Pints With Aquinas - Carnivore and Preaching in Europe AMA w/ Cameron Fradd

Episode Date: August 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 G'day and welcome to Pines with Aquinas. I am joined today by my wife. I have to say that because last time we did an interview, someone said, I was like, no, they didn't realize you were my wife. And just the comment was, why is he flirting with that woman? Does anybody else? Did you see that? Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:00:20 I remember that. Does anybody else feel like he's? He does flirt with me. So my wife. I appreciate your flirting. Yeah. Yeah. Good.
Starting point is 00:00:29 How are you? Good. How are you? Sláinte. That was nice. It was a good sound. You know what I'm going to say? Do you remember the time you came and visited me in Australia when you were 21 or 20 and
Starting point is 00:00:41 we were dating and you had this trick. What was the trick again? Okay so at the time I was more of a Texas girl right so when you go to parties in Texas one of the party tricks is you take a beer bottle and just tap the other persons you go like that and you tap down and their beer fizzles up and I was excited to show you and your friends it. You were trying to kind of impress my friends a little bit, right? A little bit, yeah. Or at least if you weren't trying to impress them,
Starting point is 00:01:08 you were probably not trying to make yourself look silly. Right, no, I was probably trying to impress them. And I like tapped it, but I tapped it too hard. So my friend Gareth just had a shattered beer bottle in his hand. Like, yeah, that's my girlfriend. She's really great. Sorry about the beer.
Starting point is 00:01:23 I'm so sorry. It did not go well. When it just fizzles, it's fun because then the person like drinks it and everybody giggles. Whatever. It's not a big deal. We have a photo of that somewhere. I think you're right. You know, it's crazy is how many photos we're going to lose over the course of history, not just photos that were in paper, because they actually might be more secure than digital photos. I'm talking about digital photos that you never uploaded or
Starting point is 00:01:47 you never saved somewhere and you got a new computer and it didn't somehow transfer over because we're old and don't know enough about how to do that. Yeah. Well, and those ones too, like those photos weren't, were they digital? And that's a good question. No, they weren't digital. No, we had to go. It was a digital camera, but you had to get a process still. I think. Yes. Yeah. We had to go to Walgreens or CBS or whatever. 18 years, babe. This month. I say that because people must be thinking, how old are they? They look great. They're young. You look great. But yeah, 18 years. You look great. This month. Yeah. And we age unlike the Everett. Who's the, oh, Jason Everett? Yeah, Jason and Kristalina, like, never age. Yeah, they both look terrific. They have, like, super genes where they've just- I think God wanted them to speak about chastity
Starting point is 00:02:31 for as long as possible and needed them to look young. I think they probably aged till they were 30, and then that was it. They, like, just look the exact same since they were 30. Yeah, he didn't need that for me. He's like, YouTube, no, you can go to, you can go to whatever. You guys can look old, no big deal.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Okay, so before we get started, today we're gonna be talking about our five months that we spent in Europe, traveling all over six months. Okay, good, in Europe, what that was like, all the different countries we went to. We're gonna talk a bit about your carnival journey, since everybody's thoroughly interested. then we're going to take questions from our local supporters and from superchatters. I want to invite you if you're watching right now to please consider helping
Starting point is 00:03:12 us by becoming an annual supporter over at When you do that you get a free Pints with Aquinas beer stein which will ship to you. You just have to pay shipping, but we pay for the Stein. We'll ship you our quarterly newspaper that we produce. We'll even pay shipping for that one, no matter where in the world you live. And you get access to a whole bunch of free material that we do. For example, I've got Jonathan Rumi on Saturday. That'll be live to local supporters, and it'll go to YouTube in a couple of weeks. You get access to early episodes. to YouTube in a couple of weeks. You get access to early episodes. Ed Faser just recorded a five part video series on the,
Starting point is 00:03:48 not just, this is a couple of years ago actually, but people don't know about it. Five ways of Thomas Aquinas. So we have courses on there that you can get access to, and it's a great community. And I usually do a morning podcast just for local supporters. So please consider becoming an annual supporter over at because we need to pay people,
Starting point is 00:04:07 we need new equipment, we need to pay guests. So we'd really appreciate your help. Thank you very much. So last night I've been watching The Chosen with Peter, just like one episode a night. And I told him that I was gonna get to meet Jonathan Rumi, hopefully, I don't know. You will, of course.
Starting point is 00:04:22 But hopefully at the Hello Conference. It'd be weird if I didn't let you come to the interview. Yeah, that would be weird. Sorry, Cameron, we want to be professional and it wouldn't be okay for you to come. Well, hopefully I don't have something during the same time is what I mean. I don't know what my schedule is.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I need to look at it. But he said we were on season four, episode three, I think. And one of the characters that he really likes just died. And it's this couple that's in love. Jesus has kind of already given them his blessing, whatever. And the, the man's holding her hand and a guard turns around and stab like sword straight through her, right? She falls, dies. And he looks to Jesus and it's like, please teach her. Like you could fix her, like fix it, fix it. And he's just like and is like, please, teacher,
Starting point is 00:05:05 you could fix her, like fix it, fix it. And he's just like, I'm so sorry. And so this moment, it was just so deep and sad and our son, our nine-year-old's looking at me and I was like, I'm like, is Jesus gonna, and he's like, I don't know, could you please ask Jonathan Rumi if he would raise her? Cause he can.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I know he can't raise people from the dead, but when he's Jesus, he can. So could you ask him if he'll do that? That's beautiful. Isn't that so beautiful? Yeah, the chosen has been so beautiful for so many people. I know all of us like Christian nerds like to get super particular and critical about everything that we can be particular and critical about everything that we can be particular and critical about not realizing how many souls have turned away from Christianity and are open to a second chance if someone would just gently and patiently and interestingly
Starting point is 00:05:53 kind of lead them in and I think that's why that shows done for so many people yeah yeah but I just thought it was really sweet I was like what nine year olds like could you please ask this guy to raise her from the dead I know he can't because he's a person, but Jesus can. That's beautiful. In the movie. Yeah. If you try to remind me, text me. I'll ask him that live. That'll be fine. Although I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I don't know if we should be giving things away, but. Well, I think maybe more episodes had come out than we've seen as well. So it may have already happened. But. Awesome. Well, I'm so happy to do this interview with you because we just spent six months in Europe. It was amazing. I loved it. Wild. Praise you, Jesus. Why did to do this interview with you because we just spent six months in Europe. It was amazing. It was wild. Praise you, Jesus. Why did we do that, Cameron?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Because we are crazy, adventurous people and the Lord, I don't know, I feel like we have this ability. If we think maybe a door is opening a little bit, like most people like over discern things, and that's a huge problem. Right. And they're like, man, I've been discerning this for six years. I'm like, you just started for six minutes. We're going to Europe. Yeah. The opportunity presented itself. And we were super excited.
Starting point is 00:06:56 A lot of our kids closest friends. I remember someone asking, they were like, your 14 year old and 15 year old are going with you to Europe for six months. I was like, OK, my 14 year old's literally bringing her two best friends that both live on our street. So it was a very different scenario. So to clarify for those at home, we didn't take them with us, but their families also came because the husbands and fathers there are professors and, um, Franciscan has a campus in Austria. So I went to co-teach a class.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And these dads were also teaching classes. And then our oldest was able to take classes, which was really great. And he made friends with these awesome college kids. Like I didn't know college students could be this amazing. Like we, I don't know if it's because Franciscan only sent their good ones. They knew we'd be talking about them. So like embedded them. So only their best students came, but they were so awesome. No, they were they were cool. It was neat to see who our son, let's not say names, gravitated towards. These are these good men, like good men, good, solid jawline kind of men.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, I like a good jawline. You do. I do. I've always liked a good jawline. People who know me say that about me. You, you know, but daily mass going guys, adoration guys, but like big into sport, big into hiking, normal guys who have a beer and it was neat to see him gravitate towards. And the girls too, like I had wonderful people that came to my house and helped homeschool and they were just so awesome, beautiful girls.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So I would say by the fourth day or maybe within the first week, we got an email from one of the professors who does admin work at the university. And she said, ah, hi. It was a WhatsApp message. Like I need to know what to do with the dozens of email requests I'm getting from all over Europe for you to come and speak. And that shocked me because I didn't realize how many we weren't thinking about that.
Starting point is 00:08:50 Pints of Aquinas. Yeah. And so especially it's Austria. People speak German, like I think in our minds, like it was right. Yeah. Do you speak German? Do I? You'd know. The answer is yes. Fluently. Yeah. So I think at first we didn't know what to think. And then I think I said to you, all right, we can do it if you book everything. And I was crazy enough to say, sure. I'm so glad you did. But I thought that
Starting point is 00:09:20 like, okay, so I knew there was all these people requesting for you to come speak, but I thought maybe three or four trips would have actually panned out. Yeah. Can I, so I want to read the list of sure. Yeah. But just so everybody knows, there's an icon of Christ we have here. So here's what happened. I said to Cameron, all right, here's, here's the deal we'll make with all these countries. I will come and speak for free.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You just have to pay for our flight and put us up somewhere. But part of the thing you have to agree to is you have to have priests available for confession whenever I speak. Because it was my goal to preach the mercy of Christ and to drive as many people into the sacrament of confession as possible. And then I had this idea of buying this icon of Christ and bringing it to every talk that I went around Europe. And I would invite people to go to the confession and to reverence this icon. So this is the icon here. And I wrote the city and country.
Starting point is 00:10:16 And I think I'll even forget where we went. Here's where we went. Oh, it's kind of hard to read. Belfast, Dublin, we went to Cluj-Napoca in Romania, Ljubljana in Slovenia, Geneva, Switzerland, Prague, uh, Utrecht in the Netherlands that was by Amsterdam, wasn't it? Yeah, that's where we flew in and out. I spoke in Bratislava in Slovakia, Zagreb in Croatia, Slovakia, Zagreb in Croatia, Budapest in Hungary, Rome in Italy and Vienna. Saying it that quickly doesn't sound a lot, but it was every like how many weekends is that? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
Starting point is 00:10:58 There was 11 weekends when you put it that way. There was a lot of. It was in like three months. So we were there for six months, but we didn't start traveling until way later. So it was almost every weekend we were in another country. Like we had to figure out, wait, what's the currency here? Wait, where are we? And sometimes, some of them we drove to.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So it was like, it didn't feel like, like if we were in the States, we wouldn't have even left our state. But we're in a whole different European country that speaks a completely different language. Yeah. Yeah. And has different. I think was this after I came back from my interview with Peterson? Is that when I think that's what happened? Did you do?
Starting point is 00:11:34 Did we do Ireland before Peterson? No. Yes. OK. So we did Ireland before. Yeah. And then we went we went to Transylvania after. Which we didn't know was a place outside of the book Dracula. That's fair. There's a lot of ignorance that we're about to display, but I'm totally OK with it, because if you're from Europe, you probably don't know towns in Mississippi. Yeah. Or Western Australia either.
Starting point is 00:12:01 You know. But like, I didn't know Slovenia was a country. I didn't either. I thought really bad. I got it. I definitely beat my expectations because my expectations were it non-existence. And it was one of our favorite countries. It was amazing. It was so beautiful. Oh, and then also expectations.
Starting point is 00:12:17 I thought I was communicating with a woman. The name. Right. What was it? It's Father Matthew. But it's Slovenia. You're in Slovenia was so difficult to pronounce. Even the name. It's not Ljubljana. They kept saying it's Ljubljana. And every name was like that.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And I screwed every single one of them up. Yeah. And this was one of the countries that translated my book into Slovenian. And so I had a long line of people sign. I was signing. So they would say, my name is I'm like, OK, I'm. Could you spell it, please? Yeah. But what if we went through this in order? Sure. That'd be okay. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds great. Dublin and Belfast. This is the first time you and I have been back to Ireland since. Since we moved. Yeah. So we, so 2009, we moved from Ireland.
Starting point is 00:13:02 We used to live. No, Avila was born in 2009. So we moved in 2010. Okay. 2010 ish. Yeah. But yeah, we haven't been back at all. Have you been back at all? Yeah. Neither of us have been back. And then we went back as a family. Yeah. Minus one child, which was sad, but yeah, it was. I, it was healing, wasn't it? I think so. I think it was very healing. It was healing, wasn't it? I think so. I think it was very healing. It was really beautiful. I was really inspired by the Irish faithful people. Me too.
Starting point is 00:13:31 So when we, okay, so when we first went to Ireland, it was 2006, no, four, 2004. And we were there as Catholic missionaries. And do you remember that one retreat? And it kind of pulls in because that retreat, that sister Susan, like couldn't get priests to hear confessions. And this one likes like, fine, I'll come, but I'm only going for three minutes. And when no one goes, do you remember this? Yes, I do. And then that day he heard confessions for hours. That was one of our first retreats. Cause he said, you have restored my faith in the second road
Starting point is 00:14:03 of confession. You remember? Yeah. He heard teenagers confessions for a couple hours and he was crying afterwards and yeah, told us yeah, that we restored his faith in the sacrament of reconciliation. Like, so so humbling, right? And like kids that had never heard basic gospel message. Yeah. Like we are familiar with hearing, if you were the only person who existed, Christ would have died for you. We hear it all the time. We're like, yep, agreed.
Starting point is 00:14:29 You say that to an Irish person, their mind is blown. No, well, no, that can't be right, no. Cause if I was the only one, I'd have to kill the Lord, no. And then you confirm it and their mind is blown. Like, no, no, he loves me that much. Like they've never heard it. Yeah. Yeah. And it was.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Well, I mean, I'm sure the I'm sure the evangelized had, but it was, I don't know, it was like this. We didn't meet many people that were evangelized. Well, the older folks, I think. Wouldn't you say there was this pockets of great faith in Ireland? I'm talking about when we did net, not when we live there. When we live there, we had friends that were faithful. But when we went into high schools, we went into high schools and I'm sure there were some adult teachers that we met and we obviously met holy priests. It's a spiritual desert is what we're saying unapologetically. Like the, the, the churches on every corner are something of a facade because behind that facade is just a Dick. It's something decaying. because behind that facade is just a dick. It's something decaying. Now there are, I don't want to, I don't want to overstate the point, but there are
Starting point is 00:15:30 great faithful men and women in our own. That's the point I want to make. And we met them. And that's what we saw going back, which was amazing and beautiful. Holy moly. And so powerful. Yeah. So I remember we arrived in Dublin. We went to that hotel and I just I went on a walk. Dublin was way filthier than I remember it. Yeah. Fast was I can't wait for you to tell that story from Belfast. I don't know. Oh, you do. The Queen. Oh, we'll get to that. But anyway, I was in I was walking and this fella stopped me and he was a big guy and he's like, Hey, he's like, Hey, don't be afraid. Yeah. What's up? Because it was, it's sketchy. It was kind of sketchy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Yeah. We didn't drunk people. Yeah. We made the, yeah, we kind of just kept the kids in the hotel. We're like, this is the best. So anyway, this fella said you, you're from YouTube. Yeah. And he told me that he wants to believe in God, but he doesn't know how. And it was so beautiful. Right there, I got to have like a 10 minute conversation with this man and then lay hands on him and pray for him. It was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And then you and I got to have a kiss in the pub we first kissed at, the Bleeding Horse Pub. Yep, and our seat was available. And even as we were walking there, yeah, even as we were walking there, cause was it a Friday night or Saturday night? It was a busy night and close to temple bar area-ish. Yeah. Like it's a busier area.
Starting point is 00:16:56 It's a popular area and it's a very popular pub. And we walk in and it's packed. Like there's three people sitting here, three people there. Like the whole place was packed and you could barely move. Yeah. Yeah. And then the the place we first had our first kiss at was in this booth overlooking the entirety of the pub. So it's prime real estate if you want to sit and have a drink. It's an amazing scene. And we were shocked.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It was completely empty. And you said you knew it was going to be empty. Did I? Yeah. Go me. Was that Did I? Yeah. Go me. Was it? Yeah. So and we went there. What was funny though is the fella who served us beer wasn't even a fetus when we had our
Starting point is 00:17:34 first kiss. We told him we had our first kiss. They are in that seat in that pod. In 2004? I don't know. Yeah. It was December 2004. And he's like, wow, it was December, 2004.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And it was like, wow, I was born 2006. Yeah, I wasn't even alive. Or whatever it was. You said, no one asked you, Seamus. Shut your face, Seamus. We don't even care. Yeah, like our relationship's older than that guy. Isn't that wild?
Starting point is 00:18:01 I'm sure he was a very nice guy. I didn't mean anything by that. So then we went to Belfast. I was shocked at how the people in Belfast, it was the, who were they? The Legion of Mary who had us out? Yeah, Legion of Mary. So generous, beautiful. A deacon let us stay in his house. And he went and stayed, I think at a presurrectory, but like just gave our family his house. Another amazing man gave us his car to drive around while we were in Ireland. He was so kind.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Like for our family to use, like just so generous and. And then I remember that they had plans for us. We were kept busy. I was just, I was so wild. Like what an adventure. You know, I'm like on the back roads of Ireland. We're peeling around these thin narrow streets in the dark in the rain. And we went to this fella's house and there's a group of families just on the
Starting point is 00:18:48 outskirts of Belfast who are, you know, establishing something of a homeschool community, Catholic community. And they were all so cool and normal and funny. So funny. Irish people are so funny. And I forgot how understated. Give the example. Yeah. So the example was when he said, is everything okay? The desire. Okay. I was otherwise I'm anxious thinking that every the entire film has stopped. No, the funny thing was they invited me to speak in Belfast
Starting point is 00:19:19 and I spoke at the Titanic Hotel Hotel and I said, is that anything to brag about, you know, given given the fate of the Titanic Hotel Hotel and I said, is that anything to brag about? You know, given given the fate of the Titanic? And he said, well, like we say in Belfast, it was no like we say it was all right when it left Belfast. That kind of Titanic was it perfect? It was totally fine. But it wasn't our fault. But this the understate stated Irish humor is just hilarious. So that was amazing. And that was a that was a blessed night. Oh, your talk was amazing.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Yeah. Packed. Thank God. Oh, it was a horrible day for us personally. Was it? Do you not remember? Not really. I was an emotional wreck and we ended up getting there later because I was going to maybe get on a plane and fly back here. Oh, because of some, yeah, we don't need to get into it, but it was a lot of spiritual attack in the whole night. Like you're telling jokes. Like I was seeing
Starting point is 00:20:17 people that I hadn't seen in years and I looked like I was about to cry because I was dealing with a lot of stuff. Um, a lot of really personal things, very close to my heart. And I was about to cry because I was dealing with a lot of stuff, a lot of really personal things very close to my heart. And I was, I was bawling before your talk. I was bawling after it. And then I'm seeing people like there's normal people that I've never met before that want to meet me. And I'm like, hi. And then you're like telling a talk and I'm sure for moments everyone else is laughing. And I'm like, yeah, like I've never looked so angry or upset in my life.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. And it was great to see people that like I was in a Bible study with like forever ago, like 15 years ago. And Mickey Hart was there. Yeah. So Maddie Hart, who we've had on the show, whose sister was murdered. And this is years ago. And it was all over the papers in Ireland. And Mickey Hart heart really good man Became quite popular wrote a beautiful book about having hope in the face of darkness It was such an honor to have him there. It was great to meet him. Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:14 All right, anything else about ireland? Um, it was lovely to reminisce with old friends the foys who we love we were on their podcast I forget the name of it, but I can't remember either but if you you, if you Google Foys in Ireland, I'm sure it'll come up. All right. Yeah. I also, um, can I tell a little story about father Rory Brady? So this holy priest that we love forever ago, when we did net in 2004, wanted to enroll all of us in the scapular and you were a good champion and you let him enroll you and many others are like, yes, scapular. And I just wasn't interested. I don't like being told what to do. Thank you. I'm American. So no, thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, I'm like, no, I don't know who you are. I don't, I don't want to be part of this. Don't want to do it. Exactly. I don't want to wear your teabag. Thanks, but no thanks. And, um, and he was just a beautiful, holy man. And we became friends with them when we lived there. And, um, and we found ourselves in really hard situations and he was always a beautiful, holy man. And we became friends with him when we lived there. And and we found ourselves in really hard situations. And he was always our go to phone call. He would hear someone's confession that. Yeah, people in dire, horrible situations, he would come to the rescue and not.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I won't say because I don't want to embarrass him, but he came to our rescue multiple times and our teens rescue and other people. He's a good, good holy man. But this time I gave him a scapular, which I thought was like full circle. That's right, because that cool woman gave us one. Yes. A really cool woman made these beautiful scapulars. And I'm sorry, I didn't keep mine.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I gave it to father, but it was great. Yeah. Ireland was. Cluj-Nipaka in Romania. That was one of our absolute highlights. We love beautiful country. Yeah, go. Why are you doing that? No, I was just that's it.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Now, depending on whether, you know, you happen to live in in Hungary, you might dispute where Transylvania should be said to reside. I learned that. That's why I made the face. I was like, are we saying Romania or are we saying Transylvania? Because you said we're in Transylvania in Romania, which is technically now true. And yet someone's like, well, actually, and then I, who know nothing at all, decided to die on that hill on Instagram. I don't know anything about this, but this is clearly not going to stop me.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And I met that guy and he was so kind. I'm sorry I'm an idiot. But we just didn't know. Yeah. I mean, honestly, Transylvania to us, all we knew was, well, I've said to you, I love these more Eastern countries because they seem less prim and proper than the more Western European affluent. We got into the airport. There was no lights, a security guy, you handed him all six of our passports. He looked at like two and it's like, yeah, that'll do. Like you all seem like you're together. Yeah, there's no, no customs.
