Peak Prosperity - The Top Four Inexcusable Investigation ‘Errors’ Committed By The FBI
Episode Date: August 17, 2024The FBI has done everything it can to obstruct the investigation into the J13 incident. I think there’s only one conclusion to be drawn here…...
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It is sometimes said that the cover-up is worse than the crime, but not in this case.
This crime was pretty heinous, and today we're going to be talking about the Clay Higgins report on the Trump assassination.
He went to the site. Let's talk about what he found, because it is explosive.
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content. Hello, everyone. Dr. Chris Martinson here. Listen, I promised myself I was going to take a day off.
I can't help it. This is just really astonishing what we're going to be talking about today.
This is a really explosive report by Clay Higgins, Representative Clay Higgins.
It's really pointing very clearly that there's some kind of FBI malfeasance going on at this point in time.
And I wish I didn't have to report on this. I wish it wasn't this way. But here we are.
This is absolutely a must read report. We see here is from Clay Higgins. It just came out dated 12th
of August. We just got it yesterday. And it says, note, this report is preliminary, not conclusive.
Look at all the committees that Clay Higgins serves on Committee on Homeland Security,
Chairman Border Security and Enforcement, Transportation and Maritime Security,
Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Government Operations and Federal Workforce,
etc. So, by the way, there he is down below. And Wikipedia hates this man, which is a good sign.
Wikipedia, of course, canceled my account, took my page down because I dared to say that maybe COVID was going to be a thing before it was officially okay to say that. That was February
5th, 2020. My page had been up for 12 years and it got taken down because I was saying uncomfortable
things that Wiki thought I shouldn't be saying. So Wiki is just a tool of the deep state.
And so that means that because in the transitive
rule, Wiki hates Clay Higgins. Therefore, he must also be aligned against the deep state,
which means he's on our side. So that's a good thing. OK, I like Clay Higgins method. It's one
we support. Representative Higgins here writing, he said, after appropriate arrangement through
the Congressional Office of Task Force Chairman Mike Kelly, whose district
encompasses Butler County, Pennsylvania, wherein the assassination attempt occurred on July 13th,
2024, hereafter referred to as J-13. I traveled to Butler County on Sunday, August 4th, leaving the
area on Tuesday, August 6th. So he's there three days. During my time on the ground in Pennsylvania,
I was able to focus about 20 hours of my on my initial investigative endeavor.
As always, my investigation was focused on hard evidence and facts, specific observations guided by instinct and experience.
This is a method we support, recognize and understand. He said, quote, my overall mission was to personally observe and investigate the
available crime scene site, along with consideration of both anticipated and unanticipated interactions
with witnesses, the crime scene landscape, hard evidence, corroborative evidence, and circumstantial
evidence. My initial investigative intent was to carefully observe and listen to document and
consider the totality of circumstance
surrounding the attempted assassination of President Trump. Be calm, move slowly to the
center, and just let the crime scene talk to you. This was advice to me as a young patrol cop from
a renowned investigator many years ago. So that's what he did. He traveled to Butler and, quote,
let the crime scene talk to me. Okay, so this is a preliminary report, but oh, my goodness, what he's already found is astonishing.
Many questions remain and new ones have been raised, but some have been answered.
So I like how he went about this a lot.
He said here he would like to clarify again this report is intended to promote discussion amongst the task force members and encourage, excuse me, well-disciplined further investigation, end quote.
This is what we're doing at Peak Prosperity.
If you come by our citizens investigation, we've got some extraordinary people there, lots of experience working on it and doing it in the same way.
We're here to promote discussion.
We don't know what the truth is, but through a process of elimination and wrestling and fact fitting and finding, we get closer and closer to the truth.
So we've made some really significant progress. And so has Representative Higgins here.
He said, quote, many, many considerations were cleared up like clutter, which allows an investigator to focus on central questions that remain, bigger considerations. Okay, he's working on a much more thorough report, and he says in the next report, I
will submit for Chairman Kelly's review.
That one will be much more comprehensive.
It's going to take a few more weeks to develop.
Totally understand the process, okay?
He goes there.
He's expecting to look for certain things, but also anything unanticipated that comes
up, you just flow with that because that's how a good investigation goes.
