Peak Prosperity - The Mystery Of The Blood In The Bathroom
Episode Date: August 13, 2024Where did the blood in the bathroom come from? How did that “operator” get to the bathroom? Not through the only door we know was operating on the East side. Was there another door? If it didn’t... come from an ‘operator’ then who did it come from?
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We've got one more really big mystery to resolve, and that is, whose blood was that in the bathroom
of Building 6? such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content.
Hello, everyone. Dr. Chris Martinson here. Listen, I'm trying to get away from the Trump story a little bit because how much more can we do out here just looking at tapes and things like that?
Well, the answer is there's still plenty we can do.
And we've got an incredible team of people working on all angles of this thing behind the scenes.
And something has come up lately.
And this was in a private conversation with Dave Stewart when I first talked with him a week and a half, two weeks ago.
And he he had the the Zapruder film of
our time he mentioned something at the time which was that he was sitting outside of a cruiser
and heard that there was a second shooter right because of blood in the bathroom so let's talk
about this now this is a very very mysterious case we're going to break it down in our usual
style there's things we know things we don't. And this is kind of an odd case.
So to start, this is an actual recording of Dave being interviewed by, I believe, a state police trooper.
And let's just listen in.
I've just got this one fragment here for us to go over.
And then there was like a there was a couple there.
And then there was a guy with a Gazdan American flag who said that his motorcycle was left in the area there, and he was pissed about that.
I forget his name.
So you began this conversation saying something about a...
Yeah, because when we were first ducking behind the...
When they moved us all from the back of the agr building and homeland
security and uh the other guy with the long gun moved us over to the township police car uh to
take cover there the the door was open and we could hear the radio communications and uh they
said shooter dead on the roof and then they said, we breached the building.
There's blood in the bathroom.
Second shooter on the loose.
Because if the guy climbed the building and shot from there,
how was there blood found inside of a bathroom inside that building?
Good question.
So there had to have been a second shooter, right?
That got shot or something.
The cop.
You got moved to another building by who moved to another area by homeland
security i got the cuffs taken from behind me to the front by homeland security okay and then when
we got moved over to township township police were like dave and i'm like yeah please take these
cuffs off me and they took the cuffs off me and then they moved us across the street and then
they were like this is even a horrible spot over here if the dude wants to shoot out the windows get in the trunk of our car over here
and we'll drive you to the farm show okay okay so what was it that you overheard on the radio
that there was a shooter dead on the roof and then they were clearing the building and they
found blood in the bathroom and they said second suspect at large or something like that or whatever i don't know
but blood was found in the bathroom remember that for sure
because that's what had us freaked out because that's what the cops are telling us like hey the
second shooter's still around here so like let's move from this point over to this point where it's
safer and then they're like well it's not safe over here let's take you over here so you didn't actually
see any um potential second shooter no i assume the red truck guy was because what i
all right so the red truck guy is uh is theitor. We don't know who, but some guy was angrily clearing people off of that back fence line there just to the south of the AGR building six.
So Dave Stewart, he's there and very good eyewitness here sitting down by the car.
And he told me that other people also heard the same thing over the transmission that there is was blood in the bathroom and that this caused quite a stir and when i was talking with dave originally he said
that they were kicking down doors and rampaging all through the building like it took them quite
a while to clear out and discover that there wasn't a potential second shooter in there so
this is a real mystery right because it hasn't really shown up in any of the other timelines
and it seems like a potentially relevant detail well today we're going to find out just how relevant this detail is based on what i'm going to show you
all right so first up this i just got a few clips here so this is all coming to us from the m500
010482 you can see that designation let me get my little laser pointer up over here. So there are all these different body cams and
we'll call them car cams, right? So M500-010482 is a car cam. It's a dash mounted camera
in one of the cruisers. In fact, this happens to be the cruiser of the cop who pulled up. We went
over this on Friday. He pulled up to the water tower and came on scene. And within less than
two minutes, the officer who got out of this car managed to locate Crooks on the roof, even though
there were a lot of other officers in the area who couldn't manage that same detail. We're going to
have to get to a pair of those in more detail tomorrow. At any rate, it's 6-11-33. Shots begin.
