Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - QQ ep 102 - S'More Quick Questions!

Episode Date: August 13, 2021

In this episode, it once again gets revealed to Soren that Daniel does not own a toaster. Other stuff happens, but that's probably the real highlight.  And as always big thanks to our sponsors. Thank...s to BetterHelp.  Get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com/qq . Thanks to Raycon!.  Go To buyraycon.com/qq for 15% off your entire Raycon order.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hello again and welcome to another episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel, the podcast where two best friends and comedy writers ask each other questions and give each other answers. I am one half of that podcast, author of How to Fight Presidents, and staff writer for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Joined Daniel O'Brien, Jesus Christ, a hundred plus episodes in, and I blew the part where I say my name. I'm Daniel O'Brien and I'm joined as always by my co-host, Mr. Soren Booy. Hello everybody, this is Soren Booy and I'm doing pretty well, too. And I can pronounce my own name. You know what's the most embarrassing part of this? What's that? Is that the reason that I forgot to say my name is because it's not written down in front of me.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah. I read this thing that I've been saying for over a year now. And if I accidentally deleted Daniel O'Brien, then it's gone. Here's how I know I'm terrible at stand up is that I will write notes to myself and be like what if I just go to the stage and like here these are my bullets
Starting point is 00:00:54 and like now I'll riff on them I've tried it that way and I don't know how to do it I just read like the minute that my face is locked in on a page that's how it works like I'm not just gonna like look at it and then riff on something that easily like i need to write it out as i'm gonna say it with the breaths in there and everything and like the mistakes the intentional mistakes like those types
Starting point is 00:01:15 of things they i need it i need it or i can't do it i realized i was uh uh i completely fucked someone up accidentally in a play in college i was doing this play called the pillow man and uh in the the last act of the play my character is writing his confession out and it's just like several page confession that lays out a bunch of uh brutal murders and also like his last will essentially and uh because i as an actor soren you're an actor so you understand as an actor i thought it would be more authentic if i was genuinely writing what this confession is so like i memorized the confession that my character doesn't read he just he writes another character reads it and i was writing it out but then as i'm doing it i I'm realizing like, oh, I, I'm writing slower than, than this
Starting point is 00:02:09 needs to be. I need to get him the pages. So I would like start to write the sentences and then write gibberish and just hand him a mix of the actual lines and gibberish. And it really threw him off. Of course. And with good reason too, because I'm sure he sees it and is like, oh, he's made it easy for me. Oh oh no he fucked me
Starting point is 00:02:26 there's a play called other places where it's just one boy well it's three it's three different plays but the first one is a boy who's away from his parents living in a weird sort of hostile situation where the man who's in charge is maybe trying to seduce or groom this young boy but um he he's writing letters to his mom and the whole thing is epistolary and when i did this play i immediately started writing the actual letters as i was doing it and and the director was like stop you're so slow you're going so slow i was like okay so then i tried to do what you did which is just like some gibberish and some real words and it still it was the same thing where like, if I just looked at it, it fucked me up. So it got to the point where all I was doing was just like Ramona Quimby scribbling.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Just like, so it looks like Donald Trump's signature across the page over or a heartbeat over and over and over and over and over again. And it looks like a crazy person did it. It's one of those things. and over and over again and it looks like a crazy person did it it's one of those things i'm very curious if there was someone who was who was bored at either of our plays who caught on to this and was like man that is not what writing looks like just a bunch of loops and that makes me want to go through all footage of like every play or every movie where somebody has to be writing in the same way that like they discovered that coffee cups that when somebody's in a in a movie like the coffee cups never have any weight to them.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It's always a real problem because they're empty. By coffee cups, I mean the ones that have an actual lid on them like you'd get to go at Starbucks. There's clearly no weight to them. The more you recognize it, the more you see it in movies, and the more wrong it looks all the time. I bet it's the same with writing. I bet you could go through it and you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:04:01 that was way too fast to write a check. There's no way that they wrote everything in that amount of time it actually kind of makes sense when i think about donald trump's awful signature because it's one of those things that like okay now this is a part where like multiple cameras are on me everyone is watching me do this okay fuck i'm panicking all right good what's the i'm just realizing i've never thought until right this moment that a camera is on that I don't know how long a signature is supposed to take. What is a normal amount of time for me to be doing this? Okay. Three peak lines.
Starting point is 00:04:34 That's it. That's my name. That's it. That's it, everyone. That's all you get. Man, he didn't even come close to crossing a T. Yeah, I don't do it. That's not my style.
