Please Stop Talking - Inquiries and replies | Please Stop Talking

Episode Date: August 1, 2017

Today we answer how we all met and we can feel your disappointment from here. Audible trial: US Amazon Link: CA Amazon Link: Po...dcast also available on iTunes and YouTube! iTunes - YouTube - (coming soon) Links: Avery - David - Kyle - Cameron - Podcast - Art by Madbuns: Twitter - DA - Other links: YouTube - Twitch - Reddit - VO in this video was mixed and mastered by David Tremblay ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Calling all sellers, Salesforce is hiring account executives to join us on the cutting edge of technology. Here, innovation isn't a buzzword. It's a way of life. You'll be solving customer challenges faster with agents, winning with purpose, and showing the world what AI was meant to be. Let's create the agent-first future together. Head to slash careers to learn more. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Today's podcast is brought to you by Audible. Get a free audiobook download and 30-day free trial at slash pstpodcast.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Audible has over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle, or MP3 player. And for those of you who have existential dread, I recommend The Book of Cthulhu, tales inspired by H.P. Lovecraft, written by Ross E. Lockhart. And if you're a saucy dad like myself, or can't read past the third grade level like David, I recommend The Little Engine That Could, or The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss.
Starting point is 00:01:06 What do you mean? What? You think I can't read? That's slash slash PST podcast. Link in the description. Wow.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Welcome to the podcast. Do you really think that's good enough? Go back, do it again. No, I don't. You go back, you go back. Welcome to the podcast. Yes. We're in a fucking hotel lobby, everybody. Hello, everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Welcome to the fourth episode of the Please Stop Talking podcast. I am your host, Avery, you might know me better as Shammy. I'm joined today, as always, by my friend, David. Hi. My enemy, Kyle. And my special guest, Cameron. Always. Always.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Okay. So, who are we? This is going to be a Q&A episode of the podcast. We're doing a Q&A episode of the podcast this week. Oh boy. And we asked for questions on Twitter and on Reddit and not on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Most of them suck, but we're going to go through them. Most Most of them suck, but we're going to go through them. Most of them do suck, but we're going to go through and we're going to answer all of the worst ones. No. Only worst ones. That's just not true. We're not about good stuff. The question we got the most and the question we got when we asked for topics for the podcast at the very beginning was to talk about how we all met.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I'm sorry I didn't join in. I thought we were going to be sync, but you know. I thought we were too, but Cameron letting everybody down. New Zealand's just always out of touch, man. The fucking musician over here plays the piano, doesn't know how to fucking harmonize.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Jeez. Alright. Positive vibes, boys. Let's go. I'm very tired. here plays the piano doesn't know how to fucking harmonize geez all right positive vibes boys let's go i'm very tired i'm gonna get that out of the way like at the beginning of this episode we were supposed to record this three hours ago and i'm very tired two hours ago five hours ago several hours ago anyways we didn't and it's very late and i'm very sleepy how did we all meet how did we all meet okay i'm saving how i met kyle for last kyle shut up if we go timeline wise i guess we start with me and you avery because that's we're not going time that's the opposite of kyle because i was you're the middle in what way are you why are you why are you the first person on any time because you said i'm saving cows for last while i said the timeline thing so that means i'm next i mean you said it
Starting point is 00:03:55 afterwards but it's all right i liked it better when you sounded like an idiot i'm gonna be honest well yeah i mean go ahead yeah sure sure i so I met Avery because I sent him a message on YouTube And I was- And he responded?! And you can meet him too! Everyone send Avery a message via YouTube DMs. Don't do that. Did you mute him?
Starting point is 00:04:23 No, I just muted myself. Did you mute yourself, Caleb? Why? I like hit my hot kid, I'm sorry. I like that you tried to stop yourself from making that joke. He did it for you, man. Don't DM me on YouTube, please. That's how he met David, and he doesn't want to meet anyone like David. Yeah, one David is enough.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Thank you, Kyle, for understanding. Yeah. I sent him a message i was like hey man i'm an audio engineer from canada and i'm looking for things to add to my resume first of all you did not say you were from canada and we will get to that later oh right that was an issue yeah i anyways and i was like would you be interested in me mixing in the fucking voiceovers free videos and mastering and he was like and i i sent that like when i did the name 10 10 months ago when he did the name change and then i did the uh wait i did the name change well over a year ago at this point. I did the name change in May.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Who cares? Anyways, you answered... I think in December. In December? I didn't see it. No, you didn't. No, I answered in November. And then a month afterwards.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And then you responded again in December. Yeah, a month afterwards, saw it because the thing is YouTube's messaging system sucks and doesn't tell you when you get a message. It does and it's fucking hidden. Like the fact that the only convenient way to get to your YouTube messages is to type slash messages in your fucking URL
Starting point is 00:05:58 bar, whatever, is fucking ridiculous. Isn't there just like a DM button? No, it's hard to get to. Messages are hard to get to Is fucking ridiculous. Isn't there just like a DM button? No. It's hard to get to. Messages are hard to get to if you don't just type it into the address bar. So short story short. David was an audio guy and was like hey.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Audio. Yeah. Short story short. And then he added me on Discord. And the first message. We talked. We said was like hey. What are you up to and then i was like this is the question you all wanted the answer to these are the stories you have to look forward to
Starting point is 00:06:40 he i i remember we had he he started asking questions and we were like just fucking talking about whatever and then eventually he was like I was like sorry if my English is not good because it's not my first language and he was like oh what's your first language and I was like
Starting point is 00:06:59 Africans wow thrilling and at that point avery knew he wanted him as his audio engineer and then he i i he was like oh really that's interesting and i just sent him like a google translated uh message i guess and it was just the story is boring it's so boring all right moving on so then then after david since he already knew me and we're gonna do me last he met cameron which happened why are we only i mean i guess i guess we're only doing how everyone met me because the answer to how kyle met cameron how kyle met david how Kyle met David, how David met Cameron is me. I technically met David
Starting point is 00:07:48 by when we started this podcast thing. We all made a server and I started talking to David and I thought he was cool so I added him to my server. Isn't that sad? Wait, wait, wait. Technically, I met Kyle first. Did you?
