Peak Prosperity - Three Audio Files Aligned: The Strongest Explanation Is Two Shooters

Episode Date: July 22, 2024

More evidence that a second shooter (or more) were involved has emerged. Whoever was in that other building looking down at Crooks right before the shooting began has a lot of explaining to do. At a m...inimum…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Breaking news, we need to know who was in that building exactly. We need names. The building that was overlooking Crooks' alleged shooting position, and it's starting to look more and more likely that there were several guns involved, which means several perpetrators. hello everyone dr chris martinson here listen i appreciate listen everybody who's fed stuff back into me mountains of it thank you this is what we have to do citizen journalism we gotta like capture this stuff while we can it's uh it's really really pretty serious i mean check this out i'm i'm here on um the channel of heavy duty country right and uh really awesome they just put out this great
Starting point is 00:00:54 video here and first thing i'm gonna do skip past the ads but check this out this is really bizarre to me why does it never end because our government just can't come out and say it. They can't just come out and say, you know what? This is what happened. It's all verifiable. That's it. Instead, they want to let the American people wonder. It's a disservice to America and everybody who's trying to cover this up. You're a traitor. One more thing before we get started. Joe Biden said, now is the time to come together. How do we come together if we don't know what happened? Think about that one, Joe. Jesus Christ, dude. So I want to give credit where credit is due,
Starting point is 00:01:29 because this guy did a fantastic breakdown of this. Oh, he goes into my stuff. And the FBI. Listen to this. They're totally late, and they're trying to control the information, Sean. They tried to kick me off of the site. They said, get out of here. That's Senator Josh Hawley.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Listen to him. The FBI is kicking him off. He's a senator, U.S. senator, wants on the site they said get out of here that's senator josh hawley listen to him this fbi is kicking him off he's senator u.s senator wants on the site you shouldn't be on the site we don't want you here they are trying to control the information absolutely they brought they brought local cops sean get this i'm there on site i had permission from the local uh security operator to be there and they the f FBI came out and said, you have got to leave. The thing is that most of the detail assigned to Trump that day
Starting point is 00:02:10 and to that rally were not Secret Service, that most of them were from other federal agencies, including Homeland Security, and Sean, they weren't prepared. Does the government not understand that you're the reason why they... All right, that's beautiful. Listen to the whole thing. I'll put the link down in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Sorry I didn't have time to drop that in as a proper video. But but think about this. The FBI is washing down the roof. Right. They are just controlling the site and they're just like controlling and they won't. How many press briefings have you heard? I've heard zero press briefings. Right. That had any details at all. We still don't know how many shots were fired out of the rifle. We't know i haven't even established that crooks is the shooter everybody knows that but do we know it have we seen empty spent casings have we seen the powder residue on his hands report have we seen that that gun has been fired have we seen how many bullets are left in cartridges are left in the magazine and how many are left in the box he had and that those sort of add up have we seen that the bullets that were recovered downfield and from people's bodies actually match the ones that he bought no none of that we know none of that now we're going to have to move on uh so here first remember i showed i had you listen to this this is the audio that i've been using to analyze from one point of view right not not from trump's mic we've got that we've been using to analyze from one point of view, right? Not from Trump's mic. We've got that. We've got some other mics all around. Now I'm going to show you three separate audios all from around that building.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And so this one here, we'll listen to this first. And this is what the video looks like here. Look what happened to our country. Probably 20 million people. And you know that's a little bit of a lie. He's going down! He's on the roof! Stay under here. All right, so several of you had some very fair comments. You said, look, that camera is moving all around and they have very directional mics. So it's possible that those first three, which we can hear again, which go thunk, thunk, thunk.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Just sound totally different from the ones that go crack, crack, crack, crack, crack. And then number six shot six. Totally different. I think that one's a a law enforcement weapon i'm pretty sure that's all the way back at uh in uh building the two-story building right there but we're going to build that case very carefully down below you're going to see this is the audio signature for this particular video it's very nice audio signature. You can see here the, oh, let me get my laser pointer out. You can see here, first shot, second shot, third shot, right? Very nice.
Starting point is 00:04:52 By the way, this one has echoes. They come off afterwards. So we can figure out how far away this gun is for these shots from the actual place, which is echoing, which for these people, I think you'll see it's a red, one of the red barn faces over there. So shot, echo, shot, echo, shot, echo. And then we have here one, two, three, four, five, and then six. This one has a totally different sound.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And so if we look at, I'll come back to that in a second. If we look where these people are, they're somewhere in this blue oval here. You can, as the video scans past, you can see they're looking at a jumbotron, which is downstream here. And you can see that they're looking past a yellow liftall right here that has a whole bunch of, a rack of speakers on it. Okay, so going back to this real quick and getting my pointer back again. Let's start over again and see what happens here. You can see the speakers then listen to this he's got a gun like everybody sees this everybody's seen this we're going to get into this
Starting point is 00:05:55 more you will not believe the story you're about to hear in terms of what was going on with law enforcement in that second building at the whole time that this crooks character is just wandering around and laser pointing stuff and climbing up onto roofs it is an absolutely unbelievable story which i have to confess does reinforce my view of suspecting that there also is going to be a second gun because there's something really wrong with the story of course we already knew that we knew that but now we're looking for evidence. And by the way, here's how I roll. I had a lot of pushback from trolls around all of this. That's fine. Probable disinformation agents. That's fine. It's part of the business. But there were people who came in and tried to put in solid analytical
Starting point is 00:06:38 work. But, you know, they started with an assumption and you can't do that in this business. So here's how I roll. When I do my investigations, I have three things that I'm always following. The first is it's always you start with the data. You might have a hypothesis. Here's a hypothesis. Crooks shot all those shots. Okay. We'd call that the null hypothesis. And our job is to gather data and we want to disprove the null hypothesis. So if we keep gathering data and it just all lines up with he was the shooter, we didn't disprove the null hypothesis, therefore our hypothesis can stand. He was the shooter, right? So is the null hypothesis correct?
Starting point is 00:07:16 Was Crooks the shooter? That's what we're trying to establish. Now, I can't still, to this moment, guarantee that he shot even one shot out of his gun because I don't have any of the base data what we do have is evidence so the second thing i'm going to promise you is we start with those first principles but the second thing is we build it off of the data we have okay so the shots recorded sounds of the shots that's data wherever the bullet struck is data whatever how many cartridges would be lying around spent would be data.
