Peak Prosperity - Where Were The Two Local Snipers When Trump Was Shot?
Episode Date: August 15, 2024We are now at the heart of the case. Unraveling the locations and actions of the two ‘overwatch’ snipers will determine the trajectory of this case. Why they weren’t on the roof? Why did Greg Ni...col leave his post? How it was possible for Secret Service to have such a different version of events about the AGR protection detail?
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One of the most puzzling parts of the Trump assassination attempt investigation has been what were those two local snipers doing who had overwatch responsibility for the roof that Crooks was found dead on at the end.
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and exclusive subscriber-only content. Hello, everyone. I'm Dr. Chris Martinson. I'm here with Peak Prosperity, and we're here with
a citizen's investigation, one of many. And today we're talking about the inexplicable
actions of the local counter snipers. I think this is the linchpin. I think this is the nexus.
We have to understand this. This is where everything went wrong. And I'm going to
make that case today. So let's start here. Remember the shots rang out. The first shots
fired at 6, 11, 33. Okay. And so at 6, 13 and 23, Oh, one second. I have to get mine.
Didn't have my side monitor on, so i can't see what you're seeing now i can okay um so at uh 6 13 23
greg nickel appears for the first time and let's play this now here's what's bizarre to me about
this um he's supposed to have been in the overwatch position but he wasn't apparently but
maybe he was and then he comes out and he comes out looking like a guy
who's coming out of a 7-Eleven. You can imagine a slushie in his hand, maybe a hot dog. He's
looking for his car to see what's going on. He just walks off. Okay. This is why this is bizarre
to me. First, he must know that at a minimum, he screwed up royally, right? So my first instinct,
if I'm Greg and I happen to be in that building right there that he walked out of, which is the very one that Crooks is found dead on the roof on, is the one we hear what appears to be eight shots coming from the roof of.
That's a racket, okay?
If you're down in the building and you hear eight shots going off over your head, oh no, right?
I'm going to personally, I'm going to be like, sphincter moment and run back to my post and look out the window and then I'm going to radio into everybody.
Oh, yeah. So subjects down here on the south end of the AGR complex on the roof.
That would be what that would be a normal behavior.
Instead, Greg waits a minute and 50 interminable seconds after those shots are fired.
And then he just wanders out.
He doesn't like come out like not knowing if there's more shooters out there.
What kind of is he walking into a war zone?
He's walking out like a guy who's positive the action is over.
I don't know how he knows that.
I'm sure he has a radio and the radio is said shooter down.
But how does anybody know there isn't two shooters, right?
It's just an inexplicable thing.
How do you know that the guy who's dead on the roof does not have a partner or partners?
You wouldn't. You would not know that. So it's just weird to me as we watch Greg,
you know, just sort of saunter out of this building. His gun's at the low. He's not coming out like looking. He doesn't look particularly observant. He doesn't look like he's like, oh,
hey, what? You know, there's no he doesn't look up where the shooting came from, which would be
my normal instinct. You know, find out where I am, what's up where the shooting came from, which would be my normal instinct.
You know, find out where I am, what's going on.
He just sort of wanders off.
Okay, that's a little odd.
And I don't know how to account for that.
Because for a minute and 50 seconds, he must be in there.
And I've watched this tape very, very, very carefully.
I can't see him peeking out the windows, you know.
He's just in the building and then just opens the door and saunters on out i find that odd now equally odd it's just a little bit later here now we're at 6 14 and 56 so we'll
call that 6 15 or ish and you're gonna watch greg go up and try and open the door to get back in but
it's a self-locker and then uh this uniformed officer over here, he comes up, gives it a pretty good hard
tug. Now at my site, somebody mentioned, I'm so sorry, I forgot who mentioned this, but it's a
great observation, which is sometimes those self-locking doors tend to wear out over time.
This whole facility feels a little worn down to me. There's even an old TV antenna, the old
kind on, I mean, this this is old so sometimes when they
wear out over time if you give them a good hard jerk you can defeat its locking mechanism so maybe
that's what happened so let's watch what goes on here but first Greg nickel walks up and he's
going to try the door you'll see the door yeah he tries both sides there's two handles didn't work
but he just gave him kind of like those little shaky tugs.
And then we're going to see this other officer walk over here, and he's the guy who's going to tug it pretty good, and it opens.
And what's going to be fascinating is Greg is going to have wandered all the way back over to here,
and when this guy opens it, uh-oh, here comes Greg.
Hey, hold on, guys. Hold on. Wait, whoa.
I want to be in first.
So he's first back in for some reason. I've seen that. Where have I seen that behavior before?
Oh, that's right. I'm a father. When my kids were young and you'd ask them, hey, did you clean your room?
They'd say, yeah. And then you'd start walking towards the room.
They would beat you to the room and get in there and close the door maybe, you know, finish the cleaning job.
