Peak Prosperity - So It’s Back To First Principles
Episode Date: July 31, 2024What were all the security personnel doing that day all around the AGR beside somehow entirely missing the presence of Crooks who a host of civilians spotted and were yelling about? There’s somethin...g quite fishy in this part of the story. It’s time to take a step back and apply first principles…
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The Trump shooting, we just can't make sense of what the police were up to around the AGR buildings.
Hello everyone, Dr. Chris Martinson here with you. We're going to go back into this is July 30th, it looks like. And we're going to be delving into the official story of Trump's shooting.
Now, it's the reason we're doing this is because there's a complete lack of honest information coming out of the FBI, out of anywhere else officially. So we're just going to cover that a little bit. We're going to go into the basic questions we have today. There's a lot of unresolved questions.
So let's start here.
We have to go back to first principles.
We got to start rewind because the story just doesn't make sense.
If you burrow in too deep, sometimes you get stuck in a track.
So let's back up.
Let's just take a look.
The official narrative really doesn't make any sense.
So what are the four possibilities we have to consider here?
First is that crooks was
working all alone managed to thread an unbelievably narrow eye of the security needle right there are
people everywhere it's just the clouds parted for just that microsecond and boy he just snuck
right through the whole thing perfectly right that's option one option two cooks had help from
another outsider for planning and staging so it could be somebody else involved that we don't know about yet.
Maybe, you know, he wasn't the mastermind that was able to do it all solo.
But we also have to consider that maybe Crooks had help from one or more insiders with threading that needle.
That's the lie hop, the let it happen on purpose.
Hey, guys, just look the other way for a few seconds.
Crooks gets up there and then that happens.
I'm not saying
that's what happened i'm just saying you have to consider all the possibilities until
you know what actually happened we don't know what actually happened that much is clear and finally
we have to consider the crooks was one of two shooters that day of course with the other shooter
maybe being a government asset and a pro this is the my hop that made it happen on purpose.
So these are our four possibilities.
And what we're looking to do is include or exclude evidence that points to one or the other.
Now, we've shown before up to this point that there are qualitative and quantitative differences
in the sound and also the signature profiles of shots one and three and four and eight.
These need to be explained.
That much is on the
table the official story is going to have to explain why we hear those differences and i've
got more on that coming up in just a second we have uh the stewart recording which we got the
audio from that we presented that yesterday and we also have say source four which in our
terminology is from the west side of the American Glass Research Building 6.
And these also sound very, very different.
So we've covered that.
That's sort of in the can at this point in time.
And it turns out that the closest recording devices have distinctly different sounds
between those two shot sets, 1 and 3, 4 and 8.
Now, they have completely different differences,
whether we're at zone 6 there where the Stewart film was recorded or we're over there at three or four.
So this is all we have to work with is the data we have.
They just don't sound the same.
So we have to account for that in some fashion or another.
But what we're concerned about today is that actually it's the things we're not being told.
So do you know?
I don't know.
Were there any security cameras in the parking lot
of the AGR complex? I mean, there's something on the, you go to Google street view, there's
something on the back of the parking lot, up high on a pole. It's got power. We can see the power
running up to it. So it's unclear what that is. It doesn't look like a light, but there it is.
The FBI for their part have not come out and said there either were or were not any
functioning security cameras.
So this bothers us a lot because there's always the chance that they're going to, surprise,
come out with the security camera footage and we'll be like, oh, dude, why didn't you
just give that to us like two and a half, three, four weeks ago whenever they come out
with it?
Because that would clear up a lot.
Here we are.
We're guessing.
We're guessing.
In a vacuum, people have to step and try and make sense of things that's why i'm here doing what i'm doing
because i care about my country i care about the truth i think we all deserve to know exactly what
happened to the best of our capabilities and a lot hinges on the answer right because if it's
option one two three or four we come up with entirely different conclusions about the kind of
trouble we're in and the future we're actually facing. Because if it's three or four, we got
some big problems because those speak to the idea that there is state level support for the action
that happened on July 13th in Butler, Pennsylvania against Trump and the spectators who were there as well.
