Please Stop Talking - Growing Up David | Please Stop Talking

Episode Date: March 8, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Calling all sellers, Salesforce is hiring account executives to join us on the cutting edge of technology. Here, innovation isn't a buzzword. It's a way of life. You'll be solving customer challenges faster with agents, winning with purpose, and showing the world what AI was meant to be. Let's create the agent-first future together. Head to slash careers to learn more. Hey, David. I recently took an interest in the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy. Do you know of any cool internet way I could possibly support them?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yowza, do I. And I also know how you can get video games while supporting them. But I only make $12 a month editing for punk duck 007. Well, that's fine That's fine with humble monthly You only have to pay $12 a month for a subscription where you can get a bunch of video games What games can you get this month? Calls back. Okay, you can get Deus Ex mankind divided God either to rage burst and Mafia 3 as the early unlocks for this month's
Starting point is 00:01:08 Humble Monthly. Oh, gee. And when you purchase the bundle, you also support the PSD podcast. Who? Same. Welcome to the podcast. Whoa. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Fuck. Hello. Fuck. Hello, everybody. That started so fast. And welcome to another episode of Please Stop Talking. I am your host, Avery, but you might know me better as Shammy. I fucking nailed it. I'm joined today, as per usual, by my lovely friend, David. I don't know why I'm doing this weird golf announcer voice right now.
Starting point is 00:01:44 I don't know why you're doing that weird golf announcer voice right now. I don't know why you're doing that. I'm David, though. Hi. I'm also joined by again, he was gone last week, but this time he's back. It's Kyle. Hi, I'm Kyle. That was me. And the foreigner,
Starting point is 00:02:00 Cameron. Stay humble, hustle hard, you know what I'm saying? Shut the fuck up. What the fuck up stay humble fucking god maybe one day you'll make more than 12 a month yes and today on the podcast I think the
Starting point is 00:02:17 thing we're doing is everyone's gonna talk about their early experiences on the internet yes I'm really relaxed after that version of the intro i'm not i'm not after the ad read fuck that's a yeah i mean that took 20 minutes look so whose origin story do we want to start out with i don't know i don't think it should be me because mine? Because mine is very long. Oh, yours is the finale then.
Starting point is 00:02:46 All right, everyone else. I mean. We don't need to go long. Oh, no. Well, I can talk about why I wanted to do this. It's because last week I did something horrible to a friend. Wait, what? Okay.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I don't know what this is. Oh, wait. No, I do. I know what this is. You know what I did. You know exactly what I did something horrible to a friend wait what? I don't know what this is oh wait no I do you know exactly what I did you know what I did I asked a friend to trace back my whole internet I guess history
Starting point is 00:03:24 my history on the internet yeah and i basically ruined his life pretty much i did i i haven't even seen i have not seen so much of it i all i because it's a mutual friend but i spoke to the friend afterward and he said i need to go to sleep because i have seen some fucking shit tonight what is what is so bad about you on the internet listen what did you do he's i think it'd be a bunch of angry yelp reviews no no no no no it's because he's seen my edgy phase and my cringy phase and my lollix the waffle raw random phase the brin daniel phase the brin daniel phase exactly i had all of those but like multiple years apart what's your current face what is my current face sad god sad sad sad
Starting point is 00:04:17 sad face my sad face face my long x XD sad crying face. Moved on from the XDs, now he's hitting the emojis. Oh, yeah. That's how things work, you know. Move with the times, Grandpa. So that's why you wanted to do the origins of how we all started the internet?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Is that the hook? So we're going to come back around to that at the end? Oh, yeah. Alright, stay tuned, listeners. How I'm doing since life. God damn. I don't think anyone else has an interesting story. I mean, I can talk about... I have some stuff I can talk about.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I mean, yeah. My first introduction to the fucking internet was when I discovered Google and immediately started Googling boobies. Sick, dude. It's pretty much what happened yeah I mean man I I think for me it was at the computer lab and we we used to play fucking shitty flash games that were made by CBC Canada they had like a for kids part of the website and they had like actually really good uh click point and click games i wonder if they still exist actually that would be neat they were french though that's the part yeah i'd say elementary school flash games was like yeah my main introduction
Starting point is 00:05:40 i'd say that i guess like uh i don't know i used to play a lot of club penguin back in the day i uh i got my friend i got my friend to i gave him his account so he gave me uh a black belt on um club penguins kajitsu nice i have a question did you have your parents permission yeah i i actually the thing is, I actually did. I got my dad, I got my dad to use his email to sort of do it. Because I thought they might
Starting point is 00:06:12 catch on. They might catch on! Catch on with the fucking... They just hear a random... It's like the little kid equivalent of calling your parent when you're drunk at a party because you don't want Your dad's just in the living room he hears a he hears a penguin he's like What is that? Where did I go wrong?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Seriously, where did i go wrong february that's pretty good okay okay okay yeah i guess that was like my first like introduction to the internet is like playing shit on miniclip uh we also same like i know actually oh wait wait i actually i got in trouble once because there was a game on Miniclip that was it was like barely a game it was just George Bush dancing with Osama Bin Laden in what universe does that qualify as a game
Starting point is 00:07:15 that's a gif isn't it no no it was like a flash thing it's a game of endurance it was a flash thing and you would press on the buttons you would press on the buttons and then george bush and osama bin laden would dance like do different dance moves and i was playing that with another guy in the yeah yeah yeah and hang on i have a question. Is that what made you want to pursue music? Ever since I was a little boy.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I want to get real people to move like this. God damn. Dude, but I got in so much trouble. My teacher, I guess my teacher just saw Osama Bin Laden's face. I was like, what the fuck? And I got in so much trouble. I went in detention for like weeks seriously oh my god oh yeah she was upset me and my friend were in detention like for weeks and we had like this little uh not how would you say that it's like just a small book and we had a hundred.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Dude, this sounds weird. This sounds really weird. I have no idea what you're talking about. Right now you could be talking about a death note. Like, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. It was like a small notebook that we had and it was like a disciplinary thing where we had a hundred points. What? Okay, wait.
