Radiolab - HEAVY METAL

Episode Date: September 24, 2021

Today we have a story about the sometimes obvious but sometimes sneaky effects of the way that we humans rearrange the elemental stuff around us. Reporter Avir Mitra and science journalist Lydia Denwo...rth bring us a story about how one man’s relentless pursuit of a deep truth about the Earth led to an obsession that really changed the very air we breathe. This episode was reported by Avir Mitra, and produced by Matt Kielty, Becca Bressler, Rachael Cusick, and Maria Paz Gutiérrez. Special thanks to Cliff Davidson, Paul M. Sutter, Denton Ebel, and Sam Kean.  Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today.     Radiolab is on YouTube! Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. Plus, find other cool things we did in the past — like miniseries, music videos, short films and animations, behind-the-scenes features, Radiolab live shows, and more. Take a look, explore and subscribe!  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Wattifnosser, this is RadioLab. Today, a story about how we humans rearranged the elemental stuff all around us, and how one man's pursuit of a basic truth about the earth revealed in an extraterrestrial explosion, a 2000 year old Peruvian skeleton, even a strand of his lab assistant's hair, changed the very air we breathe. Comes to us from reporter of your Mitra.
Starting point is 00:00:44 So I guess we'll start it. Okay, good afternoon, Dr. Patterson. It's a pleasure to talk to you. With this guy, Claire Patterson, he goes by the name Pat. And I think we'd like to start this interview with you just telling us a little bit about your background. This from a neural history in 1995. All right.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Well, I was born in a little small town in the middle of Iowa that was located in the midst of a farmland, rolling prairie type farmland central Iowa. In this little town at that school, it was a small school, all the students knew each other for 12 years. So you were only one school the whole time? Well, once, it was school the whole time people had moved in and out. It was sort of a tribal interaction. And so, Pat's tried.
Starting point is 00:01:27 We learned how to hunt. Did all the things you do growing up in the country? Learn how to swim and fish. And we saw crops being planted. We knew about farm animals. But he was... he was... This is science journalist, Lydia Denmore. He was in some ways a farm boy, but...
Starting point is 00:01:44 I knew I was different than most people. He was the kind of kid who asked his mother all kinds of questions about the world. Why is a drop of water around? Things like that. He set up a chemistry lab in his basement when he was 12. In high school, he was always like... Science, you would say something about electricity
Starting point is 00:02:02 being a fluid. Correcting his teachers. I had just always, always fascinated by how the world worked and he had the ability to see beyond what others saw. You know, he made leaps. So like for example, this is a kid from a small town, goes to a small high school, small college, and graduates in his first job out of college. He's working for the Manhattan Project. Now to back up a little bit at the beginning of World War II, around 1940, there were these European scientists.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Like Einstein and others. We're immigrating to the US and telling anyone who would listen, the Germans were making a bomb, an atomic bomb. And they were pushing the Americans to make sure that they didn't get behind the Germans. And so when Pat graduated, some of his professors pushed him to join the army and helped the American effort to create a nuclear bomb. So Pat and List had got shipped down to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. With his wife, Laurie.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Laurie Patterson, she was also a scientist, brilliant chemist in fact, and also worked on the Manhattan Project. So anyway. Oak Ridge was one of those places that they made a city overnight. 75,000 people in the end were working and living there. And we had a little dog and we went back and forth on a bus to work every day. To these top secret state of the art laboratories. Very in the mountains.
Starting point is 00:03:33 And I don't think he knew what he would be doing when he got there. But he ends up dead smack in the middle of the whole thing. Like dead, dead smack in the middle of the bomb. Yeah, his job at Oak Ridge was to make the actual stuff in the bomb that goes boom, which was uranium. And uranium is an interesting character and element really. It's the heaviest element that occurs naturally at least. So like, you know, every element is made up of three things.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are in the middle, they're kind of what define the element. So every element has a different amount of these things. And uranium has the most of them. Like just to give you an example, hydrogen has a weight of one, helium, four, carbon has like 12, but uranium's out here, it weighs 238.
