Pints With Aquinas - Mr. Beast, Budlight, Aquinas on Memory, AMA, and Whatever Else

Episode Date: April 20, 2023

Join Matt and Thrsdy for our weekly stream on Current Events! Dr. Kevin Vost Helps Matt Memorize the commandments:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're live. So before we went live, you made the sign of the cross and did that little kissy thing on the thumb. Is that a new thing you've implemented? Is this something you've done forever? This is really funny. I didn't do it at all. But then my dad took me a couple years after I converted.
Starting point is 00:00:16 My dad took me to see For Greater Glory and they did it there and I thought they were the coolest Catholics ever to live. Quite possibly are. And they all did it. Every one of them in the movie did it there and I thought they were the coolest Catholics ever to live, quite possibly are. Um, and they all did it. Every one of them in the movie did it. And so I think it's a Hispanic thing, but I've done it since I saw that movie and now it's just a habit. So here's my thoughts on kissing your fingers. I'm all right if you do it. I'm not okay when people make the lip smacking sound. So I have a lot of issues with people. Like when they chew,
Starting point is 00:00:43 somebody please in the live chat, just clip that for me. I'm not, I have a lot of issues with people like when they chew. Somebody please in the live chat just clip that for me. So I'm not I have a lot of issues. I have a lot of issues. I watched the interview between Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And at one point Elon Musk picks up the glass drinks it and chews on his ice and I thought another good reason to quit Twitter. That is unacceptable behavior chewing ice in front of another human being but the other thing is yeah making that Sound like I got a friend I'm not gonna say his name and I'm not gonna give away the details But we went to holy mass together and he made this on the cross and he went
Starting point is 00:01:14 I'm like, okay. I can't sit by this guy. Do I make this sound you made a bit of a sound? There's a bit It's okay. I think it's just the sound that like I'm not making a sound though I guess cuz you have to kiss right? You have to like you have to have to do something. There's a little there's a lip press the thumb against them Yeah, that's a little that's weird, right? So there's a little sound that is mandatory with the kissing So good anyway now that we've got out got that out the way So welcome everybody to pints with a quietest solo stream. Let us know. I just realized
Starting point is 00:01:44 Can I finish my sentence? Yeah, you're going to keep interrupting me. Let me know in the comments section below what you think of these solo streams. And we will for the first hour respond to all the comments that come through. So you feel special and our algorithm does better. Go. So I probably should have rated this video differently than I did because I just clicked went through in the ad rating and was like, yep, we're good. We're fine.
Starting point is 00:02:10 There's nothing controversial. We are both planning to drink on this stream. Okay. All right. So here's what we're going to talk about today. We're going to be talking about the Bud Light fiasco and we are going to be talking about yingling. In fact, 12 things we need to know about yingling.
Starting point is 00:02:23 So even though Thursday is much more in the know about yingling than I am, we're going to learn 12 quick facts about yingling because this is going to be our new favorite beer, obviously. We're going to talk about what Catholic lo-fi is doing. It's crushing it. Obviously, I want to talk about what's going on with Mr. Beast. And then we're going to take some questions from our local supporters. And then I want to look at an article from the Summa Theologiae where Thomas Aquinas talks about memory and four ways to better memorize things. It's super cool. But before we do that, we have a, you know, we, we do the, do this now. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Do what? The, uh, let's, let's so recently, um, I think you mentioned this briefly, but our Our Short that we published from bad to a humble brag. Well, you know, it's like it's nice to celebrate your victories That's my American accent. I'm American everybody by the way officially. I don't know if I did it now I need another by the way. Can you ah? That's my only part their twist offs Are they really? Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Are they really? Oh my gosh. Oh, they are too. But it's still cool that I did it with my ring. Yeah, hold on. I'll come over again in a second. Yeah, I think you should come to me. I don't know if I should.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yingling, America's oldest brewery. You are moving so much. You're so out of focus. All right, you better fix that. So. Yeah, I'll put it here for you. You're good there.
Starting point is 00:03:41 You're good there. So, our short, short, short, short, short. So, yeah, I'll put it there. You're good there. So, uh, our short that I clipped and made on Calvin's line in his speech, Reverend Calvin Robinson's line in his speech, um, that, uh, you either have to accept all of the church's teaching or none of it because either Christ is Lord or he isn't. Yeah. Um, that recently on all platforms, that's the wrong overlay. Made people very angry.
Starting point is 00:04:11 We should point out to people. Yeah, it did. They were not happy about that. Um, recently across all our platforms, this is number four, Matt, um, crossed 500,000 views total. So we have 80 on YouTube 66 on TikToks on TikTok and then 355,000 views on Instagram reels. Wow, it's amazing. Praise the Lord for that and
Starting point is 00:04:35 When's he coming in again? Do you know? This flight is coming in next couple months. Hold on. I've got it right here. So that should be fun. That should be fun Yeah, things have been really good. This has been fun. YouTube's been doing well lately and we wanna say big thanks to everybody who comments and likes and subscribes because that's helping the channel grow.
Starting point is 00:04:52 YouTube's been doing really well. It's kind of an understatement, let's be honest. It's been. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. All right. Yeah, so that did well.
Starting point is 00:05:02 All right. So Mr. Beat, no, yeah, Bud Light. All right. So, um, Mr. No, the Bud Light. What do you guys think about the whole Bud Light debacle? Let us know in the comments below. I'm well, do you want to just sort of set this up? Do we want to talk about what happened? OK. So Bud Light
Starting point is 00:05:22 teamed up with a fella who dresses up like a woman named Dylan Mulvaney and put his face on their beer can. And in so doing, either tried to celebrate mental illness,,, or gave a platform to somebody who makes fun of women. Neither of those things are good. And it came back to bite them ferociously, which is really good to hear. Actually, as soon as this thing happened with Bud Light, I was sure that daily why I was going to start their own beer company. But then I thought, how would you send beer across state lines? It's kind of difficult. Shipping beers hard. Also, there are significantly more regulations involved with making alcohol
Starting point is 00:06:08 than there are with making sharp pieces of metal or chocolate. Or taking those sharp pieces of metal and using them to do things to people. All right, so that's what happened. So we had Budweiser up here, but no. I'm sorry. I was talking about like mastectomies and things like this. Yeah, fair enough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:30 But that was funny to you. I was just shocked by it. And so like you got like my face of like what just happened was. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody have fun with that screenshot. But I don't know. What's your opinion on boycotts in general? Boycotts in general. You know how people say like, there's no point doing them or like, Oh, look how triggered you are.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Boycotting a beer company. I mean, boycotts have their purpose. Telling somebody that they're triggered is perhaps the best way you can trigger somebody. It's like when you say don't overact, don't overreact, you psycho. And then like, what are you going to do except like react to what they just said? Yeah. It's like asking somebody, when did you stop beating your wife? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Like an answer to the question is an admission of guilt of some kind. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Boycotts seem to work if they have enough, if the people boycotting are like gung-ho enough about it. But if you're not super gung-ho about the boycott and you're not willing to like hold on to it for a long period of time,
Starting point is 00:07:41 then all you're doing is advertising. And you also have to have a large enough portion of the population willing to participate and participate seriously. Well, what's cool about this boycott is I don't think it was any one factor that mobilized people into a cohesive group to thereby, you know, yeah, I think it was just people like this is really disturbing that you would celebrate somebody who makes fun of women. The problem with like boycotting Disney, for example, right, is you can't just boycott Disney. You have to boycott Hulu, which means you have to boycott 20th century Fox, which means you can't watch any of the Fox television shows. Like we are getting to a point where boycotting certain organizations is literally impossible because of the monopolizing of certain industries.
Starting point is 00:08:24 If that makes sense. Like if you wanted to boycott proctor and gamble you might starve Yeah, or like never be able to clean your house again. They own like ten companies This is a real infographic. I should have prepped this I knew we were talking about this I would have prepped it you can look up this infographic But ten companies in America own over 90% of the food and cleaning supplies sold in a grocery store Wow Yeah, I see your point. And so, boycotting a beer company is going to be effective because they don't have a huge market share in other things. They're not diversified, right? We'll get to this later, but like in Australia, it's a lot more off-putting or Ireland or Europe to buy a packet of cigarettes because they have pictures of lungs and black teeth and things like that. Did something terrible happen?
