Peak Prosperity - The Abandonment Of Posts In The Overwatch Building Is Difficult To Accept
Episode Date: August 8, 2024To paraphrase Sherlock Holmes, once you’ve run out of ways to make excuses based on rank incompetence, you are left with less savory explanations. The timeline of how the precise gap was left that C...rooks perfectly exploited repels the mind. It’s unbelievable.
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You know what's really been bothering me since the start of the whole Trump assassination attempt investigation?
What were those local law enforcement people up to?
Hello everyone, Dr. Chris Martins here. We got to talk about this. This really stinks.
Wait till you see what I found here. This is, oof, all right, let's just dive right in.
First, we have to account for the local law enforcement, not all of them, but a few of them,
and we have to ask some questions here, and we're going to account for those statements they've given us so far
against Crooks' movements, and we put those two things together, boy, we got some questions.
You see me shifting in my seat uncomfortably around that.
First, where were the Overwatch local snipers positioned?
They were in Overwatch position, so let's make sure we're clear about that.
When did they spot and talk about Crooks?
I think we have a timeline on that. Maybe you know that.
But we have to put that into the larger context, which is we're delivering today when exactly did they leave their posts or is the
correct word abandon and then when exactly did that municipal cop seat crooks and drop down uh
we have to talk about this now we have an incredible citizens investigation ongoing and
this is a comment by commenter up there who is a user that's their username they chose what an excellent string
of dots to connect and oh by there's so many good things going on back at peak prosperity to
investigate so here's here's their string of dots and i'm just let me um let me just let's just go
through them together so first commenter said hey some suspicious facts concerning the local law
enforcement and esu snipers that i below fit into a narrative where one ESU sniper is the second shooter.
Weird facts. So what are those facts?
First, three ESU snipers were assigned to the AGR American Glass Research Building.
But one Beaver County sniper leaves at 427 about 90 minutes before Trump gets started speaking.
And so what's the point of having somebody before Trump even gets on stage? Second, said B.C. sniper text to others that suspect
crooks presumably saw him leave building and was just sitting 50 yards away to picnic table and
quote, he knows you guys are up there. This is the actual text that we see here from july 8th so they were talking about let me get my
little dot tool out here nope not that yeah that so here you can see this is from july 8th they
were talking about bravo 2 uh that can stay the whole day so that the bravo has has bravo unit
has two that can stay the whole day but one that would have to leave early and one. So they're going to have three, but one's going to have to leave early.
So this was already noted way in advance here on July 8th.
You can see snipers have one name and I are going to cover it.
Me from eight until four, and then he will cover the rest.
Let me know if that works for you.
So we know now we have three.
One's going to be leaving early.
OK. And so here on July 9th, we can see that this is again, this is, you know, the 13th is the event.
So now we're we're days in advance. They're getting warmed up. They're preparing.
And they said, hey, please hit up your guys up again for Saturday.
We are going and I will make side arrangements with those who are going.
Please send me the names.
Blank and blank for the whole event.
Blank from 8 to 4. So we have clearly established 1, 2, 3 snipers are coming from the local law enforcement, Beaver and Butler counties.
So confirmed.
Two can work the whole event.
One's got to leave 8 to 4.
He can work the rest of the time.
So this is all going to factor in shortly.
So on July 12th, day before, at 6.55 in the evening, tweeting back out from the pre-planning document.
Hey, here's the timeline of events.
The sniper positions are going to be occupied starting at 11 o'clock in the morning.
Counter-assault teams are in place at 11 o'clock termination of the overwatch positions overwatch
positions start after the motorcade departs so here's the whole run of show and so the day before
they're confirming hey you guys are going to be in what they're calling an overwatch position this
is important and it's important because we saw a little bit of trying to frame as if they were just here on this first floor but they weren't.
We know that they were also on the second floor positions.
Now this comes from the Charles Grassley materials.
Really good stuff.
And by the way, there's a red picnic table right here which is going to factor in in a minute.
And there's also potentially a picnic table over here, which we'll also factor in in a minute. So in yellow, here we have Beaver ESU, and we saw a picture of that funny thing draped.
Is that a gun? Is it a gun without a barrel? Is it a shorty with a suppressor?
We don't know, but there's that funny gun looking out here at these trees.
