Peak Prosperity - Was This a LEO Failure or Something Worse?

Episode Date: August 20, 2024

Given the paucity of people on the West side of Crooks’ shooting position, how did all the LEOs on that side manage to miss him? And why do we not yet have any body cams from LEOs on that side? Tune... in to find out more…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As we carry on with the Trump assassination attempt investigation, we have a really burning question we have to answer and address today, which is, how did all those cops around the EGR building miss Crooks? dot com. Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello, everyone. Dr. Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity here, continuing on with a citizen's investigation into the Trump assassination. Yes, we are dogged and determined. And yes, we are going to keep on this because it's that important. I know everybody else is starting to move on. I know that there's new things to talk about. But if we let this slip, if we do not get answers to this, I don't know if we're ever going to get answers to anything.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And we really need them, because if you look at where we are in this moment of history, obviously there are elements within the government of the United States that have lost touch with the idea that we the people matter. And of course, it's really important that we remind them that we do matter. And so that's why we're doing what we're doing. And today we're going to look at this little piece. Why didn't the cops on the west side of Building 6, why didn't they stop crooks? There should be a good answer. We deserve a good answer. If I were leading this investigation, I'd be asking some really hard questions. We need to know this is a very odd part of the story. So let's go to this. I'm sure you all have heard this
Starting point is 00:01:40 and we'll listen in together. So this is on a body-worn camera, a law enforcement body camera, asking the obvious questions that we all had. You good, bro? Yeah, I know. I hear you. I know you. I couldn't find him. Yeah. I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But for now, I mean, he's the only one, you know what I mean? What a strange thing. You good, bro? Yeah, I know. he's the only one, you know what I mean? What a strange thing. You know, bro? Yeah, I know. I hear you. I know you. We couldn't find him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:11 We couldn't find him. So these are our crooks is dead on the roof at this point in time. And here we are with some of the first people up on the scene. If you ever saw the four officers that are up there, two are in what we would call municipal outfits, black, you know, not just ordinary police uniforms. And two are in those ESU camo things. OK, those the guy who says he's effing pissed is one of those ESU. He's just like, I can't believe we couldn't find him. What do you mean we couldn't find him?
Starting point is 00:02:38 That's what we have to explore. Like, how is it possible we couldn't find him in their vernacular there? And what's interesting to note is that the officer who's saying, who's wearing this body cam, who's saying, hey, yeah, but, you know, at least there was just one of them. That's the guy who guy, patrol officer who, you know, wheeled up, got out of his car and in less than two minutes had pulled himself up and found him on the roof where everybody else couldn't find him. So, yeah, yeah, this is kind of weird. And but it's kind of weird to hear him, that same officer sort of downplaying it, saying, well, yeah, but there was just one of them. Right. I don't know what that means. So everybody copes differently in a crisis. All right. Now, this is really good work being done back at Peak Prosperity as part of a citizen's investigation.
Starting point is 00:03:29 A lot of great work. I'm just going to showcase one piece of it. Vegas Patriot doing just awesome work here. And this is just one comment where Vegas Patriot has been piling in asking, hey, can we account for crooks? Where was he? Moment by moment, what do we know? And we know a lot, but there's still some holes. But first off, just blur your eyes.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Every one of those yellow dots with a black number in it, that's a moment when Crooks was spotted somewhere by law enforcement. And we start with number one. Let me get my drawing tool out here. Laser pointer. We start with number one up here, and that's this picture right here. So this is off of a dash cam, okay? And so that's where it all starts, and the dash cam is pretty early on,
Starting point is 00:04:17 and there's Crooks walking in. I don't see a backpack on him. I don't know what's happened to that. Maybe that's already been pre-stashed somewhere. Not entirely clear. And then we go out to number two. And of course, there, what we're talking about is that text from sniper Jason Woods, who said, hey, at 426. And it's a little cryptic. Obviously, we're going to need more information. We don't know. But it seems to imply that he's seen crooks out there because he leaves at 426.