Starting point is 00:07:47 So we have to start with the data and then we'll build back towards a hypothesis. Right now, I don't have any particular hypothesis, but I am telling you the data I have is stacking up very clearly that we have three, we're going to hear three weapons in this particular video clip. And then I'll hear it play you another one and another one but you decide if that's what you're hearing next time probably tomorrow i have the full audio analysis of the three shots the five shots plus some other mystery shots down at the other end i'm going to do my level best to add it all up i think i've made sense of it but i need just a
Starting point is 00:08:20 little bit more time to make complete sense out of it. Now, is what we're hearing consistent with just one gun? Because the official story as it stands is, Crooks shot three shots, then five more, nobody mentions the sixth, and then ten seconds later, a sniper, one in a million shot, took him out with a shot right over the left eyebrow. Okay, I can locate that shot, by the way. That shot, no problem, everything lines up, no mystery about that shot. the way that shot no problem everything lines up no mystery about that shot i've got it on several mics the time delay is perfect it's a suppressed
Starting point is 00:08:50 weapon probably a 300 um caliber 308 300 win mag i don't know but uh it's a clearly a heavier round and that one's easy that one's easy so we'll i'll show you the easy stuff tomorrow we're going to get into the hard stuff because there's some some little funkadoo about that last cluster of shots as they arrive down in the stands and around trump so um but back to this for the moment oh third thing i forgot the third thing third thing is when i make a mistake i'll tell you i will own up to that there we're going to move fast and we're going to do the best we possibly can will we get everything right no we'll tell you when we don't okay so the criticisms we heard on the first part of the audio analysis were microphone is moving. You can't tell anything from that. Okay. Second,
Starting point is 00:09:35 um, would be that, uh, uh, you're just, you're just a moron and you can't hear things properly. Okay. Gonna, gonna, let me dispel that a little bit um i'm a little bit of a gun nerd okay i've probably shot 250 000 rounds in my life i do a lot of pistol variety of calibers of rifle work i wouldn't consider myself a long range shooter but i'm pretty good intermediate range shooter and i load my own bullets both um small and large pistol for primers and also small and large rifle so i i i'm pretty much of a nerd about this stuff so i have a little bit of a passing knowledge with this about 40 years of experience shooting taking some training this and that but have i ever been a sniper no no no have i
Starting point is 00:10:14 ever like had bullets snapping over my head nope they've always been luckily going that way down the range never this way so so that's who i am but uh boy i can make sense of things and so if i do make a mistake i'll let you know now here's what we got and we're going to listen again now this is just i've just isolated we're just listening to this little clip that you're looking at here now not the whole larger clip but in this larger clip the roof. Okay. Listen to that. Those first three sound to me like they have a thump, thump, thump. The next five have a crack, crack, crack, crack, crack. And then the last one is just totally sharper, very different sound. And so it's possible. What are the possibilities that these are two weapons, one being fired from inside of a room potentially or something that's muffling it a little bit?
Starting point is 00:11:09 The second one being fired out in the open. I'm going to draw a lot of you're going to have trouble once you see what I found out about that second string of five shots. Anybody who's a shooter, you're going to be like, that's stupid. OK. And then the other thing is that it's possible that maybe somehow Crooks, if we take the null hypothesis, Crooks is down there one, two, three measured shots. But then he's like, oh, that didn't work out. So he might he might come up to a higher elevation. The gun might be less muzzled, muffled, and he shots shoots off five more. But wait, do you see what i see you're gonna be like no that didn't happen okay um but oh let's listen to this at least one more time okay one more time Next time, bunk, bunk, bunk, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, crack. Okay, very different sound to that shot number six.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Stay under here. Hear that? Okay, last time, cause we're gonna just really want this to be cemented in. So we all have a good chance of okay again this was somewhere in this vicinity right here um and i wish i could be a little bit more accurate but it's okay so if the shooter was here or here, somewhere back here, what we're just hearing is pretty interesting. We're only hearing the shots.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I don't hear in this particular trace here the actual cracks, but I'd have to bring it into my full audio analysis to see if I'm actually hearing the supersonic snaps. If we're not, that means those bullets are passing reasonably overhead and not really leaving a snap. So it gives us a sense of potentially how far away a bullet can be before you kind of lose the snap that snap is the supersonic crack again where it's traveling faster than the speed of sound it leaves a cone of sound behind it it's like lightning when it goes and creates uh you know thunder thunder is just a
Starting point is 00:13:21 sonic boom because that that air from the lightning is displaced faster than the speed of sound. And when you do that, you create a sonic boom wave. So those boom waves travel out. A sonic boom really up close is a snap, very upsetting, you know, 130, 40 decibel thing. And then further away you get, the more it becomes diffuse and rumbly. So I'll analyze that tomorrow to see what we got there. Now, here's a second location, okay? And just so you know, just so we can,
Starting point is 00:13:50 before we get there, the second location, best I can place it is right here. This is the SEC two-story building. This is the building again. Oh, shoot, I don't, I got it. It's right here. This is the two-story building that we're gonna be focusing on.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And before I said, that's the place, that, if you were gonna put a sniper on a roof, this is the two-story building that we're going to be focusing on. And before I said that's the place, that if you were going to put a sniper on a roof, this is the roof, man. You see this whole complex. You see everything here. You're not overlapping your field of fire too much with these snipers down here. They can hot and trot all across this region.
Starting point is 00:14:19 You got this whole region. Great coverage. Who was the special agent in charge? Oh, that would have been Tim Burke. We finally have a name was the special agent in charge? Well, that would have been Tim Burke. We finally have a name. The special agent in charge who made the decision to place both snipers within, basically, they were on top of each other as far as snipers are concerned. They're not close quarter battle types of folks I've been reading about and hearing, and people have been telling me they reach out and touch people. So Trump's inner ring of people with pistols would have been here.
