Pints With Aquinas - HUGE NEWS on the Future of Pints With Aquinas w/ Cameron Fradd

Episode Date: January 4, 2021

Well, here is, gang. I was waiting until we hit 100,000 subscribers but I just CANNOT WAIT any longer. Join my wife Cammie and me to find out what the next chapter of PWA will look like. Super stuff. Help make what we're planning happen: Cam's podcast: Cam’s YouTube channel: Jimmy Akin's (since he showed up) podcast:   SPONSORS EL Investments:  Exodus 90:  Hallow:  STRIVE: GIVING  Patreon: This show (and all the plans we have in store) wouldn't be possible without you. I can't thank those of you who support me enough. Seriously! Thanks for essentially being a co-producer coproducer of the show. LINKS Website: Merch: FREE 21 Day Detox From Porn Course: SOCIAL Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: MY BOOKS Does God Exist: Marian Consecration With Aquinas: The Porn Myth: CONTACT  Book me to speak:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 By the way, this is my wife, Cameron. Hi, nice to meet you. She runs a podcast for women that is awesome. It's probably the best that I've heard. I don't listen to a lot of podcasts for women, but out of the ones I have listened to, this is the best. It's called Among the Lilies. If you're a bloke, you probably won't be interested,
Starting point is 00:00:17 but if you're a lady, you definitely will be. I'll put a link in the description after this. So the fun thing is the guys that I've met that actually listen are all really, really manly. Like there's no one that's not. So the very first guy who's like, Cameron, I just thought I'd tell you I really like the podcast. I know it's for women, but I love it. He was this massive ripped guy covered in tattoos, massive beard and like super manly. And I was like, nice, nice to meet you. And I've met a few people since, which is kind of fun. So that's who she is. What are we going to say to them? Christmas?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Oh, Christmas. That's right. So life was a little crazy before. We have some big news that we're going to tell y'all in a little bit. And that was already like... This is not Cameron Bertuzzi, just in case you were wondering. There's some people in the chat who are like, I thought Cameron was the dude with the product in his hair. No, no, that's a different Cameron. That Cameron uses product. I do not. That's why my hair looks like this. I should probably ask the other Cameron what product to use. I'll stop cutting you off.
Starting point is 00:01:11 No, no, no, you're fine. I don't use product in my hair. I probably should, but... No, you look beautiful. No, no, that's not what he meant. I don't think he was crapping on you. I think he was saying Cameron Bertuzzi. You know, he's got that big, slicked over hair. But I really don't use product. Because he's insecure being next to me, I think. Oh, that's probably it. He's always's always like oh look at me i'm really important you know yeah he's like i have a nice so what were you going to tell them though really yes so really over christmas we took i took
Starting point is 00:01:36 our kids we were supposed to but matt wasn't feeling so great so i took our kids with friends of ours to dollywood which is is like a four hour drive to Tennessee. The day before Liam, our oldest, started complaining his teeth hurt, but nothing looked weird. It was fine. At Dollywood, it was like every three hours that he was asking for Advil, which is not like him at all.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And he's like going on roller coaster rides, having fun. I need Tylenol. I need Tylenol. That night, his lips started to like swell out a bit and he had like what almost looked like like a little well i don't want to say too much i don't want to embarrass him one day if you ever okay but he got a he had he had something going on um the next morning which was christmas eve we woke up and his whole face was swollen like his
Starting point is 00:02:20 eye was almost swollen shut massive like like his face was disfigured. And I was like, okay, we need to get- Five minutes until the announcement to continue. Okay. So I'll speed up the story. So basically I ended up at a hospital in Tennessee and they weren't sure if it was an allergic reaction or an infection. And they put him on IV antibiotics, gave us pain meds, came home. Christmas morning, we're at our house. I was told if he starts getting any red blotches or red streaks, I had to go back in or if the swelling got to be more. And at this point, he had a lot
Starting point is 00:02:55 of swelling in his mouth. We went to divine liturgy. So shortly after, I think maybe two minutes after we got to the church, I looked at him and he just didn't look good and his eye looked red and and so it was one of those i said a prayer in my head i was like all right lord make it abundantly clear if i need to take him to the hospital because that's christmas day like that's our whole day and just as i finished that prayer in my head he said mom the invisible thing in my mouth it's visible and he pulled up his lip and he was yeah yeah very large so oh don't why would you because that's what happened there is no two words strung together are as disgusting as pus bubble in his mouth in the good name for a high school metal band pus bubble but let's stop
Starting point is 00:03:39 saying pus bubble because that is so we're exhausted because we ended up in hospital with him for four days i don't know a long time we're very tired and we anyway so uh four minutes until we tell you the announcement what there's gonna be an announcement there is cameron today a bit of an announcement for the people that will be so exciting it will be exciting announcements and then we'll break it down break it down for the peoples for the pe, for the peeps, for the peeps. So they're wondering what happened with Liam. Okay, go on. But just a little more choppy if you could. Long story short, he had an infection in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:04:10 He had to be on IV antibiotics. He's on other antibiotics now, and he's going to need surgery and probably have his two front teeth removed. So keep praying for him, please, because it's not going to be fun. Should we tell them about the fight we had in the car on the way over? Sure. Because I thought maybe this could be your chance to apologize to me publicly for the things you said in the car. No?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Maybe. I'm open to it. If I said anything that was really wrong. No, I'm just joking. We don't have to talk about the fight we had in the car. You can. It's okay. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's good. I think after we tell the announcement, it'll make the fight make more sense. Three minutes until the announcement. What? That's crazy awesome. Fun announcements. You talk to them. You tell them what happened in Liam's two front teeth in the first place.