You see something that's a little out of sort and you follow it.
And then that often will give you a new avenue or even help you break the case.
OK, so he had observations of note.
And this one kind of stands out.
We should talk about this first.
He said of many observations of note, I'm just going to go through
a few. Again, read the whole report. I had the link at the beginning. We'll put it in the show
notes. Well worth your time. He said here, quote, according to my investigation, the United States
Secret Service had never, prior to J-13, assigned a counter sniper team to a former president of the united states including trump so the u triple s
had never prior to j13 assigned a counter sniper team to potus so he says i will not be a hundred
percent certain of this assertion without further investigation into documented records but
the usss counter sniper team stated clearly to ESU command that they had never been
deployed to a former POTUS event,
nor had they heard of a prior deployment by other U triple S counter sniper
So that's kind of interesting because I remember when I was talking with,
and I did the live cast with Gary of Paramount tactical.
He told me during that interview, whatever, our event, our live event,
that it was the holster gal that she was, we saw that she came to the site early. She was in the
pre-planning thing. She was there with the site special agent in charge, Tim Burke, and that she
was the one who advocated strongly for these snipers at this event. And so that's just kind of an interesting
moment there to notice that that happened. All right. Now, Secret Service as well had many,
many failures, which we've been observing, cataloging along the way. And so we have to
put kind of the FBI and the Secret Service in the same pot here, right? There are two
governmental agencies. And if this was a let it happen on purpose or made
it happen, if either of those theories or hypotheses is true, then we're you kind of have
to hold everybody suspect who is in that category. And so one of them has to be, I think, of course,
we should be asking very hard questions about Secret Service. Not all of them, but the people who are making these decisions,
commenter, again, at peak prosperity,
making just really wonderful comments just over and over again.
Does a great job.
Really, really admiring what commenter has brought to the table so far.
So he said, by now, we know many facts that point otherwise, right?
Because the Secret Service is trying to paint local police
as headless. It was uncoordinated. We had system failures, maybe protocol deviations. They're
trying to sort of pretend like it's this magic system, not people, not people with names. They're
trying to steer us away from individuals with individual responsibility and decision-making
as the people who made the mistakes or maybe they weren't
mistakes if it was on purpose so they're trying to steer us away and have us point at something
nebulous right which is like it was the system right at any rate by now he said we know many
facts point otherwise specifically the total contrast between local law enforcement and
social security chiefs we know that local law enforcement was diligent in communicating about the suspect with the range finder
that the suspect was lurking about, the suspect was on the roof,
the suspect's on the roof with a rifle, Greg Nickell being the exception here, we think.
But anyway, local law enforcement was doing the best they could,
and that's really reflected strongly in the clay higgins report as well but
this secret service chiefs however they handicapped everything before during and probably after here
right so they handicapped both local and the secret service sniper teams by the definition
of the posts where they put them right oh you're in this corner room inside this building over here
we'll put you two guys over here sniper teams over here on these roofs where you're stepping all over each other's duty footprints. And part of you, you can't even see the whole roof structure. Right. They rejected the drone. Right. They rejected local radio. We'll see more about that in a second. They rejected local embed in the Secret Service command. They didn't want any locals in there with them. They rejected the morning meeting that they could have had with local law enforcement and only slowly and deludedly passing on info about crooks to the Secret Service snipers kind of late.
And let's not forget this, too.
The completely bizarre security perimeter.
Let me get my little pointy tool out here for us so we can all follow along.
This is from a much higher angle.
This is a sort of a blow up in here.
But look at this.
This is a nine.
This is Trump stage.
This is a nine iron away is this AGR complex, nine iron golf, right?
Easy nine iron.
And here's where they drew the security perimeter all the way like here's Trump stage.
And they have a security perimeter way out here, right?
Which kind of makes
sense. But they didn't have that security perimeter all around here. And looking in even closer,
you can see that security perimeter was literally here. You could have thrown a rock.
You could have thrown a rock from here to there. Right. It wasn't even in their security perimeter.
I don't even know who was responsible for this zone. No man's land. I don't know.