Starting point is 00:08:44 We had a hundred points. What? We had a hundred points. And every time we would act like shitheads or do some or like not do our homework or do something bad, they would like deduct a couple points from our from our fucking. What happens if you hit zero? You die in real life. You die in the notebook. You die in real life. You die in real life fuck you die in the notebook you die in real life you die in real life no but we if we hit zero cause at the end of
Starting point is 00:09:12 each month we would have this this like activity thing where we would like go rock climbing in a like not right I mean like rock climbing but for kids like in this big gym or so yeah like you've so go outside indoor indoor rock climbing indoor yeah just
Starting point is 00:09:33 random activities go to an orchard to get apples uh i don't think random activities i mean it's it's not very random and I guess it is random in other parts of the world but in Quebec apple picking is like a huge thing apple picking and maple syrup in French I mean you're making fun of him but it's true
Starting point is 00:09:58 truly this is a dystopian society but it's true it's true the funny part of the fucking notebook is that it was called the the notebook of life whoa god it's a literal yeah because it's a it was a it was a code of conduct but like in french it's called like cali which means, like, basically notebook of life. Life, right. I mean, once you hit zero, you do die.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't think I've... I was a shithead. I don't think I went to a lot of the monthly activities, but that's besides the point. Right now, like, literally, you talking about this disciplinary notebook. Has anyone here ever heard of the fucking novel unbound unwound not unbound unwound unwound no no it's uh or unwind i forget what it fucking is it's just uh it's a it's a terrible ya novel but it's basically if you're a bad kid they they fucking they do what's called unwinding you i've read it in fucking like middle school or something but uh
Starting point is 00:11:05 what is unwinding it's when they fucking uh sedate you and then while you're conscious they start taking out all of your organs and stuff and like oh yeah just a good old young a fucking yeah no it is actually actually i read a book that was that was like as fucked up in primary school yeah dude I was I must have been 10 or so and we have we have our version of um Steve Stephen King is it is he the one that did like
Starting point is 00:11:35 all those horror novels yes that is Stephen yeah we have we have our version of Stephen King called Patrick he makes like Patrick cynical Niles Niles Stephen King called Patrick cynical he makes like Patrick cynical Maybe dude videos and writes why a French Would you put it past him no yeah but probably he doesn't seem french educated yeah to be honest that's fair i mean in it i mean in england they do learn french as their second language see
Starting point is 00:12:12 go ahead sorry for derailing that but yeah anyways uh and he made this novel about the like it was basically uh what's the name of the movie a chris the christmas movie with jack skellington what is it called again it was basically that except like all of them all of the like the east actually they're all french so it's way scarier it's way scary the easter bunny fucking tooth fairy whatever santa claus they were all really fucked up and they would like i i remember reading because i we everybody had to read that book and i remember reading one specific part that just fucking traumatized the shit out of me and it was about um the oh shit what's it what's the name
Starting point is 00:13:07 because in French it's bonhomme setard what's the name of the guy that if you're not asleep as a kid if you're not asleep at 7 he comes and grabs you what at 7 at 7 we're all fucked Cameron you have a chance
Starting point is 00:13:23 we got 40 minutes boys for me bun do you guys not have the sounds like a french do we not have the kidnap at 7 p.m bunny no we do not no we don't no it's not a bunny it's not a bunny it's basically this... What? To be honest, I didn't even... Okay, it is Quebec folklore. It is Quebec folklore. I didn't know that. It's basically this dude that fucking...
Starting point is 00:13:56 If you're not asleep at 7 o'clock, he comes and kidnaps you. It's the original creepypasta. It's the original creepypasta. And the original creepypasta and uh basically there was a version of that but he was like best friends with santa claus and i read okay hang on a second really quick after hearing that i don't think santa is an authority on who is naughty or nice okay i mean it's in the book it's in the book not in real life i don't think santa is an authority on who is naughty or nice okay i mean it's in the book it's in the book not in real life i don't know like they're like separated
Starting point is 00:14:29 santa goes to consult his friends his friends about santa and this guy are not listen in real life they fucking hate each other this is just old lore okay this is no this is gotta read the updated item descriptions oh my keep your friends close keep your enemies closer in the book they were like super close and the kids that the uh banam satar would like kidnap santa claus would pack them up in a gift because and like the the the banam satar would fucking murder them like it was really gruesome i remember reading that and i was like this is fucked up would have been better if he your early days on the internet were crazy yeah we we got we got really sidetracked didn't we yeah we did it would have been it would have been bitter if he just took them to Santa and was like, hey, make them your elves, and gave them internal youth,
Starting point is 00:15:29 but they were slave-labored. Oh, fuck! That would have been fucking good. Why are you good at this? Whose side are you on? It's him! He's cynical! Ah, God.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But, yeah, and he, santa claus would just wrap up the mangled bodies of the children and give them back to the parents no that's and i remember i remember reading that shit like 10 years old just shitting my pants like what the fuck this is the fucking spinoff of france i think I understand why Ed hates the French. Oh, fuck. The culture of the fucking... Yeah, no. I get it now.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Sorry for giving you shit, Ed. Sorry, Avery. How did you get into the internet? How did I get... I fucking told you already. I was Googling boobies. You already said it. Oh, that's... Googling boobies?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Well, I also... You just got a computer and suddenly, like, you were like... I didn't have the computer It wasn't mine, it was a child So it wasn't yours? So you went searching for boobies on somebody else's You didn't even clear your history I didn't and I panicked the second I realized
Starting point is 00:16:35 If you typed B, boobies came up And I was like, I'm fucking through, I'm done I'm dead I hit zero points, this is it I was trying to I was trying to say Google, but it was with a B. I thought it was with a B. I thought you spelled Google with a B. Why are you Googling Google, you fucking retard?