Starting point is 00:04:45 He's out in the parking lot and he says, oh, hey, you know, this guy is sitting at this picnic table. He knows you're up there, which raises an obvious question. If he is talking about crooks, that means crooks was already on the radar by 426 or before, probably before. And that means that he's also aware that Crooks knows that those guys are up there. Well, if Crooks knows those guys are up there, we have another question, which is how is it that Crooks then felt comfortable running upright all the way across that whole roof line to his perch position? Because if he knew those guys were up there, he would have known just how exposed he was. He would have at least been looking nervously over his shoulder back at those windows
Starting point is 00:05:23 that were open on that overwatch building that was above the roof line that he was on so it raises i'm not sure we would love to to get that clarified hey jason woods at 426 were you talking about crooks are we talking about the same guy he knows you're up there or were you talking about maybe their supervisor or something or is it somebody else we don't know but we're going to say wow somebody needs to answer that question right away and then as we carry on here we can see that at um five oh you know here it right around yeah we got them out front here at 505 right here we have them at 426 at this picnic table that That's where Jason Woods would have seen
Starting point is 00:06:06 him as he came out into this parking lot, I believe, because there is a picnic table right here that he said is about 50 yards from the entrance. So that would fit. It's also possible he saw him here and he was talking about some other entrance that would be over here somewhere. We don't know. That still also needs to be resolved but this is noted that crooks was seen at a picnic table at 605 as one of the last times he was seen presumably by nickel okay uh and then later he's spotted oh okay you know he's spotted on this wall structure here which is that retaining wall pictures are taken two separate pictures of crooks you can clearly see him when he's looking over his left shoulder the other one he's looking at his phone
Starting point is 00:06:49 right two pictures taken from that overwatch building and uh and then at 605 finally we have him here at this picnic table presumably seen by greg nickel off of this northwest corner right here looking at him where he cryptically told everybody headed towards sheets which would be all the way around this way but instead he went in here at 605 and then climbed up on the picnic table now thank you very much matt i did not have matt's permission to share his name so i will never share anybody's name without full permission. And so if I hear back from Matt, Matt, I will totally give you total awesome full credit. But this came into my inbox yesterday. And these appear to be crooks wearing the same Demolition Ranch t-shirt, the same knee
Starting point is 00:07:38 length white shorts, the same black socks and black shoes, and same hairdo, same glasses, same little goatee. But here you can see clearly he's walking up Vendor Row earlier on in the day at the Trump rally. So that's pretty interesting because now we have one of our earliest spottings. It's very clear that's obviously this character. So we'll get back to these pictures in just a second now as we go through the basic timeline we understand that actually at you know ron johnson this was from his timeline we note that trump takes stage at 603 but that's right here so but look at all the stuff beforehand at 545 there you've already taken these images they're're sending these images around. They're looking for this guy.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Apparently, Nickel left his post somehow, for some reason, from 6.06 all the way to 6.12 because he was so alarmed that nobody was looking for this kid. He was that alarmed by the Crooks character. So that's the story. Obviously, we're going to need that story to be firmed up, refuted, denied, confirmed, something, but we're going to need to see questions taken about that. Alright. And then at 6.06, according to
Starting point is 00:08:51 FBI Deputy Director Paul Abate, there is video somewhere from some, I don't know, some kind of establishment. We don't know. Is it the AGI, AGR buildings themselves? As somebody at my site i think was vegas patriot noted said well that could be from cameras that are actually on the agr
Starting point is 00:09:10 buildings if that's true oh we got a lot of questions um because now we're going to want to see all the cameras from the agr complex especially any that were inside those buildings if those were running and recording obviously a treasure trove of information to help us understand what happened but we don't know what this video is but at 606 crooks is seen getting on the building and then there's a good big old gap here right because we know it's 608 38 uh crooks ends up showing up on the video by james copenheimer but at 608 20 a local law enforcement officer reports over the radio there's someone on the roof and James Copenhamer. But at 6.08.20, a local law enforcement officer reports over the radio that there's someone on the roof, and then at 6.08.32, a local law enforcement
Starting point is 00:09:50 officer reports that there's an individual on the roof of the AGR building wearing white shorts, uh, is the defining feature. Now, so here's what we know. Crooks is first detected as a person of interest because of that first picture snapped
