Peak Prosperity - They Had a Perfect View and 10+ Feet of Elevation

Episode Date: July 26, 2024

The evidence is clear – Sniper Team #2 was in a perfect AND elevated position relative to Trump and therefore should have easily been able to spot Crooks. It’s possible they could have seen Crooks... without him raising his head or being all the away to the ridge. Also, the lack of crime scene splatter isn’t consistent with Crooks’ head intercepting a .300 WinMag round.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Why didn't the second sniper team see Crooks and take the shot? And also, why was there no-Trump assassination at Butler Fairgrounds there in Butler, Pennsylvania. We're going to continue on with our reporting here. And today we're going to be answering and addressing these two questions. First, why no splatter from Crook's head? It's a really big deal. The crime scene is very interesting to observe, and it leads to more questions than we have answers. And, of course, we've got to go there and take a look at it. Now, this is the video that, of course, ABC deceptively edited to try and make it look like they had a video of people racing to the roof. What we're going to look at is this, which is the last shot was fired at 6 11 49 p.m this video image as i've circled in yellow
Starting point is 00:01:07 was taken at 6 28 11 that is a 16 minute and 22 second gap a delta and as you can already see circled in red by the time these guys are racing across the field there are already at least four people up there and they've been up there for a while so we did not get to see the first scenes of the body being found on the roof now when we get up there uh abc team you know by the time we got there we already have secret service guy number one he's on the phone we talked about him the other day turns out um you know rust colored brick colored pants guy also secret service as you can tell from his well the, the writing on his shirt. Now, this is what's very interesting. We're going to talk about Sniper Team 2 to start with. So this is from the helmet cam.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Guy comes up on the roof, okay? And let me get my laser pointer out here so we can follow along together. And this roof line right here, which I will establish for you, this is where Sniper Team 2 is located. You see these little things things look like tents there it's kind of like yeah they had they had a row of white tenty things there and then there are two red barns there and sniper team two was on the second barn what i'm calling sniper team two at least in sniper team one they were on the leftmost barn as you're facing the stage and they were the
Starting point is 00:02:22 ones that everybody was looking at right they're like oh what are those guys doing and they're like peering and they're looking confused and one of them jumps a little when the shots start so i think that they are blameless in this and i'll tell you why so this is where everything is configured this is after the overall action had happened trump and bachat everybody's cleared away some things to note here that we're going to be noticing through the next few sets of videos uh where this yellow lift is here with these speakers on it that helps orient us remember one of our sources one of the most important video audio sources was right here that was called source two but sniper team two according to this picture has a clear shot to where crooks was and he was just off of this drain pipe, literally right over this second window, but straight back. So that's where he's found. That's where Crooks' body was, right there.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And this poor team sitting here, who put them here? Of course, we would have to get Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke as to why he would put a sniper team in a place where they couldn't actually see a roof. Not so good. Bad placement there, Timothy. So let's watch Sniper Team 2 here in action as the shots are about to ring out. And, you know, that's a little bit old, that chart. That chart's a couple of months old. Looks like they're looking at something. I really see something that said take a look what happened they're definitely on it at that point in time and the other thing that we're going to notice
Starting point is 00:03:55 about this is that this little white tent here which uh we can see in many many angles and many views they are higher than this tent peak right here so they're up on the roof and then up another couple of feet because what they're doing here is well they're so if we stop this right here we can clearly see that they are at least a couple feet above the roofline they have a big heavy tripod mounted gun here that thing is locked down very solid so you can take a real clean shot that way so at any rate um there they are they're above the the white roof line on those far right red barn okay and so that's this red barn here that's indicated with sniper team two now this all becomes relevant in just a second because as we're going to see there's some issues with that and so when we get here the first thing
Starting point is 00:04:50 we're going to do let's get a little naming convention this is the lane in which if we look at these roof ribs here on this raised metal seam roof this is the lane that the shooter is found in it's got the blood trail coming down it so we're going to call that s shooters lane then there's one to the left so we'll call that minus one minus two minus three etc we go out to minus four and here we go one two three four this guy's standing about in lane four so it helps a little bit to orient us on the roof so we're you know we know we're in the same spot and we know what we're looking at now this is interesting here we are and they've of course blurred this whole thing out everything in this video that's useful about either the wounds in the head or where the brass is they've magically blurred all of that out they've managed to
Starting point is 00:05:36 magically blur out all of the actual evidence and you can see here it's not like they're just trying to preserve your delicate sensibilities by putting a little blur over his redhead. They got that area where all the brass is going to be. They got that just smack out covered. Coincidence? But the shape and size of the blur changes all the time if you watch it. It's very frustrating for people who want to see the actual evidence because whoever blurred this did their level best to make sure they blurred all the evidence. Now, why would you want to do that in an open and transparent investigation?
