Pints With Aquinas - Join us on a River Cruise in France! (Next Summer!) w/ Cameron Fradd

Episode Date: July 8, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And I think we're live. Yay hello. How's it going? Good. You doing well? Yeah sorry I was reading what they were writing. Okay so yeah. The soy face? The soy face because I was making it like a face like that. Oh okay. Yeah. I didn't know what they were going to write. But his name is Arse so I think we should just assume the worst. But anyway, good day everybody, my name's Matt Fradd, this is my bride, Cameron Fradd. We are in her, we're in our spare bedroom right now recording this with a bottle of Jameson.
Starting point is 00:00:36 It's my Among the Lilies background, get it? We are Among the Lilies. I literally just got that. Did you not realize that? I never realized that until just then. That's why I picked this wallpaper. It's nice that we could both fit in the frame too. I didn't know if we could do that. This is good. All right, so we're doing this quick little live stream right now to let you guys know that we're doing a river cruise in France next year.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Right? Yeah. Okay, good. You looked at me and I'm like, oh crap, maybe it's Russia. Hopefully not Russia. And you know, if you guys want to come, we'd love to have you join us for 10 days, travel all over France, eating croissants, drinking wine. Delicious, yummy wine. Whatever else they do over there. Pastries. Yes. Yes. And we'll tell you all about it. We're going to go through the schedule. So, but first of all, we want to let you know, if you click the link in the description below,
Starting point is 00:01:23 that'll take you to a public page on Patreon where you can download the PDF. And someone just asked if Lorde's part of it. Yes, you can add Lorde's as part of the tour. And then you're with us longer than nine or 10 days. It's more like 14 days. Now, buckle up. First of all, you went on this cruise last year.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yes, loved it. And I was at home with the kids. And I loved you for that. Trinking copiously. No, it was actually great. And that was fine. And you said it was an amazing experience. And I doubted you, because I have always
Starting point is 00:01:55 rejected people's offers to go on a pilgrimage. The idea of going on a pilgrimage, I'll go on a pilgrimage on my own. But the idea of getting in a bus with a bunch of people, no, I don't wanna do it. But the beautiful thing about this is the majority of the time you're not on a bus. Woo!
Starting point is 00:02:12 You have to take a bus in the beginning to get to the zoo, but we'll like Uber or something, so you don't need to worry about that because we're gonna fly in early, so we're not jet lagged because you don't wanna see us jet lagged. We wanna be well rested and smiley faces to welcome you into France.
Starting point is 00:02:27 And then, yeah, and then it's just like a couple little short buses. But the vast majority of the time, you are on a gorgeous riverboat cruise, which is the perfect size. Like, I think it's like 100 people max. And I think that's including us and the staff. Like, it's it's not a lot of people, so it's really enjoyable. The River Cruise ship is just the perfect size where you see everyone, you get to know everyone really well.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I think I went with 50 people, and I knew everyone's name by the end. And the dining room is gorgeous. It's five-star dining. Yeah, there's an amazing chef, there's multiple of them. Every night you choose. That's incredible. Well, breakfast is amazing.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Tell me about breakfast, Cameron, Fred. So you wake up and breakfast, they have these gorgeous breakfast pastries, croissants, baguettes, is that the big long ones? Yeah, yeah. All fresh, delicious, so many different smelly cheeses, and I don't even like smelly cheeses. Oh, I love smelly cheeses.
Starting point is 00:03:24 But French smelly cheeses are delicious, so good. There's a guy that'll make you omelets however you want. There's a bunch of different meats and fruits. See, already I'm ready to go to France. Amazing coffee. If we never got off the boat, this sounds great. I know, I know. Amazing coffee and it's just, oops sorry. It's just delicious and amazing. And yeah, and then you start your day in whatever place we're in and you go and you explore and you see amazing saints. So many beautiful, holy, amazing saints.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Just give people like a quick list of the places we're going that are exciting. As quickly as possible, go. Paris. Wow. Renfler. So like the miraculous metal. Yes, Catherine Le Bore. Saint Vincent de Paul, Saint Therese
Starting point is 00:04:07 of Luzure, Saint Zoe, Saint Zellie, Louise, Joan of Arc. Oh, and we're going to go to the University of Paris where Thomas Aquinas taught. We're also going to go where Dominic was. We're hoping while at the University of Paris to look at some of the autographs, which means the original works, right, of Thomas Aquinas. We're gonna have a Dominican friar on board celebrating Holy Mass every day. Everybody on the boat will be part of our group.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It's not like, if you've ever been on one of this big crew, have you already said this? No, I haven't. Because we've done two podcasts now and I forget. We set it up my podcast. So if you've ever been on a big cruise ship before, you realize that you're one group among many, we are gonna have the entire boat.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So everybody who's on this boat is either staff or people part of this Plants with a Quietness retreat. So you don't have to have those awkward moments of when you're trying to walk to Adoration and you see 50 bums on your way, because there's all these people in. Oh, bums, gotcha. Bikinis, no, like they're bums because they wear very
Starting point is 00:05:06 immodest bathing suits. No one's doing that unless you're planning on bringing your immodest bathing suit and please don't because there's not a pool on the ship. So I mean if you bring a bathing suit to lay out, you'll all just point and laugh. So don't do it. That's gonna be fun. Yeah, it's amazing. It really is.
Starting point is 00:05:23 It's such a beautiful, gorgeous cruise ship. One thing I want to do is lead That's gonna be fun. Yeah it's amazing it really is it's such a beautiful gorgeous cruise ship. One thing I want to do is lead a book study every morning. Sure do it. So like morning coffee over in Paris or France wherever we are just reading through a particular work that'd be cool wouldn't it? Yeah it'll be really easy to do on the cruise ship. Rachel just said one piece bathing suits let's go! No one's ever been that excited about said one piece bathing suits. Let's go. No one's ever been that excited about a one piece bathing suit. I have a really nice one from Lanzan that I enjoy.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, you do. It looks good. Technically, it's two pieces, but it's a skirt and a tankini. So it looks like a one piece. So the whole point of this video is to invite you to come to France with my wife and I and our four children
Starting point is 00:06:01 next summer traveling in France, eating bread, eating cheese, drinking a ton of wine, Holy Mass every day. Yeah, and we're bringing a beautiful Holy Priest with us, Father Joseph Anthony, he's Dominican. Yeah. Why are you laughing?
Starting point is 00:06:18 I don't know why I'm laughing. I'm just excited. Check this out. So I wanna show everybody, this is the lovely pamphlet that you'll see. Look at the two of us there. It almost looks like we're standing in front of a church, which we weren't.
Starting point is 00:06:30 Where was that taken? That was this Easter. That was Easter. I think it was in front of, actually maybe in front of our church or maybe in front of our house. I'm not sure. I think in front of our house.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Hardly the point though, is it? No, not the point. All right, let's go through the itinerary. May 31st, depart USA. What's that like? Well, you know, it's like flying within America, but then you get on a plane and you're no longer in America. You go over the ocean.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Gotcha. It's an international flight. June 1st, welcome to France, Paris and Lusia, or if you're an American, LaSue, which is fine. I'm not judging because I don't know how to promote, to pronounce that for this stuff. We celebrate mass at the Carmel Convent and settle into our hotel for a good night's rest.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Overnight, L'Azur. June 3rd, we go to- So the Carmel Convent, sorry, is where St. Therese was, like all the Carmelites there. Yeah, lovely. We'll probably get to meet one or two of the Carmelites. Wow, beautiful. Yeah. So then Les yeux and then we go to Saint, is it Michel? I think so. So it's Saint Michael, but I believe they say Saint Michael. Okay, so this is this gorgeous church that looks like it's rising out of the ocean, right?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yes. It's an island, this monastery. It's beautiful. So we're going to go there. And it's very, very, very old. June 3rd, Les yeux renflés and French gastronomy, which sounds like your gastro system. So maybe cheese messes with your gastro system. Is that what that means? All right, let's read this even though I'm blind. I'm gonna zoom in. Wow, I just ruined everything. Our exploration of Les yeux this morning includes a visit to Les Boussonnets. I'm so sorry, I'm not making fun. I'm making fun of me for not knowing how to say these words.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I'm sorry if you're French. If you're French, tell us how to say it. Put like how you pronounce something, that would be great. But can I tell you, Tereza's childhood home was amazing because I didn't have a strong devotion to her before, but she just, instead of being like this untangible, unrelatable girl, like I saw her for her human side, right? Like she was human. She was a little girl, just like my little girls. And she lived in this house at the ages of my little girl.
Starting point is 00:08:38 So I'm so excited to bring our girls there and to see her childhood home. It's very humble. You could see toys she played with. You could see her hair. They actually have her hair on the wall. That's cool. You could see where she was when she was sick in her sickbed. You get to see chickens and bunnies in their yard and just these gorgeous flowers and just being inspired. We see the magnificent basilica of St. Therese and the crypt. Is the basilica actually beautiful or is it one of these modern atrocities? It's
Starting point is 00:09:02 absolutely beautiful and amazing. And so is the crypt. And who's in the crypt? You told me earlier who's in the crypt. I'll give you a hint. It's our parents. Beautiful. Oh, golly, here's our giant dog. Please don't knock the camera over.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Sit. Sit. No, it's OK. He's probably fine. Stay. He's a very large dog, everybody at home. He's a black Russian terrier. And if you think terrier is small, oh, bugger.
