Pints With Aquinas - Vote on NEW Matt Fradd Show Set!

Episode Date: March 4, 2019

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Starting point is 00:00:00 G'day, welcome to this Matt Fradd Show update. I am, of course, Matt Fradd, and today I want to talk to you about something I want to do, and that is update the Matt Fradd Show set. So, bear with me. So, currently, the Matt Fradd Show set is less than awesome. I think that's a charitable way of putting it. I mean, it kind of looks like between two ferns, which is okay. You know, there's something to be said about simplicity, but I think it's a little too simple. We just, I mean, we did a simple set because it costs a lot of money to kind of fly people in to do these interviews. It costs a lot of money to do this interview space. But I want to do something new. I want to do something different.
Starting point is 00:00:47 And that's where you come in. I want to show you three different set ideas. There's actually a link in the show notes right now. You can click that and you can see these three and I want you to vote on which one you like best. That would really help me out. So, I want to hire somebody to design and build a new set. We currently have three basic ideas. Now, we're limited on space, right? We're using a video production studio that's limited on space. And so, we basically need to build a wall. We need to build a wall.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And as you'll see here, the three mock--ups we have like a wood panel wall a brick wall and a drywall one um you'll get a lot better of a idea if you click the link and vote on this so you'll see the mock-ups there um and we'll basically put that on wheels we would we would wheel it in it would look really cool actually i know it sounds weird to have like a wall as as your backdrop but if it's big enough you can't really tell that it's just something you've rolled in. So anyway, click that link, take a look. We have the wood panel one, which is basically would have black curtains on the side. There'd be two leather chairs. There'd be a small coffee table between us. Also, for the second idea, there would be a brick wall. Everyone likes a good brick wall. Hey, we talked about that actually on the Catching Foxes episode that
Starting point is 00:02:04 we'll be releasing soon. So stay tuned for that one. And then finally, there's a drywall option. Now what's cool about this is you can paint it whatever color you want. You can also hang stuff on the wall like shelves, and then you can put different things on the shelves, which would make it look cool. It could still be a minimalist approach, but less minimalist than just a simple wall. We'd also get some nice chairs that don't swivel because people have been saying the swiveling is annoying. And then we'd have a, you know, a solid, awesome wooden table between the two of us. So, that's what I'm looking at
Starting point is 00:02:35 doing. Check that out. Now, here's the thing. It's going to cost a couple of grand, maybe more, to get this put together. I don't have that kind of cash. So, I'm really looking for people to start supporting me on Patreon for like five or ten bucks a month. And I would rather that than go to somebody and say, hey, give me two or three or whatever grand. Like I would rather, if you've been thinking about becoming a patron, this is a really cool reason to do it. Obviously, the more people that can sign up over the next couple of weeks, the better we can build this wall. So like, yeah, five bucks a month, 10 bucks a month. You also get a bunch of free stuff in return on Patreon. You get access to this live community. You get signed books, beer steins sent to your house, stickers,
Starting point is 00:03:12 all these cool things. So consider that if you want. But yeah, so click that link, take a look at the three things, the three options, vote. And then in the comment section, let me know what you chose and why you chose it. I would love your feedback. I really want to do what you guys want. I have to say, I've been really excited about the Matt Fred show. I think this is a whole new world for me. When I entered into it, I didn't know what I was doing. I still really don't, let's be honest. And I think we made a lot of mistakes in the beginning. I think there was some course correction we had to make that we'll continue to have to make, but I've really been excited with the direction of this show, and it's been awesome to see how many people have been helped by these shows. We've got some cool guests coming up like Lila Rose, Father Mike
Starting point is 00:03:58 Schmitz, and others. So, I think it's just going to go from good to great. At least, that's my hope. Also, I should say, we're looking at changing the logo. A lot of people have said they don't like the logo. Now, that's kind of like a preferential thing, right? Like you don't like a logo or whatever, but people have given some good reasons why they don't like the logo. They think like, first of all, some people have said it doesn't look like me. It looks like I'm in the crosshairs, like someone's trying to shoot me. That's not fun. And then other people have said like when you discuss real serious topics, then you have like a smirk cartoon face as part of your logo. It doesn't seem to jive very well. So, when we kind of launch this new set, if we have enough people come and support on Patreon,
Starting point is 00:04:36 we would also be paying somebody to redesign the logo as well. And if you've seen our YouTube channel, you've noticed we've done new thumbnails and things like this, which all costs money. And it looks really professional now, I think. So thank you to all of you who do support the show, who have encouraged me to do this show. It's been really fun and a terrific adventure and I'm excited for the future. So yeah, I guess that's all I have to say. Click that link, support me on Patreon if you can. Also, if you don't like Patreon, some people don't like Patreon and that's fine. If you wanted to just support me directly, just go to slash donate. That's my audio podcast, slash donate. You can just support me directly there if you want.
Starting point is 00:05:17 All right. Thanks so much. I'm really excited for what we have in store. Cheers.

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