Starting point is 00:10:05 at 5 14 and again he attracts attention 5 45 the texts are being sent around pictures are being sent unfortunately at 5 48 miracle of miracles or bad luck of bad luck the self and internet service went down on this whole facility adding to confusion at a critical moment, make of that what you will, obviously. And so then at 6.05, we have Crooks is spotted at picnic tables headed towards the sheets, as Greg Nickel put it. And at 6.06, he pulls himself on the roof. Now, here's what we need to know. Is this the same cop right here? Is this who made those two calls seems likely 608 20 608 32
Starting point is 00:10:48 just 12 seconds between them but i haven't found the body cam yet with this on it so we're still missing some body cam footage it would be very important to have the body cam footage of whoever it was that's radioing this in and like exactly who is this person or persons and then we have two questions about that first how did crooks manage to avoid detection in evade it between 545 and 605 that's 20 full minutes where was he right because as we have already established there aren't that many people on the agr grounds north of that AGR fence line. 70 maybe total. It shouldn't be that hard to locate one dude when you've got, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:32 if you had just one officer over there, maybe I could, but even then I'm like, that shouldn't be that hard. But somehow he evades detection that whole time. And then also how did nobody actually see him get on the roof at 606? He must've made some noise. He must've clambered up there. I know it would have attracted some attention from somebody over in that corner on that side. So we'll get to all of that in just a second. All right. So this is kind of interesting. So at 6.09.40, remember 6.11.33 is when the first shots ring out. So it's 6.09.40, roughly two minutes before shooting, just under two minutes before
Starting point is 00:12:06 the shooting starts. A uniformed officer walks around the south side of the building six this way, headed east. So Crooks is up here in this corner up here. And this officer at the time, this lady's like saying, he's on the roof. This officer decides for some reason to peel out and go this way. I'm not totally clear on how or why that that happened that way. And so let's look now and watch this together. This is that. And by the way, we can see here that there are actually three. This is three law enforcement. This is a state cop. And here's another officer. You can see his police thing on there. So we have three officers and they're all pointing. Yeah, someone's on top of the roof.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Look. There he is right there. Right there. You see him? He's laying down. You see him? Yeah, he's laying down. What's happening? What's happening?
Starting point is 00:13:23 Yeah, look. there he is. Because we have millions and millions of people in our country that shouldn't be here. Dangerous people. Criminals. We have criminals. He's on the roof. He's right. We have people.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Right here. Right on the roof. There he is. There he is. There he is. Climbing up on the roof. And again, this is all a little weird because that's about a minute and a half, that video. So at 610 and 55 seconds, that's when the officer said he pulled himself up and the gun was pointed at him. I don't see that pointing action
Starting point is 00:14:05 happening in this video anywhere. It's not clear when that would have happened. It's possible, I guess. But, you know, obviously we weren't there. But, you know, if that happened, this is going to be really weird because then, well, we'll just keep playing this as it goes through. I'll just take the sound off of this for a second. Okay, let's play that one more time. So as we're looking around here, and we see that there's one officer, you can see right there, heading around, walking that way. See that gentleman sitting right there against the retaining wall there? He's also got white shorts, black shoes, and a gray t-shirt, very confusingly for this storyline. And we'll get to that in just a second
Starting point is 00:14:49 as well. And then everybody's over here kind of pointing at this. And the odd thing about this is, of course, why didn't that law enforcement officer choose or elect to come over and stand on that retaining wall? Now, right then, about here is when we would expect that the officer had to have that gun pointed at them. Now, we're missing some action here because the camera's pointed the wrong way. Now we're back up on the action. Now we're off. Now we're back up, and he's crawling up.
Starting point is 00:15:16 I don't see him reeling over to point his gun at anybody, but again, we're missing quite a bit of the action here, so we don't know. But it's kind of odd that, you know, odd police work. After action is always easy, second-guessing, all of that. But it's kind of odd to me that that officer doesn't stand on that retaining wall. Now, we can spot all of this really, really accurately because of Milk Bar TV. They placed this moment pretty accurately on the timeline.
Starting point is 00:15:43 We can say that this is 6.09.43, right when that video is at that frame that you see over there with the guy with the red hat. And also, take note of that guy sitting there up against that retaining wall. It's all kind of odd. Hey, by the way, we are going to part two of this back for my subscribers. We have to talk about how we can become healthy. We have to reject this death cult. So if you don't know, your food has been made on purpose to be addictive. It's just got this bliss spot of saltiness, fattiness and stuff. And by the way, the same people who brought you cigarette addiction are the same people.
