PurePerformance - Dynatrace Perform 2019 Welcome Reception

Episode Date: January 29, 2019

Live from Dynatrace PERFORM 2019 in Las Vegas, it's Pure Perfbytes Performance Welcome Reception...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Coming to you from Dynatrace Perform in Las Vegas, it's Fear Performance! We are live! Andy Grabner and James Pulley. And last but not least, the Smurf, Mark Tomlinson. The veritable Mark Tomlinson. Yes. So, Mark, this year, what's the hair color? It's hard to figure out in this light.
Starting point is 00:00:35 It's blue. It's blue. Yes. But like blue, blue, or is it like something special blue, which is blue? No, it's just blue. Really? Andy's just getting right down to business. Yeah. We're at Perform 2019 in Las Vegas, right?
Starting point is 00:00:45 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Well, as you heard from the voiceover. Well, yeah, I know. Live from Las Vegas. But we should probably, you know, be more human about it. Yeah. And not just be machine like Terminator-esque.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Oh, by the way, side note, in the hot day training sessions, we kept talking about letting the machines do it for you. And we kept on saying, well, you know, this did come from Austria. And everyone kept laughing. They got the reference joke. Yeah. So it's very good. So welcome.
Starting point is 00:01:13 This is the kickoff night. Welcome. Kickoff night. Welcome reception. If we can remember back just a few years, Bob Small stood up on a chair. Bob. Was it Bob Small? No.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Not Small. Not Bob Small. I don't remember his last name. Bob something or other. I know who you're talking about. Salt. Was it Bob Small? No. Not Small. I don't remember his last name. Bob something or other. Saltzberg. I know who you're talking about. Saltz? Bob Saltz?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, he was yelling and he was like going off. It was awesome. Yeah, yeah. We're not going to do that. No. No. We're subdued now. So things are different this year, huh?
Starting point is 00:01:36 Things are a little bit different. Well, first of all, the hot day session was yesterday. That was today. That was today, Mark. What's wrong with you? Well, yesterday. It's still Monday. Yeah. Boy, it was today. No, it was today, Mark. What's wrong with you? Well, yesterday. It's still Monday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Boy, okay. So, yes, just to remind people, for Mark, we are in Vegas, so this is why Mark is very... Disoriented. Disoriented, yes. Yeah. It's not because he's had the schnapps yet. I haven't had any schnapps. No, because the schnapps is still in my room.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But I will say congratulations to James and I for having our fourth consecutive Perform live podcasting. Right? Which is pretty freaking exciting. Do you have a jingle for that that you can play? Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. That's over. What does that have to do with Christmas? You said jingle.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Do you have a jingle? We don't have a jingle. We don't have a... Okay, okay. She said jingle. Do you have a jingle? We don't have a jingle. This is the first time we have the Brian did the peer performance intro you heard, which was some announcer guy he hired. This is actually the first year
Starting point is 00:02:33 we're leading it as peer performance doing podcasting, not PerfBytes. We're just the slackers. I've got to give credit to Mark because I think Mark suggested that. Thank you, Mark. You're welcome. You can't see this on the radio, but you posted
Starting point is 00:02:50 on Facebook, didn't you? We had some pictures of the Pure Performance banner. Which you guys now own this lovely buffet. It's just that things goes out to whom? Laura? Laura and the marketing folks. Behind this is the wonderful on-air television screens that James and I voluntarily helped lift higher.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Oh, the union didn't get after you? Was the union here? No, no. We almost broke a television, though. Oh, because yesterday it turned out that the guys giving out our T-shirts were not allowed to lift the boxes and carry them away. Well, no, you don't want to hurt yourself. You work in technology. You don't lift weights. Hey, talking about T-shirts, we're not allowed to lift the boxes and carry them away. Well, no, you don't want to hurt yourself. You work in technology. You don't lift weights.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Talking about t-shirts, I see you're actually wearing a new logo t-shirt. Here's the old one. Here's the old one. You got a new one? I got a new one. But I still keep the faith. I like the old one. Yeah, I like the show.
