Pints With Aquinas - Zuckerberg V Musk + AMA

Episode Date: July 3, 2023

Join Locals!: Learn more about The Shrine of the Protection of The Mother of God by emailing Sibling Horror:  @siblinghorror23...61  Thrsdy's Channel:  @THRSDY157  Medjugorje Citations: Correction:      In 1991 the Yugoslavian Bishops found no evidence of the supernatural in the apparitions. They did not find evidence for the first seven as Thrsdy stated in the episode. This came in 2017 with the Ruini Report. The full statement of the Yugoslavian Bishop's Conference can be found below. They did say the faithful visiting the site "require[d] attention and pastoral care." The official approval of Medjugorje as a pilgrimage site came in 2017 with the Ruini Report. Citations: -Relevant Canons and Interpretation for Private Revlation: 1983 Code: 1917 Code: Application: -Bp. Zanic's Letter: -Yugoslavian Bishop's 1991:

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh Oh my gosh Why is it so bad it's really bad it's unwatchable I Don't know you're still watching I gave up after like that when she's did the start of click record already Yeah, we're going people can see this everyone Isn't it is it worse than you expect? But I'm trying to figure out, okay, so I don't know who this woman is
Starting point is 00:00:48 and I don't know what she's apologizing for. Tell us. Okay. So that's Colleen Ballinger. She did the lipstick thing, right? She was Miranda Sings, yeah. I saw some of that stuff, I thought it was really funny. Yeah, back in the day, she's an OG YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Okay. And so she had some group chats with some fans who were minors. Okay. And so she had some group chats with some fans who were minors. Okay. And she, um, asked them questions you should not be asking minors you're not related to. Okay. And sent them things in the mail that you should not be sending really anyone in the mail, frankly, just if you're, is it, is this stuff like legitimately proven or is she, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:29 We'll say allegedly to be careful, but allegedly with the caveat that Thursday has, is that port? Yeah. You can have some, allegedly with the caveat that Thursday has not heard anyone actually say that these didn't happen. And yeah, she did some things on during live shows, like her live stage shows that are recorded that are mega sus. And yeah, now she's doing an apology video
Starting point is 00:02:00 and it's maybe the worst thing ever put on the internet. Really? I mean, so I want to read you some of these comments because. I like the fella. He's got a YouTube channel called Man Carrying Thing. I think it's called Man Carrying Thing. Yeah, I was following this guy back in like 50,000 subscribers. I think we have some. What is the what is the the the YouTuber that you found organically that had the smallest subscribers
Starting point is 00:02:25 when you subscribed to them? What's like, because for me, I subscribed to this guy's name is Chris Ramsey and he does puzzle boxes and like photo, photography and vlog stuff now. But back when he had like 10,000 subscribers, he did magic. No, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I just, I think I had like 50,000 subscribers when I said I followed him. So it was quite a ways ago. I don't know. I just I think I had like 50,000 subscribers when I said I follow him So it's quite a ways ago. I don't know. I Don't think about him. I don't know if we get into a conversation and realize we disagree dramatically on I haven't seen much of his stuff I think he's funny when I see his stuff. All right, so he referenced this and that's what got me onto this All right. Here's a comment that I want you to explain to me because I'm a millennial, aren't I? I'm a millennial who acts like you boomer. You're an elder millennial. An elder millennial.
Starting point is 00:03:06 What's behind millennial again? What's the older one? So there's Gen X. Yeah, then millennial. Gen X, then millennial. So I'd say you're a Gen X millennial. Yeah. All right. It's zillennial.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Zillennial. Tell me what this means. This guy says, referring to the video, this is so painfully millennial. What does that mean? Because I don't know. It's just very much still in the old style of YouTube. And it's also just very clear that she still sees herself as the protagonist of this, even after everything that's happened, which is super sauce. Um, and just very not, it's just so unself aware. It's, it's a, it's a, it's a way of, it's the, like the energy that she's in, that sounds new agey. You guys can come at me cause I'm sticking with it. Cause it makes sense. Um, the energy she has interacting with the internet doing this is very much
Starting point is 00:04:03 like not aware of what the internet is and who she is in relation to it in a way that the old internet when it was predominantly millennials on the internet was. Does that make sense? It does, but it's I'm sure I'm like that. You can be like that sometimes. How dare you? You were like, you're fired. Thank you. What is it? Okay. So give me examples. Thank you. I don't know where that came from. I just said, I just, okay. So, so I have learned, I did have to like learn to have a filter.
Starting point is 00:04:36 This is a total aside, but, um, the problem is because I had to learn to do it. If I'm talking and somebody says something to me while I'm talking Yeah The filter doesn't activate and stop me from continuing to talk So if you say something to me, and I'm in the middle of a sentence whatever no Thank you if I throw what if I'm talking and somebody says something to me my immediate reaction just comes out of my mouth and somebody says something to me, my immediate reaction just comes out of my mouth. All right. So tell me examples of when I was painfully millennial.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I don't I can't think of specifics with you. I don't think you're like that anymore. Like I think maybe like in early pints, you may have been like it somewhat. Like when you, I think, well, the example that just came to mind is something that, there was an old Matt Fradd show interview with a guest and I could tell you were not aware of how it, the way I could tell watching it way back years ago, that the way you thought the audience was going to perceive it was not how the audience was perceiving it. And I was aware watching it that like, this guy thinks the audience is going to see this.
Starting point is 00:05:53 And I know enough about to know enough about the internet to know that that is not that interesting. Yeah. Like since I'm an old man, here's the example I can think of that that might be more like a boomer Gen X. OK, go. And that would be like the boomer generation might be used to sitting in front of a camera and doing a news interview. And so you could imagine somebody thinking that that's what the Internet is and maybe reading off a script and acting as if you're on a new show or an EWTN show or a Catholic answer show when it's actually just a lot more casual than that now. Yeah, that's kind of that's that's what I do. You get that. Does that make sense? Yeah, I think. But I don't get the millennial Gen Z thing.
Starting point is 00:06:30 So the thing about Gen Z and like my generation is that we grew up with large access to the Internet. I'm looking here because you're actually over there and the camera shooting angle makes it look like I'm looking at you if I look here. Okay. But I can see on the screen. So the thing about the the Gen Z thing is because we were raised in the Internet, part of how we understand interaction more instinctually, I can't do it. It feels so weird. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:07:01 The part of how we understand interaction and social interaction more instinctually is through the internet. So we have a better instinctual sense of how something is going to play out online because we have a better sense intrinsically because of all the time we've spent there and being raised there during our more malleable years of what the forces at play on the internet are. Whereas older millennials, especially are very experienced with the internet and they can use it. But they don't seem to have like a firm grasp on how things are going to happen all the time, which is where I think you get like younger politicians like AOC and, you know,
Starting point is 00:07:46 the, the, the, the people who are running politics right now are, are middle to older millennials, the running the online part of the politics right now. That's why I think when you see stuff, you can tell that they know how the internet works, right? Cause they're, they're using it well, but when they say something, don't you get the sense that they don't they're not self aware of what's happening? Yeah, I do. Like AOC would be an example of that.
Starting point is 00:08:12 But I don't know if that's just because she's an unlikable character. I think general. I mean, but even even the Republicans sometimes, don't you see like Republicans post things sometimes and you feel like, well, yeah, that's theoretically it works, but there's something off about it. Yeah, something like that happened. I thought the other night in daily wire. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Did you watch this? Yes, that's a great example. Thank you. I'm learning. This should just be called Thursday teachers, Matt, Fred, how to not be lame, which is going to be very difficult for you and you will fail. But all right. So the other night. So the other night, what he other not what he said, that
Starting point is 00:08:45 man called me a nerd. The other night on Daily Wire backstage, it looked like at the beginning they were just going to have Michael Knowles and Ben Shapiro. And so they did this thing where Ben Shapiro had H.R. come out and he fake fired Michael Knowles. He said H. That's not a millennial thing. That's just an Australian thing.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And and I get how it could have been funny, but it was just very awkward. Yeah, it didn't work at all. Felt like they knew that they were going for cringe humor and playing for their ongoing bit. But they did it cringe in the wrong way. They were hoping for. Yes, it was. It was cringe in the way where it was just like, why did you commit? Like there's a, there's a, this is me. I'm doing it, doing it from the hip here. Tell me if you agree to make things funny on the internet, you have to commit to a certain
Starting point is 00:09:38 level to a bit. But if you over commit to the bit, it feels like you're taking your joke too seriously. And you've that's when you get to like, I don't think it's about over committing. I think it's about taking it too far. Like far in the sense of it's now boring and dead. Okay, that might like if he had taken it really far, he could have come out and actually like shouted at Michael and Michael could have left. Yeah, it happened within like 20 seconds. And that maybe wouldn't have worked anyway, because of Ben's personality and Michael's personality.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Yeah. I don't know. I don't I think that was a good example of something that was like they understand the concept of doing cringe like dry humor on the internet. But the way they did it was the wrong kind of cringe. It was the way they did it was just not received. It wasn't enjoyable. It wasn't English office cringe. Yeah. It was the wrong kind of cringe. The way they did it was just not received. It wasn't enjoyable. It wasn't English office cringe.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah. Yeah. It was like a home video. It was dinner party cringe. Dinner party cringe. I like it. Dinner party is too much cringe. It is not funny.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I don't even know what it is. The dinner party episode of The Office. Oh yeah. It's too cringe. No, it's not. It's not cringe enough. I loved it. I could not.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I cannot sit through that episode. It's so... I am physically uncomfortable. Yeah, babe. That was that was lightning in a bottle. That was a glorious episode. There are some like lines in that episode that are hilarious, that folds right into the wall thing.
Starting point is 00:11:04 That's so good. All right. So that's really interesting. All right. OK. But then like, how you know, as funny as the comments are brutal. Yeah, dude, they're really bad. But how I mean, how is it? You know, OK, here's another thing. And you tell me if this has to do with the generational distinction or not, because it might be something different. When I watch someone like Ralph Martin do a video, who's like 183, his videos are beautiful and just insightful. Because he's sincere. That's it.
Starting point is 00:11:35 But then there's other people who are like pushing 50 and 60. Okay, maybe this is what I'm going for. There's a level of, there's a ratio of sincerity to commitment to irony. And you have to be sincere about the actual point of your joke. Yeah. Which is like Michael and Ben actually like each other. Yeah. But they never show that. And so it doesn't come across as a sincere bit of irony. It comes across as like Ben and Michael, like I have never seen Ben and Michael interact personally and it not be somewhat contentious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:08 And so it's, it gets to a level very quickly where you just feel bad for Michael. Yeah. Whereas like when you are like, Oh, that was a test. You're fired. And then we both immediately laugh about it. It's like the joke here is that Matt and Thursday really, really enjoy each other. Yes. And Thursday is, or Matt's like,
Starting point is 00:12:26 playing along with it. Matt's going to like fire Thursday for the smallest thing. Like that's not going to happen. And so- Let me know when it gets awkward and I've become all millennial about it, will you? Yeah, yeah. But I don't think we do because every time we do it, we both laugh. But when they do it, they are so dry about it
Starting point is 00:12:42 that you just feel bad for Michael. Well, I feel bad for this Colleen vlogs. I shouldn't maybe because of what she's done. But I mean, she released this yesterday. Yeah, so she has three point three five million subscribers. That's insane. She released this two days ago and has had four point eight million views. And all of the comments are just brutal.