Starting point is 00:16:25 They just redirected those scientists to bring you foods. And we're living through one of the largest food borne metabolic crises at this point in time. I mean, it's just honestly, there's really not that many ways to look at it, except to say that once you understand that you're part of a death cult or at least a disease cult, at least a cult that doesn't care at all about your health but rather how many ways they can get you to overeat and then treat your resulting sicknesses with medical interventions it's a really bad system people are waking up to it i'm really happy to be part of that and by the way here's testimonial number one from last week i wrote a few art pieces back there and talked about something called the quickening
Starting point is 00:17:06 When they no longer care enough to hide it They're not even hiding what they're doing anymore and that's true in the Trump assassination, but it's true in so many other dimensions They're just not hiding it which tells us we're closer to the end in the beginning Robert D wrote here Chris no matter where we go from here This site's been a life raft a fire extinguisher an antidote to the media poison they want Our minds to willingly accept. Thank you for that. I don't take advantage of all that you have to offer here It's true. I put out a lot of content
Starting point is 00:17:37 I don't consume all that I should what I do is come here when the world headlines and groupthink become Overwhelming you're always here to remind me that sane, intelligent voices still exist in the storm. Your insight and calm breakdown of what we are witnessing is invaluable to my family, my health, and my soul. I hope you're taking moments away from this for your own peacefulness when you can. Well, thank you, Robert. I'm not taking near as much time as I should, but I'm going to have to start taking a little more time just because it's getting intense out there. This quickening is surely very, very much upon us at this stage. And then I wrote a really important piece.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I do something called framing. Right. And framing is when there's a way of looking at the world that when you have that, it really helps simplify, crystallize, clarify how you see the world. And so this was a really important piece of framing when i wrote about what i think broke during covet and why so many people seem to be broken particularly people who are highly educated in fact the more highly educated the greater the chance and degree to which they seem to have had their minds broken and i have an understanding of that and explaining that sketchy poodle wrote a quote that was inspired somehow i read through the transcript before
Starting point is 00:18:50 watching the video this time it was able to soak it all in i should do more of that i felt like i was being hit with electric shocks every word i've known too many fishball people myself and the triune brain reference the carrier waves and the energy that runs through all of us this one was center of target all the way through. And thank you for that, Skitchy Poodle. So yes, I put a lot of thought into the pieces I put out there, and I do it across many dimensions. And it's really important that you have an information scout, and that's why I want to invite you, if you want to, to become a subscriber at Peak Prosperity.
Starting point is 00:19:22 We use our brains, and we do it in a way that hopefully adds value to your lives and to the world and many people tell us that it does now let's continue on with this logical progression here's how we see the world so now we're at 58 seconds before the shooting it's at 6 10 35 trump is saying you don't mind if i go off the teleprompter do you so we can locate this shot this is a still from a video. But notice again, we've got, get my laser pointer back. We've got this guy with the gray shirt and the knee length white pants and the dark shoes here, which is confusing, obviously, because that's almost exactly what Crooks was wearing,
Starting point is 00:19:59 minus the white hat. Just sometimes you get these coincidences day of. But here we have this officer coming up here all they have to do is jump up on this retaining wall and we should be able to see something very very easily and quickly and and by the way this is after we saw that gentleman right there who circled in blue he was sitting down with his knees up and now he's up and activated and he's sort of pointing and and we have this officer coming over.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I want you to notice something, though, which is this window. Do you see this window? This one right here. It's barely, I mean, I thought that, you know, somebody who's athletic could reach up and slap that thing. It's right there. This is the room that one of the two snipers was supposed to have remained in. We now have established that Greg Nickel wandered off during a very critical period of time,
Starting point is 00:20:44 but the other one was reported to us as having not abandoned their post. But the only if they are in this end of the room, there's a window open here and there's a window open here. And these are all connected in the same room. So how could you possibly be in this room? And I don't understand why I don't see a face at this window looking out, asking questions. This people are yelling a lot of commotion. There's like nobody's a face at this window looking out asking questions this people are yelling a lot of commotion there's like nobody's watching trump on the at this point everybody's swiveled this way people are yelling about somebody on the roof all of this is happening and so the question becomes if there is somebody in this room why are they not engaging with us at this point in time if they run
Starting point is 00:21:20 down to one of these other windows to look out well at that point this is just 58 seconds before the shooting starts so crooks is already in position he's lying down on the hot tin roof and he would be very easy to spot over there from any one of these windows on the south side of that overwatch building okay so let's just let's just watch this real quick um this is from greg smith's wife greg, Greg Smith, wearing the Trump hat with that shock of fake hair coming off the top. And, yeah, let's just take a look here. And everybody's walking this way. All right. So if we watch this, what we're going to see here, you see that officer who comes over?