Starting point is 00:03:41 The other one I like is the You're Welcome Internet. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah, that's a famous one. I'd like to say're Welcome Internet. Yeah, that's awesome. I'd like to say hi to James. James? Hi, James. Okay, now back to the other business. Oh, thanks, James. So this is the fourth. Wait, you said before this is the fourth one, right? So we were at
Starting point is 00:03:57 Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, and then Orlando. Well, it was Orlando, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Las Vegas. I'm traveling back in time like a true Austrian knows how to do. Gotta get back in time. It's got a great horn section. So this is our second time
Starting point is 00:04:14 at the Cosmopolitan. Which we like better than the Bellagio. Yes. I think. I think we all agree. The only thing that is missing here are some signs outside. I think we had some challenges finding all the rooms. Just some feedback. Oh, you mean the hot day rooms?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Yeah, hot day. We had digital signs outside that all went on the fritz like 15 minutes before. I think so no one could find the sessions. But overall, it's a great venue. Yeah, it is great. What's different this year? What's different this year? One, it's bigger.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Because in Orlando, I think it was less than 1,000 people. I think Orlando, oh yeah, four years ago. Orlando, four years ago, was less than 1,000 people. And now we're probably going to see maybe more than 2,000 this week. So that's really good news. And the hot day was like 600 people. It was 500 to 600 people. It was like a total of more than 1,000 a.m. and p.m. combined.
Starting point is 00:05:07 That's right. It was the biggest hot day. Oh, why did I have the number of 600 in my head? No, no. It's like 1,100 or 1,200 people overall. And there's some people don't. Oh, but it's like you do double classes. Some people only do one session.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. But it was a great hot day. I had a pretty tough morning. How was your session? Pretty tough morning. Yeah. But we pulled it together for the afternoon class.
Starting point is 00:05:24 It was a brand new class we did. It actually is a topic that's on some of the recordings we did. Unbeknownst to me, some of the recordings Mark and I did, people were talking about converting over from Atman to Dynatrace, and that was actually what our class was about today. So we had some – oh, I don't get one. Henrik Rexit was just here. He was handing out stickers.
Starting point is 00:05:48 But he did not give me any because he doesn't like me. I like stickers. Well, I don't like you, Henrik. I'm kidding. I like him. He's my favorite Frenchman. Look at that. All right. So anyway, you had
Starting point is 00:06:01 kind of a mess up in the morning and then we really had a great session. And Andy, also, your anyway, so you had kind of a mess up in the morning, and then... Yeah, we really had a great session. And Andy, also, your session, you guys broke... OpenShift just OpenShifted itself? Well, no, OpenShift actually went stable, but we were... How do I say correctly? We were a little bit too ambitious in using a daily build for our one-agent operator. Which is something that happens in the real world.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I know, I know, I know. So did the class, did they appreciate your recovery? Of course. A little bit? No, I think, and Henrik, you can probably concur with me that even though the morning was a little rough with the start, overall we recovered. I think we were challenged.
Starting point is 00:06:39 We challenged ourselves. I think it's good to practice and see how we're going to react on our problems. I think you did quite well. We had the ability to change quite quickly to the slides. I think we had a great I think it was quite challenging solution
Starting point is 00:06:55 to implement on a workshop, but it was great. It's kind of real world, isn't it? That's what happens in the real world. The thing that happened to me over lunch, I cleaned up my environment, but then I accidentally deleted my master GitHub repository. So that was interesting. That costed us only, fortunately, 10 minutes in the afternoon. But still, it was embarrassing because I thought everything went so smooth,
Starting point is 00:07:16 and then I figured out I deleted my master GitHub repo. Were you guys demoing configuration manager stuff in your stuff? Well, we used a lot of configuration APIs that Henry built into Neotis. Yeah, that's really cool. I mean, great stuff. It's awesome. I think elevating performance engineering, the way we know it, it's really cool. It is a pipeline unto itself.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Yeah, it is, yeah. So I'll let people know that you had all these issues, but you did fly in. You did land this morning. So you were so jet lagged that all this stuff happened, right? Sure, if that's the best excuse. No, but overall, I think it went well in the end. Yeah, it was great. I mean, it was a great hot day.