Because there's another fence here and we had local law enforcement out here. But the whole thing is just weird, right? As some called it,
that was the Pac-Man security bubble. So who set that up? They have a name. Somebody made a
decision. This is the important part here. It wasn't a Secret Service failure. It was a failure
of somebody with a name. Or maybe it wasn't a failure because they intended it to be
this way. And that's what needs to be resolved. And of course, that's what a good investigation
would resolve. Listen, this is really awkward. I hate to do this, but I have to rule out that
you intentionally, Secret Service person, that you intentionally created a security lapse
for somebody to exploit. I just have to rule it out.
We have to go down that path so that we can at least check that off the list, right? So this looks intentional to me. It's the only way I can interpret it right now. And here, Clay Higgins is
writing that in his report that we're reviewing today, Butler County, quote, runs the radio
communications tower out of their 9-11 call center.
That is pretty much the way radio communications work across America in every county in every state.
If the radios are interoperable, a visiting law enforcement agency is assigned a frequency, a channel, for their operation while in that county.
If the radios are not interoperable with the county communications tower then the visiting agency
is assigned or offered actual radios here you go that to use while they are running their operation
in the county makes total sense the united states secret service did not retrieve the radios that
had been set aside for them by butler county Command. The radio comms were properly and perfectly
arranged during the extensive pre-mission planning. On J-12, the day before J-13, the Butler County
ESU commander personally reminded the United States Secret Service countersniper teams to pick
up their assigned radios at the ESU command post RV, which was positioned according to planning at the Butler Fairgrounds
the following morning,
sometime before 11 o'clock.
It didn't happen.
Join me on camera three for a second.
I don't know.
How are we?
They had radios
and they just didn't go pick them up? I don't understand. I don't get it. I don't know. How are we? They had radios and they just didn't go pick them up.
I don't understand. I don't get it. I don't know. All right.
Well, anyway, if you can believe that. Right. OK.
Carrying on, Susan Crabtree here writing, you can see the link to her Twitter thing down there.
I think this came out yesterday, said most important news from Secret Service Director Rose.
1 p.m. address this afternoon to every secret service employee they said uh you know apparently they did not have a unified
command center with local law enforcement that's that's what we're going with here therefore
there was no interoperability between secret service and local law enforcement when communications
came in that that's it that's it they said, you know what? We were completely siloed. That's the problem here. We were just
completely siloed. You know, somebody should have thought of this. We'd never thought of it before.
We'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Are we done? Stop looking, because I told you,
we have interoperability communication silo problems. We need unified command centers like no nobody somebody with a
name refused to go get those radios somebody with a name made the decision to not actually have that
interoperability you had radios go pick them up right some i mean this is not like i don't want
to tell you your jobs everyone there at secret service but this is pretty easy if you're going
to have people on your if you're gonna have people
on your team you're gonna have to talk to those people on your team just how it is not that hard
right everybody out here in the cheap seats is like yeah that doesn't make sense but
also trying to say oh well you know the problem was the problem here according to roe is just
completely siloed from local law enforcement well you know what you're also completely siloed from local law enforcement. Well, you know what? You're also completely siloed within Secret Service 2, apparently,
we're supposed to believe,
because here we can see from body-worn camera BWC2
from Officer 122104,
we can see that that South sniper team, Hercules 1,
they turn around, right?
They turn away from their coverage zone,
and they swing north at 6, 10 and 11 seconds at the latest.
We're missing the first four or five seconds before this because, you know, the guy wearing the body cam was facing this way.
But then he swivels over and I can see that they're already swiveling around.
Now, here's a question. Why is Trump left on the stage until the shooting starts one minute and 23 seconds later? There's an urgent threat enough that these guys down here are going to go from where they're facing south to swive them all the way around, remount them, glass down,
get sighted in a full minute and 23 seconds. You know how many seconds it takes to get Trump off
the stage? About five. So they had this urgent enough threat within Secret Service. So the next
question has got to be, well, how did you guys get alarmed enough to swivel around and mount your guns to the north,
right? And this is the team, by the way, that took the final kill shot, I believe. I believe
it's actually that, if I'm right, it's that gentleman right there with the glasses, the
binos in the floppy hat right there. Okay, so I guess siloed from each other too. Now,
how about this though? Secret Service, radio comms not recorded that day if you
can believe that uh senator ron johnson asking here in testimony does the secret service use
encrypted communications and events director row um on our radio nets we do sir senator johnson
are those saved the radio traffic from from Butler says, Director Rowe,
we did not have recordings. All right, I don't know what to make about that.
