Peak Prosperity - Local Authorities Break Ranks on Trump Assassination Attempt!
Episode Date: July 25, 2024The PA State Police are now at odds with the local Butler County authorities and that means there’s a chance this story could break open. So much hinges on exactly who failed to secure that two-stor...y building and how the police could have fumbled Crooks being on the roof with a gun for so long. Hopefully one of them speaks up about the orders they received and who gave them.
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The story is breaking down. We're seeing dissension in the ranks. The whole Trump assassination might be about to blow wide open.
Hello, everyone. I'm Dr. Chris Martinson. And we've got really this is just when my eyebrows shot right up my head when I came across this.
Let's talk about this today. The attempt on Trump's life. Listen, the story is breaking down and we have to further debunk ABC's absolutely atrocious disinformation campaign that they ran.
Remember, folks, the truth. Well, a lie can make it halfway around the world. But the truth before the truth really has time to put his boots on.
Mark Twain, it's absolutely the case.
So we got to combat the lies in real time, because if we don't, then they take life and people believe them.
Then you have to undo them.
And it's very hard, much easier to combat them right when they happen.
But first, this is explosive.
The story is actually breaking down. So this is in CNN, just came out last night because I'm recording this on the 25th. Is that correct? Yes. So it says here this is by Holmes Librand and they are, about the security failures that led to the near assassination of Donald Trump.
Raising more questions for the embattled U.S. Secret Service.
It's raising some other questions for us, too.
Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Christopher Paris.
So, Paris, we're going to use that name over and over again here.
So, this is the state police.
Remember, three bodies we've got to worry about, maybe four out there that day.
You have the Secret Service itself.
Well, actually five.
Then you had Homeland Security, HSI agents, whatever they were doing there.
We know that there was the gray man from the ATF.
They were there.
But the two local, well, three locals we have to worry about then would have been the state
police from Pennsylvania, the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit, too.
And then they also mentioned municipal or local local cops.
We got we got three branches of local law enforcement.
And then we've got two or three branches of federal government.
So now we got six agents.
OK, the finger pointing has begun.
And this is when stories begin to break down.
And when stories break down like
this is because people know the risk they're under. Somebody is saying this smells bad and
they're starting to separate from each other. And this is when the action can finally happen.
So carrying on Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Christopher Paris's striking
testimony comes just one day after now resigned Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheadle testified before the House Oversight Committee
and lamely, and not largely, declined to answer questions about the shooting.
Yeah, it was bad.
Okay, but that's not what this is about.
This raises a huge question.
Quote, Paris, there's that name again from the state police in Pennsylvania,
testified that two local law enforcement officers left the building with vantage points overlooking
the roof where crooks took aim at the former president before he fired shots but the local
district attorney later said the building was never unmanned this is a huge departure so
again state police are saying they left their posts and now you have the locals so the the da
um here in this case they're going to be the count have the locals. So the, the DA, um, here in this case,
they're going to be the count, the district attorney for the County that they're operating
in. And so their allegiance is going to be to their guys, right? Which is going to include
the municipal cops and the emergency services unit guys. So the state police pointing the finger at
the emergency services guy said, you guys are supposed to have that. And you abandoned your
post. Now that's a big said that two officers with the butler county emergency services unit sorry
why i keep saying beaver county i got that all wrong strike that everywhere i said that butler
county why did i think anyway butler county emergency services unit a tactical force with
sniper capabilities left their posts in the building to look for a suspicious
individual they spotted first and alerted to other law enforcement that person was crooks okay paris
said okay we got we had two they had two guys up there with the esu uh it's a tactical force they
had sniper capabilities we're not clear if they had snipers they just had the capabilities but
anyway they had two guys up there says paris and they left their post to go look for this guy now this
is where the story gets weird because remember they snapped pics of this guy one of these esu
guys whose name is greg we're pretty sure about that now was in the far right of that two-story
building and was taking pictures out of the far right window at crooks who's down on that retaining
wall right in one case in one picture he's looking up over
his left shoulder pictures from above and the other picture from above but he's looking at his
phone's got his finger on it right so he's one of these pictures right so those two photos and i
don't know if they were taken one then two but crooks is in enough of a different position that
maybe that accounts for why we had one of those pictures taken at 5 14 and the other was described
as being taken at 530.