Starting point is 00:14:44 There would have been people with close quarter combat weapons just a little bit further out. Snipers should have been here and as far away as possible, 250 to 400 yards. They should be there because they can reach out and touch people to a thousand yards pretty reliably. So good training, all that. So this is where this next piece was. So see if you hear the difference between those first three shots and those next five, given that we're in an entirely different location, because maybe the location had something to do with it. Maybe. So let's start there. And here we go. First, we're just going to look at the video and then we'll just listen to the sound file a few times. Okay, we don't need to listen to too much of the screaming, but because there's quite a bit of it. So again, where there's a tree over to the left with some buildings is they swing past this
Starting point is 00:15:47 way. You can see there's another tree and then there's a two-story building and then the flat building, which looks like a long, low, shady kind of a roof kind of a thing. Let's look at that one more time. So the position of this roof, plus you heard that crack, that tells us pretty much where we are. And again, we're right about here. We're under a tree, and we've got this right in front of us, and then this is just off to the side. So I'm not totally sure we aren't under this tree, but I'm pretty sure we're under this tree. So that gives us a lot of information about what we're going to hear in terms of echoes and things like that just to be clear if there was a shooter for whatever reason up here if they were shooting there's a chance of echoing off of this building whereas
Starting point is 00:16:36 if this person is shooting from here there's no chance of a nearby echo because the gun is facing this way you would have to have a long echo that would come back to here. So the echoes that we see here on those first three shots, they're close. They echo from really close in somewhere. So that's like a big clue. So it makes, it's really pointing to somebody
Starting point is 00:16:54 being in that second two-story building. Let's listen to it a couple of times. Just, just again, just key in. Tonal quality of the first three to the next five to the last one. Okay. So if you watch this again, there's not that much movement in the camera relatively. There's some got to count for that.
Starting point is 00:17:28 It could be that the directional mic is facing a slightly different direction. So watch where you see the camera sort of pointing as it's firing compared to the first and the first three and the next five. All right. The way I look at that, it's pointed this way, and then it points this way, but the camera's still in the same orientation. It's not changing.
Starting point is 00:18:02 It's not going, it's not flipping. It's just pointed this way, you know, or I guess it's in horizontal mode. And then it goes to this way. And the person may take a few steps, but that's really not a lot of steps to change the auditory capacity of what you're hearing. OK, it's really not going to do it all that much. They're facing this way. It rotates this way and they take looks like a couple of steps, but pretty solid orientation. So that could account for, I mean, if you had it this way and the microphone was facing the first three and then then facing away or vice versa that could have an effect we're running some tests on that uh this week to see if we can replicate that particular thing but interestingly it has the same effect as that other camera all the way on the other and it was going through its own wild gyrations of course but it still came away for
Starting point is 00:19:00 me with that same muted up up, and then that much sharper, and then that final crack. Again, let's listen in. Different echoes, everything's different when you get really in. So tomorrow we're gonna go through the actual sound signatures. I'll show you exactly how to read this stuff
Starting point is 00:19:25 and we'll all become mini experts in this, but it's, listen, it's just using your common sense and you can see this stuff. It's like right there, there's the echo. How long, how many milliseconds away was it? That gives you a sense of what sort of hard surface you're dealing with. It'll tell you something about the quality
Starting point is 00:19:42 of where the shot is. You can look at the waveform of the shots and the bullet traces or the snaps from the sonics well you can do all of that right and you can clearly see oh these are bullets snapping over and these are the explosions from the guns right downrange at the downrange ones but down here we got that um we got those two now if that was it well we've also now got a third one that we can sort of throw into the mix this one there's a lot of screaming in this one uh very hard even to hear those first three shots again let me place it for you very quickly before we go too far this one is here i think the other one
Starting point is 00:20:23 was a little bit further here this one's a little just a few steps further to if we call this south but it's not um a few steps further towards the fairgrounds the other dot would be about under this tree because we saw the person was standing right here you saw them filming this tree they swiveled this way but they ended up under this tree these people are starting just to the side of the tree they're facing the side of this two-story building perfect spot to capture what we're about to hear and um this was the same location that people were filming crooks crawling right but the same effect which is thuk thuk thuk crack crack crack crack snap so in this one you can act this is going to be a fun one to analyze Get over here! Stop! It's a bird! Stop! Get over here! Stop!
Starting point is 00:21:29 So in this one, you can act, this is going to be a fun one to analyze. You can hear on that, the first three, the first one, the third one almost disappears for some reason. I'm not clear what's happening there. But on those last five, you can hear the, you can hear absolute echoes coming off of those. Stop! Get over here! Stop! It's a bird! Stop! Get over here! echoes coming off of those okay so again we're here here's why this one is stupid important um i'm gonna play here i just took again just over and over oh my god if we could just get
Starting point is 00:22:05 just a couple more frames oh if they had just stayed on point this would be amazing uh what i'm gonna watch you to look for the crooks is up there and they actually are on him for a fraction of a second for the first shot and now yeah i know these are only two two threes but trust me there's a there's a little pop. There's a little jerk there. There's a little something that happens. They give a kick. Right. It's not the biggest kicking cartridge in the world, but it has a kick. OK. And this doesn't look like the world's biggest guy to me. And it doesn't even matter if he is the world's biggest guy. The gun will always jump and depends how far your shoulder is going to move. Watch his shoulder at the time the shot is taken now i can't confirm or guarantee that somebody hasn't mucked around with this video but this is the earliest one that came out of this angle from tmz it matches all the other ones from this angle that are out there i haven't found one that has a different audio signature to it so unless somebody who first uploaded it had mucked with the the sound and over overlaid a different you know move the track on there
Starting point is 00:23:06 that's a possibility i like to get the objections right out of the way but if that hasn't happened see if you see what i see in this thing watch his shoulder you see that watch his shoulder. You see that? Watch his shoulder right there. And. And. And. And.
