Pints With Aquinas - Bishop Schneider's AMAZING Defense Against Sedes!

Episode Date: September 22, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Any sinner is capable of being a great saint, and any saint is also capable of being a great saint and any saint is also capable of being a great sinner. Okay, so we're going to go live soon. Yeah, I'm just going to wait for people coming. Did you tell Matt that I was going to get Michael Moles because he's asking him to have a chat? Yeah, I did. Well, I ran out of the cigar lounge. I ran out of the cigar lounge and like, what did she say?
Starting point is 00:00:57 I like go running out and I'm like, oh my gosh, I got to go. We got to go. We got to be set up for 20 minutes. And everybody's like, the good Lord would have a lay hold of what is worst in ourselves. Do not think I did do it. People who have virtue and kindness and other great talent. We just came by this. They had to work out.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Do you want some? Kind of. I mean, the AT&T thing was so ridiculous. I was considering day drinking at like 11am to be honest with you. Alright, let's see. I don't know if I have a fancy glass, but I have stuff that'll probably... Any sinner, any sinner, any sinner is capable of being a great saint. Any saint... We can hear you points with Aquinas. A great saint. And any saint. We can hear you plants with the quietness.
Starting point is 00:01:47 They can hear us. Oh yeah. Cause we didn't know that. What is that? McCloskey's calling me now. Oh they thought. Audio is on. It's really nice that they.
Starting point is 00:01:55 It's nice that they tried to warn us. We knew guys. We were screwing with you. Um. So I just drink plant and straight from the bottle. What? Yeah, it'll probably be fine. Are we live live? Have you? Yeah, no, you're they're looking at you. Hi everybody. Welcome to Pints with Aquinas. My name is Matt Fradd. This has been one one crazy, crazy week and a crazy day. I mean, day. There's your phone again. Hey, before we go any further,
Starting point is 00:02:22 I want to let people know that this is the last month you can get a free beer stein by signing up to our locals. So, when you sign up over there, you get the beer stein for free. You just have to pay shipping. You get a ton of other things like spiritual direction from Father Pine. We have master classes from people like Dr. Ed Faser and many others coming out regularly. We have, yeah, it's just a really cool community. Someone just said today that they've been part of our locals community for two days
Starting point is 00:02:47 And it's already been seriously enriching to their lives So try it out Matt frat dot locals comm again by the start of October You won't be able to get the free beer stone to do it right now Matt frat dot locals dot Come all right, so let me tell you what's been going on so by the way today I want to get a couple of things we tried doing this this morning, but the live stream got cut. So we'll see if we can have More luck today or tonight. I want to talk about These stupid abortion billboards that people are putting up around the country
Starting point is 00:03:16 I want to talk about Russell Brand being demonetized on YouTube and I want to talk about what Bishop Athanasius Schneider had to say Against the Sedes and in favor and in support of Pope Francis being the Pope. But this week's been wild, hasn't it? Thursday just off this week is off the hissy. Yeah, no, it's been insane. So we did. This is our. This is our fifth video this week right now, right? Because we did one Monday, one Tuesday, one yesterday. One this morning, one tonight. Well, we tried one this morning. Oh, that's true. We tried one this morning.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And then we had the former abortionist. Yeah. And then now we're doing this one. So this is technically our sixth shoot this week. So we have 6.30 tonight. We're going to be live again with Dr. Alan Harrelson. Yeah, you got to tune in for that, friends. And it's going's gonna be so fun and then tomorrow we're shooting with mother Ileana Yeah, yeah, so the reason we're doing this is
Starting point is 00:04:14 Family issues I'll leave it at that so we've been having to travel different places And so I'm kind of coming back to crush a bunch of recordings So the reason you haven't seen any of these interviews yet is because they'll come out later But this morning I interviewed an ex-abortionist who has since repented and become a practicing Catholic. And it was a very, very, very powerful interview. Very hard to hear. Yeah. It was hard to listen to, but it was worth listening to. So then what happened was I go over to the cigar lounge and I meet Dr. Alan Harrelson,
Starting point is 00:04:41 who again is going to be on the show tonight. You really don't want to miss this interview. It's going to be fantastic. He has a YouTube channel called Pipe Cottage. He's a big pipe smoker. He has a channel where he just talks about pipe tobacco. And I've listened to him before and I thought he was really great. And then someone reached out to me, Kyle Whittington, about a week ago or two, I forget. And he said, he just announced he's becoming Catholic. So I said, can you get a hold of him? He did Dr. Harrelson said he has listened to pints and he agreed to come on. He's got the most incredible Eastern Tennessee accent you have ever heard and so we're gonna be here tonight drinking bourbon smoking pipes talking about his conversion It sounds like it's fake. It's not sounds like it's fake, but it's not sounds like it's fake. Yeah, it sounds like a dude a Claire
Starting point is 00:05:26 He says he did say that he said I do declare but he's watching right now in the cigar lounge I guarantee it. It's it's a beautiful beautiful. No, it's not fake. It's great. Yeah, you only said that because you just realized he could be watching Yeah So okay, so here's what happens. I'm in the cigar lounge having a cigar monomer in business and I'm like, okay I got an hour. I'll go see the missus, hang out with her. So I go home and I get a text from Michael Knowles asking me if I can come on Ben Shapiro's show, which he was hosting, I guess. And it was like in 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:05:58 And so his producer's writing to me telling me he wants to talk about different things. I said, listen, I don't really follow the news. I don't want to embarrass myself. And let's just not let's maybe let's call it quits. Let's not do it. And he said, Michael said we can talk about anything. I said, let's talk about the faith. Let's talk about being a Christian in a, in a culture that's abandoned Christ. And he said, all right, so I have a shower. I get dressed. I call Thursday. I say, run over. So I get a call. Hey, can you have the studio set for a virtual call in in 20 minutes? And I was like I've never done zoom, but I'm sure I can so I run over and I get the studio set and like