Starting point is 00:04:46 And now I'm going to hold it up so you all can see. That's my signature. So you know going forward, this is how long a signature should take. Thanks to BetterHelp for supporting Quick Question. For 10% off your first month, go to betterhelp.com slash QQ. Start living a better life today. That's betterhelp.com QQ. Thanks to Raycon for supporting quick question
Starting point is 00:05:05 get crisp professional beats at half the price of other premium audio brands raycon's offering you 15 off your entire order and here's what you've got to do to get it go to buyraycon.com slash qq uh i want to get into the show yeah we ask each other questions, but first, I wanted to update our audience because we teased your episode of American Dad, the show you write for, that you're very proud of featuring Scottie Pippen, and
Starting point is 00:05:36 that aired. That aired this week as if it's recording. I watched it. I have it on my DVR. I'm very proud and excited. It's still really cool for me to see your name on there, and I'm not, very proud and excited. It's still really cool for me to see your name on there. And I'm not even you. Thank you. Yeah. Congratulations on a great episode. Yeah, I was very excited to see it. I was I had sort of hyped it up on the podcast and then also on Twitter. And then they moved the date and I was like, Oh, but I all the work I had done all the 12 people i was encouraging to watch it and then um they said we're pushing it but we'll let you know when when it's gonna air
Starting point is 00:06:10 and then saturday rolled around and i started seeing i follow american dad on twitter and i started seeing clips from it and gifs and i was like hey that's my episode oh shit that's my episode it's on right now everyone it's on please go watch it uh but it's great and i encourage everyone to watch it um i mean i don't know how you do it now uh so you can watch it on uh it'll be on hulu shortly and then it'll also be on syndication and cartoon network it'll be on like three times a day for a little while on cartoon network Network, I'm sure. Well, cool, cool, cool. Let's get into the show. Soren, quick question.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yeah, go for it. When was the last time you were successfully, where an advertisement actually worked on you? Where I was duped by an ad? I mean, like duped sounds like you bought a lemon that you didn't want. Which I don't necessarily want that to be the case. I don't want that to be the case.
Starting point is 00:07:09 And I don't want it to be something where, like, you were actively looking for a wagon or a new tent. And you saw an ad that persuaded you. I can go first if you need time. Yeah, go ahead. And I hate when this happens because I generally i i hate advertising so much i mean stick around for us talking about the the sponsors of this podcast or whatever um and i don't want to give it any credit but it often works on me and this one there's a shoe company and i wasn't looking for shoes so i don't need any more shoes uh and they it was a targeted instagram ad that the whole premise of the shoe
Starting point is 00:07:48 was like was solving a problem that i didn't have until the commercial came on and it was like are you are you frustrated struggling to to put your shoes on and i was like frustrated no i'm furious i can't believe someone would do this to me. And the company was like, well, great. Keep listening. We've got these, we've created a new shoe technology where you never have to like wiggle your foot to get in ever again. There's this special technology that goes in the heel of the shoe. So you just step into it and, and that's it. And you're done. And you don't even have to tie these things and they're they're good supportive sneakers and i'm like ah what's what's this
Starting point is 00:08:31 amazing life-changing technology gonna cost me a hundred bucks and the commercial is like yeah before shipping oh okay then all right and so I bought these stupid expensive shoes that, you know, I would say every once in a while I'll like jam a finger in the heel of a shoe to squeeze my stupid foot in there. But it's not, I'm not wasting too much time in my life getting shoes on. And I certainly didn't need to be sold on this expensive new technology with this like plastic saddle yeah you're not back of the shoe you're not overwhelming that finger either like that finger is not abnormally aged because of all the shoe work it's been doing no i'm never like sweating in my apartment like i'm gonna be late for work again because of this it's it's truly nothing that's helped me back um but the the commercial offered a solution and
Starting point is 00:09:28 i was like i'm sure i'll find a problem later so i bought the solution and uh i wear these shoes every fucking day and it's i i don't have any buyer's remorse except for feeling like uh i'm i'm the biggest mark in the world. So much so that like, I'm still getting ads for these shoes. And I want to tell the marketing person like, it worked. You got me. Just sell me something else and I'll buy it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Do something else for me. That's my biggest. I can't buy another pair of these shoes. My biggest complaint with the way that marketing works. And, you know, none of my marketing comes from broadcast television, obviously, don't i don't even watch it but like all that's coming from the internet and streaming and once you are even interested in a product the everything is but you're being bombarded with that product and so even if you're first interested you go look for it you buy it that doesn't change the bombardment they're still like hey hey you still want that umbrella for your table for your picnic table? You want an umbrella?
Starting point is 00:10:25 No, no, no, I already bought it. Well, we're going to show you six more. We're going to show them for the next six months. This is all you're going to see in your Facebook. It's wild that they don't know how to turn off once you already buy the product, like your weird ski binding shoes. Right, and I'm sure it's one company that manages
Starting point is 00:10:41 ads for various products. It's one advertising like large umbrella that covers these things so like you can still serve me ads and i'll still probably buy it but just like i i got the shoes soren bought the umbrella move on trick me with something else now um i do get i get and i yeah you're right dupe sounds wrong because I end up really enjoying this as long as I do it. But I am a real sucker for mobile game ads. They always, always get me in a way that's embarrassing where I can't click on the ad
Starting point is 00:11:17 when it's being shown to me. I have to go into the app store and go find it myself. Maybe I can trick people into thinking that I discovered this on my own. Who are you trying to trick? Anyone who's tracking the ad. Oh, okay. Clickthroughs on the ad.