At any rate, we're supposed to believe that these two guys somewhere around 530 said,
this is suspicious. Let's both leave this post and go look for this guy.
So that's what the state police are claiming. However, in pink Wednesday, Butler County D.A.
Richard Goldinger disputed the testimony. Here's where it gets good, saying that only one of the ESU officers left the building briefly to search for Crooks. So if they left, did they leave at 530? Did they leave
at 545? We need to know because of course at 609, people are saying, hey, dude on the roof with a
gun. And at 611, 33, two and a half interminable minutes later, we actually saw the shots get taken.
All right. So that's interesting. So Butler County DA is like, ah, only one of the officers
left. The other one stayed up there. Quote, both ESU officers moved within the building,
attempting to keep an eye on Crooks. So he's enough of a concern. They're like, oh, shoot,
where's that guy going? Right. Goldlinger said in a statement, one of the officers observed Crooks. So he's enough of a concern that they're like, oh shoot, where's that guy going, right? Goldlinger said in a statement, one of the officers observed Crooks sitting on a picnic table
at the front of the building from his location on the second floor of the building. Crooks then ran
off carrying a backpack. At this point, that officer ran out of the building attempting to
keep an eye on Crooks until other law enforcement arrived so they're fairly alarmed
at this point when you leave your post run out you're trying to find somebody because he's he's
set off your spidey senses that's good law enforcement by the way this guy was obviously
he was tripping all kinds of people spidey senses obviously so questions all kinds of questions
exactly what time did you run out after him where did you run towards who did you notify that you were
leaving who did you notify that there was a guy suspicious enough that you feel like you had to go
on a foot chase why aren't you radioing other law enforcement who we know are walking all around the
building and say why don't you go find this guy why did this guy feel like he had to leave to go
find this guy why don't you say hey listen i got a kind of an ugly kid with glasses and demolition
ranch t-shirt yeah great yeah shorts that's him right that's how that should have gone okay the
other officer here remained in the building on the second floor goldinger said so the da of butler
county is clearly telling us that we have we have somebody in the second floor of that building
carrying on quote from goldinger the officer who ran out of the building could not locate Crooks, and he returned to the building.
Both officers then heard shots fired.
So presumably they're on the second floor, but they're just out of station.
They're a little, anyway, they goofed.
They goofed up badly because one of them left.
The other one isn't paying attention, isn't keeping an accurate lookout over that roof.
But this is where it gets really interesting.
Okay, now we're down to it.
Quote, at this point, oh no, I carried that over just so you know we're in the same article.
So that top paragraph I just read.
Carrying on, in yellow, Goldinger added that neither officer could see Crooks on the other building
due to the visual angle they had
from their location to Crooks' location.
So now we got a question
where exactly they are in the building
that they couldn't see Crooks
because I'll show you in a second
that that's not, that's kind of,
that's a tall order.
When asked about the DA's statement,
a spokesperson for the Pennsylvania State Police said the agency stands by Paris' testimony.
The Butler County DA up against the state police.
They are now giving different testimony.
And this is when things begin to really fall apart.
Somebody here knows that this is a big pile.
There's a turd in the punch bowl right here, And they both know it and they're both backing away.
But the interesting thing is. That they're not that they're backing away from each other.
So something is not right with this story. You can smell it with me. Right.
You can just smell something's off here. So that's how we know to begin looking.
Quote, our agency stands by yesterday's testimony, said Lieutenant Adam Reeded the state police director police's director
of communications all right so this is kind of weird because um this is the view out of that
second story building you can see the whole roof and getting my little drawing tool out my laser
pointer out so we can all see together crooks would have been right here ding right and obviously this is after the hippie i hosed the roof down and
washed everything away um interestingly i wonder if they didn't wash it enough because maybe they
left some right here coming off of ew anyway um so that idea that they didn't have a view means
they weren't at this window because this window has a perfect view i don't know where else you
can be in that's two- building, but why wouldn't you be
here where you can actually see the fairgrounds?
You can see Trump on the stage.
If you just swiveled a little to your right and look down, there's the fairgrounds.
Crooks is right on that roof.
And we're trying, we're being told that it didn't matter because they couldn't see Crooks
from their position inside this building.
