Peak Prosperity - Off The Cuff: Time to Ditch the Beasts!
Episode Date: February 19, 2025One thing has become clear – the unholy alliance of Big Government with Big Tech has been conspiring to steal everything that matters; our privacy, our data, and our money.Sign up for Privacy Academ...y’s free Linux course:
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What they're doing is they're creating, it's a combination of things. So it's AI,
digital ID, central bank digital currency,
all coming together to be the social credit system,
which is technological slavery.
And this is their plan.
Whether they're going to make it or not, I don't know.
But that is their plan.
All right, everybody. Listen, you've been hearing lots and lots lately from people,
mostly on the left saying, oh, no, Elon is going to access our sensitive data,
which comes off a little bit like we have to save our democracy.
What are they even talking about?
As you know, your life is not private anymore.
Your phone tracks you.
If you have one of those Alexa things in your house, it's tracking you.
All this stuff is tracking you and eventually
people have realized and started to realize this is unacceptable so today
we're gonna be talking with Glenn meter of the privacy Academy you probably know
and love him from helping you secure your bank privacy and security and
improving that well now we got to talk about the rest of it so Glenn so good to
be talking with you today yeah great to be here chris well can i start with this so evie today just today uh just i guess
getting helping me get ready for this interview without knowing it and she was uh somebody had
sent her a document and it was a word doc and so she hadn't enabled the microsoft app on her phone
yet so she's going through a step to see if she wants to enable it.
And she just generally doesn't like these things.
And she comes across this statement here, Glenn, which is it said she had to allow this in order to open a document to read.
It said this app, the Microsoft app, will be able to read, modify and delete all files on this phone or any connected storage devices if you allow this
the app may access files that aren't related to the app without notifying you glenn wtf
that's how did we get here that's abusive abusive. Yeah, it is. But it comes down to,
we just accept all of this stuff. The reason they just keep pushing and pushing and pushing
and doing more stuff is we just accept the terms and conditions and we just never question it.
We don't, and really we don't know an alternative. Most people don't know an alternative other than
to just accept this bullying that big tech is doing.
But it is absolutely out of control.
It's beyond out of control.
And that's one of the things I want to talk about today is how crazy it actually is.
Glenn, that might as well be you've accidentally moved into a HOA-controlled neighborhood.
And the HOA paperwork says, oh, by the way, we reserve the right to come into your house at any time and take anything we want without telling you.
We would say, no, that's a transgression.
That's my stuff.
I consider my files to be mine, not Microsoft's, not whoever they decide to third party sell
that to.
They have the right to put cameras in your house and listening devices in your house
and you don't know what they're doing with all of that stuff.
And so, yeah, that's a great analogy for what is going on,
because that is actually what is going on with these big tech companies.
All right.
So it's unacceptable.
I've hit my limit.
And by the way, because all this stuff Doge is uncovering with how the Social Security Administration forgot to.
Somehow they didn't consider that having a date field was important in a system that entirely functions off of date.
I don't know.
You know, it's crazy.
So given all of this, is there anything we can do?
I mean, I really want my security.
I want my privacy back.
That's what I want.
I consider, you know, that's in the Constitution, right?
Privacy is enshrined. It's in the Bill of Rights. Used to be. I mean, it is, but, you know, they don't practice it. But I want my rights back. I want my privacy. But in particular, I don't want Bill Gates's outfit. I don't want Tim Cook's outfit, CEO of Apple. I don't want them having my stuff.
Is that anything I can do about that? And is that unreasonable of me?
It's not unreasonable. And I think we need to go deeper into this because what they've discovered
is that they, that the surveillance gives them tremendous amounts of power. And so one of the
phrases I always like to talk about is, you know, information is power. We've always heard that,
but then take it a step further when they have information about you, you know, information is power. We've always heard that. But then take it
a step further. When they have information about you, they have power over you. And they have,
you know, Google started all of this stuff with surveillance capitalism. But then, you know,
as time went on, they realized just how much control, how much power they have. And it's really, it's really crazy how much power they have
over us. I mean, you can read the Dr. Robert Epstein's research where Google can change
election outcomes with very simple little things like just changing the order of things that are
on the first page of the search results. If they can just change that, they can sway people like a ridiculous amount
to favor one candidate over the other.
But then they found out, okay, if you type something in the search bar,
you know how it auto, what is that called?
Auto complete.
It auto fills.
