Peak Prosperity - LIVE: Second Assassination Attempt on Trump!
Episode Date: September 16, 2024This is the audio from my livecast regarding the second Trump assassination attempt....
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Thank you. Hello everyone and thank you for being patient. We had a couple of details to work out today.
We're going to be talking about the second Trump assassination. We're going to put that in context
with the first Trump assassination attempt. There's a lot of weird pieces here. And so what
I have learned over time is that, well, when something doesn't smell right, sound right, it's not right. So
let us go right to it and not waste any more time. First thing I want to go through is this
basic details. What happened? Turns out Trump was playing at Mar-a-Lago. Let me get my little
laser pointer out here. Here, trump is at the fifth hole here
it's a big old long par five i guess i don't know what it is fifth hole and it turns out that a
gunman was hidden outside the facility poking a gun barrel through some bushes here's the fence
we'll look at these pictures in close detail he's seen pew pew some shots were fired at him by
security i don't know if that means secret service or somebody with with less of a problem with slopey roofs.
We don't know. Suspect escaped scene in black Nissan and drove pretty far before they caught him.
This is the guy. There he is. That is the gentleman right there.
So what is the issue here? Well, we don't really know what's what what
this guy was up to what we're dealing with here is early stuff so just give me a break as we sort
of sort through all this um fast breaking information at the same time okay here's what we got
this is a picture taken from the scene where this guy ruth r-o-u-t-h uh ryan ruth he stuck a gun barrel through the
chain link fence you can see here this is the gun leaning up and i'll show you more about that but
it's an ak style weapon you can clearly see there's a fairly long scope on this rifle that's
that big black object up top we also have a go GoPro for posterity. One wonders if, wouldn't it, guys, seek an attention.
And then we got two satchel backpack book bags,
probably Barnes & Noble and an NPR gift bag,
we're guessing at this stage.
We don't know.
It was a gun like this, not this one, but like this, right?
So this is an AK-style weapon.
So it's shooting typical, probably AK rounds.
And it had a scope on it.
Not this one.
Again, because this one looks like it has a big bell on the front of it here.
So it's okay.
This is actually, you know, at least a scope, not a red dot.
So remember, Crooks had just a red dot, but only at 140 yards.
This was going to be a good 500-yard shot, I think.
And by the way, this is not an obvious choice.
An AK is not a good, it's not a very accurate weapon.
It's not something I would say, you know what,
I want a good chance of hitting something at 500 yards.
This is not the weapon i would personally bring for that
particular job it's okay but i is 300 yards and under i think is kind of where i would want to be
on on this kind of a weapon it sure it could hit something knock things down out there at 500 yards
but not not not quite right so what do we know i think what we're seeing then is that this guy drives up, parks a car somewhere and because he drove his car away.
So we can say that. And then but that's a really busy boulevard.
I mean, so and then he has to pull up here and stick a barrel through. I think his whole plan was going to shoot through the fence at Trump.
Right. But first, security. Second, this is a really busy road.
So this is where he would have been shooting from,
if the caption on this photo is correct.
It would have been something like this.
Not a lot of cover there.
They've got a crime scene off right now,
but I'm not totally following his plan here.
So it feels a little rushed.
Feels a little odd.
Feels not quite all that well thought out.
This doesn't look super pro.
And I'm wondering, once he got shot at, did he take the time to lean the gun up and then scurry off?
Or did they prop it up so they could take a picture?
Still, don't know.
Lots of early details we don't know.
But there is this.
So this is from the Daily Mail.
And they said here, they question how the gunman was able to get within 500 yards of the former president.
I'm going to guess it was about 500 yards away, give or take, till I get better information.
Ryan Wesley Ruth, 58, in custody after pointing an AK-47 style weapon.
Not an AK-47 probably weapon not an ak-47 probably but a style weapon um why do i say that
because an ak-47 is a very specific thing and this would be an ak-47 style right like an m16
is a very specific thing but an ar-15 is again a class of things that are sort of styled off of the M-16.
So law enforcement here down at the bottom and the Secret Service are now investigating
how Ruth knew that Trump was playing golf, even though it wasn't on his public schedule.
So that interesting question, obviously.
And also of interest, Florida has decided that they're going to be looking into this all on their own.
That's what Pennsylvania should have done. Also of interest, Florida has decided that they're going to be looking into this all on their own.
That's what Pennsylvania should have done. Pennsylvania local law enforcement should absolutely be investigating the whole Trump thing.
You just listen.
We know what kind of a landscape we're in right now.
And we understand that you can't we just trust is gone.
There's no not even trust, but verify.
No. Have a second investigation and do your level best.
Gather the evidence, gather the data.
Now, this one is different, very different from the crook situation
because of some really profound dissimilarities
and how it's being treated already.
I'll get to those in just a minute.
Now, carrying on, we do know that shots were fired by security. But first, interesting
point here, it says some analysts note it's obvious this is from the same Daily Mail article.
Some analysts note it's obvious when Trump is president of his golf club, which is only five
miles from his Mar-a-Lago residence, Palm Beach. So the president will travel to the course via
motorcade security presence massively ramped up when he's on site. So perhaps Ruth, you know, was in town.
He's starting to develop this plan.
And now he just watches and waits.
And when he sees that motorcade moving, he's like, it's go time.
