Peak Prosperity - Special Signal Hour: Are US Agencies and/or NGOs Inciting Violence?
Episode Date: February 5, 2025A Special Edition of The Signal Hour with Chris Martenson. So much is happening so quickly, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s Signal Hour to give you all an update on my Information Scout activities.... Join me at 3:30PM ET for this special edition of The Signal Hour.
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Hello, hello, hello everyone. This is a very special Signal Hour.
I just came together last minute. I called my team just minutes ago and said, we got to do this. Obviously, lots of very, very fast-breaking
things going on now with what I'm calling the Trump revolution, because it is a revolution.
This isn't just about getting some extra efficiencies out of this and that and maybe,
you know, skinning down Department of Education. Let's be very clear. My thesis here is that Trump knew based on what
happened in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13th. Yeah, I think he finally figured out what he was
up against. This wasn't just sort of like some swampy creatures whooping up some fake stuff
about Russia to tangle them up so that, you know, they could continue with whatever they wanted to
have done. So came loaded for bear. and he has now really poked that bear.
And now we're going to see the reaction.
So I want to talk about this because there's a type of violence that's being bandied about here.
And I don't think it's completely organic.
And I think we should talk about it.
So it has a name.
And we will be able to identify it when we see it. And in particular, I'm making a call here that Trump, Elon, the FBI under Kash Patel,
maybe the DNI under Tulsi Gabbard, wherever this needs to come from,
that if it turns out that there are U.S. agencies and or NGO cutouts funded by places like USAID that are funneling money into bot farms that are busy
trying to incite violence among people that maybe that should be looked into. And I suspect there
should be very special penalties that should go along with that. Now, as we see, there's a general
insurrection actually going on or rogueness going on around some of the departments out there,
because this is quite the shock, quite the shock to find out that some people out there
consider that, you know, a 50, 60, 70 billion dollar USCID slush fund that's mainly used
to reward insiders in a circular loop that then put money back into campaign coffers of people
who reward them and then
promote these narratives.
Like, yeah, the whole thing, it's pretty dodgy.
And as a taxpayer, you should care.
Everybody should care.
Here's the thing I don't understand.
There should be overlap across some issues, right?
So I get it, right?
The RFK confirmation.
We just saw that the Senate Finance Committee, OK, 14 Republicans voted yes, 13 Democrats voted no.
Bernie Sanders, Liz Warren, Ron Wyden. Now, why did they vote no? Well, because they just they
just couldn't stand the idea of Bobby Kennedy. But there was no overlap where Bobby said,
look, I'm all I want is good science. I just we should have some science. Maybe we should have
data and science have a seat
at the table too you know we've got political interests we've got corporate interests maybe
science should have a seat at the table he knows more about that than anybody you would think at
a minimum you would have heard something like that from a liz warren or bernie sanders who talks like
this his hands you got jazz hands you got bernie hands uh uh right with his onesies
so what's missing in that though is for them to say hey bobby i totally get it we want good
science too you want good science so we can agree on that now here's where we disagree no no
whole thing they had to reject him completely out of hand because.
Well, he may well represent a threat to corporate interests such as the ones that are funding these people over here.
And so think about that.
What they are telling us flat out is that Bobby's threat to their funding model, which is their personal purse and power, is more important to them than getting good science so that maybe we have fewer autistic kids who are damaged for life
and the parents and the tragedy that visits upon the families who, in some cases, have children
that have to be cared for for their entire lives. And it's just that's just not the deal. And that there are people who would willingly go there and do that.
For political points or dollars is gross.
I mean, that's what just got revealed.
This is full stop gross.
But we got to talk about something that I'm worried about.
And we are talking about this back at peak prosperity.
And by the way, this is live.
And I am looking at the comments as best I can as I'm going along here.
So Zubid saying here, Zubird saying treasonous penalties.
I think those are. Yep. Those would be those would be some good penalties there.
Joe Potter, well-paid big pharma shills.
You you betcha with harm on all caps there.
Harm, harm of shills. And yep of course science is never settled these leaders
are they're just paid liars they are they're off they got really exposed just awful like they're
not reading the room and i mean the national room i don't know how long they've been in their little
bubbles but they thought they could get away with this stuff crazy crazy crazy and this is what
we're really going to be talking about though though, is what Funky is talking about here. Funky Wanderer, that the corruptocracy does not like oversight. It doesn't. It's about
to get some good and hard. Now, this is the funny part. So stochastic terrorism, what am I talking
about? First up, this is what we saw over on a sub Reddit. When you see the R slash, if you're
not a Redditor over there on Reddit, an R slash is a community.
So this is a community called White People Twitter.
I think it's been disbanded, but it was operating for quite a while.
And they were just 100% Trump derangement syndrome.
If it was Trump, anything related to Trump, they were just angry about it.
Well, this is kind of crazy, though, because the title of this post was Musk's Doge henchmen have been identified.
And they did. They doxed him out. Elon Musk has some young people working for him.
They're bright, you know, very, very intelligent guys.
And and anyway, so he has them working for him. And these people have decided it's time to go in on some full hate.
I mean, if you can't read those, because it's kind of small, like circled in blue, but here are a few of them, right?
These people all live somewhere.
Time to hunt.
Pink missed them all.
I'll say it.
This Nazi stooge needs to be shut.
And you can keep reading. It's just like that.
It's just a wall of allegedly people. Now, this is where we're going to go with this particular story because, you know, this is a pretty incredible story here. But the thing I want
to get to is what if not all of these are actually people? And I don't think they are. If you go to
Reddit, you'll find out that it's a big,
giant hive mind of narrative reinforcement.
Like if you say anything off script,
like if you dare defend Elon here,
you would just get downvoted into instant oblivion.
You would find that comments
that are generally supportive
of anything related to Trump
or anything not deep state
just gets shouted down.
I'm convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt
that this is, call it CIA, call it NSA, call it
USAID NGO cutouts.
There are call it Pfizer's got their own bot arms running and pointed at Reddit.
But Reddit has turned into a complete show.
It is just entirely about big state narrative reinforcement.
You had to be for the vaccines. You had
to be for masking. You had to be for Ukraine. You had to be for all sorts of things. And now
you have to be against Elon because, well, because they're outraged. They're outraged that Elon is
looking into USAID. Now, here's the fun part. I will guarantee you that to the extent these are real people behind these pseudonyms, drag them up and ask them to name one program that they're really upset about that USAID was running that might not run.
First off, I don't think they even knew what USAID was a week ago.
Even to this day, they won't know. This is like, remember, remember we had those man in the street interviews during the Kamala run that you're voting for Kamala? Yes, I am.
And why is that?
I really like her policies.
Such as?
Complete blank, right?
There was no there there, right?
So I'd be convinced that these people are really righteously, indignantly, murderously angry about something they actually can't even tell you why now we have to talk about
that because this is related to this idea that remember now probably in this same crew of people
to the again to the extent it is people you know um and that that's right uh earl coley we're going
right here this is cognitive warfare right this? This is psychological manipulation, right? Reddit is, as we're always saying here, heavy on bots and paid astroturfers, okay?