Now, we also need to know exactly when and where did the ESU, Beaver County ESU Emergency Services Unit, they had snipers there.
We know that one of them took a shot, took a shot at crooks.
It's even missing from their flash report where they go through the timeline.
Look at that.
1812, 612, shots fired.
That's it.
And then there's just this big old gap.
And, you know, 11 minutes later at 1823, we pick up the story again. Seems like a relevant detail in your flash report, local Beaver County people, to tell us when you took that shot and also from where.
We don't know where or when that shot was taken.
And a lot hinges on it because we got all these audio files and we're trying to figure out is shot nine from the esu was it a different one
we don't know okay uh anyway i'm getting all this stuff you can see the links down there
this comes from grassley at the chuck grassley has been releasing all of this stuff
god bless him thank you thank you chuck now what also are we not being told
one of the other grassy documents down here and i'm gonna have to go over this with uh pro who
understands this better than i do so where is the questioning excuse me in statements by the secret
service oops that should say saic not siac typo my apologies that's the special agent in charge
special agent in charge or equivalent
who was making the fateful decision that day to place those two sniper teams which you know from
this document they call them hercules one hercules two secret service it's so masculine hercules
right good snipers and everything but let me get my drawn tool out or my laser pointer so we can
hercules one and two are put right here on these two buildings.
These would be the two red barns.
But how is it possible that this thing right here, this is the AGR complex,
they've outlined in their pre-planning document seven places that they call sectors of importance
and per orders of importance.
Sector 1, the main stage and audience.
Sector 2, the cow barns. that's where they were located this those shooters the three the entrance
to the event four is the pond somehow the pond is like an important place to to cover here uh the
parking lot the ems and fire parking lot which is way over here and the dairy barns and hangers
how is it that the agr complex wasn't even a prioritized important sector?
It is literally a nine iron from Trump's stage.
Okay, just to put that into context here.
By the way, to help us understand all of this, listen, this is out of my league.
I don't do security setups like this.
I've got a lot of data.
So I'm actually going to join forces here with Gary Melton of Paramount Tactical.
We're going to do a joint live stream on Thursday, August 1st at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.
You can check it out and tune in through his channel at Paramount Tactical.
You can find it at Peak Prosperity.
We're either on YouTube.
We'll also be streaming out to Rumble.
So you choose wherever you want to go.
It's going to be a lit conversation because we're going to go back and forth and try and
resolve all these questions and more about the security failures but with somebody who has many many years of setting up exactly
scenarios like this can't wait to talk that through with gary great guy now you know my um
red yellow green matrix here and green evidence is stuff that we think we know for sure and we
have to add a couple of items to our list right now. One, we know that Crooks had the rifle in his arms
when the first LEOs got on the scene.
We can see them prying it out of his cold, dead hands.
So the idea that he was many feet away from his rifle
is just they took it out of his hands and moved it away.
So that's settled.
That's in the green.
Also, we now know it's green evidence,
thanks to the Grassley releases,
that Crooks was solidly on the radar of the Beaver ESU and all the local police and the authorities and command center for a long time.
Crooks was on their radar over and over again, not just like once somebody noted like this is weird over and over again.
So we're going to cover some of that today and then in more detail on Thursday.
And then we're going to cover some of that today and then in more detail on Thursday. And then we're going to work on,
you know, these items next.
We got some conflicting things,
but also because of the Stewart film,
we can now say conclusively red material,
the idea that shots came from
any of the lower windows in building six,
we can rule that out now
because they all look intact.
We can see glares and reflections
both before, during and after.