Starting point is 00:07:57 It's just amazing how big this has grown, right? Yeah. I remember I was a customer, 2010-ish, Dynatrace 3.5, and we went to the Aloft Hotel. That was Epmon 3.5. No, it was lowercase d, capital t. Oh my god, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Before Comperware had acquired us. So it was lowercase d, capital k, trace t, was now known as Epmon, as you're saying. And it was at the Aloft Hotel, and it was a small little conference. I as you're saying. And it was at the Aloft Hotel. And it was a small little conference. I convinced my bosses to go. This was before Francis.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Shout out to Francis if you're listening. But this was before Francis hired me. And I haven't been to a Perform Conference until three years ago. But it's just amazing how this has really taken off. Absolutely amazing. I had no idea back then. And all three years, we've gotten you here podcasting and teaching a hot day session. I was an assistant until this
Starting point is 00:08:50 year. There's somebody at this table I need to blame for that. Why are you looking at me? I don't know. But next year, it'd be good to be the assistant because, yeah. There you go. Hopefully, our listeners will hear for the next two days,
Starting point is 00:09:07 and your listeners will really step up our game on the podcast. Andy, got to give you a big thanks. You're doing a phenomenal job. So hopefully there will be great things to come this weekend with the podcast. Yeah, I think so. So wait, let's talk about some other things. The other thing that is new, Andy is now a married man. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Congratulations. Ladies and gentlemen, he's no longer available. And I'm not sure if I really earned her, but Gabi is the best wife. My good man. Huh? My good man. Yeah, exactly. No, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Thank you, Gabi, for being the best, amazing wife that I could ask for. And wife who's also now a Dynatrace employee. Exactly. She works in the DevOps team. But she's not here, huh? No, she's not here. She's actually making sure that the Dynatrace CS clusters are up and running. She's not deleting the master branch in her GitHub repository.
Starting point is 00:09:53 No, no, no. Hey, Gabby, thank you very much for helping that keep going and also for helping Andy become who he is. It's great to see you mature into a nice young man, Andy. He was so childish before, don't you think? He was. Is there going to be... Now, in Orlando, it was pretty good
Starting point is 00:10:13 because there was a lot of lederhosen at Dirndl. Is it going to happen this year? I don't have my lederhosen with me. Last year it wasn't. See? No, I had to bring... Are we losing touch with the motherland? I'm sure there's a store
Starting point is 00:10:25 in Las Vegas where you can buy some. Maybe, yeah. I think they're going to dress up as... Or rent it for a period. I think you guys are going to be dressing up
Starting point is 00:10:33 as Vegas showgirls, aren't you? With the big feathers like out on the walkway across the street getting a picture taken. So it's going to be... If you come down...
Starting point is 00:10:40 So if you're listening, if you're at home listening, come down here. Andy will put on feathers and take a picture with you. Yes. But you can't be at Perform Now. You can't be registered. You have to come in, sneak in, and then Andy will do that.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Right. Exactly. Right. So that's one thing that's changed. The second thing, I think. Well, we talked about the venue. We haven't talked about partners. Now, Henrik Rexid was here from Neotis, who was helping teach work in the class.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Right. partners. Now, Henrik Rexed was here from Neotis, who was helping teach work in the class. But I mean, I'm just seeing a lot more partners, even more than last year, I think. Maybe it's just the room, but I think there's more partner participation in the ecosystem. And we've still got some more of those partners, like the big booths, as you can see.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Now, we could confirm this with Franz. Exactly. He should be here somewhere. Yeah, yeah, he should be here somewhere. Yeah, actually, he's over there, but he's talking. He's behind the PagerDuty, between PagerDuty and Pivotal. Yeah, PagerDuty. Yeah. So, do you have any favorite partners? I'm kind of partial to PagerDuty and Neotis, but there's still more.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I have never really met the X Matters people right here. We're going to be torturing them this week talking from the podcast. So right in front of us is PagerDuty and X Matters. And there's Obscene over there. Yeah, but they're far enough away that they can ignore us. We're going to have to talk to the X Matters people to make sure that we include them. Maybe we'll get an interview. It's also Evolven here.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Who else do I see right from here? Yeah. Susie. My favorite partner I see right from here? Yeah. Suze. My favorite partner is my wife, Megan. That's a lot of bonus points. That's very nice. Now, there's two other really cool things happening in the marketplace this week. One is the Innovation Lab, right?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah. So you've got even newer, more stuff. You've got the augmented reality as well as the HoloLens stuff. I think you had done. That was there last year, right? But now it's got augmented AR stuff in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So basically, I think they had it on main stage last year.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Right. The HoloLens experience. There's a lot of improvements that happened over the last year. Yeah. I think everybody that is here should check it out. I haven't seen it yet. It's really. And you've never tried it?
