#160 Your JSON shall be streamed
Episode Date: December 12, 2019Topics covered in this episode: Type Hints for Busy Python Programmers auto-py-to-exe How to document Python code with Sphinx Snek is a cross-platf...
Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken. The show is a short discussion on the headlines and noteworthy news in the Python, developer, and data science space.
420 episodes transcribedTopics covered in this episode: Type Hints for Busy Python Programmers auto-py-to-exe How to document Python code with Sphinx Snek is a cross-platf...
Topics covered in this episode: Final type flit 2 Pint 8 great pytest plugins * 11 new web frameworks* Raise Better Exceptions in Python Extras Jok...
Topics covered in this episode: GitHub launches 'Security Lab' to help secure open source ecosystem pybit.es now has some test challenges pyhttptes...
Topics covered in this episode: pydantic Coverage.py 5.0 beta 1 adds context support * PSF is seeking developers for paid contract improving pip* d...
Topics covered in this episode: * Why You Should Use* python -m pip Visual Studio Online: Web-Based IDE & Collaborative Code Editor Black 19.10...
Topics covered in this episode: Guido retires SeleniumBase Reimplementing a Solaris command in Python gained 17x performance improvement from C 20...
Topics covered in this episode: Lesser Known Coding Fonts Django Admin Handbook Your Guide to the CPython Source Code Six Django template tags not...
Topics covered in this episode: Building a Python C Extension Module What’s New in Python 3.8 - docs.python.org UK National Cyber Security Centre (...
Topics covered in this episode: JPMorgan’s Athena Has 35 Million Lines of Python 2 Code, and Won’t Be Updated to Python 3 in Time organize PEP 589...
Topics covered in this episode: Python alternative to Docker How to support open-source software and stay sane MATLAB vs Python: Why and How to Mak...
Topics covered in this episode: How to Stand Out in a Python Coding Interview The Python Software Foundation has updated its Code of Conduct The In...
Topics covered in this episode: Dropbox: Our journey to type checking 4 million lines of Python Setting Up a Flask Application in Visual Studio Cod...
Topics covered in this episode: Annual Release Cycle for Python - PEP 602 awesome-asgi Asynchronous Django Sunsetting Python 2 Extras Joke See t...
Topics covered in this episode: rapidtables Quick and dirty mock service with Starlette Mocking out AWS APIs Single Responsibility Principle in Pyt...
Topics covered in this episode: Positional-only arguments in Python django-stubs CodeCombat Four Use Cases for When to Use Celery in a Flask Applic...
Topics covered in this episode: friendly-traceback * Pandas Users Survey* * python3 “Y2K” problem (python3.10 / python4.0)* pypi research * DaPy* p...
Topics covered in this episode: Why your mock doesn’t work The nonlocal statement in Python twitter.com/brettsky/status/1163860672762933249 pre-com...
Topics covered in this episode: Keynote: Python 2020 - Łukasz Langa - PyLondinium19 My oh my, flake8-mypy and pytest-mypy Python 3 at Mozilla Extr...
Topics covered in this episode: Writing sustainable Python scripts Static Analysis and Bandit jupyter-black Report Generation workflow with papermi...
Topics covered in this episode: Debugging with f-strings in Python 3.8 Am I "real" software developer yet? Debugging with local variables and snoop...