Peak Prosperity - Now We Have MORE Questions (Pointing To LIHOP)
Episode Date: August 10, 2024The Butler police body cam footage provides an abundance of information, settling some mysteries while stoking a host of others. On the whole, they did nothing to tamp down the speculation that somebo...dy ‘let it happen.’
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In the Trump assassination attempt, the Butler police have just released a lot of body cam footage.
We're going to break it down for you step by step because it answers some questions and raises some new ones.
Hello everyone, Dr. Chris Martinson here withProsperity. Let's go right there. Bodycam
breakdown. We have questions. We got some answers. We have some questions. Now, remember,
there was this whole story about the Muni cop, the municipal cop, who it was an ever-changing
story. Remember, three weeks ago, they were saying, well, a local officer fired a shot at the trump shooter butler da
confirms uh i think that district attorney would be uh goldinger at any rate uh that didn't happen
local cop who interrupted thomas cooks but failed to stop him so they said oh he interrupted him
so that at least caused maybe him to miss that first shot thankfully um thankfully for those of
us who didn't wish that Trump was
dead, obviously. There are other people out there who would take exception to the way I phrased that
because they wanted him dead. Armed butler, township officer encountered Trump rally shooter,
tried to stop him. Okay. Unable to engage. So the story was all over the place. We didn't know,
was he boosted up there? Did he hike himself up there? Did he fall eight feet? Did he twist his ankle? Did he break his ankle? Did he cut his hand?
A lot of questions. All of these actually now get resolved. So I'm going to walk you through
this, just some stills first so that we have the frame, and then we're going to see what the actual
video looks like. So I have this 26 minute video and it's from BWC 2 1 2 2 1 1 0.
So that identifies that body cam for this particular officer.
You see it's 713.
That's the 13th of July, 2024.
That's the day of the Trump assassination attempt.
And it starts exactly at 18, 0, 0, 0, 0.
So at six o'clock, this comes on and it runs for a full 26 minutes and by the way it's completely silent for the first 12
06 I have no idea what's happening here
this has to have been intentionally blanked out for audio
because are there is in these types of body cameras sometimes
or maybe always a delay if they first get turned on the video turns on but
there's like a 30 second or 60 or sometimes 90 second delay before the audio starts up and tracks in. I don me cut here first. So it's 6.05.
He's just driving around for a while, and five minutes, 40 seconds into this video,
he pulls over, he stops, he gets some kind of a cell phone communication.
I can't make out what's on there, but it looks like a text,
because he's not talking on it, he's reading something, he responds.
So I'm going to guess a text.
And then he U-turns and goes right back the way he comes and beelines it to the AGR. So somewhere around 6.05 and 40 seconds, give or take, he gets some sort of a communication.
Now, we don't have that communication in our timeline yet, so that's going to now be an open
question until we resolve that. And then at 6.08, after he's driving there pretty quick,
you see he pulls up under the water tower which is there at
the agr complex and then he speaks with you can still see the water tower right there there's
another marked car there with lights on the top they roll down their windows they communicate
again this is all silent we don't know um what is said at this stage so at this point this officer
beelines it right to agGR 6, building 6 at the
AGR complex. We can see it there right through the windshield. There's a little light at the top.
And of course, Crooks at 609, he's going to already be on top of that because we know from
the Copenhaver film at 608 and 38, we see him scamper across and come up there. So Crooks is
up there. This guy pulls up. He gets out of the car immediately doesn't sit
there and talk about anything at 609 04 four seconds later he pulls up stops opens the door
gets out and the first thing he does um is he beelines it around the south side of the building
but what we're going to notice here is that's the other officer he was just talking to under
the water tower so what I want to observe here
is that this whole side of the building is completely devoid of any law enforcement
presence. And you see the motorcycle is there. The door is closed. Let me get my drawing tool
out real quick because this is interesting. Got to observe this. This door is closed. There's
lights on in there. You can see when we go past at a later point, there's lights on, but the door is closed.
Nobody is spilling out. Now, at this point in time, there have been a lot of concerns about crooks.
And we know that at six oh eight twenty across the police radio said guy on the roof wearing shorts.
OK, he's on the roof. So they've been looking for this kid or kid.
They're looking for somebody and he's on the roof and they know that.
And so I'm a little surprised I don't see anybody on this side.