So they all kind of, you know, what's interesting interesting? Now this car cam has, whatever its microphone is, it's inside the car.
It's sealed in there.
So that's really going to change the characteristic of sounds.
However, I will say with that said, all eight shots sound identical from this vantage point
right here in a muffled mic environment.
But this is the only recording i've got from the east side
of the building i don't we haven't done a full audio analysis on this yet i can't hear echoes
and all that maybe with some really detailed and now we'll we'll look we'll look into it but
let's just listen in here we are and that's it so those are the first nine shots and if i'd gone another couple seconds we would
have heard the 10th shot coming in and that sounds bizarre on this tape i think there's
something there worth analyzing but that's not what we're here to do today so just wanted to let you know and by the way i apologize even though it's not my fault for the quality of
these particular this camera here because it's got the sun pointing right at it a little later
it clears up if you know an hour or two after later in this video but right now the sun's
pouring in so we kind of have to squint through it just a little bit but that's the nature of the business we're in now what's interesting is we have to wait until 6 13
23 and greg nickel appears and he's going to open that door that's door 9 on building 6 on the east
side of the building which is facing the parking lot we've got the motorcycle right here there
would be two cruisers at this point over here and the shots went off uh at you see it says 18 13 16 at the top they went off at 18 11 33 so at 16 13 and 23
we're going to see greg nickel nickel um finally poke his head out of the building here. There he is.
Hi, Greg.
Now, note he looks around.
He's not particularly agitated.
He's not running.
I know he's heard the shots
because he was right in the building
when they happened.
A little odd, that behavior,
don't you think?
It seems very casual, kind of lackadaisical.
I'm not sure how to interpret that.
But first thing we can interpret for sure is that it took Greg a minute and 50 seconds to come out.
So he comes out of building six, door nine, and there we are.
Now, one thing we can ascertain, and this is from a different, this is from the body-worn camera,
if I'm interpreting that correct, the BWC.
This is from Officer 122125, and we'll come back to them in just a second.
But let's just watch here.
Is that door locked?
No, it's not locked.
Did you hear that?
Is it locked?
Go ahead.
I'm listening to him rattle the door.
I think it's that. It's that car, Renault.
Christian, go ahead.
Watch this. This guy right here with the beard. We're going to track him down tomorrow.
So, give me some news. The buttercup run?
All right.
So, what we've established here is that this officer comes walking over,
and I'll place this video back in the cop car cam timeline, the M500 timeline.
Anyway, this person established for us, he rattles the door.
So the door is locked, and we saw it close all on its own after Greg Nickel came out.
So I'm going to guess that this door is both self-closing and locking. And I
don't see a key card or anything on this one. And I haven't seen anybody use a key card because a
key card figured in prior. Nobody has a key card. People seem to have to sort of rattle it and have
somebody on the inside open it for them. Okay. Now, before I move on to the next part, part two
for subscribers today, I have to talk about how the uk has gone insane and listen what they're what's happening right now is our ability to talk with
each other and understand each other is being destroyed our sense of trust in the system
our connection with each other this is by design unfortunately it's like we're in this fifth
generation warfare piece now if you met me in person you would find out i'm exactly the same
person you're seeing right now.
I have just, it's not artifice. It's not a strategy. I just don't know how to be any other way than just truthful and genuine. And that's who I am. So there's no, I don't have a
stage act and then a home act. It's just all one, all one thing. And in order to combat this though,
we have to combat this particular, the really awful pernicious effects of us being driven apart from each other like rats in a cage.
We're being trained to fight each other and it's no good.
And by the way, the way we combat that is, well, we get together.
And so we're holding our peak prosperity summit this year, our most important one.