And you see people under the trees, and we can tell they're on the second floor,
because if you look straight out that window, you'd see trees, and below you would be people, consistent with being on the second floor because if you look straight out that window you'd see trees and below you would be people consistent oops sorry with being on the second floor and as well this we have open
windows all along this side here and so here we have marked that here's where these people were
going to be and so on the first floor i think would be this blue dot down here and you see they
don't really have a lot of that they have a very tight cone of what they can see down there because they're on the lower floor looking out a little
window not really an overwatch position but beaver in yellow butler in green beaver and butler are up
here and responsible for that second floor overwatch position which of course would have been
just snap easy peasy to see crooks right here so this is where things get a little funky right
okay so at 4 27 this is t minus 105 minutes it's an hour and 45 minutes before the first shot is
fired so an hour and 105 minutes hour 45 we get this this is uh that one sniper who's leaving
they don't leave at four instead it
looks like they're leaving at 4 26 they said they're texting they're on their way out they
must be in the parking lot because they said quote someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked
by our cars just so you know so they're in a parking lot there are only two parking lots on
that agr complex one in the front with that false front where the ladders are and
everybody's there. That's one parking lot. And then there's another one out back. So we don't
know which one we're talking about, but I think we can guess based on this next text part, which
says, quote, I'm just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car.
So he knows you guys are up there. He's sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50
yards from the exit we don't know who he's talking about here necessarily but it seems like he's
talking about this crooks guy who's already been on the radar screen and quote he knows you guys
are up there now that means he must have observed him for a little bit must have seen him looking up
crooks looking up from the table up towards their overwatch position.
And then we get two responses, one from somebody where they've blanked all this out and everything.
But I think we can see here an N and an M.
That's what those two look like.
And I'm going to guess that that helps us identify these as separate two responses.
A thumbs up and a Roger that.
I'm not sure what those N and M's are,
but I'm just guessing somehow this is indicating
that we have two separate people.
Carrying on, he carries on and says,
that bike was not there when I pulled out.
Maybe have them check that car,
and I don't know what the rest says.
So some confusion in the
grassley materials they put this picture up and they said hey red picnic table circled here and
here is purple point of esu entry and exit so this is where esu is going to come and go inside and
out of what's called building six crooks of course shot from or crooks was found dead on the roof up here we're still
trying to resolve who did what shooting and so let me be careful about that because here's some
things we still don't yet know we don't know that the gun that crooks had fired any rounds we don't
know that it was chambered in 223 we don't know that the brass that was picked up around that gun
matched to that particular gun and firing pin we don't know that cro brass that was picked up around that gun matched to that particular gun and firing pin.
We don't know that Crook's hands had gunshot residue on them.
We don't know anything.
We just don't.
We haven't been told.
We're guessing.
We're assuming.
We've been told it was Crook's on the roof with a rifle.
Like, it's a game of Clue.
But we actually have no confirming evidence around that.
And the more time that passes, the more we're going to be guessing and suspecting and worrying that that
evidence has been tampered with or is not believable unfortunately because of how things
have gone in the past now this is from the after action report again from the grassley materials
so beaver county they put out an after action report and they said hey at 6 0 5 18 0 5 hours at 6 0 5 so this is just um what is that seven minutes
yes seven minutes before the shooting starts okay six minutes
six and a half minutes somewhere in there uh because i don't know exactly what this means
1805 and how many seconds but five minutes after six they're saying this is the status that they
knew about they all sat down in a room they compared notes they looked at text they remembered
what happened and they drew this uh took this picture and said hey listen at 605 our understanding
was it was a bicycle and a backpack here the suspect was noted at a picnic table which they
put back here okay and that's not where the one in the Grassley photo, the Grassley photo one would have been here.
Okay, and then they said, hey, there's a Beaver County East ECESU sniper here in this position over that,
and there's a Butler County sniper here.
So at 6.05, they're saying both snipers that are left are still in their positions.
One on that west-south corner window in the blue square,
one a little bit further to the east,
looking out of that overwatch position window
indicated by the green right-side-up triangle.
One, of course, being the position where Crooks was found right there.
And so I guess we label all these buildings they're labeling them
one two three four five six like that and they said of course at 805 sorry 605 at 1805 direction
of travel a suspect last noted this way back here now i want you to note this corner right here very
carefully because it's kind of figuring pretty promin prominently in just a second. First up, this is from that video we just showed yesterday, which is much higher resolution.
And this is around this corner. See this little retaining wall right here on this building?
That would have been this retaining wall that's seen right off of this corner. So if there is a
picnic table back here, I'm not sure we can locate it here from this video that was taken.
