Peak Prosperity - Massive Property Tax Fraud Revealed

Episode Date: September 7, 2024

Do you pay property taxes? Do you rent? In either case you’ve been ripped off by local taxing authorities who have been running a widespread but illegal operation that has systematically overvalued for the purpose of fraudulently collecting higher taxes. Their motivation? Their paychecks, presumably, but that’s just a guess. It could be more than that.Click Here for Part 2

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You should all be fired and or put in jail. What you have done is commit fraud on a mass scale. The following is the audio version of a video released at Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello, everyone. I am Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity. And you know, I had this really puzzling experience. I bought a house in 2017 in a little town called Greenfield, Massachusetts, and I bought it for $215,000, went through closing, and then I find out that my property was appraised at $270,000. So I, well, this is wrong because I just paid money for it. So I go down to the assessor's office and I say, hey, here's my proof. I paid $215,000. That's
Starting point is 00:00:56 its actual market value. And they said, oh, Chris, you can't do that. You'll have to go through an appeals process, which I did. And I lost because there was some very complicated appraisal formula that I was running afoul of. I didn't get it. Didn't feel right. Well, it's not only just not right. It is massive fraud that's been going on. I'm not sure in that particular case, but boy, we're going to talk about massive fraud going on in real estate taxes. Everybody who owns a house should care about this program. Today, we're talking with Mitch Vexler. Mitch, welcome to the program. I can't wait to get into this with you. I'm honored to be here and thank you for asking me to appear. So I met you at Limitless Expo and we were there together and I just got a little taste of it. And then you sent me a lot of documents. I want to get into this but is is it wrong for me
Starting point is 00:01:45 to suspect that something was broken with a process where my appraised value of my house was more than i actually paid for it based on the evidence we've come up with no not at all you were right they were wrong they committed fraud and it's happening across the united states we now have at least one person from 47 different states that have confirmed exactly what it is that you're saying. So it's not just in the single family, but it's also in the commercial properties as well. But the single family, mom and pop cannot possibly understand what's going on here because the depth of this issue is literally like an onion that's got a thousand layers. But every layer,
Starting point is 00:02:25 you peel back, you just want to cry more because it's more and more fraud. So it's compound cumulative fraud. Now, let's get the sweep of this because the way it's supposed to work, listen, we're all good taxpaying citizens. We like things like roads and schools and public facilities, I guess, is the idea. And so the idea is that we have local governance. They're voted into office. They pass a budget, right, that people ostensibly have some say in. And then they have to decide how they're going to collect that revenue for that. And then they would do that, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:00 You described to me, standing out in the hall after the talk I gave there a different process, which kind of sounded like they just tell the number that they want and the appraisers say, oh, well, we can get you that number. We'll just jack up real estate values until we get you the tax revenues you need. Is that, did I miss that or did I hear that right? No, you heard it right. So what's happening, which is in violation of the law and how it is supposed to happen. So if we back on what is called USPAP, Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. It is supposed to adhere to the Texas state property tax code, and it is supposed to adhere to the Texas constitution. Now, in every other state, it would adhere to that state tax code, property tax code, and that state constitution.
Starting point is 00:04:06 It doesn't matter that it's Texas. It just happens to be that in Denton's Central Appraisal District, we have all the irrefutable evidence. Now, so what are they really doing? Well, they completely ignore USPAP, which is the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that all appraisers are supposed to abide by, as well as all central appraisal districts. They ignore their state property tax code, and they ignore their own constitutions. That's happening everywhere. In favor of, well, we go, chief appraiser goes, and he has lunch with the state comptroller. And the state comptroller says, well, we have what's called a property valuation study. Go and here's our budget. We need to move money from this district to this district.
Starting point is 00:04:54 Go and increase the property values. Right on the spot, that's a violation, but that's the state comptroller and the chief appraiser doing that. But it gets worse. The taxing entities own the central appraisal district. Who are the taxing entities own the central appraisal district who are the taxing entities just like you were saying it's the municipalities it's the school districts it's those who allegedly create the efficient budget from which roads and schools etc are operated the problem is that the taxing entities such as the school districts will go to the chief appraiser and do the exact same thing that the state comptroller did, which is, here's our budget. Hit it. There's simply no way that mom and pop can compete with this. The values aren't real.
Starting point is 00:05:37 In fact, the values are pumped up in excess of 40% to meet predetermined budgets that have nothing to do with discovery of market value or any valuation in law. In other words, the appraisal districts are not doing an appraisal under any definition of law. You know, I actually had this exact argument in the last town I lived in where, for whatever reason, our local school district, they need 5%, 6% a year. I don't know why, but their budget's always 5% or 6% higher. And I went in and I said, hey, wages are only increasing nationally at about 2.5%, 3%. So we have a math problem on our hands, which is called compounding, right? Where if the needs, if the expenses are compounding at 5% or 6%,
Starting point is 00:06:22 but the income is only compounding at 2% or half that, say, sooner or later you have a math problem, which is just you're broke. You're insolvent. I guess bankruptcy is the legal proceeding that follows. But you're insolvent because you're starting to exceed the, well, you know, what is insolvency? It's when your liabilities exceed your assets, right? What is a bubble it's when incomes can no longer sustain the expenses required uh by that enterprise this
Starting point is 00:06:50 sounds like a a math problem to me no this sounds like a fraud problem because in reality they don't give a damn about the math because they're completely ignoring use pap which is about being quantifiable use pap is about being objective. And we have reverse engineered USPAP. There's nothing wrong with USPAP, as long as you adhere to it. The problem is it's not being adhered to. So it's not really a math problem. It's a theft problem. Because what's really going on under the hood, the school districts, to your point, so the school districts, A, are bankrupt today because we already have evidence just within the last two weeks that in the case of the Tarrant Appraisal District, that's Fort Worth, they tried to freeze. The Tarrant Appraisal
Starting point is 00:07:37 District was making a move to freeze the taxes. The school districts showed up in mass to say, you cannot freeze them. You must continue to raise them annually. And if you do not, we are bankrupt. At which point I chimed in and said, you idiots are bankrupt today, nevermind what you're trying to do in the bonds tomorrow. So the real issue for these school districts, and get back to your point, it's the bonds. See, we haven't found in the case of Louisville Independent School District in the last three years, a single bond that has been paid off. Well, if you go back in time three years ago, you had money at two and seven eighths. Today, let's call it seven and seven eighths, eight
Starting point is 00:08:15 percent cost of capital. So these people, A, didn't pay off the bonds. B, they're not paying them off. C, they're rolling up the bonds and they're rolling out on the interest. In other words, the cumulative compound effect is the exact reverse of what an amortization schedule should be. Like mom and pop have an amortization schedule to pay off your house in 30 years, give or take 25, whatever. But it's the exact reverse for the school districts. They're cumulatively compounding the problem, and that's why they keep saying, well, you have to give us more money annually.
