Pints With Aquinas - BONUS: 10 Things to Give up or take on this lent

Episode Date: February 1, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Points with Aquinas. My name is Matt Fradd. This is a bonus episode for those wishing to prepare for Lent. In today's episode, we're going to see the three reasons we fast according to St. Thomas Aquinas. In addition to that, I'm going to give you several things that you might decide to give up this Lent, as well as a few things you might decide to take on. Enjoy the show. Yes, Lent is upon us, the great fast, whatever you call it, depending on which east or west, I guess, tradition you come from. I'm pumped, man. I'm excited and I hope you are too.
Starting point is 00:00:49 I thought it'd be really cool just to have a short episode where I suggest 10 random things that you might fast from, as well as a few things that you might take on this Lent. Before we look at those things, I want to let you know that I have recorded a audio book from Thomas Aquinas. He wrote a book of meditations for every day through Lent. Each meditation, if you listen to it, is about five to 10 minutes. If you become a supporter of Pints with Aquinas on Patreon, because let's face it, I know you've been wanting to do it for a while and you keep thinking, oh my gosh, Pints with Aquinas is literally the greatest thing in the world, and I desperately want to support Matt Fradd and his family. Here's what you get for supporting the 10 bucks a month. And this is going to include those Lenten meditations. Okay. You're going to get an upcoming book that I have. I keep telling you it's coming out on Aquinas' five ways. Okay. I'm going to sign it. I'm going to send it to you. You just have to pay for
Starting point is 00:01:37 shipping. You're going to get monthly exclusive videos. You're going to get access to an ever growing library of audio books audiobooks seriously like papal encyclicals and other works of saint thomas aquinas that you wish you had the time to read and you wish they were on audible but they're not well now you can listen to them for free just by becoming a supporter of pines with aquinas i'll give you a shout out on social media and you in addition to those audiobooks you'll get this 40 days of meditations from St. Thomas Aquinas. Around 40 days, right? It's from Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, through to Easter Sunday.
Starting point is 00:02:12 So there you go. You should do it. $10 a month, and then you can listen to Thomas Aquinas for 10 minutes a day or something. And know that you're supporting a cool cause. So to do that, go to, click support, and you can start listening to them. You can listen to them all at once if you want. They're all separate audio files, but that wouldn't be cool. I think you should listen to one per day. All right, let's look at what Thomas Aquinas has to say about fasting before I suggest 10 things that we might fast from or take up this Lent. And some of them are kind of funny, but still super practical.
Starting point is 00:02:44 All right, let's take a look at what Aquinas says. He gives us three reasons as to why we fast, okay? He says, an act is virtuous through being directed by reason to some virtuous good. Okay, so this is why he's saying that fasting is a good thing to do, okay? He says, now, this is consistent with fasting because fasting is practiced for a threefold purpose. What are those three purposes? Number one, he says, in order to bridle the lusts of the flesh. Wherefore, the apostle says, in fasting, in charity. Since fasting is the guardian of chastity, for according to Jerome, lust is called by abstinence
Starting point is 00:03:25 in meat and drink. I think this is a good point. Sometimes we can just go through our day and everything that looks appealing, we take it. So that cake, that second cup of coffee, that whatever. We just keep eating, eating, eating, eating. And it's like we don't even think about it. And if you were to get to the end of the day and write a list of everything that you consume that day, you'd probably be embarrassed. I know I would sometimes. So if you and I can be more intentional about eating, because a lot of the time we eat, it's not for sustenance, it's for comfort, right? If we can be more intentional as to how we eat, that'll make us more intentional regarding the decisions we make that might lead us down good or bad paths.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I like how Christopher West put it once. He said, if you can't say no to that next Oreo cookie, how will you ever be able to say no to that pop-up that entices you to look at pornography or something like that? So that's the first reason. Here's the second reason. He says, second, we have recourse to fasting in order that the mind may arise more freely to the contemplation