This video is just seconds before the shooting is about to take place.
Now, from Google Street View, we go to the backside of this whole thing and we can find a picnic table.
And obviously they're portable and mobile and all of that.
So maybe this picnic table got carted off and is now back here.
And this is the last place they saw crooks but that's kind of weird because they they had them right here and naturally
obviously this is a real easy way to get on the roof and as well there's another easy way to get
on the roof right over there that would be odd to say look we've been tracking this guy we're worried
about him and at 605 the last place we saw him the last place we saw him was at a picnic table right by a super
easy on-ramp to the roof or another on-ramp to the roof here. And the last known direction of
travel of suspect is putting him back here, which of course, I actually think this is a very likely
AC unit for him to have climbed up on if that was the route. Yeah, just an odd thing there. So kind of interesting, right? So remember
that at 426 or 428, whenever that was, the leaving, the exiting one of three snipers,
ding, said, hey, he's at a picnic table about 50 yards from the entrance which entrance so if we said this is the last
known picnic table uh 50 yards 150 feet i don't know which entrance they could be talking about
is there's no entrance on this maybe well there is a door on this side of the building i know
there's doors here in here i know there's a door here obviously you can see the walkway coming into
that you can see the walkway coming in towards. You can see the walkway coming in towards this one. And there's also entrances over here.
But when that first sniper leaving said he's 50 yards from the entrance,
it doesn't really fit.
But he said he's at a picnic table.
And here they're saying, last seen at this picnic table.
But was he noted at this picnic table at 6.05?
Or is this earlier?
A lot of confusion here.
We have questions.
But if we said, hey, you know, here he is sitting about 50 yards from the exit.
And this is the main exit everybody was using.
50 yards.
Pretty good guesstimate because that's where the table is that we first saw in the Grassley photo.
So I'm going to guess, based based on this that this guy is saying hey
the picnic table that we saw him at that's 50 yards from the exit was the one as indicated
in the grassley materials where you can see it's that one off by the exit which is right here so
that's fine okay i still don't know what this one means then suspect noted at a different picnic
table so now we have to bring two picnic tables
in if we're going to bring this picnic table into play things are just getting a little weird so
what i don't like is when there's lots of inconsistencies and stories and as you're going
to see they're really going to mount pretty badly as we as we carry on here all right and then here
we have a spelling error kid learning around. We're interpreting that as kid lurking around building.
We are in, that's at 538, is when they sent the picture.
The picture was actually taken earlier.
Kid lurking around building.
We are in AGR, I believe it is.
Yeah, I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage.
FYI, if you want to notify Secret Service snipers to look out, I lost sight of him.
Also, a bike with a backpack sitting next to it in rear of building that was not seen earlier.
That's been ruled out.
I'm pretty sure they found the guy whose bike that actually was.
That had nothing to do with Crooks.
He, I think, drove there.
A little confusing.
Did he drive there in his car, which is a Nissan or a white van?
Something was rigged with explosives.
A lot of confusion around
the vehicle as well however i don't think the the bicycle i think the bicycle's a red herring in
this instance has nothing to do with anything but they said call it into command and have uniform
check it out um and then here we see uh if you want to send this to whoever at command if you
have cell number from n we can see the n there this is whoever at command, if you have cell number from N, we can see the N
there. This is the bike picture. Again, didn't have anything to do with anything. S said, okay,
sent. P says they're asking for a direction of travel. N coming back into the fold here saying,
not sure. He was up against the building, if I had to guess, toward the back, away from the event.
So heading away from the event. Now, all of this is happening here at 5 45
551 559 6 p.m okay by the way um my scouting report for today for my subscribers if you're
watching this and uh just you're a subscriber please come back to peak prosperity we got to
back up and see the big picture everything that's's going on. I have a really, really big piece of framing that I'm lifting from a webinar we put on a while ago,
but it's really important that we share this point of view again about why all of this stuff is happening.
I don't want to get lost in the trees.
We got to back up, see the forest.
So that framing is something, as you know, I'm particularly good at.
So I want everybody to understand that it's time we have to back up.
Otherwise, we'll get lost in this story.
Now, back to the bullet points.