Starting point is 00:12:42 You've got to do it. James, have you? No? No? Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm putting that on the Dynatrace Perform bucket list. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:49 What do we need to do? We need to do the HoloLens. Shots of tequila. Yeah, shots of tequila. Schnaps. What about schnapps? I keep hearing schnapps. How do you drink schnapps?
Starting point is 00:12:57 Schnaps. How do you drink schnapps? Do you just drink a glass or do you shots? No, you need to enjoy it. And the big thing that I learned, and this is something that I need to tell the folks, years ago I went to Munich with a friend. Next to the Hofbrauhaus we went to a beer garden. And then we said at the end, we need some schnapps.
Starting point is 00:13:15 And then they served us ice cold schnapps. And we were surprised. Why ice cold? Because normally you don't drink it ice cold. And then we asked them, so what type of schnapps do you have that you don't sell ice cold so that you don't really taste anything because it's so ice cold? They said, well, we have Austrian schnapps. That's the only one that you can actually drink at real good room temperature
Starting point is 00:13:35 because it's actually good. So then we ordered Austrian schnapps. So Austrian schnapps is meant to be drunk at regular temperature. But also added to tea. That's then a Jäger tea. Jäger tea. It's just like Hunter. When you're hunting, you have basically anything with booze in it.
Starting point is 00:13:53 That's true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But typically, you know, it's schnapps or rum that you put in there. But, yeah, it's definitely the drink that we enjoy in the winter times on the ski slopes and upper ski. It's kind of like Baileys. But schnapps, I just want to have, you have, again, shout out to my wife, Gabi. She bought Austrian schnapps because I didn't have time last week.
Starting point is 00:14:13 I was too busy. She went to the stores and bought some schnapps that I have in my room. And I'm sure it will find its way down to this place at some point in time and maybe one into your luggage to go home with Dr. Martha. I have to make – I'll just carry it. No, I can't carry it. I've got to check it in the luggage. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Yeah. Definitely. So shout out to Dr. Martha. She's going to get some Jaeger tea. Yeah. And she has a cold right now, so I think it helps, right? Schnapps speeds the recovery? Of course.
Starting point is 00:14:40 Yeah, that's medicine. It's – Of course. It's also organic. It's highly medicinal. Free-range schnapps that we have. What does a schnapp look like? It's a tree.
Starting point is 00:14:52 It's in a schnapp tree. A schnapper tree with little schnapp berries off of them. So here's the other thing. You know, I think the two past performs, there was a lot of UFO action. Like UFO was a cool thing. And Andy, I remember you main stage two years ago. Yeah. UFO.
Starting point is 00:15:13 I don't even think, I'm not seeing a lot of UFOs. I see the biggest one ever. Look at the diamond trace UFO all the way on the top there. Like hovering over the innovation center. But it's not blinking like a UFO blinks. That's true. So is the UFO going to morph into other things, you think?
Starting point is 00:15:32 That's a good one. I think the UFO is still strong with our customers that want to have some visualization of the quality and pipeline. But I think the, I mean, two years ago it was kind of the new cool thing and we promoted it last year too. But I think if you bring it every year, I think we need to bring something new. That's why augmented reality, the HoloLens.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Yeah. And I'm sure there's going to be announcements coming up. Hello. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I got a good idea for the UFO. We're live on the air.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Hi, Raj. Hey. Raj, welcome. Thank you. How's your experience so far today? Very good. Yeah? Yeah, very good.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And I learned a few things for sure. Really? Yeah. Give us one thing that you learned. Were you in a hot day session? Sorry? Were you in a hot day session? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Which one were you in? So in the morning, I attended open shift monitoring, right? Yeah. I attended open shift monitoring in the afternoon serverless. So serverless first part was a little sleepy, but okay. Then when I got caught up on the hands-on stuff, it was
Starting point is 00:16:33 exciting and learned a few things. I was kind of following a little bit on the K-NATO and stuff like that. Two days cover Lambdas and things like that, but I learned that stuff. Did they recover well after the goof up in the morning? Different open shift.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Open shift is also open shift monitoring. Yeah, that's the other one. Yeah, that's quite a bit of learning. And, you know, I'm in Dynatrace. You know, I was here two years ago.ace, you know, where we were like two years ago. And where we are and where we are now, I think, you know, we're going in the right direction. And, you know, people love Dynatrace for sure. So you have to make your way over to the Pivotal and have another brainstorming conversation with Josh McKinty.
