Peak Prosperity - Welcome to the Second American Revolution

Episode Date: February 11, 2025

All weekend long it was one more astonishing revelation after another. Frankly, it’s difficult to keep up, but that’s okay. This is how a revolution is supposed to feel.Click Here for Part II...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. look part two for my subscribers back at peak prosperity and those are people who want to know what's going on in the world and by the way wow things are changing incredibly quickly right now information is your edge it's the thing that's going to allow you to surf this avalanche of change that is now upon us there's no turning back and it needed to happen anyway so let me cover all of that let's go there and by the way I'm going to call this one, I guess, grapes of wrath, deep. That'll make sense in just a second. Deep unfairness exposed. All of us are paying for it, who are paying for it. We absolutely hate it. We hate it. Now, before I go a minute further, let me reiterate for you that I don't operate left right. I think there's scoundrels on both sides, Democrats, Republicans. I go up, down. And at the bottom, you have that ideological rigidity versus integrity.
Starting point is 00:01:36 If you have integrity, it means really, honestly, the deepest form of integrity you can have is to be willing to change your mind at a moment's notice. Now, how is that integrity? Well, because it means that you have such a solid sense of self that you're not attached to the ideas. The ideas don't have you. You have ideas. You are so sure of yourself that it wouldn't matter if it turned out that everything you thought you knew turned out not to be true, because what you care about is truth, because your core is somebody who cares about the truth and knowing what's right and if you have that as your core you will develop in advance and become a better and better wiser and wiser person over the course of your life instead if you have ideological rigidity then it's going to be a very long and frustrating life now look i'm also beginning to understand what it must be like to work for elon musk because the whole country is like on his timetable now they work all weekend long gone are the days when you could have a nice weekend off and come monday morning and the scrum would pick up again there
Starting point is 00:02:35 has been something happening every single day since january 21st which is the day after the inauguration all right i've learned that the way way Elon gets ahead is apparently he doesn't sleep and neither does anybody who works for him. So all weekend long, one astonishing thing, one big revelation, then another, I don't think there's been,
Starting point is 00:02:54 there hasn't been a single day off since, since that inauguration, but okay. Well, listen, um, I said, this is the second American revolution.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And you might think that's hyperbole, but it's not. That's what's taking place right now. It has no precedent in modern history or even within our system structure. We have to go all the way back to 1776. Now, after far too many years of complacency on the part of freedom-loving people, I'll say, among the productive class. The raccoons and scoundrels of the ideological ultra left, which is pick your ism, right? Socialism, communism, whatever. It's very totalitarianism.
Starting point is 00:03:36 The ideological ultra left, they executed a complete takeover of our institutions, our major institutions in the government, agencies, all the offices, and especially, unfortunately, our major institutions in the government agencies, all the offices and especially, unfortunately, our universities as well. Now, they did try similar ESG and DEI takeovers of corporate boardrooms that gave that a try. But let's just say those were immediately proven to be profit disasters, you know, Bud Light, the Walt Disney movies. Right. And so those are in the process of being just summarily ejected. immediately proven to be profit disasters, you know, Bud Light, the woke Disney movies, right? And so those are in the process of being just summarily ejected.
Starting point is 00:04:09 But the damage to the young and the impressionable has been extraordinary, with many falling for these leftist ideas and ideals, which under examination, deliver people not to prosperity and happiness, but to a perpetual state of unhappiness, perpetual dissatisfaction, resentments. I mean, you can see it all over their faces if you look at their rallies, right? Now, here's why this is important. And this is one of the things you have to understand about this revolution if you want to skate through it successfully, is we are a social creature. And as a social creature, there are certain things that have to be abided by
Starting point is 00:04:51 in order for us to have social cohesion, for us to have peace, for us to have harmony. The one of the most important things I have ever come across to help explain this is this little two minute video by a researcher, a sociological researcher. And I'll take my picture out of there so it doesn't interfere with the size of this thing. But let's just listen in. I hope you love this as much as I do, but I swear to God, you can learn more from this two and a half minutes about where we are and where we're going and how we should conduct ourselves than you will from three semesters of your average college sociology courses. Okay, let me put it on full screen, and then we'll hit play.
