Pints With Aquinas - Pope Francis Hulu Series, King of the Hill, & Thomas on "The Extent of Doctrine"

Episode Date: March 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Any sinner is capable of being a great saint. And any saint is the realization of this power that there is in each and every one of us. For good and for evil. The good Lord would have us lay hold of what is worst in ourselves. Do not think that people who have virtue and kindness and other great talents just came by these things naturally. They had to work out them very hard.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Any sinner is capable of being a great saint, and any saint is also capable of being a great sinner. The The secret therefore of character development is the realization of this power that there is in each and every one of us, for good and for evil. The good Lord would have us lay hold of what is worst in ourselves. Do not think that people who have virtue and kindness and other great talents just came by these things naturally. They had to work at them very hard. I'm going to be a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:02:54 little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a Okay. Welcome to Pints with Aquinas. My name is Matt Fradd.
Starting point is 00:03:20 That over there is Thursday. That's me. And this is a Pints of the coin is beer Stein. And if you want one, go become a supporter at Matt frad dot locals dot com. Become an annual supporter. And when you do, we'll contact you and we'll send you one. You also, if you become an annual supporter, get access to our quarterly newsletter called the Jill. Again, that's we even pay shipping on the Jill.
Starting point is 00:03:46 We're probably going to have to stop that at some point because it's really almost bankrupting pints with Aquinas because we even pay. I thought it was a cool idea, like ship these to Yemen and stuff for free. And I'm paying for it. I'm going to keep doing that. So you get the newspaper quarterly for free. Be a style and we ask you pay for shipping. But go support us over there, because we just did a big thing with Jason Everett on transgenderism And I'm really surprised we haven't been dinged yet. Are you the video is not even demonetized actually
Starting point is 00:04:15 I mean I I can double-check it right now like I'll pull it up It's pretty wild. It was it was wild and wooly And then okay, so so we'll see point is go over and follow us on locals Also today the reason we were a little late is we are streaming Both on youtube and on rumble. Yeah, so if you want to go over to rumble and watch it over there you can do that That's pretty cool. Was that easier than you thought? Uh streaming to rumble. Oh, it wasn't too bad. Good Yeah, that video is still fully monetized.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Unreal. Yeah. All right. Well, that was an amazing episode, by the way, if you all haven't watched it. What is a woman was a fantastic documentary, but this feels like the sequel. Like if you want to take a deep dive into trans stuff, theory, how it developed historically. Jason Everett is a real expert on this topic. So go watch that video if you haven't already. How was your weekend? It was good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah, it was good. We need to see your face. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was good. Feast day was good. Yeah, I played Played Atomic Heart. All right. Like I told you, you wouldn't
Starting point is 00:05:29 I don't think you'd enjoy that game, but I enjoyed it a lot. So that was fun. Hung out with my dog and my roommate. It's always a good time. My friend Joe is in town for a visit. Sounds great. With him.
Starting point is 00:05:41 He's a good guy. Well, I flew back from out of country last week. It was the night before I was interviewing Jason Everett. My wife and I went down to Mexico for a couple of nights. We have a friend there who was able to get us a room at some resort thing on. I don't know if you've ever thrown up on an airplane, but it's quite the experience. So I'm sitting at breakfast. By the way, if you're eating and watching this video, stop eating.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Yeah. And also for people at home, this is the third time Matt's asked me if I've thrown up on an airplane. So I was sitting in the morning, sitting down, more than having breakfast. And I said to my wife, Oh, I'm having weird stabbing pains in my thumb and my foot. I don't understand what's happening, but it's not good. And I don't know if I'm going to be able to make this flight, but I knew I had Jason Everett the next day. So I was like, I got to make it work. So I thought I'd be okay.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Bottom line is, by the way, I think I had food poisoning. But I was on the plane, and I just started sweating. And you know how you try to talk yourself out of it? You think mind over matter if you just say, no, I'll be fine. Come on. No worries. I'm fine. But at some point you just say no I'll be fine come on no worries I'm fine but at some point you're like I'm not fine not a little bit so I stood up and went back I'm sorry I'm gonna get a little detail here little detailed you don't realize that one of the pleasures of throwing up
Starting point is 00:07:01 because it's the most awful experience really that a human being can have almost is wrapping your arms around the bowl right like you don't think that that's a nice feature of throwing up if you had to pick one you would say wrapping your hands around the bowl is a bit nice I've as an expert in throwing up I have never wrapped my hands around the bowl. Just kind of not wrapped it but you just kind of like to lay on it and you're like, OK, like that. Nah. Point is this in that airplane bathroom, they're very, very small.
Starting point is 00:07:33 You can't even kneel down by the bowl and there's not really a bowl. It's a very awkward experience. And you're also aware that there are people out there. And here's the other thing that stunk is that the lock didn't really work work and I knew that because I would slide it across and then the light would go on and off like It wasn't really latching the whole way through so I had that to worry about I'm gonna spare you the nitty-gritty details, but it was a terrible flight and It's really I think only by the grace of God that I woke up and I'm like, all right, I think I'll be okay. So seven in the morning, still had food poisoning, had a cigar like a man, had some black coffee
Starting point is 00:08:11 and I was good to go. I really think it was the grace of God that enabled that excellent interview to take place. Yes, because the next day you were sick. The next day I was supposed to interview Jacob. Imam will have him on this week and I was, there was no way I could have done it then. What is this thing on my vest? Stop looking at yourself. Um, anyway. That's hilarious because, well it's not hilarious, but it is ironic. Well, it's not ironic either. It's a weird coincidence. It's a word. It's a thing because that happened to you on Tuesday, right? What did I do?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Yeah, I was sick on Tuesday and I was in the ER the day before. Yeah. Someone did not want that Jason Everett video to air, but it did. They tried to kill us. In your face, hairy legs. And by hairy legs, I mean Satan. All right. And then what happened was I was, Saturday morning, I get something on locals. Someone says, hey, I saw you on CBS this morning.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I was at the gym and I didn't even respond because obviously I wasn't on CBS this morning. I was at the gym and I didn't even respond because obviously I wasn't on CBS. Being from Australia, to be honest, I didn't really know what CBS was. I guess it's one of your big networks, but I thought, no, I'm- CBS stands for Columbia Broadcasting. What?
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, as waiting for you to smart ass, thought you could get it. Columbia Broadcasting. Station. Station. Something. Yeah. So then it started showing up on locals. People were screenshotting Thursday Smartass thought you could get in broadcasting station station something. Yeah. So then it started showing up on locals. People were screenshotting Thursday and myself on CBS.