Starting point is 00:06:38 Literally like I went from like our normal setup for like our normal show. Yeah having the studio set up for a virtual It's very different. Yeah. Yeah, well done in like I did it for like our normal show to having the studio set up for a virtual call in. Yeah. Well done. And like I did it in like five minutes. So it was ready to go by the time Matt walked in and then they texted us and we're like, yeah. So they were like, actually, since this is Shapiro show, they don't want to strictly religious thing. So it's not going to work while I'm sitting here. So then we decided to go live cause we did all the work of like all the work
Starting point is 00:07:05 We might as well we might as well go yeah We just had to set up one more camera for this setup So we just set it up real quick and we're like let's go live and finish that video that cut off got cut off one AT&T cut out earlier today, which brings us to the other insane thing that happened today. Let her rip, baby, dude first of all The robot tech support It's the worst is so bad because it's like The robot tech support. It's the worst.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's so bad because it's like, I'm sorry, but if you need a robot to tell you to turn your wifi back off and on again, when it goes out, like that wifi went out, we thought you should. It wasn't wifi. It was the internet. Okay. Cause there was a bunch of people in the comments when we said wifi were like, surely they're not streaming on wifi.
Starting point is 00:07:43 They have a wired connection. It was like, yeah, obviously I know the street. Like we're just right. That's right. Just there was an area wide outage. And every time you call AT&T's helpline, regardless of the number you call, it's a robot that asks for your account number and then wants to remotely restart your router to make sure that it's okay.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Right. And then like, so I just yell representative at this robot over and over. I'm not kidding. Talk to someone. I just representative. Have you tried? Represent it. Like literally.
Starting point is 00:08:14 This is the bureaucracy problem that New Pauly talks about, right? When no one's in charge, the bike stops nowhere. Well, so then this, it gets this like, this becomes worse because of the next thing that happened, which I told you, which I think is like the prime example of this, right? I forget. Go on. So I eventually get ahold of someone, right? And they go, oh yeah, there is an outage in that area.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Oh, sweet. When's it going to be fixed? What's your account number? Well, it's the account. Like it's my boss's account for the office. Like I don't have the account number. I'm just like the employee. But like, if you know there's an outage, then you know that then there is somebody,
Starting point is 00:08:47 there's somebody working on fixing this right now. I want to know how long they think it's going to take. And they're like, I can't tell you that without an account number. And I was like, nobody at it. Like I was like, so you've already told me somebody at AT&T knows how long this is going to be. But you won't tell me. But you won't tell me because I don't have the account number and password. And so I was like, why can you not tell me this? And they're going there. Oh, for, for privacy is whose privacy is being violated by you telling me how
Starting point is 00:09:17 long it's going to take you to provide me the, for the service that we're being, what we're paying for you to provide us. Well, this could be a new show idea. You just call AT&T and go crazy. Cause you texted me and said, I'm one bad, what did you say? Represented? It's quite funny. When I texted Kyle, I'm one unhelpful customer service agent away from day drinking. I texted you that at like one a 1 p.m. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:47 And it was like, and this guy is just like he and he's pretending this is what is really frustrating about this. Is these like unhelpful customer service bureaucrats are pretending that I'm somehow unreasonable for expecting them to provide free for with information that they've already told me they have. like they're acting like I'm unreasonable because about gaslighting yeah they're literally gaslighting me I'm down sir that you did I did yell I yelled at three different customer service people today I have to go to confession for it but it was, no, it's this bureaucracy thing where like they're like, even though
Starting point is 00:10:28 you finally get to a person, it's not any better. This is not me saying that people who work in customer service are not humans. I'm making a philosophical point of the company more than it's their fault, which makes it frustrating because yelling at them doesn't do anything. But you still get like, that's why I feel bad about it. But like, I'm so frustrated because you have this feeling that once you finally get to a person, you're still just talking to a robot because all they can do is type numbers into their computer and then tell you what their computer says. Right. Like, and this is not, once again, this is not me devaluing their personhood, but you feel once you're in this situation that they are little better help
Starting point is 00:11:05 than a robot. Like they're little more, they have little more, they don't have any more like utility. No, not utility. What's the word agency? They don't have any more self agency than the machine that I was just talking to because of how it's been set up. And so it's so frustrating because I know that this company didn't Matt McCloskey used to do that. Didn't he? Wasn't he with?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. He worked for what's the big Hill tell us soon. What's the best buy? He worked for Best Buy as a, as a phone guy. Oh, did he? Yeah. It must be infuriating.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Is he telling us right now? I don't know. I'm so, yes, I did that today and it's just super frustrating because these people are, I mean, the language of bureaucracy being a machine just makes more sense the more experience you have with bureaucracy, which I'm sure you're experiencing right now with the building stuff. Yeah. Where it's like, just there are people who you you you want to feel bad for the people but when you're in the situation you're just frustrated with someone needs
Starting point is 00:12:09 to be blamed some but there is no one but the bureaucracy is just a machine where humans are parts and so then when you're interacting with one of the people who is a part like you get frustrated with them and then realize later that you shouldn't be but But the frustration comes from the fact that you should be able to be frustrated. You should be able to be frustrated with a person because people should have agency. And so you're misplacing your anger on the person because a lot of times these people don't like people who end up in call centers don't grow up thinking I want to be a call center agent who just reads off a computer screen. Right. Like they don't have it.