Starting point is 00:06:07 Of course, you wouldn't, but they have, just an editorial point. Drives me a little nuts. So here we are in the shooter's lane. This guy is standing right about in lane two, so we're very, very much on axis. First thing we're going to notice is this is the roof right here of this barn. This is where these poor sniper teamper Team 1 set would have been. Now we have full confirmation that tree is in the way. So no fault there.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Now here, you can see these little tenty things, and Sniper Team 2 is going to be right where that blue arrow points or right where this little dot is. They clearly have a view here. Okay? So this is an interesting point i can't find a single angle on here where sniper team two doesn't have an absolutely clear view of crooks at this point in time if they're if they're down if they're on range and they're looking at it if somebody is radioed in hey we got a guy on the roof they should be able to see from there very easily because they're higher so is this guy and trump is way down lower in this picture trump's
Starting point is 00:07:10 stage is going to be well what did we see on that um prior thing right so trump is here yeah and they are way up here let's call that at least 10 feet higher, which every foot matters, because remember, Crooks, the best he can do is peek up over that ridgeline to take a shot at Trump. But by the time he's peeked up over the ridgeline, because Trump is 10 feet lower than these guys, these guys can totally see him. I mean, just clear as day. That's just simple geometry. There's no way in the world that they can be basically on axis with Trump. Right. So Trump is here. They're here. They're at least 10 feet higher. And I'm being generous. It might be
Starting point is 00:07:51 more like 12, but they're higher. And so it's impossible for Thomas Crooks to raise up above, just sneak it over the edge, get Trump in his sights and not be seen or be capable of being seen by sniper team two and you're like well chris maybe they weren't looking there and you know you know it was only like uh 15.8 seconds after that first shot to the by the time that you know killer sniper team 15 seconds dude what do you want you know quarter quarter of a minute you know um you know they managed to take him out well the problem is is that we know that there had been suspicious reports and we know that there had been suspicious reports of this guy all around so they ought to have been keyed up and if you're a sniper there's not that many places you're going
Starting point is 00:08:36 to be looking but then two and a half well two minutes 33 seconds is forever when crooks is actually on the roof people are yelling about it they're warning about it i think two and a half minutes is plenty of time for somebody to go you know is this thing on hey yeah we got a guy on the roof you what you got a guy on the roof yeah uh roger you know um i think that's that's a long time so their question is now open did they did sniper team to actually see him if so when next question if they saw him and they didn't take the shot why not did they have orders not to take the shot were they told something confusing like this is a training exercise by somebody else in their ear we need to know exactly why they didn't take that
Starting point is 00:09:23 shot because they were pointed straight at that area and they had them. They would have been able to see them clear as day because, again, they're using these 947x35 scopes. Beautiful optics, right? I mean, crystal clear. Not like the cheesy,
Starting point is 00:09:36 you might think, oh, binoculars, Chris, it's hard to see. That's the Walmart crap you got, right? We're talking quality optics here and that stuff is crystal clear. It's even sharper than using your own eyeballs. It's amazing here and that stuff is crystal clear it's even sharper than using your own eyeballs it's amazing how good that glass is all right so we've established this right so they're definitely higher than trump by at least 10 feet maybe more and so
Starting point is 00:10:01 they have to they had to have been able to see him and i'm going to go a little further given the very very light slope of this roof i would be a little bit surprised because here again you can see these tents back here those snipers would have been about here there's a chance they would have been able to see down that entire roof line so i don't know that uh i think benny johnson took some people out there and i think they got up on that exact roof i hope i don't know that uh i i think benny johnson took some people out there and i think they got up on that exact roof i hope they were on that roof the second sniper roof not the first one or both do them both just to be just to be sure but it would be good to know if you could actually as i suspect pretty much see down this entire roof so you wouldn't even have to wait for this jamoke here to poke his