Starting point is 00:08:04 Intrigue into a boring story. There is no payoff. I'm assuming. I assume. Cameron, I mean, I assume you met Kyle in the same place you met me. Yeah. So also through me. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:08:20 So I basically, the way I found out about Avery is that, um, he was in the recommended tab of a video I was watching and it was about a game. It was about no man's sky, which is like a game I just got burned by. And I was like, you're right. And so I clicked on it. I clicked on it and I was like, ah, this is a well-made video. And then I saw it was just when you uploaded your Patreon video, I think. I was like, so, and then I saw that you had a Discord.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah. So I just, I was like, yeah, I'll go join that Discord. Okay. And then you're in it one day and I was like, hey, how's it going? And then you slid into my DMs. Yeah, no, specifically. We should explain so specifically Cameron joined
Starting point is 00:09:06 like I joined the server and I was alone because sometimes I like to join and I like to see how long it takes for someone to join me in that server because it's funny to me so I joined and then after something like 20 fucking minutes like Cameron just jumps
Starting point is 00:09:23 in and he's like I'm not gonna do it And I was gonna I was gonna fucking do I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do the ax. I mean he just said hello Oh Hello What Stop stop no we're not going to We have so many questions We need to answer Yes we don't have time for this So unlike these fanboys over here
Starting point is 00:09:53 Avery and I met in a different way Woah woah woah We're not done with Cameron's story yet Cameron called me on my fan server And it was good Because he was We were just mean to each other is basically what happened what uh you said some dumb joke and i called you an idiot if i yeah it was great
Starting point is 00:10:14 you were like man meeting you was so disappointing and i was like i know that's pretty much how it started yeah so kyle and i kyle and i have known each other for since before the youtube thing oh yeah well before the youtube thing kyle and i have known each other since 2011 i want to say yeah 2012 ish yeah 2011 2012 yeah uh kyle and 2012-ish Yeah, 2011 Kyle and I met Through our mutual friend Chandler Who I met through My internet friend Jared Who is Canadian Unfortunately
Starting point is 00:10:54 Retarded You've met Jared, Kyle You've met him He talks at people Canadians get a lot of shit on this podcast. They do. We'll talk about that later. What? Are you going to fucking continue?
Starting point is 00:11:11 Or some shit? No, okay. Kyle and I met through our friend Chandler and I fucking hated Kyle so much. See, I was a 12 year old and he was older than 12 so he knew I was a Kyle so much. See, I was a 12-year-old. I was a 12-year-old, and he was older than 12,
Starting point is 00:11:28 so he knew I was a 12-year-old. I was 14. I was a fucking big boy. Yeah. And so I was just naturally annoying and loud, and he didn't like me one bit. And I was also annoying and loud, but I thought I was better.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Yeah. He had two years on me, but I was like, that dude has an attitude. So much. And I was like, every single time it would just pop up, X raging X TX bag X joined the Xbox Live party. Oh my god, way to out. We're gamer tag dropping now, Kyle. This is why I saved you for last.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Die! Raging bag? Alright, that's honestly not even my worst gamer tag oh my god what the fuck was your raging tea bag what was your worst gamer tag we can move on that's for another day you brought this up yourself but anyways we're not on a podcast where our job is to entertain
Starting point is 00:12:19 just fucking drop that fucking bomb I had a gamer tag worse than x raging x t x bag x x I am not going to say just fucking drop that fucking bomb I had a gamertag worse than XRagingXTXBagXX I am not going to say my worst name on the podcast why? it's not something I should say on the podcast what are you a fucking put- oh god
Starting point is 00:12:35 well moving on excuse you but basically we didn't like each other so we didn't talk to each other except for when Chandler was in the same Xbox Live party and then however many years later like 3 years? 4 years?
Starting point is 00:12:50 I think it was there was like a 1 or 2 year period in which we didn't say like cause I didn't talk to Chandler at all in that time so I had by proxy of course I didn't fucking talk to you so and then after all that time when I got i when i finally moved over to uh playing games on uh pc uh chandler started chandler like got back into contact with me
Starting point is 00:13:15 because he had also started playing games on pc and therefore i also started playing therefore kyle had also started playing games on pc meaning they all turned into adults so how i remember oh my god that's your joke that is your joke i know it's my joke cameron that is a joke ever never mind i don't even want to fucking go into it so how i remember it happening from there is uh i went through like a few friend groups and we picked up greg and then at some point i joined chandler has there been a podcast that greg did not come up in yet no maybe there has not been let me tell you something about existed yeah greg is a fucking lad okay greg is an angel let's continue though but let's not turn this into the greg me Me, Chandler, and Greg, I think, joined the same Skype call as Avery.
Starting point is 00:14:06 And then Greg loved Avery and just stuck around. So whenever we had to see Greg, we had to see Avery. And then I was older, Avery was older, and we weren't the worst people on the planet. Greg sounded 28, but he was 15. It was good. It was good times. I wasn't 12, and he wasn't 14. Therefore, we got along.
Starting point is 00:14:24 And so then we kept talking. Did he sound like he sounds right now? Yes. Yes, he did. He sounded like he does right now when he was 15 years old. Of course. Fucking deep-ass man voice. Yeah. Okay, I think that covers... I think that more or less covers it, yeah. I just wanted
Starting point is 00:14:39 to gamer tag drop, if I'm honest. That's the only reason I wanted to save you for last. Because that's hilarious. Alright, someone pick a question. Um. Oh. Well, here's one. Who would win sword with a gun or a gun with a sword? No! Are we opening with that one? That's the most important
Starting point is 00:14:55 question! I mean, it was right there! It's like, I genuinely think... I genuinely think a sword with a gun would beat a gun with a sword. Will anyone contest a sword with a gun wins? Are you dumb dumb. No gun with a sword. Are you kidding me? No, absolutely not No, do you understand Cameron? Are you serious? No, you know, listen the real countries are talking right now You sit the fuck down. Oh my god. Listen, listen to me
Starting point is 00:15:22 Do you look at look at those fucking pictures for a second and i need you to fucking understand something cameron they're scaled that is a butter knife sized sword that the gun is holding the sword has a regular ass fucking gun no they're not scaled no that's a giant gun yes they are that's a giant gun that's a giant gun. No, fuck it. That's a giant gun. It's not. No, it scales. I'm replying. I'm replying right now. Is that a giant gun? It's not a giant gun. Is he going to answer?
Starting point is 00:15:51 No, it isn't. No, he's asleep. He's British. You don't fucking know that. I do know that. I know who he is. Well, we'll find out by the time this podcast comes out, won't we? Listen, listen, Avery.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Okay. What? Even if it is okay the sword with a gun can't swing the sword and shoot because like it's gonna throw itself and shoot and it's gonna like aim like shit but hey david gun david can look at you and shoot you while swinging shoot a sword with a gun it does not completely fucking destroy the sword i'm taking my shoot a sword with a gun. It does not completely fucking destroy the sword. You shoot a gun with a gun. You shoot a gun with a gun. The gun gets destroyed by the fucking bullet.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Is it a strong gun? I'm taking my fucking scale from the arms. What do you mean is it a strong gun? I'm taking my scale from the arms. What do you mean? Has this gun been deadlifting? I don't know. Has it been lifting? This is literally the first time Kyle and I have agreed on anything.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I feel like Avery and I, like, since we're the country that allows guns, I think we kind of know. We know guns. I know guns. You should have gone with a gun. It's not a fucking gun. Anyways. Checkmate. I didn't think that would be that.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I just thought we'd all agree, sort of the gun. I knew we would have at least one idiot on this podcast. Sword of the gun wins. Sword of the gun wins. You're an idiot. You're a fucking idiot. Everybody unsubscribe. He's wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:15 You're a fucking moron. On a side note, someone asked you what you think about becoming friends with fans. Fuck off. You see what happens? When you become friends with fans, you get people telling you that a gun with a sword could beat a sword with a gun. No fucking way. It's basically a walking fucking cannon.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Hey, notice something, please, for a second. It's not a giant gun, Cameron. It's not a giant gun. It is a giant gun. Look at the arm. You can't shrink arms. Why do you think it's a giant gun? It just says a gun. It's a giant gun, Cameron! It's not a giant gun! It is a giant gun! Look at the- It's not! You can't- Why do you think it's a giant gun? You can make a giant gun!