Starting point is 00:09:13 Did it go off? And so it's much less appealing to buy those things. And I would imagine that having that fella's face on the can was also just a great natural way to turn people off of that can. Um, all right. I want to read through this daily wire article. Can we do that? Then 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, Huh? Huh? All right. Article article. Let's look at this American beer company subtly shades Bud Light with well timed viral tweet. We make good beer.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I don't know. It felt so subtle as to be not at all a shade. But let's have a look at it. And how's a Bush competitor? Yingling sent out and heiser. Thank you. That one. And heiser Bush competitor, Yingling sent out and Heiser. Thank you. That one and Heiser Bush competitor, Ying Ling sent out a well-timed tweet at the Bud Light Drama as it drags on about one hour after the and Heiser Bush CEO posted a lengthy statement.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I don't know if you read that or not, but it was so vacuous. There was nothing at all in it. Yeah, I read it after he posted a lengthy statement on Twitter that attempted to quell the tension and the one thing he didn't do was apologize. He didn't draw a line in the sand one way or the other. I think there's probably a lot of people who would be like, at least just at least pick a side. Like at least say you're for child mutilation or you're not, but don't try to straddle the
Starting point is 00:10:39 line. It's not the picking of the side. It's the fact that the line he straddled is actually ineffective because he said enough to piss off the trans activists And he didn't say enough to make the like blue-collar conservatives happy So what he actually did is just like shot both feet shot himself in both feet simultaneously That's what I'm saying. If he had have picked a side I think you'd have one group happy and the others who could be like, okay Well, you're degenerate, but at least you chose a side. Exactly. Cause they leaked that story. They, yeah. I mean, allegedly they leaked that story
Starting point is 00:11:09 to the media that like, Oh, upper management had no idea this was going to happen. Right. And so the, like, obviously if you're saying, if you want to say you leaked that story, then the next logical thing to do there would just be like look We fired everybody we are so sorry. This won't happen again. Like we're not okay with this Yeah, like we're we're taking all the losses like we understand why people like if that's what you're gonna do apologize or you need to Because then like double down or double down because you need to get one side too Because you're gonna lose one side either way in this strategically. Like you're going to lose one side of the aisle. And so if you don't,
Starting point is 00:11:50 if you don't like get them to be enthusiastic enough to buy twice as much of your product, then like you are going to lose everybody. It reminds me there was a lady at Franciscan who at mass, she would play the organ. But it was to like praise and worship songs. So she just pissed everybody off because the Chinese were upset and the praise and worship people were upset. It's like, yeah, nice try. But no.
Starting point is 00:12:17 All right. About well, let's see. He left this about one hour after Anne Heiser Bush, CEO of a lengthy statement to Twitter that attempted to quell the tensions in the wake of the PR Crisis the small Pennsylvania based beer brewery Ying Ling sent a tweet of its own Ying Ling the oldest brewery in America independently owned and family operated since 1829 because we make good beer That's not a shade Main and we both just we burped at the same time.
Starting point is 00:12:45 OK, let's make a separate ASMR track, which is you and I belch and we'll put this drink a lot and burp into the microphone like low fire. Yeah, I wish they had the the what do you say the spine to do
Starting point is 00:13:01 something a little more aggressive than this. Well, what could they do? Maybe put the manliest man. What could they do? Yeah, like if they were like, because this is why if Daily Wire did start a beer company, they would have really. When would you put on the can if you wanted to like cut back at Dylan Mulvaney? That's how you know, oh, I'm popular enough to like
Starting point is 00:13:29 be recognized by the Mike Schmitz. No, I think you're going in the wrong direction No offense to either of those guys, but you're definitely going in the wrong direction as far as recognizability goes No, I don't know. But anyway to me that doesn't sound like much of a much of a But I mean if that's how it was took taken. Let's see what people say the company wrote Friday alongside go up a bit. Up, up, up, up alongside a photo of its traditional lager staged in front of an American flag, the tweet, which has close to five million views Tuesday morning, had a lot of support from fans. Can you get you able to close those adverts that seem rather scandalous? Oh, the tweet, which had close to five million views Tuesday morning had a lot of support from fans
Starting point is 00:14:09 Here's a few people they said just found a new beer and then someone else said good timing another person said keep going It just so happens. I'm looking for a new favorite beer. Okay, this person Okay, can I say something as well? He just outed himself as a Bud Light drinker. Yeah, can I say something? If Bud Light was your favorite beer, you don't like beer. Yingling's tweet was shared just after Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth released a statement that didn't apologize but did acknowledge the company never intended to divide people. You are a dirty, dirty liar. As the CEO of a company founded in America's heartland more than 165 years ago,
Starting point is 00:14:46 I am responsible for ensuring every consumer feels proud of the beer we brew. Well, you failed. We're honored to be part of the fabric of this country. Keep going, down. Anheuser-Busch employs more than 18,000 people and our independent distributors employ an additional 47,000 valued colleagues.
Starting point is 00:15:07 He was reacting to a controversy that began on April 1st when trans identifying influencer Dylan Mulvaney announced a partnership with Bud Light. This included several social media promotional posts. The reason I think that this was a terrible idea and we can take that screen down is that it's I don't know much about people who drink beer and stuff, but it would seem to me that the people who are drinking Bud Light either women, like CrossFit women who still like their beer or dudes at frat party events or something, or just who wants something nice that's not going to give them a buzz because they're out
Starting point is 00:15:44 playing golf or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. But I can't imagine that Sheila's who are liking Bud Light are going to be okay with a dude making fun of women. And I can't imagine dudes doing that either. So my understanding is they did lose a lot of cash from that. And so it would be cool if Ying Ling stood up and took their place. I do have some thoughts on beer, namely, if Ying Ling stood up and took their place. I do have some thoughts on beer, namely, I think people like Ying Ling because they feel like they're, they're trads. It's like the
Starting point is 00:16:11 same thing that makes a trad like myself or you like feel proud. I love you so much. It's like we feel like we're in the minority. And I think that's the same thing with Ying Ling. I don't know. I don't trust people when they say they don't like micro breweries. I think they're just saying that to be cool Oh, I mean most micro breweries make very few good beers. Is that right? So here's the thing and you know this about me because we could tell this story This is a really funny story at the beginning of my work relationship with you. Yeah after the George Farmer interview
Starting point is 00:16:39 Yeah, you came in Neil was filming it and Neil was kind of training you to kind of take over from him. I went and bought you a six pack of beer. Well, so no, you asked what my favorite drink was. Oh yeah. You remember what I said? No. Like, I pretty much just drink milk and water. And you were like, no, I'm talking about alcohol. And you said, what's your favorite alcohol? And I said, oh, Yingling. Oh yeah. I do remember you saying that. And then you said, I'm going to need you to be more creative than that. I think I, I think the reason is because I called you from a super. You were at the local, like really nice. Yeah. Like the fancy schmancy. And you were in front of the microglory section. I get stuff. Yeah. And you said, what's your favorite beer? And I was like, yingling.
Starting point is 00:17:21 And you said, I'm going to need you to be more specific. What did I get you that you were like, this was, oh, what was the most ridiculous one? It was like a, was it a Reese's peanut butter beer? There was some weird stuff in that pack. There was one that was like hazelnut coffee. Yeah. See, this is the stuff I drink. But you bought me one that was a can.
Starting point is 00:17:39 It was a white can with black text and all it said on it was beer. Beer that tastes like beer. Oh, that's right. I was like, and I I cracked it immediately. It was amazing. So do you not like IPAs? I don't really like IPAs. I like just a good plain lager, you know, hey, to.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Get the shot here for real women, right? Yeah. And to. Yeah, absolutely. I like stout. I don't. I've said this a bunch to people's dismay because I have a show called Pines with Aquinas, not a big beer drinker. When I drink beer like today, I usually feel kind of sluggish and gross. And I'm going to feel like that. But I thought it was worth taking a bullet for the team.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Bullet for the team shot for the day. And but I do like if I'm going to drink a beer and someone said you can drink a beer and you have to drink a beer, what do you want? It'd be like a Russian Imperial stout, something that when you pour it looks like motor oil. I love that stuff. So that's where I'm at. All right. Let's do these 12 things you should know about yingling in case people are looking to switch. Will you talk for a second? I'm gonna check the ads. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:48 What the? Yeah. Yeah. That's disgusting. How do I get rid of that? I don't know. There's no X button. It's still not as off putting as Dylan Mulvaney dressed as a woman.
Starting point is 00:18:56 So true. All right. Can we go up there? Yeah. No, we should be all right. All right. 12 things you should know about yingling. Scroll down. I'm doing it. I'm switching the scene.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Oh, OK. Here we go. Ying Ling is more than a lager. Many beer drinkers know Ying Ling for its Amber Lager. That's what we're drinking today. But that beer didn't become its flagship until 1987. The brewery's first beer were its Lord Chesterfield Ale and Porter brands released more than 150 years earlier. Both are still produced today, along with Yingling, traditional lager,
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yingling light lager, Yingling light beer. We're unclear on what the difference is there. Yingling premium and Yingling black and tan. All right. It's as old as the typewriter. Yingling founder David Gottlob, Yingling emigrated from Vottenberg, Germany. I think you nailed that to Pottsville, Pennsylvania in 1830, 23 and open a brewery on center street. We should go there.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Oh, hold on. I can get rid of the ad. We should. Oh, no. What have you? Oh, you did it. Well done. I thought that was something totally different.
Starting point is 00:19:58 We should do a pints with Aquinas retreat at Yingling since it's not far from us. That would be so fun. It is in Pennsylvania. We should do an event. They might be like, dude, we're not cool with Bud Light, but that doesn't mean we're cool with Catholics. I'm not sure. It was the same year William Austin Burt patented America's first typographer or typewriter.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You're killing me, Smolls. I'm trying. Two years later, the Center Street Brewery burned down. It resurrected in its current location in that place. I'm trying. Two years later, the Center Street brewery burned down. Oh, it resurrected in its current location in that place. Cool. It wasn't always yinling. 1831. That's nuts. That's how long it's been open currently. Yeah. David Yingling's original surname was Yungling, meaning youth or young man in German.
