Peak Prosperity - People Are Catching onto the Truth
Episode Date: January 8, 2025Chris criticizes the Biden administration's energy policies, alleging they harm the U.S. economy and infrastructure, while also discussing UK societal issues and public resistance to government here for part 2.Also mentioned: What Problem is the Data Center Frenzy Aimed At?
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You know, even by the standards of the Biden administration, my bar for them is ultra low.
They're trying to do something here that is
really hard to understand. Hello, everyone. I'm Dr. Chris Martinson, Peak Prosperity.
I'm talking about how Biden is seemingly trying to destroy the United States energy future,
right? But it's more than that. I think they're trying to put the United States energy future, right?
But it's more than that.
I think they're trying to put us, I think he's revealed, not him, obviously, whoever's controlling Biden,
has revealed the plan to put us all onto a control grid.
So let me step through that case.
This is not really pleasant for me to talk about.
I don't like this.
In fact, it infuriates me a little bit. Look, energy is the master resource. If you have it, everything is possible. If you don't have it,
nothing is possible. It's the beginning and source of all prosperity. Now, the level of
sheer petulance on display by the Biden administration on their way out the door
is just staggering.
I'm getting a sense of like a dying dragon thrashing its tail around, knocking over buildings, wrecking stuff.
But even by their own standards, this is hard to take. Right.
So let's think of all the things they've done here. Right.
They tried to start World War three by shooting long range muscle, long range missiles into Russia, missiles into Russia.
Thankfully, that failed.
They treated Western North Carolina hurricane victims so horribly and continue to do so that it's a miracle that violence hasn't erupted over that.
They ran an extremely poorly conducted drones over Jersey PSYOP.
Right. And then Biden pardoned some of the worst possible people on the planet, right?
Including a judge that Shanghai kids into a prison for profit program for infuriatingly
tiny kickbacks, given the fact that some of the kids committed suicide as a result.
Lives were derailed and ruined in all cases, right?
What else? Oh, we had the two terror incidents which were immediately utilized as weapon grade psyops by who knows which overfunded government intelligence agencies, maybe presumably to divide and distract civilian attention while they dial looking for relevance in a world where maybe the world is, in particular, the Trump administration, hopefully will the way, we still have no idea who or what we're really speaking about when we say those words, right?
By the Biden administration to hamstring America's and Americans' access to affordable, reliable energy and efficient energy equipment.
So let's start there, right?
The headlines, right?
And I think this is all, I'm going to put this all into a context where I think the
goal here is not what they're saying it is.
It's not to save the world.
It's not climate change.
Obviously, I'll build that case.
Are you feeling run down, low energy, maybe struggling with extra weight?
Maybe brain fog has you wondering what's going on.
The truth is, it all starts with what we eat
recent revelations have exposed how our food has been engineered to be addictive filled with
chemicals and additives that europe bans because well they know they're toxic the results rising
obesity type 2 diabetes in children and other metabolic disasters like cardiovascular issues,
heart disease, cancer. Yes, cancer. Garbage in, garbage out. But what can we do? It begins with
understanding the problem. And that's why we've created a comprehensive food webinar. We'll
explore the regulatory failures behind this crisis and provide solutions from experts like Dr. Ken Berry.
And we'll talk about the war on farmers and food with voices like Tracy Thurman and Robert Barnes.
And we're also bringing testimonials, success stories and actionable tools all combined to help you take charge of your health again, because it is time.
So let's stop delaying change.
It's the new year time to get healthy we
all want to do it our children though deserve eating healthy again and we instill those patterns
in childhood so we deserve better health they deserve better health everybody deserves better
health and we need to be free from the lies and toxic food pushed on us.
Health is your most important form of personal capital.
And with the challenges we face, economic uncertainty, supply chain disruptions, who knows what's coming in 2025, even potential conflicts.
Well, being healthy and resilient is critical.
And it starts at home with what we eat.
Thank you for listening.
And now back to our regular programming.
So it begins here, right, with Biden banning water heaters, right?