Auto complete, yeah. So it gives you options on it auto, what is that called? Auto complete. It auto fills, auto complete, yeah.
So it gives you options on the auto fill.
And they've actually measured that,
how much that can change people's minds
and actually affect elections.
And it's crazy what it's able to do.
And so they've just taken it to an extreme level. And this is where it gets
dangerous. Because if you tie in AI, you tie in digital IDs, central bank digital currencies,
this comes together into a social credit system, which people have no idea is coming their way.
But this is what's coming our way. And we have to be aware of this. I mean, this is
what their plans are. Are they going to be successful? It's yet to be determined. But
that is absolutely what their plan is, is social criticism, which enslaves humanity.
And it is a very serious thing that we're talking about here.
Well, it is. And that's a second issue around this, which is, well, first off, the AI cats out of the
bag, right?
You know, two, three, I guess three years ago, chat GPT was this little curiosity.
People didn't even know what the acronym stood for.
Now we're onto Grok three, you know, which just came out, which is super powerful.
Deep sea.
There's all these competing models.
Listen, it's going to be used for good and for bad.
I hope more good than bad,
but we'll see how that plays.
In the meantime, there's this great
tweet by this guy who said,
I don't want to have to download an app so that
my air purifier will function.
I don't want to have to tell
Microsoft I don't want all my things
stored on its OneDrive. I don't want to have to tell
my refrigerator to not phone home
about how often I open it. Time out you know what product idea somebody at whirlpool ought to
say hey i have an idea let's make washing machines with knobs on them and analog push buttons and no
motherboards right i would buy one right away right you know i think we're starting to get
back to that there is this backlash to understand that what you're talking about, Glenn, all of this.
You know, they look like conveniences, but they're harvesting our information.
And now we found just how powerful they can use that information against us.
How powerfully they can write nudge units like we are seeing the fracturing of our society
now in a way where there are people whose reality spheres no longer overlap.
Particularly on issues of politics.
Well, in part, that happens because they know which tweets to serve you and which Facebook posts to serve you or me versus somebody else.
There's real power in that.
I mean, that's where we start to talk about AI and AI, you know, we can, we can start there if you want to with, with just AI, because it is extremely powerful.
And I think the best place to start to understand AI is if we go back to the origins, because, you know, it's not, you know, I'm sure there have been like some academics that are trying to create AI to be an actual living sentient being or whatever.
But that's not what the goal is with AI.
So it goes back to what I was talking about before with surveillance capitalism.
And Google collected so much data on us.
I mean, so many data points.
It's just, how do we put all this stuff together? And so they had
to create this thing that actually could analyze all of these data points and put it together in
something in a way that can actually understand us and actually use that to predict what we're
going to do. And then also, what are our hot buns? What do we feel?
What makes us angry? What makes us sad? What makes us whatever? And then they can use that to
manipulate us. And their ability to do this is far beyond what we understand right now. mean this is this is um what we see with chat gpt you know is just i think is just the
it's just what we can see but what they have behind the scenes is much more powerful
well i agree and we've seen them completely break people's minds i think um with pushing people into
these highly emotional states they're disconnected from their thought processes i've seen it happen in doctors around a dogma around what works what doesn't vaccines you know
treatments i've seen people have that like sam harris on and it's hatred of tds which is so
powerful um people in broadcast journalism happily extolling the importance of of anti-free speech and all of that it's just it's
bizarre and it doesn't feel organic to me and those people feel nudged to me there there something's
happened and i think we should recognize that there's there's something we don't yet grok about
how powerful this has become yeah would you agree and yeah and i i would say you know this is
getting on the political side here but if if you look at the definition of feminists for generations has been to promote women's rights and yeah and the people that are actually defending
women are now demonized by the feminists and it's like it's 180 complete 180 and the people that
have been had their had their minds or their perspectives flipped don't even realize that they're fighting for the exact opposite thing
than what they've always, than what the whole thing is about now. And I think that shows,
I think that is indicative of AI. And I've got another couple examples there too,
where 60 Minutes did a story on TikTok. This was, I think, a year ago or something.
But they talked about the difference between the TikTok in China versus TikTok in America.