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's a regular gun! Have you ever seen a person that small? Alright, we should move on. I don't think we're gonna find a- No! Absolutely not! I don't know if we're gonna find a resolution here. You can make it- No, shut the fuck up. You can make a big gun. You can make it. No, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:18:06 You can make a big gun. You can't make a small person. It's not a small person. The gun just has an arm. No. It just has arms. Oh my God, Cameron, listen. If that's a giant gun, then that's a giant sword. It's not a giant gun.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Cameron, you're right about the gun with the sword winning, but you're wrong with the fucking small person thing. The gun with the sword does not win, David. You don't anything about guns you're canadian you're scared of them small person i'm not wrong i'm right cameron also do you know what babies are are you familiar do you think a baby has a fucking arm smaller than a thinga a midget baby, maybe. Alright. No, I don't even fu- I don't- I hope you all enjoyed Cameron's last appearance on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Okay, okay. No, no, no, hang on. Before we get- Never mind. Who cares? No, no, no, no, no, no. I'm making a video essay on this. Everyone needs to understand.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Everyone needs to fucking understand that a sword with a gun would beat a fucking gun with a sword. Can we just have the comments pick sides? Can you pick sides? No, the comments are morons. I don't fucking care what they say. He's gonna be wrong. I'm smart.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Look at my fucking brain holy shit speaking of what Avery just said has gaining popularity in the media made you realize anything about yourself that you like or dislike we should say who's asking the questions by the way at turbo button
Starting point is 00:19:39 at turbo underscore button ask the sword of the gun gun with the sword question thanks asshole thanks you fucking life ruiner you ruined our fucking podcast over see you guys later Kyle you who is
Starting point is 00:19:56 what I was just asking Khalid's question at Khalid has gaining popularity in the media made you realize anything about yourself that you either like or dislike which i don't think is a very good question because well that i wouldn't say made me realize anything um has it really made me realize much most of the things i kind of i kind of figured i already knew i i didn't i don't really like i don't i already knew i don't
Starting point is 00:20:23 really like being the center of attention which is a big reason why I mostly avoid being in the fan server. It's why I'm in voice rarely there, because I don't enjoy being the center of attention. I don't know. Not really. None of us are famous except for Cameron. Cameron, what's it like being famous? Yeah, what is it like being famous? What is it like being famous? It's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:20:48 You like being the center of attention? Yeah, no, dude, it's great. 20 people outside my house right now. They're all taking photos of me. Strike a pose. You're never lonely. Yeah, right? Strike a pose. They don't talk to me
Starting point is 00:21:06 I think we should answer the question Cameron brought up a little bit ago that was from at Zane tweet that says favorite game genres I don't really have one go ahead JRPGs
Starting point is 00:21:21 of course I'd probably say i don't know rpgs are like my favorite games are usually rpgs but it takes me a while to get into them so like i'd say they're my favorite genre when it's like a good rpg but like if if it's if it doesn't grip me like it's I don't know I I find myself most attracted to just competitive games if there's a ranking
Starting point is 00:21:53 then I can probably if there's a ranking I think I can be half decent at it if Kyle can ruin the game for all of his friends to win that's Kyle's game I don't want to play PUBG with him anymore Kyle needs to fucking win. He needs to break top 100 billion PUBG North America, David. I fucking hate playing with you.
Starting point is 00:22:11 You're so mean to me. You fucking yell at me. It's like we're just having a good old time and I'm talking. You're like, shut the fuck up. I think you're mistaking me with Tachi. You're all the same. You're the same as Tachi, Kyle. You play that game the same way.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I play seriously, but I don't scream at people. You're right, you don't scream. You're both incredibly passive-aggressive. Extremely, yes. Okay, so this next question is from atthesaltymoth. This is for everyone and may have already been asked, but who is your inspiration for creating?
Starting point is 00:22:44 If you have oneid david me yeah uh mine's cameron oh wait did you answer your answer was me yeah wow that's extremely sad i barely create anymore yeah well actually that's not true I just don't release anything. That is true. I'm aware. Yeah. My, I mean, Kyle?
Starting point is 00:23:14 Fuck, what question? What? I was reading other questions. The fucking, who is your, what is your fucking who is your inspiration for creating for creating I don't create I know that's why I asked you so Cameron
Starting point is 00:23:32 Kyle's a consumer I don't know you should probably explain that you're a film student oh yeah I'm a film student for context yeah I'm a film student well I've made a few films but like they're short shitty films student oh yeah i'm a film this question for context yeah yeah i'm a film student so i i i well i've made a few films but like they're short shitty films uh but my i don't know if i have like
Starting point is 00:23:51 a one inspiration i guess i've just like watched a lot of movies and like i know i guess i don't have a person who's my inspiration but like more the idea of storytelling is kind of what inspires me to to make things because i feel like it's the i don't know it's a format where you can express ideas and stuff what if okay what if we change the question instead of who inspires you like who is the most influential to you and your creations because like everybody has a billion inspirations yeah for sure so i'll just start off by saying i don't really have a desire to create like any sort of content and which and it kind of baffles me like how many people want to get into youtube and i'm like i don't know it's not just youtube creating anything well yeah but like when i see like well i mean Creating movies is something I can get behind. If I wanted to create one thing, it'd be music.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Well, before the advent of Twitch, what a lot of people... A lot of people got into YouTube because what they wanted to do was they wanted to play video games and make money from it. Yeah. They didn't really...
