Peak Prosperity - From Happy Meals to Miserable Lives
Episode Date: December 20, 2024Chris and Dr. Ken Berry discuss the manipulation of diets by food corporations, systemic health issues, government policy challenges, and the need for personal responsibility in dietary choices.Click for the upcoming Food & the Great Awakening webinar
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Hello everyone and welcome to this Signal Hour. Of course, this is where we're pulling out the signal from the noise trying to help you stay abreast of what's going on. I know it's hard. It's hard these days because, well, we have all kinds of misinformation, malinformation, disinformation out there, but of course not coming from yours truly. It's coming from the, well, mainstream media. So today we're going to talk about three things we got. Let's look at it here.
We've got the food wars. What's going on with the food wars? Lots to talk about. You saw Dr.
Ken Berry there. We're bringing him on in just a second. We got maybe a little bit about the drones,
this continuing resolution. If you think it was bad watching sausage get made, this is like
watching sausage get made out of roadkill. It's awful. We'll go into that in just a second. And then we've got a few reader questions and comments.
Of course, this is live. So any questions you have, I'm monitoring the chat over here on the
side. We're in StreamYard. Great software for this. And so what I'm going to do now is we're
just going to turn now to the first part of this episode, which we're going to talk about food and food wars and things like that. So Ken, Dr. Kenberry, so good to see you here.
Great to have you on the show. Good to be back with you, Chris. Let's tell it like it is.
Well, let's do that. So for people who may not be familiar with you, and I think there's probably
only one left in the universe for that person, just your background, who you are, and how it is that we came to get to know each other here
on this topic. Yeah, so I'm a family physician. I've been practicing family medicine for 22 years.
I was classically trained at a state university in allopathic medicine. Early in my medical career, I became severely obese and pre-diabetic. And in my own
personal journey to reverse my severe obesity and pre-diabetes, I have uncovered, I'm not the first
to uncover these, but personally, I uncovered what I consider to be the principles of a proper
human diet. I use that to completely reverse all of my medical problems.
And now at the ripe old age of 56, I feel better than I did when I was 35. And I had started a
social media outlet at the urging of my wife, the nagging of my wife, Misha, to get this message out
to other people. And so I still practice medicine part-time, but my full-time
job is reaching out to people on social media and helping them understand that 80 to 85% of their,
their problems medically are caused by their diet and the simple steps that you can use
to reverse your chronic medical conditions by changing your diet. Well, this is such a big
thing. You know, as cynical as I am, Ken, I couldn't keep up with this. I have fallen down
one rabbit hole after another. I know this is your space. I'm late to the game, but every single
thing I uncover, and we'll go through just one of them today. So looking at there's multiple dimensions, right?
So you have a it's just ultra processed foods and all that that entails.
B, they've hit the bliss point.
Sugar, fat, salt, a lot of sugar.
Sugar has its own story.
But then there's the preservatives.
That's another story.
And then there's just this like meaningless stuff like dyes.
We just put chemical dyes in our food like totally unnecessarily. I want to talk about that,
one of those rabbit holes. Point is, our food is engineered to make us sick. Have I overstated that?
No, no, no. I think you stated that perfectly. Here's what's going on. The big multinational,
multi-billion dollar food corporations, and there's 10 of them that
own virtually every food company that sells food to humans. They employ chemical engineers,
biological engineers, and they have discovered this thing called a bliss point. And this has
been known about by doctors who care to look into this. It's been known for a decade or two
that there is such a bliss point.
So what does that mean?
So in the human body,
you have hormones that tell you when you're hungry.
You also have another set of hormones to tell you,
hey, dummy, you're full, you've eaten enough,
it's time to stop eating.
What the food companies have done
with their chemical engineers and their
chemically engineered food or food-like products is they have discovered how to hack your hormones.
They've discovered how to make you eat, even though your satiety signals are saying to you,
hey, dummy, you've eaten enough food, stop eating. They've overwhelmed those hormonal messages. Now,
let's keep in mind those hormonal satiety messages have worked for human beings for millions of
years. Okay. That's why when you look at the anthropological record, you don't see obesity.
There's one incidence that we see in anthropology of humans becoming obese and having visceral adiposity, fat around their belly and their internal organs.
And we can talk about that because I think it's very revealing.
So Kellogg's, Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, Nestle, Danone, Post, General Mills, these companies employ scientists to hack your hormones
and they've done a brilliant job of it. They've done very good and it's paid handsomely
to their shareholders and their boards of directors. But who has it harmed? Well, it's harmed
the American consumer because we've been programmed through lots of advertising with Tony the Tiger and the
little, remember the little guys on the Rice Krispies commercial? We've been programmed
subconsciously to trust these companies. Though they're, no, they're our friends. Tony the Tiger,
the little three guys, Snap, Crackle, Pop. We've been programmed to trust them and they have abused
that trust, the trust that they gained subliminally,
basically unconsciously through their repetitive advertising that they've spent hundreds of
millions of dollars on. We trust them. And so we just buy, we buy what we think is food at the
supermarket. But my definition of food and Kellogg's definition of food and probably the average viewer's definition of food
is not the same. In my definition, food provides nourishment. It does not cause inflammation. It
does not lead to chronic disease. Real food, when you're hungry, you eat it. And when your satiety
signals give you the signal, hey, you've eaten enough, you stop eating real food. And then you go outside
and play. You go back to work. You go back to doing what you enjoy. But these food companies
have hacked your bliss point so that even though all of your satiety hormones are saying, hey,
stop eating, you're going to harm yourself. They have engineered this bliss point so that you can't
eat just one. You have to keep eating. You unconsciously keep eating.
You keep snacking all day long.
You wind up eating six meals a day with snacks in between.
That's great for the big food company's profit, but it's disastrous for your health.
We've got to talk about more of that.
And you have some fans here, of course.
Frank saying, just ate my chicken liver's can.
Cat Snats Video saying, having a steak.
How are we doing so far?
This is the way.
Well, this is good.
So I want to – can we talk about this for just a second?
Because we have this going on, which is this just came out.
So this is the signal.
We just had this cooking oils, they said.
Now, in a peer-reviewed study, has been linked to colon cancer, tied to inflammation.
But they say cooking oils, Ken, as if we could lump tallow in there.
What are they really talking about here?
So what they're really talking about is vegetable seed oils that are very high in linoleic acid,
very high in omega-6 fatty acids.
This is another example of big food saying, man, it would be so much cheaper and easier
and would increase the shelf life of our food-like products if we, instead of using tallow or
butter or lard, if we used soybean oil, canola oil, peanut oil, safflower, sunflower,
if we use one of these oils, we can get them super cheap because the government subsidizes the growing of soybeans and canola and corn oil and corn, right?
We effectively can get these ingredients for free.
They make the product very shelf stable, so it can sit in the warehouse for six months and then be on a transport ship for a few weeks and then sit on the supermarket shelf for another six months and still taste and feel fresh.
And so, of course, any corporation is going to incorporate that.
And here's the problem with the vegetable seed oils.
There is zero long term data research that has been done on these showing that they are safe for for constant consumption and long term consumption.
There's just no data showing that.
But so some of these things like cottonseed oil
was introduced into the human food supply about 100 years ago. Soybean oil several decades ago,
corn oil, canola oil, peanut oil several decades ago. So if you go back in time just 100 years,
nobody, not a single human on planet Earth was eating these vegetable seed oils in any quantity.
Right. They might occasionally eat some of this stuff.
But so you can't take corn and put it in a press.
You can't stomp on it and oil comes out.
You can't take rape seeds and stomp on them or put them in a press and get oil out.
If you try to do that with an industrial press,
the canola oil smells awful. It's gray and muddy and smells terrible. No human would eat it.