I'm really struggling where you have to be in this building unless it's the bathroom where you couldn't see crooks's position
so that part of the story we're going to need more explanation on because it does not smell right
uh and also now we hear um carrying on in that same cnn article investigators believe that crooks
fired eight rounds before he was killed by counter snipers um not this investigator uh i don't think
he fired all eight i believe the number is eight. Paris told the committee eight casings have been recovered
using the correct term. They are casings, not cartridges. Officials had previously only
confirmed that the shooter fired multiple times at the rally earlier this month.
Paris also told members of Congress that several secret service agents told the state police area commander during a walkthrough of the
area before the rally that the butler county emergency services unit ecu esu was um responsible
for securing the building where crooks fired the shot so they're like it was those guys
they were responsible for that building they should have secured that building
well somebody absolutely should have secured that building.
Well, somebody absolutely should have secured the building.
So now we have questions.
Everybody who was responsible,
who should have been on that roof or protecting that roof,
whoever made the decision
not to actually be on the roof,
crazy, crazy talk.
But even though,
and then the people who were in that room
who said, oh, we didn't have a vantage point,
that doesn't pass the sniff test either. So we got problems. And by the people who were in that room who said, oh, we didn't have a vantage point, that doesn't pass the sniff test either.
So we got problems.
And by the way, again, it was two minutes of people going, there's a guy on the roof
with a gun, right?
It doesn't take two minutes, even if you're all the way out in the parking lot, even if
you're on the far side of the whole complex, you can run around, run in through building
six and up through the causeway and up the stairs and look out this window.
And you can do that way less time than two and a half minutes.
Two and a half minutes, you can make it a pretty long way, right?
There's probably a Kenyan who can make it a half a mile, you know, three quarters of a mile.
So at any rate, carrying on, it says here now, and this is from the CNN article.
So this came out on the 24th of July.
They're now claiming they're back to this idea that it was a municipal officer that came face to face withis said that the brief confrontation came as a pair
of local officers who had learned of crooks's position on the roof probably from all the people
yelling there's a guy on the roof with a gun it's good police work right there um attempted to
confront the shooter but while the officer was dangling from the roof crooks aimed his rifle at
the officer and the officer fell paris told lawmakers that Crooks was on the roof roughly three minutes,
but only a few seconds passed between when the officer confronted him and when he fired at Trump,
correcting a time frame he gave earlier in the hearing.
So it's just a few seconds.
We don't know if it was 10 seconds or 9,000 seconds, but just a few.
It was some number of seconds, right?
Which isn't an actual definition of time. But even if it was, even if you came up and you saw him and you dropped
down, why didn't you fire a warning shot to get everybody alerted, get the ball party rolling?
Why didn't you? I mean, there's questions. Got questions, okay? Carrying on, quote,
when one local officer hoisted the other up, so we're back to the hoisting thing, not a ladder,
and subsequently falls
paris said crooks was already i believe close to being in his final position there and i'm told
it's again sequence of events not a timeline based on the prior criteria laid out but seconds after
that is when the first shot rang up or rang out. Okay.
Paris said that whether or when the confrontation was relayed to the Secret Service or other law enforcement agencies at the rally remains under investigation.
Of course, that will be important to know.
We need to know exactly how many seconds passed between this and the person dropping down.
Again, so now we got the state police saying,
it wasn't us, it must have been the issue guys.
I don't know about the Muni guy, right? So this tells me there's now we got the state police saying, well, it must have been the issue, guys. I don't know about the Muni guy.
So this tells me there's now cracks in the facade and these are exploitable cracks.
And it means that I suspect we're getting we're getting close to getting some really
damaging information that's going to come out of this.
For instance, was there any radio chatter coming over these guys' communications that
was actually confusing to them?
Was there somebody, some mysterious somebody out there explaining that there was
a training mission going on or that there was some sort of like to stand down was there any
stand down orders given why did the secret service snipers sit there and eyes on this guy
for all that time and 42 seconds and and take no shots it's just nothing nothing's adding up
all right so this is really bizarre to me, this whole thing again, which I played, I put this out
in a video quickly yesterday, but I have to go over this again because I've been thinking
on it.
And the more I think on it, the more this bothers me.
And it bothers me on multiple levels.
First off, shame on ABC generally.
Shame on you two in particular.
And shame on this guy most particularly because it's
your name on the byline here. The most important thing you can do at a historic event like the
near assassination of a president is get the history right. So you want to make sure that
you're gathering the facts and you're telling the story as best you can without any undue coloring
or anything like that. So again, let's just listen in on this and I'll tell you what my problems are.