Starting point is 00:09:24 It's OK. He's not going to touch the camera. He'll go over there and land on the carpet. Oh, OK. Terrier is small, oh bugger. It's okay, he's not gonna touch the camera. He'll go over there and land on the carpet. Oh okay, good boy. Lady, don't come over here. Go, he's gonna hit the camera. Sit. Sit.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Sit. All right, let me see if I can show people what he- We're not gonna bring our dog on the trip. Let me see if I can show him. Let me see if I can show them what he looks like. Oh, you know what? I think I have it on here. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Ah, ah. Oh, he's sitting down. No, we're good. We're good. Gee, that was bloody, uh. He's so, he's like 120 pounds, our dog. You have to understand. All right. Oh, by the way, you don't have to be vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yes. You can come if you're vaccinated. Sure, no judgment. Feel free to come. No judgment. But if you're not vaccinated, you can still come, which is amazing. Ah, hopefully. I wanna learn more can still come, which is amazing. Ah, hopefully.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I wanna learn more about, see this is funny. I got equally as excited when I read St. Therese and Crypt as when I read cider and cheese. Tell us about the cider and cheese since you were there last year. It's delicious and amazing. I'm not a big smelly cheese person, but it was so good.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Now what about? Like, I'll buy certain cheeses from like Trader Joe's and I'm like, oh, this is a fancy cheese. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I hate it. I really- I don't think I had a cheese there that I didn't like. I love them all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:34 I want to get into our car, drive to Kroger, buy a bunch of cheese and eat. Would you do that with me tonight? Right now? I'm not going to Kroger. You can do it. I'll do it. But will you drink wine with me tonight?
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yes. Okay. Let's eat all the cheese. I'm gonna get the stinkiest bloody cheese. See what happens when you get older. I don't like stinky cheeses. When you get older, weird things that you hated as a child suddenly become delightful. Like cigars. You love cigars. Uh, I do?
Starting point is 00:10:59 No you don't. Alright, let's see. What are you looking at? Oh look, this is me on the... What are you gonna do, show them? I doniffel Tower. I don't know, maybe. And I think they can see that. Well... Normandy beaches! I'm gonna show them a picture of Max. Oh, look, look, here is an example of just one of the cocktails you can have.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Okay, I'll do that while you tell them about the cocktails. Okay. They can't see that. Just, yeah, cocktails. Go. The cocktails are amazing and delicious delicious so I just had a photo let me look because I want to know what it was um so it's beautiful oh there was like a little piece of fruit it does look like a sunset and it was delicious and what's really fun is it's cocktails that I wouldn't know to order but they're from the region and then they different nights have different themes and they give us these delicious cocktails. And we had someone from
Starting point is 00:11:45 the group that was a, that doesn't drink. I don't know if they're a pioneer, alcoholic, I don't know the backstory, but they always made her a beautiful, delicious drink, which I just thought was really sweet. And there's a pregnant woman they do the same thing for too. And so they just put a lot of care into it and it's just delicious, delicious, fun drinks. And there's, they, one night there was a giraffe in my drink. Not a real giraffe, a pretend giraffe. Just being him. You spit all over my arm.
Starting point is 00:12:11 It was fun. But I got, I collected the little giraffes and gave them to my kids. It was a fun, cheap souvenir. It was free. All right, let me, I'm so sorry I spat all over you. But who says not a real giraffe? How big is that glass?
Starting point is 00:12:24 All right, Normandy beaches, let's go quickly. Rouen. Normandy beaches is where there's World War II. It's amazing, wonderful, really powerful to see. No, it wasn't just us. You had troops there too. New Zealand, Canada. There was other people. I forget who all was there. I mean, obviously the Germans, but they were on the wrong side. Yeah, I'll tell you about it right now. It was devastated by fire and blight. The English occupied it during the Hundred Years' War, at which time the French heroine, Joan of Arc, or maybe I'm reading too far,
Starting point is 00:12:50 was tried for heresy and burned at the stake, not called Catholic Church. During World War II, Allied bombing raids laid waste to large parts of the city. I'm reading the wrong part. Doesn't matter. All right, cool. So there.
Starting point is 00:13:02 My grandfather, Grandpere, came upon the Normandy beaches. He came upon, he came on shore at Omaha, which is one of the Normandy beaches, which is just amazing. And I'm sure some of you, oh and fun fact, I didn't know this, or I would have done it. There was other people that like ordered flowers ahead of time and then brought them and laid them at like there's a memorial to everyone that served there and And I don't know, the women that did that found that really moving and beautiful.
Starting point is 00:13:27 This person says, I'd like to come take it no one will mind if I wear a bikini. Well, speaking of bikinis in France, do you know what happened with the first runway model who displayed the bikini? No, it's a true story. They had to pay a prostitute to wear it because no respectable woman would wear it. Just saying. None of the girls on the runway would wear it. It's true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:46 True story, look it up. But we'll just leave you with that. Next one, on board retreat with the frads. We're gonna leave a retreat. Holy crap, what month is this? June? June, yeah. Okay, I'll be 39. That's good, I won't be in my 40s yet.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Just so you know, that didn't hurt. The sound effect. No, it hurt. It hurt a lot. I'm just really not trying not to cry because people will make fun of me on the internet. If the internet can choose between mockery and sympathy, they will always choose the former.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Okay, day eight, Paris. Day nine, Melo and Fountain Bleu. Fountain, Fountain, Fountain Bleu. Stop us if any of this is cool. Lewids! We're going to Lewids. Fountain Paris is pretty darn amazing. Brewing it on. It's always Fountain bleu. Fountain bleu. Fountain bleu. Stop us if any of this is cool. Lewids! We're going to Lewids! Fountain Paris is pretty darn amazing. Brewing it on. So is Fountain bleu.
Starting point is 00:14:29 All right. I've actually never been there. You get to see the, oh, there was another saint in there. It's Saint Genevieve. Another saint. There's a ton of them. Saint Vincent de Paul, his incorruptible body, you get to go see. Saint Catherine Le Bore, who...
Starting point is 00:14:44 There's saints everywhere. The miraculous medal, right? Her order, you get to see her beautiful nuns. Yeah. There's so many amazing, beautiful, we would love you all to come with us. Click the link in the description below to learn more. Now, isn't that it's a ton of money. That's what I saw. I freaked out. It's expensive. But here's the thing. Let's let's look at how much it is first. Let's not just we're gonna, who's knocking on our door? This is the problem with having your-
Starting point is 00:15:07 I don't know, one of the kids can get it, maybe. Or do you want me to go get it? No, no, no, stay here. Max is gonna get it. Thanks, buddy. All right, so here's the prices. This is a lot of money. It is a lot of money, and it's even more money
Starting point is 00:15:17 if you wanna pay with a credit card. So do the cash price. Okay, what's the cheapest way someone can come? The cheapest way you can come is doing a main deck, not the upper deck. I had a main deck room and I loved it. It was amazing and beautiful. It's not like I one time did a regular cruise
Starting point is 00:15:32 and like I didn't have windows and that was really claustrophobic and not nice. This has a big massive window. It's still really nice. So if you wanna do the main deck land only, but then you have to go through the hassle of booking your own flights, but maybe you already live in Europe so that's $4,695 and then but you have to pay your flights for that one yes okay so the $5,395 that
Starting point is 00:15:57 includes your flights so you fly from here from the United States over maybe Canada's the same I don't know You can ask them when you sign up and figure out whether or not you want to book your own flights or them book your flights. But a thousand dollar round trip from here to France sounds like what you're going to spend anyhow, right? Don't answer that door. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Why don't people give up after the second round of knocking? How important can it be? I don't know. Are you expecting anything? That's a good point though. I wouldn't have thought that. Oh, it's my... I ordered stuff from Kroger. Oh yeah, you get it quickly. I don't know. Are you expecting anything? That's a good point though. I wouldn't have thought that. Oh, it's my, I ordered stuff from Kroger. Oh yeah, get it quickly. All right, I'm gonna look up right now, return.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Well, let me just go back over here while I look it up. Dude, this is great. All right, return flight to France. What is a cheap ticket? All right, I know that this is great. All right, return flight to France. What is a cheap ticket? All right, I know that this is boring for you guys and I would like to apologize, but my wife is getting groceries downstairs, okay? And, I will see search.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Leaving from, let's say Atlanta. from let's say Atlanta. It's still loading people it's still bloody loading. I'm just putting myself in. I'm just putting myself in their shoes. I'm trying to look it up. It's taking some time to load. Oh, don't look it up. They can look it up. Okay, so it's about $1,502,000 to fly. Return flight, I think. Is that return?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yep. So, it's cheaper. No, that's one way. Is that one way? I don't know. They could figure it out later. No, that's returning. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So, yeah. So, it may be cheaper for you to. So what I do, cause I don't want to deal with booking my own flight. I would take the, so the cheapest, including your airfare is 5,000. Something I forget. We got out on the screen, but it includes your airfare. It includes all the special places that you get in because you're with us. And, um, it includes the bus to and from this place or that place. It includes all the special places that you get in because you're with us and
Starting point is 00:18:08 It includes the bus to and from this place or that place But as I said the majority of it you're not on a bus You're on a five-star beautiful boat. That is your hotel room that's moving with you, which is pretty amazing So you can unpack your stuff get settled and just enjoy it and you're not repacking bags every day And then it includes your meals as well. There may be one or two lunches that were like at a location that you have to pay for on your own. And then there's optional eating on the boat. So it's, which I'm just trying to understand
Starting point is 00:18:36 because I looked at this first because you've done most of this. So it's round trip, 10 nights in a hotel, food. It's like five star breakfast and dinner. and then we get to smoke cigars together. Shut up. Yeah, and have cocktails every evening together, which is really fun. And I'm trying to think of what else.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Good, I'm so excited. Yeah, it's just, it's great. And the people take care of everything. It's totally stress-free. You can- Okay, when do they have to pay by it? That's what this fellow's asking. So right now, I think it's just a deposit of $750
Starting point is 00:19:08 that you pay now, or once the link goes live. Sorry, only our patrons can sign up right now. Ooh, and local supporters, continue. Oh, and locals, which I didn't even know that was a thing. So I just started a locals, so I can put it on there. But whatever, your patrons and locals, my patrons. All right, so they can sign up right now They can sign up right now
Starting point is 00:19:26 and then in a week from now everyone else can sign up and in the beginning you just need to pay your deposit and Then you do I don't know they have like payment plans of how often you pay and it is more expensive if you Charge it with a credit card for some reason for them to process. How many people are coming tops? I think tops is I said tops. I don't know if that's how you say it, but how many people maximum? Like a hundred and I don't even think it's that because our family is like ten people and father So I want to say there's maybe 80 of y'all that can come Okay, so sign up quickly if you're in remotely serious about this because this will go away quicker than we think it will
Starting point is 00:20:05 Yeah, yeah and get a friend to sign up with you Like if you're a husband and wife, obviously you're good Just the two of you Chris Van Damme single and you want to come pick a roommate to come with you because you have to pay extra for you to have your own room and If you don't mind sharing with a stranger go for it, but I wouldn't want to And then also yeah, you and I have a room. Sweet, together. Yes, for sharing. And the kids are each sharing as well.