Starting point is 00:20:44 How do you say that? Someone told me the comments. Jungling, I think you're only changed his name to Yingling when he first arrived in the US. You got to have balls to create a company called Yingling. It's not an easy thing to say. I love it. A while. The brewery was originally named. I don't think you could tell the difference between this and a Budweiser.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I could do it. I don't think so could tell the difference between this and a Budweiser. I could do it. I don't think so. These are sweeter. Everybody in the comments tell Matt that I could tell the difference. Because it's an amber lager? Is that kind of why you could tell? Is it just?
Starting point is 00:21:15 It's sweeter. Ying Ling is slightly sweeter. Um, all right. Ying Ling had another son. All right. Ying Ling had another son named David. Around the time Frederick joined his, their father and partner of their business, David Jr. left to start his own brewery.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Alright, good. Ying Ling and son's next heirs are daughters. Cool, cool. It's the biggest small brewery in the nation. I'm going to read that. The big one is that? Okay. Ying Ling is the largest independently owned brewing company in the US.
Starting point is 00:21:43 A title it has held since 2015. It was also ranked the sixth largest brewing company overall by sales volume. It's historical. In 1986, 155 years after its inception, Yingling's Pottsfield Brewery was entitled, sorry, yeah, entitled on the National Register of Historic Places. I kind of want to go. Even if we don't do a conference, you and I should go sometime. It'd be fun. That would be fun.
Starting point is 00:22:07 We should take Jacob. OK. Yingling survived the dark times. Really a prohibition by getting creative after the 18th Amendment was ratified in 1919, Yingling switched to producing near beer or 0.5 percent brews. It produced in its products included Yingling special port or and juvo. What is sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Oh, it's my bride. Hey, speaking of posting to women. To Cameron, Fred, the Cameron. What a woman. Oh, that's not good. Oh, well, that's I put it down too hard. Yingling has. Oh, now this is interesting.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Didn't it? Didn't they promote Trump or didn't? Let's see. In 2016. Dick Yingling endorsed Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Chaos ensued. In 2018, Yingling hosted Eric Trump on a media-accompanied tour of the brewery. On the tour, he allegedly said to Eric Trump, our guys are behind your father. We need him in there.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yikes! OK, well, this website's dumb. It has been boycotted multiple times. After word, this is actually really cool. After word got out about yingling support of the Trump campaign, many yingling drinkers boycotted the brand, which they're free to do. Good on them, including Pennsylvania state representative Brian Sims. Sims called out Trump's anti-woman, anti-immigrant, anti-LGP, anti-racial minority and anti-equality agenda in a Facebook post saying, I'm not
Starting point is 00:23:47 normally one to call for boycotts, but I absolutely believe that how we spend our dollars is a reflection of our votes and our values. It always annoys me when people say something that nobody disagrees with, but in a tone that is supposed to let you think that they're a provocateur and something of a nonconformist. Like, I just think you should. I was listening to a story the other day. Yes, that's what I got it from. Yeah. He's a good author that guy.
Starting point is 00:24:12 Or if he's not a good author, he's still a beautiful person. Shame on you. Goodbye, Yingling and shame on you. Sincerely, a former customer of 17 years. OK, this is the kind of response people need to start making to this this virtue signaling They said we survived prohibition. We survived two world wars when you couldn't get any grain will be fine That is a kind of savage. That's very good. That's the kind of savagery. I think that That we're gonna need today to combat this
Starting point is 00:24:44 This yeah, I'm big a fan of that. Yeah, it has a house in Florida good of savagery I think that we're gonna need today to combat this. I'm a big fan of that actually. It has a house in Florida, good. It's still innovating, sort of. In 2018, Yingling introduced Golden Pilsner. It's the first year-round offering in 17 years. Yes, it's another lager. Sticking to its guns seems to work for Yingling.
Starting point is 00:25:01 Alright, well there you go. I have to say, after we have reviewed this article and it was actually Seamus Coughlin. I spoke to him recently. He's like, you know you have to start drinking yingling now. And this was before the Bud Light controversy. By the way Seamus Coughlin is the dude who runs Freedom Turns.
Starting point is 00:25:15 He's gonna be on- We're gonna get to him in a second. Yeah, he's gonna be on the show soon too. Hold on, I've got the schedule right here. And he says, you know you have to start drinking yingling now. I'm like, no, I'm serious. You are going to have to start drinking yingling now. And'm like, no, I'm serious. You are going to have to start drinking yingling now. And I said, all right, I guess.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh, nine days. Hmm. Cool. So we'll have Seamus on in nine days. So we can talk about them. All right. What else you got for me Thursday? Well, so I wanted to talk about some of the funny and cool reactions to the Bud Light thing, because some of them have been really, OK, I haven, really amusing.
Starting point is 00:25:45 So I want to show you the, so this is Bradley Gilbert. I'm unsure what kind of music he makes. So if he says bad things, we apologize. But this video is hilarious. All right, go. It's cutting in and out of time on my end. Oh, hold on. That's okay. It's cutting in and out a ton on my end. Hold on. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:26:07 That's it. That's the whole thing. So he threw him a Bud Light on stage. That is so funny. That's cutting in and out the sound. I don't know if that's life for people in the live chat. I think you did because when you said you did and you played it, it still wasn't fixed. I just switched the right scene.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Okay. All right, cool. Now I wonder it still wasn't fixed. I just switched the right scene. OK, all right. Cool. Now, I wonder why someone handed him that. I have no idea. That was probably it was either someone hoping he would do that or someone who just thought he looked hot and needed a beer. All right. And this is another one. Who's Riley Green? Riley Green is a country artist.
Starting point is 00:26:37 And this song is called I Wish Grandpas Never Died. It's kind of a sad song. And one of the lines is, and the coolers would never run out of Bud Light. And he sang it at a conference recently. Okay. One of his biggest hits. All right, I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And so this is what was said. It's so choppy, dude. I can't. It's not. It is. Is it really? Yes. Are people in the live chat experiencing the choppiness?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Just press play and I'll deal with it. Yeah, breaking up a bit. Just press play and I'll deal with it. Yeah, I'm breaking up a bit. Just click play and we'll go through it. Yeah, that's unhearable. Okay. Oh, but you can't go away from it that soon. You get, I feel like, so what did he say? So he says he switches the lyric to,
Starting point is 00:27:24 and the coolers would never run out of Coors light oh and then when the chorus comes back around again he switched it to and the coolers would never run out of bush light and what's bush light it's another light beer so good, get your ears checked. Nope. Uh, it's all good here. No choppy. I can hear it fine. No chop here. Doesn't seem choppy on my end. All right. Well then I'm willing to, I'm willing to, it's not that I have serious hearing problems. It's just that I'm hearing it through a different, I mean, do you, do you think it's even worth showing? Um, I mean, everybody else seems to hear fine. We can show Seamus. Have you seen this yet? I have seen it yesterday. I didn't watch the whole thing, but We can show Seamus. Have you seen this yet?
Starting point is 00:28:05 I have seen it yesterday. I didn't watch the whole thing, but I got the gist. OK, well, let's not watch the whole thing. No, let's watch it. It's really funny. Go from the start. Oh, that sounded good to me. This is Seamus again, who's going to be on in nine days. This is his recent video on Bud Light's brilliant marketing move. Sounds good.
Starting point is 00:28:26 No, perfect. Drinking responsibly gone too far. Bud Light has landed itself in hot, barely alcoholic water over their decision to include a controversial new sobriety test along every can of beer. Yes, we put a man wearing makeup on each can. If at any point he begins to look even remotely attractive to you, it means you've had far too much. The sobriety test in question was developed after months of scientific research. Our study has conclusively shown that the less likely you are to vomit from
Starting point is 00:28:57 the image here, the more likely you are to vomit from intoxication. I love that the lines are pink and blue too. Wait, hold on. Repulsiveulsive reading is responsive to image. Repulsive, pretty gross, no strong feelings. No, no, it's okay. Let's keep going. I'd give her a six, maybe a seven. Six, maybe a seven. However, the move seems to have backfired for Anheuser-Busch with the sobriety test being so effective that sales have plummeted. Normally I ain't know to cut myself off till it's too late. But the moment this doozy don't make me feel sick, I know I gotta stop. Yeah, this has been hugely helpful to me.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I'm probably drinking half as much as I used to. But not all are so happy. The ugly women's lobby is reporting an unprecedented dry spell. Here to talk about it we have the CEO of Anheuser-Busch and a representative from the ugly women's lobby. You have to stop calling feminists that you're going to pause it. I don't, I don't get it. On packs of cigarettes, the line is, um, and somebody here from the ugly women's coalition.