Starting point is 00:12:45 They don't have the desire to do this. Yeah. This way. I've been thinking a lot lately about how much we've lost with every technological advancement. There is a poverty that isn't discovered until after the glitter dies down. Does that make sense? I think Mark talked about this years, like a year and a half ago now when he was on your show, I think it was late November of 2021.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Mark was talking about GPS and I'm sure you remember this. Yeah. We're like, we used to think, oh, how cool. I never have to get lost again. Right. Because you're, when you hear about GPS on your phone, your first thought is I'm not going to get lost anymore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:25 But then over time, now we can't get anywhere. Like I tell people, oh, it's east of here. And they go, I don't know which way east is. And we live on the Ohio River. Yeah. And it's like, you don't like we should. And I feel bad for them because it's like, how do you feel bad for them? Because you could probably accuse yourself of similar things, right?
Starting point is 00:13:45 I could accuse myself of similar things in different circumstances, but it's just like GPS, like the fact that somebody sitting on 4th Street doesn't know which way East is, when they know the, like if I asked them, is the Ohio River north, south, east, or west of you, they would say East. Yes. And you would go, which way is the Ohio River?
Starting point is 00:14:02 It's that way. Okay, so where do you think North is? So where is North? North is that way. Like this, this is in this is in so many different facets. I mean, text messaging. What does that kill? I heard a story of a fella who he said before cell phones came in, these fellas who would have to work away from their families would play cards
Starting point is 00:14:22 every night and drink and chat. Where is now at the end of work, they all go back to their room and watch Netflix. But there's just so much of that. So, I mean, you talk about the breakdown in relationships in general because of what technology has done, and then you wonder why men and women can't relate to each other
Starting point is 00:14:37 and why all sorts of weird abnormalities and suggestions start popping out all over the place. I don't know what the answer is. This is where the temptation of Ludditism comes in, dude. And I think so weakly. And I think you have to be purposefully naive to say that people's temptation to Ludditism is not somewhat justified by the world we're living in. 100 percent. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Because when when you look at like if you are at all historically literate and you look at what life used to be like and you look at life today and you say, I want, like I'd trade it, right? If I would trade it, like that's some degree like of Ludditism because you're willing to throw all the technology away for the older style of life. But like, why is that an unjustified desire? It's, yeah, it isn't. My phone just died recently. So people know I was going on about the Wyze phone for a while. And then I went to Ukraine and used a smartphone. So I just fell back into it, locked down the app store.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So it was essentially like a dumb phone, but there was still a lot of distractions that were let in. And the other day I dropped my iPhone and it cracked. And I was so happy. And well, I should say I was partly happy because it was dying anyway. And so, okay, finally, you know, but then I thought, well, I guess I could go get a new iPhone. I thought, let me just try to be a little bit better than that, at least for two weeks
Starting point is 00:15:52 until I give up. So I'm back on the wise phone and I gotta say it's great. Yeah, it is great. And it's great for annoying reasons. Like all the reasons it's great are annoying reasons, which you have to then realize are opportunities to do something better with your time. So I was at a drive-through coffee place today and I can't, I'm stuck in line, I can't check YouTube,
Starting point is 00:16:15 I can't do anything. Tech, I can't do voice to text, so it's annoying to text people. So you know what I did is I actually picked up this thing next to me, the church in the modern world, G it at space, started reading that. And I'm like, wow, I can actually be a more interesting human being if I would just detach. Do you think that smartphones have killed internal monologues?
