Perfect Day with Jessica Knappett - EP34: Hannah George & Taylor Glenn (Drunk Women Solving Crime)
Episode Date: March 6, 2025Fellow writers, comedians and podcasters Hannah George and Taylor Glenn AKA Drunk Women Solving Crime join Jess this week to share their perfect days. Across these two very different days we the globe, become viral sensations, talk illiterate greyhounds, sausage fingers and beige carpet. Not in that order. Like and subscribe for brand-new episodes every Thursday. Follow us on Instagram @perfectdaycast. And, why not get in touch? Email us at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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All right then.
I've never in my life been like,
I couldn't eat five sausages right now.
Hello, Perfect Dayers. I'm Jessica Knappett and you are using the word girly unironically
and it has to stop.
Welcome to Perfect Day!
This week I'm joined by a couple of ladies who are incredibly well-versed in solving crime.
But today, just for us, they've taken a break from the crime and the drinking to help us get to the bottom of something else. The perfect days, obviously.
It's Hannah George and Taylor Glenn from Drunk Women Solving Crime. So that's right, today
we're tackling not one but two perfect days and boy, oh boy, do we cover a lot of ground.
Won't give too much away, but we do discuss the logistics
of having Cumberland sausages for fingers.
We talk illiterate greyhounds, we talk tinned pud,
beige carpet, not in that order.
There's a lot to chat about, so let's get into it, shall we?
This is Hannah George and Taylor Glenn's Perfect Days.
Why am I gonna put a bra on?
If I'm wearing a coat, that's perverse.
Alright then.
Hannah, George and Taylor, Glenn from Drunk Women Solving Crime. Welcome to Perfect Day.
Have you ever done a podcast sober?
Ooh, good question.
Of course we have Hannah.
Oh no, it's not a good question actually because yeah, I was pregnant for nine months so I
was doing Drunk Women.
Yeah, fair enough.
So I was only tipsy.
So you were only a bit, yeah, you were only a little bit laugh.
Just trick it easy.
Do you normally do podcasts though, just as yourselves being interviewed?
You're not like always insisting on solving a crime.
Yeah, we've done a few.
I find it like, I like being able to have a crime to sort of hide behind and a format
to hide behind.
But this is great. What I love about this podcast is it does have a format.
Yes, it does.
Do you know what I mean? It's not freewheeling. I mean, some of them are and they're brilliant.
It's as freewheeling as you want it to be. Believe me, sometimes we go down some horrendous
tanges. We enter Tange City and sometimes it can be a cul de sac and there's no going
back. We're going to have a great time. Looking forward to navigating both of your perfect days at the same time.
Yes. Yeah, that's pretty exciting.
I'm interested in how different they're going to be.
I'm embarrassed in advance because we haven't shared everything, but we shared enough that
I know mine is very expensive and Hannah's is all like, oh, I'm
so down to earth and I'm...
Yeah, mine's very real, actually.
This is so real.
Hannah's keeping it real.
So I'm going to be the asshole that's like, oh, she's the unlikable one on the podcast.
You have to have one and the other.
Yeah, great.
I'm ashamed.
Don't be ashamed yet.
There's going to be plenty of time for shame as we move through the day.
I'm just looking forward to hearing how different you are.
Obviously, you guys have known each other for a long time.
Yes, we've worked quite closely together for years.
Yeah, exactly.
She's my podcast wife.
I'm happy for you to call each other out on any bullshit at any time.
I think that's like necessary.
So shall we get going?
["Perfect Morning"]
Taylor, you're ready.
I want to hear this expensive, perfect morning, please.
Let's go.
Well, as I understand the format as well,
I am not bound by space and time, right?
I can teleport.
Because we will be traversing three continents and three seasons.
If I can get my way.
Which you can.
You see?
Three continents and three seasons.
Yes, you absolutely can.
Oh, the freedom of this format.
I love it.
I take hypotheticals so seriously.
Can I just say that?
Like since I was a child, I would say I would get nervous because I'm like, what if it comes
true? And you haven't said the best possible answer. So I was on
the train like-
What if my fingers are sausages? Forever!
If they like grew back, that would be amazing. Because I've never in my life been like, I
couldn't eat five sausages right now. Ten sausages actually.
That's so true.
Both hands.
I'm not sure. I don't know if I could do 10. Are we talking cocktail?
Oh, but they would be like, they, you wouldn't be able to do all your hand stuff, would you?
If they were cocktail sausages.
I'm just in everything everywhere all at once now.
I'm like the hot dog fingers.
Oh yeah, that's where it came from.
I'm going like Kim Charles actually.
I'm going full on.
You want properly.
I want Cumberlands.
Cumberlands, I was going to say.
10 Cumberlands.
The Cumberlands are the ones that curl round. Oh yeah, like in the Guinness Book of Records.
The guy with the nails.
The guy with the nails.
Same visual.
Imagine if they were Cumberland sausages.
I love the fact that you both just said, you just made an incredibly obscure reference.
Oh yeah, like the guy in the world records.
We are starting to do that a lot.
It's like, yep.
Have you got the same brain? This is so sweet.
Hannah's is like a more grounded version of mine. I think I'm the more like neurotic one.
You don't necessarily have to agree.
Oh, you're amazing.
She's too chill to agree with that.
But here's my perfect morning.
She's too busy chilling out.
Yes, come on, let's have a perfect morning.
Go, go.
This is what I love about listening to other people's perfect morning, because I'm noticing
a lot of people like to wake up with lots of people around them, and I'm the opposite.
I'm not ready for other humans till midday.
So I'm going to wake up alone with my dogs in Scotland, in the Highlands.
It's autumn.
Oh my God.
It's a beautiful day. The leaves have changed.
It's sunny. I'm in a remote cabin by a lake. I wake up, I go for a swim in the cold water.
Clothed? Probably not. That's right, Hannah. Only the deer can see me. I want to be surrounded
by deer.
What about the dogs? Are the dogs just looking away?
They're just ashamed.
Embarrassed for you. They're so ashamed. I need some embarrassment around me or it's just not my life. Do you know what
I mean? Somewhere. They're just cringing. They're just shivering. Oh, she's doing back
straight. She's doing butterfly. She can't fucking do butterfly. No one can butterfly.
So have you been to this place? Is this a real place? I've, yeah, I mean, I've driven through the highlands and just thought, oh, that is...
Oh, I could take my clothes off and get in that lot.
I could take off my clothes again there, yeah.