And I guess he'd had it sussed out enough to know where he was going to peek through and wanting to know exactly, you know, maybe when, where and how Trump was coming, but I'm a little surprised that the security was apparently inside
the perimeter of the golf course, not outside.
Because if this is just a big hedgerow and you can poke something through and shoot,
you're going to want people on the outside.
Trust me, they said here, quote,
it's unclear how long Ruth was in Florida before he went to Trump's golf course
with a rifle, backpack, GoPro camera, and bulletproof ceramic layered body armor.
So he was prepared. He was prepared.
All left behind at the scene when he fled from the security details gunfire.
So security details, interesting.
They are not specifically saying Secret Service.
We'll see if Secret Service wants to try and take credit for this,
or if they deserve credit credit or what actually happens.
So that's what we got. There's a guy, he didn't even get any shots off, some shots are fired at him,
he runs away, gets in his car, drives away, they catch him, and we have that picture of him.
So now let the investigation begin. Who is this guy? Who is Ruth?
Well, guess what? A lot of his stuff got scrubbed within minutes off of Twitter,
off of Facebook, you know, doing God's work. Of course, you know, the big media, uh, social, uh,
media companies pulling down his stuff, but not before, not before the internet has learned and
got out there and just screen grabbed a bunch of stuff. So I was driving home from a really big
event and when this all went down and so I couldn't grab it on my phone. So I was driving home from a really big event. And when this all
went down, and so I couldn't grab it on my phone. So thank you to everybody out there who grabbed
and screen grabbed this stuff on the spot. Absolutely essential. This is how the world
works. When something like this breaks, you got to get on it right away because the memory hole
process doth commence. It goes on quick. Soyan ruth saying here uh soldiers he's talking about
soldiers soldiers please do not call me we are still trying to get ukraine to accept afghan
soldiers and hope to have some answers in the coming months if you're interested in fighting
in ukraine you have to have a passport send it to him by way of whatsapp at that number and you also
have to have the money you must have the money to purchase an airplane ticket to moldova if you
cannot afford the cost you you can't go.
Oh, you have to pay your own way.
What a nice guy.
Rounding up pay-as-you-go soldiers.
Sure, Ryan Ruth.
This looks very, very compelling, interestingly enough.
And in November of 23, he's carrying on with this.
And now you can see the whole WhatsApp number if you feel like dialing that up.
I guess no problem now.
So Ukraine has agreed to start with 100 soldiers, work to 3 000 or more this is 2003 but you have to send me a full file with a copy inside if your passport a cv in english
all your military certificates we don't want whatever that is and uh want your pics so anyway
he's somehow a military recruiter. We're going to dig into this
because this story gets funky in a hurry. Now, he was a military wannabe. There's nothing in his
military record, no military record whatsoever. There's nothing in his background to suggest he
ever served in the military. But here he is, flag on the neck, a big red X, I guess, I don't know,
X marks the spot, wearing the camo fatigues, boots.
Guy really wanted to be in the military.
And there are videos, all extensive videos of him in Ukraine, in Kiev,
which I'm not going to show you here,
but he's all talking about how he was just a little too old, maybe,
and they didn't really want him, you know, as a 50-plus-year-old guy,
at that time, fighting for them, but he was going to do everything he could because he just absolutely wanted to help Ukraine out.
And maybe, maybe we have the grandiosity thing, because here's this guy who we will find shortly.
Has not that extensively as a roofer and a couple of other sort of jobs.
Not a guy who you would think would be tagging POTUS and Secretary Blinken.
So he's tagging SecState and POTUS.
A little grandiose, right?
Here's this guy, SecBlinken.
I am in Kiev and wish we could loan all of the Patriot systems in Poland to Ukraine
and accept all the MiG jets from Poland and return all the nuclear weapons we removed from here.
This only ends when Putin is dead and Moscow flattened. End this madness forever. So that's big guy talk. I'm getting a sense of a little grandiosity here. Here's a roofer
explaining what we ought to do geopolitically with respect to high level weapon systems
vis-a-vis international relations. Maybe just a little overreach on his part there.
Just a tad.
Just a little too far,
is an observation.
Tagging POTUS in the next one,
also in 2022.
Talking about returning nuclear weapons
to Ukraine.
I don't know.
Something smells off about this whole thing.
Now, we know something's off because look how serious he is.
He dyed his hair yellow and blue.
Look at that look.
Look how he's, he's got the sad look.
He's got the sads and he's surrounded by flags and he's got his hair dyed yellow and blue.
That's, guy who dyes his hair yellow and blue, you definitely want to be taking nuclear posture
information from this guy i guess all right so i'm feeling just like this guy's got
there's maybe not all the screws are tightened down uh is a starting point and then of course Of course, it has to involve LGBTQ plus and proud member.
Did was he a dad first and then became a member?
Does the membership have nothing to do with his actual orientation?
Don't know, but he's got enough flags down there.
Here's my rule of life.
When you see a Ukraine flag in a bio, you know, you're dealing with some whack job.