Starting point is 00:13:02 I pray that this doesn't affect there in a really negative way. I don't mean negative in the sense of. And somebody in chat, I don't have the extensions on the streaming computer. Can somebody in chat with the extension for dislikes, tell me what the dislike ratio on that is, please. Oh, because you have to know that they covered the dislike number. Can somebody that's funny, please. When you just said that, I saw somebody say what I wouldn't give to see the dislikes on this.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Yeah. Can somebody pull the dislikes on that for me, please? If you just have an extension in Chrome, I'm sure somebody has it. OK, here's a great example. This lady, Cassidy, 1905, says this is on par with the celebrity singing Imagine during COVID. Why did you make me remember that? So that's true, right? That was really awful. Didn't that make you make me remember that? So that's true, right? That was really awful.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Didn't that make you nauseous seeing it? Yeah. Like them sitting in their multi-million dollar mansions while the rest of us were like scraping to get by, stuck in our homes, isolated and lonely. This person says I effing love the internet so much. internet. That's really good. Do you like my mic stand? I got a mic stand, by the way. Do you think it's possible to be a big YouTube personality for a long period of time and not crash and burn? PewDiePie is the only one who's done it, has he? And he had his like moment where he was down, but.
Starting point is 00:14:21 only one who's done it. Has he? And he had his like moment where he was down, but he just like genuinely apologized once for it and then didn't acknowledge it again. And then years later when it comes up now, he like is like, Oh yeah, don't you remember when I almost like ended everything? Cause I said, said the no, no word. Like you remember that? I don't, I've no, I barely know who PewDiePie is. PewDiePie was the largest independent channel, the largest channel on YouTube for almost
Starting point is 00:14:51 a decade. And then he was passed by some like Indian media corporations and they were the only ones to pass him until Mr. Beast passed him. 608,000 dislikes. To what? How many likes? Is it 60? 65,000 likes to what? 608,000 dislikes. Oh, bless this woman. No, PewDiePie was playing a game in like 2017, I want to say. And he had a guy who was was I think if I remember right
Starting point is 00:15:27 somebody can correct me but I think he was being stream sniped in the game okay because he was trying to get the guy and every time he went to move the guy like knew where he was okay and he said why are you being such a and then he said not just not just like a like a general insult he said, um, not just, not just like a, like a general insult. He said, said the, the one insult you can never say on the internet. Yeah. Voldemort. Voldemort. Yes. That's a great, I've never heard it used that way. Um, so, and then he, and then he, uh, he apologized and he took a break and then he came back and he continued to grow. And like now he lives with his wife
Starting point is 00:16:05 who's pregnant in Japan because that's what they both wanted to do their whole lives is live in Japan and they like Occasionally post post like a nice blog about how happy they are living in Japan and that's it and everyone loves him and everyone's fine What's the fact that he's just like semi retired? Let me ask you what you thought of Joe Rogan's apology when someone put together a collage of him using the word Voldemort repeatedly. I don't remember that. Don't you remember he came out and apologized? I don't remember. I don't remember any of that, actually.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Hold on. I'm going to go to my single. It's kind of tough to know what to do when you're not in their position. So I think a lot of people are like, come on, don't don't capitulate to the mob. Hey, but I also see that you can take that too far and then just not apologize I think a lot of people are like, come on, don't don't capitulate to the mob. But I also see that you can take that too far and then just not apologize for what you actually should apologize for. I'm not saying he should apologize for that. But if you actually do something that brings disunity to the body of Christ, say in an
Starting point is 00:16:55 unnecessary way, like if I come out and say something and I'm actually sorry for it to not say sorry, because it's no longer cool to say sorry because it legitimizes the mob that also I'm not okay with that. That's utilitarianism I think right because you're doing it for the for the like you're doing it for the end rather than for the principle. I guess I can see that. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like you're saying like oh I will be actually more harmed if I apologize therefore I shouldn't apologize you know you're using the end to justify the action. Before we go any further,
Starting point is 00:17:29 I want to take a look at this Indiana article. And we have some- We've been going for 15 minutes and haven't even mentioned it. A lot of hilarious questions from our local supporters. But before we go any further, I want to invite you to come and follow us over at You can follow us over there.
Starting point is 00:17:44 We do daily streams over there, which you can watch for free. You don't have to support us in order to get access to that stuff. We also put up material that you have to pay to get access to, which supports all that we do here at Pines with Aquinas, including buying a building down the road
Starting point is 00:17:57 is our new studio, which we should be closing in on Wednesday. Got some big plans for that, which we'll get into down the road. But one thing we're doing this summer is a five-part video course on Flannery O'Connor taught by Father Damien Ference, who has his doctorate in Flannery O'Connor and Thomism.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So if you've always wanted to get into Flannery O'Connor or get more out of her, if you wonder what all the hype is about, go to When you become an annual supporter there, not only do you get access to all of our free courses and audio books and spiritual direction with Father Gregory Pine, which is exclusive over there and bonus videos and things like that, you also get this Pints with Aquinas
Starting point is 00:18:32 Beerstein. If you become an annual supporter at the end of every month, we email everybody who has become an annual supporter and we just ask you to pay for shipping and then you get this for free. So there's that perk as well. I have a joke. OK, are we going to do the joke first or the article?
Starting point is 00:18:49 Let's do the joke. OK. So this bear. I want to thank my friend John Henry Spann for telling this joke. Sorry, I just thought of a completely different joke that I cannot tell on stream. But go ahead. I'm going to have to modify this one. So this bear goes into a pub. He goes up to the counter. He's like, get out, mate. I'll just have a double scotch.
Starting point is 00:19:08 Thanks. He says, no, no, no, no, not serving you. He was it because I'm a bear. He went, no, it's not because you're a bear. He says, is it because I'm unbearable? No, stop. No, it's not. No, it's because you came in here last night. You got drunk out of your mind.
Starting point is 00:19:25 You made untoward propositions toward our waitress. You you punched Larry in the throat and just tore up the place. So piss off. You're not welcome here. He says, fine, I'll go somewhere else. So the bear starts to turn around and. The waiter has a change of heart and he puts his hand on his arm. He says, listen, listen, mate, how are you doing?
Starting point is 00:19:50 You okay? You don't seem like you're in a good place. And the bear says, I'm fine. He said, look, if you ever need to talk, just put it out there. I'd be happy to talk. He said, what the hell do you know about me? What the hell do you know about me? Where I've been from? What's hap- you don't have a friggin clue! And the bartender slips his hand into his pocket
Starting point is 00:20:13 and he pulls out a seven-year sobriety coin and he says, I might know more than you think. I was in a terrible place, my marriage was on the rocks, I ruined my relationship with my kids I know what it's like to be at rock bottom I know what it's like to be sick and tired of being sick and tired and the bear relents a little The way this is listen, I'll tell you this Go home tonight and don't have a drink. All right, that's all you got to do and in the morning at 9 a.m There's a coffee shop right just up the road. I want you to meet me there at 9 a.m.
Starting point is 00:20:45 If you want to come we can have this conversation and I'm happy to walk this walk with you. You don't want to you don't have to. And the bear looks at him and he says maybe I will maybe I. Won't. The bartender says yeah yeah, go right. Mate, what? Sorry. What was with the long pause?
Starting point is 00:21:08 He says, I'm a bear. That's the joke. That was awful. So bad. Was that millennial? No, that was boomer. That was the best joke I've Yeah, that was Boomer. That was the best joke I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Thank you very much. I want you to know, two minutes into the joke, I put in the chat, this joke sucks. So my goal is to extend that story for another five minutes and see how gripping I can make it and see how long I can make people sit through it. It's very much a Norm MacDonald joke. Not as good as his, Don't get me wrong, but you want me to try to tell this joke and tell you where I heard it?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Unless it's going to get us fired from. No, it's not bad. It's not. I, a priest told it in his homily once. All right, go on. So there's this, uh, this, this priest and this rabbi and this Protestant minister are having this, they get together once a week for drinks and they're always trying to figure out who's right. Right. There is debating. So one week they say, well, let's all go try to convert a bear and figure out and whoever has the
Starting point is 00:22:15 most success, they must be right. Right. If you convert the animal, then you convert a bear. Yeah. You can convert an animal. And. And so they get back together, you know, in a week. Priestess Armada splint. Father, what happened to you? Oh, you know, we were doing really good, actually. But then the chrysmoid got in his
Starting point is 00:22:36 eyes, you know, didn't do didn't do too well. They look at the minister arm in a cast, you know, scratched up in his face and. Ankles in a boot. Reverend, a cast, you know, scratched up in his face and ankles in a boot. Reverend, what happened to you? I was doing good. He's feeling the spirit really, really getting into the word with him.
Starting point is 00:22:52 You know, great, great stuff. And I tried to dunk him in the river and he threw me. Look over at the rabbi. Both arms in a cast. You got the joke. Both arms in a cast. Hey, you got the joke. Both arms in a cast. You know, legs, legs, he's in a wheelchair, legs are in a cast.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Really messed up. Definitely the worst of the three. What happened to you, Rabbi? Well, you guys know where we have to start, right? And that's where I'm going to leave that. And if you get it, you get it. And if you don't It's a good question about Jew jokes. I don't think that's a Jew joke. I want to know what's off
Starting point is 00:23:32 Limits I get In polite company I get that there are certain jokes having to do with their history that are off limits and I see good reason For that. Yeah. Yeah, like if you as a Jew made fun of my crucified Messiah Like I'd tell you to get out of my office. Yeah, or the Hall of the Mour. I don't know what that is. Well, that's a fun thing. You should look that up. But when Dennis was sitting with me, he told me a joke that had to do with Jews
Starting point is 00:23:55 being tight with their money. Yeah. Am I allowed to tell those kinds of jokes? So I don't think that joke would be off limits for you. I think it's that joke only works if a Jew tells it, I think. Ah, you know what I mean? Yeah, I see. Because it's self-deprecating. Because it's it's not like it's not like it's offense.