Starting point is 00:30:00 And she says, you have to stop calling feminists that, okay. And that's funny because. He's saying that he's he instead of using the word somebody here from the feminist movement, he's saying that the feminist movement is the ugly women's coalition. All right. Good. Got it. Thanks. Why shouldn't Kansas beer also warn consumers about what they might end up sleeping? Right. Just like single social responsibility. This is about limiting the opportunities of ugly women who are disproportionately
Starting point is 00:30:27 likely to be transgender. That is absolutely ridiculous. There are many ugly cisgender women as well. And you hate them. Bro, hold on, hold on. I need. Sorry, we have to go back just a second. I need you to read the Chiron moving across the bottom. All right, go.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Seamus criticized, let's see Mothers against drunk driving campaign. Heavily criticized by rival non-profit. Fathers for cruising while wasted. Shameless. How am I being too far? Keep going. Dare you. I'm married to an ugly woman. Well, it's a big discussion, but it's all we have time for next up after the break. The fat idiot brigade says they will continue to protest our network until we stop calling them that. That's a really intelligent take.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah, I haven't heard anybody else make that. That sounds as good as like you would expect Babylon B to come up with a new name for the game. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. That's a really intelligent take. Yeah, I haven't heard anybody else make that. That sounds as good as like you would expect Babylon B to come up with that. Like that's got to be it's an anti drinking campaign. So funny. It's such a good joke.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah. All right. I want to talk about Mr. Beast and Chris. And before I do that, though, I wanted to mention something about Catholic lo-fi, which is crushing it right now. Can you do that and then go into the AMA so I can. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So you might not be aware of this or not, but I started a Catholic lo-fi channel about a year ago and I pay an animator to come up with these beautiful little illustrations and then I work with somebody to create some beautiful lo-fi music just
Starting point is 00:32:04 to help people chill out and relax. The idea was to come up with a place where people could kind of relax online and not get even more stressed by talking about ecclesial or national politics. And it's doing really well. And we just released a 12 hour sleep story the other day, which I'm super proud of. I don't know where Thursday went. He literally just left the building. I don't know why he may have went to the bathroom. He may have went in search of Brett Cooper. I don't know where he went.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But anyway, so Catholic Lofi and we just released, as I say, 10 hour sleep study, a story, not study, or study. OK, not a study, not a story. Song 12, 10 hour. Oh, my gosh, it's definitely the yingling. sleep study a story not study or study okay not a study not a story song 12 10 hour oh my gosh it's definitely the yingling 10 hours of relaxing sleep music with rain sounds angry gory and chant we released it 13 days ago and it's got a hundred and ninety eight thousand views already so a massive thank you to you guys who did that one of the reasons I did this was sometimes I have a
Starting point is 00:33:01 difficult time sleeping I like to put on some sleep music but I often find that I can't trust the sleep music. My fear is that something aggressive is going to pop up in the middle of it, like a drum beat or something weird that'll wake me up or that an advert will come on. So we've been demonetized by YouTube. So there's absolutely no chance of adverts coming on.
Starting point is 00:33:19 So there's 10 hours of relaxing sleep music. Can you show them what that looks like? Yeah, this is one. Where did you go? I had to go potty. Yeah, that's the one. If you install a toilet right
Starting point is 00:33:32 there, I have to go a lot. It's where our guests be. They just hear some trickling. What's that? That's Thursday. Anyway, so go subscribe to Catholic lo fi on YouTube. Did I feel like it's too late?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Let's move on. It's good. Right here. Here you go. Number one. Ah, thank you very much. Number one. Yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 00:33:58 It's beautiful. So you just have a friar snoring for 10 hours straight while rain falls in the background. We're actually creating one right now with St. Katery Tekowitha. Yep, thank you. And so that'll be releasing soon. So massive thanks. We're going to since YouTube is still demonetized us, we're going to come up with different stickers and hoodies and things like that to sell to kind of keep being able to fund this project.
Starting point is 00:34:22 But thanks to everybody who subscribed over there. All right. All right. So the next thing is, Mr. hoodies and things like that to sell to kind of keep being able to fund this project. But thanks to everybody who subscribed over there. All right. All right. So the next thing is Mr. Let's talk about Mr. Beast. Now I didn't know anything about Mr. Beast until about a year ago, I'd say when my son talked about him. I started watching some videos of his and was just really blown away the production value. I mean, he is incredible. just really blown away at the production value. I mean, he is incredible. So I will say this because, I mean, people can know this. I think people would expect this.
Starting point is 00:34:51 So I do a lot of research on how YouTube works. Okay. I mean, it's not a shocking thing. No, not at all. Probably. And I don't know if you know this, but the reason MrBe Beast is so good at YouTube Is because he and his friends?
Starting point is 00:35:08 Spent a year. Yeah living as like brugally as they could and only working part-time so they could treat Researching YouTube for a year and how it functions. I do as a full-time job He was on Joe Rogan show and he spoke about this just spending hours and hours like like meta like meta scientific analysis of how like the whole thing functioned and that's So I a lot of times I don't watch his like content specifically But whenever he's on a podcast talking about YouTube about YouTube itself you listen you listen. Because when the guy who like.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Cracked the algorithm that like isn't even programmed, there's a really great video on that. I should send you a video sometime. If anybody wants to understand how algorithms are made, CGP Grey has a good video on it. It's really interesting, but algorithms aren't even made by humans anymore. Like YouTube doesn't know how the YouTube algorithm works.
Starting point is 00:36:04 That is remarkable. Like they don't. Wow by humans anymore. Like YouTube doesn't know how the YouTube algorithm works. That is remarkable. Like they don't. Wow. But MrBeast does. All right. Which is insane. And so when he talks about that kind of stuff, you shut your mouth and you listen.
Starting point is 00:36:15 So I've really enjoyed his videos, but I guess what happened recently, and you can speak to this more, is that his co-guy, one of them, one of his crew, I guess, started dressing gradually, I suppose, like a woman until he announced that he was in fact a woman or at least transgender. He's got some pretty disturbing things. He's posted online. He posted a picture on Twitter of his son wearing high heels, very young, did he really son and he said like my son is slaying it today or something like that like really disturbing things and you know
Starting point is 00:36:52 Like it would be difficult to be in mr Beast shoes like can you imagine if like you and I started a YouTube channel and you were a lot more visible and we kind Of went viral and we got millions and millions. I don't even know how many people follow him right now You can check that out. He has 145 million subscribers on his English speaking channel alone. He's well over 250 if you add up all his dub channels and his daily dub channels.
Starting point is 00:37:13 So I can't imagine something like that happening. And then Chris makes this decision. I think what's so perverted about it is that he makes family friendly content. Wouldn't you say? Like this is what Mr. Beast does. Most parents are totally okay if they let their child, children watch YouTube. They're okay with their children watching Mr. Beast. So I think it was like a-
Starting point is 00:37:33 And for a long time, I think you were fine doing it. Me? No, like a parent, not you. Oh. I mean, some parents are cooler than me and they just, they wouldn't even let their teens watch YouTube. I'm not there. But I just thought it was a pretty selfish move on the part of this fella pretending he's a woman. And then what the heck is that going to do to Mr. Beast? Either Mr. Beast says, look, I'm sorry, like you're my friend and I love you, but like
Starting point is 00:37:56 you can't be working out your delusions here on my video. If for no other reason than you're going to turn people off, you're going to turn parents off, you're going to turn and you're going to you're going to the channel won't do as well. So he could do that and then he'd be labeled a transphobe or he could just embrace him and allow it to happen. And it sounds like that's what he's done. So I'm not pretending this is an easy decision for Mr. Beast. It's going to be a very difficult one. And I can't imagine being as popular as him. I can't. I just. So with that said, though, I think he's definitely made the wrong decision. So can you put this tweet up here? Yeah. Can we go with this new sunny two video? Which? So that's number two. Yeah. So this fella tweeted, this new sunny two video feels really invasive for all the wrong
Starting point is 00:38:48 reasons. Like why did you make this? You delved into the man's marriage and stuff. It's just really off putting and unnecessary. So what, what is that saying? Okay. Is this, this person's probably calling out Chris and the fact that his personal life seems to be falling apart in many respects.
Starting point is 00:39:07 But the main point is that Mr. Beast is responding to it. He says he's agreeing with the tweeter. Yes, this is getting absurd. Chris isn't my nightmare. He's my effing friend and things are fine. All this transphobia is starting to piss me off. So what to say about this? I mean, glad that he's his friend,
Starting point is 00:39:28 glad he wants to support him, but I think there's no excuse for allowing somebody who's making fun of women or is living a delusion to have his delusion advertised and promoted among young people. So I said to one of my children the other day, one of my older children, I said, look, I'm not OK with you showing my kids any Mr. Beast videos.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I don't think this child ever did that. But as I say, a lot of these who's are terrific, all of them seem to be really great from what I've seen, but I'm not OK with it at all anymore. And this child of mine said, I'm not even watching him anymore because he this child was so turned off. What's your take on it? Um, Like this is just this next tweet number three, maybe put that up as you give me a, okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:40:19 Thoughts, it's never too late to start being yourself. Well, I picked, I found this one specifically. Oh, too late to start being yourself. Well, I picked I found this one specifically. Oh, and then you choose YouTube comment. Yeah, I found this one specifically because that's YouTube's account. And it says you're glowing, which is
Starting point is 00:40:34 like a comment for women, which is a little. And is this Mr. Beast responding to that? That's Mr. Beast. Common YouTube W, which means like YouTube's taking like W like when. Yeah win loss The problem with this kind of stuff happening is
Starting point is 00:40:53 That the people who are well we talked about this yesterday with somebody and I won't say who because I don't want to Totally derail the conversation, but yesterday you were speaking to somebody and they said something similar to this that people who make content often also consume a high amount of it. And currently what is being pushed and allowed for by the algorithms on the internet and by these mega corporations is leftist policies. Um, and so it's not unlikely that Chris is like watching a ton of this content and I'm going to say it and people are going to get upset and I'm sure we'll, somebody will get, try to get us in trouble for this, but like if you watch enough men pretend enough
Starting point is 00:41:43 men in their twenties, late 20s to early 30s pretend they're women and talk about like vague, like they say these things like they're super profound, like I don't fit in with anybody or whatever. It's like, yeah, I don't fit in with all guys most of the time. You know what I mean? Like I don't fit in with. So you're referring to the social contagion. The social video this the other day with Jason for those interested. The video is excellent by the social contagion. The social. We released a video of this the other day with Jason Neriff for those interested.