Starting point is 00:09:31 So I text Thursday from the cigar lounge. I'm like, I just sent the picture. Third. Can I say what you wrote back? Yeah, I think so because you may need to censor it though, because I think there was profanity in it. Thursday texted back and says, did we say anything about the gaze? And then he said, I thought we were nice to the gaze. I didn't know what it was about.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I was actually a little nervous. No. So we agreed on this that because you and I said that we, it was the GPT interview, but both of you, the, it was this shot, this split shot that's on screen right now. And the only three times we've used the split shot, this is the fourth time, was GPT, diversity and Calvin Robinson. It's quite amazing that they chose the cheese. And so we forgot both of us about the GPT one because it was older. And so my immediate thought was something about, Oh crap about oh crap, oh crap,
Starting point is 00:10:25 oh crap. We're in trouble for either the gays or the diversity stuff. It's a fair point. But in fact, it was me freaking out about asking chat G P T to write a poem about cheese. And so I someone David Hicks on Facebook replied with the best comment. He said, your foray into national prominence began with the line, cheese, oh, cheese, so luscious and bold. So anyway, that was pretty good. Yeah. Also, please, no one let Matt live down the fact that the first time he was on CBS, CBS, reading it was prefaced by the phrase the unprepared
Starting point is 00:11:06 public. The narrator says on the unprepared public. Chase oh chase. So luscious. But there you go it could have been way worse it could have been me talking about piss fingers. It could have been about that. I was worried it was gonna be the diversity worship. she would have been even worse. All right. So that happened. And then yesterday, just so everyone knows, I was on Michael Noles's show. Yes or no. If you're interested to go check that out. That was kind of fun doing that with him. There's a couple of good one liners in there, which we won't, we won't mention. All right. So here's what I want to do for the rest of the show. I want to talk about my new obsession with King of the Hill.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Then I want to take a look at an article from Thomas Aquinas on why we need more than philosophy. And then I'm going to take three questions from our local supporters. Sound good? That sounds excellent. That sounds excellent, Mr. Pints. Thank you. Why do you say that again? So, one of my favorite things to do, and people don't know this probably,
Starting point is 00:12:12 but in YouTube, the comments that are automatically held for containing words that either YouTube or the channel owner has decided are not allowed in the comments section, there's a whole section of the channel backend that you can look at just those questions, those comments and approve them. And multiple of them are from, are people complaining about something frankly dumb. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:37 But they preface it because they wanna be polite. With Mr. Pints. With Mr. Pints. Cool. Which is hilarious to me. So. I'll go with Mr. Pints, that's fine with Mr. Pints with Mr. Pints, which is hilarious to me. So I'll go with Mr. Pints. That's fine with me. All right. So let me tell you about King of the Hill. Now I am a 39 year old man and I'm just now learning about what King of the Hill is, which I think started in around 2005 ish. I have a theory for why you are. Well, let me, let me tell
Starting point is 00:13:02 you what. Okay. All right. So first of all, I want to preface it by saying I've only seen the first season and like three of episodes of the second season. So I'm not I have no idea. The trajectory trajectory of the show, I don't know if it's going to become woke or awful. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:13:17 All I know is I watched the first season and the first episodes of the second season. And I for the most part love it. I think I love it because I'm an old man and this show is about Hank Hill, who's an old, somewhat grumpy man. And so I relate to him and his inability to understand the youngins like Thursday and my eldest son. I like it for those reasons.
Starting point is 00:13:43 But but more seriously, I don't like adult cartoons or cartoons for adults. So like what? The Simpsons or South Park or Rick and Morty or that hand burger one. If you're watching Rick and Morty, you should not. You should stop. Okay. The reason I don't like, even The Simpsons, I know people love The Simpsons or at least the first four or six seasons. The reason I don't like those cartoons is it feels like I'm hanging out with a friend who's really funny. Like he's quick witted.
Starting point is 00:14:15 He's very sarcastic. He's dirty. And it's like, it's funny, but I'm exhausted after being around him for a while. You know, he's kind of cutting and it's sort of enjoyable, but it's sort of not. That's how I feel when I watch The Simpsons and these other shows. But when I watch King of the Hill, I actually find it really funny. It's it's it's so far is I've enjoyed it is it's kind of like a quaint comedy. It's sort of like it's it's pretty wholesome so far.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And I like it for that reason. What do you think I like? Oh, I don't know if it's this was my theory on why you're technically a millennial, but very much not. OK. And it's because the Internet came to Australia so much later. Yeah. So your interaction with technology. That's exactly right. Is actually closer
Starting point is 00:15:06 To like a late boomer. Yeah, do you I think like like no like just based on like your because the generations Are largely used to be based on like cultural impact at certain points in history But I think they're more becoming based on your interaction with technology and what age it is and what for sure generate like what? Yeah, what levels are available to you at what age is so the first time I had access to the internet I was 17 years old. Yeah, so see I feel like this is whereas my wife I think was using it maybe at 14 or 15 or something. Well, I mean, so she's a few years because she grew up in america first computer I ever used I was like 10 or 11 saying like but you probably didn't. Yeah, I feel like growing up in Australia,
Starting point is 00:15:51 you probably had later interactions with technology later in life, which means that even though you're the same age as someone who's 39, you- 100%. I think that's exactly right. However, I would say that that technology gap has closed now. It's not like what comes out technologically now in the United States takes five years to get to Australia. Yeah, that's five seconds now. But yes, I was in the prevalence of gigabit. Yeah. Yeah. So it's really funny. So I want to show you guys two clips. Oh, you know what? We've totally forgot what we're doing.
Starting point is 00:16:22 I meant to say in a minute, I didn't even announce this. We're going to look at Hulu's new show called The Pope. Are we going to do that first? Should we do that first? I'm really scared about what... Let's do it first. Yeah. So I'm scared. I'm really scared about this. Have you not watched this yet?
Starting point is 00:16:39 I've watched the trailer. I haven't watched it yet. So this will be my first time. And I'm scared because it's Hulu There's no way they would do a documentary Or if it's a show on the Pope if he's actually calling out the sin of abortion and sodomy Yeah, and also like just based on the first 20 seconds of that trailer. It's just like the the normal like How many diverse young people can we get into a room thing you know what I
Starting point is 00:17:06 mean which makes me think it's a woke thing well let's let's play it I love you put Francis but I'm nervous man I'm nervous so this is coming out in April this will be on Hulu. Here we go, baby. There's all the symbolism around him. He's the capo of all. Top of the pyramid. Big boss. How near.