Starting point is 00:10:46 head above this little tiny ridge cap all right and again when we're standing right in the spot here yeah it's pretty clear that that you got a pretty good view of this from there i mean really good view of this from there okay so a number of you've asked some questions um and yes i will take a little time off this weekend i think but why am i pushing so hard look my role right now is uh first i'm an emergency documenter and this is important because things tend to get disappeared into the memory hole and you go back and you're pretty sure an article said something but mysteriously it doesn't say that anymore and the quietly revised things now gone are the days when it used to be that newspapers and print outlets would issue a correction, and then they would notify you that something had been corrected, and then they'd tell you what it originally said and what they corrected it to.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Now they just quietly update stuff, don't tell you, and unless you've kept a record of it from before, it's gone, right? Even, they've been caught. I no longer trust them because they've been caught having amended Wayback stuff stuffed into their machine, which, of course, violates the entire thing they're supposed to stand for, which is weird, right? I mean, that'd be like, I don't know, if you had a fire extinguisher that didn't put out foam, but it put out gasoline instead. I mean, kind of against the original purpose of that device, right? And two, I want to make sure that we have a common sense pointer router, because that's what I am.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I'm just a guy like common sense, like, oh, Sniper Team 1 couldn't see squat, but Sniper Team 2 could, so we have questions, right? Common sense pointer router here, so that they have to work really hard to make sure that they have to fit their native narrative to the data we're bringing okay so at some point in the future if they say oh sniper team two couldn't see him until he raised his head higher then you can say bs we already know we've already established that can't be true because sniper team two is higher than trump so they can see more earlier. And anybody trying to peek their head over that AGR Building 6, as it's called, they're going to be fully exposed to Sniper Team 2.
Starting point is 00:12:54 So that's established, right? So now they're going to have to fit the narrative to try and account for that fact, which is now out in the public domain, all right? And because otherwise we have to try and back fit our data around their narrative and disprove their narrative. Once a narrative comes out, man, it tends, that's the first thing out there, right? It's kind of like, you know, if, if you and your brother got in a fight, the first one to mom, you had first mover advantage. You kind of set the tone for the suing conversation about what actually happened, right? And the
Starting point is 00:13:25 other person has to come and fight through all of your lies if they were lies, right? All right. This is why time is so critical, why we have to actually just push and push hard. So in as well, we have to fight the propaganda and the data-free narrative assertions. Those are out there. The second thing I do is I categorize all my data into red, yellow, green, or green, yellow, red. So green evidence is stuff we know for sure put it on the shelf don't have to debate it again we're pretty darn positive about it so what am i positive about shots were fired trump sustained an ear wound cory compoteur was killed david dutch was wounded um oh so was the other guy meant to put him in there too uh the audio files all line up
Starting point is 00:14:02 across all these different devices, so we can trust that the files haven't been tampered with. Sniper Team 2 shot toward the AGR building. I'll establish that for you in a second. And shots 1 through 3 don't really sound anything like shots 4 through 8 on sources 4 and 5 from my prior presentation. So that's all green. Now we have to work on these items. Well, shot number 9. Did that come from the emergency services unit? No. It seems like there's an 11 shot. Maybe we're going to have to work on it. There was an ESU person in building two at the time of the shooting. Was there? I don't really know. We're going to have to establish that. State police say no. Butler County says yes. We don't
Starting point is 00:14:39 know. The locations of all the LEO personnel at the the time of the shooting we don't know i don't know where were those two secret service guys that ended up showing up on the roof where were they nobody knows well somebody knows we don't know and who was giving orders that day and what was said and how do we handle all these conflicting news reports that's yellow it's stuff that we have that we have to make sense of and then decide what we're going to do and if we if we can get our arms around it we'll move it into green and once it's in decide what we're going to do. And if we, if we can get our arms around it, we'll move it into green. And once it's in green, Hey, we're pretty confident in it. Now we can go forward with it and begin to work with it. Red material is stuff that I just put it's, it's later. We're going to, that's for later. Maybe right. Things like any theories put forth
Starting point is 00:15:19 without evidence, like Trump staged this, right? I have a lot of people sending me that still he staged this. Okay. If you have any evidence for that, right, you got an audio recording of him talking about staging this thing, something, right? Otherwise, it's just rank speculation. And of course, that's not data. And it's just a data-free assertion. So we don't work with those. Attempts to ID people in the crowd because they look like somebody you found on an FBI website. I mean, you just can't work with that, right? As well, the idea that we can calculate bullet trajectories based on whether people were flinching or not. You know, you just can't do that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 People react how they're going to react. And sometimes people have experience being shot at. They're presumably playing the odds. There are veterans in Trump's crowd. So when they hear a bullet whizzing by, their instincts kick in. And man, they just, they duck in something. You can't, you can't call that evidence and then say, therefore we can do all this downstream analysis on it.
