Peak Prosperity - Fraud Around and Find Out
Episode Date: February 28, 2025Chris discusses elections, ideological rigidity, job accountability, government corruption, and inefficiency, with predictions of economic adjustments and potential tax revolts....
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Hello everyone, welcome to this signal hour so good to be back with you, you know, I
Look forward to these now
Wednesdays are turning out to be one of my favorite days, not least of which is because what a target rich
environment we have. I'm back of course here with Evie. Hi! Hey Evie. And you get to
spend the afternoon with me, which is always nice. Yes, absolutely. A day with
Evie is a good day indeed. So there's so much to jump into. Wow! I am so happy to see this because two things here.
Check this out.
Check that out, Evie.
Look at that.
What we got.
Greetings from Finland.
Can't wait for this to start.
Yeah, Finland.
Hello, Erika.
So great to have you.
My grandmother is from Finland.
And then we also have from Sweden.
My grandfather is from Sweden.
So yeah, very
excited by that. We're so glad we got the home country in here. Yeah. You get the square
edge is a total giveaway. Yeah, just it's a thing. Well, we're glad to have you here
with us. So thank you for tuning in for PC or afternoon. Yes, absolutely. So we're going to jump right in. So today we have, as remember,
reminder, everything we do here on the Signal Hour is we're looking for the
signal within the signal. We find almost all of our news now is coming from X
through X. It is the preeminent news platform. It's wonderful. We don't do
left right here. What we do, and it may come off left right because sometimes
you know, the CADs are stacked a little more on one side of this axis or left right here, what we do. And it may come off left, right, because sometimes,
you know, the CADs are stacked a little more on one side of this axis or another,
but we don't really do that. This is what we care about. We care about up down. And of course,
on the bottom is ideological rigidity. We're going to be looking a lot at that today. Oh boy,
Evie, do we have some, we got some stuff to talk about there. Okay. And then of course, integrity,
we love having integrity, which means saying what you mean, meaning what you say, doing
what you say you're going to do, but most importantly, being willing to change your
mind when new information comes along. That's right. That's the whole thing. So with that
said, we're diving right into the ideological spectrum. We got to talk about it's lefties
Lefties losing it is kind of our left right though. Well, what else can we call them? Um, what could we call them?
I mean, they're left right doesn't really like I said, they just stack up from time to time on one side of that spectrum
It'll trust me. It'll be the other turn side
at some point in the future.
Because that's just how that goes.
It's like tick tock, all of that.
So at any rate, let's go into this
and look at this really quickly.
How about this, Evie?
All right.
Check this out, Wisconsin.
We got budget recommendations.
What is Wisconsin doing?
Let's see.
Wisconsin, we got, we got budget recommendations. What is Wisconsin doing?
Let's see.
This is the 2025 through 2027 word previously used, wife or husband changed to spouse.
All right.
Previously used mother changed to inseminated person.
Word previously used.
Oh, hold on.
We're in previously used... Hold on!
How do you feel about that?
Can I be the first to say?
Well happy inseminated person day.
Doesn't have the same...
That's awkward.
Yeah, all the new Hallmark cards are going to have to come up with now in Wisconsin.
What is going on Wisconsin?
Come on!
What is happening?
Are they okay?
Are you okay?
Blink twice if you're in trouble.
All right.
We previously used father changed to, oops, I skipped one, natural parent.
And man or woman was changed to person.
So I'm not allowed to say you're a man. Okay, so here's the thing about this.
So the Democrats just get spanked in the election, right?
And then people find out about all this massive corruption and we're just sick of it, right?
We're sick of everything.
We're sick of just the money and the insider trading and the corruption and all that stuff.
We're sick of all of that.
And this is what they come up with?
Like this is Wisconsin's like, you know, the winds have shifted. Here's what, here's how
we get back on track. This is gonna, this is gonna bring prosperity upon our people
in such great measure that we won't. Right. Like here's, I got it. Here's what we really
need. Yeah. And I, what is this natural parent unnatural parent?
Is that is that one of those that's a nod to the whole refugee crisis in Europe or something?
It's bizarre even know what they're going after with that one and patronage. What's an unnatural parent? Like why would you have I don't understand
Thank you for your patronage. Thank you
Thank you for your patronage. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your patronage.
Oh boy. Yeah, I don't know what this has anything to do with how this has anything to do with the budget, by the way. I'm not clear either. Are you sure this is real?
Nobody knows. Sorry to verify. All right. Anyway, so that's Wisconsin. That's what they're up to.
Now let's listen in. That's just the picture down below right there. So, but let's listen in real quick for this person.
So CNN, by the way, when 21 million people lost their jobs as a consequence of the lockdowns,
CNN wasn't there. There were 21 million sob stories or small businesses that got shuttered and closed.
Remember, this was like essential workers, non-essential workers. Apparently McDonald's was essential to our
obesity epidemic, but you know, the small natural food store wasn't, you know, who knows, right?
So it's kind of nonsensical. It is, but it was tough what people are going through back then.
It is. And I don't want to listen, losing your job is tough, but listen to the angle on this one,
because this is in response to this woman, the blonde woman you see in that picture down below on the
right, not the news anchor lady there, but she was asked by Elon Musk, like every federal
worker to supply a list of five things in bullet form that you did last week.
So it doesn't sound too overly burdensome to me, but here we are.
First, just tell us about this email and what it was like receiving it
and what you all have talked about after getting it.
OK, what it was like receiving it.
I'm going to bet it was like maybe if you had your notification sent, it went ding.
I think I think that's I think that, I think that's, I think that's
queuing up an emotional reaction.
I know they are. You can just feel it. Tell us what it was like receiving that.
How have you survived?
Yeah. What was it like watching your dog like slip through the ice? Like it's
like, it's an email. Okay. It's just okay.
I mean, and not to downplay what people have been going through though. I know
it's hard to lose your job, but you know, that's life.
I got this email Saturday afternoon about 3pm and I felt absolutely infuriated getting
this email with a demand within 48 hours to provide a response and what I did within the
last week or face termination.
This is clearly an attempt from Elon Musk to harass and bully and intimidate the...
Bully? How is that bullying? How is being asked... Look, this is such a normal thing
out in the real world where you have to do this thing called perform
at your job. If somebody asked me, Chris, what did you do last week? I'm like, how much
time do you have? I'll have, I'll have a hundred bullet points. Right. Especially, especially
if you're self-employed, especially as we are, as we tend to be. But, but I just, the
whole thing is like, wow, I felt I was infuriated. I felt intimidated, bullied.
It's all feelings.
So this is standard Gen Z.
Like it's all about my feelings.
Federal workforce, which is part of his broader plan to gut the federal workforce
and privatize public sector services to ensure that corporations like his own
can get more profit.
That's an opinion.
That was a little bit of a jump there.
I'd love to hear that thought process.
It's like, so he's going to gut the federal workforce to get more money for his company.
Which one?
It's not clear.
Tesla cars? How is he going to privatizeize I don't think that's his intention he hasn't said as much so I guess
We would believe what Elon himself said. Yeah, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that's probably fair. Yep
Grana statement says I have a chain of command I would follow and
Harry says but hey, sorry if my boss emailed me on a
Saturday, he would not get a response not Harry
I hope he would because the email was sent on Saturday and said you have until noon on Monday to respond
So I thought I hope that's sufficient time to you know noon on month. It means you have all morning Monday
I don't work weekends fine. You have you have all
Morning to go. Hmm What I do last week.
Hmm. Yeah. Shouldn't be that hard. But we're infuriated. We're upset. This is terrible.
Terrible. Okay. Here's a real trucker, Jake Logan. I like this guy. Yeah. Is masculine. Does it for me. Right there. You like that? You like that pick? Yeah. I like this guy. Yeah. It's masculine. Does it for me right there. You like that? You
like that pic? Yeah, I like the hard working. You know, looks like he gets dirty. Has like
calloused hands from doing stuff. Looks strong. I had to guess. Yeah. And he's kind of it
looks like a no bullshit kind of person. That's just personally what I enjoy. See how easy that was yes look at that see that's how
it's done. Okay but it it just keeps going so um this I just pulled off this morning off of X and
so here's some federal workers fired by Doge okay um and so they staged a sit-in which is you know.
Okay where where was this
again i know that's a standard thing for journalists to ask how did you feel
when you got tossed out but what is it i'm not sure what the relevance of the feelings is necessarily. Anyway.
Don't worry about me.
It's been an emotional roller coaster.
I came to USAID intending on staying there for as long as I could.