Starting point is 00:16:33 I think they aim to. Yeah. You know, because an internal monologue seems to me to be something essential to having self agency and sufficiency in society. We now we replace our own internal monologues for Ben Shapiro's monologues or anybody in one of these monologues. Right. Right. Like right now there are people replacing. I mean, frankly, I don't think you're going to be upset if you're saying this. Like if you have not been if you've been on your phone too much today, like turn off
Starting point is 00:17:00 the stream right now all the time. But then I want to push back against this inclination because I used to say, you know, frequently that I'm just done, you know, and I want to quit and whatever. Everyone's like, here goes Matt again. Or I would say it would be better if you just stopped listening to Pines with a Quine. I said, just read a book, right? But I would actually have people reach out and push back in a way that made sense to me.
Starting point is 00:17:19 They said, try not to say that. It's like, you know, your podcast has meant a lot to me. I actually came into the church in large part because of your podcast and you've actually helped me understand things You've given me a love for reading. I actually got the wise phone. You know what I mean? So I guess Jesus Christ used the Roman roads of his time. Yes. No, we have we can use these things but Unlike roads these things act on us in a way that Subverts our agency and you don't realize it's done it until it's done it. Yeah, brother.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Anyway, that was a little rant that we hope you appreciated. Take your phone, drop it in the toilet and then take a photo of it with the phone you no longer own and then cry about the fact that you don't have a phone that can take photos. I'm getting a new phone tomorrow, actually. I think it's OK. I like if you. Well, you know what? I like everybody knows what I do
Starting point is 00:18:11 because I'm the producer. It'd be really hard for me to do my job without a smartphone. Yeah. And I recently switched to Apple for editing because it's better. What if I became like so die hard that Pines for the Kindness
Starting point is 00:18:20 became a podcast that you can only come and sit in to listen to. So we get like five people who come in a week. No, we're committed. With no cameras. Cameras are all broken. There's not even light. It gets big enough that like,
Starting point is 00:18:35 St Pete's on Sunday where there's no microphones. Oh yeah, well it feels like that as it is actually. Yeah. Glory to Jesus Christ. Okay, I think one of the points I'd like to make today is the following. In Acts chapter two, verse 40, when St. Peter gives the sermon that brings about 3000 converts, he says the following. This is from Acts chapter two, verse 40, save yourselves from this wicked generation. And what I want to say is, I think for decades, I'm sure longer,
Starting point is 00:19:07 it feels like the Catholic Church has sought to be friendly with the world, which has always hated it. We've sought to get accolades from the world, you know, prestigious Catholic universities that really aren't Catholic. We wanted the praise of the world. And so when's the last time you heard a bishop or a priest? Maybe you have, you know, tell me below that you heard someone say save yourself from this wicked generation, because this is a wicked generation which we have to save ourselves from. And if you want to save yourself from it, the first thing you have to do is realize that it's wicked. And then I think begin to detach yourself from mainstream culture
Starting point is 00:19:46 however you can and implant yourself into a holy Christian culture, often labelled as a bubble in a way to disparage it. And I thought of this today when I saw this just come out. This comes from the Daily Wire. The leftist activist group Shout Your Abortion has posted six billboards across Interstate 55 which spans through five strongly pro-life states. The billboards variously state in huge letters, God's plan includes abortion. And abortion is okay, you are loved, which is such a demonic statement.
Starting point is 00:20:21 What's the, if we were to rephrase that we would say abortion is evil and you are loved. I think as a church I've said it before we are unwilling to admit that we have enemies and they are right to think of us as enemies right when the FBI investigates different Catholics or different Catholic churches or Catholicism in general within the United States They are right to think of us as an enemy. But we are not the enemy that wants to convert them to destruction as the world wishes to convert Christians.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Rather, we want to convert people for their own salvation. So we love our enemies, we pray for our enemies, we invite them to accept the only name under heaven by which men can be saved, the name of Jesus Christ. So if you were playing Minecraft. And if this is our that will get it with a. I mean, if you didn't see the stream this morning in Minecraft, if if in Minecraft, you saw
Starting point is 00:21:22 one billboard that said God's plans includes abortion, you should, Matt Fradd thinks you should definitely set that billboard on fire. Get some flint steel. Set it on fire. You know, maybe some TNT in Minecraft. Well, they have those little signs, right? And they just added a bunch of new signs, which means people are going to be- And then take a photo of that.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Sorry, screenshot. Screenshot. I mean, we're calling for the death of the innocent and the willful death of the innocent. I spoke to my daughter this morning. I said, I've got to go do an interview with an ex-abortionist. He used to murder people. And she went, what? Yes, he used to kill babies in the womb. And she went, oh oh wow, that's disgusting
