Radiolab - Hello

Episode Date: February 11, 2022

It's hard to start a conversation with a stranger—especially when that stranger is, well, different. He doesn't share your customs, celebrate your holidays, watch your TV shows, or even speak your l...anguage. Plus he has a blowhole. In this episode, which originally aired in the summer of 2014, we try to make contact with some of the strangest strangers on our little planet: dolphins. Producer Lynn Levy eavesdrops on some human-dolphin conversations, from a studio apartment in the Virgin Islands to a research vessel in the Bermuda Triangle. Support Radiolab by becoming a member of The Lab today. Radiolab is on YouTube! Catch up with new episodes and hear classics from our archive. Plus, find other cool things we did in the past — like miniseries, music videos, short films and animations, behind-the-scenes features, Radiolab live shows, and more. Take a look, explore and subscribe!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh wait, you're listening. Okay. Okay. All right. Door listening to radio lab. Radio lab. From WNYC. You see?
Starting point is 00:00:15 You see? Hello. This is Lulu. Hello. This is Latif. Finally enough. Yeah. The episode we have to bring you today is called Hello.
Starting point is 00:00:24 It's really about the hardest possible Hello. Yeah, this is Latif. Funnily enough. Yeah. The episode we have to bring you today is called Hello. It's really about the hardest possible Hello. Yeah, yeah, someone trying to say Hello across a huge gap and not just say Hello, but really communicate and understand the language of another species and possibly even have them understand you. Yeah, we originally aired this in 2014. It was co-reported by producer extraordinaire Lynn Levy and Adolphin.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But like actually kind of, but mostly Lynn, she really did most of the work. Yeah. Okay, let's say no more for now except. Except. Enjoy. Oh, oh, and also, if you are listening with children, there are some uncomfortable moments in this story that may not be suitable for younger listeners, parents.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Maybe slow faded. Or down right now. Right. Listen to it by yourself, that it's probably not the best one for kids. Okay. Yeah. We hope you enjoy.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I love your dolphin voice. Thank you very much. Hello, this is Lynn. Someone on the other one for kids. Okay. Yeah, we hope you enjoy. I love your dolphin noise. Thank you very much. Hello, this is Lynn. Someone on the other side of this. Hey! So a couple months ago our producer Lynn Levy did an interview with this woman. Yeah, her name is Margaret Loveit. Yes. And this was Margaret's first time doing a radio interview. That magic voice. This is so fun. But this was definitely not her first time doing a radio interview. That magic voice, this is so fun. But this was definitely not her first time talking into a microphone. One, two, three, four, this is the yellow mind. One, two, three, four, this is the orange mind.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Almost exactly 50 years ago. The following recording was made on November 19, 1964 at 2300 hours. Margaret was at the center of this amazing, weird experiment. Yeah, yeah. Who were you at that time, like what were you like? Well, I've always had a bit of, if everybody's going left, I'll go right.
Starting point is 00:02:16 She tried college for a while. To Lane University for a year. But she dropped out. And I was 20 or 19 or something at that point. And moved to St. Thomas in the Caribbean. I'd never been to an island. Got a job at this hotel. Did menus check people in and out.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And one day she hears about the strange research facility on the other side of the island. And I thought I wonder what that is about. And I asked a few people and they said, oh, no, no. They don't like people there or can't go there. I was told not to go there, so I went there. or can't go there. I was told not to go there, so I went there. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And that's how it all started. And that's how we're gonna start this show. I'm Chad Abumran. I'm Robert Krollwich. Today on Radio Lab, producer Lili brings us a couple of close encounters, although not with aliens. No, it's not in outer space,
Starting point is 00:03:02 because it's much closer to home in this case. Although they are kind of alien-like, because much closer to home in this case. Although they are. Kind of alien-like. Yes, alien-like. Not. I'll dare. I'll be the dolphin. Yes, that's.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Yeah, it shows about dolphins. Yay. We're calling this hour. Hello. So, when Margaret got to this mysterious place, there were dolphins there. And what happened was she ended up becoming roommates with the dolphin. Do you mean in the like, Betzdi, one bedroom apartment sense? Sort of, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:28 She did end up living with a dolphin for many months in this apartment. I-E-A-E. A apartment apartment? Had a little desk, had a little kitchen area with a stove. I think it was a little tubernor stove or something, and a pot-dentity kettle. But the thing that's a little bit weird about the apartment is that the whole apartment was filled with water. It was completely filled?