Starting point is 00:08:55 No, we don't have to give you anything annually. You should all be fired and or put in jail. What you have done is commit fraud on a mass scale, and you do not have the cover to allow you to do it. There's no law to cover them. And now a word from our sponsor. Hey, that's me. I'm Chris Martinson, also CEO of Peak Financial Investing, where you can find a financial advisor who sees the world the way you do. Listen, this is super important right now. There's risks everywhere, as we're just seeing in this presentation with Mitch Vexler there. This is muni bond risk out there. We know that the United States government is overspending like
Starting point is 00:09:29 crazy. So there's an exploding deficit and this resulting debt problem for the United States government. We know that the stock market has been held up and has been overextended due to all kinds of monetary printing. Listen, it's time to consider the risks and make sure that your portfolio is managed by somebody who both understands those risks and sees the world the way you do. So we work really hard to find financial advisors who just tick every box for who we want to work with. And ultimately, these people become our good friends. We trust them.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And it's really important that you pick a financial advisor who's working with and for your interests. So with that, please come by, fill out a very simple form if you want, and you will be contacted by one of our financial advisors to begin the process of figuring out if it's a good fit for you. But please, whatever you do, take this information seriously and make sure that you have a deep and no holds barred conversation with your financial advisor about the information contained in this podcast. With that, now back to our regular program. So with fraud, that means some kind of a law is being broken. Maybe I could turn to this quickly then. This is from the documents you sent and here a variety of bullet points. But help us understand. I want to get to that top sentence up there. But I think that second piece in yellow that I've highlighted there. You're saying here that they claim the average market value of a home is $514,000.
Starting point is 00:11:05 You say this is a lie. Why? Because the median income is $109,000 and monthly housing costs on $514,000 far exceed the 28% lending ratio test, which is hopefully you can explain that for us. And in fact, $109,000 income can only afford a home valued at $296,000 or below. And in 2023, over 72% of Denton County in Texas households cannot afford the $514,000 value determined by DCAD, which on its face value means DCAD is lying. Help us understand that. What are we looking at here? Well, so Mr. Don Spencer, who's the chief appraiser for Denton Central Appraisal District, stood in front of the board and in the press.
Starting point is 00:11:51 Okay, that's public. And when you do that, you're under threat of perjury. He stood in front of the public and said, the average value of a house is $514,000 in Denton Central Appraisal District. That is a straight-up lie, because if the median household income is $109,000 in Denton Central Appraisal District. That is a straight up lie because the median household income is $109,000, which can only afford a $296,000 home. So that's one problem. But it gets worse in that you have the 28% value to income, which is what is generally required under Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, et cetera. So he violated that issue. They don't even pay attention to that. They don't even care what the
Starting point is 00:12:29 lending requirements are. But the underlying point of this is, how can Mr. Spencer say that it's a $514,000 average home when 70% of your population can't afford it? On its face, it's fraud. On its face, he committed perjury. Wouldn't he say that most of these people actually bought their homes when they were a lot cheaper and now they're valued at that, but that's not what they're on the hook for in terms of a mortgage payment? Is that the argument they're going to make? No, there is no argument that they can make because all the stats and numbers that we have, the base stats are their numbers. We just simply broke it down using statistical analysis. So what we did is we tied USPAP, Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, to the mass, right? We reverse engineered it. We created what is supposed to be
Starting point is 00:13:20 inside of their own computer systems and their own databases. Then we tied that to the Texas property tax code. Then we tied that to the Texas constitution. Then we tied that to the U.S. constitution. So what they're supposed to be adhering to is completely irrelevant to them because the only thing they're doing is meeting a predetermined budget. Now you've torn this apart for Denton County. How many places do you think operate like this? Right now, we have at least one person from 47 different states. We're getting emails in by the hour. We're getting what I would call hard evidence probably every four hours. So many people can't quite articulate it.
Starting point is 00:13:59 They don't have the evidence. They don't have what it is that you would have if you went to go and protest. They're complaining, which is fine. And we're saying, if you've got the evidence, please fork it over. So, but this is not just a Texas problem. This is now, it's gone parabolic because the debt has gone parabolic. So they don't care that they're lying. They're literally at the point we have to keep lying in order to keep the fraud going. And the only thing that's holding this economy together in truth is fraud. on the top. So this is all debt, not unfunded liabilities. This doesn't include what we owe potentially for Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, just debt. State, municipal, local,
Starting point is 00:14:50 federal, corporate, you name it, just debt. And that's the top line. And below that is the GDP. That would be the equivalent of the household income that you're talking about. The United States is now over $100 trillion. There's only, only $315 trillion in the last BIS report globally. So the United States is roughly 30% of the total debt level, and we're about 4% of the population in the world, maybe 5 if we round up. Seems like a problem to me. And the problem is, is that I've, you see, I've done my usual amazing artistry and continued in purple. You know what the story is.
Starting point is 00:15:28 That's what we're supposed to believe. And it sounds like you're telling me this same story, but now it's at a fractal level. Now this is happening with property taxes. And this is just the system we have at this point. It's a runaway system that's kind of looks like a train wreck from here. The two charts are absolutely identical. So in Denton Central Appraisal District between 2017 and 2023, they overinflated anything way above whatever USPAP would require, overinflated by $67 billion. That is the net result of theft of $1.34 billion over and above what should normally
Starting point is 00:16:09 be paid. That is the equivalent of a 40% overcharge. Now, I ran some math a couple days ago, just kind of out of curiosity. So debt and central appraisal district is $67 billion overcharge, okay, overvalued. Well, there's 3,143 appraisal districts in the United States. If you simply said for the sake of fun and conversation, each one went up one and a half billion in one year, that is a net result of almost $1 trillion being stolen from the taxpayers, anybody that owns real estate in the United States, just short of $1 trillion in straight up fraud. Well, this probably starts to explain why somebody that I like to follow is Ed Butowski.
Starting point is 00:17:00 He runs something called the Chapwood Index looking for inflation. And he has to rerun inflation because the government, the way it does it with its CPI, it's very fraudulent as well and deceptive. But it misses three big things that it doesn't count. One of them is property taxes. It doesn't count that in the CPI inflation. It has something called owner equivalent rent, which is supposed to be a catch all thing, but it's a very bizarre term. And anyway, it just feels like statistical shenanigans, this and that. Now, this story feels the same to me. It feels like governments find ways to sort of game the system, but you keep using words like fraud and crime. What laws have been broken here? And you say you can run this up and down the court system.
Starting point is 00:17:43 What are they violating here? What's the kind of laws we're talking about? We have a 10-page document that literally outlines every single law that they're violating, but it's not just municipal law. So people who signed an oath, that's where we can start. The chief appraiser signed an oath. The board of directors signed an oath. This is an oath of office. And in that oath, it clearly says to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the state of Texas. If you violate USPAP, which is a requirement inside of the Texas property tax code, you violate 2301B and 2301E that says you will adhere. It's not an option. It's not at a discretion. You will adhere
Starting point is 00:18:26 to the Texas property tax code. The Texas constitution itself acquires uniform and equal. It is not at anybody's discretion to ignore it. You signed an oath. Okay. Violation of that oath at a minimum is a third degree felony. And it gets worse from there because not only in federal law, as well as Texas Penal Code, when you're told that you're violating the law, which I have told them in writing multiple times, and complaints have been filed with the Texas State Comptroller, not just by me, but also by a whistleblower who used to work. She was the mole at Denton Central Appraisal District for six years. She went onto the ARB panel because she knew that crimes were being committed. She's a true definition.