Starting point is 00:11:33 That's what I'm, I'm just trying to cover my tracks. Yeah. And they work all the time. I mean, anytime I'm playing a game and it serves me up an ad, I'm always like, yeah, that game looks like it fucking rules.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And then I will go find it and I will go play it for a while. Now, a lot of times what they do is they'm always like, yeah, that game looks like it fucking rules. And then I will go find it and I will go play it for a while. Now, a lot of times what they do is they're just like, the ad has nothing to do with the game whatsoever. They will show you a game in the ad that is not related in any conceivable way. It's like some sort of like puzzle situation where you're like, okay, to get the coins that are up here in the top of this vault you gotta pull these pins but don't pull them in the right or wrong order all the the gold falls in the lava and then you go and like get the game and it's homescapes you're like you're you're basically doing uh bubble blast and then at the end you get they're like all right you earned a living room and then
Starting point is 00:12:21 you get to go pick out a living room and it's not the same game at all um is there how there's not like a bonus level where you get to do the advertised game no no in fact i don't know how this is even allowed but there's a lot of games out there where they're just like they can they can put on there whatever the fuck they want and it doesn't even there's no consequence to it they're just like hey come play this game come play this game and the worst that's going to happen is you're going to download it realize that it's wrong and leave the best case scenario is that you're going to download it like i do you're going to start playing it and then you'll be like fuck i'm good at this and then you're going to just keep going because you feel like you've got something suddenly that you're good at in your life um but the games in general like i i love mobile games i play them so so much like an
Starting point is 00:13:07 embarrassing amount and if i find the right one i'm just on it for a very very very long time i started playing daniel magic are you familiar with magic the gathering magic the gathering sure i played once with michael swaim and and brennan carter who are good friends of ours and i didn't understand it. And I thought, as we were playing, the way that Michael was treating it and the way that he was constantly... I'd put out a creature. I was like, finally, I got enough mana or whatever for this creature.
Starting point is 00:13:35 And it's going to fuck him up. And he'd just have this one card that could chain up my creature, and then I couldn't use it. And I was like, the whole point of this game is to just be annoying in clever ways. And I don't like that. And I got frustrated and laughed. And then I was like, well, I should learn how to play this game. Maybe I'll enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And so I started playing online. And it is, it's like going bowling where you don't have to keep score yourself. I was having a very hard time keeping track of what all my characters did, what all my monsters and creatures did, and how many points they could take off or add to my own life. And so this game keeps track of all of that.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And so I was like, oh, great. And so I started playing it, and I very clearly rose just through the ranks enough, which was maybe like I won four games, where suddenly I was out of my death completely and it was the same annoying shit again where it was just everybody who i was playing against was like oh you think that's a good card well have you seen this one and it's like some bullshit that i can't possibly counter and that that destroys everything i'm trying to
Starting point is 00:14:38 build and it's really just like every little aspect of it is just like the idea is to annoy the person across from you and just like whatever they think they it is just like the idea is to annoy the person across from you and just like whatever they think they're building all you just tear it down and then and i don't that part really pisses me off what interferes with your happiness or prevents you from achieving your goals it could be any number of things we've just we we went through a pandemic together and we're still going through it and And you don't even need a reason. Just something that could be interfering with your happiness right now. Whatever it is for you, it's valid.
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Starting point is 00:15:55 Plus, you can schedule weekly video or phone sessions and send a message to your counselor anytime. Start living a happier life today. Get 10% off your first month at betterhelp.com slash QQ. Join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health. That's betterhelp.com slash QQ for 10% off your first month. Thanks, BetterHelp. Magic seems like uniquely unsuited for a very experienced person in their 20s teaching a completely inexperienced person in their 20s how how to play like my brother and i learned as kids together growing
Starting point is 00:16:29 up so we're like matching each other's levels as we're going and we hadn't seen the game a thousand times before so in like mid-20s michael is teaching you the game i'm sure he's very good and very patient teacher he still also like knows everything you're going to do yeah yeah i play a card and i'm like okay so this one he's like you don't have to tell me i know what the card is okay okay so you've seen these then yeah right and i have one card that not only renders your creature useless it actually like you chose swamp deck as your deck this makes swamp invalid you can't use swamp anymore well what the fuck what i can't switch now and then i don't know i it just there now you just watch me accumulate spores on my cards it's clear yeah
Starting point is 00:17:19 like people like it's just they're so fucking clever in a way that is not engaging or fun for me. I play against people on this app where they're like, their whole deck is built to make me burn through my deck as fast as possible. And if you get through the entire, it makes you scry a bunch of cards. That means you're looking at them and you're burying some in your graveyard.