I really loved the work that we were doing and now I don't know what to do.
And I have cried every day.
I think that that's normal.
I have a 15 month old at home and I'm looking at him and thinking, well, what's this country
that we're now living in?
What's this country that we're now living in?
I'm thinking it's a country
where we have more accountability now maybe,
you know, something like that.
And I know she's probably as a parent,
you get some anxiety when you have those
change of situations or scenarios where all of a sudden, you know, your circumstances are different.
That's hard.
We're not downplaying that at all.
I think what's happening is the news is trying to drum up support in, you know, saying that
whatever Elon and, you know, more specifically Trump is doing is not fair,
that it's somehow not good for people,
that overall it's negative.
Well, I have a prediction here,
which is that now that we're finding out
just how much fraud and corruption
was actually just shot through the whole system, right?
Not just at the government level,
we're gonna find this sort of replicated
and referred itself through all sorts of levels out there, okay? But you see something funny out there?
Alright, but here's the prediction. We're gonna have to go through a period of
painful adjustment in this country as we get all that fraud out that's gonna hit
the GDP and we're gonna get to a point where we realize that your job needs to
add value in order for it to be a job. Otherwise, don't do it, right? David Graeber,
the economist called them bullshit jobs, jobs that if you stop doing them, nothing bad happens.
Nobody cares. Nobody dies. Nothing happens, right? But if Jake the trucker stops, you
know, trucking, well, all of a sudden you got empty fuel tanks. And so he kind of knows
directly what kind of value he's adding. Now, doesn't have to be that tangible, but we're about to find out there are a lot of
people who had jobs that you couldn't easily say.
And here's the here's the upsettedness.
Like how am I going to possibly five things I did, you know, that added value in it.
You're stumped.
If you're stumped, that means probably your job could go away very easily.
Right. Now I have to work hard and
I have to pay a lot to support those people who can't even describe why they're doing has any value
to me or them or anybody. Which isn't to say they're not valuable, right? Excuse me. As a person,
they're valuable. It's just that their job is kind of nonsensical and so
you know i think it's in everybody's interests for them to kind of find something else where they're actually contributing to society and using their gifts and their full potential.
Yep all right so carrying on we got this EV which is um Kevin O'Leary again i have to put
these little things down because when i um the images down below because um when i pull the
videos they sometimes off of x they come with that black frame and i'm too lazy to go in and little things down because when I the images down below, because when I pull the videos,
they sometimes off of X, they come with that black frame, and I'm too lazy to go in and
re edit them. So I just put the little screenshot. So it's not like a second video down there.
But that's Kevin O'Leary of Shark Tank fame. I think the issue is they're not whacking
enough. There's this concept in private equity, when you get a bankrupt company, and you go
in there, you cut 20% more
than your initial read.
And then you find like a pool of mercury, the organization gels back together again,
always cut deeper, harder when there's fat and waste.
The FAA, it's not the people.
The code is cobalt.
It's from the 60s.
It needs CapEx put into it for the technology we upgraded to make it safer.
Fat like a chicken. All of these agencies are like big fat chickens dripping over barbecues of fat.
This is the best barbecue I've ever seen, but I don't think it's happening fast enough.
They're not cutting enough. Keep slashing. Keep hacking while you have a 24-month mandate before the midterms.
Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, more, more cutting.
Believe me, it's going to work out just great.
Everybody should be happy with this.
Do you think people with the nuclear codes cut them too?
Cut everything.
Because if you don't see what they're doing and they can't show you that they're adding
value, you whack.
But it's clear. There you go. go there you go I agree with that so we're talking about running
the country more like a business now and I know government doesn't always have
business like functions but it really should it should be there should be some
return on that investment right we're safer better more prosperous something
right that's true what are we doing? Why do we have this? This government what's it accomplishing? Mm-hmm. I saw the funny on there
one of the comments was
Oceania something
Said I like long walks on the beach and
Interfering with other countries or something like that. I missed I didn't see that one go by funny.
But it reminds me of me. I don't know I don't know how to find.
Yeah, you got it.
There must be a way to search it. Oh, hey, Chris.
Hello. Good to see you.
Yeah, I don't know.
But at any rate.
Oh, there it is.
There you go.
Read that one out, would you?
I love walks on the beach and destabilizing foreign countries.
USAID employee.
But you know, back to your point, like, what is happening here?
What is the government actually doing?
And are we getting our return on investment in terms of what we're spending and what we're receiving
from that? And I think the American people just really want to feel like
we're supported if we have what we need. So when hurricanes happen or fires
happen or something like that, that there's funding to appropriate
appropriately support the people that are most affected by those things. Sure. Now, now, maybe I got too jaded, but I had the sense, especially over the last
few years, that it became a me versus them, right? It was adversarial, like I wouldn't
look to the government for help. Like if I had to ever go file forms or ask for permission
to do something at any level of government that they were going to be obstructionist, hostile, angry, that I really felt like I was being treated as the enemy, right?
You know?
And so then you hop, skip, and jump, and you have this huge sense of entitlement among these
Like, how dare you cut my job?
You know?
And it's entitled.
And they shouldn't feel entitled.
Everybody should always feel like they're contributing.
And if you're not, and you know that,
it's on you to get your resume dusted off
and go find something better to do.
And then don't act too surprised.
I mean, I feel like we're caught in like a national.
Like a victim mentality kind of.
Well, an episode of The Office.
Remember, I don't know if you probably didn't watch
The Office the same level I did,
but there was a scene where Holly comes in
and asks the guy,
what do you do here?
And he's like, excuse me.
He runs out and he says, what do I do here?
What do I do?
It's qua, qua, qua-bidi, qua-bidi, ass, that's not it.
I'll figure it out.
He can't remember what he does.
So that's part of it. So Kevin's talking about, I mean, this is
like, this is standard business, right? Um, what he talked about there very
quickly, he said, cobalt C O B O L that's a programming language from the
sixties. We can do so much better than that. FAA shouldn't need all those
people who are stressed to those degrees. Cause they're looking at literally
looks like they're watching a game of pong, you know, flat screen things and it's a system and it works, but I
Bet it could be upgraded a little bit. I
So then there was then there was this that came out so
joy Reese and
That I'm sorry
That um Then what I was doing had value. I am going to take schadenfreude on this one because I thought that what she did was horrifyingly
terrible for the country, a blight on journalism, and she added no value. In
fact, I think she was a negative subtractive element in our overall
cultural arc. So I'm not at all sad that she lost her job. This is one I'm gonna
I'm gonna victory lap on this one and say too late, it was too far too long
and finally, um, absolutely. But anyway, yeah, and told somebody comment here just said, racist lady.
Yeah, yeah.
But you know, it's okay.
It's okay as long as your racism goes the right way, right?
You hate white men.
It's fine.
Or white people.
Or white people.
So then there was this one.
PM hour all the other nights except for.
This is in response to Joy read getting fired on the same the same. I should endeavor to point out Rachel Maddow works for the
same company. The joy worked for or Mondays. So that's a big change and even
bigger pro programming change is at seven p.m. seven p.m. Eastern where joy
reads show the read, ended tonight.
And Joy is not taking a different job in the network. She is leaving the network altogether.
And that is very, very, very hard to take. I am 51 years old. I have been gainfully employed
since I was 12. And I have had so many different kinds of jobs, you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
But in all of the jobs I have had,
in all of the years I have been alive,
there is no colleague for whom I have had more affection
and more respect than Joy Reid.
I love everything about her.
I have learned so much from her.
I have so much more to learn from her.
I do not want to lose her as a colleague here at MSNBC.
And personally, I think it is a bad mistake
to let her walk out the door.
Um, okay.
It's an opinion.
It's an opinion.
Rachel, she's mad because they cut her from $30 million to $25 million.
What? A year?
And now she's biting the hand that feeds her, right her right saying I think my boss has made a bad decision
I'm just gonna riff on this for four minutes on TV
So what I'm getting at here is the sense of entitlement that exists right it's like I can say anything
I can do anything there won't be consequences right so you remember like um we just found out a little while ago that
That the You remember, like, we just found out a little while ago that the, who was it that wrote
the actual, well, anyway, those 51 security officials who signed this letter, one of them,
which was a former CIA guy, I'm pretty sure, I can't remember who actually authored the
email, but two of them are going back and forth in the email and they said very clearly
in the email, hey, we want to do this and say that Hunter Biden's laptop had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation when they knew it didn't.
Oh, right.
They said that because they wanted to give Biden an edge for the election, which is current
and former US intelligence officials attempting to throw an election.