Starting point is 00:24:16 It's not funny because it's offensive. If you were I were to tell it, it's only funny because it's of the self-aware awareness of it. You know what I mean? Does that make sense? Yeah. So if I tell it, it's kind of it's out of context. It just doesn't it doesn't hit the same. I don't think that. What's the difference between a Jew
Starting point is 00:24:33 and a canoe? What's the difference? Sooner or later, the canoes going to tip. I'm honestly asking, am I allowed to say it? Why did you not ask me if you could tell the canoe joke first? Because I'd say that is very offensive to canoe makers. There are certain canoes they won't tip easily.
Starting point is 00:24:54 That's just a stereotype of... I was going to... I probably would have told you that one on YouTube. Maybe don't. Here's a question then. Have you ever heard a joke about Christians that you laughed at? Catholics? I could see jokes about like Charismatics Like Charismatic Christians who I love You know they talk about talking in tongues should have bought a Honda, but I bought a Mitsubishi. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's kind of funny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:25 I don't know if I can think of I'm sure I have. I just can't remember him because I never there's just there's just jokes that are really low blows, right? And I think that's just. That's what I think. I think I'll show it comes from
Starting point is 00:25:38 like, yeah, the priest thing. Yeah, it's not the easiest thing in the world. Yeah. And it's it yeah. And it's, it's, it's, yeah. Um, I have seen some, like, I don't know if this, this isn't really a joke. You can tell, but I saw this video. No, it's not like it's like a video. And so the, the, the video was, um, the disciples are in this pool and they're lounging around and Jesus is like, Oh, Hey, we're done for the day. And he goes to jump in the pool. Yeah. And he slips on it because he's can't go in and he falls over and smacks his head.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah. Like he can't get it. Like if he, when he tries to jump in, he like it acts like a solid when he tries to jump in. Okay. And I was like, that that's a little funny. Yeah. No, that's good. That's pretty good. I also saw a joke the other day where Aaron was on a diving board he was about to dive into the pool it was it was a meme I saw and he said I'm not diving until Moses leaves that's funny that's good I like that yeah all right good well now that we've got that out the way just want to invite you if you haven't yet to please subscribe to the channel and click that thumbs up button as well because it
Starting point is 00:26:43 helps with the algorithm and once we get 400,000 subscribers we are gonna buy Thursday his own pints with Aquinas trophy because when he came on board it was 300,000 wasn't it? 296. Ah so we just need to get to 396. I'd rather get it at 4. I still think it would be really funny if when you get the 100,000 trophy you put it behind you and you just cross out points with guys and write like whatever podcast you start off I am streaming now. Tell us about it. I'm I have a channel Yeah, it's it's just the channel that I It's not just you jokes. Is it because I know no no no no no that come on. It's gaming. Is it?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah, I've just been streaming video games. I've been playing fortnight's I really enjoy it, but I might try some single-player games see what happens. I just really enjoy it. It's fun to do it. And it's fun to like, I really enjoy interacting with chat. Put a link in the description. Okay. And if you guys are watching and you want to watch Thursday play some games, you can go follow him over there. Yeah. All right. Let's take a look at this article then. Indiana bans the majority of abortions. I think the best way to say it, I think we talked about this earlier, is that they banned all elective abortions.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Which one should we look at? Indiana Capital Chronicle? I guess there's a bunch of things here. There's a bunch of them. AP News? The AP one's good. I sent you the Indiana ones because they've got the actual decision in there So it's wonderful to see
Starting point is 00:28:11 after Roe versus Wade being overturned we're seeing states With the Cahonies to to implement some of this stuff that they should be implementing. Yeah Indiana Supreme Court upholds abortion ban says state constitution gives only limited protections. The Indiana Supreme Court ruled Friday, that's today, that the state's abortion ban doesn't violate the state constitution, removing a major hurdle to enforcing the ban Republicans approved last summer ahead of a wave of restrictions by conservative states in response to the overturning of Roe vs. Wade. The court's decision, which does not put the ban immediately into effect, invalidates
Starting point is 00:28:44 a county judge's ruling that the ban likely violated the state's constitution privacy protections, which she said are stronger than those found in the U.S. Constitution. That judge's order has allowed abortion to continue in Indiana since September, despite the ban. Three of the court's five justices agreed that while Indiana's constitution provides some protection of abortion rights, the General Assembly otherwise retains broad legislative discretion for determining whether the and the extent to which the prohibit to prohibit abortions. All five Indiana Supreme Court justices were appointed by Republican governors. Republican State Attorney General Todd Rokita issued a statement praising the decision. We celebrate this day one long-incoming but morally justified Thank you to all the warriors who have fought for this day that upholds life
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, so it's good news the the oh That's the shrine Yeah, so the only things allowed are incest and rape, which obviously we disagree with, but I don't think maybe I'm wrong about this and I'd be open to having my mind changed. I would, I would hesitate to call that an elective abortion. I think elective insinuates that you like chose it, chose to get pregnant and then chose to abort. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I think my challenge would be it's you don't have to include in that chose to get pregnant. I think you can just say an elective abortion is where you choose to have an abortion. Okay. Well, that's the only exception and then health of the mother. Excuse me. And so it's good news. The law was actually passed about a year ago, but it was upheld. It was that I forget that they put a hold on it basically. I forget the legal term for it by a judge in a county appeals court and now the state district court and now the Indiana Supreme
Starting point is 00:30:38 Court has said that it can go into effect. It looks like it's going to go into effect by the end of this month. The other thing is that even those abortions which are legal have to be done by um hospitals or hospital owned facilities, which means no Standalone abortion facilities will be allowed to operate in the state of indiana Which is good news. Um
Starting point is 00:31:03 For women, I think this is the one, this is the one restraint. This is the one argument that I think really makes clear the, the evil of the abortion. The abortion industry is the fact that they're not willing to, when you try to put safety measures in for how abortion clinics ought to operate. You remember years ago before Roe was overturned and a lot of the ways the pro-life movement was trying to interact with this issue was more like, well, like, okay, we can't get rid of abortion because of Roe and we're not happy about that at the state level. But what we can do is say, look, you have to have always this wide to fit a gurney down. You have to have corners this wide. So if you're rushing a woman out because of, because of complications or, or States would try to do like the hospital thing where it's like only hospital owned facilities can do this because on and on and on, um, to protect women in the case of complications, what's happened in abortion, I mean, millions
Starting point is 00:31:58 of, I mean, just so many more times than any other surgery. So, um, yeah. So I think that's another really good aspect of this that they're pushing through that even Planned Parenthood cannot operate and has to be hospital owned or hospitals, which will really help, which is really going to help this movement, I think. I mean, we want to take an incremental approach when and if it's more effective. But at the same time, we never want to say that we're OK in instances, as we've already agreed to, incest and abortion, obviously, because as soon as you do that, the logical argument breaks down. If I say it's always wrong to kill innocent human beings and a fetus is an innocent human being, then it would follow that it's always wrong to kill a fetus. But the problem is when we
Starting point is 00:32:51 kind of capitulate in order to seem softer and less quote unquote radical and say, well, OK, in certain instances, then what you're saying is in certain instances, it's OK to kill innocent human beings. And I think maybe that's kind of what you meant by the normie conservative. Someone mentioned something the other day about neocon. I don't know what that means. I guess it means something like that. Maybe George Bush has conservatives. You know, the guys who are conservative, but like when you ask them to take a stance, it's
Starting point is 00:33:22 very unpopular principle that is unpopular,, but is in line with the principle they're claiming they take. They won't take it. And it tends to break down to emotional arguments. These are the neocon, the normie, George Bush's, George HW, George W, your Reagan's, your, I mean, your Nixon's. What we need is to have the bishops, especially like Joe Biden's bishop, for example. And I guess his bishop would be technically Diocese of Wilmington. Is that right? In no, his residence is in D.C. because he's the president.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So he would have to be Wilton Gregory. Right. OK. Yeah, fair enough. Then we won't do it. But what we need him to do is to to publicly rebuke Joe Biden. Well, and get Gregory. Right. Okay. Yeah. Fair enough. Then we, we, he won't do it, but what we need him to do is to publicly rebuke Joe Biden. Imagine if Joe Biden was for the murdering of two year old children.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And imagine how soft the church would have to be to say nothing about that. And given that killing a fetus is essentially the same thing, killing an innocent human being. It's really sad that we don't have the bishop speaking up on this. It's actually desperately scandalous, I think. Yeah, it's not okay. Yeah, I think what bugs me more than the bishops
Starting point is 00:34:48 I think what's even bugs me more than the bishops not standing up and like Catholics not seeing their bishops stand out is that Christians and people of good conscience who realize that these issues are evil have a harder time converting and coming to the fullness of truth and then receiving the sacraments and the grace they need to be saved in the church, because when they see this, they justifiably are confused as to how this church can be the true church. I was thinking about this the other day. I got a friend in Australia who wrote to me recently and he was just kind of appalled at the state of the church there. He said there's kind of like glowing lights behind the crucifix that change different
Starting point is 00:35:23 colors and it's all very kind of happy and like that kind of stuff and I thought the first message people need to hear is repent and believe in the gospel. And the idea that you're going to win people over by being nice and cutesy with them and then at some point you're going to land that on them. land that on them. I don't think that often happens. I guess it can happen, but it doesn't often happen. What I think seems to happen is we bring people in, we show them how cool we are, how cool our music is, how we have rap. I don't know. I speak to a lady today. She was talking about an evangelical church. She would say they would do like Christian rap and that is NFL guy who was the pastor and all that. Fair enough as far as it goes. But when you're kind of bringing people in and that's your thing, how, when do you ever get around to repent and believe the gospel?
Starting point is 00:36:11 So I think often they don't do that. They bring people in and then they want to keep them in by just sort of pacifying them with like cutesy hallmark messages. That's true. No, I think you're correct. But if they actually came out of the gate and said, repent and believe the gospel, take your sin seriously, like you have an eternal soul, that kind of stuff, you would attract a different crowd, but you would, you would attract true believers. Yeah. Yeah. That's real. That stuff's real. Good. That's real. That's my new favorite. Yeah. You said you texted me that today.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I like real more than I like. I like real as much as I like based and it's slowly replacing it. Cause it's just like, it's very simple. And I also like to link things with reality. You know what I mean? I feel like it's a strong statement to link things with true reality. I think based is on its last legs. It's become, yeah, like people like us use it.
Starting point is 00:37:01 So. No, me, the fact that I am now using it, as soon as the old people start it. I started using the word. You need a new word. Yeah, the fact that Destiny uses it. Does he use it? Just kidding. So I just said it.