Starting point is 00:05:34 So a final experiment that I want to mention to you is our fairness study. And so this became a very famous study, and there's now many more because after we did this about 10 years ago, it became very well known. And we did that originally with capuchin monkeys, and I'm going to show you the first experiment that we did. It has now been done with dogs and with birds and with chimpanzees, but with Sarah Brosnan, we started out with capuchin monkeys. So what we did is we put two capuchin monkeys side by side.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Again, these animals, they live in a group. They know each other. We take them out of the group, put them in a test chamber. And there's a very simple task that they need to do. And if you give both of them cucumber for the task, the two monkeys side by side, they're perfectly willing to do this 25 times in a row. So cucumber, even though it's really only water, in my opinion, but cucumber is perfectly fine for them. Now if you give the
Starting point is 00:06:30 partner grapes, the food preferences of my capuchin monkeys correspond exactly with the prices in the supermarket. And so if you give them grapes, it's a far better food than you create inequity between them. So that's the experiment we did. Recently, we videotaped it with new monkeys who had never done the task, thinking that maybe they would have a stronger reaction, and that turned out to be right. The one on the left is a monkey who gets cucumber. The one on the right is the one who gets grapes. The one who gets cucumber, note that the first piece of cucumber is perfectly fine.
Starting point is 00:07:01 The first piece he eats. Then she sees the other one getting grape and you will see what happens. So she gives a rock to us, that's the task, and we give her a piece of cucumber and she eats it. The other one needs to give a rock to us, and that's what she does. And she gets a grape, and she eats it. The other one sees that. She gives the rock to against the wall. She needs to give it to us. And she gets cucumber again. So this is basically the Wall Street protest that you see here. All right. It's humorous, but it gets the point across, right?
Starting point is 00:08:15 So we need to have there's two twin pillars of a successful, stable society and fairness and reciprocity. Now, you would understand this at the individual level. If you lived in a family where one person was always taking advantage of the other people, it would be unfair. They wouldn't be engaging in reciprocity. And eventually that would create a lot of frictions. And eventually that leads to some sort of violence, like that person being excommunicated from the family structure or the family structure breaking apart or something tragic like that. Now, how does this apply? It applies because what Doge is revealing is an extraordinary, disgusting extent of one class of people feeding themselves grapes and demanding we pay for them while at best we've been getting cucumbers. And that's what just got exposed.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And there's no putting this back in the bottle because we see it now and it's gross and it's disgusting. And there are people desperately trying to get that genie back in the bottle. Most of them right now are Democrats, you know, and that's just how it is. But there's, you know, currently, but it doesn't it's not left right. It doesn't really matter. Just more of them seem to be showing up. You got your Elizabeth Warren's, your Jamie Raskin's. You've got your Bernie Sanders all trying to pretend as if the most horrible thing possible is that young people that Elon has hired might be looking at your sensitive personal data. And what they're really complaining about is that their little free festival of grapes is coming to an end.
Starting point is 00:09:47 So that right there, that video, watch it over and over again if you need to till it sinks in. I've seen it a hundred times by now and it still has an impact. I love it because you can see yourself in those poor little monkeys like throwing the cucumbers but once you realize that you've been fed cucumbers while this other monkey doing the same thing has been getting grapes well then it creates a resistance eventually that monkey's going to give up i'm not going to play this game i'm not going to give rocks to the researcher i'm not going to pay my taxes right these are the kinds of things that revolutions are made of because those twin pillars of fairness and reciprocity that's been broken and it's just been exposed as broken. That's what's actually happening with Musk and Doge.
Starting point is 00:10:33 So think this. Look at this. Robert Sterling wrote here that Washington, D.C., has the highest median household income in America outside of California's Bay Area. Now, California's Bay Area obviously has lots of tech giants and very highly, highly compensated people doing really profitable things for big businesses. So 121,000 is the median household income in Washington, D.C. OK, national median is 82,000. So that's 50 percent more money. Are they people in D.C. 50% more intelligent? Do they do 50% more important things? No.
