Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - Soren & Daniel: Lake People

Episode Date: July 11, 2023

Daniel faces yet another bird attack and Soren wonders whether or not Daniel could adopt the life of a Lake Person. Plus 4th of July! And middle class sex parties! Help us grow the show by following ...us on socials and doling out some sweet, sweet engagement: https://www.linktr.ee/QQPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? I wanna hear your thoughts, I wanna know what's on your mind I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favourite? Who did you get? When do I be remembered? What's it over?
Starting point is 00:00:21 Where did all the good weeks go? Oh, forget it I saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien. Two best friends and comedy writers. If there's an answer, they're gonna find it. I think you'll have a great time here. I think you'll have a great time here. I think you'll have a great time here.
Starting point is 00:00:51 So, hello again and welcome to another episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel, the podcast where two best friends and comedy writers ask each other questions and give each other answers. I'm one half of that podcast's senior writer for last week tonight, author of How to Fight Presidents, and survivor of not one, but two bird attacks while running, Daniel O'Brien, joined as always by my co-host, Soaring Bowie. Soarin', what's flappin'ing? Hey, Daniel. I'm Soaring Bowie. I'm a writer for American Dad. I'm the other half of this podcast. It may have just been my headphones. A couple of things I want to get to, but right off the bat, did you say stow at the very beginning of this no instead of so oh i may just been a jump on my headphones but i i was furiously trying to decide now if that was a type of bird and you'd
Starting point is 00:01:33 you'd like planted this early on which brings me to my next part what the fuck happened i was this time it wasn't uh dvd's devotees will recall that a while ago I was threatened and menaced by a goose while on one of my runs. And this time I'm in a different location now, a different seaside town in New Jersey. And a bird actually made contact with me while I was running. I was running past an area where I know a lot of birds are because there are bird watchers that go there. Where the birds hang out yeah and I felt something that hit me in the back of the arm not hard or anything but definitely not like something distinct that wasn't me bumping myself or a drop of fat sweat landing on my elbow something definitely hit me and I turned to see what it
Starting point is 00:02:21 was and there was a small bird like the size of my hand doing a hovering thing where it would like hover for a while and then dive in advance at me and then hover and dive in advance and uh it's it it was so hot that day that my i had taken my shirt off mid-run and i waved the shirt at it to send it away and it left you know it's it's twice now that i've been attacked by birds while running and like there's a huge reddit community for this very thing yes i so in addition to knowing types of trees i know birds yeah this bird that was attacking you was it black with yellow eyes no was it brownish and brown and black yes okay that's the female version of it the uh so there's
Starting point is 00:03:08 the males that look like they've like been dipped in an oil slick they have they're black but if you look at them in the right light they're kind of rainbowy and they've got these yellow eyes and then the females are brown and then they kind of have like black wings i believe maybe some like black on their head too um okay but they're they're more just brown and i some people call them cowbirds i think that they're also maybe called brewers blackbirds i can't remember but they they are super territorial like crazy territorial yeah and they're on uh they're in areas where there's like large parks or golf courses like they're very very common and they will dive bomb you yeah and they'll chase you and everyone on the internet agrees that it's
Starting point is 00:03:54 just like you know birds don't they're not going to mistake me for food but if i'm running around their nesting area they're going to feel threatened and they're going to want to attack me i just i've been running for so much of my life and it's now happened twice in the last year and never before that it's fun to talk to other runners on reddit or not talk to them i don't i don't engage but to just see them just one person curiously being like is anyone else getting constantly attacked by birds when they're running and everyone's like oh yeah i fucking hate birds they're the worst and they're all everyone's got their stories about how much they hate birds yeah they've really this is like because there are some people who are like yes sharks are scary but
Starting point is 00:04:34 they mean there's no harm and actually we're in their territory so we should leave them alone or like you know you're scared of snakes you don't want to get bit by a snake but that's you know you're in the mountains maybe you get bit by a snake these people have no sympathy for birds there is no element of like we're all sharing this planet together runners versus birds is a real fucking thing it's so the only reason i know about these terms of bird attacks is because i used to work on golf courses growing up and it was it was a genuine problem where like you would get, my job was going around putting a hose inside those giant sprinkler systems and watering spruce trees, which should not have been growing where they were growing.
