Python Bytes - #97 Java goes paid

Episode Date: September 28, 2018

Topics covered in this episode: Making a PyPI-friendly README Java goes paid Absolute vs Relative Imports in Python pyxel - A retro game engine for Python Click 7.0 Released How we spent 30k USD in... Firebase in less than 72 hours Extras Joke See the full show notes for this episode on the website at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Python Bytes, where we deliver Python news and headlines directly to your earbuds. This is episode 97, recorded September 26, 2018. I'm Michael Kennedy. And I'm Brian Ocken. Hey Brian, how are you doing today? Hey, I'm doing great. Awesome, awesome. Me too. Lots of big news. So much news that I can't even keep up with it. Yeah, it's a good thing there's like this weekly podcast that keeps us up on Python news. I know. Where's the one that we get to listen to?
Starting point is 00:00:27 Yeah. That's what we need. We need a meta podcast. Okay. No, that's okay. Other people don't do that. Yeah, that's right. So I also want to say thank you to Datadog for sponsoring this episode.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Really happy to have them on board. Check them out at slash datadog. Cool t-shirt lives at that URL. More to say about that later. PyPI just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Yeah, PyPI keeps getting better and the tools around it. And a recent release just a couple days ago of Twine. So Twine has been updated.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And for people that don't know, Twine is the thing that pushes your code from your laptop or your computer or your server or wherever to PyPI. And Twine has a check function now. Actually, there's quite a few things in the new Twine upgrade, but this one's neat because once you've packaged your distribution up and everything in your wheels and whatever, it usually shows up in a dist folder. And then you say twine check dist and then everything in it. And it checks to make sure that one of the things it does, I think it does a lot of things,
Starting point is 00:01:36 but at the very least, one of the things it does is make sure your readme is rendering properly, supposedly. Yeah, that's really cool that it even checks that, right? Because that's hard to test, right? How do you know if your readme is not rendering properly, supposedly. Yeah, that's really cool that it even checks that, right? Because that's hard to test, right? How do you know if your readme is not rendering properly? Yeah, we're linking to an article that's on the PyPA that is how to make a PyPI-friendly readme. So there's actually, it's not really difficult,
Starting point is 00:02:03 but it's one of those things that, it's one of the last things you do one of those things that it's one of the last things you do before you, well, it shouldn't be the last thing, but when you're getting a package together and you're like, Hey, I have this really cool idea. I want to push it up on PyPI. You got to make sure the read me is all the read me works. And, um, this is one of those steps. And there's just a little short article on how to, how to do that. Right. Yeah. Although like magic, it's not difficult, but the stuff you have to put in your and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah, that's a good find. Anyone who is either maintaining or thinking of creating a PyPI package should definitely check it out. Yeah, and I think in your build toolchain or your talks toolchain to add a check step to make sure go ahead and check before pushing it up. That would be a good thing
Starting point is 00:02:44 to do. That can be like a pre-commit hook or something. I don't know. Definitely some part of your continuous integration anyway. Yeah, definitely part of your CI. The first item I have is pretty interesting. And when you think of the languages and technologies that you can use, most of the time we think of programming languages and their subsequent runtimes basically being
Starting point is 00:03:07 free right i mean obviously python like you don't think well what does c python cost but even from places where you might not necessarily expect it right like c++ it's free go is free is free right all these things you know what's not free these days? What? Java. Really? So apparently Sun has made the Java runtime for, you're going to have to just check out the article on the register to make sure I get this exactly right. But roughly, Java is making the runtime a subscription.
Starting point is 00:03:43 And the subscription costs $25 per processor per month for commercial entities. Wow. Is that crazy? Yeah. There's definitely some cases, like as students and whatnot, where you can just use Java for free. But a lot of commercial organizations that depend upon Java need to read this article and the subsequently linked 330-page document that describes this process over at Oracle. So that's pretty interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah. It's the runtimes even. So you have to, like, if somebody else makes a Java application, it's not the person making it, it's the person running it. Yeah. So it says, Oracle's put a price on the Java SE and its subsequent support. So $25 per processor per month plus a $2.50 per user per month on the desktop.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Okay. Unless you buy a whole bunch. Yeah, so it looks like maybe $2.50. Wow. Yeah, it's kind of all convoluted, but it's, yeah, it's quite interesting. They say the older runtimes, you can still use them for free, but, like, who wants to use a runtime that has no bug fixes, no security patches or things like that, right?
