Peak Prosperity - Pink Suits and Political Puppets

Episode Date: March 6, 2025

Episode #19 of The Signal Hour discusses political division, immigration policy, performative politics, and the importance of discerning truth amid media noise.Click here for Peak Financial Investing...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following is the audio version of a video released at Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello everyone and welcome to this Signal Hour where we do our level best to cut through the noise and find the signal within the signal. The signal these days is, of course, X. Legacy media is dying. Google, dying. All of these gatekeepers of orthodoxy and dogma, they are just absolutely dying on the vine at this point. I mean, good riddance too,
Starting point is 00:00:38 because of course what we're gonna need is all hands on deck as we sail into this next period of our future where there's gonna be a lot of disruptions things going both well and not so well economically energy wise and across all of the dimension so how do we make sense out of everything that's what I do at peak prosperity I am the information scout for the subscribers at peak prosperity and also out here in signal hour turns out signal hour is one of my favorite times of the week you see me glancing over here I'm looking at my lovely wife, Evie, who is just coming to
Starting point is 00:01:09 the studio here too. Oh, you are dark. I'm going to have to figure out how to lighten that up. Hey, just say hi to everybody. Whoa. Whoa. Good afternoon. I'm so glad to be here. You know, I think I know why you enjoy the Signal Hour. It's because you get to spend it with me and it's one of the only times we actually get to hang out together. Don't put it that way.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Why do you put it that way? Because you're a busy man and I'm a busy woman. We got a lot going on around here. All right. Well, I don't see it that way. We have coffee every morning. No, I'm saying I think this is why you love the signal hour because you get to spend time with me I do I love it for that. I love it for all kinds. All right, I might be purple looking. I don't know. That's okay
Starting point is 00:01:52 Well, we can we can We can fix all of these things on the fly because that's the kind of folks we are Now it's fine. I don't care. All right, it's more important that we get to the topics at hand Well today is gonna be a big day. Of course, we've got let's see. Well, we have the Trump speech to talk about. Yeah, that was exciting. I have never stayed up in my whole life. I am confessing now. Was that a first for you? Yeah, I wanted to see what he was going to say. I was kind of hoping I got gotta confess. I was kind of hoping he was gonna drop a bomb or two
Starting point is 00:02:25 I've gotten quite addicted to bombs. Oh Yeah, you were waiting for that little dopamine rush of yeah, I'm saying something. You know, we pulled out a NATO We've declared war on the WHO. Yeah something exciting. I That's just me but um We got some stuff plenty of things that are worth discussing that happened in that speech. It was pretty epic. And you know, it was really epic, though, to me. He was just how out of touch the Democrats came across.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yes, whole thing. So yeah, that was shocking. I'm looking forward to talking about that with you. Yeah, yeah. And oh, right. I forgot about this. That's right. Jose.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Um, look at the remember that He talked about Butler, Pennsylvania. There was that guy who he freed from the Russian prison. Right. He met his mom in Butler. Yeah. That day said, I'll do something about this, gets shot in the head and doesn't forget that he met her and made a promise. That guy is something else.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You know, I just have to say, I think his ability to pull people in, to remember them and honor them, make them feel special is, I've never seen anything like it. He just has people falling all over to hang out with him. And it's not just because he's a rich guy, which I think draws a certain type of crowd. They're drawn to his success and whatnot, but he really has the persona and the character of seeming to care genuinely about these people and being willing to go out on a limb for them and do things. Yeah, he does. And there were a couple of really intense moments. We'll get to at least one of those here, but here's where I wanted to go with this today.
Starting point is 00:04:03 First, let's listen up. Let me make sure that all of my levels are set here to play audio. Looks fine. Okay. Here is just one piece. I'm not, we're not going to play. I mean, he talked on for, I think a little long. I know you were sleeping. I was like, Hey, like, by the end you were like, it went a little long, but, little long. But at any rate, let's listen on this one part right here.
Starting point is 00:04:28 So Democrats sitting before me, for just this one night, why not join us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America? For the good of our nation, let's work together and let's truly make America great again. All right, please. So this just sets up. So they had, they came, the Democrats came prepared with little round signs, not understanding how the Internet works, apparently.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Because this is just, these memes are gonna write themselves for a long time to come, right? You know what I'm talking about, Evie? Yeah. But here he is saying we're gonna make America great. He's trying to make a unifying message. And so somebody, look at this. Here, let me get my little laser pointer thingy out.
Starting point is 00:05:23 You got this guy, he decided that's the right time to signal false. False. It's not time to make America great again. Like, are you guys thinking through your messaging at all? How about this Musk steals that, that, that somebody somewhere in their depths of their thinking, they said, you know what, you know, what's really going to play well here. Musk steals.
Starting point is 00:05:46 That's the message they decided to go with. We tell the American people that Musk steals, even though there's no evidence of that actually taking place. And he's managed things like PayPal in the past and is clearly a responsible guy who understands finances and how to run a business and all of that. But yeah. Steals what though? I mean, seriously, I Don't know like here's a guy who could be doing almost anything else
Starting point is 00:06:10 like I don't know providing internet to the entire world through his Starlink service or going to Mars or rescuing astronauts or You know building EV cars which the left just recently until they started sending them back to fund NPR and some other mysterious sort of like a, I'm not sure they're thinking I'm having trouble here. Oh, NPR. I listened to that today. Anyway, go ahead. Keep going. But you know, you could also say, wow, thank you for trying to help make the country a better place. If we could sit down though, I have some concerns that maybe we could talk through because I'd like to be able to tell my constituents
Starting point is 00:06:49 that you are not stealing their social security numbers or whatever it is they're saying, but they're not coming at it from that point of view. And also by the way, notice all the pink, pink was sort of a thing. We'll get back to pink in a second, pink, right? But there they are. And they just were very unhappy people the
Starting point is 00:07:06 whole way through. Okay, well let's let's just finish this little this little piece out here. Classic. Okay, so you can see all the Democrats on the far side up there in their pink. That's easy to see. That's the democratic side of the house. And then there's the Republican side and there's slightly more Republicans and Democrats as you can sort of assess right from visually. But, um, what's happening here is that, uh, they they're just sitting there. They're just, they're just sitting there. They're very unhappy now.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I can understand this though. You imagine the situation's reversed. Imagine this is Kamala talking Or God forbid Trump had been killed and somehow magically we ended up with Nikki Ailey, right? So we just ended up with if it was I would be Probably almost in the same frame of mind as they are. That's how divided we are. I know I know I would be really depressed. It's interesting when you put yourself in their shoe, you know in their shoes You can feel it right? Yeah, you can sort of imagine what it might be
Starting point is 00:08:08 Be like to listen to somebody say things that you're absolutely 100% just in opposition to mm-hmm Yeah, I get it. Yeah, no, no, I get it because because look Trump is coming out saying look, we're gonna cut waste. We're gonna run this like a business. We're going to begin rewarding people who are productive. Right. On merit. On merit, right? And he said later in the speech, I don't have that part pulled out, but you know,
Starting point is 00:08:34 oh, we're going to make a lot of money because we're going to have a $5 million sort of buy-in visa program. And so you get a thousand people paying 5 million each and you got $5 billion flowing into the door, right? And so, so he was, paying five million each and you got five billion dollars flowing in through the door. Right. And so, so he was, he was thinking, you know, but he's thinking like a businessman, I want to bring somebody in.