But we're going to get to the criminality of this in just a second, because this is
really, really important, okay?
Wait a minute.
Somebody had something else here I want to maybe get to.
Yeah, that's true.
Hold on.
Hold on. I lost it. So many comments went by good stuff people keep them coming i'm reading them um where did it go uh yeah here we go enter the the dragons they
are writing here reddit destroyed my relationship it completely brainwashed my ex. Oh, totally. I
know what you're talking about. If you go to a Reddit and you go to like our relationships,
it'll typical conversation goes like this. Somebody writes in and says, you know, I think my,
um, you know, my, my ex was just, I think my, my partner is just, um, a little, a little sketchy
with, with their phone. They, they, they turned it away from me once and all of Reddit's like
divorce them right away, get a private investigator me once. And all of Reddit's like, divorce them right away.
Get a private investigator, lawyer up.
You know, it's just,
they just instantly go right to,
you're being taken advantage of.
And, you know, it's just crazy.
I mean, it's really toxic.
It is, I'm so sorry that happened to you.
It is, it's no bueno.
But anyway, it is good to understand
what the astroturfers and bots want us to think, which means it's sort of an insight into the deep state narrative structure.
Like, what is it they're trying to reinforce here?
But now they're doing something here where it's very clear that to the extent these are not humans, these are bots, these bots are clearly nudging.
Remember the nudge units?
The nudge units we all had to put up with
you wouldn't want to kill granny would you right for the magic holy jab right you wouldn't want to
be seen as anti-science would you all those things were actually weaponized statements that were run
through the equivalent of clinical trials in order to find the most potent ways to shame people
into complying with what they wanted,
which was they, for whatever reason, we can talk about this later,
the deep state, the machinery of state wanted everybody to get not just a vaccine, but the mRNA vaccine.
Different story, different day.
But this is actually something that I think is in danger of getting exposed by all of this.
So anyway, the hive has been poked.
There's angry bees about right and the reason is is that once elon and his team poke into usaid they're going to find
probably payments in there that are really going to stretch your credulity remember remember
remember back rand paul said you know dr fci, did you fund gain of function research through EcoHealth Alliance and Peter Daszak at Wuhan Institute of Virology?
And we got Fauci just indignant.
Senator, you don't know what you're talking about.
It wasn't gain of function.
And besides, even if it was, only $300,000 even went there, that's not enough.
If you knew anything about the science, you would know that's not enough.
Would you be surprised to find that USAID alone funneled $38 million through EcoHealth Alliance to Wuhan?
Would you be surprised if we dig further and discover that the State Department probably had a little more they chipped into that kitty and that the DOD did?
Would you be surprised to find out that actually the United States funded over $200 million for the virus that ended up costing our economy trillions and allegedly a million lives?
Although, again, died of, died with, a little murky, right?
But if we get RFK in there, maybe we can get a peek at those CDC databases finally.
Who knows?
But look at all the things that could suddenly get exposed.
This is just like we have a dirty kitchen and the lights have been off for about 30 years
and suddenly just somebody flicked on the kitchen lights and is like, whoa, cockroaches everywhere.
That's what's going on.
And so now I'm convinced,
and this is a warning message to everybody and maybe for myself too, that when you're reading any social media site, the chance that you're engaging with a real human
is pretty low compared to the chance you're dealing with an AI bot that is specifically tuned
to do things, get you distracted, pull you off of the topic, make you think
something different, create the appearance that you're in the minority when actually
there's this look at this majority of people who all think this way.
I wouldn't want to be in the minority playing on our desire to belong and not be part of
the out group and all of that.
Listen, this is all this all got dialed in, all got dialed in a long time ago.
And by the way, this is one of the people who they seem to hate.
And I will show this at some other time.
But but this is a great little three minute thing that shows that one of the people that Elon and I'm not going to name these people, by the way, because I don't want to do there.
I know these names have all been doxed already.
I'm not going to do their work for them out of principle.
I'm not going to continue that for them.
Whoever's doing this, because I consider it really, really disgusting. But anyway, one of these, this guy, nice young
kid, he, if you heard about the papyrus scrolls that were burned in Pompeii during volcanic thing,
right? And they dug these out and they had these burned scrolls and they couldn't read them,
but they had done some, you know, CAT scans of them. And then they put the files online after
they struggled for years and years, couldn't get anywhere and said, can anybody, you know, cat scans of them. And then they put the files online after they struggled for years and years, couldn't get anywhere and said, can anybody, you know,
we'll just maybe an international competition.
This guy with a laptop said, oh,
it looks like a fun challenge and solved it.
So, so, so these, these carry on.
So maybe at a minimum, the FBI ought to be looking here.
Like here with Riri over here on Blue Sky Social.
That's B Sky Social over there.
That was the Twitter startup, you know, competitor for all the people who were too angry that there was just too many Nazis in Twitter or whatever their story was.
So they wanted they wanted to be free from the toxicity of Twitter.
So they went and created Blue Sky where they get to treat themselves to statements like this.
Riri says here,
you know the mechanism, Mary.
Supreme Court of the U.S., SCOTUS,
clearly has interpreted the Second Amendment
for hundreds of years.
The mechanism, Mary,
is to shoot every single
Republican politician
in their stomach.
Ooh, ooh.
Riri is not just angry.
She's bitterly angry.
The solution is to drive down to Elon Musk's house and do that stuff that you can read. There's just extreme violence. OK, now this is the kind of thing. Right. Remember, the FBI under Biden arrested people for praying.
You can disagree with why or how they were praying, but they arrested people from praying. They knocked, busted down practically
Roger Stone's door at six in the morning with lights on and, you know, their 223 rifles,
just muzzles right in his face, roll him out in his underwear, CNN magically there
to make it embarrassing. Like they could have just called his lawyer up and said,
yeah, can you have him here at nine? Yeah, that'd be great. Right. Instead, they made it as painful as possible. But this is the kind
of stuff where you actually this deserves a knock on the door. Now, if the FBI knocks on this door
and it's a real person, they should have a talk with Riri and say, hmm, we're going to need to
know some more things about you here. How serious are you about this stuff? And are you OK? Right.
I would have basic questions. I would not want this to be my neighbor under any stretch of imagination i would want to know who
this person is okay now what if this isn't a person what if this is an ai bot and it's got a very tuned message set. And its job is to create the appearance that maybe there's something a lot of people are thinking this way to sort of begin to seed out there among all the people who might read this and look at it.
The idea that this is normalizing this behavior.
That's what this is.
This is this is normalizing this particular. It's like, oh, well, other people seem to be discussing this. You can talk about this behavior. That's what this is. This is normalizing this particular, it's like, oh,
well, other people seem to be discussing
this. You can talk about this openly. I guess
this is what's called normalizing.
or maybe here, OCI
here. I'm so glad the Democrats
are done with weekend
brunch and chop-chop
fundraising. I hope you had a nice break during
the effing coup now can you get someone in here to shoot elon and his aides or are you all going
in the guillotine when this is done oh got a little french revolution going on there
all caps so you know how serious this person is. Again, real?
