Peak Prosperity - Trump’s Victory, Meltdowns, MSM’s Failings, and the Path Forward
Episode Date: November 7, 2024Chris discusses Trump’s election victory, emphasizing free speech, market reactions, and the roles of Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He criticizes media bias and predicts significant reforms....
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discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. We are going to have to just take a look at everything that's going on here. This is an exciting day, operating on just a little tiny bit of sleep, but let's take
a look at this amazing content that's about to hit here.
Hello everyone, I'm Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity, and this is an amazing moment in time.
I got very little sleep last night because, like many of you, just glued to this election.
One of the most contentious elections of our times.
This is going to be a full scouting report for anybody who's been out there, not a subscriber of Peak Prosperity.
This is what a full scouting report looks like, and we got to start with this.
Trump wins. I am 100 percent
thrilled about this because I am a free speech absolutist. And of course, the Kamala Biden
wrecking crew has done a lot of damage to this country. Open borders, censorship on and on.
There's some very bad things that have happened. So let's talk about what did go on. Even as of, excuse me, just a few minutes ago, you know, obviously Trump wins with more than 270 electoral votes, clocking in with 277, declared the winner.
But still, there's a number of states that we do not yet have results for, particularly in the House race down there.
This is unacceptable.
I think one of the things that's really come to the fore that I hope we can do now as a nation is begin to speak the obvious truth. So I'm going to talk
about the obvious truth that these voting machines do not make our elections more efficient, and they
certainly don't make them more secure. In fact, they are inefficient, insecure, and we know that
because we still don't have results put to shame by countries that have in-person paper ballot with I.D. and observed counters.
They usually get the results within hours to minutes.
But let's tune in now and hear what Trump himself had to say in his victory speech.
In every way, this will forever be remembered as the day the American people regained control of their country.
I do.
I do.
So I just want to say that on behalf of this great group of people, these are hardworking people.
These are fantastic people.
And we can add a few names like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He came in.
And he's going to help make America healthy again.
And now he's a great guy.
And he really means it.
He wants to do some things and we're going to let him go to it. I just said, but Bobby, leave the oil to me.
We have more liquid gold, oil and gas.
We have more liquid gold than any country in the world, more than Saudi Arabia.
We have more than Russia.
Bobby, stay away from the liquid gold. Other than that,
go have a good time, Bobby. We're going to be paying down debt. We're going to be reducing
taxes. We have we can do things that nobody else can do. Nobody else is going to be able to do it.
China doesn't have what we have. Nobody has what we have. But we have the greatest people also. Maybe that's
the most important thing. This campaign, this campaign has been so historic in so many ways.
We've built the biggest, the broadest, the most unified coalition. They've never seen
anything like it in all of American history. They've never seen any young and old men and women, rural and urban. And we had.
Now, what's true is this was actually a mandate of sorts has arisen from this. There were people
coming from all different stripes. Look, I'm one of them. There are a lot of people out there
who are sick and tired of the gaslighting and the lies and the constant inability to even
hew to truth.
One of the greatest things that I think Trump has brought forward, and this is something
that Tucker Carlson noted in one of his speeches when he said it, I was like, that's right.
That's what it is.
We're allowed to speak the truth again.
We're allowed to call a warmonger a warmonger.
We're allowed to say if something is completely patently false
and the keepers of the narrative no longer have the upper hand on this thing and they've been
horrible with it the one thing kovat taught me was that the experts in our system our so-called
experts cannot be trusted to do their jobs with competence grace grace, humility, or dare I even say a lack of criminality in many
cases. So markets immediately reacted. Look at these numbers I just pulled off just before I
went into recording the Dow up 1300 points. Are you crazy? Okay. So the markets love Trump,
but not McDonald's. I love the fact that McDonald's is almost like this loan holdout there,
you know, falling while everything else is skyrocketing and green. Why is that? Well,
that's because of Make America Healthy Again. Maybe McDonald's is going to have to up its game in terms of what it offers people. Notice Tesla. I get Tesla. Tesla's up, you know, 12.6% there.
I get that. I don't understand in that bottom lower left area, right, your left area on there, JP Morgan up
10%, Wells Fargo, 13, 14%. I'm not clear about what this means yet. I don't understand the whole
big bank rally here. Obviously you see the oil companies down there in energy looking good.
The whole NVIDIA thing, I'm not, I'm not totally clear on that. Google wins, metal loses.
Don't know how to interpret this yet. It's, it. It's a little spotty. So I'm going to think that these early market moves right here
may just be a lot of computer algorithms going a little wonky. And I hope so, because we're going
to have to keep our eyes on this. One big market reaction was watching interest rates. This is the
10-year U.S. Treasury bond. Its rate of interest poking in at 4.46%, up 17 basis points or 0.17%.
You want to know more about this and you probably do.
I also operate a firm called Peak Financial Investing and we have our finance you.
I work regularly with finance professionals to help decode all this.
We're going to be doing that this week with Paul Kiker as well.
So you want to know more about that or talk to somebody
like Paul and his team, go to Now, this was actually a fairly
predictable outcome because I was hanging out over on X and I saw these videos that people would
shoot of the enormous energy and attendance at a Trump rally. And as well, we see here this poll coming into the election,
the early election returns. You see this is coming in at 2.05 p.m. on election day,
and there was an exit poll. Say, how are you feeling about how the U.S. is going? Well,
72% when you add up the dissatisfied and angries together, well, they're just not happy.
They were dissatisfied or extremely angry or angry about the whole thing.
So that's not the stuff of reelecting incumbents.
That was pretty obvious.