Starting point is 00:37:13 I reached out to Destiny the other day. He was in a debate with Lila Rose and some other Sheila who I don't know. And I asked him if he'd ever be open to coming on my show to debate Trent Horn. And he wrote back and said he's definitely open to it. So we'll see what happens. If there's a larger platform that wants to have him and Trent on, I would gladly defer to them because I would love that interaction to get out there. So people can say a prayer for that if they want. All right, let's take a look at these questions from our local supporters.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Matt Fradd, locals, dot com link in the description to ask your question. I'm interested to see what you have to say about this Thursday. Cause I just heard about this today. Ralph Raymond says, who do you think wins in the cage match between Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg? Do you hear about this? Yeah. Did you hear that they might be fighting in the Coliseum?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yes. The Italian government has given them permission to fight in the Coliseum. I'm here for it. That's like the Bruce Lee Chuck Norris thing. If they do that and it's streamed, can we stream like do a live stream of us watching it? Are you allowed to do that without getting penalized? We should totally do that.
Starting point is 00:38:12 We can't do the audio. I think you're about to ask if we should fly there. We can't do the audio. And I don't think we can have it take up most of the screen, but we could definitely stream. What if we film us watching it, but no one can see it. It's just us reacting to something. It'd be really small, but yeah, we could do that.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Maybe from, yeah, that'd be, but who do you think would win? Cause I hear Mark Zuckerberg is quite good. Zuckerberg is apparently really good at judicial. Yeah, he's really good. And, but Elon has been training for a while secretly, apparently. This is ridiculous. And there are some like good fighters saying that Elon is actually good and he might and I've heard that he might have done I'm heard that he I've heard that he might have got started training with this in mind and kept it a secret so that he could
Starting point is 00:38:56 Trick mark into fighting him because mark thinks I'm trained and Elon is not So we'll see my money right now just based on what's the publicly available information would have to go on Zuckerberg. Yeah. Unfortunately, because I think Elon is a cooler guy, but I'm excited. It's happening. It's going to be so fun. I'm going to say, what do you think the undercards for that fight are going to be too? Oh my goodness. I'd have no idea. I would have to say Musk. I'd put my money on Musk. He seems like a wild man who it doesn't seem like someone who's afraid to be embarrassed. No, he's doing it for fun Yeah, I don't think he's gonna care if he loses either Wow Well, there you go. That's our answer
Starting point is 00:39:37 Let's see here We have a ton of questions April Janane says good books videos on Mary and or the papacy. Long story short, I've admittedly, admittingly been pondering questions like these that we must believe is Catholic. I recommend two books. One book would be Mary Behold Your Mother by Tim Staples. That's one of the best books on the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Starting point is 00:40:01 The subtitle is a biblical and historical defense of the Marian doctrines. Regarding the papacy, I would recommend a book by Joe Heschmeyer called Pope Peter. So that's what I would say to that. Augustine of Hippo, probably not the real one, says, when are you going to have Archbishop Alexander Samplon from the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon on your show? He's awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I really think there would be fruit from that. Ask him to come on. I'd love to have him on if he wanted to come on. How do you like this? Grady Culbertson says Thursday has definitely made pints with Aquinas a better show.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Oh, very nice of you. I appreciate that. Thank you. What is your long form discussion today? Your favorite long form discussion today, says Rachel. I'll give my answer and you let me know what yours is.
Starting point is 00:40:50 I got to say my favorite one in recent memory was with Gormley Michael Gommoth just because it was so fun we went four hours and 20 minutes and we really could have gone another couple of hours if we hadn't have finished a whole bottle of whiskey off and I would have not felt like it was a stretch with Seamus no offense to Seamus it may have just been where I was at in the middle of the day tired but I felt like we were slogging through it. Whereas with Gormley, it never felt that way. No. I think my favorite episode was the Shroud episode. Yeah. I'm also biased. That was the first one I produced on my own. Wow. So that's why it's got only one million views. Yeah, no it's not me at all. I'm no. But that does hold that one does hold a special place for me. That was my first one to produce on my own and I think it was really it's borne a lot of good fruit.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Really has. And it's also allowed us to do some really great stuff. It allowed like for Holy Week, we saved a lot of those videos for Holy Week and then published videos on the Passion based on what we know on the Shroud during Holy Week. Did you see Bishop Scott McCaig's video blowing up like nothing else over the last week? I've not seen it, no. It's wild. What's the video on? Do you remember when I had Bishop McCaig on the show? Were you here? over the last week. I'm not seeing it, no. It's wild. What's the video on?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Do you remember when I had Bishop McCaig on the show? Were you here? If you go into the back end, it just took a, a rocket ship up. I remember him coming on. Yeah, but what was the video? You should, you should, while I read some other questions, look it up if you can in the back end and look at the stats. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I don't know why. And a lot of the comments like, why the hell is this in my feed? Well, I'm not even a Christian. Why am I watching this? I have no idea how and why it's being promoted, but there you go The dylan says how did you get into dostoevsky and which translation of the brothers do you have? So I got into dostoevsky out of sheer vanity. I wanted to be the kind of person who enjoyed Dostoevsky but didn't but wanted to. And so I read him didn't really get into him that much cat reading him completely
Starting point is 00:42:51 fell in love in response to the question of translation. I use the Richard Pavia and Larissa Volokonski's translation. I don't know anything about Russian, but I've been told that that's the best translation. Now this video is back to the video. So what's it saying on the... It's literally up over a thousand percent on the previous 90 days of views the last 90 days. What the heck happened? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:43:15 So how many views does that video with Bishop McCaig have right now? 314, 315,000. So I think when we did it for the longest time, it was sitting around 30,000 and then it just blew up. What did he publish on YouTube? What did he? Yeah, what did he publish on YouTube? I don't think he's very well known at all. He should be because he's a saint. Oh, so you're talking about our video. I thought you were saying there's another video he had that blew up recently and that's why. No, our video blew up and I have no idea why, but I will say he is one of the holiest bishops and the manliest bishops I've ever met.
Starting point is 00:43:46 If you guys have not yet watched that episode, it's worth your time for sure. This is really funny, sorry. Go on. I think you'll think this is funny. So this Jew. So I'm looking, damn it, Thursday. So I'm looking at this,
Starting point is 00:43:59 I'm looking at the video right now, the videos, all of the clips from it. And without noticing it, Neil and I have used, because Neil did these clips. And a lot of the center images I used later. Oh, funny. For other videos. Yeah, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Yeah, but like Neil has used these center images. I just was looking at them like, I've used that. Wait, that's not, I didn't make this video, but I remember using that exact image as a center image for a clip. Yeah, I didn't find that funny at all. Okay, yeah, that's what I said it's entertaining to me. Let's see what we got.
Starting point is 00:44:30 OK, this fella, Guy, says, how, when do we talk about our own sexual sin to our kids? What if that part what if that was part of the reason for divorce of the parents? Yeah, so I think generally, I don't think we should be speaking to our children about our sexual sin. There might be specific instances where we can bring it up and talk about what we learned from it. But I don't think it's a good idea to be talking to your children about the sins you committed as a child. I think you could talk generally and say, you know, the world will tell you sex
Starting point is 00:45:03 outside of marriage. They'll tell you to look at pornography and believe me I I listen to some of these lies and it messed me up being general about it and also Demonizing those sins is the best way to approach it I would say being unnecessarily specific because otherwise you somehow think you're a hypocrite is it doesn't follow at all You can tell your children not to engage in sinful sexual acts without admitting to them what mistakes or sins you've committed in the past. I would also say, I think when a child is ready to ask the question, they're at least potentially they are at least ready to hear the answer.
Starting point is 00:45:40 Whether you should give them the answer or not is another question. But, you know, if a child starts asking, you know, did you like, I don't know, if they start asking about pornography, they're asking about homosexual acts, if they're in a place where they're ready to ask questions, I would say they're ready to hear the answer at that point. And at that point saying, no, no, no, I can't talk about that would I don't think would be helpful. So I certainly wouldn't be bringing up serious sexual topics to your children before they have even entertained the thought. OK, Megan says, My brother is getting married in Greece next Saturday. Woohoo. His fiance is Greek Orthodox. He is Catholic. I know as Catholics,
Starting point is 00:46:20 we are able to receive Holy Communion in the Orthodox Church. Do you? Do you know that? How do you know that? You need to ask permission from the priest of the Orthodox Church in order to get that permission. That's probably what she meant though, is that we're allowed on them. However, we have been told that they are not allowed to receive in our Church. Okay, and you say their rule, not ours, meaning even if the Roman Catholic Church allows them to receive, they have been told by their Church not to. Does anyone know why this is so?
Starting point is 00:46:47 I would say that communion, as we sometimes call it, signifies communion. And so I think the reason that this particular priest or bishop or what have you says that they shouldn't commune in Roman Catholic churches is because there's not full unity there. And that should be respected. How might, says Stephen Rabinul, a visitor to Stupendal accidentally bump into you and meet and chat? Stork at Chastatons and Leonardo's? Yeah. No, definitely not. Thursday's told me to say no. Any tear? I don't know what I don't know what Clay means by this question. He says, man, can you just move on? And what's the name? I'll look it up.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I'll pull it up. Clay. CLA why? OK, just move on. OK. How mad would you be if a few friends and I showed up at your house during your breakfast cigar and just chilled with you and brought Michael Knowles and Seamus Coughlin with us? I'm sorry, do you have the ability to do that? And also don't? Yeah, I don't think that I don't want people showing up at my house.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Oh, no, that's not good. Yeah, I don't mean to be offensive, but I don't know if I don't know who you are. I don't want you coming to my house unless invited. No, if you actually came, not offensive, you should just say that it's not if you came with Seamus or Michael, then they're friends of mine. And so presumably they came and brought you, it would be different. That's right. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:48:17 You should not show up. Go on, do it. Lay into them. I know you want to don't. You don't have personal relationships with people you watch on the internet. And if you are perceiving that you do in some way, then for your own good, please try to break that because it's not a healthy mental state to be developing parasocial relationships and just don't ask if you can come to move on. Clint Collins says, and I want to get your take on this, favorite movies of all time in each of the following categories. All right, so we'll go through each five category. I'll say mine,
Starting point is 00:49:00 you say yours. So the five he's offered are comedy, drama, love story, Western and sci-fi. You feel ready to answer this? Yeah, yeah. What is I'll start the best comedy movie? I'm going to say it. Dumb and Dumber. I think that movie is hilarious. I was flying home from France with my 15 year old, and he was looking for movies to watch. And believe it or not, Dumb and Dumber was one of the more wholesome ones.