I can't guarantee there'll be any future ones the way the world is going. September 13th to 15th, but I just, I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that the tickets are only
on sale until August 25th because we have to give a notification of total count and food needs and
everything to the facility that we're using, which is in beautiful, beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee in
New Hampshire in September, which is kind of leaf season starting out there's just going to be gorgeous so please come by if you want to meet other people like you who resonate with the truth
and talking about things and where the world's really going and by the way you'll be surprised
they are the people who show up at my events are are very successful and very smart you'll fit
right in uh so please come to that if you want to but check that out at
if you want to get tickets i would be remiss if i didn't point out that we have to close ticket
sales on august 25th now back to the story so now we're going to go back so greg has left
people are walking around you can see from the timeline up here with my laser pointer again that this is now 18 14 and 56
remember it was 18 11 and 33 when the first shot went off and then it was a couple minutes after
that one minute 50 seconds that greg comes out and now all of a sudden we're going to see people
go back into building six here it's a little bit of a mystery to me see if you can resolve it for yourself how that door
actually gets opened because somebody yanks on it as we'll see and it opens and i'm wondering if
somebody wasn't also pushing on the bar at the same time but that's greg nickel oops sorry uh
that's greg nickel right here and this is another gentleman who's we'll call him plain clothes he
was identified in an earlier thing where he comes over.
This guy came through the fence line.
We've identified that from the Dave Stewart materials.
He's got sort of a star on his shirt.
He's also got a badge on his belt right here.
He's going to feature prominently in just a minute as well.
So let's just watch this and I'll narrate a little bit.
In fact, you know what?
We don't need the audio on this because it's just background noise.
Nothing is happening.
So I'll turn the video audio down, narrate it you here we go so greg comes walking over now we see another
state policeman entering the scene over here and this is uh the plainclothes guy who runs down
greg actually tried the door right then nothing happened so he's staring around now we have another state cop here now we've got looks
like a well i don't know who that is uniformed officer of some kind now we've got a statey with
a hat another statey without a hat oh there he is that's um yeah that's that's the guy with the
star in his chest and one two three four five people go in the door closes apparently it locks again
and that's the end of that so five people went in let's watch that one more time together just
so we really understand what we're seeing here okay greg tries the door nothing happens
that guy wanders off a little bit greg is looking around he doesn't know what's going on we've got a statey coming in a uniform
guy coming in from the side there and that guy holsters now he grabs it yanks the door open i
don't know if somebody i can't tell if somebody was in there and we watch one two three four five people pile in and that's that okay so what can we make of that
um well first thing is we've got uh this gentleman here who goes off to the side we'll be able to
place him a little bit later i'm not sure if i've
misidentified looking at this again i don't know who that other uniform guy is who went in there
yanked the door open now so i may have to recorrect that because i think i mistook him for this other
guy so we have these five going in first in through the door numbered by appearance of order of entry
into the building number one is greg nickel he runs Now, if you watch him run in and I can back up and we can watch it carefully, he doesn't redraw his pistol. He
doesn't clear the door, right? He doesn't like sweep it. He just runs right on in there. He has
no concerns personally that there's any threat inside the building. I think that's important
behavior to note here. And then number two is a state police officer with a hat in hand. Number
three is another state police officer without a hat in hand number three it's another state
police officer without a hat in hand and then there's this gentleman with the white shirt and
pants and some other plainclothes guy uh who also ran through the fence line or i should say this
guy ran through the fence line then we have a stadie over here who doesn't enter just keeps
a lookout um plus we gotta suspect is there somebody inside or did the guy just yank on
the door hard enoughank on the door
hard enough to defeat the locking system i don't know so let's go back to that really quick
and take a look at this together because this is really important what happens next
so everybody's out of the building got this guy he's ducking under the see greg tries the door
that other guy was ducking under the window he wanders off to the
side okay now we have a state police and then this other gentleman with the black hat and some sort
of patch in a black dark uniform on coming in greg wanders off this guy's looking at the door
he holsters his weapon he looks in the door and now what yank it's open i don't know if i see
somebody back there greg runs back he's like well i gotta be in here first just runs in the door and now what yank it's open i don't know if i see somebody back there greg runs