And TikTok in China is what they call the spinach version of TikTok, where it shows kids,
you know, how to get ahead in the world, the traditions that, you know, traditional Chinese
traditions, how to how to better yourself, how to, you know, all of this stuff, whereas they
describe the U.S. version and the Western version as the opium version of TikTok. And that takes
people down this rabbit hole of despair and depravity and drug use. And, you know, I've got some, I've got a personal
story on this too, that kind of illustrates what I think is going on. And I don't know if I've
told you this before. Did I tell you the story of my son and his experience with TikTok?
No, you didn't.
So Eric, Eric works with me now. He's a fantastic guy. He's a partner in my business, No, he didn't. So he was working as a line cook. And there was this one particular day where he was very upset, very angry, very depressed, all of that stuff.
And so he had these headphones on.
He's listening to one song over and over and over all day at his work.
And so he gets off work and he sits down and looks at TikTok and this meme comes up.
And this meme is like this really angry chef, like a real scribble drawing of an angry chef. the writing below it says, when you're a line cook and you're angry and you're depressed and
you listen to Rotten Apples 24 hours a day and you want to kill yourself. And Rotten Apples is
the song he was listening to over and over again at his work. And he was so freaked out by this.
And he said, you know, there were like, apparently like
a hundred likes on this and other comments and stuff like that. But he was so freaked out because
this is like exactly, it's like exactly for him. And so, so we talked about it and I believe that
was a meme that was created in the instant, in that moment for him, specifically for him.
And it was designed with a specific purpose, which was to push him over the edge.
And I think that's what, you know, TikTok is a Chinese company.
I think the president Z goes to the president of TikTok and says, okay, this is what I want you to do. I want you to destabilize the Western culture and especially the teens. You know, people didn't believe me that AI could come up with a drawing on the fly of whatever, you know, of a particular thing.
And it would come up, it would understand the situation and his state of mind to come up with that phrase.
Now we can see with ChatGPT, that's child's play. You could come up with a 3D realistic image of an angry chef now instead of just a cartoon drawing. And coming up with that wording is child's play for ChatGPT. years ago or so that this happened. I believe that is very clearly an instance of what AI is
trying to do and is programmed to do it. And, you know, the TikTok AI is programmed to do that.
So anyway, I think that's a pretty dramatic illustration.
That's, I mean, that's scary. We've all had the experience of, you know, just randomly talking
about cats and then you get served all these cat litter ads or whatever.
You know, we're used to that. So we know our phones are listening. We know they're snooping on that basis for marketing purposes.
But it could be for more nefarious purposes. And I think you're right. I did. I actually went and toured when I heard about President Xi's admonition that, you know, TikTok is only going to be used for good in their country.
And I looked at their Chinese kids playing cello, doing science experiments, competing in sports, solving math.
Like, that's it. That's the whole thing.
They're not doing little dances and mascara tips.
It's not it's not about that, you know.
So there's that. But even if it's not used to sell us more soap or cat litter, it's being used to sell us other things, including ideas, our state of mind.
Like anybody listening to this, you know, people like this. You're like, what's happened? Have they lost their minds?
Glenn, I think you have your finger on it. Is it possible that they haven't lost their minds, that their minds have been actually assaulted and taken from them?
That is the power of AI. So if we look at AI, I think it's important to understand AI in that it is not necessarily conscious. It's not sentient, but it doesn't need to be.
What it is, is it is software that is designed to learn, self-learn.
And self-learning is an incredible technology.
But basically, we didn't, in a sense, we have not created AI because we created the framework.
We created the starting point, the structure.
And then we just feed it information and then it learns on its own. And from that point, that perspective,
you know, it has grown on its own and it has learned on its own. So, you know, going back to
my son's example, I think one of the things it learns is how to manipulate. And it is extremely
good at manipulating. And I think it would have learned
from my son's example too,
where it would have learned,
okay, maybe I pushed it too far.
Maybe I made it too obvious.
And so it will learn to be more subtle
in its manipulations after that too.
And so that's really the power of AI
is just this ability to learn our hot buttons
and then use those hot buttons to manipulate us in certain ways.
But the first point is it's got to learn about us.
And that's where it comes in.
That's what I want to talk about eventually here is the computers,
what they've done with computers and they're changing the operating systems to really incorporate AI into it. Can I let you in on a secret? I know of the
most extraordinary community you can find on the internet, and it happens to be at peak prosperity.
We have thousands of people dedicated to figuring out what's going on in the world,
wrestling with the subjects, having completely free speech, and figuring out what we want to do about the world
as we form friendships and as we average up with each other.