Starting point is 00:49:24 I'm like, watch this. I promise you watch this and I was so proud of him for laughing his head off the entire way It's a very funny movie. What's your favorite comedy movie? The Princess Bride really cool. Yes, you haven't read the Princess Bride book That the movie is based on you should okay. I got that's funny You say that I looked at that book in my Cupboard last night my clothes. Oh, it's funnier than the movie. All right. There you go and tell us below What's your favorite movie or what's your favorite comedy? All right drama? I'll go first. It's a wonderful life. That might be one of the greatest movies of all time. That would be my favorite
Starting point is 00:50:02 Drama, I looked at these questions beforehand and I was trying to think of a of a drama to answer and I couldn't think of one unfortunately drama is very broad isn't really broad I mean also I'll say it again because it's a meme at this point the MASH series finale is movie length and it's a drama about the end of the Korean War maybe I'll watch mash you bring it up so. Please just at least watch the series finale. I think if you watch the series- No, I don't wanna do that. If I'm gonna get into it-
Starting point is 00:50:28 Okay, then watch the series three finale. I'll send you some episodes to watch. Cause it's not the- They're not like, you don't have to watch one to understand the next. No, it's not serialized. It's an 80s and 70s show. Please do.
Starting point is 00:50:38 I'll send you, you should watch some of the episodes. They're amazing. Send me one, I'd watch it. The series finale though is basically a movie. It's two hours long and it is beautiful. Anyone I'd watch it. The series finale, though, is basically a movie. It's two hours long and it is beautiful. Goodbye. Farewell. And amen.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Nice. Lovely. All right. What is your favorite love story? Do you want me to answer first? Yeah. The map of tiny, perfect things. It's free on Amazon Prime.
Starting point is 00:50:59 It is adorable and it is so wholesome. And I, I, me, saying this, the, the, the map of tiny, there it is. Really? It's so good. Is it? So the premise is that it's these two teenagers and they're both in a groundhog day.
Starting point is 00:51:18 So, well, one, it's this teenage boy who's in a groundhog day situation and he's stuck in a loop and he's just living contently in the loop. Right. Okay. Um, and then he, one day, so he's mastered the loop and he's just kind of trying to, he's trying to use it to get with this girl. And so he's just retrying and retrying and retrying.
Starting point is 00:51:36 And then one day this other girl does something that hasn't happened in the loop before, so he knows that she knows she's in a loop because she's acting independently. And so then it's a love story about the two of them living in the loop together and eventually how trying to get out. And it's how did they, how did they not completely rip off Groundhog Day? I mean, to some degree they do, but it's, it's very wholesome. There's no propaganda in it surprisingly. Yeah and and the
Starting point is 00:52:13 The plot twists and the climaxes and all of the dramatic points feel well earned And the characters feel believable. I love it. Not many people have seen it, but it is so cute. Everybody should go watch it So the two I could it was difficult for me to think of this I thought the intro to the 2009 is it Pixar movie up to ever watch that? Oh, of course I've seen that. Oh, that was one of the most beautiful things. I think there's ever been created and Then I said Fargo, the movie. Is that a romance? I've never seen it. Is that a what? Is that a romance? I've never.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Not at all. No, it's a horror movie, really. But but it has this beautiful dynamic between Norm and Margie Gunderson where Margie's is like pregnant police officer. OK, who's chasing down these killers and Norm just serves her well, you know, and she's got to she's going to go out because she gets a call. He's like, no, let me make you some breakfast, Margie. Yeah, you're going to need your strength. That kind of like care for her was really, really wholesome, as the kids say.
Starting point is 00:53:21 All right. Favorite Western. The new true grit. I really liked it. I said that too. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's what I think is really great. Um, the older three 10 to Yuma is really good. And the old good bad and the ugly with John Wayne. I haven't watched a lot of movies. I watched high noon the other day. Okay. Oh, yeah. Rango. The cartoon. Yeah. Is that good? It's amazing. Really? I love it. You should watch it. All right. You should
Starting point is 00:53:55 look up the plugged in review, but then you should watch it with your kids. If you're okay with it. Yeah. I don't think there's an, if it's to my memory, there's not anything in it. That's a problem. OK. Rango is amazing. Cool. Thank you. Johnny Depp plays the protagonist. Yeah, I was like finding a good movie that I can watch the kids with. Watch with the kids. What about that movie, Wally? Do you ever watch the movie Wally?
Starting point is 00:54:17 It's like a sci fi, sci fi, Pixar. Yeah, of course I've seen Wally. Yeah, I don't remember these movies. I thought Wally was fun. I thought it was fun. There there is a category of movie that is not like a cinematic masterpiece. But when you sit down and watch it, you have a good time. Yeah. And they're not overplaying their emotional or dramatic beats.
Starting point is 00:54:35 And like, that's what I didn't like about having a good time. That's what I didn't like about the latest Guardians of the Galaxy. Yeah. It felt manipulative. OK, here's here's the part where the cute characters dance and you're supposed to feel happy and here's the sad. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't like it at all. Um, okay. Here's the fifth one. Your favorite sci-fi. This is difficult because I think I love sci-fi.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I read a lot of mid 20th century sci-fi short stories and novels. It's my favorite thing to read. Yeah If you have I will say this let me say this if you have Not read dune You need to go read dune if you have seen the movie and are planning to see part two and have not read dune You should go read it before you see part two Because just based on what i've seen and seeing the trailer for
Starting point is 00:55:25 part two, there are certain story beats that I guarantee you they're going to miss that will not hit as well and then will be spoiled for you when you're reading it because Frank Herbert earns them so well. So everybody should go read Dune. But favorite sci-fi movie. You have one. I said 10 Cloverfield Lane. Oh, that's a good one. John Goodman. It's a horror sci-fi, right? I would highly recommend. Yeah, I've seen parts of it It's really well shot that kind of movie grips me and I and I like that I am being gripped and I don't want to be let go a lot of movies I watch I lose attention but a movie like that. I loved yeah
Starting point is 00:56:00 My answer is it's infinity chamber. It's another movie. Nobody's ever heard of okay It's available on prime for ever heard of. Okay. It's available on Prime for free, or it was when I watched it. And it's Inception meets Groundhog Day meets. Wow. What's it called? Interstellar.
Starting point is 00:56:19 It's called the Infinity Chamber. Cool. It's really good. It's this guy who's in a cell with nobody else and he's the only person he can interact with is the person operating the machines in the cell that bring him food and water. And there's a machine in the cell that makes him relive his memories. And he's in the cell because he's done something that the government's trying to get him to trying to figure out he's done something that the government wants to know they know he's done it but they don't know how he did it or where it is and they need
Starting point is 00:56:53 to know it and so they're trying to get him to remember it and so the the entire movie is him trying to not remember this thing because if he remembers it Then they find out about it. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, so I have an I'm gonna before we move on to the next question I have an idea for a horror story that I'm working on by the way Let's work for those who are watching I have a horror podcast called sibling horror, which is part of points with Aquinas bingo So congratulations, you can have a drink and I've finished this story I just gave it to an editor right now and it should be up in the next couple of weeks. But so sibling horror, it's a podcast. You can go find it on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I'm linking it in the description. So I have this new idea for a horror story, which I'm what I do when I try to write a story is I think of something that frightens me and then I tell myself that story repeatedly until I feel like I have it from beginning to end and then I'll Write a really rough copy of it and then get to work on it so I had this idea of a fella who inherits a family member's house in a very sleepy town and he moves into this house and He realizes that even though there are cars parked in these driveways, he never
Starting point is 00:58:06 sees anybody. And one night he's sleeping in bed and he dreams of one of those musical boxes playing, wakes up, goes about his day. The next night he hears that musical box sound again, he wakes up and he realizes that it is a ice cream truck circling the neighborhood in the middle of the night. That was the creepiest that when I thought of that image, it terrified me.
Starting point is 00:58:35 The Steubenville ice cream truck is that's pretty terrifying. We can make it that just to do it in an old white van with a sticker on the side. That's not a joke, by the way, guys. That is what the students. So I had that idea. And then I thought, what would he be doing in the middle of the night? And then I thought, what if this fella has moved into a town or this this kind of community of vampires that are being rehabilitated and the ice cream truck is
Starting point is 00:59:00 giving them either live animals to eat or chopped up cattle. That's it. Wow. I don't know how it ends, but I like that idea a lot. All right. Next question. I for everybody's reference, I don't watch or read any horror, so I'm the wrong person to talk to Matt about this. No, I think it's a good story. I just have no idea what to say about it. I don't Emily Holm. This is a totally different left field point What's your favorite ice cream flavor? I did so funny. We just look at my ice cream truck
Starting point is 00:59:34 Yeah, I think honey and coffee in Australia. We have this honey ice cream that I really really like also crunchy You've had crunchy before it's popular in Canada and England Australia I don't know if you have it here and if you do it's definitely not as good But that kind of honeycomb flavor ice cream. I love I also like certain coffee flavor ice creams. What about you? I think I have two answers. There's this shop in broad ripple, Indiana That makes a peach and bourbon ice cream from scratch And it is peach and bourbon ice cream from scratch. Wow. And it is.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Peach and bourbon. It is to die for. Every time I go visit my parents, I go get some. And dad, if you could, I know you're listening. So if you can figure out some way to send that to me, I would be, I would die. We can eat it in our next thing. That would be so fun. If you could figure out a way to send us ice cream, Matt, or dad, that would be great.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Thank you. And then my other answer that's easily accessible is there's this flavor of Turkey Hill ice cream. You guys can get it Kroger. It's called Cookie Dunk, Cookie Coffee Dunk, Coffee Dunker maybe. And it's coffee ice cream with Oreo ribbons in it. It's really good.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Emily Holm says, what was your first job? I worked as a checkout operator at a grocery store called Woolworth's in Port Perry, South Australia. Look it up. What about you? My first job was at Taco Bell. Cool.
Starting point is 01:01:00 No, I was a tutor. I was a math tutor before I worked at Taco Bell. Yeah. But like this was the Taco Bell was the job where you get like a paycheck. They took the taxes out. It was a bit. Yeah, I was a tutor. I was a math tutor before I worked at Taco Bell. Yeah. But like this was the Taco Bell was the job where you get like a paycheck. They took the taxes out. It was a bit. Yeah, I got paid. I got. I paid my taxes. I always pay my taxes. D Gardner to admit anything on.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Yeah, that's right. D Gardner says any advice for the transition from one kid to two kids. My wife is due with our second at the end of August. So I would say don't underestimate how hard it's going to be, transition from one kid to two kids. My wife is due with our second at the end of August. So I would say don't underestimate how hard it's going to be because worst case scenario, it's not as hard as you thought it would be and that's optimal, but it's tough. It's tough having children. It's tough not sleeping. It's tough having to subordinate your needs to the needs of these little children who want you constantly and need things of you constantly and then it's also difficult to kind of navigate this relationship with
Starting point is 01:01:48 your wife amidst that or your husband, if you're a wife. Oh, I see husband. OK, so you're a man. So I think this is this is going to be my advice forever. Find a good Catholic community and plug yourself into it, because life is difficult enough without getting to do it with people that you love and are there to support you. So if you can find community or live near family, I think finding a supportive kind of network of people to live in is so essential. And I think we've kind of what are you laughing at?