It has to then go to a chemical factory where it's treated with hexane and a bunch of other
chemical processes to make it that beautiful golden clear oil that you see in the vegetable
oil container or to make plant
butter with it or to make any of the thousands of other products, not food, but products that they
make with this. And then comes the advertising to trick you into thinking, oh, it must be healthy.
Look at that beautiful golden oil that I think I'll cook with that. This is never, ever something
that humans have eaten in the past. And it's not,
I don't believe it's something that humans should be eating right now. I think we should all
very, very much limit or eliminate vegetable seed oils from our diet.
Well, let's, I want to take a look at this really quick then. So I, this is the indictment of all
indictments to me and
it's life expectancy across a variety of industrialized countries, including the U S
there in that dismal red arc over there, but against health expenditure. So, so leaving aside
the whole story around health expenditures, just look at how far behind the United States is every
other industrialized. It's not like, you know, there's a few outliers
and we're sort of in like the bad pack.
Like everybody else has sprinted down.
They've all crossed the 100-yard finish line.
And we're like still at the 70-yard mark wheezing.
It's awful.
Ken, shouldn't this alone be some sort of a, I don't know,
a wake-up call of some kind here?
I'm a little, I don't know how else to interpret that.
Every American who looks at that,
I don't know if you could put that up while I'm talking about it
so we can just look at it.
Every American who looks at this should be furious.
Now, the causes of this curve that you're seeing here
on this life expectancy versus
health expenditure, this is multifactorial. There are multiple reasons for this.
Now, first of all, the fake food that we're eating is contributing to this. The vegetable seed oils,
the just sugar in everything, that's contributing. Absolutely. It's a big part of this curve, but also what about all the, the,
the artificial dyes that are,
they effectively come as a by-product of petroleum manufacturing of making oil
and gasoline and lubricants.
They have these less than leftover things that they're like, Hey,
we can make fruit loops and lucky charms,
really this vibrant red or orange or blue.
Real food doesn't come in those colors.
And, you know, you would expect the average consumer to just use common sense and go, wow, that's that's almost glow in the dark.
That can't be healthy. But we've been trained again unconsciously by the food companies that they're there.
They're our friends. And so we should be able to eat this stuff. It should be fine.
But also, this is an indictment of U.S. medical health care, right? The medications that we've been told by multiple
television and magazine commercials and ads, this is going to help you be healthier. This is going
to save you effectively is what the message is. Obviously, they're not doing anything to help us long term. Our life expectancy based,
when you compare it to any other modern society, is sad. It's terrible. It's atrocious. And we've
got to, and that's why I'm hopeful that our new administration, if they do the things that they
promised us they will do, they will address all, all the factors in that curve that just,
it's depressing to look at that curve and go, wow, we are the leading country in so many fields,
but when it comes to being healthy and when it comes to longevity, we're, what are we,
number 35 or number 40 out of the developed countries? I mean, that's terrible.
It's not just terrible. I think it's immoral. And so, you know, Ken,
very interesting period of time here. It oddly I've up to this point up until this election,
I have known exactly zero people who work in government. And this time I might know 30 or 40,
including one step removed or very close to some some big players like RFK, Jay Bhattacharya, etc.
So it's a whole new kind of a landscape to understand that we might be able to do something
this time, but they are going to do everything in their power. By they, I mean corporations.
It's profits. There are people who are going to try and defend profits.
But in doing that, I can't help but see it as a sick care triangle anymore, Ken. Obviously,
you've got players out there who feed bad toxic substances,
and there's many dimensions to that,
that then lead to people having chronic illnesses.
So the kids need ADHD meds,
which turns out red dye number three and yellow 40
might be contributing to that ADHD.
So feed them ADHD stuff and then treat the ADHD symptoms.
Obviously not good for the kids, but good for corporations. To that end, I know you battle with this all the time.
People's eating habits are set in childhood. I would like to maybe get your reaction to this.
I don't know if you've seen it yet, but I'm just going to play this. This is a feel-good
moment. I think a school got together, and I don't know what they're going to do with all these boxes,
but just take a look at, kids were asked to bring in breakfast items. Take a look at this. Ken, what's in those boxes?
That's not real food in those boxes.
I mean, I'm just seeing sugar, preservatives.
Maybe glyphosate. Grains, vegetable seed oils, and petroleum-derived food coloring.
That's literally all that's in those boxes.
There's no real human food in any of those boxes.
Even the most expensive cereal that you can buy at the
supermarket, the most expensive one that's organic and non-GMO contains sugar, grains, and vegetable
seed oils, plus or minus the artificial diet. There is no food. That's not food. That's what I call
poverty food. If you're starving to death, yes, eat all the cereal to keep from starving and dying.
But if you're trying to optimize your health, there's no food, optimal food in those boxes. Yeah, look, it just keeps going and going and going.
And I, you know, Ken, I feel bad. I probably, I ate this stuff as a kid. I fed it to my own kids.
But now that I know what I know, I would never do this. I don't see food anymore.
No, we don't have a box of any of that in our house, Chris.
Our five-year-old and our two-year-old don't even know the different brands of cereal.
They have no idea what that is because we are creating a new culture in our household, a new family heritage in our family.
And I want to talk about that because that's actually an evolutionary principle that people need to understand.
What's going on.
Why are so many people eating Lucky Charms and feeding that to their kids?
There's really three things going on. There's the the unconscious belief that these food companies are friends, that that that hundreds of millions of dollars of advertising have planted that in your brain. Number two is the, the, anything that your family, anything that
your mom did in the house when you were growing up and anything your grandparents did in the house
growing up, we have this thing that's evolutionary conserved in us that that becomes our heritage,
becomes our culture. And so then we believe, oh, that's, that's how it's done because part of a
parent and a grandparent's job is to teach
you, do these things and your life will be better. Do these things and your life will be worse.
This is something humans, a tool that we've used, a mental tool forever, for millennia.
But the corporations have hijacked that. Not only have they hijacked our satiety hormones,
they've hijacked our culture and our heritage. And so there are, there's a whole, really two generations running around out there
as adults who believe that Lucky Charms is part of their heritage, part of their culture.
And that's what, so we get this generational damage being done. Not only did I eat this when I was growing up and I ate it when I was
pregnant with you, and then I fed it to you as when you were a young child. And so you get the
epigenetic switches flip there as well, right? And now you are an adult and you're about to have a
child and you, that you believe in your heart of hearts deep inside that that's part
of your heritage part of your family culture when it's it's literally been hijacked by the the
multinational multi-billion dollar corporations you're you are damaging your own progeny you're
damaging your own children and grandchildren by feeding this, this inflammatory insulin spiking, sugar spiking, potentially ADHD
causing, potentially cancer causing crap. And the corporations are making out like bandits.
Well, they are. And thank you for that whole, the heritage part, because
these things get set in stone early. Listen, kids are defenseless. You
know, the kid in the candy aisle, right? The three-year-old at the checkout line throwing
the tantrum, right? So the kids aren't supposed to be the senior adults in this story. But then
we get to the actual senior adults. And Ken, take a look at this. I just went to a random standard.
This is just from a school district. You see, I pulled it down. It was printed out on September 17th, 2024.
It's down there at the bottom.
But let's look at this.
Tuesday, strawberry pop tarts.
Wednesday, apple cinnamon benefit bars.
Thursday, Pillsbury mini cinnamon caramel rolls.
Friday, Crunchmania gram snacks. looks like that picture down below in district
five down here in march celebrated national school breakfast week they spread out all the stuff out
there look look how exciting that that display is down in that picture there i mean ken this is
going on in schools all over the country every school school, every preschool, every hospital, every prison, every nursing home.
So let's talk about that.
Keep that image up.
Why in the world would a school be doing this?
So there's multiple reasons again.
And we have to fight all these reasons at every level.