Starting point is 00:17:44 It's a beautiful shot. Be ready, they're a nightmare. The program was about talking to the Pope. It's boring talking to a priest, says the Pope. They all laugh, ball in the middle. He's thinking here. No, I know, I'm just reading it because it's in Spanish. You weren't a feminist. Oh, if I weren't a feminist.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Something. I guess we're about feminism, we're showing a gay couple. People that rejected the faith. Consistency is what we Christians find hardest. Abortion exists as women says. What do we do with these women? In the church, as an institution. I've never met anyone. I learned a lot from you, says the Pope.
Starting point is 00:18:54 You've done me a lot of good. All right. All right. So my initial impressions are I got a couple of thoughts, I guess. One is it's nice since it can be nice, can be helpful if the Pope gets a platform like this, because people can potentially see the beauty of Catholicism. Pope Francis seemed to be great on camera. It's really well shot. It's also important. I mean, we had Jason Everton the other day talking about the importance of us
Starting point is 00:19:22 listening to people. Like like we really should do that We should we should try to understand where they're coming from And so it sounds like there's a lot of that what I find interesting is it's called the Pope and then it has colon Answers you see that it doesn't it's not called the Pope answers. It's the Pope colon answers and If it were the Pope giving answers, which it sounds like he is because they're asking him questions, but at the very end, he says something that might be revealing of the whole show, which is, I've learned a lot from you and this did me a lot of good. This is what makes me nervous because the reason Christ instituted a church and gave it teaching authority is so that it can teach.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And given the confusion in society today regarding transgenderism and abortion and so-called same sex marriage, we need to be giving answers to people. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to be as disciples of Jesus Christ, we are to be discipled, to be taught. My fear is that this is going to be a show where the Pope is the one who is taught, and he doesn't give any – now I'm not kind of accusing the Pope of holding, say, a position on transgenderism or a position on abortion that's contrary to church teaching. That's not what I'm saying. But my fear is that the teachings aren't going to be clear-throated and it's just going to add to the confusion Within the church of young people who maybe they've been hurt by the church And maybe they've been hurt by the church because there's evil people in the church. No doubt. That's the case
Starting point is 00:20:59 But maybe they're leaving the church because they think that the church needs to get with the times on abortion and transgenderism and this stuff I they're leaving the church because they think that the church needs to get with the times on abortion and transgenderism and this stuff. I cannot see Hulu releasing a video that doesn't have the agenda as the church needs to get with the times and hear these diverse and perhaps a few non-binary people are going to educate the pope and give the pope answers. So that's. Yeah. Also, let's say hypothetically that he does give sound teaching, but. Prefaces it or ends it with like, oh, we need to listen to these people. You really think that the sound, what do you in the end? You know, I feel like it would not, I wouldn't put it past anybody at Hulu or a major media corporation to cut out the teaching Yeah, you would hope that the play it as his answer being I've learned a lot and he doesn't actually give you that's that's also
Starting point is 00:21:52 A possibility right so that but see the Pope should be smart enough or the people around him should be smart enough to say we Get final editing control We get to approve how this is edited. You would hope that. That's not going to happen. Then he shouldn't have done it. It would seem to me. Yeah, I mean, I don't think this was a good idea. Here's what's sad.
Starting point is 00:22:14 And I don't, I don't know any faithful Catholic who would disagree with this. If you're one of them, please let me know in the comments section what you think and why I'm wrong. I would much prefer my teenager to watch what is a Woman than whatever this is going to be. So it's sad that we've come to a point where I'm OK with my kids watching Matt. Even before I watched the documentary, I would have probably been OK with my 15 year old watching Matt Walsh. Actually, that was the case. Him and my wife and I sat down and we watched the documentary before even. Having previewed it first, and I was comfortable with that because of where he's at and his maturity level.
Starting point is 00:22:53 But I would not sit Liam down, my son, my eldest son to watch this. Like, I'm going to need to come and to review that. And I don't even think after I review, this is going to be something I would want him to watch. What is that? Now you could say, well, that actually has more to do with Hulu that's producing this than daily wire. And maybe that is the case. But I'm I'm really frightened about I'm not frightened. Frightened is the wrong word.
Starting point is 00:23:19 I've kind of given up being disappointed. I'm OK with the fact that we have a pope that says imprudent things and does. It's not that I'm OK with it, but I've resigned myself to it and it doesn't. It doesn't really dishearten me. I wonder if it's going to be a success. As far as Hulu is concerned. I don't know. I that'll be on the numbers. I mean, my parents have a little accounts
Starting point is 00:23:46 I'll probably get them to send the password over and let me and I'll watch an episode or two of it just to see what it's uh see what see what it's about what's going on just because I want to know like because you could probably watch an episode or even half an episode and get a feeling for how it's edited and what it's supposed to be. You know what I mean? So yeah, yeah, it's going to be interesting. All right. So let us know below what you think of this upcoming, I guess it's a, I guess it's just like a one show episode. What's the best case scenario? What's the worst case scenario? All right. Now I want to show you just to change gears for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Two really hilarious. King of the Hill episodes, just going to show you like a minute clip and then a 20 second clip. If you don't find this funny, then you should not watch King of the Hill. So basically, I forget this fella's name, but he moves. It's an Asian fella who moves into the neighborhood of a rural Texan town. And they're getting to, is it Khan? I think his name is and they're getting to know him. So let's play this for you. It's only 27 seconds long We lay ocean. The ocean? What ocean? We all lay ocean. From Laos, stupid.
Starting point is 00:25:05 It's a landlocked country in Southeast Asia. It's between Vietnam and Thailand, okay? Population 4.7 million. So are you Chinese or Japanese? That's it. All right. That's just really funny. That one goes out to all my Asian viewers out there.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I don't think they would. Did you watch that before? Because I know you don't have the audio. Yeah, I watched it. I don't think they would do that today, but that's really funny. Just a typical kind of like white ignorant thing that if you're Asian, you're either obviously from Japan or China. Point is, though, he ends up hating this guy because he's arrogant. And then he's explaining to his wife Peggy
Starting point is 00:25:46 that he doesn't like him and Peggy is suggesting that others are saying that this is due to racism. Here's Hank Hill's response that's on the next clip. By the way before you press play just I love all the subtleties in this cartoon like the fact that Peggy is eating her pizza with a fork. That is fantastic. All right. What the hell kind of country is this where I can only hate a man if he's white? I didn't see this one. What is it?