Now, Insurrection Barbie, which is at Defiantly Free on Twitter, really caught, I think, the sentiment for a lot of us, certainly for me.
So there were people saying, hey, I voted for Kamala because, you know, Trump is really anti-woman.
And so to counter that, here's another list which says, quote, I also voted for my daughter's rights.
I voted for her right to free speech, which is the prime right.
If you don't have that, nothing else matters, really, honestly.
I voted for her right to practice her religion.
I voted for her right to peacefully assemble and protest a tyrannical government regardless of her political leanings, regardless of.
I voted for a right to bodily autonomy without interference from experimental drug companies mandated by her government.
That's a big one.
And if you really care about the health of women, obviously this thing that happened with the mandated shots was a complete utter train wreck
and we've known that obviously as well carrying on quote i voted for her right to exist as a woman
in women's sports um i or i voted for her to exist as a woman in women's sports to have a
women's bathroom to have women's only dorm rooms. And by the way, when you actually polled people, this is the common sense.
This is the mainstream opinion.
They tried to shove it down our throats.
All the media, the NGOs, the hangers on the lobbyists and the Biden Harris wrecking crew.
They wanted us to believe that we were the odd ones out for thinking, daring to think,
daring to voice the idea that women maybe should only be women in women's sports um and not have women
have men in their bathroom uh yeah she voted here for her right to bear arms and also voted for her
right to secure a secure border and safe streets voted for her financial freedom so when she grows
up she's not bound to a tyrannical government that overspends. You heard Trump's victory speech saying, we're going to make
this successful again. We're going to take the debt and the deficit down. That is essential.
That is a number one thing. If we can't do that, the whole experiment blows up at some point.
I voted for her innocence. I voted to protect her from gender confusion and chemical castration as a minor.
Why wouldn't you?
Voted for a right to grow up being raised by her parents instead of being co-parented with the government.
That's why I voted for Donald J. Trump, end quote.
So that was certainly there. also really strongly articulating, I think, the sentiment here.
Because from where he's writing, I think in New Zealand,
sort of can't come back to the U.S. for reasons unless he gets pardoned or pre-pardoned.
He wrote here, quote, they stole the election in 2020.
I'm going to show you data around that. They did.
They wrecked the U.S. economy.
They killed one million people in Ukraine.
So this is the neocon side of this whole warmonger apparatus.
They blew up Nord Stream 2, the pipelines.
They wrecked the EU economy, which follows from blowing up Nord Stream 2.
They did a genocide in Gaza.
They set the Middle East on fire and they lied to Americans nonstop.
They deserve this crash.
Karma is real.
I totally agree.
Now, a couple of heroes in this story.
Elon Musk absolutely gets a huge shout out here if it wasn't for Elon Musk none of this happens
He single-handedly came in and here's how it started. I love this. This is in
2017 he just tweets out. I love Twitter and Dave Smith says you should buy it then
He wants like how much is it and then of, he did buy it for $44 billion.
How's it going?
Redheaded libertarian writing, I think, for many of us saying,
once we had a pillar for free speech, the anti-truth movement began to implode on itself.
Elon Musk gave us back our right to speak freely to each other and to communicate truth and ideas.
We owe so many of our wins to him,
and we absolutely do.
That is the number one thing we got to talk about here.
Elon Musk, thank you for what you did.
We all owe you a debt of gratitude.
Free speech is everything.
When people can speak freely,
bad things don't happen.
Good things happen.
And if there is such a thing as bad speech,
well, the cure for that is better speech,
which is more speech, not less.
The whole idea that you can censor, control,
shame, wheedle, nudge unit,
fifth generation warfare,
electronic collie dogs to keep us all off,
separate from each other
and the various social media platforms,
those are the true
threats to prosperity to america i'm proudly having the american flag behind me today these
are the things that actually are going to destroy the future and so if it wasn't for this gentleman
here i truly believe we would be facing a much more dismal future it shows you the power of one
person and um yeah let that sink in somebody
photoshopped that's taken from elon musk walking into twitter on his first day um let let that
sink in yeah anyway um denise writing uh mvp of the world we owe this to all we owe this all to
elon without him buying twitter it would not have happened. Elon broke the matrix and now he's
deep state enemy number one, which is absolutely true. So here's an example from the Young Turks,
Senk writing, if you think Trump is going to win easy tomorrow, so this was written on 11-4,
because everyone you know on X is on his side, you've got a rude awakening coming to you tomorrow.
The real world ain't X.
Well, it turned out X is not the bubble.
As far as I wrote here, it is signal.
X is the signal.
So X was correct.
The rest of it was noise.
Now, here's MVP number two, co-MVP of this whole operation.
If Robert F. Kennedy Jr. hadn't swallowed his pride, his ego, whatever he had invested, as we saw back in the day, you maybe don't remember this, but if you're old enough, you do remember that sometimes you get those third-party candidates who just come and they just steal votes and it messes everything up.
Bobby decided not to do that.
He threw in with the Trump campaign, did so graciously, did that powerfully.
He endorsed him, he campaigned with him, and he's going for Maha, make America healthy again. wait to see Bobby come in and clean house on all of the corruption, the venality, the actual anti-science scientists and policy administrators who are just doing things for
money that are destroying the health of our children, of our nation.
Those things are actual crimes, civil crimes, criminal crimes, crimes against humanity. Those are going to get
corrected, I sincerely hope. So to both Elon and to RFK Jr. and to Trump and to everybody who helped
campaign, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Now, it goes without saying, of course,
this is going to come with some liberal tears and neocon tears and by the way not for nothing but a nearly complete
lack of self-reflection so far or insight on display about hey you know what i guess we might
have missed the boat here i guess we're the ones who need to look at ourselves you're not going to
see a lot of that um i'll let you read what that is saying there for yourself, because I don't want to get this censored out here in the world of social media.
