Peak Prosperity - The Toxic Truth About Food
Episode Date: December 18, 2024Chris and guest, Tracy Thurman, highlight the toxicity of the food system, the transformative power of dietary changes, particularly raw milk, and the need for individuals to make informed, healthier choices.Click here to learn more about our Food & the Great Awakening Webinar
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Good news, everyone.
We're all in luck today.
I happen to have a wayward traveler who just happened to be driving by, came into the studio.
We are so pleased to welcome back Tracy Thurman into the program.
Tracy, good to see you again.
So good to see you, Chris.
Now, here's the thing.
We're going to be talking about food, food webinar.
We have this huge food webinar coming up, which is really important.
Here's why I care about the food webinar. It's not a food webinar there's a lot of food webinars what we've learned what i've learned
okay let me speak for myself here's what i've learned our food companies have been actively
poisoning me you us it's been happening every time i go down another stone and i turn it over
there's a rabbit hole
under it.
I fall into it and I find out something else.
Doesn't matter if it's about red dye number three, about the herbicides, about glyphosate,
about the different dyes, about the preservatives, about just ultra processed foods and the known
impacts those have had on metabolic disorders.
It's all designed to make us sick.
And then pharma steps in on top of that and says oh we got pills
for that and then when those fail the hospital system steps in and says oh we can put a stent
in or otherwise fix this give you a new knee the whole thing's a racket it's designed to keep you
sick and if you're like me you're sick of that i'm a contrarian if they want me sick i'm going
to be healthy and if you're a mama bear and you care about your kids the eating eating patterns get set early. Take a look at your school lunch menu, your school breakfast
menu sometime. And if you really look at it with open eyes, you'll probably be horrified. Nobody
knows more about this than Tracy. Hi. Good to see you again. Yeah, this is a topic I'm
passionate about. It is. So take us through it. How did you get started in it? Well, when I was
20 years old, I suffered a severe vaccine injury and i was disabled for a
very long time my student loans were written off it's a very long time 13 years 13 years ouch
yeah 13 years of my life lost to me 13 years from 20 to 33 i lost that's a long time lost meaning
you were kind of in a foggy state where you're in agy state? I was bedridden a lot of the time.
Some of the time I could get up and walk short distances.
If I was going to go out anywhere, though, I had to use a mobility scooter.
I was incapable of fully caring for myself.
I certainly couldn't financially support myself.
So, you know, I was on disability.
Could not finish my schooling.
And it was awful.
You know, everyone else in your age group is going on with their lives, and you're just frozen in time like a chrysalis at the age of 20.
Yeah, so that's a vaccine injury, it sounds like.
So how does food come into this?
Well, I was told there was nothing that could be done.
I could never heal from this.
This was going to be permanent, and I should accept that I would be
a burden on society and
a... Lifetime
invalid? A lifetime invalid.
I didn't want to believe that.
I wanted to believe that there was something that
could be done, so you can trust me
that I tried everything. Alright,
were you just eating normal, what I'd call
normal food that whole time?
Yeah, I was eating healthy,
like, you know, healthy.
I didn't eat a lot of,
a ton of desserts.
I didn't eat a lot of,
you know, potato chips,
that type of thing.
But I was continuing
to eat the things
from the grocery store
that people would think
are healthy, you know,
whole grain bread or,
you know, packaged,
packaged sliced low-fat turkey, as opposed to Lunchables.
But I was still eating normal food.
And I had no idea that there was anything in these foods that could still continue to
make you sick or, in my case, massively increase the inflammation levels in your body or cause
a dysbiotic state
of your microbiome i was unaware of all of this yeah well so i've heard food is medicine
maybe we should talk about food as poison yeah that's the other side of that exactly food food
is your food when what you eat is going to be one of those two things that's the conclusion that I've come to mm-hmm Wow all right
So so you
Was we talked last time you know raw milk was really important to you yes, and then that's your rabbit hole
I guess that's yes. Yes, you picked that rock up and
Allison wonder landed your way to yes where you are now. I did. I was fully expecting.
A friend told me, look, you should try raw milk.
It might help you.
And I was fully expecting to become violently ill.
I bought all the propaganda about raw milk.
Because I never looked into it.
Oh, yeah.
Listeria, E. coli, salmonella, all of it.
E. coli, salmonella.
So I was like, all right, well, I'll.
But I would have tried anything at that point to maybe become more healthy.