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's just huge. All right, so that makes it, and this is key, unstable, because the thing you need to do with the nuclear bomb is to break an atom apart. And Uranium, I think of Uranium like a guy who's walking around with a ton of grocery bags. He's just holding way too many bags, walking from the grocery store back to his car,
Starting point is 00:04:45 and you know this dude's just not gonna be able to make it. Along the way, he's gonna drop a bag. And that's basically uranium. It's just too big. It's got, it's holding on to too many things. So now, if that's just a couple uranium atoms mixed in with other atoms here there, it's no big deal. But if you can put a thousand uranium dudes in a parking lot overfilled with grocery bags And if you just like through an apple at one of those guys or through a grocery bag at one of those guys, right?
Starting point is 00:05:14 That dude's gonna drop the bag and then that bag is gonna fall and kind of tumble onto the guy next to him He drops two bags And then four dudes around him tumble and fall and just drops some more bags. It's gonna set off a chain reaction basically and that's where ship gets nuclear. So Pat's job at Oak Ridge was to use this new fangled machine called the mass spectrometer And what that does is it isolates different elements in regular rocks. So he's finding uranium in granite rocks.
Starting point is 00:05:49 He's pulverizing these rocks, isolating uranium, purifying uranium. And he basically just spent two years doing this. And then August 6, 1945. A short time ago, an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima and destroyed its usefulness to the enemy The United States dropped the U bomb the uranium bomb Well this bomb we have now added a new and revolutionary increase in Destruction the like of which has never been seen on this earth. When the bomb exploded, temperatures on the ground reached over 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Tens of thousands of people were killed instantly, and that's just from the energy of the explosion. But then what happens is something arguably more horrifying. Because when a uranium bomb explodes, now there's all this uranium around just spewing out all these protons and neutrons. And even if you didn't get killed by the bomb, those protons and neutrons are going to go right into your body. Hospitals filled with patients who had not seen sick before. At first they were quarantined, considered victims of a mysterious infectious disease.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And if there's enough of it around, it's literally going to tear your body apart from the inside. They were vomiting, bleeding from the gums, and purple spots appeared on their skin. Some could not be touched because their skin slipped off in huge, blood-like pieces. These people were special victims of the atomic bomb. And that's exactly what happened in Hiroshima. And then we dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki. During the war, developed these bomb. Pat said, you know, as this 22-year-old kid straight out of college,
Starting point is 00:07:36 like he never really fully understood the scope of what he was doing. And that these mentors of his... These mentors, these professor mentors, They knew that they were working as engineers on a hideous weapon of warfare And they could they two young people like me that This is the thing to do this hideous crime. We were committing was you you did a necessary thing we were committing was you you did a necessary thing after Japan surrenders, you know patented his wife were given these commemorative pins that said Manhattan Project A-Bomb and according to his wife, they just threw them in the trash. So so so what is that like is that like is that regret or anger or shame or like what
Starting point is 00:08:21 yeah, I think it was probably all those things. I think you felt like this thing that had sort of inspired him and moved him and defined his life which was basically just curiosity about the world understanding things had kind of been taken advantage of and sort of used to create this real horror and So he just wanted to get away from all of that. I think he just wants to get back to doing science. That's free of all of that. True science.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Just for understanding for its own end. Yes. But that's not quite how it worked out for him. So after the bomb project, Pat and his wife, Laurie, moved back to Chicago. And he enroles to get his chemistry PhD at the University there, the University of Chicago. Started taking courses. And one day this professor comes up to him. And he said, to get his chemistry PhD at the university there, the University of Chicago. Started taking courses. And one day this professor comes up to him. And he said, hey, Pat.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Look, I'm trying to answer this question. How old is this rock that we're sitting on? Like how old is the earth? Is the little we didn't know that? No. Nobody knew the age of the earth. People had been trying to guess at this for a long time. It started with somebody adding up all the ages of everybody in the Bible. Which got us to about like
Starting point is 00:09:28 6,000 years old. It's not right. And then you know, people start finding dinosaur fossils and it's like, okay, well, I guess this has to be a little longer than that. But still, no one knew exactly how much longer. Anyway, so that's... So Pastor Fester says to him, this is perfect for you. It's pure chemistry. And you'll be famous because you measure the age of your and what did you say? I said good. I will do that and then it's professor said to him will be duck soup Patterson It's gonna be duck soup we get which I guess is a way of saying it's easy. That's my that's my favorite marks brothers movie duck soup. Yeah Anyway, okay, sorry, keep going. Okay, so Pat's got this job now, right?