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yeah, I guess maybe they're trying to make everybody move to Python. Yeah, that was my first thought. It's like, yeah, Java's been pretty high in the language rankings. Maybe it's going to plummet now. I mean, seriously, this is pretty crazy so yeah it says also uh there's a little bit of a stick to go with the carrot uh yeah come january 2019 java se8 on the desktop won't be updated anymore unless you buy a subscription and yeah just the short version is every commercial enterprise needs to look at their java standard edition usage to see if they have something to do with licensing now.
Starting point is 00:05:28 So this was sent in by one of our listeners. And I'm super sorry I didn't write down the name in the show notes. But thank you for sending it in. This is interesting. I know it's not directly a Python thing, but it's just, you know, here's the thing. I kind of always sort of thought of Java as more or less open source. And I guess it's just you know that oracle oversaw but i guess that's not the case yeah weird okay yeah anyway there uh there's that
Starting point is 00:05:51 yeah well this next uh topic is really really important for importing importing yes it's very very important tell us about it yeah Absolute versus relative imports in Python. This is an article on the RealPython. I think it's on RealPython. There's a lot of great articles there. Yeah. I like what they're doing. Great job over there.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Me too. The relative, and I lost my tab, but most of your imports are going to be, the first part of the article is talking about normal kinds of imports, like just you import a package, like the import statement, or you do from package import something,
Starting point is 00:06:31 or from package dot, some sub package. There's a lot of versions of that. So it's covering that. But there's, like, for instance, there's relative imports, which includes dots. So, like, from dot import something or import dot something. And I never, I kind of never remember how all that works. So I'm glad that somebody wrote it up. I know it could probably find this other places, but this is a nice write up of
Starting point is 00:06:59 what all this means. So in general, people say the recommendation is don't do this, don't do relative imports. But sometimes you have to, and there's a lot of good times. So for instance, if you were a package maintainer or you're developing a package, the modules within the package should be able to use functions from other modules. That's why you have them. But how do you import that? You don't just, and one of the ways is you import you know, from dot neighbor module, import something. And that's what the single dot is, is import a module from the same package you're already at. Yeah, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You know, the other thing that bugs me about when you have a package and sub packages that all interact and you use the full or external import style, if you want to rename that package, you're like, oh, I kind of like would rather call it this. All of a sudden, there's like lots of pain and suffering that happens. Yeah. Well, even within it, if you import it from the top, yeah, you have to go through and change it. I don't know. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:00 It's not something I see very much, but I think it's a great article to have it all written up. Yeah, well, I use the dot dot. I guess it's a parent package thing. I don't really use that. But the single dot I use all the time to just say the import something from the same package I'm in to keep. That way, like you said, you don't have to. If you decide on a different name for your package, you don't need to change that. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Very nice. So this is a good write up. Yeah. So before we get to the next one, which is kind of retro and fun, let me tell you quickly about Datadog. If you're not familiar with them, you should check them out.
Starting point is 00:08:30 They're especially good for distributed systems, microservices, things like that. So they're a monitoring platform that brings together metrics, logs, request traces, all in one place. Datadog has a trace
Starting point is 00:08:41 as search and analytics feature that lets you break down your, your actually your Python app performance by user, by URL, all sorts of cool stuff like that. So you can quickly, easily troubleshoot and optimize your Python app. So try that out today for,
Starting point is 00:08:58 with a free trial and data dog will send you a free, cool dog t-shirt. It's very nice. Check them out at slash datadog to get started. The user ID thing, searching on users is kind of cool. You could maybe line that up if a particular user had a complaint or something. You could maybe use that. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I get this all the time. Like, oh, this thing is not working super well on your platform. I'm like, seems to be working pretty well. I just don't understand. But if I could actually dig into it by user ID, that'd be platform. I'm like, it seems to be working pretty well. I just don't understand. But if I could actually dig into it by user ID, that'd be awesome. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah. So I promised you something retro, right?
Starting point is 00:09:32 Yeah. I love retro. Quite retro. Yeah. So you should check out. If you feel like making a game, you know, a lot of people get into programming because they were interested in making games and that's why they got into programming.