The first two people who show up is going to be this guy and this gentleman whose body camera we're tracking because, well, that's the one they've given us here.
Now, that's kind of interesting. And there's really nobody else here except these two
now this is interesting this guy comes out and i've got him circled in red the second law
enforcement officer again from the vehicle that was just stationed or at least parked or stopped
temporarily under the water tower they pull up they talk to each other they both drive different
spots they both get out and then look at this here we can see when i zoom in a little you can see this uh guy get out this officer and
then here's his arm these uh white arrows indicate the direction of his arm you know i really had to
zoom in but you can clearly see his arm is down it's coming up it's coming up there's his hand
right there it's coming up it's coming up he's like pointing he's pointing
up at the roof at this point in time so it's clear already to these two gentlemen who pull up
within seconds of getting out of their car this is just at 60907 this is just seven seconds after
arriving it's like oh yeah right there just like all the people on the west side are like oh yeah
right there right so i don't know where the confusion is as to why
where this person was on the roof now it's 609 27 this uh officer here with the body cam had run
all the way up pretty more than halfway up the south side of the agr building we can see here
two of the four vent stacks we can see see this old TV antenna that's been there.
This is door 10 in their complex.
These are all the people standing around.
And here's the woman on her horse right here.
And we see some of our old friends from many of the earlier videos that we've analyzed.
Now, what's interesting is you can see the ground continues to rise all the way up here to this grassy knoll,
where you can clearly see onto this roof kind of easily. And we know that there are plainclothes officers and also uniformed officers on this side.
A bit of a mystery why there was any mystery at all as to where this person was.
But this guy pulls up whatever communications he's got, and he's running around saying, where is this guy?
So first thing he does is he spends his first half a minute walking up this side of everything.
OK, and he just walks right on up.
And then at six or nine thirty six, thirty six seconds after walking up this side, he starts to turn back the other way.
Hey, Dave Stewart, that's the guy in the red shirt.
And we're very familiar with Dave Stewart's films.
There he is.
And as well, one other thing we can see here, this is a state police officer by uniform,
and he's got his gun drawn, and he's standing on a picnic table at this point in time.
And, hey Dave.
So, this is at 609-51.
So, pulls up at 609 on the dot, hops out of the car,
first minute is just walking this way to get the lay of the land and figure out what's happening.
So walks up the south side of the AGR building headed west.
So on the south side, headed west, comes all the way up to here, turns around at 609-51 and says, huh, wonder what's going on here.
And by the way, that officer is standing on a picnic table yep that picnic table from the grassley
materials where we also know that grassley went out of his way to have it noted that this here
this purple thing those front doors on the side of building six on the east side is the esu entry
and exit so there should be people coming and going like in and out of there if they're using
this building as a staging ground okay now on part two of this for my
subscribers you're not going to believe the rest of this story but you really need to you really
need to believe it right away would you believe that the current administration has been using
and the media have been using fake ai images to make camilla look more popular than she may be.
We have to cover that.
We're going to talk about that in part two for subscribers for this weekend.
We'll be chewing on that.
All right, back to the story.
Now, it's 61023.
So this is a minute and 23 seconds later.
Comes peeling back around the side of this building.
He's walking.
He's doing a little sort of hustle jog right now.
Not running, not sprinting.
We can see that these building doors on Building 6 still closed.
Now we've got this uniformed officer here.
This is the car that our officer with the body camera pulled up in.
I don't know who this is who's pulled in afterwards.
I'm going to guess maybe it's this, so it's an unmarked car with a uniformed officer in it or a private car with a uniformed officer in it i'm guessing i don't actually know that'll take a
little more sleuthing and here's the other vehicle that of course he encountered back here under the
uh water tower when when he first pulled in and pulled around but just note nobody there's nobody
to be seen here this guy and this other guy so there's two other officers down here
and then this gentleman the body cam guy who got boosted i'm calling him the boosted off he got
boosted up comes around the corner and at um sorry it's 6 10 55 this is the highest shot we only have
three frames that look like this he got boosted up his body camera's probably down here and then
his eyes are up here so he can see what we can't but
at this point whoa drops down and um says hey uh there's a guy up there and i guess we don't know
what he says because again there's no audio very frustrating that every time we think we want to
see something it's blurred out we can't see that or there there's missing audio. Like making us work extra hard. It's just, it's very frustrating in this whole thing.
