Peak Prosperity - What’s Happening Is Breathtaking

Episode Date: February 4, 2025

These are extraordinary times, and I mean that in every literal and historical sense I can muster. Trump has started a revolution, it’s underway, and I am 100% here for it.Click Here for Part 2...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Looks like my initial thesis is proving out the Trump administration is here to revolutionize America. They aren't here to tinker around the edges, propose some difficult, marginal, wonky fixes at the margins. They are here to try and rescue America. It's a revolution. It's underway. And I'm here for it. The following is the audio version of a video released at Visit to watch the video and to find other insightful content such as articles, discussion forums, and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello, everyone. Dr. Chris Martinson here of Peak Prosperity. This is, they say, well, I guess it was Lennon who said that sometimes weeks happen in decades, right?
Starting point is 00:00:54 Sometimes decades take weeks to fold out and sometimes weeks take decades to fold out. Well, anyway, this is one of these times when decades are folding out over a couple of weeks and things are breaking obviously very very quickly but fortunately uh drinking from a fire hose is my specialty now look as i did during covid i'll do my best to both catalog and explain all the enormous impacts of what we're currently experiencing here but this story is seismic none of us none of us have ever lived through what's unfolding here. Trump's team is operating as if they are battling an internal foe that has taken over America and seeks its destruction, which seems to be the case. Now, if that's the case, then my view is that the Trump administration has correctly diagnosed the disease. So we're going to talk
Starting point is 00:01:42 about this today. It's making america great again i know mag has been denigrated but i think this is this is a revolution and it's i guess we're up against something we're going to call the blob the deep state whatever it is something has really gone wrong so consider the issues please that we have faced and nobody seemed to know what to do and i had resigned myself to just like okay this is just is just, it's just going to be, it's just going to be like this. It's going to be crappy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:09 But let's consider what we were up against here. First, how about this? How about the fact that the United States has the least healthy, shortest lived population out of every single developed country? How about that? How about, how about we also notice that we spend the most out of any developed country on our so-called health care, which was turning out to be absolute
Starting point is 00:02:30 sick care by a factor of two, roughly. Just that, just this one chart. Obviously, something has gone desperately wrong in the United States and it needs fixing. OK, or or how about the fact that U.S. high school students routinely test out extremely poorly compared to other developed nations and things like math and reading? Or or how about the fact that. I don't know, we have one of the most highest rates of obesity anywhere in the world and that the DNC, it just got revealed in our confirmation hearings that we just saw this past week. And a few misguided Republicans, to be fair, are offended that RFK Jr. wants to tackle this and make America healthy again. And they're against that. We have to talk about that because that is what the revolution is about is about being against those who are against fixing this uh that or or or or how about this how about uh the fact that the united states federal government slips about two trillion dollars deeper into debt every single year uh by 2034 it's projected we're going to be at 57 trillion in debt whatever that means and that this is heading towards a disaster we all
Starting point is 00:03:52 know it we can see it but nobody knew what you could do about it nobody dared believe that you could do anything about it but now there's administration that says we're going to do something about this not that's going to be easy or popular even but're going to do something about this. Not that it's going to be easy or popular even, but somebody had to do something. Or how about this? How about the fact that every single year on an accrual basis, not a cash basis, Social Security and Medicare in the United States government slips another four or five trillion dollars towards this whole, it's now over $210 trillion. It's a listen, sum it all up guess what we are fat broken stupid
Starting point is 00:04:29 and it's getting worse every day and um that's no way to go through life son so this is what the revolution is actually about believe it or not there are people who are against fixing this now this is what that last election was really about. It was about fixing this, okay? A majority of people said, enough. We voted for real change. And along the way, you know, the people who like the system this way, because I think, I don't know, they get rich off it, I don't get it,
Starting point is 00:05:01 but for some reason they like it this way, they got nervous and about trump's chances and we know what you know what's happened right they tried to kill him in butler pennsylvania on july 13th 2024 oops you missed okay no good um what was that line in uh in the movie if you miss the king if you come after the king, you better not miss. Right? Thanks for that one, Tom. Okay. All right. At any rate, and now we've got a wrecking crew has arrived to dismantle this, whatever
Starting point is 00:05:33 this machine was, this sordid, pathetic, anti-American deep state apparatus. That's what's actually happening right now. You and me, we're all living through an extraordinary time. I mean, this is really amazing. I can't even, I can't believe it's happening. I'm a little bit giddy about it because I was tired. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. Everything was headed in the wrong direction.