Starting point is 00:20:28 What if a patron could spend more money? No, that gets weird. No, to share a room with you? Absolutely not, no. I don't know if you want. Oh my gosh. No, yeah, don't even joke about that. Anywho, no, he's gonna say something else.
Starting point is 00:20:42 What else is he gonna say? I don't know, but I'm so pumped. I'm so excited. It really is. It's so amazing. He doesn't like- People. People. Or we've been on a cruise before
Starting point is 00:20:52 and you didn't enjoy the experience. But this, because we're the whole ship, it's really enjoyable and your room's really nice. So if you're an introvert and you need quiet time, you can go to your room. Cool. That's okay. Okay, Super Chat. Thank you, LM says, do you have to be a
Starting point is 00:21:05 frat ismatic to join the trip? No, you can be any kind of Catholic you want. We have a Dominican friar coming on who'll celebrate Holy Mass for us. You don't actually have to be Catholic to come. I brought a evangelical friend with me last time. She loved it and had a really good time. Cool. Yeah, everyone's welcome. Yeah. There will be daily mass offered. So this is gonna be great, man. I can't wait.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I'm pumped up like a pair of Reebok sneakers in the mid-90s. And another cool fact, just to let you know, if you want to stay longer, you can. So even if you don't want to come to Lourdes with us, you can stay in Paris longer. You can tell the select international crews. You can say, I want to spend five more nights. So they'll book your return flight five days later. Or some people took an extra two weeks and did more traveling and then still flew out of Paris.
Starting point is 00:21:50 You can do that. Or you can do the same from Lourdes. You can say, I wanna stay there longer. So I feel like once you're already in Europe, you wanna stay there as long as you can. So you can do that. No, you're fine, my hair is just getting... Beautiful, well, that's it.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Click the link in the description. It'll take you to a public page on Patreon. You can get the PDF right. No, you're fine. My hair is just getting stuck. Beautiful. Well, that's it. Click the link in the description. It'll take you to a public page on Patreon. You can get the PDF, learn more, sign up soon. If you're serious about coming. Did you want to read any more questions or comments or no? Yeah, we can do that. All right.
Starting point is 00:22:16 All right. Emily Harrison says, so we're just taking a Q and A now. So we've done talking about France. France is amazing. Or France, depending on whose side you're on. But we'll read some Q and A here from the old questions. You kind of have my lipstick on.
Starting point is 00:22:29 That wasn't your lipstick, that was your cheek stick. Oh, my cheek stick. There you go, you have foundation on your lip. All right, I'll stop kissing you. All right, Emily says, I need prayers everyone. I'm really struggling to cling onto the faith. Bless you, my beautiful sister. There's no other Catholics around.
Starting point is 00:22:44 That's hard. My sister, I know what that's like. When I became a Catholic, I was baptized a Catholic. But in the year 2000, when I was 17 years old, I came to Christ, or he came to me at World Youth Day in Rome, and I came back to Australia. And my only source of fellowship was like a 30-year-old woman,
Starting point is 00:23:04 which was old to me at the time. Yeah, now that's time. Now I wouldn't be friends with a 30 year old. Wow I have it all over my lid. I know I told you. And my bishop he was my other source of fellowship. So I know what it's like to not have fellowship. Yeah. But bless you we love you. If you can come on the cruise do it because you'll be surrounded by solid capitals. 10 days of sweet fellowship. Actually my the women that went on my cruise still have a group me and everyone talks to each other and gets back in touch with one another. And they live all over the country. And it's fun. They follow up with each other. John the Catholics as you can get a colon in Germany
Starting point is 00:23:36 University founded by Albert the great. That's right. That's exactly right. We could do that. We're not going to we could. right we could do that. Tips on being a manly Catholic. I don't know have a penis. Stop. Be a saint. What else I mean I don't understand really what you mean. Ask a more direct question. Where might one acquire a t-shirt like yours? Theotokos. I found it on Etsy. So. Do you know the guys name or anything? guys type in my lips are still kind of silver. Type in orthodox t-shirts and you'll probably find this fella or lady whoever it is. Was that the Kroger people? That was Kroger people yeah I did a online delivery from Kroger because I didn't want to go to the store and somebody said do you want to go to Kroger? I'm like nope that's why I did a online delivery from Kroger because I didn't want to go to the store. Somebody said, do you want to go to Kroger?
Starting point is 00:24:26 I'm like, nope. That's why I did online delivery. Why are there only 176 people watching? That was a great thumbnail we came up with. I know. Sorry, boy, you face everybody. People are busy. It's dinnertime.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It's 6 p.m. People will watch it later. Isn't the University of Paris woke now though? Maybe, but Thomas Aquinas was there and we're gonna go there. So whether it's woke or not, let's go and offend everybody with our groceries. It has a beautiful library.
Starting point is 00:24:47 It has a beautiful library, lots of amazing books in it. Greetings from Germany, please pray for the church here. Calm Lord Jesus. He is right. What does that mean? That it's woke, that the university's more woke. Is that what you meant, Sarah? Is that what you meant?
Starting point is 00:25:02 I think so, yeah. I didn't go there last time, but um, yeah, I yeah, Paris was so amazing. Like, and I wasn't, I've never been someone that's like looking forward to going to Paris, but being we do a night cruise one night, one night on the cruise, we do a night cruise, where you literally through certain bridges, you have to lay your chair down. So it's like one of those reclining chairs and you have to lay it down when you go under the bridges because you're so close. But the rest of the time you can sit up and look and Paris is just all lit up at night and it's gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Old castles and churches and Eiffel Tower and it's just beautiful and delicious, amazing food. Yes. Chris says you mentioned cigars. What type are you into at the. Yes. Chris says, you mentioned cigars. What type you into at the moment? All cigars. Love all cigars. I don't like any cigars. But Jacob's Ladder by Southern Drawer
Starting point is 00:25:57 is one of my favorite cigars right now. Kurt says, it's midnight where I am at. Sweet Kurt, I'm so glad you're watching us, man. Good to have you here. Watching from Saskatchewan. We've both been to Saskatchewan. We've both been to Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, I had one of my best friends is from there
Starting point is 00:26:13 and I was in a wedding there. Artwork by Aram says, do you think that salvation can be a gradual process or is it instantaneous? Can it go both ways depending on the person's relation to Christ? So okay, without being prepared to give an apologetic answer, I would say that the scriptures speak of salvation as a process. So when we come into relationship with Christ, we're saved.
Starting point is 00:26:37 But St. Paul also talks of being saved and he also speaks of being saved in the end, right? So it's a sort of past, present, future process. So when you say, can it be gradual process, it's sort of both and I think. And if you like artwork, we're also going to Monet's hometown. Oh yeah, Monet.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Because his name was like artwork something. Hey, we have an Aussie. What's up, Aussie? Hey. What's your favorite Australian saying, baby? Oh my goodness, there's so many. Do you remember any? Yes, I remember so many. But I'm trying to think of one that's not offensive. Oh my goodness. There's so many. Do you remember any? Yes, I remember so many.
Starting point is 00:27:06 But I'm trying to think of one that's not offensive. Most of them. I was looking up Peter Coom today for my kids. It's not on Apple Play, unfortunately not. But yeah, I was looking for brush your teeth with orange juice. Random. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Random thing. I found an Australian song that I downloaded for the kids to listen to and they were loving it. It's all about Vegemite. Sweet. Paris is the most magical city. It really is. Like I know people have always said that and I wasn't expecting that. Okay, we've got an answer to this. This lady or fella says, any new movies you think are solid, not woke agenda. Let me tell you about a movie that isn't woke, but also isn't great.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Oh, don't do it. Don't do it. Do it. We don't do it, don't do it. Do it. We don't work for them, tell them. We don't work for them, but we were maybe a little disappointed in Daily Wire's new film. It was good. What's it called? Terror on the Prairie.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Terror on the Prairie. Let me tell you what I loved about it, okay? The camera shots were beautiful and amazing. The scenery was gorgeous. There were so many gorgeous pictures. It was very way overly gory and gruesome. I didn't see a need for that. I didn't either, but that wasn't what I didn't. There wasn't a connection to the characters. Like we didn't really know, like especially the husband, the wife was beautiful and amazing. What's her
Starting point is 00:28:18 name from? Oh, she's so delightful. I forget her name. Gina Carana. Yeah, there you go. She's such a beautiful woman. She was amazing. She carried the film for I forget her name. Gina Carana? Yeah, there you go. She's such a beautiful woman. She was amazing. She carried the film for sure. Not really. The film wasn't carried. It wasn't good. She was the best actress in the film for sure.