But, and again, no good reasons for that, for keeping these facts out of the public
light, except you're not ready to have these facts out because you don't quite have the
story all worked out, how you want to spin it yet, which is a classic FBI kind of a thing
if they're responsible for this.
Or maybe there's just something on here that Butler didn't want us to know know who knows i don't know just guessing so then he drops down it's not
eight feet obviously if you can boost somebody up to this point it's probably at best dropping
from waist height didn't cut his hand as far as we can tell didn't twist his ankle as far as we
can tell so let's watch this together now and again this is going to be in complete silence because there is no sound at this part so here we are he's pulled up okay here's the other car rolls the window down they
communicate something to each other don't know what but it's enough with the communication to go
okay dude i'm on the job i got this and both pull forward. You can see the other vehicle pull out. He wheels right up, just pulling up at a pretty good speed for
a parking lot, I would say. And you can see right here, building six comes into view.
The front face of it. There we are. And that's at 60902. In two seconds, he's out and walking.
Okay, note, there's no police presence down on this side of the building.
He's coming up on this side.
Hustle, hustle, hustle.
Just sort of walk-jogging.
We don't know what he could possibly be saying.
Except we can actually see this on the Dave Stewart film.
So we can come back to part of that.
I'll show you what he says after he drops off. But
he's coming up here. He's looking. Now we know from the Dave Stewart film that there was a chance
to see Crooks up there. His little head popped up at a few points. This guy's looking around.
Whatever the other officers know, he doesn't know yet, apparently, because that would have been
communicated. This should have been the easiest thing in the world. Hey, he's on the roof,
building six, south side, right there. We can see him because we got three plainclothes guys over there, plus a uniformed officer on that west side. Plus, all the people are like, oh, yeah, dude, he's to now this officer says, hmm, I know maybe there's maybe I can get closer to this.
And he goes to this side of the building over here again to the east side.
Not clear why there's the there's the state cops still standing on that, still standing on that picnic table right there.
OK, now, one of the things we know police do is they take guns very seriously. They take their personal safety very seriously.
And they take the safety of their fellow officers very seriously.
So he jumps in, pulls these other guys in.
He's like, hey, give me a boost.
Give me a boost, buddy.
Yeah, come on in here.
We'll give you a boost.
So this is the booster guy.
Says, yeah, come on in.
All right.
Gets the foot.
Up he goes.
And he's going to pull himself up here. and he's going to take a peek over, and within less than a second, he is going to be dropping back down again.
Like, oh no, don't like the look of that, okay?
So that's kind of an interesting thing, and then he runs around the corner.
We'll take the rest of that a little later, and I'll show you what happens after that so so that's that part okay and what's interesting about that to me is that
from the moment of arrival and getting out of his car which call that 609 probably on the dot it was less than two minutes for this
officer just i was just driving around got a text wheeled up to the facility got out of my car
took a minute to orient and found the guy in less than a minute mighty fine police work compared to
i don't know what everybody else was up to at that moment a lot of questions like i said questions
are are have arisen all right so now
we're going to take this uh same video but now we're starting at the point of the boosting
so notice when when he's getting boosted up here if you will real quick this is interesting to me
right about wait for this wait for this up ah i just missed it you can see there's there's like
fingerprints already on the side like like there's like fingerprints already on the side,
like there's a dusty coating on the side of these things,
and we just missed it, but there were some...
I don't think I can back up.
Let's just start over.
Watch carefully on the side.
You'll see that it's almost like somebody's already been trying to scrabble up there
prior to this moment, but I don't know what that would be about.
So, right... there there see that yeah
there's like somebody's already like three fingers it looks like before this moment before anybody's
come up and put their hand on it we already have some marks on it there and look at all those marks
like you can like somebody was sort of scrabbling to try and get up there at one point right pretty obvious anyway so up we go pulls himself up whoa
no obviously didn't draw a weapon obviously didn't take a shot runs around the side now this is the
mysterious part okay so he's just seen a guy with a gun, and I'll show you how we establish that fact. Now, he's choosing to run around the side here, and I'm a little mystified.
Now, again, in the midst of an emergency, who knows how people are going to react.
I'll cut you plenty of slack, but I'm just a little mystified that he knows there's a gentleman up there with a long gun,
which he's identified as an AR. I'll show you how we know that.