It's just I hate to say this, but if you it's like the ukraine flag for all of 2022 2023 before people forgot
about it um it was uh really the instant sign that you were dealing with a really stupid tweet i mean
some of the dumbest tweets i ever ran across had the little yellow and blue flag and it was just a
correlation wasn't 100 but darn close um and so
at any rate of course of course and but here he is proud anti-nazi anti-fascist anti-racist
it's what he's against you don't know exactly what he stands for except for lgbtq plus seems
like kind of a weak platform to me but here he is in 2023 saying you know what you know what i'm not i'm not just trying to save
ukraine i'm gonna nose into taiwan too so he puts up quote banners and flags in taiwan's peace park
in hopes of increasing international civilian support my hope is that we could mirror the
baltic states human chain of 93 and encircle the coastline of taiwan with international civilians
as well as have a long-running music festival at Peak Park. OK, so he's got pretty big plans. He seems like he wants to
help whole countries have the president and the secretary of state listen to his advice on nuclear
posture and geopolitical arrangements. So this is who we're dealing with. Okay. Now as well, of course, of course, of course,
we know that he gave exclusively to ActBlue. So a hundred percent, at least given what, three dollars.
I don't even know what, $1.90 would not be a thing that would occur to me. Like I'm giving to him,
I'm going to give $1.90. Gave $19, $10, a dollar, five bucks. So,
you know, small two digit, one digit sort of gives, but very consistently here all throughout
2019, 20 and so on. So he only gave to Democrats. And so that's who he is. Now,
if you like reporting like this, by the way, we just we just had a big summit,
which was fantastic up in New Hampshire. Weather was perfect. 300 people. And we covered all kinds
of things. Right. We covered geopolitically what's happening, what's going on with gold and silver,
how to, you know, kind of what's going on with our food supply everything connects to everything else
that's how i roll so if you like that kind of stuff if you want to know how these things fit
together i would invite you to come and invest in yourself come to join
thousands and thousands of people who enjoy our membership what happens there hey i put a lot of
analysis out there like this where i connect connect dots, dig deep, find stuff.
But then more importantly, turn that into actions you can take.
Because information without action, it's interesting.
It's possibly just aggravating, maybe even anxiety producing.
So this is a time to get busy, everybody.
If you can't feel it, if you haven't noticed, something is bearing down on us all.
And I want you to be prepared and so come for
my analysis but stay for the other thousands of people they've done everything what an incredible
crew we have electrical engineers pilots students doctors lawyers moms dads we got it got it got
won everything okay and 30-day money-back guarantee so just just come on by. What do you got to lose? Incredible, incredible community.
All done with my shameless self-plugging.
But we have a great community.
It's great.
Now, here's what else we know about this Ruth dude.
He was running a roofing business, 2016-17, getting some one-star reviews.
It's kind of unreliable as a human being and as a businessman here.
First one is from Benjamin S. in Burlington, North Carolina.
North Carolina is where we have a lot of our data about Ruth because that's where he lived before he moved to Hawaii.
Benjamin wrote, as a military member trying to buy a home before returning from a deployment. The proprietor, Ryan Ruth, insulted me for trying to buy a house sight unseen,
as many military members do returning from overseas.
So, oh, not only am I going to tell you how to be, says Ruth,
he's going to be a little bit of a dick about it.
And then Carolyn from Kernersville said,
very unhappy with roof purchase, the best materials,
only to have the roof leak in multiple places after 13 months.
They said the warranty was only good for 12 months.
So that's Ruth.
I think we're getting a bead on the guy, but hold your horses.
Just hang on because it gets a little crazier from here.
It turns out he has a really extensive, extensive criminal history. I've heard
it's up to 50 pages long. I just found some of these pieces. Here it is. Let me, that's a little
small, so let me blow this up and let's take a look at this together. First up, this is him,
Ryan Wesley Ruth, the offender number. He's got an offender number here his probation parole release status it's inactive at present here
and he's born on february 18th 1966 age of 58 a white dude um i'm not sure what ethnic group is
european north american is australian an ethnic group i don't know what that means. At any rate, so this is the guy. First up,
no incarceration record found. So we don't have him ever being incarcerated. And that's a little
bit mysterious. And here's why. So in 2001, Ruth has this big run in with the law. And then again in 2002, looks like it resulted in community
service, right? So that was the sentencing. So it was, yeah, community service. And the conviction
date was January 14th, 2003, sentence number 02001. And he ended up with parole. Now, probation is one thing.
So I was talking with a friend of mine who was an assistant DA in New York.
And he said, listen, it varies by states.
He didn't know North Carolina so well, but he was willing to speak from his position as a New York ADA.
Thanks, Ted.
And he said, listen, probation, probation you can get for misdemeanors.
But parole, if you go on parole, that's felony level.
So what happened?
Well, turns out somewhere here the offense date on the 22nd of 2002 or the 23rd of 2001,
and then also the 16th of 2002, and also 3-24-2002.
A lot of stuff happening here looks like a little bad run for ryan ruth
here between november and march of november 20 2001 and march 2002 so there was uh driving with
license revoked it was driving with license revoked again i don't know if these are separate
offenses i suspect since they have different docket numbers they are but don't know if these are separate offenses. I suspect since they have different docket numbers, they are, but don't know.
Miscellaneous motor vehicle violation, whatever that is.
And principal, that means the person involved.
You can be an accessory after the fact.
Principal, he's a principal.
So he was the dude involved, driving with a license revoked and other misdemeanor.
And then here he was convicted on 12-20-2002.
