Pints With Aquinas - Rand Paul, Pride Month, Meeting Taylor Marshall, and FRANCE!

Episode Date: June 16, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody. I grunted at the microphone on accident. That's how you know you're out of shape. Are we live? Yeah, we're live. Hi everybody. Welcome to Pines with Aquinas. My name's Matt Fradd.
Starting point is 00:00:14 That over there is Thursday. Greetings and salutations. Welcome back from France. Yeah, it's good to be back. I want to begin by sharing that story about when you picked me up the other night with my son Liam. What did I do? From the airport and we were driving home and I missed the exit and drove. Oh yeah. Apparently neither of us noticed and then we found out and we
Starting point is 00:00:40 turned around and you remember we were driving back and we saw a possum. Oh, yes. Right in front of the car and in a in like a fraction of a second, I think you went, oh, and I went, yep, and I hit it. Oh, yeah. Boom. I don't think Liam even noticed. No, no, no. So I saw it. I went, oh, yeah, because I realized that it was too late. And then I heard and then as simultaneous with boom, you went, yep. Okay. But yeah, thanks for getting me. Yeah. We killed a possum. Yep. It is funny too, because we weren't aiming for it. It was just there it was and there was no chance. We were, we were going like 65 on the highway. You were not avoiding that possum. Yeah. It was funny.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We got lost too, because I drank a bunch of coffee and caffeine late so that I could be awake and alert. And then you decided to drive back from the airport jet lagged and missed the exit. Well, you know why I did that is because the very first time you ever picked me up from an airport, you remember you went like this weird way. We were so lost. Why aren't you using Google maps? You're like,
Starting point is 00:01:44 I'm trying to be one of these cool Gen Z people who isn't relying on my phone. Yeah, which is admirable. But I was so jet lagging. Your entire family lost. I think that's why I might just give me the keys. All right. So this is what happened yesterday. I was sitting in the cigar lounge and Ryan says, hey, Matt, you know who you look like?
Starting point is 00:02:07 That is an awful impression of Ryan. Sorry, Ryan. OK. You have to understand for the last 10 years when people have said, Hey, Matt, you know what you look like? You know who they've said? This guy, Chris Martin from Coldplay. And I put it on screen. And, you know, people would I don't know if I do or not or did, but when they would say that, I'm like, that's
Starting point is 00:02:27 cool. Like, he's a rock star. Like, I guess I could could do worse. So yesterday he's like, hey, Matt, you know who you look like? And I'm like, I know Chris Martin. But he didn't say Chris Martin. He said, this guy. Which, you know, good.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Not making fun of Rand Paul, but he's not a rock star. I am. He looks like a melting ice cream cone if it was a person. Oh, that's what I look like now. Age will come for you too, Thursday. But this is not making fun of you. I'm making fun of Rand Paul. This is the joy of getting older. Well, no, you just we you just said, apparently, I didn't agree
Starting point is 00:03:02 that you look like Rand Paul. All right. You know how long I spent trying to find a picture for this thumbnail where Rand Paul and you guys look remotely alike I think it's cuz my hair wasn't pushed back. I haven't yeah curls make it the curls get the girls That's what my mom used to say to me. I used to be really about having curls. I hated that I had curls I had friends who had thick, lush hair with a part down the middle. This was really cool in the late 80s, early 90s, I think, with the kind of bold cut. And I always tried to do it, but I couldn't because my hair was thin and crinkly. And so I felt bad about myself. And my mum would say, Matt, curls get the girls. And they never did
Starting point is 00:03:43 until I finally got married had to use my accent to win anybody over no one else wanted it well not in Australia there's there a diamond dozen there what's that the accent yeah yeah that's what I mean no one cared it was only when I came to America and hammed it up get either hey yeah that's probably did you see that video I sent you of the things Bogans never say yeah Yeah. That was hilarious. That was really funny. A Bogan is an Australian redneck for people who are not aware.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah. Yeah. Good. Yeah. Yeah, so I just got back from France. It was great. Kind of. It was fine.
Starting point is 00:04:17 So we led a pilgrimage on the River Sin and there was about 60 pilgrims who came with Cameron and myself and we had a really nice time and everyone there was fantastic. Like these people were terrific. I'm not just saying that because I'm afraid they're watching. They really were great and we had a good time. But you know, I want to be the kind of person who can enjoy all this stuff, but I just don't like it. And I thought I was put on a good face.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And at the end, the very last night, more than one person came up to me and went, congrats dude, you survived. I'm like, I thought I was putting out good vibes like I was enjoying it, but apparently I wasn't. I thought I was put out good vibes. Not only do you look like Rand Paul, you sound like this. I'm drinking diet Pepsi, by the way. They don't have diet Coke in Europe because Europe is from, no, it's not the devil. I wasn't. I don't even mean that they have Coke zero and diet Coke uses aspartame. It's the best and aspartame is illegal in Europe because they actually want their people to not be obese monsters.
Starting point is 00:05:22 All right. Well, I love Diet Coke. It's the best drink ever. Somebody said you got a tan. Yeah. Well, I was in the sun a lot, so we had a good time. Okay. So all of the big churches in France are owned by the state.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah. You told me the story. You should tell it on the show. It's kind of depressing in one way, obviously, but on the other hand, the church doesn't have the funds to maintain these gorgeous churches. But I think the trade off is while the Catholic church gets to maintain, like exist within these properties in perpetuity, they also have to agree to let these places become museums. And so you've got people walking through them. Christ is an afterthought.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's quite depressing. I actually went to Toulouse. You know when that started? I don't, oh, probably after the revolution. The revolution, yeah. The state reclaimed them all and then they never gave them back after they killed all the priests.
Starting point is 00:06:17 So in Toulouse, I got to sit in front of the remains of Thomas Aquinas, which was a really profound moment for me, obviously, and prayed for everyone there. But they had rainbow-colored lights on these drop lights above the gorgeous, within this Gothic church. The shop didn't sell any kind of rosaries or anything related to Thomas Aquinas or the Dominicans. It was like opera things, because I guess they now host opera events.