Starting point is 00:08:51 He's thinking who has five million to burn on citizenship. Because if, if you do that, then what happens is you're probably bringing in a productive person. Right. Not always, but for the most part you're shooting, you know, in a party target rich environment. Right. Not always, but for the most part, you're shooting, you know, in a party target rich environment. Right. The odds are better that you're going to get an individual who's going to contribute to society in it. But the Democrats, the way I interpret this EV is that they're very, very unhappy because very few of them are
Starting point is 00:09:19 part of in this, this representation. They're not part of the productive class they're very very angry that their NGO gravy train just got its wheels taken off they don't like that no i think that's what we're seeing i think that's what the look in their eye is and it's a deep like you said before i think you outline this it's a feeling of of almost shame or fear about not being an important piece of society going forward, you know, who am I now if I'm not able to Give all of these resources away to other people and by their affection and loyalty then who am I? Yeah, right? Well, um Grumpy acres I think is speaking for us here Grumpy acreres says, last night cemented the idea in my mind that there are two Americas
Starting point is 00:10:09 which are completely incompatible. They cannot exist in the same space for very much longer. I would have to agree with you. That's where I've been leaning lately. It feels irreconcilable. Yeah, and from an economic standpoint It feels to me like there's economics is simple. You were either producing something So I'm sawing wood and producing firewood or I'm consuming it. I'm putting the firewood in the fireplace You're either producing or consuming
Starting point is 00:10:40 Trump is saying it's time to start rewarding producers again the people get up work hard They should be able to keep that money and it shouldn't be sent off for hamster sex reassignment surgery in Afghanistan, right? Maybe, right? By people who are on the consuming side. That's the key thing. And those are the two irreconcilable Americans. There's a lot of people who got used to just being on the government teat. And that's ruinous and poisonous to a person's
Starting point is 00:11:05 outlook in life, who they are, what they are, and all that stuff. And deep down I think the Democrats, to the extent they represent this, there's a bunch of Rhino Republicans too. Mm-hmm. But what's actually being surfaced is a deep fear of being exposed as being the ticks in the story, not the source of the blood. Mm. Right. I think that's part of the fear base here. So all right, so at any rate, that's how that played out. Now of course, predictable response from the mainstream media. We're doomed.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Nine columnists. Doomed, I tell you! On Trump's address to Congress, they offered live commentary on the address starting at 8.45pm Tuesday. We're doomed. Doomed. Live commentary, that's pretty cool because he wasn't even finished with his speech by 8.45pm.
Starting point is 00:11:59 No, he didn't really start it at 8. No, so they're already like pining about the doomer-y like that's it. We're it's all over. It's all over So, um, but this is how the Democrats showed up in large measure the females at least can I say that? Yeah, I can The females the women's they showed up in in the pink, right? And and of course I'm never really clear what this what's going on here. With this lady here, she always shows up. She doesn't do it for you. No, because you know, that's sort of a thing that exists a little north from about an hour and a half from where you and I currently live. You can find that exact type of person. Yeah. I think we know who we're talking
Starting point is 00:12:42 about here, you know, as a motif. But at any rate they could show up with their pink power, right? Mm-hmm. Okay, so they got the pink power and and then and then they had this before the speech Trump betrays women for billionaire tax cuts What that's the messages are going with hold on hold on. Wait a minute. How do you two things? That's what I'm asking you. You got to help me out here. Because I'm a woman I might know? Yes. Maybe you can help me out here. I don't know how to translate that. That doesn't make any sense to my brain either. I'm not sure what they feel they've been passed over for. I mean, what is it specifically that they're upset about? I really don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:25 He's protected them by keeping men out of, you know, women's sports. Well, remember we were watching the cabinet walk in, right? And none of the Democrats interacted with any of the cabinet either. But as they walked in, it was kind of like it was a woman, a minority, a gay man, a minority, a woman it was like he has Trump has the most diverse cabinet in history as a statement of fact he does he really does a statement of fact at this point absolutely first woman chief of staff ever mm-hmm so okay he's but he's betraying women how what what
Starting point is 00:14:01 specifically is he doing this is I know they're all about this and they say it and their thing is if we repeat it often enough it becomes like Truth, but what specifically are you aware of that? He's doing it's betraying women and then we'll try and connect that to billionaire tax People our people might know alright people you're on the hook in the comments. Let's lay it down. Give me some specifics we need to know. All right. All right. So but let me let's talk about Trump for just a second. Yeah let's talk about Trump for just a second because because remember this is Trump right. We just saw this about a month ago. He signs an executive order that's gonna keep boys or men out of girls or women's sports respectively and look at the look at the
Starting point is 00:14:52 look look Evie at the at the Like who's in the audience there? a bunch of girls Yep, and originally they were all pushed to the back You know and Trump was like come on in come on. And a security guy was kind of like this. And Trump was like, if we have a problem with these people, we have a bigger problem anyway. Really? We got a worse problem to deal with.
Starting point is 00:15:11 So he's very, and then he sat down and he was just, he was actually very connective. I thought he's like, oh, I'm gonna make this the best signature ever. It has to be a 10. Oh, he's very sweet. Very sweet. He signs it, right?
Starting point is 00:15:23 I'm just, I see a lot of very happy, bright, shiny, I'm going to call them women. Right? And he's not sniffing their hair either. Oh no, and he's not. He's not. He's not invading their personal space. He doesn't have an arm mysteriously around the waist a little low on the hip of one or more of them.