Again, let me make my offer. I will personally pay for the one terabyte SD card that they could record
probably four years of radio comms on. If that's the problem, if it's the $50 hang up, I got you
covered, Secret Service, just give me a call. I'll get you the one terabyte SD card that you can use
to record all of your comms going forward, which you would probably want to have for all sorts of reasons,
unless, unless you didn't want to have those comms for some other reason. I understand that,
um, to a point now, uh, this is, this is a Friday recording. So I have a very big report that I've
just prepared for my subscribers back at peak prosperity. Something broke really bad during
COVID. I think I know what it was. We've got to talk about it because this is the thing that broke that um something happened
some people lost their ability to make cognitive connections you know like watching this confusion
that we're seeing here with director row and the fbi and all these people it's like they've lost
their basic ability to cognate, right, to think.
Like something has happened, and if you still have your wits about you, you know how frustrating this is, if not alarming, right?
Because you've probably had encounters now where things like people can't seem to make change anymore at the checkout counter,
where doctors can't have reasonable conversations with you anymore that follow a logical chain of one
plus one plus one means three. If you can't have, if you're finding it frustrating, if you've had
maybe broken family relationships, right? Like you just topics are off limits now. I mean,
off limits where they used to sort of be uncomfortable. Now they are, if you broach them,
ruptures happen. So I think I know what broke and we have to talk about that. It's
very serious. There is a way out of that darkness, but it's going to require our best efforts.
So if that is of interest to you, come on by, peak prosperity, and that's what we're going to
be doing. Now, I like in Clay Higgins' report here too, Representative Higgins, where he's
dispensing with certain fabrications like this one. He said, There are videos circulating on the internet that appear to show a muzzle flash from inside
the AGR building from the window below Crook's firing position on the roof of the AGR building.
I carefully examined this window inside and out, and I interviewed the AGR employee who
has worked in that small office area for many years.
That window does not open and has never opened. The muzzle flash from inside that window
was either a digital fabrication or an iPhone light or iPhone camera flash reflected from
the glass of the window. And Representative Higgins, I would give you one more possibility.
I actually think it was these headlights that were pointed right in that direction. So this is by that big case harvester that's sitting there.
The red one.
And then we've got that car there.
And it's a police car.
And its headlights are both on.
And they're pointed right at AGR 6 on that south side.
So I think this is.
And it's right at the time of that reflection.
So I think you could include that as a possibility as well.
But I love dispensing with the fabrication.
Because there's a lot of junk going on around there. that there's a flash and it's a gunshot.
It's not. There's nothing to support that.
So I think we can dispense with that now.
We'll put that in the red category for now.
Now, as well, he wrote here, Representative Higgins said the ninth shot fired on J-13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building.
Shot 9, this is new for me, new information.
Hit Crooks rifle stock and fragged his face, neck, right shoulder area from the stock breaking up.
The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total bad A.
And when he had cited the shooter Crooks as mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the agr rooftop he
immediately left his assigned post ran toward the threat running to a clear shot position directly
into the line of fire while crooks was firing eight rounds and on his own this esu SWAT operator
took a very hard shot one shot he stopped crooks immediately stopped crooks and importantly i
believe the shot damaged the buffer tube on Crooks' AR.
I won't be certain of this until I can examine his rifle, but I'm 99% sure.
Based upon reliable eyewitness ESU TAC officers who observed Crooks' rifle before the FBI harvested it as evidence.
This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks' rifle wouldn't fire after his eighth shot.
I pointed this out
as well that whoever shot that shot nine is the hero of the day stopped the shooting prevented
any more from going on absolutely did what they were supposed to do and had to do it in an
astonishingly quick amount of time from that first shot going off one two three to those one two three
four five which are the four five five, six, seven, eight.
And then that ninth one, that total string was only 5.89 seconds from beginning to the ninth shot.
That means that this operator had to assess, slide on, probably freehand,
and take a 100-yard shot that stopped the threat.