Starting point is 00:26:16 You didn't? All right. So she's saying that this might be people are saying that it's maybe because you're racist and he's like, it's not, oh, it's not because you're, it's not because it's not because he's like, it's not, oh, it's not because you're, it's not because it's not because he's Asian. It's because he's like a jerk. And then the line is, what the hell kind of country is this where I can only hate a man if he's white?
Starting point is 00:26:34 How good is that ahead of its time? That's pretty good. Yeah. I always get nervous when you look embarrassed by something I'm doing because you tend to push the envelope way more than I do. Yeah, but not on stream. The worst thing I've ever done on stream is the Titanic conspiracy. Oh, okay. Well, if you're watching, let us know what you thought about that below.
Starting point is 00:26:55 All right. So now what I want to do is take a look at a Summa Theologiae article and go through it. Yeah. And go through it. Yeah, I'm waiting for you to click it and then move it out the way so I can actually read it. Yeah, baby, this is what we're looking at today. So this comes, this is a, this is an important thing to discuss. In addition to philosophy, in addition to sound human reasoning, do we need anything else?
Starting point is 00:27:26 Do we need theology? And Aquinas offers two arguments, and of course these are arguments from his opponents, his intellectual opponents. He's going to say ultimately that yes, we need theology. But here are a couple of arguments for why we only need philosophy. So I want to read through this because there's only two objections and two responses. I think it's really enlightening to show why it is we do need theology and why philosophy isn't enough. So here's the first objection. It seems that besides philosophical science, we have no need of any further knowledge. For man should not seek to know what is above
Starting point is 00:28:05 reason. Seek not the things that are too high for thee." So that's a good quote from scripture that does make it sound like if you shouldn't be investigating those topics that are above human reason, then Sirach tells you to not do that and therefore philosophy is enough. Because he then says, but whatever is not above reason is fully treated of in philosophical science. Therefore, any other knowledge besides philosophical science is superfluous.
Starting point is 00:28:32 I just realized we got to find out. I find a better way to like stream these topics. This has been me vomiting in a toilet. To I don't know, like Pope Francis and that thing and then King of the Hill. And this is all over the place. Yeah. And also like, well, we did a really good job during the Calvin one. The Calvin one was like, that was really good.
Starting point is 00:28:55 We had that locked away. This one, this one is a bit spastic. We'd like to apologize. All right. Here's the second objection. Further knowledge can be concerned only with being, for nothing can be known save what is true and all that is is true. But everything that is, is treated of in philosophical science, even God himself, so that there is a part of philosophy
Starting point is 00:29:16 called theology or the divine science as Aristotle has proved. Therefore, besides philosophical science, there is no need for any further knowledge. So the point there seems to be that we have all different branches of philosophy, like aesthetics and metaphysics, which studies being and epistemology, which studies knowledge. So everything that is, is treated of in philosophy. So we don't need theology. All right, here's the said contra. It is written in 2 Timothy 3 16, all scripture
Starting point is 00:29:45 in spite of God is profitable to teach, to prove, to correct, to instruct in justice. Now scripture in spite of God is no part of philosophical science, which has been built up by human reason. Therefore it is useful that besides philosophical science, there should be other knowledge. Now I'm not going to comment yet. I want to read his main response because this is absolutely masterful. It was necessary for man's salvation that there should be a knowledge revealed by God besides philosophical science built up by human reason. Why? Here's the first reason. Because man is directed to God as to an end that surpasses the grasp of reason. We read in Isaiah, I have not seen, oh God, besides the what things thou hast prepared for them that wait for thee. But the end must first be known.
Starting point is 00:30:39 So if we men are directed to an end that we cannot grasp intellectually? Well, in order to know it and know of it, it needs to it needs to therefore be revealed to us. If it cannot be revealed to us through the light of our human reason, it has to be given to us some other way. Hence, it was necessary for the salvation of man that certain truths which exceed human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God, which human reason should be made known to him by divine revelation. Even as regards those truths about God which human reason could have discovered it was necessary that man should be taught by a divine revelation. I'm going to pause there.
Starting point is 00:31:14 So he's talking, there's two reasons we have theology, right? Theology etymologically means the study of God. This technically speaking wouldn't be possible unless God had revealed himself to us. If God had not revealed himself to us through the prophets, the patriarchs, and ultimately through his son Jesus Christ, then philosophy is really all that we could have. Aquinas is saying there are certain truths that exceed human understanding. It's not actually possible for us to know them. And then he says there are things about God that we can know through understanding, but it's really difficult to know them. So in that first category of things that
Starting point is 00:31:49 cannot be known, we could say things like the incarnation, the mystery of the Eucharist, the mystery of the Trinity, perhaps angels and things like that. Perhaps the idea that it's God's desire to save mankind. These are all things that we wouldn't be able to know through philosophy. This is not something that Aristotle could possibly arrive at, for example. So that's the reason God who loves us is going to reveal himself to us so that we can know those things with certainty. The second thing Aquinas says is there are truths that we can come to know about God and not through theology, but through philosophical reflection. So for example, the first Vatican council stated that we don't need revelation to know
Starting point is 00:32:36 that God exists. We don't need the Bible. We don't need the church. We can come to a knowledge of God's existence wholly apart from revelation. As is proved in Aquinas' Five Ways, which are found in the first part of the Summa Theologiae, question one, article three, I think.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Probably got that wrong. He gives us five ways and all of them are based on sense experience, which leads back to a first cause, which he says, or a first mover, et cetera. But, okay, so why do we need revelation to help us know the things we can know? If we can know them, why is it important we need revelation? Here's what he says, because the truth about God, such as reason could discover, would only be known by a few
Starting point is 00:33:29 and that after a long time and with the admixture of many errors. So there's three reasons that we need the church to teach us and the church has the ability to teach us because God has revealed it. What we could possibly know through philosophy for these three reasons. One because it's actually difficult to come to a knowledge of the existence of God. Just because we can come to a knowledge of the existence of God through philosophy, it doesn't mean that everyone will. All right, so maybe Trent Horn will.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Doesn't mean I will. So that's one reason. Secondly, it would take people a long time to come to the knowledge of God's existence, at least some people. Partly because they're not as smart as other people, but partly because they've got stuff to do like taking care of their families and making money and that kind of thing. So that's the other benefit of God revealing things we could know through revelation through the church. And the third reason is, okay, even if some people came
Starting point is 00:34:32 to know of the existence of God and things about God, and it took them a long time, we wouldn't have the certainty that it was sort of like true. Maybe some things about it are true, but it would be mixed with many errors. So you think of different sort of pagan religions or Eastern religions that have things to say about God or the incorporeal like Hinduism, for example, different strands of Buddhism. Even though they might be right about certain things, it doesn't mean, or Islam for that matter, it doesn't mean it's not mixed with many errors. And so Aquinas there says, whereas man's whole salvation, which is in God, depends upon the knowledge of this truth. Therefore, in order that the salvation of men might be brought about more fitly and more surely, it was necessary that
Starting point is 00:35:25 they should be taught divine truths by divine revelation. It was therefore necessary that besides philosophical science built up by reason, there should be a sacred science learned through revelation." So this really gets us back to the whole discussion of faith in science, you know, and are they at odds? And they're not. If you have science contradicting what we know to be true, certainly through faith, you've either got bad science or bad faith.