Starting point is 00:28:33 She was the only woman in the film except for the whore. Can you name another character that was a female? At the end, there was little girls dancing at the house that was being built. It just wasn't good. I wish that they had chosen to do something beautiful. The other one, what was the other one that we really liked? What's another good film?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Oh, the last one they did was really good about when that fella tries to break in and she's trapped in the cabinet. In the pantry. She's stuck in the pantry. What was the name of that? I forget. That one was really good. I mean, Daily White has like three movies.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You'll figure it out everybody. Yeah. Have you been to Fatima, Portugal? No, but I'd love to. But we are going to Lourdes. Come with us. I mean, Daily White has like three movies. You'll figure it out, everybody. Yeah. Have you been to Fatima, Portugal? No, but I'd love to, but we are going to Lourdes. Come with us, trip one. I'm so excited. We've never been to Lourdes, and there is an optional extension to Lourdes,
Starting point is 00:29:11 which hindsight I wish I had done last time. Mike says, is that whiskey? Yeah, it is. Mine is really watered down because I put a lot of ice in it, and I prefer it this way, to be honest. We'll drink it real quick, and we'll go again. Just slam it.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I'm good, no, no thank you. All right. Yep, that's the girl's name. P'll go again. Just slam it. I'm good, no, no thank you. All right. Yep, that's the girl's name. Pines for the Quine, sorry love. Oh, but Matt Walsh's What is a Woman? I recommend that, that was really good. It's more of like a, is it a documentary? What do you call that?
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah. Yeah. That's fantastic. Yeah, that was very, very well done. Ben Phil says my wife is, sorry love. No, you're okay. Someone mentioned to us that the new MacGyver movie is really good.
Starting point is 00:29:44 What? MacGyver? No, not MacGyver. Nope us that the new MacGyver movie's really good. What? MacGyver? No, not MacGyver. Nope, nope, that's not what I meant. Top Gun. Oh, funny. That you said MacGyver. Why would you say MacGyver?
Starting point is 00:29:52 I have no idea. Top Gun is what I meant. People have said it's good. We haven't seen it yet. Watching from across the street. Oh, but if you want a TV, sorry. If you want a TV show to watch. 24.
Starting point is 00:30:03 24. TV peaked with 24. 24 was so good. We watched it like forever ago, like 15 years ago. Just seeing a solid American with a good jawline punch people in the face is terrific. Yeah. I think we should vote for him as our president or President Palmer. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:30:20 He was really great too. So Jack Bauer or whoever played Palmer, I don't know their real names, but either one of you, you should run for president of the United States of America and you have our vote. And endorsement. Matt, currently on deployment in the Navy, just ported in Hawaii, been watching Pints every day.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Oh, bless you, Lauren. Oh, nice. I hope it's a blessing. Do a Pints with a Quietness documentary. Yeah, that'd be so funny. What would we do? What is a Dominican? I don't know. Ah, ArtWorks says, thanks so much for the answer, Matt. Tremendously appreciate the work that you do Yeah, that'd be so funny. What would we do? What is a Dominican? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Artwork says, thanks so much for the answer, Matt. Tremendously appreciate the work that you do and hope you have a wonderful trip in Paris. Thank you so much, I hope you'll come with us. Chris, who seems like if anyone's leaning towards this trip, it's Chris. So Chris, we will smoke a cigar together. We will drink a cocktail together.
Starting point is 00:31:00 We will chat, it'll be fantastic. I hope you can come. Top Gun was so good, if you didn't watch it. Yeah, I heard that. We will chat. It'll be fantastic. I hope you can come. Top Gun was so good. If you didn't watch it. Yeah, I heard that. Why would you say the ending, Chris? The terrorists win? No, if you don't watch it, the terrorists win.
Starting point is 00:31:14 What does that mean? I don't know. Does it mean like the woke people win? Maybe. Is it not? Watching from Scotland. Have you went down to the catacombs? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Love your topics, thank you. President Palmer, yay someone else that watched. Star Wars right now. Keith Sullivan, thank you, that's his name. Yeah, Star Wars is crap, stop watching it. Lauren says definitely a blessing, thank you, usually download your videos and save them so I can watch them.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Let's see, oh Lauren, I'm so honored. Thank you so much and thank you for, I know it's super cliche. I don't even know if you like being told this, but thank you for serving our country. Yeah, that's huge. Thank you. But afraid of you getting canceled, this person says.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Yeah, well, maybe I will, who cares? I just got suspended from Twitter last night, and then I got unsuspended this morning. Well, I've never suspended you and I won't cancel you. So that's more important than anyone on here. More important. No offense to all you people watching. With far, will Father Gregory Pine come?
Starting point is 00:32:12 No, he won't, but it will be a Dominican priest and he will be celebrating Holy Mass. His name's Father Joseph Anthony and you will love him. He's like Father Gregory Pine, but according to my kids, funnier. Pray that singles may eventually have a good marriage like Matt and Cameron. Usually I would offer a disparaging comment at this point like a self-effacing comment but I freaking love our marriage. We have a good marriage. I like you a
Starting point is 00:32:34 lot. Thanks. I like you too. I'm not even saying that because the cameras are on. That's nice. I think Matt wants to be cancelled. How about yeah maybe I don't maybe. I don't think you care. I do care. I don't want to be cancelled. I don't care. Going to Rome in September says Kurt might as well go to Paris. Yeah, we would freaking love to have you. So here's the thing, the way they do the pricing too, like if you're already in Europe, you don't have to do the air part and you can just join us on the land excursion, which is awesome. And we'd love to have any of you Europeans with us, especially if you speak French, that would help.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Is Cameron Batuzzi going? He can if he wants. What if we give him a free pass if he becomes Catholic? We don't have a free pass. Oh crap, what if we pay him? All right, what if we all pitch in and buy Cameron a flight if he becomes Catholic? LM says Dominican Rite,
Starting point is 00:33:22 I think he will hopefully celebrate Holy Mass in the Dominican Rite. He will if we ask. Does he know how to do that? Yeah, he athlete. LM says Dominican Rite. I think he will hopefully celebrate holy mass in the Dominican Rite. Does he know how to do that? Father Gregory Pine does. Father Joseph Anthony did it at our house. No, that was Father Gregory Pine. I'm waiting for you to realize that you're wrong.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Yeah, no, that's fair. There it is. I'm sure Father Joseph Anthony knows how to do it too. As good as our marriage is, it's super satisfying when you can watch your spouse see that they're wrong. And you're right. Oh no, you're right. That was Father Gregory Pine.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Father Joseph Anthony is a history buff, so he's really excited about talking. So the only thing, no offense to the people that led my group last time, but I felt like the pilgrimage was really good and beautiful. And then it was like, oh, and we randomly went to Normandy one day. I felt like it didn't belong with the rest of the group.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And I said that to Father Joseph Anthony, but he's a huge, he's a Thomas Aquinas nerd, obviously, and then also a huge history nerd. And he's like, I promise you, I will tie them together and make it come alive, especially for your kids. So I have a son who's a total history nerd as well. You think he is? Liam? Oh, yeah. Well, he has a huge interest in Suzy says, Hi, I'm from England. Have you ever been? Yes, I love your country so much. I thought London was kind of gross. I'm not, sorry. But when I went out into the country,
Starting point is 00:34:29 into what England probably was 50 years ago, I was so in love. I had such a wonderful time. Yeah. I'm so sorry I butcher your language by the way. That's fair. Yeah, you do butcher our language. We butcher their language too.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Someone loves the background, thank you. Yes. Among the lilies. It actually would be a really cute background for a bathroom. Okay, Francesco says, would love to come. Hope to find someone to join me. Yes, marry someone quickly. This is a great way to marry someone.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Or it's a great way to, no, no, no, it's a great way to meet a single man on the trip. Yes, it's a singles cruise. This is actually, it's not a singles cruise. Married couples can come too. But here's the deal. If you like someone, I personally will help make sure that you get to sit by that beautiful girl at one of the meals.