Starting point is 00:05:13 And they needed like tons more water than they could ever possibly get unless somebody is watering them every day. But the problem is, is that those spruce trees are exactly where that type of bird lives. And so every day I would be like accosted by birds like to the point where i was like i'm gonna have to figure out something because this is untenable like i'm being i can feel them in my hair i can they're touching me it was really deeply uncomfortable and in a way we're like i'm helpless like this little thing is beating me it's tough because and i mentioned this in the the goose episode as it's famously known um i don't want to punch a bird out of the sky i don't want to hit a bird as mad as i am i don't want to like
Starting point is 00:05:55 fight or or kill a bird but i don't really know what to do when they're flying at me and and now dive bombing me while i'm just trying to it knows i'm recovering from a broken foot i'm just trying to get my speed back up oh shit i completely forgot so you're running now i'm running now yeah how is that it's good it's uh it's you know i haven't done the distance that i'd been used to doing, but I'm getting my speed back to where I want it to be. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:30 if there are any doctors or occupational therapists or family members who may be both of those things listening, they'll be disappointed to learn that I'm like, yeah, I'm running and everything's fine. I mean, it hurts still. It's still definitely wrong, but yeah,, yeah, I'm running and everything's fine. I mean, it hurts still. It's still definitely wrong.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But yeah, I've decided that it's back to normal now. I have another question for you. As somebody who knows and sees you, Daniel. Hey, Zoran. Yeah. I see you too. I see you. I see you.
Starting point is 00:07:00 I did watch The Way of Water and I'm pretty excited to start using that again. You used to have some trouble with your knees and you were forced to take some time off. Did any of that resolve itself in your time off? My knees? Yeah. When did I have trouble with my knees? It's a long, heavy silence here. You've gone on this podcast several times to talk we've talked
Starting point is 00:07:26 about how running i was like do you have any problems with running and you're like yeah my knees are fucked and i'm like well do you think that that would be fixed with some time off and you're like i don't know because i can't take time off so i'm just gonna live with it huh well i guess it works because my knees feel fine and i've've, in fact, I've, I've forgotten they've ever hurt. I, are you sure it was knees and not like, uh, shin splints? No, I'm positive. I'm a devotee. You don't, I know these things.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Yes. You had trouble with your knees. You're having problems with like, you're like, well, I hope that that sometimes fixed sometimes fixes itself because I'm not going to stop. And you just kept running and it became like this thing where you're like, well, I hope that that sometimes fixes itself because I'm not going to stop. And you just kept running and it became this thing where you're like, I can plateau. The pain isn't getting any worse, but it's going to always be there.
Starting point is 00:08:13 So I went through a similar thing. The reason I'm asking is that when I broke my wrist, as the connoisseurs will know, I broke my wrist. I had to take a break from working out. Couldn't do anything. Can't even do do a pushup because I can't get my hand perfect
Starting point is 00:08:28 at a right angle to my forearm. And during that time, I was like, well, maybe this will heal this tendonitis that I'm having in my elbow. That would be nice. And I feel like it has, Dan. I feel like the time off has solved me. So what I'm saying is if you're suffering from a longstanding injury,
Starting point is 00:08:51 go break a bone. It's like the best thing you can do. Right, because you need the time off, but no one will believe that if you say I'm taking time off. The reason I'm not doing push-ups right now is because I'm taking time off to heal something else no no one's going to believe that you need receipts you need proof show up in a cast uh and in lots of pain and with an x-ray if you have one yeah i mean the sad thing is that i wouldn't have believed myself is the problem i would
Starting point is 00:09:19 have kept trying to work out and i would have kept coming back early to it and stuff. This forced me if like, for no pun intended, it forced my hand that I had to do this because I didn't have a choice. Like I was like, it's deeply painful. In fact, now I'm going back to the gym and there's still certain exercises like dips or trying to do a bench press where, oh boy, that's tough on the old wrist. Cause it really forces the wrist into a direction the wrist into a direction it doesn't want to go right now. But this is probably not super healthy for me. If any OTs or Daniel's family members want to tell me this, every time that I do something to my wrist where I'm like, oh, I pushed it a little too hard,
Starting point is 00:10:01 the next day it feels great. And so I'm learning a really terrible lesson right now which is oh i just need to break this stuff up like i just need to get in there do some do some crackling yeah break and rebuild break and rebuild and that's how we get stronger speaking of which i we i do this thing on the fourth of July where I would take my son up on the roof. Now I have a two story house. So it's high. We get up, we get up real high. We got his window of his bathroom and then we climb up onto the second part of the roof. But that's about a, it's about five feet higher. So I have to like plant hands and then push up on it to get up there and I can put him up and then I planted and then pushed up