Starting point is 00:35:53 The idea that the two contradict each other is something that is not possible. And, of course, that word science has come to mean something different today than the way Aristotle or Aquinas use the word. The word etymologically comes from the Latin, well, Latin is schiancia, which just means knowledge. When we talk about science today, we're talking about a method of investigation into the natural world to discover truths about it. So that's really important, right? That revelation doesn't subvert or,
Starting point is 00:36:27 it doesn't even really interrupt the faculty of reason. Rather it enables reason to see further than it could on its own. So I've heard it said that faith is to reason what a telescope is to the natural eye, right? The telescope doesn't cancel your eye, it doesn't make your eye unnecessary, but it does make you able to see a lot further than you could by your natural abilities and so too with theology, that is to the mind.
Starting point is 00:36:56 It enables us to perceive things that we otherwise may not have perceived. All right, so here are the two objections. You remember the first objection is you shouldn't be considering things that are too lofty for you. The second objection was philosophy already covers everything. So therefore we don't need anything else. Let's look at his responses. Here's his reply to the first objection. Although those things which are beyond man's knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason.
Starting point is 00:37:26 knowledge may not be sought for by man through his reason, right, so he's agreeing there. Nevertheless, once they are revealed by God, they must be accepted by faith. So clearly it's not the case that God reveals things to us and then we're not allowed to accept them because we shouldn't be concerning ourselves with things that are too far beyond us. And then he uses the same verse that the objector offers against the objector by quoting that verse. He says, hence the sacred text continues, for many things are shown to the above the understanding of man. You see that?
Starting point is 00:37:56 So that's what he's referring to in Revelation. These things that are beyond our understanding are being revealed to us. And who are they being revealed to us by? They're not being revealed to us by an unreliable source. So if I claimed to reveal things to you that I have no access to, you really shouldn't trust me at all. But if God reveals them, then we know that they have to be the case. All right, here's the reply to the second objection, sciences are differentiated according to the various meanings through which knowledge is obtained. For the astronomer and the physicist, so these are
Starting point is 00:38:31 two different branches of science, astronomy and studying the world through different means, both prove the same conclusion, that the earth, for instance, is round. The astronomer does it through mathematics and the physicist does it by examining matter itself. Hence, there is no reason why those things which may be learned from philosophical science so far as they can be known by natural reason may not also be taught to us by another science. So we can come to the knowledge of something that is true through two different branches of philosophy. And so notice here, by the way, too, because I think this probably often goes overlooked,
Starting point is 00:39:10 that he's talking about the earth being round. Often atheists, not educated ones, but you do find them who say that people in the Middle Ages thought that the world was flat. This is clearly not the case. Aristotle has a work, I think it's called On the Heavens, and I believe he offers at least three arguments for why the Earth must be spherical. One of those arguments was when you stand on a shore and you see a ship go off, that it starts to shrink into the horizon. Aquinas is assuming this, he's very well aware of this, but he's
Starting point is 00:39:44 saying that we can come to a knowledge that the earth is spherical based on different sciences. And so we can also come to the knowledge of God's existence, let's say, through metaphysics and through theology. Hence there is no reason why those things which may be learned from philosophical science so far as they can be known by natural reason may not also be taught to us through another science so far as they fall within revelation. And then he concludes, hence theology included in sacred doctrine differs in kind from that theology which is part of philosophy.
Starting point is 00:40:18 All right. So that is the article. So we could sum it up by saying we need theology in addition to mere philosophy, because there are truths about God that we cannot begin to comprehend by our own natural reason. And even certain truths about God that we can comprehend through natural reason, we wouldn't be able to, or at least not very easily, or at least not without an admixture of error. All right.
Starting point is 00:40:49 I love Aquinas. Do you like Aquinas? When you hear him read, do you just get excited like I do? Not especially. Okay. Like the systematic theology stuff isn't really my thing. Not your bag. I love it. I'm very content to be the
Starting point is 00:41:08 Simple peasant who doesn't really understand what's going on. Well fair enough I feel I'm a simple peasant too to be sure but All right. So now what I want to do as we wrap up is take three questions from our local supporters I want to remind people that we are streaming over on rumble. Is anyone watching on rumble? Yeah, I'll look at the screen right now. Fifty six. Fifty six people are watching us on rumble. Yeah. Hey, rumble, it's nice to have people watching us over there.
Starting point is 00:41:33 Go over there. Yeah. And everyone who's watching on YouTube should stop watching on YouTube and go start watching on rumble right now. Let's write this down. Let's figure this out. So we have three hundred eighty three, I think, watching on YouTube. Three. I've got three nineteen on the Ecam window, Let's write this down. Let's figure this out. So we have 383, I think, watching on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Three. I've got 319 on the E cam window, but 319. Okay. And then we've got 56 people. All right. Refresh, refresh on Rumble. Let's see what happens. 56.
Starting point is 00:41:58 And everybody's all failed me. We're actually trying to get people like we actually want to see how many people we can get on Rble right now. So type in pints of the kindness into the search bar. You will find it. Hold on. Let me. Oh, we're going to put it in the chat and put it in this, put it in the, put in
Starting point is 00:42:15 the old pints with the kindness YouTube chat, the chatter Rooney send everybody. Click that link if you want. No, but do it or else you're dead to me. We're not. All right. So 58 people that went up by two to the eight. Come on. Come on. Can we get to 100 maybe 100 viewers on rumble? Well, here's what I'll do. I'll take these three questions from our local supporters and then you know what
Starting point is 00:42:38 we should do by the end of it. Maybe we'll have a hundred. Hold on. Hold on. Yeah. Keep taking your questions. Hold on. One second. What is it? One second or keep reading them. Wait, I got an idea. Hold on. Ready? Uh, that's it. That's a great idea. Thursday. Okay. We will all see what we'll do just to kind of get people over on rumble. So I'm going to take these three questions and then I'm going to take questions
Starting point is 00:43:04 only over on rumble and we'll see what to take these three questions and then I'm going to take questions only over on rumble. And we'll see what happens. 66 people watching. By the way, rumble is not paying me to do this, though they should. Somebody said the sound is funky on rumble. I don't know what to do about that. Well, all right.
