Pints With Aquinas - 2022 Top Ten Videos!

Episode Date: January 2, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good day everybody, Matt Fradd here coming to you from a very cold office in Steubenville, Ohio with a very impressive background. I want to share with you some of the most popular videos we released this year, not the entire thing, but the most popular segments from the most popular interviews we released this year. But I just wanted to jump on real quick and say thank you to you. If you support this channel in any way, if you've subscribed to it, if you've liked a video, if you've commented, especially if you're one of our local
Starting point is 00:00:30 supporters over at, I'm really grateful to do this work. You know I think really truly in my heart of hearts I want to make Jesus Christ glorified. I want to help Catholics remain Catholic and grow in sanctity and I want to help non-Catholics discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic Church and become Catholic. And I'd say without exaggeration that we get, I don't know, three and more, three plus emails a week from people who are saying they're converting because of something they've seen on Pints or that Pints has been part of what's helped them remain Catholic. I find that really humbling.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I'm really, really grateful. I got this little statistic up here. This comes from the back end of YouTube. This blew me away. way. In the last 28 days, and this is on average, people have watched 291.9 thousand hours collectively of Pints with Aquinas. And if my math is right, that means that in the last 28 days people have watched over 33 years of Pints. As I say, that's both terrifying and humbling Hey guys Thursday jumping in here while I was editing Matt and I decided we should also include the same graphic for the last Year since it is a year wrap-up
Starting point is 00:01:55 So as you can see we had 27.9 million views and 4 million watch hours 4 million watch hours comes out to 456 years. So thank you again guys for watching and I'll pass this back to Matt to finish his intro. Mother Teresa apparently said that it would be really sad if people came to you and found only you. You know, maybe they came to you looking for Jesus whether they knew it or not and how sad it would be if they found only you. So I guess I just want to say I'm sorry and I know you're not supposed to say sorry these days. Everybody says you shouldn't say that but I am sorry. You know, look
Starting point is 00:02:40 I'm sorry if I've gotten in the way and I know I have. I know I've said things that were false, I didn't know that they were false, or I said things harshly without sufficient charity or gentleness. Maybe I said things too gently when I should have been more firm. I know I get in the way, and I'm really sorry for that, but I trust that our Lord Jesus Christ can use even my bullcrap as manure for your growth and even the bullcrap of my guests.
Starting point is 00:03:13 So, thanks. Thanks very much for supporting me. I'm very excited to continue this work in 2023 and for as long as our good Lord permits, it may be part of his permissive will that YouTube will ban us in the future. And if that happens, glory to Jesus Christ for that as well. Thanks so much. ["The Last Supper"] Question for you, Christian, would be this. You know, the National Organization for Women, my understanding, your organization supports abortion up until the moment of birth.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I'm going to bet you $5 right now that they do not want to address that. And I bet you they'll sidestep it at any cost. Let's see. For any reason, taxpayer funded. Is that your position? Straightforward question. You support abortion for any reason up until the time of birth, taxpayer funded. Is that your position? That's a very fair question. She's not assuming things even though she has done her research and therefore
Starting point is 00:04:17 knows it. She's asking. I really am. Let's see what they say. Well, we believe people have a right to choose. Ah, okay. Until the moment of birth for any reason. Well, we believe people have a right to choose Okay It's not for our organization or myself or anyone else or advocate to determine Where they determine that point is for them and regarding the gestational age of when they seek an abortion care So it's very important to point that out and as for regarding funding sources sources, right now there is a Hyde Amendment that's in place, and the Hyde Amendment only provides Medicaid funding for abortions under extreme circumstances,
Starting point is 00:04:53 incest rate, and some very few medical issues where it's concerning for the life of women or the fetus. It's a financial cost on the person who is choosing to move forward their planning and what they do. or the fetus. It's a financial cost on the person who is choosing to move forth their planning and what they do. It is not covered a lot of times under federal funding. Taxpayers are not always paying for it. Just to clarify, you said-
Starting point is 00:05:13 Do taxpayers sometimes pay for it? It does. The Californian does. Yeah, it depends on the state, but some states do have where they use their funds for the state to cover. But just to clarify, this is a really important point. The abortion position, the position of now
Starting point is 00:05:26 your organization is abortion up until the moment of birth for any reason. The devil came, right? I didn't believe in the devil until that point. A creature came into the room and started to manifest itself, like literally take on a physical form. Matt, I was so terrified that I couldn't even move. And if anybody's ever had like sleep paralysis, right, I have that occasionally.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It's a terrifying experience, but this magnify it by a trillion. This was a living creature that wanted me. What did it look like? It was fuzzy. It wasn't like it was clear. What did it look like? It was fuzzy. It wasn't like it was clear. And it's not like I'm seeing you. It was just a presence that started to,
Starting point is 00:06:10 like looking through a glass type of thing, or that marble glass, whatever you call it. But it was there and it was starting to get clearer. I was so terrified, I had to close my eyes. I was absolutely petrified and I couldn't do anything. Man, I wasn't a Satanist. I didn't go to like some seance around a pentagram and slash a chicken's throat and sprinkle blood.