Starting point is 00:06:45 So it was kind of depressing in one way, but in another way, I thought, praise God, let the state have these churches, let us have the truth. If that means we have to go into uglier churches and maintain the truth, it's not ideal, but it's the way it has to be. Maybe, you know, maybe it doesn't have to be that way. But I mean, look, if the churches owned these properties again, if the church owned these properties again, we don't have the people to fill them anymore. And that goes back to, I think, was it Ralph Martin's point that
Starting point is 00:07:13 we can learn more from the apostolic Christians than the medieval Christians in regards to evangelization, because we're evangelizing in a dead culture and people it's even worse than what the original Christians had because They were evangelizing in some instances pagans were evangelizing baptized people who've apostatized But anyway, no, I think they should give them back. They stole them with murder. Is it you can look the name of this up with murder. Is it you can look the name of this up. Saint Mon Michel or something, the mountain of Saint Michael, that glorious church that's almost like it's part of the mountain itself. We went there. But again, it was it was depressing.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I thought to myself, this should be the West's Mount Athos. Athos, I'd love to reclaim it, invite religious monks to start up monasteries all throughout this mountain. But instead it's just. Ma c'est Michel. Ma c'est Michel. I can't say things in French.
Starting point is 00:08:15 We did that. I actually liked it. Paris is a gorgeous city. Really lovely. My gosh. And I like their smoking culture in France. And I think because they're part of the European Union, all of their cigar boxes and cigar boxes
Starting point is 00:08:28 have like dying children on them. Yeah, this was something that Calvin was endlessly entertained by, was me like pulling out a pack of cigarettes and then having no pictures of like unhealthy lungs. Yeah, people with no legs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But the opposite effect happened with me.
Starting point is 00:08:44 I actually saw a hemorrhaging man on the street and thought, bloody hell, I could go for a smoke. So jokes on the European Union. But even though they have those things on the cigar boxes, the cigar, like people smoke wherever they want just outside of stores and yeah, good Cubans, 20 bucks. bucks I enjoyed it had a good time oh and then I got to go to Lewards and who should I meet I'm sorry can you say that again Lewards Lewards okay how do you say it Lord's Lord's then I got to go to that's like that's funny I can't tell if
Starting point is 00:09:20 that's an Australian thing or if I just screwed that word up someone who's Australian can let me know oh that's an Australian thing or if I just screwed that word up. Someone who's Australian can let me know. Oh, that's hilarious. Lourdes. Lourdes. Lourdes. Lourdes. Do you say Lourdes? Yeah. Lourdes. L-O-U-R-D-S. Lourdes. Went to Lourdes and who should I meet? But Taylor Marshall. Really? I did not see that. Yeah. It was wild because I've never met him in my life and I happened to be in Lourdes slash Lewids and I was up having a nap because I wasn't feeling well and Cameron, my wife,
Starting point is 00:09:51 said that they just bumped into Taylor and his wife. It was like the same day they brought a pilgrimage or group of people, pilgrims there that I did. So yeah, then I was getting ready to go through the candlelight procession. I saw him, went up and said, good day. He was perfectly congenial. Lovely. I enjoyed my chat with him.
Starting point is 00:10:09 You know, you shouldn't have taken that picture, Matt. Yes. Yes. So then what happened is Kennedy Hall. So I was flying back during this. So I tweeted it for anybody who doesn't know the pints Twitter account is active. Matt does not have Twitter. The pints Twitter account is run by the pints
Starting point is 00:10:25 Team which in this case reads Thursday And so I tweet this picture right and Kennedy replies. Oh, he took a picture with someone he thinks like encourages schism and I said Apologies next time I will tell Matt he should get in a fistfight at a holy site rather than being entertained by a coincidental meeting He replied whatever for views and then I went to my my personal account and said actually, you know what Kennedy? The fight would have gotten more views Thanks for the suggestion and helping to grow the channel and he didn't seem to have any response to that one for some I don't know. It is funny
Starting point is 00:11:00 See, I don't know if I'm just old or don't have the stomach for these sort of interactions on Twitter Which is partly why I'm not there. But like you're young and energetic and you love it. And you said to me as we were going up the escalator, sorry, Kennedy, you put a quarter in, you're going to have to hear the whole song. It's great. We were leaving the airport and I was, yeah, we were walking up and I said, he put a quarter in me. He has to hear the whole song now. You know, it's funny is like, I know we have differences, um, Taylor
Starting point is 00:11:25 and I and Kennedy and these other folks. And I kind of feel like if we were to meet in person, not knowing each other and listen to each other's views, we kind of move past it. We'd realize that what we have in common is so much greater than what we quibble about, you know? But I think it's something about when you have a large audience and you then say certain things that may lead people to hold certain beliefs or whatever, that's when it kind of feels awkward. But I mean, props to Taylor.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Like, I'm sure he has opinions about me, but he was he was very kind and it was it was good to meet him and his beautiful family. We're all very well dressed, unlike my ragamuffins. I don't think Peter had shoes on Hi, we were like the majority of hi guys the bogans of lords The majority of the time I see Peter he doesn't have shoes on to be fair you cannot control that boy He is wild. Hey, before we go any further, we want to say a shout out to someone.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. Let me do the good folks over at St. Joseph, the woodworker are doing a timber flame. Joseph, the worker. Yeah. Got that wrong. So hold on. Get on the right scene. You're going to be here.
Starting point is 00:12:41 We promise. I'm stalling right now so I can pull up our YouTube chat activity because I haven't been looking at it and we're saying some funny things. So I'm worried that people are taking them too far and I don't want to get the chat shut down. Oh, Kyle's here. I don't care. OK, go Thursday. Make it interesting before we lose everybody. Interesting. So the College of St. Joseph's Worker has two summer projects,
Starting point is 00:13:12 two summer classes that are a couple of weeks long this summer on timber framing. You can come to Steubenville and learn timber framing. Yeah. And so it's a great, if you're looking, especially if you're a single guy or a young guy with the young, you know, just not no kids yet, you could come and learn timber framing, get to try out living in Steubenville. But the first one's happening right now and it's great.
Starting point is 00:13:31 The second one is July 17th through August 4th. But the big deal here is recently, and this was after Jacob was on to talk about it. This is why we're talking about it again is Jordan Finch, who is the Michael Jordan of timber frame.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Yes. Jacob says the LeBron James, depending on who's so I draw on here. He is actually, he's a classically trained timber framer, probably the best in the United States currently. His wife is a subscriber to new polity magazine and he offered to teach the second session of the timber framing course for a couple weeks So if you want to learn from literally the best living timber framer in America on how to timber frame Is a great opportunity
Starting point is 00:14:15 And you'll be oh the second session is also building a pustinia come so it's a it's Russian for desert It's a retreat house. And so the idea is that your active life will help support someone else's spiritual life. He gave us a link, I hope. Yeah, I've got it here. Yeah. Jacob is teaching theology of work. There will be free housing available.
Starting point is 00:14:38 There are some spots left. Come on, come to Steubenville. Be part of this. It sounds awesome. And this is, no, I can't say that, Jacob. It's cheaper than the other ones. And the reason Jacob gave is what I'll say to you later. But it's cheaper than any other project, any other class like this.
