PurePerformance - PurePerformance Guest Host Series 01: Alois Reitbauer presents From Monolith to Microservices at Prep Sportswear

Episode Date: August 8, 2016

Alois Reitbauer (@AloisReitbauer) guest hosts - Mike Jones ( http://bit.ly/mjlnk ) takes us on a journey how the team moved a monolithic application that was built by a remote team to a micro service ...architecture. Learn how the manage a couple of million lines of code with only 5 people while improving performance and availability. Mike also shares lessons learned on their journey and shares strategies on how to make the transition to micro services while having to keep the lights on for day-to-day business.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's time for Pure Performance. Get your stopwatches ready. It's time for Pure Performance with Andy Grabner and Brian Wilson. Hello, everybody. We have a special episode of Pure Performance today. My name is Brian Wilson, and I do not have Andy Grabner with me today. I don't even have myself with me today because my colleague, Alois Reitbauer of Dynatrace, he was so excited about the idea of these Pure Performance podcasts that he went out and bought a microphone of his own and is going to be a guest host from time to time whenever he meets in or meets up with somebody
Starting point is 00:00:51 who he feels could offer some great insight as well. So today is the first episode with Albus Freitbauer guest hosting. His guest today is Mike Jones, director of technology for Prep Sportswear. I think this was a very interesting episode, actually, because we get to get a lot of insight behind what's behind a site like Prep Sportswear. Do yourself a favor and go check out the website so you get an idea of what the front end is, because behind the scenes, there's quite a lot more going on. You know, they're handling everything from not just coding for the website, but IoT type of coding, Internet of Things. So they have to do coding for the embroidering machines, laser cutters, all sorts of aspects of not just the order fulfillment and website, but also the manufacturing of those components. So it's really quite a different take on the standard kind of e-commerce view or set of responsibilities that most people have. Also in this episode, you'll hear Mike talking about their conversion
Starting point is 00:01:55 from a monolithic code to microservices and how to get started along that journey, restructuring your team so that you can start meeting some of those business challenges. And they also talk about, you know, their APM transformation, you know, how they left traditional monitoring behind and went with more robust APM style monitoring. And he also talks about just some of the tools in general that they're using to help build that team and also to get their work done in general. So I found this one very interesting. I hope you enjoy. Alois is on Twitter at A-L-O-I-S-R-E-I-T-B-A-U-E-R. You can follow him there,
Starting point is 00:02:36 and I'm sure you'll be hearing some more episodes from him in the future. In the meantime, let me stop delaying and pass it off to Alois. Hey, this is Alois Reitbauer from Dynatrace. I'm here today with Mike Jones from Prep Sportswear, and we talk about their journey from monoliths to microservices. Hello, Mike. Hello. So, Mike, tell us a bit about yourself and what Prep Sportswear does. Sure. So, I've been with Prep Sportswear for about two and a half years now. I'm a bit of a veteran. I've been 20 years in the e-commerce space,
Starting point is 00:03:14 and I've worked with some brands that folks have heard of. I think Classmates.com, eHow.com. But I've been here with Prep, and Prep's a great opportunity. There's a few things that brought me me here it's a custom print company and we we do our own manufacturing it's a u.s manufacturer and we carry designs for just about every middle school and high school grade school in the country so you can go find your kid's school and buy a shirt with their mascot on it and have your kid's name on the back. Go to their sports games, that kind of thing. So we've got a fun product. And the technology is we, of course, we support
Starting point is 00:03:58 the website, but we also support the manufacturing. So I get to work with the website one day, and then another day I can work with an embroidery machine or a laser cutter. Yeah, I saw that machine just over there. You're like, we're the Internet of Things. You guys can see it, but they have this really big stitching machine there where they're playing around with. So it's really amazing. Yeah, so it's fun.
Starting point is 00:04:23 It's a good variety of technology. And, you know, it's here in the Seattle area, and we've got an amazing view of the water. Guys, they really have an amazing view of the water. It's like sixth floor overlooking the Seattle Harbor. It's amazing here. I really wonder how guys actually got work done over here. It's this amazing view, honestly. You can see we're on the side that faces the city.