One of these perfect mornings. I haven't done it. I'm not, I am gonna do it.
I was waiting for this podcast to like lay the pipe and now it's gonna happen. So yeah,
just, you know.
It's a beautiful part of the world. And then I'll come in. I'm very gonna happen. So yeah, just, you know, it's a beautiful part of the world.
And then I'll come in, I'm very food oriented. So everything ends with like, and then here's
the meal. Crab cake, eggs benedict. Whoa, waiting for me. Oh, yeah. Crab cake, eggs
benedict. Yeah, you only need one stack. It doesn't have to be the double, but, mm. But you have just had a very brisk swim.
I have.
Are you putting your clothes back on to eat the crab cakes?
That's an important question.
Yeah, I've got a visual.
Yeah, I'm not somebody who loves being naked and it isn't a, like, shame thing.
I just don't feel comfortable.
Like, I like the feeling of really soft clothes.
So I'd be in, like, nerdy cotton PJs. Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, I do know. I'm a texture girl. Yeah. I know what you're talking about.
Yes. What is it my friend calls jeans her hard trousers? I'm just like, yeah. She's
all wearing hard trousers today. Yeah, I know what you mean. I know what you mean.
She needs to get some softer denim in her life.
Yeah. Why is she denim so hard?
That's a very good question. You know, but she's not here and she can't respond. But take that
question to her. Taylor, have you had a crab cake eggs benedict before? I make that for, that's our
Christmas Eve breakfast. Whoa, that is very extravagant.
It really is.
And that's, this only gets more expensive as we go.
Like this is the cheapest leg of my day.
It's Scotland.
Oh, fantastic.
It is. It's the most indulgent.
Like you need a nap.
And that's one of my favorite things is to wake up really early, swim and then go back to bed.
Have a really heavy breakfast and then back to bed for a morning nap.
How indulgent is that?
When the morning just takes its toll and you've got to go back to bed.
I just think that is the most self-indulgent wonderful thing with my dogs around me.
They're so cuddly. I've got two greyhounds. They're X-racers.
They're so sweet. Yes. So they're there.
And they love to sleep as well.
Do they love a snuggle, a Greyhound?
Some of them do. I think most of them do, but some of them are really shy because they've
had a weird life. Like all they've known is the track. So it's kind of luck of the draw.
Oh my God, I remember you telling me that like, ex-racers, like they'll walk into a glass door because
they've never seen a glass door before.
Or they can't go upstairs because they've never seen stairs before.
When we adopted the first one, we had to put stickers.
You get like a home check and you had to put stickers on all the glass doors and the windows
because they don't know what they are.
They can't read.
So that's a good one.
They're famously illiterate greyhounds and it's... we don't talk about it enough.
I mean that's so funny isn't it? I'm just imagining them being able to talk now.
I mean you must be like, it's just like on the track, stop talking about the track.
Yeah, yeah, proper like Naam vibes as well.
Yeah, yeah when I was in the track. What's that? It's a door. Oh, God, I've never seen a door before.
I've never seen stairs before. These poor animals.
It's really sad. Yeah, we had to teach the first one. And he's huge. Like, greyhounds are not.
If you see a little whippet, like, no, it's like treble the size.
It's a horse.
It's a horse that lives in our house. And we're in this old Victorian house. The stairs are at
whatever angle that is. Those are the stairs. So this poor guy, we just have to stand behind him and move his legs and he was just shaking like,
poor thing. We're like, it's a better life, right? Are you loving this?
I'm going to take my kit off and go for a swim in a minute. You're going to love it.
Do you like crab cakes?
Taylor, have you got any more to add to your perfect morning?
I don't think I possibly could.
No, you couldn't possibly.
That just sounds so good.
Hannah, let's have your perfect morning by comparison.
Like, well, first off.
Maybe it's the same.
It's exactly the same.
I'm watching Taylor swimming naked.
I can't believe we rented the same cottage.
Oh my God.
It's like a, yeah, it's like a cheap rom-com.
I'm at home.
I'm allergic to crab. I'm allergic to crab!
I am allergic to crab.
I know.
Oh, that was a joke.
But then I thought I'll give some context because not everyone knows that.
You were right to give context.
Thank you.
I didn't know that.
But that's why she's had it, so that you're nowhere near.
Yeah, exactly.
She's like, I want a meal I couldn't share with Hannah because she'll pick us a plate and I will.
Interesting that she chooses that, isn't it?
Come on, what's your perfect morning?
Guys, I'm at home. I'm at home. Very real. Very real.
Keeping it real.
And do you know, I thought to myself, maybe I'd wake up...
I thought I'd wake up somewhere else, but we've only very recently got a carpet in our bedroom.
Literally in the last week. I'm'm like why would I be anywhere else?
Just rolling around on that carpet. Oh god you've got to get your moneys with
haven't you after you've had a new carpet. Exactly you think you're like luxury we got the
luxury underlay how about that? Yeah but already your carbon footprint is so much
better than mine and there we are. Just staying home and admiring her carpet so far. What colour is the new carpet?
It's kind of like, I would call it like beige. Yeah, so your perfect morning is
you're staying at home admiring your beige carpet. Yes I am. Is that it? You wanted to see the
differences between us? I don't know if anything emerged. I mean, there's keeping it real.
And there's staring at a beige carpet.
No, come on, let's have it.
Do you know what? So then what happened?
Let it improve from here.
Is I wake up, I'm there, I'm with my husband, I'm with my baby.
And the twist, he breastfeeds her.
Oh, OK. Is that not the best morning? I mean, I'm
disturbed. I feel, I mean, Toby's a hairy man. I would like everybody to be picturing
an older, hairy man breastfeeding a very sweet baby. Can we talk through the logistics of
this? Does he have tits?
Do you know what?
He's not an overweight man, so he's not got anything really for her to, there's going
to be nothing for her to purchase.
But in your perfect day does he have tits?
It's a very different question.
No, do you know what?
I think because it's the perfect day, it would-
I might throw some tits on my husband from a perfect day, why not?
It'd be fun.
I tell you what, just throw them on.
Just throw them on.
Guys, I'm making a very salient point here, which is that I think the inequalities of
parenthood would be completely and utterly solved, maybe not completely solved, if men
could breastfeed.
Yeah, but also if they could grow them inside their wombs.
Oh, there's also that.
I do think there's that bit, but has he also grown it and pushed it out?
Is it just the breastfeeding bit?
Do you know what?