So a commenter was saying, at 6.05 to 6.12, coincidentally, just before Trump was shot,
one of the two ESU snipers left the AGR building, supposedly abandons his post and responsibility while Trump is speaking.
this is actual weirdness. This isn't fake weirdness. This is actually weird. And then
carrying on the motive alleged by ESU for the crucial abandonment was that the ESU was supposedly
wanted to look for crooks on the grounds, even though he could have just radioed local LEOs to
do so, maybe get a uniform. Plus, there were 12 plus local LEOs in that area just after the shooting, plus three undercover or plainclothes, we should say, officers from the west side of the AGR.
Wow, we've got some more on that super explosive stuff.
Wait till you see this in just a few minutes.
But this is what I was noticing, too.
Same thing as commenter, which is like, why would you have to leave your post to go look
for this kid?
First, generously, there were a hundred people out over there.
Generously, you could scan them in a second or two and say, not a kid, not a kid in a
gray shirt with glasses, not a kid at all.
Very easy and there weren't that many people around.
So how is it possible that that the sniper said you
know i'm just gonna have to go look for this person myself i'm leaving my post just doesn't
make sense it's just it's an odd thing actual weirdness next quote besides why unnecessarily
abandon his responsibility only late like it's 605 to to 6.12 and not way before, right?
ESU took a pick of crooks at 5.14.
Already at 5.26, they're like, he's on their radar.
Like, hey, weird kid.
He's hanging out at the picnic table.
He sees you, right?
So then why wouldn't you leave back then?
And then texted at 5.38 to snipers about the suspect.
So if it was so urgent to personally look about the suspect. So if it was so urgent
to personally look for the suspect, why not have done so 50 minutes earlier before Trump got on
the stage? Well, you know, you're sitting there, you're like, that's a little weird and it builds
in you. And then finally, you're like, that's a lot weird. And then finally you get that panic,
like, oh no, I think I left the stove on at home. You know, you're halfway across the Atlantic in a
plane. You're like, you know, you get that. I can see that happening, but it doesn't make sense to
say, hey, I got to leave my post, right? There's so many law enforcement down there. There's like
a dozen more, but minimally there were a dozen law enforcement down there who you could have just
like, I don't know, use your radios.ios because as far as I know these guys all had radios and they were in radio communication with each other they can say oh
yeah it was a little tricky getting our radios to the secret service people we didn't want to just
yell to them but these there's no excuse here that their their radios weren't interoperable
here at this environment so just call it on down or just lean out the window because there's all
there's officers down there yelled out the way hey can you go take a look for that kid you know
just lean out the window you know wave a white flag don't abandon your post i don't get it
uh carrying on the other remaining esu sniper also alleges a need to leave to allow colleagues
back in the agr building i don't know how to make sense of that yet and
then shots four to eight we think were taken from a different location than shots one to three
this is an ongoing area of investigation so this is really a very odd tale um let's start here first
so we know from an article in the daily Beast on July 23rd, because they are
recounting the verbal testimony of Paris, who is the state police of Pennsylvania spokesperson who
was there in front of Congress, says here officers dipped from post to search for Trump gunmen at
rally. Top cop says, quote, the suspicions of the ESU officers in the area who had a text thread going,
according to Paris, again, that's the spokesperson for the state police of Pennsylvania,
was heightened after Crooks was spotted looking through a range finder, a tool used by hunters
to judge long distance shots. And at that point, they sent a call and a text to state police who
verbally turned right around and gave it to the secret service the commissioner
added okay verbally turned right around so text comes in secret service person goes i mean sorry
state police person in the command post receives it and turns around and says to the secret service
person hey dude we got an issue here okay so we know verbally turned
right around and gave it to the secret service that means that i didn't that verbally was not
retexted it wasn't sent electronically um turned right around gave it to secret service so we know
secret service got it okay another odd point in this whole story. Right now, I'm just looking at the oddities of local law enforcement,
but trust me, there's an equal story of oddness around what the Secret Service did not do
in multiple instances, and this would be one of them.
The warning was relayed roughly 20 to 25 minutes before the shooting, according to Paris.
A photo of Crooks taken by the local snipers was also sent up the chain of command.
After flagging him, the two ESU officers abandoned their post to go search for the would-be assassin on the ground alongside other local officers in the immediacy, Paris said.
He was unable to provide an exact timeline of their movements.
And Benny Johnson had also, a while back, had put this up, which we reported on before, said they had a scoop, right? The real reason Trump's assassin was not eliminated on the rooftop before firing on Trump was,
and they said this information comes from a first-hand source, highest credentials.
Quote, there was a three-man SWAT sniper team located in this position.
One member of the team went home early, which we've established.