But you can easily chase down that particular display.
And how about this one from Michelle Baker writing here, 11.6 at 3.05 in the morning.
By the way, I did. I woke up at 3.00.
And I'll show you when we look at the 2020 election results, 2020, I'm speaking accurately, why I woke up at three.
And you'll understand this if you if you've looked at it already.
You know what I'm talking about.
But the rest of you will show you what I mean.
She said here, quote, Michelle says Harris must demand a recount.
She must not concede to a rigged election.
Trump made it clear he was going to steal it.
He already tried to steal another election.
How can anyone believe he is ahead?
It's crazy.
And he and the GOP are Russian-owned fascists.
We must not give in, America.
I think she's speaking for a lot of people here.
That's a legitimate sentiment that they hold, but it's illegitimate if you actually unpack it.
In truth, she's really projecting that it was really the DNCc side and i don't know who took them over
we is it chinese assets are they actually the russian assets we don't know but they're not
working in america's interest and they stole the last election they did it right i'll show you the
data on that now already you can feel you know the first trump presidency was hamstrung from the get go with a bogus Russia hoax with all kinds of lawfare and various departments tripping them up.
So I'm hoping this time Trump understands what he's up against.
He brings in that dream team.
He's got right.
Kamala Harris is out.
And so we're going to have Trump and Elon Musk and RFK Jr.
And we'll have Tulsi Gabbard and Elon Musk, all that.
Like, get those people in.
And I think we have a shot at actually getting a well-functioning government again.
It's just really gone off the rails.
But speaking for the deep state, is this person here?
MSNBC has just completely lost the plot line.
And I don't know that they'll ever get it back.
I think their brains are ruined.
But this, this is gross right here.
The House, we're not going to know for weeks, but it's possible that Donald Trump and the Republicans will have a trifecta as they did in 2016,
in which case the the the bulwark, you know, against whatever overreach there could be,
whatever those depredations might be. And I think you're gonna have a tendency to overreach if they do is is the kind of thing that's democracy between elections, which is the work of civil society.
It's the work of the fourth state. It's the work of institutions. It's the work of citizens.
All that super important stuff. We've seen it before.
We've seen it before. This guy is absolutely 100% not an American.
Doesn't espouse American values.
He's got values, but it's gross.
This is really disgusting stuff right here.
And I'm glad that we can finally say that and talk about it now,
because we've all been suffering under having to listen to drivel like this
and just sort of absorb it as if it was true.
Now, I feel sorry for anybody who consumes their media from the mainstream media platforms like this,
because if this is where you get your information, you are badly, badly misinformed, of course,
which is why these people are all up in arms about misinformation, malinformation, disinformation,
because they are the main purveyors of those things.
And of course, if this crew of people weren't projecting their own worst faults out into
the world and blaming the rest of the world for having the things that they themselves
display, why they'd have almost nothing to talk about at all, right?
If they had, if they didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all.
So this is really gross.
Democracy is what happens between elections.
We've seen it before.
Get it. You know, we're counting on the deep state to ride in and just trip up Trump, which is why
you'll see in my recommendations at the end, I think what Trump needs to do is clean house and
clean house vigorously. You can't leave any of these people in place. Now, Meghan McCain here,
a daughter of John McCain,
writes here, very graciously
at the top, one thing I learned from going through my
dad's brain cancer journey, so
I've got to evoke my dad and his
cancer, so you've got our sympathy.
What are you going to say? Is that at a
certain point, you really have to rely on faith
and know everything is in
God's hands. Oh, that's a
nice sentiment. I hope all sides show grace
and this can be an opportunity
to come together as Americans
and start healing.
As Americans and start healing.
Oh, yeah.
This is actually just somebody
who's detected late to the game
that the winds have now shifted.
So she's trying to quarter about,
get her sails up,
catch some of that wind.
Oh, can't we all just get along?
Michael wrote,
you literally just said 20 minutes ago to Carrie Lake, who lost the Senate race in Arizona.
You lost again.
That doesn't sound very gracious and understanding this is all in God's journey.
Peto Johnson writing, you can't get out of your own way.
Call Carrie Lake a bitch and then want peace.
You're so skewed trying to protect your dad's legacy that it leads you down paths of vitriol.
Try sitting the next four out.
Grifters like you and their 15 minutes are up.
Thank you both, Michael and Pito.
You're speaking for me here.
This is gross.
This is a disgrace.
This is just absolutely disgusting.
These Megan is one of those swamp creatures, just sort of never did an honest day's work in her life,
just grifting and grabbing on to any sort of like fleeting fame or trying to figure out where the winds are,
because she's just trying to skate in the public eye to feast on public money.
That's how I see it.
All right.
My personal favorite meltdown so far is probably got to be this one right here.
I can't believe Trump's actually going to win this fucking day.
Oh, Jesus Christ.
I'm so pissed off.
Come on.
God damn it.
I can't believe.
That's just so that that's it.
I mean, that was like... I love it,
because it's just like eight seconds long,
and it captures the whole thing.
You got a guy,
he's clearly morbidly obese,
he clearly is going to benefit from the maha
that RFK Jr. is going to bring.
Behind him is all kinds of like fantasy action figures,
where I guess you imagine that you're like
some amazing protagonist of physical prowess,
mental agility,
wearing your white dudes for Harris t-shirt.
I mean, the whole thing's just pitch perfect.
And then has a meltdown about the whole thing.
Brittle, unhealthy, lives in a fantasy world.