Starting point is 00:11:09 No, they really don't. He writes here, can anyone explain to me why this is acceptable? It's not. Shake, shake, shake. This is a cucumber moment, right? Because I'm struggling to think of reasons why we should be okay with it. Outside of extracting value from the federal government, transferring taxpayer dollars to GS-15s in the administrative state and middle managers in the GovCon industrial complex,
Starting point is 00:11:32 the capital beltway has no meaningful economy. It produces almost nothing of value for the rest of our country. And that is true. It's not a financial center like New York, where you see a $95,000 median household income. Bridgeport, $111,000. Chicago at $87,000. Dallas at $86,000.
Starting point is 00:11:51 I'm surprised Bridgeport is that high. It was a dump every time I've been there. It's not the home of any large ports. He writes here, like Baltimore at $94,000. New Orleans at $61,000. It's not a major research hub like Boston or Raleigh. It doesn't even have nice weather like San Diego or Los Angeles or Honolulu. Yet the median household in D.C. makes significantly more than the median of almost any of these major metropolitan areas.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Now, so guess what? The system is a racket. And here's what it looks like on a table. You can't read all those things far to the left, but those are cities. And that darkish bar third from the, is Washington, D.C. And the reason it's third from the top is those top two are both Bay Area communities. At any rate, there it is. Washington, D.C. has been feeding itself grapes, and they've been making you pay for them. And so we're all a little ticked off about that, right? Robert continues in a comment down below. He said, somehow it's even more offensive when you look at the percent of households
Starting point is 00:12:49 making more than $200,000. You really mean to tell me 26% of households in D.C. make that much? And yes, that's the case. Here's an example. I haven't verified that this is true. It cut the sources from the bulletin inside Biden's basement. I don't know if it's true, but Marion of Fall reported here that based on those sources, that USAID's ex-USAID's chief, Samantha Power's net worth apparently allegedly skyrocketed from $6.7 to $30 million in just three years on $180,000 salary.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Man, that's a lot of grapes. 000 salary man that's a lot of grapes you know that's a lot of grapes right there and when we find out about it it should be infuriating you should want to shake the bars of your cage hey pro tip there are no bars that's what they're really afraid of you should you know yes this is we need to have fairness it's patently unfair this lady has just been a swampy creature her whole life her she excels at one thing only and that's bureaucratically stepping on opponents and crushing people and doing awful things in the name of her party affiliations which gives her the sinecure of having a very, very highly compensated job with apparently a lot of perks.
Starting point is 00:14:07 It doesn't actually require a lot of skills to pull off besides bureaucratic, you know, meanness, I'll say. By the way, I watched this thing, a video that she did, and I was looking at that like. That reminds me of somebody getting getting an energy off this lady all right I saw it now you have to too you won't be able to unsee it that's Anthony Hopkins from Silence of the Lambs at any rate um she is married what a power couple uh Samantha Power is married to somebody named Cass Sunstein, who I know very well. Cass is a Harvard professor, and he is just he desperately, desperately wants to label everybody a conspiracy theorist. There's all these books. I don't know how he has a Harvard professorship, but he's ruining minds there at Harvard.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Anybody who takes this class comes away mentally damaged as far as I'm concerned, because Cass Sunstein has this really crazy worldview, which is that if you dare to criticize the government, you must be a conspiracy theorist. And he proposes all kinds of government retributions and penalties for people who dare to question the government. And of course, he would think that because this is the government that his wife works for, that apparently gives you millions and millions of dollars a year somehow. Right. They are feasting off of this government corruption. And it's nothing but cucumbers for us and grapes for them. Cassidy, what an awful couple, those two. So much damage.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Consider this. Here is the current president of the Rockefeller Foundation, big, powerful foundation, who, oh, served as the 16th administrator of the U.S. United States Agency for International Development, USAID, from 2010 to 15 under Obama. And look at his compensation. One point, let me say the whole thing out, $1,722,432, with other compensation of $131,051 on top of that.
