Peak Prosperity - The Curious Case of The Blood in the Bathroom; Solved?

Episode Date: August 14, 2024

We’re chewing through the local LEO body and car cams to crips up the timeline as any good investigation should. It’s still a mystery why this is being left up to all of us to accomplish, but perh...aps it’s because the errors and gaffes (if that’s what they were) were terminally embarrassing or even completely inexplicable.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hang on a minute, not so fast. I think we've unraveled a bit of the mystery about the so-called blood in the bathroom at building in the AGR complex around the Trump shooting assassination. Let's go take a look. The following is the audio version of a video released at Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello, everyone. Dr. Chris Martinson here. This is going to be a quick one today. We got to talk about this, which is, hey, what about this? We're curious case of blood in the bathroom. So, well, let's see what we got here. out that there were at least a dozen law enforcement officers of every flavor that swarmed into the AGR complex right there at 6.17 and 30 seconds or so. And let's watch it again just so we understand what we're talking about in case you didn't
Starting point is 00:01:16 watch the prior episode. But this is after the shooting. Five officers have already swarmed in. And then this happens. We see a trooper opens the door, presumably somebody on the inside, allowing that to happen. Look at all these people piling in. A bunch of everybody's going in. There's an all call to action.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Something's happened, and the question is why. Now, was it because of blood in the bathroom? That's what we had heard. We'd heard from local witness Dave Stewart that he heard over the radio that there was blood in the bathroom, and he said that caused all the officers to go on this rampage and start kicking all through the building looking for a second shooter or was it because of some other reason so let's see if we can unravel this really quickly first up we don't have access to a whole lot of the audio in this and we're going to need access to all sorts of audio in this particular uh adventure
Starting point is 00:02:06 they've cut it out i don't know why you you figure out why you think that is but um let's listen in here this is from body worn camera bwc if i'm interpreting that correctly too it's a body camera from uh identifying officer 122125 this is just a snippet. This is what we're going to see here is the moment right before all those officers you just watched rush in. We're about, they ran in at 181733. And here we are at 1817, let me get my little laser pointer, 181709. So let's just watch and listen in and see if we can get any clues as to why everybody ran into the building all at once. We're still standing there.
Starting point is 00:03:04 You can see those officers in the back. Who saw them? Paul. No, a fucking sniper unit. They're still standing there. They called them out early. They're watching the back. No, they're outside of them.
Starting point is 00:03:17 They all start rushing. Everybody's rushing in the building right now. All units, hold the perimeter. All units, hold the perimeter. They're making entry to the building. Control, if you can hold everybody you can. PSP, Township State, I don't know how to enter the building. All units, hold the perimeter. All units, hold the perimeter. They're making entry to the building. Control, if you can hold everybody you can. DSP, Township State, I don't know, I entered the building. We need to hold the perimeter. I'm down.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Hold the perimeter. 1305, everybody, we're on fire. Stay there. You're good, you're good, you're good. Move the radio. Sorry. You're good. You're good. Attack command from Control. They're staying.
Starting point is 00:03:43 We have been told that somebody was looking out the window. I do not know who was inside. Ah. We have been told that somebody was looking out the window. Now look at this guy. More senior. He's like, hey, show us your window. See that?
Starting point is 00:03:57 He's like, look. If it comes across the radio that they're alarmed because somebody was looking out the window. Now this guy is obviously using window discipline right here. Good job, Sarge. Yeah, I was too. Me too. So that's all we know. Now, whatever radios these guys have are not tuned into whatever the other radios were that the other guys were listening to where they said, hey, storm the building.