Starting point is 00:16:56 You're like fucking writing in a boom bowl, dude. I mean, you guys talked about fucking Miniclip. I went on the fucking... I went on Addicting Games, and I played those stupid, shitty fucking Flash games, Interactive Buddy and, like, Kitten Cannon and shit. Oh, my God. Interactive Buddy.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Interactive Buddy. Yeah. That game was so, like, pointless. I think everyone has played Interactive Buddy. It's a fucking stepping stone. Stepping stone. It's a stepping stone. At least in, like, the fucking era that we were growing up in.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Now it's like fucking Flappy Bird or whatever the fuck. Teachers at my school would get mad if they saw you playing that. Maybe just because it was a video game, but like specifically that one. Like they would just. Interactive bunny because it's violent. You could just take him and smash him on the wall. And then all your child angst would go away with it. How'd that work out for
Starting point is 00:17:45 you david you know oh my god good good uh finally at the sad phase phase uh i mean outside like because it's not really an introduction to the internet but if we're talking about early because david made it sound like he wants to talk more about like early internet days how yeah yeah like early internet days i had a fucking spoiler alert shammy is not the first youtube channel i've had i've been i've been making yeah i've been making youtube videos since like 2009 or 8 um honestly i think i was about about the same place maybe earlier though yeah no i mean i learned how to i learned how to edit via roxio game capture i learned how to edit via fucking screenshots taken off of and imovie um yeah uh those these the every channel i ever had
Starting point is 00:18:42 is long gone i've since deleted all of Actually, what was the first video you guys ever made? Because I remember mine super well. Mine was a video I made for some Halo 3 maps I made. I think mine was a Minecraft video with a friend. I remember. Okay, so yours was... I don't make videos. My first time editing any video project
Starting point is 00:19:06 was like I was insanely young and I made this compilation video of every super from the game One Piece Treasure Battle on GameCube. Wow. Nice.
Starting point is 00:19:22 How many views did you get? Let me tell you. I don't fucking remember because i was super young um and uh i think right after that i started making let's plays because hell yeah okay that's the gravy train yeah here's Here's how I discovered YouTube. I discovered YouTube because I was emulating Majora's Mask on my shitty laptop or somebody else's laptop. I don't remember whose computer. And I was playing Majora's Mask and I was stuck at a part. So I looked up a walkthrough that was actually a let's play from
Starting point is 00:20:07 I don't know if he's still around no Nintendo Capri Sun whoa I have no idea who that is yeah some people might be like what the fuck cause I don't think he was that big but
Starting point is 00:20:24 I just started binge watching his videos because he was just like a really. I don't know. He was just a really pleasant person to listen to. He was super calm. What a hero. Yeah, what a legend. Actually, is he still up? Nintendo Capri Sun.
Starting point is 00:20:40 Is that what you said his name was? Where are you hiding? Yeah, Nintendo Capri Sun. Where the fuck is he hiding? Nintendo Capri Sun has 410,000 subscribers. Oh, shit. His most recent upload was 11 hours
Starting point is 00:20:53 ago. He's still fucking kicking my fucking man! Hell yeah! And that's how I got introduced to Let's Plays. I made a Earthbound Let's Play. Really? It's still on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Really? Oh my God. Is it one of the forbidden videos? Is it unlisted? It's one of the forbidden videos. It is very forbidden. Is it forbidden for the internet? In fact, in the first minute of it i'm just like hey guys and then at one point
Starting point is 00:21:27 you just hear steve going in the background and i'm like stop i think so so basically it's pure it's very it's exactly the same as being in a call with you in real life now no because i i i'm i love steve i i i cherish his life did you not back then did you not i found when i when he was younger i thought he was really annoying oh so i grew to love him uh so hmm okay i don't know what to take from that see my introduction to youtube was a lot different because I started with Achievement Hunter and stuff like that but not because they were funny because I was literally googling uh up like
Starting point is 00:22:12 how to get achievements in like Skyrim or some shit back in the day and so like I started your first experience with YouTube was post Skyrim yeah that is pretty far how did you... You're young.
Starting point is 00:22:27 We used to have dial-up back in the day. Oh, God. Sometimes I forget you live in a third world country. Yeah, we had dial-up. That is very strange. I got YouTube quite late, comparative to you guys and stuff, so it was mostly Flash games and things like that that didn't take up a lot of internet until later on i had i got i think i got my wait i'm trying to remember i'm trying i i don't know if i got my xbox or we got the internet first
Starting point is 00:22:57 fair though from what am i saying it's probably the xbox because's probably the Xbox because I don't know when Achievement Hunter started, but I think it was a bit along. Achievement Hunter has been around since the 360. It was a bit more along the line. I mean, Achievement Hunter was out in... 2008. 2008. That's when it launched.