back he's like well i gotta be in here first just runs in the door other people come in but there's
no weapons drawn i don't know what's going on but everybody just sort of heads in there um re-watching
this now i think i've misidentified this gentleman here so i don't know about him anymore i'll have
to watch more carefully now first up greg nickel through the door. One thing we're going to notice here, and this is from the Dave Stewart films, is we
see that he is not bleeding. Okay. You can see there's no, no blood on his hands here. There's
no blood on his hand here. There's no blood on his hand. And here he is holding this hand up
and he's reholstered his weapon. You can see he he had his weapon here but it got reholstered and now
there's nothing dripping off here so i'm pretty sure greg has not come out of the door dripping
blood there's no blood on him as well we have number two and number three again coming over
from the dave stewart i can't identify who's who necessarily but we have these two gentlemen
running over it could be also because there's a gap in dave's film as he's panning back and
forth there could be another state cop who's run over here. So I can't be
totally sure which state cops we're talking about, but this is one of them here. We see he's got a
hat in his left hand and his right hand is clear and clean left hand, right hand, but nobody's
holding their hand running around. If it's a hand injury, I don't see anybody else bleeding from any
other place. Same thing over here with officer number three here,
gentleman number three,
running with a hat in the left hand
and a clear right hand.
And then this is undercover dude over here,
camo shorts guy.
Okay, and then there's number four comes through,
this gentleman wearing the white shirt and long pants
and some sort of a harnessy thing going on.
I don't know what,
don't know what that thing is, but he comes running through the fence as well. So all of
these guys came from the other side. They came running from the Trump side of things,
had to squeeze through the fence. You saw it had the secure tape and a chain and they're all
squeezing through, you know, we're going to put that to Benny Hill music someday. Cause it is
kind of, kind of humorous how that all happened. and then this guy I thought this was number five but I'm gonna have to go back and check it
may not be him no I don't think it is anymore so I'm gonna have to check on who that other officer
is um if it is who I'm thinking it is nah I don't have him in this picture set um but I didn't
notice anybody holding their hand nobody's coming in and by the way that officer who i think did go through the door first with the black uniform yet holsters their weapon and then just yanks the door i don't
see them holding a hand or something that would indicate that there is a lot of blood okay um so
at 6 15 36 five of these guys have entered and that's it and i watched the tape frame by frame
you know the whole way through the door is is closed. Presumably it's locked. Nothing happens.
Nobody else enters until almost exactly two minutes later when this happens.
So remember, as a reminder, this is what we heard about from Dave Stewart.
And let me just pull this up.
Like who said that his motorcycle was left in the area there, and he was pissed about that.
I forget his name.
So you began this conversation saying something about a second shooter.
Yeah, because when we were first ducking behind the, when they moved us all from the back of the AGR building and Homeland Security and the other guy with the long gun moved us over to the township police car to take cover there, the door was open and we could hear the radio communications.
And they said, shooter dead on the roof.
And then they said, we breached the building.
There's blood in the bathroom. Second shooter on the roof and then they said uh we breached the building there's blood in the
bathroom second shooter on the loose re-breach the building blood in the bathroom second shooter
on the loose i'm pretty sure that what they're talking about is this so it's 16 17 and 33 this
is just two minutes after the door is closed we We know there's just five people in there,
a possible sixth if that's who opened the door, unless this door can be defeated by just yanking
on an extra hard. I'm going to guess there's at least one other person in there, but for sure
there's not a lot of people in there because other people have rattled the door and nobody
seems to be letting anybody in. So we had those five in there, maybe one more, and they're in
there for a couple of minutes and then this
happens next this is astonishing watch this state he come over he's ducking everybody's nervous now
we got a fully kitted up guy coming in with close quarter combat rifles these guys they
open the door reach the door everybody's in everybody we got uniformed officers we got plainclothes officers we got a secret
service guy for sure we got quick reaction force dudes we got SWAT guys we got one of everybody
just piles on into that thing okay and that happens to be red red tie secret service guy
who's manning the door right now at this particular moment and everybody's in there and uh he just
stands around for a second looks to see if anybody else wants to come in we're waiting
and now everybody's in there because they're reported come over that there's blood in the
bathroom so second shooter now this starts to raise a number of fairly interesting questions for us, right?