And they felt so confident with that, they sent it out as an email.
Like these are dudes
You know opsec that there's no like oh, we didn't know our emails could be read
They were that confident of never experiencing
Fafo yeah, no Fafo for them, right?
Yeah, that's that's some serious things
I hope that you know those that just got into office can follow up on some of that. That's just serious things. I hope that those that just got into office
can follow up on some of that.
That's just absolutely not OK.
Well, there's a scene in the movie National Treasure
at the end.
Harvey Keitel's the FBI agent.
He's sitting down.
He's talking with Nicolas Cage, the protagonist,
and he says, Ben, somebody's got to go to jail.
So I'm at that stage. I'm like, like listen I know they've only been at Trump's been in for like five weeks five and a half weeks
now but somewhere in this hundred days somebody's got to go to jail. It has to.
Otherwise we don't have the accountability we need to stop. I mean
losing your jobs, losing your security clearance, that's a little FAFO but I
mean these people destroyed lives. They have to go to prison. They just have to.
Somebody's asking, what is Fafo? You probably can't say.
F around and find out. That's what Fafo is.
Oh, there we go.
Yeah, anyway.
Thank you, helpful people in the chat.
Okay, so anyway, I won't subject you to all four minutes of her screeding off and telling her bosses what terrible people they are, but this...
of her screeding off and telling her bosses what terrible people they are. But this, we've been experiencing this, have we not, Evie?
You went onto Facebook the other day at great personal cost to find out what former friends
and schoolmates were thinking.
Yeah, I'm not sure why, but Facebook in particular, you know, there are people that I grew up with that I've known and loved for a long time and whose
Whose viewpoints I have
Zero ability to really relate to and there's it's not like we could discuss it and try to come to some common ground
About things there's no discussion to be had. It's it's really weird and they actually wish ill on me, which is the most
Heartbreaking thing about it. But wasn't that the case too?
We found this out during kovat where they said things like if you're not vaccinated you should just die, right?
In the hospital. Yeah, you should be treated. Maybe your children should be taken. Yeah. Yeah. Oh
No, no lung transplant. No heart transplant for you because you refuse the magic holy gap, right? That was evil stuff right there.
Which is still happening, by the way.
That's who these people are.
That's who these people are.
It's weird, right?
What would you?
That, just push that a little further out of the way.
Yeah, it's just showing up in the shot.
We're just studio hygiene.
Just getting on here. So at any rate, here
we go. Let's carry on. We got a big tour of all of this stuff to cut through. So here
we are with the Don Lamon.
So let me just say to Megyn Kelly, in my 30 some years as a-
So Megyn Kelly, Fox, anyway, so she'd said, joy read adios and so here's
Don Lamon Reacting to that in my 50 some years as a person of color
Okay, he's making this about race of course and
He's unaware that his glasses had reflecting his ring light, but that's okay. It's okay
It's not like he's been in this for 30 years go yourself oh okay
that's so brave of him who is he talking to i didn't make galley he's so so brave i usually
don't like to talk about her because she's one of those people she thrives on it she has built
her the second part of whatever of her career on being a troll. Okay, all right. Brave, huh?
I mean, I just so much respect for him,
the way he said that.
So, just kidding.
Can we just talk about the idea that this is not news?
Like this has turned into the tabloids, right?
It's turned into like just an emotional cat fight
at this point.
It is, and it's really not where you can get objective information or facts about what's going on and you can hear it
All you have to do is talk to somebody and you know exactly what they watch. Mm-hmm, right? Yeah. Oh, yeah
What channel they're tuned into and somebody said, you know
Prestigutes get paid for what they put out and I think that's what's happening here. I think, you know, they,
there's somebody paying them that has an agenda, um,
an idea or ideology they want to push. And that's what they're doing.
But these people are taking up public airwaves to do that.
And I think that's what makes me the most frustrated about it is it's very
Well, yeah, it is. And it's context free and it's just emotionally leading. The whole thing is just all emotive.
It's just performative emotions and stuff like that.
And they're not taking the other side. They're like battling people when they try to.
Well, I mean, it's their product. They get to do what they want.
I know you and I have talked about this a bit, Evie, which is that I do think that it's I'm at the point now and I'm a huge free speech absolutist
Now I think CNN should be able to say whatever it wants MSNBC
They can say whatever they want, but they shouldn't be able to use public airwaves for that
Well, that's what I'm be a private company pay for your own bandwidth and that's all fine and well be who you want
And I totally support that. Mm-hmm, but NPR is using public airwaves
They could be deployed for other things.
They could be of use.
BBC too.
BBC, yeah, and CBC.
All the state propaganda arms, and it is propaganda,
but CNN has basically become unwatchable at this point.
And here's my thing.
If we're talking, I'm gonna let you finish your sentence.
I just, it's a bone of mine.
I do not like when people are cutting me off or anything like that,
right? Because it means fundamentally on some level, I'm
not listening to you. I'm so anxious to talk that you can't
get your finish your sentence. So CNN besides always having a
crawler at the bottom and doing this enforced ADHD, sort of
like, you know, pay attention to everything at once. Listen to
this product, and then we can pick apart
the content of it. But I just, if I may address one issue. You just denigrated Bongino's law
enforcement credentials. He was a cop and a Secret Service agent. You denigrated his academic
credentials. He has a master's degree. Just because he's a police officer doesn't make him
qualified to run a 38,000 person, $11 billion budget agency. It's like he heads that. But you
know what does? Because he's a National Guard lawyer. Because he enjoys the confidence and 11 billion dollar budget agency. It's like Pete Hegset being a national guard
when our president doesn't either.
Thank you for your service.
The confidence and the pleasure of the president.
Whose judgment is terrible.
Whose judgment is god awful.
You are not yet over the outcome of the election.
No, look at what's happening to our country.
We elect people.
And I'll never be over it, Scott.
This is dismantling our democracy in front of our eyes.
Okay, her position is two, two points she's made here. First is that
Bonjino is not qualified because he hasn't run a 38,000 person organization
before and I'm thinking to myself when I'm hearing that, is there some
finishing school for government bureaucrats I don't know about like
someplace where you go and you you you've managed 500 then 10,000, then 30,000, and then somehow now, magically, you're
a prime to be able to run that.
You're ready for the big leagues.
Well, I guess, but I mean, the point is like, oh, but you have to be competent in bureaucracy.
Dan's not coming in to be competent at bureaucracy.
He's coming in to make sure that the scoundrels who ran that illegally and unconstitutionally are
rooted out and he's absolutely the right guy for that. I think so too. So that
talking point, they keep trying that one. Oh they are unqualified, right? They're
unqualified. To which we would say... I just, if I may address one issue.
Can we talk about the qualified people real quick that were came in from the last administration.
So that's the whole but what about ism right?
Which is, which listen, I can do without that.
But I get that.
But they made no bones about this when it was like CNN doesn't care when private citizens
are losing their job.
They don't care about like when the Keystone pipeline people lost their jobs. Biden came in first thing he did, asked
that 38,000 people lost their jobs. Biden came out and said, well why don't they
learn to code? I forgot about that. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So yeah, at any rate, you know,
it's just, it's just a, anyway Anyway double standards. Like I say often these people didn't have double standards. They'd have none at all, right?
But let's carry on we'll never be over it. I appoint this is this man to our democracy
So there's that piece. This is they are dismantling our democracy
Now what we've just found out of course is that our democracy to them means
funneling untold tens of millions of dollars in through various NGOs, if not billions, wasting money
like crazy, providing these careful, cushy sinecures for people, which is a job where
you get paid a lot, but you don't have to really do anything, right?
And that's what they like.
So our democracy meant an ever larger, more and more bloated administrative
state where nobody asks any questions and we never get in trouble. That's what they meant.
I think you're right. I think that is what they meant.
That's what they meant here. So anyway, I'd love to listen to that part again.
For the election.
No, look at what's happening to our country. We'll never be over it.
It's not a point. This is dismantling our democracy.
That's the way you guys are OK with this.
She's mad. She's she's triggered.
She's very mad. She's like this is our democracy is being dismantled.
So what do you think? What's the threat here to her?
What do you think is actually happening?
What is what is she scared of?
Like, that's a good question. I have trouble trying to cross to their side of the aisle. What's the threat here to her? What do you think is actually happening? What is she scared of?
That's a good question. I have trouble trying to cross to their side of the aisle.
I know.
In terms of what's the actual concern?
Can we articulate it?