Starting point is 00:24:59 I mean, this might be just me projecting, but they didn't want to create anything they wanted to play video games and get paid for it effectively exactly um but now you can see that in the low effort content that's on youtube like everywhere yeah absolutely it's everywhere a lot of people don't a lot of people don't want to get into youtube because they have that drive to create they want to get into youtube because they want, uh, what they would consider to be like easy money or what they were fucking fame. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:28 the ones who internet fame, okay. The ones who have a real drive to create either create without trying to make it their full job or make money off of it. Or they just have the high quality videos, the ones that they really put their effort into. Yeah. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:25:43 For me, uh, they really put their effort into yeah for me uh my influences are like mostly because i make electronic music for those who are unaware soundcloud at soundcloud anyways that does not help anyone david saw it sir meow uh i'm mostly inspired i'm i'm inspired by so many artists but honestly my biggest inspiration is probably like uh porter robinson sakura burst fucking oh my god i have so many kid kid i really love kid kid is like out there right now varian is really good too everybody go listen
Starting point is 00:26:28 to varian anyways you don't have to yes no you do i kind of already said my thing is like i know just storytelling like uh the fact that you can i don't know it's just like you can put ideas out there edgar wr Wright the other day was he like a massive inspiration for you or am I completely making that up I mean I like him a lot I wouldn't say he's my favorite director but yeah I like him a lot
Starting point is 00:26:55 sorry Edgar at the history pickle wait wait Avery first oh I mean like the obvious one is my style is influenced by like zero punctuation Yahtzee. And that's I mean, that's mostly just that's mostly comes down to the fact that I've been watching him for so long. Like I've been watching him since I was 12 years old and he's just was a big influence on my sense of humor itself. So I guess that I don't think he was the biggest influence on my sense of humor I think the biggest influence on my sense of humor would be someone like Mike Rabiglia or like Bo Burnham or someone
Starting point is 00:27:34 but yeah I guess for videos I would say probably like Yahtzee Kroshaw or Mike Rabiglia but like can I go off that like why did you decide that you wanted to start making YouTube videos in particular like uh oh um I don't really know it was it happened I I what happened is that what you asked it just happened oh it just happened oh uh i i i decided i liked the creative freedom of it i mean like when i was a fucking young the one i was a dumb piece of shit young fuck it was because i wanted to i wanted to make i wanted to make money for playing video games like if if if twitch if twitch had been like a thing back then i absolutely would have tried to be a streamer because i just wanted to play video games and make money i didn't really i was like no i do it
Starting point is 00:28:29 because i love it you didn't have at that time i absolutely didn't time at what sorry you didn't have a creative drive no not i mean i did i not that i didn't have a creative drive i didn't have a creative drive for youtube i had a creative drive for other things i've always yeah because weren't you always really into writing so like i've always been very into script writing yeah that's that's what made me decide to start scripting my videos because i love writing i write comedy stuff all the time like even when it's not for videos at pestering pickle asks what's no transition do you need a fucking transition? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:29:06 This is the transition. Speaking of blah, blah, blah, Pestering Pickle asks, what would you say each of your favorite game is? No list, no ties, just a top game that each of you have ever played. I don't know. That's really hard.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Sly 2. Sly 2? Really? If we're going really hard. Sly 2. Sly 2? Really? If we're going off nostalgia, Sly 2. Nostalgia totally counts. You can totally consider nostalgia. Final Fantasy 9. Cameron? Probably The Witcher 3. Honestly, I really love that game.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Oh man, the fucking nostalgia, dude. Whoa, dude. I played The Witcher 2 before The Witcher 3 was announced. Thank you. Halo 3 for me. I think Halo 3. I lost so much of my life to Halo 3's
Starting point is 00:29:54 multiplayer. I got so fucking fat. It was great. I've got a lot of nostalgia for like Halo Reach and stuff like that. See, I have that for 3. I've talked to Chandler. He has that for three like i've talked to chandler has that for halo reach because like that's the that was the one he played yes um i fucking lost my fucking life halo 3 though oh funny thing i made a really popular map in halo reach i made a really really
Starting point is 00:30:19 popular custom games map oh right i remember that you told me yeah it was like there's a fucking video of roosterteeth playing on it with c nanners like it's bizarre yeah it's uh it's called tornado arena i don't know if they're coming on the podcast then awesome actually next time brace yourselves boys burn those bridges i actually just called i just called them they're on in a couple minutes all right great backstage okay so can i another question me yes okay go ahead go for it about 23 koalas on reddit asks david do you feel that your other co-hosts are racist against canadians yes moving on okay so speaking of the subreddit and david and canadians on reddit asked what are your thoughts on goblins i know one of these pretty awful i think they are neat and great okay well i think goblin is
Starting point is 00:31:20 probably my favorite word if i'm honest i think goblin is fucking hilarious goblin is probably my favorite word, if I'm honest. I think goblin is a fucking hilarious word. Goblin is really fun to say, too. It's a fucking, such a fun word to say. Very nice. That's all I wanted to say. Oh, fuck. I just got... Wait, I had one. Give me a second.
Starting point is 00:31:34 At AnimorexYT, I don't know how to say your name, sorry. What? How did you guys come up with the idea and name for the podcast? I don't know this, sir. You guys. Oh, I just thought it was a funny name for the podcast i don't know this sir you guys no i just thought it was a funny name for a podcast yeah okay so the podcast was supposed to come out like months ago like in fucking december actually uh yeah actually i've been wanting to do i've been
Starting point is 00:31:57 planning on like starting a podcast since i made the recore review if you go to the pinned comment on the recore review you can see me like talking about it but yeah i i just i just i just like remember i was thinking because i just started working with you on videos and like you were really like you really wanted me to be like part of not part of your videos but like uh i think it was timefall 2 when i did the glitches and all that stuff oh yeah yeah yeah and you were involving me way more and i was like maybe i could tell him like if you want to do a podcast i'll be i'll help you like edit it and mix it and you were really down and that's when i met kyle actually oh oh yeah that same night fancy boy
Starting point is 00:32:47 no um that's pretty much it it's not really super interesting I mean why'd you decide to make a podcast I've wanted to make a podcast for a very long time even before I was like like I've actually wanted to make podcasting has just
Starting point is 00:33:04 always seemed really fun to me I don't know just it's the ideaing has just always seemed really fun to me i don't know just it's the idea of it is always been really appealing to me i listen to a fuck ton of podcasts or i used to i don't listen to very many anymore oh not same i i don't i mean i still listen to some like there are a few podcasts that i listen to like religiously like i religiously listen to um uh the weekly planet still and i still listen to like a lot of the podcasts that sans pants radio does yes and listen to schmucks sans pants is very good sans pants follows me on twitter hey sans pants no yeah i love sans pants all those guys are great yeah but yeah
Starting point is 00:33:45 I just always I listen to a lot of podcasts I thought it would be something that I would enjoy doing so I did I wanted to do it and are you enjoying doing it next question
Starting point is 00:33:58 who's your favorite I got one Vickle Media on the subreddit asks Shammy tell us about your life as a theater student, short-lived
Starting point is 00:34:07 though it may be. I went to college not because I wanted to go to college, but because my parents really wanted me to go to college. So I decided to if I was going to go to college, I would get a degree in something that actually interested me
Starting point is 00:34:22 and that was performance, because I've always been very interested in performance. And so I, but he hates the limelight. It's, I don't, it's not that I hate the limelight. I really enjoy performing.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I just hate being the center of attention. It's yeah, that doesn't make sense. You're right. But, but, but I realized very early on that i did not really get along with the other theater students very well in the sense that theater students
Starting point is 00:34:55 specifically the performance specifically acting majors in college are insane they're crazy people they're snobby and or completely fucking crazy egotistical oh yeah absolutely there's everyone has a everyone has an ego problem including you yes absolutely uh me worst of all every i don't know i i just didn't i just didn't get along with any of the people there i was miserable i had finished all of my acting training which is what my major was i finished all of my acting training uh halfway through my sophomore year and the rest of my time at college would just be spent doing bullshit classes that don't actually like have anything to do with my major so i just decided that i and i was fucking i was just miserable like college just wasn't the place for me i had no i had one friend i had jake jake is my jake was my friend in college but that was
Starting point is 00:35:57 pretty much it and so i dropped out shut the fuck up, dog. Oh my god. Hey guys, can we call PETA? Like, Christ. At MemoJ67 asks, In a single player game, what is more important for you? Story, characters, lore, or good mechanics? Good mechanics come first. Story.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Good mechanics come first. Good mechanics come first. Story comes second. If the gameplay doesn't feel good to play continuously, I'm not going to play continuously. I think mechanics comes first. Story and characters come second. And lore is last for me. I don't think you can really be saved on good lore if everything else sucks.