Starting point is 00:22:05 She said I thought you meant he was walking around killing people In you know, I said well, this is this is worse. He's killing pure innocent babies in the womb And again, you're gonna see this episode released in several weeks. You're not gonna want to miss it because it was Holy mackerel. Yeah It was holy mackerel. Yeah. Any other? I mean, I said, I'll say what I said this morning again, since we're redoing the story, but I think that the fact that we live in a society where the company that put these
Starting point is 00:22:35 that owns these billboards was willing to put this up if they got paid, you know, because they care more about, you know, whatever our morality seems to be about whatever makes us money. And like we think everything is neutral so long as everyone consents to it and everybody gets their due payment. Not like it's like a perversion. It seems to be a perversion of morality because we've made morality all about consent. Like if everybody consents to it and it seems to be a perversion of justice because instead of everyone getting what they're owed blank, nothing. You get
Starting point is 00:23:11 like justices to give each man his due, right? To give God his due. It's what you're owed monetarily almost anymore, right? Like that's how we think about justice. Did you consent to it and did you get the payment you agreed for? That's it. And, and so we've replaced our morality. I mean, The Messiah told us that the root of evil like money is the root of money. The love of money is the root of evil. Yeah, right. There's St. James says this. So God, I mean God tells us in the scripture. Amen. Yeah. This is an example and this seems to be an example of that because this company is like, oh, we put up whatever somebody pays us to so long as they pay us, we're given what we're owed. Right? Like that's, that's clearly a statement that perverts the virtue of justice.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Amen. By the way, I got that wrong. It's first Timothy. First Timothy. Sorry. We're like, we don't know the Bible. No, I think I just, 16. I don't know the Bible. Yeah. No, I think I just. It seems to me that this is a perversion of justice and a perversion of. Like a perversion of speech.
Starting point is 00:24:13 No, you're right. We've we've we've absolutely reduced morality to consent, which is such a awful thing to do. The idea is I'm allowed to degrade you if you consent to me degrading you. I'm allowed to kill you kill you presumably if you wish to be killed We are so off the rocker that we had to get back to the Word of God of the teachings of the church
Starting point is 00:24:32 I mean consuming that and in prayer with that way more than we are watching the latest hulu friggin video or listening to Some political show or whatever and by, people, I'm preaching to myself, alright? This isn't me looking down my nose at people. This is me saying, repent, repent and believe in the gospel. Matt Fradd, you know? Yeah. Or as my wife calls me, Maddie Fraddy. No, she doesn't. She calls me Daddy Fraddy.
Starting point is 00:25:01 No, I told you never to say that again. What if I gave you a raise if you call me Daddy Freddy from now on? How demeaning. Speaking about a lack of justice. Daddy Friday and I call my wife mama. What's up, mama? Well, that's a thing we happened again. And I asked specifically for you not to do that. You were hoping I learned from the first stream, like, I could get all the bad stuff out now.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Speaking of consent morality, I specifically did not consent to you saying that ever again. I specifically requested that you didn't. Alright, so let's talk about what's happening with Russell Brand right now. He's been accused of sexual misconduct, rape, all sorts of horrific things. Years ago, he is denying the allegations, even suggesting that these allegations are being lobbed at him for his kind of conversion and different political views. I think 10 years ago, I probably wouldn't have been open to that. I would have thought I would have been more along the lines of believe all women, you know, and certainly we don't know what happened and we're not making a statement about whether he did or didn't do these things. But I mean, after the debacle of Brett Kavanaugh, where they just gleefully lied and smeared him about rape trains and things like this,
Starting point is 00:26:15 and given how... Grape. What? Grape trains and stuff. Yes, I think you don't use grape. Given the, yeah, given the proliferation of Satanism and godlessness. I'm I'm more open to giving You know here and him out, but I think what isn't okay is that YouTube just took away all of his money It says yeah, you YouTube They have this out of the creator responsibility policy and it states if we see that a creators on responsibility policy and it states if we see that a creators on and off platform behavior harms our users community employees or ecosystem we may take action to protect the community may exactly sorry that was my like league my
Starting point is 00:26:58 like legal brain yeah queuing into that word that gives them plausible deniability to use it whenever they think it's convenient for them So we'll get back to the hypocrisy of what YouTube's done here given that this man has not been convicted but interestingly enough rumble Said no to the UK government. Yeah, I saw this on Twitter because Calvin Reverend Calvin Robinson was tweeting some things about it I'm sure I could probably pull up here, but basically the UK parliament has a, has a committee kind of like our Congress has committees, but I think their committees have more power because they don't have a tiered