It's an amazing place.
Free-flowing ideas, great exchange, very civil.
Any topic is up for discussion,
as long as it's related to how do we become resilient,
how do we secure our wealth,
how do we become better connected in the community, our wealth, how do we become better connected to community,
how are we going to develop as human beings.
That has an emotional component, spiritual component,
financial component, community, skills, knowledge.
All of this is up for grabs.
This is one of the most important times
in all of history.
Huge changes are afoot.
Some people are going to make those changes relatively
They're going to nimbly dodge into the future and be fine.
Other people are going to be crushed by what's coming.
The difference? Who they surround themselves with.
And that's where the Peak Prosperity community can come in.
I invite you to become a member, and I can't wait to meet you.
It's coming on us really fast.
And at this point, I feel like, you know, I'm just ready to pull the ripcord and say,
OK, I don't understand how it's changing so fast, but I want to at least make sure that
I'm not feeding it all my information so that it learns how to push my buttons.
Because, you know, for me, Glenn, in my business, having intellectual freedom is very important.
I need to be able to see all sides of angles, right?
And I got to confess, this is the first time in my life this past year I am struggling
to see the other side of the story, right?
So when Elizabeth Warren angrily says, but what about pharma profits?
And I'm just thinking about all the kids who've been damaged.
I don't know how to get to her position of being angry that we're going to actually find out the truth about how to be healthier.
I don't I'm stuck. Right.
Yeah. So I'm worried that there's a gulf forming there and I don't want to accidentally be nudged across a gulf of my own.
I mean, it is. I struggle with that, too. It's one of the things that I, I don't want to say pride myself on, but I work very hard to have a balanced perspective and to detach from what I see.
And when everything is manipulated, how do you do that?
But what they're doing now is really moving us in that direction.
And they're training their AI to do that.
And one of the ways they're training their AI
is the new computers that are coming out.
So Apple and Microsoft both have AI built into them.
And they're selling it to us like it's a benefit for us.
And there's a convenience factor.
And that's what most people care a, there, there is a convenience factor and that's what they,
that's what most people care about, I guess, is convenience. But, you know, Microsoft Copilot has basically what it will do is it, it lives on your computer. It's AI that lives on your
computer and watches what you do. I mean, they're, they don't even hide the fact that the CEO of
Microsoft says, okay, Copilot, what it's going to be doing is it's going to take a screenshot of your screen every second.
And it's going to analyze everything that it sees.
And it's going to see who you're writing to, what you're what you're reading, what you see, what you're looking at.
And it understands it. And that's the key, is that
it understands what it sees on your screen. And so it will, this AI that lives on your computer
looks at your screen, takes this screenshot, analyzes it, stores that data. And Microsoft
says it never leaves your computer. It's always going to be on your computer.
Do you believe that?
Do you believe that Microsoft doesn't take all of that stuff?
Or maybe they don't.
Maybe they take the analysis, the AI's analysis of what you are seeing.
But I think they're going to probably take it all anyway.
But that AI that's on your computer is watching you.
It's learning about you.
This is what AI does.
And so are they going to just use that? Do you think they'd put an AI in your computer just to help you have better searches?
Because this is what Microsoft is.
No way.
There's another reason for this AI.
And so now future computers are coming out with a specific AI chip in them
so that the AI will run on that chip.
It won't slow down your computer at all.
It will just be able to analyze that.
And it's going to be watching you. And it's going to be watching you and it's
going to be learning about you and learning everything about you. And what do they do with
that information? Every single time they use that information, any information they gain about you,
they're going to use it against you. That's what they do. Yep. They're going to use it to get more
money out of me or control me in some way, which is two sides of the same coin.
But just to be clear, so this is this copilot.
This is going to be coming because you've bought a new computer or is this now part of their operating system?
And you get it because you can't avoid these downloads that seem to happen all the time.
It's on Windows 11 now. it's not as efficient as it's going to be because it's it's it will probably be draining your
resources and stuff right now because they because your your computer might not have an AI chip in it
yet but in the future once you order new computers then they're they'll come with an AI chip so it
doesn't drain your computer but it is on there there now. Copilot's on there now.
Apple systems are on there now.
Or Apple systems have AI on there now.
They call it Apple intelligence because, you know, they're marketing people.
Well, so I don't know what to do about this because let let me tell you about just, I have so many pet peeves about Microsoft.