Starting point is 00:19:09 She's the real thing. She filed with the state comptroller. We haven't heard anything but crickets. We get a memo every once in a while that says, well, we don't have the right to enforce. They put that in writing. This is a state comptroller. Okay, the state comptroller is in charge of doing audits on the central appraisal districts. Please explain how you don't have the right to enforce,
Starting point is 00:19:31 Mr. Hagar. And to that point, just recently, I even told Mr. Hagar, look, I believe in the first amendment. Let's sit down. I'll give you 15 people on your side of the table, bring your attorneys, load them up, bring members, anybody you want, the best orators you've got. Come and sit with me. We'll have a debate. We'll do it at a public stadium. We'll find some place that's got 7,000 seats and we'll just sit and talk it through. I'll buy the cappuccinos. Three weeks ago, I did the same thing with Mr. Don Spencer at Denton Central Appraisal District. I'm sincere. Let's talk it through. Now, they won't because they obviously know that they're guilty. I mean,
Starting point is 00:20:13 this isn't a question of not being guilty. You're caught. It's your numbers. We have you on audio tape. So Mr. Don Spencer said, this is back last year, well, we took 60,000 properties out of the database and manipulated them, his words, in Excel and put them back. We've got it on tape. That's under threat of perjury. A couple of weeks after that, the board of directors, a fellow's name is Charles Stafford. So he's doing whatever he's doing. He says to Mr. Spencer, again on tape, Mr. Spencer, you and your team are the masters at guessing. There is no debate here.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You're caught. The only question is, do you go to jail, or do we end up suing you to bankrupt you? We'll get to be determined, but we're working on it. Well, I want to talk about those remedies in a second, but you're saying they took 60,000 homes out and parked it and just manipulated them. Did what to them? What happened when they took them out of that database and put them back?
Starting point is 00:21:16 Well, it's a bit of a backstory there. So in 2016, when I recognized that there was a problem, we didn't know the depth of it. So I told my attorney at that time, who also happens to be an accountant, he's a litigator and an accountant. I said, Matt, there's a wizard behind the screen doing this. There's no computer system on this planet that can come up with this amount of selectivity and get these numbers. This just can't be done. Well, it took all these years to figure it out because it was Don Spencer's own testimony on that 60,000. The person that did it was Rebecca Townsend. The second my accountant found out about that statement, and I called Matt and I said, okay, the wizard behind the screen is Rebecca Townsend. She works directly for Don
Starting point is 00:21:55 Spencer. There's your proof. And oh, one other thing, it's on tape. So, but they take these, again, I'm just, I'm flabbergasted because I know this isn't technically written in anywhere, but this whole idea of taxation without representation is a no-no, at least in spirit. I don't know if that's in the letter of the law, but I do have this idea that there are remedies and that I have rights and that there are guardrails in the system. You're describing a completely guardrail system where people are just making up valuations because it fits whatever political expediency. Maybe they have to make budget. Maybe they feel like this district needs a little and that one's got a little too much. It sounds capricious and arbitrary and bizarre. What am I missing here? Nothing. It is capricious. It is arbitrary. It is criminal, but it gets worse. So Don Spencer's testimony, that 60,000 is really interesting to a guy like me. I happen to have something called an infection
Starting point is 00:22:52 rate spreadsheet, and that shows how fast a disease will move through a community. Well, I plugged in the math at 60,000 because what that really is, is they take comps, comparisons. So if you go into your ARB or appraisal review board, and you'll find that there's probably six comparisons, two of which are not even comparisons. So they're trying to even commit fraud on that issue. But the problem is if you go back to 2016 and you say six properties, two are bad, but they keep those two in the database, two are bad. Then they keep those two in the database. Two are bad. Then they use those two against other properties. You're right back to the word cumulative compounding. They're cumulatively compounding the fraud. Well, on that 76% issue, so what happens is the database,
Starting point is 00:23:42 by cumulatively compounding comparisons that aren't even comparisons, in Don Spencer's testimony, that's 60,000. The net result is that the database, just based on the 60,000 amount of properties that were modified, 76% corrupt data in their databases. Now, let's assume that Don Spencer lied. Pretty safe bet. Just for the sake of conversation, let's take it to 80,000. That 80,000, even though it's not that much of a jump, but that 80,000 turns into 92% corrupt data. Their databases literally aren't worth 10 cents. They are irretrievably corrupt. You cannot go back and
Starting point is 00:24:25 reverse engineer this. There's no way to do it. You literally have to start from scratch. And every time they say, well, we're going to look at this market value or that market value, the market values aren't even real because they're not adhering to USPAP. So there's no place to go other than the complete elimination of the property taxes because you can't fix this. They've stolen so much money, their databases are irretrievably corrupted, and the people that are doing this are simply making their living on the backs of the theft that they've created from the taxpayer. As I understand it, this whole idea of how you appraise properties is supposed to be fairly
Starting point is 00:25:01 buttoned up here. So you sent me a couple of things. First, the mathematics of real estate appraisal. This is just the front page. It's a very long document. This is in 2004. But what caught me, one of the documents you sent was Fannie Mae, right? And they say B4104, unacceptable appraisal practices. There are a lot of things in there.
Starting point is 00:25:22 But down there, I highlighted in yellow, I think what you're talking about. Bullet point, selection and use of inappropriate comparable sales. Bullet point, failure to use comparable sales that are the most locationally and physically similar to the subject property. And in my case, the story I told, I couldn't even use my own comp sale as a value measure. They had a different system. Another bullet point, creation of comparable sales by combining vacant land sales with the contract purchase price of a home that has been, in that sentence, cut off. Also, not supporting adjustments in the sale comparison approach and failure to make adjustments when they are clearly indicated. Failure to make adjustments when they're clearly indicated. to make adjustments when they're clearly indicated that's an unacceptable appraisal practice now this is fannie mae so this is
Starting point is 00:26:08 presumably on the buy side of the story but it would probably be i would have to assume they don't have different appraisal processes for tax purposes do they no so it gets worse jeremy bago is a proverbial 1600 pound gorilla in the appraisal world. He did a video a couple weeks ago outlining the fact that Fannie, Freddie, and HUD are requiring the appraisers to commit fraud to hit the target. If you don't hit the target value, you will, A, lose this job. B, you will never get another job. Okay?