Starting point is 00:04:46 That's true. The development team is actually looking the other direction. That's true. Okay. So, yeah, we wanted to talk a bit about your story from moving from a monolithic application to the microservices approach. Sure. Let's start at the beginning.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I think that's a good point to start at. So how did you get involved in this whole microservices approach. Sure. Let's get, yeah, let's start at the beginning. I think that's a good point to start at. So how did you get involved like in this whole microservices journey? Yeah, it's, when I brought on, we certainly had some platform issues. We had some scaling issues around our peak period. So, you know, like a lot of retailers, Black Friday, Cyber Monday are big days. And the Cyber Monday before I came on, I think it took something like 22 hours to process all the orders to be able to start fulfilling those things, and that's forever. We also had one of the lead engineers who he was on call, essentially, our production facility in Louisville, Kentucky. They start at 6 o'clock in the morning, which means if something goes wrong, they're calling
Starting point is 00:05:56 us at 3 o'clock in the morning Pacific time. And this poor gentleman, he got a call 17 days in a row at 3 o'clock in the morning saying, hey, there's something wrong with the platform. Oh, it's good that you guys have Starbucks over here. Yeah, so obviously something had to be done. And we looked at doing a number of things, including introducing a service layer microservice tier. So the 22 hours, maybe to put this a bit into context, what's your goal?
Starting point is 00:06:29 So how quickly do you want to deliver something if you order it on a website? Sure. Yeah. So we're a custom print company that sells sportswear. But what that means is we don't have pre-printed product on the shelf, right? So every order that we have has to be, we take the shirt down, we either put it through an air-embracing machine, or we apply the print onto it.
Starting point is 00:06:57 So everything's custom. And what we try and do is, uh, ship within four days. Um, so if we have a delay, um, of just getting the order ready to, to get the design and the product ordered, then, you know, we, we eat into that schedule. And we're also talking, um, this is the run up to Christmas. So people, if they don't get their stuff Sam's not happy the kid's not happy so yeah time is everything
Starting point is 00:07:30 and the service tier that we're putting in and some of the changes we're doing in our business process is really letting us shave days off of our production schedule so since we've been changing the technology we went from averaging five or six
Starting point is 00:07:45 days in production to getting closer to two or three. And we're really looking towards the day that we can do shipping next day, same day fulfillment. That's great. And for like the people listening to the podcast, so how big is your like? yeah so that's another fun thing when I'm talking about all the different pieces of technology support almost all of it was written from the ground up we don't use a lot of
Starting point is 00:08:16 third party libraries so in order to support e-commerce ERP, device integration design, manipulation all of that stuff together e-commerce, ERP, device integration, design, manipulation, all of that stuff together is about 4.5 million lines of code. Yeah, and you probably have an army of developers working on it, right? Yeah, right now I've got five developers.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You must be kidding me, right? No, that is it. So how many lines of code is this per developer? Like 800,000? Yeah, if math serves me correctly, something like that. So that was quite a challenge. I mean, just keeping this code up and running must be quite a challenge. Yeah, I think one of the great stories that we have here at Prep is going from that time where the you know, the lead developer is answering his phone every day at three o'clock in the morning. We've really been able to,
Starting point is 00:09:13 you know, get the platform a lot more manageable, a lot more stable. And the phone just doesn't ring like that anymore. This last peak period, we had one issue at 3 o'clock in the morning for the whole month. So, you know, using tools like Dynatrace, you know, spending effort on breaking up the platform and, you know, just making it manageable, you know, has really paid off for us. Yeah, so I can imagine, like you talked about here, we have 4 million lines of code. And you wanted to do microservices, totally understandable. You said you wanted to make your platform more stable. You want to have your order fulfillment faster.
Starting point is 00:09:57 If you look at 4 million lines of code, so how do you really figure out, so where do you start? Like there's a lot of places where you could start yeah yeah and i think talking about uh the fact that we really had some performance issues this stuff that was kind of on fire i mean that was that's where we started because we had to insure up those services um and uh so that the initial part was pretty easy. We've got to do something about this. Some of the other pieces that we've done, and we're not done, by the way. This is certainly a work in progress.