So that's all the way at December of 2002. All this stuff is earlier, much earlier. He's convicted
here on this separate docket number for possession of a weapon of mass destruction. And the offense state was 4-23-2002. It's a felony. It's a class F felony. So let's get a little, I've never been
arrested so far. We'll find out after all this reporting what happens. Maybe I'll get more
familiar, but I don't know any of this stuff because I haven't been through the ringer and I
just don't know this stuff. So here we see we have class one and class 2 misdemeanors. We got a Class F felony.
What does that mean?
All right.
In North Carolina, this is what these things mean.
A Class A felony, this is first-degree murder.
Maximum punishment, death or life without parole.
And then you got your Class B1 felonies.
You got B1 and B2.
B1 is second-degree murder and also first degree forcible
sexual offenses, a statutory sexual offense, or a first degree forcible rape. So to get a B1 felony
murder, forcible rape. Class B2 felony is second degree murder. Okay, you could have a B1 or a B2.
And you can see very different. This B1 comes with maximum of life without parole.
B2 is a maximum of 484 months, which is a long time.
And here we have Class C felonies, which includes second-degree forcible rape,
first-degree kidnapping, things like that, up to 231 months.
A Class D felony with these sorts of things here.
I won't read them all out, but maximum 204 months. But class D felony with these sorts of things here. I won't read them all out,
but maximum 204 months, but felonies are serious. Then you have a class E, a class F, a class G
felony, and you go on down, you can see the months of potential maximum punishment go down and down
and down. So by the time we're at a class G, it's a maximum of 47 months. Okay.
And here, let me see.
Did I?
Yeah, one more.
So this is the original story.
So I had to hunt it down.
And here we have a story from December 16th, 2002. And it says, quote, an armed man was arrested Monday morning after barricading himself in a business during a three-hour standoff.
Ooh, a three-hour standoff.
Ryan Ruth, 36 at that time, was arrested without incident at 1 a.m. on Monday at United Roofing.
Is that his roofing company? I don't know.
Police said Ruth was pulled over about 10 p.m. Sunday during a traffic stop,
but he put his hand on a firearm and drove-oh, and drove to United Roofing
where he remained barricaded inside.
Okay, so you can imagine how he had all those charges stacked up, right?
Probably panicked, bolted because, you know, driving with a suspended license, has a gun
in the car, but uh-oh, he was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, no-no, which
he didn't have a license for in
possession of a weapon of mass destruction referring to a fully automatic machine gun
also charged with resisting delaying obstructing a law enforcement officer driving while license
revoked so that's that's okay that was his 2002 arrest um so he had an earlier arrest or yeah it
was a misdemeanor for having a suspended license and
then he didn't even clear that up and still had a suspended license so are you getting getting the
sense of this guy right now right he is he's not exactly playing by the rules he gets caught and
then he's does something dumb i'm not getting this isn't like genius level stuff here right but he bolts he
freaks out he goes to a company probably i don't know if it's his or not um i'd have to do more
digging but united roofing and then barricades himself inside i don't know where the machine
gun is at this point in time but he's uh anyway this leads to a lot of trouble now what's
interesting about that is it did not lead to any jail time.
It's kind of interesting, right? So he also has, you know, this is all the extensive legal history from that 2001 incident. You know, it takes years to go through the court system. So here it is,
January of 2003. He has probation. He's got a suspended sentence. That's the SS. He's got
probation and paroles because there's a felony on there.
He's concealed weapon, but he's probably pled these down, according to Ted, my ADA friend, probably pled these down from felonies because this carrying a concealed weapon.
We could show you back up. That actually is a felony.
So it got pled down all the way down to a class two misdemeanor, not even a class one misdemeanor.
So anyway, lawyer, lawyer time, lawyer time.
So that's what's been going on there.
And then, oh, now we're all the way up to 2010.
So apparently learned his lesson.
I don't have any records for him between 2003 and 2010. But oh, he pops back up class one possession of stolen goods which could be
depending on the amounts this also could have been a felony somehow it gets pled down i think to a
class one and for this one but then uh-oh here we are again conviction date on three three you can
see here the offense date here is march 23rd. Here we have offense dates down in January.
So I'm not sure if they found some more stuff, tagged him with it.
But at any rate, these look like separate events to me.
Now he's possessing stolen goods here, which didn't get pled down,
or maybe they pled down from a hire.
But now this is another, this is a Class H felony.
So what's a Class H felony?
I didn't show it to you yet, but this is again from that North Carolina piece where we're talking about how to interpret laws in North Carolina.
So a Class H felony includes things like assault by strangulation, breaking or entering buildings with felonious intent, fraudulently setting fire to dwelling houses, possessing stolen goods.
This is one.
He got charged under 14-71.1.
Larceny of property worth more than $1,000. Embezzlement of less than $100,000. Hit and run. Things like that.
Now, he also was charged with a hit and run, but that got pled down to a misdemeanor.
And so, this is your guy. Okay guy okay so why do we go into all that
well because somehow he avoids going to prison for any of this stuff
pretty sure in today's environment maybe it was a different world in 2002 and then in 2010, but I'm pretty sure that if you or I put our hand on a gun, evaded
police, barricade in a building, have a machine gun, and get tagged with all that stuff, we're
probably not walking off with probation or parole, depending on whether it's a misdemeanor
or a felony, just as a guess.
So what did happen?
I don't know. And I'm not here to suggest
that he was compromised
through these things
and recruited by the government.