Starting point is 00:23:51 No. Yeah. And sister was with us. We had a beautiful Franciscan TOR sister with us. And I don't know how she would have gotten to where she needed to go without the guy that was picking us up. She didn't speak a lick of the language. She didn't have a phone. That woman who hosted us was so beautiful and so helpful and scheduled us all over Romania. And I was shocked.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I think what both. She's the Romanian Melanie. Yeah. I think what shocked us and in a way made us sad is that English is so prominent in big cities all over Europe. Yeah. And that's kind of nice if you speak English, but it's kind of sad because culture and language is tied. And I wonder if in 50 years,
Starting point is 00:24:40 English might just be. I don't think we saw it as much in Romania, though. Romania felt like such a different country. The fact that they would let me give a talk in English, you know, and they still had a bunch of people with headsets on. There was a translator for sure. Yeah. But I would say more people than not, like understood English. They know Romania is the only place where I gave a talk that they definitely
Starting point is 00:25:00 did not understand. I had a woman. They didn't understand a word I said. No, it was such a different experience. And I had a woman afterwards that was like crying and talking to me. I couldn't get a word. Like she didn't speak a word of English.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And so someone else is trying to translate, but like you're trying to like receive their heart and hug them and like, but it was so hard, you know, especially she was emotional. So she's talking fast. And then they're like filling me in more later. And yeah, no, I definitely experienced language barriers there. Not with the people we were hanging out with, the people that were hosting us were amazing and wonderful, but yeah, for other people. And like in all of these places,
Starting point is 00:25:41 or most of them, it was standing room only. Yeah, it shocked us. It shocked the organizers yeah, how many people were at your talk for the Parenting the internet generation talk. Oh In Budapest, no Mania that first one wasn't like 700 maybe yeah, it was a huge beautiful Auditorium and it was they partnered. So it was like Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox. Yeah. Lovely people and just really high production quality that I was really impressed with considering when we landed, there was no lights in the airport.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Yes, that's right. But if you're giving a talk on pornography, you know, on pornography, we're going to have lights on a stage and I was so beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. And the bishops, we met multiple. Yeah. Obviously as someone who's not Eastern Catholic is meeting Eastern Catholics.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So everyone's dad and grandfather and uncle were all priests and they've all got these horror stories of how the priests were martyred by communists. Yes. Like everywhere we went. Yeah. And they're very proud as they ought to be of these men who gave their lives. Yeah, it was beautiful to hear their conviction and their story. And even, and I love that they wanted our family to come and experience it.
Starting point is 00:27:04 And so it was really beautiful because it was all six of us. And they were just so hospitable and kind and made us delicious, amazing food and sharing things and the kids and I one day, I think while you were speaking, we went this lovely woman who homeschools her kids, who's like my age, we're driving to this amazing salt mine and they took us down and she starts sharing about communism firsthand and the way she was raised and the kids are like shocked by her stories and she's sharing and I'm shocked. And I was like, wait, I thought this was something that happened like a long time ago. Like, and there was no, um, wokeness or I don't even know what you would call it.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It was like kind of Western wokeism hadn't penetrated yet fully into the Romanian. We saw it at all where we were like the men look manly and masculine and the women, when I spoke to them, they were so feminine and beautiful. And like, why did we decide to get rid of that? So ridiculous, took such pride in being a woman and having children and, um, well you said, cause we went through that communist museum in Budapest, Hungary,
Starting point is 00:28:14 remember? And we, you saw that statue of that woman with a thick ankles, that kind of communist art. And you said something about her and Mary, cause she was holding a snake. Yeah. So, um, I don't know, I feel like there's been like a lot going on in my heart with the whole, um, feminism thing. Um, I feel like my identity growing up was like, I am woman, hear me roar type of thing. And I am woman, hear me roar type of thing. And I'm one of four girls. Like I was the one in my family that, like I would do anything to protect my sisters.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And there was like a, I needed to do it, you know? Like I've shared stories and stuff. Like it's like, don't let a guy tell you what you can and can't do. You know, I was captain in the wrestling team. I was like, I can look out for myself. Like I felt like I was a strong, capable woman, you know? But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I feel like since I've gotten older and also I've struggled with a lot of health stuff and that's made me weak. Pregnancy made me weak. Being a mom made me vulnerable. And there's a lot of beauty in that and strength in that. Well, but what's funny is like we say weak, but it's not a deficiency. Yeah, you know, I don't mean weak Yeah, I know you don't and I'm not correcting you
Starting point is 00:29:31 I just mean to say the feminism would call it weak and and seeks to rectify it right through the pill through women can work Women can be what men are but you know, they're meant to be more vulnerable very vulnerable Okay, so maybe vulnerable is the word. It's like a child. Like a child should be weak. It's weird if a child wasn't weak. Yeah. There's a weakness to women, but it's not a deficiency.
Starting point is 00:29:53 It's their beauty. It's this beautiful vulnerability. It's why men want to protect women and women want to allow themselves to be protected by men. But you get lied to. I got lied to. You got lied to. My friends, by Seinfeld by all that crap. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:06 Yeah, I think vulnerability is more that but also weakness I think because like like I couldn't stand after having Liam like pelvic bone a pelvic bone C-section right I couldn't stand for like till almost two weeks after he was born like So much pain so much weakness, you know Yeah, I see you like, yeah, like I was in a wheelchair. I had a like weak weakness as well. I was both vulnerable and weak. And I feel like the Lord's had me on this journey. And, and I feel like I've learned that there's strength in that vulnerability and it's like more beautiful and way more feminine and way more powerful
Starting point is 00:30:49 than what I thought was I am woman, hear me roar. And then Carrie Gress. Carrie Gress, yeah. We've had on the show about feminism. Yeah, like after talking to her, reading her book, I was like, yes, like that resonated more with me. And I don't know know when we were in, um, and then just dealing a lot with, um, like realizing in my vulnerability and when I feel weak,
Starting point is 00:31:18 like Christ is that much stronger and I can rely on him, but like having a, I don't know if it's a comfortability. I like, I don't know what the word is that I'm looking for, but like being more okay with the, yeah, not having a fake guard and shield. Like somehow letting, trying to let that down, cause I put it up often, you know, my, what do you do? My, chh, chh, chh.
Starting point is 00:31:44 You over there, the Wonder Woman cuffs. When we get into an argument and I bring up a legitimate often, you know, my what do you do? My. You're really the Wonder Woman cuffs. We get into an argument and I bring up a legitimate objection. You like, Kabaam fire back at you. I'm sorry. No, don't be. You're beautiful. I think, you know, this is something I've said before. I'm going to say a lot. And I wonder if you agree with my assessment that marriage is like Birkenstock's in that it molds to our dysfunctions because a chiropractor will tell you they're
Starting point is 00:32:09 actually not necessarily good for you. If you're standing weird, the shoe doesn't correct the weird standing, the dysfunctional standing. It just molds to you. So it feels more comfortable, but that doesn't mean you're walking well. I think when we got married and when everybody gets married, probably there's this dysfunction in the relationship. Yes. And marriage just like it abhors a vacuum and it just wraps around that. So, for example, I think for me, I was raised in a kind of a kind of a feminine sort of way in that, you know, I would dump my emotions on you.
Starting point is 00:32:40 You know, I think I didn't kind of like bear the burden of our family well. And you grew up in a family where you felt you had to fix everyone. Right. So it was the perfect storm. It was like, here's my emotional mess, which I'm free to dump on you because I didn't carry it like a man. And you didn't have the freedom to be feminine in that sense because you felt like you had to fix me and you kind of did. Right. And so there was like this weird dance that worked until it didn't.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Mm-hmm. Do you agree with this so far? Yeah, absolutely. And what I think is, as I've become more masculine, and we both have a lot of growing to do, we all do, neither of us are perfect, hey? But as I've, like, I think, stepped in and like showed you, like, I love you and I'm here for you and I'm not,
Starting point is 00:33:24 you can dump on me, I can receive you. My being masculine has allowed you to be more feminine. Yes, I agree. Now I think it's true that a man could use his masculinity to dominate a woman and the woman could take advantage of the man's masculinity and be manipulative. So I'm not saying it's always the case that when a man is masculine, a woman will be feminine,
Starting point is 00:33:44 but I think in our situation, it really has become like that. Yeah. Yeah. And it's allowed first just to wrap this up. Sorry. At first, it felt like our relationship was breaking. Yeah. Like it was scary as hell. Yeah. But what was happening is like our ankles, to use the analogy, were being readjusted. And at first we're like, what the frig, what the frig. And then don't you think of this last few years, there's been this new freedom in our marriage. So speak to that if you want. Yeah, I think especially, and then I naturally would stay too busy to look at the stuff. And so it helped out that you were traveling or doing whatever else. And it was like, no, no,
Starting point is 00:34:23 I can do it all. And so I did it all until I completely broke and couldn't do anything. Um, yeah. And I think there was that. And then I think I also, um, through leaning into the suffering and the pain and the, um, yeah, like the letting, letting it be okay that you weren't okay. Like that was really hard for me. Like and choosing times where it's like, okay, this is this is him. Like he's going through something and I need to let him be, but I'm not going to try to fix it. Like I'm not going to react. I'm going to yeah. And me childishly feeling unloved by that. Yeah. Which was wrong, right? I'm going to. Yeah. And me childishly feeling unloved by that. Yeah. Which was wrong, right? I'm agreeing that you did the right thing. But in the time, just like
Starting point is 00:35:10 it hurt you to not know how to go in, it hurt me. Like, why is she pulling away? Yeah. It felt like we weren't loving each other, but it was us trying to learn how to love each other properly and correctly, which was really hard and painful. Yeah. And I'm grateful that we had beautiful, holy. You know, I think if someone writes a story about your life one day, they won't have to exaggerate to make it, to show the work God is doing in your life. You know, like I'm not going to flatter you and tell you you're perfect because neither of us are perfect. We're both wretched,
Starting point is 00:35:43 but like the work that God has done in your life, like it's beautiful. Like one of the things, if you don't mind me sharing and you give me eye contact, if you want me to stop, but one of the things, um, you know, you went through was because if we like this, this kind of like, I need to control everything, everything has to, I need to fix everything. I'm in, you know, because of your growing up, talk about the spiritual warfare. When you were invited to let go. Do you remember like you sharing with me? Like if I let go, everything will that terror. Do you want to share that? Or is it too much? Go for it. Yeah. I don't want to. I don't. I, there's so many, it feels very vulnerable, but I'm okay with it. But there's also so many different things that
Starting point is 00:36:19 I felt that in. So I don't know which one you're talking about. The reason we share this, I hope, isn't to be to share too much. It's because, it's because what the Lord is doing in our lives and we know that others are in a similar position. It's to give him glory. But it was funny because I remember you thinking and saying, I just have this fear. If I let go, if I stop controlling, we will be wiped out. There is going to be a tsunami and it will destroy everything.
Starting point is 00:36:45 And I'm sitting there being like, I have no idea why you would think that would happen. Like the spiritual warfare against your beautiful heart to prevent you from saying yes to Jesus. But then what was so cool, I think, is when God gave me the grace to step up and like take care of you, you felt the freedom to go, okay, maybe I can, maybe I can. And then when you would let go, I know I didn't always do great, but the times that I was able to step there and be strong,
Starting point is 00:37:13 you had more freedom to let go and to let go, right? Oh my gosh, how beautiful was that? How scary was that? So scary, so scary, yeah. Cause it felt like everybody was gonna drown. Like you, the kids. Yeah, we'll all die. We'll all die.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It was so dire. The feeling you had. It was we will all die. Yeah. Like, and even like. I think you probably, sorry. No, go ahead. You probably knew that was irrational,
Starting point is 00:37:38 but it felt very real. The feeling was real. It felt really, really real. Yeah, everything will be washed away. I feel like it's when you're trying to keep cans in a, worms in a can. Dyslexia, kick it in, there like it's when you're trying to keep cans in a war, worms in a can, dyslexia, kicking in there. When you're trying to do that and you're trying with all of your might and you're
Starting point is 00:37:50 like, if I, you don't understand, if I pick up my hand, it's going to explode. Right. Like, and I felt like there was an atomic bomb that was going to go off in our world and everything would be ruined if I gave an inch. So I was clutching and holding and yeah. Like the only way to be well was to now remain in the dysfunctions that the Lord gave us the light to see. Because before we didn't know there were dysfunctions. Yes. And so we weren't culpable for them. Now the Lord shed light. We knew there were dysfunctions and now we couldn't let go. I can't let go.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And do you remember that time? We should just give a big shout out as always to Bob Schuetz, Dr. Bob Schuetz, because he's really the one who helped lead us through this. He was our Gandalf, I think, in many ways. But do you remember you and I were sitting over there and we were having a spiritual kind of prayer time with Bob. And you like he's digging deep into my heart and you're sitting there and I I probably swore at him I'm like if this is fake Yeah, if this isn't if this doesn't work and this is bullshit if this is just some weird spiritual charismatic crap
Starting point is 00:38:52 I will hate you forever. Like I will like I was just And he was like no, that's good, that's what I want now you but Yeah, it was beautiful. So helpful. Yeah, I haven't gone through this made on understand this no, but yeah it and I'm like, ah, you're back. Yeah, it was beautiful. It was so helpful. People who haven't gone through this may not understand this. No, but yeah. And I feel like even before that, like, like how long ago was it that I went on that Theology of the Body retreat with Christopher West? With Elisa? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Three or four years ago? Really? I feel like it was longer than that. Yeah, you're right. Because it would have been before Steubenville. Yeah. Yeah. So maybe five, six? I don't know. Whenever it was like that was really powerful, too.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And I remember meeting with the priest there. He was a beautiful, holy young guy that she couldn't get over. Our friend that went with me was Protestant, and she's evangelical. And she said that she's like, I don't understand why this guy's like such a father. Like, I feel like he's like my dad, but he's younger than me. He's like 20. And I was like, Oh yeah, that's spiritual fatherhood. Like that's the gift of the priesthood, you know, and it was, it was really beautiful. But I had a session where I was praying with him and looking at stuff. And I just felt like I was in a very, very dark place. And it, it felt scary to me, but the more I described it to him and he was praying
Starting point is 00:40:05 through things with me and it was intense and really good. Um, but it got to a point that, um, I shared it and he's like, I know where you are. And I was like, well, I don't, I just feel like it's dark. And it's like, like I, I was like void of emotion void, like all this stuff. And he's like, um, and then as soon as he said it, I started crying. Cause I, he was right. He's like, you're under our ladies mantle, you know, just like as a little kid hides under his mom's dress or her mom's dress to be safe, you know, and they're safe and they're okay. They see nothing.
Starting point is 00:40:41 It's black under there, but there's like a, and I felt like it was like the calm before the storm that was like preparing me. And I think she helped prepare me like it's okay to bring me to the, I don't know, all the other healing that needed to happen. But, but I think there's like a fighting it, fighting it, fighting it, and then being aware of it. So like even going back to the ICU when I was dying, like. I knew that I was dying and I was not OK with it. I was not at peace, you know, people that are like your will, Lord, like whatever you want. I was not that person. I was like, you and I both know that he cannot handle this.
Starting point is 00:41:20 If I die, you cannot let me abandon Matt and the kids. They need me like, no, like I will not go. You cannot let me abandon Matt and the kids. They need me. Like, no, I will not go. You cannot take me. And the fighting of it probably broke my body more, right? Probably made things way worse. But that versus this time, I don't know. I've had other times where I feel like I'm dying, but it's, it's different. It's like, um, I don't know. It's like being called and invited. Like I almost feel more like Simon of Cyrene, this go round where it's, um, I don't know why I got chosen from the crowd to help him carry his cross, but it's an honor and I want to do it. And it's, I don't know why I got chosen from the crowd to help him carry his cross, but it's an honor
Starting point is 00:42:08 and I wanna do it and it's beautiful. Wow. Right? And it's like seeing everything for like what it really is. Like when you're there with the cross and the pain and seeing like the tiny bit of pain that I have from the splinter or whatever, from the weight of it is nothing compared like his is so much greater, so much worse, but you can like see all the people and like, you know, it's the people that are like,
Starting point is 00:42:36 I don't know, saying mean things about you or, or whatever it is judging you. And it's like, none of that matters. Like it's all peripheral. And it's like, you're just locked in with him and you're like, okay, I don't think. And it's only by his strength that you can take another step, you know, like, um, yeah. And like trying to ask him in the process and sometimes not even having the words in the process like, like, what is this? Like how can I do it? And, um, yeah, just, um, I don't know. There's something about to go back to the, the, um, the woman. So there is this, um, statue. Oh yeah. The communist woman, the communist woman and she is strong. Statue. And she is strong.
Starting point is 00:43:27 She has broad shoulders. I feel like she's like my wrestling picture from my senior year when I didn't have a neck. You know, just like solid block. Huge ankles. Huge. I never had big ankles, but I had a really big neck. That's fair. Did you know that before I pointed it out? I think so. I did. I saw a photo like, where's your neck? I did wrestling drills to like build up my neck muscles. Man, so glad our daughters don't do that. Continue. Anyhow. But that like strength and like putting on like the head gear, like the wrestling like after. So I have a photo. I have a photo of me. I think it was in the paper after I won a wrestling match And the ref like pulled my arm up and I didn't have a neck and my hair is back
Starting point is 00:44:13 Gear on it was like oh and like I really I had like a really Masculine looking face, but it was like uh-huh and I love the photos. look, I was strong. And I was now I cringe at the photo. I haven't seen it. I'm sure it's at my mom's and mom and dad's house. Please no one look on the internet for this photo. But this newspaper clip clipping, my mom cut it out and like put it up in my room. And I felt like, yeah, like that was something
Starting point is 00:44:40 to be proud of, right? And I saw this communist woman and I just like almost wanted to vomit in my throat. I think because part of it resonated with me. Like, I looked like, oh gosh, that's what I wanted to be like. Like I thought that was true freedom. And she had a snake in her hand and she's holding it up like this, like, I killed the snake.
Starting point is 00:45:04 The anti-Mary. The anti-Mary. The anti-Mary. And then we saw a beautiful, in another church, I think it was, what was the cathedral there in Budapest? Oh, St. Peter's, St. Simon's. I don't know. Maybe you can look it up, Josiah. Gorgeous church.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And there was a statue of Our Lady there that was so beautiful and she wasn't trying. The communist woman was trying so hard and was like, oh, you know, and Our Lady just simply was being. And she was just standing there and standing on the serpent and the serpent's dead. The one, I guarantee you, the one in the hand of that communist chick was fighting and still trying to get her. And she's like, I've got you. But Mary's was dead. She crushed the head just by standing there and being her. It's like that gorgeous, um,
Starting point is 00:45:57 painting in that, um, museum in Vienna of St. Michael that I love. So it's, it's, it's huge. It's like, Everyone has seen this photo. Four times as tall as this roof, this painting. It's gorgeous. And you see all these demons, you see Lucifer fighting and they're all bloody and their face is like distorted and they're all trying so hard and fighting. And you see St. Michael and he's just like, so hard and fighting and you see St. Michael and he's just like, oh, like carelessly one little, it almost looks like a ballerina kick. It was so graceful and easy and they're all like banished to hell with his little baby pinky toe shoving them all down.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And I feel like that's what I've been experiencing, right? And that, um, the difference between fighting and- St. Stephen's Basilica. Okay. That's what it was. Okay. And St. Stephen's Basilica. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Just beautiful. And so that- Contrast. Yeah. Contrast was massive. Can I talk about something else we saw in Budapest that was terrifying? Sure. That was by St. Peter's.
Starting point is 00:47:02 I don't know if we want to bring this up, but it might kind of fit into what we're talking about right now with femininity. Sure. That was by St. Peter's. I don't know if we want to bring this up, but it might kind of fit into what we're talking about right now with femininity. Sure. We saw a. Oh, her. Yeah, I don't know how to. I don't even know how to communicate it. Oh, this poor, poor woman who did not know her worth. So is a woman who had had plastic surgery, but to the absolute extreme, her breasts actually looked like beach balls. I don't mean beach balls. Like, Hey, they were big. I mean, no, they were actually beach ball size. She couldn't put a man's. So she's
Starting point is 00:47:36 my size or maybe smaller. Like she was a woman, but she couldn't have put a man's extra large shirt on her. And her lips look mutilated with the amount of surgeries. Like, believe me, when I say it wasn't attractive, it's almost like someone took Pamela Anderson at her prime and said, now make a mockery of that. 25% bigger, everything. Every it was so and what happened, do you remember? Every single person around us, the waiting staff, stopped. Because it was outside dining, right? They were walking outside and they were looking at her and they're
Starting point is 00:48:11 all laughing. Like to themselves, they weren't being mean, but it was so shocking, I couldn't get out of my head. And she's with this, you know, fella in his 60s or something and I don't know what he thought. And I just it broke my heart because this beautiful woman is a woman who Christ died for. And she doesn't believe she's beautiful. Anybody who mutilates themselves to in their own mind, make themselves attractive to somebody else. Yeah. And like even like Jason Everett used to have like a Barbie doll and talk about if this was in real life, this woman was even her bum was bigger. Her chest was bigger.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Like it just broke your heart. If it was a joke, like if it was a comical thing, because they were trying to, it was like someone was trying to show the absurdity of plastic surgery. If that was the case, it would have actually been hilarious. But it was just poor woman's life. Like she couldn't sleep on her stomach. No. I don't know how she exists. Or her back. Like she sits in a car. Yeah. I don't, I don't know either. Why do I bring that up? I just think, um. Well, and then 30 minutes later, the hostess and the server were like giggling. That's what I said. Yeah. They're still talking about it. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. Like, no, no, no. That's what I meant. It wasn't like
Starting point is 00:49:24 shocking at first and then everyone moved on. It right. Yeah. Like, no, no, no. That's what I meant. It wasn't like shocking at first. And then everyone moved on. It stayed. Yeah. Even after she was long gone and we couldn't see her. The point is, I think every one of us desires to be desired, desires to be found desirable, desires to be like at our core, received and accepted. We want to be not just accepted. We want to be seen for who we are and that be accepted. That's what we really want. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:48 But what we're afraid of is that we're actually not acceptable. Yeah. And so I have to put up defenses, which is what that was. Yeah. So that I will be wanted. Yeah. Yeah. And I feel like countries that we went to like Romania, Budapest, Hungary, Austria as well. Like, like a lot of those countries, bigger cities would be different, but the
Starting point is 00:50:17 most of the places where we were speaking, it was like they, like they had intact, like women look like women and men look like men, you know? And like our girls loved in Austria putting on their, what do you call them, trindle? Something, their beautiful dresses and like all those countries had like pride in who they were as a people, but also in the masculine and the feminine. And so like I gave a talk to women. I think it was both Hungary. I gave a talk
Starting point is 00:50:52 in Hungary and in Romania. Yeah. And yeah, it was to the, uh, yeah, you're right. Yeah. So it was two groups of women in these countries. And I just was so impressed by the women. Like I've been giving talks and it was actually as I'm giving the talk or as I was about to give it, it was just, it was a very different, like I was, there was a woman sitting down who led like an hour long prayer thing. And so it was just a different setting anyhow. And I had to slow down a lot. You did too because of the language barrier, but it was like, I wasn't giving a talk to lost women that didn't know what it meant to be a woman,
Starting point is 00:51:30 be a woman. But they had, and it was like, please stay like this. I don't know how you're like this, but like you are going to be the beacon of the light for the rest of the world. So it would, like if I had given my normal talk, I would have felt like Matt Walsh in Africa. Like they all thought he was crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Well, when he suggested what Americans think. Yes, yeah. Not because of what Matt actually believes, but the questions he was asking. They're like, you're off your head. What is a woman? We all know what a woman is clearly. And I feel like in those countries,
Starting point is 00:52:00 and I don't know if it's because they were persecuted for so long, or if just the woke ideology gender confusion stuff hasn't entered in. I don't know. But were you also surprised by that? Uh, yeah. Uh, no, yeah, no, I don't know. Maybe it depends on the country, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Do you remember how shocked we were at how beautiful everyone was in Slovenia and how upset we were that Melania Trump didn't tell us that she was going to not be there? I know she wasn't even there. And we went by the hotel that Trump proposed to her. Come on. Yes. At Lake Bleed. Yeah, Lake Bleed. It was beautiful. All the people there were so friendly. And I think it also was like- Do you remember all the women were gorgeous and all the men were short and we were like, what is happening? Not all the men. Father was tall, certain men, but all the women were beautiful. Yeah. It was very odd. Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. It's like, guys, if you're having a hard time finding a beautiful
Starting point is 00:52:52 Holy woman, go find Melania Trump's friends because I'm sure she's friends with all of them. Well, what was beautiful about them is they were beautiful inside as well. Like they just had such big, beautiful hearts and they just were yeah lovely. But yeah like shockingly attractive. Like even as a woman I'm like wow you're really good-looking. Which when women come up to talk to me I'm not often thinking that. As a fellow woman I'm just like okay. I'm like whoa I'm like is it just me? I think I may even brought it up to you first. I think you may have, yeah. It's like, it's just me or all these women. Really beautiful. But maybe not all of them.