Starting point is 00:03:51 Well, I wasn't submerged, but I was in water, mid-fly sort of. It's just flooded with water. It's just about there. So she could share it with this dolphin. A young male, Peter. Peter was a 10-foot-long bobbled nose dolphin young adolescent male. And he lived there with Margaret, and he could swim under the desk, and there was a balcony that swam out onto the balcony.
Starting point is 00:04:15 The balcony was flooded too. The balcony was also flooded, yeah, it's really cool. And what was the idea to study the dolphin? To study the dolphin, first of all, and take a lot of notes. Extensive notes. Did you have waterproof paper? No, I had a typewriter on this board hanging from the ceiling. They also had microphones everywhere.
Starting point is 00:04:35 And specifically, the task she was given was to teach Peter to speak English. And she was supposed to teach the dolphin English? Yep. Really? Well, I mean this was John Lilly's project. Just for some context, you know how people get all, like, a little bit crazy these days about dolphins. They have, like, you know, shirts with dolphins and necklaces with dolphins. And everybody has, like, dolphin hairbands, dolphin black light posters, right? So this all kind of sort of comes from this guy, John Lilly, who was a scientist, a researcher, starting in the 40s. A total right stuff physics major kind of guy out of Caltech.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Man's man, according to Graham Bernett. I'm a historian of science. But then according to Graham, John Lilly has this epiphany. During the Second World War, At the time, people just weren't thinking that much about dolphins in general. Like, there was not this idea that they were sort of extraordinary beings. They were just like big dumb fish.
Starting point is 00:05:39 You know, they were shot for sport. So John Lilly is doing this research about brain mapping and he ends up working with dolphins and the story that he's told goes that he was experimenting on these dolphins and as he's working with them, you know, kind of like shoving things into their brains, they make noises as would anyone. And when he listens back to the noises, which he's recorded, it sounds to him like the dolphins are trying to speak to him, to say something to him in not in a, not in a, a dolphin-y way, but in a human way, like trying to speak English to him. Really? Yeah. What did he say the dolphin was trying to say to him? I don't think that we know that,
Starting point is 00:06:25 but it sounded to him enough like human speech that he he thought like something's going on here. This is important. According to Graham, he said later that it made him realize like we are not the only intelligent organisms out there. Like we have company. That maybe humans are what happens when high intelligence evolves in an animal that also has hands and dolphins are what happens when comparably if not still more extravagant intelligence evolves in an animal without hands. What do hands get you? Well hands basically get you an appetite for punching people in the head. You know it makes us tool users but the distance between you know the hammer that you use to knock open your coconut and the hammer that you used to knock open the head of that other
Starting point is 00:07:19 chrome agnon you were never that keen on is in fact inilch, there's no difference at all. By the time we got to the 60s, with, you know, like, peace and love. It was exciting to think that the dolphins and the whales have these huge brains, but they don't, like, they're not after anything. They're not doing anything with it. They're not trying to hurt anybody. They're not building cities.
Starting point is 00:07:40 They're just, like, being, man. Hmm. And keep in mind, this is on the verge of the Vietnam War, cities. They're just like being, man. And keep in mind, this is on the verge of the Vietnam War, where you have all this anxiety about... What have they done to the Earth? Overpopulation, environmental destruction. What have they done to our fair sister? So very quickly, the dolphins become like this vision.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Of how we might ourselves be so different than we'd come to feel we were tragically. Does that make sense? So John Lilly was one of the first people to get swept up in all this. He quits his government job, moves to the Caribbean, and sets up this lab. John Lilly's Communication Research Institute to try to talk to dolphins, which is where Margaret ended up. And my feeling was this, that everybody was talking about how bright they were and how smart they were and it was dolphins, dolphins, dolphins, and then it was the hot topic. And yet every day everybody at that building would get in their car and go home.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah. And I thought, what is that? So she volunteered to stay. Yeah. Her bed was on this kind of wooden platform in the middle of the apartment. I was maybe two and a half, three inches above the water. And Peter was right there, and Peter could flip me a little water and wake me up at any point.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And that was the whole point of it. I mean, this wasn't just sleep all night and then, excuse me, work in the day and then sleep again all night and then do some work in the day. I might as well go home. So I eventually, I didn't really shave my head, but I buzzed it. Whatever it's called now, really close.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Because any, you know, the hair getting wet thing in the middle of the night was very annoying. Yeah, of course. So I just got rid of the hair. And that was helpful. And then when Peter would come and squirt some water or want to play or throw something at me, then I could just roll off this elevator into the water and be with him and do whatever. She says he was fascinated by the things she brought with her. A piece of cloth, a tea bag. Tea bag was a fascinating thing. I drank tea, and the tea bag would fall into the water.