Starting point is 00:23:39 There is no movement to his, like there's no movement, none. he is just dead still on that first shot okay so again i'm really concerned that what we're seeing here is those first three shots were not taken by that dude lying there on the roof and again we still don't know if that guy on the roof has even taken a single shot at all because we have no data the fbi is even locking out josh holly locking everybody out they're probably busy washing roofs down and dismantling stages and taking it all apart and then saying oh gosh what a shame there's some analyses that we could do if only we hadn't done that right because that's literally how they roll over and over again it must just be horrifying to people who work there who have high integrity when there's when there's
Starting point is 00:24:23 uh they're not interested in the actual truth of the situation. But I do care about the truth. I know you care about the truth. That's why we're all watching this together and going through this together. So, again, here's the audio signature for this one is a lot harder to analyze because somebody's doing a whole lot of screaming. Ross, get over here. So it's very hard to analyze around that maybe somebody with better audio skills than I can have could sort of figure out a way to filter through that but when you do often you're pulling away some of the actual
Starting point is 00:24:56 noise of the shot too and I'm kind of a purist but one more time watch right at that shot when you zoom in right there that's totally not moving nothing so when you're shooting an ar type of a thing i don't again i don't know exactly which one he has but a very typical configuration is you're going to have a charging handle and you're going to have an ejection port and it's going to you know fire back and and the gases are going to come back and throw the bolt back, open the receiver and eject the spent brass, and then it's going to slam forward again. So there's no, like his hair doesn't even like ripple. Like there's all kinds of things happening there.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And just not least of which is the kick itself. So I don't see any of that. Let's keep this in the yellow category. I categorize my data into three buckets. Green, I'm positive about it right got it it's rock solid right bullets flew that day green right i'm good with that yellow is this one because i can't i need to i'm going to want to see the raw footage from this particular camera and we're going to want to have it so that we could take it in its highest possible resolution and look at
Starting point is 00:26:23 that exact tiny bit of time there where that um where that shot is being taken and we don't see that movement but uh without that yellow we'll keep it and it's not in red red's the third category we'll keep this in the yellow category red category is that was stupid and it didn't turn out to be true and it was false and we accidentally bit so off we went so here are those three sets of noises you've got you've got recording from here you got a recording from here and a recording from here and they're all telling you the same thing there's first three shots and they sound comprehensively different from the next five shots and they they are different i can show you tomorrow they have different echo signatures so they so they're from slightly different spots or facing different ways, something's happening.
Starting point is 00:27:07 And then even more to the point, when we get to those five shots tomorrow, I'm going to show you what happens to those when those end up downrange. Because the first three, clean as day, I can track for all of them, everything lines up, no surprise echoes, nothing's weird. The crack and the snap, the crack boom are exactly 0.221 seconds apart all of them there's no mysteries to those first three there's no mysteries to three of the five but two of the five there's some mysteries involved so we'll get to that tomorrow um and again that last sniper shot no mystery to that but there's some weirdness going on early on now if we and then that sixth shot i have a hypothesis for that and here we go so this is why we do what we do because the fbi came out on the 14th that's the day after the shootings on the 13th the fbi comes right out and believes
Starting point is 00:27:58 that the rally shooter acted alone now come on fbi this is just lame. They always come out and believe something stupid right up front. This is not how you conduct an investigation. You say, we don't have all the evidence. And yet we're going to follow every piece of evidence until we're pretty positive. We know what happened here. OK, and we don't start with the motive. What was his motive? Like, who cares?
Starting point is 00:28:19 We need the base data. What were his actions? Where did he go? What did he buy? Who did he talk to? Were there any other players around there? What's all the forensics going to tell us? Where are all the bullets? Where are all of the trajectories? Where were each of the injured people actually hanging out? What bullets or bullet fragments were recovered from the injured people? What other bullet strikes can we account for? You know, how many bullets are we missing? Do they match if we can forensically match them, assuming they haven't disintegrated? Right. There's just so many questions you would ask even before you're like, I wonder if he hated Trump.
Starting point is 00:28:50 You know, who cares? Right. That's later. First, you got to while the while everything's hot, you got to come up with a case for what is actually happening. So get this gateway pundit. Very explosive. Just came out with this today. The assassin eyewitness police said that police are lying about the rooftop confrontation with the alleged sniper.
Starting point is 00:29:12 And that there were guys on the second floor of that two story building that were watching, but they didn't do anything. Quote, and this is great stuff by Benjamin. Benjamin Wentmore there. Good stuff. Thank you, Benjamin, for actually going and talking to people like a journalist does. I think that's awesome. So they got an exclusive here, and it's awesome. Wait till you see this.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Over the last week, much of the federal narrative, he says here, has broken down trying to explain the events. As the sniper's body was recovered on the roof, or the alleged sniper's body was recovered on the roof of the American Glass Research Company's warehouse in Butler, Pennsylvania, within a few days it emerged that snipers were in the second floor overlooking the sniper's body in an adjoining building. Were they there when he was shooting? Because that's going to be really awkward if they were. Because why didn't they do something about them remember there's two whole minutes with people like there's a gut like just all shouting there's a guy on the roof with a gun right two whole minutes you heard from each one of those three videos he's got a gun somebody's yelling that out right so people saw it. Something's going on here. The often repeated part of the official story quoting here is that a Butler County Sheriff's deputy climbed on top of the roof moments before the shooting, prior to the shooting, to confront the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks. And Crooks responded by pointing his weapon at the deputy who then fell off an eight foot ladder. Well, I've also heard that he was boosted up by a
Starting point is 00:30:46 it changes all the time i was being actually i haven't heard anything from the actual municipal officer themselves i've heard the county whoever that is spokesperson or commissioner saying that he was boosted up now we're reading that maybe there was an at a ladder he fell off of if it's an eight foot ladder it's probably that orange one we see outside of the front door, which tip was sort of tapered. That one went up to towards the front part. I could see that. At any rate, that's the story. He fell off.