Starting point is 00:53:30 I don't mean to be offensive, but it did seem like a lot of them like a head shorter than all of these like supermodel women with hobbits. The guys are probably just average guys. They're just normal guys. But the women just exceed. Now we've just insulted all the guys in Sylvania. Thanks for having us. I think the Holy Spirit came upon me.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So I gave a big talk in Slovenia. You were back at the apartment and we were on the canal. So it was a very popular area. There was a man walking down the road with a sandwich board promoting a strip club, and I had all sorts of, you know, shocking, vulgar things on it. I don't know what possessed me. I looked at him and I started shouting at him.
Starting point is 00:54:10 What'd you say? Shame on you. You are despicable. Shame, shame. I don't know why I did that. What'd he do? I was super glad I did. He would have kicked the living crap out of me.
Starting point is 00:54:22 He would have had to get out of the sandwich board first. So I would have had to- You knew you could run away while he's like- I could run me. He would have had to get out of the sandwich board first. So I would have- You knew you could run away while he's like- I could run away. He was a big, big guy. But I was just like, you should be ashamed. You are despicable. You know, you walk down,
Starting point is 00:54:35 like attacking the purity of these men who are just out with their girlfriends around on their own and here you are, leading them into the mouth of hell. You should be ashamed of yourself. But I was with the host and I remember him like, okay, let's go, let's go. Father Matt, the big guy? No, he wasn't that big.
Starting point is 00:54:51 He was bigger than you. Yeah. Maybe he just wasn't as big as the guy in the sandwich thing. No, no, no, but you're thinking, I think you think he's big because he reminded you of Gormley. Oh, he did. And Gormley's a big guy, but I don't think he was a big guy.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Anyway, it wasn't him. I think he was. Okay, well, it wasn't him. It was someone else. I also, when I, but I don't think he was a big guy. Anyway, it wasn't him. I think it was. Okay, well, it wasn't him. It was someone else. I also, when I was emailing him, thought he was a little woman. Yeah. So I'm like, oh, you're a priest, and you're much bigger than I expected.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Now, I know we run the risk of this becoming like us sharing our photos from our family vacation that no one cares about. Let's show everyone. It's good for us, so we remember later. Yeah, exactly, but what else should we talk about? I mean. All right, what place haven't we talked about yet?
Starting point is 00:55:25 Oh, all of them. Well, do you want to talk about Geneva? Can we just say spiritual oppression is what we felt a lot of. That was the first place that I thought, oh, the Catholic Church may not exist here in 20 years, like it actually may not. It may not even exist now. I think it exists now by a thread actually may not. It may not even exist now.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I think it exists now by a thread. Barely. It was, the people who had us were lovely. Beautiful people. Yeah, but then the- A holy priest? Yeah, but from America. The horror stories he would tell us
Starting point is 00:55:59 about his priest superior who would tell him that he's gay and what sex positions he likes with other men. I don't know that we should get in. We shouldn't get into it, but I'm trying to show people I'm not exaggerating. It was awful. This priest was called by the diocese
Starting point is 00:56:16 and told to stop telling people about confession because he's making them feel, like it was. Yeah, another priest said that, yeah, that you weren't allowed to have people go to confession. Yes. And the priest didn't come to my talk because he didn't like me. Remember? And I was like, that's okay. I'm okay being not liked by you.
Starting point is 00:56:34 But he also said you weren't allowed to hear that you weren't allowed anyone to go to confession. That's right. And then we met another priest who literally just read over the 10 commandments. That's it. And maybe he made a comment. I think he quoted saints. So I don't even think he put it in his own two cents. 10 Commandments, saint quotes. And was like, if someone found out what I did, I'd be in so much trouble. But were there priests there that I asked to hear the confessions anyway?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah. Oh yeah. Multiple priests. So there's at least three good priests. We went against the diocesan priests and found other priests to hear the confessions at this place. Yeah. I think we had three priests that heard confessions, which were wonderful and amazing. Just it was wild. Yeah. Yeah. And you and I felt tremendous oppression from the get-go.
Starting point is 00:57:15 As soon as we landed, such spiritual attack, we just felt oppressed like some large weight was pressing upon us the whole time. And a lot of people kept talking. We didn't even know why at first. We didn't know why. It was only afterwards that I think we realized, and even our kids, like back home, they were getting babysat.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And yeah, both. Is that from my nose? No, you're like, step on it. Both in Switzerland and then also in the Netherlands. Holy crap. So praise God, we didn't plan this, but these are the two countries our kids did not come to.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Thank you, Jesus, they did not come. And these countries, what I was just saying about some of the other countries and meeting beautiful, holy people, not that these people weren't holy, but the amount of death and spiritual oppression that we felt, it was really bad. Yeah. And we don't mean to offend. We know that there's going to be people who took us out, who are listening to this. And I understand that we might offend you. Please try to and we don't mean to offend We know that there's gonna be people who took us out who are listening to this and I understand that we might offend you Please try we don't mean to you don't mean to we're just this was our experience our kids being left at home
Starting point is 00:58:12 And our good friends that were looking after that story so much spiritual attack like both trips though lots of spiritual attack You can tell the crazy bit. This is okay. So whenever we go and preach There's always spiritual attack. When you and I went to Romania, I bust out the prayer book and I said, the kids, all right, let's pray, because every time I go and speak, there's always spiritual attack. And our kids are like, really? I'm like, yes. So we did. We prayed every time we went.
Starting point is 00:58:37 We prayed a lot of spiritual warfare prayers. Anyway, you and I went to the Netherlands soon as we arrived. We felt that same spirit. I was preaching at a church and during that talk, our kids were at home. And what happened to them? They're in Austria, Austria. OK, for those of you that have never been to Austria,
Starting point is 00:58:58 Austria is really beautiful, really clean, gorgeous, like ridiculously clean, like perfect crystal clear water. Like your friend's house and she's a neat freak. And you're like, why can't I make my house look like this? That's what every other country feels about Austria. Yes, exactly. And so this is like what you're going to hear is like you think it would, and it's just extremely safe. Like six year olds can go to the grocery store by themselves. It's very safe. Where we were. Where we were. We were in a very small country town. Yeah, not in the city.
Starting point is 00:59:24 It's a very safe where we were in where we were. We were in a very small country town. Yeah, not in the city Our kids were out in a field full of flowers that they play in every day The university students are in all the time our kids are in all the time except for when the farmers wouldn't let us be on It because they need to plow it but um very safe Totally fine all of a sudden as I'm preaching as Matt's preaching four kids two are ours One's a really good friend of ours and one's another family that was just in town visiting all four of them felt sick So they go to walk back to the house. They can barely make it they start falling over before they get back and Other kids meet up with them and they're like, what's wrong and they are weeping They are weeping crying feel and they're like, what's wrong? And they are weeping, they are weeping, crying, feel like they're going to vomit dizzy.
Starting point is 01:00:08 They're seeing like five, six times things like nothing is added up. Like my, my friend calls me and I'm like, well, get them in the shower. She said, Cameron, you don't understand. I can't get them in the shower. Like they can't move. Like all four of them, like, like could barely open their eyes or eyes were completely bloodshot. It was like 10 paramedics eyes or eyes were completely bloodshot. It was like 10 paramedics that showed up.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Yeah. Yeah. Like it was crazy scary. And the answer, nobody knew what happened. It was a spur of the moment, extreme allergic attack. That's what we got. All four of them happen to have at the exact same time. It certainly wasn't pesticide. And I don't think they were all smoking pot. We don't know what it was. Well, it definitely wasn't pot. No, no, no, no, no. Yes, yes. They weren't made in pot. No, these, these are, okay. So it was our 12 year old, nine year old, another nine year old,
Starting point is 01:00:58 and either an eight or nine year old and like awesome kids. Like, and there was nothing like even the older kids took the paramedics to the spot It was like, okay, maybe it's a poison fruit that they all ate at the exact same time. Like yeah Yeah, we it was so nuts. It was insane. We and they were sick for the art the whole time. We were there Yeah, two of them had to go to the hospital and get Meds and it was just insane And then it kept hitting them even after we got back It would be like they'd be fine for a day.
Starting point is 01:01:26 And then it would hit them again. And that good priest though, he led, he led prayers of spiritual. Yeah, he was lovely and I felt better once. And so I didn't go to bed that night. I was up the whole night, but this beautiful priest wrote to me and said, and we're far, right? We were far from Austria. It wasn't like a four hour drive. We're in the Netherlands. Yeah. We're in the Netherlands. And he's like, I just want you to know if your kids need you or like if the hospital things is taken for it, call me and I'll drive you. Oh, I wish we knew his name. If you're watching right now and you're from the Netherlands,
Starting point is 01:01:55 find this place and tell them we love him. And we're so grateful for him. Yes. We met so many people. I can't remember his name. He had a gray, he's part of that same order is that priest that anyhow. He's beautiful, beautiful Holy priest. But it just helped my mom a heart knowing. You've got such a beautiful heart, right? Because I know that was excruciating for you. It was so funny. Like in the morning, I'm like, ah, good morning.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And you're like, you slept? Yeah, I forgot what happened. I was up the entire night just praying and trying to get updates and oh, God bless. And my friend that was with the kids is amazing and wonderful and I knew that she'd do all the same things I would do to help them, but it killed me that I couldn't get to them.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Like, and that was the other thing. The last flight was like at the exact same time and I couldn't be in Amsterdam at that time. And yeah, anyhow, yeah, a lot of spiritual attack. Those two talks, especially. Yeah. Um, it was such an honor speaking in, uh, where was I in Slovakia? No, Croatia, Croatia. Oh, and Croatia. All were all good. I went to Croatia anyway, standing where it was. Anyway. All right. It was terrific. Everything was terrific. It was beautiful meeting people
Starting point is 01:03:04 in a part of the world that you would never think that your podcast would have such a massive impact on them. Yeah. It really makes you think it really, really made me think I got to take this way more seriously. I mean, we all have to take ourselves more seriously at the same time taking ourselves less seriously. I think it's good that you don't know that full impact. Like I think it's well, I'm also deeply aware of how wretched I am to like that. But you hold on to criticisms really well.
Starting point is 01:03:30 And I'm like, no, that's a you problem. When people criticize you, they're not pretty sure I'm excellent. Actually, we joke that you and John Henry have similar personalities because you both like I'm pretty great. Actually, no, someone said something about, I don't know, it was something about you think you do a better job at trying to look like you're in pain if you make up this disease you have or whatever. And it was like, I'm not even gonna listen, bitch. I'm sorry that I clearly you didn't see me two weeks ago, two weeks ago, I was staying at a friend's I've had so many I mean
Starting point is 01:04:08 We haven't even got into this but do we want to get into that? I don't know what you're about to talk about but yes, I do coming back Well, I wanted yeah, no I can put it off Well, I want I love a line that a four-year-old said to me Okay, he said I I ended up having to run away to a friend's house and this four-year-old We just became friends and he said to me ended up having to run away to a friend's house and this four year old, we just became friends. And he said to me, I had a really bad, I looked horrible. And he said to me, Hey, you look a lot less scary than you did when you first got here.
Starting point is 01:04:34 And I was like, thanks. And he's like, I mean, you still kind of look like a monster, but you really look like a monster. And even then you're like this, your problem. No, he was right. But what I thought was so beautiful is we became friends, we bonded and he kept wanting to go out on the dock with me. Where is all in?
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yeah, because we came. Yeah, we'll get to that. And yeah, we'll get to it. But I love like the, I love that he still wanted to be my friend, even though I look like a monster. Yeah. Well, which was beautiful. I wasn't offended.
Starting point is 01:05:01 So let's, let's do that now then, because it might not make sense since we haven't. So here's what happened. We're in Austria, you being, let's do. I wasn't offended. So let's, let's do that now then. Cause it might not make sense since we haven't. So here's what happened. We're in Austria. You've been, let's do the carnivore thing. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:10 We can come back. How long have you been doing carnivore now for? I think 10 months. That is freaking crazy. And it's not cause I think it's cool. Can we, yeah. So tell me what you mean by that. So I've, I've for 10 months now, I've only eaten meat, seafood,
Starting point is 01:05:31 butter and eggs. And I occasionally bring in dairy. So in Europe, I brought in dairy. I'm currently not doing any dairy. I'm just doing it. When I, when I got back, I was doing lion's diet, so I was only doing rheumatory meat. So I was just eating beef and lamb and salt and water. That was it. And I said, if you had have told me when we got married that your wife, when they would only eat meat, I would have thought you would definitely, definitely die. Right. Tell everyone about the interaction you had with the vegetarian. So I found this store in Florida that I love. I wish I knew the name of it,
Starting point is 01:06:07 cause it's such a cool store, but basically you walk in and you know how you've heard like it's the healthiest if you just shop the perimeter of a store, this stuff in the middle is trying to kill you. It's full of all the bad oils, all the preservatives, all the genetically modified grains. So this store is literally just the outside. genetically modified grains. So this store is literally just the outside. So you walk in and it's just fresh fruits, produce, vegetables, nut butters that are made there, fresh eggs.
Starting point is 01:06:33 So that's one half of the store. The other half of the store is just every type of meat you can think of. Like I got so many different cuts. You didn't think of. I know organs, like all sorts of. Helcum. But it goes like straight from the butcher to the shop.
Starting point is 01:06:48 So it's a cool shop. So I made the mistake of going on a Saturday, which you were so kind to still let me go, but like you couldn't even find a car park. It was, it was so, the store was so busy. So I went in, I let the kids grab like two, two or three fruits and vegetables. That's all we need.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I'm like, we're here for the meat. And I loaded the cart up with all this meat and seafood and And I get in line and this guy's trying to cut in line and he's like, I'm sorry I don't chop anything on this side. Can I I won't cut you but can I get behind you? I'm like, yeah sure. I'm like, don't worry. I only shop on this side and he kind of laughed He's like, oh no, I see that you have some fruits and vegetables in there. I'm like, oh, yeah. No, I don't eat that I see that you have some fruits and vegetables in there. I'm like, Oh yeah, no, I don't eat that. And he's like, what do you mean you don't eat that? And I was like, I'm, I'm carnivore. I only eat meat and seafood. And he's like, I'm sorry, what? And so he's behind me and we're in line. So we're
Starting point is 01:07:35 slowly walking up, but like we're going through this zigzag. It's like a line at the airport type of line because the store is so cool. And, he keeps asking follow-up questions and he's like, but like you obviously eat some vegetables. And I was like, nope, I don't need any vegetables. He's like, when was the last time you had a vegetable? I'm like 10 months ago. He's like, well, you eat nuts and seeds. And I was like, nope, I don't have nuts or seeds. And he's like, I don't understand. Vitamins? Yeah. Yeah. Do you take vitamins? Yeah. He's like, do you take vitamins? I'm like, nope. And he's like, you, sorry, yeah. Do you take vitamins? Yeah. He's like, do you take vitamins? I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:08:06 And he's like, you, sorry, you look like someone that eats healthy. And I was like, yeah, I do. Believe it or not. Beef is like cured my body. Like I used to be really unhealthy before. Like I ate really healthy. But my body was falling apart. And I think beef is slowly healing my body.
Starting point is 01:08:20 And he just couldn't get over it. He was so shocked because I think he's looking at me like you look healthy. And he thinks if someone only ate meat, what would they look like? Well, obviously they'd be really, really fat. They look like they're about to have a heart attack and they'd be like sweating profusely all the time. I guess. I don't know. Yeah, that was that is it is wild. And he just couldn't get over it.
Starting point is 01:08:42 What's crazy too love is that you've become increasingly intense. I mean, we got to a point in Austria where you were now eating not just medium rare steak, but you would go into the freezer, pull out meat, cut it and eat raw beef. Tell people about this. So this is the thing. Fairness to me, in France, beef tartare is a delicacy and it's lovely. I basically was having beef tartare, but I didn't add in the peppers and onions and garlic. And then in Italy, carpaccio.
Starting point is 01:09:20 That's called, yeah. If you give it a fancy name, it doesn't sound like you're close to being a zombie. So I shaved the beef and in fairness with the carpaccio, I put arugula on it and Parmesan cheese. But you need the arugula. No, please. Please. That plant's trying to kill me. Yeah. Yeah. No, I did not eat it. I just ate the raw beef and then.
Starting point is 01:09:42 And we should probably talk about my PETA clip, Instagram. So we went to a butcher. We bought half a cow when we were in Austria and the guy, the butcher was amazing. Well the funny thing is first we're trying to make sure it's grass fed and they're like, that doesn't make sense. And they're like, I was trying to like ask. So it was going through our friend who's a translator. She's talking to them and she's like, that's not a thing here.
Starting point is 01:10:05 Like, yes, cows eat grass. Like what else would you feed a cow? Like, so in Austria, that's not a thing. Nothing's labeled grass fed cow. Yeah, because all cows eat grass. You idiot. Yeah. Only in America do we have to clarify.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. This one isn't eating McDonald's. Yeah. And so I asked her, like, like, is it like an organic cow? She's like, it's super fresh. When you get it, you'll see it. And sure enough, like the we show up, they let us in. Yes. To the Aventoir and they're well, I don't know if that's what it was called, but it's where they butcher them, at least.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Yeah, it was beautiful. Yeah. Like there was there was a cow leg the size of this table, the bone meat, like the skin had been taken off But it was all the flesh and it was beautiful and we're watching them with these giant What do you call those? Giant knives that like butcher knives. Yeah cleaver or something. Yeah, like chopping it up and it was so cool so we take a photo of We took a few photos took a photo and then we post it.
Starting point is 01:11:06 I posted to Instagram and all I do is tag Peter and the world exploded. But I think Peter's an evil organization and everyone who's offended can piss off. So here's the thing. So there's a farmer, there's a farmer. Including people watching now. Who's a good man and who takes good care of his animals. And he provides for his village. 100%. He took that cow to this butcher.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Yeah, these people don't care. We bought it from the butcher. Yes. There's no middleman. They didn't even wrap it in plastic. These people should be happy. I got people writing to me. There was no plastic wrap.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Like people in personal Instagram messages, like, I people writing to me. There was no plastic wrap. Like people in personal Instagram messages like, I want you to know I'm just deeply disappointed. And I said, I'll cry myself to sleep after I've eaten like my weight and steak, thank you or something. But then I took that photo of the butchered cow in the freezer and I posted it. I want everyone to know that after some thought I've decided to name the dead cow Peter and after we eat this we're gonna get a friggin other one I don't know why I do that I think it's because I'm cool I think it's I think you just were enjoying egging people
Starting point is 01:12:14 I love it so that what you're feeling there that's what John Henry and I feel about people's comments towards us that are stupid but for some reason you don't know how awesome you are. And so you listen to them. And you're like, wait, maybe, maybe I am whatever they're saying. And we're like, no, I'm more self-reflective. You're like PETA people. We're not listening. I've just made the decision. Anyone who disagrees with me is like a PETA person. It's not disagreeing. It's something. It's on something that's so, I don't know. Anyhow, I don't even know how to. No, I'm enjoying you telling me how awesome I am.
Starting point is 01:12:49 You are, you're awesome. You're amazing. And it was fun to meet people in other countries, see that and tell you that too. And even meet random people. I was in a random store buying stuff and a woman like recognized me. And it was just beautiful.