Banning water heaters, in particular, a type called on-demand water heaters right and this is a bizarre this is really a bizarre thing to actually do because well turns out that these are the most efficient
devices out there and it turns out that if you take these away from Americans
they're gonna have to pay a lot more for their energy that is just no good so what do we do like why would you
take away tankless water heaters well because they used gas um get when they say gas we're
talking natural gas they use natural gas and i guess the idea here is that well we don't want
people using natural gas we want people using electricity gas. We want people using electricity instead. Now, electrical hot water heaters are a lot less efficient. So why would they want us using those instead? And let's carry on one more little bit here, too, because this this is stunning. How about this? Just today, January 6th, President Biden allegedly, again, we don't know who's actually writing these words, said, quote, I am taking action to protect the east and west coast, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and Alaska's northern Bering Sea from oil and natural gas drilling and the harm it can cause. He notices that, uh, notes here that drilling off these coasts is unnecessary to meet our
nation's energy needs.
Is that really?
Now, in doing this, he's actually really done something that they could hamstring or at
least take some extra time for Trump because he invoked the 1952 Outer Continental Shelf
Lands Act, which means that Trump's going to now need congressional involvement to undo this little particular piece of work right here.
But really distressingly, Team Biden, right?
They have this delusion that they're laying out right here for us to see very clearly,
where they say that oil and gas are unnecessary to meet our nation's energy needs.
Now, while this may or may not be true, nobody can actually make that statement in the Biden
administration because the alternative pathway has never been articulated.
It's never been spelled out.
Repeat after me.
There is no plan.
So how could you say it's unnecessary?
Fun fact. after me there is no plan so how could you say it's unnecessary right fun fact um china has such a plan and it's coherent and it's logical i've read it uh it's achievable and it has a believable
mix of nuclear fossil fuels efficiency measures and a one percent per year adoption rate for
bringing additional wind solar into the grid up to a maximum of 12 percent
because they say if you go beyond that uh it gets a little unstable and becomes um you know it's an
intermittent energy source so so they have a limit for it that's very sensible hey um double fun fact
europe has the same delusional alt energy mindset as the u.S. only they in Europe, they're busy watching their industrial
economy crumble before their very eyes while seemingly unable to process that information
correctly. Like what is happening? Oh, I know. Predictably, perversely, their response from
the technocrats in Europe has been, you know, I think we need more regulations. If we had more
regulations to force people to do the right stuff, that's what we would need.
But it was just, you know, the day after Christmas, right?
So remember here, too, let's go back.
They began by trying to ban gas stoves, right?
A nationwide ban on gas stoves.
And they went forward with that.
And millions of Americans, they note here in the New York Post, may be entering not stove season.
And then it was the day after Christmas where the Biden administration decided to ban water heaters, again, gas water heaters.
So they turned into Grinch the day after Christmas. Grinch took that stuff away and um well here's what it means so
so it turns out um i mean these are all lame duck regulations are just sort of slamming in here
and they this was from the department of energy which um reading here from an article in, let's look at this, see who this is.
Yeah, the Free Beacon, good article here.
I'll link to that down below.
They say the Department of Energy, quote, which formally published the rules the day after Christmas,
didn't issue a press release announcing this, a departure from past appliance regulations.
The published rules say the regulations are expected to help the climate by curbing carbon dioxide emissions. That's how it's going to help the climate. We're going to have less carbon dioxide emissions. But when you install a gas water heater, where does that electricity come from? Probably someplace that's emitting carbon dioxide. So that isn't actually the story. And they say here, again, carrying on in the Free Beacon article, quote,
overall, under the regulations, roughly 40% of the new tankless water heaters available in the United States today will be taken off the market by 2029.
40%, okay?
And on average, they say here, one industry analysis estimates consumers will pay $450 more when purchasing new water heaters, thanks to this
new rule. So $450 more upfront, and then you're going to spend more because it costs more than
to run one of these tankless water heaters, especially in some applications. So, all right.
What's truly bizarre, at least if we're trying to understand this within their state of narrative,
right? They say, oh, it's about addressing climate change is it they are busy banning the most energy efficient
water heaters on the market right we know that right and and it doesn't take a huge amount of
thinking to understand that this doesn't make any sense whatsoever okay this just doesn't make any
sense in fact um you might as well adopt the explanatory framework of Steve Martin in the jerk.
Oh, he said at this moment, he hates the cans.
He hates these cans.
Oh, the Biden administration, they hate these appliances.
No, no.
Alternatively, stick with me here.
Maybe they don't hate the cans or the appliances
at all maybe they hate you right to build out this thesis let's explore the idea in play in
full right so they've stated their goal they want everything moved over to using electricity
right they want electric vehicles okay that fits. They want induction stoves run by electricity, not gas stoves.
OK, that fits. They want electrical hot water heaters, not gas stoves. OK, that fits.
