theorists. You're going to bankrupt pharma. You know, oh, no, all that stuff. And the New York, sorry, Wall Street Journal, they wrote, oh, no, you know, he's going to, you know, send things to law firms, Weissner Baum, you know, spearhead litigation against Merck over Gardasil, which protects against the human papillomavirus. It does, but it also harms a lot of people who take that vaccine. It's pretty deadly. It's a pretty dangerous one. So I'm just a huge fan. And if we're going to sum this up to me, if we could just get informed consent, right,
Starting point is 00:34:55 fully informed consent about medical things, maybe we could extend that to informed consent about pretty much everything. I'm a libertarian at heart. I think we should all make our individual choices. I believe prosperity and freedom are connected ideas that but freedom begets prosperity. And so, yeah, I'm hope I'm hopeful that we can maybe push back towards freedom on this and informed consent. But I don't know what your thoughts are. I'm very hopeful, but I'm also going to be watching. You know, I just don't I don't know. What are your thoughts here? I'm very hopeful, but I'm also going to be watching. You know, I just don't want to see this memory hold. And I will fight that to the end.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And I'm very hopeful. But again, you know, let's get Bobby over the finish line and then see what he does. He and Trump and others do in the first six months. And we will know what betrayal looks like, I'm not going to call it because I don't accuse people of doing things before they do it, but we'll know what it looks like. So there are plenty of us on the outside that aren't trapped in the halls of
Starting point is 00:35:55 government and having to keep our mouths shut. That will call BS out when we see it, but I'm hopeful. And at the very least, uh, you know, the fact that, uh, Bobby Kennedy is sitting in a seat and thinking about transforming this Leviathan, the issue is out there and the people who are
Starting point is 00:36:14 defending it look like absolute demons. So that's a that's a start. Indeed, it is. Well, Ed, thank you so much for your time today. Thank you especially for the work you do. And it's been a real pleasure working with you all these years. And let's hope we have some, you know, I don't want to fight rear guard action anymore. I'm hopeful for some offensive victories. And we'll see. Yeah. And so far, so good.
Starting point is 00:36:37 I like a lot of what I'm seeing in the Trump administration. There's so much going on. You know, it's hard to comment on everything. But, you know, so far, so good. All right. Well, Ed, thank you so much going on, it's hard to comment on everything. But so far, so good. All right. Well, Ed, thank you so much for your time today. Again, we've been talking with Ed Dowd. You can find him at DowdEdward on Twitter or X and at
Starting point is 00:36:55 Ed, great talking with you today. Thank you.

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