Starting point is 01:13:04 I was at a Lego shop in Vienna and someone was like, are you Matt Fred? I'm like, come on. Yes. This recognized me. Yes. And it was just beautiful. Me too, I was at a Lego shop in Vienna and someone was like, are you Matt Fradd? I'm like, come on. Yes. This is stupid. Yes. You're like, I was just about to ask you if you spoke English, how much is this item? So I think one thing I really felt,
Starting point is 01:13:15 and I shared this the other day, is that Americans should not apologize for their influence on the worldwide stage when it comes to Catholicism. Yes. Because I met so many people who converted to Catholicism or who remained Catholic or who were looking into Catholicism because of the quietness, Father Mike Schmitz, Bishop Baron, you know, Trent Horn, all of these wonderful people, like and seeing your Jason's book in my gosh.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Yeah, we saw Trent Horn's book, one of his multiple you and Jason, you're forged. Is it? Yeah, we saw that in like, I think four different languages, which is amazing. Yeah. Yeah. And I remember I was in Ukraine at this monastery in the middle of nowhere and in their bookstore is Ralph Martin has written a book and it was translated into Ukrainian. But yeah, my point, my point is I know Americans are sometimes shy because they're so big, they want to be humble and sometimes they're too self-effacing. And I know we have our problems, but there's so much good taking place in the American church. Yes, especially if you're in a European country that is.
Starting point is 01:14:18 I mean, we were in Austria and we couldn't go to the local parish because the mass was invalid because the priest, well, whatever. Like like so that's what you deal with in parts of Austria, Germany, other places. Should I share about Corpus Christi? What? Well, the mass is invalid because he changed all of the language of the consecration. Well, let me can I share Corpus Christi? Yeah, yeah. So on the feast of Corpus Christi, we went.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Speaking of Peter people. We went. It's a beautiful old church. That's the thing. It's a gorgeous church. It's beautiful. But unfortunately, they've put kindergarten kids artwork all over the altar. And they don't even use the main tabernacle. They put Jesus like in a corner somewhere. Um, on the feast of Corpus Christi, we're there, that there was like a giant band and a bunch of kids singing. And it was in fairness, it's German. And so I don't know if mass, I think mass was valid that day. I don't know. I don't know enough. I don't know German anyhow. I don't know how it went down, but at one point I saw the Eucharistic
Starting point is 01:15:31 minister or the priest. I can't remember which one put all the consecrated hosts in a bowl. Like this bowl is nicer than the bowl that all the Eucharist were put in. That's a pretty nice bowl though. It is a really nice bowl. No, I get it. If you had an ugly bowl, it was an ugly bowl and definitely not something that looked like it would have the Eucharist in. It's like something you'd eat cereal out of or you put chips in at like a kid's party,
Starting point is 01:15:57 not even an adult's party, not nice bowl. The bowl gets put on a side table near the altar not on the altar Behind the band and behind the men with the big banner so there's these men with big banners a herd of little altar girls and boys and An entire band in uniform and then it's like behind them this bowl gets placed with Consecrated Eucharist in it and I'm watching like what is going on and then we start theucharistic procession, but the Eucharist is hiding over here on this little rickety side table. It looks like it was like bought at Ikea and it may break. Um, everyone goes outside and I'm keeping my eyes on it. I'm like, I'm not, I'm not going, I got to figure out what's going on. And I go and it's, it's gone. Someone's moved it. So I'm like searching up on the altar.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I even looked at some woman's purse. I think she was maybe like the, I don't know. I don't know if she was the, one of the altar servers. I don't know, some woman that was up on the sanctuary. I looked in her purse thinking maybe the Eucharist. And then I'm trying to figure out, like at this point I've eaten nothing but meat. I'm like, I'm gonna vomit if I receive all the Eucharist.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I'm like, I just need to make it outside. I will eat the entire bowl of hosts of Jesus's body blood. I'm like, and by your grace, I won't vomit. But if I do vomit, I just need to get outside. And then that would be better than it just being. Whatever's happening here. Yeah. Anyhow, long story short, there's the Eucharistic
Starting point is 01:17:23 procession. At one point, the priest takes the monstrance and there's flowers all over it. And it just was a very halfhearted, to say the least, like it was the least moving Eucharistic procession I've ever been a part of. And at one point the Eucharist gets put on the table and then this woman and the priest are saying things and like just kind of having a casual talk and everyone's standing around and And the father's telling everyone to come in more and so It's just it's very confusing. So I make the point I'm like, I'm just gonna go
Starting point is 01:17:59 Stand I'm just gonna kneel and I talked to someone that spoke German and she said that things would get dealt with later I was frustrated and I was like I'm gonna going to kneel and I talked to someone that spoke German and she said that things would get dealt with later. I was frustrated and I was like, I'm going to do something about this. So I chose to get front and center of the Eucharist. So the Eucharist is put here and the priest is talking. Other people are talking, a band's playing music. No one's paying attention to the Eucharist. Other people are, there's faithful there from Franciscan that are paying attention.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I come front and center and kneel down. What I didn't know, I encouraged the kids that were near me. I was like, kids come on. And I knelt down and I knew the kids knelt beside me. I didn't know until afterwards because I saw a photo. The majority of the Franciscan students also came and knelt. And so this woman is reading a poem all about self-care and self-worth and looking out for ourselves and taking the time. And it's me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me I was looking at the Eucharist and not her. Anyhow, but all the kids knelt and were all focused and it was really beautiful and powerful afterwards to see that. I asked for prayers afterwards. I was asked for prayers for him, trying to, like not wanting to condemn him, but trying
Starting point is 01:19:23 to give him the benefit of the doubt. And some people are like, you don't know the intentions of his heart. I'm like, there are different approaches on there. There's the story of a priest during the time of St. Francis of Assisi, who was living with a woman and Francis went to his house followed by a group of people. And they thought Francis was going to let him have it. And instead he fell to his knees and kissed the priest's hands. And that converted him.
Starting point is 01:19:43 Wow. fell to his knees and kissed the priest's hands and that converted him. Wow. I'm more of the feeling that saying shame on you, you disgusting person. You let the children go hungry because you're a heretic. I'd rather do that. I think there's probably room for both. I think so too. And I think in this situation where I don't speak his language, there's that. I think that what we did, and you left, I think other people also left because why did you leave? Why did I leave? I don't know. Probably offended.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Well, we weren't sitting together. Remember the place was completely packed. And so we were kind of separate anyway. So I didn't see you do this. Yeah. And we were about to leave, I think somewhere that day. Oh, we were leaving somewhere to give a talk. Yeah. And we were about to leave, I think, somewhere that day. We were leaving somewhere to give a talk. Yeah. Anyway, I forget what country we were going to, but I only knew after. And then afterwards I talked to some people and they said how powerful it was. They're like, you don't know the other parishioners, like seeing all, cause like in the picture, it's a beautiful picture. I'll have to give it to you to post, but it's like me and then all the kids
Starting point is 01:20:45 and then behind them, all the Franciscan students and then faculty and staff, like everyone kind of followed suit. And there were some locals that knelt as well. Yeah, it was just, it was saddening is what it was. And especially because our kids, for our experience in Austria, our kids were fed the sacraments. They looked forward to noon mass every day.
Starting point is 01:21:12 And we had beautiful holy priests that preached and loved them in confession and would let them ultra-serve. And our daughter would want to finish school early so she could go do sacristy work with the sisters and water all the flowers and set up everything just right. And, um, at another point we're talking about saints. Can we give a shout out to father Jim and father Nathan? Yes. They were so good. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Father Nathan and father Jim. Our eldest daughter said to me, she's like, Father, Father Jim Jim is a saint. He's so kind to everyone, Dad, like to have like, it's so beautiful. If you're a priest watching, just realize the beautiful impact you can have on a child by being kind to them.
Starting point is 01:21:58 And then their experience is this priest like looked at me. He was kind to me, you know. I was so grateful for them. I picked them up at the airport after, I think they bussed out, they bussed with a bunch of Franciscan students overnight to Rome in Assisi, and they did this 10-day pilgrimage that's geared towards college students and it's exhausting. And I picked them up and they hadn't slept, I think it was like 70 hours. They hadn't slept. And you know what they both looked like
Starting point is 01:22:26 when I picked them up? If it was me, I'd look like this, like, oh, I'm so exhausted. You know what Father Jim and Father Nathan looked like? Cameron, it's so lovely to see you. Thank you so much for picking us up. It's such a joy. And they both had giant smiles.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Not in a fake way. Theirs wasn't fake. Mine's fake. That's not real. But theirs are just beautiful and genuine. And yeah. We hiked almost every day. That was the thing.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I was doing. You were doing so well. I was doing so well. I think we averaged at least five mile hikes every day. Yeah, I know that sounds like an exaggeration, but you and I would have this walk. We'd go on up the mountain. It was awesome.
Starting point is 01:23:03 At one point. And then other days we would just keep walking. I feel like, yeah, I could do all these hikes. I was always walking. What was funny is when Brittany came, a friend of mine from here came and I was like, you want to go for a walk and you weren't there. So I was missing our walk. So I was kind of doing walks on my own, but I did it with her and I was like, you want to go again? And she's like, I mean, I'm kind of tired. Are you not tired? I'm like, no, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:23:25 So we go for another big walk. The next day she walks up to me and she's like, oh my goodness, Cameron, are you sore? I'm like, no, what happened? And she's like, you, yesterday, the walks, you're not even sore. I was like, no. She had never seen you like that.
Starting point is 01:23:37 She had never seen me like that. So I said to you, we were hopeful that we'd come back and you'd be great. But I said to you. Oh, and wait, can I just mention the 5k? Of course. So do you remember what happened? Yeah. I beat my eldest son. What else? I've congratulations. He did good on you. I said the night before I'm like, I think I may do the 5k. And you were like, Cameron,
Starting point is 01:23:55 when was the last time you ran? I'm like, I don't know. I'm sure it's been years since I've ran, but I think I can do it. And I did it. Yeah. I walked a little bit of it, but I ran the majority of it. Yeah. It's insane. And we were doing sauna, cold plunge. Like I felt wonderful. I had a few flare ups when I was there of my GI stuff.
Starting point is 01:24:17 Yeah. You'd actually have soy or. Oh, that was rough. Yeah. I did a pilgrimage to Poland and I had a plain chicken breast and I started Being sick before the meal was even over and then you were like in bed for a week. It's amazing Vomited the whole bus ride home. Praise you Jesus. Yeah, you were doing great And I said to you if we get home and you're sick, I will throw you over my shoulder and take you to Florida Within two days So I since found out that you were telling other people before me will throw you over my shoulder and take you to Florida. Within two days.
Starting point is 01:24:45 So I since found out that you were telling other people before me. Thanks, Alice and Katie and Sarah. I. OK, I didn't want you to know. And I didn't. So I also. But I didn't think so. I did lion's diet before I came. So I was already doing carnivore the whole time, but I'm like, when I go back, I don't want anything to be a factor. Like if I accidentally have this cheese or
Starting point is 01:25:13 butter. So like I was only doing beef and lamb and my body was doing so well, even traveling. I was doing so well. We got stuck in Boston overnight with the kids. I didn't get my head on a pillow to like two or three a.m. Or it may have even been later. Anyhow, I was fine. And you come back and within two days. Within, it was within 12 hours that I could feel my joints.
Starting point is 01:25:38 And I remember going like, oh no, oh no. I remember I woke up at three in the morning. And not feel my joints like this, right? But like the pain, the pain, I didn't. No, I woke up in three in the morning and not feel my joints like this, right? But like the pain, the pain, I didn't. No, I woke up in the middle of the night seeing you walk to the bathroom, like the Tin Man without grease. And so I sent you to Florida,
Starting point is 01:25:52 which is where you've been up until now. Yeah, so I thought I could hide it all. And so that's what I was trying to do. So people were asking how I was, and I was like, I'm not doing well, but don't tell Matt. I'm like, everything hurts, but I'm gonna keep persevering. Like I can do this.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Like we're okay. And then the hives came and I just got covered and swollen red bumpiness everywhere. Anyway, we'll share more on that at a later date. Lots of crazy things happen in hell. But you were good enough to bring me in to get me to get a steroid shot. So I could keep breathing.
Starting point is 01:26:22 That was nice. That was a real nice feature. Yeah. Yeah. Do I have a break and then we'll come back and take questions? Or is there more you want to cover? All right. We'll take a break. Please stick around. We'll be right back after these messages. prayer app in the world. It's outstanding. slash Matt Fradd. Sign up over
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Starting point is 01:28:10 Think of it as if you and I could have a coffee over the next 21 days and I would kind of guide you along this journey. That's basically what this is. It's incredibly well produced. We had a whole camera crew come and film this. And I think it'll be a real help to you. And it's also not an isolated course that you go through on your own
Starting point is 01:28:28 because literally tens of thousands of men have now gone through this course. And as you go through the different videos, there's comments from men all around the world encouraging each other, offering to be each other's accountability partners and things like that. Strive21, that's slash Matt,
Starting point is 01:28:45 or as I say, Text Strive to 66866 to get started today. You won't regret it. Man, have you checked out Exodus 90 lately? If you've heard of Exodus 90 before, you're probably thinking of cold showers and Lent, but the Exodus 90 app offers so much more. It's a daily companion to help you grow closer to God and to become the man you want to be.
Starting point is 01:29:05 This summer I'm following along with the app's daily scriptures, reflections and prayers. It's awesome. On the app you can join the enthronement to the Sacred Heart, the Exodus 90 Summer Book Club and St. Michael's Lent, which starts August 15th and leads up to the feast of St. Michael the Archangel on September 29th. St. Michael's Lent is an ancient tradition of prayer and fasting popularized by St. Francis in the Middle Ages that's been lost in our time. Let's bring it back. Join the men of Exodus 90 and Father Carlos Martins, Catholic priest, exorcist and host of the exorcist files who will serve as our spiritual guide for St. Michael's Lent this year on the Exodus 90 app. We will awaken to invisible realities and enter into the spiritual battle that rages
Starting point is 01:29:52 around us all the time. Go to slash Matt for a 14 day free trial to the Exodus 90 app and to learn more about St. Michael's Lent. That's Exodus 90 dot com slash Matt to join us for St. Michael's Lent starting August 15th. And we are back here at Pines with Aquinas. So we are going to be taking twenty dollar super chats on YouTube
Starting point is 01:30:19 and literally anybody on locals who writes to us because they're your favorite people. They are my favorite people. They are my favorite people Locals is awesome So what do I start I'm gonna go over here you want to open I would love to my topo Chico for me Sweet show everyone. All right How cool is my husband my It's my only party trick.
Starting point is 01:30:45 Like, isn't that amazing? That's way better than breaking your friend's bottle. Yours was fine, I guess. All right, let's see. This is way better. Where is the... I also just wanna say thank you so much to everyone that had us in all those countries.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Like a lot of people did a lot of work to get you to come and speak. And I just felt so loved and they were so wonderful and beautiful. And it was so humbling and lovely to see so many people venerate this icon. And like, I loved your idea of having it. Yeah, it's just, it was really anointed. I thought the whole trip. Yeah. It was very, very blessed and wonderful. Yeah. And we've just been invited to go down to Australia
Starting point is 01:31:29 and travel the entire country to every city. I can't wait. And you have such a bug for adventure. I love it. Let's do it. And if it weren't for me being like, you know what, let's just give it a year, please, because... I know. Otherwise, we'd be on a plane now. I know. All right, let's take some questions. Brant B says, how often and in what context do you tell your children about sex? How do you explain that pop culture is wrong
Starting point is 01:31:49 about sex? All the time through life. Yeah, through experiences. So more recently, we were, we had a baby living with us for a while and her parents are not married. And we were helping a woman who was pregnant and had an abortion scheduled. She was not married. And so like the conversations re-happen with kids. Um, and we talk about it and, um, and the world, the world shows how, like, there's's a lot like we see people in big cities that are lost and confused. And it's like, why does that guy look like he's, why does that guy look like he's wearing a dress? And as we need to pray for him, he's really confused and lost and he doesn't know the love of Jesus. Like, that's how we're talking about it. You
Starting point is 01:32:40 know, like, ongoing conversation, there's a there's a misnomer that we call it the sex talk. And that gives you the impression that there's a misnomer that we call it the sex talk. And that gives you the impression that there's this one talk you have to have, but there's not a math talk. There's not a science talk. There's classes, ongoing education. And we have to do that with our children about sex. Now people have different approaches and I'm not going to sit here and say there's one right way and one wrong way. For example, I heard Trent Horn, he recently kind of intimated that how that he is pretty guarded or maybe Laura, his wife's pretty guarded with how they talk to their kids about sex. I've always told my kids exactly what sex is.
Starting point is 01:33:16 We are nine year old. Our nine year old may have said the other day, now listen, I'm pretty sure I saw what that cricket or frog, some insect was doing and we need to give them alone time because they want to mate. And I feel like he's got a good chance. We walked away so they could make got a good chance. That's amazing. He's a good wingman. Good. I think if you're if a kid's ready to ask the question, they're ready to hear the answer. And I think that's a good rule of thumb. And I think that just being straight with your children. And I think the reason we're so freaked out about it, the reason we invent stories about
Starting point is 01:33:55 stalks and things like this is because, you know, we've been hurt by sex. We live in a sexualized culture and it makes it awkward, but it doesn't need to be awkward. And I feel like just being straightforward with your children about sex. We live in a sexualized culture and it makes it awkward, but it doesn't need to be awkward. And I feel like just being straightforward with your children about sex. Yeah. And then I think also like recently we dealt with, um, there was just some little like teasing and crushes going on with a group of kids from six to 15. And there was just some of that going on. And another mom and I kind of talked to the kids and we're like, okay, so we don't want to do this. Like what we're doing is we're, and it was like, oh, well you're going to, and they were
Starting point is 01:34:28 like playing like the mash game or whatever, where you're like, oh, you're going to marry this person. And a couple of the kids were kind of crush heavy, but I think it was like the public school influence on the homeschool kids. So we just hadn't encountered it before. And so we chatted with the kids and we're like, okay. So it's actually belittling to see these guys that we're friends with that We're playing soccer with every day that are awesome guys for us to be like, ooh
Starting point is 01:34:49 Which one do you like and like we're belittling them and they're we're making them less than who they are Yeah, we're at least making it awkward and making it awkward but just having that conversation and then We were like, let's see how we can, we started like a little book study and we read Pride and Prejudice. And then we talked about the characters. And so it just let the girls, and it was really beautiful because what happened was
Starting point is 01:35:14 the girls that weren't boy crazy got to teach the ones that were like just how beautiful true love is and marriage. And like, and like we elevated it. Like I think the world's always making it less, it's not a big deal and they're bringing it down and it's like, no, no, no, it is a big deal. We need to elevate it and we want it to be good and beautiful and people will rise to that standard. Like recently, sorry, go ahead. No, keep going. Sorry. Uh, recently we had a situation where, um, a girl that we've been helping, we were debating having
Starting point is 01:35:45 a conversation with her about her boyfriend and her relationship, and she had this chat with the boyfriend on her own about things are going to be different. I'm going to do things differently, and I want a standard. I know this is what we were doing before, but I want more now. And it was beautiful. And it wasn't us giving her a chastity talk. It was her being around our friends, our family and other beautiful families that cherish what sex is and what it's for. And this woman in her heart, like decide she wants to, you know, rise to that. So yeah, I think not being afraid of the conversation is huge too, as you said,
Starting point is 01:36:26 and you could go about it many different ways, but yeah, having good conversations. Mason- Kat says, loved what you were saying early about the beauty of true femininity, Cameron, especially as seen in Romania. Do either of you have any good book recommendations for young Catholic women about embracing our femininity, but in the way the saints and Mother Mary did, or just any recommendations of good Catholic content. Yeah, you've read recently. Well, obviously we have to tell people about Dr. Carrie Grass's book, because you and I read that book together before I interviewed her. And I would say it was an eye opener for both of us. It totally changed my mind about feminism. Yeah. And I just, so let me Listen to for both of us. It totally changed my mind about feminism. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:05 And I just, so let me. Listen to another book of hers. Well, let me let people know the name of this one, then you can tell them that one. It's called The End of Woman, How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us. We cannot recommend this strongly enough. And then one that I would recommend
Starting point is 01:37:20 is on the Audible app on my phone. I don't actually remember the name of it, but it's by her as well. Is it What the anti-Mary exposed. Yes, that's what it is. Renouncing the culture from toxic, rescuing the culture from toxic femininity. Yes.
Starting point is 01:37:33 Yeah, she's awesome. And I haven't even listened to the whole book, but it's the same thing. I feel like light bulbs are going off and I'm experiencing and feeling things that are just, yeah, I don't know, there's something. Yeah, so we would recommend that for young women for sure. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Light Blue Sky asks, how are you both talking to your kids as they become teens about the sacrament of marriage and how to be a good spouse? I think we tend to focus on what we want in a partner, but forget that we also must develop ourselves to match our desires. I mean, for me, I don't know. I think we kind of try to imitate the beauty of marriage and we talk about it when you're married.
Starting point is 01:38:09 And then, like, I tell him the comment that I wish you 10 or 11 made about when I get married, I want to have like 12 kids. No, no, no. Someone said you'd be good at doing. Oh, yeah. So our eldest son said to my youngest daughter, you'd be a really great flight attendant. He's like, I'm going to my youngest daughter, you'd be a really great flight attendant. He's like, I'm going to be because he said you're so friendly. Yeah. And he said she said I'm gonna be too busy having babies, which I thought was a wonderful answer. Anyway, so yeah, no. And they're just talking to our oldest about like, yeah, like, hopefully you'll
Starting point is 01:38:36 get married. I don't know, like you get married at 18, 19. You should get married. You'd be great husband. You'd be awesome. I think just showing your kids is nothing to be afraid of. Yeah. Like marriage is so beautiful. Yes, it's hard, life is hard. But. But also like not dating for the sake of dating. Like we don't talk about- No, we date to marry.
Starting point is 01:38:54 Yeah, we date to marry and that's- And our kids seem to get that, don't they? They do, yeah. They can't talk like that without us even having told them. Yeah. Like, well, obviously I wouldn't date now, right? Cause I can't get married. I'm like, yes, that is correct.