So everything says they're just trying to get us all into this electricity future. OK, I'm following so far.
But what doesn't fit. Is that they haven't made any corresponding moves to prepare the national electrical grid.
Right. And power generation to supply all of that electricity.
Which means the electricity grid, the electrical grid, it's at risk of becoming unstable.
Oh, wait.
And actually, it already is.
Here's a truly great article in Bloomberg titled AI needseds So Much Power, It's Making Yours Worse.
This is from December 27th and by Leonardo Nicoletti, Noreen Malik, and Andre Tatar.
Great, great article in Bloomberg Technology. And here's what's so great about it.
They have this big here. Let me take myself off so you can see this whole thing. This big
interactive map, and you can look at this and on this map those red dots
you see on the united states outline there those red dots are places where there's highly distorted
power readings okay where the power grid is already unstable and they said uh from this article in
here quote this first part is um let me see, let's get here. Quoting from the article associated
with this says, quote, AI data centers are multiplying across the U.S. and sucking up huge
amounts of power, something I've reported on extensively at Peak Prosperity. New evidence
shows they may also be distorting the normal flow of electricity for millions of Americans.
This map shows readings from about 770,000 home sensors with red zones indicating those
areas with the most distorted power.
The problem is threatening billions in damage to home appliances and aging power equipment,
especially in areas like Chicago and Data Center Alley in Northern Virginia.
You can see that over there that says Lowden County waiver on the right side of the screen, up through New York, those
data centers are sucking up enormous amounts of power, and they're distorting power readings
way above recommended levels.
That's what you see on this chart with, let me get my little red dot tool out here so
we can all follow along.
Yeah, that's what this, if you see here from max power distortion, less would be nice down
here in green.
Anything up in red is above this acceptable limit.
You see here these areas, particularly around Chicago, up through the whole Northeast
corridor, but also around all the major population centers here, particularly around Denver.
Denver looks especially not good.
And so what are they
writing about here? As you can see on the screen, it says an exclusive Bloomberg analysis shows that
more than three quarters of highly distorted power readings across the country are within 50 miles
of significant data center activity. Hmm. OK, so we're getting more and more of that. Now, why does that matter?
It matters. And so here's a cool set of charts that came with that article. So here we can see
if you are within 20 miles of a major data center, you have the most chance, you have the most
distorted power supply out there. And if you are 87 miles away from a major data center, you have the least distorted.
You have the most green sort of thing there.
Now, so here's what the deal is.
So every appliance out there, right, your washing machine, your refrigerator, anything
that has an electrical motor in it or runs on electricity in some way, they're all geared to run on a very specific voltage within a very specific and pure sine wave of about 60, not about
60 Hertz, right?
So there's this little, this little tiny little bit where the power is supposed to run.
So the article continues here.
They say in this article, quote, every day Americans reach into the refrigerators or
turn on their dishwashers without much thought given to the electricity flowing through their homes.
But a hidden problem now threatens the seemingly mundane tasks, its distorted power supplies.
The term for the issue here is bad harmonics.
It may seem a bit esoteric, but you can think of it like the static that can be heard when a speaker's volume is jacked up higher than it can handle.
Electricity runs across high voltage lines and waves, and when those wave patterns deviate from what's considered ideal, it distorts the power into homes.
Okay, well, why is this? What's the problem?
Well, it turns out that when homes experience good or stable power, it means that the flow of electricity and lights and everything, it's what's expected.
Everything works.
The problem is, is that when you have when the voltage surges or sags, when the frequency goes off what it's supposed to be, this can lead to destroyed equipment, can lead to house fires it can absolutely ruin your electronics and all of
that and so that's where we're at now again team biden is saying oh we want you not to have gas
hot water heaters we don't want you to have gas stoves we want you on all this electric stuff but
there's an electric grid that's already creaking and groaning and it's about to sag and it was going to ruin those same electric appliances
if anything looking at this data you would say wow we need new power supplies badly and in a
hurry for the united states but that's because you are a thoughtful person with common sense
who actually cares about your fellow humans if you don't your team biden could they were
completely silent when meta wanted to just said just announced oh we're
going to have one of these largest ever data centers powered by fossil fuels screw it we're
just going to this is going to run on gas nobody passed any laws about that there's no last minute
executive action from team biden on the way out the door saying meta shouldn't do this
what they're going to do is make sure you can't have gas powered tank plus water heaters so that you're on an electrical one instead and that
electrical one is going to be at risk because there is already an unacceptable
situation in the u.s power grid we're already above limit of power distortion
so first we know that that we're already straining in the grid.