I've got to be honest. The way raw milk has been marketed to me. It's literally a death sentence if you go on reddit
They're like drink raw milk. It like you'll be in the hospital in like an hour, right? That's how
Yeah, and then that's what I was expecting. I was not expecting
I mean, I was like, all right, let's go get listeria juice and give this a shot fully expecting to come violently ill. Yes
But I didn't okay. I didn't become violently ill yes but i didn't okay i didn't
become violently ill i didn't become ill at all at first nothing happened but you know i'm not
dying let's let's keep let's keep this up for a few weeks yep and within a few weeks i started
to improve within a few months i was significantly improving and um eventually, I knew for sure this was working.
Something here was working.
And I credit it to a combination of the glutathione and the microbiome reset, because it's one
of the most powerful probiotics in the world.
If you take probiotic capsules, you've got maybe six strains of acidophilus and other probiotics that are manufactured in there.
But if you're consuming unpasteurized milk, what you're consuming is thousands and thousands of strains of bacteria in small amounts.
In an ecosystem, an intact ecosystem.
Correct. And the proteins haven't been denatured, the fats haven't been fragmented. It's not become a hyper-inflammatory beverage in the way that it would with pasteurized milk.
And I found even more benefit in consuming it fermented, which supports the idea that this is a microbiome reset.
Because that's just supercharging the probiotic aspect of it.
And fermenting meaning?
Kefir, yogurt.
It's been given an
opportunity to really get busy biologically yeah exactly and and so you
know some people may not be familiar with quorum signaling but when bacteria
reach a certain level a certain percentage they will their chemical
signals for many of them will indicate to the other bacteria of the
same species, we've reached a certain level. And at that point, a switch can flip and they'll become
pathogenic. In raw milk, it's very difficult to occur because there are so many different strains
all competing that almost nobody can reach a level. So even if there is trace E. coli, trace
salmonella, trace listeria, there's a good
chance it gets completely crowded out and even killed by other bacteria because the vast, vast
majority, here's the dirty secret, or you could say the clean secret, right? Is that the vast
majority of these bacteria are either neutral or beneficial to you. They're better than anything
else at getting rid of the pathogenic ones.
So if there's a trace amount of listeria in there,
even if you take raw milk and inoculate it with these pathogens,
you'll often find a few hours later it's gone.
It's untraceable because the beneficial or neutral bacteria have crowded it out. All right. So instead of the quorum, that's a very wonky thing.
Let's call it the Justin Trudeau effect.
I like that. You hit a certain level of too many and next thing you know,
you're toxic and bad for the system. Yes. That's Canada right now. Right. So yeah.
Are you tired of feeling run down, maybe low energy? You know you've got some pounds you'd like to lose.
Maybe you've got brain fog or something like that.
Listen, we think we have the answer to all of that, and it begins with your food.
If you're like me, you were shocked to hear testimony recently that unraveled and unearthed and exposed the idea that our food has been made addictive by addiction specialist scientists the tobacco
scientists out there putting things in our food maybe it also shocked you to discover that europe
does not allow all kinds of stuff in our food because they know it's toxic what is the combined
effect of all of this listen we know what the data is. It's horrifying. The number of children showing up
with type 2 diabetes, the total metabolic disasters unfolding across the land, marked by obesity,
sure, but we have cardiovascular issues, concomitant rises in cancers, all of these things,
and it all starts with food. Garbage in, garbage out. So what do we do about that? First, it begins
with understanding the context. We've
put together a very exciting, comprehensive food webinar that will expose the regulatory side of
this and what is being done and why and how this happened to us. We'll be talking with Thomas Massey
about that. We've got Dr. Ken Berry talking with us on the practitioner side and the solution side.
We've got Tracy Thurman talking to us
about the war on farmers
and the war on food that has been happening.
And Robert Barnes to help us understand that as well.
Many, many other guests to both define what the problem is
and what we can do about it.
And we wanna make it as simple as possible.
Here's an example.
Tortillas, hey, maybe you're even on keto and these are carb-wise. So
these have low amounts of carbs. See that? Carb-wise. Yeah, these are carb-wise. So keto-friendly.
I want to know, you know something. You see how fresh these look? Yeah. You see any mold in there?
Any bacteria, any yeast, any sign of anything, any organism in there. These things expired in June,
and it is now November. So what are they putting in our food that even black mold won't eat it?
I don't know, but I've decided that if it's not good enough for black mold, it's no longer good
enough for me. Once you start down that path, you realize that we have got sugar and preservatives
and salt and seed oils all of
the chemicals that are unnecessary and the fact that the food pyramid is absolutely wrong so if
you like effective information that leads to effective action this webinar is for you it's
going to be the usual thing that my team and i will put on. It'll be organized, digestible, easily understandable,
and most importantly, it's going to be actionable in ways that you will understand what to do.