Starting point is 00:05:54 There was like nothing we could do about it. People are like, well, can you do nothing? Turns out you could do something and something is now being done. So let's consider the case of just USAID as an entity, right? That one thing, let's go into this right now, because so this was started by executive order by John F. Kennedy back in 1961. The idea was it was a good idea. Hey, why don't we dedicate some of the U.S. abundance, some U.S. funding to helping other countries get ahead? Now, that's how it started. But as with all things run by the U.S. government, that noble enterprise very quickly morphed into a murky amalgam of CIA run color revolutions, extensive funding of
Starting point is 00:06:32 shadowy NGOs and with bland names, but dark objectives, you know, the usual fare of D.C. insider kickbacks and grifts and all that stuff. um look i'm sure it managed to do some helpful things over time and maybe still does but it mainly was operating in a stick mode versus carrot mode as it was enforcing u.s interests abroad okay um it got dark all right a simple idea usaid morphed into a 10 000 person organization with a 40 billion dollar budget but actually spent 70 billion last in 2022 i think i don't even know what it spent last year, 23. I don't know. It spent a lot, huge amounts of money, giant. So enter Trump and Elon Musk. And this is the most astonishing of all possible headlines you could wake up to. This is being recorded here
Starting point is 00:07:20 on February 3rd, 2025. So this is what I, this is what I woke up to this morning. It says here, quote, in the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Agency for International Development closed its headquarters to agency personnel on Monday following moves by Elon Musk's Department of Governmental Efficiency hereafter called DOGE to exert control over the foreign aid organization. An email to USAID personnel said the move was taken by agency leadership. They put that in quotes. The message said that replies should be directed to an email address that appears to be associated with Gavin Klieger, whose LinkedIn profile identifies him as a special advisor to the director of the OPM.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Ah, the Office of Personnel Management who works for Doge. What? At the direction of agency leadership, the Office of Personnel Management, who works for Doge. What? At the direction of agency leadership, the USAID headquarters at Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C. will be closed to agency personnel on February 3rd, the email states. And Klieger and Doge didn't respond to requests for comment. All right. So this is a big deal. Boom, right?
Starting point is 00:08:24 If you're worried that there's fraud in an accounting department, say it's your company, you know, you don't send them an email and say we're worried about fraud. You have security. March in. Tell everyone, stand up. Leave the room because you don't want to give the fraudsters any chances. You know, clean the files. So this is Trump and Elon's way of saying they think there's some real dirt here at USAID, which they want exposed. OK. I agree. But that means it's game on.
Starting point is 00:08:51 The deep state has been identified and USAID was like the left ventricle of that beating dark heart. Right. This is a lot happened through this particular organization. So let's continue on with that Wall Street Journal article here. And and look at this. It's a coup, said a current USAID official. OK, look, I guess nobody was willing to go on record. All they could get was an unnamed official. Right. And that's a weak mode of journalism. Remember, we all got accustomed to it. It used to be you never had unnamed sources. Now it's like every time. But it's weak. It's really weak. So, hey, Michael Gordon, Ken Thomas, Alexander Ward and the editors at The Wall Street Journal.
Starting point is 00:09:37 This is weak mode. We don't appreciate it anymore. If you want to have somebody give a quote, then name them. That would be great, particularly if they happen to be a public official. That means they work for the public. They don't have any requirement or need for anonymity. Okay? They should be able to go on record with something like this. It's a coup.