Starting point is 00:43:17 If the sound is funky, go over to YouTube and forget everything we just told you. All right, this question comes from, well, I'm not going to say his last name just in case he doesn't want me to, but Christian, he says, I want to homeschool my kids, but my wife isn't in agreement. She doesn't disagree with me about the moral issue at stake, but doesn't think our local public school will be harmful to them.
Starting point is 00:43:41 But my heart speaks clearly on this. How can I move forward with this even when she isn't on board? If I do this, I will need to drastically alter my work schedule, but I feel deeply that this is where God is calling me. I just love my kids so much and I want to step up to the plate for them. Prayers and any advice are appreciated. Yeah, well, if you feel convicted about this, I think the first thing I would do is talk to your wife and try to understand Why it is she doesn't want to homeschool them. I'm sure she has legitimate reasons Or least reasons that mean a lot to her and so trying to understand where she's coming from Maybe it's always important. I think that we try to understand is whenever we're in a disagreement with our spouse
Starting point is 00:44:20 That you we try to understand where each other's coming from and what each person is saying. Sometimes when my wife and I get into an argument and we kind of go into a stalemate, I'll say to her, you tell me what you think I'm saying and I'll tell you what I think you're saying. And if I can articulate to her her own concerns, it helps her kind of like drop her shoulders a little bit and realize, okay, he is listening and vice versa. If she reiterates to me what she thinks I'm saying and she gets it wrong I'm like, okay, that's not at all what I'm saying What I'm saying is this then I have a repeat it back to me and that that can be really helpful So maybe say to your wife. Why do you think I want to homeschool our kids?
Starting point is 00:44:59 because maybe she doesn't really understand it and By her telling you why she thinks you don't want to send them to school, that will be revealed. Likewise, maybe you should try to understand her by saying, okay, I think you don't want to homeschool like kids because you think X, Y, and Z. And maybe you can come to a resolution that way. I mean, obviously people can take different opinions about this. I had one mother say to me that she liked the idea of sending her kids to school yesterday. We have 125 people watching on Rumble. Well done.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Tell us on Rumble if this sounds poor. Yeah. All the people in the chat said it's fine. Yes. Yeah. I had one mom say to me that she was okay sending her kids to preschool or at least whatever the initial schooling stage is called kindergarten. Is that what you call it? I don't know. So that they can learn to read basically. And if you can basically read,
Starting point is 00:45:53 then it's a lot easier to homeschool kids. So you could consider that as an option. Yeah, but that's, those are a few. Obviously I don't know you or your wife. And so I don't want to say more. But there you go. All right. Christopher says, and by the way, we have how many people on rumble? 133. I said 100.
Starting point is 00:46:11 Like it would be a big goal, but like now I kind of want to see if we can split it evenly between YouTube and rumble. What if we got 200? 200. We have 296 on YouTube. Just in case people don't know, like rumumble is like the non-woke YouTube. So they're not going to ban me for saying things that I would get banned for saying over on YouTube. And so that's why if you're on Rumble right now, please, I beg you, subscribe to me on Rumble. Follow me is what I mean on Rumble. Join me over there on Rumble.
Starting point is 00:46:39 It would really mean a lot. I think the join is like the paid thing. So, oh, okay. Follow us on locals. Oh yeah, I see.. Oh, okay. Follow us on Locals. Oh yeah, I see. Support us on Locals, follow us on Rumble. Yeah, Rumble and Locals are together. All right, so we're gonna see
Starting point is 00:46:55 how many people we can get over there. If we get to 150, Thursday is going to take his top off for you. There are four people left to 150. That's not going to happen. Doing that. All right. All right. Well, now we're 150 and just that
Starting point is 00:47:12 de-incentivize you. We promise to keep our clothes on. I will be. We're going to need 150 people over on rumble. We are going to take our shirts off unless we get to 200 people. All right. That is so everyone's texting their friends,
Starting point is 00:47:30 please for love of all things. All right. Here's the second question. This comes from Christopher. He says, what is the best argument you've heard against the total apostasy narrative put forth by the Mormon church? Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So the church of Latter-day Saints or the Mormon church. Okay, yeah. Yeah, so the Church of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormon Church, are of the opinion that there was a total apostasy, that the church basically, you know, was like a ship that sank and had to be reinstituted by God, and that church is the Mormon Church. So what I want to say to a friend who is talking to me is like, what do you mean by total apostasy?
Starting point is 00:48:05 Do you mean that the church abandoned the faith? You do, okay. Do you mean that there were certain false things that this church began to teach? You do, okay. Would some of those false things be things that the Catholic Church continues to teach today? Yes, okay. So for example, prayers to the saints would be one, I suppose. Okay. The Eucharist, you know, okay. The primacy of the Pope, would that
Starting point is 00:48:30 be one? You could go over some of these things. And then you might want to say, when did this occur? When did this total apostasy occur? Because I know some of our fundamentalist Protestant brethren would say by AD 325, under Constantine, there was a lot of kind of pagan stuff brought into the church, and by that point, there was definitely a total apostasy. And the reason I say that is one way to show that that's false is by reading Christians who existed well before the time of 325, not just in Rome, but in other places that weren't influenced by that emperor, Constantine. And what you find is that these earliest Christians before the time of Constantine were teaching
Starting point is 00:49:16 the Eucharist, prayers to the saints, these sorts of things. And so I think that's one possible way to go about it. I just Googled it. Oh, here we go. Mormons believe that a great apostasy happened following the death of the apostles. So there you go. So what do you mean by that? Right? The truth was perverted. So what you might even say to them is like, what are some truths that the Catholic Church currently teaches that is a result of the perversion that was brought about by the total apostasy? Let them give you a list. Try to tell them to be as thorough as they like Give me ten things the Catholic Church teaches today that
Starting point is 00:49:48 Wouldn't have been Taught, you know In the early church, for example That that might be one way to go about it But of course if you're going to say by the death of the last apostle so we could still find some Some teachings prior to that even in early Christian literature that would show that it was being taught. And not just that, but that it's congruent with scripture anyway. Those would be a few things. Also, I want to point out that we have this woman coming on the show. I forget her name.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Someone suggested her to me, and I apologize that I don't know your name. So if you're watching right now, I feel a bit silly that I've forgotten your name, but This person was raised in the LDS Church Was a was a firm believer in what the LDS Church taught and is has left the Mormon Church and is now a Catholic And so she'll be coming on the show in the next couple of months. And so See two women whose names I don't recognize on our schedule. Read them to me. Kayla Richardson. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:47 Noel Maring. Noel. Yeah, so it's the First Lady, I think. I don't want to. Maybe, I mean, we have... Anyway, look out for that. Here's the third question, but before we get to that third question, Thursday, I'd like to see how many people are following us on Rumble right now.