Or a bot?
Maybe the FBI could look here, too.
Carrie at Blue Sky Social again.
I'm replying to the Krasensteins, if you don't know who the Krasensteins are.
When they're not busy funding teen porn sites, they're, they're busy telling conservatives how bad they are.
So at any rate,
she says here,
get Musk away from critical information computers,
get him out of the country or lock him up.
I'd recommend the guillotine.
So somehow the guillotine has become a,
a very popular sort of thread amongst these people.
All of a sudden,
I'm glad they know how to spell guillotine
that that's that's a good start not bad so what are we talking about here because i keep saying
what if this isn't a human what if this is a bot what if that bot is funded by the u.s government
directly or indirectly what if it's a bot being run by some murky ngo with a name like center for
discussing digital hate right what if it's um uh what if it's one of the agencies what if this with a name like Center for Discussing Digital Hate, right?
What if it's one of the agencies?
What if there's an FBI or CIA bot farm doing this stuff?
Well, they would be engaging in what's called stochastic terrorism.
This is in Wiki.
By the way, this is not a legal term.
There's no law against stochastic terrorism on the books, although there probably will be by the time this is all done. So this is
quote stochastic terrorism here. The definition is it's a form of political violence instigated
by hostile public rhetoric directed at a group or an individual. OK, stop for a second. Have you
noticed any hostile public rhetoric directed against an individual or group so far?
That's stochastic terrorism.
Carrying on, quote,
unlike incitement to terrorism,
stochastic terrorism is accomplished
with indirect or vague or coded language,
which grants the instigator plausible deniability
for any associated violence.
A key element of stochastic terrorism is the use
of media for propagation, where the person carrying out the violence may not have direct connection
to any other users of violent rhetoric, end quote. So let's talk about the two assassination
attempts on Trump. Now, I happen to believe that July 13th, when we finally get that unpacked,
if we ever get there, we're going to discover there's no freaking way that the Secret Service just managed to leave that pie wedge out of
the Pac-Man security perimeter, right?
Where there was this slopey roof where this kid managed to just sort of like waltz around
on a hot tin roof, banging along there for three minutes with nobody able to do much
about that until shots were taken.
I truly believe we're
going to find things out. In fact, wouldn't it be kind of a mysteriously fun thing if we found out
that somehow USAID was connected through some pipelines to one of those mysterious encrypted
foreign bank accounts that Thomas Crooks had somehow? Maybe one of these indirect cutout groups but at any rate uh that's just speculation
on my part just guessing who knows we're all free to speculate at this point how much corruption are
we going to find and how far does that go and how how bad is it really um yeah so at any rate
carrying on here this is stochastic terrorism. It's meant to be political violence.
It's hostile public rhetoric. And that's what we're seeing a lot of. Now, let's carry on a
little bit. So here are the defining features, again, from Wiki of stochastic terrorism. They
say, look, although it's an academic term without a formal legal definition so far,
it is differentiated from other forms of terrorism due to its public
indirect and seemingly random nature random stochastic that's where that comes from so what
happens is you seed out these messages just like you know sure would be a shame if something
happened to that guy and you put it out across several million people chance that one of them
is going to do something
to that guy, this chance of that, the random chance of that, the stochastics of that begin
to approach one, meaning it's going to happen as you push that out longer and longer and more and
more. Now, remember, in the run up during all of 2023, 2024, it was just Trump is a Nazi. Trump
is a Nazi. Trump is a Nazi. Trump is a Nazi. Right. And we all know that if you could go back and kill baby Hitler, you would do that. Right. Because
that's already been morally defined as like, that's an OK thing to do. So it became all mushed
up. And I think it at best, and this is at best, what happened to Thomas Crooks was he ingested
too much of that stochastic terrorism through CNN, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, all of these other people,
plus these shadowy groups that are about to be revealed through the USAID scrubbing and scouring.
We'll take a look what's in there.
I guarantee it's in there.
And so that's what this is.
And you do that often enough.
And somebody like a Thomas Crooks goes, yeah, you know what?
Maybe I should.
Maybe this makes sense.
I'm going to.
You know what?
Let me just dial in my life here because it's that important.
I'll be remembered.
My name won't go down in history as a nobody, whatever their.
Incel like motivations might be, you know, they want glory and all of that.
This is how you get it to happen without having to direct it.
You create this stochastic terrorism landscape and check this out under speech, quote, a public figure or group disseminates violent,
inflammatory rhetoric via mass media directed at people
or groups of people, sometimes suggesting
or legitimizing the use of violence.
In red underlined, this speech tends to be protected
due to the use of ambiguous coded language,
dog whistles, jokes, just a joke, bro,
hints and other subtext in
statements that fall short of the criminal threshold for causation. And you note that it
was just a joke defense has been linked to the early days of Nazism. And by the way, the left,
the progressives, the people who are really wrapped up around Reddit, whatever they are,
I don't know what to call them anymore. Conveniently, we'll call them a left. I don't
understand. They're not. I grew up as a lefty i
the left i grew up with was very liberal in the sense that it meant we we treasured the importance
of the individual very anti-war um believed in higher education and really uh very good cogent
thinking all that stuff none of that is actually when i say the left i don't know what i'm it's not
that something totally different right but one of the defining and most endearing traits of this new left is that they practice something called confession by projection.
That is, they project upon their enemies their own worst traits.
So when they call people, you Nazis, I guess that's code speak for authoritarian figures who have a racial undercurrent.
Well, aren't these the people who want to be authoritarians and tell me that, you know, that person with a skin color that's different from mine should have special advantages and I should have special disadvantages?
I mean, literally confession by projection.
They're projecting that on.
So so just interesting that this has been linked to Nazism.
Right. that on so so just interesting that um this has been linked to nazism right and by the way at the
bottom in yellow these attacks are often repeated to amplify and amplified inside a media echo
chamber so you go over to reddit and you see this stuff all over the place it's it's an echo chamber
but is it real okay now let's just um you know, remember dog whistles, jokes, and hints?
Like, this is an example of that, right?
This is stochastic terrorism.
Here, and by the way, I greened out their faces and their names, right?
Eden Robbins over on Blue Sky said, here, I made you a postcard.
Feel free to print it out and post it around your town.
Send it to friends, whatever makes you happy.
Oh, so coy
right it's threats obviously um and and they're angry down below because the u.s treasury pays
for social security medicare and grants and federal salaries yeah i care so much suddenly about
social security data medicare data grants and federal salaries that i've jumped straight i've
done i've just i've jumped straight. I've just jumped straight past.
I've gone past being annoyed. First, I became aware. Then I became annoyed. Then it became
a little bit resentful. Then it became contemptuous. Then it became hostily angry. And finally,
I went murderous. Nope. Skipped straight to murdery on this one. Right. Like skipped all
the early steps, which tells you a clue about either this isn't real or it's not organic
entirely because people didn't used to do that.