Starting point is 00:10:45 without even thinking about it and got right into that position where I was like then dangling from a roof and I was like oh god oh that hurts that hurts that hurts and like really smeared and and clumsily threw myself up onto the other roof and was like, oh man, I think I did real damage. Like that was my, my hand hurts. And then the next day I had way more flexibility. It felt great. You know, when, when I felt really awesome was when I, my foot was still broken and I was on, I was wearing the, the medical boot and would still go to the gym and just work out the rest of me yeah and anytime i was like on the floor in some position and i needed to like flip over from my back onto my stomach or or get up from where i was utilizing everything except my left foot to get up was super
Starting point is 00:11:40 fun i felt like yeah uh i felt suddenly more flexible and like an acrobat and like fucking spider-man when i'm like balancing on one foot and flipping over with my hands while my other foot is like elevated and doing the thing it's supposed to and i'm not putting any weight on it felt really cool i'm sure i looked awesome those by the way are my favorite people at the gym who are they've got like they've got a thing that they discovered at some point and they're like this looks cool i'm gonna keep doing this like there was a guy at my gym our old gym actually uh who would do uh pull-ups a lot of pull-ups and then he would drop down onto one knee and his fists on the ground like a superhero that sucks and then it gets better because then he would also be looking down
Starting point is 00:12:27 and then he would slowly bring his head up. And it was the shittiest, but I really loved it. That's awesome. Good for him. What did you do for the fourth? Oh, nothing. I did so much traveling. The month of June saw me from New Jersey to LA, from LA to Oakland, from Oakland back to LA, from LA to Lake Placid, New York, from Lake Placid, New York back to LA, from LA to Illinois.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And then I was finally done with a month of all that traveling and living out of a suitcase. June, July 3rd. So July 3rd, the day after your birthday, I'm back in my new wonderful apartment that, you know, again, I moved in beginning of May. And then I left for over a month starting May 24th. So I'd spent very little time here and I was so happy to be back. And so I spent basically all of the fourth. I went for a run in the morning, got attacked by a bird and then laid out on the beach and just enjoyed the beach. And it rained, ran away from the rain, came back on the beach, ate food and like truly beached it out the entire day. I was so happy to not be moving and to not have to
Starting point is 00:13:46 think about future moves. I would fall asleep on the beach and then wake up with fireworks above me because people were just lighting them up right on the beach. I don't know what's
Starting point is 00:14:03 happened because you can we always found ways to get fireworks my family we would we would find them growing up even though i don't think they were strictly legal in new jersey at the time but it was you know get some maybe roman candle or some some bottle rockets or whatever like some some very basic ass things now it seems like they have available to the consumer market these a firework setup where it's just like one long box that you can light and then move away from and it does like a well-timed entire fireworks routine wow not like as big of a show as you'd see at like macy's or whatever you're like whatever your town's firework show was but like a series it's sears here yeah okay great uh yeah the sears
Starting point is 00:14:54 roebuck firework show that everyone talks about every year um but yeah it was like like a good consumer equivalent of a genuine well-timed fireworks show with like a build and a finale that again seemed like a set it and forget it and there were three or four different pods of families on the beach that would take turns setting them off and i'm just like we're right under them just watching them it was fucking awesome it sounds great i'm yeah it also sounds like it could potentially be miserable if you had fallen asleep and you keep getting woken up to fucking fireworks right over your head but i'm glad you're in the right mindset for it i see i didn't describe a peaceful thing
Starting point is 00:15:36 i'm pleased that you were in the right mindset that's great um i take my son up under the roof my wife hates that i do it um because it's very steep up there and very high. And she, in general, doesn't like heights. But this was the first year I also took my daughter up there. Now, the first time I took my son up there, he was like four and a half and a very good listener. He loves rules and loved the idea of like, I told him the rules before we went up there and he was way into following them. My daughter is not that type of person and she will defiantly go against rules,
Starting point is 00:16:11 but I was still like, I think I can get her up there. And she's much younger than he was too. So I told him like beforehand, I was like, listen, always three points of contact. You're all,
Starting point is 00:16:22 you always have a hand and feet or you have your knees on in your hands or you're sitting on your butt um if at any point you want to move i will come get you and hold your hand as we move to a new section but you're never moving alone and they were like okay okay and then i took them both up onto the roof as i'm up there like i'd set up a i set up a blanket up there so they have something on. So they're not lying right on those asphalt shingles. And I'm like feeling pretty good about it. I'm like, they're doing great. And they're, we're watching fireworks. And I get a text from my, from Colleen and she's like, where are you?