Starting point is 00:31:18 But get this. So eyewitnesses from the ground who saw the shooter on the roof at the Butler Trump rally described seeing snipers in the second story of the AGR building. They saw snipers in that. OK, now when? Good question. We get there. Speaking yesterday exclusively to Gateway Pundit, the eyewitness said there's a lot more to the story that is not being reported by the mainstream media. Though they could not get a clear look at them, they described seeing one sniper in particular with a sleeve tattoo. The building staff had been chasing off Trump supporters earlier that day,
Starting point is 00:31:55 people who wanted to walk up to the property to the security fence to get a better shot of America's president later. Better shot phrasing phrasing, Benjamin later when the group tried again, the security was nowhere to be found. So they went onto the field. That sounds a little loose for sure. Okay. So this eyewitness says, yeah, there were, there were snipers in that, in that building, that second store, that two-story building on the second floor. And one of them had a sleeve tattoo you mean like this sleeve tattoo so these two guys on the right are i'm almost positive they are beaver county emergency services unit dudes and i played a video and they've got lots of training and obviously they're all kitted up and
Starting point is 00:32:37 i would love to see whatever cameras they might have had running when they first got up there and then you there's two uh what i might call plain regular clothed policemen not plain clothes regular clothes in the black one scrouching down in the back the other one obviously standing to the left there and it's still light enough out that they're squinting away it's important when i show you what happens something that happens next so bright light they're there i have seen zero pictures of what it was like when they first got there, exactly how he was positioned, where his weapon was positioned and whether or how much spent brass was lying around his body at that point in time. That would be good stuff. Now, remember this.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Oh, wait, before we get there, this is continuing from Benjamin's amazing article in the Gateway Pundit said, here is the relevant excerpt from the CBS story about the rooftop fight between the sheriff, deputies, and crooks. So Butler County Sheriff Michael Sloop, Sloop A, confirmed to KDKA-TV that an armed municipal officer, a muni officer with Butler Township, encountered shooter Thomas Crooks before he fired shots from a rooftop building outside the perimeter of former President Trump's rally. The sheriff said he was not made aware of any potential threats, but confirmed an officer encountered the shooter on the roof and didn't fire his weapon. OK, all I know in red underline is the officer had both hands on the roof to get up on the roof. Never made it because the shooter had turned toward the officer and rightfully and smartly the officer had both hands on the roof to get up on the roof never made it because the shooter had turned toward the officer and rightfully and smartly the officer let go sheriff
Starting point is 00:34:10 sloop said sheriff sloop also says before the shooting the officer and others were previously alerted to a suspicious person and began searching for him right away sheriff sloop said his this officer was hoisted by another officer to the roof of the building where the shooter had taken a position. So you would think, OK, details can change, but it's pretty big details like how did this officer like first, who was the officer? How did they get eyes on this dude? OK, they dropped down because they didn't want a rifle pointed straight at them. But then who did they call? And all we've heard is that shortly thereafter shots rang out but is this is this geologically shortly because that's like a million years is this uh astrologically shortly
Starting point is 00:34:56 shortly to a turtle or an amoeba like it's not a time right we would need to know like come on give me a guess, like eight seconds, okay? Then we would have some data we could go on. However, key witness Greg Smith, who now has a name, exclusively told the Gateway Pundit, quote, I saw him, the sniper, Crooks, right before the shots happened, and I didn't see him turn around and confront anyone. I never saw that, and it didn't happen. We asked all the people around us in our group, and we didn't see him turn around and confront anyone. I never saw that and it didn't happen. We asked all the people around us in our group and we didn't see that. I heard the story about the officer falling and hurting his foot.
Starting point is 00:35:32 No one saw that. Now, he could have been on the other side of the building and I think he was. However, I've heard the stories, but I have no idea what they are talking about. So this is Greg and I think you remember him. him if you don't i've got a quick video we can from the day of that's a shot from the video day of okay greg you have important important information here so let's imagine okay maybe greg was on the other side of the building where this is supposed to have happened but the whole idea you can see crooks crawling up on the roof right you can see the video he's crawling up on the roof right and then he sort of squirtles into you know shooter prone position and this guy and his friends
Starting point is 00:36:14 say they had eyes on him the whole time and that you would have clearly seen crooks turn around and point the gun at the officer if that story was accurate okay if it's not accurate we have other questions but you can clearly see from the videos that we do have where i can see you can see the crooks is now in view and he's sort of bat crawling or bear crawling as this guy called it and getting up into his prone position you never see him do what would be a full turnaround to point that weapon. So the idea that he did turn around, point a weapon at an officer, and seconds later, shots fired out, that's false. So what's going on here? How do you get a story this foundational wrong? Because the other possibility is that the officer was confronted
Starting point is 00:37:06 much earlier in the day many many non-geologic seconds earlier uh and had had uh for some reason nothing happened like somehow what is this uvaldi all over again like like three minutes ago he saw this guy on a roof on the back of the agr complex and got, you know, got scared off the thing. And then what? And then they all went talking about what they should do about it instead of doing something about it. I don't know. It doesn't make sense. It smells to high heaven.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's a very odd, odd story. And it doesn't fit. And I don't ever know what the truth is but i am exceedingly good at smelling bs right now this story is bs about that the police are telling okay but get this explosively this greg guy also relates that the snipers in the second floor section of the agr building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out and did nothing. I'm just going to let that hang in the air for just a second. According to Greg, the snipers in the second floor section of the AGR building were watching the rooftop shooter as the shots rang out and did nothing. He said, quote,
Starting point is 00:38:19 I was looking all around to get law enforcement's intention before the shots, and I could tell it was coming because as I was standing there for several minutes, and who knows, time can be dilated or compressed when you're in a situation like this, so take that with a grain of salt, but I trusted more than the officers at this point. As I was standing there for several minutes, I kept thinking, why is Trump still talking? Obvious question. You expect someone to be on the radio or whatever the protocol is to get Trump off the stage. I knew this isn't good. I expected the shots to start and then they did. It was mass chaos. I was looking at the guys on the second story. My eyes were
Starting point is 00:38:56 jumping three or four different places. I could see that they saw him and they were looking at him and watching what he was doing, but they didn't do anything. Butler County Sheriff's deputies have said that their body cameras were turned off and that no footage is available from the incident. Okay, well, what about the emergency service unit guys? Were all of their cameras turned off? Was everybody's camera just turned off this day? Starting to get a little of that smell about this whole thing. It's just not smelling good i don't know how you feel about it but i'm not feeling good about this uh but get but but so according
Starting point is 00:39:32 to an eyewitness eyes on and he described a sleeve which fits one of the esu guys they were in that second story building and they're looking down now we can't come up with that many explanations for why somebody would just stare at a dude with a gun pointed at the president um one they let it happen two they thought it was a training exercise because they had been misled by somebody above them in the food chain um three they're blind for. Nope, I'm out of ideas. OK, so again, let's not forget that this is Greg Smith here. This is important because this is by a BBC reporter. This is just in the minutes after this whole thing. So this is fresh and you're getting probably his freshest take on things. And watch and listen to the rally. Right. We couldn't see him, but we could hear him.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So we walked up and probably five to seven minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here, I have no idea, you know, but we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear crawling up the roof of the building beside us 50 50 feet away from us so we're standing there you know we're pointing we're pointing at the guy crawling up the roof and he had a gun right he had a rifle right we could clearly see him with a rifle absolutely we're pointing at him the police are down there running around on the ground we're like hey man there's a guy on the roof with a rifle. And the police are like, huh, what? You know, like, like they didn't know what was going on.