Starting point is 00:04:20 We don't know what the reason was. Right now we're going to have to go with the idea that they said that somebody was looking out the window. Now, this is a little weird because we just had five people rush in. They were probably led in by a sixth person, which is this mysterious second sniper. We're going to have to have another episode, obviously, where we talk about Greg Nichol, Sniper 1, but there's a second sniper in the story. Mysterious is a ghost. we have no name nobody's even identified we haven't seen any images where people have suspected maybe it's this guy but there's a second sniper from um beaver or yes probably the beaver county because it was the
Starting point is 00:04:56 butler i think greg is part of butler i don't know one's from butler one's from beaver we'll work it out but we're still missing that second sniper so i think there's six people in the building, and now they're swarming in because they're like somebody was looking out the window. And so that's kind of a mysterious moment. All right. So here now, this is what we heard, and this is all we have confirmed for sure. This comes off of Dave Stewart's YouTube channel down here, but you can find this clip everywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:24 This is from BodyWorn Camera 122117. This is a full hour after the shooting. Listen in. The sound starts in a second. Trooper Graham was bleeding in that building. Trooper Graham was bleeding. Did you get that? Okay, thanks. One more time, because I think I've got to turn the sound up a little bit for you there. Trooper Graham was bleeding in the building. That's what I heard. Let's see what you hear. Trooper Graham was bleeding in that building.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Trooper Graham was bleeding. Okay. Okay. Thanks. So we have confirmation that Trooper Graham was bleeding. Okay. Okay. So we have confirmation that it was the Trooper Graham was bleeding in that building. Trooper Graham bleeding in that building. Now this is at 191134. Remember 181133 is when the shots first rang out. So we're pretty much a full hour after the shooting here. Um, and see that, oh yeah, get back to me. 13, 19-34. Okay, so this is kind of interesting because as we established, right, this is very weird timing,
Starting point is 00:06:30 which is that at 1811-33, or 6-11-33, depending on whether you're using 24-hour military time or other time, but at 6-11-33, that's the first shot. In one minute and 50 seconds after that first shot is fired, you know, we watch here at 23, mark here. Oh, the door opens. Here comes Greg. He's looking pretty cash. Looks like he just arrived, you know, coming out of a 7-Eleven or something. Just like, hey, guys, what's up?
Starting point is 00:06:59 He's looking casually to the north there, walking around. He doesn't look particularly alarmed. He doesn't look particularly concerned. He's not coming out in some sort of, you know, oh my gosh, there was just a, you know, eight rifle shots that I heard in the building right above me, which should have been pretty loud, right? Pretty loud like moment if he was down in that building or worse, if he was over in that second story building with the windows open, it was really loud. But why would he come all the way out this door and look around casually instead of looking out the window or maybe even better yet having shot crooks out of one of those windows that was
Starting point is 00:07:34 open we're covering all of that in an episode maybe tomorrow the next day i mean it's just it's just a bizarre bizarre story so we're going to have to account for both the snipers who were supposed to be in that overwatch building there's something still very hinky with that story, but let's clear up what we can while we can. We know that shortly after that, you see here at 1815 in 20, so this is about two minutes after Greg walks out, five people burst back into, well, burst, they run into that building, but Greg is, Greg is first through the, and we've numbered all the people who go in through that door, and we've got Greg Nickel, we've got State Policeman 1, State Policeman 2, that's SP1 and 2, we've got the white shirt, plain clothes guy on the back there, indicated number 4, and then there's the uniformed officer who actually opens
Starting point is 00:08:17 that door, and they rush in. So, we know that of those five, we know that none of those people who went in was Trooper Graham. I think we know who Trooper Graham is, because those five, we know that none of those people who went in was Trooper Graham. I think we know who Trooper Graham is because here earlier we have this. This comes from Pat Jack here on Twitter. Did a really nice job pulling these images out. And I think these are coming from pulled from an account that got suspended. I'm talking about you, a dude. Great, great Twitter channel. I don't know why it got
Starting point is 00:08:47 suspended. I don't know what happened there. But at any rate, it's happening these days. So we can see here, this is the gentleman with a kind of an embroidered star in his left pocket here and a badge on his belt. And we've shown him before. Excuse me. And then there's this other dude here this looks like i think this is trooper graham and i'll tell you why in just a second you see him flipping over this fence right here i believe this is the fence they later just rammed open uh if you saw that famous footage and uh-oh look at his hand uh-oh look at him looking at his hand here here's somebody uh from a clearer camera from the side we can see the same action
Starting point is 00:09:26 again this is an embroidered star meant to look undercovery law enforcement i don't know what but you can see his badge on his belt right here he comes over just fine but this is one of these chain linky things is you know the tops are folded over they're not like super sharp but they're folded over there's still some sharp spots on these fences, and coming over is a thing, particularly if you're a, well, you're wearing all your kit and you're a big dude, which Trooper Graham seems to be. Flips over, holds his hand up, and here you can even see there's a little something, looks like some blood on his hand.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So I think that mystery is solved for sure. Now what's interesting from the Dave Stewart film, we see that, looks to me like Trooper Graham comes over here. He's getting help from this guy. This is the guy with the star embroidered on his shoulder. He's getting help with his radio, his radio. And this is the cord that comes up over the back. The radio is like a Motorola with an antenna.