Starting point is 00:16:55 I was like, well, we're on the roof for the 4th of July. And she's like, I don't see you out there. And she was looking onto the first level. She was like up in the bathrooms, like looking onto the first level. She was like up in the bathrooms, like looking onto the first level. And I was like, no, we're up on the top.
Starting point is 00:17:08 And she was like, why with Gilly? And I was like, oh yeah, yes. I should have probably cleared this with you. This should have been sanctioned by two parents. I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah. She's up here. She's like, why you never go up there when you guys go out on the roof, you always go to just the first level. And I was like, ah, no,
Starting point is 00:17:24 see now I'm winning because that's not true. No, you see, we always go to the top. That's the best way to see the fireworks is at the tippy top. And so I do think it's funny if for a brief moment, she thought you were lying about being on the roof. It's like, where are you? Like, we're on the roof. No, I'm looking at the roof. You're not there.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Ah, damn. You're right. Right. We went to the floor. No, I'm looking at the roof. You're not there. Ah, damn. You're right. Right. We went to the floor. I should have picked somewhere harder to check. So as I'm fighting with her over text, I'm like, I've moved away from my children some and I'm doing this. My neighbors, I realize, are having a, like a, they're watching a movie in the backyard
Starting point is 00:18:00 with another set of neighbors and they can see me. backyard with another set of neighbors and they can see me and and i get this like this widened to reveal moment where i'm i've got two young children one a toddler up on the roof and i'm like on the other side of the roof just on my phone yeah i was like ah this doesn't look great the optics here aren't great i'll go. Just shouting down to the neighbors. They signed Draymond for four years. Can you believe it? That's nuts, right? Craziest NBA offseason in years. So yeah, it was fun though.
Starting point is 00:18:36 It was really fun. They had a great time. And now Gilly, that's all she talks about. She's like, can we go on the roof? And I'm like, no, we don't do that again for another year. And she Gilly, that's all she talks about. She's like, yeah, we can, we go on the roof. And I'm like, no, we don't do that again for another year. And she's like,
Starting point is 00:18:48 got it. But she has no idea how long a year is. So that afternoon she'll be like, now it's time to go on the roof. I'm like, no, right. You have to explain it in terms of it's a.
Starting point is 00:18:57 364 more sleeps. 364 more, more nighttimes. Right. And then so it's like, it's so incomprehensible to her because she's barely been alive for that long right a year is so much of her life that she can't possibly conceive of that amount of time oh and you have to remind her that uh we're going into a leap year
Starting point is 00:19:17 so it's actually going to be a little bit longer than she's used to it's going to feel disorienting gilly uh don't worry this happens 365 and she's like it's gotta be time i feel like my bones oh i'm sorry honey that's not how calendars work um yeah so it was it was great i had a great time yeah um well i want to get into the show but i wanted to lay it even more because uh i'll admit to being a little bit of a a bad friend because uh my the way i watch tv is very uh i don't watch a ton of shows and it's pretty appointment based and it's what i dvr and if i forget to dvr it then that's then that that's just sort of it for me so i don't watch every episode of American Dad I watch everyone
Starting point is 00:20:06 that I know you write you're the writer on even though I know you work on all of them and everyone works on all of them I make it a point to find yours but I don't often find myself just like watching the show tuning into American Dad because I almost never tune into anything it's almost always like
Starting point is 00:20:22 on demand it's time for succession or whatever shitty marvel show i am forced to consume that week right uh but when i was on the plane from illinois to new jersey there was uh a bunch of american dad on demand and i was like yeah this is this is a shorter flight than i'm used to so So I won't get a full movie, but I could probably watch three and a half, maybe four episodes of American Dad. Soaring your show was a delight. But it's just so fun and so funny, and you do a great job on it. And everybody, if you're going to fly from O'Hare to Newark, I cannot recommend it enough. Treat yourself to four episodes of American Dad. If there's another way to watch it, do that too.