Starting point is 00:27:37 like they don't have a tiered government system, right? They don't have branches. So I think the committee actually does have immediate legislative and ability power. And so they asked, um, they asked for rumble to demonetize him. Um, and I can pull up the letter real quick if you want me to, unless you have it. Yeah, no, I got something here. Let's see. So they asked him to, I guess they said, while we recognize that Rumble is not the creator
Starting point is 00:28:05 of the content published by Mr. Brand, we are concerned that he may be able to profit from his content on the platform. We would be grateful if you could confirm whether Mr. Brand is able to monetize his content, yada yada. And then it seems that we have devoted ourselves to the vital cause of defending a free internet. This is rumble, meaning an internet where no one arbitrarily dictates which ideas can or cannot be heard or which citizens may or may not be entitled to a platform. We regard it as deeply inappropriate and dangerous that the UK parliament would attempt to control
Starting point is 00:28:41 who is allowed to speak on our platform or earn a living from doing so. Good for them. Yeah. And again. The last paragraph of this letter to Rumble is, I think, the most disturbing. Yeah, go for it. We would also like to know what Rumble is doing to ensure that the creator, that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims of
Starting point is 00:29:06 inappropriate and potentially illegal behavior so That's disturbing and I don't think people are gonna realize immediately why so let me say this There is not a presumption of innocence in the UK and it's not like a cultural Presumption of guilt like we have in the United States because in the United States I don't think you can argue that we have a cultural like a like the court of public opinion is presuming guilt Kyle Rittenhouse Brett Kavanaugh, I mean, yeah Clarence Thomas all the way back in the 90s. Yep Like we have that in the United States legally there is not a presumption of innocence and in some cases depending on the offense
Starting point is 00:29:42 I believe there's a presumption of guilt. You have to prove you didn't do it. So that line that that last line that sounds like they're assuming he's guilty, which in to an American mind is overstepping for the government to say that is the default, like actual position of the UK government of the UK justice system, which is not actually a separate branch of government from the parliament. If I, if I understand correctly, I don't know enough. So the parliament and the UK government, just as a matter of course is assuming Russell brand is guilty of these things, which is why they're able to say, not alleged victims, but undermine the welfare of victims of inappropriate and
Starting point is 00:30:27 potentially illegal behavior. So they are assuming that he did these things. The government is assuming he did these things and then asking private companies to limit his livelihood. Yeah. He had like six million subscribers on YouTube. I mean, that's a big portion of his income stripped away. So I really do think good for Rumble.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Now, obviously, I mean, the little I've known about Brand, he seemed like a trash heap of a human being who ought to still repent and give his life to Jesus Christ, right? But it seems like he's tried to make amends in many ways, from what I know, the little I know about him. So again, neither you or I are saying he did or didn't do these things, but we are saying YouTube is guilty of hypocrisy and why? Here's why.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Other channels on YouTube operated by convicted criminals, not just accused like Brand, but convicted in a court of law are allowed to be monetized. And isn't it interesting that all these people seem to go full step in line with the worldly dogma. For example, rapper Cassidy killed someone and was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and aggressive assault,
Starting point is 00:31:43 yet his YouTube artist channel is monetized. And while she is not being convicted of involuntary manslaughter and aggressive assault. He had a YouTube artist channel is monetized. And while she is not being convicted of a crime rapper Cardi, bless her, bless her Lord Jesus convert her and Cardi B is on the record admitting to having drugged and robbed men and she's monetized. Also Sam Pepper was accused of rape but not charged. His channel is monetized and Mike Tyson, right? Mike Tyson is a convicted rapist. So I actually think it was a really good move for Rumble to show some backbone there. What do you think should happen if he is accused of these? If he's convicted? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:25 I think it would depend on the court, to be honest. Suppose he's kind of convicted beyond anyone's reasonable doubt. Oh, like he did it, did it? Yeah. Like what is YouTube or Rumble's responsibility in that case? Because it's funny, in one way, YouTube and Rumble could be thought of as not an employer, but I mean, they're giving him a platform on which he makes a lot of money. I, I honestly haven't thought about this a bunch. My first thought is if, if you're convicted
Starting point is 00:32:55 and you're talking about it and still denying it or, or talking about the victims and trying to discredit them and you're convicted. Like I think everybody who watches these solos, I've no has figured this out or I've said this already. I'm not like a free speech absolutist. I think there are certain things which should not be allowed to be said. And I think if you're convicted of a sexual assault crime or any other like violent crime and you're monetizing, mocking, or belittling the victims of your violent crime, I don't think that it would be out of line for YouTube or Rumble or any social media platform to say you cannot monetize mocking of your victimized parties. I have to say though, like I have often thought, like, I mean, I've been traveling and speaking for like 10 or 15 years on the topic of pornography.