Starting point is 00:09:45 That was not me, actually. Like, I enjoyed playing games when I was younger. I sometimes still do. But I wasn't like, oh, I have to go into a computer so I can make a game. I know a lot of people did. But the reality of make a game now is get a hundred of your, you know, highly skilled developers and artists, friends together and work for a year, which doesn't make a lot of sense, right? Yeah. So, you might make, like, a cool 2D scroll or a retro thing.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And this thing called Pyxel, P-Y-X-E-L, like pixel, Python pixel sort of thing, is a retro game engine for Python. How fun. So the idea is you only get 16 colors. You get four sounds that can be played at the same time. It's a Python 3 game platform. It runs on all the major platforms, Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Starting point is 00:10:30 It even comes with a bunch of cool examples. So if you pip install it, then you can just run install Pyxel examples, and then you can go and explore them. But what do you think, looking at some of the screenshots there? It looks kind of fun. I've got to try to check this out. Yeah, you don't have to be like massively skilled to create the graphics because you only get like a few colors.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You only get like a certain size. It's not, you know, you don't have to be crazy, artistic game studio type place to make this. Yeah, these are the types of video games that I grew up on. Yeah, I think people might enjoy this. And like I said, I think it makes it pretty accessible. It's an interesting way to bring UI capabilities to Python for people who might want to, like, if you are doing some sort of programming class or you're doing, you know, like a school club or an hour of code type of thing, an hour of code is probably too short. But, you know, those types of projects where you want to let, especially kids who are impatient and don't care that much for terminal apps and are not ready for web apps like
Starting point is 00:11:29 they could build a fun little thing if you gave them this as a foundation yeah yes so cool yeah if you're if people are into retro games check this out you can create your own with python what if i don't want to create a game i just want to create a command line interface you mean like most most apps yeah so yes you can even make your game have command line interfaces. Yeah. So there's a couple of options, right? You could use sys.argv. That'd be pretty awesome.
Starting point is 00:11:53 That's pretty extensible. You could also use higher level things like argparse or click, right? Click. Yeah. Yeah. What's up with click? I know there's a lot of great options and sometimes you just reach for what you know. And since I've written a few command line interfaces from the sysargs and not enjoyed it,
Starting point is 00:12:12 I have enjoyed working with Click. And so Click's been around for a while, but the news, really I wanted to highlight it because it's cool that the Click version 7 was released recently. And there's a huge list in their changelog of all the stuff they fixed. And normally, I mean, normally we don't just cover a version update of something just for the heck of it, because things update all the time, except for Click doesn't update all the time. The last version of Click was released January of 2017. So that's neat that we have a new one.
Starting point is 00:12:46 So there's all sorts of fun stuff in here. I don't know what I'm really excited about. There's ZShell auto-completion support that was added. That's kind of neat. That is quite cool. I use OhMyZSH, which I love, and this is really exciting for me because it's based on ZShell. One of the other things is Click interfaces have, they include a help option. You can do dash dash help and it tells you what the options are for your command line interface and how to call it. You have to build that sort
Starting point is 00:13:15 of stuff in, but it's pretty easy to write up. But one of the things they've added is that if you do it wrong, it doesn't tell you, it just says this is wrong or something. It doesn't tell you, it doesn't point to the help, but now it does. So in this version, any usage errors will now hint at using the help option, which is cool. Yeah. Yeah. I like it. And actually there's pages and pages and pages of updates. There's a lot of stuff that changed. So good job folks at, and I didn't realize it was part of the pallets project, which is also Flask, the people that work on Flask. Yeah, yeah. It's part of Palettes. And you talked about how it hasn't been updated in a while,
Starting point is 00:13:50 and this is a major release. Flask just went 1.0, and we talked about that a little while ago as well. That's pretty awesome. Yeah. And I know that the Palettes people, they take donations for if you're utilizing this and want to help out, they would love to have your money. They would. They would. They have a special arrangement with the PSF. So it's sort of a nonprofit thing as well somehow, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 And nice people too. Yep. Absolutely. So this is cool. I'm glad you highlighted it. I want to understand the ZSH autocomplete a little bit more. That's sweet. So Brian, do you use the cloud much?
Starting point is 00:14:22 I think so. Well, we live in Oregon, so we get lots of clouds. Oh, yeah. We, like, definitely use the cloud at least half the year. Yeah. No, so. That was a really bad joke. It's a pretty good one.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah, I like it. So, one of the challenges of especially, like, platform as a service and things that are not infrastructure, but other stuff, database as a service and other higher order things is that you often pay like as you use them, right? And like if I use a virtual machine, I turn on the virtual machine,
Starting point is 00:14:54 I know what it costs, right? Like I go to DigitalOcean, fire that thing up. I know like the server that runs Python bytes plus the database server, they cost $15 a month together, right? I know it's $15 pretty much other than bandwidth, which is mostly covered.