He pushes it out for a bit, then I push it out, and then he pushes it
out, and then I push it out. That's the perfect thing. We're both doing it. Do you know what
I mean? I do.
So I think at the moment, we're in a thing where my baby will, I think she's a baby,
she's like 16 months now, but in the morning she will breastfeed for upwards of 45 minutes,
which is fine because it gives me my... She doesn't have to on your perfect day though.
You're so practical. You're like, well, she's got to be breastfed on my perfect day.
So I guess Toby will breastfeed.
I love that you...
But we've got that beige carpet.
But it's nice because it means she's happy and I'm happy.
I'm just feeling guilty because I have a child as well and she's not even there in the morning.
I've kicked my kid out.
That is much more common.
Okay. So no shame. Most parents perfect days start with love my kids and everything. I should think
so. It goes without saying, etc. But Hannah's got a very practical problem to solve and she's found a solution.
You have.
I mean, hell, it's weird as fuck. But I just think, you know, lovely. She's happy. I'm
happy. The carpet's still there. What?
By the way, though, I absolutely love the fact that you'd rather like your you'd rather
your husband could breastfeed than just like bottle feed the baby just for this like one
morning or just like she's taking baby just for this like one morning or
just like not...
She'd take him breast to like such an extreme...
Is it because you need him to know what it's like?
There's part of it is that, part of it is kind of like, you know, you suffer for 45
But also I think it would be kind of like, I thought it's such a bonding experience.
I think it'd be so nice for him to experience that. It's a real, I mean, I can still remember that feeling of like the I thought it's such a bonding experience. I think it'd be so nice for him to experience
that. It's a real, I mean, I can still remember that feeling of like the milk letting down
because it felt like electricity. It's wild. It's nice. But also, like, I mean, I should
point out that she's 16 months. She could have some cornflakes. She could have some
water bits. But no, there's muggins here. Because you love it. Well, also, I don't want
to get out of bed before because she's been waking up at six and I'm like,
well, I can sit on TikTok till 6.45 if I breastfeed her.
Whereas if I get her up, I have to give her the old-
So it's an excuse.
What's your breakfast?
So it's an excuse.
My breakfast, I also breastfeed from Toby.
Oh, now we're getting somewhere.
But it's tea that comes out.
Oh my god.
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Yeah, big time.
Am I coming across as weird?
I'm worrying... Yeah, okay.
No! What? Have you got a signal? I was just going to see what your takeaway was first. I'm like, is it weird?
No, I love weird. No, look, there is no weird here. Safe space.
I agree. I agree. You're breastfed from your husband.
You're breastfed from your husband. So far so typical.
Yes. Oh, and then I think in my notes, did I have this
for the morning? Obviously no one's ever going to say that again or has ever said that. It's just
an incredible start. It's a perfect morning. It's so so funny. So then what happens? Then,
okay this is the thing that I thought I was very honest with myself about what I would like.
He wins you. Little pat on the back. Exactly. Go on sorry. You're very honest with myself. What I would like is a little pat on the back.
Exactly. Go on. Sorry. Very honest with yourself.
I was very honest with that. And what I want is I want to be a viral sensation where I've
done something very brave. Whoa. Yes. So what's that? Oh, I've saved like I've saved a child
from a train or like falling into the thing or I've there's been a terrorist and I've
taken him down or whatever. Yeah. And then it goes viral and everyone's like who is that
the bravest woman in the world? Is it? And then there's no nasty comments because there's
literally no way to spin it that it wasn't the bravest in the world to have done. I'm
Captain Tom is what happens in my and then he breastfeeds from Toby.
So you've saved a child from some train tracks or knocked out a terrorist.
You're maybe both.
Taylor's absolutely.
Hang on. You're the psychotherapist or you are you.
You are. You are because you are starting to do a little bit of therapy.
Isn't that an insight into somebody's psyche though?
Like, and next, everyone admires me.
But also you've done something amazing, but by accident.
And you haven't done it on the day, so you don't have to deal with the harrowing aspect
of doing that. Because that would be... There's nothing harrowing about it.
Well, it could be. No, I'm an hero.
Pretty sure if you take Tether Terrace, it's a little scary.
Yeah, no, that's true.
So you don't have to deal with that aspect of it,
you just get the glory on that day.
I just get the glory.
I getcha, I getcha.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Nice. I might throw this into mine now.
It's nice and also there's no sort of...
Like I say, no bad comments about it, there's no stress.
Somebody else is dealing with all the... I guess all the telly I'm going to have to do, talk
about it, go on the one show or something.
But, you know, someone else is dealing with that, so there's no stress.
I just get to enjoy people sort of like, I'll be on the tube and they'll be like, is it
So you sort of, it is fame and notoriety, but for doing something amazing and people
aren't like, you're not getting mobbed.
No, and it's very brief as well. notoriety but for doing something amazing and people aren't like you're not getting mobbed.
No, and it's very brief as well. Fame is something that I think is all I would I would not want
to be famous at all. But for a brief second there.
Well, you've just also said like you're gonna take the tube on your perfect day you're getting
on the tube.
Yeah, because she wants people to recognize.
She's just gonna go on the circle lines, go round and round.
I'd wear the same clothes I was wearing on the day of the video. Are you gonna sign autographs?
Have you done this sort of heroic act? Should we say that you've saved a child off a train
tracks? Is that what we're saying? You're not comfortable with that? I don't know what I
have. Whose child is it? I don't know, it's your perfect dad.
You're gonna take down a terrorist, I can tell.
Okay, so you've taken down a terrorist.
And you have like secret martial arts that you can really see in the video
and a few people have filmed so you get multi-angle, like it's gonna be an amazing bit of footage.
And then at the end, I winked camera.
I loved, just one day, one perfect day, I do a wink that's not creepy and I've
remembered to do it. I forget to wink. You forget to wink. You know what, I think on
the whole it's a good thing to forget to wink. It's creepy, isn't it? But if I did it, at
the end of like, I've just done my martial arts and I'm like, oh, I can't really wink,
can I? I was going to say, you're going to want to work on that. This wink is like she's glitching.
So you okay, so you've saved you've saved the nation from a terrorist
you've performed a perfect act of heroism and a perfect wink and
Now you're just in you're just soaking up the glory
Yeah, I think so and wearing a t-shirt that says ask me soaking up the glory. Yeah, I think so.
And wearing a t-shirt that says, ask me about my beige carpet.
It has taken a turn from the beige carpet.