First of all, it's easy for the cafeteria staff to do this.
There's no cooking.
You don't have to slave over a hot cauldron of whatever.
You just grab this and put it on a tray. You don't have to slave over a hot cauldron of whatever. You just
grab this and put it on a tray. You're done. What about school administration? Why do they allow
this? They actually are mandated federally to feed this kind of crap to kids because this stuff that
you see in this picture and on the school menu, this meets the USDA criteria. And so we actually, I can tell you a quick story. We have a very small school here in our community where the cafeteria ladies, once a week, they would actually fix a real breakfast for the kids, bacon and eggs. And the principal, who's a personal friend of
mine, got a letter from the federal government saying, hey, if you keep doing this, you're going
to lose all of your federal dollars. This does not meet our criteria. And so these well-meaning
cafeteria ladies who love these children, who love this community and said, hey, I want to fix you
bacon and eggs for breakfast, they almost lost their federal
funding because they were doing this and they had to step away from what any rational adult would
say, well, it's a good thing they're doing that. They had to cease and desist or they would have
lost hundreds of thousands in federal dollars because they were not meeting the guidelines.
Now, look at all those packages in the picture. Who's benefiting
from that? Not the children, not the community, the corporations who sell that crap. That's who's
benefiting from this. They have captured the federal guidelines because here's the truth of
this. Chris and I, we don't have any lobbyists that lobby congressmen or senators, right? We
don't have any lobbyists. You don't have any lobbyists that lobby congressmen or senators, right? We don't have any lobbyists.
You don't have any lobbyists at all.
You can't afford one.
I promise you, you can't afford one.
But these big food companies, they have on average one to five lobbyists for each and every congressman and senator to lobby them to make sure this stuff gets into the, I'm not even going to call it stuff, this crap gets into the
guidelines and stays into the guidelines. The same goes for the SNAP program that used to be
called food stamps. They've hijacked that. Same goes for the WIC program, women's infants and
children, women who are pregnant, expecting, breastfeeding, or have young infants in their
house. You know, you can't even buy red meat with WIC benefits,
but you can buy all the cereal that you want with those benefits,
SNAP benefits.
What, 11% of that goes just for Coke and Pepsi and Mountain Dew.
11% of, and so now we're faced with, well, do we mandate?
You can't buy that stuff?
Or do we try to educate people who are on the SNAP program and the WICOP program?
No, don't get that stuff.
The corporations have got us in a dilemma, Chris.
This is not a problem that has an easy solution.
This is a dilemma where your choices are worse, bad, less bad, slightly less bad.
It's going to take a decade to unravel all the damage that's
been done by the food corporations and their lobbyists and the limp-wristed senators and
congressmen who have been like, well, it's just a little move in the wrong direction. It's not a
big deal. They're going to give me $5,000 for my campaign. I guess I'll vote yes on this. And so it's this slow, slippery slope
from going from feeding your kids real food and it not even being questioned that you feed children
real human food. That shouldn't even be a question, right? And now we find ourselves in 2024
in this position where I'm having to argue online daily with people, this is not even food. If you brought
motor oil and antifreeze to school and said, hey, let's feed this to the kids, people would have a
problem with that. But what we're effectively doing is just feeding another variant of motor oil
and antifreeze to the kids. And then people are getting up in arms saying, don't you take Lucky
Charms away from the children. It's maddening that we've gotten to where we are.
And that's why there's so much confusion and so much argument is the food corporations have intentionally muddied the water because they took their playbook from big tobacco.
Remember when tobacco companies would be like, well, we're not even sure if nicotine is really addictive.
But there's no evidence that proves that smoking causes cancer.
This is just observational data. That's where we find ourselves.
And it's maddening. But yet any any rational adult, any adult who loves their children and loves other people's children that they've never met and wants a better future for humanity, this has got to stop. It's got to stop.
And we've got to be part of the solution as big of a headache as it is to try
to argue common sense and logic with some of those people out there.
It has to be done because that's the only way we're going to save the kids
from being fed this diabetes-invoking, inflammatory,
ADH-provoking, cancer-provoking junk.
Well, you know, it just brings us back to this all the time.
And so, Ken, you know, if we were going to move the United States
from its current, oh, just under 79 years of life expectancy
up to, say, Japan's at 84, well, we're talking five years, five years across 330 million people.
This is an average. So that's like 1.5 billion person years.
That's 1.5 billion grandma, grandpa years with their grandchildren.
It's a big deal.
And this doesn't even take into account, Chris, the health span of these people.
The quality of life. I'm just talking quantity.
You're right, quality.
This is just quantity.
We're losing billions of years of wisdom from our grandfathers and our grandmothers.
And God forbid, even our great grandfathers and great grandmothers.
Humans used to know these older people are a source of wisdom.
They can teach you things.
But now we just want to put them in nursing homes.
And when you when you wind up putting somebody in a nursing home, a lot of people, they've never said out loud, but it doesn't really matter whether they live a year or 15 years in there.
So if they if they died, well, nothing was really lost. That's that's terrible that that that that we may not say that out loud.
We may not believe that consciously but that's the
that's what is effectively happening in the united states right now so the grandparents are losing 10
years of healthy life that they could be outside in the backyard kicking the soccer ball with their
grandkids teaching them life lessons we don't get that from our grandparents anymore and then they're
dying five years sooner than other developed countries.
This has got to stop.
This is ridiculous.
I mean, it makes you wonder why the 20-somethings and the 30-somethings of today believe the moronic things that they believe and espouse the idiotic positions that they espouse.
It's because they didn't have any quality time with older people, their grandparents, who would say, no, honey, that's dumb.
No, no, don't. That's not right at all.
Kids are hardwired to believe their parents and they're hardwired to believe their grandparents.
We're hardwired. Even if you don't want to believe them, you still believe them.
Kids don't have that these days. All they have is the cartoons that are sponsored by the big food companies.
They have the websites that are sponsored by the big food companies. They have the websites that are
sponsored by the big food companies. And then they go to school and they eat the food that's
sponsored by the big food companies. That literally, the big food companies have more
input on what your child believes than you do as a parent or a grandparent. It's time for that to
stop. Indeed, indeed. And so, you know, this is a complicated topic. I'm learning a lot about it as we go.
So as you know, Ken, I value truth.
And not that there is a capital T truth and you ever find it.
It's kind of like if you're refining gold, you get it to 70% and then 80, then 90, then 99, then 99.9.
It's a process.
And so I'm uncovering a lot of truths here.
And I think people are waking up to this.
There's a great awakening going on.
So you and I, we've teamed up because I think we're built just the same.
Like integrity matters.
We want to help people.
And we're going to be putting on a food webinar to help begin to decode all of this for people.
You know, just save time and help people get started and get on the healthy path.
And I honestly think there are two big groups of
people. Obviously, the mama bears, typically the moms, they just don't want to get their kids
started out on the wrong foot. What parent does? This is a big thing to figure out that your whole
school system has conspired to feed your kids stuff. It's easy for them, bad for your kid,
and that's not the deal.
And secondarily, there are people like you and I who know that there's a really important period
of time coming up and we want to be in the game. And it's almost like these food companies,
the pharma companies, the sick care industry wants us out of the game. So I'm stubborn.
You want me out of the game? I'm in the game. That's how I'm built. So, Ken, I'm just going to take a quick break and let people know more about that food webinar.
I'm going to be my own sponsor here for this particular program.
We'll be back in about three minutes and we're going to carry on with what some of those lobbying efforts are.
And and then I will still for everybody else, we're going to carry on and talk about the continuing resolution and a few other things that we have to get to.