Starting point is 00:10:19 It's a regular box unit. And then it comes up over the shoulder. And then there's a clip on with a keyed mic or a keyable mic up there this is number five who entered into that guy right there he's got the uniform with the patch and everything this is the guy yanked the door open but this is right before the door gets yanked open and trooper graham comes over to here and then we get to see him over here in this particular scene here um so here he is bleeding we can see quite clearly bleeding in this this is from a different this is from uh bwc122109 and here we can see he's also still getting help with his uh let me get my laser pointer back sorry
Starting point is 00:11:02 about that here we can see he's still getting help with his radio which needs to be clipped back into this open clip right here and so this bwc122109 helps and gets it clipped back in and then walks over to the side now um this is trooper graham pretty sure about it um it's not 100 clear but that sure looks like graham and he's bleeding so i think we've resolved what happened here. And here is his keyable mic up over his right shoulder here. And it makes that black streak running diagonally across his back. So I'll put all that into context. First, I just want to let everybody know one thing. Shameless self-promotion here. This is what I do. I make sense of the world and I've been doing it for a long time. And I can help make sense out of things like this if you like this kind of analysis you're going to love being a subscriber at peak
Starting point is 00:11:49 prosperity but more importantly you know come for the crisp but stay for all the other people we have an incredible tribe of people unbelievable job unraveling this entire mystery right now and talking about it but here's the deal we have a way and the way we go about it's not the what the what's the content how is important so how we go about this is we will be brutally honest fix stuff let the data tell us what it's going to tell us change our minds when the data changes that's who we are so if you want the world to make sense and you're going to you're one of those people who just feels ah that sense of relief when finally you're around people when you add one plus one you get two and then tomorrow it's still two and the day after tomorrow it's still two right we capture territory we go through all of this stuff and we
Starting point is 00:12:37 resolve it piece by piece um here's people tracking truth has been following me since january 2020 when i was on top of the troubling shutdown in Wuhan, my COVID coverage was really the same thing I'm doing here on the Trump coverage. I dive deep, I figure stuff out, and I am incredibly good at figuring out what's happening in real time from kind of spotty information. I don't always bat a thousand, but i bat well over 500 on making sense of fast breaking situations with imperfect information just just how i do um and so uh let's see from jay they said you're the most agile of the alternative assassination analysts you're doing
Starting point is 00:13:17 great work of the you're doing the work of an entire news bureau and i see i'm stumbling i need this i need the sleep j it's like this has been it's been a little bit of a full-time thing but that's how it is you the sun is out you make hey you got to go got to go with it uh d said i wanted to reach out and congratulate you on outstanding presentation uh with gary um from paramount tactical great guy i've been following your channel for quite a long time while watching and learning from your content i've been most impressed by your scientific approach to topics. This video is no different.
Starting point is 00:13:48 You present your hypothesis and then work through supporting or conflicting data. Exactly. That's what we do. And that's, frankly, how it should be, as far as I'm concerned. And from Elle, you're the closest thing I can look to as an American hero. Thank you. At the moment, except for Elon. Yes, I agree. Don't quit.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Don't give in to pressure from adults or weaponized lawfare. This might be for all the marbles. Well, that's why I do what I do. And that's why we are going to be inviting you to come to both our summit where we get to meet in person. You can find that at Peak Prosperity as well. Come on, join the number one resilience community and science space community i mean we're just we're logical rational heartfelt people who really care we do what we do
Starting point is 00:14:32 because we want to help i want to help you be resilient and um high praise here from je uh saying binging on the insider videos if you do join i got a lot of content you're going to love you can binge away uh for the last 24 hours i'll take a break je and i've learned so much not only is dr chris brilliant but he has excellent teaching style is a retired master teacher myself i consider that a real compliment and so do i so thank you je for that i'm good at what i do um and i'm looking to get better all the time and i do that with help from my audience. Trooper Graham, as we learned, was not one of the five that went into the AGR complex. And we see that, you know, from the BWC 2122-109, they appear at the very end. That was the person who helped Trooper Graham with their radio, remember?