Starting point is 00:15:43 No, no. We don't have to put up with that anymore. Thankfully. It's hard keeping. Can you know what? It's hard keeping track and control of somebody whose dementia filters are broken, right? Their true self starts to come out. His staff, Biden's staff must have been horrified. Oh yeah. You know, they must have had a little button where they could cut the camera feeds, you know, in a panic. Get off there. All right. But this is the confusing part. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So here we are betraying women. So I would have thought that one of the ways you would support women is by allowing women to have their own territory, their own space, you know, including the right not to end up with a traumatic brain injury because you're up against a man in a sport, getting a volleyball spiked into your head or getting boxed by a man. At any rate, so let's listen. This is how the media goes about spinning this kind of stuff. This is WRAL TV.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I happen to know what that is because I used to live down in North Carolina, so I recognize that call sign. And go team! It's the off season for the Baltimore Flamingos rugby players, but they're working out as a team nonetheless. Rugby is like really a sport for like everyone, like no matter your body type, no matter who you are, there's a place for you on the team and that sort of... Yeah, the men's team, dude. I really liked about it. The Flamingos are an inclusive rugby team recruiting LGBTQ plus players. on the team and that's a team dude. Really liked a
Starting point is 00:17:05 are an inclusive rugby te plus players. Their missi in sports. So news of Pres order prohibiting transge in women's sports, hit th in the face to everybody work to improve women spo of the rugby community, or honestly many communities of women athletes, and
Starting point is 00:17:29 all of them tend to be very supportive of trans women playing the sport with. I was kind of devastated that this executive order was just so overreaching, you know, especially the fact that President Trump is bullying the IOC and pretty much saying any organization out there needs to ban trans women from sports. It's really disappointing because it's not really based on any... All right, so it carries on, but not much longer. So, Evie, how does having men who are pretending to be women somehow elevate women's rights? It doesn't. It has nothing to do with women. It really doesn't. It's about those people
Starting point is 00:18:15 having what they want at the expense of women, really. Right? A transgender person who wants to participate in women's sports, they want to feel included, but that's at the expense of everybody else in there because they've had other hormones in their body. They're not going to perform the same way. Personally, I don't agree with having men in women's sports. I don't think it's, I don't think it elevates women at all. Yeah. I mean I'm confused about it but we're not alone, right? This is, we actually are espousing the dominant view, right? When they run polls. You think so? Oh absolutely. 70-80% depending on how the poll is run. They're
Starting point is 00:19:01 saying yeah that, no that doesn't make sense. Let's get men out of women's sports, which makes all of this confusing because on March 3rd just in case you're wondering these are the 45 Democrats that voted against keeping men out of women's sports voted against it don't ever let don't ever let Democrats tell you they support women hmm well so so there they are and and the few who just abstained they didn't vote the other way, right? Look at this widen from Oregon White House Warren from mass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I mean all of them Schumer, all of them they are so out of touch with where the country is and what it wants to but why make this an issue what why is this so important to them that they put men into women's sports? It's not logical to me. It's not logical. I really think and what I've come to understand Chris and I think you probably have too over the past few years is that it seems to be part of a larger program to dismantle the family, to confuse people, to get everybody up in arms about things that don't truly matter.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So we're not focused on the real issues. And then we're caught unawares when big, potentially nasty things happen and we're not prepared and we don't have what we need as a community I think it's purposeful I don't know who's doing it really and I think that's up for debate but you find some what did our people say oh, you know just about women Being Just physically dangerous for females to be up against men What about the other question we asked them? How did women how are women being betrayed? I'm trying to find some
Starting point is 00:21:00 Stop calling my aversion a phobia I Don't know Larry. We're working on it. We share a country with this. I don't know. I can't find anything here. So so all right peeps. We asked you.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I it might just be how how is he betraying how how how is Trump? Betraying women and and then we have to connect that to billionaire tax cuts still. It might just be how how was he betraying how how how is Trump? Betraying women and and then we have to connect that to billionaire tax cuts. So alright, I think we're stuck on this Can we go to the next one? I? Can't seem to sort this out It's it's such confusing messaging. I'm just so what I'm trying to get at here is this is a party in disarray When your messaging is this chaotic, when your optic and verbal messaging are that sort of just chaotic and out of alignment, right? And when it doesn't comport with reality and when you're stumped, when somebody says can you give me a specific, right? Now
Starting point is 00:21:57 we're just into ideology. So somehow their ideology says this is the right signaling for our people. Well think about it too. I mean, they're having, they're deciding that they want to fight against all the things that Trump's doing. And they like that drama of having something to push against, right? If they didn't have something to push against, who would they be? There are people that are addicted to drama like that. I've, I've met them in my lifetime. And it seems to me that these people would rather be out there protesting all this than doing the hard work of rolling up their sleeves and figuring out what's going on in the government and what's wrong and how to fix it. They don't seem interested in that
Starting point is 00:22:34 legitimately. And I think this is almost like a part that they're able to play that they know how to play a role that they understand and they actually don't seem to be useful in other ways. Anyway if something occurs to you we'll come back to this if we can connect this dot. Let's go here so you were this was like you and I sat up that waited up we were watching this thing it just starts you know and then it begins and just a few minutes in barely we get to this highlight here. Small business optimism so it's single largest one month gain ever recorded a 41 point jump. Members are directed to uphold and maintain the quorum in the House and to cease any further
Starting point is 00:23:30 disruptions. That's your warning. Members are engaging in Wilpline continuing breach of the quorum and the Chair is prepared to direct the Sergeant at Arms to restore order to the joint session. This is all bringing me from Texas. Texas has some standing to do that. Mr. Green, take your seat. Take your seat, sir. Look at him waving his cane.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I think that's a security lapse. I don't think he needs that cane. I think whoever in the security detail allowed him to bring that in made a goof. You think so? Yeah. And that's probably a nod to, there was one time back in the 1800s when one member of Congress caned,
Starting point is 00:24:31 using a cane like that, another one into permanent injuries, like caned him in the floor, like beat him. So I think that's what that's a nod to, is like, I'm ready here, I'm coming in ready to do violence because I hate you that much. I'm pretty sure that's what he's signaling here. Take your seat. The members continue to engage in willful and concerted disruption of proper decorum.
Starting point is 00:24:55 The chair now directs the sergeant at arms to restore order. Remove this gentleman from the chamber. Out you go. Dude, he's not using his cane. That's a weapon by the way. I don't think you should be allowed in with weapons. In fact, I think he deserves to be censored. And so, here's the thing. That guy's 70 years old. I have this view of life which is that if you have to still be a performative, angry, petulant child by the time you're 70, you really shouldn't be leading anything.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Not the Boy Scouts, not the Church Choral Group, nothing. This guy really should not be any sort of, he shouldn't be in any position of power at all. Yeah, I'm not sure. I just don't think so. I don't I don't think he has the temperament for it. At any rate. This seems like it's tough to knit back together. Goodness. I know. Look what hip hip hipness he said here. I am a former Democrat. Last night I was disappointed with people I once supported childish. There it was. There it is disappointed with people I once supported. Childish. There it was. There it is. There it is. Yep. Me too.
Starting point is 00:26:09 I'm a Democrat here. Absolutely. And shocked. Childish. So this was pretty bad right here. And I, you know, and again, it's all performative stuff and everybody, they're sitting down and they're wearing their pink and everything's just sort of this performative thing. I don't know how we get past this. I just don't. I don't I don't find a way to cross the territory and I have to confess full confession if this was Kamala delivering a speech I would probably be just as aggrieved as these people are. I mean we're just not in the same place. Kamala would have been I'm gonna guess proposing a constitutional amendment
Starting point is 00:26:46 so that men could always play against women in sports because that's a constitutional right. Would have been talking about why First Amendment was no longer a right and we have to really limit that because of dangerous stuff and our European colleagues all agree. And your guns go away. And all your guns have to go away.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And there would have been all this stuff that I would have personally disagreed with enormously. Right. So, but, but we're just in such different areas. I believe in freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly. I believe in a small limited government. I think we have way too much, you know, apparatus. Remember, Evie was like, um, Trump said.
Starting point is 00:27:21 He repeated for every new regulation, we're going to take 10. I love that. That was the best away. Didn't that didn't that make you feel good? That was great to hear. He's aware of us overregulating ourselves to death. Thank goodness somebody is. Well again, that's the producer class. So the people who are aware of the regulations are people who actually run up against them. That's right. Because anytime you try and do something, there's somebody there to tell you why you can't. I mean, don't get me wrong, some rules, okay.
Starting point is 00:27:50 But there are other rules where you can point at them and say, how did this rule get here and how does it benefit us? Nobody can give you a positive answer to either of those. They have no idea. I run into those all the time in real life. I'm sure everybody else does too. But it's a rule. Right?