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yeah. Yeah. So... My first video was seven years ago. The first one you uploaded? Well, the Earthbound Let's Play. Okay, maybe like a year or two before Skyrim came out. My first video...
Starting point is 00:23:34 Sorry, go ahead. Yeah, I'm not sure, but yeah, I started watching them, and then I started watching this guy called NerdCube, like, back in the day as well, and then I essentially was like, I could do this. So I started emulatingulating like here you are now i bought a roxio game capture and then got one of my friends around and started recording like whatever game i was like i had so like i was playing like um what was it it's like playing
Starting point is 00:24:03 just cause and stuff like that and like recording it just like flying into buildings thinking i was really funny like yeah i mean that's the height of comedy everybody yeah that is the height of comedy also everybody did that i think yeah i think everyone did let's plays at some point um i had a black diamond capture card I begged my parents for. Fuck, what was the... I had a Dazzle. I had the shitty... Yo, I had a Dazzle! Shout out.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I actually used the Dazzle to stream the Jimmy Neutron GameCube games. Oh man. I fucking forgot about that. No, I had a Dazzle and I used that. Okay, so my first ever video on YouTube was a slideshow of a few different maps I made in Halo 3 With iMovie text effects and shit and Linkin Park in the background In the end obviously oh hell yeah, hell yeah doesn't even matter dude
Starting point is 00:25:06 I I I I I spent so I forget if it was like my next video or a few videos later I made a fucking video advertising my clan
Starting point is 00:25:19 my Xbox clan for Halo 3 and it was all just a bunch of uh really sick edgy screenshots i took in halo 3 with another lincoln park song uh and i didn't know how to end the video without cutting the song off so i just the the screenshots and information ended about 45 seconds in and then the rest of it was a black screen while the rest of the song played. Damn. God damn. That's fucking good.
Starting point is 00:25:51 That's so good. On the bright side, I think your videos might have improved since then. I like to think so. I don't use Linkin Park anymore. Everything else is about the same. I still go on for too long because I don't know how to end them properly so just now it's not a black screen but um actually two years before i started youtube like the let's plays because i started the let's plays in 2010 in 2008 i really got into Newgrounds. Yeah. And, uh, hmm.
Starting point is 00:26:27 That's, okay. So Newgrounds was my... This feels like the entrance to a rabbit hole. Sounds like an entrance to a rabbit hole. Oh, absolutely. Oh, boy. It was... Oh, jeez.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It was when I really got into, um... So I got really into the Newgrounds crowd because they also were XDLowWaffle, Rawr, XDRandom. Colon P. Colon P. And I decided to learn how to use... How to make flash animation.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Oh, boy. Oh, it was it was good and there's i okay here's the thing here listen up boys if you want to go fucking hunt down some animation i did it there's one that is still out there i'm not gonna going to say more. Why are you encouraging this? You ruined our friend's life. And now you're trying to ruin our audience's lives. Listen, if you can find this shit... He'll send you a blender. Actually, I'll fucking send you a blender if you can find it. I don't think it's even possible to find it. Why is that the thing?
Starting point is 00:27:43 Why is that the thing? David, I really want a blender. I want you why is that the thing I really want to blend it I want you to know this I'm going to find it and post it on twitter and the first person who DMs you gets to I'm going to fucking tell our friend to not tell anybody anything any info
Starting point is 00:27:57 because I want that to be like an actual it's a journey it's a quest it is pretty fucking hard it is pretty fucking hard uh but yeah i i learned how to how to fucking code an action script 2.0 and to do really shitty animation in flash and i made three animations oh yeah yes what were they like you know those weird uh remember astiff movie yeah oh god yeah it was. Basically. Nice. It was asked if movie.
Starting point is 00:28:45 But. I. Used because I was using my dad's laptop to make shit. And I used. The internal microphone to record because I didn't know how to do like. I don't even think it was a thing back then like youtube and shit so if i wanted like and i i'm i'm just saying i wanted to get the over 9 000 audio clip from dragon ball z oh my god how do you think I did that I fucking open audacity
Starting point is 00:29:28 Turned the gain knob all the way up and I fucking recorded that shit What engineer origin fucking innovative dude? It sounded like it sounded like ass. It sounded like I'm sure it sounded great. It was the aesthetic It was that low-fi aesthetic. You were ahead of your time Somebody listened to it and was like hmm. I want this guy to make my audio for my youtube videos in the future I learned um, but yeah, I made three of them and they were like compilations Where I didn't even I didn't even use myilations where I didn't even use my voice I think
Starting point is 00:30:07 I didn't use my voice I used voice click and text to speech did you also record text to speech with audacity through the speakers oh my god you 100% did in fact the flash animation
Starting point is 00:30:23 that's still out there to this day has that audio someone's gonna find it I nobody's gonna find it let's say if someone finds it that will be at the end of the podcast episode when they find it
Starting point is 00:30:40 oh shit alright I like that you won't say anything we won't announce it it'll just be at the end David's game I'm game let's go blender and feature let's go if you do it like that
Starting point is 00:30:55 oh oh oh shit that's a really good idea stop giving away all your good ideas Cameron Oh, shit. That's a really good idea. Exactly like that, dude. Stop giving away all your good ideas, Cameron. You should. Yeah, you shouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Bleep that out. Yeah, bleep. It's bleeped. It's bleeped. But yeah, I learned how to do flash animation, and then I stopped because I learned that animation is hard. Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 It's really hard. So what you're saying is audio engineering is easy. Yeah. Yes. is hard oh yeah oh yeah it's what you're saying is audio engineering is easy yeah yes good i mean it's it's way less time consuming that's for sure yeah there you go all audio engineers who expect payment are lazy you heard it here first exactly exposure is good enough you know what you You know what? When somebody doesn't pay me, I'm so glad. I'm like, they understood. It's a good thing that happens so often, then. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 00:31:57 I fucking love it. You're not a fucking piece of shit if you do that. Yeah. In fact, I kiss you on the mouth. Not only am I not paying you, I'm not including your name in the description, because people should be able to tell it to you from your audio profile. Listen, I understand, but this is not really worth putting you in the description, you know? If you really worked for it, I would put you in the description.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I mean, the clips are all of me, so it's basically i did all the work um okay uh anyways yeah that's that was that was my lolix the random face now he's in the bitter angry face he passed the sad face yeah well that's where i was that's where i was going that's's where I was going. That's actually where I was going. Perfect transition. Way to go, Cameron. It only lasted one year. It coincided with my parents' divorce, so shout out
Starting point is 00:33:00 to that. Two fucking weeks in a row. You okay? Am I okay? Anyways. I hope your parents don't listen to this. What if my parents listen to this? I said I hope your parents don't listen to this.