I'm wondering if you've panicked and invented this on the spot because we were rinsing you
for the beige carpet.
Allow me to show you the viral sensation for being really brave.
It is so funny. Being really brave. Are you a brave person on the whole?
Do you know what I was talking to my husband about this, because I was talking about coming
on this and I was saying, I think I'd want to do a brave thing. And because I was saying
that I feel like I'm less brave since I feel like I'm less brave since I had a child because
I feel like I have to myself preservation has gone far up because I have to be because she depends on me because she needs me. Like
I have to sort of not be that. And then he was like, Oh, you're not less brave. You're
just more selfish is how he describes it.
Wow. There's bravery and then there's kind of like risk aversion. Like, yeah, I think
you become less, you can become more risk averse, don't you, when you have kids?
Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Brave is a big word.
That's what bravery is. Yeah. Okay. So if there was something going down and there was
a terrorist situation that you think, you know, you could-
Yeah, probably could. You could save the people.
Yeah. And you can see how to do it. Are you saying that on a normal day,
you wouldn't do it because you're a parent and you would be too afraid?
Yeah, it's difficult, isn't it? That is a good question.
It depends, but...
Yeah. I think if she was with me, I'd stay away because I wouldn't want to put her in
the line of danger. But maybe if I was on my own? I don't know. This is the thing.
Because also, like, I feel like these situations don't, they don't really come up much.
Like, I watched so many thrillers and so much, so many action films.
I think to myself, like, you know, stuff like this happens all the time, but it doesn't.
And it's that thing of when you're in a situation and you find out a little bit about yourself,
you find out that you're that person. Yeah. Are you fight or flight? And I've no doubt I'm flight, but on my perfect day,
I'm a big great big brave girl. You're a big big big brave girl. You're a badass.
Yes. And the camera loves her. Is your hair up or down?
It's important. I imagine it to be down so I can sort of like do it like that.
Sometimes I ask people about how it compares to their normal days.
I'm gonna guess pretty different apart from the problem waking up in the beige carpet.
You'll be doing the breastfeeding presumably.
On a normal morning, do you still have like a lovely morning in bed with your dogs,
but you're not in the highlands? I have pretty nice mornings to be fair. I live in Brighton.
I'd love to say that I get up every morning and go swim in the sea. I don't, but sometimes I do.
And on those days, I feel really, really good. Yeah. So do you, what's your, do you have like
any routines or anything? We've got the dogs in the bedroom and they wake us up because they want to be let out
and they're very sweet so they boop us with their snoots because they're so tall. They're right
at you like on the ground but one of them sometimes she's in bed with us. A routine,
I don't know, I feel like we do what everybody does. We get up, we have coffee, we have tea,
we make breakfast. Because you write as well, Do you have like a normal version of your day?
Like obviously you're doing your podcast twice a week.
Twice a bloody week.
So that's a lot of your working week,
but do you, and you have, there's a lot of research
with that and like, do you get your work done in the morning,
get it out of the way?
Do you, how do you?
I do like to work in the morning.
So I feel like it's sort of like, get everybody together.
My daughter's 11, so she's kind of self-sufficient. It's more dragging her out of bed. She gets
ready for school. One of us does the school run and then it's go. It's like sit with the
cup of tea. I need that ritual of, I've got my tea. It's the perfect cup of tea. And I
go. And it's either, yeah, it it's I have an idyllic life.
I'm researching for my podcast or I'm working on a script. It's a pretty sweet ride.
Yeah, that's really nice.
But you're not in Scotland, are you?
I can wear what I want.
Yeah, but there's...
I'm not in Scotland, though, no.
There'd be a lot of people out there doing your job who would still find,
you know, reason to comply. It's quite nice that you enjoy it and admit that you enjoy it.
reason to complain. It's quite nice that you enjoy it and I admit that you enjoy it. You do, but you, I mean, I do try to be a grateful person and I'm so aware of my privilege
and just kind of, you know, how, how good I've got it. I actually like my husband, you
know, when he puts you above what percentage of the planet. That is great. You know, he
is a great guy. Oh, so is your guy. He can breastfeed.
I mean, he's amazing for one day. One day. We are lucky. We genuinely have really nice partners.
Yeah, that's nice. Make a difference. It really does. It really does. It really helps. Doesn't it?
And Hannah, how is your morning different to your normal morning?
Different to your husband breastfeeding?
Well, yes. I mean, if Lil's at nursery, then generally the working day is, yeah, I'll sit
at the desk and kind of just get on with it because, you know, I don't have five days
a week anymore to work. I make lists and I'm like, I need to do that. I need to do that.
Yeah, I'm very regimented. I'm very kind of, yeah. And then generally, I'll stop for lunch
and we'll watch an episode of My Lottery Dream Home.
Oh wow.
What a nice ritual.
It's so good.
I don't know. So that's a show about people who've won the lottery and the houses that
they buy.
And buy their dream home. And it's with a guy called David. I don't know what his surname
is and he's this quite flamboyant gay guy who is just,
he's just brilliant.
He's such a good presenter and he's just so sweet.
But they clearly, they all of these sort of like older women
just want a gay best friend.
And it's just so funny.
They're like, David!
And then it's like, oh, will you come and stay?
And he's like, sure I will.
And it's like, he's never seen them again, is he?
It's just, depends on how nice the house is, I would. Well it's like he's never seen them again, is he? It's just, it depends on how
nice the house is. I would. Well, very true. Very. He's, Oh, he'll be a millionaire though.
Yeah. It's been going on for like lots and lots of time. Never heard of this. Oh, okay.
Great recommendation. Yeah. Get it. Yeah. I've not watched it, but that is right up
my street. That's such a sweet thing. So you have lunch and watch, watch this program with
your, like with your husband. Yeah, oh yeah. Oh my God.
You guys are for life.
How people live.
Let's move on to perfect afternoon.
["Perfect Afternoon"]
Tell me.
So this is when I'm ready for other people.
So I teleport because I hate to fly.
I'm a terrible flyer. Hannah knows this. I
earned the nickname Sister Valium once because we did a show and I was the only one who dressed
up. It was Halloween, but I thought we had all agreed to dress up and I showed up as
a nun and they were just normal clothes, great stuff. I've done the same.
So you know that shame.
But it coined the name Sister Valium because I'd just flown back from the States and I
was still a little high.
Still quite high.
That's absolutely fantastic.
It's a great episode.
How did that happen then?
How was there a mix up?