Well, I think we'd have to be steeped in the propaganda
that she's been stewing in herself, right?
So we've heard that this is a threat to our democracy
over and over again again all over the place
It's every major news channel had their anchors saying that for a long time prior to the election
And so it's it's basically I think baked into her brain, but somehow in an emotional way because she's triggered right there
She's angry and she's not able to have a logical discussion about it and he's very calm collected
He's not making nonsense collected. He's not making
nonsense claims. He's making good points, bringing the receipts.
Yeah, which is a foul in certain communities.
I mean, what do you think she's afraid of?
Honestly? I think she's afraid that she belongs to a class of people who have zero survival skills
and wouldn't know what to do if they were asked to put in an honest day's work.
I think they're deep down scared.
So if you saw what happened during the election, one way you could look at it is, oh, here's
the red states, blue states.
But if you did it county by county, you found out that our election looks a lot like what
just happened in Germany in its rural versus urban.
Did you notice that?
So, so like, it's like Washington state went blue.
No, it didn't.
By counties, it's this little blue cluster called Seattle and a whole sea of red to the
New York state isn't a big blue state.
It has a whole bunch of red counties up there.
And then these few places. So I think it comes down to this that a lot of urban people know
deep down in their hearts, they don't know how to do squat. And they are now attached
to this large burgeoning state because the state takes care of all this stuff because
fundamentally, but here's an economy that this is very simple. An economy is you're
either producing something or consuming something, right right so if we had an economy of one
It's our it's our household mm-hmm, and we have a farm. We're either growing potatoes, or we're eating them
That's the economy of potatoes on our farm mm-hmm mm-hmm right and if we're lucky we grow more than we eat and we save some
And we call that money mm-hmm got it so when you go to a city cities produce
Nothing they consume they're not on the production side of anything not really Got it. So when you go to a city, cities produce nothing. They consume.
They're not on the production side of anything.
Not really.
They're on the consuming side of everything.
Waste goes out.
They're excreting that.
But I mean, it's like all the food, everything.
And then they do things which help us organize ourselves
a little better.
But fundamentally, cities consume.
And so the people are being asked on an increasing basis
by this bureaucratic state, like they wanted more and more and more. They just didn't have an off switch.
They didn't have an enough switch. Right? Right. You might think at some point, like
somebody like Nancy Pelosi would say, you know, this is starting to look optically bad.
I'm in my eighties. Maybe I don't need the next $10, $100 million of whatever I've grafted
out of the government. It's enough. She doesn't have an off switch. None of these people have
off switches.
No, they don't. They just, you know, they don't. And they talk about it like it's
some civil service, like they're dedicating their lives to this, you know, really awful,
really hard job. But I don't think that's it at all. I think it's a lie. I agree. And
by the way, I just made this exact, oops, not this one. I just made this exact, whoops, not this one. Um, I just made this exact, um, point, uh, well, I found somebody who made this point
and I promoted it in my fat pipe, which is an offering I do for peak prosperity
subscribers, but this exact point, this is a really good one.
It says, you know, if you see a map of Germany's, uh, districts, you find out
that it was the former East Germany went a hundred percent for, um, AFD party.
Right. And, uh, they know communism. So it's interesting. the former East Germany went 100% for AFD party, right?
And they know communism.
So it's interesting that Germany's now all,
you know, like, oh no, we have these ultra far rightists,
which are basically people like, no, we're not okay
with this whole refugee thing.
And we're dismantling our energy state.
So our economy is collapsing and we're not okay with that.
And so that labels now you're far, right?
But as we saw last week last week signal I remember they're they're busy like doing anti free speech stuff like mean tweets putting people in jail. That's totalitarianism, right?
Yeah, sure is. Yep, all that. So the people it's interesting in the last elections the people in East Germany who just came out of
Said oh, yeah. No, we're not. No, no, this
does not go well. Right. This is going to be interesting how this shakes out. I mean,
I wonder if countries are actually going to start splitting over this stuff because as
you can see here, I mean, you can be further apart. People are miles apart in their belief
systems. You know, it's like we've gone to
the extremes of both, both ends on some level.
This is exactly. So this is, I, when you asked what is her fear, I think it's her fear of
being exposed to just a raw consumer on some deep level and realizing that somebody's going
to come step forward and say, tell us how you add value and not having any bullet points to write down. Right. And as they say, you know, good times create weak men. Yeah. We're at
that stage. These weak people are about to create hard times and we can all feel it.
So one response to that is, is tyranny. And so of course the left confession by projection,
everything they accuse their opponents of is something they do a hundred percent.
Seems that way.
There was Trump as a dictator, they said.
Because he says the party that wants to decide if a baby should live, how much money you
should earn, what energy source you can use, what words you can say, and if you should
own a gun, that's the party that says he's a dictator.
That doesn't. Yeah. Yeah. It's ridiculous. Well, it is. Um,
when the truth comes out, do not ask me how I knew,
ask yourself why you didn't. Uh,
this is an important point to me because it's all out there now.
So when I see doctors who are unable to
Understand how damaging these vaccines have been. Mm-hmm
It's willful ignorance at this point. You have to try not to figure out what's happening. You have to avoid that
It's willful at this stage. It's not just like I didn't know because daddy CDC didn't tell me, you know
It's willful.
This is a good point.
I think you're right.
I think we have passed into that where it's common knowledge.
Now, everybody knows.
That, you know, what happened around COVID was a terrible idea.
The gene products that they decided to put out and to force in some
cases, mandate people to take.
And, uh, yeah, that's an interesting point.
And, um, you mentioned, you know, where you get your information from.
Um, I don't believe you CNN.
I just don't.
Oh, here's a quick one.
The thing they came up with.
Hayes wants the government trunk, but he doesn't see a coherent plan.
And he doesn't trust Elon Musk, doesn't believe what he says, doesn't want Trump letting Musk
poke around Social Security or tax files.
I don't know how many people he's fired.
And you know, Musk keeps saying, well, I found a billion dollars of waste here.
And Social Security, there's hundreds and hundreds of people that are collecting it
that are between 100 years old and 100.
Can you believe any of that crap?
You can't substantiate it,
but you can't believe it.
So that's a trust issue.
So he has trust issues.
This gentleman wants you to know
he has trust issues about Elon.
So I don't know how long they had
to search to find this guy,
but it's an anecdote.
And again, it's all about the feelings.
He doesn't feel like he can trust Elon, all of that other stuff.
But can we just be clear about this?
New disclosure reveals that the Biden IRS leaked taxpayer information of over 405,000
Americans, including President
Trump's, the IRS's admission confirms the committee's
suspicion and recent reports that show the scope of the leak
was much broader than what the dot dot dot.
That I show more. So not for Americans, not five, not 40, not
Because of the system that they were running,
which included this Mr. Little John down here,
it was a contractor, had access to sensitive stuff
and leaked it all.
Did he face anything for that?
Not yet, but I'm telling you, somebody's
got to go to prison, Ben.
So when they're like, oh, but think about what Elon might do dude it's already happened under the
prior administration so everything CNN comes up with is just a complete lie to
me at this point in time and by the way this whole thing is just a vast sea of
corruption I could give you literally dozens of examples here's one where
Sheldon Whitehouse a Democrat from Rhode Island by the way if you don't know
Rhode Island it's a cute little state that's probably the most corrupt
out of them all.
And it's a high bar to leap over
and Rhode Island clears it with a foot despair.
He funneled millions to his wife's
environmental nonprofit, Ocean Conservancy.
She's been paid 2.7 million.
The group raked in 14.2 million in grants. Okay? And it's true. The Foundation
for Accountability and Civic Trust, FACT, found all this stuff. Look at that.
That's gross.
Look at that.
Facts. Senator Whitehouse's wife, Sandra Whitehouse, has worked for the advocacy group Ocean Conservancy since 2008. And then in highlighted since 2008 Ocean Conservancy has
been awarded 19 government grants worth approximately $14.2 million. However, nearly half of this
14 million was given to the group in the fall of 2024 alone, all of which Senator Whitehouse
directly voted for. Okay, so, so that's pretty typical. We saw that they just threw stuff out the door once they
realized they were about to lose the election.
That's amazing how they did that.
Heaved it like, oh yeah, they've received 14.2 million since 2008. Well, that's a long
time ago. Yeah. And half of that came in the fall of last year.
That's just wrong. That's criminal.
Remember what Biden was doing in the fall, like trying to get Russia into a long range
missile attack? I don't know what he was doing in the fall, like trying to get Russia into a long range missile attack.