Starting point is 00:26:50 When I say this is polluted all the way up the chain, it is polluted all the way up the chain. Wow. This is massive, Mitch. I mean, this is just like, if you feel like you're a tax donkey, you kind of are. But this just sounds like an entire ecosystem that has gotten so monstrous, it doesn't even seem to care about whether it's breaking laws, following laws, or within the guardra one of the reasons why I said that one method out of this mess is you can use the infrastructure of a sales tax. It's there. It needs a little bit of polishing. But if you eliminate property tax, because the property tax is purely at this point, totally subjective. It's not objective anymore. It's broken. It's irretrievable.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Well, a sales tax is objective. And a national sales tax where the states can simply look at how much money do we really need, it won't be that bad of a blunt in terms of the increase of the sales taxes on everybody. But look at the amount of fat in the system you would be eliminating, right? There's no longer a tax on real estate. All these people that are in truth at this moment, criminals, by virtue of what they're doing, some people may not know it, but the people at the CADs, they absolutely know it. We've been all over them. There's no way you could not know. There's been over 80 articles written in the press in the last four years. You cannot know and say, well, we didn't know, A, B.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Ignorance of the law isn't an excuse. C, you got a license from TDLR, Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, that you're supposed to adhere to USPAP. And clearly, every stitch of evidence that we have says you don't. And then that one sentence from Ken Paxton himself, where he literally says, if you're a rogue operation, you must be enjoined. And that's federal law.
Starting point is 00:28:45 And Ken Paxton sent that to the Supreme Court in December of 2023. What do you call these central appraisal districts? Yeah. What do you say here? Quote, a reviewing court shall hold unlawful and set aside agency action finding and conclusions found to be arbitrary, capricious. There's where I got that word from. In abuse of discretion or otherwise not in accordance with the law. That's by Attorney General Ken Paxton out of Texas, obviously. So, and you said enjoined. That's legal speak for what?
Starting point is 00:29:13 Shut it down. It's that simple. These operations are straight up criminal at this point. You know, were they created originally with that thought? Probably not. But the reality is all the evidence that we've got since 2016, and it's gigabytes. We literally have gigabytes of data on our system, breaking all of this apart. And it's clearly a criminal conspiracy to defraud. And nobody can say otherwise, because you can't disprove any of our information. The beauty of it is it's their numbers.
Starting point is 00:29:46 We just broke it apart and tied it all together. Now, if we could fix this, this would be a big thing. I mean, I live in a small town in western Massachusetts, and, I mean, one of the big things is we've got a fairly high property tax rate on a mill basis, and the problem is that old, are literally getting taxed out of their homes. Like, like the tax increases, they just can't keep up with, uh, inflation plus, you know, how their fixed incomes aren't, aren't sort of dialing up in accordance with that, et cetera. So the idea that we would tax, like you would, this really bothers me a lot that we
Starting point is 00:30:23 would take a 65, 70 year old person who's paid their way into this system, dutifully been a good steward of everything, and then we're like, ah, sorry, looks like you can't afford your property taxes. You're going to have to leave that home you lived in your whole life. This is immoral to me. This is a big, this is really disgusting that we did that. And I mean to ruffle your feathers, but watch this one. So we have a elderly gentleman who is a vet in Ohio. He's 84 years old. He bought his house for $24,000.
Starting point is 00:30:56 This year is being commanded to pay $3,100 off of a fixed income that he doesn't have. And my point is human beings are doing this to other human beings. This is disgusting. They need to be put in jail, the people that are doing this. You want to stop it? Put them in jail. See, you can sue them, you can bankrupt them. So I'm, in my own mind, I'm wrestling with this issue right now. But the truth of the matter is they belong in jail because of all the laws that they've broken. What are you trying to do to this guy? we're going to be talking about all of this information here, the impact on municipal bonds, why I think there's an energy shock coming that will kind of make inflation follow a 1970s style course, which is not a good thing. That's called stagflation.
Starting point is 00:31:58 We're just one energy shock away from almost repeating the 70s, only this time with extra leverage. We have a lot of debt in the system. We've got to talk about that. And as well, we're going to have to talk about ways that we can begin preparing for this. Look, all of us need to understand the actual risks that are going on. That's what I do for subscribers at Peak Prosperity for, really, it's a huge value. A little less than a dollar a day. You get access to me.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I will be your information scout. I will scour the world. I'll find you the best data and information. And you can trust that at a minimum, I'm going to do my level best at that. I can't always guarantee that there's good news to be had out there because, well, the news is getting kind of choppy. And you know that. The question is, what do you do with that?
Starting point is 00:32:42 And so in order to help get you there, well, I have a way. My Martinson Method, as it were. And at least part of that is providing framing to simplify a very complicated world to make sure we're looking at signal, not noise, and also information without action. Well, that's just annoying, vexing, or otherwise cluttering up your mind. So we're always talking about ways to take what we're seeing in the world and moving that to positive, constructive action. The future, hey, it's going to be full of the usual cast of characters.
Starting point is 00:33:13 Winners and losers. There might be a few more losers this time because of how the things are stacked up. But trust me, there will always be winners. And these are going to be the people who have access to actionable information. And I want you to be among them. And now back to our program. So this is rogue at this point in time. So let's talk about what are the remedies that can be done.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You've mentioned the word suit a number of times. I'm a little lawsuit averse because lawyers are very expensive. But how would let's just say I want to go up against my local assessor's board. What's the process? So believe it or not, we're in the process of creating something that is generic across the United States because of this problem to help mom and pop. And the fellow who's putting it together, his name is Travis Spencer with the Real Estate Mindset.
Starting point is 00:34:11 So he's done a series of videos on this, but he's the right guy to do this because he actually was a mortgage broker and he quit when he saw the fraud. So he reached out to me about three weeks ago. So we're really pushing because I've never been on social media up until three weeks ago. Didn't know anything about it. Well, through this process, just like this vet out of Ohio, we figured out, okay, people can't fight this. They don't even know how to go to an ARB hearing. And so we're in the process now. I did a short little clip, like two minutes on one of these videos yesterday, telling people how you deal with an ARB review board. Don't get mad. Don't get frustrated. We're going to give you the ability to go and find your own comparisons. There is no law that allows a central appraisal district to pick the comparisons.
Starting point is 00:34:57 They just do it. If you walk in with true comparisons, and we'll show you how to set those up from within your neighborhood, those are the comparisons. Now, it doesn't mean you're going to win because of the high likelihood they'll keep committing fraud. However, that would now set you up, not that you want to go individually because a person with a house necessarily cannot afford a lawsuit. However, if you have four or five other people in your neighborhood in the exact same bucket, okay, now there's power in numbers. Now you can afford a lawsuit. So all of you can sign onto the lawsuit and all of you can go after that central appraisal district and all of you can go after the individuals on the ARB panels. You can go after the RPAs, the registered property advisors, because they're the ones that are committing perjury and lying to the panels.
Starting point is 00:35:44 You can go after the chief appraiser because that's what the law says. Chief appraiser is the main person responsible in law. So there are people you can go after, but it just takes, in the case of mom and pop, four or five people to join forces. Four or five people become the plaintiff against all those members that I just listed. So there are ways and we're working on it. So thank you for that. And pardon my ignorance. These people, these entities you just named, is that going up against City Hall or are these contracted private firms who are operating outside of the law? Okay. That's actually a pretty good question. So the reason why is because the appraisal review board is supposed to be independent of the Central Appraisal District. Bit of a problem.