What you're about to see may be disturbing. This morning, new helmet camera video obtained
by ABC News showing the moment's enforcement race to that roof.
So first off, we're supposed to believe that these guys had to break through a fence with
security right that's just like and they had to run from really far away but you and i might be
thinking i thought this whole facility was crawling with cops including a muni cop who just
had to drop and and two esu guys are scrambling around looking for this guy and state police and
that there was a secret service uh what they call them uh agent representatives
like this facility's crawling with cops and we're supposed to believe that abc news is amazing crack
reporting the way they're leading this up that we're in the action you're part of it it's like
a movie it's amazing these two guys they have to bust through a fence held together with secure
tape and they run and they sprint well cool i'm glad they're sprinting but this facility is already crawling with cops
and any of them could have just walked on up to that second story window and looked out and said
yep there he is he's right there he's dead that would have been the starting point of this
sniper killed the gunman who opened fire at a trump rally officers wait what ladder is that?
Laddergate. We're about to expose Laddergate here.
Hold it. Hold it.
They run across the field.
They climb up the ladder.
They get on the roof.
There's eight people on the roof already,
walking all over the crime scene.
This is... I don't know what's happening here.
One, two, three, four.
I thought somebody weighed down the end.
See somebody down the end there?
Yep, there's somebody.
There's somebody.
Eight people, easy.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, let's just rifle through his pockets.
Don't bother taking pictures.
You know, you won't wait for a crime scene guy.
It's urgent.
Let's go through his pockets. Don't bother taking pictures. Don't wait for crime scene guys. It's urgent. Let's go through his pockets right now.
A range finder.
I think it's in the cargo pocket.
Ooh, hear that helicopter?
I want to see if that's a news helicopter.
I want to see videos of this.
Police also seem counting the shell cases.
Looks like, what, at least eight?
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
See where that guy's helmet is pointing? He's like, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. See where that guy's helping his pointing?
He's like, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
I'm going to need to see pictures of where those shell casings actually are
because I do have a picture that kind of looks like maybe it's the shell casings.
And all eight of them are on Thomas Crook's side of the building.
But three of them are way down towards, not off the roof,
but down towards the edge of the roof behind him down the slope, you know, the dangerous slope.
How did this guy see them just looking down?
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Did they get moved?
What happened?
We have questions.
And don't forget, it was eight minutes, sorry, 12 minutes, 12 minutes that before these guys
even got up here.
And this is close to an hour later. So I just the.
They say what. At least eight. And so this is all bizarre, just bizarre.
And by the way, see where that that black uniformed police officer is standing there, the with the you know the flexicuffs and all
that at any rate um in senate testimony biggs asked ray earlier today or was it yesterday it
was very yesterday um biggs asked him hey does the forensics of where the blood and the brain
matter sprayed out does that match what eyewitness testimony said and ray was all like confused he's
like i'm sorry i didn't understand the question it's like um i know you're just in the fbi but try to follow along here uh when
somebody gets shot in the head there's something called spatter analysis and evidence does the
direction of the brain material that got blown out of crook's head does that match the shot that we
think was taken is there anything else to this story it's just basic crime scene stuff what would be interesting is that that person in black would be standing where there would
be considerable amount of blood and brain matter if they had been shot from the front by a 300
wind mag or equivalent but i think the the snipers are using the secret service snipers were using
the 300 wind mag if um if my sources
are accurate that thing's just going to explode the head that's just going to make an absolute
hot mess i mean that is just where that officer standing should be a fine mist of red and grayish
chunks okay so that's where we're at so at any rate rate, this offends me. This offends me that we're supposed to believe that ABC did a credible job of showing us and including us in the action of bringing us to the crime scene with the first responders.
The first people on the roof may have been those two guys, but that would be weird because why would you have guys run from all the way over there to come up?
I don't know.
Maybe they're your crime scene investigators, but they are.
Boy, they did a crappy job securing that scene. There's people walking all over the place
where there's going to be actual evidence. Somebody is just like randomly scanning down
going, oh, I think I see eight cases. Did they get bumped? Did they get moved? Right. Did you
kick any of them? You know, they could casings get stuck in the waffle treads of those those
police boots all the time and carried off. Right. Oh, I guess we're only seven. Maybe there's four, right?