Starting point is 00:04:54 No, don't tell them that, darling. It's true. I don't want to embarrass him if he ever hears it, you know. Awesome kid. Anyway, yeah, look, three minutes. Let's have a look at some bloody people in the chat room and see. Oh, golly. There are some people who have an idea about what's about to happen.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Could I say, would you like to say a couple of things about Among the Lilies and I can say a couple of things that we're doing at Pints? Sure, we can do that. Yeah, you want to start? So Among the Lilies is a podcast for ladies that are tired of pretending and are ready to be real. So Among the Lilies is a podcast for ladies that are tired of pretending and are ready to be real. And when you listen to this on the 8th, Among the Lilies, ladies, we previously recorded this on Matt's YouTube channel, which is currently live. So hello, Matt's YouTube channel. Two minutes. And I love Among the Lilies.
Starting point is 00:05:36 It's a lot of fun. I have a couple of girls that work for me that also homeschool their kids. So we joke that between the three of us homeschooling moms, we make up a full-time person trying to do this podcast. If there are children. It's all about being really real and not being the Instagram version of you. They've got like at least three episodes on the marital act. That's true. We do talk about that.
Starting point is 00:05:56 That are explicit about the ending part of that. So if there are kids, you should definitely turn them away from this. Yes. I don't know if you thought that this would be a thing that you should. No. No. Two minutes still. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:08 So, hey, two things we're doing with Pines for the Aquinas that I'm super pumped about before we get to the big announcement. One is, as you know, we've started doing Father Gregory Pine, doing Father Gregory Pine, having Father Gregory Pine on every week on Wednesdays where he takes your questions. I hope you guys are liking that. Let me know in the description or not the description. Let me know in the comment section below if you do like that. It's been really cool.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And then another thing that I'm really excited about, this August I'll be going to Africa. This is not the announcement, but I'm going to, we're supposed to go to Africa last year. Yeah, last year. And I was supposed to go speak in three different countries. And all of this would be for free for them because of my patrons. I was going to fly down with suitcases filled with catechisms and rosaries and Bibles and apologetics material and help their leaders understand how to defend the faith better. I did that a couple of years ago in Uganda, and it was absolutely incredible. The people were so beautiful, and who knows, the plan is to go to Uganda and Kenya
Starting point is 00:07:06 and Zimbabwe to work alongside leaders in those countries to help Catholics defend the faith. And I'm really excited about that. And I'm really excited that they don't pay for my airfare. They don't pay for my time. They don't pay for the books. They don't pay for the rosaries that we bring down. All of that is because of people who support me on Patreon and because some of y'all have even sent me rosaries. And I think you probably remember I said on an episode, don't send me your junky plastic rosaries. Send me a rosary you want
Starting point is 00:07:33 to pray on, a beautiful, expensive rosary. I don't want to go and dump a bunch of cheap trinket looking things. I want to give something that's beautiful. So that's what we're doing and And we're really excited about that. It's 7.30. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:07:47 And then the other part, look, this writer, John Buck person. There you go. Yeah. They're loving Father Gregory Pines live stream. He's so delightful and funny. So you'll be super excited about the other part of the announcement. Right? I told them that while you weren't listening to me.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Oh, sorry. I wasn't listening. I was reading all the comments. They are very. Yeah. And I'm not offended that people think that I'm pregnant because that would be't listening. I was reading all the comments. It's like, ooh, ooh, ooh. Yeah, they are good. And I'm not offended that people think that I'm pregnant because that would be really fun.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I would love to be pregnant. Who thought that? Margaret's right. Because a big announcement would be like, we're having a baby. All right, so here's the announcement to everybody. So do you want to do it? Should I do it?
Starting point is 00:08:17 How do you want to do it? Do it together? All right, ready. What are we going to say? I don't know. Okay. Okay, pause, people. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:08:23 All right. I think they've probably heard that. Why is it? All right. Ready? What are we going to say? I don't know. Okay. Okay, pause, people. Hold on. All right. Gosh. I think they've probably heard that. Why is it? Oh, okay. So can I just tell them? Is that all right? And then you can break it down.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yep. Okay. So tomorrow, our family are moving to Steubenville. What? And our goal is to build a studio in a brewery that some of my friends are starting in downtown Steubenville so that we can once again do in-person live interviews with professors at the university, people who come in and speak, and things like that. We're super excited. This is why we're so exhausted. We have been packing nonstop for the last week and literally going to go home, do another run around, get in our car tomorrow morning, go to Holy Mass.