I don't think I checked back in with you guys about it.
And I had bought the costume in the States.
And you may well have said actually we didn't bother getting anything together. I'm like, well, I bought the
costume because that's the kind of thing I do. Well, I bought it. And we did dress up last time
we did a Halloween show. And then I remember that like a couple of members of the audience dressed
up, but only like two of them. It was very sweet. So yes, I'm going to teleport and everyone else
can teleport because I'm sure it's a free service that we'll all have in the future, to Thailand.
This is where it starts to sound like White Lotus,
like somebody gets murdered, everyone has sex,
and I've never been to Thailand,
so I'm going way off-piste here.
I just know I wanna go,
I want like a really white, sandy beach,
and that's when I see all my friends, family,
all the people I love.
Not all at once though, I find that really overwhelming.
Very overwhelming.
I almost wanna be- Like a wedding or big couple.
Yeah, it's a lot.
My brain can't cope with that.
And the older I get, the worse that is
where I'm just like, I am very overwhelmed.
So I must just wanna be like in a beach chair
with a drink and people just come visit me like a queen.
They just make an appointment with you.
And I wanna swim with dolphins and I don't care if there's no dolphins in Thailand, we'll ship them in. and people just come visit me like a queen. They just make an appointment with you.
And I want to swim with dolphins and I don't care if there's no dolphins in Thailand, we'll ship them in.
Yeah, we'll find them. It'll happen. I don't know if there are dolphins in Thailand,
doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. There are on your perfect day.
There are.
I love that you've chosen somewhere that you've never been before.
And do you like the sun? Do you like warmth?
Weirdly, no. I'm not great when it's really hot. But if it's like a dedicated holiday
thing, like because it's the perfect day, they have invented sunscreen pills. So I've
just popped a pill and I won't get burnt as long as I have that.
That's brilliant. I hate putting on sun cream. I'm like,
That's the only part of the sun I don't like. Yeah.
Just the slathering.
Oh, it's so boring, isn't it? And you always miss a bit. because I really actually do love the sun and I like to feel hot. I just burn
so easily. And that's a pain. So the pill, would it make you sort of like sweat sun cream?
It makes you beautifully tan as well. Like it's a dual action pill. Yeah. Pfizer is working
on it. I'm sure. Yeah. And especially that kind of setting. Oh my gosh. Stunning. Oh, yeah. Really want
this day to happen. So are you there with your partner and then all your sort of family
and friends are coming in? Yeah. Yeah. You're just on a sun lounger. So are you, are you
like talking to people or is it reading a book or and people talking? But it's mainly
just like lots of chat.
Just lots of absolutely.
And I think they'd be in waves of, you know, like the groups of your friends that all get
along there are certain groups that you can mix and you know that they're going to work.
We'd be careful.
You know, somebody else has organized all this, but just careful waves of people.
Oh, can I also suggest as it's your perfect day?
Oh, thank you.
I don't want to assume.
Of course you're there. Thank you. you. I didn't want to assume.
Of course you're there.
Thank you.
You've come for this part.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
But like a thing that's like, it's not a pill, but it's like, it's almost like a safe word
where the minute you say it, that person knows the conversation is over and they're not offended.
And they just go and you move on to the next one.
Because I would love that.
I'm so polite. Like, you know, at a party or something, I'm always I will
talk to the first person I see all night if they want me to. Yeah. But just a little safe
word that you just say sort of like onions.
This is interesting, because I think culturally, there are other cultures that get this much
better than grits and even Americans do. Because I was, my memory is so bad. So I don't want
to put it on the wrong one. They could have been German, they could have been Swedish.
I don't know. They were European. But they have this phrase which just means like, I
think we've spent enough time together now. And it's just this really acceptable way to
like end this inner party.
That does not sound in any way acceptable to me. That sounds insane.
It must be the Dutch. Do you think? It might have end the story. That does not sound in any way acceptable to me. That sounds insane. It must be the Dutch. Do you think? Is it just like, oh it might have been the Dutch.
They're so famously direct, aren't they? And they basically just go game over. And everyone
goes absolutely none taken and off they go. That's the perfect day. It is sort of perfect,
but there's absolutely no way that if that phrase existed in the English language, it
wouldn't be offensive.
This is true.
That's the problem.
It's our interpretation, isn't it?
But on the perfect day, it's not offensive.
Of course.
No, everybody would know.
And they would feel, do you know what?
They would just feel it at just the right time on the perfect day.
They'd be like, I'm going to go get a drink.
Do you want something?
And then they'd talk at the bar about how good Taylor's boundaries are.
Oh my God, I love. See that's my equivalent. I don't need to be a hero.
I just want people to compliment my boundaries.
I really pride myself on those boundaries.
Should we do it now?
Yeah, some really good boundaries.
Can I just say your boundaries are stunning.
Thank you.
That genuinely felt like it could tear up right now.
Boundaries are so important. So important.
Okay, Hannah, let's have it. Oh, the afternoon. Oh, is, was there more to add?
No, no, no, we're good. You've got the gist.
Well, okay. Picture the scene.
It's a tasting menu, but the tasting menu, it's of things that I can't get anymore.
So first of all, it's a Milky Way crispy roll, isn't it?
They've been discontinued.
Do you remember them?
I don't remember them ever being continued.
No, what is that?
Oh my God.
It was like a crispy kind of two of them, two rolls crispy on the outside covered
in chocolate in the middle Milky Way or a similar thing to Milky Way.
This is great. Okay, so that's your starter.
That's the starter. Second, oinks. Do you remember oinks?
Oh my god, they're like...
Fork scratchings.
Sort of, but for children. So like...
Children's forks.
Fork scratchings.
Why were they discontinued?
Well, but it's like frazzles. Are they called frazzles? That's like frazzles. Are they called frazzles?
It's sweet breads, but for children.
No, they're like frazzles, but like an onion ring.
And they were like a tempia packet.
Absolutely disgusting.
Oh yeah, the tempia packet crisps.
They've all gone away, haven't they?
Yeah, or with like cheese nibbles. Flying sauc? Yeah, or with like, cheese nibbles. Yeah, flying saucers.
I like the sound of cheese nibbles. Yeah, they're really good.
I'm interested. And then, oh my god, a Heinz treacle pudding
in a tin. Oh god, have they stopped doing that?
Yeah, only the other day when I thought, you know what I fancy? Can't have it mate.
It's a tin of pudding. I mean, your insulin levels are going to be off the charts.