Guessing that's probably a basement.
I mean, it just sort of all kind of ties together.
But if you do see this, like there um ultra majesty is there's a at that link
down there there's a collection of people mostly mostly females but a dude up there too um although
he's got a little beta vibe coming off there but uh it just never would have occurred to me in my
generation to point a camera at me and ball into it and then post it so the whole world could see this oh look at me
look at me the narcissist generation is out and melting down and i'm not sure they're really well
equipped to really deal with this stuff i mean there was some serious meltdowns going on that's
part of it of course i guess maybe they're just reflecting what comes from the top because we do
have an ungracious loser here normally typically what would happen as soon as you see you've lost the electoral count, what you would do is you would come out on stage, give a very gracious heartfelt thank you to all the people who helped you get as far as they did, call them out by name, recognize them, and then very graciously cede power. Of course, you know, that didn't happen here. Kamala Harris ran out of the room as soon as it looked like she wasn't.
Even before it was declared she was lost, she could sort of smell the winds and off she went is how I read it.
That wasn't there, but that's what I heard.
And then she just stayed silent and didn't say anything.
So it was left to, you remember, Stephen Miller got it right.
You remember the entire girl boss?
I'm speaking.
Kamala Harris up there.
I'm speaking.
She's got like that angry sort of PTA, like a pantsuit wearing DMV manager, kind of a
like shtick that she had.
I'm speaking.
She had that entire girl boss.
I'm speaking campaign.
Sends a man out to speak for her on election night.
10 out of 10.
Uh, Stephen out of 10.
Steven, well captured.
Love that.
The biggest losers in this whole thing, of course, are going to be those in the mainstream media.
As you know, I have a hate-hate relationship going on with mainstream media.
I think they failed us.
I think they failed themselves.
I think they've done a horrible job.
And they've partnered up with this odious, like, pro tip.
Mainstream media.
Free speech. The First Amendment. Really, there should be no discussion about this.
You should be the most vigilant guardians of that because of course your entire careers
depend on it.
Also, in case you didn't notice, people have been flocking away from your offering because
your offering is not a quality offering.
It's biased.
It's slanted.
Many cases, it's just literally regurgitated government talking points
like you're stenographers for the deep state or main narrative control.
And of course, that's just boring.
So you have your own little tiny echo chamber of devotees,
New York Times, Washington Post, etc.
And then those people are shrinking over time.
Have you noticed that?
Because it's in your revenues.
Have you noticed?
And at some point I thought self-motivation and self-preservation would have kicked in,
but it hasn't.
So that's why I'm going to score these people in the media the biggest losers.
And of course, I just got fact-checked or gate-checked by the Washington Post recently.
It's happened to all of us.
I've been through absolute ringers of censorship, shadow banning, all of that.
Just trying to get the truth out there and use my God-given abilities and right
to speak freely about things I see.
I don't have to get everything right.
I'm going to correct what I do get wrong.
But these people, they will hold your feet to the fire.
So this is something we've known from my side right the truth side we are not allowed to make mistakes because these people will pounce
all over it but when they make mistakes no matter how colossal they never hold their own feet to
the fire so again if they didn't have double standards why they'd have no standards at all
so this is how the new york times characterized it this morning trump storms back but look at this
crap on the front page this is propaganda 101 it's using evocative emotive leading terms this
isn't reporting reporting is neutral subheader stunning return to power after dark and defiant
campaign a dark it was a dark campaign. Not to me.
I was pleased to hear that we were going to make America healthy again.
I'm pleased to hear that we're going to be having closed borders again,
and we're going to be our own country.
I am pleased to find out that we're going,
that somebody has a plan for how to begin to address
some of the economic ills in this country.
That's not dark to me.
That's light.
But you can see how the New York Times says this.
Look at this.
The other headline on the far side over there.
His win opens an era of uncertainty for the nation.
For you, maybe, New York Times.
Not for me.
Not for a lot of people.
Actually, the majority of people in this country who vote.
Pariah, felon, they describe him here.
He fights off legal charges.
I mean, just look at this. Look, this whole thing is like a really grotesque psyop central.
And for all you New York Times readers out there who probably aren't watching me anyway, who fall for this, you're just you're morons.
You know, this is easy to see through. Like like this is this is like being fooled by nine ninety99 as a price instead of $10. This is so obviously, patently leading that I would like to play poker with you someday.
If you fall for this.
I mean, come on, this is just a child's play to see through this.
So what's interesting, Bill Ackman, I think, really captured this all really well.
Spot on.
Here's what he said.
He said, if the election outcome is as expected, it should cause the large minority of the country who supported Kamala Harris and predicted her victory to begin to question their sources of truth.
Half the country has believed that X is filled with myths and disinformation and that they could therefore only rely on the New York Times, MSNBC, CNN and other
mainstream media for their news. And they did. If, however, you have been active on X for the
last year, you've known the truth. Days, weeks, often months before the facts appear in the MSM,
the MSM excerpted, clipped and cut to defame real Donald Trump while proclaiming or claiming that
Joe Biden was fit as a fiddle. Then when Biden's polls collapsed, Kamala Harris was anointed the candidate and her
hagiography was written with glowing acclaim from the press. But this could not hold as she
ducked the media and held fast to the teleprompter. Well said, Bill. Carrying on, he wrote citizen
journalists with their phone cameras in hand captured the real Kamala, forcing her to defend her record and her plans in more media appearances.
It did not go well, and the public demanded to learn more.
So Kamala Harris had to risk more unscripted media.
Oh, no, I actually have to talk like with stuff in my head from what I know is if I'm competent.