Not sure how this was allowed, but it happened.
Well, it was pre-agreed, according to the text.
The remaining two snipers positioned in this room were notified
that a suspicious individual was lurking outside the building.
Okay, I take exception with that. It's not they were notified.
They were the ones notifying about this suspicious individual.
Because remember, they took the pictures from the second floor window of Crooks down on
the retaining wall.
They were the ones sending these pictures out.
One team member left his position to investigate, leaving just one sniper with overwatch of
the roof.
Well, now that one has a very important job, I guess.
The investigating team member found nothing and in the process of returning to his position,
realized he'd forgotten his access card into the building.
The last remaining sniper with Overwatch left the position to retrieve his team member locked outside.
Now, this is weird because, again, we've established that we all know that there's this big giant entrance over there,
the entrance and exit in the grasping materials. It's got a purple set of lines around it right this is the place and somehow they
couldn't get back in right so this very odd tail like like there there's your way back in there it
is right right there i don't understand uh this story at. So now we have to believe that maybe there were other entrances on the other part of the building.
And so the other person said, oh, I got to go let this person in.
So now they have to run from the second floor down to the first floor and maybe open one of those back doors that opens to the back parking lot.
OK, how long do you think it takes to go?
Oh, shoot. I'm the last person up here and i got a lot
of gear up here so i gotta go let this guy back in because he's just texted me and i'd like to
see the text or the phone call that says hey i'm locked out can you let me back in you know rookie
mistakes right i goofed you run down the set of stairs you push the door open you run back up
what are you thinking 20 30 seconds well kind of interesting so according to the after action
report from beaver county here they said it again at 605 in the evening approximately suspect at
picnic tables in moving direction of sheets he has a backpack and as communicated by do by radio
love to know who that is who saw him at at that moment? Quote, Butler Sniper stayed in
place at original position. So I'm not sure that should say snipers, but anyway, that's what they
wrote. Butler Sniper stayed in place, but then at 6.06 to 6.12uda goes downstairs of building 1
to meet patrol and let them know
suspect is around building on sides of
And at the same time, somewhere in the zone,
one marked vehicle and an unmarked vehicle
pull in together. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Wait, wait. So,
at 8.06 to 8.12,
the official story off of their
after-action report in Beaver County is, for those six minutes, this person here, who their name might might rhyme with Breg, goes downstairs of building one.
And remember, the building one is the one that Crooks is on, goes downstairs of building one to me patrol, let them know suspects around the building on the side of the fairgrounds.
How does that take six minutes and let's put this into real um we have to get this this timeline once you put it this way i was like uh this this just this smells bad this is stinky folks this is
extra stinky so from ron johnson we have this timeline ron johnson the senator we see here that um at 603
right at 553 hey you know um we got all this stuff going on you know the earlier timeline it's like
they're worried about this kid because he's he's set off some alarm bells right so crooks has set
off alarm bells but again there's only like 100 people and
i'm being generous it's probably closer to 70 are on that side of the fence on the north side up on
the agr buildings and you got a dozen people a dozen officers out there at 603 former president
trump takes the stage so clock running 603 at 606 we according to fbi director deputy director paul Clock running, 6.03 at 6.06. According to FBI Director, Deputy Director Paul Abate,
video shows Crooks pulling himself onto the AGR building rooftop.
I have not seen this video.
I don't know if you have, but Crooks pulling himself onto the rooftop.
I have not seen this.
I've seen this one at 6.08, a video taken by James Copenhaver,
who would later sustain a gunshot wound at the rally, appears to show Crooks moving across the roof of the AGR building.
So there's two minutes.
He's pulled himself up.
And then we got two more minutes.
And then at 6.08, we see him way over there.
At 6.08.20, a local law enforcement officer reports over the radio, there is someone on the roof of the AGR building.
Look at that.
So now we have local law enforcement at 6.08 saying, hey, we got somebody on the roof of the agr building look at that so now we have local law enforcement
at 608 saying hey we got somebody on the roof um and they said at 608 32 12 seconds later that
they're wearing white shorts so we have a lot like dudes we got somebody on the roof so this
is the timeline we're supposed to accept local sniper teams have been planning for weeks. They take
positions at 11 o'clock in the morning. They're tracking weirdness about crooks for at least 105
minutes. It's an hour and 45 minutes. 6.03, it's showtime. Trump finally takes the stage. This is
everything you've been planning for, all the thing, yet this should be the heightened moment of alert.