Starting point is 00:28:04 I took my pat down the other day. Yeah. So this is a pretty typical picture here that we saw from last night. Republicans against standing and clapping and then on the other side, they're just sat there. They just sat there. They just sat there. Just morose. That's not quite accurate. I think you can see Liz Warren's on her phone over here. She was mostly on her phone. I think she was tweeting or something like that. By the way, it doesn't go well for her. She gets ratioed like a son of a bitch. He called her out. He called her Pocahontas. He did. He called her Pocahontas right there. She's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:28:34 that's so unfair using my past against me. Right. At any rate. So, but this I thought was a kind of a seminal moment here. It was interesting watching this national Rorschach test. Evie is as some people saw this as, oh, this is just Trump saying, I need everybody to worship me all the time. And other people like myself saw this as Trump saying, wow, how do we work with these people? But I thought this was a kind of a key moment.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And once again, I look at the Democrats in front of me and I realize there is absolutely nothing I can say to make them happy or to make them stand or smile or applaud. Nothing I can do. I could find a cure to the most devastating disease, a disease that would wipe out entire nations or announce the answers to the greatest economy in history or the stoppage of crime to the lowest levels ever recorded and these people sitting right here will not clap will not. There they are angry save Medicaid. Okay, that's the thing they want musk steals
Starting point is 00:29:45 Okay, that's a thing they want. Musk steals. But look at them. This is not a happy crew. Stand and certainly will not cheer for these astronomical achievements. They won't do it no matter what. Five times I've been up here. Five times I've been up here. Uh silenced misinformation said, oh here's some things Democrats won't stand for. Things Democrats refused to stand for, US farmers, US manufacturing, tax cuts, catching terrorists, protecting women, murdered women, fallen officers, steel workers, etc. But there is a picture of them standing very vigorously for Ukraine, for another country. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:38 They routinely will stand for things, but not America and not Americans. That's kind of sobering. Do you remember under, like so, Lahaina burns down. A month later they're like, here's $700. Oh yeah. That's the best the Biden administration could come up with. For years they're like, oh yeah, what are you going to do? The border is very complicated, right?
Starting point is 00:30:59 One of the things that Trump pointed out here is that last month we had the lowest number of border incursions in history. That was unbelievable. And the whole time the Democrats were like, oh, we can't really do anything. Meorkas is just there, just ruining the country as a matter of a policy that he was personally pursuing. I think for reasons that we should discuss sometime because, you know, he was, Meorkas was here to destroy this country and he's part of a crew of people who want to destroy the country. And I would include all these people who will stand up and cheer for another
Starting point is 00:31:31 country, but not their own as people who hate their own country. Yeah. They hate America. They do. They hate the people of America. More importantly, not equally. They hate white people. They hate white men. They hate successful white men the most Musk Oh, I hate Musk, right? but it's bizarre that that level of of rich Retardery has gone on. Do you know last night though the largest?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Tesla dealership in France was burned by people who are angry at Musk what in France? I didn't hear about that Musk like you could be mad at Trump, but they're mad at in France was burned by people who are angry at Musk. What? In France. I didn't hear about that. Musk. Like, you could be mad at Trump, but they're mad at Musk. So they burned their own Tesla dealership, which is classic for these people. If they can't, like, here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:32:16 These folks here that we're talking about, if they're miserable, they don't go, oh my gosh, look at Evie, she looks happy. Let me find a way to elevate myself. They think, here's Evie. How do I get her to be miserable? Right. Is there some way I could shame her, exclude her, make her lose a job? Oh, I grew up with that kind of nonsense. So you know what I'm talking about then, right? No, it's manipulative. It's awful. Yep. It's people that need you to be weak. They need you to be weak because that's because they're weak and they just can't stand you being strong.
Starting point is 00:32:48 So that's the whole thing. It seems like that's what's going on here. It is. That is what's going on. So I just think last night was just a disaster for the Democrats optically, message wise, on every possible front. What did you think of the rebuttal? I thought that was kind of weak.
Starting point is 00:33:04 We'll get to the rebuttal in just a second. Not all of it, but enough to just go, dude, WTF. It was also predictable from the New York Times. Of course, it was 90 plus minutes of bad moments. Bad moments. Nine opinion writers on Trump's address to Congress. Well, I don't know what the thing is with the nine, but they went with 90 and then they went
Starting point is 00:33:24 with nine opinion writers. So yeah, don't know what the thing is with the nine, but they went with 90 and then they went with opinion writers. So there's some numerology thing. I don't know what it is. Right. Yikes. So, I mean, this is, this is New York times. It's not hard to protest a speech like that. No, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:33:38 It fires two of those words. It's hard not. It's hard not to protest. How could you not protest that speech? How could you not? Did speech? How could you not? Did I mix it up? David Firestone, an editorial writer goes on to say, it may not have been the best possible day for President Trump to declare to Congress that quote, America's momentum is back.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Just before he spoke, the stock market fell almost into correction territory, the result of deep concerns about his bizarre decision to enact tariffs on what used to be two of the country's closest allies. Though he announced that quote, our confidence is back the actual confidence of consumers as measured by the conference board, dot, dot, dot. So now that this so you can see here the angle is, oh, well, blah, blah, blah, dot, dot, dot. So now that you can see here, the angle is, oh, well, the stock market, the stock market fell because of the bizarre decision to enact tariffs. Now, I think the tariffs are actually fairly simple
Starting point is 00:34:33 to understand because Trump has been very clear about it. He's just said tit for tat. That's right. I'll do to you what you do to me. You put a 25% tariff on my stuff, you get one back. You decide that you can't have American banks in your country which is what Canada did great we'll take your banks out of our country. It's very it's a very easy policy to follow. Yeah do unto others it's just yep it's pretty clear. Yeah they're like bizarre decision to
Starting point is 00:34:57 enact tariffs yes just very bizarre that you would actually do to others what they do to you. I think they're I think they're trawling for things because they don't have anything. I think his speech was actually really well done. Yeah. The basis he covered the wins that he, you know, helped explain to the American people. I know some people feel like he might've been having props, you know, human props, having people come in that he had helped or that, you know, whose plight he commiserated with. But I thought that was really good actually,
Starting point is 00:35:28 because it's helpful to have someone there in person, you know, not just this bill about, you know, women that have been raped by illegal immigrants. No, this is the mother of a woman who was killed and you get to look at her face and you know that, that she's been through hell. And there was something about that that really touched me. I think that was actually powerful on his end. Yeah, he did a good job.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And of course, he cornered the Democrats because he knew that they couldn't stand and clap for anything he did. He just knew that, right? He just called it out. So he set up situations where they were gonna look real bad sitting there. Mm-hmm, right? Hmm And a young black child who had survived and battled brain cancer. Nope camp can't clap for that You know like they couldn't clap for anything. No, so at any rate I Think Google is dead. Oh, yeah. This is what you get when I just, I just, this is, I didn't, I didn't cut and paste. I just grabbed a screenshot off of Google when I was asking things to about how the Trump speech went. So interruptions and protests mar Trump's speech to Congress. Oh, that's from Reuters. MSNBC. Buffoon of a president. Buffoon! Trump exposes ignorance of US. Fact checking Trump's speech
Starting point is 00:36:54 to Congress. Fact checking. Here's what Trump got right and wrong. Do you see a fact check of the rebuttal? I couldn't find one, to be honest. Really? Oh, and it deserved fact checking. So you go to Google and you're like, oh it's protesting and interrupted, it's a buffoonery, it needed fact checking. They sound like a flock of turkeys. Well if you hadn't watched it, what would your takeaway be from all of this? Well you know exactly, this is what Google does, they nudge you. This is how they throw elections, right? This is what they do. This is what is what they do they just nudge nudge nudge nudge but now we have other things besides Google we have grok we have chat GPT-4 we have things like that Google's dead they
Starting point is 00:37:35 killed themselves good riddance I think I can't wait for this evil company you know their motto used to be don't be evil mm-hmm yeah I remember that then they dropped the word don't apparently now Their motto is just be evil and there it is. This is how they just can't help themselves now And it's just shot through with just like awfulness Meanwhile, so I went out and I was like, okay. Well, how was I did people think of the speech? So let's do a little quick tour of say some of the data. All right. Oh that's