Starting point is 00:42:05 The video is excellent by the way. Sorry. I mean, it is excellent. How humility is self-honesty. Well, that video is excellent. You did a good job, but Jason's also just brilliant. I mean, he knew his statistics inside out, even to like decimal points. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:18 So, and we have the citations. So fair enough that Chris is maybe consuming content and then this is affecting him good I don't want my children watching it. So if you're out there, yeah Don't let your kids watch your kids watch to be mr. Beast anymore Just cut that out entirely and you might be a parent thing I don't even know who this guy was there's this big generational divide between parents and kids and the sorts of people that they follow but I Wouldn't be letting them follow on him and and see what's difficult
Starting point is 00:42:43 I think is people are going to mistake us calling out this stuff with Dylan Mulvaney and this Chris fella as us being mean to him and I think you have to maybe get over that because. I have his original YouTube. What's being done here feels like a systematic attack from leftist corporations who should know better. It's not just the individual hurting people. I don't know if the people we've been speaking about today are ill in some capacity or if they're just making fun of women or if they have some weird fetish. None are good, but when you've got these big leftist machines pushing this propaganda on your children, you have to speak out forcefully against it.
Starting point is 00:43:27 And none of that is to say that we shouldn't speak with compassion about these people. In fact, what I would like to do now is actually offer a prayer for both Chris and again, I don't know Dylan Mulvaney, I can't tell if he's just a fraudster or what, but he's worth praying for as well. It's surgery. Okay. Let's pray for these fellas and anyone like them. And you might, someone cynically will watch this and say that this is rather condescending, that you're going to pray for these people. But I don't mean it in that way. I think we should pray for hurting people or
Starting point is 00:44:00 people who believe false things or people who've been lied to and are now caught up in a lie that they feel like they can't get out of. And we really should be showing them compassion and mercy. And if this topic is interests you or if it's you'd like to learn more about it, I'd really recommend you checking out my interview with Jason Everett, because that fella, I'd say, knows more about the trans issue and addresses it better than I know anybody else. Quick prayer. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, in Jesus's name, we lift up all those who are struggling to reconcile their thoughts and desires with the sex of their birth,
Starting point is 00:44:39 especially Chris and Dylan. Please intervene and help all of them to know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, that their lives have a purpose exactly as you created them to be. Amen. We also want to encourage people to pray for Chris's wife who he is now separated from and his son who he appears to be. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what to say about that.
Starting point is 00:45:09 This is awkward to bring up, right? Because part of the reason we're bringing this up on YouTube is because it's timely and people click on timely things. That is part of the reason we're doing this. 100%. Oh yeah. I just admit that. But it's also because if someone's going to publicly come out, call themselves a woman,
Starting point is 00:45:27 have their image posted all over your beer cans and influence your child, then we have to speak about it. What's the alternative? Let people just display their delusion publicly and try to influence your children in that direction, or at least influence them to think that it's a perfectly acceptable life decision and then everyone shut up about it and not respond to it? We can't, we can't pretend to allow error. We cannot allow error without resistance, especially error of this caliber that is affecting people so young. Um, because error of this nature, this level of egregious nature, um, affecting people this young, if you don't
Starting point is 00:46:07 speak up against it, what you're doing is you're just seeding the next generation to Satan. And yeah, that sounds really extreme and really dramatic, but everybody, I don't care if everybody in the comments thinks that I'm being, you know, it's exactly right. You are seeding the next generation to Satan himself. If when error this egregious comes up, you don't speak out and say, I am not okay with this. And this is where the line is. Yeah. And then I think at that point, though, someone's going to respond and say, okay, fair enough. But there are many ways that people are sinning and are encouraging others to see.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And then you guys are just hopping on this one thing. Two responses to that. One is not everybody needs to respond to every sin. You know, like I got friends who work in the pro-life movement, right? And you could say to them, well, there are other things that are taking place. Like there's sex trafficking issues. Why aren't you dealing with that? I think one answer is like,
Starting point is 00:46:58 not everyone can deal with every issue. So just because there are a wide host of issues that deserve to be called out and responded to, doesn't mean that certain individuals can't respond to certain of these issues. And if I can, I just want to offer this. I think that that's a good point. Like not everybody can take everything on, but the issues that the Christian conservatives, the politically active Christians currently are taking the most issue with our gender ideology because it's being pushed on children and abortion because you're murdering
Starting point is 00:47:30 children. Right. Like those are the two big issues right now and they will be for years to come. Yeah. So the ones that everybody is in agreement with and like is on like. Like if ivory poaching was being pushed on us with the same ferocity as transgenderism Then maybe we'd get to respond to that but it's not it's also not as big of an issue But my point is even though that there's a hierarchy of different sins
Starting point is 00:47:55 It doesn't mean people can't call out the lesser sins and devote their life to that as well I mean I spent a lot of time speaking out against pornography abortion is a graver Sin than pornography, all things being in book. Yeah, I'm agreeing with you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But so that's the other thing. Like that's, that's also kind of a gaslighting tactic where someone says to you, like, why are you so obsessed with this issue? Are you kidding me? It's because you all are pushing it on me and my children. So screw you. I'm not going to give into your gaslighting. This stuff's insane and needs to be responded to to I didn't get to the questions
Starting point is 00:48:25 And I'd like to do that if that's how we should do that and then do you want to do the article? Yeah, I do when I get to a Aquinas article after this We got some questions that came in from our local supporters dim Bryant says is pineapple an acceptable topping on pizza I would say absolutely not really why not no absolutely not absolutely not really why not no absolutely not it's bad it tastes yucky okay I like it but what I think should be on every pizza is anchovies I love anchovies I I want to tell have you ever had anchovies I know actually I have it what's really good people like it but my dad used to make pizza every Friday night my dad would make pizza for our family.
Starting point is 00:49:06 He'd make a ham and pineapple and one with anchovies. I just love anchovies so much. My dad used to make biscuits and gravy almost every weekend. And so I have a love for biscuits and gravy. That's nice. Hi dad. I love you. Dan says, do you plan to retire pints and do something completely different?
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah. Every single day I make that plan and then don't follow through with it. Um, but let's see what else we got. Uh, so escort. What are you laughing at? You're seeing it. You just, it sounds, when you said bat and it sounded and then said, let's see something else. It sounded like you saw a question and then like immediately like, well, not that one. Yeah. Here's why I actually went through and I put a thumbs up on the ones I wanted to answer because I read them ahead of time. That too, that is exactly what happened. Yeah. So S score, the warrior says, if you could interview any living person, who would it be? Pope Francis. Totally. Christian says you've often referred to having a, uh, a challenging relationship with some of your children.
Starting point is 00:50:03 a challenging relationship with some of your children. I have as well. What have you learned about how to heal past wounds with a child who raised who was raised by a much less wise version of yourself? All right. So just to kind of couch this in my own language, I would say that there are certain children. I think every parent would concede this. Every parent of more than one child that you have certain children that you love, you respect, you treasure, you would die for, but they rub you the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And so trying to figure out why that's the case. I think in my own life, a lot of it had to do with the sort of ideals I had for my family. And they those ideals were idols. They were ways I thought my family should pray, how our family should look, how our family should dress, how our family should be seen. And so my frustration with different children often was a reflection of my own immaturity. And what I'm finding is as I'm growing and I'm sort of just like. Not I don't know how to say this in a way that won't sound kind of new agey, but like the less I hate myself, the more gentle and free I am to love my children. And I think what often happens is what bugs you in other people is what you see and can't reconcile in yourself. And I understand that there are things in our in our lives that that should be hated as it were.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Like there should be behaviors that we should seek diligently and manfully to uproot, but that's not what I'm talking about. You know, like, I don't know, let's just kind of think of an example. This isn't my example, but I could see this being somebody's, you know, suppose you grew up as a scrawny little kid
Starting point is 00:51:38 and everybody made fun of you because you were scrawny, and you hated that about yourself, and then you finally got a bit bigger, but there's still this part of you that just hates that little kid, as it were. And then maybe you have a son or a daughter and they resemble that. And what you're finding frustrating in them is something you're actually not able to love and reconcile in yourself. So personally, as I've kind of grown and I continue to grow,
Starting point is 00:52:02 I've found that like reconciling those parts of myself have made me more gentle and patient with my children. Yeah, Ruth. And by the way, all of that, all that I just said there. Young Matt Fradd, not yet married, would have nodded sagely to thought he understood and not understood it at all. Ruth Beer, Bear, Bear says, Why is your daughter named Kiara Luce? Do you have a family devotion to her?