And there just doesn't seem to be any question about that. So that's been moved there until we get some other
evidence. And we also need to, why has the FBI not held a single press conference to keep us
informed since July 14th? That's 16 days ago here at the time of this recording here's a screenshot i just took this today at 2 p.m there it is last update is july 14th and there's no information there's no information
that's given there so that's the last it's in the negative space where we sometimes figure out
what it is we're not supposed to be looking at so the silence is deafening right now no question
about it and so here we are filling in trying to fill in the gaps on one of
the most important and of the highest possible set of implications events of your lifetime i mean this
is a big deal when somebody takes a shot at the king as they say and miss when you take a shot
at the king you best not miss right tom all right so we also we don't know the exact make and model of the gun and so i
got a call i spent a few hours on the phone yesterday with some really helpful gentlemen
who helped me understand that maybe that that was a piece of data i needed to consider like why
aren't we being told about the make and model of the gun and it turns out maybe the reason helps us explain how it's actually was just one shooter.
And so the guys at Raven Geostrategic, GWN, SPM, and JMB, thank you guys.
Really, really big helpful.
There they are.
There's their site and their services.
They helped me understand something, which is that this gun here, which we get from one
of the helmet cams.
You can see this.
I don't know if it's this person's helmet cam standing here.
That's their shadow.
You see these two things I've marked with the black arrow and the white arrow?
Those confused me when I first saw them just a little bit,
and I didn't focus on it.
The guys at Raven Geostrategic,
they have a friend who helped them understand,
said, listen, those look like 90-degree side mountain sights.
So normally, if you have a rifle,
you have a set of
posts iron posts right these are your iron sights right two in the back one in the front okay and normally these are put right upright so the whole gun is upright and they're on top and then you can
put a red dot also coincident with them but if you notice here the red dot is on top which is that
thing you look through it's zero magnification has a little dot red dot in the center but those two things in the
black and the white arrows are iron sights that have been mounted to the side of the gun so that
if you tip the gun sideways now they're upright and you can aim down the side that way if you
have a big long magazine out the bottom you can tip the gun on the side and keep a low profile
so if that's the case whether
or not you know crooks was really low down to take those shots or not what we know is that because of
that and because also here we don't know exactly what this is but we can start to guess he's got a
a muzzle device on here which is going to help spread could be a flash suppressor i don't know
i don't know the exact model of what he's got there but
it's going to spread the gases out and it's going to actually shoot them side to side
right jb helped me understand this there it's going to shoot them side to side so that way
if it's shot the gases down boy now you have a muzzle kick problem because it's shooting gases
down your barrel jumps or your barrel already wants to jump so it shoots them out sideways
now if but if you tip the gun sideways right we're going to
rotate that thing over so those two sights are now on top of the gun what's going to happen is a
number of things two big things we have to keep into account first when we tip it up like this
those gases are now ejecting in a very different direction than if you have it this way so could
this explain the differences we're hearing between shots one and three and four, five, six, seven, eight?
The guns tip sideways.
Now the jets gases are jetting up and down
instead of left, right,
according to the shooter's perspective.
And if that's the case,
are they just sending different echoes?
Does it sound different?
It definitely deserves an inquiry.
So we need to consider that
second thing to consider is that now the ejection port is facing straight up in the air so now the
brass is going to be hopping this way so that may explain why we see there was brass sprinkled all
around crook's body there were three in front i believe there's three on the right and i think
there's two to the left of him so that's
not a normal brass ejection pattern normally it all goes out to the right and a little back
this stuff is sprinkled all over like fairy dust so we we this may account for it it may be that
he used those 90 degree sights either for the first three or for the next five we don't know
but if he altered the the orientation of the gun that could explain some of
what we're seeing so what we're going to have to do because this is how we roll we're going to put
the one shooter concept back in the mix so i had moved it uh down a crook but now we're going to
say the null hypothesis the crooks is the only shooter that is now back in a yellowy green it's
not all the way green hypothesis one there are two shooters it's still
in play but we're starting to have trouble with the two shooter theory because we can't find a
location for the second shooter that makes sense with the auditory data we have so now we're okay
now we're back to first principles which is what do we know what do we not know and how can we begin to make sense of this um is the idea that uh crooks took zero shots
that's kind of orangey orangey yellow like pushing towards red uh based on the data we have right now
but again anything you can do if anybody has more video footage we see that there are several people
particularly on the west side of building six up back there all the way in the
back if you were outside of that second perimeter fence and you were at the agr buildings we know
there's a bunch of people back there in particular there's a gentleman with his camera phone pushed
up against a tree probably has some great footage so we're kind of hoping that somebody else is
still going to emerge who has more footage back there because we need to know because there still
is a very distinct different sounding set of signatures back there because we need to know. Because there still is a very distinct,
different sounding set of signatures back there on sources both three and four
over there on the west side of the building
under the big tree.