Starting point is 00:33:53 And I've always been really careful from the get-go. I always came up with like little clauses in the contract that, that may have seemed over the top for people, but it was like, I can't have a woman picked up from the airport. And if she does, there needs to be someone else. There's always like two people. Whenever I would give a talk afterwards, if a young woman wanted to come up and talk to me, let's say the crowd was dispersing,
Starting point is 00:34:14 I would always walk towards the crowd. I have never done anything untoward, but it would just take one accusation, because someone got pissed off that I talked about Transgenderism or abortion if I got really big I could see something like that happening and if it did Could you imagine how brutal that would be to be accused of something you didn't do and to know that nothing that you say is Going to change people's minds because I could get on here and say this is this is a lie and what people would do this Right, they'd be like well, maybe it's a lie but I kind of think it's weird that he always spoke
Starting point is 00:34:46 about pornography like you you get the sense that maybe he was kind of messed up like these people already do that to you do you not know that no I didn't but thanks man you know but like I sorry I assumed you did and here's another thing right when I heard brand do that little video where he said he's not guilty and he immediately said I can't help but think that this is political as Soon as he said that there was a thing in my brain that went mmm, feel like you're trying to defend yourself too quickly there, buddy and I'm just whether he's guilty or innocent isn't the point
Starting point is 00:35:16 The point is when you're accused in that manner like you're taken out. I don't know how how you recover from that unless I Don't think you can I mean there are still people who... There are people to this day who even though some of the women who accused Kavanaugh have admitted that they made it up or exaggerated, still think Brett Kavanaugh. There are people who 30 plus years later still think Clarence Thomas is... You know? He's going to live with it, I guess. Like he's going to live with that forever. Let's, let's presume he didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And I heard, I was listening to, um, I watched pop culture crisis's video on this and they made a really good point that they call this, that they called it assassination by hyperlink, which I don't think is a term they made up. But now any time Russell Brand says something contrary to the narrative or he started to do some investigative work now and like break some news, right? Anytime a major like establishment news source reports on this, they're going to put Russell Brand accused, alleged, and then they're going to link to the article.
Starting point is 00:36:25 They're going to list that right after his name to discredit the stories coming up with. Yeah, then you kind of screwed because if people like us come out and say, hang on, hang on, like the fella hasn't even been convicted. This is ridiculous. Then then then the narrative towards us is, well, you're just now you're justifying someone who's sexually violent, which is a bit... so everyone shuts their mouth. Well, I think it's worth saying this.
Starting point is 00:36:49 He, even in his video denying it, says like, oh yeah, I was a... I was a debaucherous, sexually promiscuous person. People aren't to like this. Men who engage in that world for that long and admit that they were debaucherous in some way. I, I don't think it's as out of the question as like, when like Brett Kavanaugh was accused, I was like, are you kidding?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Why does anybody believe this? Right? Like, yeah. But the Russell Brand thing, it's like, maybe like guys, like men in Hollywood who engage in that level of sexual debauchery for that long yeah in a culture like that's celebrating it that's celebrating it like look he's not a key he's not he's not convicted and so I don't think YouTube should have demonetized him but like let's not pretend that this is totally out of the question like the Clarence Thomas or the Brett Kavanaugh accusations were, you know what I mean? Like I would put those on
Starting point is 00:37:47 very different levels. And so I think the real outrage here where it's justified is like, if anybody ever comes out and says that you did something like how like there are we have like think about think about sorry this is selfish this is a little selfish but like Russell Brand is a much bigger operation than we do so think about all the people whose livelihoods not it's not just Russell Brand's livelihood that these people are endangering like think about like what it would do like there are people whose families are probably fed by Russell Brands Like thing right? Yeah, like think about what not just not just not just those who work for me But think about the commute. I don't know why we're making this about me think about the community
Starting point is 00:38:37 Oh, I think it's a good to connect it to like what would happen. You know, like the community would be broken down like it would It's not so much like, oh, this is awful that it happened. Slander is a mortal sin. Yeah. It's just like what... Imagine how, if they can do this to him, off of a single accusation, you know, put together by his ex-employer actually. Well, it was multiple people making accusations. Channel 4 did the investigation. He used to work for Channel 4. Oh you're saying the one who's doing the reporting is a former employee. I see. Is a former employer, yeah. Look, the whole thing
Starting point is 00:39:17 is just really messed up because I think it's another instance, it's another time. Like we've all known this could happen, like it's at the forefront of our mind again, that YouTube can at any time take away any creators livelihood and all of the people who rely on that creator. Like they can put families out of a job in an instant because of political decisions and that's messed up. And I think that's my main concern here. And you know, if, if Russell Brandon do these things, then it's really messed up. And I think that's my main concern here. And you know, if, if Russell Brandon do these things, then it's really messed up that he got accused. But like, frankly,
Starting point is 00:39:51 it's not as out of the question for me as past accusations have been. You know what I mean? Yeah, absolutely. Well, God bless Russell brand and, and these victims, if they are victims, and if they're not, we pray that the truth comes to light. I want to look at Bishop Athanasius Schneider and something he just put out recently. I thought this was really good because there's a growing movement of set of accountants in the church, people I know, who I love, who I care for, who, as I said in a recent video, seem to want their reaction to be as strong as the anxiety they feel. And so they go ahead and say, Pope Francis isn't the Pope, or he's an anti-Pope, or he's even the anti-Christ.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You see this sort of stuff floating around. And I'm really happy to see Athanasius, Bishop Athanasius, come out swinging against the Sedes. I want to just say kind of like something about kind of set of account is in general right now, right? Because I understand people are dissatisfied with the state of the church. They're upset with many of the decisions Pope Francis has made. They're upset with many of the things he has done, those he has elevated. And I think that an argument can be made for all of those things. But you've probably heard of Pascal's wager, right? Pascal's wager is not a argument for God's existence, rather, it's an argument to go ahead and believe in God if the evidence is equal.