Starting point is 00:21:17 But I haven't found it. I wonder if I'm getting residuals on those in-flight viewings. I bet you're not, man. I bet I'm not. I bet you're not, man. I bet I'm not. I bet you're fucking not. I didn't know where that story was going at first because it started with, I'm not a great friend because I
Starting point is 00:21:31 don't tune into a lot of shows. And I was like, oh no, is this going to be a circumstance where Daniel talks about how he's friends with the characters? Is this not television? That he feels bad about not tuning into it to Barry because Barry's going to be missing him. Yeah. I'm not a good friend. I have no idea if those two broke girls ever dug themselves out
Starting point is 00:21:55 of that hole. And I don't even know how I can, they don't have a Patreon, so I can't even support them if I wanted to. Oh, well, I do watch Last Week Tonight and I love it. It's a great show. And I'm not watching it because I'm your friend. I like it because I genuinely enjoy it. Oh, thanks, man. That's cool. Yeah. Good reminder to everyone listening. If you
Starting point is 00:22:17 do happen to be the studios, if you David Zaslav, if you're listening, please come back to the table and negotiate a fair deal with the Writers Guild so we can go back to making the shows
Starting point is 00:22:31 that at least, I'll say, yeah, 100% of the people doing this podcast like. And before you come back, there's just a quick amendment I want to make to that deal.
Starting point is 00:22:44 All the in-flight viewings from delta of my show i'd love to start getting residuals for those as well yeah someone is getting a piece of that somebody's wetting their beak on that okay uh let's get into the show yeah i want i want to ask you a quick question but you did you want to go first here i don't care okay well i'm gonna go first quick question yeah because mine's not a question mine's mine's more of a statement and actually it's not a statement it's more of a four-page story so you should probably go first uh i have a quick question for you that's gonna lead into something else you for a little while
Starting point is 00:23:20 were a climber do you remember that yeah uh like indoor indoor rock climbing yeah yeah but you were like you were going pretty hard you were a climber oh yeah and i did some climbing like a like belay climbing in uh colorado yeah it's called top rope sure yeah yeah are you still that nah it's been a while I've gotten back into it do you know oh that's awesome I've since when I lived in New York I was so close to uh a rock gym and it was just part of my like weekly exercise routine and then I moved out of New York and there aren't many convenient rock walls on the beach believe it or not well I'm asking because you you can move pretty fluidly between being different types of people. And you go pretty hard as soon as you discover a new type of person to be.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And I think I found one that you haven't been yet. And I think you would love it. I was in Wisconsin. Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Are you saying that me, this golfer slash fishermen slash clockmaker, are you saying man, you're an Island man too. Don't forget.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Are you saying that this Island man who once belonged to a parkour gym, are you saying I can't stick to things? Is that what you're trying to tell me? Me, a sushi chef. You, Afro-Brazilian dancer. That you have a hard time. You commit for a solid week. And you commit as head first as possible.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And then bail. Yeah. Well, I found a new type of person for you to be. And I think you can stick with this one. It feels right for you. So I was in Minnesota and Wisconsin on a trip, family trip, and there's a lot of lakes out there. And this is like, I feel like there's two different factions of this type of person, but lake people, I feel like you could be, and I don't think you'd do well as like a Lake Havasu type of people or a lake powell type of people but the midwest northern lakes i feel like that's right up your alley have you ever been there no i've been to lakes i feel like uh for the sake of making an exciting podcast where all choices are binary, you can't be a lake person and a beach person. And I've, I've, I've planted my flag pretty deep,
Starting point is 00:25:50 but sell me. Okay. First of all, there's the atmosphere of the town surrounding the lake. Very bucolic bucolic. I don't really know how to pronounce that word. I've only ever read it. Buckles.