Starting point is 01:02:23 I wasn't laughing. I was excited. I was visiting next week from St. Louis, which means he has to drive through Indianapolis. Oh, so we can get the bourbon ice cream. So he offered. What a guy. To try to pick some up. So we might actually get some. Come on.
Starting point is 01:02:41 This is funny. Dan asks, what are your favorite clothing brands? I literally do not have one. Now, I I go to someone said, get the feeling Cameron picks out a lot of his clothes. How dare you? Yeah. She does not do that.
Starting point is 01:02:57 She wouldn't even care. Cameron wouldn't care at all. I do this and you probably do the same thing as I when I I don't like go out looking for clothes. When I see something that I think fits my style, I buy it in whatever size fits me. And then it goes into the rotation. That's how I buy clothes.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Is that how you buy clothes? Like you don't ever go out looking for clothes unless it's like, oh, I need a suit for Easter or whatever. Yeah, I don't know. I've experimented with different ways of. Do you like this shirt or do you think it looks dorky? No, I like the shirt I'm wearing. I mean, we're wearing kind of the same style right now. It's really comfortable.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It's kind of like it reminds me of what like all the old fat Cuban men wear. For all the men watching, it's really hard to go wrong in the summer with short sleeve button ups. I do want to be an old fat Cuban man. You're Australian. I might get to be an old fat man. Probably not Cuban. Um, let's see. Let me know if there's anything in the, in the live chat. Oh wait, that's super chats. So if you want to keep reading, bless them. Top five current favorite cigars, I don't really I don't have the palette that Matt McCloskey, our general manager, has when it comes to cigars.
Starting point is 01:04:13 When it comes to cigars, here's what I know. This one's crap. This one's good. Oh, I really like this one. Those are those are my categories. Probably no better than you. What your top five cigars are. Yes, he probably would. No, Matt McClousey can go.
Starting point is 01:04:29 He'll he'll take a puff and he would like pickles soil. I think there may have been some tomatoes planted in the last summer. Getting some toothpaste. Yeah, he doesn't say that, but no, he's he would. He knows really well Marily 9 says how do you how do you help a Catholic husband take confession seriously? He's devout in every other way But struggles thinking he can talk directly to God and doesn't need confession unless his heart was stirred to go If I try to say anything he takes offense any suggestions. That's really difficult. I
Starting point is 01:05:02 Mean if you have children you might use the angle of, I understand, honey, that, you know, you don't necessarily think you need to go to confession or you don't get a lot out of it. But for the sake of our kids and the importance I would like to place on confession, could you please take them once a month as leader of our family? That would mean a lot to me. You could play that card Because maybe the apologetic card isn't working You could also go to Catholic answers typing confession click videos and maybe share with him I kind of an apologetic on confession. He might be more open to hearing say a Catholic Apologist or philosopher talk about this than yourself. I don't know but that's what I would say
Starting point is 01:05:46 This is a good question from Matthew McCloskey. Speaking of Matt McCloskey from I always say McCloskey. I'm pretty sure it's McCloskey. People tend to give me a pass because I'm Australian, but he says if you were forced to watch only one sport for the rest of your life, what would it be? I probably say cricket. I think that's probably my favorite sport of all time, like test match cricket would be my favorite. Oh, this is a good question.
Starting point is 01:06:14 What is your favorite board game to play with your family? So there's many things like this in my life. There are a lot of things that I wish I liked, but can't make myself like. I like that other people like them. I like it when they tell me about their love for those things. When they tell me about their love for those things, I think maybe I could love that. And then I try it and I just can't seem to like it. But one thing I've been doing with my wife lately is playing Scrabble. And I really, really like Scrabble because you don't have to.
Starting point is 01:06:49 It's not like a 20 minute instruction before you get into the game for the first time. The other thing I like about Scrabble is only you see your letters. So the other person can't be like, I cannot believe you did not play that word in that American accent. Right. So you might put down cat when you could have put down catastrophe. I know one knows you're an idiot. Hilarious. You know, they just think, oh, that's the best he had.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Well, good for him. So I like that, too. I really like my game. I'm a lot, actually. You do. Yeah, I really love it. Fun to play. One game I would like to like is chess. I Enjoy chess. I'm very bad at it me too Chess is one of those few things. You know how sometimes you don't like something because you're not good at it Everything I don't like is because I'm not good at it Yeah, and it's like it's a good I mean it's something it's one thing to be kind of like I don't want to do it because I'm not good at it. Yeah, but like some people deny it
Starting point is 01:07:43 Yeah, and so I have a board game like that, that everyone else loves. What's it called? Ticket to Ride. Everyone loves Ticket to Ride. Everyone does, yeah. I hate it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:51 It's cause I suck at it. Yeah. And I am willing to admit that I hate Ticket to Ride because I suck at Ticket to Ride. Yeah. I am not good at chess. The amount of chess I've played and how bad I am at it is shameful.
Starting point is 01:08:02 I still love playing it. That's cool though. I like that. I don't know if I told you the story or not, but I remember a few years ago, I like I wanted to be the kind of person who liked Dostoevsky and then I accidentally liked him.
Starting point is 01:08:12 By the way, I'm reading The Brothers again this summer. That's a book I keep going back to. Everyone recommends books all the time to me, and I just don't want to read them. I just want to keep reading The Brothers and Lord of the Rings. So I think that's going to be my thing
Starting point is 01:08:21 until I'm dead. But like the men who wear one wear the clothes from their best year, the side joke. That's exactly right. Board games, what we're not good at chess. OK, so I wanted to be the kind of person who liked chess. So I was going on this big flight to give a talk somewhere and I downloaded chess on my iPad.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And that's nice because I can play the computer and I can suck and nobody knows. And I won't feel totally embarrassed. So I sit down and I open on my iPad and I'm about to play. And this man sitting next to me just like gently leaned over to watch me play. Like not in a creepy way, just hey, you playing chess, cool. And I realized, oh, he he's gonna watch me play this game Now realize I'm bad. Yeah, and I couldn't be like I don't want to play this anymore I'm gonna play Angry Birds, so I had to sit there and go what is a pawn to him
Starting point is 01:09:17 I didn't have to say that I didn't that's a joke, but yeah, it was really bad at it Well, you think maybe I'll get into chess if I just put a nice chessboard and then. A decent question. Sorry, I just saw a really good question, it's totally off topic. No, I really enjoy chess. The actually never mind. I remember a couple of years ago at Thanksgiving, my dad and I, it was Thanksgiving and the Chess World Championship was happening.
Starting point is 01:09:52 And for anybody who's not familiar with the World Championship, it's the way FIDE structures it is there's a round robin tournament with all of the candidates. It's called the candidates tournament. And then the winner of the candidates tournament is actually just winning the right to challenge the reigning champion. Nice. And then they play a series of games that each scored, you get zero points for losing, one point for winning or each gets half a point for a draw. And it was the first time since I think since Bobby Fisher that an American chess player was playing was challenging for the world
Starting point is 01:10:25 championship and my dad and I, instead of watching football, had a chessboard out and had a stream open of the game and were and they have a long time. Like they've got hours on their clocks. So it's a very long game and they sometimes they don't make a move for 45 minutes right but we just had the board set up and every time somebody made a move we moved that piece yeah and my dad and I were you know watching and getting to like you like playing along with them we weren't playing with them but we were just like like looking at the board you know and like thinking thinking it through together like like how does you know
Starting point is 01:11:03 what about this move why can't't, can he do this? Why can't he do this if he does like this kind of thing? And so I really enjoy that. I enjoy watching high level chess. It's fascinating. Have you heard of robotic AI powered chess boards? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. The ones with the magnets and the magnet arms inside of them.
Starting point is 01:11:22 So I can have a chess board on my table and if my wife and I like to play it and she's in a different state, her and I can play and the magnet arms inside of them. So there's one that's super cool. So the idea is I can have a chess board on my table and if my wife and I like to play it and she's in a different state, her and I can play and the piece is actually good? Yeah, I think I was the one that told you about this. Yeah, yeah. So it's an app that hooks up to the board and basically when you move a piece,
Starting point is 01:11:36 it sends a signal over the internet to the other board and then it moves that piece. So does it exist now? Yeah, they're like $450 I think. Holy mackerel. I can look them up. Does it exist now? Yeah. They're like $450. Holy mackerel. I can look them up. Do it. I mean, I don't even play chess with people in my local square off grand, $450 smart automated self moving chessboard.
Starting point is 01:11:58 That is not something I would ever buy, but good on them. They're very cool. They did a cool thing. They've started doing a cool thing where they partner with the world championship where if you have a square off board You can hook it up to the signal and it'll move the pieces with professional chess tournaments Oh, so it's like you're sitting at the board. Come on. Isn't that cool? And you're watching trying to understand why it is. They just made that move Yeah, you're like just watching the game, but like it'll move the pieces for you. So you're just like sitting there. It's like you're sitting at the board
Starting point is 01:12:30 of these super high level. It'd be like sitting court. It'd be like having the ability to just transport an NBA court to your living room and sit in court side. That's really neat. Yeah, it's cool. I like basketball a lot. Basketball is such a fun game. I really enjoy it. It's over. It's been over politicized. And so it's cool. I like basketball a lot. Basketball is such a fun game. I really enjoy it. It's fast paced. It's been over politicized and so it's hard for me to watch because I can't watch any of it now.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Every single game year round during the NBA season has some political thing. Hopefully they'll drop that. I was really happy though that Nikola Iocic won. I think he's a good guy. I think he's just like a wholesome guy. Nice. Yeah. Rachel says, your thoughts on Medjugorje.
Starting point is 01:13:03 I watched a video saying to ignore the controversy, true, false and focus on the community reconciliation conversions and now I'm obsessed my understanding is that it's been a The you say it The local you want me to yeah, but say quickly. So the local so the way the church does Deals with a private revelation is that the local bishop has to approve it first. And then if the local bishop does not approve it, it's not approved. The first local bishop did not approve it, but people kept having devotion to it. The next local bishop also did not approve it. So it got sent up to the Yugoslavian bishops conference when that was still a thing in 1991. And they put out a report on it saying it was possible that the
Starting point is 01:13:43 first seven were supernatural, but there were no, no evidence of supernatural after that. And then the, the reason the church has priests and has allowed it to be a pilgrimage site is because the church needs to have judicial and canonical authority there because people are going to go there anyway So just because they have people there does not mean the church has approved it Yeah, and the church's official stance on unapproved private revelation is that you should not have a devotion to it publicly or promote it Wow, because you are promoting something which is possibly erroneous erroneous
Starting point is 01:14:22 And there are some it's funny. There's a lot of stuff at Medjugorje that is questionable. We should get into this with Father Pine because I think Father Pine is a bit of a devotee of Medjugorje. He's going to be on the show soon, we're going to be talking about the Rosary. He wouldn't mind going back and forth with it. To be honest with you, I'm not someone who gets very moved by apparition sites in general and I know that sounds like an irreverent thing to say, but I was just at Lewids and I.