They didn't skip all those steps and suddenly decide that they got murdery because federal grants are being examined.
What? How did we get here, Toto? What's going on?
At any rate, they say it and, you know, Treasury is usually run by grownups, man.
Mamas, come get your babies out of our government.
So these guys are in their 20s.
And I come from that old school left once upon a time.
I don't belong there anymore.
Like, trust me, I stayed where I was, but they left that train like supersonic to the
out to the outer field of I don't know what the F is this is.
But this idea that people aren't that are their little boys in their 20s, this Peter
Pan syndrome is just awful. So this reminds me of one of my favorite stories, which is that
Vinnie Rehm started fooling around and carving and sculpting stuff. And at 16,
her friends and supporters convinced President Lincoln to sit for her. So he did. She came to
the White House daily for a half hour sculpting sessions, stretched out over five months in 1864.
She made that bust as a 16 year old.
And by the way, at 18, she beat out several full grown men and she sculpted the life size marble of figure of Lincoln that sits in the rotunda at the Capitol building.
Thank God there weren't any angry, whiny progressives around then to explain why.
Why sculpting should just be for grownups. Right? I just don't get these people at all. Anyway, one of my favorite side stories,
but when you're under the stochastic terrorism bit there, you go under the C also. Okay.
See also accusation in a mirror. That's a hate speech incitement technique, association fallacy,
an informal inductive fallacy.
You could see conspiracy theories
attributing events
to less probable plots.
a behavior process
that undermines individuality
of and in others.
They're very good at this.
characterization of individuals,
groups, or political bodies
as evil.
Diffusion of responsibility.
Doxing, ethnic violence,
extremism, false accusation, genocide justification, hate media, hate speech,
incitement to genocide, little like men's moral panic, moral panic.
That's what we're seeing.
We're seeing a lot of these things.
So this idea of stochastic violence is linked to these things.
Now, here's the fun part so back in the 60s late 50s early 60s we had some
very famous social experiments that were run and i'm sure you've heard of them right we had the ash
conformity experiments for instance right where they started experiment ash a s c h e was um uh Ash, A-S-C-H-E was the researcher, right?
And, you know, put people in a room and had one person was the test subject,
but they didn't know that they were the only test subject.
There are all these other people.
And then they had these other people do weird things like tell them that this line was shorter than this line,
you know, or this line was longer than this line or whatever.
They just randomly do crazy stuff. And you would find that the people who were the test
subjects would often quite often find themselves agreeing with the group for whatever reason.
So that started to show the importance of social alignment within the human species. Right. Um,
and then we had the Stanley Milgram experiments,
which I'm sure you've heard about,
which include,
which involved having a position of authority in a white coat,
telling somebody to continue shocking someone in another room who they
couldn't see,
but they could hear as they screamed in alleged pain,
the switches weren't hooked up,
but it sounded like they were dying.
And wouldn't you know it like 30% of people just kept going until death
Because somebody in a coat that they didn't even know or care about was telling them to.
Point is, do you think for a minute that sociologists, doctors, people in the academic profession
just don't need to have their name in public, that they would look at the huge, everlasting fame of Milgram and Ash and go,
yeah, not for me.
No way.
If people in universities or anything, they are egomaniacs for attention, right?
It's like a thing.
I know, because I was going down that path for a while.
I didn't gel.
But the point here is that you think those things just stopped in the 60s?
You think sociology professors everywhere like, yeah, you know, that's Milgram and Ash.
They just got too much fame for doing those kinds of experiments. I'm out. No way.
Those things went underground and they've been doing those things longer and longer and longer.
And I submit to you that what we're seeing today, the best explanation for it is that there are tools of persuasion out there now in the hands
of certain entities that are wicked powerful okay and they're so powerful that if this is a real
person they lead to things like this jose perry saying how far do you have to be to shoot at a
moving car where elon musk and trump are both are enemies of our country in a nice picture allegedly
of them dialing in that's a a pretty good rig, by the way.
That would be a very accurate.
He's on an accurized bench rest.
That's an accurized barrel.
This is a precision shooter, right?
Presumably with, I can't read it, but it looks like it could be some ex-military cap, something
like that.
So, Jose Pere at Blue Sky Social, either this is a bot being run by some entity that's interested
in creating the appearance if not the underlying certainty in a group of people that they are in
they're in the center of the fold by thinking they're murderous thoughts or this is a gentleman
who needs to get a knock on the door and we need to find out what he's up to um because this is not okay all right oh yeah um
yeah i could go with it probably take him into custody and see what's going on
um here we have uh uh earl coley again saying uh google weaponized narrative exploring new
vocabulary for the cognitive domain fight by Calvin Peterson, Jr.
I'm going to have to take a look at that. And yeah, so at any rate, let me see.
And yeah, this weaponized narrative. Very, very, very big, very big deal.
Just reading some comments over here. Let's try this one again from Earl Coley saying Color revolution is the term used to describe
A series of remarkably effective CIA
Led regime change operations using
Techniques developed by the Rand Corporation
Democracy, NGOs
And other groups
Now I agree, and here's my hypothesis
I'm building towards
Let's lay it on the table
Those tools were perfected from the
50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s.
They were used in various color revolutions where social media and various statements and ways of phrasing things were used to nudge groups into sort of what's called mob behavior.
Like there's two states humans exist in.
Individual state. You could have a States humans exist in individual state.
You could have a whole time square full of people.
We're all individuals still,
but there's something that happens when humans go to mob,
something very different happens.
It's a,
it's a different carrier wave state for the human condition.
And they found ways to incite that,
That was incited in Ukraine.
It was incited in Georgia,
et cetera.
There's lots of places they ran these color revolutions so
is the brand corporation or equivalent running these things here now in the united states that's
the question we have to ask okay now we've always known reddit's a hotbed of of bot activity just
total hotbed right and reddit, who I really like a lot,
and I'll mention them again here,
Reddit Lies on Twitter, Reddit underscore lies,
does a great job of trolling Reddit so we don't have to,
so it's a valuable service, thank you.
Redditors are out for blood, says Reddit Lies,
and moderators don't know how to control them.
So are something is wrong is the subreddit.
There are only 20 people here at the time
the screenshot is taken the work of uh the nazi f elon felon i guess that's for felon very clever um and the
and the moderator said which is why we need to keep the subreddit clean so the admins don't have
an excuse to ban the subreddit because you don't want the whole thing just to get nuked if it gets
too violent and okay philosophy 915 says ah so the mod here is in
fan of capitulating and appeasement let me set the record straight the only good elon is an elon
four to five feet off the ground swinging in a gentle breeze end quote ah right again
hello is that the fbi right somebody needs to like this can't you just this is no like it.
If if my side had done this kind of stuff, we had plenty of reason to be angry during covid.
We had plenty of reason during all kinds of things I've been investigating and reporting on where where my side, which is the side of truth, reason, logic, basic decency, a little bit of empathy, right? If our side had ever said anything like this when the other side was in power, right?
When team Biden was in power, dude, you were getting, you're getting the knocks on the door.