Are you tired of feeling run down, maybe low energy? You know, you've got some pounds you'd like to lose. Maybe you've got brain fog or something like that. Listen, we think we have
the answer to all of that. And it begins with your food. If you're like me, you were shocked
to hear testimony recently that unraveled and unearthed and exposed the idea that our food has been made addictive by addiction specialist scientists, the tobacco scientists out there putting things in our food.
Maybe it also shocked you to discover that Europe does not allow all kinds of stuff in our food because they know it's toxic.
What is the combined effect of all of this?
Listen, we know what the data is.
It's horrifying.
The number of children showing up with type 2 diabetes,
the total metabolic disasters unfolding across the land.
Marked by obesity, sure, but we have cardiovascular issues,
concomitant rises in cancers, all of these things,
and it all starts with food.
Garbage in, garbage out.
So what do we do about that?
First, it begins with understanding the context.
We've put together a very exciting, comprehensive food webinar that will expose the regulatory
side of this and what is being done and why and how this happened to us.
We'll be talking with Thomas Massey about that.
We've got Dr. Ken Berry talking
with us on the practitioner side and the solution side. We've got Tracy Thurman talking to us about
the war on farmers and the war on food that has been happening. And Robert Barnes to help us
understand that as well. Many, many other guests to both define what the problem is and what we
can do about it. And we want to make it as simple as possible.
Here's an example.
Hey, maybe you're even on keto.
And these are carb-wise.
So these have low amounts of carbs.
See that?
Yeah, these are carb-wise.
So keto-friendly.
I want to note, you note something.
You see how fresh these look?
You see any mold in there?
Any bacteria, any yeast, any sign of anything, any organism in there?
These things expired in June and it is now November.
So what are they putting in our food that even black mold won't eat it?
I don't know.
But I've decided that if it's not good enough for black mold, it's no longer good enough for me. Once you start down that path, you realize that we have got sugar and preservatives and salt and seed oils,
all of the chemicals that are unnecessary, and the fact that the food pyramid is absolutely wrong.
So if you like effective information that leads to effective action, this webinar is for you.
It's going to be
the usual thing that my team and I will put on. It'll be organized, digestible, easily understandable,
and most importantly, it's going to be actionable in ways that you will understand what to do.
And I've designed it so that you would be easily be able to send this to anybody that you love or
care about, say, can we talk about this and have it as a starting point for conversation. But what we really want,
we want you to be healthy because, well, who doesn't want to be healthy? Health is the
number one form of personal capital you can have, of course. But given everything that's going on in the world, being healthy and vigorous and
active are going to be dominant strategies and things you're really going to want to be carrying
in. So folks, it's time to get prepared on all levels. It begins here. It starts at home. It
begins with our eating. And let's just make sure that we're not eating stuff that even black mold
won't touch. With that, thank you very much for listening and
we'll get back to our regular programming now. Bye-bye. Hey, welcome back to the regular programming.
It's me again. Listen, this is, I'm actually really excited for this food webinar and this
content. I just want people to be healthy. You know, I did everything I could during COVID to
alert people to what was going on. I like to be helpful, right?
We have the Great Taking series.
We investigated the Trump assassination attempt on July 13th.
This is what I do.
I try and find information that I think is going to be really helpful to people.
So, Ken, can I just show you some stuff now that I want to talk about what we're up against?
So I feel good that maybe,
you know, RFK Jr. is going to come in and try and do something. We've got a new head of FDA,
which I think, you know, is going to be a good selection, assuming they get confirmed.
Things are possible, but you know what? Truth doesn't matter when you get to Washington.
It's politics and it's money and it's crazy trade-offs. So to that end, let me show you this
real quick. I got a couple things here. First, really great piece here by Li Fang talking about
the, well, what the junk food lobby, and yes, it's a lobby, what they're going to do here
to derail RFK's agenda should he get confirmed. And so real clear investigations
quote here has learned that representatives of companies that make snack foods, sugary beverages,
cooking oils are already meeting, of course, to discuss how to thwart the reform agenda of RFK
Jr. OK, so that's what they want to do. It's going to be a massive effort by D.C. lobbyists,
it says here, to position their clients in response to Trump's pledge to change how Washington does business.
So the lobbyists can they're there, they're there, they're there to protect corporate profits.
That's that's what they're there for. Yeah. And so look at this tartrazine, so-called yellow dye five, right?
It said in videos that have gone viral this year, Kennedy, and you saw a screenshot of that up two slides ago. He singled out ultra processed food as a priority in one video devoted to the potential dangers of yellow dye, yellow five food dye.
He stands with a table of Dorito chips and Cap'n Crunch cereal. Carrying on down below in yellow, the dye, also known as
tartrazine, has been linked to behavioral problems in children and other health risks. The European
Union requires child warning labels for products with tartrazine. This is the stuff. You see the
molecular formulation right there. But Ken, I'm hungry. I think I'm going to go to the kitchen and make myself a
big plate of trisodium-1, 4-sulfonylphenyl-4, sulfonyl-fetal-azole-5-pyrrolazone-3-carboxylate.
Mmm. Mmm, mmm, mmm. How about you? You down for a big, want me to go make a plate of that up right
now? Fact check me if I'm wrong about this, Chris, but I'm almost certain that that is a
byproduct of petroleum chemical manufacturing. I think that's where it's a petroleum byproduct,
but double check me on that. So I can guarantee you, because I'm a student of human nature,
just like you are, Chris, every boardroom of every big food corporation is abuzz right now.
They're having meetings.
They're having get your heads together groups.
They're sending out mass emails, back channel Slack messages saying,
hey, what are we going to do about this?
What's the plan?
And they'll have a plan on day one.
Come January 20th, they will have a plan and they will put that plan into action.
Maybe they'll say, well, we'll add a little more plant fiber.
So it's higher in fiber.
We'll add a little more plant protein.
So it's higher in protein.
We'll take out and they'll compromise because that's what government does.
They'll compromise.
They'll say, well, we'll take out the tartrazine.
But let's leave the others in.
There's not nearly as much data about them.
We don't want the price of food to go up too much.
And if you guys make us take all this out, it's going to increase the price of a box of cereal.
Forty five cents a box or something. And you don't you don't want hungry people to not be able to afford food.
And I keep doing air quotes because this is not my definition of food. Right.
Yeah. And they'll make these deals and
the reps and the senators will wind up compromising. They'll make the breakfast cereal
a little less bad. But in the common sense world, less bad does not equal good. And so that's why
I'm doing this with you. That's why I make my YouTube videos is because I have no faith in the
federal government.
Chris, I don't know if that shocks you for me to say that.
Even this incoming administration, I think many of them have great intentions.
I have personal interactions with several of them.
I've DMed with RFK Jr.
I've had Marty McCary on interviewed him on my channel.
I've had several other people who are being vetted.
One of my good friends just went to Mar-a-Lago for a position with the VA Medical Center.
I love these people.
I have great hope for these people.
But I know that they are going into the belly of the beast.
And the beast is famous for chewing the guts out of people like this and sending them home with some scandal.
Oh, we found out that back in 1979, this guy had a little marital indiscretion,
or we found out this guy had a little drug problem or alcohol problem, or we found out that this guy,
whatever, whatever. And many of these people, I predict, will be sent home prematurely before
they've had a chance to do any good because they discovered a skeleton in their closet.
Do you not think Big Food, how many private investigators do you think Big Food has right now looking into every one of these?
How many public relations firms do you think are coming up with campaigns right now to dilute the effect of these people who are going to Washington with the best of
intentions and with big plans. How many do you think will be sent home because we found a
skeleton or because this PR firm just destroyed their reputation? This is going to happen. And
that's why I reach out daily to regular folks and say, you cannot trust the federal government.
Even with this new administration, you cannot trust the federal government.
Let's look at the science. Let's look at modern nutrition science.
Let's look at archaeology, anthropology, paleoanthropology.