Starting point is 00:06:30 No way, I never, but I had dabbled in like Ouija boards, not because I even believed in it. I was the one moving it, you know, trying to get the girl like date him, you know, I'm spelling it out. Like, yeah, you know, it's stupid stuff, right? But tarot cards and all that kind of stuff and just stupid stuff. But the devil,ot cards and all that kind of stuff, and just stupid stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:45 But the devil, I think, thought that I belonged to him. As the song say, running with the devil, you know, all the songs I used to rock out on. And I was so terrified because I'm like, what am I gonna do? Can I punch the devil? Am I gonna take a swing at the devil? That's not gonna work.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And I couldn't, because I was so paralyzed with fear. I did the only thing I knew how to do. From my soul, I screamed out, not audibly, in my soul, Mary! You know what happened? Annihilated. The devil was completely obliterated, man. And I experienced the most amazing peace
Starting point is 00:07:20 that I've never experienced to this day and probably will not this side of eternity. And then I heard a voice, a woman's voice. Again, I'm no mystic. It hasn't happened since. The most pure, feminine, motherly voice spoken to me, not to my ear, and it was like trickling over me. And it said this, Donnie, I'm so happy.
Starting point is 00:07:46 happy. I created what I call a Bayesian analysis of all of the evidence for and against the Papacy. And so I used the Bayesian framework because I think that it's a more formal way of doing like everyday probabilistic calculations that you do in your own, like in your head. And you're like, okay, how likely is this event and you'll say oh it's really likely that might be some you know some example that you would just come up with but in in Bayesian terms like what you'll do is you'll assign a figure to that probability and so you can be a little bit more precise in seeing like okay
Starting point is 00:08:19 well how much of an effect probabilistically does this piece of evidence actually have and so but what you can do with the with the Protestant case is you can accumulate all of these different lines of evidence so they've got the dedicated they've got these different documents these early church documents where you don't see like the papacy clearly laid out and specific names and everything and so they'll say this is a document we would expect to find the papacy in this in this early this early document and So in it but there are obviously Catholics who want to respond to that like Jimmy Akin and be like well No, there's actually reason to suspect that they wouldn't have names
Starting point is 00:08:53 specific names in the early church because Why the church was being persecuted? So you're not going to just spell out all the names of the most important figures in your religion so that people can just read the letter and then go hunt them down and kill them. And so there's reasonable responses to that, but nevertheless I was still being charitable to the Protestants and giving it some weight of evidence against. There's really three passages in the New Testament that are sort of relevant to the papacy in terms of like giving some positive boost to it, which is Matthew 16, John 21, and Luke 22.