Starting point is 00:26:01 A great letter. If they're gorgeous, little quiet i'm gonna emphasize that again quiet towns they look like um every first town in a or the town in a stephen king book like that's how small and like they have cute little bridges everywhere. There's a church that's always prominent. Stephen King famously said all of his stories in the Midwest. There's one thing people associate, one place in America that people associate with Stephen King. It's Minnesota, Wisconsin. Well, they just have that feel.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And then everybody's very kind that I ran into anyway um but there's also these beautiful lakes everywhere and just like this abundance of water and what that does to your psyche it changes it dramatically if you live in a desert for any period of time this abundance of water makes you just so much more relaxed and you're just you just stumble across it huge huge bodies of water and i don't mean like lake mich Michigan or Superior. You can go to those. But there's also just tons of giant lakes that are very big and very fun to play in. There's not a lot of motorized shit flying around you at all times. And you just find these little beaches and there's nobody there because there's so many lakes. You could just go to a beach that's yours.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And if you could find a sandy one or even like a mud one, those are kind of cool in their own way. And the water is so warm all summer long. Just cruise out there. There's no waves. You go out, you play in the water sometimes there's a little dock out in the middle and you just swim out to it and you just lay on it for a little bit you come back and it's beautiful it's i want to move there this is your way of telling me that you are a lake person i think it might be my way of telling you that i want to be a lake person it's it's it's very it's fascinating to me for a couple
Starting point is 00:28:06 of reasons because our listeners and i might not know this but um for the podcast record today you were less of a lake person and more of a late person and during that time uh engineer producer gabe and i talked about uh beach folks and how so many people that i how jarring it was when i moved to la and so few people that i hung around with took advantage of living so close to a beach and spent any time on a beach and you are you've been living in los angeles for 20 years 20 years yeah and here you are turning your back on the biggest lake of all. Yeah. The ocean.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And converting to lake people. Right. Also freshwater. That changes things as well. And it's just so, our beaches are so chaotic and so sexy. It's just a problem. Like it's like. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:02 There's just so much going on. It's like a Las vegas of of water bodies of water like i don't i don't like the energy um i don't like there's somebody constantly running like uh driving an ice cream truck and ringing a bell through wherever i'm i'm sleeping you know what that means you know i'm talking about when i say that yeah okay and like like mango card or ice cream card yeah yeah and i don't i don't like having to deal with all those people i don't like the constant noise of the waves i don't find that soothing um there's the beaches in general i and they're so sunny they're just like there's no
Starting point is 00:29:38 coverage you are so exposed but on a lake daniel oh trees for miles beautiful trees the only thing you really have to worry about there are leeches yes because you do get some of those yeah i don't i'm not entirely opposed to lakes and i understand what what you're saying there was a couple years ago i went up to big bear with some friends and we got a boat on a lake and just hung out on the lake the entire day and would jump out and swim for a little while and then you would dock up at a restaurant and eat at the restaurant and get back on your boat i found it very appealing and big bear is a cute buckles town and uh i was not where you are but i was in uh sort of two hours outside of Chicago in a town with beautiful, wonderful rivers. And it was another small town
Starting point is 00:30:27 with great small town vibes. And people were taking their boats out on Rock River all the time. It looked lovely. I could absolutely see myself going back there and spending lots of time there. It just so happens that you're selling me on lakes on the exact wrong day.
Starting point is 00:30:43 I woke up this morning to take jackson for a walk on the beach because jackson had been with my parents this entire time until last night so i woke up and we went on the beach and it was so quiet there was almost no one there i say almost no one because there was one guy standing there uh just a an older fella shirtless guy fishing at seven in the morning when we were doing our walk and i said hello to him and he said good morning and then he points and he goes dolphins and we just see dolphins jumping in the distance and you know soren if that's not nice i don't know what is and now you're trying to sell me on lakes with leeches let's see what i could
Starting point is 00:31:22 do i so i know that there are some freshwater dolphins in the Amazon, and maybe I could get some of those shipped. Yeah. So there are other little things about the lakes that I don't totally understand and that are very dangerous. But I do like that you could just hike around outside. It's all forested. Everything around a lake is always forested.
Starting point is 00:31:44 So you're just like, if you have to get tired of being in the water you're like and now i'm just going to go on a walk through these very nice open forests where like it's not chaparral it's not like that terrible habitat where everything's spiny and terrible on your feet you're just like you could trudge around barefoot and uh and go explore these deciduous tree forests. But I will say, we went to one. We stayed a couple nights next to one lake. And they were like, oh, and while you're here, don't drink the water because it's got a lot of nitrates. And we were like, what?