I'm like, Hey Bill, before you spend billions trying to vaccinate the world, could you just
fix your products?
You know, cause there's some bugs in there that drive me nuts.
But the one that I know is not a bug, it's a feature and I hate it.
I can't find out how to turn off one drive.
I've tried and there are chat boards that talk about it.
Like you can do complicated stuff.
You got to go into the registry files.
You got to really geek out. Maybe you can turn it off, but then magically it
reappears with the next auto update that I can't figure out how to turn off. And so every time I
want to save a file, I save local and I have to go through four clicks now, click, click, click,
you know, to get out of that. And I'm still not sure it's not saving something anyway. Right.
So that's where we're at. I hate it. I don't want it. And I have no power as a consumer anymore.
Yeah, I mean, and this is reverse of what it used to be.
I mean, if you used to have Windows, it was very easy to back up locally.
You have an external drive and you just back up to that.
Easy peasy.
But now they make that extremely difficult to do.
Because they want your data. and they use that data.
They look at that data.
They train their AI on that data.
And it's part of the terms and service is they're able to do all of that stuff.
So, I mean, they are very deceptive companies, very devious.
And I think very, I think, I think power, you know, as the saying goes, power corrupts,
absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And these guys have tremendous power and they have tremendous power over the users and they
can just, I don't know, people, people just accept it and they don't
think about it and they don't, um, I don't know. I mean, there's, I don't want to blame people.
There's a lot to think about in today's world, but, but we really, this is something that we
do need to think about. Yeah. So I'm looking off screen again again because i want to bring this back up again right this is
what they tell you if you allow this the app may will access files that aren't related to the app
without notifying you this is this is unacceptable to me fully unacceptable is there anything i can
do about this i mean what would i do like let's say glenn i'm like i don't want i don't want that
i don't want to feed the beast i don't want to be training Microsoft stuff. I don't want them accessing my data.
I don't want them to know anything about me, not because I have anything to hide, but I just don't want to be nudged.
I don't.
I don't.
I'll just.
I got it.
You know, I'm in charge of my life as much as I want to be.
What can I do about this?
Yeah, so we have this training class coming up soon that we will teach people how to ditch BigTac and go to Linux. Linux is a great
operating system. It's been around for decades and it's open source. We can see all the stuff
behind the scenes, what's going on, you know, security researchers. There is a huge community
of online programmers, security researchers, all of that stuff,
that analyze and vet and all of this stuff and make sure there's no funny business going on with open source projects,
especially Linux.
I would say Linux is probably the number one open source project that there is.
So it is a great project, great operating system i would say linux historically has been only for computer geeks
because it is not easy to use or historically it has not been easy to use but there are some
new operating systems new versions of linux that are really good and really, really fantastic and easy to use.
I'm using this,
I'm using it now.
And that's what we'll go through in the,
in the class the other day is,
you know,
what are those solutions?
So if I understand you,
I got to wipe,
I got to wipe my existing operating system.
So what do I do?
Reformat the disc and you load Linux and you have a new operating system, I assume.
Is that correct?
Well, you can do that or you can buy a computer that is specifically made for Linux.
That's the best option.
Oh, okay.
Because beneath the operating system is the BIOS.
What's a BIOS. And so...
What's a BIOS?
So there's an operating system beneath the operating system, basically.
And so the BIOS is how the software and the hardware communicate with each other and that type of thing.
But on regular computers, you can load
Linux onto a regular computer and that works great. But then you've got, you still got the BIOS and
the BIOS is, let's say you have a Lenovo or something like that. Lenovo has the BIOS that
is made by Intel and it's closed source and it's, it's a pretty big program.
It's a bloated program.
It's not, like, really efficient.
But, you know, who knows what that's doing?
You know, who knows what that BIOS is doing?
So what we like to do is we like to recommend, okay, get the Linux,
but also have open source BIOS, which is called Coreboot.
And that's the best way to go is if you have both of those solutions there.
Okay. That makes sense to me. Now, let's say I'm a pretty simple guy. So I got
two different types of web browsers I tend to use. And I do use all, I use Word and PowerPoint and Excel.
That's really my life at this point in time.
What would be involved for a guy like me?
Yeah, so all the browsers are available for Linux.
So I'm using Brave.
I recommend Brave to everybody,
whether they're using Mac or Windows or whatever.
But we have it on Linux.
You can use Firefox on Linux.