Starting point is 00:33:18 My mom doesn't speak English and my dad doesn't know. It's the perfect crime. It is the perfect crime, isn't it? I, like, when I, around when I stopped, I did this for, like, maybe six months. I didn't do that for long. I had a deviant art, because I was like,
Starting point is 00:33:40 oh, I'm going to get into art. And I was really into anime. Yeah. Oh, my God.'m going to get into art. And I was really into anime. Yeah. Oh, my God. Is this still up? No, it is not. Do you still have any of the pictures? I don't, but I know somebody who does.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Does he? What? Oh, my God. I'm getting them from him. No. You can't stop me. You can't stop me. I'm texting him right now. It's fine. You don't need me. No! You can't stop me. I'm texting him right now.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's fine. You don't need... It's fine. It's fine. I'm not going to ask. Oh, good cover, Avery. Good cover, Avery. David, we're in the middle of recording.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Stop sending him a message. Fuck you. Oh, my God. You can't... I'm not... I'm actually scared you'll do that now. Sorry, I'm not going to. Sorry, I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Okay. I free found it. Did you delete it? Yeah, he... I'm pretty sure he saved... Because he keeps sending me random pictures from my past. And I'm like... Every time he sends me shit, I'm like...
Starting point is 00:34:44 Like, it just gets me. And I'm like, every time he sends me shit, I'm like, huh? Like, it just gets me. And I'm like, ugh. Like, real. You have an emotional, guttural reaction to it. Oh, yeah, it's intense. I want to fucking, I want to scream. I want to do a fucking blood-curdling scream when I see that shit, dude. It's horrible.
Starting point is 00:35:03 But, uh, dude. It's horrible. But, uh... Yeah. My edgy phase, I was like... Did you still have the DeviantArt when you went through your edgy phase? That's what I'm... I mean, I made the DeviantArt for that edgy phase. Did you ever draw yourself as Alucard?
Starting point is 00:35:22 Mmm, no. I was really into... What's your Sonic I i see david i don't have one i don't that's what they all say one i was really into two things dead mouse and really edgy tim burton anime shit what what's your mickey mouse tim burton anime no because i was like into anime but also tim burton so like i was like what if i mix the two and makes the ultimate piece of shit oh my god edward scissorhands dude honestly like it's edward katana hands i think i i don't know i was so far up my own ass i actually made a tutorial on DeviantArt on how to draw faces.
Starting point is 00:36:07 What the fuck am I? What the fuck am I? I don't know. Can you remake that tutorial? But with my newly found unskilled... How to draw faces with sound. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Dude, it's actually possible you just make the right noise no idiot i mean you can make you can make you can use like i'm not whoa i was actually like gonna start you're about to explain i was about to make a fucking face people don't tune into these for fucking education but yeah and after that DeviantArt phase that's about when did you just realize something?
Starting point is 00:36:57 I just realized something do you need to delete it before the break? no because they deleted for me. Yes. Yes. What was this? Screw attack. Oh.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Oh, my God. Screw attack. At one point, they had like, because nowadays, screw attack sucks. Like, there's not a lot of. Well. Well. Fucking hot take. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:19 We might be part of. Not the videos. Not the videos. The website. Wait. Wait. Wait. We've more than burned that bridge at this point. Hold on. Not the videos, not the videos, the website. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We've more than burned that bridge at this point.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Hold on. Not the videos. I don't care much for the videos. Yeah, but Skirrotech is still owned by Rooster Teeth. What? Yeah. It's now. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:37:40 That was... But my thing was, like, way longer. Way, like, far away from that i'm sure it wasn't owned by roosterteeth at the time go ahead but their website was like a weird because it was very community driven like nowadays screw attack is not like i think only a couple people can post videos and shit. But before that, you could post videos, you could write like journals, blogs, reviews, whatever. You could post music and other shit like that.