Starting point is 00:22:31 That one right there, he's walking in right now. Get my laser pointer back. Who's coming into the action here. Gray shirt guy is pointing at stuff. This officer is walking back this direction over here. And so I would be surprised if that wasn't the officer who keys in to the radio and says uh got a guy on the roof you know white shorts or something like that i'd be surprised but at least we have one officer over on that side we know we have another one who moments before has walked around this way off to the south of building six but also to the east towards the
Starting point is 00:23:02 water tower side of things. So we're just, we're just adding up all the law enforcement presence that was on the side. Okay. And remember all four of these windows are open. One's hidden behind that red hat right there, which we just established this one on the total west side, but that one's open. That one's open. And that one's open. This is the room that Eli Smith shot. Sorry, Eli Crane shot his video out of, right? And we've seen this room. I haven't seen any video from this room yet, but this is the one that's, of course, looks like you just hop out this window onto that roof.
Starting point is 00:23:34 And this is the window that would have been attached to this overall room set here. And again, all of these are crank windows, casement windows. They all crank to the right. So you'd be able to peer up and look to the left out of these things. No problemo. And remember, of course, according to Beaver Butler in their after-action report, one sniper did not leave their post. Well, this is that post.
Starting point is 00:23:57 It's got that funkadoo, spotty, scopey, shortened, rifle-y thing, or maybe just a rifle without the barrel installed. We've established that there's a screen here with a couple of pull tabs you know the type you lift the little wingy tabs out and the screen comes out and then we've got a crank down there that cranks this thing out to the right so this is just i mean all these people are standing right here it would be unless you had your ear phones in and you're listening to some heavy metal and your back is to the window. There's not a chance in the world that you would be missing at this particular moment. What's going all the commotion that's going on out here.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And by the way, I've looked carefully. I do not see anybody in any of these windows. I've watched this very carefully back and forth under magnification. I can't see anybody peering out any of these windows. So whoever, whatever's going on with that two-person Butler Beaver sniper team that's supposed to be somewhere in that building, presumably in these corner windows here where they said they were placed by Secret Service. But even with that placement, I still can't account for why nobody's there at this moment and why I can't see anybody looking out those windows, and why there's no engagement. The only thing I can come up with is there's nobody in that
Starting point is 00:25:08 room. So very odd, very difficult to account for that. These are questions, of course, that an investigator and investigation should be answering. Now this is immediately, this is 16 seconds before the shots ring out, and here we can see a number of things. This is Greg Smith right here. Again, he was in the BBC interview. Red hat, shock of fake hair out the top. He's got the beard, you know, sort of a red casket, but with a green shirt. That's him right there. Here we have a law enforcement officer circled in yellow in uniform.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Here we have another uniformed officer in yellow. And here in green, we have these two plainclothes officers. Now, we're going to have to look at these two a little bit more carefully because we've got questions here as well. But it's kind of odd to me that here we are at 6-11 and maybe 10, 15 seconds. We have so much law enforcement on this side. 6.05 when at this table right out in front of this building right here where i'm wagging my laser pointer around just past where these two people encircled in green the two plainclothes officers are that's where crooks was last spotted and at 6.06 he goes into this gap up here right in between this building and one you can't see that's right here and then clambered up onto the roof spent about two minutes doing god knows what and then uh is spotted at 608 20 running across the roof and
Starting point is 00:26:30 noted as having white shorts so how do you have this many law enforcement on this side when apparently there's the equivalent of a apb out on this kid with a dark shirt and white shorts right glasses it's out there and they're looking for him. I just, how, where is Crooks from 645 to 605 when he finally shows up here? Can't quite account for that. Where's his backpack? Where's all of that?
Starting point is 00:26:58 I just, I don't know what we're dealing with, but let's back up in time just a bit here. Okay. So here we are. We've backed way up in time. I don't know how far back because I have something itching. I think I got a cat hair on my nose or something. We've backed way up in time.
Starting point is 00:27:12 And this, again, is a video from Greg Smith where we see here at 19 seconds into this video, we see these two characters right here. These are our plainclothes or undercover officers. I don't know what to call them. And here's the guy, capri pants guy, as I called him. We could also call him Shaggy because he's got this big beard and he's on his phone, which practically every video I have, he's on his phone. I don't know who he's talking to or who he's communicating with.