Starting point is 00:09:29 And if you look at those three, you'll see that, I mean, I think being charitable, you can say, okay, this does give a little bit of weight to the side of the papacy. Lensiaga, kind of a luxury opulence, whatever clothing brand, recently had a couple ads, you know, photo shoots campaign where they had children posing holding bears that were kind of bound, I guess would be a way to put it. It looks like the teddy bears in drag or BDSM. Yeah. And then there just are various allusions to child abuse basically. What do you mean? Well, specifically the one that I saw was there's a picture of a bag with papers scattered
Starting point is 00:10:28 on the table and then one of the papers somebody identified it as a page from a lawsuit which was the legalization of simulated child pornography. I think Corinthians again where St. Paul says that Satan transforms himself into an angel of light and he deceives many people. I think there's a lot of people that work in league with the devil, either directly or indirectly, because it's rooted in the sense of pride. People are inflating their own egos and then seeking power, prestige, money, that sense of control and dominance over other people.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And certainly the devil would be right in the midst of that. So in this particular organization, I can see where people that are promoting a certain agenda, especially abuse against the human person, might be in league with the devil. If you think about it, the human person is God's greatest creation, because the human person is created in the image and likeness of God and Anything that would distort the human person Degrade the human person would bring joy to the devil because the devil believes that when he attacks the human person He's indirectly attacking God himself
Starting point is 00:11:49 Did they cut out much of what you had to say? Did you kind of watch it when it released and thought, ah, goodness, they cut out that excellent point I made? Yeah, unfortunately they did. Well there was, I would say they cut a lot of stuff for time, so there's probably at least like 20 minutes of conversation that didn't make it onto air, and they cut it to points that everybody made. The one thing that didn't make it in that really was a gut punch is that at the end of the show, they brought in this woman who I think identifies as non-binary, but she's
Starting point is 00:12:23 a woman, and she has a child who she's raising genderless,binary but she's a woman and she has a child who she's raising genderless and so she got a chance to talk about raising her genderless child and at the very end I had a chance to jump in there and address some points that she made including you know she for much of the show they kept saying that you know there's a difference between sex and gender these are two different things, which, of course, and I addressed that during the show, but the whole claim is, it's nonsensical, number one.
Starting point is 00:12:51 And number two, they always contradict themselves as far as that goes, because then she comes along and says, oh, well, my child's birth certificate, there's an X. There's no sex listed. Well, hold on a second. But I thought you said gender is what's fluid. Sex on the birth certificate is's an X, you know, there's no sex listed. Well, hold on a second. But that's, I thought you said gender is what's fluid. Sex on the birth certificate is your biological sex. So now he gets to determine that too.
Starting point is 00:13:11 So I was able to call her on that. And then I also asked her, if your child is able to choose his gender, then have you also given him the option to choose his race? And if not, then why not? And she just said that she said she wouldn't dignify that question with an answer. But I was, it was unfortunate that didn't make it in there. But most of
Starting point is 00:13:29 it. But it can be difficult to know what to do in that situation. Joel Osteen didn't get snarky. He just started speaking truth. Here's what he said. And he'll be my Joel Osteen didn't get snarky, he just started speaking truth. Here's what he said. And he'll be my Joel Osteen American accent and I'll apologize right after I've done it. And we'll wait just one moment here but God is good and he's on the throne and he's in control. Okay, bad accent aside, that's exactly the case. Christians, take a breath. God is on the throne. He's in control. Joe Biden doesn't run the world.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Satan, though he is the prince of the world, doesn't have dominion over the world. God is in charge. And so we can joyfully surrender to His providence. Even when people commit sin like this, while we ought to correct it, we ought to do so in a peaceful spirit. And that's what Joel Osteen did. The congregation cheered. Ah, that's a perfect response. Again, if I'm sitting with you over a drink at night and my child refuses to go to bed, though I've gently told them repeatedly that that's what they ought to do, and they get so frustrated because they've just had four pieces of candy for some reason and they have no logic, they'll come down and suppose they started shouting, you know.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Well I'm not going to shout back at them, I'm going to be like, all right, it seems like somebody's a little irrational, it's okay, I love you, why don't you calm down and then we'll continue this discussion. So the people rightly cheered, you know, and Joel Austen said, so we'll take one moment here and we'll get started. But I know this, I'm glad to be in the house of the Lord with people of faith. So thank you Lord for a good service, he continued, speaking over the shouts of the protesters. All right, y'all, we love everybody. So we just thankfully, you can't get,