Starting point is 00:38:21 And that's when I started getting into music and getting into uh because that's where like JonTron and PeanutButterGamer started on ScrewAttack is that true I think so I I think so think they posted both on screw attack and on uh on uh youtube at the same time okay but uh i uh at the time i was really into peanut butter gamer when he did his retrospective on dreamcasts and at the i got actually featured more than once on the uh screw attack community stuff what about was the legendary review featured you know it was not uh no it was not videos it was for really really terrible video games video game remixes that i made nice when i started out, I made really shitty... God. Okay, I made really bad electronic music,
Starting point is 00:39:37 but I also remixed video game tracks like fucking Dr. Wily Stage 2 from Mega Man and stuff. I hope someone has, like, already heard or seen all this shit that you post on the internet. Dude, I posted a lot of shit. Yeah, you have a lot more. I have a lot of dirt. You have a, there's a lot that can be found on you. I have like
Starting point is 00:39:56 four YouTube comments on the internet. But I don't think. I've deleted all of my previous YouTube videos. Same. It's like, I do not have that stuff up. I saved the first time I ever recorded my voice for a video. That's on a hard drive somewhere. I don't even know if I still have that, but it's somewhere.
Starting point is 00:40:18 I've got all my old videos on my old laptop that I rediscovered. I can't get them off it, though, because my laptop's so old that it literally can't transfer files over the size of five gigabytes, I think. Compress the shit out of them. I mean, yeah, but I don't like that laptop. I don't want to use it. It's so old.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah, but compress the shit out of them. I'd have to download Handbrake and shit, and that would take- Can you upload them anywhere without transferring them? Yes I could I guess I could just upload them to YouTube and then This isn't even a topic Stop
Starting point is 00:40:52 Listen I'm just saying I want to see Cameron Origins I sound so young in them That's so young That's generally how it works, yeah. Yeah. But yeah, they did community highlights for the week,
Starting point is 00:41:11 and I was in a couple of them. And the community manager at the time, Brian, who I don't know if he's still on ScrewAttack. He's probably alive. I'd hope so i hope so too that would be really sad um anyways he wrote he wrote some of the nicest shit about my really fucking terrible remixes he was like he brings new life to this video game song. And I was like, dude, as a kid, I was like, oh, that's so dope, dude. And they were shit looking back.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Like I used, I mean, nowadays I still think I'm shit, but I'm polished shit. Thank you very much. A glistening turd. A glistening turd a glistening uh that's yeah dude i completely forgot about new grounds but uh new grounds i mean uh screw attack and that's when i started getting into peanut butter gamer like i said and i wrote i started writing video game reviews oh we got to this
Starting point is 00:42:29 some of you might have seen some of you who were there for the charity live stream might have seen the legendary review which is in and of itself pretty legendary honestly it's so good Which is in and of itself pretty legendary.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Honestly, when I was watching it, I wanted to fucking die. But looking back, I'm actually happy because it's fucking hilarious. It sticks out like a dick on a cake. Dude, it's so good. It's so good. I wish I could think. Make it public. good it's so good i wish i could make it public dude oh god make it public make it public i don't know about that like i i i don't mind it's gonna make public appearances sometimes it's like let's make it special you know Like a comment. I got you like it'll be it'll be rare occasions Yes, rare occasions because I don't think I can post it if I go wait If I can have my gay music video out in the air you can have legendary view not the same at all
Starting point is 00:43:40 David if second shammy hits 50k subs can we do a marathon of all of your video game reviews on a livestream? Oh, please. Come on. Yes! Yes! No! Yes, bitch! Just sayin'! 50k, no. Avery starts pushing the hell out of Second Shammy every fucking video. He's like, by the way, I have a second channel!
Starting point is 00:44:01 No. No. No. No. Come on! Come on! I have a second channel. No, no, no, no, cuz come on Come on No, cuz we would have to watch the Resident Evil one and honestly that one is so fucking boring We I mean, yeah, we can skip that one. We'll play that one at 1.5 times speed Okay, how about this? How about this? 50k oh
Starting point is 00:44:23 No, no no no 50k we watch one 50k we watch one for the kids David do you really have that much pride what have you got to lose have you seen the legendary review Kyle
Starting point is 00:44:40 no I haven't so I'm looking forward to 50k you don't even know oh my god pretty sure the legendary review is still linked in here if you want to watch it uh it is really is it in general or what i don't know but that okay so here's the thing here's the thing my first my first review was what's it called altered beast for there was an altered beast re uh imagining for the playstation 2 and since everybody was playing like old games and shitting on them i was like i'll play shitty old games and i'll shit on them as well and i made a video on that a video on a newer game called Resident Evil Operation
Starting point is 00:45:28 Raccoon City and finally I wrote this fucking 20 page review of Legendary the video game not the adjective Jesus fucking Christ
Starting point is 00:45:43 thanks for clarifying and with jokes like that you know what to expect and uh dude it was 20 pages I only like made two pages of actual
Starting point is 00:46:00 video I think and it was it's already like 10 minutes right so sad it was and it was it was magical dude so sad you didn't finish it wait was it linked in video form or was it linked in like a phone it was on the stream I'll send it to you it was linked in let's move on let's move on that okay yeah you don't want to dwell on the legendary review i don't understand why wouldn't you dude i don't even know what to say you have to share it with the world that's all
Starting point is 00:46:36 come on okay okay fine i'll upload it on another YouTube channel Why? And what, we have to find it? You have to find it It's gonna be called Legendary Review, don't worry What if DaVinci hid the Mona Lisa, David? Then where would we be? Exactly What?