Starting point is 00:15:25 And as we saw his left hand dripping a little blood. That person you can see come right at the tail end of this particular video here. But here they are. Greg, again, just everybody's walking around casual. Nobody's avoiding windows except for that guy, wisely, ducking a little. Greg reefs on the door. It's closed, leading us to suspect there's somebody inside who's going to open that door although it's very difficult to see maybe we could get some video improvement on this some de-hazing or something that could help us see this and so greg starts to wander off and this is kind
Starting point is 00:15:55 of interesting let's take note of this look how urgent it is for greg to get back in first oh here he comes hey whoa whoa guys whoa whoa whoa and concern, no gun drawn. Comes in. They all pile in. That door eventually gets closed. And then we see this. That's the BWC-122-109, that officer right there. one of those but it sure looks like that looks to me like trooper graham swarming in with the big crew and at 16 at 6 17 40 when they get the call that maybe there's somebody looking out a window is how i'm interpreting this now we clearly can see trooper graham going in and then by 6 29 just 12 minutes after that when we have these body cameras coming in um we see this person here in the black uh saying there's somebody on the roof and oh by the way somebody may need stitches so this would fit with trooper graham having come in gone to the bathroom to trying to tend to his hand got a little blood there forgot to clean up somebody noticed it created a stink they had to resolve
Starting point is 00:17:01 that uh that's a possibility but by But by 629, this guy already knew what was going on. So commenter back at peak prosperity writing the blood in the bathroom may or may not be related to the possible need of stitches mentioned by black clad Washington regional SWAT Pennsylvania guy. The fact that he mentions the stitches, the ladder on its way, and makes this climbing motion with his hands all within two seconds strongly suggests that somebody got cut on the lip of the roof trying to climb it without a ladder. Maybe, or I think if we resolved it, if it is Trooper Graham, he just was trying to just to heave it over a fence and got caught on the way over
Starting point is 00:17:39 and got a little, maybe the webbing of his thumb or something seems to be centered around his left thumb. That got caught. So at any rate, I think that's what we've got right now. So for now, we're going to say it's entirely possible, if not probable, that the blood in the bathroom thing that's from Trooper Graham, that this is now, this angle in terms of interest has been downgraded sort of to a yellow, maybe even red condition. It's just not a thing we need to concern ourselves with at this time. But we had to step through it and resolve it.
Starting point is 00:18:14 And it's in yellow, not all the way in red, because I'm still waiting to hear what exactly was said over all of those muted radios that caused people to all burst into that building and go kicking around looking for a second shooter and as well i'd love to know who it was that noticed a face in the window looking out and which window they thought they saw somebody looking out of a lot of questions here by the way we have two more things we're going to have to resolve coming up very shortly the first one is this how exactly did all those cops miss cro? We're going to have to take a close look at the west side of building six. There's this real mystery there, a really strong story. And then, of course, that's going to lead us to the final conclusion thing we're going to take a look at,
Starting point is 00:18:54 which is how exactly did the Secret Service leave Trump on stage that whole time? There's some real problems with that. If I was leading this investigation, I'd do the same thing my friend Tom told me to do. And of course, he's a retired police sergeant of many, many years. And he said, who's in that command room, that interface room, who's relaying all of this information to the Secret Service, that little nexus, there was some kind of a command room. Remember, you know, somebody, I think it was Greg Nickel, took a shot of Crooks and they said, relay it to command. So command had state police in it and secret service. We know that they talked to each other. I don't know where that command room was. I don't know if it was in the building below Crooks. I don't know if it was
Starting point is 00:19:38 over under the tents or the barns. We don't know any of that. Of course, that would all be very important to resolve because what we need to know and understand, not just how did crooks manage to just sort of dally about, be noticed by everybody on a side of a fence with maybe 60, 70 people on it, with all sorts of both undercover or plainclothes, whatever we're calling them, plus uniformed officers everywhere. How was it possible that that kid managed to evade all of them, clamber up on a roof which should have been secured as we know and then spend three minutes on that roof running around point a rifle at an officer who by the way wasn't even at the site when all of this was going down
Starting point is 00:20:17 gets a text drives in pulls up and within two minutes has found crooks right like how did everybody else miss this guy for all that time? It's one of the enduring mysteries. So we're going to have to resolve that. All right. With that, thank you very much for listening. Please come by, become a member if you are, if this is the kind of way you think and like to think, because we would love to have you there. I would love to have you there. With that, thanks for now. We'll see you again as soon as we have another episode worth relaying. Bye-bye.

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