Starting point is 00:36:31 That ARB is in fact paid for and scheduled by the Central Appraisal District. So you see, the more people that file these protests and take it all the way through the ARB, shockingly, if 40% of the population went and protested and took it all the way through, there's a very high probability you would bankrupt your CAD. They don't have the manpower. They don't have the money. So, let's use Denton Central Appraisal District. They average about 508 lawsuits. That's past the ARB. The people didn't like it at the ARB, then they file lawsuits.
Starting point is 00:37:08 So they average 508 a year. Well, if you double that, that's another method to bankrupt the CAD. So over and above the fact that these people are criminals and should be thrown in jail, well, we can break it down and start looking at methods to bankrupt these central appraisal districts. The more people that protest wonderful you just got to get it up to a certain number so if the protests are 7 000 you take the 7 000 that are normal in that community you take it to 12 000 okay they're broke double the lawsuits broke and then course, you can file your complaints and everything else
Starting point is 00:37:45 with your state comptroller, just like we're doing. But this system has got to go. It has to go. So what's the response you've gotten so far? Since I think this is just sort of coming out as a story now, happy to be on the front end of this because this is a big story. What's the response been so far? Well. Official and, and say from the public let's break it into two buckets since the time that i met you i think
Starting point is 00:38:12 i've gotten about four hours of sleep because every time i answer an email three more come in and and i have to go through them because it's important in that i'm looking for the evidence i want the stories yes that's true and i want people to sign through them because it's important in that I'm looking for the evidence. I want the stories. Yes, that's true. And I want people to sign the petition. Yeah, that's true. But the more evidence we get, I believe that in my particular case, we're headed for the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:38:37 I believe that if the state of Texas keeps punting these cases, which is what happened on the first one, but we're now in front of the appellate court, we're going to win there. So it'll be okay. But the point of the matter is, this is so badly broken that under the 16th amendment to the US constitution, you cannot charge a tax on unrealized gains. Okay. Market value is in fact an unrealized gain. Now, they're going to say, well, but we're a state and we can do this and we can do that. Say whatever you want. No problem, because I've still got you on the 5th, 14th, 11th, and 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Which one of these would you like to argue about? There's simply no way out because
Starting point is 00:39:22 we've got all their documents. We literally have their certified tax rules. We have evidence. So Judge Eads is a county commissioner. He's in this up to his eyeballs. Well, he is the county commissioner. One of the taxing entities happens to be a mayor of Lakewood Village, and he happens to be a forensic accountant. We've got this on tape. He stood in front of Judge Eads and Michelle French, the tax assessor collector, and yelled at them that the entirety of that year's numbers are fraudulent. Well, Michelle French received a falsified tax roll certification. It was known to be false. Why? Because Armol found it. That's part of our lawsuit. That's documented. This isn't up for debate. It's documented. When you start stacking all these
Starting point is 00:40:14 problems, you realize this is a true criminal conspiracy to defraud. They can't get out of it. Over and above that, the attorney opposing counsel, when we went to the first court hearing, the very first one, so about 50 days ago now, he stands in front of the judge. This is the opposing counsel. And we have it on tape, right? Your Honor, this is how you and I make our living.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I'm going to hang that around his neck. But you see, that's the truth. He wasn't lying. He's an idiot for saying it, but he wasn't lying. But that's what they're doing to mom and pop. They're literally stealing your money. They've engineered it in such a way
Starting point is 00:41:01 that A, it's illegal. B, it's financially bankrupt, C, they engineered that money out of your pocket, roughly 40% of your property valuation, straight into theirs. And these school districts are bankrupt. It's over. So that chart that you showed on the debt load, that is the exact same chart. Yeah, smaller district, but it's the exact same parabolic line.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Houston, we have a math problem. It just seems so obvious. And so, you know, if I was going to be gracious at all, I would say, look, you know, systems just get bad over time. Right. I was going to use a more colorful term, but they sort of like lose their way. And it happens. Right. Sometimes you just have to burn the company down and start over. Right. You know,, when you're looking at, you know, rescuing a company that's in deep trouble. It sounds like what we have here is a system that's just sort of grown this way and nobody's really looked at it, but they haven't had a challenge in a long time. So thank you for bringing the challenge. And now that they have the challenge, I'm just wondering how they're going to respond, because I bet you anything they're going to say an equivalent of what that
Starting point is 00:42:04 lawyer said to the judge, which is, yeah, but this is how the system works, right or wrong. If we break this, we break municipal financing, we break municipal bonds, right? And by the way, right after you and I talked, I literally went up to everybody I knew. I was like, I need you to reconsider your muni bond portfolio stat, you know, because what you're describing is basically a. I'm going to use the term. It's an insolvent system at this stage, and it's unfixably insolvent. Can't be fixed. Yes, 100 percent.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And the bonds are going to blow to shreds. What are the bonds really worth? These school districts are bankrupt. They only have one asset. It's not the buildings. It's not the land. All that stuff is levered to the nth degree. They take a million dollars. Refer to Louisville Independent School District for sake of conversation. That million dollars gets levered 20 to 1. They go out and waste all sorts of money. There's a school district in Texas called Itasca. Do you know that Itasca school district backstopped
Starting point is 00:43:05 two developers on two 2,000-acre solar fields with no guarantee of return of principal and no guarantee of return on investment? Wait, wait, wait. School district is backing a solar development? Walk me through that. Two of them. I don't even understand that. Yeah. Strange language. So the state comptroller has what's called a 313 agreement, which has been around for a long time. They use it in oil fields and that kind of thing. The problem here is that some idiot somewhere, well, we'll get the school district to back this. First of all, if you're a developer, get your own equity. Second of all, there's no law that allows a school district to take unilateral bets.
Starting point is 00:43:53 Even a state comptroller cannot take a unilateral bet to backstop some green idea that isn't going to work to begin with because the cost in order to make that green idea work requires all sorts of subsidies. What the hell are you doing? By the way, this school district, these these the value of these uh guarantees for lack of a better word give or take is around 500 million somewhere in that vicinity the school district is worth eight million dollars on their own balance sheet that's it yeah how do they backstop that i don't even even understand what I'm hearing. This is bizarre. If the FBI was awake,
Starting point is 00:44:27 they would literally move a field office and start arresting everybody that's touched this. That's how bad that is in the school district. This is just straight up. To me, and I have no proof of this at this point, but this is a kickback scheme. I mean, this thing stinks to high heaven. Somebody's getting money somewhere to
Starting point is 00:44:45 allow this to go through yep yep and then and then the ultimate who's really on the hook of course is the people who live in that community obviously um it's not a wealthy community it's a very if i'm not mistaken the median household income there is only $85,000. This is not big money. This is why the school district is relatively small. But it proves my point. Like, what the hell did you just do? You just levered up $600 to $100? Are you crazy?