You're not going to feel very well.
No, don't worry.
It's a perfect day.
So we don't have to worry about insulin levels.
That's right.
I can just enjoy this day trying to make me not enjoy it.
Do you know, I even feel sad about the treacle pudding not being a thing because I remember
moving here and it's fascinating, like wrapping your head around just grocery stores and the differences. Like for a start, the fact that
you guys are so afraid to communicate with each other that you have to put a barrier
between your groceries because you're too afraid to say like, oh no, that's mine. So
you need a physical and you'll contort your bodies so far to grab that because that is
still easier than speaking to a stranger like thunk. That is not normal to me.
It's not about not being able to speak to the person behind you.
Are you sure?
It's about, well, they might accidentally start scanning the next person's items while
you're packing your bags. Do you know what it is? It's because we have to pack our own
bags in this country. Yeah, we don't have. In America, you get help, don't you? P packing your bags. Do you know what it is? It's because we have to pack our own bags in this country. In America, you get help, don't you, packing your bags?
You get a Cub Scout.
Oh, I suppose you still do in a lot of places.
Yeah, so you'll be down at the bag end. You're not able to supervise.
It feels like you would need it. You'd need the barrier even more in that scenario then.
There's no reason you have to rush down there.
You don't have those little barriers. No, that was the strangest thing to me when I moved here.
No. Next customer please. No, you leave a little bit of space and if there's any confusion you go,
oh no, that's mine. My groceries. Yeah, just speak. Wow. Yeah, just talk. That's mad,
that's a different side. But treacle pudding, I just remember like puddings and tins and spotted dick of course,
you know, and it was like, this is so crazy.
We are really in the UK now.
Oh mate, a treacle pud.
So even I feel sad.
Oh, well it's about to get sadder because now I'm going to go on to the things my dead
grandparents used to make and I'd have those as well.
Oh, okay.
Oh, come on man.
Just because you know those things that like you're like oh I
haven't sort of tasted that for so long and I do have a recipe so for Moggy
which is like Yorkshire parking I believe. Oh really? Yeah it's kind of very similar.
So quite sort of tree, what is that? Ginger cake like quite dense. Yeah very, very sweet. And my Nana called it Moggy.
Was she Scottish?
She was Yorkshire.
Oh, Moggy. I've never heard of Moggy.
That's a great name.
I know. And I think there's a recipe somewhere, but on my perfect day, I don't have to make
it. It's just there and it tastes just like having it with bloody Nana.
Oh, that's a good one.
And then the next one would be some bread,
probably be at the beginning, you know, get bread at the beginning of a meal, of which
I eat the whole basket and I ruin every meal I've ever had. But that would be the bread
that I would make like bread with my granddad, who I never get to take care of us. And like,
it was, I mean, it was horrible bread. It was just so bad. It was just, oh, we didn't need
it properly. We didn't leave it to rise. We kind of like, yeah, exactly. And I feel like
he still had quite a lot of stuff left over from the war in the sense that he'd still
have like powdered milk and he'd still. So all of his ingredients were very old school.
And then you could like, I'm sure I threw it it my brother's head at one point and knocked him out
Like it was a hard loaf of bread, but it's like very I think a lot of these a lot of these foods are quite nostalgic
So I'd have a very nostalgic I get that tasting menu where I don't throw up at the end or break my teeth on bread
Not a gram of protein in sight
That's delightful, yeah, that's very sweet
You've really redeemed yourself, actually.
We were really worried about the beige carpet.
That was just where the beige carpet started.
The beige carpet and the breastfeeding husband.
But no, it's quite a roller coaster, actually, yours, isn't it?
Yeah, I think so.
Where are we for this tasting menu?
Oh, well, I think we're in London because I think it would be very, very fancy.
Are you still the hero from the morning or has that been dropped by the afternoon?
Are people still sort of like glancing up from their...
The maitre d' has actually come over and said, is that you from the video?
Can you do some special moves? Can you like, you know, like with, was it? And like, give us a wink.
Can I have a selfie with you? Can you do that? Can you do your wink?
Yes. And in every photo, every selfie, I'd look really cool rather than like a bit odd.
So how does this compare to the normal day then?
Is your normal day any different to your morning?
Is there like, is there anything that would normally happen to you in the afternoon? You have like rituals or routines or habits on
a daily basis.
Maybe a place in the sun if I'm feeling.
So great, watch so much daytime TV, I love it.
Oh just dog walks.
Do you always go for a nice fresh, wow, you are living the life, aren't you?
It's pretty nice.
I'm very grateful.
Well, and I'm thinking,
I can do what I want in the afternoon.
I'm a freelancer.
Do you know what I mean?
There is this real luxury of like,
do I feel like working?
Do I need a little break to watch a place in the sun?
Should I just go for a walk, go to a cafe, meet somebody? Yeah.
Because I do feel like I do like, I love working. I really love the work. And then there's a
nice thing, like I think I can, I think I'll be able to enjoy my evening a little bit more
if I've done a bit of work during the day. Because I'm like, right, earned it. Which
is silly this idea that we have to earn it. I know. Like the evening.
Or that you have to wear normal clothes during the day.
We found out in the pandemic.
Do you know what that popped into my head?
What do you mean?
Because I didn't get that.
Oh, because just as a writer, like you can literally wear what you want in your hat.
And we found out, you told this to me and I was like, oh my God, I do the same thing,
that if we get a delivery in the middle of the day and we're still in our PJs that we
kind of act sick. Yes. When we go to the door. Because
I can't accept that it's like, okay for me to just be wearing what I want my own home.
Yeah. Well, I've started wearing pajamas that look like my normal clothes. Oh, very nice. So like a pair of chic-ish black joggers.
Yeah, that works.
A Breton striped top.
Very comfortable.
This is smart.
And then I don't have to get dressed.
This is really smart.
It's for the school run for the working day.
I do have to put a bra on, yeah. See I won't wear a bra
for the school run if it's winter because I know the coats going over there. It's got
the nips covered. If I'm ever in an accident though or have an emergency like if my car
breaks down and there's some scenario where I have to take that coat off. Why do you have
to take your coat off if your car breaks down? Well, I don't know. I don't know if I have to like, you have to get someone trying to
flag someone down. How far away is the school? Why are you suddenly on a remote road having
to flag someone down with your tits? See, this only reinforces my little habit. I'm
just like, well, I'm not gonna put a bra on. No.
If I'm wearing a coat, that's perverse.