And at 6.05, two minutes after Trump takes the stage, roughly, one of the remaining
two Overwatch snipers leaves the post to look for crooks. And then at 6.06, the last sniper leaves
the Overwatch post. They left the windows open. They possibly was still sniper gear set up. We
have questions about that. Ostensibly to let the other sniper back in, we're told. But we now don't know the name of the other sniper.
We don't know if they were let back in.
We're missing six whole minutes here because, you know, at 6.08, we have crooks captured on video by James Copenhaver.
We have radio reports that there's somebody on the roof.
And at 6.11.33, the first shots are fired.
How is this happening back here at 6.05, 6.06?
We lose both snipers from that
room and somehow with all this chatter and oh no it you know 608 look at this look at this right
here 608 20 we have a local law enforcement on the radio who ostensibly um that that it's 608 606 blank who rhymes with probably rhymes with breg goes downstairs to
meet with patrol let them know suspect is around the building that's it 606 yeah well at at 608
22 two minutes later there's like chat like yeah there's a kid up on the roof oh no sparks are connecting now we
understand in our brains that we're down there and building one like hmm i told him to look for this
kid now we got reports of somebody on the roof i wonder what we should make of this situation
hmm i know i'm gonna stand down here for another six minutes
or or at least four minutes i'm gonna just you know what i'm just gonna be down here for three
four five more minutes,
whatever, whatever the timeline is.
This is why we need an absolutely aggressive actual timeline.
But at 6.06, they leave the post.
At 6.08.38, we see crooks by James Copenhaver.
At 6.08.20, local radios or police radios are already lit up saying
somebody's on the roof and at 6 11
33 the first shot is fired okay remember milk bar tv did this extraordinary thing i put this in
yesterday's piece or the day before i can't remember now it's all blurring but it's 608 38
that's how we know we have crooks right there on the roof right um and remember we had some
questions we're like hey where did all
these plainclothes officers show up here's somebody who rhymes with breg uh standing right
there pretty sure that is greg nickel here we have capri pants guy here we have zz top and here we
have camo shorts guy okay so we were like hey we had questions like where did these guys come from
we know they came from the west side of the building the side that all the people were on going look there's a guy on the roof so we had some questions
about that um and remember you know here at 609 42 yeah we got people out here saying yeah hey
someone's someone's on top of the roof right that's a quote pulled from this beautiful thing
that milk bar tv did to line up all these video clips so now
we can get the whole story together right and at uh 6 10 0 7 a man says officer so somebody's already
being flagged over right it's at 6 10 like hey officer and then a woman yells at 6 10 and 13 seconds he's on the roof right there on the on the roof and then at 6 11 27 a
man yells he's got a gun and then just six seconds later shots ring out now awesome stuff in the
citizens investigation nwk photography finds those plainclothes leos i miss them they said hey here
they are and this is off of that new improved video we just
showed where we got finally the upgraded uh video from that west side all important video and here
they are it says look guys here they are found them so i zoomed in on that piece sure enough
we got capri pants guy we got camo cargo shorts guy there they are there they are at just about 11 seconds before the shots are going to ring out
they're over there on this side where all these people for minutes have been saying there's a guy
on the roof and what about this hey again for the win nwk photography found zz top guy yep sure
enough there he is in that same video and this is at 16 seconds before the shots ring out. There he is just strolling around out there in the audience where there are people actively saying there is a guy on the roof.
Right. Which you would think would attract some attention in that role.
And of course, if you look here carefully, this is the retaining wall that Crooks was snapped.
The picture was snapped on by one of the esu snipers
and of course they were up here or should have been and along this wall is where all the windows
are open but what do you think would happen if an officer just jumped up on this retaining wall and
went oh yeah hey yeah there's totally there's there's a dude now listen hindsight's 2020 i get
it but they had three full minutes of where is this guy right and
we during this time we saw people on the other side because of the dave stewart film that there's
cops on that side look like stadies and munis they have guns drawn they are so alarmed at this point
in time they are walking around like and everybody's already not watching trump but they're all swiveled and focused on this building and we have plainclothes officers over here and somehow
greg and the other sniper have as yet unnamed have left their positions and nobody can figure out
how to see this guy he's like right like crown. You can just see him because, of course, this building is set down in this little depression here. It's been set a lot lower and you have a retaining wall right there. Like you could just you could just jump and you could just see you could just see. OK. All right. Now and then this is interesting. Again, this is from the comments from Commenter back at the site, part of the citizen investigation.