Which include, comes one more guy, and yeah, it just takes another second and he closes the door.
And then everybody's sort of locked in there.
Okay, he doesn't see any need to be inside.
He's questioning if anybody needs anything.
You need me?
No, he's going to go over here and talk to the guys trying to get on the roof still over there okay so that's it so well we know something for sure now
which is something caused a lot of alarm and it caused 12 and then 13 guys to rush into this
building because there's blood in the bathroom is the report so whose blood is it exactly and can we account for that because all we know
for sure is greg nickel comes out almost two minutes after the first shots are fired the door
is closed nothing happens nobody's going in or out until it gets yanked open or somebody opens it
from the inside and just those five guys go in including g Greg, so Greg plus four, two of them happen to be what
we'll call plainclothes, right? And two of them happen to be uniformed. So what is actually
happening here? Because that seems like a pretty big event. And then finally, at 625.22, so this is like eight minutes later, the door opens and three come out and one goes in and we can watch this now together.
So door opens up here and oh, no, wait, it's not.
Yeah, not till 626.
Mistitled at the top.
OK, we got one Sty coming out and here are
these two call them plainclothes i don't know if they're state police or secret service yet i
haven't identified their badges or anything like that but that's camo pants guy and that's capri
pant guy right so they both ran in but now they come out they see no need to be in there anymore
eight minutes i guess they've cleared the building something's been resolved um but one thing i want you to notice for sure is only those three guys came out that guy right
there waving his hand the state police that guy and these two guys who only ran in as part of the
second contingent those two guys of 13 and nobody else comes out but what we're going to notice here
and observe is nobody injured comes out nobody who's bleeding're going to notice here and observe is nobody injured comes out.
Nobody who's bleeding or needs to go somewhere has come out.
Out of this door.
I don't know.
Maybe somebody got hurt and we don't know about that.
And they came out a door to the north somewhere else.
Or it's entirely possible that they would not have come back out of this particular doorway.
Always possible.
But I can tell you for sure, nobody injured came out of this doorway at that moment or any time prior.
So if somebody was in there, if there was an officer in there who somehow got injured
and was bleeding out in a sink and then decided, I've got to go get this taken care of,
you would think that they would have come back out again if they went in this door but
that didn't happen of course again they could have come out lots of buildings in this complex they
connect um that could have happened too so again that all ties us back to this clip right here
again where again we don't need the oh we, we can play it.
Is that door locked?
Hey, is that door locked? Comes in,
rattles the door.
You can see there's some people in there,
but the door won't open. So we've established
that the door is at least locked for light testing.
these were the two guys who had just come
out right and they don't look too alarmed and there's no blood on them so we don't know what's
exactly happening yet now this is interesting we carry on just a little bit longer and on the dash
cam and we are now at 18 6 27 and 32 seconds so we're a few minutes beyond still. And now we see a couple of these fully kitted up, backpack wearing,
ESU, Beaver County people, cop knocks on the door, they open it.
Now you can see somebody has to press on that to open that.
We've established that door's locked.
Those two people go in and they start communicating.
And we can see here pretty clearly that this door is now going to get propped open,
and so now we've got a regular chain of command in here.
And of all the people who ran in, nobody else has yet come back out again
until we see these folks enter at this point in time.