Starting point is 00:10:40 We started with what's on fire, and then we took a look at some of the things that are pretty easy. They don't have entanglements on a lot of the rest of the system. And then we're building on from there. And what did you pick for your first microservices project? Was it something already in the platform or some additional new stuff you wanted to add to it? Yeah, I think the first real standalone service was a new feature. We had a... So our business model for a long time was a just-in-time model. We didn't hold any inventory at all. So the minute somebody ordered something that night, we'd go order from various suppliers and get it in the ship. For a lot of reasons, we decided to start holding our own inventory. So building that system was the really first standalone system.
Starting point is 00:11:29 And how did the project work out for you? What were the key successes, the key challenges that you saw in this first microservices project that you guys were doing? Yeah. I mean, the challenges, technically the challenges became really just the touch points with the rest of the monolith. So getting that first feature set out where we're tracking the units and we're inputting them in, gotcha case that I came across was, you know, we're tracking inventory against orders, you know, correctly, which is great. We tested that. But then we had another part of the system that was going through, and when there was a problem with the order, it would cancel the original order and it would create a replacement order.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And it would do it, of course, outside of the scope of this new service. So we had all this untracked inventory that was being generated because the other part of the system was changing the state of the order. So finding those things and fixing that, tearing it out of the state machine, those are the challenges
Starting point is 00:12:46 that we had. So what you're actually saying is you can't just look at your architecture and say, like, this is logically a service, this is logically a service, this is a service, and not taking the service and kind of ripping it out of the heart of this monolith, but it's like really
Starting point is 00:13:02 looking at your business processes end-to-end first, and seeing how this plays together, but it's like really looking at your business processes end-to-end first, and seeing how this plays together, because otherwise you end up changing one piece of your system, one business process knows about the new services, the new service. The other one does not know about
Starting point is 00:13:17 it, and then you end up with a great microservice architecture. It's just no longer doing what the business needs to do. Well, and for us in particular, it's challenging because we had a ton, a ton of turnover. So this four and a half million lines of code is really built by the original software team over eight years. And basically almost all those folks left within a few months of each other. So we've got this system, we're, you know, we're all new to the system. The amount of documentation
Starting point is 00:13:55 was fairly poor. And the stuff that some of the stuff that was in there was in Russian. It was outsourced. So, you know, not only do we have a challenge, you know, trying to meet with this architecture, the architecture isn't well documented or understood. So, yeah, that's a challenge. I think it's also, in your case case like an architectural challenge as well. Like you said, okay, it's a form of code. It's not documented. It's in Russian, partly at least.
Starting point is 00:14:32 It often breaks in production or it frequently breaks in production. You bring on a team of new guys and tell them, okay, now we're refactoring this into microservices. Yeah. I know how to sell a job. Yes. Sign up here. So how do you get the team motivated or keep the face up so that they're not afraid, oh, if I touch something, I break even more, like this is like way over my head.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah. So how do you work with the team and what's like the framework that you're providing to them that they're happy? Yeah, and that's really, I think, one of the benefits as we're moving things on to these services is we've got separately testable, you know, the new stuff has that in mind. But that's not true with the monolith. And with the monolith, we've got a little fraction of it is wrapped in unit test. So we end up having a lot of end-to-end test. And, you know, they're expensive to maintain, they're expensive to run. It's, you know, just certainly something that we're getting through. And, you know, it's also
Starting point is 00:15:42 helping everyone see the priority of moving things to the new platform. It's just expensive to run this monolith. And how do you describe this to the business owner? We met your CEO before. So did he walk into his office and say, so listen, we're not going to do anything for the next six months to one year.
Starting point is 00:16:02 We have this new architecture. It's called microservices. It's going to be great. You guys just have to hold on for a little bit, to one year we have this new architecture it's called microservices it's going to be great you guys just have to hold on for a little bit like a year or so or how do you obviously you didn't do that right yeah i think he was really cooperative i mean that everyone understood when you've got a platform that has that many issues like something has to change right so i i think know, the business understood, you know, why aren't we doing the old thing anymore? You know, why move to Microsoft services in particular?