Starting point is 00:32:17 What is it? I thought those were in hot dogs. What is that doing in the water? And I don't really know how it got there, but it's in the water supply. Maybe from all the farming around Wisconsin, there's something has to do with nitrates that they're adding. I don't know. But anyway, I was worried about that. And then we also just one day went to a beach, played in the water for a while, and another family showed up and the mom was like, don't get in the water. And the kids are, of course, were like, they're in the water,
Starting point is 00:32:43 pointing at my children. She's like, yeah, but it says it's dangerous levels today so don't go in and i was like oh fuck dangerous levels of what was it did you find out what yeah so i went over to her eventually and uh i said what did you say there's dangerous levels of something in the water she's like yeah it's the um the eco dangerous levels of eco and i was like i don't know what that is uh is that something that is it just if it gets in their mouth or is it it's just like no no no you can't if it gets on their skin they can absorb it you got to like go wash them off afterwards you got to get in between their toes and stuff and i was like what the fuck is this eco and so i'm leaving and as i'm leaving i'm like looking for signs and i finally
Starting point is 00:33:22 see one it's very small but it's like been posted that day. Eco lie, Dan. Eco. And she called it eco. Yeah. So either she's never heard of it or she's got cool new slang. That's like a lake people slang that I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah. That's not one of the ones that I would like cutely abbreviate. No, it's very important that you get the the yeah lie at the end yeah uh so i i took them home and immediately scrubbed them down and scrub myself down but i don't even know how that got in the water if it's just like the septic tanks from all the houses around the beaches i there's elements i don't get yet admittedly i know my friends went up to a lake house in pennsylvania uh sometime last year and they were surprised that no one else was swimming
Starting point is 00:34:13 in the lake and they were so excited to get in there and they got their tubes and they went out and they were swimming until eventually cops or rangers let them know that there was dangerous amounts of goose shit in the water that would get you very sick if like you had an open wound and it got in there. And that's why no one was swimming in it because everyone else knew too much goose shit. Yeah. The goose poop too much that day. Like what's what's the when is it not that like do the goose populations just get get decimated occasionally and it's fine yeah it was it was just just the night before was a big goose party and and you know how it gets yeah they all get mud butt the next day yeah it's the wrong kind of shit yeah
Starting point is 00:34:57 that's really terrifying that's the thing so you are very exposed like you're out there and exposed in a different way than on a beach which is just to the sun you're exposed to like you're the only one out there a lot and if you don't know the rules like things could get bad i guess yeah but it is really i the trade-off is great the trade-off is that it's very peaceful there's never anybody else there and you could oh it's just so quiet and shady and warm. Yeah. Well, it seems like you had a fun time at the lake. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Invite me out next time. I don't know. I would love to. I've got a friend actually who lives in Minnesota. Well, he doesn't. They have a cabin in Minnesota and every August they go there and they try to like recruit writers to come out there to just like write and hang out like they want to feel like they're this artist enclave and uh I feel like I should go sometime and if you want to go we should do it that always I mean
Starting point is 00:35:56 I'll go to hang out with you that kind of thing always sounds so appealing on paper like there was a cabin in Topanga California that I rented once that was specifically like like Topanga is is generally like a hippie artist oasis it's that they their whole thing is is we're an unincorporated town and we're in the woods and the mountains and we want you to come and like make art here with other artists and we're all hippies we're all having a good time uh there's that there's also like Amtrak for years was running this this grant program where you could ride the train across the country for free uh and sleep on the train but the the catch and it was barely a catch was that you just like you had to be a writer they wanted they didn't care if you were
Starting point is 00:36:42 doing poetry or if you were writing a novel or a screenplay. They were just like, we understand how romantic it is to write on a train. So we like to provide this for you. You don't need to include Amtrak in your writing. You don't even need to finish something or sell it or whatever. We just want to do this thing for artists. Just go touch America. That's fucking cool. It's really cool. When I when i hear about these these cabins for writing i am just not i'm not that kind of writer maybe i will go to the cabin and then when i get home i will have ideas and things to write about but if i'm invited to a cabin i'm gonna want to like hike and explore and fish and do shit and play frisbee with you and and and not
Starting point is 00:37:23 not do writing not do the thing yeah not the thing that i that i love and hate i think you just have to convince yourself that that stuff is writing i think that that's like the only way you do it is you're like no i'm building i'm building things in my brain my i'm restructuring my brain right now to be perfect for writing yeah uh yeah i agree with you i agree that it can get those types of things end up being like you get absolutely nothing done at them but that means that yeah little thing if you write a single page you're like holy shit i did it man my you just brush your hands off like i put a pen to paper and that is crazy here here i did that here this was totally worth you buying this
Starting point is 00:38:07 house and feeding me and housing me for a couple of days um he's what's that it's been a month he's invited me several years in a row uh he's also somebody that i will because i haven't said his name i will reveal that he also used to do like some high-end sex parties uh he would be like invited to those in new y York when he used to live there. And so he's like, he's lived a different lifestyle than me. And I was like, I'm not sure that this is my people.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And then I went to his wedding and it was the best. Like everybody there was so cool and fun. And it was also in Minnesota. And I was just like, I, I feel like I could go there and just slip in with this group of people and be totally fine. You know, what's wild is I feel like I hear go there and just slip in with this group of people and be totally fine. You know what's wild is I feel like I hear about high end sex parties like your eyes wide shut. And I feel about your like dumpster bargain orgies.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Yeah. Like your most other sex parties. I have yet to find like just a mid range sex party that I could slide into. That's tough. It's tough. You don't have the middle of the road sex party. i could slide into that's that's tough it's tough you don't have the middle of the road sex party yeah it fits you yeah it's just extremes the market is just full of extremes there's the american middle class is dying and i think this is part of it
Starting point is 00:39:17 it's because they want you to know what you're getting and so like they're gonna play to the ends of the spectrum because if it's it gets muddy muddy in the middle, it's tough. You want to get like, you, you know, you're going to the top shelf or you're going to be on the bottom shelf. But like that middle ground is like, you don't want to show up to something and have it be under beneath you. And you don't want to show up.