Starting point is 00:17:18 He came and introduced himself before. He's like, remember, I was in that conversation. We're standing around with Josh. It was so cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Josh isn't at the pivotal. No. Since then, I started following that guy on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:17:30 I mean, he's kind of, you know, he's a different guy, right? The analogies that he uses and all, right? It is, like, amazing. Awesome. So what are you looking forward to this week? I mean, so mainly from Dynatrace perspective, maybe I want to catch up with you. Andy is like, you know, last year I learned Splunk, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:54 is going to be the competitor of Dynatrace. Our Dynatrace is going to be a competitor of Splunk, right? Especially on the machine learning side, right? What we can do, right? I know Dynatrace has a lot of in-built capabilities, right? Sure. I'm learning side, right? What we can do, right? I know Dynadress has a lot of in-built capabilities, right? Sure. On one agent, right? But on top of it, you know, on a custom side, right?
Starting point is 00:18:12 So, for example, outlier detections, right? Anomaly detections, right? Do you have any custom SDKs that we can leverage and find the stuff, right? I think you'll like some of the announcements coming this week then as well. Oh, okay. Yeah, there's some cool stuff. That's the one thing. And one agent is a big thing.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Like, you know, as you know, everyone has moved to the, you know, cloud-native architecture. Yeah. And we kind of more monoliths, right? Very little cloud, very little microservices. Sure. That's exciting part, too. I mean, one agent I see improved, right? And I have my own kind of a few probably suggestions, right?
Starting point is 00:18:57 In terms of usability aspect and all, right? That's what RFEs are for. He is my friend, Eric. Come on, Eric. So that's what the RFEs are for. If you have suggestions, open RFEs. Eric can share some more, you know, insight also. Eric.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Hello, Eric. Here is a shout-out to Andy Grabener, who had a tough morning recovering from a demo failure. Not his own, but a demo failure. You did good. You did really good. Well, you could technically maybe blame him for using master. Andy, test run.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Test run. Yeah. Test run is a midnight, yes. And then it was after midnight when things went wrong. But I think that's a real experience in the real world, right? I mean, real people mess up the branch. This is the chaos monkey, right? I mean, real people mess up the branch. This is the chaos monkey.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. I'm saying she did good. This is the chaos monkey. So one of the things that Andy does well, he's going through this material, right? And it's new and it's tough. Thank you. Stay on the mic there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 You're good. And you get really specific about what you need to get into. And you kind of reinforce it. You repeat it very gently, like two or three times, and it's like you're getting this stuff, you're getting this stuff right, and you're looking for head nods and stuff, so you'll be good. Appreciate it. Cool. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I think that's awesome. Eric, thank you very much. Thank you. And thank you guys. Enjoy the show. Yeah, you should have been in the afternoon. The afternoon went smooth, even though I ended up deleting my master GitHub repository first. So it cost me another 10 minutes. But in the end, we went through everything.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Everything worked well. But, yeah, thank you for walking through the tough hours with us in the morning. Awesome. Thank you, guys. Okay, cool. I hope you have an enjoyable in the morning. Awesome. Thank you, guys. Hope you have an enjoyable time this week. Awesome. So we've got a lot coming up this weekend. I keep saying this weekend.
Starting point is 00:20:53 It feels like it's going to be a weekend, but it's not. We're in the hotel the whole time, so there's no daylight. There's no reference of time. So we have two days of podcasting happening. So we'll interview a bunch of the PMs that are here. We'll interview a bunch of the speakers. There's some individual customers.