Starting point is 00:09:09 We decided this and discerned all of this since Thanksgiving. So just to give you a little like- So we're going to break this down for you because we have a lot of interesting things to say, or at least things that we find interesting. I think you're going to like. But that's the news. We're really excited about it. Every single person that we have told-
Starting point is 00:09:26 That are moving to Ohio? Because people come to our house and they're buying used couches off us and we're just trying to afford this move and don't want to take it all with us. And people are like, ah, so where are you moving? Ohio. And everyone does this, right? Ohio. Why? Ohio. There was even a lady today who's from Ohio and and she's like georgia's so amazing like are you sure you don't want to stay in georgia so some of the things that we have to do is one thing we need to do is like at least triple the equipment i have here which is going to cost several thousand dollars we're also going to build a studio that could cost around twenty thousand dollars because
Starting point is 00:10:01 you know we don't want like booming th in the pub below, not that there'll be a lot of that. So it's going to cost a lot of money. This is the only sell you will get in this entire video. After this, I'll shut up. If you like what we're doing and you want to support Pints with Aquinas, go to slash Matt Fradd and see all the free stuff that we give you. We're about to do a Bible study with Andrew Swofford starting next week. You get beer steins and signed books and stickers, access to all of our online courses on Flannery O'Connor and Thomas Aquinas. And that would help us
Starting point is 00:10:30 because this is a crap ton of money for us. But I'm really excited because there is an energy that you lose when you're doing these Skype side-by-side interviews. I would much rather be having a chat over a table and a glass of beer, you know? And in fact, the brewery has already told me that they are going to create a stout
Starting point is 00:10:45 called Pints with Aquinas. So that'll be fun. And one final thing, and then I'll stop talking about it, but that is, what was I going to say, Cameron? I forgot. Beer.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Philosophy. Oh, yes. I said to them, I said, I really would like to smoke in the studio. You know, I know it's technically I'd be renting this floor and it would be my studio, but I need to smoke in in the studio you know i know it's technically i'd be renting this floor and it would be my studio but like i need to smoke in there and they said we'd be really disappointed if you didn't so the goal is me dr han smoking stogies you know probably not
Starting point is 00:11:17 dr han but somebody i don't know if he does that or not but other people so i'm just so excited to do that again because i think pints with the clients from the beginning is about having like fun deep conversations with people. Anyway. All right. So that's it. I'm going to drink and you can talk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And I'm really excited because I don't do YouTube really. I've been on Matt's thing like once or twice now. But I'm actually going to be taking Among the Lilies for visual. Yeah. I guess we're already virtual. So visual. So doing videos like this for y'all if you're interested if you're not that's totally fine I'm still gonna stick mainly towards
Starting point is 00:11:50 women but I'm gonna have amazing beautiful holy women like Kimberly Hahn who I'm sorry if you think Dr. Scott Hahn's great he is I'm not saying anything bad about him he's great don't tell him I said this but his wife is so much better actually you can tell him because I'm mad about him. He's great. Shh, don't tell him I said this. But his wife is so much better. Actually, you can tell him because I think- I'm sure he knows. He would agree. Kimberly is so amazing and beautiful and wonderful. And I just feel like I personally have a lot of wisdom to gain from her. And I know that you do too.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And I'm excited to be able to have her over and have a cup of tea and just chat. And there's other really awesome people in Steubenville. So many amazing people. I just met this random girl at a coffee shop. You can't throw a rock without hitting a Catholic family. You shouldn't. But if you were to throw a rock, it would hit some Catholic. It is the Catholic Mecca.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And I just, I love it. I just, I'm so excited for so many reasons. But to your point, Cammie, I'm so excited for you because I think just like Kimberly is to Scott, and I'm not comparing myself to Scott Hahn. Goodness knows he's way more awesome and intelligent and all that than me. But you are that to me. You are way more interesting. You've got such a gift. And I'm so excited for that to come forth a little more.
Starting point is 00:13:00 And one of the things we want to do is set up something like this in our home or in an office. And as you say, like you, instead of you just doing an audio podcast, you guys have a glass of wine and click record. And then it'll just go live to your YouTube channel. They can strip the audio. And that's just going to be so, so good. I really do think that you reach women in a way that other women can't. I've really said this and mean it. Like when I go and give a talk at a conference, I think the most difficult talk to give is the women can't. I've really said this and mean it. When I go and give a talk at a
Starting point is 00:13:25 conference, I think the most difficult talk to give is the women's talk. And I don't know why that is, but it just seems to me that naturally women are like, yeah, there's this kind of defensiveness. And if it's like, if that woman, I don't know, if she tells me I am a princess, I'm going to throw up on my feet or something. And if she begins her talk with, hey, ladies, you know, like that. But, like, you are just exactly yourself, and women just love that. So I'm so excited for you. So before I forget, we'll put a link in the description to your YouTube channel as well. And it's funny because it's going to be more of an impact, but it'll actually less work because you're not editing you're not yeah you know you're just sitting down drinking heavily
Starting point is 00:14:08 and uh i'm looking forward to it i have been called the drunk on of the catholic podcast not to toot my own horn but drunk on the drunk aunt of the catholic podcasting world women's well i'm like it's a niche thing but it's a very yeah i was allergic to women's sessions and i hated them for a very long time and it took three years of net for me to be like actually women's sessions good so yeah um can we talk about how we discern this or sure do you want to do it um well i you know what i don't know how much um to share i guess we have friends starting another catholic well actually well you could go there if you want i was thinking about maybe You know what? I don't know how much to share. I guess we have friends starting another Catholic. Well, actually, well, you could go there if you want.