Starting point is 00:36:42 If your single player game is really good, your mechanics and your story will tie together yeah that is actually that is very very true if you really i mean that's not even if your single player game is good that's if your single player game is excellent then those two things will tie together because like storytelling through mechanics is incredibly incredibly fucking difficult and it's also the reason why storytelling in games is like really good like yeah it's it's how you get people involved in your story like an entire fucking i don't we we can if we go down this like conversation path we're going to be talking about it for like 20 minutes cameron i feel yeah we should probably just move on yeah yeah yeah i didn't even say anything you didn't even do you want to say
Starting point is 00:37:25 you go ahead go ahead david i think that if his story is good enough i can excuse bagel boy 60 no it's okay no go ahead go ahead if your story is good enough it can carry past mechanics are you talking about walking simulators i don't like that term but i'll talk about that in a video at some point no i'm more talking about walking simulators i don't like that term but i'll talk about that in a video at some point no i'm more talking about like if the story is really good but the mechanics are okay i can excuse it i but the thing is the story the mechanics are terrible oh terrible and it's not really enjoyable like if if it is the only thing that is really good it's not enjoyable what are you talking about let's not necessarily i can enjoy a bad story with it i can if a game has a really
Starting point is 00:38:11 fucking terrible story but the mechanics are really really fun it's still an enjoyable experience i guess i don't know doom is a bad example but doom doesn't have a story and like but the mechanics are technically does oh yeah Yeah, it does, but like you know what I'm saying good like it's not I know I know what you mean I know you mean it's not a good story. Yeah like spic ups the lines got great mechanics and a shitty story That's the joke I really like that game don't hurt me Avery. Avery, what's the question you really wanted to talk about? I just read the first name I saw. I don't actually want to read that question. No, I mean the one that you said you wanted to spend the most.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It was the fucking gun knife. It was the gun sword question. It was? Really? Yeah, it was. That's the only question I cared about this entire time. And you fucking opened with it. Oh, shit. My bad. jwalker554 on reddit asks what's everyone yeah what's everyone's best way to deal with the creative block also do any of you guys use the word rad often yes i do i use i think i didn't work out a while but i did no all right i don't usually use red rad Cameron is way too rad
Starting point is 00:39:26 we're the rad lads though you know what I'm saying that's the only time I say rad I'm referencing the rad lads talk about the rad lads so the question about creative blocks David do you have one I take a shower
Starting point is 00:39:41 I take a cold shower or I just stop for 10 minutes or more. Just close it, go do something else, come back. There you go. My advice when dealing with creative blocks is to pivot, take a break, and try and make something completely fucking different from what you usually do.
Starting point is 00:40:03 I have been having a lot of really, really, really bad creative blocks working on the review that I'm currently working on, but it's finally almost, the fucking script is so close to being done. I'm so excited. But that's the reason I made that E3 video, which was a fucking nightmare to make by the way to organize that shit was miserable sorry I'm burping but uh the reason I made that E3 video was one because I thought it was a funny idea and two because it was so so different than anything else I had ever made on my channel before that it really really helped me get past a really fucking terrible creative block I was having working on
Starting point is 00:40:48 both this review and another project I'm doing outside of YouTube and yeah that's my advice, do something completely fucking different I don't have an answer for creator's block because when it's
Starting point is 00:41:04 happened to me I just like stare at the page for like 20 minutes and I'm thinking I'm going to die yeah atjack underscore odette asked what is the most slept on game in the market right now yep okay I think for multiplayer
Starting point is 00:41:20 we all have the same answer but it's not slept on anymore I mean it's still anymore yeah i mean it's still kind of slept on it's got mostly positive reviews on steam yeah fair enough i mean like it has an actual player base now like when we were fucking playing it steam and like yeah once it finally got a non-windows 10 release and i mean like the steam release is still on the arc launcher which sucks but yeah i fucking love giganticantic. Gigantic is a fantastic game. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:41:47 If we're talking single... But you can't play if you have only 4 gigabytes of RAM. It's dumb. Yo, it's... It's a bad game. Bad game mechanics. Oh my fucking god. The fucking...
Starting point is 00:41:57 Don't read the reviews for Gigantic on Steam. All the fucking negative reviews are people complaining about the fact that they can't play without six gigs of RAM fair warning if you try if you if you do choose to try to get it gigantic as we recommend it just ignore the tutorial like you have to play the tutorial yeah no play it but like don't let it be your first impression of the game because it what does that mean it was super confusing and like not very good. I mean, the problem with Gigantic... It's not the same tutorial anymore, though. It's not the same tutorial?
Starting point is 00:42:30 No, it's not. Also, the thing about Gigantic is it's really fucking hard to make a streamlined tutorial for that game because it is so complex and so much different than everything else. You can't really rely on people's
Starting point is 00:42:46 like base understanding of other games to explain it is incredibly difficult to explain what gigantic is you have to play but it is a fucking fantastic game and if you know anything about that game's development history it is impossible to not fucking love motiga oh yeah fucking love that um pc gamer article i think it was yeah that was fucking about easy like reading it yeah it's it's i'll link it we'll link it yeah it'll link it it'll be linked in the description it is an amazing read i fucking love motiga i fucking love gigantic if we're talking about single player games yeah single player games chrono cross for me i'm a PS1 nerd.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yes. I have not heard anything about Chrono Cross. I just know that it exists. It's amazing. It's that slept on. I think it's amazing. I think it has one of the best combat systems in any turn-based RPG. I think the music is...
Starting point is 00:43:42 Oh my god. And just... The story? Boy. Okay. So David, when does your review series start where you just make guttural noises for 20 minutes? Guys, my genuine review
Starting point is 00:43:58 and a genuine review of Chrono Cross is coming soon on my channel. Fucking hate you. On my channel, Bami TV. Bami TV. Bami TV. Bami? It's slash Bami TV.
Starting point is 00:44:14 There you go. Now you know how to find it. I don't know if I have a single player game that I think is really slept on. I do. I've talked about it several times. Oxenfree. Oxenfree is phenomenal. Oxenfree is a fan fucking tastic game yeah i bought it during the summer sale still haven't played it you really should it's so fucking good oxen free is like one of the only games i've ever played whose story is improved by the fact that it is a video game it is such a fucking good game it's it's uh it's sort of uh like a telltale fucking walk around like do a story that doesn't sound like
Starting point is 00:44:55 no no no i know i'm not really selling it bad elevator i know no i know i'm not i'm not elevator pitching i'm like but like the thing is, Oxenfree genuinely fucking branches. It really fucking branches. And the way it's written and the way it's presented and the story and the characters and the amount of fucking options it gives you, it's fucking great. And the story itself is super fun.