Starting point is 00:45:15 Like, there's no guarantee of return of money. There's no guarantee of return on money. So somebody somewhere is getting paid. But you kind of get my point. When you have these school districts that are doing these things, Louisville Independent School District, lever to the eyeballs, right? They got bonds. I actually read one of their bonds. They underwrote the bond, 267 pages. In 267 pages, it literally says, I know nothing, I saw nothing, I heard nothing, give us the money and good luck to you. That's all it says. 267 pages. Now, call me old-fashioned, but I just don't think that a
Starting point is 00:45:50 local school district should be in recourse debt financing dodgy projects that have nothing to do with education. But maybe that's just me. They have one job to do. The job is to educate the children, nothing else past that. When they show up at the Terrant Appraisal District, as they did just last week, there's 13 or 15 of them. They were lined up like jets on a runway, taking shots one after another. You have to increase the property values or we are bankrupt. That tells you right on the spot, no, you're bankrupt today, right? Can't keep increasing values because mom and pop can't pay it. The money isn't there to pay it. When you've got a parabolic line straight up, how are you going to get that money? 37% of your population right now today, your household population, that's multifamily and single family
Starting point is 00:46:35 are bankrupt and or they are going to lose the roof over their head. So my point to all of this is if you're trying to start a civil war, you're well on your way, because you're going to make people desperate. And when people become desperate, they're going to do desperate things. If you have a brain cell, there is a fix. It'll be painful, but at least we're in front of the market. When the market wakes up, those bondholders, to your point, when they wake up and they see what's going on here, they'll sue everybody inside. It doesn't matter who you are. Now, they're not going to win against a school district because a school district doesn't have the money. That doesn't mean they won't sue them. That doesn't mean they
Starting point is 00:47:11 won't climb up the chain all the way to the state comptroller's office. And they've got big pockets and they will be really pissed. Now, I'm of an age where I remember elementary schools, this brick building, nothing fancy. We had a room, second grade, Mrs. Taylor, remember the whole thing, right? Desks, that was the whole thing. So in that little town of Greenfield, Mass., they just had put out this big bond thing and, you know, they needed a new high school. You need one because the last one was like 40 years old, so you just tear them down because they're just throw, they're disposable. So I said, okay, well, that means that this thing has to have a, or just shouldn't plan on a bigger lifespan because they build them kind of the same flat roofs and other things.
Starting point is 00:47:48 $60 million was the cost. And I calculated it out. That was around $750 a square foot, right? And I'm just like, what is this? The Taj Mahal? I didn't understand what I was looking at, right? You know, and apparently that's just what it costs. But what you're telling me is that's just what it costs. But what you're telling me is
Starting point is 00:48:05 that's just what it costs because there's too many hands in the pockets. This is the machine. The machine has figured out how to get everybody paid out from the contractors on through. There's not a chance in the world that building is going to amortize out at $60 million on this little, when I say Greenfield is a city, 21,000 people, right? Median household income, way below those numbers you're talking about. Not a wealthy place. How do you afford a $60 million high school? I don't get it. You're right back to the same issue.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Somebody's getting paid off. So it could be in the mechanical engineering department. It can be in any one of a dozen places. Well, give me the contract and I'll kick you back some money. Remember, I'm a builder. I've seen this before, right? Well, give me the contract and I'll give you some cash, in which part we throw them out the nearest window. But that's not unusual when you're dealing with people that A, do not know how to bid a project out. B, are really in it for the perception of their alleged power,
Starting point is 00:49:07 C, are in a position to accept a kickback. So when I say it's polluted up the chain, here you go. It is not justifiable. All right. Well, let's take it mom and pop. I mean, what realistically can they do at this stage i mean if your municipalities already put that water under the bridge uh just sounds like sounds like i don't know how you get out i mean honestly i'm gonna have i have a long list of things people say hey chris where would you move and why and i have reasons for you know resilience but it sounds like you know looking looking at the local taxing authority bond water under the bridge out the door kind of stuff you might have to start looking at that or do are
Starting point is 00:49:51 there places that are there must be some variation in the story there must be places that are more well run compared to others you would think not that we have seen and not based on the emails that are coming in by the hour no No, this problem is replicating itself. The numbers are replicating themselves. That 37%, you know, it's really interesting. So we've had information come in, but the delta between what we're saying in Denton Independent School District is,
Starting point is 00:50:19 so our numbers are 37% of the population are going to go bankrupt and or they're going to lose the roof over their head. It's just the way the math is. Well, we started looking at other areas and there's even a chart that I sent you that does a comparison between different districts in Texas. Well, what's so fascinating is that 37% may be 35%. It may be 39%. So up or down 2% one way or the other, but the same story is repeating itself, not just across Texas. We pulled the numbers from Ohio,
Starting point is 00:50:50 from where this guy is. He was 36.3% based on their immediate household income. So no, the numbers keep repeating themselves. It may be a mathematical issue in that the fraud is so systemic. Because it's systemic, that may be why those percentages are literally starting to repeat themselves. They can't get around it. When you cheat the system the way they're cheating it, the cheating is the same. If the cheating is the same, the only variable is the median household income.
Starting point is 00:51:24 That's why these percentages are starting to show it's the same. The only variable is the median household income. That's why these percentages are starting to show it's the same. How does this begin to map into, you know, maybe it doesn't, but the larger sort of sweep of this campaign cycle here in late summer of 2024, we're seeing the sort of the tax the rich, you know, the amount of federal tax increases is astonishing, right? Capital gains being proposed to more than double, eliminating 1031, the depletion and allowance in oil and gas, etc. I mean, they're really looking to like club things at that level. Sounds like we're going to have to get squeezed at the local level too for this to begin to even remotely pencil out. How do you see this playing out? Well, okay. So the people that are taking those positions are nothing more than parrots without the benefit of intellect. If anybody adheres to what they're trying to do, we will end up in a greater depression because we've actually penciled it out. So you'll end up with 35% unemployment
Starting point is 00:52:22 versus the 25% unemployment. The idea that, well, we're going to tax the rich. Let me tell you something. The billionaires that have a staff, let's just say for the sake of conversation, a billionaire's got a staff of 400 people. If 200 of those people show up and say, I can't pay my real estate tax, give me money. Okay. It's complete nonsense. This is going to affect everybody. So gimme, gimme, gimme, that game's over. You know, your site, Peak Prosperity, the name couldn't be any better, right? You literally have parabolic moves up in both directions. You got it on the federal level and you got it on the local level. The local level is the state level.