Starting point is 00:04:25 of heavenly things. Hence, it is related of Daniel that he received a revelation from God after fasting for three weeks. You know, since we take the Bible seriously, this is worth noting. Another instance we can give is our Lord who fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, and then was ministered to by angels. So, there is this spiritual component to fasting that when we detach from our earthly comforts, that we then direct our energy, our attention, our longing to the supernatural. And so, we're able to more easily have our mind rise from earthly goods to heavenly goods. Thirdly, he says, Aquinas says, in order to satisfy for sins, wherefore it is written, be converted to me with all your heart in fasting and in weeping
Starting point is 00:05:15 and in mourning. Interesting, isn't it? I mean, how many of you would have thought, okay, I want to turn back to God. I want to repent. Therefore, I'm going to fast. But that is what the scripture says. This is from Joel 2, verse 12. Be converted to me with all your heart in fasting and in weeping and in mourning. I think one way to read that is to convert means to turn towards, I suppose, to turn towards our heavenly father. When we fast, we're letting go of lesser goods in order to attain a greater good. The same thing is declared by Augustine. This is Aquinas now. He says, fasting cleanses the soul, raises the mind, subjects one's flesh to the spirit,
Starting point is 00:05:59 renders the heart contrite and humble, scatters the clouds of concupiscence, quenches the fire of lust, kindles the true light of chastity. So, let's you and me be very intentional about what we are going to abstain from this Lent. I know it's kind of a new cool thing to say things like, well, instead of fasting, what about if I take up something? Do both if you want, but definitely fast from something, all right? So, here are 10 things. Most of these are things we can fast from and then a few of them are things that we can take up. Now, these might sound silly to you, some of these, and I did these to be super practical. Maybe some of
Starting point is 00:06:35 these will seem very easy to you. So, you might do this in addition to something you're already doing. you're already doing. Okay. Okay. So number one, give up Amazon. Isn't that silly? Yeah, it's kind of silly. Give up Amazon. If you're the sort of person like most human beings in the Western world, maybe most of the world who shop on Amazon, you might find yourself, you know, you go to get something from Amazon, then all these other things pop up and it just creates this consumerism, right? Just stop it, you know, just quit Amazon for all of Lent. Number two, this is really funny, maybe, stop playing with your phone on the toilet. That is funny, isn't it? I told you it'd be funny. All right, that sounds stupid, but come on. I think a lot of people play with their phone on the toilet. If they don't play, they're playing a game, they're listening to something, they're emailing. Don't do that. Don't do that. All right. Again, I did this actually a few years back
Starting point is 00:07:33 because I was like, you know, whenever I go to the toilet, it's like I have to have a phone in my hands to do something. That's silly. All right. Be alone with yourself, even if on the toilet. So, that might be another thing you can give up. Number three, this is a little more difficult. Give up listening to music and or podcasts, including Pints with Aquinas in the car. All right. If you're like me, it's easy to get accustomed to the noise. We don't like being alone with ourself. Making a decision. Okay. From now on throughout all of Lent, when I drive, I might be on my own, I'm not going to listen to any music at all. And I'm not going to listen to any podcasts at all. Now, you might be tempted to say, well, I'll only listen to spiritual music.