Starting point is 00:45:23 It's fun and it's fun and it's like they're it's emotional and it's fucking good and there's some cringy ass really fucking clearly not real dialogue in it but i can completely get past it because everything else about it is so fucking good also the music is great i love oxen free i fucking love that game go ahead cameron uh not really i don't really have i don't finish enough single player games at the moment to like add one that's like yeah i just slept on yeah no leaderboards what am i gonna do leaderboards no i can't compete against myself that's can't yell at anyone he can't blame someone when he dies what the fuck you can just start speed running dude i mean i know i know speak up the line isn't like slept on because
Starting point is 00:46:10 it got a really good critical like stuff but just like i know it didn't sell a lot of copies when it first launched and stuff like that so i guess i mean i don't know i don't really know that many games that i've played which i thought were really good that have been like nobody's played them yeah speak of like a game plan at B underscore mask underscore asks I'll be mask my boy or of your indefinitely stalled in an indefinitely stalled elevator who kills David first me I think yeah I was gonna say probably me but yeah i was gonna say david really it'd be me or david i'm not even annoying david that sounded mean but like you fucking but like goblin face gremlin ass motherfucker you are wow lovable but so annoying sometimes okay but in an elevator i think wait everyone would be annoyed
Starting point is 00:47:06 with each other i have a story about elevators go ahead that's not for this podcast no go ahead go ahead okay how dare you kyle there was one time where i was stuck it was a day where i i got stuck in an elevator twice for three hours each and it was six hours in total and i remember wait in the same day yes twice in the same elevator going to go back in why did you go back in because they said they fixed it and it was the only one trusted i'd be using the stairs for a while go up they didn't have the stairs were what that's not up to to code. That is not up to code. We're using it for something. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Anyways, I was stuck in there and we were like nine people in a small elevator for three hours. And I just remember like the woman like called and she was like, is everyone okay? How many are there? And we were like, we're nine.
Starting point is 00:48:04 And she was okay. We're coming. are there and we were like we're nine and she was okay we're coming and then like an hour 30 passes or whatever and she calls back and like a random guy answers and he's like yeah we're eight now that's pretty good and the the fucking lady started freaking out because they they were really slow with like opening the fucking door. The fucking elevator didn't even move. Like it just the doors won't open. That was it.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Anyways. Wait, really? And it took them three hours to just open the fucking door? Yes. Because they just weren't. I don't know. It was just a really bad day, honestly. It was a funny day, though.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I made a friend in there. At Propopsy asks, should esports be considered a sport? Why and why not? Several questions. No, because it's not a sport, dummy. David, are you playing a Dota 2 tournament?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Are you going to DreamHack you play a league of legends yes yes you sweat when you play i play against the sweatiest teams, dude. That's disgusting. Do you sweat when you play Overwatch? No. Kyle does. Kyle absolutely does. Are you kidding? Kyle turns into fucking Aquaman when he plays that game. It's only fun if you sweat, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:35 Let me tell you something. Kyle always needs his gamer towel with him. Speaking of which, you can order a gamer PSd shut up yes i don't i don't i don't know about like same thing as like fucking regular sports but i think it's a very i think it's a legitimate form of competition i casually follow i'm almost offended by the question honestly i i casually follow like pretty much every major esport and for some fucking reason I follow this fucking smite esports incredibly closely and I don't know why. I love
Starting point is 00:50:10 the fuck out of esports so much and to the point where in my life it's one of my dreams is to become like an esports coach. That would be amazing. It's a shame you are not good enough at any game to do that. Yeah, I know. Yeah, I know. I think but like shame you are not good enough at any game to do that yeah i know yeah i know yeah i i think it should be uh i mean maybe not in the same but like i think it should be shown on tv and shit
Starting point is 00:50:33 like that like alongside on espn and stuff like that i don't think you should it should be excluded from these things just because of like i mean remember when they weren't thinking like fucking skateboarding and shit wasn't a sport and stuff like that like yes and it's kind of just the same thing i think it should be treated as a sport i don't know what exactly it means by saying considered a sport like as far as like exact definitions go but should it be treated like a sport? Absolutely. I would agree with that. Yeah. At BioCarp at Bio underscore Carp asked Mississippian here and seeing at ShammyTV
Starting point is 00:51:12 is from Texas. What is the most best slash worst thing about the South? Best thing about the South Mexican food. Worst thing about the South Mexicans. Worst thing about the South is the heat.'s the fucking heat i hate the heat i'm not a heat boy oh god okay jeez who wants to try and recover the podcast from that life is strange prequel thoughts also thoughts on prequels putting characters in mortal danger when you know they're alive in the sequel i find prequels i i don't know i i if it's good if it's a good enough prequel i can lose myself in it like to an extent but what if the character dies what comes back again as an angel
Starting point is 00:51:58 i personally about the south is that david may be here someday i think i yeah go ahead okay i think when doing prequels you shouldn't focus on the character that you focus on in the original i feel like it's way more interesting if you go for characters which you don't know but have an effect on the next movie so it gives you more insight while also telling an original story but that's just as for the as for the like how do you feel about putting the main character in danger when you know they're alive i'm a type of person who hates predictableness in like a lot of things especially movies and like if i'm just like well obviously he doesn't
Starting point is 00:52:40 die then it's just like it's false stress and it just doesn't work and I dislike it says the most predictable person in the podcast specifically about specifically about the okay uh alright specifically about the life is strange people though I don't know how it's gonna work
Starting point is 00:52:59 they're gonna have to change their game mechanics I mean I didn't play through the the first one I got up to a point of the first episode and just switched it off because i was like uh but yeah i don't think it's gonna work but i hope it does no i i the fucking thoughts on the life is strange prequel i hope it's good i hope it's good don't not seem like good people I don't like ripping into I actually don't like I mean
Starting point is 00:53:28 it was kind of cathartic to tear into Life is Strange after hearing so much good shit about it but I think I was unfair to Life is Strange to an extent just because I was so sick of hearing so many amazing things about it when I didn't think it was that good but I hope that the Life is Strange prequel is good
Starting point is 00:53:45 I probably won't be reviewing it because the anti Life is Strange circle jerk is honestly almost as obnoxious at this point as the Life is Strange preys but I mean I didn't like the game
Starting point is 00:54:01 I might play the prequel I don't know I hope it's good. At 8BitC**t asks, your guys' thoughts on coffee? Ooh, we're gonna have to censor that. That's a naughty word. Oh, shit. What happened?