Starting point is 00:10:08 No making bombs, it's just this pure scientific question. But the crazy thing is the key to answering this question is the same thing that caused all this horror in the atom bomb. Okay, so intrigued. So basically, Uranium is sitting around in all these rocks on Earth, this horror in the atom bomb. Okay. So intrigued. So basically Uranium is sitting around in all these rocks on earth doing its thing, right? Over time, it slowly drops a proton or neutron here or there.
Starting point is 00:10:35 And since it's just mixed up in other rocks, it's not a huge deal. But while it's not really hurting anyone, it is doing something else. It's decaying. It's actually changing into a different atom, a different element. So over time, really, really slowly, as it spits out protons and neutrons, the uranium atom turns into like thorium, then turns into radon, and turns into bismuth. Ultimately, it turns into lead. And lead is stable. So it's just going to be lead forever, as far as we know. And the thing about this decay is that it happens at a very predictable rate. It's very, very slow, but scientists figured out that, like, say, if you start out with a rock that only had uranium when it was formed.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Now, if you look at the rock and you see, I don't know, a gram of lead, you know how long it took to make that lead. You could tell how long that rock's been around. Got it. That basically means that you have a super accurate clock hidden inside every rock. Clock rocks. Clock rocks. Got it. But the problem with rocks on earth when you try to date them, there's not good dates. No, I'm just kidding. Like, think about rocks. People look at your body. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's just awkward. No, but the problem is that,
Starting point is 00:11:52 when you figure out the age of a rock, that's great, but it just tells you the age of that specific rock. It just tells you how old that particular rock is. Like, that's all you really. Yeah, how do you know that's the oldest rock? Or there's another rock that's even older, or this one actually was just made yesterday in a volcano, like, who knows?
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah, exactly. That's the problem. The earth is just a chaotic place, you know? And so somehow you need to get your hands on a rock that you know for sure formed at the same time as the earth. And how could you possibly do that? Well, what Pat had to do is go to the very center of an explosion that was about a thousand times bigger than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Which happened thanks to nature, actually, not humans. Out in the middle of this desert in Northern Arizona. It's like red rocks, flatlands, all you could see for miles. All right, here's it. Oh, I actually went there, met. Alright, here's it. Oh. I actually went there, met up with this guy. Hello. You alright?
Starting point is 00:12:49 That's right. How's it going? Hey. Michael. Michael Schwab, he's the tour guy. So where do you want to do this? Do you want to go out to the picture rock all the way out there and do this? Yeah, I think that would be cool.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Maybe we could just like walk and you could teach me. Yeah, absolutely. Follow me. So yeah, he walks me on this path and we're walking and talking until we get to the edge of this ridge line. Oh my God! And look down into this huge crater. Just imagine the biggest hole
Starting point is 00:13:14 that you could ever possibly grasp. And then just amplify that. It's, I don't know how to describe this because it really just looks like someone set off a bomb in the middle and it's just a perfect circle It's almost perfect circle. Yeah, it's it's difficult to describe in words and basically it's this huge crater in the middle of the desert That's almost a mile in diameter and it is if you put the Washington Monument down there at the bottom deep We'd actually be eye level with it.
Starting point is 00:13:45 No, you got to be kidding me. Most people when they come out here don't even know what to do with themselves. They just sit in all of it. I actually went out, talked to some people who were out there. Big hole, right? It's kind of messing with my head a little bit. Scary. Fascinating. A lot of people can determine which way it got here, but I see it as the majesty of God's hand.