And they just sound completely different.
One through three sound very muffled.
And then the next five are very much louder
and have more of a crack.
And then number nine,
don't know what that is yet,
but that's something. It's either a shot or an inbound we haven't resolved that yet either but those
first three sound so different and that muffling would be consistent with one through three being
taken it's just sort of they're out of range now is it enough to take your gun tip it sideways
have those gases jetting this way does that throw enough of the sound up to make those
first three sound muffled don't know we're going to be running some tests and we know some people
who are going to be uh who are interested in running those tests need to know i'm not convinced
about that yet but this is how we roll if the data gets us there we go there we also we don't know
who the municipal cop was who got boosted up the sea crooks got boosted but i don't know who the municipal cop was who got boosted up. The Seacrooks got boosted, but I don't know why, because there's a ladder right there.
We don't know.
Why didn't they fire a shot?
Now, just today, we had FBI's Paul Abate, or Abbott, said a cop climbed on the roof,
climbed to the roof of the AGR building at approximately 6-11,
saw the shooter, radioed that he was armed with a long gun,
and within approximately the next 30 seconds, the shots fired 30 seconds that is forever hold your breath for 30 seconds you'll be like dang
that's kind of kind of a time why didn't that cop fire a round off into the ground and get this
party started uh why didn't they boost back up and start shooting over the edge like just like
you know just like something this this is bizarre this doesn't make sense and as i'll be covering
with gary on thursday we have the rules of engagement that the that the municipal in the
beaver county esu and the washington all of the pennsylvania assets they had rules of engagement
we know what they are now and by the way they are fully allowed to use lethal force if necessary
given the circumstances so we'll
cover that and gary i'm sure we'll give you a lot more nuanced detail around that and i can't wait
me too i can't wait to hear that and also but why wasn't an esu sniper team on building six in the
first place because they were supposed to be it's on the plan they're on the roof that's where
they're supposed to be and they weren't't. So when you have questions, who made these decisions and who exactly told the ESU teams that they didn't have that don't bother being on the roof, just, you know, go into that other room.
So we have some questions. And finally, another big question. How did crooks get up on the roof at all? Right. Because there aren't I mean, there are ways fairly easily to climb onto that building complex at American Glass.
So they're in Butler. So I think that obviously, if you're in charge of the facility, you have people stationed at the most obvious access points.
Right. Just to make sure nobody's climbing up there, whether it's drunk teenagers.
I mean, you wouldn't like you're even if you're not thinking, oh, hey, there's a sniper is going going to climb up on this AC unit or on this craftsman plastic garage-y thing,
even if you're not thinking those things, you're still thinking, you know, I would feel terrible if some local Yahoo decided to get a little tipsy
and just climbed up here and wandered out into field of view and got sniped by one of our snipers, either side, Secret Service or ESU.
Like, you definitely want to keep people off the roof.
So, to that point, when we go to grasp these materials,
we find out that they're just in the Butler-ESU-Washington Regional SWAT.
Just within those two units, we have 34 people who were on detail that day.
Here we are, 7-13-2024.
Here they are, 34, and this doesn't include the municipal cops,
and I don't have the state police yet.
So we have more assets.
So we have at least 34 people.
I'm going to guess closer to 45 people, just to guess,
whose job it is to make sure that nobody gets up on this roof, right?
This is their whole detail is to make sure that this happens with some traffic duty to the municipals.
But this is it.
Now, this is just seven minutes before the shooting.
This is from the flash after action report by the local Butler County folks.
They say here at 18.05, so that's 6.05.
We know that at 6.12, the shooting starts.