Starting point is 00:35:12 My wife is really good at hooking people up. I am great at matchmaking. Yeah, matchmaking, not hooking people up. Yeah, I don't hook people up. But matchmaking, and my kids have been brides, no, flower girls and friends that we've match-made wedding. John the Catholic says, by the way, I just love that we talk over each other, so if I start talking over you, feel free to just poke me. No, but if you are single, this is a great way to meet a
Starting point is 00:35:33 beautiful lady or a gentleman for you, for, no, that's for the gentleman. Ladies, a great way to meet a solid Catholic guy. John the Catholic says, maybe I could join you, I plan to go to Lewes and live near Gwonswe Sweet, come join us. Oh yeah. And you can write and ask if you can join us, Jess and Lourdes. And if you can't, we're thinking about maybe staying longer. Do you have recommendations of where we should go? What we should see?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Holy crap, bum. Someone just gave us $50. Oh, wow. Well, you should read what they said. We should give you a lot of attention. Here, we'll put you up. Oh, wow. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Well, let's read what they said. Thank you, Matt, you glorious mongrel. Are you a seminarian? Let's put's do this. Well, let's read what they said. Thank you, Matt, you glorious mongrel. You a seminarian. Let's put him up here. Is he a seminarian? I don't know. He's got a collar on. Maybe he's a priest. That's fun. God bless both of you.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Thank you for your witness. The Dr. Morris episode was fire. So grateful for it. Please pray for our mission group college students. We are headed to is that I can't read Peru. They're going to, is that, I can't read. Peru, they're going to Peru. They're going to Peru tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yay, thank you. Thank you kindly. That's so kind of you. Father Matt or seminarian Matt. Hey, Lucia says, can I join if I? Why don't you say a prayer for his group right now? Like he just asked. In the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. O heavenly King, comforter, spirit of truth, everywhere present and filling all things,
Starting point is 00:36:43 you are the treasury of blessing and the giver of life. Come and dwell within us. Cleanse us of all stain and save our souls, oh gracious one. Lord bless the college students that are going with Father Matt or seminary. Father Matt, no word! Or seminarian Matt to Peru tomorrow. Be with them, bless them, minister to each of their hearts,
Starting point is 00:37:00 prepare them for this trip, and bless those that they will be ministering to. Listen to this. This fella says, Fernando says, seriously, for the additional charge, we should get hooked up. Okay, Lucia, I think it's Lucia, says, can I join from Germany? First of all, I love when German accents, I love German accents on girls. You don't like it on guys?
Starting point is 00:37:27 I don't like any accent on guys. Well, you don't like Australian accent on girls. Which worked out really well for me. Don't say that, there could be some Australian sheilas. Well, for me it worked out well. Maybe it's just South Australia girls who didn't like their accents. But I love the German accents.
Starting point is 00:37:40 When they speak English, oh my gosh. The French accent's really good too. Like everyone on the cruise ship had great accents and they're really cute about saying their English wasn't very good, but they actually were really good. But then they would use the wrong word. So they would say,
Starting point is 00:37:54 what was an example of one of the things that they would say like over the speakers, they wished you a good morning as you wake up and your morning whatever is ready for you. And, but they kept saying, oh, I'll think of it. There was a few things they said wrong. And we're like, you shouldn't say that. Just you know, this is the word you're looking for. I think I know what you're talking about because you mentioned it to me, but now I've forgotten.
Starting point is 00:38:17 I can't remember. Anyhow. As someone who just discerned out of seminary, I think I just was sold on the Catholic matchmaking. Yeah, come along. We accept former seminarians. If my wife doesn't matchmake you with somebody, she will give you a refund. What if it's only guys? Then I'm not gonna matchmake them with another guy.
Starting point is 00:38:39 I feel like, no, there'll be a bunch of women. Oh no, I think we'll have a lot of single girls. Okay, this fella says, Ritulio, I'm not sure. Oh my gosh, we just got a super chat. These people are so fantastic. I feel like my country, Spain, is finished. No God, no patriotism, no values, no morals,
Starting point is 00:38:56 no knowledge of our great past and history. Yes, okay, be a rebel. Glory to Jesus Christ. But I think there's still hope. We've been in pretty horrible spots before too. Well, there might not be any hope for your country regaining its Catholicism, but you can be saved and you can help others be saved and you can help whoever you can help. And you can learn about your history. You're close to France, so if you come...
Starting point is 00:39:22 Oh, is it a female? No, I don't think so. Well, if you come on the cruise in France, we'll find you a spouse. A sheila, you know? And then you could bring them back to Spain, and the two of you could be the solid Catholic center country. Why does Matt make the sign of the cross right to left? Because I went to a Byzantine church forever, and that's why.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Breathing out of both sets of the lungs, the East and the West. Mr. Scott, we'd love to come, but ugh, poor. You'll have to stream a bunch of crews so us poor slobs can see it. Oh, so actually, I did a live from the cruise ship over on Among the Lilies. If you want to see it, I did it. You have to scroll back through a while ago, but it says from France. Yeah, so if you either go to Among the Lilies or just search Cameron Brad, you'll find it and you can watch a live, but'll do a live. Kurt says wait till you hear my heavy Swiss German accent it will melt your heart.
Starting point is 00:40:11 I don't think so because it looks like you're a dude. I'm not melted by any dudes accent. Sorry. Any accents better than none. That's fair. Thank you. You're fired for the super chat. It's super kind to you. German accents are the worst. Okay. I don't think so. Oh, that's so nice. Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:32 thank you. Most people on the internet suck. So that's so cool of you. But not you, Margaret. Margaret, you're lovely. By the way- Are you single? You should come on this cruise. I got a guy in the chat for you. Tell Margaret what one of my favorite names is for Sheilas. Margaret. I love the name Margaret so much. Margaret Mary is what Gimona and one of our kids to be. Which hindsight, we probably should have done it. If we adopt a girl, it could be Margaret Mary.
Starting point is 00:40:54 How about that? Sorry. We're trying to adopt someone from Ukraine right now. I've been on Catholic Match and a ton of girls are all big fans. Man, if I think of I was single, I could meet these girls in Catholic match. No one was into me when I was like 17. Do you want people to be into you now?
Starting point is 00:41:12 That'd be kind of nice, a bit flattering. I'm into you. I've always been super into you since I met you. No one's ever, yeah, well, they're not saying they're into me to be fair. They're into points of the quietness. Okay, here's a great Catholic matchmaking website that we would highly promote.
Starting point is 00:41:27 What's it called? Catholic chemistry. Although in general, I much rather you meet people in real life. So come on the cruise. I will introduce you to beautiful Catholics. We had one of my patron members, actually,
Starting point is 00:41:41 True Story, met up with one of my patron members. So her and Alyssa Walsh, Matt Walsh's wife was one of my patrons. And then this other girl was one of my patrons. Okay, first of all, what a name drop. Matt Walsh's wife was one of your patrons? That's awesome. It's true, and she's lovely.
Starting point is 00:41:59 She's a great person. Anyhow, the two of them met up with me and some of my friends at March for Life in DC. Then I introduced my friend to them. My friend has a son, I forgot how old he was at the time, but said, hey, I'm in the market for daughter-in-law. Are you single? Very first thing she said to her future daughter-in-law.
Starting point is 00:42:22 They met through us at March for Life and now they're married and she's to her future daughter-in-law. They met through us at March for Life, and now they're married, and she's expecting her second baby, which is really fun. So that's much better. But of the Catholic websites, I do think Catholic chemistry is the best of them. A friend of ours founded it.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Chuck Galucci. Now this fella sent us a super chat. It was so kind of you. You really don't have to do that, but thank you so much for doing that, I guess. I guess. Is it international? Isabelle says, yeah, come.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Yes. Yeah, there's two different prices. One is for your ticket from the US. Can you tell I'm blind? Look at how I'm squinting to read these things. Well, in fairness to you, it's written really small. Could you make that thing bigger? Yeah. Oh, I know you made a joke to you, it's written really small. Could you make that thing bigger? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Oh, I didn't even matter to you. Oh, the print's still small. All right. Oh, Carmen, I don't like that name. No offense, Carmen. Whoa! I was always- Holy crap, why would you say that? Okay, I'm sorry, but can I tell you why?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Because when I was a kid, everyone would always be like, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? And I'm like, my name's Cameron. My name's not even Carmen. Oh, look at her. She's so beautiful though. Why are you teasing me? She says, having brekky.
Starting point is 00:43:28 That's what we call it. Brekky, oh, that's lovely. Australia shortens everything except the word conjunctivitis. Yep. Which means pink. And aluminium. That's true too.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Yeah, we say aluminum and then pink eye. Carmen, your name's great. I'm sorry. It's just the old childhood wound that, wound, wound, not womb, childhood wound. Whenever you get made fun of for another name that's not even yours, it like hurts double as bad, I think. Let's see. This fella, Sheila, Margaret. That's okay if you're not Catholic, but you're still looking for a good spouse.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I'm widowed with three kids. You can still come. Not a hock commodity. Ah. Will you still come? We'd love to have you. You have a great name, Margaret. Come, get a babysitter. Come, depending on how old your friends are. The Frads are matchmakers.
Starting point is 00:44:16 We could go with Fradmakers. No, we shouldn't. That's a bad name. We make Frads. We're the Fradmakers. Oh, we're just gonna have a super chat. Shut the front door. All right, well, read it.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Greetings from Sydney. Thank you so much. Stop sending us money. We don't want your money. Ian, that's fun. Welcome, Ian. That's so cool. But it makes you read their thing. It does, yeah. So that's true. So did you have some others that you wanted to read?
Starting point is 00:44:40 See, Emily says agreed. What is she agreeing to? I don't know. Probably a comment up above. Until when can we apply? That's a good question. Yes, so right now patrons can apply. So if you go to slash among the lilies
Starting point is 00:44:54 slash account for the whiners. Or follow me on Patreon or locals. You can apply right now. It's for free for supporters before it's free. Yeah, but then everyone can sign up in like a week. A week from today you can sign up. Alright look at this person here. They said they banished you from Twitter. I was suspended from Twitter for stating a fact. Yeah. But I've now been unsuspended.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Oh Eastern Catholic. Can you read that for me? I'm getting... I'm an Eastern Catholic, former Roman. I've been struggling with orthodoxy for years. Will you pray for me to stay faithful? Sorry, topic bomb. Oh, beautiful. Just couldn't resist the possibility to get your prayers. Tell them why they should stay Catholic and not become Orthodox.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Because I think you can be an Orthodox in union with Rome, right? You can maintain the biblical and patristic belief in the papacy while having the spiritual heritage of the Orthodox Church. So no need to leave. Oh my goodness, right there, that one. What's that? Get out of my movie. What? Louise from Net. Wow, from Net back in 2000. Who's Louise? Yes, you and your husband can totally come. That's awesome. That's not that you know them?