Starting point is 00:21:12 We'll do a little bit of the random catch a story kind of thing here and there. Yeah, we're going to catch some of the keynote speeches and announcements. I'd like to kind of get to the breakouts. And we're going to talk about our ideas. Well, we can probably watch a lot of them here. But if we want to go to the breakouts, we can go to the breakouts. No, I mean get some interviews. Oh, like catching the speakers after the breakouts, maybe?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Yeah, exactly. And then we'll be watching the streaming and maybe do a little play-by-play here and there on the stream. I feel like I need to get a hat that has the scoop thing in it, but then that would mean I'd be a journalist and then I'd be out of a job. Oh, that's... So sad.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, that's geeky. That's seriously geeky. Yeah. Yeah. But anyway, we've got a lot coming up. There's going to be a lot of podcasts coming up this weekend. Yeah, which reminds me,
Starting point is 00:21:58 I need to bring the URL to the podcast over to the Dynatrace app on your phone so that everyone can kind of follow along if they're... Oh, you can post it. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I should post it. Oh, I thought you said you want to build it into the app because I'm sure we can add another...
Starting point is 00:22:16 We can talk with Laura. Get a menu item in their podcast. Right, James? Do you concur? I concur. Is it real-time updates? Are we doing DevOps with the app? I think it's an HTML page that they actually show. So I think it's kind of... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Are we in the app? Are we in the app? Instant update. Yeah, then Dynatrace app. Are we in the app? I don't think we are. So anyone that can listen to this and you get the tweets, we'll post it out there so people, if they're coming tomorrow,
Starting point is 00:22:43 they can actually listen to all sorts of extra content. And, of course, for people that are not here with us who are lonely Dynatrace engineers hiding in the basement of the data center, this is really who our target audience is, the real rock stars who no one ever sees. Well, they're not in the data center anymore. They're lonely in the basement of the cloud. Where's the basement of the cloud? Well, I don't know. Wouldn't that just be the ground?
Starting point is 00:23:12 I saw some. I forget what it was. But there was some advertisement or something for something. And this person was like, it's like literally walking on a cloud. I'm like, you cannot know what it is literally like walking on a cloud. You'm like, you cannot notice literally like walking on a cloud. You just totally used that wrong. So, no. No.
Starting point is 00:23:30 But anyway, there's, oh, look, we're taking a picture. There you go. We're taking a selfie. We're taking a selfie. There's Andy. This is, okay, so Mark is taking a picture, making funny faces. There you go. And we're, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:45 We're trying to get the, we got a lot of people giving us funny stares as we talk here. But that's okay, because we can give them funny stares too. Anyway, if you're here in this podcast and you're here, make sure you come by, give a chat with us, tell us a performance story or two. You can just use your first name if you're comfortable. And you don't want to give things away, because, you know, no one will know just use your first name if you're comfortable. And you don't want to give things away because no one will know you by your first name. How long is the expo open today? We'll see.
Starting point is 00:24:12 How long is the welcome party? Nine o'clock, I think. Nine o'clock? It's like five to nine. It goes a really long time. It's seven already. Wow. Yeah, yeah. I need a new glass of wine.
Starting point is 00:24:19 We're just going to hang out. So get some food, get some drinks. Yeah, that's good. We'll maybe do some offline recording here, and then we're good to go. But, James, you've been very quiet. He has a cold, so. I've been fighting suppressing some coughs. Yeah, so you're the cough suppressor.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Hey, you know what I have with me? I have some Ricola. You got Ricola, too? We have Ricola. And we have some Purell. You got Ricola, too? Purell is always good. we have some Purell. You got Ricola, too? Purell is always good. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:45 Is that what you have in your pocket? Oh, that's also good. But if you want some Ricola, let me know. I have it here in my backpack. Yes. I'll let you know. Okay. Well, I hope everyone has a great time this weekend.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Andy, I know we probably won't see you again until the end. It's going to be challenging because I'm involved in all the breakouts. Exactly. Exactly. So we just want to say thank you in advance for any interviews you get us. Well, thank you guys for doing this. We'll be here geeking out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I'll try to stop by, but I won't have a whole lot of time. But thank you. We know how this goes. And, of course, feel free to send people over. Go get on the air and we'll record them. Thanks for making this all possible. Thanks for doing the podcast with me these few years now. Two and a half years or something?
Starting point is 00:25:30 Two and a half years now. Yeah, it's amazing. This has been my ticket to perform, so it's been great. Thank you so much, Andy. All right. We'll talk to everybody soon. All right. There's a little background music going.