It's just the most bizarre thing.
So what I'm seeing from a crime scene standpoint,
I don't even think a freshman class of 14-year-olds
could even possibly do worse than that, right?
I don't even know what I'm watching here.
It's just bizarre.
So it's really quite a mystery at this stage.
But the whole story is beginning to unravel,
and I think we know why.
So this is it.
This was from Senator Ron Johnson.
He posted this out on July 21st.
So ABC had four full days to know this detail before they put out that video.
Or maybe three days, depending on when they produced it.
But three or four days.
They had many days to come across this information which is that at 6 23 um 12 minutes
after former president trump was shot to beaver there's the beaver county i knew i had it right
to beaver county pennsylvania law enforcement agents at access the roof of the american glass
research building and saw crooks deceased okay 12, 12 minutes. 12 minutes.
Is that enough time for somebody to go out
and plant a little brass, you know,
mess around with a crime scene?
You bet, absolutely.
I mean, that is just, that's an inexcusable amount of time.
Why isn't that time 12 seconds
after the shooting was done?
That's what it should have been, not 12 minutes.
So, and by the way, you know, they're like,
oh yeah, we have this ladder over here, which we saw.
And, you know, here we've got somebody actually standing in this.
And here's Crook's body.
And I think this is his backpack.
This is way after the fact.
They must have left.
But we know we have this open window right here, which we saw.
Eli took a picture out of that.
And we can see this had great oversight of this spot.
But there's also this window.
This window, also from the second floor of that building see this had great oversight of this spot but there's also this window this window also from the second floor of that building also had great oversight so the only
place you could claim you were in this building and not see be able to see crooks is either you're
in a in a room on this side which would be bizarre or you're in the bathroom i don't understand it
otherwise this is bizarre now ladder gate lots of questions about the ladder so let's just clear it
up see that ladder that guy's on that's what we call a tactical ladder that's one of those collapsible things that's
somebody had that in their trunk and it's probably part of the kit gear of the emergency services
unit but it's not this ladder over here because this sorry get my you know me and my laser pointer
this ladder has orange sides and it tapers and this is a black ladder that goes straight up. So that's that's part one
Part two is you know, these guys sort of ran through the secure tape and then they're running towards the front here
Kill the gunman fire at a Trump round and I'm like, where's that? Where are they going up?
We can do that. I can't place that
Cuz I can place where they ran up here because i know i can see the
front of that building that's building one in the agr complex um and i can see this this light that's
on the building six which is the roof that crooks was on and then they show me this ladder going up
but there's a little roof right here so it's they're not going up here they're not going up
here plus there would be windows there there's no window the only thing that i can think is it has to be here because
that's the only place on the whole facility i went all the way around it where we can see
something like this there's a little great maybe this is this gray box i don't know what's on top
of it now you know this is there could have been something stashed on top of their post the time
between the time when when google street view took this photo and the rest of it but
um that's the best guess so they're going up here onto building three and then they're going to walk
across all of this over towards crooks but but that's where they decided to make their first
entrance and again it wasn't that ladder and nobody i nobody can tell me where that ladder
came from but maybe that came in after the fact this is the one they use later to get all those
eight ten twelve 50 people up
and down as they carried off crime scene evidence and messed it all up. That's what I have to guess.
So that's that part of the story. And well, now we're going to shift gears really quickly in the
time I have left because I do have to run here soon, unfortunately. So let's listen in on this. Because I'm quite sure somebody saw under your
organization, the Secret Service, I'm quite sure somebody saw the shooter on the roof.
So what was the communication through the chain of command to deal with said person?
What I can tell you is that when the individual was identified by the counter sniper
they took one shot and neutralized that individual but that was after the shooter already took a shot
is that correct that is correct so what you're saying now is that the secret service did not see
the shooter on the roof until after the shooter took a shot?
I do not have all of those details at this time.
How do you not have all of those details at this time?
It's the most mysterious thing ever.
Obviously, you have to have those details before this time.
I mean, that's like the most basic possible detail.
By the way, and also her saying there was one shot taken by sniper,
we've already dispensed with that because we know that there were two shots because we know there's an
esu person from pennsylvania who's on administrative leave for having taken a shot and that shot if i'm
right happened nine more than nine nearly 10 seconds prior before the secret service person
took their shot so there's a good chance the secret service person took their shot and crooks
was already dead.