Starting point is 00:38:04 That's from CBS. Wow. That's the best they could come up with. Among speech watchers, 76% approve. That's a slam dunk. That is a home run. CBS must have hated putting this out. Because with only 23% disapproval,
Starting point is 00:38:22 you got a lot of Democrats in the approved column. I think about 20 to 30 percent of people in this country right now in the United States are damaged goods. I think they're just, I think they're just, they will argue spit coming out their lips that men should, who identifies women are women and therefore they should be in women's sports pool. Right? Who identifies women are women and therefore they should be women's sport. Oh, right. That's I think that I think about 20 to 30% I think actually got brain damaged by the PsyOps
Starting point is 00:38:51 MKL true, baby, whatever it's been going on. It broke a lot of people. It really did this. Yeah, it broke them. But anyway Not all of them because look at that. Oh Those are people how about this? Those are people. How about this? This is great. The speech made you feel 68% said hopeful. Hopeful. Wow. 68%. That's pretty good. More than two thirds. That's really good. Hopeful. That's pretty cool. That is cool. 54% said they were feeling proud. Oh, no, that's a slam. All those poor Democrats like, no, you're supposed to hate your country vote for give all your money away to Ukraine or Israel or
Starting point is 00:39:31 Africa it has to go somewhere else If my friends will help figure out where it goes this NGO. We started last week. They got a billion dollars Just don't look at the receipts 27% appeared to be worried while 16 percent were angry. Angry. Yeah, I think those are pretty good stats. That's pretty solid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I remember the proud like I actually feel that patriotism for the first time in yeah, probably my adult life. I remember feeling it as a child, you know. Yep. You feel that too? Like a little bit of pride about our nation like well There's a chance that it could be something other than a complete clown show now. There's a chance I'm not saying it's gonna happen, but there's a chance that this could turn out better
Starting point is 00:40:18 We were going the wrong direction for a very long time. It was just corrupt corrupt corrupt corrupt vast corruption, right? Yeah, it didn't matter who was president, you know, Wall Street committed vast sins, nobody went to jail. Yeah. We bombed other countries, nothing happened. We lied about the circumstances of bombing those countries. Nothing ever happened to those people. There were no consequences. Now this- And it masqueraded as normal, which is the worst. To me is the actual Achilles heel. And I know it's only been a month and a half, right? So, so, or two months now. Let's give, let's give the administration four four years let's give them a hundred days let's give them some time but I will say this somebody's got to go to jail hmm there's some people we can't just let them retire go quietly away
Starting point is 00:41:00 quietly away after committing vast crimes or we just admit listen we don't we don't enforce laws and that's fine so we don't we don't enforce laws and that's fine so We don't we don't prosecute little people either right right yeah, either the laws gotta go or the people Patiently, but somebody's gotta go to jail here and how about this hmm and speech trump was 74% felt that he was presidential 70% 74% felt he was entertaining 71% felt he was inspiring 62% thought he was unifying and only 46% felt he was divisive. Yeah. So obviously you could select more than one thing that you felt he was divisive. Yeah. Huh. So, obviously, you could select more than one thing that you felt he was.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Sure. Obviously, the numbers aren't adding up to 100. But remember, that whole thing Biden was coming in to unite us after all those four disastrous Trump years from 2016 to 2020, Biden did more to damage and divide this country than anybody alive and any president ever. He absolutely did. Most destructive presidents here. And I realize it wasn't him because he was actually demented. No, but it was him.
Starting point is 00:42:08 But it was, you know, no surprise. He hated on on the other people. He hated on those. Well, he had his whole career. I know he was a jerk before he was in the presidential office. You like kids rubbing his leg hairs in the pool and he called them roaches, right? That's who he was. Remember when somebody shows you who they are, leave them the first time. All right, so at any rate, here's some more things. Wow, Democrats refused to stand for
Starting point is 00:42:42 Lakin Reilly's family, Jocelyn Nungary's family Corey I can't say his name Comporitore Comporitore's family and DJ Daniel a 13 year old with cancer yeah how can they not stand and clap for for those people I don't know I don't know how you don't stand for this moment right I mean there's there's this DJ he got a honorary secret service badge that had all been prepared with a little fold out leather case.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Did you see his eyes when he got it? It was so sweet. It was really beautiful. What a huge moment. It was actually, I actually thought it was a touching moment, which brings us to this moment here on MSNBC. Sorry people, I'm gonna subject you here on MSNBC. Sorry people, I'm going to subject you to some MSNBC. It's bad. No, you have to hear this.
Starting point is 00:43:31 For another 95 years, right? And I hope he lives the life he wants to live. They're talking about DJ. The 13-year-old. To be a cop. He knows what he wants to do. And maybe when you have childhood cancer that crystallizes for you. And I hope he has a long life as a law enforcement officer, but I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump supporters. And if he does, I hope he isn't one of the six who loses his life to suicide. Okay. All right. Off the rails. We just went. Shoot. So lady, you're saying you hope that you want to just bring it into the conversation that
Starting point is 00:44:11 a 13 year old who's went through six operations with brain cancer, you hope he doesn't commit suicide? Yeah. You hope he's not a cop that has to watch people storm the Capitol and commit suicide thereafter? And by the way, cops didn't commit suicide because they were there that day. And it was just too much for them. That was like, you talk to anybody who's actually a cop and they're like, yeah, it was a crowd, it was rowdy.
Starting point is 00:44:31 It wasn't fun. But we go through this all the time. Like how many cops committed suicide after the BLM riots? Oh no, they wouldn't commit suicide after that. Only this whole January 6th thing. Listen, lady, there's a reason these people had to have pardons for being involved in the J six committee, right? Adam Schiff. Yeah, right. Liz Cheney, right? It was reprehensible. Like if it was what you said it was, no pardons would be necessary. It's kind
Starting point is 00:44:58 of like, oh, uh, Fauci, he is science. He did such good science that he's the first person in history who needed to be pardoned for the science he did. Okay? This, but this was, this was bad. This is how tone deaf they are. Now I know MSNBC goes out of its way to say shocking things because this is how they maintain their relevance to themselves in the world. They say really awful stuff and then they, they say mea culpa, I'm so sorry. And then they say more bad stuff. They're just, they're just a horrible people, I think well they're inciting all the things that are actually very negative Yeah in this story if we're talking about trying to unify the country Stochastic terrorism and breaking and that's it, but they're very good at breaking things, right?
Starting point is 00:45:38 They show somebody earlier said, you know people who won't stand for this are evil I I like the definition of evil which is evil just likes to wreck stuff. It decays, it corrupts, as in the corrupted of the flesh, right? It's like when you have this decaying function, evil breaks into grades and corrupts and that and life builds, assembles, provides order. So evil is about disorder and disharmony, right? And disunity and flying apart. And the opposite of evil, if we could call good, is the opposite of those things. It's bringing order and nurturing and yeah. And, and vitality and all those things.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So that's how I see it. I see that these people here are just agents of evil they like things broken they wouldn't know how to build something if their lives depended on it so therefore their job is to drag you down and break your stuff that's how it appears to me at this stage Molly Hemmingman this is a note from a friend who watched this speech tonight. I always figured the Democratic Party hated black children with brain cancer, but it's nice to have the confirmation. Nice to get to know them.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Good to know. Now we know. Remember when somebody shows you who they are, believe them the first time. All right, carrying on. Jeff Carlson here from the markets work at Twitter. He believes people need to go to prison over this high level people outright theft of taxpayer money by Democrats. Excuse me. The post says in one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly 7 billion to Bethesda Maryland-based group Climate United Fund, which does not
Starting point is 00:47:26 appear in the IRS's charity database and has no federal filings. Seven billion to something called Climate United Fund. It's not in the charity's database. No federal filings. Seven billion. We were looking at that one. Oh my gosh. The nonprofit fund had only been incorporated in Delaware on November 30th, 2023, according to public records, five months before Harris handed over the cash in April of 2024.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Yep. Ooh, if that's not some scammy dark BS, I don't know what is. That's not right. Well, let me get my little highlighter out because I'm gonna just echo what Jeff is saying here Mm-hmm. This has to happen People need to go to prison over this high-level people that we can't just say oh, we'll do better next time. Nope. Nope Nope, nope, but that's who these people
Starting point is 00:48:18 By the way, the shooting fish in a barrel Somebody already making you yeah, I Just deal from Jack Sparers. I love war. I don't know what a woman is. I voted against women. Illegals first. All right.