Starting point is 00:09:41 And he would come and get it. And sonar it, this creaking noise they make on their sonar, and he'd look at it and take the string over his beak and sort of swim around very proudly with this tea bag. And then he'd throw it up against a wall and it would stick. And then he'd squirt water on it and it would come back down into the water. And he would play with this tea bag. Eventually, of course, he would bite it. He has very sharp teeth. And it would break.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And that was a very exciting thing when the tea bag finally broke open. It had babies, as it were, at the billions of tea leaves floating around. And he was so not of them all in one account, every single one of them. And what did you think you would find out? I didn't know. You know, I was not coming at this from a science point of view. That's not what I was bringing to the table. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I was programmed by John to work on the speech. A-E-I-O. He had sort of declared that they could probably speak. A-I-O. Look, when you're trying to have a conversation with someone, one person speaks and the other one listens, and then you speak and I listen, and people sort of normally do that back and forth. When you start with a dolphin making airborne sounds, once they get the idea, there's a lot of screaming at those animals.
Starting point is 00:11:27 They're very show off and they want to overwrite you. So you have to spend a lot of time getting it down to I'm talking now. And now it's your turn. I can't see now. And yet if he's upset about something, he'll overvibrate. Ooh, Peter. And it's annoying. Now listen again.
Starting point is 00:11:59 No, hey, what's this? Come on Peter. One, two, three. Three, four, three. No. Now start again. One, two, three. No.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yes, one. But, you learn very quickly to listen to me. One, two, three, four. No. No. No. Baby. Good. One, two, three, probably want a cracker. They will beat the whole thing of whatever you said. But Peter would pick up what I wanted when he was being a good student. And he was a good student.
Starting point is 00:12:56 There seemed to be... ...with this one dolphin anyway, I guess, big for all of them. An interest in what we were doing. He wanted to practice, he wanted to get it right. There was a mirror and he would spend long periods of time by himself didn't want me to be part of it. And he would practice whatever it was we had been doing in the lesson that day. Over and over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:13:23 He wanted to get it right. Eh, eh, eh. Hmm. Ah, ah, ah, ah. No, that's not right. Oh, eh, ah. And he would work at that. For no reason, he's not getting fish, I'm not interacting with him and nothing,
Starting point is 00:13:39 he just wants it right. Like doing homework. Like homework, exactly. And after a few months of this, Peter did start to sound really different. One, two, one, two, three. He kept getting better. It's extremely difficult for them. They just have a blowhole. They do not have the apparatus to really. Esses are almost impossible. I would feed him my name. And M is very hard. He would eventually roll over almost into the water with the blowhole to muffle the
Starting point is 00:14:34 Kind of a thing really you're saying he would he would use the water as a way to help him make the sound yes with that word And with that word. And I- Did he knew that was your name? I don't know. But nevertheless, we were a pretty good match. I knew his mood, his temperament, and he knew mine. He knew when I was sick, and I would get sick. I'd hear in the water all the time, you're bound to get a cold or something.
Starting point is 00:15:09 He just loved my anatomy. He wanted to know what my knees were doing. He would go behind my knee and sonar and look at it and feel it and push it and find out which way it wouldn't go. He just, and I gave him the time, because I wasn't going home to look at my knee, to look at my feet. He was enormously interested, oddly enough, in the space between my fingers.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Really? Not the fingers so much. I mean, his beak could just barely fit there, but he wanted to put in between each finger and see what that was all about. The same with the toes. He didn't have any spaces anywhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:56 You know, he had solid flippers, but no space in between them. Do you think he was so interested in your fingers and toes because he didn't have any? Yes, I do. Margaret and Peter ended up spending about nine months living together, but towards the end things kind of started to unravel. First of all, there weren't really results from this experiment. They never were able to publish any
Starting point is 00:16:22 scientific papers, and there were other problems. Lillie got very involved in drugs especially. LSD he did bring it down. He did give LSD. He says he did. I believe him to two of the dogs. I would not let him give LSD to Peter. I wouldn't allow that. Why would he give them LSD? Well, it's not 100% clear, but it seems like he was trying to find a way to get the dolphins to open up to connect, maybe to talk. In any case, by 1965, 66, his funding had started to dry up. And when people heard about Margaret's work,