Starting point is 00:46:56 I mean Alright The Mona Lisa wasn't popular until it was stolen Exactly Someone steal David's video and upload it All right The Mona Lisa wasn't popular on through all stolen Exactly someone steal David's video and upload it No, okay 50k and we'll how about this no I don't want to upload it to second shimmy nevermind Never mind. Why? That was so bad. Because people would expect Avery, first off. Second off.
Starting point is 00:47:31 That video. Oh, my God. Weren't you like 15? Is it that bad? Can you rename it an actual legendary review? No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't bait the good people who are subscribed to me like that. You just upload it to your VEI channel. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Hit extra review of legendary, they click it and they're like, fuck yeah, finally another extra review. They see my- they fucking see my face on it like, what the fuck? Who is this clown? Who is this 15 year old French Canadian boy? No, every time- every time- every time Davidid shows up we're just gonna keyframe an owl over his face dude the english dub of the legendary review is crazy oh my god uh that review is so shit i have two versions up of that review actually what is the second version
Starting point is 00:48:26 it's six minutes I don't know is it in French no dude start it back up but do a French version and an English version corner the market corner the market the whole market
Starting point is 00:48:41 the idea that there's a market the idea that there's a market. The idea that there's a market for David. Dude, my fucking game reviews are genuinely legendary. They truly are. They're the thing of legend because no one will ever see them because you're a vagina. Fuck off. You show your old shit. My old shit's deleted.
Starting point is 00:49:04 Exactly, pussy. You did delete Gozoogling Genesis. I did do that. My old shit's deleted. Exactly, pussy. You did delete Kazugling Genesis. I did do that. I am also a bitch. You are a massive bitch. Kazugling Genesis isn't as bad as... Okay, that's not true. No, I... That's not true.
Starting point is 00:49:19 It's not as bad. It's worse because it's more recent. No, I think Legendary is worse than Gizugling Genesis. But Avery wasn't 15. Yeah, that's a thing. Listen, it's not important. We're talking about me now, so it's not funny anymore.
Starting point is 00:49:37 If anybody's downloading Gizugling Genesis, my DMs are open on Twitter. Oh yeah, no,eron would love my way cameron would honestly i've been looking at for so long have you never seen it no he's seen it i have i've seen it it's just one day i went to go re-watch it and it wasn't there and i was so disappointed yeah i thought i just unlisted it i actually full- on deleted it hot damn well there you go that's my internet history
Starting point is 00:50:07 and now I'm fucking actually I went I went dark from 2014 to uh till shammy no that's not true I did not but it's not bad it's not bad it's when I started making music
Starting point is 00:50:24 so it's mostly on SoundCloud. Oh, you should talk about how you got blocked by the Chainsmokers then. Okay. I had a group of friends. I'm not going to name drop them. Should I name drop them? No, I should not. Just give them fake names if it's important.
Starting point is 00:50:43 I mean, I don't care. I don't care and I don't think they might they might they really might oh wait they will care they will care uh just change the names if it's important i was fucking call them all cameron i was fucking around with cameron and uh i was listening to the song Roses by the Chainsmokers, which... Okay, I definitely wasn't listening to the song Roses for clarification. It's a different Cameron. Calm down. What?
Starting point is 00:51:13 Fuck you. Yeah, it's a different Cameron. And how does the song go? It goes like... I don't know. The build-up into the drop is like... Wait. Does it matter?
Starting point is 00:51:28 Yes, it does actually. It actually does matter. The drop is... And that is literally the melody for Dr. Gene's banana song. Yeah, you guys know what that song is. It's basically this delightful... Lady telling you how to... Children how to peel a banana.
Starting point is 00:52:00 I won't peel a banana. Well, she's like singing. She's like a children entertainer. Guacamole. Yeah, yeah, I can sing it. It's the guacamole song. Well, she's like singing. She's like a children entertainer. Guacamole. Yeah, yeah. I can sing it. It's the guacamole song. Oh, it's the...
Starting point is 00:52:09 It's Dr. Gene's Banana Dance, aka the guacamole song by Dr. Gene's Banana Dance. Yeah, there we go. What? Okay. It's on YouTube. You can check it out. But basically, the song goes,
Starting point is 00:52:20 Form the banana. Form, form the banana. Form the banana. Form, form the banana. Peel the banana form form the banana form the banana form front of an Anna peel the banana and it just goes on and it goes through like fucking dude it goes all all around the fucking fruit fucking vegetables and then it ends in the guacamole and then it pushes the ketchup the ketchup it's nuts fucking absolute anger if you haven't heard it before it's fucking great fucking banger it's an absolute banger if you haven't heard it before it's fucking awesome you should definitely check it out honestly honestly i kind of like this song it's fucking lit it's it's great it's great but i what i did was i during
Starting point is 00:52:59 the build up when it goes on the chainainsmokers song I started He did a mashup I made a mashup and I stretched Dr. Gene's voice when she says banana to and it just went like ramped up until it goes
Starting point is 00:53:21 and it was just and then it started to peel the banana amped up until it goes ba ba da da ba ba da da and it was just ba ba na na ba ba na na and then it started to peel the banana like and that was the drop the drop was that do you still have that I want to listen to that I really want to
Starting point is 00:53:36 I've heard it he played it for us in fucking Colorado yes you did what the fuck I did not cause I don't have it I don't have the fuck i did not you played it because i don't have it i don't have it i swear to god you played it i did not whatever i played i played both songs and i played both songs at the same time right right right never mind but i i didn't actually like i don't have that can you remake it yeah remake it i could remake it but i won't be able
Starting point is 00:54:03 to post it anywhere because post it on twitter wait no i can't that's the thing okay second part of the story i posted it on soundcloud i posted it on soundcloud and then i sent the soundcloud link to i i basically i i tweeted I basically I tweeted at the Chainsmokers I told them Hmm this drop Sounds very familiar Five Minutes later I got a copyright
Starting point is 00:54:36 Strike on my SoundCloud They deleted the song They deleted the song also From a zippy That I made because it used copyrighted content they blocked me on twitter as well
Starting point is 00:54:50 damn and so so I was talking to David about this and we are convinced that the reason they reacted that strongly to it is because they stole it they actually stole it. Cause when even better,
Starting point is 00:55:07 I was watching a fucking interview where they were talking about that specific song with like a random dude. And they were like going through, like breaking through the track when they get to the fucking drop, they don't even say shit about the melody. You know why? Cause they fucking stole my girl. Dr. Jean's fucking
Starting point is 00:55:26 melody. Fuck you! Oh, wow. David, you can post it on YouTube. No, I don't want to get a copyright strike. I think I can actually... Dispute it. Dispute it. Say it'd be like, it's transformative.