So, so they, they either, if this is a real person, they're just like, they've been in,
they've just gotten cocky.
They just don't think consequences apply to them.
They've, they've just like, no, you know, bad things can't happen to me.
Only other people.
We get people are fired and in trouble.
That doesn't go the other way, right?
But the point is that the side I've been associated with, we just never did this, right?
As angry as I am at Fauci, the most heinous thing you'll ever hear me say is like, I think
he should go to trial.
And he should.
I think he should have a fair trial.
And then there should be consequences.
Cause I'm pretty sure we'll know what we find if he went to trial,
which is why he had to get a pardon dating back to January 1st,
at any rate.
this is absolutely right.
It's unbelievable hubris.
They just don't think that the rules apply to them.
Carrying on, this is our white people Twitter, that subreddit before it got banned.
And it turns out that Fear None Inc. on Twitter was saying, here's a list of the techies on the
ground helping us gaining and using
access to the U.S. Treasury payment system. Again, I've blocked their names out in that green square.
I wonder if the FBI agents may want to dox them and maybe blah, blah, blah, blah. Elon said,
hey, by the way, you've committed a crime. Midas Touch here, whoever that is, said,
knowing the names of the unelected oligarchs underlings who are destroying the government
from within is a crime now apparently and this got posted over to our right people twitter um yeah
doxing people is um is uh is no good just just no good when you are uh when you're inciting violence
too yeah like you can't you just can't do that and i can't like print your address out and say by the way it'd be a total shame if anything happened to that person
know what i mean right no it's just a no you just can't just can't do that um but at any rate these
people they are uh no not not not good not good people and they're all upset that um you know
we're seeing so well let's listen in for a second.
You know, here here's Marco Rubio, the new secretary of state, talking about this whole show.
Well, I mean, my frustration with USAID goes back to my time in Congress.
It's a completely unresponsive agency. It's supposed to respond to policy directives of the State Department, and it refuses to
do so.
So the functions of USAID, there are a lot of functions of USAID that are going to continue,
that are going to be part of American foreign policy, but it has to be aligned with American
foreign policy.
I said very clearly when we, during my confirmation hearing, that every dollar we spend and every
program we fund,
that will be aligned with the national interest of the United States.
And USAID has a history of sort of ignoring that and deciding that there's somehow a global charity
separate from the national interest. These are taxpayer dollars.
And so I'm very troubled by these reports that they've been unwilling to cooperate with people
who are asking simple questions about what does this program do, who gets the money,
who are our contractors, who's funded, and that sort of level of insubordination
makes it impossible to conduct the sort of mature and serious review that I
think foreign aid writ large should have. We're spending taxpayer money here.
These are not donor dollars, these are taxpayer dollars, and we owe the American
people the shirt.
The assurance is that every dollar we are spending abroad is being spent on something that furthers our national interest.
And all right. Yeah. So, I mean, that's really the substance of the argument.
USAID has been operating and Marco in a different interview said, look, they don't think that they told us that they don't feel they have to be responsive to any particular U.S. agency.
They are responsible and responsive to themselves.
And they have a global agenda.
Right. USAID.
Billions and billions and billions of our money.
Right. That's easy.
Congress every year out here.
How much do you need?
USAID, 40, 50 billion.
And a lot of that flows back into congressional and Senate re-election coffers. Pay no mind to that. That's easy,
right? But in our easy, hard framework, some things are easy. Corruption is easy in DC.
You know what's hard? Doing good things for people like Western North Carolina,
what they needed to help rebuild, what Lahaina needed to rebuild. Whenever there's a big tragedy
in the United States, you know, the East Palestine train disaster,
you think that went away because we're not talking about it?
No, you can still go out to streams out there
and sort of stab at them and oily stuff comes up to the surface.
It's nasty.
It's hard getting money to help American citizens.
It's easy when it's graft and corruption, all that stuff.
So this is what just got exposed.
And the question is, do you really think
that there's a lot of people out there
who organically are like,
hmm, I'm so mad that somebody's going to finally take a look
at where our taxpayer money is going
into this shadowy, unaccountable
international aid organization.
I'm so, I'm just, I'm just,
my light switch got flicked
and I just went straight from,
I didn't know anything about this last week to I'm murdery this week.
Okay, if that did happen, we got to talk about these tools of persuasion because we're getting fifth gen warfare and psychological operations. that they have been turned against us by a corporation, an NGO, or even a U.S. agency.
I think there ought to be the equivalent of the corporate death penalty.
Those agencies, gone, just nuked.
Get them out of here.
The corporation, disbanded.
Sorry, all you taxpayers and bondholders in that corporation. That has all been seized by the public, and you lost.
Better luck next time, caveat emptor.
Do not invest in rogue entities, okay? Do some lost better luck next time caveat emptor do not invest in rogue
entities okay do some more due diligence next time that's how i would run that stuff consequences
consequences if i was going to run for president i would have a single plank consequences they're
not just for little people anymore i think that's what we ought to have um so at any rate really we
think that that a bunch of random
redditors and blue sky people suddenly got murdery because there's gonna be some inquiry into how
these funds have been dispersed over a few years or do we think it's more likely that
those same entities that are being looked at are freaking out and dialing up all of their ngls like dude if we
could we could use a little help on a social campaign right now uh are there any ends any
means that we wouldn't no no the ends justify the means totally yeah oh let's um murder yeah yeah
incite things towards a civil war sure right i think that's what's going on here i think
um and remember this is just a vast enterprise of narrative control i'm safe saying that i'm
positive that that there's some skulldudgery happening in here because this wasn't just
like we had just a little bit of like i listen i was front lines on the censorship stuff right
getting the youtube strikes watching the shadow banning happening watching this happen to my
friends watching this happen to colleagues watching over and over again and
understanding that it wasn't just because Pfizer called up YouTube and said, you know, we'd like
a little less focus on ivermectin this week because we got to sell more BACs product.
It wasn't just that. It was that there was this whole assistance and apparatus that was
specifically designed to shape opinion. And it did it very,
very well. And I had to fight them head to head on places like back when it was called Twitter,
before Musk took it over. I think it's still, I don't think they totally have control of their
code yet, but we'll find out. But it was way worse then, right? When it got so bad that at the end of
the whole thing, you had the FDA itself saying, seriously, y'all, it's horse paste.
You know, when they're talking about ivermectin, it's like, well, yeah, but it's also Nobel
Prize winning human medicine you can take as a pill.
Like, how did how was it that the FDA got so wrapped up in the narrative that they completely
lost the plot of what ivermectin was?
How did that happen?
Well, it happened the same way that the tobacco wars got fought for so long it happened the same way that we now have all these toxic
foods and things going on in our food system it happened the same way that there are groups out
there that are very very good at nudging pr and weaponization of the narrative structure and here
they are you got academic initiatives right you know got think tanks, you got your so-called fact checkers or the gatekeepers.
I can't talk about that. You got all these NGOs and there could be a million of them there.