I'm not saying that somehow,
quid pro quo,
he was let off the hook
so that he could be an operative
for the government.
I'm not suggesting anything of the sort.
I would never want to
try and connect those dots.
But it's just a little bit interesting.
That he, in 2000, in 2022, he suddenly pops up again and he's running a military recruitment website offering 1200 USD per month.
To people who are willing to sign up and go fight in Ukraine. Now, where does a failed roofer, I mean, obviously you have to pay people
a lot more than that to go and get caught up in the meat grinder known as Ukraine, but how do you go from failed roofer to this um
i don't know see how you connect those dots uh this is from
here's the plan go to poland they tell you he tells you what you need you don't need a visa
simply get military gear fly to krakow you're there, take a train or bus to
Przemski, Przemski.
Take a local
train or bus then to Medzike
or however you pronounce that, Medzike.
And make your way there to the border
with Ukraine. Tell the border guard
you want to join the International Legion
and they will take you to the office
and you'll meet with Nazar and the other leaders.
If you do not have military experience, you must sell yourself that you are capable.
Little tip. Pro tip.
And here's, you know, it's all spelled out.
So I'm pretty sure that this isn't a legal thing to do,
that there are laws against attempting to recruit people within the United States
to go fight in other countries i'm not
positive i'm gonna have to look it up but it this doesn't this feels a little dodgy to me
um and here he is operating not just out in the open but really really really out in the open
a guy with grandiose intentions suddenly advising the president and the SEC state on nuclear weapons
and setting all of this stuff up. And he's just a failed roofer with no military experience
whatsoever and an extensive criminal record. But that does not stop him from having a very
public presence. He's in Financial Times News. All of this comes from this awesome Zero Hedge
article on this particular situation. Financial Times quoting him where
he said, quote, it's a pretty big yard, but the front bank is completely full. Ryan Ruth,
an American volunteer who started the memorial last year, said there may be 10,000 at this point.
Flags of the fallen is what I've been calling it. Ruth, a former construction worker who lives in
Hawaii, is one of the thousands of foreigners who, after seeing news reports about the invasion, traveled to Ukraine in early 2022 to volunteer as fighters or medics. He's in Semaphore.
He's in the New York Times. He's in Taiwan News. This guy's out front and center, right? All he's
described as is a former construction worker. That's it. A former construction worker, says the New York Times.
Right? Okay.
It's always interesting.
You've got to follow the money. Where does a former
construction worker, former,
emphasis on former,
get the funding
to travel internationally
and offer people
signing bonuses for coming over
to fight in Ukraine, right?
Obviously, this isn't happening entirely off of the radar screen of the U.S. government.
Obviously. I mean, that's just completely obvious at this point, isn't it?
So, he's on the radar screen, and maybe they don't do anything about it at the U.S. government level,
because it serves their purposes. This is okay. You know, this is an approved thing on the easy screen and maybe they don't do anything about it at the U.S. government level because it serves their purposes.
This is OK. You know, this is an approved thing on the easy, hard matrix.
Like some things are really hard to do. Government doesn't want them.
Like, I don't know, putting a pond in on your own property very hard because that supports life, of course.
So they don't like that. But if you want to go and help support a policy of death and destruction in a foreign country, that's easy.
Off you go. Nobody cares. And they just let you carry on. But point is, look how public this guy is. Look how absolutely public he is about all this stuff. And by the way, to get this level
of coverage ain't easy. You know how many times I've been in the New York Times?
Financial time?
Zero, right?
So again, easy hard.
If you're talking smack against the existing regime's narrative and you point out holes
in it and you're a logical person, got no time for you.
But if you're a former construction worker with a dodgy past from North Carolina, that's easy.
Look at all this coverage.
It's pretty interesting.
So, carrying on.
So, here's what we know, sort of as a summary.
And this is just throwing it into an AI engine and asking about, you know, what do we know about this guy?
And it seems so he's got driving-related offenses.
He's, oh, by the way, he had a hit-and-run.
He had a revoked license, obviously.
Possession of stolen property, all that.
Apparently dating back to the early 80s.
I didn't find those earlier ones.
But if that's true, since he was born in 66, if this dates back to the early 80s, he got in trouble first as a teenager. And this is pretty typical of what we
see in these misadventures where somebody gets compromised, they get caught, they're sort of on
the wrong path. They've been picked up by the court system, typically is it in their teenage
year somewhere because you're dummies back then and you get picked up. And somehow some people
seem to start skating by, right? And so for instance, it's not uncommon to hear about people who are given the choice by the judge.
Listen, you want to go spend some time in the big house or hey, maybe, you know, we have some interest here from one of the military branches would like to pick you up.
Right. That happens a lot. Right. And it turns out, depending on your skill set, the military might push you off into something very exciting and fun and special forcey because you've shown a predilection to be the kind of guy or gal they are looking for.
This guy did not go into the military, but it's kind of interesting.
He has what we would call the sort of pedigree that certain types keep a lookout for.
If you track my drift here he had
weapons related offenses obviously possession uh most recently he just got charged with possession
of a firearm by a convicted felon not supposed to have a firearm that aka 47 style thing that he had
there at the fence and we don't know is that was that fully automatic or not can't tell from the
picture not even close won't know uh he also that was a firearm that had an obliterated serial number on it meaning it was
probably stippled stamped out right you take a punch and you bang on it because you want to mush
the metal around you can't just grind those numbers off because they're stamped numbers so
you can if you grind them off with an angle grinder there's a good chance you can still
acid relief etch bring them forward and see what the numbers are.