Starting point is 00:14:48 I was thinking about maybe beginning when we were in Dr. Hahn's living room. Oh, do that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. So when we, so yeah, you go with that first. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So we stayed at Dr. Hahn's house and I schooled him in table tennis and then his three sons destroyed me in table tennis. It was quite good. It was just a fantastic time. So we were standing, just chatting, and Dr. Hahn was on his phone and he was scrolling through his text messages. And he looked up and he said, do you want to hear the first text I ever – actually, would you like to hear the first text I ever got from Matt and Cameron and Kimberly? Yeah, sure. And the text was from me, and this was from seven years ago, the very month we were there, seven years ago to the month. And it was me responding and saying, thanks for the call yesterday, Dr. Hahn. We will definitely pray about moving to Steubenville. And he looked up and said, you're a patient man. So that was really cool. I feel like Steubenville has always been on the back burner. When we were discerning leaving, I had never been to Steubenville before. I'd never been to Ohio before. I've been to a lot of states, but Ohio never, for whatever reason, I've never been there. And when we were leaving
Starting point is 00:16:04 San Diego, we were praying about where to go and what to do. And lots of people tried to convince us to move to Steubenville. And it was like, well, that could possibly work. Yeah. And then we just heard that it's like a gross town. Yeah. We heard it was ugly. So I was like, oh, I don't even want to discern it because we're leaving San Diego.
Starting point is 00:16:19 I can't live somewhere ugly. We were in Ireland and Ottawa. Yeah. Yeah. So we didn't even discern it. And then recently we have friends that are starting a Catholic thing in another part of the country. And so I feel like it opened up that part of our heart for community and yeah, very intense, purposeful, meaningful community, which we have good Catholic friends here as well. So I'm not,
Starting point is 00:16:42 we do have community here. But it's like you got to drive 20 minutes, half hour to get to friends, to get to church. Everything is so spread out. Georgia's beautiful, but we are. We're like 20 minutes from each other or 30 minutes. Even Matt to come to his office. This is 30 minutes from our house. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Yeah. A little less, but you're right. It is one way. Yeah. But with that aside, like, so I felt like we had already had our hearts open and we're praying and discerning moving to another part of the country and helping do this thing. And it was like, OK. And I think you just brought it up out of. Yeah. Stephenville has always been on the back burner. It's like, OK, you know what? Let's just go ahead and pray about this. Let's just open up a little bit. And I felt like the Lord just made it so abundantly clear. Like there were so many moments. I'll share one of them with you. We were actually at the university. And
Starting point is 00:17:31 so my youth minister in high school was a friend of mine. So my youth minister was, when I lived in Louisiana, his son was the director of Net Canada. So he's the reason that I did Net Canada and then eventually Net Ireland and met Matt. And she was just amazing, beautiful woman. Her daughter would lead music at our school and just recently died of cancer or at our youth group. Recently, she passed away from cancer. We were at Stephen Mill. I swear it was all the same songs that we used to have at our mass. And his daughter, so my friend Jean's daughter, standing beside me because she's a freshman at Steubenville now.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And so she's there. I'm praying. I just felt like this. I don't even know what, but my heart just was just opened up. And like, I really felt the Lord being like, it's time for you to come home. And which is funny because I've never even been to Steubenville. So it's not like that's home. But like, this is the right place for you and your family. And I feel like Georgia has been good. It is beautiful. We love it here. We have really good friends. But it's honestly been a really hard time. In the last
Starting point is 00:18:37 six years, I think it's been more survival, certain times more so than others. So I was pregnant when we moved here. We didn't know it. Our son, Peter, went through a lot. He was a NICU baby. He kept almost dying. Once he finally kind of got healthy- You kept almost dying. Then I kept almost dying. I got crazy sick. And so I feel like it was just all about survival. And I feel like now the Lord's ready, or I feel like we're ready for our family to just thrive and not just survive. And I feel like that's kind of the next chapter that the Lord has in store in Steubenville. And I'm very excited for that. And I don't even know that we know the half of it.
Starting point is 00:19:16 No, I am so excited. And it is hard to tell people like, why are you moving? And so a few of the professors have suggested that I adjunct teach philosophy part time, which I will do at some point. But it's almost like they'll accept that as an answer. Ohio. I'm like, yeah. What are you doing in Ohio? And to be like, we just feel like the Holy Spirit is leading us there. And we feel an abundance of peace.