Starting point is 00:17:41 These are complicated terms, Dan. It's just a glossary you learn when you play the game. And then he doesn't have any real creatures or anything. All the things he's playing are just these magical spells that make me have to burn new cards and go through seven cards, now ten cards, until I get to the bottom
Starting point is 00:17:57 of my deck. And I guess when you get to the bottom of the deck, you just lose because you can't add anything. So it's fundamentally undermining the point of the game to win and i i just hate that i love playing by the rules i like it when everybody plays by the rules if i lose when we're all playing by the the rules that i think are the rules fine that's fine but that's why it's it's always very tough for me as someone who likes playing chess i i only want to play with
Starting point is 00:18:25 another idiot i don't want to play with anyone who has studied the moves or like knows any of the combinations i just want someone who is at my exact level which uh to be clear means i know what each of the pieces do and that's fucking it i don't even i can't like pull out patterns or anything like that there's no queen's gambit shit happening. It's just like, I know how all of these guys move and, uh, I'm not interested in learning more. I just want someone who's at that level and we could both like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:54 See who's fastest. See who's luckiest. That's how I want to play. Yes. That's all I want. Um, but anyway, those work on me.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Those ads work every single time on me i've played so many shitty games and like played them for a long time to the point where i'm like i wonder if the people who made this game are keeping track of uh who's actually playing this and how long they play it for because boy am i skewing their stats and then the other ads that work on me are fast food ads. Anytime they introduce something brand new, I'm like, I'm getting in the car. Wendy's has got some sort of weird new cheese on a jalapeno, a Munster cheese chicken sandwich. All right, I will be there in five minutes. And then at one point, El Pollo Loco introduced a s'mores quesadilla.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Oh, man. That's got my number. It was like a chocolate tortilla had marshmallow in it and some chocolate that like then melted together when they when they heated it up. And I thought, OK, I'm saving that one. I'm saving that one. And I told my wife about it and everything. And I was like, we're getting this. She was like, OK getting this she was like okay yeah fine and then i saved it till for a day where i was like okay today is
Starting point is 00:20:09 the day that i'm getting it and i went there and they'd already discontinued it and i still think about it it's just like that's the one that got away from me that's a heartbreaker i will buy anything billed as a s'mores product forever i was in the grocery grocery store recently and they have those chewy chips ahoy. But now they're getting wild with that where there's like Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, chips ahoy, and also s'mores chips ahoy. And I looked at that and I thought, I don't know if they can pull that off.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And I bought it and I'm eating it. I'm like, yeah, they can. It's not quite s'mores flavor because it's a very hard thing to nail. I bought maybe four packages at this point. white s'mores flavor because it's a very hard thing to nail i bought maybe four packages at this point s'mores i mean to continue a conversation we've had previously s'mores are another thing that's like completely impractical to eat there's no good way to do it and it pisses me off every time i do it because the idea of it sounds very good but then in practice it's like making the
Starting point is 00:21:01 perfect s'more is impossible you're gonna have some hard chocolate in there. And then just like the instability of the whole thing is really, it's a struggle every single time. And, but God damn it. If s'mores ice cream, does it come out? And I'm like, yes,
Starting point is 00:21:15 something with marshmallow in it. I need marshmallow, marshmallow and everything. I might say that that's so far. S'mores pop tarts is the only thing is like the, the best deployment of, of s'mores pop-tarts is the only thing is like the the best deployment of s'mores as a concept that's a great idea a whole pouch because then it has nowhere to go like they can't spill out i'm sorry you said that's a great idea do you not know these exist no oh yeah they do oh i said my my you should get them s'mores poparts. They're great. I don't own a toaster famously, so I can't have a toaster. This is to keep you away from pop tarts. Absolutely. A lot of times branding on our commercials for fast food and then also new drinks, new sodas, new juices.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Every time that I travel and I go on a road trip, I get so excited when I get to go to a gas station and go walk in. And first of all, look for anything that I saw on the TV. But then also I will look for anything brand new that looks completely fucked up. And I'm like, that's the drink I want. anything brand new that looks completely fucked up and i'm like that's the drink i want they had orbits drink for a while which was like a drink that had these little gummy balls that floated up and down inside it is it's it's the gum company i don't know if it is but it's like that was what it was called it was called orbits uh juice maybe okay um yeah orbits juice it was a non-carbonated juice that had these little