Starting point is 00:46:09 Yes, from forever and ever ago, former life, back when I did Net in 2000. Oh, you used to get called Carmel. Thanks, Carmen. We're in agreement. Carmel. The Fradmakers, that's what we can call it. What's that on your website?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Make a ton of money. That is Neil Donahoe. Oh, look no like this is all what the hell are you doing here? This is Neil This is Catholic Jamie. Why are you agreeing? What does it even mean Neil? What does that mean? Oh fraud makers We didn't hook him and his girlfriend. No, but we like her and we approve we're giving oh and Neil Here's the thing for what you're about to say. Well, I gotta tell him something So just you know Neil I heard that your sister is in a really beautiful serious relationship So I just don't want your little sister to you know, get married before you or maybe she will but just so you know But like there's like a race going there. We just got a thumbs down What did we possibly say that merited a thumbs down? You bastard. No, it's fine. Hey, if you have a hunt, I'm sorry down. What did we possibly say that merited a thumbs down? You
Starting point is 00:47:05 bastard. No, it's fine. Hey, um if you're we have a hunt. I'm sorry. We have 102 thumbs up. So, it's it's totally the critic law. We're. No, I'm happy. Okay, there's 191 people here right now. 186. Okay. Fluctuates. If you're just joining us, we're leading a river cruise in France next year and you can join us and eat croissants and drink wine and smoke cigars with my wife. I don't smoke cigars she does. Join us. She doesn't, she's not listening. I'm sorry I'm reading different things. Anyway we would love you to come. Yes, please come with us to France. We would love to have you. Eastern Catholics and Roman
Starting point is 00:47:40 Catholics and non-Catholics are all invited to come. It's going to be, it's gonna be pretty- Oh, hey, look, we got another super chat. Boom, these people are incredible. Oh, it's Canadian though, so $5, it's like 25 cents. I'm just joking. Stop, that's- The way inflation is taking place in America, Canadians will be beating us. Hey man, I came to Christ and your podcast
Starting point is 00:47:58 literally helped me with so much. Greetings from Saskatchewan. Thank you. Whenever I meet anyone from Canada, I always ask where they're from and they just give their province and I'm like oh yeah but we're in the province and like no American ever knows our geography. You do. We've seen more of your country than most of y'all. This fella says, Matt it's too hard to read, said it, okay it's not that it's going too fast it's that I
Starting point is 00:48:18 don't have my spectacles. Do you want me to go find your glasses? Eastern Catholic also saying stay in union with Rome. Let's read it. You read it, because I can't. I am also an Eastern Catholic. Byzantine. Malchite from Alabama. Prayers, brother, Orthodox, and communion with Rome.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Hi from Ireland. St. Patrick. That's appropriate. Shouts. Shots fired, Neil? I don't know. Is there mass on the boat? Yes. Every day. No? I don't know. Is there mass on the boat? Yes, every day.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I don't know if we actually have it on the boat, but we do it in beautiful churches. Because we're in France and there's so many gorgeous churches, tons of them are called Notre Dame, but they're not the Notre Dame Cathedral. We'll do them in beautiful churches. This question from Chris, seasickness.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Now, I'll be honest, I do get seasick. No, so here's the thing, you won't get seasick. That's another beautiful thing about the river cruise. Are you ready? Normal cruise ships move like this. The river cruise ship moves like this. That's much slower than the other one. It's very, very slow. And like, no, nobody will get seasick. It moves so slow and it's normally at night. The only time I think anyone remotely, I'm very sensitive, remotely would feel seasick is if you were eating in the dining room
Starting point is 00:49:34 and you were facing the wrong way. You want to face forward. Lucia from Germany says, is 20 too young to join? Are you kidding? Oh no, you can come. Yeah, totally come. You can be any age. We would love you to come. We're bringing two teenagers and two non teenagers, but um, yeah, you can totally join us
Starting point is 00:49:51 We had the last cruise ship We had this lovely woman from California and she brought her two teenage daughters and then we had kids that were 18 19 20. Yeah, there was young adults. I I think technically you can drink, you don't have to be 21. Who knows the drinking age in France? Okay, this fella's asking about the Latin Mass. Can you text our priest and ask him if he'll celebrate the Dominican Rite? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Because the Dominican Rite is in Latin. So it's not the Tridentine Mass, but it is a Latin Mass. Father Joseph Anthony. Let's see. Can you talk more on international payment? Yeah, so what if you're from... click here's what you want to do, click the link and that'll give you details on how to contact the people who are running this thing. You can either phone them or email them and they'll give you all the details you need that that are specific to your particular instance.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Doing a live on YouTube. Zippy the unicorn. That's an interesting name. Have you seen what's happened to France? It's been nice knowing you, Matt. Oh, what does that mean? Probably that France is like in the toilet like everything else. That's fair. But there's some really beautiful churches and beautiful.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Drinking Agent Francis seven. We will not be letting hey Kurt is 20. Look at this. Okay, Kurt is 20. The Sheila from Germany is 20. There we go. Father can celebrate their marriage pretty much on the boat. That'd be fun. We could have a wedding on the ship. I can celebrate their marriage. Pretty much. On the boat. That'd be fun, we could have a wedding on the ship. I would be so proud. We have to approve of you guys together first. I'm not agreeing to this now. I need to meet you both separately, pray about it, see you together and how you interact.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Could you get my glasses from my suitcase? It's in that little black one without the legs on it. Yeah, just so you know, that was the chair that made that noise as I just stood out. My wife didn't fart. If we were curious about bringing our kids, oh, that's a good question. Can I bring the kids? How old are they? How old are they? I need to know that. Why would Rachel say wow,
Starting point is 00:51:56 fellas, and Sheila's, you got to give us context to your comments. I don't know what wow could possibly. Oh, those are so embarrassing those glasses. You look good. It doesn't matter. These are glasses that I wear when no one's looking. So shut up. Sorry, I didn't think it mattered what you look like. OK, so as far as kids go, yes, you can bring your children. They there is a minimum age.
Starting point is 00:52:21 I want to say maybe it's five, but the cruise ship doesn't. We don't care, do we? We don't care though, do we? We don't care. No, not at all. Bring any age. Just call them. I was hoping that they could bring babies because I was talking to some women, but babies are not allowed, unfortunately. The minimum age, I want to say is five, but the age that they recommend is eight and up. Look at this. We're making Chris's wife proud. He says, my wife is the cutest thing. She
Starting point is 00:52:43 said she's proud of me because you all read several of my comments out loud. How blessed am I? Okay, so tell your wife, she just needs to come with you to France and then we can talk in person and not just read your comments because it would be more fun to actually have your wife in front of me and chatting.
Starting point is 00:52:58 We'll do dinner together one night. Sit at the same table. Gandalf. Next question. I love you guys. That's so nice. Gandalf. Next question. I love you guys. That's so nice. Thank you. Oh, she's saying wow, but as we said,
Starting point is 00:53:09 we can get married. Yeah, you probably can't get married. If I get married on a boat in France, my parents will be mad. That's fair. Dude, you're 20s, I'm gonna suck it up. You can get engaged on the ship, but not married until later.
Starting point is 00:53:22 What is a good book to prepare for Catholic dating after ending a relationship? I have no idea. Oh, you know what? I think Sarah Swafford's emotional purity, maybe? I don't know. That's all that came in my head. I don't know if you're a guy or a girl.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I think that's very much. Joe says glasses to match the sandals. He's making fun of my Birkenstocks, the bastard. I just bought a pair of Berks, but mine are silver. So they're prettier than yours. Guys actually go to province and eat olives and go, I really want cheese tonight. I bought a huge thing of goat cheese from Kroger.
Starting point is 00:53:55 It's downstairs. We can do that tonight, you and me. Yep. Olives are really good too. I like that. The wine, oh my goodness, guys, the different wines in France are so good and they pair them, they pair the wine with your dinner.
Starting point is 00:54:08 So every night at dinner you choose if you want a meat, a seafood or a vegetarian plate. And then they tell you exactly what it is and the descriptions on the menu and it's all in English. So you order and then you have appetizers, you have that, you have wine, and they tell you what wine you want compared to what you're eating. So if you try to order red wine with the fish, they will give you a French snob look and like, you don't wanna do that.
Starting point is 00:54:36 No, do this. I mean, I wouldn't call them snobs, but you do what you want. They're lovely people, but they pair the food correctly. Alex says, wow, those glasses are really something. Shut up, Alex, okay? You do what you want. They're lovely people but they pair the food correctly. Alex says wow those glasses are really something. Shut up Alex okay it's all that I had to wear. Hey you got another Australian. I will go if Trent Horn goes as well. Cameron tell people
Starting point is 00:54:58 your favorite Trent Horn Matt Fradd story. What is it? I don't know there's got to be one. Okay my favorite Trent Horn Matt Fradd story is one day when my wonderful husband had his friend over to watch cartoons and the two of them were sitting down on the floor watching the TV. In fairness, it was very nice. They were on the floor because our kids were sleeping. They were taking a nap, so they had the volume turned low. So they're sitting on the floor watching and they're eating a bag of chips. No, we weren't. We were eating wings. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings and we were watching DC Comic-
Starting point is 00:55:29 But do you remember what I came out and said? Yeah. What did you say? You boys want some- I'm like, do you boys want me to get you some juice boxes to watch your cartoons? That's so funny. I would love Tret and Laura to come.