Starting point is 00:53:00 There is a fix. My fear is that the market gets in front of everybody. So the market being the bonds, when the bondholders find out, oh shit, we're not going to get our money back. We've got a huge problem here. Why? Because the people that raise those bonds, let's say it's Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley gets two and 20. They don't really have any skin in the game. Who are the bondholders? It's the pensioners. Who are the pensioners? Mom and pop. Not only are they going to get screwed on their pop. Not only are they going to get screwed on their mortgage, not only are they going to lose their house, they're going to
Starting point is 00:53:27 lose their pension. And that's why I said, stop this because you are going to create a civil war. You are going to have dead people over this. You're going to make people desperate. Knock it off. Stop all this idea, well, we're going to tax this and we're going to tax that because there isn't a stitch of truth to back them up. All you have to do is look at your chart and look at my chart locally that are parabolic. Where are you going to get the money from? And if you can't answer the question, then you got to reverse course and hard and fast. It'll be painful. But if everybody got on board with a unified sales tax, stop the real estate tax, give mom and pop the ability in 30 years to own that asset. You've given them a balance sheet. Why are you, the government,
Starting point is 00:54:11 the only entity on the planet that are entitled to a balance sheet, and you idiots can't even adhere to it? Right? Actually, after we got off the gold standard, you couldn't adhere to it. So the point of the matter is, you've got to restore the power to mom and pop because mom and pop is the economic engine you destroy that economic engine you're so stupid you're destroying your friends you're destroying your family and you're destroying your own pocketbook it has to stop and it's got to stop fast and now and all this crap you're hearing um coming from people and we'll just tax everybody. There's not a stitch of truth in it. You can't. The money isn't there to do it. Agreed, agreed.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Even if they said, well, we'll just print more money. Okay, great. You got the Weimar Republic. Good luck to you. Well, that's, yeah. And by the way, thanks for the little plug, peak prosperity. I named that very carefully because, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:59 we all want to hit our peak physical condition. But actually, it's going to be a peak of prosperity if we don't get smart. By the way,itch i put that that was a 2008 title i thought we were going to get smarter i never thought i was going to see a chart that looks like this right this is just federal debt right 220 years to rack up the first 11 trillion in federal debt and it was just uh four years for the next 11 trillion it's just like and so the question becomes, you know, like, how do you fix this? And again, this is a fractal story. Here it is kind of at a large level. We dial in, but you're saying you can find similar charts that look just like this same thing, par that if the federal government did try to, you know, get this line to go flat for a little while,
Starting point is 00:55:47 that would be that 6.6% of GDP. That would translate into probably 25, 30% unemployment, all on its own. If the federal government wasn't allowed to deficit spend. But it's now deficit spending at a rate that's far faster than the GDP. And then people are all confused and like, well, you know, Kamala, what are you going to do about inflation? And she says, oh, that's because milk's going up in price. It's like, no, no, that's the symptom. The cause is this. There it is. I found your inflation. It's right there. Well, the way to look at that, the nexus between these two parabolic charts is something called
Starting point is 00:56:26 the rule of 72. And the rule of 72 says that basically, depending on the interest rate, your debt is going to double every five to seven years, just depending on the rate of the interest. That's the nexus between them. That's why these charts are identical, because the debt is literally doubling. Like when you go, just go back to the Louisville Independent School District three years ago at two and seven eighths on the cost of capital versus seven and seven eighths. Okay. That's 300% up in three years on the cost of interest. And you're so smart because you paid off the bonds. Oh no, no, no. We don't pay off the bonds. We just roll them up. We just keep going. Bankrupt them. Let them go. Put them into chapter nine. They're insolvent anyway. Let the parents get involved and take over the schools. And then you turn the schools into a
Starting point is 00:57:10 fee process so that people are literally being paid and you can see it. You can see what's going on. You can't see what's going on. I kid you not. This is a spaghetti bowl of bonds. We have different interest rates. We have different timelines to pay off. We have different amounts. We have bonds on roofs, bonds on grass, bonds on parking lots, bonds on buildings, bonds on stadiums. It's a spaghetti bowl. You would need a team of forensic accountants months to figure out what the hell's going on here. This is just one school district. Well, the point of the matter is, let's not waste the time. You're already bankrupt because we already know in Terran Appraisal District, you've got your hands out and you say, you cannot stop.
Starting point is 00:57:48 You cannot freeze. You must keep increasing. You're bankrupt. Let's just kill it and get it over with. Return the power to mom and pop. Wipe out these real estate taxes and put in a uniform sales tax across the states. And the bite won't be that bad. Now, flip side of the coin is you have to mandate
Starting point is 00:58:05 that the government stop spending, right? Bring it down, bring it down, bring it down. But that's how you stop the market from getting in front of it. If the market gets in front of all this, we will have a greater depression. That's what the math says. Yeah, I completely agree. And by the way, Mitch, thanks for bringing up the rule of 72, one of my favorite rules out there in life. It helps explain a lot. So for anybody who doesn't know, if I want to answer the question, how long before something doubles? And I know like, like my town says, oh, we have a 5% growth plan, you know, sounds modest, sounds 5%. Like I don't go to get out of bed to go to a store because there's 5% off on jeans, you know? So what does
Starting point is 00:58:42 that mean? But you divide five into 72 and you come up with a number like 14. And it's basically my town saying, well, we want to double every 14 years. So twice as many schools, twice as many, you know, sewage treatment, like there's like, it's an astonishing thing. 5% turns into a complete doubling in 14 years. That's what the rule of 72 does. It allows you to see that like even small percentage deviations under that compounding formula wow they stack up quick they really do you know and i think too few people understand that and but now we're about to all experience it so maybe we'll have a embodied understanding of it going forward i i don't know um you know there's 23,000 people at the Federal Reserve, and I'm a proponent for chaining the doors because the data inputs, you know, they move the goalposts, but the data inputs on the numbers So they have what's called the Mahalan-Obus formula, and it was created, I think, in the 1920s, 1927, somewhere in there. And it's a really good
Starting point is 00:59:52 mathematical formula, but it's dependent on actual numbers that are verifiable for the inputs. Well, when you see what they're doing in the press and the market manipulation, then the people inside the Fed pick that up and they regurgitate it back into their own formulas that aren't even accurate. You've got multiple levels here of inaccuracy. So what we've done, which coincidentally is a requirement in law, standard deviation is by far the best way to pull these CADs apart. Why? Because inside of uniform standards of professional appraisal practice is the requirement for standard deviation. Standard deviation is also required under the Texas property tax code. That tells the truth because you can run standard deviation across every single line item of an
Starting point is 01:00:41 income and expense statement should you choose. You can run standard deviation for a group of houses inside of your subdivision, which we have done. We literally built the system that we know their software is supposed to be doing. They just don't care. And they choose to use comps that aren't real comps. So standard deviation would help people if they understood how to do it massively, because as long as you've got real inputs, you're good. Yep. Now, now that was, um, I really enjoyed that you included it. One of these documents you sent me, each one of those as an individual PDF was a, was a very nice reminder on how standard deviation is calculated, um, and, uh, walked, walked through the steps. So Mitch, um, where can people find those documents? Question one. Question two, you say you're getting emails. Do you really want emails? Because if you put an email out here,
Starting point is 01:01:30 you're going to get flooded. And so if the answer is yes, I need to know, let's help. What should people put in the subject line? If you have whistleblower or anecdote or case study like that 84-year-old gentleman in Ohio, Tell me what kind of emails would be helpful to you, and we'll see if we can help rally some more activity for you here. So what we're doing, the website is forward slash DCAD. On that landing page, you will see a series of videos. You will also see a link to a petition. And it's the petition that people are, when they send an email, they're actually saying, we want you to know about this. And they're able to put it inside the petition. And there's been
Starting point is 01:02:17 quite a few that have kind of gone back to the front page of Mockingbird Properties and to reach out to me, which is fine. So yeah, but we're okay. But that website, forward slash DCAD has got a mountain of data on the landing page, including the petition. If somebody wants access, such as your attorneys to the backside, to understand how this math really works, we have gigabytes of data on the backside. And for the attorneys and the accountants, we'll open that up for them. It's got a private passcode, but it's readily available. No problem. We're happy to share it. If they get to the point where they start, because we actually have somebody in Florida
Starting point is 01:02:54 working on constitutional lawsuits there now. So if those people had reached out to my attorney to find out from the horse's mouth as to where it was. So they're replicating exactly what we've done. We've done all the heavy lifting. All of our documents are there. Our spreadsheets are there. How we did it, readily available. You just have to take it to your particular jurisdiction, duplicate our formulas, right,
Starting point is 01:03:19 and insert your own information, and you're good. And one more time, there was a gentleman named Spencer, you said, who's working through a process for this. What was that name again? Travis Spencer, I think you said? Travis Spencer. His YouTube is Real Estate Mindset. And he's announcing now, he released 40% of it yesterday for those people who said, I just want to start. And these are clips, one or two minute clips to walk people through what is a property tax? How is it assessed against your property? But by the time this is all done, which should be within the next 10 days, 10 days to two weeks, it'll give you how to do a comparison. And you will end up knowing more when you've done this series of this little course. And it's free. There's no charge on any of this. Nobody here is making 10 cents. I'm not making 10 cents. Travis isn't making 10 cents. Nothing. It's all free. So by the time you're done that course, you will end up knowing more than the CADs themselves. You will know more than the chief appraiser. And you'll be doing it legitimately based on what the law says. If you could put a wish out, what kind of resources do you need?