Starting point is 00:19:36 That's not often what they want to hear. So if you go, oh, I might be teaching at a university. Okay. You know, they're excited about that. Ben's talking about St. Peter's downtown. Yes, we love St. Peter's too. Yeah, so some people have been asking, will you go to a Byzantine church when you're in Steubenville?
Starting point is 00:19:53 They certainly have one there. I don't think we will. I think we'll probably go to St. Peter's downtown. They have a Latin mass at noon on Sundays. It's beautifully done. So I think we'll do that. Tell them what our Peter said when we were at mass. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Well, two different things. One was the announcement that the priest gave, remember? Oh, I don't know. You have to tell them. About altar serving? No, I don't know what you're talking about. Tell them. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:21 So two different things happened. One was the- He's six, by the um the he's six by the way he's six yeah he's six years old and the priest gave an announcement that they need more kids for um the latin mass more um altar servers and it's seven to whatever age he's like that's me that's almost me in one more year i could do that i could be an altar server here and he just got very excited and then scott han walked in and he said look the grandpa's here he kept saying miss kimberly and then the grandpa yeah yeah i'm excited i mean i i really feel enculturated into the eastern church and i think it's going to be very difficult for me to kind of go back honestly um but i think you know i think yeah i think that's what we'll do yeah yeah can i just
Starting point is 00:21:02 share like discerning and something that I experienced that I shared on a recent podcast, but I'm sure a lot of people didn't hear. And I think a lot of people might be able to relate to this because I always find when I express the thing that I'm so afraid nobody else experiences, a lot of people can relate to it. So here goes, we'll see if it's true. Two attributes that are unhelpful to have when discerning something big are excitability and restlessness. And I am both excitable and restless. Like right now, if you turn to me and said something about Wyoming and maybe we should move there, I'm like, okay, maybe, like maybe, yeah. And so I don't trust myself. I don't trust the emotions that I have when I'm thinking about Steubenville, like prior to us going there.
Starting point is 00:21:44 I didn't trust the emotions that I had while I was there. Cause sometimes I'm like, this is definitely it. And sometimes I thought, what the heck am I doing? Why would I move again? This is ridiculous. George is amazing. You know, and I'd, I'd pray about it and I just didn't trust my feelings. And I, you know, I don't know. I don't know. It's obviously there's a lot more to take into consideration, but my prayer was was lord if you want us to move to steubenville convict my wife um so because i i trust you like you have not led me astray like you've never said let's do let's do oh my goodness let's do this thing and then we do it and then i'm like cameron i mean have you you probably have I just don't know
Starting point is 00:22:25 I always lead you right where you need to be left so um so you know so actually we were driving out of Steubenville and Cameron turned to me and you said I've never felt more at home anywhere else in the world like anywhere else I've been I've never felt more at home than here and I'm like all right we're moving to Steubenville yeah Yeah, I think that when we were in Ireland, Ireland was really hard for us for a lot of reasons. But Matt got offered an amazing job in Australia, and it had way more, it was youth ministry, but way more pay than the Canada job.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And I think it came with a house and a car and all this stuff. And we chose Ottawa. We chose to go to Canada Canada and it didn't make sense on paper. But we just both felt so convicted by that. And there also was this like, we're kind of going home to Ottawa. Like Ottawa is where we met. It was where I kind of, I didn't grow up there in any way, shape or form, but like, because I did net at the age of like 18 and 19, I felt like it's, it helped me grow into a young adult really. And, and I had the same kind of gut feeling with Stephen Bell.
Starting point is 00:23:37 And I think going there, like praying. So I homeschool all four of our kids. Our kids are crazy. Like they are beautiful, beautiful kids. Very energetic. Really crazy. They get it from this guy. Yeah. Both of us.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Yeah. So just imagine. Our kids. There's no phlegmatic anything in our family besides our dog. Very loud. Very loud. Lots of stories. Lots of energy.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's exhausting and draining. And I don't. I. Like I homeschool because I think it's what's best for my children and I love them and I want to do what's best for them and their souls. I want them to know what is true, good and beautiful. But it's not something that I was like, this is what I want to do. And anyhow, I needed more support in that. And so I thought going to student mill, I heard that the Catholic schools there and the public schools are supportive of homeschoolers. And I was thinking that they could help me just with one or two of my older kids.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And if I could pick any school in the whole world for my kids, like design what's best for them. We lived at Covecrest for a little bit and there's this amazing, beautiful school called The Little Way. And Gabriella runs it. It's a little Montessori school. And my kids thrive there and they loved it. And Gabriella runs it. It's a little Montessori school. And my kids thrive there. And they loved it. And it was amazing. I had no idea that a school like that exists in Steubenville. And so to find that out and to see it, I'm just very excited for my kids and that they will thrive in that environment. And yeah, so things like that kept happening. Where I so happened to contact a friend of mine who so happens to have a sister that lives there, who so happens on the board of this Montessori school.