Starting point is 00:41:15 And I think something like that could apply to whether or not you're going to bet on set of accountism, because if you want to go ahead and say, well, Pope Francis isn't the Pope and you're right, you have absolute no juridical authority to make that pronouncement. That's like the best case scenario. Worst case scenario is, and this is the truth, you're proclaiming that he's not the Pope when he in fact is, and therefore you're putting your own soul in danger and the souls of those that you're leading astray in danger. And you can try to cushion what you're putting your own soul in danger and the souls of those that you're leading astray in danger and you can try to cushion what you're saying with hey ultimately it's not up to me but you're leading people into this way of thinking which is not good for your soul and it's
Starting point is 00:41:57 not good for those that you're leading astray if one day in the future a certain pope declares a previous pope an anti pope, okay fine But that's really not for you to decide right now Okay, let's take a look at what he had to say He says there is no authority to declare or consider an elected and generally accepted Pope as an invalid pope by the way, we'll put a link to these things in the description The constant practice of the church makes it evident that even in the case of an invalid election, which this is this wasn't, this invalid, if it were, this invalid election
Starting point is 00:42:36 will be de facto healed through the general acceptance of the new elected by the overwhelming majority of the cardinals and bishops, which Pope Francis has. Even in the case of a heretical pope, he will not lose his office automatically and there is no body within the church to declare him deposed because of heresy. Such actions would come close to a kind of heresy of conciliarism, and he goes on to explain what that is, the heresy of conciliarism or episcopalism, says basically that there is a body within the church, ecumenical council, senate, college
Starting point is 00:43:12 of cardinals, college of bishops, which can issue a legally binding judgment over the pope. There's a lot more that's said here. You can read it for yourself, but he concludes by saying, Good Catholics know the truth and must proclaim it. Offer reparation for the errors of an erring pope. Since the case of a heretical pope is humanly irresolvable, we must implore, with supernatural faith, a divine intervention, because that singular erring pope is not eternal but temporal, and the church is not in our hands, but in the almighty hands of God.
Starting point is 00:43:46 We must have enough of supernatural faith, trust, humility, and a spirit of the cross in order to endure such an extraordinary trial. In such relatively short situations, in comparison to 2,000 years, we must not yield to a too human reaction and to an easy solution, declaring the invalidity of his pontificate, but must keep sobriety, keep a cool head, and at the same time a true supernatural view and trust in divine intervention and in the indestructibility of the Church." So there you are. I think that's really good advice and I'm glad that he said it. So I think we should continue to pray for the Holy Father.
Starting point is 00:44:27 We should continue to invite those people who have divided themselves from the one holy, catholic and apostolic church to repent and to change their mind and to stop saying this. As Michael Voris said, just shut your mouth. Like stop, stop saying these things that are leading souls astray. Any thoughts on that before we begin to wrap up? Not really, nope. Alright. It's a good thing you said it.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Right, couple of things we've got going on. We have a huge interview taking place in, holy crap, half hour. No. It's 5.30. Yeah. Okay. It starts at 6.30.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Okay. But in half hour, our guests will be here and we're gonna be setting up the studio again and you are not gonna want to miss this. We're gonna have bourbon, we're gonna have pipes, we're gonna be chatting about... This fella has over 200 pipes. He knows more about smoking a pipe than you'll ever need to know or want to know. Maybe you don't even want to know. But come, we're gonna chat about that. We're also gonna to be chatting about why he is becoming Catholic. Again, this isn't a fella who went through RCIA and has been brought to the church. This is a
Starting point is 00:45:30 fella who made a decision to become Catholic after having done a bunch of research, made the announcement on his channel, and he attended Holy Mass for the first time a week or two weeks ago. And so he just showed up in Steubenville like a kid in a candy store. So you're not gonna want to miss that. Do us a favor if you haven't already, click subscribe and that bell button. And again, this is the final month you can get the Pints with Aquinas beer stein for free. All you got to do is sign up to Locals and we do ship all around the world. You have to pay shipping whether you're in the States or anywhere else. But we do pay for the stein for you.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And we have a brand new masterclass taught by Andrew Swofford on salvation history. These are only available for our local supporters coming up in the middle of October. And then I've asked Dr. Joseph Pierce, I actually don't think he's a doctor, but he should be, Joseph Pierce to teach a masterclass on Tolkien
Starting point is 00:46:19 and the Lord of the Rings. We've got one by Ed Faeser on Thomas Aquinas' Five Ways. Father Damien Ference taught one on Flannery O'Connor. And you guys, if you are supporters, you really love it. And if you're not yet one, please do that. Again, if you sign up on October 1st, you won't get the free beers done. So do it right now. God bless. Thanks so much. Chat with you soon.

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