Starting point is 00:08:13 But think a little bit more about that. Maybe just don't listen to any music. All right? Because again, even spiritual music can be a way to distract ourselves and entertain ourselves. This could be a way to choose not to be entertained. All right. So, that's the third one. Give up listening to music or podcasts in the car. All right. Number four, give up YouTube and Netflix. You remember like 10 years ago, people would say, I'm going to give up TV for Lent. Well, now that means YouTube and Netflix. Give up YouTube and Netflix. Just give up TV. And if this is really difficult for you, maybe give your password to somebody else and ask them, please change it. But yeah, and I suppose, like, this
Starting point is 00:08:51 is actually one of the ones I'm thinking of doing. I suppose what's going to happen is I'll give it up and all of a sudden I'll click on a link and I'll be watching a video and I'll think to myself, oh goodness, I gave this up. But that's okay. You know, stop it. Don't keep, just quit when you realize that you're doing it. So, that could be a really cool thing. Number five, giving up social media. All right. So, this could mean either giving up all social media or giving up everything but one of your social media outlets. Now, in addition to this, if you want to go a little more extreme, you could give up internet on your extreme, you could give up internet on your phone. You can give up internet on your phone. I've spoken about this in the past,
Starting point is 00:09:30 but for those of you who have iPhones, here's how you do that. Go to settings. I'm doing it literally right now as I speak. Once you are in settings, go to general. Once you're in general, I believe it's restrictions, okay? You give your phone to somebody, maybe your spouse, your parents, your brother or sister or a friend, have them set a code, okay? Then what you can do is block the downloading of apps, all right? Now, this code is going to be different to the code that you need to log into your phone with, and it's a code you won't know. Delete the downloading, sorry, block the downloading of apps, then go back into your phone with, and it's a code you won't know. Delete the downloading, sorry, block the downloading of apps, then go back into your phone and delete everything that accesses the
Starting point is 00:10:10 internet. Okay. Delete your, you know, Twitter, Instagram, everything that accesses the internet. If you get a link sent to you over email, if you click that, nothing will open because you won't have internet on your phone. I mean, you're going to have internet in the sense that you'll get email, but you won't be able to browse the web at all. And yet you'll still be able to use things like, you know, like your map feature, which you might still want to have. So that is something I've done in the past. I might choose to do this again, but this is another way to remain more quiet, right? It's one thing to have a quiet day. You know, you say, I don't want any distractions around me. I don't
Starting point is 00:10:45 want loudness, but it's still easy to be very loud within ourselves if we're continually living in this state of distraction, isn't it? So that might be another thing you give up. So again, that was number five, all internet on your phone. And then also social media could be another idea. and then also social media could be another idea. All right, number six, something more traditional, okay, having to do with food. Give up sugar. Give up all processed stuff, not necessarily processed stuff, but give up sugar altogether. Now, you'll realize real soon, sugar is in absolutely everything, and it's really difficult. I'm actually preparing for the great fast right now, and I'm just doing this little sugar cleanse thing. I think it's okay that you might have two reasons to give up sugar. Like one is you want more energy, and you want to look better, and you know it's not good for you,
Starting point is 00:11:36 but also you're doing this as a spiritual sacrifice. I think that's okay. I don't think the only reason you should be giving up something is just so you'll look better. That's called dieting, and that's a different thing to fasting. Okay. But that might be one thing, giving up sugar. Another thing, maybe give up meat for the entirety of Lent. Some kind of food, maybe old grains, old bread. Okay. Or another idea, this is still in number six, give up alcohol for all of Lent. Okay. Number seven, choose. This is something to do. Okay. We're getting into this now, as opposed to the things we'll give up. Here are some things you might choose to do in addition to giving up something. Okay. Number seven, get up early. Get up before your spouse gets up,
Starting point is 00:12:16 before your kids get up, before your parents get up. Get up early. I'm talking 5 a.m. early and go and sit in a chair and read Holy Scripture and pray. Is it going to feel super pious? Are you going to feel like super spiritual and, oh my gosh, I'm connecting in a deeper way with God? Probably not. Probably not. You're going to feel exhausted and you're going to think this is a kind of a stupid idea. You're going to say things like, oh, now I'm not giving the best of myself to other people because I'm so tired. Get over it. Pray for the grace. Be tired throughout the day. That's okay. Get up at 5 a.m. every single morning, okay? Another thing you can do, all right, number eight, this is an idea of, you know, as opposed to giving something up, give something up definitely, but here's something you can take on. Read good books.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Read good literature, okay? So, one thing I'm reading right now is the Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton. Okay. Another book I would recommend is Leisure, the Basis of Culture by Joseph Pieper. Joseph Pieper also has another book on Thomas Aquinas. You could Google that. I'll put all this stuff in the show notes as well so you can see it. There's a lot of great books out there. You might read Lord of the Rings, right? It's not a spiritual book. Well, it kind of is a spiritual book, but in a different way, right? Choose good books to read this Lent. And if you're giving up social media, you'll be surprised at just how much time you have to read good literature, okay? Number nine, pray more regularly, okay? So, hopefully you're praying already. pray more regularly. So,
