Pints With Aquinas - BONUS: 3 Huge Announcements

Episode Date: June 29, 2020

In this short bonus episode, I want to share with you 3 really exciting things we're doing here at Pints With Aquinas. You can help make it all happen: Check out the ...Pints With Aquinas Español Channel here:  SPONSORS EL Investments:  Exodus 90:  Hallow:  STRIVE:  LINKS Website: Merch: FREE 21 Day Detox From Porn Course: SOCIAL Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: MY BOOKS Does God Exist: Marian Consecration With Aquinas: The Porn Myth:  CONTACT Book me to speak: Website - Facebook - Twitter -

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Starting point is 00:00:00 G'day, Matt Fradd here. I have three big announcements that I want to make today. I'm going to save the biggest and best and most exciting till the end, so please stick around to that because when I say it's big, I'm not just saying that to make you watch my video. It really is big and I think you're going to be really excited about it. Part of the reason I'm sharing these three announcements now is that we just passed 50,000 YouTube subscribers. Yay! So if you have watched us on YouTube, if you've shared any of our videos, if you subscribe, thank you so much for helping us reach this milestone. It's
Starting point is 00:00:32 really exciting. And honestly, one of the things I find the most exciting is we get so many emails and private messages from people who are telling us that Pints with Aquinas is part of the reason they are coming into the Catholic faith. I just got an email from someone last week. He was raised a fundamentalist kind of anti-Catholic Protestant. He then left the church and became an atheist and has been an atheist for the last several years. But because of the internet, he's been listening to Father Mike Schmitz and Pints with Aquinas and Bishop Robert Barron and he wrote to me to say that just last week he had a profound experience of the love of God and man it was so cool to hear from him I just just so happens that he lives
Starting point is 00:01:18 somewhat close to my sister in Queensland and so recently my sister and a friend of hers went to visit him and they're plugging him into a Catholic parish. He's never attended Holy Mass before. That's just one example of many I could give you. So glory to God. I'm so grateful to the Holy Spirit for using a dunderhead like me and a blunt instrument like pints with Aquinas to do good. So yeah, this has just been a real fun ride and really exciting. And I'm super pumped for what the future is going to bring. Okay, let me share with you these three exciting things. The first is we are going to be hosting a debate between Trent Horn of Catholic Answers and Alex O'Connor from Cosmic Skeptic. Many of you are familiar with Trent Horn.
Starting point is 00:02:04 He's on the show quite a bit. Catholic Answers Apologist, super smart guy. Alex O'Connor runs the YouTube channel Cosmic Skeptic. He's got almost 400,000 followers. So, you know, really popular guy. Really, he's just a brilliant dude. And I've heard him debate before, and I really have a lot of respect for him. So this debate we're hoping will take place at the end of next month or thereabouts, but I need your help. Tell us what you want them to debate about in the comment section below. Right now we're looking at either debating the historicity of Christ or the resurrection of Jesus or the sort of traditional does God exist
Starting point is 00:02:46 atheist versus theist debate. So if either of those sounds appealing to you or if you have another idea, let us know in the comment section below. I will definitely be reading them and will be taking them into consideration as we move forward with the preparations for this debate. So big thanks to Trent Horn and Alex O'Connor for agreeing to do this debate on Pints with Aquinas. Super pumped. Be sure that you subscribe if you're not already so that you won't miss out. Here's the second thing I'm really excited about. You've been hearing perhaps a lot about these virtual conferences that have been taking place. Well, I'm really pleased to announce that in the fall of this year, we will be running the largest virtual apologetics conference that has ever taken place. We are looking at getting 70 different speakers, many names you're going to be very familiar with, to discuss topics like God's existence, responding to Muslims, responding to Protestant objections.
Starting point is 00:03:47 responding to Protestant objections. It's going to be fantastic. As I say, about 70 speakers. And here's what's cool. It's going to be 100% free. So this is coming up in the fall. I'm really, really excited about it. Expect to be getting more info on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook about that. Now, what we're also doing is we're going to be holding a offline conference at the same time that this online conference is going to be holding a offline conference at the same time that this online conference is going on. And this offline conference will be held in the North Georgia mountains. It's for my patrons only. So if you're a patron, check out slash Matt Fradd. We're going to basically have nightcaps each night, smoke cigars, do Bible studies, go to Holy Mass, rest, sleep. It's going to be absolutely beautiful. So really
Starting point is 00:04:24 excited about that. Okay. Here's the third be absolutely beautiful. So really excited about that. Okay, here's the third and final announcement. And this is the one I'm most excited about. We are about to launch a Pints with Aquinas Español channel. Check this out. This is a stat I read here online from American Magazine. Hispanics are the heart of the church's growth in 1965. There were 48.5 million Catholics in the country.