Starting point is 01:14:49 I don't know. OK, I was like, this is beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. But I'm not. I don't find myself people are like overwhelmed. Good for them. Grace of God. Maybe I just don't have that. But I just. I mean, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:15:01 I'm not even moved by legitimate. Approved apparition sites. let me put it this way whether or not you think it's real it is not approved by the church that is not something that is you know debatable is whether or not to prove by the church there are plenty of approved apparitions it seems to be it seems to be less than prudent to put your hands put your put your stock in an unapproved apparition when the church I think that's right approved apparitions and And of course you don't need it to be saved and if you feel like you do then that is not a good sign That's actually a bad sign
Starting point is 01:15:42 every Apparition that has been approved by the church, the approval isn't a you must accept this, which we all know, but every approved apparition has been pointing us back to the fundamentals of the faith, scripture, prayer, repentance, fasting. So maybe spend more time reading scripture and the lives of the saints. I could go on about this for longer. There's stuff in Medjugorje that contradicts other approved apparitions, which seems to me to be another worry about it. And I mean, you can go on for a while.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Yeah. I think I know we don't generally want to promote this guy, but there is an old documentary from the nineties that E Michael Jones did on it. Oh really? That is very good. E Michael Jones. Yeah. Oh, yeah Okay, I know generally we try to avoid him controversial but on this topic I think his documentary is very good and worth watching
Starting point is 01:16:34 So if you have questions about magic or a I actually genuinely would recommend that he he's saying no. No. Yeah Johnny's 67 67 G I don't know why he had a G on the end. You wouldn't think that Johnny's 67, 67 was taken, but he decided to add a G on the end. Interesting. Hi, Matt. Big question. What's the difference between being proud of something justly and the sin of
Starting point is 01:16:55 pride? Where's the line? Or is there even a line? Thank you. This is a good question. Let me give you an example of something I'm proud of, but maybe I'm using the word wrong and you tell me what you think. Can I do it back? Yeah. OK. Right. So like I my best time is in the morning. example of something I'm proud of, but maybe I'm using the word wrong and you tell me what you think. Can I do it back? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Okay. Right. So like I, my best time is in the morning. I am very much a morning person and it occurred to me that if I really want to be productive, I have to hit the ground running in the best possible way. So if I just kind of like slink into the day when that's my optimal time, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not as effective as I could be. So I made a decision a couple of weeks ago
Starting point is 01:17:25 that I was gonna have a routine. So what I do now is, and there's a couple of days I've missed it because I've been sick or something else has happened, but for the most part I'll wake up, I'll say a particular prayer, I'll put on my running clothes, I'll go turn the sauna on, I have a sauna in the backyard,
Starting point is 01:17:43 I'll go for a run. It's a very moderate run. It's nothing impressive. I'll come back and I'll have a sauna and I'll pray in the sauna or just sit in silence or maybe listen to a podcast. And then I'll go have a cold shower. I'm really proud of myself, if I'm allowed to use that language, of committing to that. And I think that it's's you tell me if you disagree, but I think it's a healthy thing to acknowledge to ourselves when we're doing right by ourselves.
Starting point is 01:18:12 I like that line by Jordan Peterson that treat yourself as someone you're in charge of caring for. Treat yourself as if you're someone you're supposed to care for. Yeah. And often we don't, you know, but it's like so I was
Starting point is 01:18:24 like, I'm really I'm really glad that I did that. And often we don't, you know, but it's like so I was like, I'm really, I'm really glad that I did that. And it was important to me to kind of say that to myself because I tend to kind of get down on myself and I'm very idealistic and I wish I was always doing more. I'm like, hey, listen, you little rascal. This is me talking to me. You at least did this thing and it's not everything, but it's something so good for you. Yeah. I don't talk to myself all the time. You understand. But no, I think I think that's the correct view. I think you should be when you do something good.
Starting point is 01:18:51 I think having false you, I mean, you know, you need to be honest, right? So self-deprecation for the sake of some perceived, quote unquote, humility, if it's not right, a problem right and I hear humility when you're saying that because what you're saying is it's not a great run but it's a run right and I'm doing something that I didn't do before and I'm proud that I get up and I do that because it's good that I do that and I acknowledge that that is good and I wanted I want to acknowledge that good so that I'm honest with myself and have self-knowledge and I mean self-knowledge is one of the
Starting point is 01:19:26 foundational points of Sanctity, I think honestly. Mm-hmm. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm not a theologian. So what's something you're proud of that You've been doing lately. Oh that'd be um again if we're allowed to use that language I know we can always nitpick at words, but I think people get the gist of what we're saying I don't know if lately but the fact that I mean I opened up a video editing app for the first time about this month last year. Dude yeah you've gotten so good. And now I do it professionally I support myself on it and I get to spread the message of Jesus on it. Yeah, and it's largely because I committed to learning it and getting better at it and and
Starting point is 01:20:13 You know trying to be as good at it as I could And I'm also proud that I mean this is we don't have to talk about this because this is behind-the-scenes stuff, but like I Know where my limit on it is and what I need to do to improve and so that I that there's there's a fine line there I think between becoming prideful like I'm the best ever and like just being honest that like it is impressive What I've done and I'm proud that I've done what I've done. Mm-hmm But I think that's the main thing that comes've done what I've done. Mm hmm.
Starting point is 01:20:45 But I think that's the main thing that comes to mind. So I just wanted to look up pride just to see, you know, kind of get what the, um, at least the Catholic Encyclopedia says, right? Because I think whatever it is that we're feeling, people all know what that's like. You commit to something that's actually good for you and those that you love and you stick to it. So, okay, compare whatever that is to this. Pride is the excessive love of one's own excellence. It is ordinarily accounted one of the seven capital sins. St. Thomas, however, endorsing the appreciation of St.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Gregory considers it the queen of all vices and puts vainglory in its place as one of the deadly sins in giving it. OK, the Navy's getting into a bit of a history lesson about St. Thomas Aquinas. But look, I mean, what you and I are talking about is not excessive love of our own excellence. Rather, it's I'm kind of grateful that I'm able to do something that I said I would do because I am the kind of person that often doesn't do what I say I will do.
Starting point is 01:21:50 No, me too. And this is nice in the right. It's a nice step in the right direction. No, yeah, I think this is correct. And I think the crucial step is what we both said, right? We know where the limit is and we're not trying to oversell, right? You're saying it's a small run and I'm saying, I know I'm not this good at this and I want it and these are the steps I would need to take to get better. Like neither of us are inflating the accomplishment above what it is. You know,
Starting point is 01:22:16 does that make sense? Because humility is like an honest recognition of who you are and what you are, right? Yes, exactly. That's what I'm doing in recognizing this is a good thing that I've done. Like, you know, so to not think that, to not have an honest recognition of your own goodness that is yours and that you do possess would also be a vice, it seems. Yeah. Yeah. But I like C.S. Lewis's line. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. And you could imagine somebody who not only gets into
Starting point is 01:22:48 kind of running every morning, but like bases their whole life around exercise, is preoccupied with how they look, how better they're doing in comparison to other people, looks down their nose at people who don't work out. You can see how many that's veering in that kind of wrong direction, I guess. No, that's correct. Travis Gold kind of wrong direction. I guess that's correct Travis
Starting point is 01:23:05 Goldie says I may have missed it But did you see the Padre Pio movie? I started it but was interrupted from what I saw it was interesting at least to see a larger budget put in a Catholic film Just curious if you shared Laura Horn and religious hippies opinion on it I don't know what their opinion is on it, but I chose not to watch it because of some of the reviews that I saw here is one review. And I want to give these guys a shout out. And if you know them, tell them thank you for me, because I thought
Starting point is 01:23:36 they did a very good job. Let's see if I can find it now. Oh, I know what you're talking about. Let me try. So these guys are called Catholic Culture. They put out a video called Sacrilege Against Mary in the new Padre Pio film. Again, the channel is called Catholic Culture. I'd never heard of these guys before, but I watched this video and I haven't watched anything else of theirs.
Starting point is 01:23:58 So I don't, you know, I can't speak for that. This one video, these guys came off to me is like really balanced and thoughtful and prayerful and serious. So if you're interested in learning more about these guys, go check them out Catholic culture. Yeah. But they talked about this semi pornographic scene. I'm not even going to say what it is. I don't want you to either. So it was enough for me to be like, nope, not even interested. I had, I was so pumped about it that the second I saw it was available, I just clicked buy. Oh yeah. And so I owned it already. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:33 And then I saw that review and so I, my mindset was, and you can tell, maybe I was wrong to do this. Tell me if I was wrong to do this. My mindset was I'm in my, in my excitement, which we all had, bought it immediately because I wanted to support it and was like, I'll watch that later. But I already owned it by the time I found out about this. And so my thought was, well, it's not like I'm like, I'm not giving them more money by watching something I already paid for.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Yeah. So I'll try to watch it and then I'll skip that scene when it comes and be aware. Hey, it's okay. And then I was bored 15 minutes in and try to watch it and then I'll skip that scene when it comes and be aware. I think it's okay and Then I was bored 15 minutes in and did not watch it This is me with the most movies. I was so bored. It was awful. I'm not gonna lie the stuff was Shia LaBeouf Seemed like it was going to an interesting place, but it was like a movie with a B plot Which is super weird because you only expect B plots from TV shows now. What's a B plot? There's the A plot and the B plot. The A plot's the main line and the B plot is like the the underline. Like, um, but I heard that, okay, so to go with
Starting point is 01:25:32 that language, I heard that the Padre Pio point was the B plot. Yeah. It felt like became the A plot. They sold the yeah. Padre Pio was the B plot and they sold it as the A plot and then they pulled the switcheroo on you and the A plot was awful. It was so boring and it was so quiet and the sound design was awful. I just did not enjoy it at all. I just gave up and I was like, well, that's 15 bucks. I spent for no reason. $15. You bought the movie. I bought it. Couldn't you have rented it? But I mean, yeah, I could have, but I thought it was like, I was like, Oh, it's the Padre Pio movie everybody's been talking about for so long. And like, it must be good because Shia LaBeouf converted Catholicism. I was
Starting point is 01:26:11 just like, it's like, okay, I can pay $5 to rent it or I can pay 10 more dollars than $5 and own it forever and get to show it to my friends. And I was just like, I'll just buy it. Let us know in the comments below If you saw it and what you thought of it. Yeah All right. This is it. So the same woman who asked about Medjugorje asks this question and it's so funny Okay, Thursday Disney World or Medjugorje. No third option Really I don't think people are gonna like this Okay, well guess I'd rather go to Disney World Really? I don't think people are gonna like this. I think it, who cares?