Starting point is 00:16:34 I think that's, you know, something that I certainly had to sell a little bit and something that they certainly bought on. What was the key argument there when you sold it to them? Especially to business. I mean, they're not computer guys. You can't say it's like a clean architecture. They simply won't care, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah, I think looking at the landscape and seeing what some companies like Amazon did, where they're building everything as a service, they're able to expose that and create new markets where they're not really a website. They're a collection of services. And seeing how powerful that was for them, I think that makes an argument for us where we can look beyond just being a website and be able to provide services. So you have another story like you have like a big challenge ahead of you right now and it has
Starting point is 00:17:29 to do with stitching so i really like that story so maybe you want to share it like that microservice story yeah okay yeah this um so one of the uh one of the stories around uh the challenge with creating microservices out of what we have and the reason to do it is um our design service and so we have a couple different techniques uh for creating our designs there's embroidery um there and there's ink, there's applique. So for embroidery designs, they track how many stitches it is required to create that design. Well, lo and behold, the monolith, with how tightly integrated it is with everything, if we want to price out a shirt, it actually calls the design service to get the stitch count to figure out if we need to charge an extra dollar for the design. So just the act of putting something in a cart that calls the pricing engine, which calls
Starting point is 00:18:34 the design service multiple times to find the price, shows how entangled things are and how hard it is to separate the logic based on the existing implementation. So needless to say, we shouldn't have to count stitches to price a shirt. Okay, that's something you guys are working on. It kind of really shows that, again, it's kind of tightly related to your business. First of all, it's about pricing that you have to figure out as a customer, I don't want to wait. I want to check out and buy the stuff, so please tell me the price of it. So what I really like about your story is everything is business driven.
Starting point is 00:19:14 People always talk about microservices that are driven by business and they like this great architectural thing. In your case, I think it's really perfect, the inventory service that you were talking about. You've had a story about payment providers as well that kind of ties nicely into microservices as well. You have flexibility there, right?
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah. I think some of the practices with delivering these services, and we can show the business user, hey, here's the status of the service, and here's the number of issues we've had with it. So with payment providers, we're able to really easily expose who's responding quickly, who's up and down, which providers have more fraud scores, that kind of thing,
Starting point is 00:20:08 surface that quickly via just a single service. Whereas before, that data wasn't exposed anywhere, and it was just part of the checkout process. So, you know, we get to surface properties of the service to, you know, stakeholders really quickly. And they love that. I want to, like, leap over to a bit of a different topic. You said you could have replaced the whole team or you rebuilt the whole team. Sure. To put it that way. So how did you start with the team?
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah. Building up the team. What were your priorities? Which people did, or which roles were, like, super critical for you to bring aboard first? And how did you go about that? Yeah, so this has always been a small team. We, even with the offshore team, when I came on, there's 20 people in technology. Of that 20, there was one dedicated operations person. So almost everybody was in some kind of development capacity. And we had operations challenges.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So one of the first things I did was hire a DBA and a DevOps engineer so we could have folks dedicated to solving performance issues and getting that off of the developer's plate. The interesting thing about that is I actually had the developers challenge me on that. They were like, well, no, we need more developers. We've got to spend time fixing this. And instead of having folks, you know, take that off their plate. So I did it anyway. And it really proved pretty massive for us. I think,
Starting point is 00:21:57 you know, we were able to go through that big change in staff with having some key folks. And we ended up having faster services and less issues along the way, which is pretty amazing. How many people do you have in operations right now? What, at DevOps role, most likely? Yeah, so I have one Monday DevOps person. I've got four full-line operations engineers. And I assume they were closer together with the developers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, we're all co-located. I've got one IT individual, Chad, over in Louisville on site, but everyone else is right here. That's where your production facility is. Yeah, correct. So, yeah, we're really tight-knit. but everyone else is right here. That's where your production facility is. Yeah, correct. So, yeah, we're really tight-knit. I mean, we're 11 people total, so we have to be tight-knit.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah. So, I think you guys are also using, like, HipChat and ChatOps a lot to communicate with each other? Yeah, yeah. We're definitely posting charts, asking questions, do a lot of communication there. What does the rest of your technology and tools look like? What are you guys using? We already talked about HipChat, but whatever tooling.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Yeah, so we, PRTG is our systems monitor. Of course, we're using Dynatrace. PRTG is our systems monitor. Of course, we're using Dynatrace. We've got a couple other tools that are escaping my mind. Jira, right, for tickets? Yeah. Just see it on the wall here, guys. They have Jira tickets on their wall. Yeah, definitely Jira.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And I think we were using some older antiquated bug tracking system before. Actually, almost all of our tools are new in the last couple of years. And going with that is, you know, I changed the team around a little bit with responsibilities, but we also really changed as a company as far as adopting agile methods, getting the whole company kind of understanding what the roles and responsibilities were, and then just increasing communication and getting folks aligned on what we were working on. So just that list of bugs up there on the wall, you know, reminded me kind of coming back to something you were talking about earlier, which was, you know, how did we get through all that change?