Horrors. It was a a horror actually carrying on the doom loop was underway with
perhaps 60 minutes is one of the most dramatic examples where you know they saw they edited that
thing and even after cbs tried to save her most glaringly by excerpting one answer to replace a
word salad response to another but the citizen journalists on x quickly caught and outed this
fraud and demanded a transcript.
As many who supported Kamala began to realize that they have been misled.
They became open to Trump as an alternative.
But they didn't want to rely on the media to understand it because they did not want to be misled again.
They wanted to hear the candidate in his own words.
And that is where Lex Friedman and Joe Rogan, long-form podcasts, came to the rescue when Kamala was offered the same opportunities
to explain herself. She rejected
them, and the voting public could only
draw negative inference.
When the story of this election
is written, I expect it will be as much about
how half of America woke up to the reality
that they have been manipulated by the media.
It's true.
This should lead to an abandonment by many of the MSM as their primary source of information.
It will push more people to X, to podcasts, and other empirical sources.
It will lead to a more informed public, which is a good thing.
The other outcome I hope happens is the implosion of the Democratic Party.
The party lied to the American people about the cognitive health and fitness of the president. The president, it prevented, threatened, litigated and otherwise
eliminated the ability of other candidates for the primary to compete. They got on ballots even
to participate in debate. The party and the administration used lawfare in an attempt to
imprison, bankrupt, otherwise kill off Trump as a candidate. And I should mention about 400 other Trump supporters, plus the J6 people.
These, excuse me, these acts are collectively grave threats to our democracy.
They are.
In fact, I think they're not just grave threats.
They're actual insults or crimes against our democracy, against our country.
They were crimes.
They were. So with the highest irony in order to hide these act, the party accused the opposition
candidate of being the grave threat to democracy. Oh, it's you. It's not me. It's you. We have to
save our democracy, possessive, our, not yours, not ours, our, that's how they did it. The democratic party proved
itself to be fundamentally undemocratic. It needs a complete reboot. The leadership needs to be
thrown out and those responsible should apologize to the American people. But of course they probably
won't because you know, what we're dealing with here are narcissists that sort of me focus.
One thing about a narcissist is that they live deep down in sort of an abject
fear of being discovered.
They have deep,
deep black hole in the center.
So they need constant validation from the outside.
I mean,
constant validation and they need the ability to control what happens out
And they can't,
they can't risk being exposed.
It's just full on full blown imposter syndrome. And the one thing imposters can't they can't risk being exposed it's just full-on full-blown imposter
syndrome and the one thing imposters can't stand is to be revealed they won't have they won't get
to that dark night of the soul and go hmm hans am i the baddie right are we the baddies they
they probably won't get there so we're going to see some awful stuff this ain't over folks it's not over the first thing
the first battle's been won but the war has not been won there's a lot of time between here
and trump being inaugurated there's a lot of time between here and trump being able to appoint
a cabinet of people who can actually effectively fight the democracy between the elections right
it's there's a lot of territory yet to be done. And in many respects, the battle is just beginning.
When I was speaking at the Rescue the Republic rally in the Washington Mall about a month ago, I told people that I didn't start this fight together.
We're going to finish this boxer, the Algerian boxer.
In the Olympics. This is the AP NPR USA Today, NBC News, The Nation, all of them coming together.
They're just like, oh, they're they're trying to force us into an unnatural position of believing this junk,
that it's okay for a man to box a woman.
It's just not.
And, of course, now we know that it's been confirmed that this dude is a dude.
XY chromosomes, male testosterone levels, testicles, and a micropenis.
Say that again. Micropenis.
Sorry he's so angry about that that he has to get into a ring
and beat up women, but, you know,
it's just so
everything, I hate the hypocrisy,
I hate that we were supposed to pretend
that, you know, I saw a lot of people
say, oh, I can't vote for Trump, or I have
to defend my daughter because Trump is just
not going to defend women.
Like, can we be clear about this?
It wasn't Trump that was trying to force you into accepting that this was OK.
It was these people.
It was the media and it was the wrecking crew at Biden Harris.
These people, that's who did it.
They're trying to pretend like this is okay but it's not okay
and it's deeply unpopular and the polls just proved that unpopular isn't popular who knew
these people didn't know that's how far off the rails they got this is a derangement syndrome
it's really bad um you know imagine saying you stand for women's rights while letting men
dominate women's sports and nominating men true story
for woman of the year crazy and this is the kind of delusion we saw this was written on october 30th
or at least posted on october 30th by timothy o'brien at bloomberg he's one of their senior
editors you know trump has no regrets about garden bile even if it sinks him reveling in bigotry and
hostility wasn't an act. So this is
the kind of stuff they would say these things, but they would never
actually provide a quote. They would say, see this quote?
See these words by Trump? These right here
how he's reveling in bigotry and hostility.
They just say it as if it's just true.
And of course, if you're
a Trump follower, you're like, what are you talking about?
And if you're not a Trump follower,
but you've been programmed with your Trump derangement syndrome to just hate him, you absorb that.
You're like, yeah, yeah, it's true.
Everybody knows his bigotry and hostility is just reveling and it wasn't an act in the form of president isn't sorry.
This is just unhinged, folks.
This is literally unhinged.
He wrote here, quote, After all, the torrent of bigotry, hostility, upheaval, misogyny, lunacy, frat boy antics, propaganda, dread and racism that flowed out of the gathering have been Trump's animating themes ever since he vaulted onto the political stage more than nine years ago.
Anyone watching the bonfire in the garden got a visceral understanding of Trump's worldview.
So mission accomplished.
So not just throwing Trump under the bus, but anybody who attended.