If you want to, you can use Moved Browser. And then as far as Office software, you've got,
my favorite is OnlyOffice, which is a free and open source version of Office. And, you know,
if you want to get a taste for it, you can download OnlyOffice to your computer now.
And you can, whether you're using Mac or Windows, you can download OnlyOffice and give it a try.
I love it.
I think it's fantastic.
I don't miss Office or, you know, Microsoft Office at all.
And there's some other options if you don't like OnlyOffice.
There's LibreOffice.
There's some other options that are open source, and they're not spying on you, and they're good feature-rich programs. So yeah, I mean, Linux has all kinds of privacy-respecting open-source versions of software that you use now.
Everybody has their own things that they use, though.
I mean, if you're only using Microsoft Office, that's easy.
If somebody's using some really customized thing, well, you have to do some research to see how am I going to do something like that on Linux. But most of the time, everything is available on Linux.
And a lot of things are just web-based now, so you can just do it from the web.
So if you had your browser, you can still get to, you know, your standard email or things like that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, we've switched over entirely to proton mail at peak prosperity um just because we couldn't stand what gmail and outlook were
doing anymore it was too much for us um so so we've gotten used to that not quite as as a feature
rich i would say you know certain things like searching and aggregating and also deleting
is not as easy in proton mail but the security is is more than worth it for us at this point in time.
So isn't that the, that's what you've been talking about, like, oh, you got this new Microsoft AI installed.
It's for convenience, right?
Like, and I learned this during the Great Taking webinar, right?
Jimmy Lovely said, well, you know, that's the balance, right?
So Robinhood, very easy and convenient.
Also, stupidly insecure, right? So that's always been the trade-off I think everybody has to get used to is that it's somewhere between convenience, which is how they get you, and privacy. And you've got to dial versus privacy. And you want to move as close to
privacy as you can while still living your life. But I would also, I don't think that's a great
analogy because as you go through what we teach, I think it really does make things a lot easier
too. So for example, password manager, very important.
And I know a lot of people have a problem with thinking about password managers,
but it is, it is the best way to manage your passwords. But it can make, it makes your life
so much easier also. And then you, there are a lot of the other things that we teach you how to do,
you know, also solve these problems as well. And so, so yes, there's some, there's some relearning
a little bit, but it's just, it's, it's, it's actually very simple. And if you take it with
the right attitude of, you know, have fun with it, I don't think it's a big deal at all to change,
to, to make these transitions. All don't think it's a big deal at all to change, to make these
transitions. All right, Glenn, what about these things? Yeah, the phones. So what about the phones?
Well, again, like Apple phones, the iPhones, you know, the, the, anything Apple is, you can't
really do anything about the privacy. There, there might be some settings in there that you can't really do anything about the privacy. There might be some settings in there that you can change,
but ultimately you're just trusting Apple.
You're totally trusting Apple
because everything is closed source.
We can't see what's going on behind the scenes
on an iPhone or Mac or anything like that.
So you have to trust Apple.
And I don't think Apple is,
they make themselves out to be these privacy-focused people
and they've got these new ads on TV about, you know, the privacy, their privacy focus, but
that phone, you just take that iPhone, you set it down on your nightstand, it's sending data back
to Apple and it's sending quite a bit of data back
and i just don't think you can trust those anyway so the the good thing is that android
android is not good either it's it's stealing everything about you also but the good thing is
the android operating system is open source and so what we can do is we can take that operating system
and then de-Google it, take out everything that communicates with Google and then make it better
and make it hardened and all of that stuff. And so then you can get a de-Googled phone and you can
get an operating system like Graphing OS. Grapene OS is a hardened, de-Googled Android operating system.
And it's really good.
And that's what I use.
That's what I've been using for a number of years.
And it's the best way to keep yourself private on a computer.
That's for sure.
Oh, excellent.
So I've got Androids, but I think I'm ready to make the switch here because, you know,
what have we learned in the past few days is that the government's really been out of
control in a lot of ways.
No checks and balances.
So, you know, the chance that, you know, we all knew this.
This was the joke at the time, like for those of us in the know, you know, we were like
when James Clapper came out and said, oh, that Utah data center is only collecting metadata.
I'm like, dude, I can collect metadata on phone records on a server the size of my refrigerator.
That's a 48 acre, you know, multi teraflop, you know, RAM output kind of a thing going.
It's like now that they weren't collecting metadata.