Starting point is 00:14:07 It is kind of a miracle how this crater got here, but to explain, a couple years before Patterson was gonna answer this age of the earth question, astrophysicists had strong enough telescopes that they were able to look into the heavens and see how other solar systems had formed. And what they were seeing is that solar systems form at the same time.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Forms at the same time as what? In other words, like with our solar system, you might think, oh, Jupiter formed first, and then maybe Earth formed later. But no, they all happened together. Got it. But one planet that should have become a planet for whatever reason didn't clump together right. And it formed the asteroid belt. And in that belt, there was this big rock,
Starting point is 00:14:56 about like 150 feet long, half the size of football field. And for countless years, it was just hanging out, floating in space. So it's just vacuum sealed in space, not getting changed. And then one day, another rock very gently tapped it. And that said it very slightly off its course. And year after year after year its orbit is now bringing it ever so closer and closer to the sun. And eventually 50,000 years ago, Mike likes to imagine it was early summer. Yeah I like to say July 4th this thing has the best fireworks show ever. So July 4th 48,000 BC. Ice Age. This whole desert was grassland, and people hadn't even crossed the barring straight to get
Starting point is 00:15:49 over here yet. Right, so you had creatures like many of the melancholy mammoth, Sid the Sloth, and that day had they looked up, they would have seen this huge flaming rock. It would have looked like a great ball of almost like the bitter of the sun came down. Hurtling towards them, very fast. About 26,000 miles per hour fast. And then next thing you knew. This flaming rock came falling out of the sky.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Flam, into the earth, in a huge fire explosion. It took just 10 seconds. And meteor crater was formed. Now when this meteor struck there was so much force that the meteor itself was just like disintegrated. Most of it disintegrated. But in here we have a picture of the crater. Some of it survived the impact.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But we also have front and center the largest fragmented meteor that we recovered from this site. Wow. And you are welcome to touch it as well. Oh, okay. Yes, you are not lying. This is... All right. How big is this thing like in terms of size? This thing is about three feet in length. So the first thing you actually notice is that it's not totally smooth. Looks like Swiss cheese. It looks like Swiss cheese. Kind of looks like almost like an arrowhead type of shape.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Or as I'm looking at it now, it kind of looks like a lopsided dinosaur skull. Yeah, it does look like a dinosaur skull. But arguably my favorite thing is that people worry all the time like, oh, doesn't anybody try to steal this? Right. If you, cause I'm considering it. If you try to pick it up and somehow you bring it back
Starting point is 00:17:24 to your car, you can considering it. If you try to pick it up and somehow you bring it back to your car, you can have it. Because it weighs 1,406 pounds. This three foot thing weighs just under a ton. You gotta be kidding me. Do you mind if I try to lift it? Absolutely. All right here. Hold here.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Let's put this down here. Hold this and point it at me. All right. Let's put this down here. Hold this and point it at me. Alright. Okay, I do, I have been doing squats and deadlifts, so. Good luck. I just want to give you a heads up, and I may be the one. Good luck. Alright, so I'm just going to put my arms around this thing.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Okay. It's a very futile effort, folks. It's just not happening. Holy crap. I can't even budget. No, you can't. But... Can we try together?
Starting point is 00:18:11 No? All right. Oh my god. Okay, so now how is this gonna help Pat determine the age of the Earth? Well, he knows that this rock formed at the same time as the Earth. It's been perfectly preserved in space. And, it sings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Whoa. It's metal. This is a solid piece of metal. Yep. 92% iron and 7% nickel. And then that last one percent is 80 other trace elements. Including lead.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Ah, bottoming, bottoming, you just measure that thing with that thing and then you got the age of the earth. Kinda, I mean, like, look, these are tricky equations, tricky tools, it's not easy. So before you start measuring the meteorite, you want to just, he just kind of wants to go practice on regular rocks, like regular granite rods, just make sure that, you know, his technique is down.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Got it. Because you have to measure it so precisely. It's got to be so accurate. You really don't want to be making mistakes. So Pat takes a piece of granite and the machine spits out these results that are totally confusing. Like his numbers are way off. There's way too much lead in the rock.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Yeah, there was lead there that didn't belong there. Like this rock would have been formed a gabillion years ago. And he's just saying, there's way too much lead, there's way too much lead, and he couldn't figure out why. But one day he's like, let me, you know what, let me just run a blank sample. It's something that Kamas do when they want to just test their system, is he just run it.