Starting point is 00:25:10 And there just so happens to be this day of discernment for young women. And they invited our girls to come and be with all these beautiful nuns. And yeah, it just I just felt like the Lord kept opening doors. Right. Yeah. Yeah. the Lord kept opening doors. Right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Yeah. I'm pumped. So we're really tired but really excited. And to the point about the brewery that's starting and the Pints with Aquinas will have a studio in this brewery
Starting point is 00:25:38 on the second floor. We do these person interviews and things. This is a brewery, I think I can make it public knowledge, Jacob Imam, who was on the show a while back, the bloke who converted from Islam.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Him and Mark Barnes and some others at New Polity are founding this brewery. And so that's kind of, these are the guys we're teaming up with. So we're super pumped, super pumped about it. Another word about discernment, because I was reading this the other day in the Bible and it made me think about discernment. Because I think sometimes we can over-spiritualize discernment. We can be too afraid as we discern. Am I making the right decision? What will happen if this is wrong? And I think it's right. So Abraham wants a wife for his son, Isaac. He says to one of his servants, go to Mesopotamia and find a woman from our own people and bring her back. And he says, well, okay, well, what if I go there and she doesn't want to come? He's like, well, then your duty is done.
Starting point is 00:26:28 He's like, all right. So he goes to Mesopotamia and he's at this watering well. And it says, as you read Genesis, he said to himself, the first woman that I see who offers me a drink and waters my camels, this will be the woman. And you just think like, this is a pretty important decision, right? Like this is like the lineage of God's people. And you're just going to go off the first woman who offers me a drink and my camels.
Starting point is 00:26:51 And of course, you know, Rebecca offers and then offers to feed the camels. And so he's like, this is it, you know, and he goes back to Rebecca's father's house and he recounts the story. So it's really cool. It's like almost in the same chapter or the chapter after, he does just what we continue to do, right? Just what we just did. We recounted what we experienced. So we had this thing. And then Scott Harney looked on his phone and he said, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:18 But you just think, okay, that's not terribly impressive. There was this chick and she was feeding did you water and her things and she was offered to water my animals she watered the animal and i was like this is her you know but i just i just love that i just love like when we discern this idea that we we have this false idea that it's it's an idea in god's mind which we have no access to and which he's not interested in revealing to us in a way that we would understand and so we just have to kind of grope and and pray that we don't screw it up instead of realizing that we have a loving father who is guiding us and guiding all of this yeah and desires to give us really really good things he wants us to have an abundant life right so we So we're pumped. We want to die in Steubenville.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Steubenville is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. Yeah, it's like crappy and run down, but it's beautiful. And God loves to do things in little towns. Bethlehem, you know. So we're very excited. I'm so tired. What else should we talk about?
Starting point is 00:28:23 I've been saying to my kids for a while, we've been doing our homeschool work like in the dining room and i've been saying them for a long time you need to restore the room to beautiful restore it to beautiful and i feel like there's a handful of people in steubenville that that's what they're trying to do they're trying to restore the town to beautiful yeah and um we met just some of them that are amazing and buying old homes that like need TLC. Mark Barnes. His name's Mark Barnes. Because when I say it, it's Mark Barnes.
Starting point is 00:28:52 No idea who that guy is. Mark, Mark, Mark. Like a Mach 3 razor. But yeah, I love that. I love the restoring it to beautiful.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I'm pumped. Yeah. What do you want to do? Do you take some questions? Do you want to do something else. What do you want to do? Do you take some questions? Do you want to do something else? What do you want to do? No, I feel like that's our great big announcement, and we're exhausted. Oh, and then this was the other thing.
Starting point is 00:29:12 We put our house on the market, and before pictures even were up, we had like a dozen showings, and we had three offers in the first three days. We sold our house over the weekend, which was pretty great. We're still going through it, so keep praying that it goes through all the way. But yeah, God is just so good. I feel like he has made, he's opened a lot of doors and made it. Yeah. Yeah, it's good. I'm excited. Yeah. We can do questions. Yeah. If y'all have questions, feel free to write them up here. We're just really tired. I'm sorry if we're not making sense. We're just, it's been a lot. Okay. So this person, Ryan, says,
Starting point is 00:29:46 wait, isn't there an announcement? Oh, I can't put it on the screen for some reason. The text is black. About Father Pine as well. Yeah, so one of the things we were hoping to do is like my goal was we're going to hit 100,000 subscribers here on Pines with Aquinas and then I'll make all these three announcements,
Starting point is 00:29:58 but we didn't and I'm impatient and we had to move, so shut up. So one of the things we decided to do is- Get your friends to subscribe so he can hit that number. Yeah. We're real close. Like 1,500 left. Come on.
Starting point is 00:30:09 What is wrong with you? Click subscribe. Click the bell button. Hey, among the ladies, you go subscribe, even if you're not going to watch. No, no, no. Don't subscribe if you're not going to watch. That's not good for the algorithm. Anyway-
Starting point is 00:30:24 I don't know how these things work. Sorry. I know nothing about YouTube. What are we talking about? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Answer questions. So, Father Gregory,
Starting point is 00:30:31 every Wednesday, that's something we're doing. All the way from Where is he now? Other side of the world. Switzerland. We want to keep doing these monthly debates.