So this is important to me because this one of
these two people is Ms. Nickel who happens to be Greg Nickel's wife who is
the medic and we saw her as part of the ABC film you know when ABC said oh you
know these brave soldiers ran up they that's that's from those helmet cam I'll
show you that in just a second and here we can see a secret service guy coming out right there with the beard and he's got a secret service vest on and this all
connects now with the earlier videos that we've seen so now people are coming and going freely but
of note of note let's go to this next part of note because here where this is from the grassley release this is a helmet
cam this is the one that they used in the abc news piece here we go when i press it
open the door.
Can't confirm life status on the mail, but let's get it on.
Did you hear that? That was interesting.
Might need minor stitching is what I heard on that.
I don't know where the first operators are.
I think they're on the roof. Is that where the dude is too? Yeah, he's up there too. So this is fascinating because he says here that an operator might need minor stitching,
implying that an operator was trying to get on the roof and somehow cut their hand.
Now, what's fascinating about this is that we don't have any operators going into this building at
least from this view now if they hurt their hand they would have been over to
the side on this particular building over here where we've seen all those
people there first there was the pallets and then there was a one of those
collapsible sort of tack ladders and then later the big ladder came over
they're boosting each other up we don't know but what we don't see is we don't
see somebody racing into this building as part of that first five.
So the question becomes, if this was an operator who hurt their hand trying to get up, which door did they use?
How did they get in here?
Where did they go?
Because they must have run all the way around the building or used some very, very different entrance.
But this is the main entrance.
This is the prime way in and out of the building.
This door that we are now standing in coming through. So it becomes a little bit odd.
This is a bit of a mystery. How did that blood get in the bathroom? So we know these things,
right? We know that the door to AGR 6, that's door 9, itself closes, it locks. We know that
it was just Greg Nickel and four others, two uniform, two plainclothes, no operators right no kitted up people went back into agr6 at 6 15 36
greg enters first guns holstered no clearing the entrance right he's not nervous at all
comfortable going back in somebody inside presumably one of these five people who went
in or somebody else who's already inside still that is that sniper too with greg's team we don't
know who that is yet we're still don't know somebody notices blood in the bathroom and they phone it in uh outside leo are
notified dave stewart overhears the radio chatter right about blood in the bathroom and a second
shooter and then at 6 17 and 33 a dozen additional leos at least maybe 13 if we count that last guy who goes in later, swarm into Building 6 through Door 9, and then at 625, 22, three come back out.
So like eight minutes has passed. They're out there. They're trying to clear stuff.
Again, there could be other doorways people are coming and going from,
but this is the prime one we have to analyze.
And two plane clothes and one state cop come out. Nobody's injured. Nobody's bleeding.
And at 627, 45, the helmet cam crew arrives, and we see cop come out nobody's injured nobody's bleeding and at 6 27 45 the helmet cam crew arrives and we see them come in and then we hear about possibly an operator
might need stitches in their hand because the the black kidded guy is like yeah they're up there
said yeah he mentioned something about stitches in an operator so operator to me typically means
one of those people who's fully kitted up not not an officer, not a uniformed, right, not a plainclothes.
We would use different language for those.
So that means one of the fully kitted up people somehow cut their hand.
But the question then becomes, OK, but if they did, which door did they go back in?
Because I don't think any of the other ones on this side are operative for them.
I haven't seen anybody using the doorways in building three or building one or any of that so somehow somebody hurts their hand who's an operator well they would
have been on this side of the roof where we are our car cam is fully operative um as well we have
tons of uh body cam from a bunch of people and we don't hear anybody saying ah my hand right because
you know walking away with blood dripping down and and of that. So we don't have, this is a mystery. Again, this mystery may have a completely
innocent explanation, but for now it stands as a pretty interesting, compelling mystery
that we would want to resolve, right? We'd want to be sure that that blood tests out
and we know who it belongs to and, you know, do the full forensics on it, all of that, right?