Let's figure out what is a proper human diet. And then, God forbid, feed that to your family.
And it does not include things that black mole will not eat.
Now, thank you for putting it this way. And again, I don't trust the government either,
or rather I do. I trust that it's going to have to fight these vicious fights,
which a normal person for you and I, we should never have to fight that fight. So,
so a quick example here. So imagine if raw milk did any of these things. This is tartrazine we're just talking about, right? This yellow dye causes skin reactions, hives, urticaria, angioedema, eczema, gastrointestinal issues, respiratory issues, central nervous system issues, anxieties, migraine, depression, blurred vision, other reactions, all this. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. And it may be mutagenic too, but you know,
Hey, whatever. Right. Oh my God. Are you kidding me? So that's what it does. And you know, there
are people, Ken, you, what you're saying, they're going to fight taking that out. Cause it's going
to cost him an extra half a penny, a box. And they'll tell us it's 45 cents more and think of
all the starving kids. But look at this. I always love it when you can put pizza and Podesta
somewhere in the
near in the same scent same but this is from that same article before from lee fang says under sway
from industry sources the house appropriations committee inserted a provision into federal
funding that forced tomato paste on frozen pizzas to be counted as a vegetable so therefore pizza is a vegetable under federal dietary guidelines uh at any rate it turns
out that um this invariant is a lobbying group invariant is a group that actually it's founded
by somebody named heather podesta which raises my hackles right away i'm like oh yeah yep that
podesta that one great taste in art and also helping you decide what good food is.
That's what we're up against. That system right there.
So I don't know. Yeah, I would be happy to get any health or nutrition advice from any of the Podesta family.
I'm not interested in their advice. Correct. Yes. Yes. That, that would be, that, that would be really
appropriate. And, um, uh, and so we just like, we're watching, like, um, let me show you this
real quick. Uh, Bernie Sanders has been, you know, now he's finally found his mojo again,
and here he is, he's grilling Califf. I won't, I could play this, but it's a long thing.
But Sanders said, well, I'm not hearing you. Why are our kids unhealthy? Can you explain? Are you prepared to tell us this committee of Congress needs to take on the food and beverage industry? And Califf says, well, I'm not going to castigate the people that work in the food and beverage industry. Right. You're not. It's your job, dude. Right. Anyway, he goes into this long thing about how it takes years and years to figure this stuff out.
Ken is just going to take forever and they're going to fight us every step of the way.
That's going to be happening, which is why everybody here needs to learn how to take matters into their own hands.
It'll be another 14 years before they make some progress on some of this stuff.
That's Washington.
Like it or not, that's the process.
Yeah, the big food companies, all they want to do,
all they have to do to win, Chris, is to slow this process down.
That's all they have to do.
They slow the process down and they introduce uncertainty into the equation.
That's the tobacco playbook.
They're going to use the same playbook. That's exactly what they're going to do because the average person, when they find out the truth about how much we've been lied to about food, about nutrition, about medicine, they are pissed off.
They are on fire.
They are motivated.
They're going to change the world.
I've seen so many doctors come and go on YouTube when they find this out.
They're like, oh, my God, I've got to tell the world. And they're really many doctors come and go on YouTube when they find this out. They're like,
oh my God, I've got to tell the world. And they're really on fire for a year or two. And then they're
like, nobody's just, I'm not having any effects. This is hard. This is hard. And it takes a long
time. Exactly. Now, do you think the corporations, do they care if it takes 5, 10, 15, 20 years to
win this battle? No, that's actually a benefit to them because
corporations are essentially immortal. They don't have families. They don't have things they have to
do. Their one and only job is to win this fight, to drag this out, to muddy the water, and to
finally enough people like you and me just get discouraged and be like, I could actually do
better over here doing something else.
And so you move on with your life. Well, corporations are, they're,
they're immortal. They don't have a life to worry about.
They don't care if it takes 10 years to win this, they're going to win this.
And that's why I stopped worrying about what the federal government does.
I have a good friend, Nina Teicholz,
who wrote a book called the big fat surprise about how saturated fat's not bad
for you. And she made it her mission in life to change the federal guidelines. And I was like, good luck
to you, honey. I wish you all the luck, but I think you're going to have zero success. And she's been
bashing her head against that wall for 10 years. This new administration has reached out to her,
and there's hope again, once again, hope. But I don't hang my hat on hope. I hang my hat on common sense and actionable, easy steps that just
real people can take with their very next meal. You can change the following things and start to
immediately improve your health. That's why I started the YouTube channel to reach just real
folks and say, Hey, ignore all this stuff. Just do the following things and your health will start to immediately improve. And that seems to be working for me. Well, great. And Eric Patton here,
and I'll let you go soon, Ken, he said, quote, the government has set up a system to keep us
sick and poor. We need to stop their agenda somehow. Well, Eric, it's going to be a big,
nasty, dirty fight in Washington. It's going to take a long time.
That's the bad news.
The good news is Ken can help you figure that out right away.
And what I would say is to start.
Let me talk to Eric.
Eric, don't worry about any of what you just tweeted.
Don't worry about what you just posted.
Fix your own health first.
Follow the simple steps,
the simple principles of a proper human diet. Fix your own health, okay? It's going to make
you healthier and it's going to make you mentally healthier and happier. It's going to make you give
off this exuberance, this almost like an inner glow. Your friends and your family members will
see that in you and they're going to say, Eric, dude, you look great. What are you doing? You seem so much happier. When they ask you that question,
then you teach them the principles of a proper human diet to the degree to which they listen
to you and implement the simple principles. Their health will start to improve. And then you start
this cascade effect of where they start to tell their friends and so on and so on. That's the way
I'm going to try to change the world.
I have no hope that we're going to have.
I literally have no hope that we're going to have any effect at the federal level.
I have very little hope we'll have any effect at the state level.
I'm talking to several state senators and state reps here in Tennessee saying,
hey, let me let me come and talk to somebody.
Let me teach them what's going on.
Why our kids are so sick,
so fat, so diabetic. Why our kids have fatty liver disease, which shouldn't even exist in children.
I have no hope. The only hope I have is that Eric can affect his immediate family,
and then he can affect his friends, and then he can affect his extended family and his extended
friend network. That's the only hope we have for saving each other is to help each other along this journey. I have no hope at the federal level.
Indeed. Well, Ken, thank you so much for your time today here on The Signal Hour.
Tell people where they can find you because I know Eric's going to want to hunt you down.
Eric, I have a YouTube channel. If you just go to YouTube and type in Dr. Barry, you will find my YouTube channel. I have 3.4 million followers now. I have over 1500 videos. If you have a medical condition, Eric, you can go to YouTube and type in Dr. Barry and whatever your medical condition is. I probably have one, if not multiple videos about how you can reverse that or at least improve your symptoms. If I'm feeling particularly
snarky, you can find me on Twitter. Now, X, I just retweeted Bernie Sanders' tweet, and I said,
it's rare that I agree with Senator Sanders, but in this case, I 100% agree with him. I have no
problem reaching across the aisle, reaching across and saying, yes, my enemy on this particular topic
is exactly correct. If I'm feeling loving and caring, you'll find me on Facebook and Instagram.
I'm also on Nostr, which I've talked to Chris about before, which is a decentralized platform
where you can never be canceled. So if you'd like to make it impossible for the big corporations to
ever cancel you, check out Nostr, N-O-S-T-R I make no money from recommending that thank you Chris for
having me on I love the work you're doing uh I've been following I've been a member of Chris's peak
prosperity group for years and have reached out to Chris for years saying dude we need to talk
about this but he was busy with other stuff, which I totally understand.
But now that food is on his radar, now that nutrition and health is on his radar,
you can damn well bet I'm going to make hay.
And as I like to say, Ken, I'm a quick learner eventually.