I mean, it's just I'm getting guilty vibes off of this and i don't know why i mean there could be
lots of so-called innocent reasons for him being a little guilty which is like maybe he comprehensively
effed up at his job and he's he's just you know in you know some sort of panic mode to figure out
how he's going to um cover that up i don't know i don't know but there's something off about
this so let's keep going to see what we can find now fascinatingly there was congressional testimony
by the state police i think it's a colonel uh paris he was lieutenant colonel can't remember
um anyway this guy paris says hey those two sniper guys who were in charge of that overwatch building
that had a perfect view of the roof line that
crooks ultimately is suspected of taking those eight shots from and i'm saying suspected because
i still don't know was that gun fired do the casings match uh it was a residue on crooks
and none of that's been released normal ordinary basic usual stuff has not yet been released to us
so we're going to have to use words like allegedly and suspected until it's confirmed.
For now, the idea that Crooks took all eight shots with that weapon from that spot
is in what I call yellow evidence territory.
It'll become data once we actually get some actual confirmation that it's true.
Weird that we're at this point. So let's listen. And
this is the district attorney for Butler County, Richard Goldinger. Here's what he says about that
same testimony. The Pennsylvania State Police Colonel, he testified yesterday and said that
they left. Right. He's wrong. He's wrong about that. He's wrong about that. Because he said
that they when they spotted him, that they left to go look for him and that's why the roof wasn't covered.
No, that's not true.
They stayed where they were.
They could not see where he was located when he was on the roof.
Their vantage point was they would literally have to have been leaning out the window looking over to where he was located.
But they were still where they were supposed to be. And they just they couldn't get they couldn't
find him. He had walked around the building and they had called it in. So they didn't leave their
posts. I don't know why he said that. But I mean, that was a pretty serious thing to say to Congress.
Well, yeah, it was. And I'm not saying he wasn't telling it.
And maybe he was told that and that's what he believes happened. But that's not that's not what happened. They did not leave.
They just couldn't see where he was from where they were.
The vantage point did not permit them to to see where he was shooting from. Okay, a lot of problems with this.
First, we know for a fact that Greg left his post because he wandered out of that building
a minute 50 seconds later.
If you are the snipers in charge of a spot, you don't just wander off of that because
something happened and there's more action and you got to wander outside.
So we know he left his post.
We know he did.
A minute 50 seconds at the latest, he's that that door and he's not at his post
so did somebody tell him it was okay to wander out like did they need another guy wandering around
with a weapon drawn i mean was uh it's hard to imagine under what circumstance you would actually
walk off of your sniper post where you had perfect oversight of that roof line to come down and open
a door and ultimately get yourself locked out of the building you desperately want to get back into.
It's all a little fishy.
I think Richard Goldinger has the story wrong.
He might have been fed a load of crap, and he's going to have to backtrack on that, and here's why.
This is the FPOTUS.
This is an after-action Beaver County put-together together its own after-action report that came out shortly afterwards.
This is from the Grassley materials you'll see down there. Charles Grassley had put all this in there.
It's blacked out, so I don't know who's under those black names, you know, the redacted portions.
We'd love to know, but we can figure it out from here.
And actually, we've been able to piece it together anyway because they didn't black out enough uh as i'll show you in just a second so at six o'clock they said 1800 that six o'clock
blank said to blank unsure of direction of travel so we know from other texts we have that that
short piece of black right there cover up tape that is nickel said to somebody else unsure of the direction of travel. A prox suspect at 1805-605, approximate suspect at picnic tables. Okay, that was on the north and west side of the whole complex. That's the picnic table. that has backpack communicated by um nickel that's going to be nickel so that size of p little black
piece of tape is nickel when you see that little that length that when you're doing this blackout
stuff you got to be careful because sometimes the blackout length gives you some clues so that's
nickel and then under that butler sniper stayed in place original position now this is important
because greg nickel is beaver county the but Butler sniper stayed in place at the original position.
But at 1805, this implies that the Beaver sniper
did not stay in place at the original position.
This is from their own Beaver County after action report.
And Greg is a sniper with Beaver Countyaver county okay so this is their own official
like they don't just sort of make stuff up oh dude assassination attempt on the president let's just
be vague and sloppy you know they're going to do everything they can to be accurate without giving
too much away right that's how this this the cya has already begun and And then look at this, 1806, 606 to 612.
That little short black piece of tape, which we think corresponds well with nickel,
goes downstairs to Building 1 to meet patrol to let them know suspect is around building on site of fairgrounds.
Now, it's important to note, they numbered the buildings the way they wanted to.
We're calling it Building 6.
What we call Building 6, they have marked clearly on their maps as Building 1.
And on their maps, they were in Building 2.
Okay, that's the two-story building adjacent and connected, sort of, through a causeway, a breezeway, to what they're calling Building 1.
So I hate that we have to call it, is it Building 1, Building 6?
Same thing.
Okay, so Nickel goes downstairs at 8.06 806 he goes downstairs so remember here's the
timeline they've been planning for weeks they have all these pre-meetings they show up at the site at
11 o'clock this day 11 o'clock in the morning they're getting prepped they're doing everything
they're communicating they're getting it all set up, the crowds start arriving. At 6.03, Trump goes on the stage.
At 6.06, Greg Nichols is like, you know what would be a good idea?
If I left my post.
Nobody leaves their post.