Starting point is 00:41:09 You know, we're like, hey, right here on the roof, we can see him from right here. We see him. You know, he's he's crawling. And next thing you know, I'm like, I'm thinking to myself, I'm like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they not pulled him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at him for, you know, two, three minutes. Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn. I'm pointing at that roof, just standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots ring out. So you're certain that the shots came from that guy on the roof?
Starting point is 00:41:39 100%. 100%. And he was up there for a couple of minutes? He was up there. You saw him up there for a couple of minutes? Absolutely. up there. You saw him up there for a couple of minutes. Absolutely. At least three to four minutes. And you were telling police in the Secret Service? We were telling the police. We were pointing at him for the Secret Service who were looking at us from the top of the barn.
Starting point is 00:41:54 They were looking at us the whole time when we were standing by that tree. Could they see him? Binoculars. Could they see him? Probably not because the roof, the way the slope went, he was behind where they could see. But why is there not Secret Service on all of these roofs here? Hey, there you go. He's 100% sure that the shots came from Crooks, but I didn't hear him say that he saw the shots come.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I wonder if five of those shots came from him or if all eight or whatnot. So I'd be interested. Now, I know somebody personally who chased this guy down. He's a real guy. So Greg Smith is a real dude. He's not like that mysterious plant who shows up, has a really awesome statement you never hear from again because he's an operative for one of the political parties or a three letter agency or some weird corporation. Doesn't matter. So he's a real dude so uh you you can take that okay now this is where it gets fascinating so on um jeff astroff a great channel by the way you should watch a lot of his stuff is great on talk just really good stuff great video production and uh very nice analysis however we're gonna just talk about this one still frame i don't have time to review his whole video here. July 13th, 2024, 5.14 p.m., one hour before shooting. This picture is taken. OK, so at 5.14, we have a just just a timestamp on it. That's why I grabbed that image from Jeff Estroff there. OK, so this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:43:18 On July 17th, this is in The Post, a chilling photo of would-be Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks taken by sniper they're calling that one of those people if they're a sniper as well uh nearly an hour before attempt assassination so look at this look at this the image was taken around 5 30 so is it 5 14 5 30 they say around so i'm gonna go with jeff's stuff because i think that's more accurate but well i don't know it Doesn't matter. Because the first shots didn't ring out until 6-11. So at 5-30 at the latest on Saturday, a local police counter sniper officer.
Starting point is 00:43:54 So that's not one of them uni guys in the black stuff. That's one of those ESU guys, emergency services unit guys in the camo. Who reported Crooks was a suspicious person on the grounds outside Trump's rally. Hmm. News station WXPI reported. WXPI is doing great work on this, by the way. They get high marks from me. Crooks can be seen in the photo sporting long brown hair and glasses while wearing a great T-shirt representing the popular YouTube gun channel Demolition Ranch, which I watch all the time. Hey, Matt, I am so sorry.
Starting point is 00:44:25 That's just, uh, that's awkward. Sorry. Um, and it was unclear in the picture if Crooks had a gun on him then. I hope it was clear because he was only like 20 feet away from a emergency services unit guy. Like he was right there. And I'll show you exactly where he was because one of the internet sleuths out there located exactly where that picture was taken and when you see it you're going to be like hmm this is starting to smell really bad okay quote law enforcement sources
Starting point is 00:44:55 told the station that the sniper a member of the beaver county emergency services unit searched the grounds for crooks after sending the picture to someone to outer space we don't know but he had moved from the location where the picture was taken so again this is the photo here it's pretty close photo you can see grass on his right he's got his hand on some kind of a concrete poured concrete wall of some kind there it's dark on the left so it might be a retaining wall where the grass is a little higher then you got the concrete and then it's a little lower. So we're going to be looking for a concrete retaining wall where we can have grass on the right with the sun off to our right side there. And by the way, this comes from The Magician who goes by at Justice Coyote.
Starting point is 00:45:38 This was the first person to make me aware of this particular location on Twitter. So thank you for dropping that there. Anybody else, if you got stuff, drop it i it's we have to do our do our journalism here so um the magician justice coyote is saying here again so this means the picture of crooks from above was taken from this window in the photo below oh do you look oh yeah that's where all those people were clustered taking when they were out on the grass just just a little over taking those two videos of the shots as they came out. And what else am I going to tell you about this? This is where Crook's body was found right here.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And this is the window that they would have been looking down. There's a little retaining wall right there, right there. It means that this is the window that just a little bit overlooks that retaining wall. So if we look here, this is Marty Aba, A-B-U-H, had this picture here. You can very clearly see this retaining wall here. This is a Google Earth thing, so they can be a little goofy looking. I think the trees are sort of rendered more than a real picture but um you can see this retaining wall right here you got grass on the right the sun would have been off to this direction and yep it all fits and of course we have well we got these windows here and this is where his body would have been found would have
Starting point is 00:46:59 been right about here okay so and right here is where the ladder would have been. So the police, if I have the story right, would have looked up over this edge. Crooks would have been about here, would have turned around and pointed his rifle at the police officer here, and then carried on his merry way and been unmolested for a few minutes,
Starting point is 00:47:18 when how long do you think it would have taken you as a police officer who knew, who'd taken a picture of him below and maybe even had been standing in that window looking at him like this is such a chip shot this is like 40 feet from here to here from here to here and i'll show you why i'm moving my red dot from this point to where crooks his body is from here to here who was in this room who was up there at the time of the shooting we need to know because those people have some really important questions. They've got to be asked and all of that.