Starting point is 00:51:04 How many people? We have 12,000 followers on rumble and 187 people remember if we don't get to 200 we are going to take our clothes off people want me to sing a song if we get to 200 hey we should take a question from rumble now yeah well I don't see any questions in the chat they're just not talking about being they're just making fun of Thursday to watch on rumble I can't turn my phone screen off and that's a bummer. Oh, I see. Oh, you want to listen to audio only. Yeah, fair enough. Well, that's fine, but you should still just listen on Rumble. All right, if a question comes in, let me know. But here's the third question from our local supporter, Matthew. He says,
Starting point is 00:51:39 how do I show love and mercy to my lesbian coworker without openly supporting her lifestyle? I show love and mercy to my lesbian co-worker without openly supporting her lifestyle? Well, I mean you should show love and mercy to your lesbian co-worker in the way you show love and mercy to all of your co-workers And I'm not sure why you would ever have to support her lifestyle I'm like what what incident would occur where you would have to openly support it I mean think of a different example think Think of your friend Fred, who's currently in a cohabitating relationship. You could say the same thing. How do I love him without having to openly support his lifestyle? And I can say, well, we're not always called to directly challenge our co-workers' sexual
Starting point is 00:52:24 beliefs or sexual perversions. Clearly that's not the case. So I think you can get to know her and love her and share your life with her in a sense. What I mean by that is let her know that you're Catholic, let her know what you believe. Be the Catholic that she can then say, I have a coworker who's Catholic and he's actually really great. And I don't feel at all threatened by him or attacked by him. You don't want to kind of feed into that Hollywood narrative that Christians just hate gay people,
Starting point is 00:52:55 which obviously isn't true. But I would say that if you're called to celebrate it in some way, that's different. Now what might that look like? Suppose she gets, quote unquote, married and she invites you to go. You could definitely not go to that, quote unquote, wedding because it's not a wedding. And by your going, you're kind of giving witness to something that actually can't be realized. So in that sense, in that kind of situation, you might have to explain to her why you can't go. But yeah, other than that, just yeah, good. Okay, we have a couple of questions and the questions are from rumble.
Starting point is 00:53:32 This has been the most spastic episode we've ever done. It's a good time. We're chilling. Like on rumble. We only have 21 likes, but 194 people watching. What's up with that? No, I'm not okay with it. I'm not vibing.
Starting point is 00:53:46 All right, let's see here. When will you interview Father Rippenger? Rippenger. This was asked by a crintastic one and this question wouldn't be answered except that we said we would answer it. Thank you for your question on Rumble. No, I actually reached out to Father Rippinger's assistant.
Starting point is 00:54:06 A while ago when he was in town, right? Yeah, and he said that his bishop had asked him just to hold off on doing interviews for the time being. That was the answer I got back. So it's not that I'm not open to doing it, and to my knowledge, it's not that Father Rippinger isn't open to coming on the show, it's just that I'm sure he's a busy priest,
Starting point is 00:54:21 and he's also a faithful priest to his bishop. So that, we'll see, maybe it'll happen. Maybe it won't. Okay. We have Kyle Whittington. What a guy. Contra. Mundum. Kyle Whittington says, what's the big deal with Freemasonry? Why can't Catholics be a Freemason? I don't have an excellent answer to this except that it's condemned obviously in the, when was it? 1918 code? It was the first code whenever that came out. It was not explicitly before that. Well, my point is just that this is often what people pointed to, but that hasn't been abrogated through the new code of Canon law.
Starting point is 00:54:58 It's just not mentioned specifically, but that doesn't mean you still can't. Yes. The, the rule on canon, just real quick, but one reason you can't be a Freemason is in the official teachings of Freemasonry is that all religions are basically equal and that's false. Go for it. Yeah. So one thing about the canon law that I don't know if people know is, if something is addressed in a previous code and is not readdressed, updated or changed in a new code, that mouse doesn't work, Matt.
Starting point is 00:55:29 That's right. Then the previous version stands. And the best example of this is that the last time exploration and which bishop, the question at the time was when a new when something new is discovered Who's the bishop? Right? Who's the bishop in charge of that area? And the last time that was addressed It was wherever the expedition was launched from Is what the church decided which is why the Bishop of Orlando is the Bishop of the moon, which is my favorite Catholic fun fact Well, look, I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:56:07 We'll do one more question from Rumble before wrapping up. Appreciate everyone, by the way, this is so kind of you to go over on Rumble. And I don't know how long we're going to be on YouTube, honestly. So it'll be nice to still do these long form interviews for folks who want to see him. You did an interview with Amber Rose a while ago, talking about Latin versus English mass. What are your thoughts on returning to Latin?
Starting point is 00:56:29 It seems like the Latin would dissuade the young folks. Yeah, people have different opinions on this. I could see that it would dissuade some. But ultimately, the question isn't what should we do that would bring in the young folks? The question should be like, how do we remain faithful to tradition? In a way, that's not just arbitrary. I think that's the first question that we should begin with. But I actually disagree with the assumption that young people would be turned off.