And now he's coming straight into what we would call the line of fire.
Now, at this point, we're going to be able to pick up what he came and what he didn't say and what he did say.
Because of the Dave Stewart film.
And it's a little perplexing what we see in that part.
So again, we have questions.
And what happens now is he runs back to his car.
Shots have already been fired.
Those happened about 13 seconds ago.
Here we are. Bloop, bloop. open the car unlock it open it you're going to see there's some fumbly stuff sound is about to kick in here okay might get loud let me get my see if i can get my volume ready here
in case it's too loud and i can adjust it for us um all right so and he fumbles around um but point being he's got an ar so he
knows exactly what one looks like you can see the double charge handle for the to pull the bolt back
and uh get a get around chambered so at any rate um he knows what an ar is and so that's kind of
an interesting moment now here's why that
becomes extra interesting let's listen in here so i've done this this is uh very stabilized this for
us because it's kind of a shaky cam i know a number of you have said could you please restabilize that
so this is stabilized we're just watching here uh and this is what we're going to be watching here
is just the moment where that police the police officer comes around the corner.
He's dropped down.
He's seen that there's a guy up there with glasses and long hair and a backpack and an AR, according to his own description, to other officers just a few minutes later.
He's dropped.
He's seen that.
He's dropped down.
And then he's running around this side.
And we're trying to make sense of his actions here there he is on the right over there coming around he might be
keying a mic there might be saying something but here he is walking nope
no no go out gun has been drawing yet there's a gun now he's got a gun in his hand. He's got a gun drawn.
First three shots.
He is running back the other direction.
And so that officer is now running to his vehicle.
He's going to open it up. He's going to get his long rifle, put a mag in it, chamber around and go be part of all the rest of that.
So here's what's fascinating about that. Let's start back here again. So this again, starting here, this is before any shots have been fired. After the police officer has seen Crooks on the roof, that's Crooks.
Here he is.
Now listen, he's not yelling anything.
He doesn't fire any shots into the ground to get the party started.
There's another officer over here who we established was on the table, right?
The state police guy.
I'm not clear if he's there still, but he might be.
Everybody knows there's a problem nothing happens until he says get out of the way and he's waving to the people over there
who are up against the fence and i find that a little odd because that's the only thing he says
he doesn't yell he's got a gun like here's what i here's what i imagine um and again you know
it's a situation you never quite know how people are going to react okay fine but what i would be
expecting uh is let me start this over again what i would be expecting is as soon as you drop down he should be yelling
right here he should be like that other guy he's got a gun guy we have no problem hearing him right
he's got a gun i have him on every single tape i can hear him across like every recording device
i've got out there spread across the universe he's got a good set of lungs but that's what an
officer should do is there should be i imagine some command like he's got a good set of lungs. But that's what an officer should do. There should be, I imagine, some command like he's got a gun. He should be yelling that.
Or, you know, to any other officer or people who are downrange of what he suspects.
Like, you know, he's got it in line because he runs along and then he tells the people up against the fence line, get out of the way.
Of the way of what? You know he's going to be shooting that way? How do you, who do you know?
Anyway, I mean, you would guess, of course,
but it's kind of weird, isn't it?
So let's carry on here and just notice again. Here he comes.
He's not saying anything. He's not yelling.
Draws his weapon.
Make yourself small, bro. I don't know what's going on.
Listening. draws his weapon. Make yourself small, bro. I don't know what's going on. I'm listening.
Yeah, he's got a gun.
I got questions.
Why isn't he yelling? I don't understand.
So the missing audio on this, of course, stands tall now, which is a little bit odd.
So of note again, so now we're going to pick up from him.
The officer runs back to his car after all the shots have been fired, and then he's going to chamber up his gun here.
And you'll just notice he's got a lot of adrenaline, and there's some nerves
involved, obviously, in getting the mags out. No fault with that, I understand, but there is
something really important to note in this little chunk here.