You got your government foundations, big tech, all of this stuff was part of the censorship
industrial complex, but it's now created something which I think is very bad, which I think that the kind of brain
damage that happens is a consequence of all these activities.
It might be lasting.
I'm not sure it's recoverable.
My poster child for this would be Sam Harris.
Very intellectual guy, smart.
Went off the reservation, got a really bad case of TDS, Trump derangement syndrome, and
seems unable to recover
from that particular condition.
And I'm not sure he's going to.
I'm not sure that certain doctors who just like,
like we had OBGYNs strongly advising their patients
to get vaccinated pre or during pregnancy
when they had no data for that.
None advised in any way.
It's not something you do,
but they did.
At any rate,
I don't know if they can come back
from that sort of intellectually,
emotionally, professionally.
I don't know what you do.
It may well be,
but they get people into states
where, all right, let's call it what it is they
create the same conditions that we see in cults okay now what's a cult a cult is an organized
system of thinking that works against your better interests right because we could argue we're all
in a cult right it's just this is the dominant culture. So that's not a cult. A cult is a splinter thing.
But you know what? There are organized systems of thinking within as a subset of your main culture
that are very positive for you, right? I could consider if you went to Tony Robbins and really
believed in and got invested in financial freedom and learning how to better yourself,
that's an organized system of thinking, but it works to your benefit. So we don't call it a cult. A cult is an organized system of thinking that works
against your better interests. So I would say if you fell victim to a cult and you believed in its
ideology and you fell into its architecture of thinking, and then you woke up one day and you
took on a stock, you would say, oh, that's a cult because, wow, my life is not better. It's not better because of this. It's really actually worse. So what's a good life? Happiness, contentment.
You know, you've got viable, deep relationships. You have a sense of meaning. You've got purpose,
right? All of that. Well, after they applied this cult of thinking here to people and they
really reinforced it and they used USAID as one of the
sort of tools for that not the only one but definitely an important one then you end up with
things like this um we have nerd with me a moderator at redder saying friends keep reporting
and i'll keep approving our denver food says here will always be a place of acceptance diversity
inclusion and a celebration of the people and cultures that shape our vibrant culinary scene.
However, if you support Trump or his regime, you are not welcome here.
We do not want your views or opinions.
Tolerating intolerance is complacency.
Right-wing snowflakes, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
It's, you know, will always be a place of acceptance, diversity,
except for you guys.
We're just,
we're going to kill you.
That's like,
we just,
we just,
there wasn't even like an intervening paragraph to help get from a to B that
we just went from.
We'll always be a place of tolerance and inclusion and diversity,
except those people.
We want to just kill them because they think differently.
This is insane.
This does not make your life better.
That is insane cult-like thinking right there.
Full stop.
That's what that is.
That is not well adjusted.
Whoever fell victim to this idea
that there's this vast group of people
they have to hate on,
which by the way, I hate to tell you this, Denver Food,
it's the majority of your country right now
based on the last voting results.
And also based on my personal interactions with humans out there, we're sick and tired of that whole being sick and tired thing.
Like how it had been run. Y'all had y'all had their hands on the driver's wheel for like decades.
And we ended up fat, stupid and broke as a nation. And I mean that obesity epidemics,
our high school students score like the worst out of all the industrialized
nations out there, developed nations.
And we're broke.
We're just totally broke as a nation.
They're like, you know what?
Anybody who points that out is just intolerant.
We hate them right away.
This is just anyway, we'll carry on with that for a bit.
By the way, there is some pushback.
Ed Martin is a is a U.S. attorney and is just basically saying, hey, we're aware that some of the staff at Doge has been targeted publicly.
If they pursue any and all legal action against anyone who impedes your work or threatens your people and so they we will not act like the previous administration who
looked the other way as the antifa and blm rioters as well as thugs with guns trashed our capital
city or protect doge and other workers no matter what um thanks for that ed martin um he tagged the
wrong elon up there so i hope he knows that but um at any rate uh there may well be consequences at this point now ub putin's 2025 i'm going to guess
that's a pretty recent handle just made up bots are good at just coming up with new handles like
that wrote here on reddit um are we at a constitutional crisis yet i started investigating
if american citizens could demand military intervention of Of course, it won't happen because the Republican
Christian extremists now own all branches of federal government. Christian extremists? What
are you talking about here, dude? What just happened? Where did that come from? Again,
if you asked him for a single example, oh, who's a Christian extremist that's in power right now,
that's wielding something? Go's whose name you're going to
pull out of that right i'm not clear who that would be anyway um it says here uh yes american
citizens can request a military intervention by contacting their elected officials so
then they go on to explain how you could request a military intervention um just totally weird here uh tar
heel 406 says musk's actions blatantly violate the appointments clause of the constitution oh
they've become constitutional all of a sudden it's very important this constitution thing
whether the executive even has this much power on its own is dubious at best but for it to be
wielded by musk makes a pretty open shot unconstitutional blatantly unconstitutional you know even this scotus won't allow it says visco
0825 but um hey you guys uh it read it do you remember when the supreme court struck down the
student loan thing in in 2023 and biden kept doing it anyway right for another year didn't even so
this whole idea that if scotus strikes it down, it's meaningful, unfortunately.
And I agree it should be meaningful. But unfortunately, the precedent has already been set that the president can just ignore it and nothing happens.
So that's not really good for your case right there. And here we have under our Fed news, that subreddit.
Why is no one stepping up to take action?
Eventually, you'll see private citizens stepping up to take action. They say here, I can't wait.
Significant Row 9416 says, I can't wait to wake up some morning to the nonstop headline news of some of these doge 19 to 21 year olds that are hacking USAID, Treasury, etc.
And or Musk himself or his bro legarch friends being cold in the street.
Can't wait. Definitely going to happen.
Again, real or is this stochastic terrorism?
If that's a bot putting that out there to create a fertile environment for violence to then happen,
then I think that needs to be investigated.
And I think that any entity that's running bots that are doing things like this
needs to be immediately seized, disbanded,
and its principal organizers and funders need to be charged with something.
Because this is not okay.
This is full-on the modern equivalent of the so-called yelling fire in a
crowded movie theater people say oh you can't do that that's against law no you totally can if the
movie theater is actually on fire right i hope someday there isn't a movie theater that catches
on fire and everybody's silent because they're like oh dude i can't this is the one place i
can't yell fire you know i just hope not um but this is sort of the equivalent of that right there
are certain things you can't do that would the point behind that can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater is that if you did that and it wasn't on fire,
you would create the condition knowingly that you were contributing to something that could well lead to mayhem or death.
Right. People would crush towards the exit and get hurt or die.
That's why you can't do that. That's why it's not considered protected. The protection of free speech begins to fall apart when you utter or communicate threats
or you utter things that you know are going to cause a bad outcome, like people crushing towards
a fire exit in a theater and dying, right? Anybody who's running these things knows exactly what
they're doing. The intention is very clear. If these are bots running these things, they need to be exposed and the firms behind them to be exposed and if there are any u.s
government people at all hello i'm talking to you fbi nsa tsa whatever other three-letter agencies
we have going on if you are involved in running these bot farms because you think that somehow
you're gonna like snatch defeat you know snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, right?