Starting point is 00:55:42 It is. It's a parody. It's a mashup. it's a parody transformative it is you can it's a it's a parody it's a it's a remix it's a mashup it's a remix you can you can claim legally you're allowed to do that yeah if I make it I'm gonna enlist it maybe I don't get Radiohead to back you up contact my friend Johnny Radiohead
Starting point is 00:56:01 that's that's how I got fucking blocked by the chain smokers yeah yep is that it do we have any more stories i mean i mean um my my main introduction to the internet was a friend showing me those like puppet harry potter oh potter puppet pals oh i love Oh, Potter Puppet Pals. Oh, I love Puppet Peppers. And I was like, yo, Puppet Pepper Pals? I love Puppet Pepper Pals. And so I went downstairs and told my mom how exciting YouTube was and how I got to see a naked Dumbledore come on the screen and she banned me from looking at YouTube for two years.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Oh my god. Kyle, I feel like I understand you so much better just after hearing that one sentence. So that delayed my whole experience on YouTube by like a few years. Because my mom was like, you are not doing that no more. And this boy listens to his mom. What a sweet boy. Do you guys remember the Ticking Time Bomb song? I remember it.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Not off the top of my head, no? It was like... Snape. Snape. Oh, that one, right. Yeah, that specific one. That was the one that got me banned on YouTube by mom. You got fucking a copyright strike IRL, bitch.
Starting point is 00:57:21 David, can you listen to the discography of the Chainsmokers and see if they stole that one too puppet pals Potter puppet pals they can't stop stealing listen this podcast we need a new way to bring in new viewers I think starting a beef with the Chainsmokers is the best way we can do that I'm surprised the Chainsmokers is the best way we can do that.
Starting point is 00:57:45 I'm surprised the Chainsmokers didn't copyright strike the guy showing you how to make a Chainsmokers song. Yeah, I mean, because he doesn't actually use any of their music. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It's because they were actually like, they were the ones explaining their own track. It was on a Splice thing. Splice is like... No, he's talking about how every he's talking about this the video how every chain smoker song is written well because it's not actually it's
Starting point is 00:58:11 that's what i said yeah yeah i know thank you david thanks for catching up david that is a very accurate video though it is it's great yeah is that it I think that's it I think we I don't have anything else to add alright we gotta hit 50k everyone we gotta hit 50k subscribe tell your friends 50k and David will
Starting point is 00:58:37 also if you could leave a review on iTunes only 5 star reviews please only nice comments please only nice comments. Only nice comments. We delete the bad ones. If we read mean things, David cries. No, wait. Actually, don't though.
Starting point is 00:58:53 We can't. We can't delete negative reviews. Not only can we not do that, that would drag us down. We can't tell people to give us five-star reviews. Oh, oh yeah we can't do that either just don't lie about it listen
Starting point is 00:59:08 review us on iTunes if you like the podcast if you don't how did you even get this far if you like leave this like if you dislike how did you get this far if you hated it I mean I get how you would but reprioritize your life man we've watched all of Ruby.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Listen, Cameron. Do you expect me to practice what I preach? You rewatched the entirety of Ruby? Not rewatched, no. No rewatch, watched. Oh, why? He said we watched. We watched.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Oh my god. It's the accent. If you like the podcast, you can follow the podcast account on Twitter, at PST Podcast. If you want to follow me on Twitter, I'm at ShammyTV. Take initiative! You can follow me on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:59:57 You can follow me at SuperSnakeshape. I tweet once every month. But they're really quality. Very quality. The last one was very quality. I thought it was a stolen meme, but after further investigation, I learned that it was not. Wait, was it a stolen meme? You can follow me on Twitter at...
Starting point is 01:00:17 Wait, no. You can follow me on Twitter at surzulu underscore... Cameron, did you steal that meme? David, plug your Twitter. Cameron, did you know you meme? David plug your Twitter Cameron did you know you can follow me on Twitter? Are you about to remix Cameron's meme To prove that he stole it? No
Starting point is 01:00:34 I don't want to waste my time doing that But you can waste your time by following me on Twitter At Sermiao Music Listening to my music on SoundCloud At It's Sermiao Music on slash It's Sermiao Music on SoundCloud. I don't remember. What else do I plug usually? It's Sermiao on Spotify.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Spotify. We did it. We did it? Bye bye. Don't forget Humble Bumble. Yeah, don't forget the Humble Bums. Don't forget to HTTPS colon slash slash Stop!

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