Starting point is 00:52:29 So this is a true story. My wife was pregnant when I started working at Catholic Answers in San Diego, and I really liked the name Mary. My wife didn't because she said she didn't think she'd be giving birth to a grandma and therefore didn't like that name. I reject that argument of hers and think it's spurious. I think Mary is a gorgeous name. And but anyway, my wife wasn't a big fan of it.
Starting point is 00:52:52 She was open to it. Not a big fan of it. And then one day I'm working at my desk and Carl Keating, who was the founder and at the time CEO or what do you say, just head Graham Pooble, they have a president. If they had a CEO, they'd be incorporated. All right. Maybe they're not a CEO. But the fella who runs Catholic Answers and founded at Calkeating
Starting point is 00:53:09 came to my door and we were chatting. He asked how my wife was. I said, we're going to have a daughter. He said, what do you think of a name in her? And I said, I don't know. Like Mary's one name or Chiara. And he went, I like Chiara.
Starting point is 00:53:20 You should choose Chiara. I went, done. So that's what my wife and I agreed to. We call her Chiara. And obviously thinking of the first blessed of Generation X, I believe was Chiara Luce. Luce was her nickname. I think Chiara Badano, but she was named Luce as a nickname. So my wife had to get put under for the C section. And so when the time came around to naming her, I just named her Chiara Luce. Chiara Luce, Fred, we didn't agree to that. I just chose it and my wife.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I'm sorry. I was on anesthetic and you like named the baby without consulting her. 100%. She knew it was going to be Chiara, but we had talked about like Chiara Rose or something like that. And I'm like, yeah, I like Luce more. So while she was under anesthetic, I took my opportunity and I named it Chiara Luce.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I should have named her Mary. That's the most Sigma male thing I've ever heard in my life. I don't know what Sigma male means, but can you say in one sentence what sigma male means? Uh, it is the alpha male who does not exist inside the traditional hierarchy. You see, you cross that one sentence and explanation. That was excellent. Anyway, but yeah, my wife woke up and I went, here's your baby. Kiara. But she loved it. She thought it was fun. Um, so that's why her name's Kiera Luce.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And she is the most beautiful girl in the world. It's a weird feeling as a parent. Sometimes I want someone to hurt my daughter just so I can kill them. Oh, that's going to go on Pint's bingo. You've said it enough now. Have I? Or I'm putting it on the bingo card.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It's a weird feeling. Cause obviously, you know, you don't need to have your sweet daughter. But sometimes I want someone to slight her so I can throw them into a garbage can. I don't know. Harry Clune says, will you ever play the video game Crusader King three on YouTube or locals? Don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:55:15 What is it? Thursday Crusader King three is a extremely complicated video game, which you would never get. Yeah, you die. So it's like, it's, is it as complicated as Tetris though? Like, like, like how, how cool is it? Um, no. So like imagine a board game, but it's so complex that it's not possible to play it physically. It's only possible to play it with a computer and that's Crusader Kings three. The answer
Starting point is 00:55:42 to that is no, Matt will not be playing that could play it Just so you could make fun of me. I have no idea how to play it I have not figured it out Like Matt would throw my computer through a wall and all of the videos are on my computer. So so we haven't Fair enough. Okay. We have another question here and this comes from Kyle Whittington, who is honestly one of the coolest guys in the world I love him. Yeah, he wrote he'd sent me a text as so I just seeing it now and I wanted to mention it He says hey Matt Derek mentioned you were willing to help out with advertising for the whiskey night on June 1st So there will be a whiskey night on June 1st here at Chesterton cigars I'm part owner of the cigar lounge in town. Um,
Starting point is 00:56:26 would you be willing to spread the word? Yes. June 1st come down to Steubenville. I'll be there drinking whiskey, smoking cigars. Kyle will be there. We'll have a bunch of fun. June 1st. Just check out Chesterton cigars and Steubenville. Give us a call. Just look us up on Google maps. Give us a call. Just to confirm any details you have. But somebody just gave us $20. Shut up. Thank you. Australian dollars. $4. Thank you. I'm just joking. I was not sure. All right. What do they say? Uh, gentlemen, glad I discovered
Starting point is 00:56:57 this channel. I believe it is no coincidence. Subden liked obviously thank you. The God most high definitely will tune in from now on. Keep it up. Here is more to growth. That is so kind. Ladies and gents. Thank you. Thanks mate. Oh, also can I, I want to ask the audience this question. Yeah. Is this, this is something we could take suggestions. Matt and I are doing these pretty much every week now and they don't have a name. They're just the solo streams. The solo episode. Which is really funny because they're not solo and they're not episodes. So what should we call them? What should we call these? Come up with, yeah, come up with a name below. Yes. And we'll comment below and I will pin, we will pin the one we pick.
Starting point is 00:57:38 We'll pin the one we pick. Yeah. Oh, and we, if you're not, maybe we'll send you stuff. Maybe possibly. Yeah. Yeah. Thursale, boy. So here's the question from Kyle Wittenton. He says, you've been tasked with selecting a debate team. Okay, Kyle, first of all, you need to make a card game to grow your channel and have, because you're very good at coming up with questions like this.
Starting point is 00:57:59 You've been tasked with selecting a debate team of five living people to defend the existence of God. Who are you selecting for this team? Okay, do we have a time period? Is it living? No, he said living. Okay, so I would say, and then you can chime in if you think of anybody, and I'm just going off the top of my head, but William Lane Craig, Trent Horn, Ed Faeser, Alex Pruse.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah, you did. He said four, right? He said five. Oh, five? He said five. Oh, five. Um, Jimmy Akin. That's just like without putting a lot of thought into it. Yeah, obviously. Peter Crave. Peter Crave.
Starting point is 00:58:34 I wouldn't choose. Peter Crave is brilliant, but I don't think he's good on the existence of God. Yeah. Yeah. I think I take, even if he, even if if he is I can't see him in a debate So it's a team. So my thought is that they don't all have to debate He just whispers into Trent's ear. So they don't all have to debate. I just think I don't think crafters good on this I don't Jimmy. How can you imagine Jimmy Ed Faser?
Starting point is 00:58:59 Trent Horn who also say Alex Pruss. He I don't know if he'd be a good debater either honestly, but he's as brilliant as the rest of the four put together. And William Lane Craig. Oh my gosh. I'd take Craig. That would put the fear of God in an atheist. That's right. I'd take Craig Baser on Pruss
Starting point is 00:59:23 Praffed. And I guess I have one more. Alex Plato, maybe? Oh yeah. Because I really think that like Plato, you need somebody on the Franciscan arguments, I think. And I think Plato is the guy to put it on. We have Tom Ward coming in soon.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Oh, we do. Yeah. Who's a philosopher and he's written a book on May 16th. Yeah. Actually, sorry. Tom Ward will be probably last week of May. OK. I got a busy week. I got a busy month coming up. I'm going to Ukraine on the 30th. But more super chats. Oh, lovely.
Starting point is 01:00:02 We'll keep talking and drinking, yingling as long as you send super chats So if you keep sending us money, we will keep talking to you Yeah, we've honestly we've nearly paid for the yingling at this point Oh, we've more than paid for the England because one of them is for $50 Australian now. Yes Wow, it's very kind so the first one actually is Before you get to that was in the middle I was just in the middle saying I'm going to Ukraine on the 30th for 10 days With father Jason, we're gonna be visiting orphanages providing aid
Starting point is 01:00:30 Trying to reinstall windows into a bishops blown out building And so stay tuned. I plan on doing a lot of Streams over at Matt Fred locals calm probably every day while we are in we're gonna go into Budapest Take a train into Ukraine. That rhymed. We're going to go to different cities around there. And so I'll be sharing a lot of videos, especially over at And I will say this too. So the way Locals works, you don't actually have to pay me to see a lot of the content that I put up there. You can, and then you can comment and things like that. But the videos that I'll be posting while I'm in
Starting point is 01:01:03 Ukraine, I'll make sure they're for everybody. So just go sign up to Locals like you would sign up on Twitter. You know, you can sign up to Twitter in order to interact, but you don't actually have to pay. You can do the same thing over on Locals, Also in regards to Locals, this Thursday night, I'm going to be interviewing Dennis Prager.
Starting point is 01:01:19 I don't know how this is going to go, because I need to challenge him on the porn question, because of what he said, which really bothered me. So it's going to be a locals only stream. He'll be in studio, we smoking cigars, having a chat. If you want to watch that, you have to support us over at Matt Fradd dot locals dot com that obviously supports all of the work that we do here. It's not just me and Thursday.