Starting point is 00:10:00 All right. Now, from my perspective, the coup actually happened back when JFK was shot and nobody was held to account. And ever since it's been one long, unbroken string of D.C. swamp creatures doing unspeakable things for fun and profit. Right. OK, so, yes, there has been a coup, but it's not the one this unnamed official is alluding to and complaining about. It was one that happened a long time ago. So now, as a reminder, again, that government, the government, it's supposed to serve we, the people, the public. And and be responsible, both responsible and accountable to we, the the public now the usaid folks they're aghast that suddenly the public might take a peek at what they've been up to and uh and find out that maybe it wasn't what anybody
Starting point is 00:10:54 thought and the results are really not pretty i mean i doubt most people even knew that usaid even existed but um those who've been tracking this for a while had known there's a real like i said heart of darkness kind of stuff going on there. So the USAID gave money lavishly to support, say, oh, this violent mobs all over the globe, in this case in Africa, as Mike Benz is revealing here, so that they could collect no show job salaries while striking and doing street protests that USAID wants in a region. So that's what they did. The military, under Joe Biden and Mark Milley, openly plotted to incite race riots in Africa and then use USAID to swoop in and give striking protesters no-show jobs on the U.S. taxpayer dime so they could keep getting paid while striking and protesting in the streets.
Starting point is 00:11:44 You know, if you want to influence a country a little bit, you think, well, we're not happy with its leadership. Write an op-ed and explain to everybody with words, and maybe those words will catch on. But this whole idea of using taxpayer money to fund mobs, it's gross. It feels terrible. I would not want that to happen to me in my own country i guess it did already um very likely i'll bet you i'll bet you a big pile of money i'll bet
Starting point is 00:12:13 you big pile big pile uh that if we dig in further we're gonna find u.s taxpayer money probably funneled through usaid and some ngo cutouts somehow ended up in the coffers of BLM or other places. Like these were AstroTurf riots that were happening. Remember our fiery but mostly peaceful protests? Look at that record. It looks like Mogadishu at its worst back there. And it's like, this is America. So this gross stuff that USAID had been doing to other countries,
Starting point is 00:12:44 for some reason in the context of COVID, they decided it was OK time to turn that inward and use those same tricks here in the United States. I am offended that my taxes had to go to funding my own country's destruction. It's gross. It needs to stop. OK, so at any rate, remember, you know, it's not that that's gross. But remember, look, I'll bet a huge amount of money that it gets even worse than this, because we remember we had a FOIA document dump recently. It just came out in August of twenty twenty four that revealed that the USAID had been what? Oh, you know, a hotbed of funding child sex trafficking, labor abuse and uttering social media threats.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And that's just what they found out about. So Jason Leopold out of Bloomberg FOIA found all this stuff. And it turned out that they'd been sort of uncovering this stuff for a long time. You know, but I mean, besides those things that USAID is doing, how do you like USAID, Mrs. Lincoln? Right, to paraphrase that old saw about Mrs. Lincoln at the play. This is what we already knew. And that's Samantha Powers, right?
Starting point is 00:14:02 And she's just, I mean she's just running a nasty ship. But that's who these people are. That's who's being exposed. That's what's on the chopping block right now to figure this out. Okay. I mean, full stop. This is morally repugnant right here. Okay?