Starting point is 01:39:04 Great, well done. But it hasn't now, right? Cause I can't get married. I'm like, yes, that is correct. Well done. So that. But it hasn't been like a rule that we've put down and like our teenagers are awesome. So cool. Like I remember someone, multiple times, especially girls, like women would be like, oh gosh, teenage daughter.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Oh yeah. That has happened to us a bunch. Yeah, like you have a 14 year old and 12 year old, oh girls, right? And I'm like, actually mine are awesome. I know some of them suck, but these ones are great. And they're like surprised by them. I'm like, I'd say with Liam, like, like our,
Starting point is 01:39:33 like I love our kids, our kids are awesome. Like I have two teenagers and a soon to be teenager. And I really enjoy all of them. Like I like hanging out with them anyhow. Like even just as normal people. We get annoyed. Oh, absolutely. We like to put them to bed so we can hang out sometimes.
Starting point is 01:39:50 And sometimes we're completely done. We get it. But the general disposition is one of gratitude for them. Yeah. Right? Yeah. And I feel like life's easier with them being teenagers. Where I think people think, well, now you really gotta come
Starting point is 01:40:02 down strict and hard on them. And it's like, no, no, no, we've been training them. Yeah. We've been training them for so long. And now they're pretty awesome. I kind of feel like you should talk about your kids to other people the way you should talk about your spouse in front of other people. Like, no, you're on their team. Do you know what I mean? Like if you started killing people, Cameron, I would only ever speak well about you.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And anyone who criticized the way you killed them Can go to hell. Do you know why like we're together? I'm probably tell you to stop killing people to be honest That's okay. Maybe I wouldn't tell other people to tell you that but I tell you appreciate that stop Yeah, you want me to be better than I am and I appreciate that but what my I'm exaggerating but the point obviously I'm exaggerating But the point is we're on each other's team. Like, I would never say to someone, yeah, my wife, my gosh. And you've heard that you said you've been in hairdressers where women talk about their husbands like it's OK. It's foul. It's despicable.
Starting point is 01:40:54 And we shouldn't talk about our kids like that. No. And I get it. Like, I get it. Like, I'm not demonizing people who do that or people who are watching like, I just did that today. We're all venting, right? We're trying to figure out this parent thing. It is tough. It is tiring. It's exhausting. And sometimes sharing frustrations shares a burden. But we really want to be each other's best defender here. I think.
Starting point is 01:41:13 But I also think there's something to not. And I don't know if it's homeschooling because like I was just with a family whose kids all go to a Catholic school and they're awesome kids and they hang out as a family and they interact really beautifully and well. But I do think the fact that we've chosen to homeschool, like our kids, like who they're with the majority of the day is us. And so I think there is something when you get a bunch of 13 year olds together, like you see the worst of it. And it's like when they're only with other 13 year olds, their whole world revolves around 13 year olds
Starting point is 01:41:47 and their drama. And so when people talk about girl drama, like, so like, I just left my kids to come here to do this with you. And then also the Hello Conference, and the Hello Conference later this weekend. And I left my kids with a good friend of mine. And so when I left this morning, our girls, the two 14 year olds and the two 12 year olds,
Starting point is 01:42:14 our friends and our kids were babysitting a two year old and a three year old and they were happy. My one of my kids had a baby on the hip and they're talking and they're hanging out and they're having fun together, but they're not worried about, oh, who do you like now or this or that celebrity? It's trying to make his hand with cool people if you can. Yeah, it helps. Um, here's a good question from someone who would like to be anonymous. What advice do you have on how to recover and heal physically and spiritually from a
Starting point is 01:42:43 miscarriage? I'm so sorry. That's the main thing. It's really hard. Yeah, so sorry for your loss and I don't think other people get it unless they've been there and gone through it. And I think hearing that is helpful because I feel like when you and I've heard the same thing like if one of your parents dies, but for having a close person that you love and then carrying someone in your womb for so long. And then the next day, you're more or if you're
Starting point is 01:43:16 losing the baby over a period of time, your morning. And then the first time you go out afterwards, it's really weird because you're like, my baby just died and none of you care. Like you're shopping, you're buying groceries, you're, you know, and there's just this. So I think just being supportive and loving, if you know someone going through a miscarriage and if you yourself are going through a miscarriage, communicate to your husband what's going on. Cause I think sometimes even they don't understand. Yeah. I didn't, I didn't understand the depths of what you were going through.
Starting point is 01:43:44 Yeah. And why do you think that is? Because it's not happening inside of my understand. Yeah, I didn't. I didn't understand the depths of what you were going through. Yeah. And why do you think that is? Because it's not happening inside of my body. Yeah. Like I'm not bonded to this baby the way you are. You know, like you're when you have a child, you've been with that child for nine months. Yeah, I've been with it for like three seconds.
Starting point is 01:43:59 I mean, I've put my head. That's not I mean, that's not exactly true, right? I mean, if but you're right, especially if you're like 15 weeks, 16 weeks pregnant, it's like, I've known this child for a long time, but you haven't even necessarily felt the baby move. Like you've had no interactions and you have a sick wife who is now pulling herself away and mourning.
Starting point is 01:44:24 And yeah, and I think needing to verbalize that as women, who is now pulling herself away and mourning and, yeah, and I think needing to verbalize that as women, I think we need to verbalize what's going on. Yeah, I feel like what's really hard is, I think our first miscarriage that I knew we were having for sure, I also was crazy sick. And so you were focused on me. And I think maybe even afterwards I was angry. I'm like, I feel like you didn't even acknowledge that we just lost a baby. But you almost lost your wife too. So like there's like a whole different. Yeah, I was actually way more concerned about you. Yeah. And I wasn't. Well, and to be I mean, there something too. I know that if you lose a child who's one week old
Starting point is 01:45:06 or eight months old in the womb, you've still lost a life. The same thing has happened. But just psychologically, it feels maybe as a husband more, I don't know. Yeah. If we had lost an eight month old, I would have been a lot more affected by that. Right.
Starting point is 01:45:26 People are different. Yeah. But I would suspect that a lot more affected by that. Right. Well, you know, yeah, people are different. Yeah. But yeah, I would suspect that that's common. Yeah, I would think so, too. And also, if the husband has to be with his wife as she's giving birth. So if you have if you're eight months pregnant. So like what the Walters went through, like having that, like having to bury this child in a little coffin. I mean, right. Or the, um, Everett's crystal, not Christina, um, Cecilia and Darrell, like what they went through,
Starting point is 01:45:51 like he was with her through that as she gave birth to this baby that had already passed, you know, we have a lot of friends that have been through that. And so it's like the husband praying over the giant belly and it's like, okay, but now we need to go through labor together. And I think that that's really healing that. And I don't wish that on anyone, but I feel like in some ways you're able to mourn that. Like there's no best time to have a miscarriage. Um, early on, like you early on is really hard because it's like, you want to rejoice in this life, but maybe haven't even told people that you were pregnant. And
Starting point is 01:46:24 so it's like, okay, now do you tell them that you're pregnant and you lost the baby? Like, it's just really hard. So I think there's no right way to do it, but just be patient with yourself, I think is huge, and know that healing will come, but it's hard. And it's okay that it still hurts. Yeah, I think taking comfort in our Lord saying,
Starting point is 01:46:43 let the little children come to me. And the catechism says that even though we are bound by the sacraments, God is not bound by the sacraments. And that we can trust that He who said, let the little children come to me, can find a way not only to Himself to bring these little ones into heaven. And so we can trust in the great mercy of God. Yeah. Um, I was chatting with one of our kids the other day and they said when they were at a Montessori school, um, one of their friends, mom lost a baby, had a miscarriage and another girl in the class, because she said something about the baby being in heaven. And she said to the,
Starting point is 01:47:21 another girl said to her, no, that's not true. Your baby is not in heaven because you're not Catholic. And, um, ouch. Right. And so I was talking to our daughter about, I'm like, well, what did you say? And she's like, I told her, I thought her baby was in heaven. I'm like, okay, good. I think the baby's in heaven. She's like, yeah, but what does the church teach? And I'm like, I don't even know on that one. Like I don't. And I think in a moment I'm like,
Starting point is 01:47:43 I think the main thing to know honey is in moments like this, you love the person. Like, that's what Christ would do. Christ loves the person. Or recently, I heard the story of Father Benedict Grichel kept baptizing prostitutes' babies and drug addicted people's babies. And just, I guess you got a reprimand or talking to by an authority figure that's like, you've got to stop blessing these people's babies who do not, their fathers are not coming to church, whatever. And he was like sharing this with mother Teresa or maybe asking advice or something. And mother Teresa said something about their father is like,
Starting point is 01:48:19 he's always at mass. Like these babies, fathers, like meaning God, like spiritual father is like there all the time and these. And I just love like the heart. I don't know the heart of, and I'm probably getting the story wrong, whatever, but like the heart of like a compassionate, the heart of a mom being like, of course you did the right thing. And the heart of the father that he wanted to baptize. And I'm not telling priests to go baptize everyone's babies, but you know what I mean? Like in that, and even like, I know in my heart that I will be reunited with my babies that I've lost and I can't wait for that day.
Starting point is 01:48:51 I don't know that you can find it in a book somewhere and tell me and I don't, the catechisms close enough. Like I remember some guy arguing with me over it at one point. He nearly punched him in the face. He's a really smart guy cause he went to TAC and all, I remember some guy arguing with me over it at one point. He nearly punched him in the face. He's a really smart guy because he went to TAC and all, but he wasn't smart enough to see that he was arguing with the grieving mother. So the funny thing is he tried to pull his brother in who's also smart and he's like,
Starting point is 01:49:17 dude, she just lost a baby. I'm not saying anything here. Let me read what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says. This comes from paragraph 1282 and following, Since the earliest times, baptism has been administered to children, for it is a grace and gift of God that does not presuppose any human merit. Children are baptized in the faith of the Church. Entry into Christian life gives access to true freedom.
Starting point is 01:49:43 With respect to children who have died without baptism, the liturgy of the church invites us to trust in God's mercy and to pray for their salvation. Yeah. That's it. So we didn't trust them to the mercy of God. Yeah, absolutely. Julius asks, how can I lead my wife towards putting God at the center of our marriage when everyday life and raising our children take up most of her time and energy?
Starting point is 01:50:10 Be supportive of her, give her breaks. Let her like offer to look after the kids so she can go to the store by herself or if she wants to go get her hair done or if she wants to go sit in adoration, like let her do it and be like, honey, I'll come home. I'll be with the kids, you know, or take over bedtime, like doing something where you're providing time for her. Like, would you like to go do this? Like if there's a women's retreat or, um, a Bible study or a women's group, like being available or honey, I will happily pay for a babysitter so you can, like you used to insist, um, early on when you were traveling a lot and we, you always wanted me to get a babysitter when you were gone and I wanted to save that money. Like I didn't and we like compromise on if you were gone three nights, one of the three nights I'd
Starting point is 01:50:57 have a babysitter and because I was good until I wasn't good and then I was just overwhelmed and done. And so I normally take the baby with me because I was normally good until I wasn't good. And then I was just overwhelmed and done. And so I normally take the baby with me because I was normally good and I didn't need a break from the baby, but I'd leave the other kids with the babysitter. And that was huge. And it was good for me to know that I had that. And oftentimes I would just go for a walk
Starting point is 01:51:17 and I'd walk and eat sushi for dinner. And then I walked to the coffee shop and randomly run into some friends of ours. And it was like, it was just one night and I came home and then the kids were already in bed. So all I had to do was feed the baby and put the baby to bed. And like, that's how I survive that. But I wouldn't have done it for me. I was more concerned about, no, no, no, we want to save money. And you were more concerned about me having me time. And, um, yeah. And I think by doing that, it would help me focus more on my prayer life.
Starting point is 01:51:48 Like it was like if you had said, I'll get you a babysitter for going to adoration. I probably would have punched you in the face, even though I love adoration. And some of the times I would have gone to adoration. Right. Right. But sometimes you think I get a bloody coffee. Yeah. Go for a walk in the park. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go to a friend's house. Have a glass of wine. Yeah. Yeah. So I think providing moments like that.
Starting point is 01:52:11 Yeah. And then I think the same for we learned early on, that was the best way for me to transition from mom mode to wife mode. And you'd be like, go take a bath, relax, whatever you want. Like, and you would put the kids to bed and give me a glass and you would bring in like a candle, a glass of wine. Well, we'll get to that. I had wine as a question having to do with that. But I was recently reading what Thomas Aquinas has to say on praying at all times.
Starting point is 01:52:37 And he says that, well, we have to pray at all times virtually, but we can't pray at all times actually because we have stuff to do. So what does St. Paul mean then when he says pray at all times actually because we have stuff to do. So what does St. Paul mean then when he says, pray at all times, right? Because like I got to get the kids and I got to, I got to fix dinner and I got to clean up the, so the way I like to think of it is this. Remember when you were a kid and you'd blow up a balloon and you try to keep it off the floor and you just hit it up in the air. And that was the goal to keep it off the floor.
Starting point is 01:53:03 All right. The balloon is your heart, the ceiling is God, the floor is without God. Okay, we're meant to pray at all times. We're meant to be desiring of God at all times, acting, working for His glory. Like if you're on your deathbed and you knew you were about to die,
Starting point is 01:53:20 how often would you think about God? You'd probably be at all times in some sense, thinking about God, desiring God. Yeah. So those little taps, right? That's the praying at all times. Jesus, help me. Like, I need you, Lord. Give me grace. But going to adoration is like smacking that balloon up. And so it might be the case that this woman needs to be able to smack that balloon up. She needs to bring her heart up to God so that she can then go back into the grind of daily life and see that her being a mother and wife is a prayer.
Starting point is 01:53:52 Yes. But it's hard to see that when you're drowning. Yes, absolutely, absolutely. And the beauty of seeing it as, and I'm reminded of a time that I was talking to a mom who was really upset that she hadn't gone to adoration in forever. And I was like, you did it last night at 3 a.m. She's like, no, I didn't.
Starting point is 01:54:09 I'm like, you were telling me you were up breastfeeding your baby at 3 a.m. You didn't sleep half the night. I'm like, that was your holy hour. And you could see the light bulb go off in her head. She missed it. She was too focused on being tired and she was upset and she was fighting herself like, Lord, I'm sorry, I'm not getting to church. And the Lord was inviting her just to be with him
Starting point is 01:54:30 in that moment. And then it's the same like when we wash the dishes for love of God, it's totally different than plenty kids and husband making a mess and the anger building up. So it's that, and for me, it's getting outside, getting to a beach, getting, I can't help it. It's just like, oh, praise you, Jesus. Look at this.
Starting point is 01:54:47 Yeah. You need to know what helps. Yeah. And learning your love language with the Lord. And so for some people it's journaling, for some people it's nature, for others it's reading a really powerful book or listening to music and crying over it. You know? I like that you gestured to me as you said that, you know, I know some people like to cry over music. I'm sorry about Christopher West. He cries. Well, he listens to music. Catherine Milner says any advice on how to help your children create a rich
Starting point is 01:55:13 interior life for themselves? I have three suggestions. One is delay the phone and technology for as long as possible. And if you can't do that, then limit it as much as possible. Because I think that phones act on us and sort of like smoke out our interior life. But like it suffocates our interior life and we become uninteresting people. Like I'm pretty sure like a woman who's raised on TikTok is probably a vacuous, awful woman. Like I don't know how she could possibly be virtuous, distracting herself to death. How shallow she must be, right? Like living on the peripheries of existence.
Starting point is 01:55:51 And then you go into marriage, I don't know how you don't, I don't know how you don't just become hell for your husband. I mean, he also might be vacuous, but like, where's the depth? There's no soil for your heart to take root. It's just existed on the peripheries of entertainment and stupidity. So I think delaying, like I have to say, I don't care if this is bragging,
Starting point is 01:56:12 I'm super proud that our 16 year old daughter has never had a phone, thrilled about that. Here's the second thing I would say, get your children to journal and have them like write in it. Because like, you're not gonna journal if you've got a phone actually. Like that's the thing. Like you won't daydream if you've got a phone. You won't lay in bed at night and think about tomorrow and what you're looking forward to if you have a phone. Those things cannot happen in the world of the phone, which extinguishes the interior life. I'm being a little
Starting point is 01:56:40 hyperbolic, but not much. The third thing I would say is like read beautiful stories to your kids. And one thing I love doing with our kids and I cannot wait to wear together again so I can do this. I just bought a beautiful book of Grimm's fairy tales again. Fairy tales. I love fairy tales. I love fairy tales because children love them. I love really excited to do for school this year. So Sarah McKinsey did a fairy tale summer and she's done like activities to do with the kids and I haven't done it because I've been too busy, but I'm excited to do it. Can't wait.
Starting point is 01:57:11 You can do it with us if you want. The other reason I love fairy tales everybody is because you can knock that story out in a night. Yeah, one night. Now some people are not like us Cameron and they have what's called discipline, right? And these people. They lack ADD I think is what it is. Way to put a positive spin on it. And these people, right, they're able to like...
Starting point is 01:57:29 I mean, we've done things like this. I've read the Lord of the Rings to the kids. I've read The Hobbit recently to the kids. I get it. But these people, every single night, they have this great schedule, right? Whereas for me, what I do is I have a great idea for a book. I read it for the first two nights. Then life gets in the way. We haven't read it for the next five nights, and then we don't end up reading it. You can knock out a fairytale. In fairness to us,
Starting point is 01:57:49 sometimes we've been traveling around Europe and getting people to kiss icons. Hell yeah, amen, amen. And preaching the good news of Christ. Also a big priority. Kirsten says, I would like to know more about how Cameron's diet has made the difference in her autoimmune disease, i.e. her doctor's reactions to her improvement and what effect
Starting point is 01:58:10 living with such a diet has had on her day-to-day travel experience and family planning, family meal planning. Yes. So, my main doctor was okay with me trying it temporarily. And so I had met with her in September when I had decided that I was going to start it. And she said, okay, but I don't want it to be like a long-term thing. Let's just do it to Thanksgiving and see how you do. And then I met with her again in December. I was like, I'm still doing it. I actually feel good. I feel like my body's healing. She's like, your blood work looks great.
Starting point is 01:58:48 Okay, how long do you wanna do this for? And I told her, I don't know, but I think I should at least do it till I go to Europe. And she's like, okay, that's fine. As long as you're still feeling good, listen to your body. You're very in tune with your body. And I haven't met with her since. I got back and it was less than 24 hours that I started. It was the first auto
Starting point is 01:59:06 immune flare I had, I think since doing carnivore, I may have had one or two early on, but nothing to that level of this last one. Um, like it felt like my entire body itched from the inside out. And I had like wealthy swollen and red. I was like very red and blotchy and I couldn't wear my hair down. So my hair has been like up. So it feels weird. I'm like, Oh, my hair got, got long in the last month. Um, so yeah, that was the first time I had like a bad autoimmune flare. And it was nothing that I ate.
Starting point is 01:59:40 Like I know it wasn't, I think it's environmental and we're still trying to get to the root of it. But, um, praise you, Jesus. Um, but as far as travel goes, it wasn't. I think it's environmental and we're still trying to get to the root of it. Praise you, Jesus. But as far as travel goes, it's funny. So I traveled, when I went international, I had a glass jar of brown butter bites. So it's basically butter that I cook on a stove till it turns brown. And then sometimes I put it in the freezer and I think it tastes like caramel. Someone that hasn't had sugar in like four years, I find that it tastes like caramel. Other people probably just think it tastes like butter,
Starting point is 02:00:10 but I really like it. And so I travel with that. And then I also, this time I had some ground beef in a Ziploc bag. I ate that at the airport this morning. Yeah, so I just have to think ahead. So when I'm at home, so going to Europe was easy. I was set up. Like I had made my own like beef jerky. What else did I travel with
Starting point is 02:00:33 when we went? I dehydrated a bunch of different cuts of meat and there were different shapes and sizes and I had all of that. A friend of ours had deer jerky that he made that he gave me. I had the brown butter bites. I think I had tallow that I put an element tea packet into and mixed it up. So it was like electrolytes and stevia and chocolate flavoring, which probably is not great. Do you have a code that people can get those? I do. Yes. Give it to me. I will put it in the comments and people can use your link to get it. Yes. Okay. I'll give you the code. Click on it. It's awesome. So LMNT, I think you're spec. Okay. So this is my dyslexia.
Starting point is 02:01:12 So I'm pretty sure it's actually pronounced element. Yeah. You're like LMNOPQRS. But the company it's an L and M and N and a T. So I call it LMNT, but someone else was like, you mean element? I was like, oh. That would make so much sense. But if you use my promo code,
Starting point is 02:01:33 then you get a free sample pack of a bunch of different ones. And then they'll mail me some for free too, which I appreciate because it's kind of pricey. We'll put that in the description, probably not the comments, so check the description to use that promo code. It's really good.
Starting point is 02:01:46 Yes. And I also like when I would travel, like that would be my special treat. I get like a cappuccino and I just sprinkle a little on top. And it was. Yeah. Josiah, would you make a note of that? That I remember to put that in the show notes?
Starting point is 02:01:57 You can, you can pull it from my YouTube channel. Oh, perfect. Okay. Next. Is that okay? So yeah, I think the main thing is thinking ahead. And then you showed up picking me up from the airport today and brought me a lovely steak. I did. So thank you. Michael asks, oh, I hate when I say their name and then I read anonymous. Just go to the next question. Jenny says, uh, yeah, let's go through a few more.
Starting point is 02:02:25 Sorry about that. So just don't say the person's name. Just go to the question. Well, they like their names read. It makes them feel special. Well, read the question first and then say, it was asked by- Can we get another live stream,
Starting point is 02:02:36 says Michael Kupras with y'all and the horns. It was one of my favorite things I've ever seen from any of you. I would love that because I just want to see Laura and Trent again. And they're way more fun together. Is Trent coming for this conference? No. OK. I always don't tell him this, but I always get kind of disappointed
Starting point is 02:02:55 when I see him because then it reminds me how much I miss Laura. I'm like, oh, I feel that way, too. No, not really. I love Trent. Yeah. Trent Trent's actually going to be in studio. Everybody who's watching right now, We have a live debate in studio We have a Mormon apologist the last one backed out and then lied about it right Josiah. That's correct isn't yep That's what happened. This one Is awesome. He seems like an awesome guy super normal intelligent is going to debate Trent Horn in studio on Mormonism, so when
Starting point is 02:03:23 Next month this This month, this month. Yes, not long. So please subscribe to the YouTube channel. Yeah, please. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel so that you don't miss these things that are coming out. Really appreciate it helps us. What's that? What's the date? August 22nd. How you doing? Good. Good. Yeah. Let me know when you're like done.