And I've designed it so that you would easily be able to send this to anybody that you love
or care about, say, can we talk about this, and have it as a starting point for conversation.
But what we really want, we want you to be healthy.
Because, well, who doesn't want to be healthy?
Health is the number one form of personal capital you can have, of course.
But given everything that's going on in the world,
being healthy and vigorous and active are going to be dominant strategies
and things you're really
going to want to be carrying in. So folks, it's time to get prepared on all levels. It begins here.
It starts at home. It begins with our eating. And let's just make sure that we're not eating stuff
that even black mold won't touch. With that, thank you very much for listening. And we'll get back to
our regular programming now. I want to jump to the outside for a second.
So my statement that I opened with here is that
I now see my food system is fundamentally toxic, okay?
Sometimes people don't notice things maybe I didn't notice.
But as I've looked into this, I've discovered some things,
which is that they, the people I've entrusted to not put toxins
in my food, the FDA, the food companies, right?
They knew that these things were toxic.
They had all the data and they not just failed, but in our easy, hard framework, we use it
peak prosperity.
If there was ever a chance to do the right thing or the wrong thing, they always did
the wrong thing.
And I understand.
It's hard to do that by chance, Chris.
It is very hard to do that by chance, but am I being too cynical in your experience?
No, this matches my experience.
I've had the same experience of turning over rocks, finding rabbit holes, and it seems
like without fail, every single time you find the things that are bad for your health are
allowed to stay put.
And the things that are good for your health. Are to stay put. Yep. And the things that are good for your health are taxed.
They're taxed.
They're regulated out of existence.
And it's hard to see how this would happen purely by chance.
Well, I mean, just one thing.
So when we talk about salmonella or E. coli,
we have outbreaks from time to time.
Those always come from the major company.
They just
sort of covered up, right? They're like, there's this outbreak that affects like 80 million pounds
of meat across the Midwest. And it comes from one of the big sources, not one of the little sources,
right? Is that true? Or am I just missing? No, that's absolutely, that's absolutely accurate.
And what, you know, you'll, you'll get a recall. Um, you'll, you'll see a day or two of, um,
minimal coverage about it.
And then, anyway, moving on.
Pays and Foods can continue.
But you'll see them freaking out about how salmonella can come from backyard chicken flocks.
Do you know what percentage of backyard chicken flocks are the cause of salmonella,
or the percentage of salmonella outbreaks that are the result of backyard chicken flocks?
It's so small that it's almost impossible to measure.
I bet.
Do you truly think that the majority of outbreaks are coming from five chickens in someone's
backyard versus the farm with 200,000 chickens stuck in a single room where their bodies
are always touching each other?
They don't have good airflow.
They're becoming sick because of the overcrowding.
And humans and animals are the same in that regard.
We don't do well in environments that we did not evolve for.
So, you know, again, raw milk, terribly dangerous.
Obviously, one of the main sources of disease in the world if you listen to these people.
But then Weston A. Price Foundation and others go and do a FOIA request to find out,
is this really the main source of foodborne or dairy-borne illness?
And of course, the answer we come back with is no.
Not even close.
The vast, vast majority of it is coming from pasteurized dairy products.
And the vast majority of listeria outbreaks are coming from things like cantaloupe and
spinach and romaine lettuce.
But those are coming from Driscoll's and the big the big players who are, you know, have their lobbyist teams.
And it turns out that we don't need to regulate those out of existence.
Just the little raw milk guys.
Well, I really wish that Citizen United had gone all the way and said, OK, if corporations are people, you can put people to death.
Right. They stopped at that last step. Right.
You know, and it ought to be that if a corporation does something that is pathological, you know, is just so heinous that we as a society judge,
that's not how we would want an individual behaving.
To the point that we would put an individual to death for something so heinous, then that should be true of a corporation as well.
So I can I can agree with that.
I don't you know, I'm personally generally opposed to the death penalty, but we should
at least be able to put the corporation away for an extended period of time.
So, I mean, Merck kills 80,000 people with Vioxx in cahoots with the FDA.
They had the safety signals.
They buried them.
Clear act of malfeasance, negligence, if not intentional homicide, which we call murder. And they got a fine, which was a fraction of the
actual revenues off of that product. And we sail on and here we are today.
Can you imagine an individual getting a fine for something like that? And yet this is a group of
individuals. Let's never forget that. These corporations are by definition groups of
individuals. I think Ted Bundy ought to pay a million dollars, right?