Actually, it does come up quite a lot
on women's perfect days.
Bras on, bras off.
I enjoy it, yeah.
It's a big thing.
It is a big thing.
The restriction.
Or not.
I always like, sometimes I'll take my bra off.
If I come home, I'll take it off
as I'm walking up the Stepstar flat. I'll just be like, and then I do it like, I call it the magician. Is it down, is it down? Yeah. And you're just like, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I was going to say then what happens? It goes on, it lands on some sort of fan and then
that turns on a light and then that makes you a snack.
Full Wallace and Gromit.
Oh, that's my perfect day. I think it's also to see Wallace and Gromit in real life, but
they're real people and they give me some cheese and crackers.
And I look at their inventions.
Yeah, that'd be good.
Great stuff. Okay, should we move on to Perfect Night?
So now we're going to Wyoming.
Wyoming or Montana, I couldn't decide.
I want like rustic, mountainous, a place with an amazing sunset.
Where's home?
So I grew up in Pennsylvania. Which is, I mean it's
mountainous like the Allegheny Mountains run through it but they're the older
mountains so they're kind of small. I want rocky mountains. Okay. I want big new
mountains. I don't want old run-down mountains. I don't understand how
mountains can be new or old. The older they are, the smaller they are.
Because they've disintegrated.
They get worn down by the elements like this.
This is how mountains work.
But when you say new, I mean, they're still like-
They're still ancient.
Yeah, they're really, really old.
It's just so funny.
They're not like 20 years old.
Like geological. Do you have some sort of background in- It's just so funny. They're not like 20 years old.
Like geological.
Do you have some sort of background in?
No, what surprised me about this challenge is how focused I was on like flora and fauna.
Yeah, I really needed the settings to be absolutely perfect.
Like I was like, well, of course the people I love will be there and of course I'll have perfect meals.
And the specific age of mountains has never come up before. So how old are your mountains?
They're like adolescent mountains, you know, they're still figuring themselves out. They're
spiky. Because I like distinct seasons. So like we had autumn for Scotland and then I
got the summer feel in Thailand and now I want winter, crisp winter.
Is this so you don't have to wear a bra?
Yeah, yeah.
I just want the hardest nipples I can get.
And that's the best way to achieve them.
I want my nipples to look like new mountains.
The moment they're more old mountains.
Staggy old mountains. Saggy old mounds.
Eroded by time. Sorry.
Shakira had written it like that.
So it's a beautiful, crisp winter's day. Blue sky.
Beautiful pink sunset is on its way. Horseback riding, which is not even something that I'm
good at. I've only done it a couple of and I was terrified, but on the perfect day I'm in a gallop. Oh wow. And my hair is going to be flying behind me. Oh
my gosh. And I'm with my husband and my daughter. I want to finish the day just with them. And our
dogs are running around, you know, they can come. They get a nod at the end. They get a little nod.
They can race the horses. They'll have a great time. Oh, sweet. And then it's a surf and turf dinner. So we're going to have lobster.
Oh, wow. Oh, okay.
Yeah, and steak.
Where are we for this surf and turf?
That's a good question. On the ranch.
I'm feeling like a kind of ranch.
You've got to stick with the theme.
I feel like we're going to a saloon.
Yeah, I was picturing sort of like a saloon that's very genuine, not like a touristy one,
not over the top. But there's real cowboys there. Oh yeah, they've seen things.
Oh wow.
Okay, Hannah, your perfect night, please.
Do you know what, Hannah, I've realised I'm still in London. I'm still here.
Still staring at my beige carpet.
I'm in town. And what's that? She's not got on the tube like you thought I would do. No,
I'm in a black cab. I love a black cab. That feels a high luxury to me because now we can
get Ubers and stuff. Like I feel like to be in a black cab, like essentially Ubers down
and that's why I've got a black cab on my perfect day. I'm in a black cab because it
feels like you feel like you're Paddington Bear, aren't you? Like come on.
Oh, I do in a black cab because it feels like you're Paddington Bear, aren't you? Like, come on.
Oh, I do love a black cab.
I love a black cab.
And also, my dad used to be a London cabbie.
Immediately, I tell them.
As soon as I get in, I'm like, all right, Governor.
Yeah, my old man.
Oh, God, yeah, man and boy.
And they love it.
They're like, oh, yeah.
It's that.
And it's really funny because I love just like, just immediately earning someone's
respect for something I haven't done.
It's great and they chat to me and they're like, and I always do it, it's funny and they
always have the same sort of reaction.
So did you ride around in your dad's taxi a lot then? Is that how you got dropped off
at school?
Do you know what? By the time he, well he was a London cabbie whilst we lived in London,
then we moved to the Isle of Wight.
So he would commute to come back to London
to drive the cab for like five days,
then come back for five days,
then go back for five days.
But occasionally he'd drive the cab down to the island.
And now, oh, you've never seen a black cab
on the Isle of Wight, have you?
Why, God.
So yeah, he did drop me to like Brownies a a few times and he put the meter on and I was just
like, I did almost have a panic attack because it was going up to like four quid and I'm
like, I get 50p a week.
How am I going to be able to pay this?
Oh, that's so cute.
And then I always remember that one time he came home from driving the cab in London and
he had to get a cab from the boat to our house and the cabbie that picked him
up on the island asked him what he did and he was like oh I'm a London cabbie and the bloke
genuinely said to him it's like meeting someone from the SAS. The hierarchy of cabbies.
Oh so cute. Oh that's so cool. So you get in a cab and where are you off to?
I'm going to see a musical.
Oh, I just like there's sort of a few things in life where I just, when I come out, it
doesn't matter if it's the worst musical in the world, I come out feeling lighter. I come
out feeling like I want to dance, like I want to sing, like I want to create things. Like
they really, really do it for me creatively, like musicals. And I don't want to write a musical, I just want to experience
one and I just like...
Are you a musical person?
Not really, I used to be in bands. I mean, if you're listening, because you're a fan
of Vena Carver, then...
Vena Carver?
Yeah, that was the name of my first band.
Vena, as in V-I-N-A. V-E-N-A.
What does it mean? It's like part of the heart.
Yeah. It's like one of the bits that go into the heart.
Oh. But we were like 14 and we were like,
yeah, that's pretty deep. Were you a singer?
Yeah. It's pretty deep.
It is pretty deep. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
I sang. Singer instruments?
I can play guitar, but I didn't enter in the bands because I wasn't very good.