Starting point is 00:30:39 We have a couple of big ones planned. Obviously, we have one on Eastern Orthodoxy that's going to be debating the First Vatican Council's definition of the papacy and whether it dates back to the early church. This is a good one. Are you going to do live Pints with the Vines events?
Starting point is 00:30:51 Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, Deanna. Yeah, at the brewery, we're going to be doing these events. I'm thinking about setting up like a small sitting area for people who want to come in, have a beer,
Starting point is 00:31:00 and watch these live events. I think it'd be super cool. If you're really loud and a heckler though, you'll get escorted by a bodyguard. Oh, and then this is a good question. Sorry. What? I said if they're like heckling and they're really loud.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I'm like this big buff guy. Whoever the biggest guy is. We will tase you. You are going to be the bodyguard. You will remove that guy. Margo says, so is there going to be a break from the weekly shows while you transition to Stubi? No.
Starting point is 00:31:27 That would have been a really good idea, Margo. Yeah, but it won't be because next week I'm recording six episodes, but they're not going to be live. And then I'm going to release them over the next coming weeks while we kind of set up this new studio. As I say, we've got a ton of equipment to buy. It's been really beautiful to hear people say that this is a really good setup. The camera looks fantastic. It's kind of one of the best ones on Catholic YouTube. I hear a lot
Starting point is 00:31:48 and it is, let's be honest. So we just want to make it better and we just want to invest more money in it. So I want this times three, which again is going to cost us a lot of money. slash Matt Fradd. So we're really excited about that. We've got some good episodes coming up on atheism. We have one with a former Jehovah's Witness
Starting point is 00:32:03 talking about that. A bunch of stuff. So you will not be missing out it just won't be live he's gonna drive us up fly back matt's doing a lot of flying yeah a lot of flying moving all this stuff pray for that what am i drinking believe it or not i'm drinking a peach flavored bourbon which i probably should be ashamed to admit but i'm not. Wow, there's a lot of people. Can you tell us more about Ireland? Nope. Yeah, Ireland's great. Trinity.
Starting point is 00:32:36 We have Sligius. Tips for descending vocations. That just feels too deep. I'm too tired. We're really tired, people. We haven't slept. Did we mention that we were up with our son in the hospital? We were sleep deprived from that. We're really tired, people. We haven't slept. Did we mention that we were up with our son in the hospital? We were sleep-deprived from that.
Starting point is 00:32:47 We're moving. We don't own... A kid came over. One of our neighbor kids came over and was like, you guys don't have a couch in your whole house. I'm like, yep, that's how we roll. We don't have a single couch in our whole house. Yeah. We're exhausted. Something we did last night, which I want to tell you about because it's a great story.
Starting point is 00:33:04 What did we do? Well, you didn't. You were packing, but I was drinking with my friends. I was packing. Me and father, we won't say his name, and my best mate. Russian father. Call him Father Pushkin, right? Well, no.
Starting point is 00:33:15 He looks like Rasputin. And John Henry, a friend of mine, we were all sitting around having a drink, and then someone was like, dude, let's go get some food. It's New Year's Day. Nothing's open. He said, Waffle House. I said, Waffle House is disgusting's open he said waffle house i said waffle house is disgusting and he said how dare you talk about our culture like that and i said fine let's go so we drove to waffle house i will never do it again it's absolutely awful i'm so sorry i get that there's some kind of
Starting point is 00:33:35 charm to it but if you go there like you're trashy and um no they're not no they're not you are great do you understand what you're fantastic gross all great no it's horrible whatever doesn't offend you no it can offend you waffle house food's disgusting anyway so we even if you put a thumbs down we were sitting and we were chatting and this woman comes over she's the yes waffle house is even worse than i hop someone's asking if it's lady. Lady came over serving us, waitress. I can't get off track because my brain's already fried. She was the most beautiful waitress. And you could tell she was, you know, not terribly.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I mean, she's working at Waffle House and she didn't seem terribly well off. And we just loved her. And I'm like, hey, guys, what if we just gave her a great tip? And so all of us dug into our pockets and put all the money we had on the table. And we gave her a $200 and something dollar tip, like $205.13 tip. We just got everything. For those of you that haven't been to Waffle House, that's way more than 20%. I think you could buy all the food in the entire restaurant
Starting point is 00:34:36 for that amount of money. Yeah. It was just so cool. I didn't want to give it to her and embarrass her, so we just put it down. Actually, I think we handed it to her with the receipt wrapped around it because i didn't want to leave it on the table and um as we were walking out she's like oh hang on and we were like no no that's for you and then we just we left you know and then we got in the car and she came up to the window and she like
Starting point is 00:34:55 hugged herself to show us that she was so appreciative of us it was beautiful man it's so beautiful so we did that last night and then woke up super early and started packing again. And I was packing bags and cleaning out under sinks and cupboards. And our friends have been coming to say bye. And I keep making them leave with bags of food and plants and other things that we can't bring with us. Yes, Waffle House does have fake maple syrup. That's true. I don't even know if you can call it maple syrup. What other questions? Do you have a... I don't even know if you can call it maple syrup. What other questions?