Starting point is 00:16:15 And as well, I would put shots coming from the water tower in there because we have no evidence for that right now. It's an assertion. It's an idea, but we have no evidence in saying here's a shot on two separate recording devices and when we do the crack boom the data is consistent with the distance that we see from the water tower so we don't have that so i have to continue to rule that out until i have some sort of data and here's the process we start with the green data then we begin our analysis like what's it telling us and
Starting point is 00:16:45 oh we have mysteries in there we have to figure some things out like we figured out that trump's microphone had some sort of a gain reduction limiter gate on it of some kind that caused certain parts of that five shot burst to go missing so we resolved that we worked with it that's great um and then we want to capture territories. We begin that analysis. Then we form our hypotheses, right? And our hypotheses, the null hypothesis in this case is that Crooks was the only shooter. That's the one that the FBI led with the morning after, and they're sticking to it, right? I don't think you can just do that until you have enough evidence to support that.
Starting point is 00:17:22 We have hypothesis one was that there are two shooters that's the hypothesis i'm currently working on because they have data to support that hypothesis eight hypothesis 1a is that uh shooter number one shots took shots one through three and crooks no no apostrophe just Crooks. He shot four through eight. Hypothesis 1B is the flip of that, that shooter number one shot shots four through eight and Crooks shot one through three. So we don't know. Hypothesis two, Crooks took no shots whatsoever. Always a possibility.
Starting point is 00:18:03 And then we'll take these hypotheses, form them. We have new data. We can reject some of them. They're not right. bolster them iterate iterate iterate that's the process that that is the scientific that's the actual scientific process not science with a tm like was practiced all during covid by by the covidians out there i'm talking actual science here and actual science is unbiased and if the data tells me that one of these hypotheses is wrong, then it's wrong. That's the end of the story. Move on and keep working through the data. Now, here's the next piece I need to talk about. The kill shot was taken by
Starting point is 00:18:36 sniper team two. That's what we were told. Kim Cheadle told us that. FBI is establishing that. It's in the newsprint. But I need to say to say i'm not sure i don't think that's the case so let me there's something very wrong with it so by the way my phd from duke university in a medical science is from the department of pathology specialty neurotoxicology but so you know plenty of science in my background but because of pathology i've done autopsies and this is actually a little bit of something that is in my background okay now when asked hey uh where you know who killed him i can't make out what he says but i can make out what he does secret service guy there in the brick colored pants points lazily to his
Starting point is 00:19:20 left which is over where the sniper teams would be you know just over there somewhere um so yeah so maybe okay we don't know but he's sort of saying yeah maybe that we can establish beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the shot that the last shot and the whole thing that came out at 15.8 seconds after the beginning this is a big hot and heavy round and you can see it dampen trump's mic down really hard right here afterwards this is what it looks like on a on a beautiful waveform sort of a an output here and this thing is really hot and really heavy compared these are all the earlier rounds this is shots one two three and then four five six seven eight and you can see the size of these shots they're they're just thinner and they're not like all muscular and also look at how heavy this thing is up on these upper frequencies
Starting point is 00:20:17 up here and it's really light on these lower frequencies very different from these rounds down here which are almost the exact opposite so this allows us to make a second hypothesis then and i'm willing to to call this actually i'm going to move this into green this is what a 300 wind mag this is what approximately a 3 000 foot per second 30 caliber round looks like coming over trump's mic these don't look like that so i'm going to guess these aren't not going to guess i'm going to guess these aren't not going to guess I'm going to state these aren't 30 caliber rounds these are all consistent then with something smaller a much smaller much lighter round like what you would find coming out of a 223 this bullet coming out