Second, we know that these distortions mainly occur within 50 miles of massive data centers,
right? Clearly indicating that things like data centers are the culprit. Third, we learned that
the costs of power distortions, those are largely going to be borne by residential customers in the
form of ruined appliances, maybe house fires, maybe loss of life.
Nobody seems to care about that.
Fourth, by deduction, we learned that the Biden administration hates us because they're busy banning gas water heaters, but saying absolutely nothing about things like this
or the power distortion issue.
Nothing right.
Nor did Team Biden say anything about this. Right.
Two point two gigawatts of natural gas power plants going to consume one point eight billion
cubic feet per month. It's just it's just astonishing. So so what does all this mean?
I mean, 18 billion cubic feet a month for this one. Right. So what's it all mean?
Well, here's an idea. It uh that the future that the biden
types have in mind is energy poor it's unstable it's going to cost a lot more and it exists
whatever power we do have exists to run data centers which will be primarily used to keep
track of you presumably so you don't complain about any of this, and that you're more easily controlled.
Now, the fact that the grid is becoming more unstable is irrelevant to them.
The fact that cheap energy is the lifeblood of an industrial economy is also of no concern to them.
The fact that electricity will become more expensive and drive more people deeper into poverty
is, again, of no concern to them.
If it were, we'd already see a crash program of nuclear scale up in motion.
We'd see a build out of our electrical grid underway.
Nothing like that's happening.
Therefore, the electrification of our lifestyles is not actually truly what they care about.
To the extent those words do come out of their mouths, climate change,
all that, it's merely performative, right? It's not actually serious. Therefore, logically,
it's our way of life that's actually under attack. And that's the actual goal and what
they want to dismantle. So no oil, no gas, no gas stove, no efficient water heaters
and no stable grid for you, right?
So first conclusions.
Let's go to conclusions.
They aren't really true believers
in climate change.
I mean, if they were,
they'd be leading the charge, right?
They'd be flying coach.
They'd be selling off
their surplus waterfront homes,
their second, third, fourth, fifth homes.
They'd be investing their own money, not the public's, in all of these alt energy solutions.
But broadly speaking, none of that is actually happening.
So they don't really believe in climate change either.
What they do believe in is controlling the masses.
OK, so everything they are doing is designed to hurt us all onto the grid.
That's what they really care about most is getting us all onto the grid because why? Well,
once they have us under the grid, I guess we're just going to have to trust that they won't abuse
that power over our lives. And you know what, given their track record to date, that's not a
bet I'm willing to make. Uh, And I don't think you should be either.
Now, I need to move on from this.
And we got to talk about this, which is the huge scandal that's going on in this UK systematic approval of child sexual assault and exploitation.
It's been long running.
And as well, the ULEZ rebellion.
That's a that's a cut down camera array in the UK. We're going to talk about that together
I think the UK has finally reached its boiling point. I hope it has I hope and I hope that becomes a model for elsewhere
This is really a story of what happens when people finally reach their breaking point
Okay, so I do consider just to be clear the uk it's a great test bed i think for
what happens when a polite people have finally had enough we know the brits right they are famous for
their understated approach to life they pride themselves in taking things in stride done and
for too long yeah that feature has been absolutely taken advantage of by corrupt, venal political hacks.
The you pig people got absolutely steamrolled during COVID.
And they've yet to square up to the absolute horror of Matt Hancock et al.
and murdering the elderly in their beds with midazolam and morphine.
OK, it was awful for far too long.
They've allowed the unfettered intrusion of cultural misfits from various non-aligned countries, we should say.
Right. The Pakistanis in particular.
Been especially negative fit for the British, not all of them, but enough of them,
as they have been heavily implicated in not one,
not two, but several or even many child rape rings. They call them grooming rings, but that's not
really appropriate. Um, at any rate, let's talk about that UK scandal. Then we'll go onto this
U U less thing. And we're going to then talk about how this is spreading to the U S I think
in New York city is a starting point. So let's go there. All right.
An ex-account belonging to Sam Ashworth Hayes, right,
began posting some trial transcripts from some of the horrific child rape cases in the UK.
They're really horrifying transcripts.
Full stop.
Very difficult to read.