I don't know what he was actually up to.
They ran that UFO, PSYOP over New Jersey.
They were just like, we were just being treated like enemies again, but this is abusive.
This is abusive.
And speaking of which, I don't think it gets any more abusive than this because I personally
find Stacey Abrams to be a very reprehensible character and to find out that she's associated with, I mean, just read that for champagne.
Josie. He always does, does great stuff.
Yeah, he does good, good work.
Great work.
The Biden administration awarded the Stacey Abrams linked nonprofit, quote,
power forward communities, a $2 billion grant in April, 2024, via the EPA's
greenhouse gas reduction fund,
despite the coalition reporting only one hundred dollars in revenue during its
first three months of operation.
OK, so we have we have like this tight.
They fire it up and you have no track record.
One hundred dollars in revenue, which I don't know.
They probably had to like draw straws to see who was going to put that in three
months of operation. They got, it's just nothing. It's a shell of a company, $2
billion. And then get that, that part down there. Next yellow.
Next yellow. The EPA allocated 20 billion to eight groups via Citibank, bypassing direct
federal oversight. PFC was given 21 days to distribute the funds and 90 days for budget training requirements.
What the heck?
Two billion up and out the door.
That's unbelievable.
$20 billion to eight groups via Citibank, bypassing direct federal oversight.
This is what it looks like.
Oh, but I'm worried I don't trust trust Elon says some old crotchety guy that
CNN probably paid money to I mean that it's just like they are so off people are pissed at this and
Rightfully so rightfully so I'm starting to care about it. I am I'm starting to hear things even from from fairly
Senior people in the world. We're starting to say
Why am I paying taxes?
Right? If this isn't comprehensively addressed,
if people don't go to jail,
I think it's a legitimate question to ask.
Yep, if there aren't any consequences that follow all of this.
No, why am I paying taxes into this?
Like it would take me a long time
to pay two billion in taxes.
It would take a lot of Chris Martinson lifetimes, right? A lot.
And that just gets funneled to Stacey Abrams for her powering forward
communities, which is addressing climate change with equity. What even the heck
was that? It was some kind of a bad dream. It was a bad dream. Well, you heard
it here first. I do think that there is a tax revolt coming if they do not get their arms around this because you should there's nothing in the
Constitution says I am legally obligated to pay into fraud
To a fraudulent system. There's nothing that's right. Nothing. There is something in the Constitution that says from time to time
They have to give me a complete accounting of how my money was spent. Mm-hmm
We're finally getting a tiny accounting of this right now. I know right. Right. And people are screaming about it. Here's a whole section I put together. I'm
calling this one politicians who are demanding that we replace them in the
next election cycle and we're starting with Chris Murphy here of Connecticut.
Absolutely demanding and by the way I love all of these protests that they
have showing these massive crowds which usually number in the dozen-ish range.
And look at him, look at his, what's this say on the front of his little these massive crowds, which usually number in the dozen ish range. Um,
and look at him, look at his, look, read,
what's this say on the front of his little lectern tax,
the greedy billionaires, tax, the greedy billionaires, make billionaires pay.
Okay. Is it quick aside? If you took everything,
every billionaire had and you tax them 100%,
you could somehow sell all of those assets without crashing the markets.
You would be able to fund the government's deficit for about a year.
Then what are we doing next year?
Because now we're out of greedy billionaires.
And by the way, Thomas Sowell makes this great point.
He said, why is it okay to call somebody greedy for wanting to keep what they've earned?
But it's not greedy to want to take what they have and spend it on yourself. That's such a
good point. I've misquoted it slightly but it's pretty good sentiment though right?
Alright anyway, here's Chris Murphy making a strong case that he needs to be
replaced. The Trump administration has been about one thing and one thing only.
Stealing from all of us, stealing from regular people,
stealing from poor people, stealing from the middle class
in order to enrich their billionaire Mar-a-Lago cabal.
Ouch, that's so tone deaf because actually,
this is stealing right here, Chris Murphy.
That was the stealing. This was the. Chris Murphy, that was the stealing.
This was the stealing, right?
That's the stealing.
There it is taking from all the little people to give to their rich friends and
connected, you know, but they think it has political traction.
Like, Oh, we've did some focus polls and we've realized that people hate
billionaires we think, so we're going to make some really nice signs for them.
Those are all, I don't, I want to know how much that protest cost in my tax dollars because
somebody's bringing that up.
That is exactly what's happening here.
They're just drumming up support.
I don't think they actually have any.
I don't think I think most people.
I mean, with few exception, but I want to say the majority of this country sees right
through their bullshit and is like, no, thanks.
Now that you pointed out, it's a cloudy day and almost everybody's wearing sunglasses
because they just they want to go incognito.
Does that really help?
I don't know.
So let's find out what is, what does the populace really think?
This just came out earlier today.
It shows overwhelming support for the Doge cuts.
When asked if the US federal government debt is unsustainable,
67% say, heck yeah, it is. It's unsustainable. 33%, nah, man, we got this.
So that's roughly the same proportion of people who are demanding that we wear more masks
and get more jabs. 33% of the people are not smart, not well-informed.
Yeah, not well-informed.
Yeah, not well-informed.
You can't, like if you understood where the debt was going,
you, there's not a chance in the world you could say,
I think it's sustainable.
Mm-hmm. Right?
As soon as you have slight information about that.
So these are low, so guess what?
We live around a lot of low information people.
But when asked if Doge is helping make major cuts
in government expenditures, 60% say,
yeah, it's helping.
40% say, no, it's not helping.
And finally, when asked if Doge should have access to the sensitive data, remember that
58% say, heck yeah, give them the access.
Compared to 42% who say, no, don't give them the access.
Now, I don't know how big this poll was or if they did it right or any of that
stuff, but the way it's being presented, those are commanding, that's, that's,
that's mandate territory.
People are like, yeah, let's do this.
Debt's unsustainable.
We absolutely think that we should make cuts and they should have access to the
data they need to make those decisions.
So we want to dive further into this now, Reduce debt by increasing taxes or reducing government expenditures.
Simple question, right?
Take a look at what Democrats had to say.
Reduce government expenditure.
72% of Democrats say, heck yeah.
No surprise.
94% of the GOP said that as well.
So again, think...
Look at that though. Twenty eight percent of Democrats said we should reduce the debt by increasing
taxes. Taxes are some of the most regressive things out there because
they think they can just tax billionaires, but that's because they
haven't done the math, right? They just haven't like taken a crayon and a
napkin and spent five seconds trying to figure this out So they don't know what they're talking about. But but that idea that they want to
Tax us right. Look at that split
Independence or 82 to 18 GOP 94 to 6. Yeah, that is interesting. I
Don't know how you can
In this environment. No, I'm not sure either. Yeah
Again, is that it's that victim mentality or it's that entitlement. I
Think yeah
So misinformed interesting poll to me. They're talking about it
Um, it shows pretty interesting now, here's another politician Evie who's demanding that she be replaced
So Senator Tina Smith says
Tim's Tammy Tammy. That's Tammy Baldwin, not me.
You can keep track of all the hundreds of white men, but it's the 28 women in
the Senate that trips you up at Fox News.
Oh, she got confused for Tammy Baldwin.
How could that happen?
Oh, probably cause she said, wow, even you think y'all are twins.
This is the worst self-own ever.
I mean, look at her.
I mean, you could be forgiven, you know, or thinking one could.
OK, you should do better in the new business.
But look at her. Look at her own comment down there.
There's nobody I'd rather have people confuse me with than Tammy Baldwin.
And Jason says, turning mistake into some excuse to claim you're a victim.
You're not a victim.
You're just an unremarkable and very forgettable senator.
That's true.
That is true.
So here we have a felonies I think deserve criminal prosecutions.
Michael Schellenberger has reported on this.
You should be aware of it.
That FBI whistleblower at go back to all has confirmed to Michael and Michael's a very good reporter that a source inside
the FBI said FBI employees were destroying evidence on servers and he
has informed cash Patel I hope he and Pam Bondi and John Ratcliffe Elon and
real Annapolina the representative are preventing this we urgently need
disclosure Wow so that really happening?
Yeah. That's awful. There are shredders. I'm getting lots of reports that there's shredders
and beach blit and wiping. There's like this whole massive scramble to cover up right now.