So just seven minutes before the shooting, here is their situation that they understood.
They understood there was a bicycle and a backpack over here under this tree.
They understand that the suspect was noted at a picnic table here.
They say that the direction and travel of the suspect was this way.
And oh, by the way, they're now starting to coalesce around the idea that he might have climbed up this AC unit over here, which would put his travel to here.
But they are also putting a Butler County sniper and a BC ESU sniper in this building.
But later, as you'll see, obscenely, they are claiming that their field of view prevented them from seeing this roof, which is obviously flawed.
And they're going to have to amend this report because we've seen Eli Crooks and other people shooting out of that exact window complex.
And you have perfect oversight of the Crooks position.
So there's a little confusion who was where.
So we have to resolve that.
So our first question today is, what were the police and Secret Service actually doing at the AGR buildings while Crooks was bear crawling up to the roof, as we now understand it?
So let's look at this now.
What we have here is the Stewart film.
I asked Barry on our team.
He has now stabilized it.
So you're going to see these edges wobbling around.
And unfortunately, the stabilization makes the red overlays that at real DJ Stewart 724 put on there.
Totally fine.
I get that.
No complaints, but it's going to be bouncing around.
But you either have to accept the red lettering to be stable or the rest of the view to be stable.
So we selected the rest of the view.
Let's just watch here.
This is going to take us from the last shot.
We call that shot 10 and stabilized. And we'll just watch this together. Then we're going rest of the view. Let's just watch here. This is going to take us from the last shot. We call that shot 10 and
stabilized and we'll just watch this together then we're gonna break it down.
So shot 10 has happened. We're now four seconds afterwards.
And we're watching. Who's where? What's going on?
So glad we have this film so glad answers a lot of people, a lot of people up back in there.
So for the first minute, this is just everybody kind of going, what happened?
But notice you don't see.
Yeah, just get down.
Get behind this tree with me.
Get behind this tree.
Get behind this tree, guys.
That's Dave.
No, no, no.
That's Dave Stewart.
Yeah, here, here. Did they fucking pick that dude off? Did they take him off? Fuck yeah. I saw a big poop of hair go up's Dave. No, no, no. That's Dave Stewart. Yeah, here, here.
They fucking picked that dude off.
Did they pick him off?
Fuck yeah.
I saw a big poop of hair go up in the air.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Fuck yeah.
Big poop of hair.
Holy shit, guys.
What happened over here?
Are you fucking shitting me?
This is fucking crazy, dude.
I can't believe I got all that on camera, dude.
I was in the middle of it.
One muni cop walking.
Where's that Stady?
Kill confirmed, he said.
He said kill confirmed.
Now people are starting to show up around that side.
But first, here come two guys who are clearing windows.
This is interesting. So here we are a minute and a half in and they clearly come from the west side over there.
There's another character just entering. Don't worry, I'll give you stills of all this. We will make sense of it. Okay we're a minute 54 into this whole thing. They're plainclothes guys coming
into scene here. Come around the side and look at all the law enforcement all
clustered over there. We'll count them up in a still later. This is a very
significant gentleman here coming up who's bald right there. Look at
everybody they're piling up. He was on was on the roof pallets and they're standing on that little i don't know it's like a cabinet of some kind
we got all kinds of different personnel here munis staties
washington county swatU, tactical response teams.
Got all kinds of assets here.
All right.
This is such significant film.
We're going to be able to tell so much of this.
So I just wanted us all to see it together, and then we'll pick it apart.
That's a fun little moment.
One seriously injured. I just heard on that cop we'll get one seriously injured I just heard
on that cops radio one seriously injured that would be Corey Comperture and
here's our first view of Secret Service red Shirt Guy coming in. There he is jogging into view.
And we are now just three minutes past the shooting. So don't see anybody on the roof yet
up there.
And they're going to go back, see if they can help these other guys make it through their secure tape fence.
So here we have a pretty good view of what's going on, the first minutes, the confusion, how many assets are here, tons of law enforcement.
A muni cop just said, everybody's at law enforcement, get out.