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Like, instead of putting this piece of rock in here, let me just run a blank and so when he did that He still got like a whole lot of lead. So he's like, okay, my blanks are not blank So he knew that it was coming from the laboratory. This is a contamination issue, right? Where did it come from? Okay, you go back and you track it down. I say well, it must be that so first he started with the glass speakers He was using the vials are the first thing you're going to look at. So he tests the vials. And he goes, shit.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Live. These glass vials are made with lead. So let's get some new vials. Right. So gets new glass vials. Special order never were made with lead. Runs the sample again. It's still off.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And so then he's like, you know what, in this sample where I put the granite, I also put some water in and he realizes actually the water is coming from lead pipes. And so he's like, oh crap, that's the problem. So he has to triple distill the water, boil it off, make sure he catches it in a vial that has no lead in it, to make sure that his water doesn't have any contamination from the pipes it came through. So he runs the sample and it's a little better, but there's still lead there. So now he's like obsessed and Patterson, he's working in this lab. And it was pretty grubby. He looked at the walls and he's like, There is peeling paint. So he tested the paint. It was in the paint. So they rep at the walls and he's like there is peeling paint so he tests the paint it was in the paint So they repaint the walls, but still it was way too much lead then he looks at his desk where the
Starting point is 00:21:12 Mass spectrometer is sitting on and he figures out every joint in the desk is soldered together with leather Oh, so he needs a new desk new chairs with no lead and then he uses Serran wrap to cover every desk and every chair and every object in the room. And still too much lead. Wow. And so he thinks maybe there's some lead in the dust on the floor,
Starting point is 00:21:34 so he starts mopping the floors. He gets the lead numbers to come down a little bit. And then one day, he notices a coworker's lipstick is messing up his sims So he tests the makeup and he's like, okay, there's lead in there, too You can't wear makeup in this lab and he eventually he starts to get the lead number lower and lower But then one day he's working in a lab and a little piece of his hair falls onto the desk and The lead number shoot up
Starting point is 00:22:04 He said you know know, holy shit. Your hair. It's on him. Wow, he's the contamination himself. The lead from your hair will contaminate the whole damn laboratory, just from your hair. And so he shapes his head. But then one day he decides, okay,
Starting point is 00:22:23 well, I'm just gonna test my skin and he ends up seeing that there's a bunch of lead in his head. But then one day he decides, okay, well, I'm just going to test my skin and he ends up seeing that there's a bunch of lead in his skin. Oh no. It's everywhere. There was lead in absolutely everything. And in the end, he made people, they had a little anti-room and you literally had to strip down to your underwear and put on this Tyvek suit, which gets washed and acid and have little booties on and put plastic over their hair.
Starting point is 00:22:50 He builds positive pressure air vents so the air is constantly blowing and pushing anything inside the lab, outside the lab. So even if you walk in with a little microgram of lead, the air may push it out. He basically invents what we now call a clean lab. But he ultimately gets his samples down, his blank samples down to 0.1 micrograms. So that's one tenth of one millionth of a gram. And that took years. But is that still too much? No, that's fine. And so after this, he's finally actually ready to go to Kenyan Diablo, get this meteorite, and actually measure the damn thing that he was trying to do from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And so he took these precious samples. He puts the sample into the mass spec. And it was late at night, he was there by himself. Just basically turns a crank and boom. Pops out a number. Which was four and a half billion years. And that's, is that, and is that like, like a way that number is the age of the earth? It's just a number, but what it represents. It's this fundamental truth and
Starting point is 00:23:56 in this moment he's the only human being who knows the truth. He now has this window being who knows the truth. He now has this window to that moment, the formation of not just the earth, but the entire solar system. Son, the planets, the moons, the rings around Saturn, me, you, everything comes from that. I mean, it was so exciting for him. He thought he was having a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:24:22 He went to visit his parents in Iowa the next day and he made them take them to the hospital but he was fine. It was more like a lot of adrenaline coursing through him. He calms himself down and he's like here I go I got the number. He publishes it in a journal and it's just... yawns like nobody cares. No one cared about who cares. Even today people don't care how old you're at this level. So it definitely didn't get into any textbooks. It wasn't in the press,
Starting point is 00:24:54 seven years of his life has gone by. So it wasn't ducks. It was, it was, it was not. What's hard soup to make? It was like a fwagra or something. I don't know, something. Okay. That's good, because it's also duck-related I was like a fuguat or something. I know, something. That's good, because it's also duck-related, I feel like. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:08 OK. But I discovered in all this work, a story we related to lit. Like, this process of figuring out the age of the Earth sort of unveiled this truth about the world to him, which is that we're totally contaminated with lead. I am contaminated, you were contaminated. Every living thing is just filled with lead. And now that he's seen that, he like he can't turn away from that vision. Like I almost think of it like the matrix, you know, like when you go into