Thank you, everybody participating.
It's amazing.
We're unraveling this.
Mainstream media immediately plants a story about a local cop being boosted to the roof of the AGR and falling down.
Name of the cop is never released.
No witnesses of any kind.
And then there's this Greg Smith guy who says differently. So let's turn to that now. So let me pull up my audio on this other one? And this is from a CBS story.
And it says here, quote, Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloop confirmed to KDKA-TV that an armed municipal officer, armed, with Butler Township,
encountered shooter Thomas Crooks before he fired shots from a rooftop building outside the perimeter of former President trump's rally the sheriff said he was not made aware of any
potential threats but confirmed an officer encountered the shooter on the roof and didn't
fire his weapon all i know he said here is the officer had both hands up on the roof to get up
on the roof never made it because the shooter had turned toward the officer and rightfully and
smartly the officer let go sheriff sloop says that before the shooting the officer and others were previously
alerted to a suspicious person and began searching for him right away sheriff sloop said this officer
was hoisted by another officer to the roof of a building where the shooter had taken a position
so somehow they got hoisted up on that on building six as we know it and somehow got hoisted up and then the story is is that um
crooks turned and and was getting pointed his gun at him now this is interesting so this is from a
report that came out very very early and so this is with a town manager from a local reporter
let's listen to how the whole thing was being described back then. Or he actually opened fire on the former president that they were hanging. One of the
officers was hanging off of the rooftop, locked eyes with him and had an AR-15 pointed at his head
before he dropped to the ground. Listen to the way that this town manager describes this situation to me.
When he was able to pull his head up over the roof, he did, in fact, see an individual on the roof with a weapon.
He saw the shooter?
He did.
And what did the shooter do?
Turned towards him, had the barrel of his weapon pointed at the officer.
Well, he pointed his rifle at the officer. Yes. And at that point,
the officer's hanging on to the side of the roof. Yes. Unable to pull a gun out. Unable to
defend himself. Unable to reach his radio. Any of that. Yeah. Yeah. Strictly defensive movement
for him to lower his head. um lost his own grip right fell approximately
feet to the ground so here's what the township manager told me he said that
that's weird so obviously the first thing you do if you're dropped like that is you immediately radio. So I'd like to hear that radio chatter.
As well, you pull your gun out and you climb back up and you shoot over the top
or you're hoisted back up or you fire a couple into the ground, get the party started.
But that didn't happen.
And then listen to this.
This is a whole lot of backing up happening here.
I don't know what's going on anymore.
Sheriff, the Washington Post is reporting,
according to you, that seconds before the gunman opened fire, he came face to face with a municipal
police officer who was not equipped to neutralize him. What can you tell me about that? Well, I never
said that. And I appreciate you, Jennifer, for bringing that to my attention. I immediately called the Washington Post reporter to straighten that particular issue out.
You know, how would I know it was seconds, first of all? And I never said that to begin with.
The face to face thing. How could I know he was face to face?
All I know is the officer had both hands up on the roof to get up onto the roof.
Never made it because the shooter
had turned towards the officer and rightfully and smartfully the officer let go
when stories start to shift around a whole lot this this is this is where this is something's
off right i mean this is just classic police work right you don't have to be a
super you know crime scene detective is like when the story isn't consistent that's where you lean
in a little bit so there's something off in this story and i don't know what it is but i'm really
concerned that we don't know the name of this municipal officer or the other one who was
boosting them up or whether they were boosted up at all or how if they were actually confronted with a rifle
if they were how much time elapsed between that confrontation and then uh the actual shooting
because because we have actual video from the times that crook came down and we see him rotate
away and he's probably reassembling his rifle from his backpack which was probably put into two pieces there's a couple of snap pins that you can reassemble the rifle and then he rolls back
over and he crawls up and we see we have full view of him that whole time and he doesn't turn
because to confront somebody can't have been somebody from the west side of the building
because we have cameras on that side so it has to be from the part the other side the main entrance
side the parking lot side,
where that ladder is up against the wall in behind those trees and that cubby or something.
So imagine this.
Crook is on the roof.
He's facing this way.
The threat from this officer who he has to confront
is over here, this direction.