Anyway, let him back out. Yep. All right again. So what can we do about this?
I mean, I mean we've got a new administration coming in. This is we're recording this
RFK jr. Has been nominated but not yet confirmed
There's some hope that maybe we can change some things
But what do you think?
How do we begin to understand this you and I were just at a
conference recently where I heard an interesting framing which is you and I
care about the individual is wrong for you to have been individually harmed we
think that individuals should have freedom but there's the utilitarian view
right and the utilitarian view is for the greater good you know if we on
balance if we pasteurize milk, we save thousands of lives.
It's leaving aside when you peel it back, money's made and power's accumulated and it's a corporate
thing. And it's anyway, but it really feels like there's a war of ideologies here that we're going
to have to confront in this in this next phase, which are the people who really believe in this
greater good theory. How do you interpret that?
I think that some of the greatest harm in the world is done under the guise of the greater good.
And I think that the change here is going to have to come from us as individuals,
as individuals saying, you know, for me, for my kids, for my family,
you're not telling me what to eat anymore.
I'm not going to be believing what you tell me is good to put in my body.
If this applies to medical products, it sure should apply to food as well.
And, you know, frankly, we're at a point now where you can almost take anything the government says,
flip it on its head, follow that advice, and you're going to be doing much better.
Much better.
Right? They tell me steaks are bad. That's all I eat now.
They tell me raw milk was bad. And I'm like, all right well you know it seems like a good endorsement to me i mean a good friend of mine pete kennedy is an attorney who works in this space he was telling me that look
if the fda really wants to stamp out raw milk they need to understand who's drinking it all
they'd have to do is endorse it tell us it's safe and effective drink lots and the market might go
down but in the meantime,
every time they try to crush it,
the beautiful thing is
we don't believe them anymore.
We don't believe them anymore.
And this is a sign of hope.
We need everybody
to start looking at this
and understand the power
is in your hands.
The power is in my hands.
We can make these choices
for ourselves.
We don't have to wait
for government to fix this for us.
We're going to hopefully get Bobby in. We're going to hopefully get a lot of other amazing people in
At the FDA, throughout HHS
But we can't wait for them to fix this for us
If you're a mom
You need to fix this for your kids
If you're an individual who just doesn't
Trust what the government says anymore
In that case, congratulations You're probably on the right track.
We need to start fixing this for ourselves.
And so a webinar like this is huge because it's a place for people to get this information,
to find out, okay, you want to fix this for yourself.
And part of that is understanding the problem.
We can't fix something until we fully grasp what it is we're up against.
So we have to cover that too.
But the beauty of it is we do now have solutions at our fingertips and we've got amazing people
who are going to be part of this webinar who are going to help people understand that.
And to speak of this webinar very quickly, you know, my superpower is organizing and
structuring stuff and finding awesome people to come in and really fill in the blanks.
And but here's here's what I do know.
It's not the data.
I mean, the data is all there.
You could pull out your phone and see all the data.
What we understand is that we change our behaviors because our belief systems change.
And so you have to understand the power of that belief system.
My eating habits got imposed upon me or instilled when I was a kid right and and so it's hard to undo those habits but
you need to undo those and and we go forwards and we fall backwards did I
fell off the wagon over Thanksgiving paid the price I've been on a pretty
good keto regimen for a while I was like oh one day cheat day you know how'd that
go for you Chris it was a week of recovery it really was I don't know if
I've become more sensitive mm-hmm it's possible my body sensitized but I
noticed it right away I was low-key I didn't have a lot of energy my joints
started to hurt again yeah it's incredible how just like that happens
it's incredible how much of a difference eating poison makes to your body it's
just a weird thing, right?
So that's why I'm excited by this webinar, though, because, A, problem definition, sure, but what do you do about it?
You know?
The solution is everything.
The understanding the problem is important, but if we don't move to the solution phase, all we've done is analysis paralysis.
And so I'm really excited about this.
I can't wait to see half of these speakers because even if I've heard stuff from them
before, I know we're going to get new gems.
And Dr. Ken Berry, man, am I excited to hear from him.
He's so good.
He's amazing.
He has helped me so much.
He's the one that convinced me to go carnivore.
And then once I went carnivore and improved, he goes, so Tracy, you think you've improved somewhat? That's great. Guess what's next? You're going lion diet.
What's that? And he goes, salt, water, beef, tallow. You can add butter if you need to for fat
on the road. That sounds pretty restrictive. And he goes, yeah, but you're going to try it. You're
going to try it for 90 days. And then you're going to come back to me and you're going to tell me,
how did that work for you?