Starting point is 00:25:42 Group picture. Group photo. Picture. Woo-hoo. We're live on the air. We're live on photo. Group picture. Woo-hoo. We're live on the air. We're live on the air. Picture. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Three, one. Yay. All right. Thank you. It's official. We're famous now. We're famous now. So shout out our thanks to Dynatrace, who's pretty much sponsoring our existence here
Starting point is 00:26:01 as they do every last four years. Thanks to Laura. Thanks to Laura. Who we've, I think, never actually gotten on the air, and she got very mad at us when we got on the air. I got a short interview with her once at the Dre's nightclub.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It doesn't work. Yeah, you need some power there, my friend. Should we get Laura here? I will find her. She never wants to get on the air, but we give her a tremendous thanks for inviting us. And, of course, I'm supposed to send her an invoice or something like that. And also a great job to Melissa for raising the hot days. But she never wants us in Europe.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I don't understand that. Can't we go do perform Europe? You mean like Barcelona that's coming up in May? Yeah. I thought we needed to do pure performance. You mean like you want to go to Barcelona in May where it's warm and nice outside? I think Mark and I just represent two angry Americans. But I think if we're going to do that, we have to have it as performance again.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Leading it this way. We need to have a company representative. So basically what you guys are telling me, you want to have a free flight over and accommodation and a vacation in Barcelona. We can work out the logistics. It gives me an excuse to come to Austria. That's true. I'll put in $20 come to Austria. That's true, actually. I'll put in $20. $20.
Starting point is 00:27:07 That sounds like a good down payment. We don't have to fly. We could take a bus. Yeah? Yeah. Sure. Air bus. That's actually...
Starting point is 00:27:18 I'll be here all week. All right. So, yeah. So is there anyone else we need to thank for our existence? Well, who created the Cosmopolitan? Like one of those really... Cosmopolitan? Like Steve Wynn or...
Starting point is 00:27:32 No, no, no. This is an independent hotel. Independent hotel? Some investment company, maybe. I have no idea. The taxi driver that drove me here. But we should now... It was pretty good.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Not to brown those too much, but we should thank Bernd. Oh, Bernd, yeah. And all the original Dynatracers who started this company. Who are still here. Right? A lot of them. Big shout-outs. So many of them are still with us.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And they probably brought their lederhosen, my friend. Could be. And, you know, under the leadership of Bernd on the technology side, obviously then there's the sales side and you've got Steve and John and all those. But, I mean, like Ber burned was the technology came from him. And, of course, Genius Mind. The other most important part of our coverage of this event is to make commentary on the food. So today I was feeling quite good.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Food, breakfast was good. My experience is the first day, hot day is usually the best food. Hot day is usually the best food. And then, like, the rest of the week just goes downhill. But last time at the Cosmo it was quite good. So I'm hoping we're back in a good place here. All right, so enjoy the Marketplace evening with the thumping music, the giant UFO that doesn't look like an actual UFO.
Starting point is 00:28:37 They're free drinks. Yeah, well, Andy, get on that next year. I'll go to the bar now when I get out of here. I meant to say I had an idea for a different UFO. Instead of the UFO with the lights going on, my daughter's really into unicorns. So the different sections of the unicorn horn. Like a rainbow. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:00 And if the rainbow turns black or indigo, international diversity. I want to put in my request for the UFO. A power over Ethernet shield so I can plug it onto the ceiling, and when my podcast is running, I can put my status on the UFO so nobody bothers me in the office. I have the kit still to build it. You know, you can buy just an on-air sign. Yeah, you can buy the parts and build it yourself.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Put that outside the door. All right. We're going to wrap up. Thanks everyone for listening. Stay tuned. If you really can't stand when we do these Perform podcasts, take a couple days off and we'll see you soon. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:41 But we have, I think we really are. We have some really interesting stuff to share. Yeah, and yeah, it's going to be good this year. It's going to be good. Nice to be here with you, brother. Yeah, exactly. But we have, I think we really are... We have some really interesting stuff to share. Yeah. And yeah, it's going to be good this year. It's going to be good. Nice to be here with you, brother. You as well. And you too, James and Andy. Alright, catch you guys later.

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