J.K. Rowling saying here, quote,
the details emerging about what the rape gangs
and why call
them grooming gangs. It's like calling those who stab people to death knife owners did to girls in
Rotherham are downright horrific. The allegations of possible police corruption in the case almost
beyond belief. OK. So these claims are now being investigated.
But at least one case in the early 2000s, a victim's abuser seemed to be aware she was at a police station waiting to make a complaint against him, went down there and got the child back from the police.
So Elon Musk then wades in on this whole thing.
And what does he say?
He says, well, Starmer was complicit in the rape of Britain, all of Britain, when he was
head of crown prosecution for six years.
Yeah, Starmer must go.
He must face charges for his complicity in the worst mass crime in the history of Britain.
Here's Starmer, of course, the PM, right?
Just a just a politician, just an awful guy. I don't like him at all. He just strikes me as totally insincere person. And I'm not not a fan, not a fan now.
So then it turns out Keir Starmer now says, oh, I'm going to have to respond to Elon Musk's grooming gang comments in a statement tomorrow. Right. And so why why did it take so long?
So Elon got a response.
And this is the power of Elon.
This is the power of Esk.
And Elon said, prepare for some epic cringe.
And I did.
But even I was unprepared for how cringy it got. Keir strikes back.
He said here, I think this is on Fox News.
He said, UK PM Starmer hits back against Musk attacks on child grooming gangs, lies and misinformation.
Now, why this is the mainstream media, in this case, Fox News, toting water for the for this this absolute horror going on.
They're not grooming gangs. They weren't. That's grooming. Grooming is getting somebody ready for what happens next. They were rape gangs. OK, full stop. And they also promoted this idea of just allowing Keir in the headline to call it
lies and misinformation. Problem is, none of it was lies and misinformation. And now the UK press
is on the deal a little bit. There's Keir Starmer and one of those funny woolly head things. And it
turns out he went to 21 meetings of the sentencing council
and decided not all child sex offenders should go to prison.
If you can't figure that out after one meeting or two meetings, 21 meetings,
obviously slow rolling this whole thing.
Here, Starmer absolutely failed to prosecute.
And in fact, he gets worse than that when we have an ex-detective, Maggie Oliver,
who was involved in these cases, saying Starmer is guilty as anyone over the grooming gangs.
As guilty as anyone. Now, that means he's as guilty as the rapists themselves because he was in there and he stopped the investigations. He stopped the inquiries. He refused to prosecute.
Now, when we find out that certain people in power are busy running interference for this whole thing, well, then they're in on it, right? You know, I guess. So at any rate,
I think this, the tone deafening extreme, this may well sink Keir Starmer.
He then went on a little bit later and claimed that people who want a full inquiry into Britain's rape gangs are jumping on a bandwagon of the far right.
A highly advised stance to take here. It's like somehow, Hmm.
So people who wanted to a full inquiry are somehow far, right?
Um, if not wanting your daughters to be raped as a trait of the right, I'm so far to port
side that I've dipped below the visual line due to the earth's curvature right i'm way
over there i think it's like
okay so so the current explanations that so this is um well this this gets crazy
so remember in december and let me get my little i want to listen to this along with you
oh i dropped my oh here it is i dropped my earpiece just a second i want to listen to this along with you oh i dropped my oh here it is i dropped my earpiece
just a second i want to listen in with you because this is astonishing this is kirsten armer
on december 2nd talking about like how was it that the country got completely overrun with
whatever refugees wherever you want to call it, the overrunning that has happened. What the British people are owed is an explanation.
Because a failure on this scale isn't just bad luck.
It isn't a global trend or taking your eye off the ball.
No, this is a different order of failure.
This happened by design, not accident. gwahanol ffordd o ddiwethaf. Roedd hyn wedi digwydd gan ddylunio, nid oes yn ffwrdd. Roedd polisïau wedi'u
reformio yn ddylunio i ddyfrioli ymwneud â'r cyfran. Roedd Brexit yn cael ei ddefnyddio i'r
ddewis hwnnw, i roi'r Brydain yn brofiad un dynol mewn fforddau agored. in open borders. Global Britain, remember that slogan?
That is what they meant.
A policy with no support, of which they then pretended wasn't happening.
So by design, Britain's borders were opened and turned the nation into an experiment in open borders.
But Keir, you were the man when these people were coming in
who were culturally ill-fit, right?
There's a thing that happens with migration, not immigration, migration.