And by the way, in the police radio car cam
we're in there's no chatter about any of this right there's not no chatter so the question is
well whose blood was it really and when exactly did they hurt themselves and how did they get
into the building until we solve those things i have to say well this is a big dangly loose end
that doesn't make a lot of sense now speaking of loose ends that are just a little odd, we're just going to take one
look at this before we close up for the day.
This one is really odd.
Dave Stewart pointed this out to me.
I don't know who else might have first found it, but I got a text from Dave and he said,
hey, did you see the old rifle swapperoo?
Now, this is later.
We can see it's 185838.
So now we're, I don't know how, what are we
at right now? We're closing in on, uh, 50 45. This is 45 minutes after first shots. The door's
already been propped open. So they're tired of opening it and closing it. It's got the cigarette
container, but the butt can there, that's what's propping that door open. That funny looking thing.
You drop your cigarettes in the top, I guess. Um um and i guess there's smokers in this building so here we are we're 45 minutes
after first shots we're good 25 30 minutes after the whole blood in the bathroom fiasco and so
people have been coming and going i don't know what to make of this. Tell me what you think about this. We're going to watch. Watch this carefully. This is a little bizarre.
So here we are rolling along and you're going to watch a uniformed officer come out and he's going
to be holding something in his left hand. He's also going to be on a radio communicating with somebody and so he comes on out and uh this is all very bizarre
let's see did i grab the wrong clip nope okay so here we are with uh by the way this is
camo pants guy and we've got an operator there.
We've got a statie here, and now we're also going to see this other gentleman come out who's the bearded guy.
And I think they're staties because of how easily they're interacting with this other state policeman right here.
They just seem to connect well.
Then we've got this guy coming out.
Look at him with that full rifle.
That's a big long rifle
he's got on that thing he's fully tricked out sunglass and beard guy comes out walks off looking
super cash right to do just another day out here in the parking lot where president got shot at
totally nothing to talk about really.
And then just a second later here, we got a couple seconds later, we're going to see this other guy come out.
I'm not totally clear what that is, but kind of looks like it's got a sling.
And he just leans it up there.
Now he's radioing and standing there pretty cash.
And this is where it all gets just a little odd.
Because he's talking to somebody.
We don't know about what.
We've got no audio on this.
Again, the audio in this cam is terrible.
The image looks a little better now because the sun has gone down behind the building.
So it's not fully on the windshield making it look all washed out.
So we can see a little better now. We've got some colors there that's all good so he radios out and what you're
going to see coming back into frame here is that sunglassed guy who had a big long rifle around him
but the big rifle's missing now now he looks all cat look at him he's like do do do do do do it
kind of has a vibe like
I'm trying to buy a dime bag of weed back
in high school. I'm trying to look casual.
That's just my total interpretation.
We'll get him to look around one
more time. I'm just going to take
this and wander off.
scene over. So I don't know what to
make of that. I don't know
what that thing is that we're
that we're talking about here because it seems like an odd thing to have a weapon that you would
just carry out of a building like that and then you would uh just sort of lean it up and this guy
wants to come back so don't know what to make of that if anybody has some ideas let me know you can see where it is about the time frame there on the m500 010482 tape and that's all we have to say about that at the point now i'm going
to go back to peak prosperity we have to talk about how the uk is going insane but by the way
that is part and parcel of a much larger problem that we're facing right now if it feels like the
quickening is upon you it's because it is we're in this post-truth world. Events are speeding up.
I really, I want you to be safe, happy, protected, prosperous.
I'm worried a lot of people are about to get steamrolled by what's coming,
economically, financially, politically, maybe even kinetically in this larger story.
That's why we do what we do.
That's why we're holding the citizens' investigation, because truth matters.
We all deserve to have access to the truth, and I trust that you're going to do the right things with the information
that you get. That's why I do what I do with that. Thanks very much for listening. We'll be back with
you next time. And let me know what you think about any of this in the comments down below.
And please share it. And by the way, if you haven't subscribed,
please subscribe as well. With that, until next time, Chris Martenson, signing off.