Total, total, like this is the person that everybody should be interviewing and talking to because this is the person who stopped the threat total total like this is the person that everybody should be interviewing and talking
to because this is the person who stopped the threat this not secret service this person all
right now we're going to get down to the heart of this today's piece which is clay higgins is
pointing out he has four really inexcusable fbi moments an inexcusable moment number one was the
fbi for reasons that are inexplicable and inexcusable,
released all first responders that evening. Much to everyone's surprise, I interviewed several EMS
cops, et cetera. Not just that evening. These people were released by 735. Hey, they're in
their civvies, you know, civilian clothes. Goodbye, everybody. We'll see you. And we know it's 7.50.
We've got FBI agents walking around.
So they were there.
They showed up.
And they're like, yeah, I guess you guys, you can all just go home, including you.
Good night, Greg.
There's Greg leaving at 7.59.
So by 8 o'clock, just before 8 o'clock, he is out the door and gone, as we've already recorded.
Very weird. You would think something this important, you'd really want to make sure you got full statements from everybody. before eight o'clock he is out the door and gone as we've already recorded very weird you would
think something this important you'd really want to make sure you got full statements from everybody
while it was fresh i don't care if you have to stay there till two in the morning i do not
understand by 7 51 the shots happened at 6 11 by 7 oh, bye. Wasn't like they released everybody that evening.
They released them within less than two hours.
Hour and a half.
You can see these people after this,
they all walk off to their cars.
FBI inexcusable moment number two.
The FBI cleaned up biological evidence from the crime scene,
which is unheard of.
Cops don't do that ever.
We noted this at the time.
So you can see this is July 16th, right?
The whole thing happened July 13th.
So I don't know exactly when this photo was taken, but it's no later than July 16th.
So literally cleaning up the crime scene no later than day three, just hosing it down,
just cleaning it up, which is a bizarre thing because, you know, all of these services exist.
Here's just some local to my area, Aftermath Services, LLC, National Crime Scene Cleanup,
Biohazard Pro. These are commercial cleaning services that are there to help after some sort
of a crime has occurred like there's biological
materials right there's blood and brain and things tissue whatever these are the there's services that
do this this isn't one of them guaranteed your house has a crime scene call the fbi up say hey
can you get um you clean my carpet up here in the hallway no i? I thought you did that, right? It'd be a mystery. So, bizarre. They cleaned
it up. Inexcusable moment number three, and that's just a stock photo of somebody getting cremated,
not the photo of Crooks, just to be clear about this. He said, Representative Higgins said,
my effort to examine Crooks' body on Monday, August 5th, caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact.
The FBI released the body for cremation 10 days after J-13 on J-23.
Crooks was gone.
Nobody knew this until Monday, August 5th, including the county coroner, law enforcement, sheriff, etc.
How does the county coroner not know that?
They are the person who
should be releasing that body yes butler county coroner technically had legal authority over the
body but i spoke with the coroner and he wouldn't he would have never released crooks's body to the
family for cremation or burial without specific permission from the fbi now that's not clear to
me is the county coroner saying he had specific permission from the fbi or did somebody else
release it that wasn't the county coroner in which case that's a violation has happened i'm not clear
what this means yet but i am clear that the body went off for cremation and that is a huge problem
obviously um and then uh let me see if yeah. So why is that a huge problem?
Because, well, think of the things we don't know anymore, right?
Once the body goes off for cremation, we don't know.
We can't run any additional talks or drug panels just in case, you know, we forgot to test for something.
Like, was this kid on something?
It'd be given something.
Is there some way we can account for him being extra calm and able to like get
harassed by police and still somehow settle down and take all those shots so was he full of benzos
or some other narcotics of some kind that could help beta block or something to help keep the
whole system down if so where do you get them etc and as well we might want to know what wounds did he actually have, right?
And etc.
There's a lot you can tell from the body and it's now that's gone.
Inexcusable moment number four by the FBI here is that the FBI released the crime scene after just three days.
Much to everyone's surprise.