Starting point is 00:48:35 So Trump lays this whole thing out. He talked for a long time. He, um, he, he had some touching moments, uh, naming a national park after a woman, um, and, uh, honoring some people and all that Democrats just sat there and flipped their little, their little meme ready signs up throughout the whole thing. And pong paddles. But then they had the response.
Starting point is 00:48:56 They had the response. Oh, here we go. Okay. The democratic responders, this lady here, Senator Alyssa Slutkin, D Michigan. D Michigan. Oh, I think I got that wrong. She's Democrat. Oh, CIA Michigan. That's better. Because she came out and she says, I, 9-11 happened.
Starting point is 00:49:17 So she threw the 9-11 card on the table. And as an act of patriotism, I decided to join the CIA, you know? And so she's a CIA wonk, who now somehow magically got elected, kind of like Debbie Wasserman, Wasserman Schmidt getting getting a congressional thing after running the DNC into the ground as a party of corruption, right? It's just the worst of the worst get rewarded. So Slotkin wanted you to know that she came up through the ranks of corrupt bullshit and that's how she got where she is And so so but then then I can't pick the whole thing apart. She went on fraud
Starting point is 00:49:51 She's actually a very good speaker, but the message was in Coherent to me just completely clear and Evie I couldn't Through it all. Mm-hmm. I couldn't find a single thing that the Democrats were gonna be for They just hated everything that Trump did. So that was sort of their starting point. So let's listen in to this one spot because I can't let this go. Securing the border without actually fixing our broken immigration system is dealing with the symptom and not the disease. Sounds reasonable because she said it so confidently.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Fixing the border without fixing our broken immigration system is like treating the symptom, not the disease. So reasonable. Like, whoa, lady, whoa, whoa, whoa. That is a mouthful of that needed fact checking right there because that is a load of crap right there. I'll show you how in just a second. America is a nation of immigrants. We need a functional system key to the needs of our economy that allows vetted people to come and work here legally And that's exactly what an open border doesn't give you That's exactly why you close the border Because you get unvetted people who don't meet the needs of the country It's just whoever randomly decided to leave Afghanistan and like, you know
Starting point is 00:51:01 Out of their own communities because they're scumbags Maybe they just got released from a jail in Guatemala and then they come across your border. So this is how incoherent it is. Listen to this. Start again. Securing the border without actually fixing our broken immigration system is dealing with the symptom and not the disease. No, no, it's totally dealing with the disease. America is a nation of immigrants. We need a functional system key to the needs of our economy that allows vetted people to come and work here legally Which is why you have to close the border
Starting point is 00:51:34 You're not hearing me you're done what is even happening here Seriously, seriously, it was it was that incoherent the whole time. So, so by the way, this is the immigration system. We have an immigration system. This is what it looks like. It's very hard. If you want to get a green chart card, these are the steps you go through. Every one of those boxes costs you money and time. It is not for the faint of heart.
Starting point is 00:51:59 This is migration. This is migration. This is immigration. How does she not know the difference between these two things? How does she not know? You have to be a moron, but she's not a moron. She speaks Welsh. She came from the CIA. So she's being purposely deceptive and she lies, which from the CIA, maybe that's not the most surprising outcome here. It's not surprising, really, anymore. But we already have an immigration. Oh, you can't do anything until we have an immigration system. Well, we have one. You could say it needs fewer boxes. You might say we could streamline this. I bet we could. I bet it could be tuned up, but it ain't this.
Starting point is 00:52:35 Put better systems in place. This is what people do who want to ruin your nation. And by the way, there's a group of billionaires who they never cared about before. They care about Elon as a billionaire, but the billionaires who are funding and funneling culture destroying quantities of people into various European and United States areas, those people were never called out by the Democrats ever. They just took photo ops with them and took Soros money and all of that stuff. Right?
Starting point is 00:53:03 That's right. So that's that's migration. And by by the way it's a biological term migration happens when you have a big old movement of a species from one area to the other usually for resources right you know why the birds migrate because that the insects are up there up north where they want to have their eggs and raise their young so this is people moving from a worse area of resources to a higher area No different distance migration. So this should be simple know the difference. Okay? It's not hard. I'm gonna struggle this one into existence if I have to
Starting point is 00:53:38 Can we just needs help I'm glad you're doing that I'm glad you're birthing this idea Oh, so it's such an easy concept, but it is totally escaped. This lady here and here again, listen to this. This needed fact checking big time. While we're on the subject of Elon Musk is. Oh, were we OK? Is there anyone in America who is comfortable with him and his gang of 20 year olds using their own? I'm one of them. OK, good. of 20 year olds using their own computer servers to poke through your tax returns, your health information and your bank accounts. No oversight, no protections against cyber attack, no guardrails.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Yes, who had a private server in a bathroom? Who was that? Who had a private server in a bathroom? Who was that? Was that anybody else know it rhymed with? Fillory Binton Seriously, what is it? It's ridiculous. No, listen, call themselves out on anything. They call everybody else out I know if they didn't have double standards, they'd have none at all. That's right, right, but but this idea they have their private servers They don't have private servers Right. But, but this idea they have their private servers, they don't have private servers. They they're operating within something called Doge, which is actually part, which is a renamed agency that already existed.
Starting point is 00:54:54 It was about providing IT updates, security patches, all of that other stuff. That's right. And they just, you know, I feel like Elon came in and is bringing his expertise and his, you know, technology to be able to clean this up. Yep. That's that. Anyhow. They do with your private data. Oh, my private data. Now we care about my private data. Now we, now we care about my private data.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Not when you're driving the car. No, which is beaming all your private data. They're listening to your conversations. Or listening to my conversations. So they can suggest ads. Utah server farm out there that's like, oh, it's just collecting metadata, they said. Yeah, you can collect metadata in a piece of equipment the size of my fridge. Utah is this giant multi-hundred acre data farm.
Starting point is 00:55:34 It collects every, every single thing that everybody does and stores it. That's so scary. That's what it does. So gross. It is. At any rate. So, so she clearly doesn't care about security. We need a more efficient government.