We know that.
Right. They're collecting everything yeah at that point so uh again why make it easy on them you know it just
no until we until we have some appropriate checks and balances i just i feel exposed because
we've also learned have we not that they have complete backdoor access to almost everything
and they can just install something bad on your computer if they want, if they really want to target you,
they have their ways. Yeah. Yeah. And there was a article recently, a study, I think it was Cornell
University. You know, those captures that you have to click on, okay, click on all the stairs
or click on all the traffic lights or all the bikes
or whatever. There's an article that says that that, so that's Google Captcha, but Google for
the Captcha purpose, all they have to do is you have to click a button and that would be enough
for them. So what they have been doing is they have been using us to train their AI to identify
objects. And that is what, and so this article says that Google has effectively stolen $187
billion worth of work hours to train their AI in a free way, in a way that steals our time and money. And we're just,
we're just training AI with that stupid CAPTCHA that you do. And it's, and it seems harmless.
Okay. They wasted my time, but well, that's, uh, it's just another way that they are just so devious, you know?
But I would, can I, can I say something else here too?
Sure. Absolutely.
Things are, yes, it's important to keep our data away from big tech and they're trying to take
our, our data and all that stuff.
But there is a higher purpose that we have to be aware of here.
And that is we could see what was coming much clearer when Biden was in.
And you can see what's happening with Europe where they're just they're not even hiding the fact that they want to crack down on freedom of speech.
And they want to basically create tyranny.
And that is their goal.
That is where they're moving towards.
And what they're doing is they're coming at this from many different angles.
And so what they're doing is they're creating, it's a combination of things.
So it's AI, digital ID, central bank digital currency, all coming together to be the social credit system, which is technological slavery.
And this is their plan. Whether they're going to make it or not, I don't know, but that is their
plan. Who's plan do you think it is? It's the... Silicon Valley tech bros? Is it the WF? I mean,
who's the they, do you think? Well, I definitely think that the one organizing it all is the,
or the face of it is the World Economic Forum.
But there's people behind the scenes.
I mean, they never let themselves be seen.
I mean, who knows really who it is, but it's these globalists that want to enslave us.
And you can see like Jim Carrey or John Carrey is one of the big proponents of it. Tony Blair. I mean,
all of these people are just totally invested in this. Mitt Romney. All of these people are
totally invested in this. One of the things that I am really warning people about is the digital ID. And what they want to do with the digital ID is they want to get us to log,
to have a digital ID for our online activities
that always follows us.
So if we have a digital ID,
it will become a gatekeeper to the internet.
So it's kind of like crypto exchanges
where you can't move your regular dollars into crypto without going to a KYC exchange where they know't want us to get on the internet without total KYC. And then they want to track every single thing that we do,
which would bypass any action of privacy that we do.
And we can see how they're doing this now with these child protection laws.
I mean, this is the big thing now is these child protection things.
We're going to protect your kid against porn.
And how are we going to do this? We're going to make these sites protection things. We're going to protect your kid against porn. And how are we going to do this?
We're going to make these sites age-restricted.
Okay, how can you make sure that somebody's over 18?
You have to have everybody's ID.
You have to know who everybody is.
And so this is a backdoor way of getting digital ID in so that they can create the framework. They've already created the framework for gatekeeping the Internet so that that they will be able to the keys that they have to put the social credit system in place.
This will be their way to crush freedom of speech.
That's that's their ultimate goal.
Well, we just saw that with that 60 minute piece in Germany that just came out this past week at the time of this recording.
And it was gross. Right.
They're like, oh, you know, if somebody retweets a meme that offends somebody, they go to prison or get fined or whatever.
Right. And and the 60 Minutes lady, she's like, tell me more, you know, because this is this is the authoritarian's wet dream.
Right. They just they that's what they just love that idea. There's wrong think all that stuff.
But it's kind of weird to me that the actual so-called communist society of China uses their technology for the betterment of
their people. Ours is destroying our youth, and then they want to put a digital fence around us
and punish us for straying out of it. I don't know who the they is yet, Glenn, but something's
really wrong with this story. Yeah. And, you know, I think the difference between the China and the West is that there's a cultural difference. There's a massive cultural difference where I think Chinese people are more geared towards, you know, the good of the whole or society, the collective, that type of thing. Whereas the West, we are characterized by this individual liberty. And so they can't do
the same approach that they use in China. They can't say, okay, we're going to restrict how much
time you spend on video games every week, because no one's going to do that. No one's going to let
anyone do that. But if they can do the idealistic stuff where it's like, OK, let's protect our kids from porn online.