Starting point is 00:04:52 50 years later, that number has risen to 75 million. Now, it would be awesome if that was because we were doing such a great job of evangelizing. That's not necessarily the case. Rather, it's because of Hispanics in the country. Hispanics account for 71% of the growth of the Catholic population in the United States since 1960. Here's what bothers me. I don't think Catholics are doing a good enough job
Starting point is 00:05:21 reaching out to our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters. And my fear is that maybe somebody comes to America and they attend Holy Mass, but we're not doing a great job reaching out to them and helping them understand and live the faith in the way that we are to our English-speaking brothers and sisters. And so my fear is that some of them or many of them might leave the faith for a Protestant congregation. Because honestly, many of our Protestant brothers and sisters are kind of putting their money where their mouth is and are really kind of doing a great job at Hispanic ministry. So this is just one way I want to reach out to our Hispanic Catholic brothers and sisters. And not just Catholics, but Hispanic, you know, whoever.
Starting point is 00:06:03 So we've just started a channel called Pints with Aquinas Español. I want to show it to you here. All right. We have five subscribers. Woohoo. You have to start somewhere. Now, what I'm doing is I am paying professional voice actors to dub clips of Pints with Aquinas. So I'm not talking about mere subtitles at the bottom of clips of Pints with Aquinas, but rather voice work. And so this obviously costs a lot of money. What I want to do is start releasing one every week. Now, this is going to cost around $2,000 a month for me to do this. So seriously, if you've been considering becoming a patron, I don't know how else to say it. I'll just say it as frankly as I can. Now would be an amazing time.
Starting point is 00:06:52 If you would consider becoming a patron, go to slash Matt Fradd, give five bucks a month, 10 bucks a month. You'll see all of the free things I give you in return. For example, we're about to lead a seven-part video series on the Confessions of St. Augustine, and it'll be led by a Catholic University of America professor who specializes in this area. So not only will he be recording videos and posting them to Patreon, he'll be commenting with you, answering you whatever questions you have. That's just one perk of the many, many that we have. But you becoming a patron really does help us to make this happen. ¿Qué hay de la masacre de los cananeos por los israelitas? ¿Puedes explicar este problema y mostrarnos cómo podrías responder a ello? Sí, ese es el problema de la violencia en el Antiguo Testamento.
Starting point is 00:08:09 para muchos es un caso cerrado cuando se trata de la Biblia, ellos dicen no puedes ser un cristiano si adoras oh, eso dice suscribirte estoy bastante emocionado sobre esto obviamente, como cuando empiezas cualquier tipo de canal se mejora con el tiempo that's it subscribe so i'm pretty pumped about this all right so obviously you know just like when you start any kind of channel um it gets better over time we want this to be the best it can be the way we're trying to make pints with aquinas the english kind of version the best it can be but we're really excited about this i'll put a link below to the pints with aquinas espanol channel please subscribe to that please share this one video and yeah really pumped about this. So if you want to help us get all this work done, as I
Starting point is 00:08:47 say, go to slash Matt Fradd. Let me just show you what you get if you give 10 bucks a month, okay? Just listen. This is pretty cool. You get access to monthly debates between me and Protestant Cameron Bertuzzi. We just debated the Eucharist. It's a live, beautiful video debate. Next month, we're doing Sola Scriptura. I'll send you a signed copy of my book, Marian Consecration. I'll send you stickers. You'll get regular video reflections from myself. You'll get post-show wrap-up videos. So every guest that I interview on Pints with Aquinas, we almost always do a post-show wrap-up video. You'll get access to that. No one else will. You'll get access to our audio books. We have audio books
Starting point is 00:09:23 ranging from papal encyclicals to works of Thomas Aquinas. Yeah. And then just all of these study series. We've done a study series on Flannery O'Connor, on the Divine Comedy. We just did one of the great books of Western civilization. As I say, later this year, we're going to be doing one on Augustine's Confessions. So it's just a really cool community. So please consider becoming a patron at slash Matt Fradd, because that helps us do all of the work that we are doing. So there you go. I hope that didn't disappoint. Please let me know what you think in the comment section below. And, you know, if you haven't subscribed, please subscribe because it would be really cool if we could reach 100,000 subscribers so that we could do a better job reaching people for Jesus Christ and to help
Starting point is 00:10:06 them be faithful Catholics or if they're outside of the church, help them become full-fledged members of the one holy Catholic and apostolic church.

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