But if you stipple the metal, not giving advice, but that's the way that people might obliterate a serial number if they were serious about it.
At any rate, he had a firearm with an obliterated serial number.
So good chance he was picking that up on the black market somewhere.
Obviously, he's a felon, can't go through the front door.
So he's going through the side door or back door. And of course, of course, if you just heard Kamala Harris talking about
just four days after she said she's not going to seize anybody's guns, announcing that it's time
for Congress to finally ban assault weapons, obviously the only people with assault weapons
will be people like Ruth, Ryan Ruth ruth here so it's just how that all
shakes out of course criminals end up with them and they're only taken away from law-abiding people
but that's the point so he also uh was in possession of a weapon of mass destruction
and he also had assault and assisting arrest i mean this is the guy right this is the guy right
here and of course of course of course he later ends up with an lgbtq plus and a blue and yellow flag in his
bio i don't know why i say of course but this happens this happens a lot somebody quipped once
they said you know when a conservative shoots into you, has to defend themselves from, say, at a BLM riot, they hit child rapists
and pedophiles. When an Act Blue donor shoots into a crowd, they tend to hit a God-fearing man
who's loved by his whole community. It's just an observation I've been seeing a lot. It kind of
stacks up. Now, what are the possibilities? So, Candace here is saying everything about this
shooter's background reeks of a criminal turned federal asset in prison.
OK, except he wasn't in prison as far as I can tell. But I but criminal turned by not having to go to prison.
It's like, hey, we make a deal. Listen, how would you like to escape by? We might call on you at some point.
It happens a lot. He's convicted for weapons of mass destruction.
So the machine gun, then years later trying to
recruit americans to the war in ukraine a little odd not saying that's what it is not saying it's
not and then clint russell uh saying what i was thinking uh he said the only part that doesn't
end up is how awfully he failed in the attempt either he went rogue or they just want
they just want multiple failed attempts to inflame the public and intimidate trump i i think that's
that's probably how i would read that right now what i am saying very clearly is that if i were
investigating this i would be digging deep into this guy's background,
and I'd be looking for every possible connection I could find, and I would leave no stone unturned,
because something doesn't smell right here. Guaranteed. All right, just a little bit more
about the North Carolina legal system. Again, class one misdemeanor is much worse than a class
two, but a class one only comes with a maximum punishment of 120 days,
class 2, maximum of 60 days.
But it's interesting here, you know, a conspiracy is classified as one class lower
than the offense the person conspired to commit.
So conspiracy to commit class 2 misdemeanor is one class lower.
So it would be maximum punishment of just 20 days instead of 60.
So conspiracy to commit any one of these things just drops you down to the next one lower.
An attempt is also one class lower than the offense the person attempted to commit.
A solicitation is classified as two classes lower.
So if you solicit somebody to commit a class one misdemeanor, that's a class three.
And then accessory before the fact.
Well, that's punishable as the principal felon.
Accessory before the fact.
You're helping somebody out before the felony is committed.
Dude, you're in like Flynn for the whole felony.
But if you're an accessory after the fact, that's two classes lower.
Oh, yeah.
You know, if you help somebody after the fact ok that's important
because he was the principal in every single one of these things he wasn't he
wasn't tagged with attempts to solicitations know after the facts he
was the principal in all of those charges we just reviewed just to show
you he was the principal the person most committing the acts. All right. His son, Oren, and it's in the eyes.
It's always in the eyes.
Alleged would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Ruth says his dad hates Trump like all reasonable people.
But he's never owned a gun.
Well, machine guns, concealed weapons.
Except for that stuff.
And wouldn't do anything bat-esque crazy.
And so this is on September 15th.
So what's interesting, you know what's interesting?
This goes down on September 15th.
They already have interviewed the son.
They found him.
They found him.
I'm still waiting to hear from the people who like the parents of crooks
neighbors uh you know all of that there's just there's very there's just nothing to go on there
still to this day kind of odd anyway i don't think son knew the dad all that well kind of
tracks with the story um quote uh orin said he's my dad and all he's had
is a couple traffic tickets as far as I
know that's crazy I know my
dad I love my dad that's nothing like him
I didn't
ask him for more information about any
of this stuff because we've had a falling out he says
so distancing himself
he wouldn't explain the nature of their falling out
but still spoke highly of his father
so this is a little crazy because I don't know how old this guy is, but let's say early 20s.
In 2002, which is 12 years ago, this guy would have been, say, 10 years old.
As a 10-year-old, your dad barricades himself
and he gets arrested as a felon.
Oops, just forget about that, Oren.
Kind of a hard thing to forget about,
unless it was a really fractured family
and he's living with mom only
and never had any contact with dad.
We'd have to dig some detail up,
but I'm pretty sure I would remember
if my dad holed up in a shop with a machine gun and held the police off for three hours and spent spent
a little time in the clinker as they uh resolved the charges against him pretty sure i would
remember that pretty sure now this is interesting because they already have a greensboro neighbor of
this guy describing ruth right and you know there's a woman, lived next door, etc.