Starting point is 00:24:34 Well, one of the things we had to do with the business is take a look at that big backlog of stuff and say, look, we've got to kill a lot of the stuff off. We can't do, with five engineers and, you know, three ops guys, we can't do 100 projects and replatform. So let's throw that out and kind of start over. So we started literally with a new bug tracking system, cleared the decks for projects, and just really started over. Do you still remember what your issue number one was that you closed? Have no idea. Two years ago seemed like a long time.
Starting point is 00:25:16 And for continuous delivery, do you use Jenkins or? TeamCity. TeamCity, okay. Yeah, we're a C-sharp stack, and TeamCity works really well with C-sharp projects. Yeah, which is also kind of interesting because very often we hear people talking about microservices. They use a lot of, say, the fancy new technologies. I'm not saying that your technology stack is not fancy, but I think you have a kind of, from what you see most out there,
Starting point is 00:25:48 a bit of an uncommon technology stack running on, say, classically.NET, to put it away. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, we definitely looked at, you know, Docker, Node, or some other technologies that other folks are using more with microservices. And there's a lot of folks doing great work with that. But for us at the time, I think with the amount of change we had, totally changing our technology platform too was just a little too much to assume at the time.
Starting point is 00:26:22 So we're still able to do really good work with the technology we have. C-sharp, it's not horrible. I'm not saying that it's bad, because everybody else is using Node. I think it's cool, because it adds this variety in there. But you're also innovating on the platform side. So we were just talking before,
Starting point is 00:26:43 you showed me your new servers that you just bought, and you guys are also investing in OpenStack, right? Yes, yes, we are. on the platform side. So we were just talking before, you showed me your new servers that you just bought, and you guys are also investing in OpenStack, right? Yes, yes, we are. We're just starting to roll that out. Yeah, it's really crazy kind of how much technical that we had in a number of areas. And we had a mix of virtualization platforms.
Starting point is 00:27:02 We had Hyper-V and I'm forgetting. VMware? Yeah, VMware. That's a small company. It's a simple virtualization. Yeah. Yeah, so, I mean, we had a mix of virtualization technologies, and we had just a mix of OS instances, 2003, 2008, 2012.
Starting point is 00:27:29 So we're able to, you know, instead of babysitting all of those things and kind of, you know, getting one of those things as a winner, we're just kind of starting over with OpenStack and building from the ground up, and we're going to be able to really collapse our services, the number of instances down and have a real performant manageable system. I think it also plays
Starting point is 00:27:55 well into a continuous delivery pipeline because you now can really provision hardware and machines as you go before you had to do it sometimes manually you mentioned. Yeah, no you had to do it sometimes manually, you mentioned. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:06 No, absolutely. You know, being able to spin up new instances, you know, is pretty magic. Along the journey, did your approach to monitoring or performance management change from where you started to where you are right now? Oh, yeah. Yeah. to where you are right now? Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, that's obviously going from a place where the platform was having a lot of challenges. Our monitoring system wasn't effective. It wasn't helping us find root causes.