But I was...
Did you sing original hits?
Occasionally, yeah.
Or we did, oh my God, we like covered Rage Against the Machine and my Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Yeah, yeah.
I have a video of me at Ventner Middle School doing Killing in the Name of...
That is not easy to play.
I mean, or sing.
I mean, I would love to see that. Yeah, like there, that is
talent. I'll bring it out. I mean, they weren't bad. Wait, for the school. So did you have
to go, screw you, I won't do what you tell me. I went full F, I'm sure. You did. It wasn't
an assembly. It was a late night. It was like 7 p.m.
It was a show. All bets were off.
It was out of hours.
Oh, I'm not going to get a detention for that.
No, exactly. And by which time I was already in high school.
We went back to my middle school to do it.
Oh, that is cool.
Maybe my perfect night is I'm back and I'm in Bimacaba.
You're back in the band.
Although that was amnesty.
That was my second birth.
Would you not have loved to have been in a band like properly and then maybe is your
perfect day?
I don't know.
I don't.
I would love to be in a band, but I'd have a better voice than I have if you thought
I mean.
Because I would like to because it would be embarrassing if I was like, you know, headlining
Wembley with this voice, but
if I suddenly had a cracking voice.
Oh, I'd love to be able to properly sing.
Oh, belt it out.
Huge range. That must feel amazing.
I used to live, I grew up in the middle of nowhere. We rented this old farmhouse, so
there was nobody for miles. So if my parents went
out and my brothers were out, that's all I would do is I would sing at the top of my
lungs and I would give anything to hear how bad that was. Because I'd try to do like fan
of the opera and shit and pretend I was hitting the notes. I was not.
It feels so good. I love to sing.
Yes. I love to belt out. Do you like karaoke?
I do. Do you know what? I do like a bit of karaoke. But I also like to go back to my
Vina Carver days and I'll do maybe a... I remember the last time I went out with my friends from NCT
and we went and did karaoke one night and I insisted on doing System of a Down and I was
kind of like... And they were like, what is she doing? And I quite enjoyed doing System of a musical.
Yes I have. I'm with my friend Rowan because she listens to this and she was like,
you're going to mention me? I was like, maybe I will. And so I'm with her.
Rowan, you're in Thailand by the way. Sorry.
I just wanted to make that clear.
Yeah, you're friends with Rowan as well. Rowan's there.
Yeah, I'd love her.
And we do actually go and see quite a lot of musicals together, Rowan and I.
Yeah, and it's nice.
And she'll often like book a thing and then be like, do you want to do this?
And by which time she's like Taylor Swift.
She got Taylor Swift tickets.
And then she was like, do you want her?
And I was like, yeah.
And also, like, what was the other thing that we went to see?
We went to see, oh, Shiv from Succession doing, um, I can't remember. Sarah.
Yeah. Snoke. Thank you.
But what was the other one? Oh, I was just proud to remember.
That was impressive. A picture of Dorian Gray. Oh, yes. There we go.
I never normally maybe would have picked that out as something that I would go to.
And my mom was like, she's got a good eye.
Yeah, she's got the eye and she just does it. She just does it. She just knows if you just book it, yes, someone will come. And she's just done Beyonce and I said no. What is wrong with you?
I just, I don't know enough of her songs like with Tay Tay. Really? I just, I, oh I listen.
The latest album, right. I will go with Rowan. Okay, alright. Done.
You said no to be honest.
I can't believe you said no to be honest.
It's not too late to undo it. Tell Rowan right now it's a yes. Come on.
I could do it. I'll go with you Rowan.
If you don't know the songs you can do something about that.
I mean I know all the hits of course I do. And I suppose I did do some swatting up for
No, no. I'm gonna go in your place. Rowan, I'm coming, I'm coming.
I don't care what the tickets cost, get them.
She's already got them.
They're there.
Okay, great.
We're coming to the end now.
We've got just one final bonus question.
A piece of perfection that you would recommend this week.
A book, a film, something you've been enjoying.
Not Beyonce's album, obviously.
I would say Talking Musical's Titanic.
Oh, yeah, really? So good. Okay, yeah. It's just so funny. I would say Talking Musical's Titanic. Oh yeah, really?
So good.
It's just so funny.
Yeah, so up my street.
Yeah, that is spot on for me.
Loved it.
Great, great recommendation.
Mine's a recipe, is that okay?
Yes! Good.
Love that.
And it ties back to my hometown
because I grew up outside of Pittsburgh
and this was voted the best cake in America,
and that is a big deal.
That's a really, we make so much cake,
I don't know how much, but it's like tons.
So it's called a burnt almond tort,
and there's a recipe for it online.
So Google burnt almond tort.
Burnt almond tort.
So it's a vanilla sponge with a layer of creme pat,
like thick custard.
And then another layer of the cake.
Thanks for the translation by the way.
Thanks for the translation.
I really appreciated the translation.
Well, I just realized like I watched so much Bake Off
and like creme pat, like, do you know what creme pat is?
I said that to my parents, they're like, what?
The hell is that?
I'm like, custard. I said that to my parents, they're like, what the hell is that on my
coaster? And then it's covered in, oh, I feel like you put whipped cream on the outside,
but the key thing is you roast the almonds with brown sugar and they caramelize. Oh,
doggie. All over the top. Oh yes, please come to mama. And weirdly, it's not too sweet.
Like when you get the levels, right? Sounds very sweet. It's really not. Especially compared to your like tasting menu. No, it's fine.
Great Rex, great Rex. Guys, Taylor, Glenn and Hannah George from Drunk Women Solving
Crime, which is a podcast that you must listen to if you haven't already, but you obviously
have. So I don't really need to say that, but I've said it anyway. Thanks so much for
coming on the podcast. Thank you. Oh, Thank you. It has been a perfect day.
Thank you Hannah and Taylor. Two entirely opposite days there from one amazing duo.
Just goes to show whether you're swimming naked in the Scottish Highlands or
breastfeeding from your husband, anything goes on your perfect day. I'm absolutely loving all your emails so please keep
them coming to I'd love to know your pieces of perfection to
recommend this week and please do keep the reviews coming in I've seen them I read them
I really appreciate them thank you read them, I really appreciate
them. Thank you so much and they really do make all the difference.
Brand new episodes every Thursday. Like and subscribe. Follow us on at Perfect Daycast
for all your perfect day news. From Yorkshire with love, I'm Jessica Knappett, wishing you
a perfect day.