Starting point is 00:22:47 it looked like goldschlager basically but they were little balls in there and uh if you're thinking oh that's fine that's like boba tea no no sir it's not these are like these are tiny tiny little balls and the texture's wrong it's it's completely different but uh i was into that anytime there'd be like some peach strawberry lemonade coke or whatever i feel like yeah let's do it put it in me um so those those are the things that work on me jones soda used to be great i don't even know if that company exists anymore but they used to be uh i think part of their hook was just having really strange names for their their weird sodas that in no way told you what the flavor was.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And I would just like walk into an ice cream shop and see, oh, this one's called bugjuice.com. Yep. I'll buy three of those and put it in me. Yeah, Jones had a Thanksgiving soda where I was like, tell me no more. Just put it in me. No matter how you're feeling about getting back out there,
Starting point is 00:23:44 there's no denying it's an adjustment when the world gets too loud something i love to do is create my own soundtrack by popping in my raycon wireless earbuds we are teaming up with raycon and you can get 15 off your raycon order at buyraycon.com slash qq sometimes you need some upbeat music to pump you up before you see people or to stay calm with some guided meditation i like a good morning mix that I made that I have a playlist that I save and I listen to it every morning when I'm walking my dog to get me ready and excited about the day. I love it. It's my favorite part. And best of all, I don't have to talk to strangers. And let me tell you right now, Raycon is the best way to listen. They come with a bunch of gel tips for your comfort. And unlike
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Starting point is 00:25:03 Go. Okay. You know how throughout your life, there'll be songs that you go okay uh you know how throughout your life there'll be songs that you hear at the exact right moment in your life maybe you don't even know the lyrics to it or anything like that but it's just like the feel of the song and it happens at such a crucial moment in your life that like that song gets stuck in your craw like that song now is part of you you've graduated that into like the upper echelon of your favorite songs even if it might be mediocre do you know what i'm talking about like you maybe you had your first like your first date or whatever and or your first slow dance oh that's a good one yeah so
Starting point is 00:25:35 like a slow dance with a uh a girl that you really liked when you were a kid and now that song uh under the bridge is just like that's that lives with you forever right yes i understand this well there are movies i feel like this happens too as well where uh the circumstances under which you saw the movie make the they can elevate the movie into your list of favorites even if it's a crap movie and i'm curious know, what's a movie like that for you, and why is it so special? Okay, I think I have. I can go first, too.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Please. Okay. Maybe I've talked about it on this podcast. Have I talked about Captain Ron? I mean, it's possible. I might be dating myself with this. Captain Ron, when did that come out? You're about to listen to me do math, so steel yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:35 1992. I was born in 1982. Great, easy. That was 10. That was 10 when Captain Ron came out. I went on my first date to Captain Ron. At 10? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Dan, I was a sexually advanced boy. Jesus Christ. I went on my first date to Captain Ron. That's not crazy, is it? People go on dates at 10. I don't. It was a group date. It was like...
Starting point is 00:27:05 So my friend Cameron went with Lindsay and I went with Tina. And then they brought a bunch of their friends. Unbeknownst to us, those girls brought like three friends too. But had it been formalized that this was a date? Yes, this was a date. Wow.
Starting point is 00:27:20 This was a... I asked her on a date. Oh my God. Yeah. And leading up to it, was like i think i'm supposed to get her something and so like i went to the ben franklin which is the um it's like the drug store drug hardware store and i was like looking around and they had i found a piece of jewelry. I was like, ah, she will like this. So I bought her a piece of jewelry that had a fake leather.
Starting point is 00:27:51 It was a fake leather necklace. And then at the heart of it was two hands holding a jewel. And I thought, this looks expensive and deserving of Tina. And I bought this thing for her and presented it to her the day. And all of her friends were like, what the fuck is this? But let me back up a little bit because the night before we went to Captain Ron, Cameron spent the night at my house. And we were in my basement playing Nerf basketball, but talking to them on the phone. And of course, making shots for them.