You're all bad people.
Lunacy, misogyny, hostility, upheaval, bigotry.
Eh, you want to know what actually pisses this guy off?
I think I know.
It's this.
This is from deeper down in the article, and he says,
I like to think that most people would be horrified by the prospect of being publicly savaged for fomenting racism and chaos and for hosting
a garden lineup that included shock jock Tucker Carlson, rapping Camila Harris in a shroud
of plantation bigotry in a C-list comedian quipping that Puerto Rico is a floating island
of garbage.
Trump rolls on without regret.
However, that's what pisses him off.
Because for phonies, you spend your whole life saying and doing the right things
to the right people in the right order,
so that they never accuse you of something that you would be horrified by.
Trump says what he believes to be true.
You can agree with it or not, but he's not sorry for it,
and you can't shame him into being sorry for it.
And that is the critical sin for a guy like Timothy O'Brien, who obviously fashions his whole
life around being a phony. And for a phony, the whole idea that somebody could actually just be
authentically themselves, Tucker's authentically himself, Trump's authentically himself. In fact,
I would dare say everybody that Trump surrounded himself with, Elon Musk, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK,
they are also authentically themselves.
That's the sin to these people.
They're like, how can you be yourself and people still like you?
You have to be a phony like me.
Meet Timothy O'Brien, the phony.
Guardian, Donald Trump defeats Kamala Harris to become the first convicted criminal to be elected U.S. president.
Nice job. Nice job just tossing that little framing out there.
Now, let me just say that I think CNN, out of all of the outlets, has been obviously even before the election attempting to sort of get itself back towards the center.
Somehow they must have somebody in management who's understood the actual problem.
So this didn't this this commentator, his comments went over like a lead balloon with the rest of the people on this particular panel at this time.
But at least this is getting close to what I would call self-reflection.
This is a mandate. He's won the national popular vote for the first time since a Republican for the first time since 2004.
This is a big deal. This isn't backing into the office. This is a mandate to do what you said
you were going to do. Get the economy working again for regular working class Americans.
Fix immigration. Try to get crime under control. Try to reduce the chaos in the world. This is a
mandate from the American people to do that. I think I'm interpreting the results tonight as the revenge of just the regular old working class American,
the anonymous American who has been crushed, insulted, condescended to. They're not garbage.
They're not Nazis. They're just regular people who get up and go to work every day and are trying
to make a better life for their kids. And they feel like they have been told to just shut up when they have complained about the things that are hurting them in their own lives.
I also feel like this election, as we sit here and pour over this tonight,
is something of an indictment of the political information complex.
I mean, we've been sitting around here for the last couple of weeks and the story that was portrayed was not true. I mean, we were told Puerto Rico was going to
change the election. Liz Cheney, Nikki Haley voters, women lying to their husbands. Before
that, it was Tim Walz in the camo hats. Night after night after night, we were told all these
things and gimmicks were going to somehow push Harris over the line.
And we were just ignoring the fundamentals.
Inflation, people feeling like that they were barely able to tread water at best.
That was the fundamentals of the election.
And so I think that both parties should always look at the results of an election and figure out what went right and what went wrong. But I think for all of us who cover elections
and talk about elections and do this on a day-to-day basis,
we have to figure out how to understand, talk to, and listen to
the half of the country that rose up tonight and said,
we've had enough.
Of course, that would be a reasonable thing to do
and would be an appropriate thing to do.
However, not clear that that's actually going to happen because that takes real honest self-introspection, which is like, look, we got it wrong.
We missed out on this whole thing.
We've been in our own echo chamber.
We've been repeating the same things to each other often enough that we believe them to be true.
But it turns out that they're not true. I feel like what we're looking at here is the equivalent of, say, the San Francisco City Council going,
look, we raised the shoplifting limit to $950, and now there's more shoplifting and stores are leaving.
Maybe we ought to look at that.
And the other panelists on that San Francisco City Council are about to go,
no, you have this all wrong.
I think we should raise it to 2000 or something dumb.
Anyway, they didn't really they didn't really bite on that.
So let's talk about now, because now we're in the issue of truth and we can talk about these things.
We're post the election. I think I can talk about this without getting overtly censored, but we're going to try.
Let's tow the line and see. Will this do it? Because we have to be able to talk about this without getting overtly censored, but we're going to try. Let's toe the line and see. Will this do it?
Because we have to be able to talk about this.
The 2020 election was stolen.
Consider this.
Jeff Carlson writing here that in 2020, Biden allegedly got 81 million votes.
Trump, 74 million votes.
Now, 2024, this is way more campaigning.
The Biden campaign in 2020 was as anemic as could be. They barely went to any
rallies. I don't know if they even had any. I remember seeing a rally where there was
Biden and then there were people literally standing in circles that were chalk outlined
six feet apart. There were like 50 people total. They really didn't spend a lot. There weren't
lawn signs. It was like almost not campaigning. And of course, they didn't campaign because they knew they didn't have to because they trusted that the fix was in.
That's how I interpret it. Right. But in 2024, Trump gets 71 million votes and Harris gets 66
million votes. So how do you get 15 million fewer votes with a billion dollars spent with every
media organ on your side,
with every social media giant ex-Twitter trying to do everything they can to sink Trump and elevate you.
How does that exactly happen?
Well, it's a good question.
And when you see here, you know, Gunther Eagleman asking,
how did Kamala come up 15 million votes short of Biden?
Did they go back in their coffins?
This is the 2012 election.
You can see blue over red, 65 million votes versus about 61 million votes.
And then 2016, well, just a few more votes, maybe at 66 million or something to red came
a little closer.
And then you have this.