Took me time to catch up to you.
Same, same.
All right.
Well, thank you so much, Dr. dr kenberry we're going to carry this conversation
and of course see you on the food webinar uh coming up uh in early january all right buddy
thank you thanks for your time today all right bye-bye all right everybody um we are going to
move on now to and uh ken's awesome i love working with that guy and and people like him.
So so this is the great movement is now people who are tired, sick and tired of being sick and tired.
We're tired of being gaslit. So let's talk about all the ways we've been gaslit of late. Right.
So Trump wins the election. Then that's November 5th.
By November 6th, the dust settles a little. Next thing you know, the U.S. is launching long range missiles into Russia and trying to get World War Three started.
And then, you know, there's a little case of overthrowing the Romanian elections. I'm sure we had a little hand in that.
And then, well, oh, Syria falls and on and on and on. There have been all these provocations and then the drones.
Now, look, if you haven't heard my views on this so far, very simply, obviously, when the government comes out and says, we have no idea what these things
are, where they're coming from or where they're going, but they're not a threat. That's two lies
or three lies or however many lies you want to see all at once. Obviously, the government knows
what they are and where they came from. That's obvious, right? To anybody who knows even minimal
things about air corridors, air traffic, the ability of the United States government to track stuff in the air.
Pretty good.
Except on 9-11, different story.
But when we look at this overall story, it's obvious that this just has the feel of another PSYOP.
Now, I'm going to be releasing soon.
I interviewed Robert Malone about PSYWars and PsyOps, fifth generation
warfare. Unfortunately, that's the landscape we're in, but this is important to understand because
that's the world we're in right now, which is that information is the new battlefield.
And if you're worried about misinformation, malinformation, disinformation as a government
blanquet, and we'll talk about that in the continuing resolution.
They're working hard to keep that whole ship going.
It's even easier if you don't have misinformation or disinformation, because the person who's trying to exercise that free speech actually has had their mind co-opted and they don't even have free thought.
They're thinking not they're not even thinking anything unapproved.
Right. That's the game. So let's talk about that very quickly as we move on.
This continuing resolution. Right. As I said, it's it's like watching sausage being made from roadkill.
That would actually be more appetizing than that.
So let's talk about this 2025 Christmas tree bill.
Here's Representative Mace filling us in. Nancy Mace.
Oh, hold on. Something's not. Oh, operator error. Here we go.
Actually cut spending. This is what D.C. does. They manufacture a crisis. No government shut down.
They manufacture this crisis to get as much stuff into this bill.
We call it a Christmas tree bill because everybody gets something and then more, and you get stuck
with the tap and makes things so much more less affordable for you, the American people.
Yep. That's it. The Christmas tree bill. So what does that mean? Well, it's a 1547 page continuing resolution to keep funding the
central government, which, by the way, could have fit on a single sheet of paper which says
the government shall continue funding at current levels through March. I mean,
that would have continued it. But instead, it's a 1547 page thing. Oh, by the way, Congress in here managed to also give
itself a pay raise and opt itself out of Obamacare. Rules for the not for me. It's a monster of a
monstrosity. This is the monster. That's literally what it looks like all printed out there. And that
would land on your desk with just hours to read it if you were in Congress before you'd have to vote on it.
And and by the way, you couldn't possibly read it. I mean, you would need like the latest, greatest A.I. to begin to unravel this.
Why? Let's go to page nine fifty seven. And this is what a page looks like in their redesignation section three of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, which is twenty nine USC three one oh two, which you'd have to go dig that puppy out.
And then you would have to understand that that this continuing resolution is further amended by redesignating paragraphs five, six, seven, eight, nine, 14, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, respectively.
What? How you can't even like who who even writes this stuff? I mean, this is sausage made out of roadkill. This is unbelievable that anybody could even like I wouldn't even
begin to know it would take training to even begin to understand what this is. And obviously
you had some subgroup of people working on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
And I guarantee you, most of those numbers and parens is another corrupt scam so that Washington insiders and their corrupt hangers on the leeches in the story can continue being who they are.
And somehow, somehow, this is just a big old dead
giveaway. Now, I don't think anybody does a better job of sort of laying all this out. So this is
Representative Massey. And by the way, I did interview him for the food webinar. I really
like this guy a lot. This is what he said back on September 9th, 2024. We don't have to listen
to the whole thing, but his first few minutes, boy, does he nail it. Folks, if you want to know why inflation is high, it's because your
government is overspending. If you want to know why it's overspending, it's because
of what Thomas is about to clue us into here. And I would call on Mr. Massey.
Can we be honest with the American people about what's going on here? This is political theater.
I'm going to call out both sides right here.
It's all posturing.
It's fake fighting.
We all know where it ends up.
This is Groundhog Day.
I don't care if the Democrat is the speaker or Republican is the speaker.
We always get a CR in September, and then we get an omnibus.
Sometimes there's a twist on that.
We might get the omnibus before Christmas,
but if we're not good, it comes after Christmas. But that's what's going to happen. And in the
meantime, it's political theater. You know, we've got some, it's good theater. We've got great
writers. I wish they'd just come up with a new plot. It's the same plot every fiscal year.
Uh, what should we be doing it's already been discussed
we should have done 12 separate bills we should have done 12 separate bills but again whether
democrats are in control or republicans are in control we never do the 12 separate bills
what did what why do we always spend at least as much as we did last year and why do we never cut
spending it's because democrats
want to grow the welfare state and republicans want to grow the military industrial complex
and we're we're eventually going to get together and they're both going to go up i guarantee it
and both parties are just fine letting the bureaucrats do their thing, which should be our thing, according to Article 1,
Section 8 in the Constitution. We are empowered with these things. Most important of the things
we do is the funding, and that's the big lever we have. You know, I've sat through now almost
two years of hearings in this Congress, where we've exposed lies at the CDC, shortcuts at the FDA, unconstitutional
gun bans at the ATF, over-prosecution of January Sixers at the DOJ, targeting common citizens at
the FBI, spying by the NSA, illegal mandates for livestock by the USDA, targeting transgenic plant vaccine at the NSF, and censorship, the censorship industrial complex of which the NSF is part of,
automobile kill switch at the DOT.
Now, these are all things I think most Democrats are just fine
with this kind of totalitarian state that the bureaucrats are pushing on us.
But Republicans at least pretend to be against these things.
But what are we going to
do this September? We're going to fund every freaking one of those things that we have exposed.
That is the tool that we have is the funding. Why are we funding things we don't like? We don't have
to. Well, it's because we're addicted to spending. And this doesn't do anything about the addiction at all. So, all right.
How good is that?
That was just like the most eloquent couple of minutes just to lay the whole charade out, the whole thing.
I mean, that is just, that's absolutely, Thomas, Representative Massey has just nailed it here, obviously.
And so this leads to a number of issues that we're going to have to face. And I'll be
doing more episodes in the future about trying to understand the actual fiscal and monetary
situation or predicament more accurately that we find ourselves in as a nation. We're overspending,
overspending badly. Nobody seems to know how to stop that train. And the only thing government
ever does is just ratchet up higher, more spending. That's easy. Ratchet, ratchet, ratchet.
COVID, they ratcheted spending up by $2 trillion.
Now it's stuck there.
Nobody can figure out how to get $500 billion back, right?
Vivek and Elon, like we can save $500 billion.
Oh, the gnashing of teeth, the pulling of hair.
The worst thing ever.
This is going to destroy the world to just try and get our spending back to where it
was in 2023 would be a destructive Washington, D.C. destructive event. It would be a seismic
problem. Again, back to Representative Nancy May saying the first nine pages of this continuing
resolution are all we need to keep the government open. The other 1500 pages are a handbook on how the government
plans to waste your tax dollars for a bit. Um, and, uh, oh yeah, by the way, we're at the top
of the signal hour. I'm going to keep going for just a little bit here. Cause I got some more
stuff to cover. Cause this is just that important. So we're going to run a little long today,
if that's okay. All right. Um, if it's not, you just navigate away. You're the boss.