Starting point is 00:17:00 they tended to focus on one particular part of the story. You don't have to answer, but a lot has been made of your sexually engaging with Peter. And I just want to ask, because you don't seem like a shrinking violet. I just want to ask, is there anything you want to say about that? What would I like to say about that? I think the sensational side of it is... Here's what Margaret told me. Peter was a young dolphin, he was horny, and he would hump her leg a lot,
Starting point is 00:17:29 kind of like a dog might do, which was getting in the way of their work. So eventually I just said the heck with it. And she used her hand to, you know. And it would quickly satisfy him, and then we could go back to doing what we were doing. And I never really gave it another thought. I never thought, ooh, don't let anybody know.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I never thought, ooh, this shouldn't be. But because of details like this and the drugs, this experiment became extremely controversial. Almost untouchable. People didn't wanna be associated with Lily. Nobody wanted to fund anything that sounded like Lily. It just got this like aura of Don't go there. Don't go there. Even people who wanted to do really rigorous work with human
Starting point is 00:18:12 dolphin communication had a tough time getting any funding. And that lasted for a long time. And the thing is even though there are so many reasons to disapprove of this experiment, when you talk to Margaret, you can't help but want to be in that apartment with them. He would come over and when he was in what I call his sweet mood, and Peter had a lot of very, very sweet mood to him. He would sink to the bottom and take my foot in his mouth. And he wasn't sonoring and he wasn't looking at anything. It was almost like a little kid comes and just wants to hold your hand. And he would just sink to the bottom and close his eyes and just hang on to my foot. And then you'd have to come up and breathe.
Starting point is 00:19:05 And then you'd go back down and he'd just grab my foot. And he would do this for a good while. I'm going to go to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station.
Starting point is 00:19:38 I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. I'm going to the next station. We'll be back in a moment with another encounter. Hey, I'm Chad Appenrod. I'm Robert Crowwich.
Starting point is 00:20:29 This is Radio Lab and today? Hello. Yes. Or is it dolphin, might say? How would it often say it? I don't know. Well, then, then, you know what? That is exactly kind of the question of this next segment.
Starting point is 00:20:39 I mean, the dream that a human being can talk to a dolphin or any animal really, getting their heads across that gap. This is a dream that humans have had since like forever. Yeah, same for instance, if a CC goes way back. Now, it's so far as dolphins are concerned, after the John Lilly's situation, researchers did get a little tepid. Yeah, but they didn't stay tepid, as you say, for long.
Starting point is 00:21:03 No. Because the long came this one. Dr. Denise Hersey, Director of the Wild Dolphin Project. Who basically decided to take John Lilly's experiment and flip it, rather than have the Dolphin speak English, let's have the human speak Dolphin. Or at the very least, let's create a shared language where humans and dolphins can speak.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Or at least whistle. Well, you know, it's about finding a place you can meet back to producer Lim Levy. Okay. So for Denise, this dream of finding that meeting spot, it goes back to when she was a little girl. Well, when I was 12 years old, I used to page through the Encyclopedia Britannica in the days when we had books books and I would always stop at the whale and dolphin page. Look at the dolphins and go, wow, I wonder what
Starting point is 00:21:51 their brains are like because they bevolved in the water. I think you're not when you were 12. I was, I was, I was a total nerd. In fact, I entered this contest in Minnesota like, what would you do for the world if you could do something? And I actually wrote, I would build a human animal translator so we could figure out what was going on in the minds of animals. So yeah, I don't know, I got the bug early and here I am. You have, were you having a fantasy about what you might learn? Or just what are...
Starting point is 00:22:14 A fantasy? No, I was just curious. So I don't know, you look in their eyes, there's definitely something behind there. You just want to know what it is. Fast forward many years. Denise got a boat. And I went out to the Bahamas.
Starting point is 00:22:27 She was like, if I'm going to study these dolphins, I'm going to do it in the wild. That's where they live. So she tracked down a pod of wild dolphins. Yep. And she just tried to blend in. I actually anchored the boat in one spot most of the time. This spot in the Bermuda Triangle.