Starting point is 00:55:41 That would be so much fun. Well, tell them to. We'll do another trip with T Trent and Laura in the future. Gabriel says, g'day, Matt. You go, so g'day from Oz. Matt, coming back anytime soon? Ah, I'd love to come back. You should organize a tour with Perusia Media.
Starting point is 00:55:54 Okay, you'll be excited about this. The head of Perusia Media will be on my show in studio this July, Charbel. So maybe I'll try and pressure him on air to get you back. See, I don't think anyone wants an Aussie to speak to Aussies. That's the thing. It's like it's exotic when you get a yank to come and speak. I'll speak with you. We'll do a double thing. All right. Matt, difference between a high and
Starting point is 00:56:18 poppy and a bogan. I don't know what a high and poppy is, but a bogan in a street. you know what bogan means? I think so, but I don't want to say a bogan is okay, so I'm going to use offensive language here. Everyone can just go ahead and get over it. But but you asked, so it's kind of like Americans would talk about maybe rednecks or white trash. Yeah, I know. Neither of those are good. But bogan is like, yeah, bag and I
Starting point is 00:56:45 consider myself a bit of a bogey. You wear your singlet. Hey there's Neil! Neil's back! This is Catholic Jamie everybody. Are you allowed to come if we are in a serious committed relationship or do we have? Really we should give Neil a free trip. Neil you can still come. You can come. No we can't. Our scouts are full. Because that's really expensive. It's five grand. You pay him well. Neil, come on. So listen, we can't. Our scouts are full. What about we pay for him? Because that's really expensive. It's five grand. Yes. You pay him well. Screw you, Neil. Come on.
Starting point is 00:57:08 So listen, you can come, Neil, but you and your girlfriend, if you're not married, need separate rooms. But you can bring a guy to room with and she can bring a girl to room with. Neil, I'm gonna see if I can get you a free trip. If I bring my 20, I'll pay for it. That's what I mean by free trip.
Starting point is 00:57:20 Matt, that's a lot of money. But you'll film stuff. And we have our whole fam. We'll work on it. People wanna meet Catholic Neil. Catholic Jamie. Joe Rogan Neil. If I bring my 28 year old son, can you find a wife for him?
Starting point is 00:57:31 We will look. If he is eligible. Yeah, we can't promise. We can't promise. Your son might be trash. But if your son's awesome and solid Catholic, there's a good chance he'll meet a beautiful lady there. Look at this fella.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Zippy says hang your head in shame because crocs are worse than, or burks worse than crocs. Screw you, Zippy. No, crocs are way worse than burks. I disagree. Screw you. If St. Francis were alive today, he'd totally be rocking Birkenstocks. That's true.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I don't know if that's a plus or not. There are so many questions. It's hard to keep up. Lebanon, bless you. Thank you for being here. Hey, here's a question, says Anglican Aesthetics. What does it look like for Matt to be the head of the house? Oh, great, this is fantastic, I didn't read it ahead of time. What does it look like for Matt to be the head
Starting point is 00:58:21 of the household and Cameron to be the body, asking for a young married man? Go for it, my love. Why don't you go first and then I'll go after. Since you are the head, I'm going to let you speak first. I would highly recommend that you check out St. John Chrysostom's commentary on Ephesians 5. It's the most beautiful reflection on that verse that I've ever read. He says that wives should not seek to be the head of the household nor should they persist in stubbornly contradicting their husbands. And so the family is not a democracy. It's not like everybody has an equal say.
Starting point is 00:58:58 It's husband, then husband, then the marriage, and then the children. But then he spends a lot of time talking about why husbands should die for their brides. And he even says this, he says, if the wife disrespects you, she insults you in public, what should you do? You do your duty, that's his words. Do your, you die for her, you love her,
Starting point is 00:59:19 like Christ loved the church. And he says, you don't bring her into submission through threats or violence but by pouring yourself out for her because I think when a lot of modern not just modern but I think when women hear that verse submit to your husband they think or they can think submit to tyranny or submit to someone who doesn't have your good in mind and no one should submit to someone who hates them right and so a wife should submit to her husband and her husband should love his wife as Christ loves the church.
Starting point is 00:59:48 And my loving you kind of, I think, gives you the courage to submit to my leadership. What do you think, love? Yeah, I think that to submit to your husband is not to be a doormat, I think is one thing. I think when, yeah, like I, we had Ephesians 5 read at our wedding and I love it because, yeah, I need to be under his mission and his mission is to be,
Starting point is 01:00:16 to love me as Christ loves the church. How does the Christ love the church? By dying for love of her and he's called to do the same for me and I need to love him and respect him. And I think sometimes people take it too far or they think I need to never ever argue with my husband or say no to something.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And it's not, in some ways it's that, but it's not, but it's bringing your opinion forward and letting them know like, okay, this is, like I don't ask permission to get groceries. I don't. You've never led me astray. You've been such a blessing in my life. And whenever you feel strongly about something,
Starting point is 01:00:52 I listen to you because you're usually right. I love you. Yeah, and I think people, I think certain women are allergic to this because they think it means this extreme. And so someone's asked me, I'm gonna do an episode with Kimberly Hahn on this, because Kimberly Hahn is a beautiful, strong,
Starting point is 01:01:10 powerhouse woman and a force to be reckoned with. Very submissive. In her family, like she is the... She's the queen, maybe. She's the queen, yeah. And Scott loves her and she makes Scott the man he is, right? He couldn't be the man he is without her. Yeah, what's up?
Starting point is 01:01:27 You may have an ice pop, yes. Or what do you think? That's, ha ha, look at you. You like how I do that? I like it. It says go if they wanna have an ice pop or not. But I would really recommend checking out Ephesians 5 because, and St. John Chrysostom's country on that.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Do you remember me reading that to you? Yeah, no, it was very good. I think there's also, so like, part of why I didn't like the movie from last night that we already talked about earlier. Um, the bad guy, the main murderer, really bad guy kept quoting scripture and it really annoyed me because he was a horrible person who murdered people. And I think people that say be submissive to your
Starting point is 01:02:01 husband and like kind of have more of an iron fist, it bothers me. And I think that's why women are like, oh, repulsed by it because it's people that almost make it such a big thing. And it's like, that's what allows abuse. Like abuse isn't okay, whether it's verbal or physical. And I think sometimes when we're hearing- But I also think just like it's not an excuse for me
Starting point is 01:02:26 to cease to love you as Christ loves you, if you don't submit. It's also not an excuse for you to not submit. If I don't love you the way I ought to. There's still a burden placed upon you that I think needs to be emphasized because of the modern culture in which we live. That's look. And I always say this when I talk about this, we're trying to answer the question, how does a wife submit to her husband in a day and age where we don't know what women are?
Starting point is 01:02:53 We don't know what men are. We do, but modern marriage and we don't know what marriage is. So it's going to be somewhat jarring for people. But yeah, so I guess I'd say that. John the Cowlick said, love you, interview with Abigail Havale. I love Abigail, and I think you'll really enjoy it. Jar says, bro, why are you soy facing in the thumbnail? Bad look. Shut up. What's soy facing?
Starting point is 01:03:20 It's like when you look like a beta male. Like you just give a stupid look. I've never heard of that. It's because I'm more confident than you are in my masculinity. Jar, probably because isn't the zoomer that cares. Yeah, suck it, Jar. All right, uh, oh look at this. Buenas, Buenas Tardes?
Starting point is 01:03:42 How do you say that? From Florida, the greatest state in the union. I wouldn't disagree. As someone who recently left the prosperity gospel, I'm extremely grateful for your content. Thank you kindly. Thank you kindly. Why do Indian Roman Catholic priests say
Starting point is 01:03:59 having a girlfriend is sin? Well, it depends what you mean by girlfriend. Like if you're engaging in relations that are only appropriate to marriage, then it would be. But if you're just discerning marriage, that's not different. I think that's why some people use the word courting. Like we're courting, we're in a relationship,
Starting point is 01:04:18 we're discerning marriage, as opposed from dating in the secular world. All right, fellas, ladies, we got 192 people watching. What's up? If you're new here, click the link in the description. Learn about this. River Cruise to France. We're doing next summer. It's going to be an optional trip to Lourdes. It's going to be great. We're going to eat croissants in the morning. We're going to do book studies with me and you,
Starting point is 01:04:39 and we're going to smoke cigars and drink wine and hang out and go see Terezolazur. Lots of amazing, beautiful saints. Well, her term. One of my favorite places last time was Rouen because that's where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake and we went and we were praying there and it was so beautiful to know, to know that she died for love.
Starting point is 01:05:01 You know, she was, I don't know, she's just such a, I love her, she's my patron saint. When, I don't know, she's just such a, I love her. She's my patron saint. When I was in high school before getting confirmed, we were told all about these women saints and I didn't really relate to any of them. And then I heard of Joan of Arc and I was like, yes. I just felt like she captured more my spirit
Starting point is 01:05:18 and I just love her and she's amazing and beautiful. And it was so neat to go there and to be where she died and to see the dirt there and touch it and like this is where her ashes were and just yeah amazing and beautiful and I bought really cute boots in that town. You did, that's sweet. Yeah mainly because it was cobblestone and I borrowed my friend's boots and my feet really hurt so I bought a new pair. James says I'm very grateful for your approach and the conversations that you've had on here. You definitely played a part in bringing me out of hyper-traditionalism.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Well, I'm not sure what you mean by hyper-traditionalism but provided you're a faithful Catholic, glory to Jesus Christ. Here's a good question for you because you're one of the most confident people I've ever met, Cameron. What's the difference between pride and confidence? When does confidence become pride?