Quote, I interviewed several first responders who expressed everything from surprise to dismay. That would have been me to suspicion. Also me regarding the fact that the FBI released the crime scene so early after J-13. It should be noted that the FBI was fully aware of the fact that Congress would be investigating J-13. The FBI does not exist in a vacuum they had to know that releasing the j13 crime scene
would injure the immediate observations of any following investigation this is absolutely true
i remember seeing it was just a basically a week later when we saw eli crooks representative crooks
is there and he's on the roof and he's talking about the actual room that the snipers should
have been in for the esU and that Overwatch building,
but he scanned over and the whole fairgrounds is scrubbed clean,
like they broke down the stands and the stage.
And now we don't have the capability of finding out where that bullet clanged off the railing,
putting our eye right on that railing,
having somebody who's six foot three-ish standing there on the stage
and then drawing a line and saying, oh, I bet you that's where that shot came from, because that sort of thing would be important.
Also, where did all the rest of the rounds actually hit? Do we know? Well, we know one hit a hydraulic line.
We know one. We know some that hit hit Corey Comprator and the other victims in the railing and Trump's ear.
We have a few, but where the rest? Where'd they go? What does that tell us? What information can we gather from that?
It all got taken down.
And remember this?
Remember this, that on July 20th, right?
This is a week later.
The FBI tried to kick out Senator Josh Hawley,
the U.S. Senator, goes to the site.
It's already been broken down.
And even with that, the FBI's like,
you get out of here.
You know, I'm kicking him out, right. So the FBI is being acting super sus, super cagey about this whole thing, breaking everything down, washing it down, trying to keep anybody else at bay.
Dude, this is like this is a U.S. senator. OK, and then we have some questionable moments. So this is still in the questionable category, but maybe this will be inexcusable moment number five.
If it turns out to be that the FBI failed to harvest and preserve evidence.
Quote from Higgins' report again.
He says, on J-13, one of Crook's shots hit a pressurized hydraulic line on a stage piece of heavy equipment.
My effort to examine the hydraulic line evidence
revealed that the tractor belonged to a rental company. It is unknown if that hydraulic line
was harvested properly as evidenced by the FBI, but it certainly should have been.
It remains a question for further investigation. I need to examine that hydraulic line because
confirmation of the caliber of the rifle projectile that hit that line would be helpful
to our investigation. That's how the examination of evidence works we have to look
at everything if they didn't harvest it it wasn't preserved and it's now lost that's inexcusable
right for now it's questionable because we don't know if the fbi did harvest that
particular piece of struck hydraulic line we don't know but now we have such a pattern
of issues here that we have a fact pattern that's very very deeply troubling when you put it into
one spot so let's put it all into one spot for a second secret service first they had they had
counter snipers there on trump at this event for the first time ever?
That's kind of weird, really.
Think of the odds.
First time ever, and you just happen to need the countersniper to take out the patsy, I mean, the perp, right?
Second, they deployed them stupidly.
They had them, but they tucked some behind trees where they couldn't see where the exact spot where the this this uh patsy perp was uh
shooting from so who deploys them that stupidly nobody yeah my son's a very smart kid but he's
never been a secret service agent and i had him look at the overall site map and i said where
would you place your snipers he plays call of duty right so he's like oh yeah here and here and you
put them right on the roof of that two- building. He's like, obviously, look at all they get to see everything here. Right. And that's what you would do.
So they deployed them like it's it's implausible that they would have deployed them thusly.
They instructed local law enforcement to inside building six positions in the southwest corner, according to them.
They said, yeah, they told us, yeah, go into this room way over here, over there.
And don't take, just crank the windows open, you know, just be inside.
It was weird, really weird.
They didn't attend meetings.
There was no day of briefing with the locals.
They didn't use locally provided radios.
Just too tricky. didn't want those,
declined, actually refused a drone, didn't bring one,
and then when somebody said, we got one, they're like, no, no, no, no, don't want that.
Didn't even communicate with themselves, apparently,
because the people on the stage protection detail weren't getting the same information, apparently,
that the snipers on the roof were, because they acted totally differently,
and they didn't interview
or debrief any local law enforcement according to ronald rowe as as late as august 9th i don't
know if they've done it since then but they put that together and you're like there's incompetence
but this is implausible incompetence it's implausible unless everybody's got some sort
of cognitive decline problem.