Starting point is 00:14:56 It's a third of the price, literally than any other comparable class. And Jordan Finch isn't teaching those classes. So thanks, you guys should come to student build the link is description. Yeah. Yeah. What is it? Studentville workshop dot com slash timber dash framing dash course. And that's the best time in the world to be in student bill.
Starting point is 00:15:16 It is summer in student bill is so much fun and autumn. Oh, it's so it's winter is more door, but one spring to fall. Yeah. Nine months the year. Oh, it's beautiful.'s winter is Mordor, but once spring to fall. Yeah. Nine months the year. Oh, it's beautiful. It's amazing. There's no way. Yeah, I think there's only three months that are bad people. We've got a solid six months of good weather, I'd say. Oh, I don't have a problem with spring. I think maybe I like spring, but I think by the time spring gets here,
Starting point is 00:15:40 I'm so exhausted by the gray and the gloom and the drizzle that I can't deal with the arm wrestle between spring and winter. Oh I really enjoy I think we have nine months of good weather but. Alright so there you go guys. So I'll put the link in the description if you're interested Now something else I just put out yesterday or the other day is I put out this brand new Catholic lo-fi album over at Catholic lo-fi. So if you go to Catholic lo-fi on YouTube, you can find it. It's called This Sacred Heart. And it's a brand new album of lo-fi music mixed with Gregorian chant. And I think it's already up like 20,000 views. I've just given it to Spotify, Apple, et cetera. So it should
Starting point is 00:16:22 be up there within a week or two. But thanks to everybody who supports us over there. We also have a new merch store, Catholic low fire dot org. So if you go over there, you can buy all sorts of things. Yeah. I, I didn't know that. Yeah. That's where I put the, uh, reclaim the month tease. Something also, if everybody
Starting point is 00:16:45 we well, we'll talk about that later. We don't have any price. We do. So when people become local supporters, they get the Pintstein sent to them if they're an annual supporter. But yeah. What else should we talk about?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Did you see that crazy thing and have a while you're gone? So I bet you missed it. So it was in the news for like a day and then everybody forgot about it because mainstream didn't want to talk about it. Some guy in hello. Some guy I think it was in I don't remember what state it was and I can Google it real quick but the this guy would there was a pride parade and this guy was standing by the pride parade
Starting point is 00:17:26 with a megaphone reading Bible verses. So not like not like what what they're called the people with the God hates the God hates. Yeah. Yeah. Not those people. I didn't say the word YouTube. I stopped myself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Not those people and God hates their stupid signs anyway. Yeah. So true. Anyway, not that, not those guys, like not the crazy guy. He's literally just standing there with a megaphone, reading Bible verses, right? And not like telling them they're going to,
Starting point is 00:17:51 Kyle, I'm, Kyle's saying we're demonetized. And what happened to him? Was this in Pennsylvania you said? Yes, it was in Pennsylvania. That's right. He was arrested for disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. But the whole thing is filmed and what was he disturbing the peace?
Starting point is 00:18:10 If you've got a megaphone and you're yelling out scripture verses that are probably very condemning of the people who are there weren't even like I'm not saying he was going to do it, but I can see how that would be disturbing the peace. Yeah. So he got arrested for protesting a pride parade. That reminds me of, I was reading this this morning with my local supporters on our morning coffee podcast, acts 240 St. Peter after right after Pentecost says, save yourselves from this wicked generation.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Yeah. And in order to save yourself from this wicked generation, you have to first acknowledge that there's wickedness. There's wickedness. Yeah. A wicked generation. Exactly. Preach it. Yeah. You got it. We got to realize that. And then we have to keep ourselves unstained from the world. I think, you know, when we talk about the world, the flesh and the devil, I think a lot of practicing Catholics get that the devil exists and tries to tempt us. We get the flesh bit, our disordered passions and desires, concupiscence, etc. But the world, like we're supposed to keep ourselves unsullied by the world.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And it seems to me, and I think we just got to get way more hardcore about this, that we really should not be ingesting entertainment that's promoting evil. I was on a plane coming home from France the other day, and these two women were watching wedding crashes. I haven't seen that movie and I wouldn't watch that movie. I thought you said they're watching Real Housewives. That as well. She watched that. Then she moved over to this.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And but it's like it's such an it's an evil show, right? Because it promotes fornication and it shows sexual acts. It's despicable. But I think Christians for so long have tried to cozy up to the world. We've tried to impress the world. We've tried to show that we're not a threat to the world, but we are supposed to be a threat to the world. And we should reject these things. I can't tell you how many Christians have said to me,
Starting point is 00:20:03 you should check out this show and I'll start watching the show and his fornication or this sodomy stuff for this. Yeah. Can I actually violence? And you think, no brothers and sisters, like we have to be different. This is not OK. And I call out this show because I maybe refer to it as a bishop. So we don't. Yeah. So there is this show on Peacock
Starting point is 00:20:28 that has a really interesting and actually if the storytellers were better would actually be a very good story. What's it called? Mrs. Davis. Okay. And so the premise of the show is that it's this nun. Well, there's a AI that talks to people through a single earbud. So everybody's always wearing a single earbud and they're being told what to do by Mrs. Davis at all times. Okay. And it's using just like giving them virtual wings. So basically literally just giving them like Twitter verification or like just little like not nothing in real life. Right. Yeah. And everybody's convinced to follow it. Um, and everybody's personified it. They call it her in Italy.
Starting point is 00:21:08 It's literally called Madonna in, in the UK it's called mum. So it's, it's very much like they, they are making a point. These secularists are making a point that this thing is like, like a, a, you know, a high saint of these people and it's stealing the place of Mary in the show. And the premise is that it tells this nun to go find the Holy Grail. And so she's off on a quest to find the Holy Grail because the algorithm promises to shut itself down if she finds the Holy Grail. And it's super cool.