Starting point is 00:15:45 So we just thankfully, you can't win when someone's this kind. Do you understand? What's it like working with Mel Gibson and did the fact that the two of you share the Catholic faith help the movie? Oh, absolutely. I mean, him, you have in his whole experience of the making of The Passion of the Christ and how he just took it upon himself to get that movie made, I really took a page out of his book to do that. I was constantly asking for advice. He had played my dad in Daddy's Home 2.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Bill's first choice, second choice, and third choice was always Mel to play him in the film. He also has a lot of real life experience and to be able to go in and be as raw as he was, you know, he did a fantastic job. And so, you know, he was very, very helpful. Do you think that Hollywood is surprised that movies like this that take religion seriously do so well? There's been a spate of them the last few years. You know, I think it will continue to open people's eyes. And again, we're we're we're just trying to encourage people to,
Starting point is 00:16:46 especially now, it's very difficult times for everybody. We all know somebody who's lost somebody with COVID. We've all struggled with the whys of the world. We're all dealing with the inevitable, which is mortality. And so to see how Stu handled that with grace and dignity and how it's encouraging people to embrace those things and obviously to be supportive and loving and ever giving up on people.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Those are all very important messages and hopefully they'll embrace it more. I know I've been talking to the studio now about doing much more faith-based content, both in film and television, long form and short form, and they've been very, very receptive. So I think, yeah, you want to make movies that are original stories that inspire people,
Starting point is 00:17:24 make people feel really good and encourage and inspire them And challenge them to do good things. It's uh, it's pretty amazing It is a simple syllogism Here it is. It's always wrong and I love what he said to about human life Notice he doesn't get into the argument of what is a person because that could have gone right off the rails Especially if Joe was smoking pot It's always wrong to kill a human life. Notice he doesn't get into the argument of what is a person, because that could have gone right off the rails, especially if Joe was smoking pot. It's always wrong to kill a human life. Abortion kills a human life. Therefore, abortion is always wrong. If you want to dispute that conclusion, which Rogan wants to, you have to take aim at one
Starting point is 00:18:00 of the premises. You have to say it's not always wrong to kill human life or that abortion doesn't kill a human life. Good for him. Yeah. And then you'll hear in the rest of this where they ultimately can't keep talking about it is Joe refuses to put anything forward about when life starts. He's just like, oh, well, in this it's one, it seems like it's a baby and this one it doesn't. Okay. I don't think any of the examples of like oh well how developed is it you know can it? Can it think is it conscious can it dream can it feel pain so for you?
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's the moment of conception if it's a if it's a human life a human instinct human life that I think it's wrong to to end its life And so you think that even once do you think that they're like once the conception happens? There's some sort of a miraculous event Like at the very moment like you can literally get to the point where the sperm cracks the egg if you could Scare that egg out right there without the abortion Well, I mean at some point you're gonna have to say there was a magic moment that happened because you believe that we've actually Become valuable. When is it Joe? Well, listen, where's the moment where you think the magic happens?
Starting point is 00:19:01 Let me tell you my perspective on this because I've've said this multiple times, but it bears repeating. I think abortion is a very human issue, in that humans are, we're messy. And it's a very messy issue. It's complicated. Bill Burr has a very good bit about it in his last comic special. The problem with transgenderism is a development from homosexual liberation. So the gay rights movement, you know, there's no longer Gay Pride Sunday or Gay Pride Month, it's Pride Month.
Starting point is 00:19:35 They've consciously dropped the word gay because the subversion that was necessary to get gay accepted as normal then applies to all these other deviancies you know so bisexuality pretending you're a man or a woman when you're not then pretending something called non-binary you know what does that mean I'm neither a man or a woman that's impossible you're one of the others so that's gone so the gay rights movement unfortunately is largely endorsed by all Democratic political leaders in the United States, meaning Democrat party, Democratic party, and some Republicans endorse it.
Starting point is 00:20:12 So there's more reticence, but it shouldn't be that way. There should be much more vigorous opposition. And this is where, as we talked about those bishops who wrote criticizing the German bishop. And at the end of December, I was actually flying to South Africa at the time for New Year's, and I called her and I just said, listen, I know this is completely crazy and we've just met, but how do you feel about getting married to me? Just real quick. I missed the bit where there was any sort of... There was literally nothing, nothing romantic had been said up to this point. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:50 I mean, literally nothing. Okay, so I missed nothing. We hadn't gone on a date. We had not talked about marriage or the future or anything like that. All right. And I just, and she said yes. No. Yeah, she did.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Come on, that didn't happen. Yeah, she... You're making it up. It's all fiction. Fake news. No, it was... This guy is not even Candice Owen's husband. I thought it was weird that he would refuse to go to Paris. Who is he?
Starting point is 00:21:16 What a strange thing. Some random guy that just pulled off the street and stooped him right. You just, you called her up and said, how would you feel about getting married? Were you nervous? Were you nervous? Were you serious? Or were you partly expecting, was this a pickup line? No, I mean, no, I was 100% serious.

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