So he's trying to take command of the situation.
That guy right there.
I don't know if that's Sheriff Sloop or not.
And here comes.
Yeah, yeah, sorry.
Can I get your name?
Yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure.
I got you.
And that's it.
So that's what we have.
We have those four minutes.
And so let's break that down because this is really key.
So at one minute, 32 seconds in, a minute and a half in we have this
entrance of this first gentleman here and um he's clearing windows like a pro i mean he's coming he's
not just walking past windows he's he's going into windows like this now uh unless everybody
in and around this building is intimately familiar with exactly what your undercover officers look
like this is a dangerous job right here to be running around with a gun when nobody knows if there's another shooter
you got other people coming in through the fence they're all armed uh this is an interesting
situation right here because in theory we don't know if there are other shooters out there
and so when we look at this more carefully this is what it looks like when it's not stabilized,
just so we can see it in the other format.
You see very clearly, that's why we stabilized it.
Now you can see why we maybe made that decision.
Look at these two guys.
Here they come.
Now, the thing we have to observe is that these two guys who are clearing windows,
they're coming up each window, look in,, into each window clear, and off they go.
They came from the west side of the building.
Now, the west side of this building is where all the people are there filming,
and if you've seen the shots of Crooks when he's bear crawling up and he's there looking through the gun,
that's the side of the building that these guys came from.
So for a full 2 minutes and 33 seconds, there are people over which i assume includes these guys but i can't be sure but they came
from that side so you would think somewhere within that two and a half minutes of people going uh
there's a gun there's a guy with a gun on the roof right there we have at least these two assets
coming from that side of things. So let's name them.
Let's call this guy Camo Shorts Guy down here.
And then we have this guy in the tan capris.
They're below the knee.
That's a bold statement.
So we got Tan Capri Guy, a fashion statement, I mean.
And then we got Camo Shorts Guy.
And this is our first appearance here that we see of what we're going to call ZZ Top Guy.
ZZ Top Guy comes in as another undercover.
And let me get my little piece back.
Here we are.
We got the one.
And we got this new guy, four.
I'm going to have to explain in a second.
We got number three.
So one and two.
And then we got this guy coming into frame.
We'll explain him.
We got a muni cop here.
It looks like a state cop here.
And then we got number four, long olive pants, black cap guy.
Oh, and by the way,olo zz top right so now we get a good look at the backs of the shirts here so we can start
to identify these guys out in the crowd if we can get better shots better video from over on the
west side i want to know were these guys standing there just looking at crooks on the roof not really saying anything because that's
be interesting information for sure and here we can see um uh long pants a long olive pants black
cap guy comes racing in from the left but it's just three frames i don't know how far from the
left i don't know if he came through the fence it's not really clear if he came from further
out if he was also back there i don't know but this is interesting so now we have i can count you one two three four five six seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen people just in this frame and we have a couple others out i
mean we're accounting for there's a lot of law enforcement that are now here on the scene at t plus 245 after the last shot two minutes 45 seconds there they all are and they're all
clustered and they're all here and and i have to hey is that greg let's greg if you saw the abc
thing where the esu sniper team came on this is a gentleman there and he looks a lot like this guy
i'm willing to make a positive id based on that and this is greg nickel he is both a can there and he looks a lot like this guy i'm willing to make a positive id based on
that and this is greg nickel he is both a canine and a counter sniper guy and he has a long so if
you see his shirt sleeve right there this is a tattoo sleeve matches with this tattoo sleeve
you can see his tattoo sleeve here and here he is coming around the corner in an unblown up way so
i'm pretty sure that's greg so that means greg
he's got he's wearing a shirt with a nike swoop on it camo pants he's got a gun drawn down here
uh so he is probably is he running the undercover teams that's interesting and you know why else
greg stands out to us i i know you remember this so let's go through this together. Greg stands out to all of us because of this.
So this is the guy that Cypher saw?
Yes, Beaver County sniper seen and sent the pictures out.
This is him.
Rifle's right there, obviously.
Got it.
So the bike in the back, is he on that bike?