I don't know what beach. Oh, it's a software thing. You can scrub your hard drive so it
can't be recovered. Oh, bleach bit. I see. Right, so you run the program and it will overwrite sections of your hard
drive so that you it can't be recovered. Like if you really, when it positively
absolutely has to be gone. Wow. You know, that's what you use. Wow, so instead of like smashing things like
Clinton, Hillary did, you just... But to my other point, I think everybody,
everybody who does anything like
this, if you destroy evidence, it's an automatic firing, you lose your pension, and then criminal
charges get filed. Right? Because this is a no-no. I understand you're embarrassed.
I understand all that stuff. But I think the penalty for doing this ought to be actually
twice whatever it was you might have gotten
from the cover up itself. So, oh, I had a little I lied on an affidavit and I had to
wipe that if that was a two year sentence, you get four. I'm just saying. So that's kind
of how I roll. All right. This is the Dan Crenshaw demanding to be changed out in the
next election cycle edition. Here he is with.
Hi, Dan. Have you ever met? to be changed out in the next election cycle edition here he is with yeah okay well you Have you ever met Tucker?
Yeah, okay, well, you know
Maybe not something you should be saying as an ex-SEAL congressman kind of a thing, you know I get he's just trying to be a Dan as a reprehensible POS
But and he's probably wanted to be tough
He's gonna be let me show you what a tough guy If you ever anybody wants to look into this his own is one of his claims to fame as being in the Special Forces
People who are on his Special Forces teams
What they have to say about him
Oh, yeah, super damaging really. Oh just yeah, just can't trust this guy. Not even slightly. Wow, not a man of his word
He's an awful human being that's that's wow. So Texas you got some work in front of you. He is not a man of his word. He is an awful human being. Full stop.
So Texas, you got some work in front of you.
He's a Texas rep.
You gotta get rid of this guy.
He is no bueno.
All right.
Man, you're just handing it to us today.
I am.
To take on the intelligence community,
they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
So even for a practical
supposedly hard-nosed businessman he's being really dumb to do this. What do you think
the intelligence community would do if they were moving to? I don't know but I from what
I am told they are very upset with how he has treated them and talked about them and
we need the intelligence community we don't know what's going on. Look at the Russian
hacking without the intelligence community we wouldn don't know what's going to look at the Russian hacking without the intelligence community. We wouldn't have discovered it.
And of course, without the of course we wouldn't have because it didn't actually
exist and they manufactured it out of thin air is part of an attempted coup in
this country. But did you hear that? Did you hear that? I did. I it's
big on the intelligence community. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
Now, how is this remotely okay?
Like, oh, you gotta be very careful as a politician
because the intelligence community,
which is a permanent blobocracy in DC,
has six ways to Sunday of getting back at you.
That's a threat.
Don't you think?
And I like the point that you made earlier today
about how he, when he actually looks
at the camera.
Well, it's this point that Kristen Magg made, which was he breaks the fourth wall.
He looks directly into the camera twice and it felt very threatening.
Now, Chuck is a pro, right?
So he's been on TV countless times.
You don't do this.
Like I know not to do that.
Like you don't break eyeline for the camera unless you mean to, right?
So why would he do that?
It's kind of interesting
because he does it twice in here.
Take on the intelligence community.
They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
So even for a practical supposedly hard-nosed businessman,
he's being really dumb to do this.
What do you think the intelligence community would do
if they were?
I don't know. But I from what I am told, they are very upset with how he has
treated them and talked about them. And we need the intelligence community.
We don't know what's going to look at the Russian hacking without the
intelligence community. We wouldn't have discovered it.
Do you think he has an agenda to try to dismantle parts of the intelligence
community? I mean, this form of sketchy, right?
and by the way, um
That's Chuck Schumer's wife. There's beautiful lady. It's beautiful. Yeah, he some people like
Like masculine partners. I do not obviously I prefer feminine partners, but
he clearly
Enjoy somebody with a very masculine aspect by the way, and there's another picture of his wife down below.
Get this Chuck Schumer's wife makes 540,000 a year at the nonprofit New York Public Library.
So if you're in New York and you pay taxes, but not it's not just Iris Weinshaw there.
Look at the rest of look at these.
Chief digital officer. $427,000.
Makes $1.25 million plus $88,000 in other compensation.
The trustee.
$917 plus $667. But if you had those numbers up, you get to $1 million.
That's unbelievable.
Really to run a library, it costs millions and millions and millions of dollars
in compensation to these people.
How does it cost that much?
It's a library.
Yes, Gladys, how are we going to collect the overdue fees this week?
Do we have an update?
It's kind of like a secretarial position, isn't it?
I mean, you're filing things.
I mean, you know, libraries, I, like have bills and things and all that.
But look at that other stuff, estimated amount of other compensation organization and related
organizations down there.
It's like 427,000 for George.
Number four.
Yeah, look at George, VP of government and community affairs.
It looks like he's only making 218,000, but you add good grief, 472.
And then a lot of money.
And you know how this is going to go eventually at some point in the future, there's going
to be New York people crying like, yeah, our library's out of money.
What are we going to do?
It's like, how about you?
How about you cut all these salaries by tenfold?
See if you can. Yeah. Anyway, says another laundry. You're not wrong. I bet you a lot of this is money
It is this is another this is this is but this is the grafting corruption
There is not a place in the world where running a library system requires salaries that look like that. This is stupid
Okay, and it you know what if that money didn't come out of thin air that isn't like oh, you know, it's library money
This is a nonprofit and it comes from somewhere it comes from you it comes from you it comes from
Federal funding or state funding, but either way it's coming from our tax dollars. Yep
Yours and by the way, I don't want to wait into this too deeply, but I don't know what it is about
Our leaders really enjoying
Partners. Yeah, what is that? But it's a thing
I haven't been the same since I watched Brigitte McCrone who is a 40 year old was was praying as a 44 year old
Was praying on a 15 year old known as Macron the
current president of France but I haven't been the same since I watched
Bridget sit down. That's a very masculine way of sitting down don't you think?
I don't know I think you have a way of spotting
this that's different than me. No look at that that's a dude the whole leg spread sit anyway
it's just a thing I'm just saying it's very masculine some people are into that I guess
I don't know but we're about to find out with that too Candace Owens is like going to town on
that story. I know she has she really is all. All right. I got another section. I call this the misplaced blame game.
This is fun.
So CNN, which just is just destroying itself.
Like, you know, my, my mental model for CNN is a washing dryer.
Did somebody throws a brick into, right?
It's just spontaneously self disassembling at this point in time.
It just, no, it just is.
So here they are.
They're trying to write about like, Hmm, it just is. So here they are, they're trying
to write about like, how do we write about Trump cutting? How could this be dangerous
to everybody? Oh, all right. It risks exposing government secrets. Oh, the CIA secrets. Oh
no. Oh no. Oh no. Fired employees create security risks. Yeah. Meanwhile, the CIA weighs staff
Current and former intelligence officers or excuse me, officials say that mass firings
could offer a rich recruitment opportunity for foreign intelligence services.
Oh, Chinese, Russians, they could get their hands on what?
Snap them up.
It's in yellow.
The agency has already fired more than 20 officers for their work on diversity issues.
Oh, no! They're
gonna take our DEI people! What happens when China finds out our DEI secrets? This is...
I'm feeling really unsafe right now. Wow. Do they read what they're writing or is
it just all AI and they just forgot to prove? That's a good question. I don't know how much of it's real. Anyway, the jokes
write themselves. It's a lot of fun. But here, so here they went on and
they hyperventilated for a while just about how dangerous this is gonna be and
so read this whole paragraph. On the CIA's seventh floor, home to top
leadership, some officers are also quietly discussing
how mass firings and the buyouts already offered to staff risk creating a group of disgruntled
former employees who might be motivated to take what they know to a foreign intelligence
I believe we have books, laws on the books to cover that.
If anybody wrote like seriously
Seriously, they're gonna tell us like oh the fear is that we're gonna make unhappy people and they're gonna like
So you shouldn't fire them is that what they're saying well, you know funky wanderer caught it up. It's treason
Yeah, I mean, it's just reason
Like there's already like here CIA CIA
I'll help you out the seventh floor people that is you fret
What you do is you track these people and if they take what they know to foreign intelligence service
You charge them with treason there it is
It's pretty simple, but that's not a reason to not fire people, right? I mean, what is the logic of saying all these things?
They're trying to scare people to stop doing to stop firing.
Yeah, the individuals that don't deserve just a second. It gets worse. What will get there in
just a second? Because this gets this gets really unbelievable. Okay. And here we have Paul Offit.
He is the chief Vax of file of the country. Everything is about vaccines is always an everywhere, always a really good time. And listen to this statement.