Starting point is 01:06:08 I think confidence is more in knowing who the Lord created you to be and doing what He's called you to be. So Joan of Arc, we were just talking about her, I'm not afraid, it was for this that I was born, right? So not being fearful, but like, yes, Lord, you have given me the grace and the strength to do this. So an easy way of seeing this and it isn't a really good musician. So you see someone that plays and it's just it flows out of them. This gift is not for them.
Starting point is 01:06:34 It's not so they can hear themselves sing well or play well. It is for everyone around them and everyone around them is listening and it's like, oh, and it's moved by the beauty of the music that's coming out of them, right? And they're doing it for love of God, for love of you, for listening. That's doing it with confidence. They're very good. But if they're like, look at me, I'm so awesome. Guys, you have to hear me play. I am so great. Let me tell you how I'm the greatest thing ever. And they play and they're like all about themselves. I don't think you enjoy their music as much because it's not right. Is that a good example? Well, to what you're sharing,
Starting point is 01:07:10 CS Lewis says that humility doesn't mean thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. You're one of the most confident people I've ever met, but you're also one of the most selfless people I've ever met. So you're very confident. Like, you know what you can do and you'll do it if no one else will do it or you'll do it if you think you can do it better than somebody else. But I've also seen you fail a lot, right? I do fail. Even in little things like when you say something and you say the wrong thing or you'll do something and it fails. I almost said magician instead of musician. But what's cool about you is that you don't
Starting point is 01:07:41 get embarrassed. Like if I tried some of the things you try and failed, it would crush me. And that's a sign of my pride. You do things and sometimes they work. Many of the times they do, most of the times they do. Sometimes they don't. When it doesn't, you're like, and you feel a little weird, awkward, but not for long.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And I think that's a sign of your humility. Thanks, honey. Sweet. Hello Pines guys and Mr. Pines, Mrs. Pines. Sweet. All right, guys, I think we should get going. What do you reckon? We gotta get each shoes and drink wine.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Confidence. I know it's hard. I wanna go, but I also feel like, oh, these people wrote stuff. I feel like we need to comment. Have you met any solid Catholics from New Hampshire or Maine? I'm originally from Massachusetts and actually I know some really solid Catholics in Maine. So yes, it doesn't matter. And same with
Starting point is 01:08:30 the girl earlier who said she was from Spain. Even if you're in a country or a state where you're like, there's no solid Catholics, look around, you can find them. There are actually some really beautiful ones. Sorry. Here's a good question from Zippy the Unicorn. How many are you expecting for this trip? It's a great question. It's a very small ship Zippy the Unicorn. How many are you expecting for this trip? It's a great question. It's a very small ship. And so the maximum people on the ship is 100. And our family and the priests already take up 10 spots.
Starting point is 01:08:53 So there's only 90 spots to sign up, maybe even 85. I'm not positive, but yeah, it's limited. Yeah. Bring your wife, bring a friend, bring like, it's for anyone. You could be early 20s. Actually, you could be in your 90s, but you need to be able to get around. You need to be able to walk really well.
Starting point is 01:09:13 My grandmother does like little five pound weights. I don't think she could do it now, but she could have done the trip probably five years ago easily. So, cool if you're- Look at this, Chris just said, sorry to cut you off, but he said, my wife is going to make it happen.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Yay! Oh, that's so fun. Make your wife come with you, of course. Yeah, Chris, bring your wife. I want to meet her. Here's a good question for you, darling, from Joe. How do you deal with hard pregnancy? Life is pregnant with our second and having a really bad time.
Starting point is 01:09:40 I don't know what that- Hypermedicine. I had that too, yeah. Any advice on handling as husband and wife? Yeah. What does that mean? What's so he's wondering like for you giving him advice being the husband of a really sick wife. I don't understand what this thing is. What's that? So she's
Starting point is 01:09:55 crazy sick in her first trimester. I had this too. I can't remember which thing it was in my pregnancy. So first trimester, I'm crazy sick. I vomit nonstop and I get dehydrated. I have to go in and get bags of fluid. I was on medication, different things. And then my third trimester, so I'm decent in my second trimester. Third trimester, I have contractions nonstop
Starting point is 01:10:19 and I keep going into the hospital thinking that I'm having early labor and they give me shots of stuff to try to reset my body. So she's suffering from one of these I think it's the early end the crazy sickness. How did you deal with me being so sick? I don't know probably not as well as I should have but I guess I would say try to seek you know comfort and encouragement from fellow brothers and, you know, recognize that when you fail to be patient or, you know, that to acknowledge that, to go to confession and to get up and keep trying and just to be honest about how difficult it is for you as well because it is a real cross
Starting point is 01:11:00 for you and sometimes sharing that with your wife and if she's in a place to hear it can be helpful. Yeah, you said she's pregnant with number two. So I'm assuming your other child's really young. So I remember locking myself in the bathroom because Matt had to go to work and I would lock myself and Liam in the bathroom. My oldest was nine months when I got pregnant. So from the time he was nine months to like almost a year old, when Matt was gone at work, I would lock us in the bathroom and at one point he started thinking it was a fun game and he'd go over to the toilet and go, blah,
Starting point is 01:11:30 but I bring toys in and a book and I just lay on the floor in the bathroom. And he was safe in the bathroom, it was a small bathroom, and we'd just hang out there until Matt got home from work and then it was like, here, I need you to take him, I need to go lay in bed. I think one thing is affirm your wife and tell her, honey, you're doing amazing right now.
Starting point is 01:11:47 You are growing our child in your womb. It's okay that the dishes aren't done. It's okay that the room's a mess, whatever it is, affirming her. Because I think as the sick woman, it's like, I should be able to get more done. I should have dinner ready. I should, and it's like, honey, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:12:02 We're gonna get green chef, or we're gonna get delivery food. Like whatever you need to do to light or we're going to get delivery food. Whatever you need to do to lighten the load for her, do it. And let her know that you're growing our baby. And that's the most important thing you could be doing right now. And if you have friends that can come over and be with her during the day and help her, we had a friend who had a 10-year-old daughter when I was pregnant with our third
Starting point is 01:12:25 and we had two littles. And Matt would talk to him often and say, would you mind dropping your daughter off? Because she was homeschooled. And so he would drop her off when he went to work and then she'd stay with me most of the day and the dad would pick her up that evening. And that was the best time because I had a 10-year-old that could pretty much look after my two littles and I could stay in the bathroom getting sick or lay in bed and take naps and just be patient with her and let her know
Starting point is 01:12:49 it's not her fault that she's sick. Some women are way sicker than others in pregnancy and just loving her in that and yeah, being supportive is huge. Yeah. All right, we should probably get going soon. Yeah. I wanna go.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Okay. I'm tired of being on this luxury. Okay. But let's take a few more. Oh wait, father to go. OK. I'm tired of being on this luxury. OK. But let's take a few more breaks. Oh, wait. Father Joseph Anthony texted back. Ooh, what'd he say? He hasn't yet, but he needs to practice.
Starting point is 01:13:11 Well, tell him to hurry up. Well, practice now, buddy. Lauren says, how do you justify how going to strip clubs is wrong? Had an argument in my shop the other day. They said if their wives don't mind, it's OK. And they also said religious moral is invalid.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Alright, so when I was about 17 years old my friends and I would drive to the big city of Adelaide and when we were there we would usually find ourselves at a strip club. It was usually me encouraging my friends to go and I remember us standing outside of the strip club waiting to go in and getting up the courage to go in because we didn't have our identifications. And so, well, we weren't 18, right? So we were afraid of being rejected. And we had a friend, I don't care if I say his name,
Starting point is 01:13:55 Aidan Matthews. And Aidan never came with us, if I remember correctly. He would usually go to a coffee shop or something and say, I'll meet you after. And I remember thinking, I remember feeling really threatened By this I said do you think you're better than us and he should have said yeah definitely
Starting point is 01:14:12 But he I think he said something like no, I just don't think Paying money to women to pretend to like you is all that masculine and I think that really unveiled how cowardly and wimpy and pathetic and emasculating that activity is. Paying women money to pretend to like you is about as pathetic as it gets. And so strip clubs are despicable, pathetic places for weak spineless men?
Starting point is 01:14:46 I have a friend whose husband's in the military or was military and a pilot. And I can't remember if it was when he was in the military or commercial pilot, but at one point they were talking about all the guys going to strip joints and things like that and kind of like, come on, are you too goody two shoot or something to come. And he said something similar. He's like, no, I just have an amazingly beautiful, awesome
Starting point is 01:15:12 wife at home. So I couldn't be bothered wasting my time. Kind of like he was so much better than them and he wasn't afraid to kind of let them know. It's a good question. T says, so if Matt had been wearing those glasses when you first met, would you even be married now? Yes, because I love him for him, not for his eyesight and his glasses. I don't mind the glasses, they're fine. Sean says, hey Matt, serious question.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Would you ever consider having a driver's witness, a Mormon Muslim on my channel? Yes, yes, of course All right, I think we're done. Yeah, i'm gonna be with you. I'm kind of tired of this No, we our kids are eating ice pops and it's dinner time click the link in the description below learn more about this summer trip to France next summer. Yeah next summer next summer join us in france on a river cruise God bless you. Bye

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