So the line of questioning here for those who are investigating who have the authority
to ask this sort of a question, you need to understand, Greg, why did you abandon your
Because that's what it's called if you leave your post without permission if you didn't abandon
your post who gave you permission to leave your post and then we take that person if he got
permission and we start asking them some questions because we got questions okay so but 1806 to 1812
nickel goes downstairs of building one to meet patrol to let them know suspect is around
building on side of fairgrounds now why do you have to go downstairs to meet patrol don't you
have this thing called a radio hello how's this thing work right um yeah i've got a suspect
long hair glasses about 20 gray shirt tan khaki pants light colored tech khaki pants yeah west side of
building two right if you're using their terminology two all right and then and then
they note here somewhere in there one marked vehicle and an unmarked vehicle pulling together
now we've seen that fortunately we have that one of those the marked vehicle has got a dash cam
and we've been analyzing that dash cam in fact when you just saw greg come out of the building
and then race back in that's from the dash cam from that marked vehicle that wheeled in
came in at 1809 and by within two minutes that one unmarked patrol guy had managed to find
crooks on the roof when all these other people were leaving posts and spinning around and not
doing stuff there's something very wrong with this story and you know it.
So carrying on, this is fascinating to me.
August 9th, United States Senate.
This is from Grassley via electronic transmission to Mr. Ronald Rowe, the acting director of
the U.S. Secret Service says, Dear Acting Director Rowe, on July 30th, 2024.
So July 30th, 2024. So July 30th. OK, so that's two full weeks
and a few days after the shooting. You testified before a joint Senate committee on the Judiciary
and Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearing examining the assassination
attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13th, 2024. During the hearing,
you presented a picture not previously provided to Congress from the second floor of the AGR
building and stated, quote, with it, a quote, this point of view is the point of view where
the counter sniper team locally was posted. The gold arrow indicates where the shooter
fired from. Looking left, why was the assailant not seen?
When we were told that the building was going to be covered.
When we were told the building was going to be covered.
So they told us.
We asked them.
They said, oh yeah, that building's covered.
That there had been a face-to-face that afternoon.
The other team disputes that.
That our team leads met.
This was the view.
So Secret Service is recently, as July 30th, is saying, look, we met with these guys.
We met with them again.
Our team leads met.
They told us they were going to cover this building.
And now we have the local people saying we never met and they never told us to cover that building roof.
Obviously, if you're in charge of this building, though, dudes, local guys, covering that roof is clearly, obviously, obviously, retardedly your job. Okay. So
somebody is not being real honest with something here. And I don't like that because I can smell
BS quickly and it's going on. But at any rate, you can see here, uh, Grassley's a little confused.
He's like, Hey, I see you're throwing the local guys under the bus.
You give us a picture.
You take a picture out of that window, one of the windows that they were covering,
and you said, yeah, look, this shooter would have been right there,
which is an obvious point.
It's a fair point.
Honestly, if the Secret Service thought these guys had this roof in the bag
and they told them to have this roof in the bag and they had met with them.
And then these guys did not have the roof in the bag. That's a problem.
OK, that's why so much hinges on this part for this investigation, because this is where the failure happened.
Now, carrying on from that same grassy letter to acting director Rowe, this is just page two of six.
He says here, quote, as part of my ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination,
my investigative staff communicated with local law enforcement to include counter snipers who
were on site that day. So they talked with the counter snipers. Good move. Local law enforcement
dispute the angle of the picture that you provided during your testimony. Yeah, that's a bad angle man what is this some kind of aging starlet in hollywood
saying you got my bad side dude bad angle just anyway stating the picture you provided
neither accurately depicts their line of sight and coverage area from their position in the building
nor their physical placement within the building yeah we weren't even there
dude local law enforcement assert their true physical location was the following and they
said oh look they circled these two little windows over here but ah here's the error i love errors
because now we know that the beaver sniper is nickel no black tape over that one see that gotcha good okay butler sniper is somebody else
who we still don't know for some reason that person has been just woefully missing from every
single i'm it's just i've been trying hard i still don't know who that is so if you know
let me know and of course this back here is the ac unit that crooks was seen to climb up on this
is the whole roof line that we now have multiple camera angles of him running across.
I think here's where he threw his backpack, clunk, and then climbed up, clunk, put his
backpack back on, continued running, dropped out of view, came back up, and then was over
And then, of course, he came back to this point right about here as his back is turned
to the viewers from over here under this tree, he turns his back over and then he's doing something we assume reassembling his rifle which
was taken apart and put into his backpack in two pieces okay but gotcha beaver sniper is now nickel
okay now we can orient on this story by the way page three of six of the grassley letter to
directing row these were some pictures that were provided.
We've had them for quite a while, but I'm going to bring them back as irrelevant to this story.
OK, so here we have this. I don't know what this thing is. It's it's got a scope on it.
Right. It's obviously got a collapsible stock in a pistol grip for stock here.
And then I don't know what the rest rest i think one guess is this is a really
bizarre very weird uh suppressed thing it could be a a short suppressed rifle but that's not a
typical sniper rifle that's kind of a really close quarter i mean if you only thought you
were shooting out i don't know 100 yards maybe but that's not typical sniper range alternatively
it's it's a true sniper rifle that they haven't installed the barrel in,
because if they did, then the barrel's sticking out the window, and even though the window's open,
and then they can't, like, get close to the window, and if they're all the way back because
their barrel's on there, now you can't see so much because, you know, you got to get up closer
to be able to see a little more. I don't know. But they showed these two pictures. This is second
floor west window, and this is the first floor on the south. It's on the South, but it's on the West side of the building. That's why I
called it Southwest window. So here, let me show you what I'm talking about now from a region from
KDKA CBS news, Pittsburgh, they, they were reviewing all of this and you can see here,
they said the local tactical snipers, this was their duty area here as they put it um this is that second story west
window we just talked about and i believe this is going to be the first story window so i'm pretty
sure they were in this room right here which has these three windows here and then they were in
this one but as we'll see they were actually in other rooms and this is where the story really begins to fall apart for the locals or for Secret Service, somebody.