Starting point is 00:39:35 No, but like not dressed right for the occasion. But I do want the exact middle ground. That's why I love Chili's so much. If I could just have that, but but a sex party i think all of my problems would be sold yeah yeah you know what they the chain sex party that's what needs to happen the the sit down chain sex party uh i did go to an applebee's on this trip and really enjoyed it deeply. Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:07 hell yeah. I hadn't been to one in a long time. They at the, during the meal, they even had like this poster up on the wall. Cause they've always got new shit going on and they are serving up donut holes that had powdered sugar on them. And then also were served with caramel or a hot fudge dipping sauce.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And we were like, that is not shit I would ever get in my entire life let's get it of course so we got it it was delicious it was incredible i remember i don't know if they're still doing it but certainly when i was in college they were doing like uh buy one get one either free or half off appetizers after a certain time of night. And it was like, very clearly we are catering to college students because you are the kind of people who don't have a lot of money and will appreciate a sale.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And also we'll eat what will be your dinner at 10 30 at night. And I, even as a college student, I was just like, you guys don't have to do this. This is so nice of you. Thank you so much. I don't know what I was going to do. guys don't have to do this. This is so nice of you. Thank you so much. I don't know what I was going to do.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I would have been so hungry. You have saved me. I couldn't have these boneless buffalo wings and tavern chips. I did like the time that we went to Chili's that we got there and you're immediately like, yeah, we need some tortilla chips. Also, bring some ranch with those. And I was like, what? Just trust me.
Starting point is 00:41:26 You knew Chili's backwards and forwards. You knew what to get there. Leave the menus at the host stand, honey. I'll take it from here. I know what he wants. Don't worry about him. Well, here's the deal, Dan. We're almost out of time.
Starting point is 00:41:39 And you didn't get to your story. Do you want to tease it for next time? No. Oh, you want to just tell it no i'll tell it next time there was the tease that was it that was beautiful okay that's very tantalizing for anybody who was listening and thought oh he's mad about it now i can't believe we're done already. That rules. Yeah. Um, all right,
Starting point is 00:42:08 let me go find these real quick. No, you talked a lot today. I'll do it. The show is quick question, but you knew that already. We are recorded, edited and produced by the irreplaceable Gabe Harder.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Our theme song is by the incredible me Rex. Their digital album is available at me. Rex dot band camp.com. Listen to their music. It's great. Want to find us on Twitter? You can for a limited time only because that site really, I know we've said it before,
Starting point is 00:42:30 but it really seems like it's collapsing right now in real time. But I am at dob underscore inc on Twitter. Soren is Soren underscore ltd. The show is qq underscore Soren and Dan. And you can email us at
Starting point is 00:42:41 qq with Soren and Daniel at gmail.com. You can also find the show on Patreon. Patreon slash quick question. And you can find us at qq with soren and daniel at gmail.com you can also find the show on patreon patreon slash quick question and you can find us on youtube now we are doing video versions of the podcast sometimes and it's been a lot of fun to uh show you all how i am aging and that is youtube.com slash QQ podcast. Sounds right. I mean, I'm not, you don't ask me.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, I mean, don't put the question mark that I delivered into the URL. I don't think there's a question mark in it. But that is it for this episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel. Soren, it's so good to hear from you it sounds like you're doing well thanks for chatting with me it's always good to talk to you dan i'm really happy to talk to you and i'm really happy that you're doing great thanks man okay bye i've got a quick quick question for you all right i want to hear your thoughts, I wanna know what's on your mind
Starting point is 00:43:45 I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favourite? Who did you get? When will I be remembered? What's it over? Where did all the good weeks end? Oh forget it, I'm sorry, movie Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer they're gonna find it
Starting point is 00:44:12 I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here you

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