Open the borders, just let in randos from wherever,
war-torn areas that potentially you yourself, your country, bombed,
and so you've created your own nightmare fuel coming back home.
Or they're just people who are economically depressed from some of the areas or whatever.
But they're coming from cultures that are fundamentally not a good fit.
And the Michael Yon Aquarium example, y'all are guppies and you just brought some beta
fish in, right?
No good.
High testosterone dudes who do not not only do not share your cultural views, but have wildly different ones, such as it's OK to rape white girls because my my religion says so.
So this is astonishing that he's here sort of like tisking at this idea that somehow somebody decided as a matter of policy by design, turn Britain into a one nation experiment and open borders and then
didn't want to look at the consequences of that okay all right well to carry on um it it is it
is just absolutely sickening uh we know that jimmy seville sir jimmy seville so sir knighted
brought into the whole thing and was shielded by the BBC,
and by shielded meaning they knew he was raping children and covered that up so that he could
keep raping children and actually ran programs with him where he was in contact with children,
so they were enabling it. It was more than just covering it up. They didn't just shield him,
they gave him more fodder for his pastimes. Right. Absolutely disgusting.
And then we find out things like this is a tricky if you want to watch this guy's just all broken up.
But it turns out that two 13 year old English girls drunk at a house without any clothes on with seven Pakistani immigrants.
And who did the police actually arrest? Well, they arrested the two 13-year-old girls because they were drunk. And then they arrested the father for trying to go into the house and get them himself because, well, the police didn't care to do anything.
I mean, beyond sickening.
Have no words.
Now, here's what's interesting.
The UK, the whole machine is trying very quickly to, you know, talk about this as if it was like, oh, well, we just didn't do it because we didn't want
to be seen as racist. So I went to Grok, which I'm increasingly using for my research. I said,
can you give me examples of where child grooming in the UK was explained as not wanting to appear
racist or is not wanting to stoke cultural tensions? And the answer is, oh, here's some.
The Jay Report in 2014, which was 10 years ago.
Quote, several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist.
Others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.
Well, there it is.
Very clear. This highlighted social workers, teachers, police officers reluctant to name the ethnicity of the perpetrators because they feared backlash.
Right. OK.
This hesitation was seen as contributing to the systemic failure to protect children.
And then the Casey report, 2015, which was, well, 2025.
Sorry, that's also 10 years ago ago the other one's 11 years ago um the inquiry heard of people being frightened to raise issues for fear of being accused of racism oh no
in media coverage in the aftermath of both reports media outlets like the guardian the times
covered stories where former police council members social workers confessed to their reluctance in dealing with the issue due to racial considerations
you know what i am not buying it the uk has a long-known problem with pedophiles
operating with impunity within the top of nine uk institutions i mean it's like
the daily show if you remember that famous one one with Stephen Colbert forcing his head on the banana while he's trying to, you know, cover allegations that at
Westminster there was like a naked kid climbing out the windows, a naked boy. It's part of late
night comedy show hosts. It's like an open secret, right, that there's this pedophilia problem. I
don't know what they have, but they have an institutionalized, long running, endemic cultural
problem with pedophilia in the UK. They just have. I don't
know if it happens at Oxford as part of the training that happens there so that all the
MPs are exposed to it, but this level of control where nobody in the power structure chain who's
supposed to be caring about these things and administering these laws and protecting their
own children, the children of the UK, that none of them could figure out how to do it, tells me that the pressure not to do so came from very, very high.
So I asked AI at Grok a follow-up question, which is, well, wait a minute, what about these naked
boys coming out of Westminster? Like, oh, yeah, there's like an Elm Guest House in Dolphin Square.
Quote, allegations have centered around Elm Guest House in Barnes, southwest London,
in Dolphin Square in Westminster.
Here claims surface that children from care homes were abused by politicians
and other establishment figures.
The Guardian article from 2015 mentions that detectives believed allegations
that children were abused and terrorized by politicians and establishment figures
at Dolphin Square, although concrete evidence was lacking at the time.
And you can read on.
Down at the bottom, specific cases included an Australian current affairs program named Spies, Lords and Predators
reported that a victim claimed former Home Secretary Leon Britton liked boys to dress in women's underwear.
Fairly specific.
And there was a case of a naked boy spotted climbing out of Westminster.
So, at any rate, where there's smoke, there's fire, you know, all that.
So, I think that there's actually a deeper problem running.
It's been running for a long time.
It's really gross.
It's disgusting.
It's immoral.