So I find it not even remotely plausible that Secret Service did not debrief the locals even as late as more than three weeks later, carrying on with the grassy letter to Director Rowe, acting Director Rowe, he says here, as of August 9th, 2024, this is just astonishing to me,
ESU have told my staff that Secret Service had not met with them to debrief the events of July 13th.
What are you talking about, Willis?
This is crazy, really.
So July 13th to the July 20th to the 27th.
Now we get it. It's almost a month later. It's just a little over three weeks.
Closing in on four that they haven't talked to him yet.
Here's the thing with with incidents like this. You got to talk to people immediately because things get vague.
They start misremembering. They start start sharing stories they can't remember their story it's just part of being human is you know that after an event happens you got to get the the
testimony from people as soon as possible asap asap
uh carrying on grassley said this type of meeting should be standard even more so before you are sworn in and provide testimony to Congress.
Even more so before you come here and tell us lots of things.
It would be good if you knew those things because you had done your job.
It's very polite the way Grassley's putting this.
He's a man of decorum.
This type of meeting should be standard even more so before you're sworn in and
provide testimony to congress um grassley reminds me of my grandfather my grandfather was a man of
substance and character like that he was a banker in upstate new york a little small a regional
banker president of the whole thing and he said there was this time when an old college roommate
came up and knocked on his door and he didn't really like the guy.
And so the guy knocks on the door and says, Arthur, surprise, you know, and are you glad to see me?
And my grandfather said, I am both pleased and surprised, but just a little bit more surprised than pleased.
That's the kind of burn you get right there that's a grassy i
think grassing my grandpa would have got along fine this type of meeting should be standard
even more so reginald or ronald rowe before you were sworn in and provide testimony okay
unfortunately this further points to the communication issues that are in part to
blame for that day that seemingly continue to plague the secret service.
So that's implausible to me that they're just like, oh, yeah, three weeks, four weeks late,
whatever. We haven't we haven't really gotten around to talking to them yet about this,
about the largest failure in four decades since Ronald Reagan was shot, like worst failure in our
organization's history. We just thought, you you know why not be lackadaisical about
that it's just implausible okay uh and then moreover writes charles grassley on august 8th
2024 additional body cam footage and audio were released which show a town butler township police
officer stating i effing told them they needed to post the guys effing over there. I told them that.
The Secret Service, I told them that effing Tuesday.
I told them to post effing guys over here.
So we've reviewed that tape before, and the guy's worked up, and it's just the moments
after the shooting, and he's mad.
And he should be mad.
It's just like such a colossal failure.
Like, how do we not have a guy on that roof, right?
Grassley writes, quote, were you aware of this body camera's footage before your July 30th congressional testimony?
If not, why not? If you if so, did you review it in advance of your testimony regarding the reported statement from the Butler Township officer?
Describe in detail, please, the Tuesday meeting that occurred with Secret Service. In addition, list all local, state, and federal personnel meeting present at that meeting.
Provide all records and precisely answer whether the statement from the Butler Township officer is accurate and accurate representation of events.
There shouldn't be this much confusion over any of this stuff.
And, of course, it's completely implausible.
So, let's have our word definition of the day. Plausible adjective. Having an appearance of truth or reason seemingly worthy
of approval or acceptance. Credible. Believable. A plausible excuse. A plausible plot. Yeah,
it has to be credible, has to be believable. I don't believe this. i don't believe this i don't believe this i don't believe any of
it this is a good old-fashioned cover-up and we're in the thick of it and that's why we keep doing
what we're doing now i have to talk about all of this back at peak prosperity with my subscribers
again we're going to be talking about this is all part and parcel something i'm calling the great
rebalancing right and the true battles right now are being fought with ideas.
Once you lose the idea war, then that thing in yellow, that's what comes next.
When I talk about the battlefield, the most important battles are fought before those things start flying around down there in yellow. So we have to do everything we can. And part of
that is why I spent so much time on the Trump investigation, because this is, it's, no,
if we let this go, if we just sort of let this recede off, we've lost the idea that we have a right to the truth. We've lost the idea that we
can demand plausible. Accountable. Actions from our leaders, if we don't, we just admit, oh,
it's old feudal times and the king can do it every once, like prima nocte, every time Ronald Rowe gives testimony. Bend over, folks. It's awful. And so that's why
we have to fight what we fight. We say, no, this is how we win. We say, time out. No, no, no, no,
you can't get away with complete BS. Sorry, not going to fly. And it's our right to be able to
say that. And that's what has to happen is we have to reclaim our rights as people, as citizens. And
so that's why I do what I do.
Now, I would invite you to join Peak Prosperity.
Here's your testimony of the day.