Starting point is 00:56:56 I think more than ever, young people want tradition. We live in such a fluid society where everything changes all the time. I don't think what young people is what young people Don't want I you can tell me since you're younger than me. We don't want a church running after us like a needy girlfriend you know like we want to to use that analogy of marriage like we want a woman who's beautiful and confident and That's that's what I'm excited to pursue not someone who's needy and lowers her standards for my sake. Gross. And I feel like there's been a lot of that in the church, the church lowering her standards.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Her liturgy has in many cases become embarrassingly mundane, and people want to go somewhere where they experience the transcendence that the Catholic faith offers them. And so for that reason, one way to kind of veil that beautiful liturgy in the West is to reintroduce Latin. So I don't have a specific opinion like one way or the other, but I personally tend to be a fan of introducing more Latin in the West, but that's just a personal opinion. I know of some young people who don't like the Latin, but we're not talking about
Starting point is 00:58:26 Abrogating the new form of the mass You know what I mean, right? We're talking about making it available, you know, like nobody's saying well, that's not true. Nobody with nobody Nobody who? I'm trying to figure out now. I'm just say it. Nobody who I respect and Matt can jump on this bus too, if he wants. Nobody who I respect is saying that the new mass needs to be abrogated and we
Starting point is 00:58:50 need to return to the mass of like 1962. Yeah, I'm not there yet. I wouldn't be. I wouldn't say that as well. I'd agree with you. But I don't even like when people say that I lose respect for them. You know what I mean? Like, because
Starting point is 00:59:01 this is just a fundamental misunderstanding of liturgy and how the church works. I think that a lot of young people, the reason, I don't think that Latin scares young people off. And I think quite the opposite that if young people are looking for something, they're looking for faith, then why would they like, and they're not finding it in the newer Protestant evangelical, like those kinds of denominations, why would we try to imitate what they already haven't found? We need to give them something to look for that's different than what's already available.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Right? Cool. Yeah. I agree. All right. What is Rumble doing? 177 people watching out. What if we just hang out until we get two
Starting point is 00:59:45 hundred? Yeah. What do you want to talk about? I don't know. But just we have one hundred and seventy seven people watching. This is the rest of this episode is going to be. Just if it hasn't already, it's going to be a wash. So you can stop watching right now. But we do want to see if we can get people over on rumble. Yeah, two hundred seventy eight. What will you want to see if we can get people over on rumble. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:05 178. What would you and I do if we get to 200 people? I don't know. I'll do something. I don't know what I would do. Matt and I will maybe down the hall. Matt and I will drink a beer. I can't drink a beer because I'll land.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Oh, you can't three, but you can. I will drink a beer before one. I will drink a beer. I can't drink a beer because I'll learn. Oh, you can't get into three, but you can. I will drink a beer before one. You can smash one. I will try to, yeah, I'll, I will try to skull a whole, a whole beer. Okay, so we're over on, on stream. We're over on Rumble. And I'm just going to start reading questions until we get 200. Do you have to refresh it to see that we've got more people watching. No, it's live. All right. 175! Let's go! We're way too excited about two more people. 176! Oh my goodness! Yeah, I will try to chug a beer at 1230 on a Monday if we get to 200 people. Chug a beer.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Thursday we'll chug a beer if we get to 200 people over on Rumble. Thank you, Thursday., just type in Pines of the Quinas and get watched on the live stream over there. Kyle just said we should sell my hat. Share it on Twitter. Yeah, we'll give the hat away. You know, that's freaking weird, but we'll do it. We'll do it.
Starting point is 01:01:11 All right. So Contra. OK, so Kyle Wittenton says Thursday, did you forget to do your hair? What's up with the hat? I need to go see Billy. Shout out Billy. You know, Billy hurt himself, actually. Oh, did he? Yeah, he got into a car wreck. So I want to talk about Billy's. Billy's our barber. He's a very nice man.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Yep. Share on Twitter says spirit warrior. Yes. Go on. 180 people, 180 people. Don't go away. If you're watching right now, you don't want to watch this anymore. Just keep it open and get what you're going to do. But don't whatever you do, don't close. Open it on your phone. Open it on your computer. Yeah, we don't care. We're okay with fake $185, $185, $185. Thursday is going to chug a beer. Can I get $190? Can I get $190? When I get Thursday to chug a beer, as soon as we get 200 concurrent viewers over on Rumble. Do you like waffles or pancakes? There's a correct answer to this. I like waffles if they're like chewy and crispy.
Starting point is 01:02:03 That's the correct answer. That is the correct answer. That is the correct answer. Waffles that are basically just misshapen pancakes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Eight hundred and eighty nine hundred and ninety. All right. OK, I don't know. Hundred ninety one hundred ninety one.
Starting point is 01:02:16 If we can get a hundred and ninety five hundred and ninety one. Can we get a hundred and ninety five? Soon as we get two hundred Thursday, he's going to chug a beer on camera. Hundred ninety two hundred and ninety2. What else we got? What goes into being a tobacconist? Why is Matt McCloskey so freaking cool? I think he's so freaking cool because he just has a natural passion for cigars. I can't tell you how many times I've sat down with McCloskey and he's accidentally
Starting point is 01:02:38 told me the same story. And it goes like this. Smoking it's a lot like meditating. You focus on your breath, relaxes you. I'm like, yeah, I know we talked about this yesterday. That man loves cigars. He loves what he does. And he's good at it. Hey! We have 200 people. Don't go anywhere. Go get the beer. I'll keep talking. We're going to watch Thursday, chug a beer. Just keep me over on the, keep me over on the,
Starting point is 01:03:03 on Rumble so I can can I can see it. Two guys. Thank you. You're going to watch Thursday and he's not going to breathe. He's not going to have a little sip and put the beer down like a loser. He's going to crack that beer and smash the whole thing. And if he doesn't, we'll shame him. And there's no way Brett Cooper will be with him. Right. But if he does, I need you guys to send this to Brett. He gets really upset when I no way Brett Cooper will be with him right but if he does
Starting point is 01:03:25 chug it I need you guys to send this to Brett he gets really upset when I talk about Brett Cooper but we all know they've been destined to be together it might not be true but point is somebody's got to clip this and send it to Brett Cooper or just make a video where you have him and Brett Cooper on the same thing tell me about it I'll give you a big shout out. All right, did you get it? Good, yeah. All right, we're 217 people watching. We're gonna call this shotgunning with Aquinas. Do you want this?
Starting point is 01:03:54 All right, here we go. All right, here we go. Thanks everybody. And while you're here on Rumble, please follow us on Rumble. I wonder how many people we even have on YouTube at this point. I will check it out while you get that glorious Budweiser ready. I got a I got a Zimbabwe and I got to take out my Zen a chin.
Starting point is 01:04:15 OK, we only have 298 people watching on YouTube. And I think of my Zin a chin. Hold on the Zen a chin. Yeah, my Zin Zimbabwe. Oh, you linked to Rble to thanks for doing that. Oh This is this is great 233 people watching on rumble. All right. I would love to get to the day where rumble is our primary Yeah, we only need about two hundred Kill the stream on YouTube and just stream on just stream me on let's do that
Starting point is 01:04:46 Okay, hold on. All right, everybody if you want to watch Thursday

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