Starting point is 00:21:37 And there's actually some great metaphors for prayer in it, where, like, she talks to Jesus and he asked her to do things and she's mad about it but she obeys and then she she does it in a way that is just like as as like close to the line of obedience as you can get mm-hmm and then it ends up working anyway did you watch the whole thing I watched most of it okay I understand that I understand I think you're right about violence but the violence didn't turn me off. Okay. And so I thought it was really good and then the problem becomes that the nun is married to Jesus. Meaning? Like she's literally married to Jesus and she goes
Starting point is 00:22:19 into like his restaurant and talks to him and he gives her tasks to do. And they never show it, but it is insinuated that this marriage is, yeah, being carnally consummated, being carnally consummated. And then Jesus gives her permission to sleep with her ex because he has multiple wives. So she should be allowed to have multiple relationships. No, this is despicable. And a Bishop had endorsed this show as having, quote, weird theology, but not he didn't think it was problematic enough that Catholics shouldn't watch it. And he thought the story was good.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And this is a real this is all in this show. And at the end, it turns out that the Holy Grail. Sorry, I'm splitting the show and I don't care. You shouldn't be watching this show because I looked it up because I got far enough in. I got far enough in that the mystery for me was it was like going to annoy me if I didn't know. You shouldn't be watching this show because I looked it up because I got far enough in I got far enough in that The mystery for me was it was like gonna annoy me if I didn't know how it ended. Mm-hmm Turns out the Holy Grail is a piece is like the top of Jesus's skull and that the reason he's in the restaurant is Because he can't die. He's in limbo because Mary selfishly
Starting point is 00:23:20 Wanted a piece of him after he died Hmm, and so she kept a piece of him and she needs it to be destroyed so that he can die. Yeah, it's tough. So someone mentioned that and Cameron and I and my wife, not Batuzzi, watched it. But like 20 minutes in, I'm like, let's turn it off. Let's just turn it off. Like there are so many more beautiful things we could be doing. And obviously you can you can acknowledge some clever
Starting point is 00:23:46 storytelling or acting to to to to to say that something ought not to be watched isn't to say that there aren't good elements to it or that it's not cleverly made or something. But yeah, it just seems to me that. Let there not be a hint of purity, impurity among you. And again, I think Christians are so afraid to be considered frigid and prudish and sensorial That we just ingest a bunch of poison to tell the world how good it tasted so that they'll like us more That's what I'm seeing in when people respond to those reclaim the month t-shirts that we put out
Starting point is 00:24:28 Like Christians got really up some Christians got really upset about that yeah I posted this image of a pride flag with a big cross through it gladly and I quoted Trent Horne which image can you send it to me it's on my Instagram I can't drag it I think but it says the this is from Trent Horn I loved what he said he said the primary meaning of these pride flags is that the behaviors and larger world you behind them are morally acceptable If not morally praiseworthy, this is the opposite of what the church teaches when it says in the catechism What it has to say But it's wild. It's wild that I think Catholics are sacrificing truth on the altar of politeness. Oh, the X'd out fight, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:08 They think that the LGBT, whatever they're called, uh, brigade is friendable. And that if we just be nice enough to them, then- Bruce Lund has a good strategy for this. The LGTVs. LGTVs? What's that mean? It means what you were saying, but you don't have, you don't say it so you don't trigger the algorithm. Oh, LGTV. LG TVs. What's that mean? It means what you were saying, but you don't have you don't say it so you don't trigger the algorithm. Oh LG TVs. Yes. Nice. Shout out to Ruslan. I noticed that the other day. I thought that was a genius way to avoid the algorithm unnecessarily queuing into your video. But it's been
Starting point is 00:25:37 beautiful to see the backlash certain companies have been getting. This was an article that I saw online. Target loses $10 billion in value in just 10 days after they put out that stuff. Yeah. Some people want us to talk about the Dodgers. Yeah. I mean, what are you going to say? Satanic, wicked people allowed to do satanic, wicked things, not condemned as they should have been, but why should we expect that? We live in a place worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. So I was happy to see that Bishop Barron spoke out against them. I don't like the whole this is offensive thing. I do. It is offensive, but I think it's like no this is satanic and you'll go to
Starting point is 00:26:21 hell. Yeah that's good. But when you say it's offensive, it sounds like you're putting the emphasis on your feelings. That's how people take that. I think I think it's good to say it's offensive against virtue. Yeah, it offends virtue. It offends. Yeah, I guess. I guess what I mean is at least. Yeah, in the world, when people say I'm offended or and then people say,
Starting point is 00:26:42 I didn't mean to offend anybody. It's like we're dealing in the realm of subjectivity. It is objectively offensive and that's why I'm agreeing with you that it's something we could say that it's offensive. But I do think to say, no, this was deeply evil and these people ought to repent because hell is eternal. Yeah. Yeah. Um, it was the, it was, yeah, it was satanic. That's why I was happy to see this article that came out yesterday Middle school is accused of homophobia after chanting USA tearing down pride decorations. That's awesome. It is awesome I think these people who are calling these kids homophobic. I think these people are
Starting point is 00:27:23 homophobic phobic The homophobia phobic they're afraid of people who are afraid files Files yeah the opposite of phobia to love. Okay. Yeah But it's good to see I think there is this Reaction starting I see that in young people that my kids hang out with they're just so disgusted by the whole thing. Yeah But praise God, I'd say in the next month, I'll be interviewing a couple of people who live with same sex attraction.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Next week, we're gonna have a lady on the show to talk about that. And at the end of the month, we'll have someone else as well, I think. Praise God, like these are beautiful, holy, courageous people. And I know there's a lot of people who listen to our show, who struggle with the stuff. Maybe not a lot, but I've definitely heard from them.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah. Here's a question. I saw a couple of people commenting on the, um, Calvin Robinson Thursday loves the, yeah. Loves the SIGs. Loves the fags. Remember it was the best reaction. I heard Thursday loves the fags and then both of us go American slash English word for cigarettes, yeah, Australia and English word for cigarettes. Sorry. Yeah Someone said what so I saw a couple people commenting that they thought the the humor was alienating to people with SSA. Mm-hmm. What do you think about? Do you think that that's like an over sensitivity? Do you think that like... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:50 It's like I can't be bothered. I can't be bothered dealing with people's being overly sensitive. So I do think they're being overly sensitive on this. Like I posted something the other day with that cross for the rainbow flag. Someone said like as someone who is gay, I found this deeply offensive. And I nearly wrote back, I don't care. Because how many times do we have to reiterate to people, you are a beautiful person, creating the image and likeness of God. These actions are deeply disordered.
Starting point is 00:29:18 It's not like they don't understand that. They just don't want to understand us. Let me say that again. It's not like they're incapable of understanding it. I think many people are just choosing to misunderstand it. It feels like for 20 years the Catholic Church has said, all of us are in this together. All of us deal with sexual brokenness.