Starting point is 00:35:26 Do you have a... I don't know, man. There's just so many. Who has questions? No, everyone has questions. Oh, there's too many of y'all. I can't read it this way. It's been a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:35:35 It's been a pleasure. That's what we're doing. Pray for us if you want. That would be lovely. Offer an Ave for us or something. We have a lot of driving to do. A lot... Oh my gosh, it's Jimmyimmy aiken hey jimmy
Starting point is 00:35:47 so good to see you i love jimmy he's so great okay funny have we told jimmy no can i tell someone let's tell jimmy first jimmy we're moving to studentville ohio i forget if we talked about that or not um and jimmy can i tell you something really funny uh well not that funny but we lower the expectation it's not funny. But I just went and voted. I did the last day of early voting here for the Senate race. And when we were voting for the presidential election, we were voting and someone we had a few different people running. And someone said, don't vote for Kelly. Vote for the other Republican for this reason.
Starting point is 00:36:20 And Jimmy said it. And I was like, why would Jimmy say that? Like, so I voted for the other person, not not her. And I was like, why would Jimmy say that? So I voted for the other person, not her. And I was like, why would Jimmy say that? And I was like, Jimmy Akin? Like, oh no, Jimmy from Christ the Redeemer. I'm like, I don't care who Jimmy from Christ the Redeemer is. Don't listen to that, Jimmy.
Starting point is 00:36:34 If it was Jimmy Akin, fair enough. You should listen. But Jimmy from Christ the Redeemer. Yeah, it happened when we were voting. And I was like, don't change your vote because some random Jimmy tells you something. Unless it's Jimmy Akin. Then listen.
Starting point is 00:36:46 For all y'all watching, Jimmy has a fantastic podcast called Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World. It's probably my second favorite Catholic podcast as far as the podcast I listen to on a regular basis. Like, in that ranking. We will most likely be binge listening tomorrow on our drive up. Go check it out. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:37:04 Our last drive up. Can did check it out it's fantastic on the our last drive up yeah yeah it was a call to point this out uh had jimmy on the show we talked about vaccines and the morality of taking the covid vaccine just to upset everybody who's watching and basically we just shared what the cdf said and why they what they said was accurate and people just jumped on us you know i think it was like tay like Taylor Marshall tweeted something that said Jimmy Akin going full Francis. And then the SSPX had a whole article arguing exactly for what Jimmy said. So that was just funny,
Starting point is 00:37:38 man. It's funny. It's not that funny. It's not, not ha ha funny. All right, y'all. Y'all are beautiful. And hey, I know this is kind of weird because I can't see your faces,
Starting point is 00:37:50 but I just want to say a huge thank you to all of y'all. I hope that this is a help. I don't know if it is. I question a lot of the time whether what this is is a help or not. Sometimes I just want to. We're just called the cutest middle-aged couple. We are old. How dare they?
Starting point is 00:38:04 We're middle-aged. Oh, no, we're way beyond middle-aged. Especially you. Yeah, you're way older than me. Tell them how old you are. I'm younger than her. I'm still in my 30s, you punk. Don't say punk.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Last time you said that. Tell them what happened. That's a funny one. No. Oh, no, it's not. Should we tell them? Tell them. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:20 So, Cameron and I were doing this talk, and I said, my old wife, and she punched me in the arm. And she said, I'm still in my 30s, you punk. Punk with a P. Punk. And then this went to this like big theology of the body virtual conference. And it had the closed captions. And it said, I'm still in my 30s, you F.
Starting point is 00:38:46 U-C- K. Not okay. I don't even use that word let alone Not much. No I never use that word. I do not drop F-bombs and I've never ever in my entire life used the F-word as a noun. As a noun? Because that would be a noun
Starting point is 00:39:02 right? So like as an adjective maybe you like stub your toe and you yell it's an adjective right it's a describing word but calling a person that change your subject probably at this point i'm sorry i was doing grammar with my kids and i'm very on my anywho anyway go listen to cameron's podcast it's called among the lilies i'm matt frat i'll be here all week no i won't i'm driving to steubenville tomorrow wait would it be a verb in that situation bye is that it yes we're moving to steubenville pray for us we leave tomorrow if you live in between and you see someone pulling out their hair you really do look good and you're older than me it doesn't make sense look at my
Starting point is 00:39:41 face look at you put your face next to mine. No, I have a lot, like you're, I'm just hiding all my grays. Look at this. Okay. It's not your grays. Look,
Starting point is 00:39:49 I'm hiding my grays. Look. You do have a lot of grays in your beard. All right. All right. Everybody have a wonderful night. We need to go. Thanks,
Starting point is 00:39:58 Jimmy. Thank you. Yeah. Please pray for the kids. It's a massive transition, so we would appreciate it.

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