Starting point is 01:01:40 We have other people that work for us who we pay and yeah, helps helps us go from good to great. Matt, So we got one for 10 from coffee and David with no note. Thank you. And David, stop it. We got one from 50, one for 50 from William Brownie and says y'all were the, we're a key role in my conversion and thanks be to God. I'm not starting the priesthood. Pray for me, please keep up the good work. God bless your friend. Yeah. We'll pray for you for sure. And for me, please keep up the good work. God bless you friend. Yeah. We'll pray for you for sure. And then he said 20 more because you mentioned my super chat.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Okay. I mean, thank you. Thank you. Uh, yeah. I just thought of a whole areas, um, name for the, for the streams. What is it? But I'll tell you off camera. Okay. It's, it's, we'll tell you off camera. Okay. It's it's we can't use it. All right. I'm forward to that. All right. So let's move on from the ask questions. So for those local supporters who sent questions in, thank you. I hope I didn't disappoint those who didn't get to what there's more
Starting point is 01:02:40 super chat. Somebody sent $2. Yeah. That's not going to die in Ukraine. Calm down. Is that what they said? No, no, that's not the words they used. They said Ukraine? Question mark, question mark. Well, it's been real. You know how much cooler dying in Ukraine while serving orphans would be to dying of
Starting point is 01:02:58 colon cancer when I'm 62? Be so much better. If I had to die in America, I'd want to die in a fun way like being backed over by a Duncan's doughnuts truck something that people could talk about for years So who who in Steubenville is the host of pints? Honestly, if I had to pick a host for pints with a coinist lived in Steubenville I'm not saying this person would take the job. It would probably be Matt Bruniger. Oh Absolutely, but Matt Bruninger would have to. I don't know. Like sometimes I interview him and he's got his therapist voice on.
Starting point is 01:03:29 He's very calm. He needs to be Matt Bruninger. See, Matt Bruninger is an amazing story. He you know, he went through Alcoholics Anonymous a long time ago. He doesn't drink alcohol. Didn't know that. Yeah, you know, it's public. You know, he's an amazing fella. He doesn't drink. But whenever you meet him, it's like he's got a bourbon in him. Like he's very like, hey, he's wild. I love him.
Starting point is 01:03:47 I love Matt Bernadette. But when I interview him, he's a lot more kind of reserved and he'd have to get over that. And if he could do that, he would be amazing. Somebody gave us five dollars and said, it'd be awesome to have a beer night with some confessional Lutherans. We love beer and conversation would be awesome. Yes. And I probably have more in common with you, confessional Lutheran than I do with the lib Catholics. So, or maybe not, but it'd be love to chat with you anyway. All right. What else?
Starting point is 01:04:13 We're going to look at something from Thomas Aquinas. So there's still coming more super chats. Stop it. The J.M. Liu, don't stop it. The J.M. Liu 11 said, praise God for all the work you've done. What's your thoughts on the Eucharistic revival? Love the concept, but it seems as though it's quite hit or miss with implementation in many dioceses. This was one of the topics we almost talked about today.
Starting point is 01:04:35 And I didn't know if it was a great idea. Because I ventured into it, but didn't see enough to kind of form a, I think whenever you get three people, whenever you get a committee to oversee something, it usually gets weird. You know what a camel is? What? You know what a camel is? Oh, what? Oh, yeah. I told you this joke, a horse put together by a committee or something. Or spy committee. Yeah. Yeah. So I think really like if real, Eucharistic revival is going to take place, it's going to take place from the laity. There are two changes.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I think that novice auto churches could implement that would increase Eucharistic devotion. They're very simple and I'd like to see them in every church across America. Can I guess? Yeah. I can? Yeah. One is going to be no in the hands. Oh, well I was going to say alter rail. Alter rail. Yeah. Which would require kneeling on the tongue.
Starting point is 01:05:24 Yeah. I think if you implemented that, yeah. Even if you just implemented an alter rail without specifically saying you can't receive on the hands, even if you made that change, I think the vast majority of people would get the point and it would just force them to realize what they're receiving. We need to bring the alter rail back and then second. Is it going to be at orientum? Crushed it. Well done. I'm going to talk to Franciscan about this. I'd like to see them implore, cause they're building a new chapel. I'd like to see them. Really about time.
Starting point is 01:05:45 The spaceship is weird. Yeah. I'd like to see this place. Funny. Part of me is nostalgic about the spaceship just cause it's been there for so long. And it's awful. It's got that. Anybody who has a problem with musky charismatic smell
Starting point is 01:05:55 to it that I love actually. Yeah. I, I don't. It's not good. Anybody with a problem with that can at me on Twitter. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm charismatic smell to it that I love actually yeah I don't it's not good anybody with a problem with that can at me on father
Starting point is 01:06:10 Dave no I would like to see that I would like to see alter ale and at orientum I think they were just that's that's that's the right direction it seems to me in my humble opinion let me know what you think in the comments below $20 oh come on William roundy when are we having more discussions on Bonaventure? Patron Saint of Bowel Disorders. Yeah. Did you know that? I didn't.
Starting point is 01:06:30 I've got one though. So, well, I'm not biased at all. He's my confirmation Saint. Yeah. Bonaventure is amazing. Genius. He died the same year as Thomas Aquinas. They both wrote hymns to the Blessed Sacrament.
Starting point is 01:06:42 They disagreed on certain philosophical arguments for God's existence, but both champions, both doctors of the church. But what's funny is when you're in an argument with a Franciscan, and I mean this tongue in cheek, it's not meant to be serious. You would just say, well, Aquinas is the patron saint of universities and Bonaventure is the patron saint of bowel disorders. Um, have you read Bonaventure's prayer after communion? I know that. Um, and not just you, but the people at home, I have seen Bonaventure's Prayer after Communion? I know that. And I'm not just you, but the people at home.
Starting point is 01:07:06 I have seen Bonaventure's Prayer after Communion. It's absolutely glorious. Can I read the first line of it? Because it almost brought me to tears after Mass the other day and somebody else sent us another chat. Joseph of Cupertino. This is actually a small part. I will tell people this.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Joseph of Cupertino is a patron saint of people with stomach issues because he was cured of a stomach ulcer, a severe stomach ulcer at a young age, by the blessed virgin. Nice. Um, and I picked him as my confirmation saint before I was diagnosed with my digestive disorder. So he picked me. So thank you to, uh, St. Joseph Cupertino, my confirmation, St. Yeah, this first line of this prayer after communion from Bonaventure. Here's O most sweet Lord Jesus, my inmost soul
Starting point is 01:07:54 with the most joyous and healthful wound of thy love. My gosh. Yeah, yeah, that's beautiful. Okay, I think we have one more super chat here. Yeah, we have another, uh, Joseph Clark. Is that the one? Yep. He says, would you host a debate on liturgy? Novus auto versus Tridentine, not on validity, just authenticity. Well, they're both authentic. Yeah. And that's his point, I think. Right. And I wouldn't, I wouldn't host a debate on that because I don't want to do any more to divide the church. I really
Starting point is 01:08:24 don't. This is not an issue divide the church. I really don't. This is not an issue the church should be divided on. The division should be if people are saying one is not allowed, they should be frowned upon. Like if somebody on either side is saying that the other side should be disallowed, they should be frowned upon. They should be ashamed of themselves. I'm happy for the church to work this out internally, but it's not something I want
Starting point is 01:08:42 to add fuel to the fire, honestly. If I just had to be really honest, that's what I'd say. Oh my gosh, these people keep giving us money. Dylan, stop it. Thank you very much. I'm only joking, but my gosh, there's more. Oh, they're still coming. Do you think this is how we get super chats by telling them not to send them? Stop sending us money. I have a confirmation interview with my parish priest at four.15 today. What should I say when he asks me to explain the theology of the sacrament? Oh, I don't know that it is a deep infusing of the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:09:16 The Baltimore Catechism says sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ. It gives grace to the soul. Nice. Thank you, Mr. Helly, my eighth grade religious ed teacher. William Roundy says it's very Franciscan. Just going to say also Bonaventure's prayer after communion is incredible. I pray every Sunday. Yeah, it's beautiful. I love the Franciscans. All right. Still happening. Are we good now? Can we start? Please? All right. I don't think it's going to work. So I want to take a look at this article, Summa Theologiae, Secunda Secundae, question 49, we're going to be talking about memory.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Now I don't want to read through the- It didn't work. We'll get to it after. We'll take your chats after, keep sending them, we'll get to all of the chats. If you send us money, we'll read your chat. So like people on YouTube are just kind of defiant. And so maybe that's why. So if you can scroll down to the main response Thomas Aquinas wants to give us four
Starting point is 01:10:06 ways To remember things. I don't think that's the one it's the one you sent me question 49 is the one you sent me I'll check it in slack again. We'll go up the top because maybe Hold on Question 49. And in Slack you said, gee, this is embarrassing. Question 49. Yes, I'm not, uh, I'm not doubting. I sent you the wrong link.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I'm just a bit, uh, are you looking for crikey? That's bright. Good. A two. I said understanding. No, no, that's right. I must have seen the wrong one. Sorry. Give us a second guys. Okay. Found it. What is it? So it's from 49. Log. No, it's from the second to second. I questioned 49. Well, that's where we were.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Well, gee whiz. Well, I'm going to read through it anyway, OK? There are four things. So if you want to get better at memorizing things, this is really good. Could we preface this? I will. Should we do it? I'll get to it. OK, there are four things whereby a man perfects his memory. All right. So here are the four things you can do
Starting point is 01:11:22 if you want to get better at memorizing things. First, when a man wishes to remember a thing, he should take some suitable yet somewhat unwanted illustration of it. And by unwanted, it's not U N W A N T E D. It's U N W O N T E D, which I think means like strange. I think that's what that means. Um, so okay. Strange illustration of it. Since the, I'm going to say strange, since the strange strikes us more and so makes a greater and stronger impression on the mind. The mind, and this, and this explains why we remember better what we saw when we were children. Now, reason for the necessity of finding these illustrations
Starting point is 01:12:07 or images is that simple and spiritual impressions easily slip from the mind unless they be tied as it were to some corporal image because human knowledge has a greater hold on sensible objects. For this reason, memory is assigned to the sensitive part of the body. All right, that's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Everything going okay over there? You look confused. What? Where is this? Don't worry about it. Just don't worry about body. All right, that's brilliant. Everything going okay over there? You look confused. Where is it? Don't worry about it. Just don't worry about it. All right, your thing going. So this is the first thing, right? It's like an unwanted image helps you remember things.