Starting point is 00:16:08 So call it two, right? Such crazy numbers. Just give him 1.7, but they hide it like, oh, he's in the 75th percentile for people running foundations as large as he is. And here's where it sort of comes in. So look at that feasting. Where's that? How is this guy worth $2 million a year? How? Because he knows how to play this game and he came from the place where they were just
Starting point is 00:16:29 feasting on grapes and funneling it through so this is a screenshot from one of data republicans over on twitter are um i mean at data republican all one word so here we can see let me get my quick little lasery tool out here here you you can see that the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Incorporated has massive gross receipts, $656 million, takes in huge amounts of taxpayer money, tens of millions of dollars, and then funnels a few off over here to the Hopewell Fund, which gives a couple million down here to Defending Democracy Together Institute, which is Bill Kristol's odious, nasty little thing supporting another odious, nasty person. Point being, every single one of those boxes has somebody yanking down one, two, three million dollars because they're worth it.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Right. And the whole thing is this giant, grapey cluster of of just people taking our money and handing it out to themselves it is totally unfair and now that we've seen this you can't unsee it right we are angry monkeys now we're gonna throw our cucumber back at the people running this little experiment on us it's it's not it's totally unfair that's what got. These people are not worth that money. All they've done is set up a really complicated system where they're funnelings of monies to each other and there's arrows and back payments and this is and all that. And it's just, but this is what Elon Musk's team has managed to unearth, right? They've managed to get in there and figure this out because they used an AI tool.
Starting point is 00:18:05 The administrative state thought this was all buried. Nobody will ever figure this out. You could have a team of a thousand PricewaterhouseCooper and forensic auditors, and a year later, they wouldn't know what they were looking at. But some kids, relatively speaking, and young men in their 20s, of them teens like big balls managed to figure out this by just like plugging this all in and letting the machines chew on it and go oh here here's here here's what this looks like and it's gross and now we've seen it and it's unfair and we're angry about it because we're a social creature there's nothing we can do about that. It's an automatic response. You're going to shake the bars and throw the cucumbers back. Just how it is. And this is what they are actually angry about because they're mad that this got exposed. And so we're seeing all the usual stuff. They're
Starting point is 00:18:55 like, oh, Elon and his team is going to end up with hungry children and they'll be starving Africans and they have terrible things. Your private data is going to get taken somehow. They're trying to find something that will resonate and get you off of understanding that you just saw that they had been feeding themselves entire bunches of grapes at your expense. And that's what they're angry about. They're angry that somebody exposed it. They're not angry at being caught. They're not angry at being caught. They're not ashamed of being caught.
Starting point is 00:19:28 They're not like, wow, let me hide my face from public because I just got caught ripping off the American people. I just got caught being an absolutely untrustworthy human being within the American culture. They're not even slightly ashamed. They're just mad they got caught, right? I mean, look at this. A lot of grapes here. Nancy Pelosi somehow since 2013 to current, her strategy, if you followed her stock picking abilities, you would be up 777.81%, whereas the S&P, which is up an enormous 219.47%,
Starting point is 00:20:10 yeah, yeah, she's just that much better than the S&P index, right? She's got that much alpha. She's always right compared to the S&P. She's just that smart. No, this is corruption. It's unfair advantages. It's grapes. This is all grapes. And so Elon Musk and his team have been digging through this whole thing and found out, I mean, look at this. This is just soft money to push hard ideologies. The Federal Airline Administration, Aviation Administration had a DEI contract for $45.18 million. And when they have that contract for $45.18 million, there's going to be a whole suite of people that look a lot like that Raj guy, right? They're just all these consultants, very nicely dressed. They went to Brown, they went to Harvard, they went to Yale, and they're going to come in and help them administer their DEI programs. And then next thing you know, hop, skip and a jump.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Forty five million went from your pockets into their pockets. And that's the game. Or USAID, DEI scholarships in Burma. Hey, forty five million dollars to make sure that Burma, of all places, is up the curve on the ideology that they want to push. Like, this is how you got ahead in this particular world of theirs. If you wanted to get ahead, you had to go out there and say, oh, I get it. We're all pushing DEI this week.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Next week, it'll be Slava, Ukraine. The week after that, it'll be, who knows? It doesn't matter as long as it keeps the corrupt gravy train going. And they get to push their ideologies, right? Department of Homeland Security had a DEI contract for 43.27 million. 40 million went to the New York Times for subscriptions. Department of Treasury had a DEI contract for another 35.89 million. A work order for digital monetization program office support don't know what that was