Starting point is 02:03:51 No super chat. We go to super chat. Thank you very much. Thank you. That'll help pay for the steak that he bought me before this interview. It'll help, but it won't go all the way. I promise. Where is it? I don't see it. Well, it's not on. Just slack it to me. Cheers.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Cheers, big ears. I'll read another question. Yes, I can ask this. Sam asks, Cameron, what are your thoughts on Matt smoking? I occasionally smoke a pipe or a cigar, but my fiance and I often worry about the risks that it puts on my health and how that would affect our
Starting point is 02:04:32 family if I would become seriously ill. Before you answer, and I want you to be honest, but before you answer, I interviewed Jimmy Akin for six and a half hours and one of the things we spoke about was just this question. And Jimmy's extremely articulate, a big pipe smoker. You might be interested in listening to that, but what do you, how do you feel about me smoking cigars? So when Matt started smoking cigars, I was eating super clean and didn't have any sugar, gluten, grains, nothing. I was doing everything right.
Starting point is 02:05:02 And my body was breaking and falling apart and he smoked and his body seemed fine. I'm not a huge fan of it. I don't mind. So my dad smoked cigars. Your dad got me into it. So it's really your fault. I now own a cigar lounge. I don't know how that happened. I prefer a pipe. I don't mind the smell of a pipe. I feel like if you smoke cigarettes I would... Eww gross. Like I couldn't mind the smell of a pipe. I feel like if you smoke cigarettes, I would Gross like I couldn't have you around me afterwards just now when he smokes cigars, like he'll try to kiss me I'm like, oh don't kiss me. You smell like my dad I have to drink a bottle of mouthwash and have eight showers Yeah, so I'm not a fan of the smell, but I don't mind it as much
Starting point is 02:05:39 I feel like I don't know enough about the science behind the body to, and I feel like I've tried to do everything so correctly with my body. And yeah, no, seriously check out that interview I did with Jimmy because I'm not good at spitting this out. He was that the only studies that were done on pipe smokers actually showed that they actually lived longer. And the studies on people who smoke cigars was not nearly as damning as people think. Cigarettes tend to have a ton more chemicals in them.
Starting point is 02:06:10 So maybe it's even the chemicals more than the tobacco. That's what cigar people would argue. I'm OK with them being unhealthy. What's funny to me is people like are so horrified that I would smoke while they're drinking. Coke and Dr. Pepper. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:25 So it is pretty bad. Yeah. And all the all the fake chemicals and all their foods and they're downing that. And yeah, so I don't know. I mean, we're all going to die. So choose, choose how you want to die. Maybe. OK, let's see. Oh, we have a super chat. Thank you very much. Greetings from Kansas, Matt and Cameron.
Starting point is 02:06:47 My main goal in life is to become a professional musician and educator, but also a man with traditional Catholic values. How can I go about doing this? Chris Hovis. I mean, well, how do you go about this? You begin by pursuing the more important things like it's more important that you be Catholic and a faithful one and a good man. Then you be a professional musician and educator.
Starting point is 02:07:19 So I would say if something has to go and it doesn't need to, but something has to go, it's clearly the professional musician or educator. So I would say pursue God with your whole heart, repent of your sins, manfully, find good brothers to grow in, grow with, because only a man can teach another man how to be one. Find a good spiritual director and then work hard on becoming a professional musician and educator if that's what you want to do. And you should be able to do both. But if for some reason you can't, then you got to follow Christ.
Starting point is 02:07:50 I don't know how else to put it. Yeah. And like if you have the gift, use the gift. But like I could try so hard the rest of my life. I will never be a decent musician, let alone a really good one. But I think about Sister Isabel. We have a sister, a nun, friend, who is beautiful and is trained in opera, and she just has this amazing, beautiful voice. And she had some people tell her, like, she'd be throwing away this gift if she became a nun. And I don't know if she actually got to sing for Pope Francis or if they gave him a video, like, he's heard her sing before. And like, I love that.
Starting point is 02:08:27 And it's like her music- Try just turning around because of the camera. Oh, sorry. I'm sitting funny. Yeah, you're fine. Her music, like her gift of music is such a gift. Like we were at mass and her singing, like it elevates souls to heaven. Like it's so much greater than her being a famous musician.
Starting point is 02:08:44 Totally. Totally. Totally. Liam asks, what is one piece of advice as a Catholic wife to a Catholic husband that would aid their relationship immensely? So I guess he's saying what's. What is one piece of advice as a Catholic wife to a Catholic husband? What advice would you give to a Catholic husband? Thank you for asking this question so I can give my husband advice and you just set it up.
Starting point is 02:09:08 I appreciate it. Take out the trash, honey. No, I don't know. That's a great question. I think it would be love your wife well. Like assume the best of her. Like don't think, oh my goodness, she's doing this because, and fill in the blank in your head, you do not know her.
Starting point is 02:09:26 Like, I love you so much, and we've been married for 18 years, and I think when we first got married, we thought that we were a lot alike, and I think we thought we knew each other really well. Yeah, we guessed each other's thought patterns. You must be doing this because of this, and then even after 18 years, I'm like, I cannot believe.
Starting point is 02:09:43 This isn't what you were thinking. It's so weird. But you're different to a lot of like men tell me that their wives tend to not share what they really feel. And you've got to kind of ferret it out. And when they say something, they might mean something else. You've literally never done that once in our marriage. You've always said exactly how you're doing. And I can't. So that's so that's I've learned to trust that. Like, I mean, there's definitely been times I'm like, how is this? Are you sure you're not like, I think maybe she's being passive aggressive. Like, no, she's not. She means what she's saying. Okay. And so I kind of put on you what I assume. Or sometimes I think you've gotten mad at me thinking that I'm not telling you something
Starting point is 02:10:18 like that. I'm holding back and I'm like, it's because I'm oblivious to what's going on in my heart. If I knew I would tell you, I just don't know. I'm in doer mode. Yeah. So I think, yeah, assuming the best in them, and then also looking for ways that you can serve them more than what they should be doing for you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:34 Focusing on you is a good idea. I would say, like, if you're a wife, like, respect your husband more than you do. Like, go out of your way to show him respect. When he comes home from work, leave what you're doing. Find him and hug him. Right. Like men love respect.
Starting point is 02:10:52 And I would say, and you tell me, I mean, you've just given the advice, but I would say to husbands, like, try to be more attentive to your wife. Like, actually, like, how are you doing? And and like, you know, this fella who asked earlier, like his wife's bogged down and all this stuff, like being more attentive and like, what's going on? Like, I want to know, I want to help. I'm on your team. I love you. Noticing when she is like completely, like there is nothing more insulting to a woman than her being so tired, so overdone and just like, like she's tapped out. She's had kids on her all day, especially
Starting point is 02:11:27 when you're in the toddler baby stage. She like has a baby strapped to her and the kids are wanting everything of her and you just like walk in and the kitchen's a mess. And it's like you touching her and wanting attention to like, honey, let's it's like, oh, she may like, like there will be anger coming at you. It's not cause she doesn't love you and doesn't want to be with you, but open your eyes and see the, the mess that she's in and say, honey, please you sit down. Let me do the, let me tidy up the kitchen. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:00 Like, let me do this. Like, I know people joke about the whole, like, porn for women is like guys doing dishes. I don't know if people still joke like this, but you remember how they used to kind of? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, and it's not that, it's seeing the person. The overarching thing is being attentive. Being attentive, yes.
Starting point is 02:12:17 And loving them and setting them up. And I know for you, like, it didn't take much. It was like, hey, I'll get the kids, you go have a bath, I'm gonna take the kids up to Tim Hortons or something. Yeah. And you would just need, like, Hey, I'll get the kids. You go have a bath. I'm going to take the kids up to Tim Hortons or something. Yeah. And you would just need like 20 minutes to just go. Okay. Yeah. But I think also just like you being aware enough to set me up for success. So like sometimes when you were like go out of town or like as soon as you got back, even though you're tired and you were speaking at a conference that next morning, you would let me sleep in. tired and you were speaking at a conference that next morning, you would let me sleep in. And it was like so amazing and wonderful. And it was like, Oh, I got to sleep and you did breakfast
Starting point is 02:12:50 and you tidied the kitchen and you, and it was like, Oh good, you're back. It's so good to have you back. Can I share something that I've learned recently? Cause I think it'll, I'd like to talk about this. Cause I think it's really good advice. Okay. Okay. So it has to do with sex. I think it's really good advice. OK, OK. So it has to do with sex. And I think it's going to be really helpful. There's this understanding of spontaneous desire versus responsive desire.
Starting point is 02:13:13 Right. So spontaneous desire is what most men experience. Like, I see you. I'm ready. Like that's yeah, I don't need anything. Like, you're beautiful. I want you. And most men are like that.
Starting point is 02:13:25 And whereas there's also this responsive desire that like a woman also wants to be with her husband and just as much, but it's not before, it's in response to her feeling seen and safe and like cared for. And like her back rubbed or holding her hand or being kind, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like I think when a man likes it's the it's the old joke which is true about ovens and
Starting point is 02:13:52 microwaves. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. So I like that idea and neither is wrong. Like the man isn't wrong to have this spontaneous sexual desire and the woman isn't wrong to have this responsive desire and needing that first. And it's almost like you correct me if I'm wrong, but I think sometimes unless like a woman is like at the height of needing, you know, what's what do you say? The height of fertility. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There were times you would. Yeah. So, um, but it's it's like after that has been given, not before is when you were experiencing what the man is often experiencing immediately without needing anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:14:31 You know, like how many times now marriage where it's been like you've needed us to be OK to come together. Yes. And I've needed us to come together to be OK. We could be. Yes. So like, I think that's kind of a good advice to a man is just to realize that like, it's good that your wife is different to you. If your wife wasn't different to you, what she'd be like a man. Is that what you want? Like you want your wife to be like a man? Maybe you do, but like you probably
Starting point is 02:14:54 don't. I think that's part of the like, like having conversations and you saying things like, I think some people would hear like when you were traveling a bunch, and you said to me at one point, I'd like you to have a shower the day I'm coming home and put on makeup, put on clothes. I'm in pajamas covered in spit up, and it's like, ugh. And how could you demand that? But it's like, actually, that's good for me to know.
Starting point is 02:15:20 And then it's also- It's amazing how many people got offended by me saying that repeatedly. Yeah, a lot of people. But what's funny is I wasn't offended. It's like, here's what I need. Like, I know that you're stressed out, but if I can get to the door and like, you can do your best and not look like that, that'd be great. Whereas for you, you were like, can we have like a big family meal before you go? It's like, what do you need? Yes. I need us to have us time as a family. To communicate that with each other, honestly. And then to be like, okay, is that unrealistic? Because it might be. And if it is, then like I need to be okay with that.
Starting point is 02:15:48 But no, I think it's good to hear it and learn it. And it's not like I wasn't angry this morning when I got up and I shaved my legs and I brushed my hair and I put on makeup before I got on the plane and I like wanted to look cute, you know? like I didn't do that because I'm like, oh, Matt demands that I be like, but it was like, I was excited to see you. I wanted to see you. I want to look good for you because I love you and I've missed you and I'm excited for us to spend time together. But it's like in that process of getting ready, it's the same with the date night. Like having time to get ready for a date night before is important, because it's not about me
Starting point is 02:16:25 looking good for me. It's about me taking time because I'm in an oven and I can start warming up then, looking forward to going to dinner with you and spending time with you. Yeah. Yeah. And wanting to look nice for you and knowing that you appreciate that. Mason- Yeah, it is cool when you can become so close that you can just say what you want. Yeah. Right. Like that's. And don't take offense because you think you're supposed to take offense. And if you say something.
Starting point is 02:16:54 That's good. Yeah. Don't take offense. But what does that mean? Don't take offense because you think you ought to be offended by something. So something that someone would say and everyone else is like, oh, I cannot believe he just said that. So don't be offended because it seems like the right thing to do, but rather challenge it. Like, okay, why am I offended by this? Like I want to,
Starting point is 02:17:15 and you'll say it sometimes where you're like, I think I just hit a nerve. I'm not trying to hit a nerve. Why are you responding that way to this thing that I said? Like you'll say, I can't think of an example, but do you know what I mean? Yeah, I think so. Like you say something and I like overreact and you're like, I'm not saying you're not doing it sometimes happens with like the kids schooling. Okay.
Starting point is 02:17:34 Yes. And I feel like it's a personal attack. It's a personal attack because I haven't gotten them doing whatever they're supposed to be doing. If I was doing that and surely there's been times I have done that, but if I, if I was doing that, you'd be right to be defensive. And if I was doing that, and surely there's been times I have done that. But if I if I was doing that, you'd be right to be defensive. That's the thing. Like, we're like, stop being defensive. But defensive is precisely the appropriate response to an attack. Yes. If you believe you're being attacked, you are saying to be defensive.
Starting point is 02:17:58 Yes. The question is, is it an attack? And can I trust you when you say, I don't think so? Or maybe partially. And I'm sorry for that bit, but some of it isn't. And I think the longer we've been married, the better we've been about not putting the defenses up. Like the defenses only go up a smaller amount maybe, because you learn the other person's not your enemy
Starting point is 02:18:16 and they're on your side. Like we still hurt each other for sure. And I think that's the beauty of like apologizing and asking for forgiveness, but trying to see it from the other person's point of view. And I think that's the beauty of like apologizing and asking for forgiveness. But trying to see it from the other person's point of view, like, like certain times I feel like others have been like super offended. Like I don't know.
Starting point is 02:18:35 But it's like I'm not offended. What happened? Didn't we give a big talk to university students where apparently I shared way too much and offended everybody? Remember? Probably. That sounds like a thing you do. Yeah. But like member William, he invited us and we spoke in Austria to those people.
Starting point is 02:18:48 Yeah. Offended everybody. You said multiple things. People were pretty pissed. Yeah. What was it? I'm pretty sure it was all their fault. I think that there was an, no, some people loved it and they were very appreciative.
Starting point is 02:19:04 There were some people that were very sensitive. Was it something like we definitely need to have sex tonight? So like that this is happening. Was it something like that? Was it like being I don't even remember. Or was it maybe what we're talking about now when it's like, I need you to look good. Please look good. Like we need to go out for dinner. I need you not to smell like vomit. Make that happen.
Starting point is 02:19:20 Yeah. And it was something like that. It was like, I hate him. Yeah. But if that's what I was actually like, I hate him. Yeah. But if that's what I was actually like, like walk around as being a jerk. Yeah. No, I don't remember what it was, but it was something people were offended by. And I wasn't, I was like, Oh no, I'm not offended because you don't know what he means. Like I think they don't know you the way I know you. You know what helps I think is like to say to a woman like, okay, what's something you find really unattractive like in your spouse? Like when they do this thing or are this way, you find unattractive,
Starting point is 02:19:49 right? Underwear on the floor. I don't care what a lot of women hate that their husbands leave socks and underwear on the floor. Or maybe they're bad breath or maybe they're overweight. It doesn't matter. Whatever that thing is, it's legitimate. Right? Yeah. So what we're saying is if a husband is, he's also allowed to be like, please don't, please lose weight. Like I need you to like, not you, you've never needed to lose weight.
Starting point is 02:20:13 And obviously there's inappropriate times to say that if you're having a baby and things like that. But like, I need you to be healthier because I actually find it unattractive. Maybe you don't say it just like that, but like, I think women need to be able to hear that. I think, and I would disagree with you in the aspect. I think it's okay to invite them to a healthier way of living, um, as opposed of demanding something of them. So the difference would be, so I have every right to say, could you please not throw your dirty socks and
Starting point is 02:20:43 underwear on the floor? Just to be clear, this is an example that's not about me. We're just giving examples. You don't do that. You don't do that at all. But if you did, I would say, please stop doing that. And it doesn't bother you. You've never said that either.
Starting point is 02:20:53 But yeah. I've never said that. You don't do it. But like you've done that to me with the bed. Could you please make the bed in the morning? Like if you're the last one out of bed, I'm like, why do you care about a bed being made? But I enjoy when you go to town, I don't make the bed. But when you're in town, I make it for love of you. Because you care about a bed being made? But I enjoy when you go to town, I don't make the bed. But when you're in town, I make it for love of you
Starting point is 02:21:06 because you care about the bed being made. And it's just one of those things. I think if you saw, okay, so there's a difference between if I'm struggling with my weight and you tell me I need to go on a diet, I'm hurt and I'm offended. If I'm trying, like maybe I just can't lose the baby weight and oftentimes it takes a while for it to come off.
Starting point is 02:21:28 I pack on so much weight when I'm pregnant that mine comes off kind of quickly, but other people don't gain that much and they have a hard time. So if I'm eating healthy, you telling me to go on a diet is mean. But if you see that your wife is eating- I disagree that it's mean.
Starting point is 02:21:44 I think that, I see what you're saying. If she's already trying, if she's aware of it. No, no, no, I'm with you. I'm with you. I'm with you. Right? Because it's like you just, you'd flip it, right? Suppose the husband is like trying to lose weight and he's like making progress and he's
Starting point is 02:21:56 doing his best and then he's sliding back. And the last thing I need is you telling me like, could you stop being fat? Cause it's unattractive. Yeah. Like, yeah, that would be awful. What I would need you to do is to tell me in a way that I can hear. Right?
Starting point is 02:22:09 Because that way we both win. I get healthier and more attractive to you. Cause that's the thing you want in this situation that you've never asked for. Do you know what I'm saying? So I think that's kind of what you're saying. It's like being attentive to the person, being realistic, you know,
Starting point is 02:22:23 not like this poor woman we had on the show, who's like, why do women need to gain weight in pregnancy and trends like you are an insane person. That's not what I'm talking about. Oh, you. Yeah. You'll have fun. But I guess what I'm saying is, I think what you're saying is you want to be able to communicate it in a way that's helpful. Yeah. And you're encouraging. Yes. And you being their biggest cheerleader in the process, right? So like, if you're eating Ben and Jerry's every night and you're just throwing away the lid and going to town
Starting point is 02:22:52 because you're committed, and you saying that I need to lose weight, that would be so rude. It would be so mean. And it's like, OK, well, just because you don't have to eat healthy and I'm struggling with my weight, it's just not fair. But to say, honey, well, just because you don't have to eat healthy and I'm struggling with my weight, like it's just not fair. But to say, honey, I'm concerned about, cause I know a couple that have done this. Like I'm concerned about both of us.
Starting point is 02:23:11 What if we did whole 30 together? What should her husband do if his wife's fat and he finds it unattractive? Like surely like, wouldn't it be good if she lost weight? Yes. And wouldn't it be good that she lost weight because it's unattractive? I think more so for her health. The attractiveness is also, it's okay that it's both, but it's more offensive for it to be because of what you look like. But you being concerned, like even, even you've done it to me
Starting point is 02:23:35 with like when we went to that wedding and I wanted to eat all those Pittsburgh cookies. Oh my gosh, please tell this story correctly. Cause if you don't, I'm going to come off really bad. Okay. So I wasn't doing carnivore yet, but I was eating pretty much paleo keto. So like I was grain free, gluten free, and I was really strict. I've been strict with the gluten free for a while, but sometimes I would let sugar come in and I, we were at a wedding and they had, I guess it's a Pittsburgh tradition where they have a cookie table. Where they eat like crap. Where they bring lots of cookies. It's a Pittsburgh tradition.
Starting point is 02:24:07 Different people bring in cookies to someone's wedding. And they had a whole gluten-free section. And I was so excited. And I filled up a plate, like a dinner size serving plate of cookies. I have a sweet tooth, people. I have a problem, I know. But I bring it back to my table and I'm so excited.
Starting point is 02:24:23 I'm like, look at all these gluten-free cookies. And I sit down and you're like, I ate one or two before you said something. So I backed a couple of them, maybe even ate three. Hey honey, what's that over there? And then Matt said, you put your hand on my hand. I'm like, are you sure you wanna do this? Now, why was I saying that? Is this a good idea?
Starting point is 02:24:43 Cause you get sick, right? Cause I get sick. And there was two women that there is two women that were larger and probably struggle with their weight. Love and life. Who heard me say that? I heard you. And then I think I responded with what you're afraid I'm going to get fat or something.
Starting point is 02:24:59 I made a fat comment. It was a joke, too, right? And it was totally a joke. They knew that they were very offended. Not by, I think they were offended for me because of you, but it wasn't, you were more concerned and I would have, I would have gotten home and I would have gotten sick and maybe vomited. Because what I'm talking about is it's okay that men find things unattractive in their
Starting point is 02:25:21 spouse and it's okay that women find things that are unattractive in their spouse. So I'm thinking, okay, what's an analogy? All right, how about this? What if a woman finds her husband's body odor, like really off putting, right? It's something he can't really help, but maybe he could do more about it. Like this might be a nice analogy. How should she say to him, you stink? So I think there's a difference.
Starting point is 02:25:41 There's a difference between if your husband wears deodorant every day and showers daily and is aware of it and is trying, but he just smells bad versus he's burping and whatever and he doesn't wear deodorant and he doesn't take showers and is like, whatever, my shirt's six days old. That's repulsive and gross. This is just a guy that struggles with BO. Okay. So then the analogy would be the woman who doesn't care about her weight and is downing McDonald's burgers every day and that and gross. This is just a guy that struggles with B.O. Okay. So then the analogy would be the woman who doesn't care about her weight and is down
Starting point is 02:26:06 in McDonald's burgers every day. And that's gross. Yes. Okay. Good. Sure. We're in agreement. Okay. Yes. So how does she tell him in a way that's loving? So I think it doesn't matter which one that you're dealing with. Both. I think you ought to come back behind the mic. You ought to approach them in a loving manner. Yeah. And so I think it's an invitation and not a demand. I think a demand is off putting and nobody wants to respond to the demand.