Starting point is 00:20:58 of this is a beast right it's at least roughly uh three and a half three let's call it three times heavier for sure it's at least three times roughly three times three let's call it three times heavier for sure it's at least three times roughly three times heavier let's call it three it's three times bigger and it's fatter and it's traveling faster and that's why you get a hot and heavy round that's why it's such a muscular sort of a signature on there all bright and white and yellow in there and these are just a little smaller a little smaller so we didn't have any inbound 30 caliber rounds is what i would conclude from this but again if any data counteracts that we'll move that back out of green back into yellow until we resolve it but for now i've moved the
Starting point is 00:21:38 idea that the rounds that were fired were all those eight rounds we see down there those are two to three rounds they're not 30 caliber rounds so that's good captured territory i like that now this is really awesome brandon herrera does this incredible job uh great great channel by the way and recreates a lot of things about the trump shooting and here he's using something that the snipers would have had same optics same gun it's an accuracy international 300 wind mag sink shoots hot and heavy before we get to that part of it here he is sighting down an equivalent red dot on an equivalent well probably a much nicer um ar-15 platform but that's what it would have looked like if you were on the roof
Starting point is 00:22:17 and you were in crook's position aiming at trump's head this is only 130 yards away he might have been 140 so it would have been even just a little smaller on that head and by the way if you haven't looked down these things this is just a still picture if you are holding one of these unless it's locked in a tripod and you're tipped in and you're not touching it if you are holding this at all particularly if you're excited or jacked up or nervous i'm going to tell you that red dot is like dancing all over the place. That thing is not stable. Even if you're lying down and you have this thing rested on something, that thing is still checking out with the tremors of your body, your heartbeat, your breathing,
Starting point is 00:22:55 anything you got going on in there that's creating motion. That dot is like, it's just jumping all over the place, right? That's the nature of red dots they're really kind of humbling in terms of um feeling like you got your your stuff under control it's i don't know at any rate uh so they set it up here with uh the uh accuracy international 300 wind mag and then they shot that wind mag off at a um at a cast head that that's got a ballistic gelatin it's got a harder interior they even put eyeglasses on it to recreate it uh because uh the the shooter up there had eyeglasses and they shot it in 120 000 frame per second super slow-mo
Starting point is 00:23:41 so we can see actually what happened this is wicked cool based on how fucking cool it looked 150 yards away it's gonna look pretty cool awesome look at that look at that bullet coming out of there pierces right out the back, easily of course. This is 120,000 frames a second, unbelievable photography. That looks just like him. Jesus Christ. So here's what's interesting so this is what was left over afterwards that little stalk right there on let me get my laser pointer out this little stalk right here is where the head was perched on that so that's meant to um be a replication of a spinal column and i need you to notice something look at all this splatter back here there's chips these little white things are chips of the skull this all this
Starting point is 00:24:53 red back here goes way back here right when a 300 wind mag encounters a human head it just blows it up like this thing is just this is one of the most energetic bullets you can get out there until you move up into much higher categories like a 50 cal or a 338 lapua but but 300 wind mag oh my goodness this is this is a hot and heavy round and it did the predictable thing here and it created what we'll call a big old cone like 120 degree cone maybe more of gore coming out the other side so that's interesting because i need you to watch what happens here as this is again from the abc helmet cam view this is something that charles grassley released the longer view video of i'm thankful for that if we could get the unblurred version thank you but watch watch how watch how this person approaches this scene here. Comes on up, huffs up.