All of that. Okay? So, so anyway that's the logical conclusion now uh guess
what so much for tourism i i wrote here that i've decided not to travel the uk last year that's true
evie and i refused to take a um a honeymoon where we might be exposed to accidentally flying to the
uk because we weren't sure we wouldn't get arrested because i've sent mean tweets out because uh london's police chief
chef it says their police chef uh threatens the rest of americans over online posts saying we
will come after you right and they said that a while ago but but that was the incident i'm like
oh i am definitely not going to the uk now you can just write that right off okay but all um is not we can't complete the story without
noting germany's kind of lost too this just came out on january 4th it says a german judge
complimented a syrian migrant during his trial for raping a 15 year old girl while she was walking
home the migrant was only given probation as the judge said the migrant had integrated well
in germ. The rape
intensity was at the lower
Let that sink in. A German
man, Paul S., mailed the court and wrote the judge
was clearly mentally disturbed, which
I'd agree with. He was fined
5,000 euros for insulting the judge.
The Syrian migrant was fined 3,000 euros
for raping the girl.
This is this is starting to reach the boiling point. And so what's fascinating is that this
is starting to happen around the idea of these Ulez cameras. OK, so all is not lost. We're at
that stage where polite societies finally had it.
It's coming roaring back. Right. Remember, you know, don't disturb a quiet man who simply wants to be left alone, as the saying goes.
OK. All right. In the UK, they've implemented this so-called congestion pricing scheme in the heart of London.
And it worked brilliantly, kept all the poor people out of the center of London, and it worked brilliantly. It kept all the poor people out of the center of London. It made life so much better.
Parking was easier for the rich people.
They extended to the suburbs as well.
They decided to move it on.
You know what?
New York Councilwoman Vicki Palladino explains it really well.
I'm going to read what she wrote here.
Let me pull this up.
Yeah, so I've got this, and let me turn the sound off on this.
And then we'll watch this, which is just a heartwarming montage of the UK Blade Runners, they're called, cutting down.
In this case, what you see is actually a propane-butane torch at the top of a pole.
They're using that to disable, crack the lenses on the cameras, and otherwise screw these things up.
And you see the sign there, stop the ULEZ,
ultra low emissions, and that's what ULEZ stands for. Here we go. Watch this while I read that.
She writes here, quote, tonight on the eve of the most unpopular public policy in New York history,
which is their own congestion pricing scheme in New York City. Let's take a look at England,
which is often cited by activists as a template of success for our own congestion pricing scheme in New York City, let's take a look at England, which is often cited by activists as a template of success for our own congestion pricing scheme.
After London's initial congestion pricing program hollowed out their city center of
all but the wealthiest businesses and corporations, the government then decided to move the program
outward into the surrounding communities, well beyond the city center calling them ULEZ zones or ultra low emission zones because there was no congestion in those areas to pin
the program to. Unavoidable ULEZ cameras fenced in low density residential areas costing working
class people up to 50 bucks simply to leave their homes by car. This scheme was implemented despite overwhelming opposition, with local councils often approving
these cameras in the dead of night without any public notice in order to stifle community
Or community input.
Dissent was ignored, vocal opponents were strong-armed and intimidated by activists
and politicians.
Sound familiar?
And now that they've built their congestion-pricing utopia, a funny thing happened.
The people fought back.
Vigilantes, calling themselves Blade Runners, took up to arms to liberate their neighborhoods
by vandalizing and destroying the camera network.
And they have been successful.
Thus far, they've taken out between 1,000 and 2,000
cameras. The municipalities
can barely keep up, and the
entire program may actually be in jeopardy.
Is this what's next
for New York? Activists have made
no secret about their intention to not only
raise congestion tolls up to
80 bucks, but to also deploy
congestion zones throughout every
borough and every neighborhood
in the city. You can only push people so far. Otherwise, law-abiding people who follow the
rules and who want to be left alone can only tolerate so much nickel and diming by the
government that seems out to screw them at every opportunity before they've had enough. And sooner
or later, you reach a breaking point. Congestion pricing and ULEZ was the breaking point for these Englishmen,
and it would be foolish to believe the same won't happen in due time.
A Sawzall, spray paint, or butane torch is all it takes.
With any luck, President Trump will make it a priority to underline this disaster before it gets worse,
but if not, I have a feeling the war against these immoral imputative taxes and the people
advocate for them is just beginning.
So, end quote.
Again, that was Councilwoman Vicky Palladino.