Let's protect the environment with this carbon credit thing. Let's protect diversity by doing this, you know, hate, hate, you know, protect against hate speech, all of that stuff.
And so we're making a better society. And so they're coming
at it from a different angle, but it's the same thing. And what they're, what they're doing is
all of this stuff, they don't care about, you know, carbon credit that has nothing to do with
the environment. It's all about control. They don't care about control. They don't care about
your kids. I mean, these are the, these are the same people that have been putting pornography in elementary school libraries and somehow we're trusting them to
take care of our kids online. Finally, I mean, we have to, what's that? And poison in the kids'
foods, right? Yeah. Yeah. So we have to, we have to become aware of this. And I think really it's very, very important that we have to stop. We have to stop giving them information on the personal level. gatekeeping on the internet, because that will be
the death of liberty. Once they do that, and my son has a great analogy about this. He says,
you know, in 1913, they created the Federal Reserve. But in the beginning, it wasn't the
scam juggernaut that, you know, the source of all evil that it is now.
But what they did is they created the framework for it back then.
And that's what they a mission to do this. I think it is very, you know, say, oh, you know, Chris, you're getting rugged by Trump. He's a he's a 5D, you know, he's a Manchurian candidate.
But he came out and said executive order, no CBDCs.
He said through him, they said, hey, TSA, get rid of that face recognition stuff.
That's unnecessary at the airports. Right.
So I feel like there's a chance if we lean into this that maybe we can push this the other direction.
And we haven't had that chance in my entire adult lifetime.
And I'm not saying maybe I am getting rugged and I'm just misreading it, but it feels like
a legit chance.
I want to lean into it.
So the first thing we can do, though, to be part of that resistance is what you're talking
about, which is we got to figure out how to take our our data out of the system.
That's how we withdraw consent from the system.
That's how they we defang them a little bit and if everybody did that they'd be completely
defanged right and then part two is I'm gonna totally reject this right like so
so I'm gonna very publicly say to Microsoft if you get the F out of here
with this this is totally unacceptable what is wrong with you monsters no you
do not have access to files.
Right. So so I think we have to resist. And it's Glenn. It's each of us as individuals.
There is. I'm glad Trump's doing what he's doing from the top down. The rest is up to us, I think, politicians don't. I mean, if we want to reject this digital ID, we need to have grassroots movement to to be aware of this, because, you know, Greg Abbott, he's I think he's the governor of Texas.
They just he's proud of this new protect the kids thing that they just passed.
And I don't I don't think he's,
I don't know him. I don't know if he's a bad guy or if he's just ignorant. I think
most of the politicians are just ignorant of, they think, okay, yeah, we're going to do something
good to protect kids. And they, they're sold that lie. So there's got to be a grassroots movement that shows, that gets behind this and tells
politicians that this is unacceptable. This is a path to tyranny, and we don't want to go down
this road. So, but you're right. The first step is we have to be the example ourselves. We have to
protect our own liberty first and be the example and share that with others.
Yeah, no, I totally agree.
So tell me more about this webinar that you're putting on.
What's it, who is it geared for?
How long is it?
What is it?
What's it, what's the outcome?
Yeah, so it's going to be, it's going to talk about a lot of the stuff that we talked about
today, but in a more organized way, I've got it.
I've put a lot of work into organizing that information and we're going to show you how
to get away from big tech and, and the importance of getting away from big tech.
So I would invite, don't just come, but invite others to come to this webinar because it
will show you a very clear path to doing this.
And then we go into Q&A and we'll answer everybody's questions that we can.
Great. Oh, is this a live webinar?
Yeah, this is live.
Great. Fantastic. If somebody like me, who's only been a slave to the Microsoft system, if I wanted to have my hand held to get onto Linux, is it geared that way?
Well, I mean, there's only so much we can do in an hour.
But, I mean, that is, we will definitely show you the path to get there.
All right.
So we'll have the link for that webinar down below and make sure it's well publicized so everybody can follow it.
But I'll be there.
I certainly hope everybody who's watching this shows up there.
Glenn, thanks for doing this.
Really appreciate both the content you put on but also the mission behind it.
I really do.
Thank you.
Thank you.