Within 30 days, I was hooked.
I have no intention of going back.
I can look at desserts.
I'm like, that looks pretty.
I'm sure it tastes good.
You get some mouth pleasure out of it.
That sounds nice.
But I would have the experience you did after Thanksgiving.
And so people who haven't tried going healthy, you don't know yet.
You don't know yet what a game changer this is because you've never experienced it i'm i'm currently you know doing a job where
i'm constantly on the road constantly on planes switching time zones i don't even deal with jet
lag anymore i arrive there my body goes okay it's sunny guess we're up i'm functioning on about five hours of sleep chris
when i was sick i needed up to 18 hours of sleep per day yeah and when i was awake my brain was
foggy it was never enough yeah switch to the raw milk thing i did a lot better i could get down to
a more normal maybe nine hours of sleep a night 10 hours is what i needed typically
i've been functioning for the last few months on about five mm-hmm just because of one of
the projects I'm on and I'm functioning this is insane if you had told me all
those years ago look all you got to do is change what you put in your mouth
yeah and your sleep needs will drop by that amount yep you'll be able to stand
up for long periods of time you'll have mental mental clarity. I would never have believed it.
But this is the magic of food.
This is the magic of it.
It will kill you or it will make you healthy.
And I kill you right away.
But you will end up being one of those people like me who where you're technically still alive, but your quality of life is gone.
Well, now you've said something exceedingly important to me, which is the why of this all right.
Listen, we all want to be healthy.
And of course, right?
But why is you're on a mission.
You're doing a really important project right now, which we've talked about before.
It's exceedingly important, and you need to be in the game.
And I actually think we're coming up on a period of time, this is my framing, that's going to be really difficult.
People need to be in the game because we're going to rewrite the story. A lot of people are going to be roadkill in this because they don't see it coming.
They're not healthy. They can't participate. They're going to rewrite the story a lot of people are going to be roadkill in this because they don't see it coming they're not healthy they can't participate they're going to accept whatever happens to them but other people want to be in the game
and when you're in the game then you get to be part of the team that's writing the new story
you get to like there's a lot of meaning and purpose in this but it starts by being healthy
a lot of people ask me how i do what I do. And the real answer to the question,
that question is you've got to look after yourself. And for me, a huge, huge piece of that
is diet. You won't be able to be a warrior that you need to be in the time that's coming.
If you don't look after yourself through what you eat, if you if what you if what goes into your body is poison.
You're doing their job for them.
You're doing their job for them.
You're you are handicapping your sideline yourself.
Exactly yourself right out of the game.
Thank you.
And trust me, I would know I was sidelined for 13 years.
I know what being sidelined is like.
Trust me, it's not a good place to be. And even if you aren't anywhere near that level of dysfunction, give it a try. Try eating clean, try eating healthy
and find out for yourself as you've done, as I've done, right? We've both done this
and it's been a total game changer for us. I mean, this is why we're, we decided that
a webinar like this needs to happen because we've both had our lives completely transformed
by switching what we put in our mouth.
Well, I know both sides of it.
And when we talk about like, OK, I'm going to control my diet.
It's not.
It's a new eating regime.
I've got to flip that.
A diet is a privation.
It's like, oh, I'm just going to work out for like two months and then I'm going to
go back and sit in my chair again and the rest of my life's going to be good.
No, this is something that you're going to do for the rest of your life
and you're what you're going to find is yeah it's addictive well it is health is addictive
vitality is addictive being being capable of high level function other people don't think
it's possible it's addictive now now um it is a quick aside this is um i was just reading today
this i just tweeted it out this morning a study came out about ozempic and it said it leads to erectile dysfunction and hypogonadism.
I'm like, it sounds great.
A limp dick and small balls.
Like, that's great.
But it's the easy pill.
You take the shot and you don't.
It's because we focus again cartoonishly.
And I think I do this this too, reflexively.
You say this, you think diet, it's about weight control.
But it's more than that, right?
It's also about getting your mind back.
Thinking clearly.
Did you notice those effects?
I mean, and I lived with diagnosed brain fog for years, right?
It was...
What was that like?
How did you experience that?
It's hard to speak. You lose words words you can't keep track of your thoughts when it's imagine running inside in water
and you know some of you would try that or imagine you're being you know in a dream when you're
trying to run away from the scary thing and you're just moving really slow and you can't do anything
that's brain fog so now picture that with mind. And now picture that going on for years,
where you may have internal clarity,
but when you try to express yourself,
depending on the area of your brain that's affected,
you can't do it so well.