Okay, got that mag. Let's try this mag this mag okay get it in there good chamber see those two
charging handles pulling those back cycles in a couple times okay gets the mag back in there
accidentally dropped it i hope he's got a live one but i froze it here because again there's nobody here like shots have just
been fired if there were people in that building there they should be piling out about i don't
understand what's happening because here we are we're basically a full minute in to the whole
thing so at 8 12 18 12 31 uh 18 11 33 is when the first shot was fired so we're close to very close we're 58 seconds here
after those first shots the first shot was report came out and there's it's like an empty parking
lot at this point in time so a little bizarre don't totally understand that but the point is
he also has an ar platform and why does that factor in because um well because of this uh at this point that's what
he says to this other officer over there i guess he says effing this close bro dude he turned around
on me so he's all hopped up he so he turned around on me so the idea here is this guy gets boosted up and crooks turns around on him and and uh and then this guy
drops down but then he doesn't yell anything he doesn't run anywhere we don't have any radio
communications to work with yet in terms of what actually was said but obviously there was 40
seconds after he effing bro he turned around on me there's 40 seconds from there to the first shot
that's a lot of time to alert to warn fire a warning shot into the ground or just off into
the distance if you want to be irresponsible about it to yell um something about you know he's got a
or boost get boosted back up most of the way but but, you know, keep safe and yell freeze or put your hands up or drop or police,
you know, that commanding thing they do, right, as they're trained to do.
The voice of a law enforcement officer is one of their most important tools.
It's the authority that you command.
So it's odd.
I don't totally understand what's happening here yet.
Now, what's interesting is we also have a number of other body cams.
This is a body cams this
is a body cam here from bwc2122125 you can see the horse lady is wisely taking shelter behind
this building away from everything that's her over there behind the building but you see that
white arrow that's this second body cam and i'm raising this body cam just simply because at one point here at 18 13 34 exactly
two minutes after the first shot hi greg we can see greg the only place given the stitching between
this video and dave stewart's video the only place greg could have come from would have been from
inside the building would have had to have come through those doors right there we don't have
that on on film as we used as old people there we don't have that on on film as we
used as those old people say we don't have that recorded on tape what's a tape dad uh no but uh
so i'm pretty sure that's the only place that we can stitch through because he didn't come down the
west side of the building because dave stewart had that totally covered that's where we saw the
undercover slash plainclothes people coming down from that side remember capri can't pant guy
camo shorts dude and zz top right the all-star cast coming down from that side remember capri can't pant guy camo shorts
dude and zz top right the all-star cast coming down from the west side we don't see greg coming
from there and greg didn't come from this direction so it must have come from in the
building deductively now interestingly um there is a slight scratch on body cam this is boosted
boosted mooney cop guy who within two minutes figured out where the guy
was on the roof uh not that hard and um and they had a scratch but not blood so we have this other
report we have to resolve now blood in the bathroom because somebody cut their hand badly
enough while trying to get on the roof now there was a whole scrum of guys down there with pallets
and broken chairs and it's possible there was a cut there but it wasn't this guy we can establish that now this is when
an off-road vehicle a polaris of some sort i don't know what it is exactly um it arrives and it looks
like the quick reaction force has arrived and all of a sudden you see all these people in camo and
you know close quarter combat rifles showing up so that they they arrive by car later about two minutes in uh they arrive and
so this is an interesting part here which we have to resolve then so listen in listening
carefully i just cut out this one part this is body this is boosted cam guy this is the boosted
muni cop he's got his ar platform in his hand at this point in time you see the qrf guys have all
shown up in that polaris um and they're
all kitted up and this is early on they don't have a ladder yet um oh speaking of which in that alcove
good point i forgot to mention this we can establish guaranteed green data now there is
no ladder in that alcove remember later a 10 foot trape, you know, tapering ladder shows up in that alcove?
It wasn't there at the time this guy got boosted, right?
So there was no ladder at that time, and there's no ladder here.
That's why they're using these pallets.
They found them somewhere.
They stacked them up.
Now let's listen in to boosted cop guy as he says this.
Come on, bro.
He's got a boot bag.
He's got mad shit.
A.R mad laying down
ar laying down mad i don't know what that is
he's got a book bag he's got mad laying down
book bag meg i don't know what that other stuff is he's got a book bag he's got mad shit ar at any rate point is he knows that he's got an ar he has an ar himself so he knows that we're
talking about a semi-automatic rifle not a long rifle not a gun not a pistol but a gun that can shoot a lot of bullets relatively quickly
right it's an ar uh and so with that i'm a little confused as to why his first instinct after
dropping down was to run to the front of the building where he would have been exposed to a
line of fire and uh it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense running as if he wanted to see some more i don't i don't i'm just confused it doesn't feel like ordinary normal police work and i'm also confused as to why
it was that a municipal cop on patrol wheels in and with in less than two minutes has managed to
figure out where the guy is and that he's got an ar and all these other i don't know what all
these other people are doing i don't know what i don't have questions he's got a boom
bag he's got mad shit a or laying down okay so the timeline we have to accept now oh i got a couple
of things kind of cut off there but don't worry about it that last thing is one hour and and
that's the word and missing right there uh so this is the timeline we've been working with.