Like, oh, if I just run my bot farms,
maybe we create the conditions and we'll get some stochastic terrorism.
Take the,
take the roving eye of Elon off of us long enough that we can sort of skate
through this. If you're doing that,
I would support a full public trial and public consequences.
I think we got to get back to that.
We're going to need consequences again.
And so, yeah.
So let's see.
Sullivan Sullivan serves says,
what does it seem like you're babying these criminals that have absolutely
decimated the country over the last 50 years?
It's crystal clear what they have done and what they are fighting for.
Yeah, they're fighting to continue their criminal operation.
They are fighting for the right to continue to gaslight us, lie, cheat, steal, you know, ruin our future, enrich themselves.
That's that's the game.
That's it's just it's listen.
This is the arc of history okay
empires rise empires fall they always fall almost for the exact same reasons every single time
you get those seven deadly sins sort of become enshrined as sort of like a moral code among the
raccoons at the center of the whole thing right pride greed gluttony sloth envy those sorts of things lost right
if the if the people in power are anything they are prideful they're full of hubris
and their prime motivating animating energy of emotion would be envy i would guess i think that's kind of how it feels to me all right so
carrying on um yeah reddit's violent streak is exposed right you can just keep reading over and
over and over again they have this idea that somehow look at this uh lost replacement down
there under the under the luigi you know that that's um super mario brothers that they're
they're lionizing luigi is sort of like their totem.
Here's somebody who stepped up and did the right thing.
Luigi, of course, being the young man who shot the United Healthcare CEO in the streets of New York a while back there.
But anyway, so that's just in case you were wondering.
When you see a Super Mario Brothers Luigi icon, that's who they're referring to.
So Nazis have taken over it's luigi time
and then saying uh musk's platform is they say you're 96 violent porn and hate speech wtf
lost replacement there of course making up statistics on the spot and feeling good about
that like yeah 96 violent porn and hate speech um by the way just so you know this lost replacement
nine three eight nine uh if you want to know anything about what's going on in the world violent porn and hate speech. By the way, just so you know, this lost replacement. Nine, three, eight, nine.
If you want to know anything
about what's going on in the world,
you got to get off of Reddit
and you got to go over to X
at this point in time,
because everything else is just
you're being badly misinformed.
Now, this is how badly misinformed.
Let me take myself off of here
so we can read all of these.
This is a new subreddit r slash 50501 again i got this from
reddit underscore lies over on twitter or x now they're apparently they're coming up with an entire
um they're gonna big protest day they want a big protest day and so you can see stuff on here as
you read through there you know the ruling elite are on your side we will hang them says cast them
to the fires um let me get my laser
pointer thing out up here in the upper right we have same i'm a mother and privileged to live in
a two-parent household i'm going one of us can die so she's ready to throw her her life into this is
ready to give it up because something really bad so bad has happened she's ready to die for the
cause whatever that is but she'd be stumped if you asked her what the cause was um guillotines are more effective says comprehensive cat 7515
uh cryptographer low 6772 says absolutely terrifying i'd rather die trying to kill
every last tech bro than live this way hmm i wonder what happened that's so bad like live this way what is what has just happened that is so
bad oh my god i can't live with this somebody is going to look into usaid's grant funding
i can't live this way i'd rather die like whoa that escalated quickly what just what just happened
um crazy uh how about this one yes yes. Feel the Luigi flow through you.
I'm dressing up like Luigi when I go.
Super Sasquatch saying,
I personally am prepared to fight and be a martyr if it comes to that.
I love Canada and will fight to defend it to the end.
My grandfather fought on Juneau Beach as a native soldier.
He was one of the first waves of troops I owe to
him and every other veteran who sacrificed for us.
I will do everything I can to protect our country.
You're Canadian.
I hate to tell you this,
Canadian people, anybody
but like 60% of your households
are insolvent.
That had nothing to do with
Elon or some tech bros or Trump.
That was called a self-goal, right?
You kick that soccer ball into your own net, okay?
That's because you elected and continue to elect Justin Trudeau and Christian Freeland
and all those band of raccoons, and they absolutely destroyed your country.
And that's an own goal.
That's on you.
So get angry if you want but you know you'd probably want to get angry at the right people and assign cause and
blame in the appropriate direction all i'm saying is canada you got some introspection to be to be
carrying on before you get angry at elon looking at usaid grants i'm not i'm not i'm not following
you here can Canadian guy.
It's more reckless to let these traders continue on this coup. Collateral
damage is necessary. So look at all this.
Just look at all this.
Right? They like
guillotines. They like Luigi.
They like the idea of coups.
They're ready to die.
What if this is not organic?
What if this is manufactured hate?
What if this is programming that's gotten so robust and so powerful that to the extent these are real people,
they've been pulled in by basically really, really sexy marketing, right?
This is just like, I have to buy a Prius.
You know, it's like, you can't explain why. Well, the marketing got to you. I think that's what's
happening here. Um, and, and so imagine this, if you are somebody who feels that you've been drawn
into this orbit of hate, or, you know, somebody who's been drawn into this orbit of hate,
think how just deeply embarrassing it's going to be to discover that all of this emotional,
like to the point where you're like, I can't live this way.
I'm ready to die.
Like that's pretty serious.
But you've to the extent you've allowed somebody with a different set of interests, which,
by the way, don't include you.
They're not interested in you.
They don't care at all how your life turns out, that they just nudged you and poked you
and gave you some, you know, some Facebook memes and just served up an echo chamber tiled for you just so that you end up like having a ruined life as a consequence of that.
Well, that's kind of on you. But how embarrassing that is, how embarrassing to be just nudged by some people who frankly are just gross sociopaths who don't care at all about you
and next thing you know they've got you whipped into this state uh it's just frank it's just
embarrassing it really is just full stop um how about this where we see this little exchange
between uh leer me that uh bifrost and uh tickle me cliffyy. And so just look at this.
It just goes, I'll let you read that.
You know, are you threatening my freedom of speech?
You should be careful doing that.
Won't end well for little bitches like you.
Death threats.
Someone needs to beat the shit out of you, sweetheart.
On and on and on.
I'll guarantee you that Tickle Me Cliffy in real life considers themselves to be a good person.
Who believes in feminist principles and all that.
But when they got triggered, which was easy next thing, you know, because this person said, you know, you should probably be worried about the FBI than the Reddit admins.
Judging by your comments, just saw that Musk included you in his report to the feds.
Good luck.
I hate you now.
Little bitch.
I can beat the shit out of you, sweetheart.
It's just. Oh, my God. This is crazy. you now. Little bitch. I can beat the shit out of you, sweetheart.
Oh my god. This is crazy. This is like full-on sickness
going on over here. It's like
by the time your worldview
gets distorted to the point that this
becomes how you think, you might
be in a cult.
Again, a cult is an organized system
of thinking that works against your better interest.