Starting point is 00:28:39 It was just that thing that was blinking all the time and sending everyone email. So taking somewhat immature products, we were using WhatsApp Gold as our system monitoring. And part of its tool, part of its practice, I think our one ops guy, when someone would come and say, hey, there's a problem, he'd looked at two charts. He looked at application CPU and he looked at edge network graphs. And if those things looked okay, he just kind of said, oh, I'll go talk to the engineers, you know, which wasn't very helpful. So now bringing in tools like Dynatrace where the operations folks can actually do that first deep level of analysis. And we can also look at trends, see, hey, look, this is a thing that keeps getting in our way. Let's go fix that and do it as a team effort being led from operations. That's really allowed us to keep that phone from ringing at 3 o'clock in the morning.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Which is huge. Yes. Especially for the guy who has to answer the phone in the morning. Another interesting thing that we were talking about before is that you don't have this typical knock room anymore. Correct. You told me you bought a monitor to put it on there to share the data and you have great dashboards that you showed me that you also built with Dynatrace. Really combining also real user metrics and business metrics like conversions,
Starting point is 00:30:19 this kind of stuff, but it feels like monitoring is kind of more integrated into your deeper workflows that you have with HipChat and so it's more ubiquitous than like, okay, this is the monitoring piece. It at least feels to me like this. Yeah. Yeah, and I think you got to look over my shoulder a little bit and see some of our HipChat conversations back and forth.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And it's, you know, we're looking at're looking at, um, you know, performance data throughout the day and being able to talk about it. And, uh, you know, it's, it's, it's in some cases it's, it's monitoring, Hey, there's an issue. Um, in other cases it's, Hey, you know, this, this, this data looks a little different. What's, what's going on here. Um, you know, is that good? Is it bad? I don't know. Let's take a look. So it's certainly more of just part of our everyday instead of looking at this board that says what's wrong. So what are your recommendations? So I think a lot of people out there,
Starting point is 00:31:21 they want to switch to microservices themselves. They have similar problems that you guys might have right now yep and after listening to your story they might think okay this is great i want to do it as well so what are your recommendations for them to get started or what would you kind of give them as a well i i think you know certainly if we can do it with this big a code base and this small a team, I guarantee you all can do it. You know, we didn't have the luxury of being able to dedicate a team that's building out the new Microsoft service infrastructure, which a lot of folks do. Do you think, by the way, it was an advantage for you to have that small team because you never had that option? I think the commitment from the whole company had to be there then. So it's, you know, we decided this is what we're going to do. And, you know, again, we have the backing of the business who said, okay, we're going to take
Starting point is 00:32:20 stuff off the queue. And, you know, so, yeah, I think having the small team made the investment higher, which made it more interesting to everybody. I was going to say, what I meant was you didn't have the, even the opportunity to say, okay, let's keep everything running that we have right now. We built a separate platform. Yeah. So it made your decisions much clearer and, like, kept them into a smaller frame yeah yeah no that's true too it's what we first um decided to uh work on was certainly what's getting in our way and uh you
Starting point is 00:32:58 know that's that's technical debt right it's uh you know how do you solve that, kind of irrespective of are you moving the services or not. It's what is getting in your way and just find a way to take care of it. And for us, moving things to microservices was that thing. Any other recommendations you would give to somebody who's just thinking about starting it? Yeah I think one of the bigger challenges that that we had you know you need to certainly understand if you've got a monolithic system you know that state machine and what your data looks like there the services can be really easy to start you know that's attraction, right? You've got this really clear interface and these are your known inputs and outputs. It's what happens
Starting point is 00:33:52 to that data underneath, that shared data, how do you handle those state changes? That for us has been tricky and I think it is for a lot of folks. An easy answer or a best practice is, well, segregate that data too. That's just not possible for us, for the way we're doing the business right now. So we've got to find some ways to manage that. Okay, I think that's great advice. I really like your story.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And it's really impressive if you walk along the office here and you see the small development team and know, okay, imagine these four million lines of codes. They're rebuilding a platform. They all look really happy, so I assume it didn't get up at 3 a.m. in the morning today. Yeah, nope, not today. I think it's really a great story. So, Mike, thanks for taking the time. Great. Okay, bye, folks.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Thank you, Alois and Mike. It was great having you guys on today. And I really look forward to some more of these from Alois himself. And you all listeners may recall the last set of podcasts we just released was with Richard Dominguez of Prep Sportswear. He had a little bit
Starting point is 00:35:12 of a different take and a different angle of the aspects of what they're doing. So I find the two of these back to back to be very interesting and really helps
Starting point is 00:35:20 fill out a complete picture. So that's it for today. If you have any questions or comments or you would like to be a guest on the show, please reach out to us either via email at pureperformanceatdynatrace.com
Starting point is 00:35:33 or you can reach us at by sending a tweet to hashtag pureperformanceatdynatrace and we'll be happy to entertain the idea of you being a guest star on the show and claiming your 15 minutes of fame. We love having guests, really, though, and we find these conversations fascinating. So until next episode, thank you all for listening, and we'll see you soon. Good luck with all of your performance.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Goodbye.

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