Starting point is 00:14:19 All right. Well, now let's carry on because here we find out from Aubrey Starbuck that the USAID essentially functions as one of many laundering money laundering machines for Democrats in D.C. That would include Sam Bankman Freed's effective altruism, FTX and all that. First, activists create an obscure NGO. That's a nongovernmental organization. Dems fund it lavishly. The NGO does the bare minimum or actively hurts the United States. Activists get paid and donate to Dems. That's the money laundering machine. OK, not only that, but USAID helped spread their gender ideology nonsense and brought millions of illegals into our country.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And again, we paid for that. We, you as a taxpayer in the United States paid for the benefit privilege, courtesy of having your own jobs be underbid and rental properties, prices driven up by migrants, illegal migrants who these NGOs brought in. So Robbie writes, that's why Democrats are freaking out about the possibility the USAID being shut down by President Trump because, well, it needs to be done, of course. Right now, carrying on with that Wall Street Journal article, then from the same article, we see this totally appropriate quote by Elon Musk. He said Musk said earlier Monday, quote, that Trump agreed with him that USAID should be closed, telling a live audience on social media site X that he went over it with him in detail and he agreed we should shut it down.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Musk said at the same time that the administration was closing the agency because, get this quote, we dug into USAID and as we did so, it became apparent that what we have here is not an apple with a worm in it but we actually just have a ball of worms perfect there is no apple he says when there is no apple you just got to basically get rid of the
Starting point is 00:16:15 whole thing that's why it has to go it is beyond repair yep end quote no apple just a ball of worms right in the real world sometimes it's just a little bit faster and cheaper you just got to start over sometimes you don't try and make something that's beyond repair you know better by pouring more resources into it you just burn it down you start over okay that's how it is so if i was a usaid staffer right now, if I was one of those 10,000 people there, I'd be spiffing up my CV, my resume, while thinking of Elon's first arrival at the Twitter building back when he bought it. Yeah, let that sink in. Okay, right? And ended up firing over 80% of its existing staff while keeping the whole thing running smoothly.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Now, you think he's going to be any different when it comes to tearing apart USAID? Mm-mm. Now, this is exactly what a majority of people voted for in 2024. Exactly. Exactly. That. This moment, but taken elsewhere. And it's happening now. And that's incredible.
Starting point is 00:17:30 But some people, like Elizabeth Warren, have not managed to get that memo yet. She writes here, quote, No one elected Elon Musk. As Donald Trump allows Musk to access people's personal information and shut down government funding, Republicans in Washington
Starting point is 00:17:44 will also own the consequences. We must do everything in our power to push back and protect people from. In quote. Yeah, hyperbolic and all the panicking and all that. So Liz Warren is probably just like a low layer of management in a larger deep state permanent apparatus. And she's been there a long time. She clearly turned to the dark side. She doesn't want our children to be healthy.
Starting point is 00:18:06 She's against RFK Jr. getting the bottom of the autism and the obesity and the type two diabetes and the metabolic disorders. She doesn't want him to get to the bottom of poisons in our foods. She wants all that to continue, of course, because she benefits from it. And it's that gross. We are surrounded by people who have been so far off the reservation of common sense and decency for so long that to them, this feels like normal territory and behavior. But this really isn't. This just isn't. And by the way, Elizabeth Warren, we did elect
Starting point is 00:18:42 Elon Musk. We saw it. We knew that he was part of the team. Trump promised he was going to do this. He laid out his plans. People voted for it. And now it's happening. And if you were really worried about people being harmed. I have some questions about that. We'll get to those in just a second now. So. Oh, yeah, but who else is worried about this chuck schumer he's not getting the memo trump's been purging and intimidating usaid employees he says now there's a rumor he'll dissolve usaid as an independent agency it was created by jfk and established in law to further our national security and spread hope does that include what kind of hope talking about here, Chuck? You mean that was it the child trafficking part?
Starting point is 00:19:30 Or was it the color revolutions? Which part of hope is that that you think it's spreading? This would be illegal, he says, and against our national interest. Now, whether or not it's against national interest would be a point of opinion, but that it's illegal is not. It was created by executive order. It can be uncreated by executive order, as far as I understand it. Chris Murphy out of Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:19:50 This guy, this guy is just insanely got Trump derangement syndrome very badly. But, you know, that's for him to deal with. He writes, hearing that Trump is about to double down on the constitutional crisis, a president cannot eliminate an appropriated federal agency by executive order. That's what a despot who wants to steal the taxpayers money to enrich his billionaire cabal does. OK. All right, Chris, settle down, because as we're about to see, there's a lot going on here that is not really good. Now, Liz Warren worrying here and all these people worrying about unelected people doing things that might cause harm to people, well then why did none of these people,
Starting point is 00:20:33 why were they all completely silent about the fact that USAID funneled tens of millions of dollars of direct money support to a Chinese research scientist working on coronaviruses who ended up being patient zero. Okay, that would be an incredible thing to look into, right? Hmm. It turns out that USAID funneled up over $40 million in taxpayer support to a scientist, Ben Wu here, who was working on coronavirus emergence and that they funneled this money all the way up and through until 2019.