Starting point is 00:28:24 playing nerf basketball but talking to them on the phone and of course making shots for them like i'm dedicating this dunk to lindsey plant and then doing the cool dunk and then telling on the like the other guy on the phone would be like yeah he just did it um okay and that night we were like hey cameron and i decided tomorrow uh you guys are getting kissed not like by us by us and respectively like we're not both going to kiss both of you but we were like tomorrow you're getting kissed
Starting point is 00:28:54 and we're going to kiss you and they were like just a whole night of shot calling huh yeah we were a lot of bravado in the basement before you're actually looking at one of these girls in the face. And they were like, okay. And showed up the next day. They had their friends there with them.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And we're watching Captain Ron. And it's all I can think about. I'm sitting next to Tina. And I'm just like, at some point, I have to kiss her. And I, to this day, no real sense of what Captain Ron is about. I know that Kurt Russell is a captain that Martin Short doesn't like and then eventually earns his trust. But boy, other
Starting point is 00:29:28 than that, the plot just was gone for me because all I could think about the entire time was, oh God, I gotta do it. I gotta find a time to do it. I gotta do it. I gotta do it. And finally, I turned over and I kissed
Starting point is 00:29:43 her on the lips and she immediately got up and left oh no and I was like but that was the plan yeah I know I was like I did it wrong I did it fuck it or this was the wrong time I was like I just don't know how this works yet and I was like feeling really
Starting point is 00:30:01 low and then you were captain wrong and then I was feeling really low. You were Captain Wrong. And then they came back. Well, and when I say they, I didn't realize, but Tina had gotten up, and at the end of the row were her friends, and she had gotten them, and they'd gone off into the bathroom or wherever they fucked off to, to go say, hey, he kissed me.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Like, they wanted to talk about it immediately and do like their decompress of like what had happened and or their post-mortem and uh so i was sitting there devastated thinking i shouldn't have done it like this was a mistake like i we talked about it we knew how to do it but i did it wrong somehow and uh then they came back and she sat down and we watched the rest of the movie in complete silence then we all went our separate ways it wasn't until school uh that next like monday where her friends were like no dummy we went off to talk about it we went to go talk about she went she told us that you kissed her and then they and then we all went and and giggled about it um and uh they're like no you did fine and i was like oh i love captain ron and to this day like captain
Starting point is 00:31:15 ron is a movie that like lives so fondly in my heart or like when people are like what are your favorite movies i'm like well obviously the saint objectively good and then also captain ron's up there everybody could give captain ron a chance i'm like well what's captain ron about and i'm like you know a boat a boat yeah um kurt russell with an eye patch i think yes he has an eye patch just watch it it's hard to explain it's a very complicated film but that's the one for me that's i i have many thoughts um i i chief among them yeah the communication at your school at that age is so incredibly healthy yeah unbelievable we are going to kiss you respectfully tomorrow with approval. Yeah. And then the idea of the girl's friends saying you did fine off the charts healthy.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah. Kristen Stewart was like, yeah, you were, you did fine. Fine. Wow. I grew up in a world where you wouldn't talk to the girl's friends about how you did
Starting point is 00:32:27 and at if you did it was like hey i i kissed jessica at the playground uh i just wanted to like talk about how that went the response would be you don't know and then they would run and then i would run yeah no kudos kudos to Carbondale, Colorado for establishing healthy lines of communication super early. Sort of healthy. I mean, dating up until about high school, everything was, you were actually dating the intermediary, basically. You didn't talk to the person you were dating. You had somebody who floated in between the two of you who was like your communique and
Starting point is 00:33:04 that was the person you were essentially dating because that was the person you talked to. Right. And then occasionally the two of you would actually get together and then you would hold hands or you would brush up against each other. The littlest physical interaction was then like that's all that anybody talked about after that. That's more familiar to me. Just funny. Like someone being like, hey, Lindsay Ann has a familiar to me. Just finding, like, someone being like, hey, Lindsay-Anne has a crush on you. And I'd be like, great, well, tell her she is my girlfriend now.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Yeah. Kristen Stewart was our intermediary. I think it was Kristen. Yeah. You have to clarify, not the gal from Twilight. No, different Kristen Stewart. Yeah. She was our intermediary and she was uh
Starting point is 00:33:47 uh so yeah she she was the one who i was like did i was that okay where like i would like check in with her and it was just this nice buffer from the person you actually liked to have somebody who was like very candid with you um in a way where i'm like how do you how do you replicate that later in life when you start dating? Like, how do you have somebody who's like the officiant or somebody who's the ref, who knows, who watches everything, is witness to it all. And then afterwards you can be like, did I do okay? And they're like, yeah, man, that was like an A minus B plus.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Really great job. Yeah. I need to just like drop the veil of being a confident person and just and be told did i do a good job and then like once she's back i'll put the veil back up and i'll be like all right i know i did a good job yes never doubted for a second it was so it was so helpful when you're a kid i don't know how we all decided on it but we were just like this is way better yeah man uh well my movie is not that one or anything close to that level of uh adorable yeah go for it uh you had sex in the theater didn't you so i was watching lost world and getting blown so it was uh the movie chef are you familiar with the movie chef of course yeah it's a john
Starting point is 00:35:17 faver movie it's it became a show after that uh yeah it's like a reality show now right yeah he has on different celebrities that he knows to come in and make something the movie was was just like movie movie um and just the circumstances of seeing it a friend of mine that i grew up or that i went to college with she was visiting me in los angeles we hadn't seen each other in a long time and we were just having like a perfect i'm going to show you around LA kind of night. And we had a few drinks, so we're a little bit buzzed. And then we see Chef.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And it's not only like a very wholesome and endearing movie. It's also, there are scenes in it where he is walking around Santa Monica Promenade, picking up produce during the farmer's market. And we were like holding each other, watching this movie. Like that's where we were today. We were the promenade. Look at it stuff. This movie's for us.