Starting point is 00:25:41 the matrix and you see those little green numbers falling or whatever and you just see the world for what it is, which is just like this, this thing that no one else is seeing, you can't look away. But what happens when no one believes what you're seeing? Back in a minute. But what happens when no one believes what you're seeing? Back in a minute. This is Bree calling from Austin, Texas. Radio Lab is supported in part by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,
Starting point is 00:26:25 enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. More information about Sloan at Science reporting on Radio Lab is supported in part by Science Sandbox, a Simon's Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science. with the process and lead. You could talk to anybody. Everyone now knows like, oh, lead is bad for you.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Lead and paint chips. Like, don't eat lead. But back in the 50s, people really just didn't care about this. They weren't thinking about lead. And science of the day said, sure, lead poisoning is the thing. If you work in a mine and you, you know, don't wash your hands and then you eat a burger after touching lead. Right. Then sure, you'll get lead poisoning. We've known that for thousands of years, but it's not like we're working in the lead mine. Right. But for our dude Pat, he's like, no, no, no, come on, like something is going on here.
Starting point is 00:27:49 And he's like the only one who sees it. The matrix is everywhere. That we're living in a dream, like we're living in the lead mine. You have to see it for yourself. Okay. So Pat's finding all this lead in his lap. He's stripping down to his underwear, shaving his head,
Starting point is 00:28:10 and he's telling people, and they're just like, dude, who cares? Like, it's just your lap. I definitely would have said that. I would be like, okay, yeah, so it's like an experimental nuisance. Like, I get that, you prove that. Right. But Paterson believes, no, this has to be bigger, which leads him to this question, which is,
Starting point is 00:28:28 okay, there's a lot of lead in my lab, but is there a lot of lead out in the world? So, Lydia Dunworth again. He started by looking in the ocean. So, first thing he does is he gets a boat. You weren't on the boat, you're serious. Yes, I was. You were on the boat.
Starting point is 00:28:46 OK. And I got sicker in a door. He has a big problem with sea sickness, but he's just like, whatever. I hate it. He goes out, collects a bunch of water from the Pacific Ocean, takes the water back, analyzes it, and sure enough, there is a ton of lead in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:29:03 So I said, okay. Proof. I publish a paper. And did it make waves in science or public? No. A lot of scientists were like, they did care at will. If you say so, I don't really know. I also don't really care, you know.
Starting point is 00:29:21 But he's more convinced than ever. I mean, he starts walking around campus wearing a gas mask. And a lot of people thought he was just playing crazy, right? Everyone's like, dude, like, let is natural. It's probably always been there. This isn't some new, crazy thing. But Pat just doesn't believe it. There's no way it's been like this forever.
Starting point is 00:29:42 And then one day he gets into a conversation with a friend who gives him this idea. That the place to look to understand the amount of lead in the air in the past is the permafrost of the snow in like Greenland or Antarctica. Because snow in the polar regions, it comes out of the air. And if it was in the air, And the reds in the snowflakes would come down out of the air and settle into the snow and it would never leave because that snow and ice didn't melt. And then the next year there's another snowfall, it doesn't melt, then year after that there's another snowfall that doesn't melt.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Next year you have another one. And the snow starts to like layer on top of each other almost like the rings of a tree. It just it's just preserved It's permafrost. It's permanent frost. It's like it's permanently right yeah permafrost So now it's 1964 he goes out to Greenland and he took his 15 year old son With him I thought it was pretty cool. This is Pat's son. My name is Samus Hiz, clerk, Cameron Patterson, the third actually. He goes by Cam. Always have.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Basically, you know, they fly out to Greenland to this military base called Cam Sentry. When you arrive there in helicopter, you don't see anything except antennas and a few trailers and oil barrels. And snow. Snow that goes three miles deep. So Pat and Cam put on all this gear, dressed up in plastic suits, gloves, and went down into this tunnel, but went down into the ice,
Starting point is 00:31:13 to go back in time, and they cut out like four by four chunks of ice from the wall. We had a melting trailer up on the surface. So they melt down this ice, ship it all the way back to the lab, and this is where Pat can really start to see the history of lead over time. And what he finds is that starting in like 1700,
Starting point is 00:31:33 there was basically no lead at all, like nothing. And then in like 1750, with the start of the industrial revolution, you see the lead levels start to go up and up and up and up. Until 1930, the lead levels skyrocket straight upward. In Patterson's like, what the hell happened in 1930? Well, the thing that changed was suddenly there was leaded gasoline in the air. So...