Starting point is 01:12:32 And this is exactly right. I actually had an interview recently with Kevin Voest. I say recently, it was about a year ago. And Kevin Voest has recently gone on to his eternal reward. He died last week and so may the Lord bless him and speedily bring him into paradise. All of my interactions with him were really cool. Kevin was a bodybuilder his entire life, not his entire life, but as he became a young man.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Really bulky dude. We actually have a pull-up bar here in the office and he showed all of us up. Really smart, really gentle, really sincere. He's written some excellent books on the memory and memory palaces in which he implements Aquinas' teachings. We're going to put a link in the description below to him helping me understand the Ten Commandments by using ten unwanted images. So check that out if you want a kind of a deeper understanding of what this might look like. But basically, if you're trying to understand something, do that. Think of something unwanted. Here's an example. Let's say you always forget where you put your keys. Well, maybe find a hawk and start putting them on them. But
Starting point is 01:13:38 another thing you could do is when you put your keys down, imagine them exploding. Or you can get even more unwanted. Imagine them turning into blood and like running down the counter. If you do something like that, that's that bizarre, you're going to remember where you put your keys. And so that was his point like when we were children, we remember things so much better than we do today because when we were children, the things that we would encounter all seem strange, right? We were filled with wonder at the things that we were seeing. Whereas today sometimes we don't even see the things that we're looking at. But again,
Starting point is 01:14:10 if you want to understand how this can be useful in catechesis or remembering the faith. Well, here's one. Here's one example. Like you can use an acronym, Pale Gas. I got this from Taylor Marshall, Pale Gas, P-A-L-E-G-A-S. And that is an acronym for the seven deadly sins. So you think pride, avarice, lust, envy, et cetera, et cetera. And so that's one way to do it. I don't know what pale gas is, but it sounds disgusting. And that is an unwanted image that will help you remember. Here's a second way you can be better at remembering things. Aquinas says, whatever a man wishes to retain in his memory, he must
Starting point is 01:14:54 carefully consider and set in order so that he may pass easily from one memory to another. Hence the philosopher says, sometimes a place brings back memories back to us. The reason being that we pass quickly from the one to the other. That's a really good point. Like if I was to say to you, imagine the house that you grew up in or imagine your office where you might not be currently. Or if you are in your office, imagine a coffee shop or a friend's house. You can imagine all of those rooms as you kind of walk through them all.
Starting point is 01:15:31 And so what you can do in these memory palaces, and again, you're going to have to watch that link below in order to fully understand this, is you put an image in each room as you walk through one room to the next, and that kind of helps. So for example, we did the Ten Commandments with Dr. Kevin Wurst. And so imagine this. You walk up to a house and on the mat. Well, let me. I want to just make sure I'm getting this right,
Starting point is 01:15:58 because it would be really embarrassing. OK, so on the mat, right, you might have the mat start speaking to you and its lips are moving and that might represent, you know, I am the Lord your God, you know, you shall not take the Lord God's name in vain or something like that. And then you walk into the room and you hear like a gigantic crash and that gigantic crash represents the breaking of graven images. And so that reminds you of thou shalt not make unto the any graven images. And then you might turn around and look out one of the side windows and see a beautiful
Starting point is 01:16:33 sunrise and that reminds you of, um, okay, I'm getting these wrong. I knew I was going to get them wrong. Um, but you get the point walking through it's in the video. Yeah. Just watch the buddy video. I found that super helpful in doing that. And I've often wondered how people so good at remembering all of these things, even say something like the the ecumenical councils, how people remember these in order.
Starting point is 01:16:56 How do they remember these with years? Well, one way to do it is through these memory palaces that Dr. Kevin Vos talks about. He says, thirdly, we must be anxious and earnest about the things we wish to remember, because the more a thing is impressed on the mind, the less it's liable to slip out of it. Wherefore, Tully says in his rhetoric that anxiety preserves the figures of images entire. So we have to be serious about it. I remember I was going through this phase where I was really trying to understand the scriptures and trying to memorize them. And what I would do is, for example, like John 10, 10, our Lord says, you know, I've come that you may have life and life to the full, for example.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And so I remember that because 10 out of 10 sounds like a life lived to the full. And so I'd remember those little things and they would help me. And then people would say to me, I don't know how you're understanding so much scripture, I could never memorize it. And I was like, you totally can. You just you haven't tried. Like, like, so I said to them, try to forget the John 10 10 means I've come that you may have life and have it to the full. Like, try just what is it? What's that verse? Try to forget it. And then it's kind of hard to forget it. But so Aquinas is saying, like, you actually have to set aside a time to try to memorize
Starting point is 01:18:04 it. So it's not just going to happen automatically, even when you're using unwanted images. Fourthly, we should often reflect on the things we wish to remember. Hence, the philosopher says that reflection preserves memories because as he remarks, custom is a second nature. Wherefore, when we reflect on a thing frequently, we quickly call to mind through passing from one thing to another by a kind of natural order. And this is, so not only should we be anxious to learn the thing, but once we've learned it, we shouldn't forget it altogether. We should keep revisiting it in our memory if we wish to retain it in our minds.
Starting point is 01:18:41 And I remember when I used to work at Catholic Catholic answers being so shocked at how good Tim Staples and Jimmy Akin were and Trent Horn for that matter at responding to questions like from 360 right like every angle they would get questions on indulgences or Mary or the church's social teaching or what would have you. And they were very good at responding to him. They were saying to me that they have to come in weekly to be on the show because it kind of trains the muscles. You know, the more you give the same answer to somebody, the more likely you are to retain that answer. That's why I've got a lot of respect for people who, you know, focus on one topic. People sometimes get frustrated with Dr. William Lane Craig. Not many people, but I mean, some atheists have said he just says the same thing in every
Starting point is 01:19:23 debate or when somebody asks a question, he's got like this answer that he gives and he knows that every word, I think Jason Everett's a bit like that as well. But I don't think that's a negative thing. I think these people have crafted their answers and they're trying to say it as helpfully as possible and they're able to do it. And because they're focusing on this one thing and they keep coming back to it, they're able to be very effective in communicating what they want to communicate. So again, those four things you can do to strengthen your memory is consider some unwanted image, some strange image associated with the thing you want to remember.
Starting point is 01:19:56 The second thing was setting it in order. So if you have a series of things you want to remember, set them in order. I sometimes do this with a song. So like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John accent, Romans and Corinthians Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Timothy, Thales, Solomon, Hebrews, James, Peter, Peter, John, John, John, Jude, Revelation. That's something you could do. Can you do the US presidents one?
Starting point is 01:20:27 No, I couldn't. But I can do like Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Judah, or one of me, Joshua, Judges and Ruth, first Samuel, second Samuel, first King, second Kings, first Chronicles, second Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Tobit, Judith, Esther and Job. Anyway, so like I would just put a song together and that would really help me because it is weird. You listen to a song you haven't heard in 50 years, no, 10 years.
Starting point is 01:20:48 And you're surprised that you can remember all the lyrics. Thirdly, be anxious to actually learn it. And then fourthly and finally revisit that thing so that it won't slip from your memory. And that's what Thomas Aquinas has to say. We have more chats. Oh, come on. These people suck That doesn't think that I don't think that that was a joke give us chats and we will stay live
Starting point is 01:21:12 It's not a funny joke if you want us to if you want to have a good time Keep giving us chats and see how long Matt will stay live. Just reading super Okay, so further cap is this the dude No, you need to start with Kyle. Where's Kyle? Oh no, wait, William Roundy at $10 is where you need to start. I can't even see him. They're so far back. Feel free to read it if you see it there.
Starting point is 01:21:39 William Roundy says, you said stop sending and it made me want to send you money. Kyle said. Why? So Kyle just said it's $23.67. It's such an exact amount. It's very, it's like that's as much as he can afford this month before his wife slaps him. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:21:56 It's very kind of you and it's been annoying, but thanks. Charles says keep up the great work. $10. What is A? Is that Australia? Yeah, $10. Thank you so much. Further cap says, Hello, Matt, I converted to Catholicism in no small part. Thanks to your witness, I am now a candidate with the Capuchin Franciscan friars.
Starting point is 01:22:12 Your thoughtfulness continues to inspire me. Thank you. That's very kind of you. I discern with the Capuchins in Australia for a while, actually. So God bless you and all the best and make sure once you put that habit on, it doesn't come off. Also, get one of the cool hat things that they wear and grow your beard out the end 87 web Something says now that you're a real American. When are you getting an AR 15? See asking when are you getting an hour 15 is like someone answer that yeah, don't tell the government
Starting point is 01:22:41 Come in a little Can you come in a little thank you? Yeah, right. Good. Um, all right. I think we should wrap up now. Yep. Nobody's sending chats.
Starting point is 01:22:53 I'm clicking the off button. Bye.

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