We don't know.
We don't know. So you're just treating that as suspicious device.
One second.
I believe the sniper that seen these and sent the pictures is right inside this building.
Michelle, is Greg in there?
All right.
So if you go to that window that's open and yell for Greg, that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen him come from the bike and set the book back down and then lost sight of him.
He's the one that sent the pictures.
I don't know if you got the same ones I did.
I think I did, yeah. He's, like that sent the pictures on. I don't know if you got the same ones I did. I think I did, yeah.
He's like got his glasses on and he's...
So we had the picture of that.
Yeah, I got that.
And then this was his bike with the stuff.
And our sniper seen him walking away from that, I believe.
But he would be right inside that window.
He's the one that physically seen this,
sent the pictures and called it out.
So, and we have somebody detained, correct?
That I don't know.
There were two people detained on this side.
Our guy that was just up here told me that there's a guy detained who's the owner of the bike.
And I said, no, no, that's the owner of the bike.
All right.
So they're a little confused about that.
I believe the guy who's detained might have been Dave Stewart who shot this stuff because I know he got detained for sure.
So that unclear. And by the way, this is at 1909 to 709. So we're almost a full hour after the
shooting. But this was really stood out to me when I heard it because they're like,
oh, yeah, you got to go talk to Greg. Greg was the guy who took the pictures.
And oh, by the way, just go yell in that window right and just yell for greg just go through that just walk over to the building to
that open window hey greg right and then greg will stick his head out and like hey right so uh this
is really important and it's important we're going to get to this specifically on thursday in the
live cast because it turns out that when i said threaded the security needle it turns out that when I said threaded the security needle, it turns out that that building over there that you're talking about, that Greg was in over there, that two story building with perfect overwatch of the shooting spot down here.
It turns out that not one, but both of the guys who were stationed up there, one of them went out to look for crooks.
But I don't understand. I'm confused. Why wouldn't you just like phone it in?
Like you've got obviously security person. You've got got people everywhere it's crawling with police down there i don't
understand why you would leave your post to say i gotta go look for this guy or help look for this
guy just call it in you got undercover guys out there you got uniformed people out there you got
emergency response people you've got snipers you got yes you got all kinds of emergency service
unit you got a lot of get a lot of assets on the ground so he leaves and then the story is he left but he got locked
out is the story we're going with here uh according benny johnson first reported that but i've seen
that elsewhere now that and so presumably greg then had to go down and let him in and that was
right at 6 11 goes down and then the shots ring out at 612. So for that tiny little moment of time when the roof is completely unguarded is when crooks allegedly got up on the roof, came across, bear crawled up and nobody was watching because they were down letting each other in or something.
That's the story.
It's kind of hard to swallow.
I don't know how to make sense of that.
Now, sometimes weird things happen.
That's true.
But we're going to have to dig into this one more until we can finally account for where was everybody and why and who made what
decisions. There's a lot to talk about here, obviously. And by the way, there's Greg Nickel
just on the Beaver County salaries. There's the link. You can go, you can find everybody. This
isn't to dox people. It's just to confirm that, yeah, he as of currently there was a guy named that working there.
So this is fascinating, too, because you see everybody's over on the side there and they're all like stacking pallets.
And one cop apparently fell off of something and cut his hand pretty badly on the roof.
That then led him to go into the bathroom where he bled all over the bathroom and then left to go get the hand taken care of.
Another law enforcement personnel type comes into the bathroom where he bled all over the bathroom and then left to go get the hand taken care of another law enforcement personnel type comes into the bathroom goes blood and then
there was this huge panic for a while because they thought another suspect was at large who bled all
over the bathroom and that maybe something so anyway so there was a big panic for a while
until that settled down and it was revealed that somebody fell and cut their hand i don't have that
incident on this recording here but a good
guess would be that that would be somebody who was trying to climb up on the old craftsman
plastic you know i don't know what you would call that it's like it's like a bin of some guy and
then they're stacking uh just pallets on there and then they scrambling up and something didn't
work out and there's a broken chair over there we can see in a later picture so all that's going on and then finally
i like it that that we watch capri guy capri pants guy runs over
right to there where that arrow is
as soon as we come back, we'll see this.