Starting point is 00:27:36 But if I was investigating this, that's something I would want to ascertain, of course. So here he is. And this is way before the event. And again, look how few people there are on this side so if he's in communication i have a suspicion that this person is uh state police but i don't know for sure because the badge that they're wearing as we'll see has been blurred out for us helpfully so i don't know who this person is um but again i'm hoping that that you know the investigation is going to be looking into this because they really should.
Starting point is 00:28:05 But he's on his phone. If he's on the phone with the command center or with the state police center, they've been notified at 545 that they're looking for this kid with the gray shirt and the light colored pants, which oddly this guy also is wearing at this point in time. Now, remember, these are those plainclothes guys here. We can spot them a little later. Here's a cargo pants guy guy and this is capri pants guy with of course Greg Nickel right here standing there looking with his bald head to the left and then this is a guy we called ZZ Cop because he's got the big white beard he's got his weapon drawn at this point in time. Greg Smith
Starting point is 00:28:38 swears up and down that this guy is just an ordinary citizen. I'm a little confused how an ordinary citizen is allowed to draw little confused how an ordinary citizen is allowed to draw down, take their weapon out, be walking around with a weapon drawn because none of the police that train at my facility would ever let me do that. That would be a no-no for all kinds of liability reasons. What if this guy, you know, presumably,
Starting point is 00:29:01 as you're going through the pre-planning, all the pre-meetings they're going to have, if they're going to have undercover or plainclothes assets out in the audience, everybody has to be notified of that, right? Because you wouldn't want one of your snipers seeing a dude in a backwards baseball hat pull a gun on somebody and shoot him if that was your law enforcement asset with a backward baseball hat pulling the gun on somebody. It makes a lot of sense. So there's going to have been, in the planning meetings, in the morning, in the day of meetings, they're going to say, hey, we have undercover or we have plainclothes assets out there. Here's what they're wearing.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Now, this guy, ZZ Cop, would not be availed of any of that information, would not know any of it. And that's why I'm just a little confused why somebody like a Greg Smith, sorry, Greg Nickel is not, not Greg Smith, my bad, Greg Nickel is here, is not telling this gentleman, you know, put the weapon down, you know, securing that weapon and telling this guy to back the F off and go, you know, you'll get your weapon back later. I would not in a million years be allowing in this particular environment
Starting point is 00:30:06 a civilian to be wandering around with a drawn gun. But that's a side point. Back to the main point. So here is this shaggy guy, capri pants guy. Now we get a good look at him from this one body worn camera here. And we can get a closer and closer look at his badge which is very helpfully blurred out to the point where we can't quite tell what it is we don't know who this person is um but here they are they're walking around they've got their gun drawn at this point in time
Starting point is 00:30:36 and uh here's the other one from uh battle baby erica here Ekaterina the Great II. So she's positing potentially Secret Service special agent. Can't just, can't, maybe, maybe, it's not, could be. See here, it looks like it has a squared off top. That isn't right, but here we can see it's got more of a rounded top. I think they messed with this image on purpose
Starting point is 00:31:02 before they released this body cam footage. That's my best guess. But here we can see he's got his gun out. Here's the other guy, backwards baseball hat guy. This is some sort of skateboarding logo-y t-shirt. And then we've got this guy over here, cargo pants guy, wearing some kind of death and destruction t-shirt of some kind now back to this though remember so this is what crooks looks like day of or whoever that is we're calling them crooks for now and i'm going to have to go with that until we see dna evidence that says otherwise um but here he is walking around with his demolition ranch t-shirt his white knee-length cargo shorts and his black footwear with black socks well isn't it just a little bit of a coincidence that there's only 70 people on that side of the building-ish on the north side, and one of them is hanging out right near the retaining wall
Starting point is 00:31:53 where this guy was getting his picture snapped. Here, this guy is hanging out right around 6 o'clock, just hanging out and just magically is wearing an almost identical setup. And then you got this guy, and this is what he looks like out in bright sunlight with dark shoes knee-length white pants in a great shirt that would be very very difficult if you were one of the Secret Service snipers you're out there on barn one or Barden to barn one
Starting point is 00:32:18 you have a problem because you're peering through there's a tree in your way barn two you can still maybe see clearly but now now you have what's called a deconflict, a deconfliction problem. You have to figure out, is that guy on the roof? You have to be sure that it's not accidentally this guy. Because you know in your pre-planning report that you've got some plainclothes assets out there, and one of them is wearing a gray t-shirt,