What the heck is that?
What even what even the heck is that? What even the heck is that?
And you can see how here this line cleanly connects these blue votes and then the red over here, Trump's vote.
So how do we explain this?
How do we explain those?
Well, it's very easy.
Those are fictitious ballots.
The voting machines tabulated fictitious results and that's true and
so the only thing we can possibly conclude from this at this point is we have to go back
to paper ballots voting in person on the day of with an id and call it a day and then we would
there would none of this rigmarole would happen now as i pointed out on the live cast with evie
last night this is really important because if you have rigged voting machines,
then it allows really weak people to somehow be selected, installed.
Otherwise, get there without having to step in front of people,
use their wits, use their oration skills, use their powers of persuasion,
use their command of the actual circumstances of the day
in order to sway people to their position.
If you have to go through that trial by fire, you will then find that you find stronger candidates.
People who are capable not only of persuading on the campaign trail, but then persuading legislatively when they're in power.
If you just rig the system, you get really weak people.
You get people who have dementia.
You have people who can't complete sentences.
Kamala Harris's IQ or ability to at least cogently speak suggested an IQ well below average.
That's just how it comes across.
And this is what it looked like.
And this is why I woke up at 3 o'clock this morning because I had to check because this is what happened in 2020.
You can see here blue is trailing red the whole way.
And now it's just this is the law of large numbers.
It's flattened out.
And then some mysterious counting happened at 2.30 in the morning.
And you had this big hike.
And then totally not suspiciously, it didn't advance anymore because, of course, the fix was in.
They fixed it.
They put enough votes in there to have that happen.
If you look at a chart like that, you know a priority all on its own.
Fraud happened here.
This is not how the world works.
Like, we all knew that, but I guess now we can talk about it.
Is there dawning awareness?
Reddit Dems are having a meltdown, but at least here,
Damage Phantom 83 from Ohio asking, is there dawning awareness reddit dems are having a meltdown but at least here uh damaged phantom 83
from ohio asking damn y'all maybe we really did steal the election in 2020 uh did we are we the
baddies yeah people can ask that question now because what happened this time was we had people
like james o'keefe out there saying hey we got kid and cameras all over the place we're going to
catch you and we are going to hold you accountable. We had people on the other side attempting to stop the
steal. And I think they did. And when they stopped the steal, you ended up with this result instead
of this result, because this is probably closer to accurate, although I think there was still
shenanigans, thievery, theft, attempts were made,
but this was the big steal. And it's just so patently obvious. It's just completely
ridiculous what happened there. Okay. But speaking of Reddit, let's go into the Reddit fiasco,
because this is really instructive. I think this is awesome. So Reddit lies over on X writing,
I'm going to be writing an article about how activist moderators, coupled with
Reddit's downvote system, created a massive information desert on the internet.
Seriously, this is what our politics looked like just before the 2024 election.
It doesn't reflect reality at all.
Look at this.
Kamala Harris suddenly becomes favorite to win in top election forecasts.
This is what they're reading to themselves, right?
Six and a half thousand people said, yeah, Kamala Harris slashes Donald Trump's lead among men
in final poll. Trump ends campaign by calling female leader the B word. Taylor Swift shares
extremely important reminder for fans to vote. Walt says women will send loud message to Trump
on election day. So they're reading this all year, people in rpolitics. And by the way, rpolitics, r slash politics, that subreddit ought to be politics is non-denominational.
Should be both parties.
It's not.
It's clearly heavily, heavily slanted and leaning one direction.
In fact, it's a bot-filled echo chamber.
The way I think about it now, Reddit is a sea of autobots.
It's sock puppet accounts, all echo chambering
the dominant corporate government narratives. That's what it is. So in this case, you know,
it's just, okay, you had the wrong impression about what's going to happen in an election.
But really tragically, as I write down below, the COVID treatment, pro-vax wastelands of Reddit
harmed a lot of lives, killed many.
I see people over on Reddit.
I can't wait in and sort of type something because I'll be banned instantly.
If I say something like I see people saying things like, I don't understand.
I've had all my boosters and I'm on my fifth case of COVID and they're getting worse and worse, right?
And I would want to wait in and talk about the IgG4 class switching, that their immune
systems are getting ruined.
They really should stop taking these vaccines because obviously they're not working.
In fact, they're counterproductive.
Here's the data.
And worse, we can see that vaccines are associated with higher incidences of early death,
excess deaths within a population, diseases, cancers, neurological issues, things like that.
They're really quite quite a tragedy but reddit turned
into a place which was basically just a pharma controlled environment of only allowed to run
pro-pharma narratives in there and um man the sea of ignorance they had there was astonishing
you know this was just this was just a constant sea of people reinforcing amongst each other within their echo chamber that everything is going their way.
So this was just what we saw.
And somewhere a manager is having a very bad day.
Yeah, that lady there. So, all right.
So, so let me just talk about one more thing here and then we'll close up.
So Mary Taley Bowden writing, this is Professor Peter Hotez and this Dorit Rice person that she's she's quoting on here.
Tough times ahead for the medical mafia.
I hope so.
We hope so.
Peter Hotez writes, many will endure hardships.
For me and committed colleagues, it means the struggle to defend science and counter
anti-science forces becomes more complicated and daunting.
This time we'll need better support from the societies and college presidents and elected
leaders who care.
Tough times.
And of course, he's turned off all of his,
you can't comment or like or anything like that
if you're not following, if he hasn't allowed it.
Peter Hotez, of course, was one of the chief spreaders
of bad, really terrible, awful, no good, murderous,
at least homicidal pro-vaccine narratives
around the EUA medical treatment
that we're learning more and more about.