Starting point is 00:22:42 In the middle of, I call it the dolphin highway. Where dolphins come and go. They could come by if they wanted to, and if they didn't, they didn't. When they would come by, she and her team would just slip into the water. And behave ourselves. Just sort of watch. Paying attention to who was who, which Dolphin had a crooked fin, which one didn't. And when they'd leave, we'd get out, and that's really how we operated for the first five years.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And it worked. Five years? She spent five years just watching, not doing anything else? Yes. Doesn't this take an enormous amount of patience? Well, sure. I mean, but after about five years, they started realizing, well, these guys aren't going to grab us and focus and prod us. So they started just going about their own business, like feeding, mating, nursing, and talking. eating, mating, nursing, and talking.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Or at least making a lot of noises, which she and her team would record. Wow, that's all dolphin squeaky. All dolphin makes, they make all these, yeah, like that. That's like there's like a clikking, kind of clikking sound that they make. Ooh, it sounds like a clicking, kind of, creaking sound that they make. Ooh. It sounds like a zipper. Zipper, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah, they make like whistles that are more kind of distinct and then they make sounds that are like longer and weirder and yeah. And do you have any sense that each of these sounds means something different? Well, that's exactly what we don't know. I could tell you what kinds of sounds are correlated with fighting and with mating or disciplining a calf.
Starting point is 00:24:09 What we don't know is are there detailed kind of words in there? Is there more kind of encoded information? But what they do know is that each dolphin seems to have its own kind of signature whistle, which is basically a name. Every individual has its own name. Peter had a name. Nobody has ever asked me that. Here's Margaret again. And his name was...
Starting point is 00:24:33 Really? It's almost saying Peter here. Right. So I can call you Lynn by your whistle and you Robert by your whistle. So I could be a dolphin going... Eeeh, Lynn! Exactly! Do they do that? They do. Huh. Not only that, apparently dolphins will use the names of other dolphins who aren't even around, like they can't see them. Like they'll talk about each other behind their backs? Yes, maybe. Wow, that means that they're using representations of things which aren't in front of them, which is sort of like the beginning of language. If that's what they're doing and we don't know, but if that's what they're doing, then yeah, that's kind of like the edge of language. So, you know, it gives us hope that there's probably more information going on there than we know.
Starting point is 00:25:17 And now, finally, she has that device. Finally, she has that device. Which device again? The magical human animal translator device that she was dreaming of writing about when she was 12. She has this box that can generate dolphin noises and it can recognize dolphin noises. And if it works the way that she's dreaming it'll work, it could be the first like real
Starting point is 00:25:48 two way back and forth conversation between a human and a wild animal. So we're looking forward to the summer and getting out and getting more data and really exercising the boxes and see what happens. and see what happens. Good, we're ready. So I beg my way aboard. Everybody good? C-Sick Pills, Tubby's. We left on July 8th from Florida,
Starting point is 00:26:16 and headed for the Bahamas to see this pod that she's been following kind of forever. Almost 30 years now. Is that a tunnel? The boat is called the RV Stinella. Stinella is the scientific name for this particular type of dolphin, the spotted dolphin. Have you seen the spotted dolphin? I've never seen one in person.
Starting point is 00:26:35 I think it's right there on the side of the side. What is this boat like? It's like not a tiny boat, but it's not a big boat. And it was just absolutely full of humans. And who is it? Who are your humans? Well, there's Denise, obviously. What's it going? And you got a captain?
Starting point is 00:26:51 I'm an insecure smith. First mate. Danielle. Research assistants. Allison Myers. Less Mason. Bethany O'Leary. Nathan's Cryptchak.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Volunteers. Drew Mayer. There's an acoustics expert. Matthias Hoffman. For a long time, I couldn't even figure out where everybody was sleeping because the boat seems so small. It was like there is not room for all these people on this boat. Behind you there's a hot sottering iron next to the fridge.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And I haven't even gotten to this guy. Don't get into him. He is name is that starner. So you didn't have like any dolphin experience before this, right? Oh hell no. He's one of the guys who invented Google Glass. I became a computer programmer so I never have to leave air conditioning, right?
Starting point is 00:27:28 And I'm out here and was as a 100 degree weather to do what? So his job on the boat is to, he's in charge of these boxes. This box is probably cost us 100K at this point. We're looking for funding. We're looking for funding. So he's the tech whiz. When he came down to visit my lab, I was telling about the two-way work and the difficulty
Starting point is 00:27:46 with underwater stuff. And he said, oh, I build wearable computers. So, can you build me an underwater wearable computer? That shouldn't be hard. Four years later. What does this machine look like with you? It looks like a toaster, like one of those fancy chrome toasters, except you wear it on your chest. Are they silvery?