By the time you're saying, you know what, I'm so destroyed by this stuff that doesn't even impact my daily life yet.
It's just something happening somewhere else.
I'm so destroyed by that.
I'm going to throw myself on the metaphorical, if not literal, pyre of life.
Whoa, whoa, Bucky.
Maybe you're following the wrong guru.
I don't want to check your sources there.
So I'm looking at this.
At any rate, again, at Reddit underscore LizaNX for all the fun.
You can see this stuff.
But look at this.
Reddit continues to crash out.
Awaken the Aegis.
If you're not calling for the execution of Musk and his cronies, then you are part of the problem, says Awaken the Aegis.
FBI here. Saving saying, man saying man dude you need therapy man you are a bot well awaken the aegis i hate to tell you this either you're the bot or you fell
victim to bots but here's the prime here's the prime conclusion of all this okay and then we'll
wrap up here i just wanted to talk about this idea of stochastic terrorism the idea that stochastic
terrorism and i'll tell you what let me just um let me go back to that full stop and let me get back to this because I just want to review this together very quickly because this is really important. Like, listen, it might be real people. And it probably includes a few real people, but definitely it includes some not real people.
And those not real people are contributing to this overall idea that political violence is OK.
There's this hostile public rhetoric.
It's being fully directed now at Elon.
It is little boys.
I can't stand this.
And it's an incitement to violence.
This is stochastic terrorism and if it's being wielded by people inside the united
states either directly or indirectly if we dig through the usaid funding and discover
that they are funding this behavior at all i would support the most draconian of penalties
you could possibly imagine i'm talking life in prison and completely shred everything your family owns just gets taken away, like all the money all gone.
Right. There has to be consequences for this because this is not OK, because if this continues and they're allowed to continue trying to foment this first, they ruin lives.
Right. Lots of individual lives get ruined. Right. Because people end up just angry and confused.
They belong to a team that's constantly telling them they ought to be like alarmed and on fire and unhappy. Some of them are going to go out and commit acts of violence that
are going to be life changing events for them where they can't recover from those. They may
commit things that become a blight on their soul. So they'll have karmic issues they're going to
have to deal with. There's all kinds of bad stuff. So to the extent that people are willingly,
openly, knowingly contributing to this and pushing
bots out there to create the environment of stochastic terrorism, I think those people
should be held responsible to the fullest account. And if you are listening to this and you are part
of this and you're running this for a corporation, for an NGO or for an agency or for a foreign
government, I think you should think long and careful about it because when we find out about
this and we will, and I think that's what people voted for. That's certainly what I voted for here
is I want to we need to change. We're all done being fat, stupid and broke, lied to gaslit and
and having this enforcement like we try and just go on and have a nice time on social media.
And there's some bots in there that want us to all, you know, be fractured, divided,
unhappy, fat, stupid and broke. Right. Like, you know, be fractured, divided, unhappy, fat, stupid and broke, right?
Like, you know, I'm not, I'm totally not down with that. So I don't want any more psychological
programming, no nudge units. I would make it completely illegal. It should be totally illegal
for people, entities, individuals to use tools of persuasion that are this sophisticated that
they break people's brains. That's what I wanted to talk about here today.
So at any rate, let me see. Let's see what else we got here as we wrap up. Let's see. Okay. Like
this book recommendation, Big Intel, How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State
Villains by J. Michael Waller. Okay, that sounds interesting. Certainly on point here today.
And let's see.
What else we got here?
Yeah, I think this is true.
Wrong way.
They figured out how to tap into the emotionality and strip rationality.
Quite terrifying.
And it's very powerful.
People skipped right over all the intervening steps.
Went from, I don't know anything about USAID to like kill them.
It's just, whoa, whoa, that was a little abrupt, but we've seen that over and over again.
Right. We saw it with the masks. You remember, I'm old enough to remember COVID where I had to read about headlines where they were saying things like, you know, 68 percent of Democrats think that, you know, people who don't vaccinate their children should have them taken from them and be put in camps right like that was how'd we get there so quickly um this makes sense i have to be vaccinated so your
vaccination works it's just it the logic centers the emotional centers are completely short-circuited
in this whole thing so it's it's just no good um and let's see if there's anything else in here
before i wrap up and by the way uh if you
like this kind of content you're going to come to peak because i'm going to be on this
full full stop you know what i did during covid was daily coverage i'm going to be doing pretty
much daily coverage now on the things that are happening it's happening so fast this is kind of
feels 1776 ish in a lot of ways it's like listen there was this we finally had had enough
and said no we just can't continue this way we're fat stupid and broke we're tired of that and we
want to just do it different but there's a whole group of people like no we insist we want to be
fat stupid broken violently angry right and we're like oh whoa okay so this might be a little bit
more of a fight than i thought um because i you would think people eventually would go yeah you
know what totally let's stop poisoning our own children that that's a fight than I thought. Um, cause I, you would think people eventually would go, yeah, you know what? Totally. Let's stop poisoning our own children. That that's a good
idea. I thought there would be some overlap on that subject. Turns out there isn't, turns out
there's a whole group of people like, no, I'm totally not okay with that. I think we should
continue poisoning and harming our children. And we just found out who they are. That's cool.
Um, but not all of them. And it turns out a surprising number of people want to live under the boot of oppression.
And they're in there.
They're insisting on it.
And and I get it.
Yeah, definitely a cult.
You're right, Tim Williams.
So that's what we're fighting.
It's a cult.
I think it's a death cult because honestly, everything they do is not affirming of life.
That's been a thesis I've had for a long time. It just fits with the data that we currently have.
If the data changes, I'll change my mind.
But that's the prime problem that we're up against.
Is that there are people who just,
they don't care what happens to other people.
I do, and I know you do.
And there's even more of us than them
who actually do care about how things turn out, right?
I want to create a better future for your kids.
I've never met them, probably never will. I just want to create a better future for your kids. I've never
met them, probably never will. I just want to create a better future because that's the right
thing to do as a mature, non-insane, non-broken human being, just quite normal. So we're going
to get back to that. I think that's what this fight is really about. But man, this is getting
interesting. It's getting spicy. And so a lot of what i'm discussing back at peak
prosperity concerns the what are they gonna do because you know the they in this story like
the high-end us aid officials like samantha powers and people like her they have a decision to make
it's like well i could just sort of go okay yeah you guys have a point and let me just go quietly
into the good night or they do what they've always done which
is something awful because they can't face the music and they refuse to and they would rather
do something awful to you than have to spend even a solitary second wondering if they're the baddies
so you have to worry about that of course there's things we can do to prepare so are they gonna
it's gonna be a military thing that they're gonna, is it going to be a military thing that they're going to initiate? Is it a financial thing, a market thing, another pandemic? Who knows? All right. With that,
thanks very much for listening today, everybody. And we'll be back. But this was just a surprise
signal. I hope you got something out of it. I hope it was good for you. I had a lot of fun.
It's as fun as you can have on a subject like this, stochastic terrorism.
You'll see it everywhere now that you know to look for it. Bye for now.