Starting point is 00:47:51 So that means that this is the window here and that's the retaining wall right there, which means that that police officer was 10 feet away when that picture was taken. That ESU person, okay, right okay right and again crooks would have been right about here i want you to notice something do you see that window see the shadow it's casting this is after the after everything um it was over and so you see serve emergency services vehicle there police car there this window is open this window has a perfect shot i mean just like close your eyes and you're going to hit the guy right kind of a shot so this is interesting because they said here way back here on the 17th i believe and yeah cbs news they said the sniper was one of three snipers
Starting point is 00:48:37 the sniper this the sniper in this case esu sniper in that building was one of three snipers, members of a local tactical teams who were stationed inside the building that the shooter used in the attack. Not quite. They weren't in that little low building, the building. They were in that larger building there. So they don't have this quite right in this reporting. And by the way, simple reporting. There's a lot of buildings in that complex. They have numbers. Just add add just use the numbers i mean they already like building six is that low flat one that crooks is i know that because i went to google earth and i looked so just can you just number the buildings not call them the two-story building or that one near where he was or just it's not hard the buildings have. Please just use them going forward. The operations plan had them stationed inside looking out windows toward the rally.
Starting point is 00:49:29 I'm glad to hear they even had an operations plan because it wasn't clear to this point until you told me I wasn't sure they had one. Scanning the crowd, the details about the three snipers were first reported by local news outlet Beaver County and dot com Beaver County. And oh, I got to go to that that at any rate uh that's what we know now again as i pointed out this is the most logical obvious spot to place a sniper team you would never put one here and one here because they're just stepping on top of each other you know their their effective footprints are basically fully overlapping which is no bueno put one here if you must uh fine and then they can cover all of this territory but if you had one here obviously this would be the most logical
Starting point is 00:50:10 spot to cover a lot of territory they did not do that now let's take a look at this again now that we know what we know we're gonna this is an overflight video that happens which is totally mysterious this helicopter you can see crook's body on the roof is totally mysterious because like there's nobody in the pictures like a neutron bomb went off it's like oh we got bored you know there was like a near assassination of a president so we just left the body and we had to go get dinner i don't know what the heck's going on here but it doesn't look like what i thought a crime scene would look like um very weird so here we're circling around you can see there's crooks his body circled in red in case you missed it um and as we swing around here there's nobody there's
Starting point is 00:50:52 just like a few cars in the parking lot there's a motorcycle a couple of marked cars some unmarked cars no people mysteriously nobody on the roof securing it there's nobody guarding the ladder to make sure nobody goes up the ladder to mess with the crime scene that's just a very bizarre set of things i don't know what to make of that but i will have you notice something which is this window whoops this window right here is open so let me bring this back to about here i'll stop it real soon. Right about... Oh, back that up a tiny bit. Hey Bill Gates, if you ever wanted to fix powerpoint you would have your video player be able to forward and back a little bit without just rewinding the whole stupid thing use your
Starting point is 00:51:50 billions for that instead of you know all the other stuff you're doing um so this turns out there's an open window here and there's this open window here so in the scheme of things if you thought there was somebody on this roof and you had two minutes and your cars are all parked here, it is such a simple matter to either enter this door, run through this building up what I presume is a flight of stairs, and then just take a shot out of this window or this window. Or you could run in this door and come through either this walkway or this building connector, go up some stairs, which I presume right here, and run in here and take a chip shot out of this window. This is not very far. So that's a big
Starting point is 00:52:32 mystery why it's like that and why they didn't like, like, I just can't make sense of this story. And of course we never could. Now, as we finish out here, I got just one more big piece to talk about. So these are three separate audio files. So the audience mic up top is from an audience mic out there. That came to me from Died Suddenly. Thank you, guys. I haven't done a full analysis yet. The second one is from Trump's mic.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I had that from another recording. And then the third one is from the cell phone, one of those two cell phones that's out. No, I made a mistake. This is the cell phone from those people who cell phones it's out um uh no i made a mistake this is the cell phone from those people who are over by the mic stand um and so what i've done is i've lined up i've lined the three of them up and so uh lined them up so that the booms are all arrived are all on the timeline at the same time on these uh audio file so this is the boom way out there in front of the stand in front of the sorry the trump's lectern area in front of the stage this is the report of the bullet snapping over trump's microphone and this is the report of the gun and then here is the boom that we hear uh back at the cell phone that's that's jumbling around that we heard there and uh where
Starting point is 00:53:48 the guys it was on the roof on the roof then you pop pop pop right so first thing i do is is i take this i take this i take this i take this and i group them and i grab that as a group and i and i copy paste and then i slide it over and i say does the next set match and the answer is absolutely that is just a direct copy paste of that cluster of green symbols to the far left and i drag it over it maps on perfectly third time does it do it yeah you bet you it maps on perfectly so again top audio from died suddenly second audio line from that link right there third line um from that um piece right there uh i might have mislabeled that last third one don't hold me to that one i'll fix it if it's true so get this here's what here's what i want so those five shots one two three four five
Starting point is 00:54:41 this is mysterious because these five shots here when you take a look at them from the beginning of the first shot to the beginning of the fifth shot, so that's how fast you could take those five shots, it turns out that the total thing is only 0.775 seconds from beginning to end. Now, as a shooter, I'll tell you, you kind of have to work at it to get five shots off in 0.775 seconds. And you can see the splits here because the first shot was a quarter of a second, 0.256. But look at these, 0.18, 0.17, 0.15. I'm going to have to defer now. We're going to have to bring in, and I'm going to introduce you
Starting point is 00:55:21 to somebody called Jerry Misalek. Because once you understand Jerry Misalek a little bit, this is just a minute. And then the other thing is just a couple of seconds. I have to introduce you to Jerry real quick. Because once you know Jerry, you're going to rethink about those five shots in a whole new way. In 1999, they sponsored a publicized attempt by shooter Jerry Misalek to challenge Ed McGivern's speed shooting record set back in 1932. Using a Smith & Wesson Performance Center-built eight-shot revolver, Michalak attempted to both outshoot McGivern and set two new world records. Watch how fast this guy is.