Starting point is 00:54:16 I was not listening to the question at all. At 8BitC**t asks... Oh, can you stop saying that word? That's my f**ing c*** word. F***, I'm gonna have to censor that too. Stop saying it. Now Cameron's allowed to say it. But I'm not, so just kick me out the podcast.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Your guys' thoughts on coffee. I love coffee. I drink it way too much. I'm addicted. Avery's addicted. I have a problem. He has an absolute issue, yeah i love coffee like take it black man like fuck yeah dude yeah i take it black kyle what was it that because i said like a sentence
Starting point is 00:54:55 to you one time that like made you genuinely concerned about my health in regards to coffee i was like man i'm kind of like fucking dead today and you're like why don't you drink some coffee and i was like i've had six cups and you're like it is noon yeah exactly like yeah when it's a few hours into you waking up and you're like my head's starting to hurt and i'm like oh my god it's 9 a.m yeah no i i am i am very very addicted to coffee I dislike coffee and maybe a large part of that comes from how addicted Avery is I understand why people like it a lot and then it gives the energy but my perspective is just like if you don't use it
Starting point is 00:55:35 you won't get used to having it and therefore you'll just get it done other ways I drink it because I love the taste I do too I fucking love the way black coffee tastes. Good coffee. Pick a side. Good black coffee is so good.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Black coffee is so amazing. Cameron, which side are you on? The adult side or the child side? Hey, you know those middle of the road people? Cameron's a fucking claimer of a person. Cameron, you know what? Your new name on this podcast is half and half no no no
Starting point is 00:56:06 legitimately though I'm a very occasional drinker of coffee I like the taste and stuff I just don't drink it a lot I just once in a while I'll be like I feel like coffee and then I have one and then that's it having a coffee machine at work just this dude I just drink coffee
Starting point is 00:56:23 all the time and it's good coffee too oh hell yeah question for all of you at daydraic d-a-e-d-r-a-e-c q for all of you what is the dumbest thing you've done i was hoping we wouldn't touch that one not because I have a bad story, but just because I said none. Yeah. None that we can tell. I don't know why. Some of us have ones that we found out after the fact we couldn't tell. I mean, I tell all mine on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:56:55 This sounds very specific and targeted towards someone on this podcast, and I wonder who it is. Anyways. I don't know. I don't think I have something like When people ask us like What's your biggest like fuck up What's your dumbest moment
Starting point is 00:57:09 I can't ever think of like What was his name What was his name Oh I don't Daedric Whoa Back off my boy Daedric No but you're the one who spelled out his name
Starting point is 00:57:26 As if you couldn't fucking pronounce it He said he had a dumb question What are you fucking talking about Cameron Guess what Daydrake You're not the stupidest person here Cameron is Okay wait wait Weeg9797
Starting point is 00:57:42 Asked what are your most anticipated games of 2017 slash 2018? Uh, okay, I'll start. Probably, Cell's Battlefront 2 and A Way Out would be my two. I've got a reason behind
Starting point is 00:57:58 Battlefront 2. Didn't we answer that in E3? Did we? Maybe. I don't know. Well, anyway. Kinda. Maybe. Anyway, Battlefront. Well, anyway. Kind of. Maybe. Anyway, Battlefront 2, because the writer for it is the writer of Spec Ops Alliance, so I kind of respect. Oh, is it?
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah. We're co-writing with another dude. Okay, the thing about that, though, is the reason Spec Ops Alliance was so good is because it was the writer with no limitations. Yeah, I know. I don't think EA is going to be that generous. But I don't think EA or Disney are going to be that generous. Could you imagine Disney greenlighting something as fucking dark as Spec Ops the Line?
Starting point is 00:58:41 Well, have you seen their 1920s comic uh animated series for the war yeah okay i think that was a different time kyle do you are you familiar with no shit about the war let's not let's not talk about it okay disney family friendly they made that they made they made they made Donald Duck a Nazi did you not Walt Disney Walt Disney was an anti-semite during the whole thing he was just like hi Hitler hi Hitler yep whoa yeah yeah and he did the fucking yep mine would oh I have an answer for those questions do you already have lawbreakers is good
Starting point is 00:59:30 lawbreakers and destiny there you go I don't really have one I don't even know what's coming out I don't even know what's coming out in 2017 I don't like to think about the stuff I saw at E3 it's a good thing it's not my job Kyle
Starting point is 00:59:44 I thought you were excited for destiny what are you talking about I am but I don't know to think about the stuff I saw at E3. It's a good thing. It's not my job. Kyle. Okay. I thought you were excited for Destiny. What are you talking about? I am, but I don't know if that's like my most... Like, okay, Wolfen... The new Wolfenstein game. Oh, yeah. Wolfenstein, the new Colossus is probably going to be excellent.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I don't know if that's 2017 or 2018. That's 2017. It's 2017. Then that's probably up there. Two months. No, the new Colossus, I'm very excited about that. I love the new order. A Way Out, I really want to see how it goes.
Starting point is 01:00:07 I think A Way Out is going to either be really fucking good or a big missed opportunity. I'm putting my money on really good. I think it's going to be good. My most anticipated game of 2017 is Ark Survival Evolved. Shut the fuck up. Because it's releasing, guys. Never forget.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Isn't it already released? No, it's at Blizzick 36. Where did you all get your names? A minute ago that I had a question. Shut the fuck up, Cameron. My parents as well.
Starting point is 01:00:47 What? Kyle's is gypsy curse gypsy curse that was yeah what do you think happens when you adopt a child what question is happening what is happening at blizzx36 asks where did you all get your names that was the question Let's answer the question. Fucking where did we get our fucking online handles? I'm not answering mine. Why not?
Starting point is 01:01:13 Yeah, the reason I didn't bring that up is because I figured Avery didn't want to answer. It's a mystery. I like it being a mystery. I'll say mine. It's not the towel for the record. It's not fucking Shamwows. Shit! There goes my life. Life ruined. I'll say mine it's not the towel for the record it's not fucking Shamwows shit am I the only one here who knows besides Avery
Starting point is 01:01:31 I think you are that's awesome well I'll say mine which is Sir Zulu I went through a lot of horrible names as we discussed earlier and I decided I really wanted a name that's T earlier, and I decided I really wanted a name that's... TX Bag X?