This is shocking in its anti-science nature.
It's unbelievable.
Vaccines changed all that.
We live 30 years longer because of vaccines,
not because of improved sanitation. It's because of vaccines. They have.
What? We live 30 years longer because
vaccines changed all that we live 30
years longer because of vaccines,
not because of improved sanitation.
Weird so weird vaccines changed all.
This is the actual data we can
see where the vaccines came in.
You know it's you know you know what it is.
Evie, It's crazy how
whooping cough and polio and scarlet fever and typhoid knew the vaccine was coming. Oh,
actually, typhoid never had a widespread vaccination.
The threat of it scared them away.
Scared them away. Like we're living 30 years longer, not because of sanitation, but which
would be the early parts of those curves, but because these are smart viruses,
they knew that the vaccines were coming
and check themselves out of the game.
This guy is a complete joke.
Paul Offit, I am looking forward to you being in pinstripes
and spending the rest of your life in jail
while you have to hear about how your family
had all their money taken away.
Because this guy has done extraordinary damage
to the country by being anti-science and just pro whatever. He made a few bucks and he harmed
a lot of people and...
Is he a doctor?
Yeah. I didn't dare put that in his title. All right. Speaking of let's go nuclear. Let's
get Canada in on this. Our favorite person, Christia Freeland, who looks drugged half the time.
She just twitches.
Old twitchy.
Old miss twitchy.
But let's listen to this.
So Canada, here's the context.
Canada is very angry right now because Trump made a derogatory thing about maybe being
the 51st state and also said, hey, whatever you charge us for tariffs, we're going to
charge you for tariffs. And this is wildly really unfair. So you would think,
okay, let's start the diplomacy. Let's get that going. But Chris, your Freeland,
who worked as the right hand woman of, uh, Justin Trudeau during his tenure of
shame and, and, and just, oh, they destroyed Canada. They really stepped
down by the way. Is he gone? But he's not gone. He resigned. Well, they destroyed Canada. I know. They really ruined.
Is he stepped down by the way?
Is he gone?
But he's not gone.
He resigned, I thought.
Well, they're feeling,
I don't think he's gonna go anywhere
because they're starting to feel like
there's some energy here,
but listen to the response that she's come up with,
and this is for the liberals
in the Liberal Democratic Party.
They are all about this now.
Listen up.
The US is turning predator.
And so what Canada needs to do.
OK, turning predator.
Turning predator?
Turning predator.
OK, all right, all right, all right.
That's a little hyperbolic, but maybe it gets better.
To do is work closely with our democratic allies,
our military allies.
I've been foreign minister.
I know how to do that. That's why I
would start with our Nordic partners, specifically Denmark, which is also being threatened, and our
European NATO allies. I would be sure that France and Britain were there who possess nuclear weapons. And I would be working... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are they talking? What is she talking about? She's saying Trump has said stuff that's so scary to us
that we want to form a nuclear alliance to help
keep this predator at bay.
Like she jumped a lot of sharks to get to that point, right?
Yeah, she did.
Like, oh, we're really unhappy about these tariffs.
So tell you what, let's form a nuclear alliance
with France and Britain.
And she's saying this publicly.
To counter the United States. I mean, this is so insane. I don't even know really what to tell you.
Elizabeth Matheson up there says, Freeland does not speak for us in the Western provinces.
I hope not. And those Western provinces are welcome. The Texas of the North up there in
particular. Come on down.
Alberta, you got, yeah, come on down Saskatchewan. Let's cut. Let's do this
British Columbia is gonna have to sort itself out. I'm sorry to say um, it seems like but that's just a personal opinion
But this is insane. I mean
Listen to this you can't
We Denmark which is also being threatened and our European NATO allies
I would be sure that France and Britain were
there who possess nuclear weapons.
All right, that's a little scary to me.
Well this is this is how these when I say the lefties but this is how this is how they're
thinking like, like, they were remember when they show you who they are believing the first
So they said, Yeah, no, no heart transplant for you if you didn't get our magic holy jab,
because you're not a believer.
Mm hmm.
It is very cultish.
It's very cultish.
It's cult.
It's cult.
Anyway, so that that was a lot of fun.
But now to round this out, let's go here.
The NSA, the National Reconnaissance Office, which is the NRO and the CIA, they had some sex chats.
Maybe you heard about these, Amy?
No, no.
Are you gonna make me?
All right, I'll read it.
Christopher Ruffo broke this story.
It's an exclusive.
GrossmanHannah and I have obtained logs
from the NSA's secret transgendered sex chat room
in which NSA, CIA, and DIA employees discussed genital
castration, artificial vaginas, piss fetishes, sex polycules, and gang bangs all on government
That's gross.
I'm sorry I made you read that.
And down below, the NSA maintains a chat system for the intelligence intelligence community called interlink.
The servers are supposed to be used for government work, but gender activists have hijacked at least two channels, LBTQA and IC pride, etc.
to discuss fetishes, kink and sex and all legitimized as DEI. Okay, so so so gross
Listen if you get caught at your private company
Spending time this isn't just some sex chat. This is pretty gross stuff, right?
including this where
NSA and CIA and also an NRO official were expressed their desire to have hermaphrodite babies in order to advance trans
were expressed their desire to have hermaphrodite babies in order to advance trans ideology quote an intersex birth would be a great opportunity to raise a
kid as non-binary and let them choose later so these are the people running
the surveillance state and all CNN could come up with is like well what if they
sell their secrets to foreign adversaries. Like this is the threat. Like these are unstable people.
These are the people who have access to the most sensitive,
like, oh, what if Elon gets ahold
of your social security number?
Like, well, I can think of 13 other organizations
that already have it.
State driver's license.
Yes, he used to have PayPal, right?
Yeah, he had PayPal, never leaked data around that, right?
Anyway, but the people I worry about having access to sensitive information are people who are ideologues who would think nothing of
destroying you because you are the wrong kind of person. So
just read Christopher's thing first if you would.
Leaked. Here are CIA officials celebrating the death of Christian leader Pat Robertson.
This is a recurring theme in the NSA chat rooms. Hatred against Christians, conservatives,
Italians, and heterosexuals. One intelligence officer even casts aspersions on his own grandmother.
Okay, so they don't...
I don't know what the Italians is about.'s that sounds like a good detail to follow up on but
So these are the people they hate Christians. They hate conservatives Italians heterosexuals presumably whites
So they're part of this cult, right? This is a huge cult of people
That are mentally unbalanced as far as I'm concerned. They're the ones who had access to sensitive information
So I don't remember Ev you remember, Evie,
but it was five years, six years ago,
they found out they had this huge fusion center
which put all this stuff in one spot.
And immediately when they did one tiny oversight into it,
they discovered that all these fusion employees
were stalking exes, digging up dirt on rivals.
Oh, I never heard about this.
Oh yeah, yeah.
Like that, it's just gonna be misused and abused, right?
So in fact, this isn't like a thing where we should be like going, oh, you know, there's sensitive data
But we can trust the government's like no these are human beings
Which means some of them are retarded and some of them are evil and some of them are not
Trustable and some of them have mental illness and you wouldn't want them to just have unfettered unchecked, unaudited power.
I wouldn't.
I wouldn't.
And it really does seem like they're projecting, right?
The ones that are accusing Trump and Musk of doing bad things are the ones that are
doing this under cover of darkness.
And it happens to get leaked here.
But who knows how much more of this is going on.
This is this is what this this is what we know about. Trust me, it's probably is going to get worse than that. So Fafo is happening. So here's the New York Times. Here's what. So this is funny. This is funny. You want to know why this is funny? This is funny, because New York Times is just now pure spin and propaganda for the big state, right? Okay.
That's all it does. And they didn't comment, they didn't dare to actually talk about any one of
those things that like the vaginoplasty and some guys chatting away on there about what it feels
like finally to be penetrated and there's all this stuff going on. It's really gross. They didn't
dare report on a single one of those things, right? They didn't talk about how this could be a security
risk to have people who are unbalanced like that.
Look at that. I'll read that. It says, Gabbard says more than a hundred intelligence
officers fired for chat messages. Pulsey. Bam. They're gone. Boom. The chats have been
set up to discuss sensitive security matters, but a group of employees used it
for discussions that contain sexual themes intelligence office officials said this week." Sexual themes that's
what they're running with that was their spin on this contain sexual themes. The
chat program was administered by the National Security Agency and intended
for discussions of sensitive security matters but a group of employees used it
for discussions that contain sexual themes intelligence officials said this week. The chats also included explicit
discussion of gender transition surgery, officials said.