Starting point is 00:28:04 They are silvery. They have a bunch of sort of knobs and buttons and speakers on them. It's got pre-programmed whistles in it. I can punch a key and it projects whistle eight. There whistle beat. There whistle C. She's programmed in signature whistles
Starting point is 00:28:18 of some of the dolphins. Brat, halit, beju. And we made signature whistles for ourselves. Oh. She can call their names and they can call her names. That's what she's saying. That is the idea, yeah. And if they do call her name, this name that she's made for herself, then the box should
Starting point is 00:28:39 be able to recognize it and can tell her that she's been called by name. It'll actually say into her ear in English, Denise. Huh. This is real time. I call it real time sound recognition, but it's real time whistle recognition underwater. What? How does, if she's made up this name for herself, how is it that they're going to know that that's her name? Well, the idea is that they're learning. So she gets into the water over and over and she says, you know, the equivalent of, hi, I'm Denise. Hi, I'm Denise, over and over and she says, you know, the equivalent of, hi, I'm Denise. Hi, I'm Denise over and over and over. And they learn it, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:09 they develop this like maybe they'll just start to use it and call her. Yeah. So you hope you hope they call you. I'd be really sad if they didn't call my name, but, um, but I guess the very least she could call their names and see how they react. Well, see, that would be a eureka moment, I think. If you hit the Lolita button and Lolita suddenly turned and looked right at you with a shock of what the heck? Wow, that human called me by my signature whistle. Whoa. Has that happened yet? It hasn't happened yet.
Starting point is 00:29:43 And this is something I just did not appreciate. For a while I was on this boat, I was like, why is this so hard? Like this seems like it should be, these people are so smart, like this should be easy, but they're just like constantly being defeated by the ocean basically, which I, the ocean is like a worthy foe,
Starting point is 00:29:59 but it's like the first year. First year was complete disaster, trying to get the hardware to work. What happened the first year? Everything broke. It was leak city. Basically the boxes just kept shutting down as soon as they would get in the water.
Starting point is 00:30:12 That's not good. It's not good. That's sort of not what you want. No. And last year. We had the boxes working, but then we couldn't find the dolphins. The dolphins just disappeared. Where did they go?
Starting point is 00:30:22 You know, they went a hundred miles away to another location. They don't know why. I kept up with my side of the VLDD's. Your dolphins stood you up. And one of the reasons I was on the boat is it felt like everybody was thinking like, this is it, this is the year. We're gonna go out there, we're gonna find some dolphins, and we're gonna make some history. You ready? Really excited. Like, walks? Baby.
Starting point is 00:30:47 You started. Now. Any minute now. Okay, it turns out it's not that easy to find these dolphins. They're not tagged. You know, they're wild dolphins. So you just like, you go to where you think they might be. Do you know that song? You stare at the water and you wait.
Starting point is 00:31:24 For the first three days, pretty much, we were just driving around. In circles, like literally in circles, you know, I feel like I had like a five hour conversation about Game of Thrones. I've never even seen an episode of Game of Thrones. Any dolphins, any dolphins anywhere? I hope right. No. There's nothing else to do.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Dauphins, come on dolphins. We need you now. Come on dolphins. Come on dolphins. Come on dolphins. To kick in. Dauphins. Dauphins.
Starting point is 00:31:54 See if he's a seaweed. It would look like a dolphin. Dauphins, come on dolphins. Dauphins. A wave that looks like a dolphin. I just say that I'm like everything looks like a dolphin to me right now. There are days like that. All fins. All fins.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Oh, we are right there. All of a sudden out on the water we see one fin, two fins, three fins, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Oh, there's so many of them and they're so cool. And we're all standing there watching them Denise turns to me and she goes, You want to go in? I don't know, do you recommend it? And I was not prepared for her to say that.
Starting point is 00:32:42 And also I was holding recording equipment and everything. And so I ended up just having to say that and also I was holding recording equipment and everything and so I just I ended up Just having to go in like in my clothes like Like my shorts and like a bra and I'd like I all modesty aside like a thrown aside They were like you can go in and I was like okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, go on She's nice here. I go We'll be right back. Hey, I'm Chadibumron. I'm Robert Kloich. This is Radio Lab and today.