I won't go through the whole thing.
I'm just going to tell you, we now have to insert these yellow text letters in here, right?
So we know that, you know, for whatever reason, at 6.03, it's showtime.
Trump finally takes the stage, the thing they've finally been waiting for.
At 6.05, one of the remaining two Overwatch snipers from the ESU left their post,
abandoned their post to go look for crooks. And then it also at 6.05, a muni cop out on patrol somewhere receives a text of some sort,
beelines it for the AGR complex. So now we have that as part of our timeline.
At 6.06, the last sniper apparently leaves, windows open, maybe still with sniper gear all
set up, we don't know. And to go let the other sniper back in, we're told, but that doesn't make sense either.
And then at 6.08.38, we know Crooks is captured on video by James Copenhaver.
We also know that at 6.08.20, there's another radio communication that says he's on the roof.
He's got white shorts, is how it's relayed.
And then at 6.09.04, the Muni cop is out of his vehicle,
pulls up, throws the door open, begins his search.
And at 6.10.55, finds him, right?
Only a minute 49 from door open to figuring out where this guy is.
And then we have this weird 40 minute gap, 40 seconds, sorry, excuse me,
40 second gap between boosted cop seeing him and the beginning
of the shots and again what's the audio but from dave stewart's video we kind of know what's going
on which is not there's not a lot of yelling and shouting and communicating going on um very odd
and remember you know we have all these questions we had all these questions like there's greg right in the standing there here let me get my pointer this is greg nickel right here here's zz top here's camo shorts guy
and here's capri pant guy right again a little odd to me that these guys are coming in hot and
heavy plain clothes with guns drawn when presumably the rest of these folks don't know if there's a
second shooter on site in fact there's concerns and you can hear these people talking about actually Dave Stewart. They're like,
hey, get that redshirt guy. I think he's with him. Like they think there's accomplices at this
point in time. So these dudes must be really confident that everybody knows them by face
really well. So I'm going to guess they're locals, but I don't have confirmation of that.
They could be feds. I don't know. But I don't know what they were not doing. Well, I do know
what they were not doing on the west side of the building, which was in any way, shape or form,
communicating that there's a guy on the roof with a rifle and AR right there getting ready to take shots.
And he was there for a long time, two and a half minutes, easily observable.
So and nothing happened because it's six oh eight twenty.
There's a cop saying there's a guy on the roof with white shorts.
It's not till 6.11.33, three minutes, 13 seconds later when the first shot rings out.
How is it possible that between Greg and ZZ Top and Camo Pants Guy and Capri Pants Guy,
plus all these other dudes, how is it possible that none of them were able to triangulate on where this guy was on this low roof that anybody could see real easy from the grassy knoll?
They're just like, look, he's right there.
We have questions, right?
And remember, you know, we have all these people over here at 609-42, like, say, yeah, someone's up on the roof and it it at 6 10 0 7 man says off of officer so
he clearly sees an officer he's like officer it's more in a signaling way he's not yelling he's like
officer see what i'm seeing and then a woman yells uh just you know 10 6 10 13 seconds when he's on
the roof he's right there on the roof she says and then finally at 6 11 and 27 seconds a man
finally yells out somewhere out there big lungs guy yells out he's got a gun now no police have
yelled he's got a gun there's no alarm about that there's nothing that we can really discover and
you know we now know that that two of the plane clothes that's capri pants guy
and camo shorts dude they're down here somewhere and it's hard from the ass from the telephoto
sort of zooming thing we can't tell if they're in front of this other building
out this way or they're this direction can't really tell my guess is they're pretty far away
but they're down here and of course right in this right in here, that's where Crooks climbed on the roof,
going up the most obvious thing you can imagine, which is a stair-step-like AC unit right there.
And by the way, Spa Guy, I forgot to put that in here.
I should have put it in.