Just came in from, cut off the L, but Larry the Logger, he's been with me a while.
He says, quote, look at this.
I'm some doofus retired in Oklahoma.
Larry's no doofus.
Great guy.
Who, because I found Chris during the housing crisis in 08, I've been at this a while,
watched several times the long version of the crash course, which everybody should do, and found a source of news,
real news, real truth seeking. Yep. Fast forward, I have front row seats watching the results of so
much hard work, so much talent creating the pathway to the truth about a very important
and critical event. I get to watch it unfold before the rest of the world hopefully finds out,
and that right soon.
I wish I could do more than watch from a distance and be helpful,
but I don't have the chops, and that's okay.
I get to be here to watch and learn and then take action,
and I can when the flood of information becomes common,
common knowledge, and Team Moloch has to go.
Sorry for the cavity-producing rant.
Totally awesome, Larry. Thank you.
But I am grateful I watched that first
Crash Course video in 2008,
and thanks, Chris. What I can do
and do often is pray for you and for
Evie and the amazing people
who do the chops, do have the chops to
investigate and find the truth. Like R.E.K. said,
it's all I'm looking for.
John, 1837
kick a brother thank you all right that's why i do what i do that we're in this together if you
don't like like there's a real battle going on now and when i talk about the great rebalancing
this is a spiritual battle at some level it's it It's one of the oldest stories in the book,
which is that sometimes people lose the plot line
and they go a little crazy.
And the way we get our way back to sanity
is by gathering our wits again,
coming out of that collective unconscious craziness.
I mean, you know, you're surrounded by crazy people.
I don't have to tell you that.
You know that.
The way you uncrazy that
is you surround yourself with the uncrazy people. And that's what I've assembled over at Peak Prosperity. And it looks like this. Here, Greg Smith, who you know is the guy who was wearing the bright red Trump hat with
the hair sticking out the top and gave the BBC interview, his wife was there recording,
and she recorded this really, really important video just moments before the shooting.
You can see there's two uniformed police officers over there.
They're looking for somebody.
Possibly one of them was the one who radioed at 6.06 that there's a guy on the roof wearing
white shorts.
There's a guy in gray shirt there in a white hat and white-colored pants pointing stuff out.
You see all these people wandering around.
Like nobody's listening to Trump, who's way over there, right?
They're all over here looking at something.
There's that much action going on.
So that's important because there's two things we can pull from that video that are really critical.
The first is that these windows are all open.
You have to squint a little here, but trust me, I've zoomed in,
and I hope you can see what I see here.
That little light thing right there is that window frame is open,
and so the sun is just right, it's just catching, nicking the top corner of that window frame.
So that's what that is.
And then if you look carefully, you can see this window frame is out as well,
and then this one also is catching, is nicking the light a tiny bit.
This one I think is in the shadow.
You can see the sun is hitting this vent stack, so this one's in the dark.
I don't believe this window is open.
But as well, when we advance a tiny bit, see in the in the film we see this is that west
window second floor that has that funkadoo is that a sniper rifle is that like a camo draped
spotting scope i don't know right um but that's would have been poking out of this window which
we see is open and here again we can see this window which is the same as this window is open
and here's the guy who's been
pointing out and here's a uniformed police officer so again here's what we can note about these
windows so this is a from the grassy materials this is a picture that was taken from inside that
sniper room this is that second story window we know that it's the west window because of this
tree and because of the aspect we can figure that out now This is I had windows like this in my life right they've got two latches here
You flip them up that unlocks the window you crank the crank and the window swings open like that
Okay, as well it has a screen on it
Which we can easily see the screen frame here, and this is the kind of screen
It's activated by these two little flippy tabs which if you've ever had them
They're a little frustrating and crappy, but they sort of work.
But it's like you flick them up and then the window comes out.
So to get the screen out would not be a huge problem.
I mean, if you're really worried about it and time was of the essence and you're a tactical
sniper kind of person, I trust you have a knife and you just poke your head right out
the screen.
But otherwise, they do come out pretty easily.
Alternatively, just punch it.
As a kid, once upon a time, I can tell you, punching through screens can happen.
Carrying on, this is from the After Action Report, the redacted report.
This is what they were giving us.
So at 1710, that's 510 in the afternoon, from their After Action Report,
they report that the Beaver county sniper is here
so that would be greg we now know and the suspect was first spotted right here and that's where they
took the picture out of the window and you see the crooks looking over his shoulder like that
and then they have um this green triangle which is the butler county sniper again we don't know
who this is yet now here's where it gets interesting.
In the Grassley report, again, this is from the letter to Acting Director Ronald Rowe.
He wrote here, this is from Grassley, quote, as part of my ongoing investigation into the attempted assassination, my investigative staff communicated with the local law enforcement to
include the counter snipers, which said um and before i've read
that part um and they said local law enforcement dispute the angle of your picture terrible you
got my bad side um that you provided your testimony within the building quote in yellow
local law enforcement assert their true physical location was the following and then this picture
was right below that i've inverted them in things so it just
fits in this frame but this picture is right below these words and here again we see beaver
sniper is nickel butler sniper has a longer name than nickel and they're asserting oh we were only
here i have a problem with that.
And the problem I have with that is that we can clearly see that these windows are also open.