Starting point is 00:29:36 But every time I condemn pornography, am I required to say, but the people who are watching it, like you love? These people have no problem when we go on mocking men who are too weak, you know, who like sit in their basement, you know, with their computer dating their laptop. And I think hopefully is implicitly understood that we love that person. That's why we don't want them engaging in this poison. Yeah. And so when we use a word that clearly has other meanings for the guy who said the word and like, we're just laughing that it means something else in America. Like that's not us mocking them. That's just, yeah. And I'm just tired.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And if anybody was the butt of the joke there, it was, it was me. And I was fine with it, you know? Yeah. I think, yeah. And then, so this is funny. It is. So this, I posted that thing on Instagram middle school was accused of homophobia after chanting USA tearing down pride declarations and Someone wrote so you're in favor of Vandalism now that was their takeaway. I said yes. Yes. Yes. I am in this instance In this instance. Yes We do not condone any illegal activities
Starting point is 00:30:45 How do you think we're going to be on YouTube for? Well, if you keep letting me say that stuff, then I can make it last a lot longer. If I keep getting to like give legal disclaimers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Somebody asked if Pines with Aquinas is a reference to Thomas Aquinas. Well, welcome to the channel. Yes, it is. Sorry, I'm reading the chat now for content, for content, because we've kind of like hit the point where there's not. I want to see this.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I want to see if I can find this article on what these middle schoolers, because I never thought I would say middle school kids are awesome. Kyle says error has no rights. That's based, Kyle. I love you. Here it is. OK, so I just want to read it. Yeah. Middle schools in Massachusetts were accused of intolerance and homophobia after they reportedly revolted against a pride celebration at the school.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Revolting, were they trying to make them sound awesome? What's that? Revolting, are they trying to make those kids sound awesome? That's amazing. Listen to this. And they chanted that their pronouns were USA. Some students at Marshalls Simmons Middle School in Burlington were accused of organizing a protest against school approved Spirit Day celebrating Pride Month, which encouraged
Starting point is 00:31:52 students to wear rainbow colors earlier this month. The event was led by the Spectrum Club, an LGBT LGTV, thanks club for students and allies. In response, some students reportedly wore only red, white and blue colored clothing, Enchanted USA, are my pronouns and took down LGBT themed banners and stickers. That's incredible. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:32:13 This is in a very lefty state. Massachusetts, isn't it? Yeah, it's pretty. And these are middle schoolers. There's parts of Massachusetts that are out in the sticks. But then I heard that Starbucks had ordered that some gay stuff get taken down. Is that how you say?
Starting point is 00:32:33 McCloskey just said, error has no rights, but Kyle shouldn't either. So this is from The Guardian, Starbucks pride decorations removed because of new policy, US workers say. So I haven't looked into that, but. It's kind of cool. Awesome. Somebody people keep asking what happened to your hair. And you know what, Matt has a great reason for why his hair looks that way. And I think it looks amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Well, I'll tell you what happened to my hair. So when I got married to this beautiful woman called Cameron, I used to have curly hair. And then I went through a phase where I just cut it short and like brushed it back. And she's like, I like your hair when it's curly. And since I like my wife, I'm listening to her. We'll see for how long and I'm just kind of going to grow it out a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I figure if I can tell her I like your hair long, she can say that to me. Fair enough. Not as long as she has it. Hey, I'm getting a dog tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I know. My wife is not going to watch this show. I hope it's a surprise. My wife doesn't know and the kids don't know. Liam definitely knows. I was going to say, hold on, your son was the one who told me. So we had a big you should look up this dog and put it on the screen. Yeah, I got you. I got you. I had a dog, Black Russian Terrier, whose name was Pushkin, and he was so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:33:48 And he just died a couple of months ago. He had cancer everywhere. We had to put him down. And that was sad. And we loved him so much. And he was just terrific. And so we wanted to get another dog and we were looking at different kinds of dogs. And we just, we're just so in love with black Russian terriers.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So we looked up. Did you find the big one? I mean, they're huge. Yeah, I found a big, big one. Well, you can't really follow this picture. Let me find a different one. If you type in black Russian terrier, Cameron Fradd or Cameron Fradd's dog, there's one of her with the dog that's insane.
Starting point is 00:34:18 But he was so beautiful. But this time I wanted to get a black Russian terrier bitch my dad would always say we are so demonetized my dad would always say bitch when referring to female dogs he'd be like yeah she's a bitch and whenever you'd be like dad he'd always go well that's what they're called I'm gonna unashamedly ask for super chats to fund this video since we have lost all chance of YouTube monetizing it I've a bitch is a female dog, but so I'd say to my dad dad
Starting point is 00:34:49 He'd be like that's what they're called and I'd say I know that but that's not why you're saying it You're saying it to be abrasive So we got a bitch this time because I when you rub a dog's belly, you don't want to hit stuff Well, you're gonna hit nipples now nipples are okay Please super chat we're so screwed. Nipples are OK. You can hit nipples, but you can't hit meat and potatoes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Twig and berries. You know, because I think we all like to think of our dogs as basically animate teddy bears. And when you're scratching it and you hit the twig and berries, you're very well aware that this is a red blooded animal that has its own needs. It's a black Russian terrier. It's very large. All right. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:41 So I... Kyle said $50. The dog must be named Pissfingers. So we already have the name for the dog. It's Pissfingers. So I bought this dog. So I told my wife we were going to get it and she's like the she agreed. And then but she doesn't know that I've bought it. And she's like the she agreed. And then but she doesn't know
Starting point is 00:36:05 that I've bought it. And it's tomorrow morning. It'll be at the airport at six in the morning. So Liam and I are going to go pick her up. And her name is Zellie. Yeah, Liam told me he's going to call it Zelda. And I told him that he
Starting point is 00:36:18 should not replace a saint name with the name from a weeb video game. That's fair, but I probably shouldn't be naming a female Dog after a female saint either but Zellie we were just there in Lusia We're at the crypt of Zellie and Louie or Louise or whatever. How old is the dog? Like a month or two. Oh, wow. Yeah, so she's a pup I can't wait to get her month. The old dog is probably gonna be the size of my 12 year old dog. Possibly. Here, let me send it to you.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I'll text it to you. Oh, I should send, put a picture of my dog on screen just so that everybody understands how cute my dog is. I'm also gonna slack you a photo of the real dog. Yeah, yeah, do that. And I want you to put it up for people. So I'm gonna slack it to me. And I'm gonna slack to you as well.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Select more photos. Where are you? you in the chat? Say something funny that I can read while I do this. Did you find the image of my big dog with Cameron? No. OK, I'm going to send you that as well. OK, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Boom, boom. All right. Done sending.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Where is it? Oh, come on, you rascal. Oh, wait, we should stop. We will get copyright claim. Why? Oh, what? Just from doing that? Yeah. All right. So that's a photo of my big dog. Now, where is. Sorry, guys, stay with us.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I promise the dog is worth it. Yeah. Okay. Here's. Here you go. I found a picture of my dog when he was a month old too. Why can't I find my dog? So there's no way my wife will watch this. So she's flying home tomorrow night with the three younger kids. They stayed in France for a little bit longer. So they're going to come home. Somebody said they prefer cats. Thank you for your super chat, but that's the wrong opinion.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yep. IFB Latin Rosary guy here. Tips for finding Reverend Church that will still be comfortable for fam. Also love the hair. Thank you, Michael. Bo chop. Just go and check out different churches. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:23 We'll like ask more traditionally minded people. You don't need me for that. Where is this? Okay. I'm going to text it to you because I don't know how to slack it to you, but I like it to you. I know I can't do that for some reason. It's, but a direct message. It's hard to explain right now. Thursday. Just take my word for it. Okay. All right. All right. All right. All right. But I did send you the big dog. Oh no, you slacked it. Yeah. The big one, not the little one. Yeah. All right. And right. I did send you the big dog. Oh, no. You slacked it. Yeah. The big one, not the little one.