That's so gross.
They were just discussing the gender transition surgery. We can all agree that's a good thing,
Good use of our money.
Discussions that contained sexual themes so is this all the stuff that they've had under you know the guys
of classified information yes classified classified too sensitive because I mean
that classified often is a euphemism for embarrassing Christopher Ruffo wrote
great news but the chat messages contain more than sexual themes. They were discussing
Symbolism like they weren't discussing symbolism in Madame Bovary
They were talking about cutting off their genitals enjoying piss fetishes and organizing gang bangs on company Intel
Agency servers and Elon Musk said New York Times is pure propaganda and he's absolutely right
Hmm. Hmm Elon Musk said New York Times is pure propaganda and he's absolutely right.
So, but look at the spin, it's constant spin, right? So we know that our media has been shot through
with Operation Mockingbird and it's just running interference.
If we didn't have X, I would have no way
of knowing any of this stuff.
Cause I would read the New York Times thing
and that's pure spin, right?
I would probably come away from that.
Old me would say, oh yeah, government employees It got fired for discussions that contain sexual themes
I'd probably that's a free speech issue to me like that's right, but that's not what was happening and it represents a security threat
It represents a real deviation from things. And so it turns out
You can't trust the media.
And so that leads me to this.
Here's a little song I wrote called your conspiracy theorist friend was right and you owe them
an apology.
You sure do.
There's a lot of apologies.
This is big ass year of I told you so is coming up.
All right.
To round this out, there is a little trouble across the pond, things aren't going so swimmingly. So maybe I'm going to need help crossing the
intellectual divide in this. So this is an actual poster that showed up in London, somebody
took a picture of it. And it says goes from zero to 39 in three seconds. And somebody's
taken Elon where he was on stage and had his hand in a certain position to suggest that zero to 1939 obviously it's
Elon Elon is in a Tesla so we're supposed to connect Elon and Tesla's
with Hitler somehow and that's the swastika the swastika okay all right
Wow help me out here I got nothing no no no help me out here. I Got nothing. No, no, no, help me out. I need help make the leap
So so because Elon is exposing corruption at places like USAID
people in London are feeling like we're in danger of going back to
not see Germany
Yeah, that I don't really understand how that connection happens for them. How do you get there?
I understand. Why do they care anyway? Yeah, I don't really understand how that connection happens for them. How do you get there?
I understand. And why do they care? Anyway.
Yeah, why would they care? Like, there's Canadians all upset about this. Like, who cares?
It's the US.
It's our corruption. We're dealing with it.
We got this.
We're taking out the trash. Leave us alone.
Are they scared that it's going to come over to their side?
And now that maybe...
I bet you that's it. That their bureaucrats don't want their house to be cleaned.
You know?
What do you guys think is going on?
We have some wonderful people here in the chat
that have all sorts of good ideas.
Somebody thought the Swastika was kind of funny.
How about this?
Hitler did root out corruption
Hey Dan Edwards good to see you again
Yeah, said not a sick ale cuz he didn't close his fist. I thought it was open-handed. I don't know
It's just edgy nonsensical
Yeah Yeah, oh, it's so sweet. It's so sweet that London is so concerned for us. I
Know right. Oh
Whatever. Thank you for your concern, but
Yeah, this is just also just tone-deaf
Well, it is but I'm still struggling to understand how you go from Elon
cutting waste and fraud to
Him being like Hitler. I'm just I don't get so this is so this is somebody holds this point of view and they're serious about it.
Right. Well, they think that Trump is like Hitler. They try to conflate he and Hitler all the time in the media, at least here.
Well, they do have a lot of money in that brand. They've worked hard to
They have. develop that brand of They have. Trump is literally Hitler.
And then he's a threat to our democracy, which makes it sound like he's just taking all this control
and nobody wants it. He's just, you know, this awful, authoritative
I know the way Trump is just aggressively expanding the power and the reach of the government
Oh no, wait, he's cutting it.
He's cutting it. And he wants more oversight.
Because he has just that pure,
it's just white men on his, oh no wait,
he has the most diverse cabinet ever.
Well, it must be because of how he's locking down
and cramming, cutting free speech
and the way he's expanding that.
Yeah, Elon, it must be because he.
Oh, wait, no, it's literally doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense.
But they don't. These people don't make sense.
All right. So they're having a little trouble cognitively across the pond.
But that's because probably they're led by Keir Starmer.
Look at him trying to be Churchillian here.
Yeah, look at that. As we enter a new era for Britain's national security, we
will meet tyranny and violence with resolve and strength. Okay. To Tyr Kyr, one of the worst
humans out there. And I think I have a sense of why he ended up that way. I think, I don't know.
What you got? Might be true, might not. But Dave Colum put this out here.
There's Keir Starmer, allegedly as a young boy with Jimmy Seville. He got
diddled. And so for you people who don't know Jimmy Seville, he was
multi decades of abuse over 400 victims came forward. And that's what we know
about. So there are many more besides covered up by the BBC,
protected by the system, the UK,
if it has anything we know it has a problem
with official coverup and if not even support
for people like Jimmy Seville.
It's just been part of their culture for a long time.
The bureaucracy for sure.
Yeah. Yeah.
So that maybe, maybe that for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So that maybe maybe that's it.
Maybe. Wow. Maybe we don't know. So they're alleging that's him in that lower picture
there. Yep. So I'm going to see you know what Dave will get to the bottom of that. Basically
Evie I think we're here. All right. This is where we end up. This is where we are. We're
at the end game. You're not going to wake anybody up anymore
We're basically at endgame. There are things that are about to start happening
Everywhere that's gonna freak the shit out of people back away from trying to wake them up. They're comfortably asleep
They're where they want to be and unfortunate as it is when the crap does hit the fan
They're gonna look around and say why didn't someone say something? That's a good point. No I think that's where we're at and my view of this at this point in time is that we're in a
civil war of ideologies at this point in time. I'm finding it increasingly hard to
close the gap between what I know to be what my context is and what other people say and think, right?
And I don't know how to close that gap anymore
because it's just we share entirely different sets
of context, different logic trains,
different root cause analyses about what the problems are
and how we might address them.
And that gap is growing wider and wider.
Unfortunately, what I do know as well
is that the people who've been, I don't want to call them lefties
because there are a lot of people who identify
on the right who are part of this.
They're totalitarians.
They want to control what you think, what you say.
They want you to lose your job
if you ever stray out of linemen.
They, and they hold really nonsensical,
often incoherent belief sets, right?
Like we're watching Maine,
the state of Maine,
struggle with this. We care about women's rights so much that we're going to defend
the right of men to participate in women's sports because that's part of our ideology,
which says that's how you know how much we care. Even though that destroys the concept
of sports for all the women. So that this little tiny minority of dudes who are probably mentally ill
and identify as women can participate in sports it's just the weirdest thing so
it's incoherent that's the point totalitarian regimes are inevitably
incoherent and destructive they destroy prosperity and they in invariably hate
individual responsibility freedom freedom of freedom of thought. They don't
want you happy. In fact, they often are very miserable and their first course of
action is to make you as miserable as they are, not find a way to make
themselves less miserable. That's the plan. It's been that way with every
socialist, communist, totalitarian regime and that's it. That's the battle that's
underway. I hope we can get through it without violence
but we're
It's it's looking less and less hopeful that these people are going to
Suddenly realize like oh, yeah, you know, there is a better way to do this. Let's try another way
They don't want any of that their way or the highway
Asymmetric warfare, how dare you hold us accountable?
Oh, we're going to crush you for holding wrong thought, right? It's how it is.
Keep up the good fight, I guess.
Keep up the good fight. Evie, bring it home for us here, would you?
Absolutely. My pleasure. The poem I want to read is called The Summer Day by one of my
favorite poets,
Mary Oliver. And it's just going to bring us to a different place. It'll bring hopefully
you to a different place where you can think about warmer days that are ahead and focus
on what really matters in life. She says, who made the world? Who made the swan and
the black bear? Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean, the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who's moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down,
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face. She snaps
her wings open and floats away. I don't know exactly what a prayer is. I do know how to
pay attention, how to fall down into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass, how to be
idle and blessed, how to stroll through the the fields which is what I have been
doing all day tell me what else should I have done doesn't everything die at last
and too soon tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious
life thank you for that Evie thank you everybody for being here and we'll be back on Wednesday.
Wednesday at 1 is our signal hour.
Excellent. So glad you could join us today. Thank you very much and have a wonderful week,