So one of the things that you will hear is just axiomatic, never fail, can't be anything but true, is that you do not have open windows ever near where the president or former president or possible future president are going to be.
Any protectee that you care about, you're not going to have open windows 130 40 yards away maybe 150 by the back time we
get to the you're just not it's not going to be it's not a thing and even if the sniper was in
that room and they opened the window so they could see better well they shouldn't do that they should
be up on the roof because when you open the window think about what could happen you've set up a big
rifle you've got your spotting scope everything's good you're in there you've got that
window covered first you can't see shit because the window doesn't is like doesn't give you full
range of view um and second of all what if somebody uh baddie decided to come in and
pew pew shoot both of you now they are they are maybe with a suppressed weapon, and now you've just given them the keys to the kingdom.
They have a completely secure, open spot there
where they can take all the time in the world
and do whatever they want to do at that point.
So it's just not a thing to be having open windows.
If you have to have them, maybe,
but there's going to be really, really good solid communication channel
to make sure that that person is still a person
who's still in that room. You know, coded call
signs and secret passwords or
whatever and constant communication.
At any rate,
now we're supposed to believe
that not only did they have four windows
open with only two guys up there,
not only were they somehow mysteriously
only perched down at this end, but they opened
these windows and just left them open.
But at the all-critical moment from 6.06 to 6.12, Greg, beaver sniper, nickel, had left.
And left one guy, one butler sniper, in charge of all of these windows and everything.
It's implausible. It just doesn't make sense. And then at everything. It, I don't, it's implausible.
It just doesn't make sense.
And then at 6.05, okay.
Sorry, I didn't finish typing that sentence.
Ignore that.
This Elgin's, this aligns.
Anyway, this aligns with what Greg's earlier testimony.
So it's possible that Greg is the person who noted the suspect at the table at 6.05 and said that the direction of travel of the suspect is towards Sheetz.
It's true. Sheetz is over here-ish, up here-ish.
But obviously the direction of travel of the suspect was to the place he was going to climb on the roof.
So that means Greg, in order to see that, would have had to wander to this side of the building and was looking out of one of these windows and saw him there.
He noted him, was alarmed enough about this guy that he tracked him to here and then lost sight of him.
But this should have been a very clear, easy communication.
Suspect is on the west side of the AGR complex headed north.
That's it. That's all you need to say.
I'm not sure why say it headed to Sheetz because that's going to misdirect everybody to think oh let me go look at the gas station it's a it doesn't that that's an odd way to put it but okay people make mistakes
um i get it and then here uh at 606 to 611 remember butler county's da richard goldinger
said oh no they were both at their posts they just couldn't see anything right well on their own after action report here they note that from 606 to 611 they say here the
BCECU sniper went down here uniformed patrol meets like oh and they told us that earlier that that
Greg went down to meet with Uniform Patrol.
Now, the problem with this is, is we know that that Uniform Patrol wasn't there at 6.06.
They wheel in it at 6.09.
So unless there's some earlier meeting we don't know about, we know that at 6.09 is the first time that Uniform Patrol wheeled up.
And they must be talking about somebody other than dash cam guy
because this just doesn't fit at all um i don't know what this means so which uniform patrol did
he meet up with and what did they say and what did they talk about but here we have greg clearly
on their own after action report goldinger leaving his post who told him he could leave his post
what was so important that he had to say it face to face down here?
Remember, 603, Trump comes on.
606, Greg's like, I gotta go.
I guess the only way I could communicate with a uniformed patrol officer would be to walk down there and talk to him.
I don't have any other devices.
There's no other mechanism I can think of here to communicate what i need to
communicate that's bizarre and they leave the butler county sniper up here so who was that now
the washington post is doing just doing an incredible job here trying they say they got
this is a whole article you should probably read it it's down there came out on the 3rd of august
but they said that they had um transcripts of all the radio communications among the local cops.
So that would be a goldmine, obviously.
And the WAPO decides to, as usual, spin it all into this thing, which is kind of like,
oh, it's such a confusing moment.
Things just got lost in the tale.
This is really sloppy reporting.
This is deep state reporting, by the way, my friends.
This is the Washington Post attempting to make it just sound like they did their best,
but somehow somebody slipped through the cracks on this whole thing.
So here from this article, quote, At 6.02 p.m., the same local sniper who first radioed in the message about the range finder was on the second floor of the building owned by AGR International.
From a northwest window facing away from the rally site. He glimpsed that this would
be the northwest window right here on this side, just as speculated. He glimpsed the suspect again,
just as Trump was preparing to take the podium. So now this has changed. This is now at 6.02.
This changes the story entirely because it's 6.05, like they're indicating here
on their after action report.
Trump has already been on the stage for three minutes.
This is one thing, if Greg is over here abandoning his post, at least at a minimum, leaving to go see where the suspect is.
Here in the Washington Post, you can see the story.
They're starting to get the story tightened up a little, getting it tight.
That's why Secret Service, just as a pro tip, you want to interview these guys immediately afterwards, not a month later.
OK, just pro tip for you all.
But here now they're saying it's 6.02 and just as the Trump is preparing to take the podium, so he's going to get on the stage one minute later.
Quote, all right. Subject is in between the AGR building.