And then what I found was when you make these switches,
when you become healthy, your mind becomes sharp.
Your ability to function goes up.
And you and I both are under the, you know,
have a sneaking suspicion that life's about to get a lot tougher here.
That we're up for a battle for freedom or tyranny for the world.
And we need everybody possible to be in the game.
I want my team to be healthy.
Yes. The other side can be as sick as they want to be. You know, if you. I want my team to be healthy. Yes.
The other side can be as sick as they want to be.
If you're not on my team, please, Ozempic, super great.
Eat the Doritos.
Stay on your sofa.
Fruit Loops are awesome.
Red number 40, highly recommend it.
I balance that with a little red three.
Touche, yes.
I like a balance.
But yeah, no, stick with all those things
Yeah, absolutely
But if you love freedom
If you want to protect your kids
If you're one of those people who's opting your kids out of government schools
If you're opting your kids out of government shots
Time to opt them out of government food as well
Because we need a new generation of people
Who are mentally clear, physically clear and ready to go.
Well said, you know, and for me, it's if you flip a coin and it comes up heads twice in a row, no big deal.
But if it's 50 times in a row, it's probably a two headed coin, right?
It's not a fair coin.
As we described, as you described earlier, like the deeper you go into this, the more I study,
the more I find out every single time it was designed to make us sicker.
So fast forward, we have a country now that spends more than any other nation by far on health care.
In fact, if our health care alone was a country, its GDP is number two in the world.
It's huge, right?
Nothing wrong there.
Four and a half, four point7 trillion dollars now right out of the out of the g7s right it's just like like nobody else is even close it's huge that's wild
but it's not health care it's sick care obviously and it's and let me just drive this point home
a lot of people get fantastically wealthy because you're sick, because I'm sick, because everybody's sick.
They sell pills, lotions, creams, medical devices, insurance, you name it.
So it's time to break that.
Let's get out of that.
Opt out.
Opt out.
You've heard me say this in the food space before.
I say it in the financial space. I say it in the medical space. Opt out of these systems. We will be so much stronger if we opt out of them. And so many people have seen that in the medical in the medical sphere. Right. You've opted out of the shots. Suddenly your kids, the kid that you didn't take give 60 vaccines to. He doesn't have ADHD. He doesn't have autism. His otitis media has never flared up the way your older kids did.
You know, his autoimmune issues just have never appeared.
His older siblings have all of those and they had all the shots.
It's almost like there might be something going on there.
It's the same with food.
It's the same with food.
If you start raising your kids without these poisons in their body you're going
to find that your kids can flourish at a level you didn't know was possible you're going to see
the hyperactivity start to go away like you were talking with we were talking about this earlier
with the red food dye with red three yeah with red three um bernie sanders finally finds his
cojones again after it's now a thing you can do without risking anything gets the fda commissioner
and says what are you doing about red three because we've known for 30 years that it causes
hyperactivity syndrome in children and that's why it's banned in europe for that one thing alone yes
let alone the fact it causes cancer and they're like oh well we have a proposal on our desk to
get rid of it maybe right and but only because now they're being forced to. Right. So red dye, create the hyperactivity, put kids in a non stimulating environment, watch the boys start bouncing off the walls, give them some Ritalin for life. That's the scam. Right. And and all the grains that people are giving their kids. These are grains that and soy, by the way, too. So if you're if you're depending on soy as a source of protein for your family, please reconsider
Soy and most grains harvested in the US are sprayed with glyphosate
Right before they're harvested and they're done and it's done because it desiccates it it dries it out
And so it's not just that they've applied it to the field back before they planted the grains
No, they're applying it to the grains themselves.
And then you are consuming these,
and glyphosate is incredibly toxic to our bodies.
So one of the things it does is it acts as an antibiotic,
so it utterly destroys the gut biome.
And if you don't understand the role yet of the microbiome,
you have more bacteria in your body than you do your own cells.
Your biome is what is keeping it's a whole rainforest down there right very complex thing going on yeah yeah and if you kill that off it's not good it is not good for you if you're allowing
that to be killed off in your children it is not good for them you know every time we eat these
processed foods that's what we're consuming.
This actually hurt when I found this out.
So I did a report on glyphosate in 2015 or so, and I'm reading about it.
And because a private group had said, let's measure.
And so they measured all sorts of different things,
triscuits and Froot Loops and Cheerios and vegetables or whatever.
The highest by far was the number one thing you see almost invariably during my entire raising kids, you know, on the in the tray in front of your infant or toddler Cheerios.