Starting point is 00:32:40 knee-length, light-colored shorts, and dark shoes. Think of the odds. And as well, you know, this guy with the gray shirt, white shorts, I don't know exactly when this particular video was taken, but it's earlier on. There's just music playing at this point in time, and Trump's not on there's just music playing at this point in time and uh you know trump's not on the stage and you can see right behind her there on there he is he's hanging out right on that same wall that crooks was on okay um so right on that retaining wall there's crooks and right on that
Starting point is 00:33:21 same retaining wall we've got this gentleman if squint hard, you can see him back here. There he is. He's just hanging out on that wall. So that is kind of an odd thing. And of course, that could create a lot of confusion. Was it Crux who just put his white hat back on? That would create quite a bit of confusion. You know, now these weren't the only guys.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Here's another guy hanging out. Looks very different, wearing jeans. So I got one more picture of at least one other person on that retaining wall. Looks like a pretty natural place to sit. Given the shadows on all of this, this is probably pretty darn close to when the shooting actually happened. So with all of that said, here's my conclusions for today. First, there were lots of LEO, law enforcement officer assets on the west side of building six, given the low number of people over there that they maybe had to check out. There could, you know, there weren't that many people you had to check out if you're looking for crooks, right? With a gray t-shirt and light colored knee length shorts and dark shoes,
Starting point is 00:34:22 pretty easy. I count at least four over on that side but that's a minimum it's probably more close it's more like six so again we would want to see all of the body cam footage particularly from anybody on the west side exactly zero of the release body cam footage so far has been from that side of things at least prior to the shooting that's what we want to see prior to the shooting what were people seeing over want to see. Prior to the shooting, what were people seeing over there? And in particular, we need to know about those two plainclothes or undercover assets.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Absolutely. No accounting for Crooks anywhere between 545 and 605. I can't see him on any particular. He's not on any video I've got so far. There's a lot of video missing from the West Side still from both private individuals
Starting point is 00:35:04 and also from the law enforcement. We would love to see that video, of course, because that would answer potentially a lot of questions. Three, there's no sign of any snipers at any of the windows at any time in anywhere in that two story Overwatch building. So that needs to be cleared up. Obviously, again, still, we're going to call for a complete accounting of the movements of both of those beaver and butler county snipers up there greg nickel and then this other mystery gentleman we're going to need to know exactly where they were at all times to make this story resolve itself and then it's quite the coincidence isn't it that um undercover law enforcement guy
Starting point is 00:35:40 capri pants guy or shaggy as we might call him, was dressed almost identically to Crooks with a gray t-shirt, light colored knee length shorts and dark shoes. It is quite the coincidence. I would, I think there's a lot of questions that have to be asked here of those two. What were they doing over there? And what were they looking for? And did they, at what time did they hear about maybe we should look for crooks and did they trail him did they stop him and ask him any questions how did nobody stop crooks out there at any point in time and
Starting point is 00:36:14 ask it's not like they had thousands of people there were 70 people over there somebody thought enough to take a picture of this kid and send it out to the command center saying hey uh to keep an eye out for this guy i'm'm a little nervous about him, right? Then we still don't have any good answer for why Greg Nickel apparently thought he had to go and talk to somebody instead of just radioing it in and directing them to where he was. We don't have any good answers for any of these things. In particular, if Greg saw him at the picnic table and he said he saw him going towards sheets but instead if he just watched
Starting point is 00:36:47 and saw him heading into the cubby alcove in the building then you could radio that in and then nobody's spending their time looking in the wrong place which is a gas station that's a quarter mile away um very odd how that all broke out now the whereabouts of every single law enforcement officer on that west side they all need to be accounted for. That's still a big blind spot missing in this story. We have a lot of body cam footage from the east side of the building. Now we're going to call for the body cam footage
Starting point is 00:37:16 on the west side. Because with that, we'll be able to tell a few things. Now, with that, we're going to talk about this, how to become healthy. This is one of the most important videos we're going to be reviewing and topics that we have to talk about. For everybody else, thank you so much for your persistence. Thanks for making it to the end of this video. Thanks for watching all of them. Thank you for continuing to understand just how important it is that we do not let this just sort of slip off into the dust of history. This has to be
Starting point is 00:37:44 accounted for. This is for all the marbles. Absolutely can't see it any other way. So thank you for having an attention span that sets you apart, I guess, in this day and age. With that, I'm Chris Martinson of Peak Prosperity, signing off. We'll see you next time. Thanks again for listening. Bye-bye.

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