He has a backpack, says Sergeant Greg Nickel, a Beaver County sniper.
Nickel has been assigned to look out over the rally site from a window on the opposite side of the building.
But he had moved to look for the suspect, according to young Nickel's commander.
OK, carrying on, Nickel did not respond to requests for comment.
But in an interview, Beaver County District Attorney Nathan Bible, different from the guy we just saw, whose office oversees the county's tactical team,
so that settles a question I just had. So Richard Goldinger is going to be the Butler County,
and Nathan Bible is going to be the Beaver County, and so Nickel flows up through Beaver County,
so Nathan's going to be the guy running interference for him. He praised Nickel for moving within the building to look for Crooks,
calling it good old-fashioned police work.
He realized somebody needs to find the guy, Bible told the Post.
From his vantage point on the second floor,
Nickel was unable to discern where Crooks was headed, though the transcript shows.
Crooks was walking to the northeast, toward an area between two wings of the complex of warehouses.
That's important.
That's what you should say.
Last seen headed into the cubby, an alcove,
between two wings of the complex of warehouses.
The space was enclosed on three sides.
We call that a box canyon, a cul-de-sac, right?
But Nichol suggested Crooks was headed in the direction of a gas station
on the other side of the building.
He just went towards the sheets.
Nickel said, referring to the gas station a quarter mile away, that information quickly circulated.
The transcript shows.
Well, we're having to just swallow like whopper after whopper here.
Carrying on, the post says he's reportedly between the
buildings up here at agr somewhere a local officer on the channel so this is correct information
said at 606 now this is exactly when a uh we found out from the fbi's abate in testimony at congress
that they have a local security cam from a local establishment that sees crooks getting on the roof at 6.06.
So, this is from an officer on the east side because he says, I'm guessing the west side because east side looks clear.
So, we know he's on the west side.
We know he's over there.
We know that we have law enforcement over there.
We have uniformed officers.
We've got at least two plainclothes or undercover, depending on what they are, officers over there.
We've got assets on that west side, but somehow this amazing commando ninja kid
completely evaded all of that.
We have questions.
So someone's on the roof, a local radio officer radioed at 6.08 p.m.
I have someone on the roof with white shorts, and then that's that, right? And they know, they said, we do not have someone on the roof with white shorts and then that's that, right? And they know,
they said, we do not have assets on the roof. So they know there's somebody on the roof and it's
not them, right? And that's at 6.08. Now it's still three and a half long minutes after 6.08
before the first shots are fired. That's an instance to forever amount of time. And remember,
we're supposed to believe that the local officer who found him was a guy who was patrolling five minutes away heard something drove up wheeled right in and within
two minutes and found a kid on the roof with a rifle so the question becomes what exactly was
happening in that overwatch building where you have that perfect view perfect view anybody looking
out any one of those open windows let's get them back because this is just astonishing to me, right?
Any one of these open windows right here,
all you have to do, you don't even have to take the screen out.
You can just press your face up against the screen and go,
oh yeah, there he is, right?
It's totally viewable because it's not to the side.
It's in front and to the side.
Like you look out any one of those windows
and you can see that you can see him.
And nobody did.
How is this even possible?
Three minutes, three plus minutes.
We know there's somebody on the roof.
We know we're looking for somebody.
We're alarmed enough that we've left our post to go communicate about this guy.
And then the shooting happens.
And two more minutes after that, Greg Nickell finally wanders out of the
building, looking fairly unconcerned. So now, to round out this story, it's now much later. 1959,
we're coming on 20 hours, right, which is 8 o'clock. So the shooting happened at 6.11.
For some reason, by 8 o'clock, it's all over.
And this gentleman who's sitting on this table right here
wandered out of that door just about a minute earlier.
And now we're going to watch who comes out of this building
at 8 o'clock, pretty much on the dot.
Here's this guy. He's smiling at somebody.
Pretty cash. Hat backwards. he's smiling at somebody pretty cash, hat backwards
he's communicating with somebody
he's got a cell phone in his hand
he's sort of playing around with that
got this guy coming to frame
right here, he was just meeting
with a secret service guy earlier
the African American
guy with the rust colored pants
he was just meeting with that guy
and oh, here we go I guess this shift's over The African-American guy with the rust-colored pants. He was just meeting with that guy who just wandered in.
He was meeting with him.
And, oh, here we go.
I guess this shift's over.
It is time to leave.
So is that one of the other counter-snipers?
Is it one of these guys?
I don't think so.
They're just all plain clothes.
They've all skivvied out and dressed up.
Here's a canine unit.
Oh, there's Greg Nickel right there.
And look what he is carrying.
Oh, you see that?
And look at this guy now.
He knows Greg.
They're communicating.
They're chummy.
Yeah, they talk to each other.
And off they go.
So let's look at this real quick.
So I'm wondering if one of these people is Sniper 2.
And I'm wondering if it's one of those guys walking out right now.
Or if it doesn't happen to be that guy sitting on the table and the reason for that is because um well first
we noticed that that greg he doesn't have that that he's not carrying that goofy little short
rifle we saw that my friends that is a proper long sniper rifle big old beefy beautiful scope
it's got looks like um a suppression can on the front
and it's got a couple of folding tripod legs for the front so you can set that on your little
tripod and shoot it's not this thing over here that ain't it this is totally different uh so
they must have had this longer weapon up there because he's carrying it down now he's got
something else in his left hand i don't know what is, but it's something in a little soft case. Can't tell what it is.