Check this out from a muse on X. Continuing resolution prevents Trump's DOJ from investigating Congress. It says here, a court of competent jurisdiction shall quash or modify any legal process directed to the provider for a house office if compliance with the legal process would require the disclosure of house data of the house office.
It's like anything that would require me to, like, tell you what I did.
We're going to have to quash that right away.
What does this have to do with a continuing resolution to fund the government?
That's his one.
When Thomas Massey said there should be 12 separate bills, that ought to be its own bill.
That ought to be its own bill on about two or three pages with names on it.
I'm the sponsor. You're the co-sponsor. These are the people who voted for it because it ought to be out
there in the bright light of day. Now, you know what's going to happen. They're going to say,
oh, anybody who didn't vote for this continuing resolution and all of these sub acts that came
along for the ride like leeches that then you must be for shutting down the government and
therefore we're going to have
to close the park service. And a lot of people are going to go home very unhappy, not able to
attend, get into Yellowstone, right? That's how they roll, right? When the federal government has
to shut down, they act like a PTA school board that didn't get everything they want. They shut
down the most valuable high impact programs. After school sports, that's what we have to do. We're
not going to like fire the assistant dean of diversity within the school district, you know, to save money.
Like, no, they're going to make it as painful as possible.
But at any rate, this is just corruption protecting itself from itself.
That's one thing as well. Benjamin Weingarten pointing out here that they are.
There's a key part in here that's going to extend the censorship industrial complex,
which is going to make sure the Global Engagement Center, which is the thing that's been shutting
down all of the free speech and is very anti-American, and they just did that by inserting
this deep into this whole continuing resolution, which is Section 1287J of the National Defense
Authorization Act, the NDAA, for fiscal year 2017, is amended by striking on the date that
is eight years after the date of enactment of this act, which is 2017 plus eight, oh, 2025,
and inserting on the date is nine years after the date of enactment of this act. So the NDAA is this big, nasty,
authoritarian crap show of an act. And here in the continuing resolution, they're sneaking in
something to amend that. So it's amending a law from within another law, in this case,
an appropriations bill to amend a law that has nothing to do strictly with appropriations.
But this is how they roll.
The omnibus thing, and this is what Thomas Massey talked about,
it's kabuki theater.
You're going to have this continuing resolution that's sort of going to get skated along,
and then eventually it turns into omnibus.
That's what that means, omni, comprehensive omnibus.
It's like there's all kinds of things tucked and hidden
inside this
1547 page continuing resolution it's not a continuing resolution it is an omnibus spending
and legislative rewrite act it's like the christmas tree act all thrown into one spot
and then you have to either vote on the whole thing or you have to vote against the whole thing
and if you vote against it well then, then you're a evil Nazi racist
who wants to shut down the government.
And think of all the starving women and children
because the school WICs program won't, you know,
food lunch programs won't get funded instead,
or you have to vote for all this stuff.
So if you are somebody who's of a mind to say,
I'm not for this, I'm not for carrying on with this global engagement center, this thing was absolutely unconstitutional. I don't believe in it. It hasn't been good for the country, hasn't made us safer, and has helped people actually have less trust in our government. So I'm not for it. But you have to vote for it because there it is.
Somehow magically tucked in here,
the Global Engagement Center extension.
What a piece of junk.
How about this?
The continuing resolution expands the government's emergency powers,
allowing it to bring back
those good old time,
all time crowd pleasers,
vaccine and max mandates,
mask mandates,
create vaccine passports,
even funding gain of function research, because that went so swimmingly well that last time.
So at any rate, any stupid, idiotic idea, any pork barrel, any graft, any corruption,
this is now all just like wrapped in these things they call continuing resolutions. And of course,
if you have good times leading to weak men,
those weak men eventually end up in the middle of a Newsmax thing
and they get sandwiched between an old guy and a blonde,
and that weak man would be Mike Johnson,
who's like, he's just shrugging, he's whining here,
he's like, well, no one wants to spend $110 billion on pork,
but what are you going to do?
Oh, by the way, congressional representatives
are going to receive a pay raise.
They did get that tucked into this as well.
So that's the continuing resolution.
It's actually a big deal.
It shows just how defective and dysfunctional
our government has become over time,
that it doesn't know any other way to operate
except to slam out these 1,500- page things, heave them over at the last
minute. And it's full of gobbledygook, pork, bad ideas, corruption and wasteful spending.
Carrying on, Team Biden is kind of insisting and along with the DNC, along with Rhino Republicans,
they're pretty clear about this. America and Americans come last.
This gentleman, if you haven't seen this yet, made the circuits last week.
He did just a spectacular job of sort of explaining when and why and how he lost touch with his former party of choice, the Democrats.
This was the precise moment I no longer was a Democrat.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
That was the precise moment that I knew I was leaving the Democratic Party
because I was a two-time bone cancer survivor. I voted for Obama-Biden based on
Obamacare. And when it was implemented in 2010, I ended up losing my insurance.
I went from an insurance plan that was $185 a month with $1,000 deductible
to that policy being canceled because it no longer met
the requirements of Obamacare. And I was left with the cheapest option being $1,200 a month,
$6,000 deductible. $185 a month, $1,000 deductible to $1,200 a month, $6,000 deductible.
I went 10 years without insurance and I was penalized each year because I could no longer afford insurance.
And in 2016, every single Democrat candidate up on that debate stage raised their hand and said they would give illegals free healthcare. While me as a two-time bone cancer survivor lost mine,
didn't have insurance for 10 years, and I was supposed to get CT scans,
chest X-rays, and all these other tests done every six months
to ensure my cancer didn't come back.
And they wanted to give illegals free healthcare.
That was the exact moment I was no longer a Democrat.
Well, there it is.
And of course, that makes a lot of sense, right?
You're a taxpayer, you're putting into the system,
and then anytime you want to try and pull back from,
withdraw from the system, get something back out, right?
Because we're all in this together.
It's just never there, right?
So we talk about this at Peak Prosperity
in terms of the easy-hard framework, right?
Easy are the things that the oligarch,
deep state, ruling class elites want.
Those things are easy.
They just happen.
Hard is something that typically results
in better health or a better outcome
or in some way the middle classes and lower classes sharing in the national abundance.
Those are hard. Right. So easy is red dye number three and yellow dye number 10.
Just getting on the schedule and we just use them because I mean, what else are you going to do?
Getting them off. That's going to be hard right um
100 billion to ukraine easy a billion dollars to africa for flooding victims easy right because
most of that doesn't actually go to africa it just goes into pockets in the u.s and they say
it was african aid right um oh look at these blankets we sent over there like yeah money
went from a server in Washington, D.C.
to a server in New York and never went to Africa.
But a billion for Africans.
But money for people in Western North Carolina or Lahaina, that's hard.
Oh, it's hard.
Really hard.
Oh, do we need to waste billions more on some, you know, boondoggle,
you know, shipping arms to Israel or something
like that. That's easy. Getting lead out of the water in Flint, Michigan. Now that's going to be
that's hard. It hasn't happened. Right. It's just anyway, this is the easy, hard framework.
The stuff that they want, which is mostly graft and corruption is easy. And the stuff you want
is actually hard. You want verifiable elections,
basically back to paper-based.
That should be in the easy column.
It's actually pretty cheap.
It's how everybody else does it.
We did it that way for centuries.
There's nothing wrong with it.
It's easy, but it's going to be hard.
Oh, that's so hard.
How would you actually,
how would you get that done?