Starting point is 00:32:06 Long story short, in 1921, car makers were trying to figure out how to get rid of something called engine knock. Engine knock. Knock. So like... Which is the pinging and bucking that engine's doing slows down their efficiency. And so there were chemists trying all sorts of different things, and eventually they put a teaspoon of lead into some gasoline.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And the engine nox stopped immediately. Instantly gone. And people loved it. People wanted it by 1960, 90% of cars were using leaded gasoline. And Pat's sort of looking at his results from this permafrost. And he's like, holy smokes.
Starting point is 00:32:41 This can't be good. Yeah. It's everywhere. And he wrote this paper that basically said that lead had contaminated everything in the earth and that it's coming from leaded gasoline. And this time when his paper goes out into the world No one cared. Nope. You know, he sounded like a cracked pot. Kim says around this time at home, his dad would sort of lose it. Get all the cladered on. These are chimpanzees, idiots. Talk about the idiots, but didn't understand anything. They're wrong. Okay. And I
Starting point is 00:33:21 knew that. Okay. Now, because there were a lot of people being like, okay? And I knew that, okay? Now, ah. Because there were a lot of people being like, okay, sure, there's more lead in the air, but that doesn't mean there's more lead in us. Next, he basically gets a hold of 2,000 year old ancient Peruvian skeleton, and takes their teeth, grinds up their teeth, and measures the amount of lead in their teeth.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Then he compares that to his of lead in their teeth. Okay. Then he compares that to his own children's primary teeth. Oh, funny. It's like baby teeth. Yeah. Their baby teeth. Yeah. And he actually finds his children's teeth have 3,000 times more lead than the proven.
Starting point is 00:33:57 And still people don't care. Wow. Because they're like, okay, there's more of it in us. Seems fine. It's not making you sick. And when they say making you sick, they men, you okay, there's more of it in us. Seems fine, not making you sick. And when they say making you sick, they meant killing you, making you blind, making you have seizures, things like that, putting you in a coma.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I mean, it's not uranium. It's not like people's hair and skin is just falling off and they're just vomiting blood. It's more subtle than that. Maybe more subtle. That's the question, you know, is this harmful? And what is the harm? What is the harm? But what I think is interesting is Pat doesn't try to answer that question. What was your motivation at this point? Were you thinking in an environmental? No, I was not science Science, science, science.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I just didn't care too much about verifying what the contamination was. I see. So you were not being driven by environmental justice. I was not. To be clear, Pat was convinced that lead was harmful. He just wasn't interested in doing the research that showed exactly how or to what extent or how to fix it. But I had friends and colleagues who were concerned about the environment, you're concerned about people being hurt by all this. And Patterson would share his data with them. It comes to my laboratory.
Starting point is 00:35:15 He would show them his techniques and a lot of these people would go on to use this stuff to show just how harmful lead was. It was crucial in getting lead out of a spoon can solder, getting lead out of glazes and this sort of stuff. And while he knew that this was a good thing, to him it was like this slippery slope that led back into this messy world of human motivations into policy and politics.
Starting point is 00:35:39 And the thing is that Patterson was so difficult to work with is that he often didn't get invited to be on the thing is that Patterson was so difficult to work with that he often didn't get invited to be on the national committees that were deciding things. And one of the few times he did, he shows up in DC and they're talking about what should we make recommendations to reduce the level of acceptable lead in the environment to, and he just says it should be zero. That's the acceptable level. And so they do this without him.