But this guy, huh, is this Sniper 2 from Butler? Because first he greets Greg quite familiarly.
He's waiting for him to come out. He walks up, starts talking with him right away. He has really
hefty binoculars here. And that seems to be one of his main tools of the trade, which of course
in sniper teams, binoculars is one of your main tools of the trade and also he walked out of the
building exactly one minute before greg nickel came out so was that it was the duty post over
at the same time everybody's been living clearance to vacate so these guys are in the same unit okay
guys i guess it's all over here time to go home just remember to write everything down because
i'm sure the secret service is going to want to talk to you tomorrow at the latest and the FBI and all that.
So at any rate, I'm questioning maybe this is Sniper 2 and maybe he was in more of a spotter role, which would explain that Funkadoo spotting scopey thing, which would explain his big binoculars and all of that.
So conclusions for today. Where are we going with this? First, Greg Nichols,
his movements really need explanation.
His movements whereabouts,
highly suspicious.
We're going to need answers
to all of them that are credible.
What was Greg doing
for those two interminable minutes
between when the shots were fired
and him finally coming out of Building 6?
Which is another typo there.
That's supposed to be BLDG6 not bdldg6 and what was the
other sniper doing like what were they doing like when shots like when everybody's like scrambling
around where is this guy and they're alarmed enough that you have a state cop standing on a
picnic table with his gun drawn looking at the roof line you finally have the beat cop the patrol
cop who wheels up and scrambles around and finds
him right away you have people looking for him there's radio chatter it's a big deal how is it
possible that greg didn't go oh you know it would be a great place to take a look at the roof
that that second story place where i'm supposed to be posted like we're supposed to believe that somehow it at 606 he left
to go talk with a patrol officer patrol guy and it was just down there and then while all
this stuff is chattering and exploding on the airwaves it didn't occur to him to go
maybe i should go back to my post and take a peek, you know? And, or what was even the second sniper doing?
Like, were they just like glued to the wrong window?
Like not looking out into the trees from their second floor,
not going to another aspect to see if they could scan the roof line.
It's just, this stinks to high heaven, everybody.
This is just all wrong.
There's something really, really wrong with this.
There's an EPD, but this ain't it.
There's something else going on here.
If Nickel was downstairs in building
six then who was manning his rifle because we just saw him come out with a big beefy rifle
you know what's going on with that rifle what where was it set up which room was it in was it
loaded did he just walk away and leave it there so that seems a little let's say out of protocol
and uh the butler da richard goldinger now he has a story that's inconsistent with the local let's say, out of protocol. And the Butler DA, Richard Goldinger,
now he has a story that's inconsistent
with the local after action report.
It's inconsistent with where we saw Greg walk out of.
It's inconsistent with everything.
So one of these two things needs fixing.
And so it's either Richard Goldinger's perception
of what happened,
or it's going to be the after action report.
One of these two things is wrong guaranteed okay
fine uh not finally one more thing is the idea is being floated that the local snipers they had no
view they had they just had no view from their positions that is absurd uh clearly the windows
were already open it's not like they didn't even have they'd press up they couldn't see out the
windows their windows were already cranked open and they opened to the right so they would have
had a clear view to the left because the windows cranked to the right. We've
established that. Okay. And if removing the screens was an issue, well, it's a tube tab removal. It's
a quick punch. It's a knife. The screens are not actually an impediment in this story. The fact
that there were three open windows facing Trump is a problem. Okay. It needs to be explained. It
needs to be explained in the context of exactly who was where and when and where were their weapons and what were they doing and on and on and on.
We have questions.
This is the weak point of the whole story right now, as far as I'm concerned, for them.
And we need to know exactly where everybody was, of course, who was north of that AGR fence line, right, which separated the AGR complex to the north, all the buildings.
Every law enforcement officer up there, every cell phone needs to be pinged, challenged,
tracked. We need to know where everybody was because this whole story, particularly on the
west side, how did Crooks slip through all those people? Because there was only 70 people over
there, maybe 80. It should not have been that hard to keep track of every single one of them. But somehow, Crooks slides off of a picnic table at either 6.02 or 6.05, depending on who we believe at this point in time,
and goes from there and scrambles onto a roof.
By the way, the place he scrambled on, he didn't look overly buff.
Crooks, a little judgment, didn't look like an Olympic gymnast, right?
So getting from a AC unit onto the roof, which has got a metal gutter thing on there,
and there's a pipe and you've got to grab it.
Listen, you've got a backpack, so you've got to throw the backpack up there probably.
You've got to scrabble up there.
It's just going to be awkward and noisy.
Just the whole idea that like
nobody saw that it's just a little hard to take it's implausible all right well with that i'm
going to turn now to the great rebalancing with my subscribers and it's important we've been having
some really ripping good conversations over there because so if you want to know what's happening in
the world and talk about it with other people who are not insane, come join the
tribe. We'd love to have you. With that, thanks very much, everybody. And thanks for contributing
to a citizen's investigation into the Trump assassination attempt.