But of course, if they hadn't blurred out the body every single time
when they were on that helmet cam,
we might have been able to look at it and see if there were two head wounds
or multiple body wounds at that point in time.
But of course, they had to blur it out for your safety citizen
after posting, of course, that picture of his head all destroyed,
but from an angle where you couldn't tell anything,
like as if there were two wounds on that head.
So again, whole thing's just mysterious. it's just getting mysterious and it's worse um
so we can all see that you know they actually did have eyes on because here you can see
these guys are on their glass they are on their scopes their hands are up in firing position
they are on their weapons take a look at what happened before the first shots.
Okay, so we know they had them in their sights.
We can all see that. That part's easy.
And, you know, here they are
and this is what it looks like when they are eyes
on and here we
can see the second sniper set.
This is the people who probably actually took the shot.
They have floppy hats on the back. Different crew, they're on the second sniper set. This is the people who probably actually took the shot. They have floppy hats on the back.
Different crew, they're on the second barn complex.
We can see when the shots ring out, they are also on point and they are already up and
on there and ready to go.
So obviously they saw crooks beforehand.
So that part is clear.
And by the way, I asked my son who plays Call of Duty, I said, listen listen simon if you were going to uh if this was a new map in call of duty
and you brought a new you know first off you have to protect the red x that's where the that's where
the prize is in this particular game map where do you put your snipers and he said water tower and
that other tall building he picked the agr building um the tall one right there no questions about it
right because snipers i asked him well why wouldn would you put your snipers down on those other roofs right there he said because my snipers
shoot long range they don't do they don't do well at short range i bring my short range part of the
team in and i said well what if you brought a new guy on your team because he's got a team he's been
playing with for a while so what if you brought a new guy on your team and you asked him to position
the assets and you put both your snipers down here he put your snipers down here. He put your snipers right here. He said, ah, newbie, we'd kick them
off the team right away. I mean, listen, when your average young man Call of Duty player can
nail this, it's not a good look. All right. And then in closing, you know, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
said, you know, why was the Secret Service's protective perimeter in Butler shorter than the range of an AR-15?
It does not take 60 days to answer that question.
The agency's failure to publicly account for these questions and others from Congress is unacceptable.
Cheadle served to resign.
And yes, Cheadle should have resigned.
No question.
Full stop.
But that's actually just the beginning because she didn't actually make any of the decisions like to put those two snipers where they had an occluded view and told you know the the other people the locals that
they were responsible for this very critical roof and she didn't make those decisions you know who
did that was the special agent in charge which apparently makes sense the pittsburgh special
agent in charge that would have been tim burke that guy right there on your far right with the
light blue mask light blue mask,
light blue mask in the bald head.
And I'm pretty sure he was actually on site that day.
I'm not positive, but close enough for government work, I guess.
Kind of looks like him, but maybe or maybe not.
But how about we actually get this guy who was actually the guy who was making decisions
and in charge of the site that day?
How about we get him on stand asking questions?
I think that Ocasio-Cortez can be as mad as she wants a director,
Cheetle and all that,
but it's a smoke screen.
It's designed to diffuse the situation,
let a little steam out of the pot.
we got her to resign.
She wasn't the one making the decisions that day.
This guy was,
this is the guy that we need to ask questions of.
So that's all I've got to run. Thank you so much for your time today and uh and that's it i got a lot more to go around director cheetles thing
we've got um beautiful things coming in from people all over the place helping us with the
audio stuff so please if you have any more stuff again this is a citizen's investigation. So if you have evidence, evidence, that's audio files, that's
pictures, that's something we can use, solid evidence, then please send it to info at peak with evidence in the subject line. Cause we're having a lot of people sending us
theories and videos of other people's theories and that's all well and good, but that's part
two of this investigation. First, we need solid need solid evidence okay second thing you could put in the subject line is expertise if you're an expert at
something audio analysis fast 48 transforms if you know uh you know something about ballistics
that we're missing if you know anything about how uh you experts on law enforcement crime scene
investigation how these sites are set up,
anything like that, put expert in the subject line. We need your help. We're getting, we've got a lot of stuff coming in, but we need more help. So thank you for listening. Thanks very
much. Thanks for all your participation in this. I'm proud of us all. We're making a difference
and we're going to make this happen. We're going to get this job done this time.