Starting point is 00:13:45 in the Byzantine Church, in the Orthodox Church, in the East, one of the things that we do is pray what's called the Prayers of St. Ephraim. And it's this way of praying where you actually make a whole bow and put your forehead on the floor. It's kind of fun. I think my daughter Avila like hurt her nose like last year pretty bad because she smashed her head into the ground. And I'm like, hmm, the perils of Eastern Christian prayer. You don't do this with the rosary. It's really beautiful. It says, oh Lord and master of my life, grant that I may not be afflicted with the spirit of sloth, inquisitiveness, ambition, and vain talking. And then you make a prostration to the ground. The point isn't to push this prayer
Starting point is 00:14:25 on you. The point is, choose some prayer that you might choose to do. So, this one is something I'll do a couple of times, maybe two or three times a day, this particular prayer. You know, you might maybe choose to pray the Angelus three times a day, right? You might choose to pray the Rosary once a day, but choosing something extra to do because it's Lent, I think is a really good idea. Okay, so to pray more regularly. Number 10, okay, because we're not just supposed to fast and pray, but also almsgiving is important. You might find, and this would be much easier than you think, find a soup kitchen in your area that you can serve at once a week. Now, if you don't have a soup kitchen in your area, or if you do, but maybe don't have the time,
Starting point is 00:15:14 another thing you could do is pack small Ziploc bags for homeless people that you meet. I think it's very easy to just begin to ignore those by the traffic lights who are asking for money with their little cardboard signs. And we can be rather cynical, can't we? We can say things like, oh, come on, like get a job or, you know, I'm sick of seeing this all the time or something like that. Don't say that this time. Maybe make these little Ziploc bags. You know, you might put some food in it, you know, some bars of food, maybe even things like toothpaste, toothbrush, washcloth. You might even put like a, you know, a $20 gift card or $10 gift card to a particular shop or food store. And then you might just have 10 of them or 20 of them on hand. So whenever you're driving down the road, you might meet a homeless person or a person who
Starting point is 00:15:56 is homeless, I suppose we should say, not a homeless person, a person who is homeless. Wind down the window and give it to them. But before you give it to them, do two things. Number one, ask them their name. Look them in the eye. Ask them their name. What is your name? It's important. I think that we, again, they're not homeless people.
Starting point is 00:16:12 They are people who are homeless. I think that's a nice distinction to make. And then ask them maybe, can I pray for you? And then also ask them to pray for you. I think sometimes we can get into this sort of maybe Messiah complex where we're the ones who are always giving to the poor and we have to save them and do good to them. And of course, it's good to do good to the poor, of course, but to give them the opportunity to do something beautiful for you and say, you know, my name is Matt, would you please pray for me and maybe pray for my wife or something like that? That could be
Starting point is 00:16:42 something to do. So let's just go over those 10 real quick. You might give up Amazon. You might give up playing with your phone on the toilet. You might give up listening to music and podcasts in the car. You might give up YouTube and Netflix. All right, that's TV essentially. You might give up social media or you might give up internet on your phone. You might give up some particular food that you love or drink. You might give up, you might, sorry, you might choose to get up early in the morning. You might read good books. You might pray more regularly. You might serve at a soup kitchen or begin to give to the poor in a different way. So, I hope that is a help for you. I think it's really important, again, that we be very intentional about this. It reminds me of
Starting point is 00:17:20 New Year's resolutions. If you don't actually think through one, all of a sudden the new year will be upon you and you'll be caught flat-footed, as it were. So think of something, choose to do it, and I know it can be tempting to tell other people what you're giving up, but hopefully there's at least one thing that you're choosing to do that don't tell anyone else about. Let that be between you and our blessed Lord. And again, if you want to support Pines with Aquinas
Starting point is 00:17:42 because you believe in the work that I'm doing and you want to get access to those audio meditations from Thomas Aquinas every day through Lent, go to, click support, give $10 a month. And in addition to all those other things, you'll get that audio book. And I think Thomas Aquinas will be a great guide for Lent 2018. God bless. Who's gonna survive? Who's gonna survive? And I would give my whole life To carry you, to carry you And I would give my whole life To carry you. And I would give my whole life.
Starting point is 00:18:27 To carry you. To carry you. And I would give my whole life. To carry you.

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