Starting point is 00:36:07 He refuses to sign the final report and he writes at the bottom, Dr. Patterson does not wish to be associated with this report. He writes his own addendum. He just writes this line, the mining and smelting of lead within human environment is actually a monumental crime committed by humanity against itself, period. Regardless, the EPA did slowly start catching up to the science and banning lead from things. Actually, now they're getting lead out of paint. But to Pat, that wasn't the purpose of science, not like real science. For him, science was how it was when he was a kid, you know, where science isn't about solving some problem.
Starting point is 00:36:45 It's not how can I solve this challenge, but why is that? Why is a drop of water spherical, you know? And now that Pat had been able to prove what the natural level of lead should be, he was really just left with this simple question. Why? Why? Why? I mean, what led us to poison the earth's biosphere with life? He started looking at ice cores that went all the way back to 800 BC, and what he found was, this wasn't the first time that this had even happened, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:26 like Greeks, Romans, every empire has poisoned themselves with lead. That proves for two thousand years we have been unable to understand the evil that we are doing to ourselves. And at this point, Patterson's question starts to shift. It becomes just a question of why are we this way? Okay. How do we think? How do we think? He actually starts writing a book and it's all over the place. It's about in within the brain. Neural pathways. Ronal circuitry. It's about abstract rationalization, thinking, every problem solving, formulation of religious myth, human civilization, the nature of scientific thought. He worked on this idea for years and never really seemed to get anywhere and it was tough on him.
Starting point is 00:38:22 and it was tough on him. Cam said over time he noticed his dad grew angrier, more jaded and talked less, spent less time with his kids. And on December 5th, 1995, he has an asthma attack in his office, and he dies. He was 73. He was 73. Less than a month after his death, January 1, 1996, the EPA banned the greatest source of all lead on earth, the one that had driven Pat Crazy, leaded gasoline. And obviously, lead is still with us today, like that's very clear.
Starting point is 00:39:07 But in the years since Patterson's death, the amount of lead on the average freeway has decreased by 97%, and the average lead in people's blood in America has decreased by 94%. And lead experts say that all that resulted in a five-point increase in preschoolers IQ. And just as a side note, the age of the earth still stands at 4.5 billion years old, which is exactly as Patterson had calculated 70 years ago. But what really struck me when reporting this story is like how little really struck me when reporting this story is like how little recognition Claire Patterson got over the course of his life.
Starting point is 00:39:49 But eventually some of his students banded together to nominate him for the Tyler Prize, which is an environmental award. It's kind of a big deal. And he actually won the award eight months before his death. But by all accounts, including his own, he took no pride in it. We have to use pleasure. I know good heavens, my whole other look, I'm stupid. I'm not some brilliant person or whatever. I'm a little child. I'm not smart.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I mean, good scientists are like they have the minds of children to see through all this facade of all this other stuff that they know as stupid nonsense. They don't know, they just don't see it the way other people say. Okay, so I'm not smart. So anyway, so this is, it's only circumstantial. It's not, you are, that's why I don't feel any honor. I'm not to be, it's not there.
Starting point is 00:40:59 I'm not qualified to be honored. I mean, I'm just simply, it's accidental. Reporter of Year Metra This episode was produced over millions of years by Matt Kielte, along with Becca Brestler, Rachel Kusik, and Maria Paz Gutierrez. Special thanks to Cliff Davidson, Paul M. Sutter, Denton Ebbel, and Sam Keane. I'm Luttififnosser. Thanks for listening. Radio Lab was created by Chad Abomrod and is edited by Soren Wheeler.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Lulu Miller and Lutthifnosser are our co-hosts. Susie Lektonberg is our executive producer and Dylan Keaf is our director of sound design. Our staff includes Simon Adler, Jeremy Bloom, Becca Bressler, Rachel Qsick, W. Harry Fortuna, David Gabel, Maria Paz Gutierrez, Sindu Nyan Asambandum, Matt Kilti, Annie McEwan, Alex Nieson, Sara Cari, Aryan Wack, Pat Walters, and Molly Webster. With help from Tanya Chavla, Shima Oliai, Sarah Sonbach, and Candice Wong.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Our fact checkers are Diane Kelly and Emily Krieger. you

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