Starting point is 00:33:09 The show's called Hello. Back to Lynn. I mean, it's a total sensory shift. I'm Robert Kloich. I'm Robert Kloich. I'm Robert Kloich. This is Radio Lab and today. The show's called Hello.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Back to Lynn. I mean, it's a total sensory shift. The temperature changes, everything goes quiet. It almost feels like this like classic through the looking glass moment. Where you like, you go through the looking glass and like everybody's walking on the ceiling Huh, and I jumped in and there were two pretty big dolphins coming right at me Like a maybe two feet from my head and staring at me and I was like
Starting point is 00:34:00 I Don't know what I know what did you do I stayed like, I don't know what I know. What did you do? I stayed very still. I pretty much froze. Now how far were they from you? Two feet. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yeah, yeah. The alphans are not small and they were looking at me in a way that was like, we see you. And also they're, they make these, sort of clicking sonar-y sounds which are like... Do you think they were talking to you or are just talking about... Well, no, what I mean, what I think they were doing is... sonar-ing me, sort of looking at me with sound. I mean, my head was vibrating. I mean, they can see not just body shape, they can see your bones.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Oh. They can see into you, like you really feel looked at. Wow. It was heart-stopping. I was unf**king believeable. That was so cool. I thought when I was like the trip couldn't end now, and I go home happy. You know, and everybody was like calm down. Those weren't even the right dolphins. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:35:11 Well, those were bottled nose dolphins, Denise studies Spotteds. Oh. But, the next day. All right, onward for Spotteds. Spotteds are bust. We set out again. Go for a few hours. Bethany does this dolphin dance.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Beating energetic. Spotted. And. Got some. Yeah. Dance work. You saw him, right? Yeah, right there.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Yeah, there we go. Gotta be spotted. So then, everybody's like, you know, it's like all hands on deck situation. Everybody's like stra hands on deck situation. Everybody's like strapping on the boxes and strapping on the headphones. There's so much scrambling. There's one off the bow here. It's like a fire drill.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Now, if I'm putting on my box, here's the problem. I'm just testing. Unlike a captive dolphin, wild dolphins, they have other things to do. They have fish to catch. You kind of have to entice it into having a conversation. Otherwise it'll just swim away. But how do you do that when you don't know its language? Well, turns out, dolphins are just crazy for scarves. Scarf, hi.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Um, scarf, low. When you throw them a scarf, they sweep it up with their tail fin and then they let it go and it wafts through the water and another dolphin comes up and Sweeps it up with their rostrum. So the idea is you use the scarf as kind of like a bridge Denise and another diver will get in the water with a scarf. We'll get in the water and we'll just start Passing it back and forth. It's human human. Like hey, look at this fun thing we're doing. Let them watch if they want to get in the game We let them in the game. Sometimes we'll take the toy over to them show it to them and press the word for Scarf. They say hey this is a scarf. They just made
Starting point is 00:36:52 up a whistle for scarf. Yep and ideally and this is the key but dolphins will pick up the word and use it to ask for the scarf if and when they do that then you've got like a tiny bit of common ground that you can build on. Okay. We got four spotted dolphins. Yeah, little candidates. Just in the pallets. Yes, you've been waiting for them, right?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Just before they jump in, Denise walks another diver through the game plan. Oh, I see. So you're gonna hold it and you're not gonna give it to them. Okay. You're gonna entice it with them. You're gonna be like Oh, it's so nice. I like dive down with it and like wave it or yeah, I push the start of the surface and just really get them with you. Moments later? All clear.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Good, we're ready. Denise jumps in followed by three other divers. Were you in the water of the stump? No, I actually had to watch the whole thing from the deck. And you could see from the surface three or four adolescent dolphins. See Denise is right up next to one of them. You see the back of her head and her little snorkel.
Starting point is 00:37:58 That's good. She's surrounded right now. What are they doing? Sure. Oh, they're kind of like twisting around each other. I will say this. She is tremendously graceful in the water. She gets in the water and she's like totally at home. So maybe she is a dolphin. She might secretly be a dolphin going like around and around. There she goes under. Man, what is happening under there? This is what it sounds like underwater. This is the actual sound doing whatever they're doing.
Starting point is 00:38:55 But some of it is Denise with the boss making this scarf whistle over and over, like, scarf. You got the scarf? Yeah? Scarf? Because she's like trying to get the dolphin to say the word, right? Yeah. Eventually she and the dolphin's surface and he's got the scarf. One of the dolphins is holding the scarf.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Hey. It's like this flash of red. And then they all go back under. And if Denise comes back up with it, that's real good. Alright, wait and see. After about a minute, she surfaces. I think Denise has it now. She dives one more time. A minute later, Dolphin has the scarf.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And this one on and on, they were passing it back and forth so fluidly that I thought, maybe the dolphin has begun to ask for the scarf by name. Eventually, Denise gets all the back up onto the boat. Maybe the dolphin has begun to ask for the scarf by name. Eventually, Denise gets... Crabby, he sucks! Pauled back up onto the boat. And we all just sort of gather around like, well, well? Yeah, the two juveniles picked up the scarf right away
Starting point is 00:40:17 and we played some signature whistles, and we played some scarf whistles, and then some sargassum paint floating by. Piece of seaweed. Showed him that, played the sarcastic most hard. You think you got any mimic? Nothing that triggered the system, but you know, you see what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Whew, it's exhausting. Wait, she didn't get anything. Well, I mean, nothing the box recognized as a match. You know, nothing that indicated the dolphin, like, learned a word. Ah. So like they were right there. But there was this one thing that happened.