Starting point is 00:55:59 You want to film this one? Go, Jerry! He's such a legend. 108-degree heat, I believe it was, down in Mississippi in front of a very supportive audience. You won't believe what you're going to see if you don't know anything about guns. He did it. Jerry is like the fastest. He did eight rounds in one second on one target.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Shooter ready. Stand by. Got him. All right. He did eight rounds on four targets in 1.06. And then he did the six shots, a reload, and six shots in 2.99 seconds. This is a revolver reload. This isn't taking a mag out. This is a revolver.
Starting point is 00:56:39 Oh, my God. All right. 2.99. That's Jerry Michaluk. Okay. Here's why it's important. Turns out Jerry just happened to have a video out there showing how fast he could shoot five shots out of an AR-style rifle. So this is the world's fastest. Let's start here. A 55 is kind of slow at this range so I'm gonna listen really good for that timer get in the center and punch out five see if we can
Starting point is 00:57:10 make it under a second. Here we go. Now that was a little bit better so I was punching out right on the timer there. Let's take a look at it a point 96 made it that time pretty easy so all right 96 we had a 15 a 12 a 13 to 12 so we're running good splits we made the time pretty easy let's go back and look at that again total time of point 96 hundreds let's go down range take a look at it. Okay guys we're living over five yards here. Five yards. Five rounds and.9600 of a second. Let's take a look at them. One, two, three, four, and five. I got a little bit excited here on the last one. I
Starting point is 00:57:55 started raising my head up. So but they're all in the A box. They're all right center. Center of the A box. But I know you're not happy with that. I'm not either. We're gonna make it a little bit harder. We're gonna go ahead and put three in the A and two in the head and try to keep it in under a second. So I'm going to react three in the body, two in the head in under a second. All right. So just to decipher that a little bit, when he said I had a 15 to 12, a 13 to 12, those are thousands, sorry, hundreds of a second. Right. So 0.15, 0.12, 0.1315 0.12 0.13 0.12 that's the world's one of the world's fastest shooters is cranking out shots that are at a 15 and 12 and 13 and 12 and it's only 0.53 seconds because this first part is the beep takes them about a half a second to get the gun up and on half a
Starting point is 00:58:39 second trust me that's good uh and then for the actual five shots, it's only 0.53 seconds. But this is the world's fastest guy. I mean, this is Jerry. Come on. And so here are his five shots. I've just made them a little brighter so you can see them. Now, here's the thing. If a guy like Jerry. Who's one of the world's most accurate, fastest shooters, has that kind of a spread at five yards. What kind of spread do you think we're going to be seeing for a kid, as the null hypothesis goes, that this was a 20-year-old kid who wasn't reputed to be a very good shooter? In fact, kind of a bad shot, according to the shooting team
Starting point is 00:59:20 that wouldn't have him in high school. But maybe he improved and got better at range, and we don't know that. But we'd have to go talk to the range people. He was, he was at maybe, maybe he improved, but even if he improved, this is the world's best right here. This, I mean, there's nobody even close to this guy. And I think you can see that the idea of ranking off five shots as fast as you can, well, they start to spread. They just, they just, it's very hard to keep that all contained, obviously. So what did we know? We know that, that, you know, Crooks has been lurking about and, oh, and by the way, this is all going to come back in tomorrow. I'm
Starting point is 01:00:00 going to show you where those five shots went. And you're going to say, really? You sure that wasn't? Maybe we should be looking for Jerry Michalik out there because there's just no way that this kid was able to crank off these. Because look at these, these times right here, 18, 17, 15. This last one, that's a Jerry Michalik number right there. Okay. That's pretty impressive. One, one, two, three, four.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Whoa, my God. This is like for a shooter, for all you shooter people out there, get back to me. I think you could technically pull the trigger that fast, but could you stay on target or even close to on target at 140 yards? How good would you do? And then how good would you guess maybe crooks could do? I will tell you, I'm going to, I bet you i'm shooting at a cone that's pretty fat at 140 yards if i'm trying to under the the panic of the situation obviously if i am the shooter in this situation i'm going to be really hopped up i'm going to be very excited
Starting point is 01:00:58 i'm going to have a lot of adrenaline and i'm going to start shooting and so um you know the question is going to be how much accuracy would I have under that situation? Not a lot. This looks like the what I'm leaning towards here. This looks like a pro string to me. That's very disciplined trigger fire on those last four. A little bit longer on the first one, 0.256, but it drops down to 0.188, 0.175,5.156. That's getting, that is really, yeah, that's some discipline trigger action right there. Again, we don't know, but it's starting to stack up and say this smells, and smells pretty badly. As well, we have all this other stuff where we saw that Crooks was walking around. If you look closely, you'll see a person in the background the timestamp is 506 and by the way you can see on this thing these these are the this is the roof he would have been on right here and these are the four AC stacks and the two-story building would be right here so I can't tell if this is him kind of looks like him we'd have to
Starting point is 01:02:04 let more forensic and now analysts dive in there and enhance, you know. The video appears to show Thomas Crooks lurking near a building just past a secure perimeter. If you look closely, you'll see a person in the background. The timestamp is 506. The video appears to show time 506 um oh this is right in the way i just noticed this um so at 5 11 or 5 5 14 or 5 30 he's going to be right here taking a picture when somebody's taking a picture of him from right there. Click on that retaining wall. I can't see that window from here. It's too bad. At any rate, that's fascinating.
Starting point is 01:02:50 All right. With that, thank you very much. That's what I had to get out for today. This is starting to stack up. Thank you, everybody, for helping. The citizens investigation is going really, really well. We've got people who are working on 3D modeling. We're getting to chewing through all of the audio. We're starting to look through anything of the audio. We're starting to look
Starting point is 01:03:05 through anything we can get on ballistics. We're starting to have people are getting on site and starting to ask questions. This is fantastic. Keep it going, everybody. Anything I can do to help anybody, let me know. And anybody who can help me, let me know. So again, info at Send that there or just come on by Peak Prosperity. We got forums there. Drop your stuff straight in because we got to collect drop your stuff straight in because we got to collect all this stuff and make sense of it this can't be let go we have to get to the bottom of this and uh we need answers we deserve answers of course that makes sense so with that thanks very much hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend if you're watching this on Sunday, like I'm producing it. Otherwise, we'll see you next time. Bye for now.

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