Starting point is 00:22:05 associated press 20 million in subscriptions more dei contracts down the bottom of 2015 and call it 10 million i don't even know what we're looking at two three hundred million dollars of contracts to enforce this idea of diversity equity and inclusion again it doesn't even matter they don't actually care if the program is successful or not. They don't care about the outcomes of the program. That'd be like the, I don't know, you know, the, the board of advisors in San Francisco saying, let's make shoplifting limits, push those up to nine 50, and then they get more shoplifting and they don't sit down and go, well, that was stupid. We got, we got the exact opposite of what we
Starting point is 00:22:44 thought we wanted. We got more shoplifting, not less. Let's adjust. They don't sit down and go, well, that was stupid. We got the exact opposite of what we thought we wanted. We got more shoplifting, not less. Let's adjust. They don't do that. They'll just put more money in. If DEI doesn't seem to be working, they'll spend more money on it next year because this is how they roll because they're not productive people. They're not serious people.
Starting point is 00:22:58 They don't actually do things that you or I would say, you know, you know what I really need this week? I got to go get me some of those Brown edge university educated DEI consultants. That's what I need this week. I need a lot more. You know what? I'm going to get my wife for Christmas this year. She's going to love it. I'm going to get her a three hour consulting session with the FAA DEI team. I mean, nobody asks for this stuff in real life nobody wants it right except for the people who are the grifters and the hangers-on and the people who are actually making a living off of pushing this nonsense right that's that's been the game that's that's
Starting point is 00:23:37 been the game okay so this is actually though this of. This is going to be hard because the people who were behind all of this were also the same people who were behind taking a shot at Trump. It's the same thing. There's a large, blobby, swampy group of people who somehow. Thought that this was OK to do, and so they tried it and they missed and i don't who knows what they're going to do next but we're going to go to part two of this report again for my subscribers because we got to talk about this very seriously i think there's a lot of violence on the way there's already been some early calls for that we're seeing this whipping up where does this go all of that hey we got to talk about that and um as a community and a group which is what we have
Starting point is 00:24:26 at peak prosperity and if you're not a member at peak prosperity you really should be because what you get is you get me seven days a week pretty much watching the world making sense of it condensing it distilling it to save you time because you don't have time to look at all this stuff like i do that's my job and i will deliver to you, and I'll give you context and thoughtfulness and all of that, and you will be able to make better decisions. And you'll find a community of people at Peak Prosperity just as smart, just as curious, just as dedicated to finding the truth as you are, so that we can maybe surf this avalanche of change and be on top of the avalanche when it stops moving.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Help dig out a few people, begin the rebuilding process. That's the game right now. But if I'm right, these folks, these raccoons, these scoundrels, these corrupt grifters, they would just as soon burn this whole thing down so they'd have a chance of ruling over the ashes as they will of saying, actually a bigger chance of that than them ever saying, you know what, we just had this all wrong.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Why don't we learn some real skills? We'll lean in and let's all do this together. They have no interest in that. They are violent and nasty and their backs are up against the wall because they know if they're not administering DEI contracts, they might have to do some real work and they're not down with that.
Starting point is 00:25:45 That is totally not on the menu for them. So I think things can get really spicy from here on out. And we've got to talk about all that. So that's for my subscribers back at Peak Prosperity. If you are one, fantastic. Come on back and let's go to part two now.

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