Neighbor described nothing unusual about Ruth.
She never expected him to be involved in something like this.
Nice quotes from her.
The neighbor, quote, said she wasn't surprised to hear about the guns involved.
She claims to have seen guns in Ruth's home over the years.
So I don't know how she saw the guns in the home.
So you open the front door and there was just guns back there.
Has she been in his house? I guess she was in his house because she said
you know she remembers that he hugged him uh that you know and and left before he went to hawaii
um yeah she said i've seen the guns myself and all and yeah they had a lot of guns and stuff
over there and yeah a lot of people were afraid of him back in the day so maybe a couple screws
loose honestly somebody who has been a convicted
felon really shouldn't have guns around. So it's kind of an odd thing that he's this cavalier about
having guns and doesn't seem to be worried at all about how the law might interpret or see that. So
I think we're getting we're getting a beat on on this guy. Now, here's where it all gets just a little odd, because I've been waiting to do another update on the Trump shooting.
And you know what? We don't have anything to really update with at this point in time.
And the reason for that is that, well, there's just there's just no new news coming out.
And I don't really totally know what to do about that.
But let's look at this.
So I played this before.
I just want to play it again because it's really kind of interesting to me
that Melania Trump, who I don't remember hearing from pretty much ever
in the last eight or nine years, came out and said this.
The attempt to end my husband's life, the attempt to end my husband's life
was a horrible, distressing experience.
Now, the silence around it feels heavy.
I can't help but wonder, why didn't law enforcement officials
arrest the shooter before the speech?
There is definitely more to this story and we need to uncover the truth.
Agreed. Agreed. So how do we interpret this? So Melania comes out and Eric Trump also came out
and I mean, maybe she's pimping her book here. Fine. Interesting sales pitch.
But the key here is that nothing is happening on the original Trump assassination.
Obviously, there's huge amounts of unanswered questions and things we don't know about.
And they're just memory holing it.
So in the interest of just making sure it stays at least partly fresh.
Right. We know that, yes, there's something really off in this story.
And one of the crazy things that we have to deal with now is watching, and I could pull up dozens
of clips like this, where the media is trying to blame this second shooting on Trump that because
of his inflammatory rhetoric, he must be responsible because of what Trump said about
Haitians has caused this terrible next thing to happen. And so what's fascinating is watching the people who have spent a whole decade calling Trump Hitler
and demonizing him and holding up bloody heads, all that,
and doing everything they can to incite hatred and inflame everything, trying to blame it on the victim.
It's crazy, but this is how certain people work who have very damaged psychologies, right? DARVO, right? You deny, that wasn't us. We didn't do that. You attack,
it was him. And then you reverse the victim and offender roles, right? So that's DARVO.
Deny, attack, reverse the victim and offender. So watch that. You're going to see a lot of DARVO
out there. I didn't take the time to assemble it all for this.
It's just a thing, but I watched it on MSNBC, CBS, on and on.
It's just crazy. It's insane, right?
That somehow the person being shot at is responsible for that,
even though the people around the shooter have been encouraging the shooter to hate this person.
It's just, it's crazy. It's literally, it's literally insane. But there we have it. Now,
back to the Trump thing, though, I mean, still, honestly, you know, any proper investigation on
that is going to be asking, like, who made the decision to let Trump take the stage
and stay there? And why did they leave him on even after the South snipers had turned around and dialed in on a big threat and there was no communication between people within the Secret Service structure? And they're trying to pretend like the whole problem was, oh, we didn't have cross-platform interoperability between locals and Secret Service. That's a deflection. The real problem is even within the Secret Service. So why haven't we heard any questions from those people? Why aren't they on the stand at this point in time?
Why isn't the media hounding these guys and hunting them down?
I got some questions, South Sniper Team. Who told you to swivel?
And who did you tell? There's a lot of bizarre questions in that, right?
And, you know, we don't know where those two local snipers were.
They have not been on the stands yet.
These are the local Beaver and Butler County snipers, right?
Nichols and Murko, right?
We don't know.
Where were they?
Where were they at the exact time that the shooting went down?
Were they both in place where they should have been?
Was one of them in place where they should have been, but the other abandoned their post
and left?
We don't know.
Did both abandon their post left we don't know did both abandon their posts we don't know these would be the people that you would have on a stand and
these would be the questions you would ask and if we were asking these questions maybe melania trump
wouldn't be coming out going the silence is heavy right hey maybe both were called away from their
post by someone then they should tell us that and then we can dispense with that this is how a normal investigation works i'm not saying that these two guys nichols and murko that's abandoned their
posts i'm not saying that they were in on this on the thing i'm not saying that somehow they were
responsible for this whole thing but they did abandon their posts from the one place that could
have most easily have prevented the shooting against Trump, which just barely, almost very, very nearly ended in an actual assassination,
not an assassination attempt.
But a good investigation needs to clear that question up.
We deserve to know and hear in a believable, in a plausible fashion, why we can rule out
these uncomfortable questions
We need to know.
That's what an investigation does.
If only so we can drop this part and move on and continue the investigation in more
fruitful or lucrative fashions till we understand what happened.
Leaving these questions hanging like this.
Yeah, this is heavy silence.