Starting point is 01:04:25 I mean, I have a pretty big audience. So lawyers, what would be helpful to you here as we go forward? Okay. Because you asked, and I'm thankful you did, here's the reality. We're at a time in our nation where serious minds have got to get together to fix this if you could imagine president trump standing on a stage and saying we now have evidence of this problem the solution is that the real estate taxes have to be eliminated in favor of a uniform sales tax drop the mic and walk off. Because this is a nonpartisan issue. There's 144 million
Starting point is 01:05:10 single family homeowners in the United States. I don't care what side of the table you're on, this is touching you. The only question is, do you want to recognize it and get involved and fix it, or do you want to bury your head in the sand? But this idea, when somebody stands up and says, well, we're just going to tax everybody and tax the rich, the statement isn't true. The money isn't there to do it. It's a straight up lie. What we have here is purely nonpartisan. And can you imagine the amount of people when they heard that will say, well, wait a minute, this is touching my life, my family, my friends. Why wouldn't I vote to eliminate the real estate taxes? And that's what it's got to be. I mean, we're, we're, Dene Central Repraisal District is ground zero, but the evidence is straight across the
Starting point is 01:05:57 United States. And nobody can, in all this time, I've been challenging people. If you can find anything wrong, I'm happy to remove the document and I'll apologize. The truth is they can't. And even if they could find a paragraph that was wrong, no problem. I still got 1,100 documents to go. It isn't going to change the story. It isn't going to change how this affects everybody's life that's out there. And every single real estate property owner is getting screwed by this. It doesn't matter if you're commercial, single family, multifamily. If you're a multifamily tenant, how much of your rent goes into paying the taxes? The answer is 38%.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Yeah, yeah, it's crazy. So it touches everybody. And that's why it's got to be eliminated. And a uniform sales tax will not be that bad because all those states have different criteria. Because it's uniformly applied, well, we'll tax gas, we'll tax groceries, et cetera, et cetera. Even that, even if somebody says, well, if you have a tax, somebody goes to a grocery store and they're at a low income level, that's no problem.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Give them back the money off the IRS taxes. That's not an issue. It can be dealt with. The trick here is to take something that has purely been made 100% subjective and turn it into something that is purely objective, and the infrastructure to make it objective is the sales tax. It exists. We just have to make a few little tweaks, and this problem will be painful, but this problem, for the most part, will fix itself. I'm getting a little excited here because one of the things I you know if I could wave my magic wand it would be hey can we just do away with there's so many useless jobs in
Starting point is 01:07:32 government a lot of parasites people who just have jobs because you need the jobs to administrate the rules that require somebody to be there to administrate the rules I mean it just feels you it's just it's just it's just sand in the transmission and I know this because I'm a businessman and i know this because i've seen how other countries do it we put huge barriers to getting prosperity going in this country which is small and medium-sized enterprises i mean there's the permits and the fees and there's the this is and the that's and there's a lot of stuff i guarantee you mitch if it went away nobody would notice except we would have more prosperity which is actually what i would like to see more of so i if there's a way to skinny government down in
Starting point is 01:08:10 this overall process maybe begin to have the hard conversation like do we really need one of those you know um i don't think we need one of everything we got going on right now i don't think anybody should be in government that can't balance a checkbook. First criteria. That would be one. Or maybe that hasn't actually been successful in operating a business before you start regulating a business if you're in that line of government, right? Absolutely. I mean, you've got to prove it.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Yeah. And this is a time. We're out of time here. I mean, your chart shows it, my chart show it, we're out of time. There's no time to be monkeying around. And then even the VP yesterday was on, somebody came and told me that, well, she wants to get 25,000 jobs, new businesses, new business permits. Okay. I got one question. How are you going to do that? You've been stealing money nonstop. How are you going to do that? See, the point is you can't fall for the lines. You've got to look at the math
Starting point is 01:09:09 and understand what's happening. And you don't have any further to look than your own house. Just go and look at your tax statement on your house. That'll tell you what's going on. You know that your house is not worth that type of money. You know you can't sell it for that type of money. What's the number? 30% less, 40% less, depending on your jurisdiction. But that tells you how much theft has been stolen from you. Over and above that, so look at it this way. If you took $2,400 a year, just for the sake of conversation, that you didn't have to pay, which is $100,000 in overvaluation, and every year and every month, you took $200 a month and you put it in an index fund
Starting point is 01:09:46 for the next 30 years. Do you know when you go to retire, you're pretty close to a million dollars? Just on that alone, just on the savings, just by eliminating that one step of fraud. Then because you own the asset, you own the land under your feet, right? When the taxes are eliminated, you own that asset. Well, in 30 years, because of the principal reduction of your mortgage or 25 years or 20 years, depending what your amortization is, you own that asset. So now you've got a million dollars in cash over here and you got a three or 400 or 500,000 or 600,000, whatever it's worth in 30 years over here. You don't need a pension fund.
Starting point is 01:10:26 And your pension fund, if we hit a greater depression, you can kiss that goodbye. System is inverted and perverted. But the reality is there's a way out of it to fix this rolling forward. It starts with education. We've got to wake people up. So Mitch Vexler of Mockingbirditch vexler of mockingbird properties that was
Starting point is 01:10:46 forward slash dcad if i had that right um yes sir yeah thank you so much for doing this thank you for your time today great to meet you and i i trust that we're gonna uh continue to be in contact become good friends over time by the way for anybody listening i i often end my uh my episodes with a very cryptic plant a garden because I think you're going to need one. Mitch and his wife have extensive gardens and gardening just to put a little context on that. So that will resonate with my audience for sure. So thanks very much, Mitch. Appreciate your time today and appreciate what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Great. Thank you for inviting me. And I'm truly honored to have been here. Thank you.

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