Starting point is 00:38:45 All right. And then I texted you the little one. If you can find a way to put that little Zellie up, that'd be great. Here's Cameron and your old dog. Isn't that ridiculous? My wife's not a short woman. No, she's all over the. She's like eight foot. Yeah, she's eight foot tall. Eight foot tall. OK, let me send.
Starting point is 00:39:03 That's my beautiful dog, Pushkin. That's Pushkin. I'm going me send this picture. That's my beautiful dog Pushkin. That's Pushkin. I'm going to send this one to me. There's a Ukrainian word for bitch that we were going to use. You were going to name your dog the Ukrainian word for bitch? Yeah. Did you tell Father Jason that? No, not yet.
Starting point is 00:39:18 I was with him last night. That's really funny. Zellie! Zellie! Zellie! Here's a picture of my dog. I should send this. Yeah, I slacked it to you. Your dog's. I should send this yeah, I slacked it. You're dogs lovely All right, you want to know I slacked it to you. I found a picture of him when he was a month old your dog
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah, all right. This is my dog when he was a month old 12 years ago You slacked it I sent it to you to from from I sent it to me from To from from I sent it to me from. And to you from. Oh, I see. Oh, yes, that's my dog when he was a month old. 12 years ago. So pretty. And then here's my dog. What he looks like today is gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:39:59 The dogs are pretty great. He's my friend. I love him very much. Levi is a friend of mine. Did you get the black Russian? Yeah? Here's the here's the Current one you're buying so Zellie deli already bought All right, we got a bunch of super chats. All right, let's do it. Let's do it. All right your activity Let's do it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:40:22 All right. Your activity. Top here. Kyle said yes. The dog must be named piss fingers or we will revolt. Kyle prepare the revolt. I will help you. Anatomy with Matt from explore nothing and everything.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Thank you for the $5 Jonah peas $2. No note. Thank you. $5 from Tommy Liston. Sorry to hear about your dog. I like other people's dogs, but I prefer cats. Thanks for all you do.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Lifetime goals for me to visit your cigar shop. You should come visit the car shop. But that is the wrong opinion on dogs and cats. Thank you for the five dollars. Michael asked about the rosary and finding a good church.
Starting point is 00:40:59 What would you what do you say? I must know where to get a good rosary from. No. He's a IFB Latin rosary guy. What what does that mean? Chatting fundamentals, Baptist. I think what he means by that he wants a real traditional rosary.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Maybe I don't know. I have no idea. But check out Catholic would work at dot com. They've got some great rosaries here in the States. Matt, friend, if I want to ask you to review the works of someone that I disagree with from a Catholic perspective, but would find your opinion along with Trent, how would I go about doing that? I wouldn't do it for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Thank you for the $10, Patricia. Sydney for $20. Hey, Matt, my friend Lewis is in Steubenville with the Catholic Heart work camp. He's a huge fan. They're at the AIM Women's Center. They're doing some work there until three p.m. Would love to see you stop by if possible. Well, how about this? I won't stop by there, but let's see about three o'clock.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I'll pop over to the cigar lounge for a half hour. How about that? I'll give you a half hour window. Let your friend know if he wants to come and visit. I'd love to meet him. Cool. All right. That's all I could say to meet him. Well. All right. That's how I get to that now. Yeah, you're fine. Oh, and you still pray the rosary as a Byzantine. Yeah, I love the rosary.
Starting point is 00:42:15 I don't pray daily, but I love praying it. You know. Yeah. So I hope people have has everyone been enjoying the James McCann phone calls that we've been putting up? People have been really liking them. So just so you know, if here's a plug, become a local supporter, because we put exclusive phone calls over there that we're not putting up on YouTube,,
Starting point is 00:42:38 but he's got a couple more that he's working on. He told me he was going to call the LA Dodgers and talk to them. I suggested that. Did he come up with that on his own? No, no, that was your suggestion. Thank you very much. Did you stop the stream? Nope, I just accidentally, I pushed the wrong keyboard shortcut and it went to the stream starting soon for like two seconds.
Starting point is 00:43:00 All right, we're back. Yeah. Bud Light is not the number one selling beer cool Okay Matt McCloskey says what Matt Fred is going to this to my cigar lounge master general manager of the scar lounge Thanks for being here Matt. Good to see you working hard What's in my stream? He does this every day Oh He does this every day. Oh, yeah, this is really interesting, Matt.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I guarantee you haven't heard this story, so I will tell you this story and watch your reaction live. All right. So the the there's this big streamer. His name is Nick Merckx. Any place what happened to the stream? Do I people are saying is dead? No, it's not. Is it? Oh, shoot.? People are saying it's dead. No, it's not.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Is it? Oh, shoot. No, wait, it's not. No, we're good. It's fine, everyone. If I push the wrong button, we're back. It's the haircut. You guys need to all chill.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Stop being weird. It's fine. People don't understand how sassy you are they'll say things in the comments like oh, excuse me This music's way too loud and you'll write back. I'm gonna keep doing it then no that So I did lower the volume of the music although we could talk about this. I I am correct about the volume of music It's not my fault. You all listen to videos on $20 headphones that you bought from Walmart and everything sounds awful on them. Anyway, no, what I said was some guy said no more music and I said, fine, I'm going
Starting point is 00:44:33 to add it to all of the videos now. So the, the, the call of duty thing. So there was this guy's name is Nick Merckx. He's a call of duty streamer. Um, and there was a big LGBT pride thing. Um, and he replied to some tweet, they should leave the little children alone. And so call of duty Activision removed his, he had a custom skin in the store. Like his, he's a streamer. He doesn't work for the company. That's how popular he is. He has a, he has a skin in the game that is him. OK, wow. And they took it out.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Wow. And so he stopped playing. Yeah. And then so people started boycotting them for taking out his skin. And then the other major streamer that also has a skin in the game is named Sagan in the game, Sagan in the game has his name is Tim the Tap Man. And he called he tweeted publicly at Call of Duty. We got our skins together.