Easy is getting these new
unverifiable voting machines that deliver
statistically impossible not even improbable results from time to time it's just the game
it is so once you understand the easy hard framework just anything that's easy is the
things that advance their power and control and money. Those things are easy. They happen. Hard are the opposites of those
things that improve your freedom, give you more prosperity, return something to you. That's hard.
So that's what this gentleman figured out here was that, you know, if you are an illegal,
undocumented migrant to the United States, it's easy. Here's a cell phone. Here's some money.
We'll give you a plane ticket. You need some health care. You need a place to live. All of
that's easy. If you are here already and you are a contributing member of the society. You get
nothing. All right. That's that's the racket. It's what it's been for a long time now as well.
You know, we look at America last. Another way we can detect this is that, you know, Biden, he just pardoned some of the most grotesque, unpardonable, unforgivable characters ever.
A woman who embezzled fifty three million dollars from taxpayers pardoned this gentleman right here, the kids for cash judge, this guy took a couple million bucks to take kids under 18
and charge them with, you know, either they had something minor
that he turned into something major, or maybe they were even innocent,
didn't matter, funneled them into a really nasty juvenile detention program
that actually was so bad that in some cases it resulted in
these kids committing suicide this is heartbreaking you need to be do you remember me do you remember
me do you remember my son an all-star wrestler he's gone he shot his son in the heart
a heartbroken really an out that woman's son all-star wrestler ended up committing suicide
after being um pulled into this gentleman's kids for cash scheme and biden
that's the kind of person biden wanted to pardon yep
it's it's frankly it's unforgivable um um, that this gentleman was, was pardoned. But of course,
that's how, you know, the graft and corruption that this is the kind of guy that, that Biden
could, you know, I think he, you know, you wanted to, you know, team Biden said, this is our kind
of guy that we would pardon this guy. This is the kind of guy, he does the kind of stuff that we
think deserves a second chance. You know, maybe he'll hang some Podesta style art in his house someday
and support a starving artist, whatever the story is. It's gross. It's bad. I hope we can make it
to January 20th without any other incidents. But these people, this is who they are. Remember,
Maya Angelou said, when somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
I got all the information I need on this whole thing all right and uh now we're going to
turn to a couple of viewer questions and comments as we wrap this up here today uh vilnius from
lithuania writing hi from europe chris um the economic climate in europe is getting gloomier
france has a political economic crisis it's going to be hard to solve
hard and difficult yep this makes another key European economy in
bad straits. Germany continues to deindustrialize and lose jobs. Italy is in perpetual stagnation
for many years. Typical. The only other larger economy, Poland, is doing relatively well,
but Poland is not going to pull Europe out of the current quagmire. Oh, no, it is not.
I see these trends only getting worse before things get better. Tariffs are not going to help Europe.
Is there some light at the end of the tunnel?
I certainly don't see any.
The USA has cheap energy, lower regulation, a large internal market, and a new political
order coming soon in relative terms.
Be thankful.
In relative terms, I am thankful.
Europe has absolutely clubbed itself over the head a couple of times.
Obviously, the whole technocracy of Brussels is very bad. Now, this is
here's the one thing we know. Freedom begets prosperity. Regulations do not beget prosperity.
And I understand that the people who like the regulation framework, which is a lot of technocrats
in Europe and unfortunately, a very large number of municipal, state, local planning boards, zoning boards, health boards,
you know, regulatory apparatus at the federal levels. They do believe that more regulations
are the path to happiness. They just unfortunately don't have any data to support that that's
actually true past a certain level. I mean, the regulations I would support fit on a three by
five card. They say you can do anything you want unless that impacts or in some way affects a neighbor of yours.
Then you got to talk about it. Right. But that would be basically it.
So if I want to hire or fire people or, you know, people don't want to work for me or they do, that should be something I can I can deal with.
If I want to put up a structure on my property, should I want to put up a structure on my property, I should be able to put up a structure on my property.
That's how I'm built.
I get it.
Not everybody sees the world that way,
but Europe is now past the point of recovery on this
because they destroyed their energy system.
And energy is the master resource.
There's no other way around this.
Germany is not going to be able to dig itself out
with its energy VN, solar, wind. That stuff doesn't work shut down its nuclear bad idea and they're persisting with
their bad ideas and they're going to keep doing that until the people who are promoting those
bad ideas are removed from office and that does not typically happen until some cratering
function happens. So I'm looking for Europe to not just be a basket case
compared to the U.S.
I'm looking for Europe
to actually shatter
and break apart again
because Poland's not going to want to carry
a bunch of dead wood around on its back
because they can't.
They're not big enough to do that.
Germany is going to have to figure out
all on its own
that it cannot persist
as a ward of the state,
in this case, the EU.
Its lifeblood is from good manufacturing
and hardworking people making high value add products.
That's prosperity.
And that begins with only the necessary regulations,
minimum, and then abundant and cheap energy.
And then Rob Laporte asking here,
biggest worry for the Trump team is
that regime media will continue to deceive the 30 to 40 percent of U.S. citizens who get most of
the news from those sources. I imagine one solution is that the new press secretary always has behind
her in briefings a billboard that one lists all the major news sources that lied or seriously
omitted on crucial matters and without retraction.
Hey, I got a long list of those folks.
I get I get fact checked by like NewsGuard and yada yada.
You know, the regime media sort of guard dogs.
And and of course, they never fact check themselves.
And of course, when their fact checks turn out wrong, they never correct that.
It's gross. I don't know how these people sleep at night, but it's a thing. Two, links to a web page proving the lies via a few major irrefutable cases. And
three, maybe, states that no questions citing evidence from those sources will be answered
until retraction and apologies for the list is done. Yeah, I like that idea a lot. That way, all coverage of press briefings, educated citizens,
educated citizens about ascertaining truth in the news. I've also imagined that the new
administration should subcontract to Kristen team to make and maintain the web page and two above.
What do you think of this idea? I think it's a great idea. Absolutely. We should become our own
truth in media situations.
So that's why I do what I do.
That's what the Signal Hour is here for you about.
We're going to try and find the truth within the noise.
And mainstream media is not just noise at this point in time.
They are running full-blown psychological operations.
And these have been running long enough that the news media,
I don't even think, no, they're even doing this anymore.
I don't think there's anybody sitting there smoking cigars in a back room explaining
exactly how to how CNN should like, you know, fake a news story about a Syrian prisoner of war.
Nobody has to tell them how to do that. That's already baked in the cake because the system
has been running for so long that the people within the system don't even know they're within
the system. They actually believe their own lies
and deceptions and that's how far gone it is there's really no way i know about to sort of
remedy that you can't shame them into better behavior because they don't even know they have
bad behavior what do you do right uh you got to start over and so that's why i do what i do and
that's why lots of alternative media has been on the rise is because we're just doing what we do, which is here's the truth as best we know it. We're going to present
it to you. We'll give you maybe a little bit of color commentary, but mostly it's get you the
facts you need so you can understand what's going on out there in the world. So that's all I have
for this Signal Hour. I'm really enjoying these a lot. I look forward to them every week. Hope to
see you back here next week, Wednesdays, one o'clock for the Signal Hour. I'm really enjoying these a lot. I look forward to them every week. Hope to see you back here next week, Wednesdays, one o'clock for the Signal Hour.
I'm your host, Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity. If you like this kind of coverage,
I do this basically all week back at Peak Prosperity, especially and particularly for
my members there. That's how I support what I do. And no, we don't take advertising.
We have a few affiliate relationships we're proud of,
but that's a win-win.
Good companies, good people providing good products,
but otherwise no advertising, no government money,
no corporate money flowing in to influence what I say,
what comes out of this mouth, obviously.
So with that, thanks very much.
We'll see you next week.
I'm going to end the Signal Hour now
and we'll be back with you in a week.