Starting point is 00:40:56 She said that when she addressed one of the dolphins by its name, the dolphin turned around and looked at her and kind of cocked its little dolphin head. Really? Yes. Oh! I'm so sorry that you'd say that! Wow! Also, there was this moment where that and Celeste were looking at the data later. And they saw that right after Denise made her signature whistle. Is that somebody responding with her signature whistle?
Starting point is 00:41:27 Another dolphin made its signature whistle. Sweet. Whoa, that's pretty cool. You mean like she said hi and it said hi back? Yeah. That's amazing. Well, maybe. I mean, the thing is dolphins make their signature whistles
Starting point is 00:41:40 all the time. So it could be nothing. or it could be this moment. I mean, she's a very rigorous scientist, like she wants that to happen another 30 times before even starting to take it seriously, but still. It does make you think about the possibilities. What do you want to ask? I don't know. I want to ask everything. So...
Starting point is 00:42:11 Like what? Oh, I'd like to know what their lives are like when we're not around. I mean, how do you spend your day, you know? Do they think about things? I mean, do they think about the future? Do they think about the past? I mean, we know they have long-term memories, you know. Do they remember their calves from 10 years ago? Do they think about death? Yeah, they certainly see it.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It'd be anything you'd ask your friends, right? Hmm. Although part of me wonders like, So part of me wonder is like, I think we're gonna get there. What do you mean? Well it's the goal is to have a conversation and you're gonna do it this way where you're in the wild and you can't touch them and you've got to verify every whistle 35 times. Well, are they ever actually gonna have a conversation? Well because they want the language lesson.
Starting point is 00:43:02 I can't say that. I know, I get it, but don't you feel like Margaret was all the problems with that experiment aside? Was she was actually getting somewhere with Peter? Like they were actually having a real exchange? In the moment, perhaps, but thinking forward, I believe that what you can accomplish by talking, by having a two-way conversation, it's just infinitely greater. Yeah, and I totally agree, but if it's taken her 30 something years
Starting point is 00:43:28 to get to a maybe hello, you just didn't even know if she got to hello yet. And if all she asks is just a limit amount of time with these dolphins every summer, then 50 more times is gonna take her 50 more years. And I'm just like, oh God, the plan is gonna be 17 degrees warmer by that point. The dolphins are going to all migrate it to some other spot. It just feels like, Oh, come on. Just getting a pool and hold, let the dolphin hold
Starting point is 00:43:52 your foot. She's already got the hello going for her maybe. So that's like a start. And then, yes, in 50 years, should we have moved past hello to a three word sentence? How's your Mac role today? Yeah. I think that too. A three word sentence. How's your Mac role today? Yeah, I think that too. A three word sentence? Yes. I would put money on a three word sentence in 50 years. The question is, do we ever get to the point of?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Exploring death. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. Linda, you have faith. I have faith that if Denise continues with what she's doing, that we'll be able to talk about concrete things. We'll be able to talk about seaweed and we'll be able to talk about coral and we'll be able to have a scintillating conversation about scarves.
Starting point is 00:44:41 I do believe that and that is not nothing. I mean, that is pretty impressive in its own way. Big thanks to Sour 2, our producer Lynn Meeveen. I'm Chad Abumran. I'm Robert Kroewicz. Thank you guys for listening. Radio Lab was created by Chad at Boomron and is edited by Soren Wheeler. Blue the Miller and Lottip Nasser are our co-hosts.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Susie Lektonberg is our executive producer. Dylan Keith is our director of sound design. Our staff includes Simon Adler, Jeremy Bloom, Becca Bressler, Rachel Qsick, W. Harry Fortuna, David Gable, Maria Pasquodiertis, Snduniana Sombendum, Matt Kielte, Annie McEwan, Alex Nusin, Sara Cari, Ariane Wack, Pat Valtors, and Molly Webster. With help from Carolyn Mkasker and Sarah Sandbach, our fact checkers are Diane Kelly, Emily Krieger, and Adam Chivill. This is Amanda Darby, calling from Rockville, Maryland.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Radio Lab is supported in part by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, enhancing public understanding of science and technology in the modern world. More information about Sloan at Science reporting on Radio Lab is supported in part by Science Sandbox, a Simon's Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.

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