Starting point is 00:45:30 We both worked hard for this. We got them at the same time. If you're taking Nick's out, you need to take mine out. What? And so now no major streamer is playing their game. Oh, and this is their two largest like personalities have are out of their game And it's like are literally doing anything but playing their game and they were making their living playing this game and they're refusing to play it Now, oh my goodness. Does this give you hope that we actually have more power than we thought? I think that when people when they start going for kids, it's it's's becoming a thing that people are like, cause even like most people aren't,
Starting point is 00:46:08 I'm going to say this and people are going to be like, oh, so it's condescending. Most people are not intelligent enough to realize that when you allow any of the LGBT crap, you're allowing all of it. So you are allowing them to come for kids. But now that they're getting to the point where they're explicitly coming for kids, people are more like, well, we can draw the line here.
Starting point is 00:46:24 They don't realize that they can't, but they want to draw the line there. Yeah. Yeah. And so, um, well, a lot of people still play cod. Well, if you do, you're gay. Um, uh, so they want to draw the line there and they want to be, and they're very upset that people are coming for kids. And so even like normal people who say like, Oh, let two guys get married. Let, you know, let, you know, two women get married. Let somebody have a sex change if they want to. Like when they start saying like, let children take hormones, they're like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, time out. Like this is the, I'm drawing the line here. Some people are willing to draw the line.
Starting point is 00:46:56 And so I think, I don't know if we have more power than we, we do when we, than we thought we did, but I think what we actually have is a point here where the ideology is so extreme and they moved too quickly. They made a miscalculation by moving this quickly with it that they didn't indoctrinate people to it slow enough. And so people are noticing suddenly that it's extreme. It's really difficult to indoctrinate people slowly into. What if we cut your sons twig and berries off?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Yeah. Seamus Coughlin. We make their money worthless and then we cut off their sons penis. You remember that one? I don't. It was Seamus's like he did one with the Democrats election strategy for 2022. We make their money worthless. Yeah. Somebody said, oh, it was Mike.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Mike for $2 says Thursday is so sassy. That's accurate I play video games with Mikey knows it. Um, someone just said Matt. Can you share about your wristwatch? Type why you picked it up, etc. Totally unimportant. Just being curious for a long time So I got a couple of wristwatches. This one is HP. It's made in France. It's a Himalaya one is HP. It's made in France. It's a Himalaya. I can't see it because the because the I got it from the year Liz.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Yeah. I normally wear a. And dollar Walmart watch. Yeah, it's good to see. I tell you, I I know you kind of maybe consider yourself part of this group. And I know that there's probably something to be said about it, but when people carte blanche crap on Daily Wire and criticize them without any nuance, I just want to say to them, you
Starting point is 00:48:36 are not as cool as you think you are. Well, I have nuance in my criticism. Yeah, whatever. That's fine. But when I see people blasting that stuff out, these guys are part of the reason public opinion is changing in America around this issue. 100%. So when people try to be cool and they've got like five followers and haven't influenced anything and then criticize unapologetically Daily Wire as a whole and say something sassy to look cool in front of their YouTube friends. I always think it's just it's like someone who gets into a band and the band becomes popular and
Starting point is 00:49:10 they hate the band to be cool but not realizing they're not that cool. If you hate the band to hate the if you hate a band to hate the band because they're suddenly popular that's one thing but I listen I like a lot of bands older stuff but when they got popular the music noticeably changed. Yeah. Like Blink's, Blink's newer stuff. It always comes back to Blink. Blink's newer stuff. Mumford and Sons newer stuff is not good.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I'm just going to say it. Mumford and Sons newer stuff is not as good as like, as good as Little Lion Man. OK, I'll tell you what song is the best song in the world. This beats anything Beethoven put out back in the day. If you play this Jack Black song. No, here it is. I'm going to play you the best song in the world. This beats anything Beethoven put out back in the day. If you play this Jack Black song. No, here it is. I'm going to play you the best song ever written.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Every time I do it makes me laugh. Did you just play the stream? Get so red. And what the hell is on Joey's head? This is where I grew up. It's such a great song. I love singing that song with mates.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Yeah, it's a good song, yeah. But Nickelback, that's an example of, it's an interesting story about how they became the most hated rock band, hated band. Yeah, I don't know how they did that. Accidentally, probably. Uh, no, no, no. Happy month to the sacred heart.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you, Chris, for the five dollars. Yeah. Well, I want to let people know that I'm going to be interviewing Jim Caviezel soon and it's about his new show on sex trafficking, which I've been told is very hard to watch. They gave me a link to watch it. We can watch it before it comes out if you want. Oh, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:50:57 But that interview with Jim Caviezel will only be available for local supporters, We are preparing for the day when YouTube cancels us outright and we want to just drive as many people over there as possible. So go sign up, We are preparing for the day when YouTube cancels us outright and we want to just drive as many people over there as possible. So go sign up, You do have to pay to engage with some of the content like this interview with Jim Caviezel, but most mornings I do a live stream called Morning Coffee where we just sit and chat and you don't actually have to pay to watch that. You just have to sign up like you'd have to sign up on Facebook or Twitter. So Matt Fred dot locals dot com. Kyle gave us 20 more dollars and said, RIP to any chance this stream had in being monetized, unacceptable language, unlicensed music.
Starting point is 00:51:34 We have it all today. So is thank you, Kyle. Is Kyle's news public? No, Kyle, you can let us know. Kyle, the thing you texted me last night about, yeah, if you want, we can announce that. Somebody gave us $2 and said, may I use audio from an interview for a Pints animated? Yeah, of course. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:01 No. I'm unsure what you mean by that, or I'm not familiar with your work. So I would want to see so if you could send me. You know, throw your email. No, I think it's like fair use. Go for it. Yeah, I don't want to be one of those people who's like super stingy with copyright. Please be respectful and we won't, you know, we'll we'll say it's fair use. You know what song I love?
Starting point is 00:52:24 Here's a song I love. Do you know, we'll we'll say it's fair use. You know what song I love? Here's a song I love. Do you know Faith No More? No, Logan gave $10 only because Matt's saying Nickelback. Oh, this song. Thank you. Easy. Come on. You know, the song. Here we go. No, it sounds funny, but it just. You missed the cue.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Yeah, sounds funny, but I just. You missed the cue. Yeah. Sounds funny, but I just can't stand the pain. Kyle said. Girl, I'm leaving you tomorrow. That's a great song. I don't know if they didn't write that, did they? Who wrote that song? Kyle said, we're trying to move, but nothing is certain until sales and purchases are made.