Starting point is 02:26:32 No one likes shame. Like no, I've never responded terrifically to shame. And if it's something they're already, so this guy who bathes every day and puts on deodorant and always has on a clean shirt is already feeling shameful because of his BO. So you want to approach him even more lovingly. But you could if he's oblivious to it, maybe he needs a little like you smell. Yeah, I think there's also like, I don't think there ought to be an expectation.
Starting point is 02:27:01 So there's two things. I don't think you should have the expectation that you should be able to fit in your wedding dress after you've had a child, let alone six children. There's some people that can. Yeah. Yeah. Bodies are different. Bodies change differently. Yes. Even when those people are eating well. Although there's a lot of people who are fat because they're not eating well. Like that's the majority of them. Yes. So listen, this is what I'm saying. So I think that when we are, you can't say that we're responding
Starting point is 02:27:26 to maybe someone that we think is saying you should fit in your wedding dress, even though you've had 10 kids. Like, and it's like, that's rude. That's not okay. Cause you're telling them to fly. You're telling him something they can't do. Yes. But to be more healthy, like, and to love your love, your spouse and say, honey, I think, and I make it a mutual thing. Even if you don't struggle with weight, say you're the guy and you're not struggling with weight and just bring it up and like, honey, I feel like we're making some really bad food habits. I don't like the fact that we always,
Starting point is 02:27:56 I listened to this podcast and then we're talking about healthy eating. I think the fact that we're always getting fast food isn't good for you, me or the kids. Being part of it. Being part of it. And like, honey, what if we don't have soda in the house? Like, maybe if we go out to dinner for a special treat, we can have a soda then, but let's not have soda in the house. I've heard of this thing called whole 30.
Starting point is 02:28:16 What if we just ate real food? I don't know if you know this, but like, like share whatever it is. Like, right. Like bring her along, bring her along with you. Yes. Do it with her. Yes. I would love for us, honey, what if we set ourselves and I wouldn't make it about the weight
Starting point is 02:28:30 because people are weird with scales and weight. Especially women. Like there's like a weird obsession thing and you don't want to bring that up. Like some people don't care about weight. I don't really care, but I think I'm the minority. I think most people do But I Like have a goal and be like honey. I think if we could eat nothing but real food for
Starting point is 02:28:56 60 days, that's cool. This is a challenge that you're inviting someone we go to McDonald's Wherever she wants to go like honey, you know, you're having you've been talking about wanting to go to McDonald's. Not McDonald's. So you can get yourself. Wherever she wants to go. Like honey, you know how you've been talking about wanting to go to the beach. I want us to go to the beach. But what if we had to eat for 90 days clean,
Starting point is 02:29:13 and then you would feel so much better when we go to the beach. I'll buy you that new bathing suit you really want. And then it's an invitation and she's excited. Yes, I'm with you. And you do it too. Yes, I heard. If you want to eat ice cream,
Starting point is 02:29:24 do it when she's not around. Don't do it in the house. Don't tell her I said you could eat ice cream in the shower. Yeah, that's good. I think we're in agreement completely. Okay. It's just, and I think it's okay for you to ask that of her, but not demand it and be a jerk. Let me speak. Here's what it is. Sometimes you have to say the thing without varnish. So you know what you're both saying. Yes. Like theoretically, like in a conversation. But then as you deliver that to a person, it has to be done in a way that they can hear.
Starting point is 02:29:52 So what I think we just said is it's okay if a woman finds her husband gross because he smells. Like that's the unvarnished thing that we're both in agreement with. It's okay if a husband finds his wife less attractive because she's shoveling food and she's actually really overweight because of her own choices, right? Like, that's OK. But then it's like, OK, how do we communicate in love to each other? Yes. Right. So I think it's like it's both. But see, unless you say it harshly like we just did, I just did. You don't know what the thing
Starting point is 02:30:23 is. You don't know what the thing is that we're trying to communicate, I guess. I think I would still know what the thing is. But I'm not saying the thing in our marriage. I'm saying as friends who are talking about other people's marriages. Like, is it okay that a wife should find things unattractive about her spouse? And yeah, I guess that is okay. That sounds kind of offensive, but I guess it is. All right. Now how to communicate is different. Yes. All right. Next question. Agreed. Sydney Vavek says, have you and Cameron always communicated so well? This just came in. I don't know if she's joking. Have you and Cameron always communicated so well or have there been things that you have had to put into practice to help improve and foster good communications? The way you speak to other is so beautiful. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 02:31:01 speak to other is so beautiful. Oh, thank you. We until they just listened to what we just did. And they're like, that was way too bad. Like that, right. And he stinks like shit. Yeah. What? Yeah, we love.
Starting point is 02:31:15 Yeah. Okay. So thank you for the compliment. I think we're both external processors and that helps. We have to process things externally and you cannot, you cannot, you have no poker face. Me? Yes. If something is bothering you, you can't. It's apparent. Oh, it's so apparent. Yeah. And it's bubbling and boiling up and it has to be addressed and it has to be addressed now. Yeah, I gotta work on that. I
Starting point is 02:31:51 Can work on that but in some ways it's helpful. It's helpful. So we deal with it and we communicate Yeah, like you've never had something that I need to be bringing this up. You can't do this for weeks I haven't said a thing. She's unaware. Yeah No, I tried that with the whole pain thing not telling you and it lasted like two days Yeah, but yeah, we don't often keep things from each other. Yeah. I mean, at our best, right? Like at our best, we're gently. Well, it's like, it's more like one when we are trusting each other, you know, like when you feel safe, then I can say things that might even be challenging. And you can hear them because, you know, I love you. Yeah. If you don't feel safe safe because I'm being a bit of a jerk or if I'm kind of like a bit prickly or impatient Then it's almost like anything I say. Yeah, it's gonna kind of hit the wrong way
Starting point is 02:32:34 Yeah, so it's almost like you need to kind of create this sort of Nest of safety. Yeah agreed so that you can then Speak and be trusted and then if you see that I'm not in a place to hear it. I have to do a better job. Yeah. Whatever that thing was with homeschooling. I forget what it was. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah, I know what you mean. Like I've been worried sometimes about the kids' education
Starting point is 02:32:56 and you see that like I'm attacking you for not doing a good enough job homeschooling them. Maybe something like that. I don't even remember what it was. But I remember you tried pressing in on it a couple times and then you're like, we'll just come back to this later. And then we were able to go back later and have the conversation because I didn't see it as a threat.
Starting point is 02:33:12 Because I think you reworded it too. You're like, I'm not saying it's your fault. And you took it, you came at it in a much more gentle way. And I'm not normally someone that you need to be more gentle in the way that you're speaking. But for whatever reason about this thing, it was hitting a nerve. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 02:33:29 Oh, a hundred percent. Of course it does. I think we also need to know that we're both on each other's team. A hundred percent. Like if Thursday bothered you and you accidentally killed him that I would help you bury the body. Yep, pretty much. I hope that doesn't happen.
Starting point is 02:33:42 Sorry, Thursday. But that I should be on your team. I'm always on your team. Josiah just said, pretty much. I hope that doesn't happen. Sorry, there's that I should be on your team. Yes. I'm always on your team like Josiah said try it. Yeah No, but I think that's so important like you need to know that I'm for you I'm your biggest friggin cheerleader Yeah, if so, if you tell me a story about if you tell me a story about someone who is rude to you I need to be like I need to be all against them and all for you
Starting point is 02:34:04 Even if you're kind of wrong, even if you're just emotional and interpreted differently, doesn't matter. That person is now my enemy. Yeah. I'm being hyperbolic, but you see the point. Yeah, no, absolutely. And I don't, yeah, I don't want you to have like. Yeah, I think it's the same reason I share with certain girlfriends of mine about you, because I know they love you and they'll take your side over mine. That's actually advice you gave to a newly married couple in Assisi. Yeah. Share how to share that. I don't remember what I said. Well, it's the same thing. OK. So it was, yeah.
Starting point is 02:34:46 So it was someone asked advice and I said, don't like take, like if you're going to talk about your husband or your wife, go to someone that you know will take their side and then try to say the thing that you're upset about because they'll help you realize your spouse's side. So for me, I have this happen all the time with girlfriends of mine, because I think sometimes
Starting point is 02:35:09 I understand where their husbands are coming from, because I think like they do sometimes. So when they're like, he did this just up to me, I'm like, no, he didn't, he had no idea. And so I'm able to defend him and be like, this is probably what he was thinking. And then I have a couple of friends that are more similar temperament wise to you, that I think they're like, this is what he's going through. And I'm like,
Starting point is 02:35:28 oh, okay. And like, yeah, yeah. So we should, I think the advice you gave to this couple in Assisi was always, if you're going to talk about your husband to process things, do it with a trusted friend who will take his side over yours. Now that, I mean, not in all circumstances, right? I mean, if the guy's actually being like abusive or something, it would be really inappropriate. Right, no, but in most situations, yeah. But the point is, like, if I only need to process something
Starting point is 02:35:51 with a friend of mine, I need to process it with a guy who's defending you and inviting me to love you. Yes, absolutely. Not someone who's gonna be like, yeah, what a ball and chain or something, yeah, yeah. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, that's very, very helpful. Josiah, can you tell us when we can stop, please? Do you want me to read the questions?
Starting point is 02:36:18 Is that the problem? Or you're just tired? No, no, no, I just I mean, you just got in from the airport. I want us to go like have a drink, hang out. I mean, you can have a drink, but you can have some water and some steak. Hey, I'm having a drink right now. And I'll crush some ice cream and vodka. I don't know. Francesco, oh, I think I recognize this fella.
Starting point is 02:36:41 He oh, yeah, he was a student in Garming. He said, living in Europe, I have much more hope for the Catholic Church in the US than here. Did you have the same thought while being in Europe? Yes. Yeah, especially Rome. Do you want to talk about that? Oh my goodness. I want to say I am so excited for the Catholic faith. Me too. I'm so optimistic about the Catholic faith in America.
Starting point is 02:37:07 I was asked to come and preach to the seminarians at the NAC in Rome, just outside the Vatican. And the men there are cool. And they're normal. And they're kind of good looking. And all different. Yeah, different. There wasn't like one type. No, they were just so well rounded. We all had cigars together one night. They love different. There wasn't like one type. No, they were just so well rounded.
Starting point is 02:37:25 We all had cigars together one night. They loved Jesus. They loved the Bible. Yes. Someone said to me that, and you, that what we always see is starlight. And his point was the light that's emanating from the stars that we see isn't the light
Starting point is 02:37:39 that's being emanated now. Because it takes a while to get to us. And what we see when we observe the church isn't the state of the church right now. So when you look around and you see this wonderful Eucharistic Congress that just took place, there's 50,000 people, everyone's raving about it. So it was absolutely gorgeous in the best possible way. And you see these good seminarians. And this is something I've said, like, I can't think of one successful YouTube
Starting point is 02:38:02 channel that's Catholic, that's promoting like women priests or contraception or sodomy or. There's some that like, I wish they're a little bit more conservative, but for the most part, I can't think of one. Yeah, that's interesting. Yeah, that's interesting. Or is it just because you're not looking at them or watching them? There isn't one. There's a couple, but like no one knows about it. No one cares about them. And at that point you might say, yeah,
Starting point is 02:38:26 but the sampling size is skewed, right? Because YouTube tends to lend towards younger men. I'm like, exactly. If you wanted a demographic of humans to change the shape of something, wouldn't it be young men? So praise God, like I'm really excited. Yeah, they were great, great guys.
Starting point is 02:38:43 And then also your interview with the Cardinal too. Cardinal Burke, love him. Yeah. Yeah, they were great, great guys. And then also your interview with the Cardinal too. Cardinal Burke, love him. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like everywhere we went, the priests that were here in confessions. Yeah. Yeah. A lot more hope in the church. Okay. This is something that just happened. Thank you. Johnny Deco just sent us a super chat. He said today at the Paris Olympics in the sport of female boxing, which is disgusting and shouldn't exist. Period. I didn't think a woman quote unquote who so as a dude in Minecraft. In a sex individual, one of bot boxing match in less than a minute against a woman. How sorry, I don't know what an intersex whatever Thursday just said.
Starting point is 02:39:23 Does that mean that the it was the person fighting was born a man? Like he might have both. He might present both genitalia or something. Is that what you're saying? Okay. Okay. Women shouldn't be boxing period ever under no circumstances should women be boxing. This is such a disgusting sport for women to be engaged in. Don't do it. There's not really an art to it, is it? No, there's definitely an art to it. It's incredibly artful. Is it? Yes, of course. My gosh takes trem. What? No, it's trim. It takes from it. What? No, it's tremendous. It takes tremendous skill. There's a real I yeah.
Starting point is 02:40:10 Tremendous and fairness. I haven't watched much. You shouldn't. Women shouldn't be boxing clearly. All right. I'm really. Yeah. Paris Olympics is very sad. The state of the church in Paris, like when we were there also just wasn't very beautiful. It was really sad, huh?
Starting point is 02:40:30 Yeah, it was. But speaking of Paris, we should do another pilgrimage. Pilgrimage. Pilgrimage. How many of you would want to go on a pilgrimage with us if we did it? Just show of hands. And the pilgrimage is a boat pilgrimage. River cruise. River cruise. Sorry, that sounds way better than I think. So we my wife and I might be hosting a river cruise through.
Starting point is 02:40:52 We may. Yeah, we may. Maybe next August. Maybe. I don't know. Let us know in the comments if you'd be open to that. I don't know. But all right. Here's a question. We loved our last one and everyone we met on it was guess who? That's his username says.
Starting point is 02:41:05 Who is your favorite Catholic at the Daily Wire? And when are we converting Ben Shapiro? Well, first of all, my interview with Ben Shapiro goes live this Sunday over at, well, Saturday on Daily Wire Plus and then to YouTube on Sunday. So if you're interested in seeing Ben interview me, you can. I mean, I love both Michael and Matt. For different reasons, you know, like Michael's so, uh, just charming and polished. And Matt's neither.
Starting point is 02:41:31 Matt is just, he's very articulate. They're both very intelligent. I love them both. I will say that you and I, you know, because TV stinks, you know, like no one watches TV, I don't think, but I said to Shapiro that the one show that my wife and I've been watching, we don't watch anything else was Matt Shapiro's judge. No, sorry, not much. Matt Walsh is judged. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:41:54 Wasn't that fun? We enjoyed that. It was just kind of silly. Yeah, it was silly. It was sad, but silly. Yeah. I kind of felt bad that we're laughing at other people that like he just really, I mean, Matt's just displaying common sense. Yeah. See, her lips exploded on an airplane. Yeah, actually, like Matt Walsh, I think might be their best asset.
Starting point is 02:42:21 He's great. This, am I racist film is coming out. I'm excited. One of you. I can't wait to see it. Go and watch this because what's going to happen over the next couple of months is the mainstream media and the White House and big tech are all going to convince you that you're a racist who hates women if you don't vote for a subpar to say the least candidate. Right. That's what's about to happen. They're going to just, you know,
Starting point is 02:42:44 it's going to be gross. And I think Americans kind of, a lot of us are stupid enough to just vote for. No, we're not. No, I think we are. We are not. Yeah, no, no. I think there's enough of us that know better. I hope you're right. She doesn't have anything to offer our country. But whenever. And she's proved it. Whenever people say, I have enough faith in the American people, like what you mean the ones that like look at porn and eat trash and those people those you think there's enough faith in the American public? I have more faith in American people because I just have to.
Starting point is 02:43:17 Like you just need to, right? Like like there's got to still be people with common sense, right? Like, do you notice people when you travel now that are like not listening to stuff and they're just aware of people around them and you interact with each other? Have you noticed this? No, what do you mean? So today when I was traveling,
Starting point is 02:43:36 there was a woman in front of me with a baby and she had a stroller. I'm always a sucker for babies and women traveling alone. Me too. I always love helping women who are traveling alone with babies. I'm like, here, please let me help you. Or smile at them.
Starting point is 02:43:48 Yes, yes. Like they are going through the gauntlet. Yes. They deserve all of the free things. So I'm helping her, right? And then we get through. And what's so funny is the security guy double checks with her that the sippy cup is hers and the pacifier.
Starting point is 02:44:00 She nods yes. He goes away, comes back and hands it to me. And I'm like, but I got the stroller down. Like I was helping her. And so I took it and I was like, thanks. I'm like, here you go. And he's like, and she apologized. She's like, I don't know why he gave that to you.
Starting point is 02:44:11 I'm like, oh, don't worry about it. I, you know, I'm a mom too. He recognized that I had mom vibes or whatever. And then I was on the plane and I noticed someone, no, no, no, I was waiting to get on the plane and I noticed a woman noticed me and we just kind of looked at each other and smiled and she was older. She was reading a book. And then there was just kind
Starting point is 02:44:27 of some weird stuff going on around us. And we both just kind of looked at each other and like, yeah. Um, and just like, like we were interacting and everyone else was like on devices, like listening, had things like people with earbuds that you don't see having a business conversation, well then I told John and he said, and we've got to do this by the third quarter. And it's like, you're not in your- Oh my gosh, don't get me started.
Starting point is 02:44:53 But then there's other people on screens. And so I feel like those of us that are not plugged in or like so plugged in that we see that the world's still existing, we're interacting with each other. Like one, I don't know. Yeah, like just having conversations. And I don't know, I feel like the last few times I've traveled, I'm like, huh, okay. It's the same with like, I went to buy raw milk and the guy, um, it's like an older American had a Trump hat on, you
Starting point is 02:45:21 know, and like, we just started talking and being normal and kind to each other. And I don't know, there's just something like we kind of experienced it when we were, when we went south recently and just like random people in the coffee shop are just friendly and helpful and like comment on how great our kids are. And it's like, Oh yeah, look, like there's certain people that are awakening to, let's go back to being good humans. And maybe part of that is getting off our phone when we go to a checkout, talking to the person, like having a conversation about sparkling water, you know, like when we bought water and I was telling her,
Starting point is 02:45:58 she's like, I have GI issues. I'm like, mineral water is your friend. You guys have this brand. And like, she thanked me for it. Like, thank you so much. And it's like, we're just being human to each other. We all ought to do that, but so many people aren't doing that.
Starting point is 02:46:12 Yeah. And like, it doesn't matter if you have purple hair and like. That is a little bit, but yeah. No, no, no. What I mean is like, I went to a vegan shop, which I didn't know. I asked her. What are you doing in a vegan shop? It was good. You guys have steak
Starting point is 02:46:29 Well, I ordered a cappuccino and I was like normal milk straight from the cow I said normal milk and he said oat milk and I was like no straight from the cow, please and he's like We have oat milk almond or coconut. I was like, nope. I just want like normal milk from a cow. And he's like, yeah, we're vegan. Oh, I clearly came to the wrong shop. He's like, our oat milk's really good. I'm like, I think it would make me sick. Thank you. Anyhow, I went for Peter because it was a gluten free place. I got him gluten free stuff, but he was really friendly. And we're talking about produce and a woman came in and was selling vegetables. And she looked like she was from California, but we were talking about produce and a woman came in and was selling vegetables and she looked like she was from California. But we were talking about the beauty of her vegetable.
Starting point is 02:47:09 You know what I mean? Like just having, like, I don't know, I feel like our worlds convince us that if someone has a shaved head and it's purple, obviously they're different and they're living a different set of values than you and I. Yeah, it's usually a signal that they are. different and they're living a different set of values than you and I. Mason because I have to choose that we're better than what we're seeing online. And the TikTok videos that I've never been on TikTok, I don't know what it is, but I see people making fun of TikTok videos, right? Yeah. And I'm like, I know we've got to be better than that. That poor woman that we saw in Budapest, like, we've got to be better than this.
Starting point is 02:47:57 Right. I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong to have hope in people. I love that you scratch your head. I don't know. It's passable. I get another question here. This is an anonymous question. My daughter is seeing a non-Catholic. I do not approve of this relationship, but he seems to care for her. What would you do? I mean, if my daughter was an adult, you know, daughter was an adult, you know, and she's making her own decisions. Maybe the question isn't like, like, what can you do? You know, like, and maybe what you can do is to sit her down and to explain why it's really important that you marry another Catholic, because that's
Starting point is 02:48:41 the thing that you and your spouse has shared the most beautiful and this might not seem like it'll be an issue now, but it will later. So you can say all the things, but then she's a grown ass adult who can make her own decisions, right? Is he a good man? Does he love her? Are you interacting with him? And then pray, pray, pray, talk to her, but also try to evangelize him. pray, talk to her, but also try to evangelize him. I don't know. Thanks for the quietness. Yeah. Send him this video.
Starting point is 02:49:09 Not this one. No, not this one. Maybe one with Jimmy Akin. Yeah. All right. Here we go. Fella, I won't say his name in case he wants to be anonymous. I'm a single guy who rents from a married couple to help with their mortgage.
Starting point is 02:49:25 We are all friends and have been for years. I'm wondering if you had any advice for how to navigate my time living here in a way that helps support them in their marriage while also not inserting myself where I shouldn't be. Looking to get married myself, sometimes navigating relationships with my married friends can be difficult. What a beautiful question. Great question. Sometimes navigating relationships with my married friends can be difficult. What a beautiful question great question
Starting point is 02:49:45 Do the person that asked the last question? Would you like us to ask for this guy's number for your daughter? Seems like a stand-up check. Yeah I think even the fact that you're asking that is huge and shows what type of guy you Shows that you're self-aware like the fact that you're aware that you could insert yourself in an inappropriate way is a pretty good sign that you won't do that. But I know you've lived with a married couple before, Cameron. Cameron Pesce I have. Mason Hickman And you were terrifically helpful for them. However, it might be different because he's a fella. So what would you suggest?
Starting point is 02:50:15 Cameron Pesce Yeah, so for me, they so when we got home from work, I actually worked with the guy. So I spent more time with this guy than his wife spent with him. Because we work together and lived together, but he needed like a loan time when he got home to like decompress or whatever. She needed all hands on deck. So I became all hands on deck and I got to help her in the kitchen. So her and I made dinner and played with the kids and I played with the kids, interacted with them. And then we all sat down and ate together as a family. And then they, as a couple, would go upstairs and do bath time with the kids. And then I cleaned the kitchen.