Starting point is 00:55:48 You want to cut waste? I'll help you do it. Okay. All right. Good. When? When were you thinking of getting started, lady? When exactly when? Because you just had four years. Not now. With Biden. Like, oh, now we're going to now.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Now we got this. We'll do it. You just had four years. did dick all you did nothing. Okay, it's just so annoying. It's just so doesn't need to be chaotic or make us less safe. I disagree. I think change should be chaotic from time to time. That's how it is. It's changed. It doesn't feel good. Yeah, you can't be on nice. Nice all the time. Exactly. Yeah. I'm okay with
Starting point is 00:56:26 chaotic. I think our government got way too big. And you know, you know why, you know, why it wouldn't have to be safe. P.S. That part bothers me on the end that she tacked on there. It doesn't have to be chaotic. And it doesn't have to make us less safe. No, it doesn't have to. But but the the point is is that if the government could streamline itself Any one of a dozen prior presidents would have done it they tried and every one of them dashed themselves against the rocks Remember Jeffrey Tucker wrote that great article and just sort of say that's right. This is just the hardest thing So when you come in and you're trying to change a Leviathan a beast that says do not change who I am Mm-hmm. It's gonna be chaotic cuz you know me Elon
Starting point is 00:57:06 we should make a meme Elon you'll be like beating on the government saying stop resisting you know you should do that stop stop resisting so there's gonna be a little chaos and I'm okay with that the mindless firing of people who work to protect our nuclear weapons, keep our planes from crashing and conduct the research that finds the cure for cancer. Oh, I stopped that at the perfect time. That's horrifying. That's embarrassing. Is there any truth in what you're saying? I don't think so. That's my personal. Well, no. So, so again, the, the sweep of what I heard her talking about
Starting point is 00:57:45 was just there were zero ways of saying, and here's how we would do. OK, so here's what I would have done if I was the Democrats. Ready? I would have said, first I would have stood and clapped for when it was appropriate. You don't have to be, if you're 100% opposed to everything,
Starting point is 00:58:03 and this gentleman brings in a 12- old 13 year old brain cancer survivor you might want to just say I can't be against that I guess. Otherwise you're just reflexively against stuff. But what Slotkin should have said is like look we share a lot of interest with Trump. We understand that the last election went heavily towards a change and so we understand that there was a large contingent of people who were not happy with how things ran under Biden and we've analyzed it and we understand that. So here are the four areas where we can agree with Trump.
Starting point is 00:58:34 We totally gonna work with him on this stuff and we will come together to make these things really strong and great for our country. Here are four areas where we have some questions, we'd like to sit down with them, understand things better. This is politics, make sure that our somehow get get wrapped in the mix. And by the way, here are two things We just can't abide whatsoever She just said every single thing that trump is doing we are against it
Starting point is 00:58:57 right That's a stupid position to take it's really dumb. It's it's just it's very Unenlightened and it's it's not mature and it's just destined for failure, but it's ridiculously tone deaf. These people are not getting the memo you lost. You didn't just lose by a little bit, 312 electoral votes, a sea of red people said enough already. And yet they can't help themselves and they keep doing this so by the way at one point she said Ronald Reagan's rolling in his
Starting point is 00:59:31 grave she said read what professor Zinke said about that in the Democratic response to Trump's speech Alyssa Slutkin praised Ronald Reagan Reagan who more than doubled military budgets while slashing social services, causing a decline in median family income and record increases in poverty. That Reagan. This is your resistance. So she invoked Reagan as a thing, thinking that's some sort of a slam dunk. It's crazy. Is it just people don't know their history anymore and they... Yes. Context free. They've twisted it into whatever they wanted to be. Zero context. Zero context. The level of ignorance is profound these
Starting point is 01:00:14 days. Yeah. But it has to be willful at this point because there's no excuse for being ignorant anymore. You can find out everything at this point. Very easy. It's all right there so um by the way I know I didn't get a chance to show this to you before no but this is awesome satire Courtney Coleman I couldn't tell if that's a that's a zero at the end of her name or an O so pardon me if it's a capital O and I got it wrong but anyway listen to this I loved how she did this Taylor Swift Beyonce Oprah and all these celebrities said that if Trump came into office
Starting point is 01:00:48 that he was going to strip all of us women of all of our rights still. And it sucks. She deserves an Oscar. Did you also know? No, this is serious. I'm being serious. That they have visited like North Carolina, Tennessee, California, Ohio. Yeah, you remember the oil or the train thing and they visited that like they forgot about Ukraine and they're focusing on us. Like they care about Americans. and it's just wild. It's wild. And then they're proposing that all of the money
Starting point is 01:01:51 they find from corruption, that they're gonna give it back to us. Like, can you imagine us getting a check because they were corrupt? It's none of their business you know take them but what it always bothered me She's good. She's good. That was really good.
Starting point is 01:02:23 She's good. We're going to track her and keep track of that stuff. And by the way, just to talk about the propaganda that's out there, I got two last pieces for propaganda because our signal hour always runs just a tiny bit long. Listen to this. I got this off of MJ Truth Ultra on X. You can see their little handle up there. Let's listen to this. I got this off of MJ Truth Ultra on X. You can see their little handle up there. Let's listen to this.
Starting point is 01:02:48 Take my husband away! These are FBI agents who work for Border Patrol. Okay? I want everybody to know. Dramatic video showing the moment FBI agents arrest a man in Coachella, leading to new questions about immigration enforcement. Hello, I'm John White. Karen Devine is on assignment. We are working to get answers on why this happened today. News Channel 3's Shae Lawson live in studio with more from So this just happened recently. ICE raids, takes a man, arrests him. You heard his wife, you know, filming or something just very, very distraught. Listen to how this is framed. Local public official whose husband was taken into custody. It this is local public official whose husband was taken into custody.
Starting point is 01:03:25 It's a local public official. Her husband's taking custody. In that video. Shay, what have you found out? Yeah, John, I've been working on this all night. The video captured by a local public official shows FBI agents taking her husband into custody. It happened in the Walmart parking lot
Starting point is 01:03:41 near Jackson Street and 48th Avenue in Coachella. I spoke exclusively with the woman behind the camera It happened in the Walma Jackson Street and 48th a I spoke exclusively with camera who wishes to rema to remain anonymous. I g aren't that many local of whose husband just got ar right, we'll we'll let th
Starting point is 01:03:59 charade. This is a nightm to the store ending in chaos to know my my family was Coachella Valley public o from the moment FBI agent her husband. This is very right. It's you can feel This is what propaganda i
Starting point is 01:04:21 evocative content. So thi I mean this is this is pretty bad. Like they're just arresting people and listening to this woman's story. FBI agents surrounded us and they said that they had a deportation order for my husband. They never showed me anything.
Starting point is 01:04:39 They never showed my husband anything. She says they've been married two decades and he's liv 30 years. I don't know wh has lived in this country lived in his own country. Did your husband have a c husband was imperfect. Bu
Starting point is 01:05:02 paid for it. And he had been here doing everything he had to do. We did our taxes. We all paid our dues. Why now? Why 17 years while we lived in this house? News Channel 3 reached out to the F. Anyway, it goes on from there. So listen to the story.
Starting point is 01:05:23 It's like, oh my gosh, why is this happening? Oh, and they provided no context through the whole rest of this article, the story. By the way. All right. MJ Truth Ultra says, the mainstream media made absolutely no effort whatsoever to explain who this man was. They only wanted you to see a sobbing wife whose husband was just taken away by the big bad ice. Isidro Jimenez, I can't say his name, was detained due to his status as an illegal alien with a history of criminal convictions and illegal re-entries into the United
Starting point is 01:06:03 States. His criminal record deemed him a threat to public safety. Convicted in Riverside County, California for possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine for sale. This led to his initial deportation in 1995. Oh, bye. And then, oh no, illegally. After illegally re-entering the US, he was convicted of inflicting corporal injury on a spouse in Riverside County. Oops, beat a spouse.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Oh, okay. He was also convicted of driving under the influence, got a DUI convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in Riverside County. Uh, Yadira Perez should be removed immediately from her position and charged with harboring an illegal alien criminal fugitive. She said my husband wasn't perfect. No, who is who's perfect?