There goes Capri guy.
Runs in.
Talks to a municipal cop.
Says, oh, hey, dude, why don't we just... Hey, there's a ladder here, guys.
One seriously injured, I just heard on that call.
Look at all the cops.
Now they're like, oh, yeah, hey, let's use the ladder behind the trees here.
I don't know what's going on.
So anyway, that's that piece.
And of course, we see number one, ZZ Top Guy,
but there's a lot of assets here.
So this is kind of interesting.
So yeah, there was a ladder there that they didn't use.
And then of course, we saw the Red Tie Secret Service guy
who was there talking to whoever that was on helmet cam talking about Greg, the sniper.
Right. And this is also about the same time.
Right at this moment here at T four minutes in where we see this gentleman down here looks like a muni cop or maybe local sheriff.
I don't I can't identify authoritatively shot.
If you're not law enforcement, get out of here.
So this is the first person attempting to exert what I'll call scene control.
Four minutes in, finally saying, if you're not law enforcement, beat it.
So this leads to a lot of questions.
We have so many questions now.
And the first question would be, look, if there was a minimum of three undercover people on the west side of Building 6,
why weren't they engaging crooks?
And why weren't they, at a minimum minimum informing people that crooks was there second why why weren't they notifying all the confused
cops about where he was because earlier in the stewart film you can see all these cops guns drawn
walking all around looking up at the top of the building and it would have been great if somebody
went keyed into their little like secure a mic there on their undercover thing hey dude you can
totally see him on the on the building roof here just come on to the side fact you can shoot him from here like
come on over or why didn't they break cover i don't understand because there were so many people
standing there going he's right there so it's a little confusing i would love to know more about
why we had so many assets including undercover undercover assets, on that side of the building
and nothing happened.
So questions?
And we want to know why the flash report is so out of sync with the Stewart video.
We have a lot of questions.
We can break this down later.
There's just so many things that are inconsistent between what we know and what's in there.
And we have no reporting still of the shot taken by ESU from where.
We now looking at the pre-st pre staging reports there were a Washington County
SWAT team and also an ESU sniper who were all the way on the far side of the facility hundreds of
yards away so maybe that's the shot they're talking about I don't know we're gonna have to
work this out and resolve it as well how is it possible for so many LEO and civilians to be aware
of the danger but not the secret service
i mean at one point in the stewart video you can see this whole group there's like a dozen people
i'll have to count and they're not facing trump they they drove from who knows how far away it's
all exciting trump is on the stage they're not facing trump they're facing the other way they're
all facing the building where the shots are about to come from. How is it possible to have so many people aware
of the danger, but not Secret Service? How is it then that Trump is left on the stage until after
the shots rang out? So those are the questions we're going to seek to be resolving those as we
go forward. I just thought it was time we have to burrow into Crooks' movements coming forward.
We're going to burrow into the ballistics because at least we have a couple of shots we're pretty sure we know exactly where they went in
that first three shot string also we have that one shot in the middle of the five shot string
because unfortunately that one went into uh cory compoteur so we have at least three of the shots
out of eight we can pretty reasonably uh articulate where they went but we have more data around some
of that too. So we're
going to do the shots, et cetera. So we got to dig in. We got to keep going because you deserve the
answers. I deserve the answers. We all deserve the answers. We need to know what happened.
The truth is going to set us free. We need to get our country back from the people who would
be either this incompetent or this malignant or both. So that's the report I have for you today.
Thank you so much for listening.
And we will be back as soon as we can with more reporting from a citizen's investigation. I'm
Chris Martinson, the CEO of Peak Prosperity. I invite you to come by Peak Prosperity if you
like this kind of reporting. This is what I do all the time. I'm an information scout. So come on by.
We have an incredible community and we've got a lot of people back there chewing on this,
and we're going to figure this out together.
With that, thank you very much.
We'll see you next time. Bye for now.