Darn it.
Spa Guy resolved that, took his drone back there and can show you footprints and smudges.
It looked like where backpacks got set down and fingerprints on the side of the wall.
It's pretty much a done deal now that, oh, yeah.
And the top of one of the EC units is missing and somebody just put some plywood on it.
So the FBI probably had footprints and they took that for evidence.
So these guys are standing right here seconds seconds before the fire and shooting happens at 611.
And of course, Crooks just did somewhere around 606, five minutes before, had to just leave the picnic table, which was here.
Or maybe over here.
We're not clear, but I know there's a picnic table in front here.
Walk this direction.
Get up onto the roof.
Come on over the roof.
Spend three full minutes on the roof.
Actually more, from five full minutes on the roof. But three full minutes on the roof actually more from five full minutes
on the roof but three minutes spotted on the roof um while we had two plainclothes officers down
right there within minutes of where he was and i can't maybe they're on this side. I just don't know. I just I don't know.
But anyway, that there they are. And of course, ZZ Top also out there just right on the left side, west side of Building 6, where all the people are going.
There he is. So we have questions about that as well. And of course, obviously, you can see Crooks' dead body here very, very easily just standing on the grassy knoll. But if you stood up on this, you'd probably have a perfect view, a perfect shot, a perfect everything.
So we have questions about why it was that we had all these law enforcement assets here at the time.
And somehow they were baffled, even though somebody keyed into their mic and said, he's on, he's got white shorts, he's on the roof.
It's 6.08.20. MuniCi cop gets a message texts in drives in pulls it
gets out of his car 609 and by 6 10 55 has figured out where he is um and everybody else seems to be
baffled i do not know so we have a next set of questions that we're going to have to resolve
now at this point in time first how was it that it took a cop on patrol to arrive and work out where the person on the roof was in less than two minutes?
Why was that?
And why didn't the plainclothes law enforcement officers see crooks on the roof when they were right there?
And there were so many people yelling and pointing it out.
And again, there are not that many people.
Like there's like, I don't know, a couple dozen people on that side, maybe 70.
I don't know. a couple dozen people on that side, maybe 70. I don't know. Not that many people.
So it's not like a big, giant, cacophonous, crazy situation with hundreds of people trying to get your attention.
You know, girl in a skimpy outfit walking by.
I mean, it's just like it was just like pretty sedate.
And there's people like officer.
What's happening here?
So that's a little weird.
And why didn't the muni cop yeller scream or fire
his weapon or do something i don't understand the behavior of dropping down and hustling around the
side of the building to look some more and then just the only thing you communicate to anybody
that we know about because we can hear on dave stewart's tape is get out of the way to people
who are standing ostensibly between this gunman and the crowd and Trump and all of that stuff.
So a little odd, I would say.
And why did that muni cop, why did he run back into the line of fire region at all?
It just doesn't seem instinctively accurate, like a thing to be doing.
And where was Greg this whole time? We need to know that.
Who was the other ESU sniper? Where were they? Not not where ear that's a typo where were they we need to know these things obviously
these are important things we just need to resolve still and of course who was in that agr complex
specifically in building six was anybody in there because nobody comes out of that door until greg
comes out about two minutes into the whole adventure after the first shot
so that's odd how would you begin to explain these questions and what do you think the most
reasonable explanation is that we could accept and why don't we have audio we definitely want
to have audio when can we get the audio to this Because I really want to know what was said to who exactly, because then we can begin to resolve all of this. talk about this which is a how this trump assassination attempt fits into the other
series of dots that have happened over the past month you're just not going to believe this so
it's it's insane so that's why i have to hide it back over there behind at prosperity because we're
going to have to chew on this privately for a while before i'm ready to go public with it but
um that's all i have for now thanks Thanks very much for listening. Have a great weekend, everybody. And please, if you can answer any of these questions, let me know. A citizen's
investigation carrying on back at Peak Prosperity, full conversation. Just drop us a line. Let us
know. Also, info at We're receiving all the tips and materials. Again,
if you have evidence, put it in the subject line. If you're an expert, put it in the subject line. We're getting lots of stuff still. You'd be surprised.
Even though the media has moved on, we haven't and neither have you. So thank you for being part of
this. And together we'll work this out. All right. With that, thanks very much. We'll see you next
time. Bye-bye. Thank you.