Starting point is 00:21:14 So that's just crazy, right? Absolutely crazy. Like, really, that's where we're at? So look, what's Liz? What's Chuck? What's Chris? What are those three people worried about i just and there's a lot more besides what what are they worried about they're worried that elon's going to poke around in the usa id files and he's going to discover or discover that that some of their pet disbursement schemes um are going to come under scrutiny and people are going to go wow that's terrible i mean there's there's a huge amount to unpack right around this right we're gonna we're gonna continue
Starting point is 00:21:48 poking and we're gonna unpack it the point is there's a revolution underway and trump is running it and um various odious dc swamp creatures are scurrying like cockroaches after the kitchen light has been flicked on the covid debacleacle. This all ties back to 2014, which, coincidentally, that's the same year in which Team Biden backdated Fauci and Hunter's pardons. That's very curious, of course. And that's the same year, again, coincidentally, that the USAID began funneling money into Wuhan and Ukraine's. BioLabs opened up in all the Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Color revolutions kicked off. Hmm. 2014. You know, again, if something is oddly specific, that's a key to look there. Those 2014 parts, man, I can't wait for all this to get unpacked because I'm this guy. COVID sucked. It was unleashed on us. And then the gas lit us and lied to us and hit it and then rammed all these other measures down our throats.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And they're going to keep doing that unless there's consequences. That's what we need. Consequences. And so you can see that that's what's happening. Now, I have part two of this we're going to carry on for my subscribers. I'm going to talk about a lot of this. But all I'm going to do is ask you, after looking all this is this have you planted a garden do you have plans to plant a garden i'm asking that because i'm asking are you ready because all of this is going to get really
Starting point is 00:23:16 bumpy folks the economy financial systems hey they might crash they might seize up we don't know what these deep state neocon people are going to do to try and protect themselves but they're capable of anything right if they feel like they have to detonate something to survive trust me they will they've done it before they'll do it again that's the wild card in all this and just why i continually beg plead cajole like please please please please please take steps to get resilient, to get prepared. That's what we talk about at Peak Prosperity all the time. And so that's what we're going to carry on. And we're going to talk about this in part two. We got to what's next.
Starting point is 00:23:54 We're going to talk about some scenarios. We're going to talk about how to navigate the Trump revolution because there's a lot more to come. And it's about time. It has been way too long that we've been putting up with all of this well frankly we've been treated poorly as a citizenry we've been treated like cattle we've been treated like animals farm stock we've been treated as if we were disposable and we've been treated as if we have to adhere to a very different set of rules from the so-called overlords, our rulers. We don't have rulers.
Starting point is 00:24:28 We have a democracy. We have a constitutional republic if we can get back to it. That's what's at stake. This is foundational. We truly have a chance here to make America great again. But we're going to have to get back to the most foundational things of all. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. We're going to get back to the most foundational things of all life liberty the pursuit of happiness we're going to get back to that that's where we're going but to get there the first thing that has to happen
Starting point is 00:24:52 is you got to dismantle the machinery that's clearly defective and what we just saw elon musk do in writing into the opm which Personal Management, and now USAID, is exactly what you do when you're trying to rescue a company, a country, and its agencies are no different. It's the same thing. It's a group of people who need to be organized to be effective to serve whatever their mission happens to be. If it's making money, if it's making rockets, if it's making the world safe, better, and more prosperous. Washington, D.C. lost the plot line. They're kicking and screaming. They're very unhappy at being called out about it. They liked it the way it was. Everybody in power, Democrat, Republican, I don't care, who's voting to keep things the way they were, is an enemy of the people of the
Starting point is 00:25:39 United States and of our future, our future prosperity, our children both born and unborn. With that, I'm Chris Martinson signing off for now. Let's discuss this, but this is big. Thank you.

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