Starting point is 00:15:09 If you use something like say Firebase or AWS Lambda or other things like you pay as you use it. And generally that's to your advantage. Right. But the you isn't really you. The you is your users are using it. Right. And you don't necessarily know how much your users are going to use it. Right. I mean, it's a good problem to have. Like I have lots
Starting point is 00:15:27 of users, they're using my app a lot. So I'm using my cloud service a lot, but it's, it's super, super scaling. And it turns out that if you program badly, you may, you may have a higher bill than, uh, than you otherwise expected. Yeah. So here's an example, which I think is just maybe a cautionary tale for everyone using clouds. And it doesn't really too much depend on like what cloud you're using. Anything that where the price depends upon user consumption. I have a real world example for myself.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I'll tell you about at the end. But the article I want to cover here is, the title is how we spent $30,000 in Firebase in less than three days. Wow. And Firebase is like a database as a service exposed over like a HTTP endpoint for JavaScript type of thing. Like that's pretty much my understanding of it. I don't really use it, but it's like if I'm doing say an AngularJS or some kind of front end JavaScript app, I can like just connect to Firebase straight from my client sideside code, and then we're good. It can do the various things that it needs to do, right?
Starting point is 00:16:32 So there's this place called Vaki, something like that, in Colombia. And it's kind of like Kickstarter, but Colombian. and they had just launched and it turned out that they had this project on there that became the largest crowdfunding campaign in colombia by like three times collecting three times as much money as anyone ever had in the first two days so they collected tons and tons of money they had like two million sessions like 20 million page views 15 000 like backings or whatever you call that sounds good right yeah well it turns out the site was running really slow and the folks who built it, they were somewhat new developers. They're like, I don't know what to do to make this work. I know what, let's just upgrade all the frameworks. We're using Angular 4. Let's upgrade to Angular 6 or something to this. It wasn't Angular,
Starting point is 00:17:17 maybe it was React. I don't know. Whatever framework they have, they're just like, we're going to upgrade these things. Nope, that didn't fix it, right? So they spent like a day like poking around and it was still running slow and it kept slowing down more and more they couldn't figure out what's going on and they logged into their firebase account and they saw their bill was like thirty thousand dollars it was costing six hundred dollars an hour more every hour oh wow yikes and like what is going on so it was like you know like firebase you pay on like the number of calls and type thing so it turned out that they have this little part of the site just like in kickstarter in the right it says there's this many contributions and currently this much money has been like pledged towards this account and i think what happened
Starting point is 00:17:53 was their implementation of showing that number it didn't like sum it in the database it call it like suck down all the payments table and then like added it in javascript and it kept doing that to like keep it live or something yeah every time somebody goes and looks uh yeah yeah exactly they made like 40 billion requests billion with a b to their like database and that got them like a 30 000 bill yikes so so it's uh it's pretty interesting uh worth checking out this this article the comments are super interesting. Some of them are super supportive and others are kind of mean. You probably wouldn't imagine this, but there's a theme of testing.
Starting point is 00:18:32 They should have tested better before they rolled out the site. Well, yeah. But you can't test everything and foresee. Yeah, you can't foresee everything. That's true. Right. And I'm sure it seemed fine when you tested it with like the 10 purchases they had in their little test project. But you put, you know, 15,000, all of a sudden it starts to behave badly.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah. And I heard about somebody doing some things like similar, not a success story, really. Just somebody saying that they would run kind of some abuse testing against a local database or local mock service and then set it all up. And they were going to just see how it did for abuse testing over the weekend. a local database or local mock service and then set it all up. And, uh, they were going to just see how it did for abuse testing over the weekend, got back and realized that they were not testing abuse testing in the lab. They were abuse testing the live service and, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:19:17 similar issue, a big, huge AWS bill because, uh, of the test running all the time. So auto skills, amazing. It just takes care of all the traffic you have.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah. Wait, what? How much does this cost? So I was thinking about this article like a few weeks ago and thinking we might cover it on this episode. And I thought, ah, good thing this doesn't happen to me. Never do this. Today, today, today.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Remember, I don't know if I told the audiences, but I know I told you this when we were hanging out at PyCon last year. Like for my courses, I set up a whole bunch of different video servers throughout the world. So I've got like one in Mumbai, one in Tokyo, one in Sydney, one in Frankfurt and so on. And I got tired of synchronizing the files. So I wrote this system that would automatically sync them across the world to these different locations. Well, it turned out there's a small find and replace that has to be done to adjust the location from the source to the destination servers. And I logged into that thing today, and it was still synchronizing just continuously. And I'm like, oh, no.