Starting point is 01:01:48 I said I really wanted a name that I could just stick with, and when I was younger, I had a green and pink stuffed animal zebra that I was attached to for my infancy, and his name was Zulu. And looking in my closet one day while trying to figure out a new name, I saw him, thought of Zulu, and I'm like, Zulu is an awesome name, but it's always taken.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So then I threw Sir in front of it, and it's a lot less taken. I used to have a shitty gamertag on Xbox Life called Studied Statue, then I changed it to PB Badger, then Casual Badger, and then I was like, I don't like either of these, and so I tried to change it to Super Sneaky Sheep, but it was too long for Xbox, and then I was like, oh, okay, and then i got rid of the the why and here we are today uh for me it's uh i i like cats
Starting point is 01:02:54 okay well i like cats i think this is going to be okay okay sorry go ahead no i just like cats dude just like cats in your search everybody just send me cats on twitter again okay so this is the uh this is going to be the last question this is the one we're closing on it is at talon mg asked what's something you each have an unnecessarily strong opinion about i know anyone anyone who knows me knows my two big ones i want to say one of them i want to say go ahead go ahead go ahead y'all is a proper contraction of you all that's how you sound fuck you is it how i sound because it is a fucking proper contraction of you all y'all y'all is a proper contraction of you all it is if you are against people saying y'all listen shut the fuck up
Starting point is 01:03:47 no David you get so angry you anger yourself and then you David you start talking you are not letting me
Starting point is 01:03:53 fucking talk on my fucking podcast oh my god can can we can we turn his voice into a small Japanese boy
Starting point is 01:04:03 for that I'm not doing that I thought it was our podcast listen all I'm saying is if you are against y'all as a contraction you should not say
Starting point is 01:04:20 can't, isn't, it's, don't doesn't, haven't he he's she's weave weed any of those cheese you can't prove that i was speaking japanese he said weed at one point i heard weed w e apostrophe d get your mind out of the fucking gutter boys get your mind out of the devil. The other one is that Fahrenheit is a more useful temperature than Celsius in 99% of cases.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Apart from cooking. Or science. And science. Science doesn't use fucking Celsius, Cameron. They use Kelvin. How many degrees off Celsius is that again i forget it's 273 it's still a different fucking measurement it's not celsius you
Starting point is 01:05:12 cunt it's my fucking degree that's pretty much it i just have incredibly strong opinions about those two things oh yeah i like that no one will even start the discussion because they don't want me to yell about it yeah i've heard it i've heard everything because it's when you start you make yourself angry by talking about it no i make myself angry because people make the same stupid fucking arguments every single time. No, because the exact same fucking argument every single fucking time and no one has a different fucking
Starting point is 01:05:50 argument. It's like, but water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Look, he's dropping it. See what you did, David? It's so easy. Is it so fucking hard to remember 32 degrees? Is it so fucking hard to remember that? See it so fucking hard to remember that you did david
Starting point is 01:06:07 because listen oh my god no when you fucking boil water you do not measure the fucking fire to be a hundred degrees celsius you just fucking put the water on top of the fire and it boils it doesn't fucking matter what temperature it is it doesn't matter what matters is that zero degrees is with zero degrees Celsius to nuts fucking zero degrees Fahrenheit to a hundred degrees Fahrenheit is a survivable human fucking range when you are measuring relative to the human body which is when you're measuring temperature outside you should be measuring by the survivable human range not by the boiling temperature of fucking water
Starting point is 01:06:47 That's all I wanted to say. Yeah, but like I was brought up using Celsius. Oh my god. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, okay. If you were brought up using Celsius Celsius is still like stop I'm not falling to Fahrenheit I know Does not make sense. I'm not saying you should switch to Fahrenheit. It's like mine. I know. Switching to Fahrenheit does not make sense. I'm not saying you should switch to Fahrenheit. I'm just saying Fahrenheit is better
Starting point is 01:07:08 than Celsius for general use. Objectively, Fahrenheit is a stronger measuring system than Celsius. Okay. The human body.
Starting point is 01:07:17 David, what do you have stupid opinions about? Which is what you fucking measure for 99% of the time. I don't know what I have opinions about.
Starting point is 01:07:23 I probably do, but I don't remember them. Sorry, Cameron. When you fucking thought something, were you like, man, if I was an ice cube, I would be melting right now. At 40 degrees. Fuck off. Because when I get angry about something, I forget about
Starting point is 01:07:38 it quickly because I'm a happy person. That is not true. Really? What am I mad about? Not not mad you're just sad what am i sad about your name on the fucking server is sadman yeah but why how did i get that it just because you're sad boy am i a sad boy i'm not very sad hey youtube comments am i sad no i'm not i have like too many things that i probably have really unnecessarily strong opinions about to remember right now and i'm gonna remember like six of them as soon as we stop recording guaranteed uh probably kyle you have unnecessarily strong
Starting point is 01:08:19 opinions about following the meta in video games? No. Yes, you do. I wouldn't even call that a necessarily strong opinion. I'm talking, like, more ridiculous. Like, I only wear my socks on Tuesdays. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:08:35 I don't think I have any. I'm gonna be honest. I feel like all my opinions are justified and I'm right in all senses. Wow. Yeah, I agree with that guy. I mean, you think New Zealand is a real place. Yeah, I...
Starting point is 01:08:49 Okay. All right. Well, I don't like it when I'm being called an Australian or... Actually, I don't like it when David mocks my accent. Because David turns into Oliver Twist. That's not necessarily, though. That's, like, very warranted. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:04 That's what I'm saying. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. Exactly. That's what I'm saying. I mean, that's significantly better than what you tried earlier. You did a fucking Chinese accent earlier. Crikey's not even New Zealand. That's fucking Australian. That's not even...
Starting point is 01:09:21 That's fucking Australian. Alright, everybody. I think that's fucking all right everybody I think that's it I think we're done I think we should go ahead and plug our
Starting point is 01:09:28 shit we've been going for a while yeah I just want to say that next week from Friday to Sunday I'm
Starting point is 01:09:37 going to be at Otakuthon in Montreal so if you see me come come say hi to me also oh we're probably going to be switching to bi-week before that oh we're probably going to be switching to bi-weekly
Starting point is 01:09:46 probably yes we're probably going to be switching the podcast to a bi-weekly format because it just it's it makes more sense that way it makes more sense for all of us for if it it is bi-weekly so yep there will probably not be an episode next week and but the week afterward and then from then on we will be starting a play series-weekly but we will be starting a let's play series next week starting with Minecraft don't say that don't say that people will think it's real and then they're gonna be like
Starting point is 01:10:14 we're starting a Minecraft server how? Cameron have you seen YouTube? are you familiar? I mean we might we might have some bonus videos we can throw in on our off weeks. Don't fucking say anything.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Everyone is promising things without... I said might. Might is a promise on YouTube. Okay, everyone plug your shit before you promise something else. Promise weekly reviews. Well... What's that? You promise weekly reviews?
Starting point is 01:10:46 Turn it here first! Follow me on Twitter, at ShammyTV. Follow me on Twitch, at ShammyYT. Follow me on YouTube. You already fucking know where it is. Oh my god. Oh shit! Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Well, there was a question that we didn't answer, which was, who is the biggest guy? And I think we just found... I'm enormous. You can follow me on Twitter. Any ideas? I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. I'm a huge fan of yours. Oh my god. Well, there was a question that we didn't answer, which was, who is the biggest guy? And I think we just found... I'm enormous. You can follow me on Twitter at SuperSnakeShape. I have Kyle! You can follow me on Twitter at SuperSnakeShape.
Starting point is 01:11:14 I tweet there. Maybe I'll do other things. Maybe you can too! You can follow me on Twitter at SirZulu underscore Don't follow David. You can follow me on Twitter at SirMeowMusic and you can follow me on Twitch at SirMeowMusic. You can follow me on SoundCloud
Starting point is 01:11:37 at SirMeowMusic. You can follow me on Spotify at SirMeow. It sounds awkward every time it sounds just alright go goodbye everybody Celsius is bitter
Starting point is 01:11:49 bye Celsius is bitter

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