Starting point is 00:36:13 And I just fell in love with this movie just because of like the, the positive vibes I had with the person that I was seeing it with. I think I've watched maybe one other time since then. And I'm, it's not as good. No. And I, I've watched it maybe one other time since then and I'm it's not as good I'm embarrassed of how much I liked it because another reason I liked it so much
Starting point is 00:36:34 was because I I figured out what the movie was actually about and it's like so nakedly, transparently about movie making uh i thought i was clever for spotting it at the time oh but it's but like john favreau made made iron man and it was great and then he made iron man 2 and there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:36:57 studio intervention and that movie's worse so his follow-up to iron man 2 when he's not allowed to make iron man movies anymore is this movie chef it's about a brilliant chef who when left to his own devices and left to cook whatever he wants makes great things but when the restaurant owner tries to tell him what to do his stuff is worse so he quits and does his own independent thing and it's way way better and it's beloved. And also, we're going to throw in a few other things. The chef has two romantic partners in the movie. It's Scarlett Johansson and Sofia Vergara.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And also, the chef has the respect of his son, and also, the chef is, you know what? Jon Favreau's going to play the chef. So you seem very smart to me, because I didn't pick up on that. Oh, really? At all. I was not privy to that subtext.
Starting point is 00:37:51 I just thought, this is just a movie about making Cubanos. Yeah. But that makes so much sense. And it also makes a lot of sense because I watched this film and during it thinking, I remember the flavor of it is very much entourage.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Little tiny problems are inserted and then they're immediately solved. And so it's just like feel good the whole way through. Like the main characters just fucking win him the whole way. The very beginning, like, oh, he loses his chef job or he quits his chef job because it's not what he wants it to be. He's lost, he's lost. And he's lost for seven minutes and then finds it again. He goes toa he's like maybe i'll make cuban food and everyone's like great idea and then it's a success yeah and that's for you yeah there's there's two like nasty characters
Starting point is 00:38:35 in it one of them is his boss like the the restaurant owner dustin hoffman and he gets to yell at his boss for uh meddling in what was going to be a good product without him and the other person he yells at is oliver platt who plays a food critic so for john favreau the chef yelling at his boss and critics who don't like his stuff it's like man you really you really didn't listen to anyone when you made this movie did you i feel like any scene that has a writer director playing a character who gets to yell at a critic for not knowing what they're talking about you shouldn't be allowed to do that in a movie yeah um i had a very similar experience to you actually watching chef um i don't know if you're familiar
Starting point is 00:39:16 with it the there's a there's a theater downtown called the million dollar theater in los angeles i don't know there's not really a subway stop near it so i don't know how you would have gotten there because you don't have a license but uh it's it's the beautiful gorgeous theater like you've been to um the theater in los feliz that's like very cool and it's got these huge pillars in it and yeah yeah uh it's a very ornate so the million dollar theater is like that but even bigger and not as like chintzy like it's genuinely a gorgeous gorgeous place okay and they they reopened it to show some movies and when they were they reopened it they premiered with chef and we were lined up around the block to go see chef in the million dollar theater we went and saw it with a bunch of just like people who were psyched to be there and psyched at the la history so they're
Starting point is 00:40:05 already la laists and then the movie starts every time there's something on screen that people recognize everyone in the theater goes ape shit everybody goes nuts for like vervenice or like wherever they happen to be they're going crazy because they recognize it and because this is an la movie and we're all laists and that was very fun then at the end john favreau and roy choi who no who does it with him what do you mean so he he studied john lewis amo no um john favreau studied under a chef to make this film he's doing the grilled cheese and stuff like that like he learned basically to be a chef to do this movie um it's who he does the current show with john fav ro roy choy good phew yeah it's right choy okay um and roy choy is famous for opening um like the first uh koge beef like the the fusion uh trucks that weren't just taco trucks so uh they came out and like they
Starting point is 00:41:09 talked and everything and everybody walked away from the movie thinking like that was a great movie that was that was for us that was for all of us and like thinking how great it was and then they came out and talked and they were very charming and their dynamics very fun because richard doesn't respect john favreau at all and john favreau sort of plays into that a little bit and uh and then uh i i'd get again watched it again thinking like oh what i have fond memories of this film let's watch it and watch it again i was like you know what this sucks this is not a great movie you know what this sucks this is not a great movie it's it's a a fairly self-indulgent movie the show is very good i should say though you should watch the show you should give it a shot um because the it's there's one with gwyneth paltrow in it and she he has to remind her that