Starting point is 00:20:19 This server has been continuously downloading and uploading to S3 as fast as it can for two weeks. I'm like, what is my AWS bill? And I logged in and it wasn't so bad. It was like $300 more than normal, which is okay. But I'm just like, yeah, that pretty much is exactly just a less bad version of what happened to these guys. And it was because it was a bad file replacement. Basically, sync, the word sync was being replaced in some circumstances and i have a new course called async and it was taking out the sync part and so it just it kept going up files not there we got to upload it files not there we got to upload you know because they just they mismatched yeah that was bad news oh yeah
Starting point is 00:21:00 anyway so uh it can happen to. It happened to me this morning. I fixed it, by the way. Well, yeah. If you're paying for any of those services, check once in a while to make sure that. Yeah. And you know what? I actually, I have, that's kind of one of the takeaways, both from the article and from why I wanted to say that is I have an alarm set at AWS.
Starting point is 00:21:20 And it says, if my bill goes over this amount, send me an email. If my bill goes over this amount, send me an email. And I woke up and I saw that alarm as well. I'm like, oh, that's not good. Yeah. So anyway, it's all fine. But check it out. It's definitely worth thinking about if you do anything that is in the cloud that is based on consumption by users. Yeah, definitely. All right. Well, that's our main items. I have a really exciting one. I wanted to get in, but actually I just learned about it 15 minutes before we started recording,
Starting point is 00:21:50 so I didn't have time to dig into it. So news is Dropbox. Dropbox is one of the biggest users of Python, as we know, and they have been stuck on Python 2 for what seems like eternity, which is so ironic because Gita Van Rossum works there and some of the other core developers that work there is like, yeah, Python 2 all day. You know, got to love it, right? So the big news is as of yesterday, Dropbox has now upgraded to Python 3 and they have like a nice article right up on it. We'll cover it in more depth next week, but I'm going to link to it now since it's timely and important. That's so cool though.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, very neat. Yeah, yeah. What about conferences? Well, we just got an announcement. I think I just saw this today that the call for proposals for the 2019 PyCon is now open. Oh, really? Yeah. That's pretty awesome. So you can get started on your proposals for next year. Yeah, I'm thinking about those for sure.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I definitely have some stuff I want to propose. So thanks. Yeah. See, I learned about stuff right here on the show. All I got to do is just sit here. Yeah, and the PyCascades is still open too. Yeah, until thanks. Yeah. See, I learned about stuff right here on the show. All I got to do is just sit here. Yeah. And the Pi Cascades is still open too. So yeah, till October. Yeah. So it's proposal time, I guess. It's definitely proposal time. Also Pi Tennessee, I can't go, but I know that they have their call for proposals open as well. So there's lots of conferences. You know,
Starting point is 00:22:59 conferences are a spring summer type thing a lot of times. And so the call for proposals are, you know, sort of now. Yeah. I mean, mean you know why not spend your holiday season coming up with things too yeah that's that's what i'm doing on thanksgiving for sure maybe halloween as well my kids will love it you know what's scary this talk's really scary no dad i want to get candy this is even better than candy no if you wait till halloween you'll miss the bike escades you gotta do that before that's true yeah it's true i can't do that. All right. Anyway. No, I won't wait.
Starting point is 00:23:26 You've got one more course? I got one more. So I just released like literally an hour and 15 minutes ago or so, released a new course called Async Techniques and Examples in Python. And this one is something I'm super excited about. I've been wanting this course to exist ever since I started in Python. And I've decided that I'm going to put in the time to create it. And so I just launched a five-hour course on all the
Starting point is 00:23:50 async things in Python. Oh, that's very exciting, because I want to learn all the async things in Python. So I'll have to check that out. I have a resource to recommend. Yeah, so I put the link in the show notes. People can check it out at Should be in the course list. Nice. Cool. Yep, definitely. All right, Brian, thanks for being here and sharing this with everyone. Yeah, thank you. You bet.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Bye. Bye. Thank you for listening to Python Bytes. Follow the show on Twitter via at Python Bytes. That's Python Bytes as in B-Y-T-E-S. And get the full show notes at If you have a news item you want featured, just visit and send it our way. We're always on the lookout for sharing something cool. On behalf of myself
Starting point is 00:24:30 and Brian Auchin, this is Michael Kennedy. Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast with your friends and colleagues.

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