Starting point is 00:25:50 That's the backpack of Crooks, apparently. Walks up. You see the bloody gore channel there. He's walking up channel one. S minus one. S minus one. And then just walking right up, like walking up where there should have been a big old trail of gore. Okay. up where there should have been a big old trail of gore okay and what's really fascinating about this is we come up onto this thing here and you can stop this anytime and look at it yourself
Starting point is 00:26:15 and and get the longer one but this is pretty interesting oh shoot i just missed just missed that part you just thank you bill gates for not allowing me to forward and advance videos when we're in presentation mode. That's so helpful, Mr. Gates. So here, what's interesting is you can see clearly, and there are other views that happen when you get up later, the back of his lily white legs right here, there's no splatter. There's no splatter there's there's no spatter there's there aren't there's this whole area right here should be a a 120 degree cone of actual blood and gore and brain matter and all of that uh and that's just how these things
Starting point is 00:27:01 typically work the idea that he didn't have an exploding head is would be consistent the only way that's that couldn't happen is you didn't hit him in the head or you somehow he rose up enough and you got a body shot where it went down the body length and somehow it went down enough of the body length that the like this way that the bullet got stuck in there a 300 wind mag coming in a human head is a through and through i mean that thing's just coming out the other side with a lot of energy you would not want to be standing beyond even that like somebody's head takes a round of a 300 wind mag you don't want to be the next thing in line that could easily easily kill you as well
Starting point is 00:27:39 so that thing's traveling through and through and there should be a big wide amount of gore down here that we would actually be seeing so i don't see that um and so we just watch this guy just come on up and casually stroll on through what should be a crime scene with plenty of biologic evidence you wouldn't want to just step in and just stomp all over and it's just not there so i think i'm going to have to say that saying that shot 10 in our string came from secret service sniper team 2 that neutralized the suspect as we've been told i'm going to have to move that from red back over to from yellow into red and i'm moving it into red because i i just it doesn't fit the data at all.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I mean, I could wrestle with it a little more. We could start making some wild theories. Maybe they have super special frangible rounds that are designed to just like dump into the head, but they don't go through. Maybe. Until we get something like that, which would then move it back from red into yellow so we can analyze it. But right now, a standard issue, 168 grain8 grain say hollow point boat tail round traveling out of a 300 wind mag is not going to create what we just saw on that roof it's going to create particularly a headshot now we saw thomas crook's head lying down there's what looks like a an
Starting point is 00:28:58 entrance wound right over his left eyebrow okay if that's true and that was a 300 wind mag coming in here we should be seeing all kinds of gore out the back i don't see i don't see any and i looked at this video over and over and over again nothing there and then um so i'm just going to close this up by saying listen we have so many questions remaining such as why were there four open windows in building number two one minute before shots rang out. Of course, this is the building that Crooks was on. But here we can count them. That's open because you can see the little lip of light on this. This one you can clearly see is open. This one is open.
Starting point is 00:29:33 This one is open. Is it protocol to leave windows open randomly in a place where a president's about to speak? A past president, possible future president. Is that Secret Service protocol at all? We can't account for that, but of course, that's the room that we don't know. Were they in there? Were they not in there? Did they abandon their posts? Did they not? But this is one minute before the shooting.
Starting point is 00:30:00 And a lot of open windows. So, finally, last thing. If you are familiar with this video right here, I desperately, desperately need to find the source video for this. It has some exceptionally important information on it. We really, really need this video. I've got to see it. Probably 20 million people. And you know, that's a little bit old.
Starting point is 00:30:24 That's your... If you know who's got this video, or if you have access to the source video, nothing, no processing, no compression, it hasn't been, you know, uploaded to some chat service, Snapchat, or, you know, video thing where it's compressed, the raw video off of this phone is going to be exceptionally important
Starting point is 00:30:46 to this investigation. If you know where we can get access to that, please, please, please contact us. Info at Put EVIDENCE, VIDEO, all caps. Use eight exclamation points if you want, if you have access to that. That is right now the most important video
Starting point is 00:31:02 we could possibly have for our investigation that one could settle the entire debate which hypothesis is correct once and for all but we need to get our hands on the actual high quality video what we've got we have to squint at and we can't quite tell but we're close so with that thanks very much for listening i hope you have a great weekend and please if you have any more tips advice anything, just get them back to us and we'll do what we can with them. This has been another episode of the Citizen's Investigation into Trump's near assassination. Thank you for listening. We'll be back with you next time. Bye for now. Thank you.

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