And by the way, why isn't Congress doing this, right? Why isn't the FBI doing this? Why is the Secret Service not doing this? I think we all then are free to fill in with conjecture and speculation about what actually is going on. Questions. A good investigation, a competent investigation will resolve these questions. We need to hear from those two local Beaver and Butler County people.
Why did they leave four open windows if they did abandon their post?
Because this is a picture taken just seconds before the shots rang out.
If they weren't up there looking out those windows at the guy about to take those shots,
then that means they weren't up there, which means they left their posts with open windows,
three of which are facing Trump.
That's a no-no. It's not just a no-no. It's not even like a tiny no-no. It is an unthinkable,
implausible no-no in the world of security. At my most recent summit, we had people who
were ex-security. They ran a really tight ship. When you're around competent people who've run security
it's amazing what they think of and how astute they are and how dialed in they are and how alert
they are there it's not like a job or it's like you know they just show up and got some donuts
and like a traffic detail no no these people were dialed in and locked in and looking around
and that's not because i'm that important but because that's how they're built that's what
their training led them to that's what all of their experiences had selected for people
whose level of alertness is astonishing and their ability to detect where and how a threat
might appear not how to deal with the threat i'm sure they were very competent that we had nothing
that they had to deal with but they were going to figure out stuff before it happened it's normal
okay and then you know why didn't that protective detail respond we just don't know we just don't
know so many questions so many questions you know we know that this crooks guy wandered all over the
van he was spotted at least five times maybe more he disappeared from elliot law enforcement tracking
for a critical 20 minutes we know that he somehow got on the roof of the building at 606.
We know that he was lounging around up there for a few minutes
and then was finally spotted by law enforcement again at 608
as he ran upright across a flat roof structure in full view of thousands of people,
including law enforcement.
Do-do-do, just gallivanting about how did that happen
that's melania's question which was why wasn't he arrested i don't understand how do you how's
that even it's implausible to suggest that he just did that and then spent two more minutes even
after being spotted but two and a half actually, before the shots rang out.
In local law enforcement,
three snipers in perfect position
to stop crooks.
Two were left at that post
and then one of them,
because one left at 4, 420.
Greg Nickel then left that post at 606.
Just three minutes after Trump
took the stage, really?
Really? Really?
You've been training
and you spent weeks preparing and then Trump finally takes the stage and you? Really? Really? You've been training and you like spent
weeks preparing and then Trump finally takes the stage and you're like, you know what? I think I
should go look for somebody who's a little suspicious here. I'll just leave. I won't.
What is this radio thing? Why would I? Why would I? Nah, I'll just leave my post. This doesn't
happen, people. It does not happen happen it doesn't work this way law enforcement
do not abandon their posts it doesn't that would be like saying you know the surgery would have
been successful but the head nurse responsible for handing all of the implements to the surgeon
decided it was time to go eat lunch they they just left you know what chest is open blood's pumping
yeah they just left it doesn't happen it. It doesn't happen. It's impossible.
It doesn't happen, but it did.
And then they left all those windows open facing Trump.
And then, you know, no accounting for the other one.
This other guy, Mirko, none, zero, nothing.
We know nothing.
We know nothing.
So that's crazy.
It's crazy talk.
All right.
So look, something's happening here.
It's not cool.
We know that there's going to be even more attempts at this point in time.
We can just sort of guarantee it at this stage.
We know that the level of fervor has been whooped up to the point that my best guess, just reading from the outside,
this guy, this guy who just took didn't I didn't take any shots at Trump, but but the whole setup, the GoPro, his grandiosity.
I think that what they've done is they've inflamed the situation to such a point that dudes were a little desperate for the attention.
Maybe a little, you know, a little thinking, you know, I'm an ex roofer.
I think the secretary of state definitely wants to know what I think about nuclear weapons policy.
That people like that who want attention, maybe, I'm not saying he is, but there's some connections to be resolved here that need investigating. I'm definitely not saying that
he was CIA or funded by the CIA or other three-letter agencies or was groomed in any way.
I'm not saying any of that, but I am saying that maybe somebody should look into that so we can
rule that out. Because if we can't rule that out, things get even more awkward.
But maybe, now that the situation is so inflamed,
you have people thinking to themselves in their deluded brains,
you know what would be really splashy?
You know how I could really get a lot of attention on myself?
Would be to do something just like this guy did.
The copycat element here is going to be strong. And without the mainstream media denouncing it
and instead suggesting it's really Trump's fault, they are the ones responsible for perpetuating
the environment, which is doing everything but openly calling for more people to come out and
take some more potshots at trump this is what
the media is doing it's it's in it's absolutely it's unforgivable is what it is 100 unforgivable
and they know what they're doing these are adults oh i you know if they have really bad case of
trumped arrangement syndrome fine um but you should still know the line between doing your job in a responsible credible
manner and doing it in an irresponsible uncredible manner and that's the state of our situation at
this point in time so with that we'll have more if anything more develops we'll keep digging into it
but i just wanted you to know there's something really dodgy here and i'm kind of have some questions about how
a guy with an extensive criminal record keeps somehow dodging prison and then ends up going out
and recruiting people for ukraine and ending up with guns with stippled out presumably but at least
erased serial numbers so that's what I have for you today.
Thank you very much for being here.
This has been awesome.
Really enjoy the comments, everybody.
I'm going to be signing off now,
and we'll be back as soon as we have more.
See you next time.
Bye-bye. Thank you.