Starting point is 01:06:54 You know, who among us has not sold meth, beat our spouse, driven under the influence and assaulted people with deadly weapons? I mean, who among us has not done all of these things illegally while living illegally in another country? And I love the zeroes under this said 30 years and didn't bother to apply for citizenship the whole time. 30 years. Wow. So they're spinning this whole thing is this great tragedy. It's like, Oh no, this poor man. Look at this terrible thing happening under tearing these people apart. these heartless people it's like no if I went to if you if you or I went to another country you go to Germany and you just jaywalk mm-hmm they
Starting point is 01:07:34 are gonna get you out of the country in like eight seconds I start kidding not no I believe it rule following people those folks but like if you go over there and you smoke weed didn't that happen to like one of the basketball players or something? No, that was Russia. They went to oh that was Russian I got trouble but point is that you can't go to another like there's no expectation to go to a country live there illegally 30 years break multiple laws be a violent felon and Say oh what a tragedy you're kicking me out. This is pretty entitled. Honestly. It really is it's entitled. It really is
Starting point is 01:08:04 It's pretty astonishing to me. So anyway, just watch out for the propaganda stuff that's coming along. I love this. This is a British lady saying, talking about, you know, so Keir Starmer in the UK has just suddenly discovered billions of dollars for Ukraine. Oh, that's great. Yeah, let's listen up. Isn't it marvelous what the possibility of a war can do? Because suddenly we've got billions of pounds that we can give away, billions of pounds that before we didn't have, so we had to take it off the pensioners, we had to take it off the farmers, we had to take it off the business people.
Starting point is 01:08:37 But now suddenly, miraculously, we can come up with billions to give away to a war in another country. And then people, suddenly we can sacrifice young people, whereas during Covid, remember, we all had to stay indoors in order to save granny. But now, suddenly, that doesn't mean anything, because we can send out young people, boys and girls, to go and fight in another country. And also climate change. Isn't it amazing that suddenly nobody's talking about the effects of war on climate change?
Starting point is 01:09:14 Net zero's not mentioned. No. I mean, taking all sorts of horrendous weapons into another country, blowing things up. I mean, can you imagine what that would potentially do to the climate, to pollution levels? Nobody mentions that. I'm not hearing Greta Thunberg do anything. She's not saying a word. The Greens are entirely silent. Nobody says anything about that because everything, everything is pushed aside for some crazy war in Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Well that's the situation isn't it? As long as it's war it's easy, they find money real quick. $700 for Lahaina, $750 it's a loan for Western North Carolina. Oh can't figure out how to get lead out of the pipes in Detroit, it's very hard very hard. Very hard. You see? Oh, but every week under Biden, we would wake up every day. Two billion more, 14 billion more. Another four billion just went to Israel. So much money. They can't even keep track of it. They lose it. They're like, oh, I think we might, maybe we only got half. That's because it's evil. It's that darkness. As long as it's in the service of death and destruction, they find it easy. If it's in the service of helping farmers out, that's something that gets hard. So that's the easy-hard
Starting point is 01:10:30 framework, right? Very easy to understand. What this woman has got her finger on the pulse of is like, oh, when we have to lock everybody down, which is a very destructive thing to do, what we're going to tell you is because we have to save granny. That's the, we have to save granny. Sacrificing those young people. No offense to granny, but she's only got got a couple years left on this planet, right? You know and meanwhile, but when we have to sacrifice our young send our young off to go die in a war who have their whole Lives in front of them. Yeah. Well, that's easy
Starting point is 01:10:54 Yeah, it is evil. That's how these people really bad. It's Alright to close it out. We're gonna be talking about how the propaganda is real So the reason you're seeing 20-some trumps there is because somebody stitched together 20-some democratic senators and if you watch this you will notice that they all have two things going on They're saying exactly the same words slight cadence issue because they all speak at different sort of tempos, but somebody told them to Hold a microphone up in front of your mouth that will make you seem relatable To see if you can spot the same images. We also have ships getting nearer at the same time.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Look at that, a Mikey Full Hill box. We're using the same image, folks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We just act like we are. We don't have mental disorders. We don't have higher-level people. We didn't. We didn't. We're starting.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Everybody involved with us is disgusting for life. And actually, I can agree with others. These people are real worse. They're not having the same experiences as we are. They're not having the same experiences as we are. They're not having the same experiences as we are. Well, we have the same world, every school, exactly. We have the same problem there. We're both feeling it.
Starting point is 01:12:43 We're feeling everywhere. We're that way. We're that way. We is so gross. How is that okay? It's not okay. That's really bad. It's not okay That's the nature of the beast. Oh So ugly pretty intense, right? So All right. Well Evie we are coming up on the end of our End of our single hour here. So it's been so lovely to hang out with everybody bring us home. All right Sorry before you go there. Yeah Well Viv be sorry, you know, we need to shower now too. I know. So gross. I got funky new hair.
Starting point is 01:13:40 There's so many good quotes that I had a hard time choosing one. There's so many good quotes that I had a hard time choosing one. But one of the things that I like to do is to find something that makes sense. This all doesn't make sense. What we've just been talking about, it feels nonsensical. It feels very serious in terms of the implications of this evil that's stalking the land. But it's hard to wrap my it's hard for me to wrap my head around and I can only imagine that's true for other people as well. And so I like finding something at the end of the day that pulls it all together, reminds
Starting point is 01:14:13 me why I'm here and what I'm doing. And part of this, I think, for me, the reason I chose this quote is because I tend to get wrapped up in what I can do to help or change something. And there are points, I think, in time where we need to stand very securely and stand in our truth, regardless of what other people think and what they say or what they do, and to not try to change them, because I don't know that there is any changing. And this is actually by Thomas Merton, who says, the beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image. If in loving them we do not love what they are,
Starting point is 01:15:06 but only their potential likeness to ourselves, then we do not love them. We only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Hmm. Say that last line again. Yeah. If in loving them we do not love what they are but only their potential likeness to ourselves and we do not love them we only love the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Hmm. True. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:15:37 That is true. Thank you for that. Yeah. Thank you for that. So for everybody else watching we are coming to the end of our signal hour. If you like this kind of content of course. So for everybody else watching, we are coming to the end of our signal hour. If you like this kind of content, of course, we have a huge community of people back at peak prosperity. I'm an information scout. This is what I do.
Starting point is 01:15:55 There's going to be an extraordinary set of changes. Let me be absolutely clear about this. Even if Trump and his team do everything flawlessly, this is gonna be hugely disruptive. It's gonna create a giant economic mess for a lot of folks. I want you to be prepared, I want you to be resilient, and that resilience takes a lot of different dimensions for us at Peak Prosperity. Obviously, having a little food store makes sense,
Starting point is 01:16:17 having some gold, having your wealth managed appropriately is important, but how's your homestead? How's your community, how's your mental health, how's your spiritual grounding? These are all things we talk about. So come on by Peak Prosperity if you want, have those conversations, I know you do. And we are there to help everybody as best we can
Starting point is 01:16:35 become as resilient as possible. So you need a resilience roadmap, it's gonna get bumpy, no question about it. So thank you very much for being here today and we are very excited and we'll see you Wednesday 1 o'clock. That is signal hour unless something super urgent comes along. I always have content on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Thursdays at peak prosperity. So come on by for that as well. Come join the community.
Starting point is 01:16:59 Absolutely. So with that, thanks everybody and we'll see you next time. Such a pleasure. Take care.

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