Starting point is 02:50:53 And then once the kids were at least in their beds, not necessarily asleep, they often would go for a walk together, the two of them, or go on a date night. And I was happy to do that. So nights that I was home, that kind of was our, our thing. I never ever went in their bedroom. Like that was their, their space. That's the sacred space. Yeah. And then I tried to just be mindful. Like if they, they'd invite me if they were watching a movie, but I was, if the kids were there, I always knew I was invited and I was fine to be there. But if it was just the two of them, I would err on the side of giving them space.
Starting point is 02:51:27 And I think just picking up on that and having the conversations and offering to do things that are helpful for them. I mean, what if they don't have kids? Cause you didn't kind of indicate that. Yeah, well that's different. So when Josh lived with us, we had a friend that lived with us for a while,
Starting point is 02:51:43 like randomly, he was a pilot and he would be in town often when you were out of town. And he always brought the bins out. Like anytime, like he knew what day our bins went out. And I really appreciated that. And he'd also like, if he noticed something was broken around the house, it would get fixed. And like, I never asked him to fix it, but I felt so loved by that. You could tell that he was honored to, he was grateful for us giving him a place to stay,
Starting point is 02:52:09 and he was looking for ways to help. Yes, yeah. Yeah, and he was always available. And don't you think that maybe doing the thing instead of asking, what can I do to help, is usually a better idea? Yes, much better. Because if someone says to you, what can I do to help,
Starting point is 02:52:20 you're probably gonna say to them, you're fine, you're fine. But if you do something and see how they react, they might be really grateful that you just did that. And you can just cut. Like I don't know how many things he fixed before I noticed he fixed something. And then I was like, how did this get fixed?
Starting point is 02:52:34 I was like, Josh, like I knew it was you. Great dude. And I was so appreciative. It was like, thank you very much. And yeah, so just like mowing the lawn. I think he did that a few times too, when you were out of town. It was like, you mowed the lawn. I think he did that a few times too, when you're out of town.
Starting point is 02:52:45 It was like, you mowed the lawn. And I didn't ask him to do it, but he's like, oh yeah, no, I was waiting to get, cause he was like on call. And so it was like something that he could easily do. So something like that, like mowing the lawn for them or seeing something that needs to get done, but don't show the husband up.
Starting point is 02:53:01 You don't want to do that, especially if they don't have kids yet. That would be good. Yeah. All right. What else you got? Jared says the carnivore diet is considered by some to be an extreme exclusion diet. Has Cameron tried reintroducing certain vegetables and fruit to see if they affect her or not? I have PS.
Starting point is 02:53:22 I've also heard that few people have issues with sweet potatoes, white rice and tapioca. Has she tried any of these? Yes, thank you. I have tried to reintroduce things. The thing I wanted to reintroduce the most was red wine. It never went well for me. My body was not a fan. My taste buds were but the rest of my, not at all. The other day I had six, five or six plantain chips from Trader Joe's. They were amazing. They were so good. And I didn't react. I've tried coconut oil and coconut butter. So it's like the thicker. I've tried that, I've tried avocado. I would love to, I feel like I'm still, especially at this last really bad flare up,
Starting point is 02:54:12 I'm in a state right now that I feel like my body just needs more healing. So I don't think now's the time to reintroduce. I tried to reintroduce some things, and even things that are part of a carnivore diet, like prosciutto, what's that meat I like? Prosciutto. But I don't do well with the histamines. And so like I can't even... You can't do age-based for dry age. Yeah, I can't do dry aged. I would love to be able to do that so I can try it again and maybe eventually I
Starting point is 02:54:38 can but if I have it I get really itchy and I have like a histamine reaction. So I'm not in any rush on special occasions. I have done yogurt with berries and berries don't seem to affect me. Um, so I'm grateful for that, but I think if I had them all the time. So right now I feel like my GI track is like the way my doctor described it to me, it was almost like, so I had so much damage in my gut, but especially my GI tract. And I was like, I feel like someone like turn. So when I was in ICU, I felt like something broke in my GI tract stopped working. And carnivore is almost like my GI tracts on vacation, but things still go through, but there's so much less going through. There's no work. So I
Starting point is 02:55:20 don't feel like before I was always bloated and, um, yeah, I felt like heavy and doing carnivore. I feel like my guts getting a break and doesn't have to work hard. So I'm afraid if I introduced too much, that it'll have to start working and then things break and I don't know why they've broken. So I, I, I'm not someone that thinks carnivore is like the diet everyone ought to be on. For me and my body, that is what's best for me right now. Well, I like what you said at the beginning of this show.
Starting point is 02:55:51 You're not doing this to be cool. Can you explain what you mean by that? Because I think that is kind of helpful to people. Yeah, I think that there is a movement where it's like carnivore and like really- Look how hardcore I am. Look how serious I am. Yeah, and I don't even think that people
Starting point is 02:56:04 that are saying that are doing it so don't even think that people that are saying that are doing it. So they look cool, but people that are following are like, this is what I want to be. I want to be this cool. I want to be this intense. And then people try to do it. And then they beat themselves up because they cheated and had avocado. And it's like, you're okay. You can eat avocado. Like you don't have to do. Uh, like you tried avocado. I have, I've brought it back and I stopped doing it. I'm trying to remember why. I think I may have had a flare and I didn't know if it was it or not. Um, so dr. Sean Baker is the one that like coined the carnivore diet.
Starting point is 02:56:36 And I think he has a very healthy approach to it and he will like give himself days off and he's not like you have to like, so I think my goal eventually would just to be in ketosis. So some people refer to them as keto vores. So you're still having some vegetables and fruit, but you stay in ketosis. So you're burning. I think, I think all Americans need more fat and protein than we have. So I have friends that have just up their fat and protein and they're doing better. I've seen it even in our kids just upping their fat and protein.
Starting point is 02:57:12 And I think that they are healthier. They're still eating a lot of stuff that's fun for them, you know? But like when we were traveling and eating at, and we were in Europe. So American hotels are totally different. But in Europe, I would have them your first plate of food. I need to see protein and fat on it. So they get like an omelet, an omelet or bacon and eggs. And then after that, they can get the other stuff they want. That's right. Like the crepes.
Starting point is 02:57:38 And it's sort of like what we did with the kind of lemonade. You have to have a big glass of water once it's done. You have a lemonade. Yeah, exactly. So it's trying to like delay gratification and then also like this waffle is not real food Waffles in Europe are much better than waffles in America But it's still not real food and it's like this this omelet that you just got the food in America is absolutely terrible My fear is that people are so sick of people bashing America that they're not duly critical of what ought to be criticized. And this is one thing we Americans, there you go, I'll put myself in the category so
Starting point is 02:58:14 I don't seem like I'm attacking y'all. Really need to. You love your children. You should look at the ingredients on what you were feeding them. It is so bad. The seed oil industry, there's nothing vegetable oil, corn oil. These oils, they are killing us. They're what's making us obese.
Starting point is 02:58:41 People say fat's bad. It's like, no, no, no. This type of fat is very bad this is fake this is and like using margarine like that's just bad oils and your body doesn't know how to process it and then all these fillers these words that you can't pronounce when the ingredients are like this big and long it's not real food you're not nourishing your child. I agree with you I think I would like to soften that a little bit, speaking of being soft with people
Starting point is 02:59:06 when you're saying a hard truth. And that's because Americans and others have been lied to. Like we've been told that vegetable oil was good for us. We've been told these things. And so you just, you listen, you know, you pick up the bread at the grocery store and it has a picture of a farm and a windmill. So it looks like maybe that's healthy.
Starting point is 02:59:24 So it's not like people shouldn't be ashamed of this. But I do think we have to educate ourselves and then be vigilant. You need to know that it is not food. That loaf of bread that you pick up at the store. It is not food. And then when you rub high fructose corn syrup and berries on it, like some jams have berries, some don't. Like you're adding more chemicals to chemicals and then peanut butter that's full of bad oils and sugar and high fructose corn syrup and you're adding that and you're like this is my child's. There's no nutrients in that peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can make your own sourdough. You can buy good organic bread. I'm not saying that you're like, you can make a, you can
Starting point is 03:00:11 buy jam that's decent. Yes. And I buy peanut butter from the store and it just has peanuts and salt in it. You can do that, but you have to be tuned in. And even ones that say natural on it often will have bad oils and added sugar. But we give this to a child and then we say they can't sit still. And they have stomach problems and they have eczema and they have everything else. It's like you just fed them poison. Like none of that was real food. Like my diet sounds extreme and it is, and I don't think everyone needs to do it. But like eating animal fat used to be part of our diet. Like lard, McDonald's french
Starting point is 03:00:51 fries originally were cooked in lard. Like lard was a thing. The french fries in calming at that pool, they fry potato, they take potatoes. It was olive oil and lard. Okay. We went somewhere else and it was lard. They fried things in my people. This is a good thing because lot doesn't sound like a good thing to me. It's a good thing because it's an animal fat that our body knows what to do with. Right? So like other animals also eat fat. So like our body burns fat. So the more fat, so the funny thing is a friend of mine and I, she, she's more paleo, keto is she just eats real food, but she does a lot of protein and fat as well. But she just eats real food. She has lots of other food that she has. And I'm doing
Starting point is 03:01:38 carnivore right now. And a group of kids were sitting around and talking and someone said, I don't know how it came up, but someone said you shouldn't eat animal products because they'll make you fat. Oh my goodness. They shouldn't have more than one serving of meat. Isn't Europe? Yeah. In Europe.
Starting point is 03:01:54 Freaking Europeans. There's a vegan push. There is a absolute brainwashing going on about. But all the kids were saying it'll make you fat. And then what's funny is this other woman and I are the most fit of the moms. And they're like, our moms eat that in one sitting. Like they were saying the portion size, you should only have that once a week. And they're like, our moms eat more protein and fat in one meal a day. And they do that all three meals. And
Starting point is 03:02:19 like, how are they not fat? And they're like, I don't think your information's correct. Like whatever you're learning, You heard them saying this. Yeah. They told me afterwards. So the kids are telling us and they're like, you need to go tell these kids' moms that they won't be fat if they eat the way you eat. I'm like, whoa. Okay, kids, no.
Starting point is 03:02:34 Tell their husbands to tell them that. I'm not telling them that. I'm like, that's not the way to go about it. But yeah, we've been lied to. We've been duped, you know, and I don't, and even that vegan, the conversation I had in line with the vegan or the vet, he was a vegetarian. I think he had eggs in his cart. I think he was a vegetarian, but we've been duped and we've been told these things will
Starting point is 03:02:57 hurt us. And if you told me that I would get to a point where I would be just eating like, and in Europe I would eat at McDonald's. I would go to McDonald's and order two burger patties and their cheese, because it was real cheddar cheese. And I just put a packet of salt on it and I'd eat two big burger patties from McDonald's. And I felt good afterwards.
Starting point is 03:03:19 Like, I never thought that that would have happened. That is a question a lot of people have. They're like, well, okay, maybe it's easy for you. I have no money and you're telling me that I got to eat carnivore. And I know you're not telling me to eat carnivore. But what is your advice to people who want to eat carnivore? But like, I just can't afford it. Buy one of those things of burger patties that you put in the freezer
Starting point is 03:03:39 and just cook those. That's like you can get a bag for like ten dollars and that can be like at least three days worth of food. Yeah. Crack an egg in the middle of it. Crack an egg. Yeah. Yeah. So get that. That's $10 eggs or what? Three, $4. So for four, for under $15 that can feed you for at least three days. So $5 a day. Your fellow who interviewed you, Mike, what's his name'm Dr. Sean Baker. He was on Rogan show and he said.
Starting point is 03:04:08 That if you were eating like grain fed beef and like not the best eggs, that would be way better. Yeah. You know, Dr. Anthony Shafi, I think he was. He talks about that, too. And they say I'm mixing and Kelly Hogan that I really like, she, I think it's called my big fat carb or my zero carb life. Okay.
Starting point is 03:04:33 Kelly Hogan, I like her, she's great. She did carnivore, she had a doctor, she was obese and her doctor recommended she do, maybe it was Atkins diet that she started with. So she did it forever ago before any of us ever knew the term carnivore diet. She lived on like baloney and hamburgers and hot dogs. She had all the processed junk and she was losing weight
Starting point is 03:04:57 and feeling better. I can't eat that. Like if I ate an American hot dog, I'd throw up instantly. So I'm not the normal person. And I will do ground beef and I will do eggs. Like I'll do a lot of eggs. So like I probably average when I'm eating eggs, like when I'm cooking eggs, I cook six to eight at a time.
Starting point is 03:05:17 And I probably put like a tablespoon of tallow or butter in with it. And I eat that in like one setting. And I feel good afterwards. I don't feel sick, you know? You can get eggs decently priced and you can also get beef. And I want higher qualities of beef.
Starting point is 03:05:40 So, oh, I can think someone that sent us a package, they're not a sponsor, but if you want to be a sponsor, send me more meat and I'll tell my husband to sponsor you. They're called Holy Cow. Let's look it up. Holy Cow. I don't know the website, but Thursday called me and was like, Matt's got a package. I'm like, I'm good. And then he's like, it's a bunch of beef. I'm like, I'm coming to pick it up right now. 15 years of pushing the burger revolution. That's it. Is it burger revolution. Yep, that's it. Is it?
Starting point is 03:06:06 No, I don't think it is. No, that's not it. Thursday, were they called Holy Cow? Holy Farms or? Okay, listen, they're in Lubbock, Texas. Look up Holy Cow, Lubbock, Texas. It's a Catholic guy. It's grass-fed beef.
Starting point is 03:06:17 I don't know. I had a bunch of steak. It was delicious. Holy Cow beef. Okay. Yes. Oh, yes. Yes, that's it. Are they in Texas? Yep, Lubbock, Texas. Yes, beef. Okay. Yes. Oh yes.
Starting point is 03:06:30 Yes, that's it. Are they in Texas? Yep. Lubbock, Texas. Yes, that's it. Okay. So now tell them who they are. I will do that. So my understanding, I don't know for sure. Holy cow So my understanding is they're like butcher bought, you know, how there's that butcher box company. Some people do that. These guys are Catholic. I don't know how their price compares to butcher block. I haven't looked at it, but their meat is delicious. Holy Cow Beef is a Catholic company focused on providing your family with the same clean and healthy proteins we provide our family.
Starting point is 03:06:56 We seek to grow healthy living on all levels and processes. We are certified to offer 100% grass-fed, grass-finished beef start to finish. No added hormones, no herbicide, no pesticides, and no antibiotics. If you guys wanted to send me more food for that, you're welcome and you may. And I will talk my husband. I will happily eat it.
Starting point is 03:07:14 So they actually, one of the times, they make jerky, that's really good. And there are herbs in their jerky, but there's no dextrose or high-fregious corn. But it's like, I don't know what it was. Maybe rosemary, thyme, garlic, onion. And I ate that and I didn't react. I did well. They had hot ones. Did you try the hot ones? I didn't try the hot ones cause there's pepper in it. I think my body would react to pepper, but, um, they were bags like zip,
Starting point is 03:07:41 Ziploc, not freeze dried bags of jerky. And it was delicious. And it's great because the bags like that, I don't have to keep in the fridge. Holy cow Yeah. Holy cow Yeah. I really enjoyed their stuff. Um, final question.
Starting point is 03:07:57 Sure. Or do you have more to say? No, I think, I think that people complain about the cost of what it's going to cost for doing carnivore. I don't think I've actually spent more money because, and if you're a normal, if you're going from a normal standard American diet, and like if it was just, like if we didn't have kids
Starting point is 03:08:15 and it was just you and me and we ate out a bunch, if we went carnivore, we'd save money because we're buying less stuff and we're just being more, so like the steak that you're buying may be more expensive, but you're not going to Fridays and like having drinks and you know what I mean? So like, I think that you can do it for the same price if not cheaper. Okay. Final question. This comes from Aiden Campbell. Thanks for the super chat mate. He says, I used to be addicted to porn, but even after escaping, I see great selfishness
Starting point is 03:08:44 in my sexuality and this Worries me what can I do now to heal as a single man so that I won't try to regulate myself with sex once married Well, praise God that it sounds like you're no longer as you would put it addicted to pornography. That's wonderful I would really recommend that fellas watching this Whether you're kind of struggling with porn occasionally or if it's been months or years since you've watched it, but you're kind of worried about lust and masturbation and things like that,
Starting point is 03:09:12 check out And I'm not pushing this on you to make money because I, well, actually they do pay me to advertise, so I guess I do make money from it, but it's free is my point. It's 100% free., What?
Starting point is 03:09:28 Slash Matt, slash M-A-T-T. Link is in the description. It's a 21 day course and there's very high resolution videos, high production value videos of me every day, three to five minutes kind of giving you advice over the course of 21 days. And I think you'd find it really helpful even if you're not looking at porn right now. And also you're going to be going through it with with over 40,000 men have gone through this. Did you know that, Cami? That's amazing. Absolutely. 46 over 46,000 men have gone through this. Strive 21 dot com actually just got an Instagram message the other day from someone who said it changed their life. I was here's some of the actual reviews. Quote, this is the first time I've intentionally gone this long without porn. Another person said with strive, I've never felt
Starting point is 03:10:19 such a great feeling of community and brotherhood in this fight because it's a communal thing. Like even if you don't know anyone personally who's doing it, there's a whole community section under every video of people talking with each other. But you can invite a friend to join you as you do it, which would be really good. This person says, quote, I feel totally awesome. It's been 21 days since I've looked at porn for me. That's a huge accomplishment. Praise God. This person says, I feel myself dying to my old ways and responding completely differently to temptation. Anyway, so the point is like, I know I'm selling it like it's a product, but it's free. It's free. Just strive to one dot com.
Starting point is 03:10:50 What are you waiting for? Go check it out. I think you'll find it really helpful. Thank you so much. I love you so much. Thank you so much for getting off a plane and walking into my studio and spending three hours talking to me about all of these things. I love you. Yeah, you're very welcome. Yeah, I'm glad to have done it. Now, anything you'd like to promote or tell people to check out? I know people could follow you
Starting point is 03:11:08 on Instagram or whatever. Yeah, I'm on Instagram. I'm on YouTube. I love among the lilies. I love my ministry. I love talking and meeting, talking to women, meeting them. And now I feel like I have just as many suffering guys, and I love hearing their stories and meeting them, but I don't put stuff out as often as I ought to. And I'm sorry, it's cause I'm busy being a wife and mom, but you should still go look at the videos if you want to hear any more of what's going on in my life.
Starting point is 03:11:40 I'll do an update video soon. Oh, we have another question here. Sorry. So, I mean, video soon. Oh, we have another question here. Sorry. We got, so we, I mean, she paid $20. Very grateful. So let's get to this and then we'll wrap up. For you and Cameron, my fiance and I got engaged July 13th and we aren't getting married until 2026.
Starting point is 03:11:56 Any advice you would give? Here's my advice, get married way sooner than that. Move up the wedding date. They just got engaged and they're getting married in two years. Yeah, that's way too long. I don't know your situation, and it could be legitimate reasons that you have to do that. Seriously, I'm not just saying that, like maybe your husband's in the army or something. Maybe you're 17 and you got to wait till you turn 19.
Starting point is 03:12:17 But I would say that if you're like living regularly together, like you might just fornicate because it's not natural that you progress to marriage this slowly. I don't think I don't think it is. You make this commitment to each other and then you wait two, three, four years. Good luck. Like there's a natural progression. Like when I meet, you're right. If he's deployed, like there are situations, but it would be very extreme. Have a cheap wedding. Like have a situation, but it would be very extreme. Have a cheap wedding, like have three people come. That would be better.
Starting point is 03:12:49 Or if you can't afford a wedding and that's what you're waiting for, do a potluck wedding. Yeah, later on. Oh, I'd say do a potluck wedding now. Yeah. Do a celebration in a couple of years, save up for that. There's a natural physical progression that ought to happen in a relationship.
Starting point is 03:13:04 When I met you for the first time at the Diocese of Ottawa, if I had have come up to you and held you like three seconds longer than it would have been appropriate, that's weird. If I had have tried to hold your hand in the cart, that's really weird, not appropriate, right? But as the relationship progresses, so we're still friends, right? So then it would be inappropriate maybe to hold hands
Starting point is 03:13:24 and things like this. But then after we've expressed affection and like this commitment to pursue something, okay, then the holding of the hand is appropriate, right? And then there's like this, there's this move of physical intimacy that should occur. And people are gonna have different ideas of what that looks like and people are gonna be different,
Starting point is 03:13:42 but still there's some kind of progression. And I think to artificially kind of put that off. Yeah. Was it, was it father bill? We were debating between getting married in August and there was a later date. Remember? Oh yeah. Cause it was Houston, Texas. Like it's going to be so hot. We should get married. month it was. We chose like October or November. I don't know about you. I want to get married to you as soon as I could. Well, I think it was Father Bill that was like, no, you got to do it. I wanted to get you out of that wedding hall as soon as I could. Well, anyhow, I think that we had what?
Starting point is 03:14:17 The wedding hall was the party afterwards that we had. Like, okay, we've been here 15 minutes quickly. Say goodbye. We're off. Okay, it was longer than 15 minutes. The point is, the point is, um, I think that it's good to have an engagement period, but you're getting excited for getting married. And, and like, if you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, why wait? Like, why not start now? Sometimes people wait to get degrees. If we had waited till you got your degree, we had our third child. Right? By the time, is that right? Something like that.
Starting point is 03:14:56 Like, there's no point in waiting. Like, maybe you'll struggle, but be poor together. Yeah. Like there's a sense in which you should be practical. Like we don't know everyone's situation. There's a wide spectrum of people with different problems out there. Yes, this is true. But I think generally speaking, our advice would be discern, talk to people you trust and then just hurry up and get married. Yeah. I love you. Thank you. I love you, too.
Starting point is 03:15:21 All right. You're welcome. Bye. Bye, everybody. Bye. Bye bye.

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