By far, because it's oats and oats are one of the things they spray the glyphosate on as a desiccant, not to help the growing process, but to help it dry a little faster just so we don't have to worry
about the weather as much, right?
Right, right.
Yeah, it's a little more convenient.
Only gives the kids cancer,
but like, you know, super, super okay.
Disregulates their gut biome.
Maybe they end up with schizophrenia
or something, we don't know.
But we managed to dry the oats faster, Chris.
We did dry the oats one day faster.
Think of the savings.
And again, here's that easy-hard matrix.
We've known for a long time glyphosate is a problem, but it's been too hard to fix that, Chris.
Too hard.
It's way, way too hard.
You know what is easy, though?
What is easy is getting a clause into the farm bill to give immunity to all pesticide manufacturers.
Pro tip.
When an industry needs immunity, their product is not safe.
Wait, are you suggesting that maybe there was an issue with the 1986 Vaccine Act and that maybe
we've had bad societal effects from that, where they immunized all the vaccine manufacturers and
we had a whole bunch of new, more dangerous ones come out? Safe and effective and liability shield
do not go together. This is true. Well, and I want people to know this, right?
Because if they're putting this liability shield into place
and if you've been following the medical freedom issues,
you know that that was the death knell
for childhood vaccines
because they were suddenly incentivized
to profit with none of the risk.
Like the moral hazard was clear.
If they get away with this with pesticides,
we're all going to have to opt out
of the standard food system entirely
because nothing, nothing is going to be safe to eat.
You know the disappointing part, Tracy,
is going to be finding out that when you peel the onion
all the way down, you find out that it was like
a $12,000 donation to this congressperson
and a $38,000 gift over
It's going to be like the most meaningless chump change that they sold the health of
our children down the river for.
To me, there is no penalty that really suffices for that.
But at a minimum, everybody who votes for that needs to get primaried out and be tossed
out to start.
And that's what I'm kind of hoping we're in the middle of here is a revolution where it's like, look, we're done. We're sick of that. You know, as Chris Rock said,
you know, I don't condone that, but I do understand it. Right. That's what happened
for me with the CEO shooting. It's like I understood how because of all this this misery
that's been created, I understood that something like that was going to happen someday. I'm not
saying I condone it, but I'm saying we have to understand that people are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Right. We're sick and tired of being sold down the river.
We're sick and tired of Biden caring more about African rain victims than North Carolina rain victims.
Right. All of that. Yeah, that's what needs to change right now.
So absolutely. No question. We can. Yeah.
Well, if we ever had a shot at changing it, it's now.
We have people coming in.
There was a great article by Elgato Malo on Brownstone.
Such a great one where it was like, you know, D.C. has never seen what's coming for it.
And a lot of people you and I both know are agreeing to make the sacrifice to give up the much more enjoyable life they have
and try to go to dc try to get into these agencies and try to fix the problem godspeed i
do not want that role i do not thrive in the bureaucracy and honestly we know these people
we know they don't thrive in bureaucracies either they're doing it grudgingly which is the right way
you know they're like I will do this.
I'll grit my teeth. I will try.
And then the minute I possibly can, I'm going to go home.
Yes. But they're doing it because we're in a war.
We're in a war for our children.
We're in a war for ourselves.
We're in a war for our health. And frankly, we're in a war
for our lives.
And so these amazing people are
choosing to give up everything to go to D.C.
to try to make some changes in these agencies.
And so I'm not saying we're going to succeed, but if we ever had a chance to succeed, this is the moment.
And we need to support these people.
We need to give them the outside voice that we can to back up the changes they're trying to make.
And then we need to make those changes in our own lives, because no matter what we get done in government government's never going to save you ask the people in North Carolina how that
goes right still going anyone exactly anyone who's you know anyone who sat on
what was left of their front porch waiting for FEMA to come and help them
as is now you know well it's still sitting there still sitting there still
waiting yep at best so what I love is when we can empower people with the things they can do for themselves,
that they can do for their kids.
And I'm sure there's other people out there who, like me, are contrarians.
And I'm definitely one of those people where if you tell me I can't do a thing, you just
guarantee it's going to happen.
Best possible motivator.
If you tell me if a government bureaucracy tells me something is going to make me sick, you pretty much guaranteed I'm going to happen. It's going to happen. Best possible motivator. If you tell me, if a government bureaucracy tells me something's going to make me sick,
you're pretty much guaranteed I'm going to try it.
Because at this point, you're better off making that calculus than you are listening to them.
But I'm sure there's a lot of other people in this audience because, you know, I'm part
of your audience, Chris.
You know them too.