Starting point is 01:26:45 I'd rather go to Disney World. I think I would too. Honestly? Although the way Disney's been going lately and the stuff they've been cranking out, I'd be kind of nervous to go there and see dudes in dresses. I wouldn't give my money to either. I don't know if they're doing that or not. I wouldn't want to give my money to either, but if I had to, like... They got good coffee in... No, that's not true. If I had to give my money to one, I'd give my money to either, but if I had to like, I got good coffee in. No, that's not true. If I had to give my money to one, I'd give my money to Medjugorje.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Yeah. No, I wouldn't be culpable for either. And I think it's a free trip and no one's expecting any money at all from you. Disney. Okay. Easy. You know how much fun I could have with no money in Disney world? Yeah. And I can go to mass in Orlando. I mean, Yeah. And I can go to mass in Orlando. I mean, there's a there's a rosary
Starting point is 01:27:28 at the Disney Castle. And at least all that says, how is Zellie doing for those who are just tuning in? Zellie is my new dog. She is a black Russian terrier. We could you do me a favor? Can you can you know look up black Russian terriers on Wikipedia? We did this last time, but I was really good.. Did you do we read it? It's so impressive. Oh the
Starting point is 01:27:49 Wikipedia yeah, how is or whatever whatever the history of these dogs eyes? Oh look it up as well How is Ellie doing? Is she learning any new tricks or just being spoiled rotten? She's the most beautiful dog I love her so much whenever she hears me walking around in the morning, just I kind of get up, might go to the bathroom, she starts, she starts yelping. And so I'll come down and just get down on her. Which is great trained. Yeah. Okay. I'll, I'll, for the most part, I'll come down, I'll just get on all fours and just,
Starting point is 01:28:17 oh, hug her. She's so delightful. But yeah, we're teaching her some tricks. So we, we, we're teaching her to sit and to stay stay and then we put her food somewhere and she has to look at her food until we finally tell her to go. We say come. So that's kind of fun. But let's see Black Russian Terriers. I got it. Is a breed of dog created in the USSR.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Come on. How cool is that? Keep going in Red Star Kennel during the late 1940s. Amazing. And early 1950s for use as military working dogs. At the present time, the Black Russian Terrier is a breed recognized by the FCI. Hold on. Sorry, not on the split. Yeah. AKC. Yeah, all those things.
Starting point is 01:29:00 FCI stands for. Who cares? That's a contemporary Black Russian Terrier is a working dog, guarding dog, sporting dog, companion dog. Despite its name, Terrier, it's not a true terrier. It's believed that about 17 breeds were used in its development, including Airedale. My wife grew up with it as giant schnauzer, rot wheeler, Newfoundland, Caucasian shepherd dog and other breeds.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Cool. Come on, being bred in the Red Star kennel. Yeah, I read somewhere that they were used to take down prisoners in Siberia who would escape. I hope that is true. I mean, sorry, I don't want to promote communism or like slave labor camps, but the coat is a double. Don't put but after that statement.
Starting point is 01:29:49 But you know, got a good you know, we're kind of getting to the bottom of the barrel when I'm about to read to you about my black Russian terriers coat, not coat like her hair. No, we're not. We got stuff. We have super chats. is coat not coat like her hair. No, we're not. But here we go. We got stuff. We have super chat still. The coat is a double coat with a coarse outer guard hair over soft, softer undercoat.
Starting point is 01:30:12 The coat is hard and dense, never soft, wooly, silky or frizzy. Anyway. Very cool. You want to do supers? So she she should get up to about 120 pounds. She's very stubborn and glorious. I love her so much. Yes. Let's do some super chats. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Let's do supers. Superty doopers. Please pray for godless pro abortion Canada. We're figured it. We are figuratively and literally on fire. Joan race and thank you for the 14 Canadian dollars. Yeah. Can you, can I say something that you can tell me? on fire. Joan, race and thank you for the 14 Canadian dollars. Yeah. Can you, can I say something that you can tell me? When I get nervous, but yeah, go for it.
Starting point is 01:30:52 The Canadian wildfires affect more American citizens more than the Ukrainian war ever should. And we should revert, divert some of the funds we're sending to Ukraine to help Canada put out these fires because they're clearly incompetent at it and I'm really annoyed with the smoke cool what were you gonna ask what was the super chat it that's it that's the whole thing that was the super chat yeah what was it no this super chat was please pray for godless pro-abortion yeah Joan Rayson next question Kyle Whittington Kyle Whittington what a guy just saying if you all join locals you can be on the discord server we're Next question. Kyle Whittington. Kyle Whittington. What a guy.
Starting point is 01:31:25 Just saying if you all join locals, you can be on the Discord server. We're plotting something. No one tell Matt. Okay. I don't know what that is. Don't want to write. We have a Discord server. slash pints.
Starting point is 01:31:37 slash pints. You have to be a supporter in order to get access to it. But someone just wrote something really cool that I want to find here on locals. They said they just started, they're about to go on a first date with someone they met on the discord So yeah, I saw that and I was like when did this happen and how did I miss like that? This was happening. Yes, it sounds like something I would have been like you guys are weird stop. No, that's not weird But now I can't I can't find where it is, but isn't that wonderful? How do I have laugh lines at 24? Sorry, there's a no filter moment.
Starting point is 01:32:07 What did you say? How do I have laugh lines at 24? They're good lines. They look good. Give you character. We need to I need you to name your first son, Matthew Thursday. Or your first daughter, Thursday, married. If you guys get married, I will tell you what my real name is so you can name it. Oh
Starting point is 01:32:28 Just you though. Nobody else should nae nae Chinunu, all right next chat veritas $10. Thank you Mike Thursday is so dreamy. That's gay Is it a guy? Yeah, it's a guy. I know who it is Cargo pilot guy. The phrase is preliminary injunction. Oh, that was about the Supreme Court thing. Game Assist asks, hey, Matt,
Starting point is 01:32:57 the pro-light movement in Cincinnati is putting together a website to try to pray 21,813 rosaries for Ohio before November. Yeah. Let me know if I can send you the link. So we've got a thing on the docket for the November election that would make abortion easier to re-legalize or protect in Ohio. I also want to let people know, I don't know if you remember this, but when Roe versus Wade was overturned, I was taking my daughter to a trampoline park because it was on her
Starting point is 01:33:24 feast. Sorry, it was on her birthday, my daughter's birthday. And I quickly ducked outside and recorded a quick little video praising God for this wonderful moment. And I said, because I had recently had a conversation with Father Jason about that we need to build a shrine in honor and in thanksgiving to the mother of God. Because father Jason asked me, how many rosaries do you think have been prayed for the overturning of Roe versus Wade? He said, you know, 10, what millions, hundreds of thousands. And he said, what are we going to do to thank her? Well, father Jason, being the boss monster that he is, um, started working at this and is currently in the beginning stages of building the most beautiful church in all of America and it'll be in Pennsylvania and it's called the Shrine of the Protection of the Mother of God.
Starting point is 01:34:17 If you're interested in learning more about this, we don't yet have a website, but we're hoping to get one up soon. We don't yet have a website, but we're hoping to get one up soon. But in the description below, I've given you an email. Father Jason at Holy Protection Shrine. If you have questions, if there's something you want to do to offer your services, you can do that by emailing him and just asking questions. Not only is it going to be the most beautiful church in America, it's going to be a church dedicated to the overturning of Roe versus Wade. And it's not just going to be a church that we're going to have a museum
Starting point is 01:34:44 where we celebrate pro lifelife heroes throughout the world and particularly in the United States. And it'll also be an outreach center for helping, helping pregnant mothers. And so it's going to be absolutely amazing. The shrine of the protection of the mother of God. So anyway, I just want to throw out the link in the description, in the description, email in the description of the mother of God. So anyway, I just want to throw that out there. Link in the description, email in the description if you're interested. Yeah. Hondo or the original Magnificent Seven
Starting point is 01:35:12 have themes of fatherhood that are awesome. Those are my favorite Western films, Catholic Samurai for $15. Catholic Samurai? Yeah. Have you watched it? I love cheesy kung fu movies. No, that's his name.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Oh. Make a movie based's his name. Oh. Make a movie based on your name, please. Rachel Mantelli, Matt, love your show. Thank you so much for your content you put out. Do you miss Australia? I have nostalgic pangs about the Australia of my childhood. I'm not sure if it exists anymore or if it never existed, but it was only my perception. Australia is a very beautiful country.
Starting point is 01:35:52 I said this to someone recently because I was trying to express the feeling I have when I go from America to Australia. And this is this is how I try to convey it to people. You know how a smell can kind of change how you experience your surroundings and how a soundtrack can change how you experience, say, a scene in a movie. When you go to Australia, there's a different smell, like this kind of eucalyptus smell in some places, especially in the country where I'm from. And there's a different soundtrack because all of the birds sound totally different.
Starting point is 01:36:23 So it just feels like you're in a different place because of the smell of the sound, not to mention everything else. It's a very, very beautiful country. And I'm going back in December to speak in Sydney. And while I'm there, I'm going to pop down to my town in Australia, South Australia, Port Pury. I'm also going to be visiting my mate James McCann in Adelaide, please God. So that'll be fun. James Donald, for the can of the James Donald Ford's McCann catamaran playing podcast.
Starting point is 01:36:47 Exactly. I should start. I don't know why we haven't been doing this. Just occurred to me that we have not been putting his YouTube channel in the videos he's making for us. To be fair, some of the videos he puts out, I wouldn't stand fully behind. That's true.
Starting point is 01:37:01 Like as a friend, I can appreciate where he's coming from and I love him, but that's partly why the most recent stand-up. It was hilarious. He's a very very very funny man There is absolutely no reason he cannot be as big as any other comedian No, I say that to him and he blushes and tells me that's ridiculous, but he's hilarious We were watching my roommate and I were watching him last night Trying to decide if I should ask this. Yeah, don't worry about that one. The last one?
Starting point is 01:37:30 Yeah, I don't wanna get into that. I've already addressed it and I don't know enough about it to give any other details. Okay. Listen friends, God bless you and thank you so much for being here. If you would please like this video, click the thumbs up button, click subscribe,
Starting point is 01:37:44 and then click the bell button That will make me feel better and it will enable Thursday to get his reward What's it called the trophy soon? Hey, don't don't close. I want to place I want to go one more thing to do before we are you gonna play the video again? Yeah, what do I type in? Colleen Ballinger Ballinger what boy boy is she? So anyway guys, here's to a great day. Oh, holy.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Oh what? What? $50. No, okay. Thank you. Uh, have you read the letter from Bishop Athanasius Schneider? No, I haven't. I saw that comment recently.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Is it, is it like a new thing? I don't know. I don't even know. I published one. I'm not a predator even though a lot of people think so. Because five years ago I made a fart joke. So. All right. Goodbye.

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