And we just can't even reason our way out of a wet paper bag anymore, in which case none of these people should be operating heavy machinery or being around weapons.
And the FBI, for their part, let everybody go home less than an hour and a half after the shooting.
Oh, we'll talk to you later. Too late.
All right. They cleansed the crime scene very uncharacteristically and suspiciously.
They released the entire crime scene by day three, but we're still trying to keep Senator Hawley out.
Released Crooks' body for cremation without notifying anybody, apparently,
or allowing a second independent investigation of that, and have provided no press releases since July 14th.
It's kind of a weird fact pattern when you put it all that way.
And here's a final note
from Representative Clay Higgins
writing here,
the coroner's report
and autopsy report
are both late.
As of Monday, August 5th,
they were a week late.
The problem with me
not being able to examine
the actual body
is that I won't know 100%
if the coroner's report
and the autopsy report
are accurate.
We will actually never know.
Yes, we'll get the pictures and reports, etc., but I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports
and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body. Again, similar to
releasing the crime scene and scrubbing crime scene biological evidence, this action by the FBI
can only be described by any reasonable man or woman as an obstruction to any following investigative effort.
Obstruction. Obstructive. Yes.
Any reasonable just yes. Anybody who's even slightly reasonable go.
Yeah, those are those are some obstructive things you did there. Please note, Mr. Chairman, he continues on here, writing that on J-23, the day the crooks was cremated, both the Homeland Security Committee and the Oversight Committee had begun House Committee jurisdictional investigation into J-13.
And Speaker Johnson had already stated that he was forming an official Congress congressional investigative body.
Why then and by what measure would the FBI release his body to the family for cremation?
This pattern of investigative scorched earth by the FBI is quite troubling.
It is, and to understand that, we're going to have to talk about this thing that broke during COVID.
Look, folks, this is insane.
I mean, it's just clearly obvious that
there's something very, very wrong with this story. And either we get to the bottom of it or we don't.
If we don't get to the bottom of it, think of all the other things that we're going to have to just
put up with as time goes on, right? We're going to have to deal with more and more falsified
everything. And it's just, we don't live in that country that I grew up in, right? And I feel
terrible for kids growing up today. Compare, it was an innocent time when I was growing up. Right. Sure, you justice is not operating at this point in time. We know
that there's a deep state fixing machine that pretends to put this patina of legitimacy on
these investigations, but it's all fraudulent. And we know that we can see it. And it's either
fraudulent because we're stocked to the gills with completely inept people who've never, ever,
ever even thought about how to run an investigation ever, or they're doing it on purpose.
I cannot, and you're going to have to
work very hard to convince me that the things we're seeing are due to gross incompetence.
They stack up right now as malfeasance. That means an official act of harm is being created
by somebody in an official capacity. So malfeasance. It's intentional.
It's not accidental, right?
Just like COVID, there was a lot that happened there that we go,
oh, wow, how did they, they just got everything wrong.
No, you don't just get everything wrong.
Randomly, you're going to get some of them right.
Let's let people walk around outside because it seems to not spread outside
and get sunlight and attend, you know, gatherings with each other and whatever. No, no, everything they did, they, same people, by the way, in essence,
these administrative state folks, everything they did during COVID was harmful. Nothing they did
was helpful. And there are people like us who know that. Now there's other people who don't
know that, right? And they're caught up in that deeper and deeper that think how hard those poor people have to work who caught up still
in the covid narrative and trying to torture that that was somehow right or appropriate or
useful and all the data is stacked against them that creates this cognitive dissonance and you
persist in that state long enough and your brain breaks and that's why we have to talk about this because something broke and i think i know what it was we're going to talk
about that but in the meantime please share this spread this around subscribe like do all the usual
things to help the algorithm understand that we the people really care about this malfeasance
we're sick and tired of it and we need it to stop. And we have to provide backing to all of the people who are in power, the Senator Johnsons and Higgins and all the other people out there, Chuck Grassley, who do care and let them know we care as well, because this is unacceptable. It's got to stop. And it's time to get our country back and get on firm footing so that our kids and grandkids are going to have an actual world to inherit and grow up in
that they can believe in. That's what's at stake. Thanks for listening. We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.