We've got a lot of people who think like us.
We do. part of your audience chris you know them too we got a lot of people who think like us we do and um
there's one of the most one of the biggest middle fingers you can put up to the state
that you can put up to the tyrants is becoming fully independent healthy and ready to fight them
and you're not going to be able to do that indeed without changing what you eat indeed
well this is a uh i can't think of it in any other terms, except this is a moral issue.
It is.
It's a moral issue.
If any measure of a society is how you treat your elderly and your young, if you can't protect either of those two groups.
The UK is busy killing the old people.
Well, this is act two.
They already did that with midazolam and morphine during covid.
But now they're incentivizing early assisted dying. We see that in Canada as well. So that's the slippery slope of not valuing life. But we also don't value health because we're doing
things that have inarguably led to type two childhood diabetes, metabolic disorders,
immune dysregulations, eczemas, otitis media, the list of conditions, chronic
illnesses, RFK Jr. points out, and children.
Some stunning number, like 50, 60 percent.
It's like it's gross, like time out.
A healthy culture decades ago says stop.
Yes, stop.
But we've kept doing it and I see people waking up.
So that's our crowd.
The people have woken up and said, not only do I think this is not right, it's not right.
This is a moral issue.
It's absolutely a moral issue.
Any society that will allow this to occur.
It's not worth preserving.
It's not.
It's not at all worth preserving.
There it is.
And the society is not going to change it for us.
But we can change it for us.
You can change it for your kids. You can change it for yourself. You can change it for your nope but we can change it for us you can change it for your kids you
can change it for yourself you can change it for your aging parents and
then if enough of us do that we have a chance at rebuilding a society that is
more moral that doesn't commit these atrocities against our own people this
this raises a super important point which is that you matter everybody
listening to this you all all matter. Everybody. It really matters because politics isn't politicians
suddenly finding out the right thing and carrying the flag up the hill. Politics is people getting
the flag nearly to the top of the hill and a politician suddenly burstling through and grabbing
the flag and running the last three feet. Right. That's Bernie Sanders suddenly grilling the FDA
about red dye. Right. Number three. Right. They're really good suddenly grilling the FDA about red dye. Right.
Number three. Right. They're really good at finding parades to jump in front of. They do.
They're parade jumpers. So so but that's our power. We have that. And that's what this last
parade election. Exactly. We have the momentum. Let's make sure that we keep inviting people to
this parade. Yes. More people in the parade. All different stripes, colors, every every political persuasion. I don't care. But if as long as you're on a on a moral crusade like us, which is like, dude, we know, right?
Just stop. Let's stop killing ourselves. Let's stop being this. We shouldn't be this way.
And that's all that motivates, I think, both you and me is when we see injustice, when we see something going wrong.
Exactly. You know, my favorite people in the world are the people that will drop everything,
drop their income, drop, drop money in order to fix something that's gone wrong in the
And because it's the right thing to do.
And man, have we met a lot of those in the last four years?
Because this was the time for them to come to the surface.
I never thought we'd actually get in power.
So I know, you know, we never thought our side would actually have the opportunities
we currently have.
We've been having these conversations with, you know friends of ours who are going into these positions where we're all sitting there going, we've been wandering in the wilderness.
We've been the gorillas in the mountains for so long fighting that now that you're attempting to run a city, this is going to gonna be a very different ball game we've been like chasing that car down the country road now we have a
bumper in our mouths you know exactly now what now what well now now what it begins by getting
healthy so we're going to start with that and um please uh attend the food webinar if you want to
get a jump start on this we'll help you understand what's going on and then what you can do about it.
And so, Tracy, thank you so much for your time today.
Thank you for stopping by.
It's always so great to see you guys.
And, you know, I care about this issue.
I lost 13 years of my life and I was healed and given back life by changing my diet.
So this for me is a very real, very important issue.
And for people who are listening to this,
you may have something in your life, like a health issue, just...
Chronic, maybe you've had it your whole life.
Yes, exactly.
And you think this is just how it goes.
Try changing.
You don't know what doors are going to open up for you.
You don't know what healing you're going to experience.
And even more so, you don't know what battles you're going to be able to take on
once the new you, the stronger you comes out.
You don't know what your children can achieve until they stop taking in poison.
So I'm really excited for everybody who's
going to be joining us for this webinar. And I believe there are going to be some other people
in this who are going to have the same level of transformation that I've had in my life.
I can't wait.
I can't wait either. This is going to be good.
All right, Tracy. Thanks again. Really appreciate it.
Absolutely, Chris. Always a pleasure.