Obviously, I've continued to do some coverage on that with the interview I did with Kevin McKiernan
talking about how, well, you know, there's this DNA stuff that's in the vaccines that comes along for the ride.
And worse, that DNA is actually encapsulated in a lipid nanoparticle that then fuses and dumps those payloads straight into cells,
which normally have very good mechanisms for keeping foreign DNA out, as you might imagine.
And then all sorts of mischief happens. And in some unfortunate subset of people,
that mischief is very bad. Peter should know that he is the anti-science person here. And of course,
he's moaning and very, very upset that his reign of error is over.
And he should be.
And he shouldn't have had a career in the first place because he is just a horrifyingly bad scientist.
Dorit Rice writing,
RFK Jr. is now an extinction-level threat
to federal public health programs.
It's science-based health policy.
Dorit, how about you mean those public health programs that have led the United States to have the lowest mean life expectancy of any developed nation?
The highest incidence of metabolic disorders and obesity?
The highest incidences of autism in our children?
The highest incidences of diabetes type 1 and 2?
You mean, you mean
those public health policies? Oh no. Whatever will we do without more of that? So what's the
path forward? Here's the path forward. Here's what I hope happens. Let me wrap this up immediately.
We have to eliminate all electronic voting machines, full stop in person, paper ballot,
day of ID only very limited exceptions, such as maybe for overseas military. But that's it.
None of this.
Just order up a ballot and mail it in kind of junk.
Not without a really comprehensive audit system where any particular ballot is immediately
identifiable within the system at the moment of creation.
Track through the postal system.
Track back at the at its landing spot in the ballot
area, and when it's opened and then counted, you should be able to verifiably audit that
front to back.
We have to end medical tyranny by placing RFK Jr. at the head of HHS.
We've got to replace every single top-level position at the FDA, at the CDC, NIH, NIAID, all of them, like
director, assistant director, assistant to the assistant director, whatever, all those people
at the top, they have failed. They had their chance. Even if there were good people there
waiting for a better time, because they wanted to speak up. Hey, you had your chance. You didn't
speak up when you could have. That's on you. So sorry sorry out you go and um they should just clean sweep clean
clean clean sweep let's start over oh hey let's do the same for the fbi the cia cisa the dhs all of
them they have failed the country comprehensively they turned the weapons of their administrative
state against their own citizens this is completely unacceptable, and we should start with a clean slate.
So wipe them out, and oh, I'm so sorry,
did you spend 20 years trying to get to a pension level,
but instead you chose to administrate lawfare
and censorship and spying against your own citizens?
Sorry, that's not really something
that the citizens feel like we owe you
any sort of a pension for.
Bye-bye. Off you go.
Initiate civil and criminal proceedings, criminal, against all who violated the oaths of their offices.
People who come to mind for me on that would be Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Mayorkas.
These are people who violated their oaths of their offices,
and they committed crimes against this nation.
I'm confident of it because I've seen them firsthand.
Remember, I went with Michael Yan and Brett Weinstein into the jungle,
and Ann VanderSteel into the jungles of Panama to see this human migration thing.
That's Mayorkas.
That's his doing.
Nasty guy.
Nasty piece of work.
And let's strip any partisan news organizations immediately of their public airwave licenses.
That's public airwaves.
That's my light.
If you want to use those,
you have to use them responsibly.
Those should be reflective of the public.
News is news.
Everything else is editorializing or propaganda.
My public airwaves should not be used for propaganda.
And I'm talking about you, National Propaganda Radio.
Out. You don't get to use those airwaves anymore.
You violated the basic, most basic precept
of what you were supposed to be doing in that role.
And initiate vigorous lawsuits
against any of these organizations
that participated in violating First Amendment rights.
And how did they do that?
By partnering with government agencies
to stifle citizen speech.
If you did that, you don't get to sort of go,
oh, but the government's asked me to.
You know, it's not a defense.
You should have been grown-ups and should have understood
that you were being asked to do something
that is fundamentally at odds with the supreme law of the land.
It's not that hard.
You could read the First Amendment.
You could probably understand it. It's really that hard. You can read the First Amendment. You could probably understand it.
It's really not hard.
Congress shall make no law abridging the right to free speech.
Well, it wasn't really a law.
It was more of a rule that CISA gave me that wouldn't it be good if these vaccine hesitancy
promoting tweets and posts went away or were subdued or given limited reach, right? Nope, that's a
violation. And if that happened, vigorous lawsuits by the DOJ, then immediately, immediately,
immediately, we have to begin something that I haven't heard anybody talk about, not Trump.
We have to begin a crash course of building nuclear plants to build out the supply of energy
we need to be prosperous in the future. We're going to need these things. They exist.
Small modular nukes, little ones, not the big, giant, stupid ones that make, like, dangerous
byproducts, but the small ones that actually work and function, function for years.
We need these.
We need these really badly.
This would be something I would support very, very strongly.
So with that, thank you very much for listening.
And that's a full scouting report.
So if you like that, if you want to know this kind of kind of context then and obviously this is a little longer than usual because there
was a lot to talk about but i'm excited for what's going on here and i'm excited and hopeful for the
future a lot depends on what happens next we got to make it to inauguration and then we've got to
see that trump puts the right people in office and that they are willing to do what's necessary to begin to strip
out all of the swamp creatures who have done so much harm and damage to our health our wealth
and our prosperity so with that i'm chris martinson to peak prosperity please come by to continue this conversation we have awesome full-throated wonderful commentary
going on there amongst my followers and the tribe that is assembled around common sense, integrity, and truth.
Until next time, bye-bye. Thank you.