So she wrote that.
Now, turns out, as we carry on, and there's those words that I just read.
Yeah, it turns out, yeah new york is just
following in the footsteps of the uk it turns out so look at this new york police department are
officers frustrated new york nypd officers growing frustration over the city's new congestion pricing
many considering transferring out of new york City due to financial strain of additional tolls.
What? First responders aren't waived from the program?
I knew that New York lawmakers were exceedingly stupid, but I didn't know they were this dumb.
This is really, really bizarre. And here's what the regular citizens pay.
Nine bucks, taxi cabs, 75 cents, motorcycles, 450, Ubers, buck 50, large trucks, 2160, taxi cabs $0.75, motorcycles $4.50, Ubers $1.50, large trucks $21.60, small trucks $14.40.
At any rate, it's a wealth tax.
If you can afford this stuff, yeah, you get to drive around, no problem.
It's going to hollow out the city.
It's designed to keep the riffraff out.
That's what it's doing.
But guess what?
New York City is also following in the footsteps of the UK, which also rolled out a highly detested 20 mile an hour speed limit.
And here they are doing it. The rationale, of course, would be like, think of the children.
Think of the children. Right. Think of this child safety. Not those children.
Not the ones you were just talking about for. We mean the abstract children we speak of to justify our next level of intrusion into your already hyper-controlled lives that people are getting you know upset about um so let me check this out previously
the speed limit new york city was widely set at 25 miles an hour according to this article but as
of 2025 hey they're going to be rolling out 20 miles per hour in select locations and it's because
of what's called sammy's law is being introduced after
the tragic incident where sammy cohen x dean 12 was killed by a driver traveling over the speed
limit so how does setting a lower speed limit up that's like well i know let's take the guns away
from law-abiding gun owners that will solve the gun crime problem it's the same this liberal logic
is one of the most disturbing things ever.
It's like,
this guy,
this kid was killed
by somebody traveling
over the speed limit,
so let's lower
the speed limit?
It's just,
it's so ruined.
But at any rate,
this law,
they say in the article,
follows the likes of Wales
and the UK,
whose streets are also
20 miles an hour
in between quicker
country lanes.
Okay, let's get to the conclusions for today. First, the UK has whose streets are also 20 miles an hour in between quicker country lanes. OK, let's get to the conclusions for today.
First, the UK has destroyed itself.
These are self-inflicted wounds.
What it's doing to itself in terms of its energy policy, guaranteed disaster, not just
for the present, but for the future.
It looks awful.
I have a whole story I could tell you about that.
But what about the moral abomination of allowing child rape to continue for decades unhindered?
It's a stain not easily removed.
Speaks of a deeper problem than wanting to appear nice.
More like it's an endemic kind of a cultural thing that you share.
You share some cultural affiliation with the Pakistanis, at least amongst thousands of lords and etc.
So there's a big problem there.
The Blade Runners, however, are striking back.
This is a good sign. I kind of hope that we see more of that. It's not vandalism. It's not big problem there. The Blade Runners, however, are striking back. This is a good sign.
I kind of hope that we see more of that.
It's not vandalism.
It's not vandalism.
Remember, as JFK said, those who would make peaceful revolution impossible make violent
revolution inevitable.
These are deeply unpopular things.
Nobody wants the congestion price and nobody likes them.
It doesn't matter.
You're getting them anyway, citizen.
And various blue state locations in the U.S. are attempting to follow the U.K.'s examples. price and nobody likes them it doesn't matter you're getting them anyway citizen and uh various
blue state locations in the u.s are attempting to follow the uk's examples we have california
passing child rapist friendly laws we have new york city and new york implementing congestion
pricing automatic speed limit tickets etc all that so what i'm seeing though with these last
moments of the biden administration attempting to hamstring all things related to energy to take away energy efficient appliances for Americans and put them on electricity dependent appliances, these are the dying gasps and thrashings of an evil beast.
It's just this dragon is dying and it is now busy just destroying everything thrashing about.
I think that's what's happening here.
But let's be absolutely clear.
People are beginning to notice.
People are starting to rise up.
People have said they've had too much. It's time to fight
back. And oh, hey, donate the cans. It's not the cans. They're not shooting the cans. They're
targeting you. So it's time to fight back. And I hope we do. And I'm glad to see any signs of it.
And it's time.
All right, with that, thanks very much for listening.
Be back soon.
Until next time, bye for now.