So your choices include, this is on a ribbed roof,
your choices include you have to hike up and come over like this and point or you have to roll all the way
over for righty makes more sense where you come all the way over and twist over and then point
like how did that happen like we should have seen like like that would have been a fairly aggressive
large body motion by crooks to point that gun unless he pointed it right when he had
his back turned to us and we didn't see that but then we have to account for the fact that three
two and a half minutes passed from that moment until the first shot and now we have to ask well
what was that municipal officer doing for those getting some coffee not alerting anybody like this people this story stinks to high
heaven it just does this is where the investigation needs to look and look very carefully because it
just doesn't make any sense whatsoever okay now remember eyewitness key a key eyewitness greg
smith told gateway pundit a while back, he said, I saw him, the sniper,
Crooks, right before the shots happened, and I didn't see him turn around and confront anyone.
Never saw that. Didn't happen. We asked all the people around us in our group. We didn't see that.
I heard the story about the officer falling and hurting his foot, but no one saw that. I've heard
the stories. I have no idea what they're talking about.
So how do we begin to account for this?
Because somehow it's an important part of the story element that we have to have this confrontation by a muni officer.
But we don't have the officer's name.
We don't have any sense of exactly where they pulled themselves up or who was boosting them or how much time elapsed or any of that. And we don't have any confirmation from the video that we have of crooks doing his
bat crawling up there we don't have any we don't have any confirmation of it so why the story
what are our options the story's complete bs right just somebody made it up and now we're
just parsing through some fat tale or somebody wanted to sound more heroic than they actually
were um some uni cop actually tripped over like a curb and hurt their ankle and then made up this fantastic story about.
What we just hear or somehow there's something going on where an officer has to account for why they have a hurt foot in the context of the shooting.
So we could come up with some theories around that. None of them good. And or this is just a cover story being put out to throw everybody
off. And it's it's complete BS from higher up. I don't know what's happening at this point, but
if I was in charge of the investigation, congressmen and senators, I'd be burrowing in
hard on this little piece right here. Now, remember it was cbs news on july 17th uh still was
reporting that there was two officers involved and so they said here officials lost track of
crooks who disappeared but soon returned for a third time a third time with a backpack the local
sniper team called for backup alerting command post gunman had a backpack walking toward the
back of the building by the time the other local law officers responded to the backup request,
the gunman had scaled the building.
Two other municipal officers who heard the call for backup attempted to climb onto the roof.
Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloop told CBS Pittsburgh station KDKA
that an armed municipal officer with Butler Township was hoisted by another officer onto the
roof of the building where the gunman had taken position. Crooks focused his rifle towards the
officer who ultimately let go, falling off the roof. Moments later, the shooter began firing
into the crowd. Well, towards Trump. I'm not even sure I would call it firing into the crowd uh all very odd obviously um and so this leads to a whole lot of
actual weirdness around this whole thing um and so the last bullet point here from commenter says
right after the shooting in the dave stewart film a massive group of leos was law enforcement
officers was on the eastern side of agr6 very tensely pointing guns and rifles at the
roof not knowing even if there was another shooter alive yet the three undercover officers plus greg
nickel and camo pants plus a nike shirt were nearby relaxed chatting guns put back um just
yeah just like that part always confused me something really odd about that whole thing so when we look at
this timeline i'm just having a really hard time buying it uh that just that just listen your whole
job as a sniper is to not abandon your post your whole job if you have two of you is both of you
are not supposed to abandon your post but we're supposed to believe that both of them just suddenly decided at 6.06, 6.05 and 6.06 to just abandon their post.
Trump had just come on stage just at 6.03.
A couple of minutes later, they're like, my work here is done.
There's a weird, there's a very suspicious person. let's leave our all important overwatch positions because obviously we're going to do more good
down on the ground with the other dozen law enforcement officers where nobody has a vantage
point let's all run around on the ground that's the best use i mean it's just come on people this
stinks to high heaven obviously there's something wrong with us there's something wrong with the
muni cop story there's something wrong with the timeline and all of this obviously we need answers
and so this is where i would focus the investigation if I had the human resources and was able to come in and really start picking stories apart because something's really not good in these stories.
So with that, thanks very much for listening today.
I'm going to be heading back over to Peak Prosperity.
We got to go through the big picture on this because I think I can snap this into focus for folks what's going on here.
Let's not get lost in the forest. For the trees, let's see the forest because boy, big things happening
right now. With that, thanks everybody else for listening. Hope you got something from this. Please
continue to contribute to the Citizen's Investigation. Pictures, videos, thoughts, ideas,
calculations, anything you got, we'll make it use. We'll make use of it. All right. Bye for now.