Starting point is 00:41:58 she's been in spider-man she doesn't know i remember headlines about that. Yeah. Where she apparently, there must have just been like a marathon session where Gwyneth Paltrow, tremendous actress, and it sounds like a great team player, just on a green screen saying lines for like four different Marvel films. I guess so. And like not interested in which ones they are,
Starting point is 00:42:19 not going to follow up. Yeah, but then like adamant, like no, I wasn't in that movie. And Sean had to be like, yeah, yes, you were. You were in it. I was there too we were both there we were on set yeah we filmed scenes together your names in the credits you got paid for it yeah sorry i didn't mean to interrupt you uh no i think that was it i really liked chef yeah it's a i i do like john linguas i'm on it i think that that's a good resurgence for him because I liked him a lot when I was young.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Like he, in the Romeo and Juliet movie, I'm going to stand by that Romeo and Juliet movie. I think it's a great adaptation and I think he's great in it. Yeah. He's, he's one that I'm going to be rooting for, uh,
Starting point is 00:42:59 my entire life, I think. And for me, it's because, uh, staying up late as a kid and looking for things on HBO that might contain some nudity. Yep. And just seeing a title that's that says freak, and it's rated TVMA. I'm like, this sounds like it'll have some nudity. But it's it's
Starting point is 00:43:17 John Leguizamo's one man Broadway show. And it's a fucking tour de force performance. And like what one man shows are supposed to be and what several have tried to be since then and it really had a tremendous impact on me as a kid as being like this is funny it's energetic it's also emotional it's also like this guy is uh once in a generation performer and uh just not seeing that uh respected in like the roles he's gotten in his career yeah i think that he's genuinely a good actor um oh wait he was just in something he was in a waco i haven't seen waco okay well he's great in it he's good um don't see the past not not worth your time he's someone that like especially nowadays anytime he pops up in something
Starting point is 00:44:03 it makes me like and respect the show or movie around it more. Like he showed up in Bloodline season two and I was like, yeah, all right. Oh, this show's got some bread all of a sudden. Move over, Ben Mendelsohn, a real actor is here. Yeah, he's somebody who I've always really liked. And you know who else is in that? It's funny you can actually do this with actors too like Lou Diamond Phillips is somebody who's like such a
Starting point is 00:44:28 B-teamer for so long and he's been in a lot of movies that are just like why did they make this but he was in Young Guns when I was a kid and he was my favorite character in Young Guns and Young Guns hit me at exactly the right age because it was so cool and ever since then something's got Lou Diamond Phillips in it and I was like
Starting point is 00:44:44 oh fuck Lou Diamond Phillips is it. I was like, oh, fuck. Lou Diamond Phillips is in this? Well, fuck it. Yeah. I feel like we're seeing now play out in real time something I talked about in gotta be in the first
Starting point is 00:44:54 five or 10 episodes of this podcast where I didn't understand the internet's love for Keanu Reeves and I wish there was more affection for Brendan Fraser. He's popping up in a lot of things now, and everyone's going nuts for it, and I'm so stoked.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I think because we all have this same early love. The headline going around this week was that he was cast in Scorsese's next movie, and I'm like, yeah! The guy from Airheads, this fucking rules! Finally! Yeah, The Mummy is an objectively good movie that people then rediscovered years later but you're right he's in a he's another movie called um darkly moon i think yeah or darkly noon uh the passion of darkly noon and it's a crazy but very good movie and he's
Starting point is 00:45:41 awesome in it it's not funny at. And he's so good in it. Um, I recommend it. I'll check it out. That probably wraps up this episode. I think we're done. Follow Soren on Twitter at Soren underscore LTD or me at DOB underscore INC. You can email the show at QQ with Soren and Daniel at gmail.com. I'm actually curious.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Um, if you think it's weird that Soren was going on dates at 10 years old. Because one of us thinks it's normal and one of us doesn't. And I don't, if it turns out that I'm wacko, I'm okay with that. I'm just trying to see what's real here. We got a chat in the middle of this episode from our engineer, Gabe, that just said, it's crazy. I have to assume he's talking about Soren dating at 10 years old.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Going on like team party dates. Anyway, email QQ with Soren and Daniel at gmail.com if you thought that was weird or not. Or tweet at the show. QQ underscore Soren and Dan. Find and hire our producer, engineer, editor Gabe at GabeHarder.com It's been a while since I checked on that website. This is always fun.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Alright, nothing there. He's had so much time to put something there and he didn't. But according to the auto-generated ad, your website is ready to go. So look forward to that. So exciting for Gabe to have it ready to go. I mean, basically at this point, no doors are shut for him.
Starting point is 00:47:15 No longer. He just lets this incubate. He can make that website whatever he wants. Yeah, it's going to be. I mean, he's had so much time. It's going to be so great once it launches, right? It's got to be. It's got to be, I mean, he's had so much time. It's going to be so great once it launches, right? It's got to be. It's got to be.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Yeah. I mean, my expectations are through the roof at this point. Absolutely. All right. Bye. Bye.

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