Starting point is 00:53:09 More people. Oh, Lionel Richie, I think, wrote the song. Okay. Well, there you go. More people are moving to Steubenville. There was a couple on our cruise who, for most of the dinner, I was trying to convince him to move to Steubenville because I think the two reasons, the two legitimate reasons
Starting point is 00:53:30 not to move to Steubenville are you live in a place that has great weather or you have to live in a place because of your work or you have great community where you are. But these people live in New York state. They don't have great weather they said and he can work from wherever I'm like then there's no and he doesn't I don't think they had great community so move to student bill all right I want to hear this Lionel Richie one this is we're so getting claimed the just going to be shut off at this point.
Starting point is 00:54:05 They're just going to delete it. Oh my gosh. Seems to me, girl, you know I'm gonna wanna keep it. That's beautiful, but the Faith No More version is better. My fave, one of my favorite little known artists. Tell me, oh look it up. Oh, and then I want to tell people about one of the greatest songs I've heard in a while. Fulton Lee.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Fulton Lee. Fulton lunar eclipse space L.E.E. Yeah. No play better be somebody. Solar powered music. Joy. Love falls down. Love falls down. Yeah. All right. Love falls down love falls down Yeah Come on we're the whitest people in the world who have no rhythm, but let's do it dude
Starting point is 00:54:59 Race I want to do a shout out to our black barber Billy who gives us an education in like black soul music every time we get a haircut. That's so true. Yeah. What's up, Billy? I like that. All right. So have you heard of the milk carton kids? The milk carton kids? I have not.
Starting point is 00:55:18 It is so lovely. I heard this playing at the coffee shop a year ago, and I tried typing the words into YouTube to find the song. I had no idea what it was or where it came from. Couldn't find it. A year later, I hear it and I told the priest to tell me who this is. This is them. It's I don't remember hearing a song for a long time, like maybe 10 years and thinking, this is a beautiful, beautiful song. I was so moved by it. Isn't that beautiful? Don't you just want to have three beers and cry?
Starting point is 00:55:56 Do we get haircuts together? No, we're not gay. We just go to the same guy. Move over Pontiac skies. Great song. McCloskey just said we should play Ohio is for lovers. All right. Ohio, please don't. Is for what is that? What does that mean when people say that?
Starting point is 00:56:18 I've heard that song. But when people say something is for lovers, what is that referring to? Is that? I mean, you know. Here it is. You're going to show them. Oh, my goodness. Oh, I love it. I love it. The last four days, I've been going for a run in the mornings. I've been listening to by Reliant K.
Starting point is 00:56:46 The best. They're the best. They are high of seventy five. Yeah. Are they are they as underrated as I suspect they are? No, people of my generation love them because it was like our middle school music. Yeah. Yeah, because they would have been finishing by the time you got into them. Are they still around? I mean, I listened to them in middle school, so I was into him when they were still popular. Bands break up anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:07 It feels like they don't break up. I just kind of break up and then they like Reliant K. OK, so I so hate consequences. I so hate. Why are 700 watching this? September 9th, they're playing in Cincinnati, Ohio. All right. So. It's called Is For Lovers Festival.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Isn't that funny? It is actually cool. Yeah. Is For Lovers Festival. Reliant K? Yeah. All right. Matt Fratt and I will be in Cincinnati September 9th. That'd be kind of fun. Yeah. That's Mary's birthday, isn't it? I obviously know that.
Starting point is 00:57:52 What feast day is Mary's birthday? It's September 8th. September 8th, Willem. Yep. Good. Thursday is as good as emo got. What? Thursday is as good as emo got. What Thursday is as good as emo got.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Somebody said put on Enoch. No, we're listening to good music. What's Enoch? That's great. Somebody clip that right now. Somebody clip it right now. He's a Catholic rapper who's like, OK, why
Starting point is 00:58:18 do you mean Clipper? Is that embarrassing to ask that? No, it's embarrassing to him that I went. We listen to good music and then don't say that. I'm sure you would. Very. Oh, don't say that. I'm sure he's very good. Please don't clip that. I don't want to crap on a Catholic artist trying to do good.
Starting point is 00:58:32 Let's see. Enoch Catholic rapper. Is he as good as Laura Horn? He did a response to Laura's. He he responded for Taylor Marshall to Laura. Litany of the Saints. Don't. Oh, it's. You don't like him. Noany of the Saints. Don't know. You don't like him?
Starting point is 00:58:47 No, it looks good. I love his beard. That's the most beautiful beard I've ever seen. Good for him. I mean, it's not my bag, but it sounds really good quality at least. Well, they go check him out. E hyphen KNOCK if people are interested. Somebody asked for my next Twitch stream is I don't know. I didn't have as much fun last time as I thought I would.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I'll do it again. Can you let people know about our, um, that forum thing we started for people? Oh, the discord? Yeah. Yeah. We have a discord. It's for local supporters only, not locals members only, but supporters. So you have to be a supporter. Um, it's slash pints. So how do you figure that out? How do you know who's who? I verify it. We have we have a team of verifiers So they send us they send us their billing. Tell me the URL again slash Yep What does GG mean?
Starting point is 00:59:59 Doesn't matter 522 members. Is that a lot? Yes, it's not a it's not an insignificant amount Is there a Minecraft server yet? Oh, we did promise a Minecraft server So If the Minecraft server exists it'll also be for local supporters only Thursday is officially a player hater. No, I just don't think rap is good. I think they're very talented, though,
Starting point is 01:00:30 when they can string words together like that. I think there are some rap songs that are like, like my take on rap is I think it's really good when they can string words together like that. I think there are some rappers that are good. I think there are some rap songs that are good. Mm-hmm name one Rap songs that I like. Yeah The chance song called whoa, why did my camera just like lose? There it is a chance the rappers
Starting point is 01:00:58 We do let me find it some of this playlist that I've been listening to recently And not so hate Consequences running from you is what my best defenses. Whoa. Consequences got to make me face up to this. And I so, uh, chances, shoot, I can't find this song title. I forget what it is. It's, um, On his newer album, the one that came out in 2019. Do you remember? My chance is really good. I like all of Jesus's king. I mean some of the lot, some of the made a left one.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I should have made a right. Yeah. Good stuff. I feel like we're getting to the bottom of the barrel. Yeah, we are. Thanks to be in here, everybody. People want the Minecraft server, stay tuned. If you want the Minecraft server stay tuned we'll probably figure it out soon. Bye. Bye.

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